Newspaper Page Text
' 1 PAPES 18 TO '30. THE BICHMOND DISPATCH. PAGES 13 TO 80? WHOLE NUlffiftR, 1-4,407. RICHMOND, VA., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1897. THREE CENTS PER COPY. MS END IS PEACEFUL U.rGiiucT Passes liay Calmly, Sor ro?DuC-d by His Family. Di? OP tottlLW! YET FIXED, Place !rom St. Paul's; Will Be MM in Hollywood. ?MINT OK HIM > 1ST KOItTl M.. PoaiSSVBOl BMSWWB?. ?.. Ilnvr BJa?8Bl Wi.rth Worth vr,on OP i--:|K|,t y\\\, 11 .mi Dallas S 8Mb l.nter prtaaM Will. 1| la TIi.Miahi, Re I.oft Intnrt. mc-nt of the death gbt ?t 1130 s I. a 1 .:-. ns to'et in : I tad BBetol u rod In ?11 qui Of comfort I It? t tho of tala *a< i ' but II more sud. npoetad. .lit occur at 81 de of the I 'I-: ' B lags morning, and in bo i > and most Intimate friends that Indi ad, he iis tlr? * ht. ! slightly when a o him, ti ho lous i be wl sa bis sou) 1 I I - . sttna? i i t PAUL'S. Inlgbt A i - h ? moat Inten raa ap? parent ?M of all. ; Igbt, y ?a ill not ermlt - il, it th.-ia .. The i Is not In H i will : II until a t- Ion. : ility Hi? It TViU - kjiown i ten mil a is la '..ilk or I the individual .-. - e. .til? ing to th? beel Information ' and com? mon - 111 :-. . 12 per i a ?ow Si?, though .? year or tv.u leidend Major i linter a - BOl as largS S nf paid the which : . It I- known .... h? p portion of h:s ? With him in bull?!Il little, i! u . of a i He I as of mom j bt 0 mairnlti. ng out to 11. l In? : other iti stitutii.ns in i1 i any ro- ? tu: ; ?Try am? COUNTY PROPERTY. li, || win. h Mi ka? (Unter Ijr, he -> on an Income of I . llbrai I .inter il'. - y Into flee of th and It ?A-.?? u la? of 21 A?-*) 000 for the 8 the removal of hl* n unty his -. : sir as the t >\ book1 vpitr bo I ' j.ertv. 112 .' !- on ; - two lots tust oui Po ti -i ... (.11 i ton ' 'h.-r. kiln property -. .i on the tax - - nd it has ' itlnued at the aaaso raluatlon up to thl* time. - iddi ta It asaounUiy. la IBM i' city illy a. fed? Cry i - tloas ils KM | flO.SWO. 2XOK?, f?.'.-OO, Main .nd ?7.:"A? Alk* i Olaler work? m im owned Jll, MM, t40O-tot?l, BJT.0M l. IBM Ma? nn personal prop? ny of the value of I ' Th? Alien A oititer Branch of the Amen? '*n Tobacco Company this year la paying .-..A?- $593,844 ol vWiich la peignai property. The total tax 1? ! Th? JeEeraon Hotel, owned by a com? pany, in whieh MaJ. la u-ider to have bet-n th" principal stock? ?"itkr, Is asaeaeed at iaS6.00O-real enlate, MOW; personal BftfBJttjr, embracing fur- ] n'ahings. etc . tMS.ft?. The hotel I? under templets sad fumish H ni'iusKs HAJIOLT tUTTm Hataralrjr, there is much Interest felt hon Major OtatePs setate win be "I of. end what provision will be h s ??ii for continuing the great Improvements that tie ?Dosed that th? treat bulk of his wealth will be left to i th him it, the man. his large Intert i ,| to Is ah...nian- reason how allevlng thai be bea made such 'hai none of the institut Is linked will be 'i to go down or suffer. > rosear surreal in I thai Mr. eral of hi? '"??mate i AaMng those en mentioned in this Mr. George ?rente, Malo? Captain Clement |{ Thomaa P. Jeffress. It that th? Virginia Trust Com aln runas - used in completing ; for Beveral yearn certain im begun ii wb? th? r Major Qlnter lived or dh . - thai fer s term o? . ?tel. In which ho took gn kept up, . . upon that ho fixed i >r it. Ointefs win eras written eosne R - . Init ! been n Irafted no t HlOh PAOlPtC IALB. iarsuagjesaeat ??f Dslalle-Beaigiaal aattoa OeassnlttweHi iii?i. fRO.OwOiaaa WAi 11NOTON, !>. ?"., 0 lots - . rn?r Hoadl? ! for the United In the matter of the Onion Ps g the the aale on November let, end the tram er of i meat's lnt< i ly to the I .'?i r. trust that the commute i Mon. B road In? ' rldgi. end that it 1 . | . Ver for the ; rop? t tj - ' ? be >. the i ' satii Commit der el ths ill ?ill ; , on ! i 1st, H : g the 1 on the mom y i plan by which tl minimum. No determl i i on i until January let, when It will b? i d sidy bonds matt The remainder of tl . ley, it is i'.eiy tranaferred to the Tl THE 1.1 ETOEBT I III al* Preeeewt laa Has Advaataae isileas It? > ult el IIoikII?iiu linn??. CRICAOO, O I the sixth ' : lli;il "f : murdV i of hi far from Ltn tg? rt'a story has not : I v it is pre will be 1 l, if I v.'.u . ' t week a . ' : traw. The et the ? loi i of Ute week 1 beervera of - that th? ution had the tb* i conti ' ' !' ?n en exami? nation. 'J in Die ?. tion of bom i which d the Juroj : d apparent ly sri Both ?>f thi hands of Charl I a stenographer in the Btate'e-Attorn ? ,,?ii,, and m ih la? teen reporting the I it trial, iiiiii' has hai i in evld ti- ely, I .,,, e/ho to-d y Bxamlni I the stenograph? r's 1 Id they showed Ti,e re bu11 n. asi. ? trial will last at least three weeks _ i in: si i ! \ti..\ in < i n.\. llubitnn Kutlrely WltfeeWl Meat I i.vrrnmriit BasgdeyeOB I ?u?nl?l. HABANA mi Ki:v Bj i:st. ki.a , Oe I force of instu ordlng to ofBela] Bdvtces ra? the town of n Po< rto i"Inoipe provino?, r? centiy, but were compele.) to retiro flght which Is ?ted two he the Insurgents sad the troops lost ii numb r oi men. |-,., th? j ; week Habana has been . of meat, to obi n .,,,y Q ??I; Bad aged. The hospitals alone have meat, but BVOB have no mil!?. This condition of produced b reeling of great nten't among the people of all so? cial clai sis. Ourl last two d tys there have i In all parts of the ia c!,,i the Btorms continu?'. govei nmenl mployt as, both eJvfl and military, have, it is as* rtod, re? t no pay In the n months. M'.AL l?o\V MO MOMB. ||?> Die? of ti>>' Inllrinitle? of Old A a?'. PORTLAND. MB., Ootohar J.-Oenernl N ,] pow died at ala residence In this rft erases The ni. and he retalaed con Untll aa hour before ho died, B, who were ' lue to the Ities ol old age, Hta rigorous body sad his strength had hoi n g for u year ai more, i able to teke his eccuatomed drlvea A week age : to take to his bed His mind whs stin el? ir, however, end only a lew days age h? Bailed for the dally paper end read a portion of :t. No definite ?rraa?ionaent? have basa made for the fuW ?<>!. i ,.f message* ^f condo ....,,, | rtona parts of the country . .1 -MM - m H BBBB-K oAw?nn, /mIihIs lor??a>? Wliilsttr, Toman justice, ralheipaa lateedewi Mat ATHENS. Octahef -.?it Is Bnlcailly ?n BouBoed thai UM Orejeh cabin, t has I constructed as follows: at -abade, the , m Of UM Council, will assume Wie Ho of the Foreign Office; M. Toman will accept the post of M njater of Justice and Mln!?t?T of Marine n?l Interim! M. Colkerpee, *"llt ?r Minister of the in terlOl and -M PanagUopoulo, that of Minister of,Public Instruction. ? DR JONES' ACCEPTS. nniMiwr VOfjEE M1IS1? row? ISO TO SKCOND BAPTIST ( III HCH. TO RESIGN IN T??ISYILLE TO-DAY. lie \u?l,..rl... the Dlapatch to An ii.iiin.-e Ilia Uftlalon, Which Will Ilr Mnile Kno?Vn to Ilia Consrrga iiuii M.I. Mornln.. Louisville, Ky., October 2. To the Editor of the Dispatch, Richmond, Va.: I will resign the pastorate of McFin-.n Mimoiial church to-morrow morning. Bit! S view to the acceptance of the call eateadOd me by tho Second church of Richmond. CARTER HELM JONES This tcNgram, icccived by the Dtspateb last Bight, from the brilliant young min? ister who has been called to the pastorato of the Bccond Uuptist church, will curry glsdnSBS and Joy to the hearts of that m, wbl h ha? b.eii without a Bhepberd Blnoa the resignation of Or. Landrum fourteen months ago. There ?ttle doubt that Dr. Joses would a< bol what uneasiness did exist Is amors L The call from the Baoond chureti ; vote of the OOBgTO* all m ' ins; held list y inter the communion H i - TBS (ommittee of lifty who had been .1 w^ik for inore than year trying to . sultsbla i r to Dr. Landrum, had bul the nient before groad to r< 1 !i I l>r. .lone*. Elg r:;.:-;,.- bad 1" I D under conalderatlon for sosas ttsas had tlei id' a t umber Of <'th< r d ' urman of onmlttee bad t> mi to Loulsrllls and long talk with him. 'i i b t. lagraaa from it. Jones to tbi patch was in reply to oae seat hlai Pri day Bight, askiiiL,' if ho erould aol i tin- paper, and through it the Richmond congregation, what ins decision v. I it ininiir in- made known h( re simultaneously with his sanoBnoenient of ?t to the chnn h in Louisville thla morn? ing. ' that flroaM make known his decision to? it will be observed thai Or. Jones when h- will come to tond Ji Is expected though I a form i, latter of accei tanci will b i ! in a day or tWO, and that in .-...i i oter up i ? likeiv thai be will Within a in..Ml. or Dr. Jones is une of the most gifted young men In the south? I . and will I Richmond :* the son of Rere, Hr. .1 w'I'.'. known i thi land, and COBOS I of his four brothers, ihn of K. v. Dr. Mc Cown, formerly oi i ?ille. Or. only -r> ' bul is her, and '. ; a i vltl mea ii.- v In Nelson i ty, Va., and wh< n unite yc with his father to Rid mond, ce i re he si tended th.- . | of whieh he baa now bei ad 1 > - .r. He . w !.. ^e BS WOO hie)i dl Il g] ,n Latin. On ;,, w.s aetlee la the i high rank .is a r. Having decided i > enter ire minlatn Southern B ipl Isl 1 hi i I .. Ky., where hi f\ a Ith high hi On? Is early pa - toral waa thai .1 N. J., tin a he Riled 'the | i .t church, - . itiun. Hi: after* ?f !t"' Piral rch of K ooxvlll?. 'renn.. retal years, le Be Igned thi? rate to be t( ma i aator ..f the Mi .r- !l. and fit several >'* '' has k reed thei a "i? i r? si a cepi - |.. 'nine L-i hed to him. Be has declhted many I . larger i Peraonn!? anil Ilrlef?. Mr. Bockner vVall, of MayrrrUl. Ky., la at the ML VarnoB, Hr. \V. C Williams'- I report an improvement la bis conidltJoo. Mr. and Mrs. HBBOOOh and maid, from BtaUntOn, are at the Mr. \. :-; Mrs. E. P. Odi IL Of 18 ' " street, 1 t returned from No. TortC Mr. A. J. HodgaBB, Of H2 north Tsmlfth, is finite sick at bis r?sidence. Mi-sis Blanche Dppa .nd Rate Vfrea, bare returned from a trip to Baltlnwra mis. m. t. Norria of RaMgh, N. C.# Spoil Barrerai days in lbs >?ty burl week. Miss Resale Hunter has returned to tho city, aller S delightful visit to NorthftOI L Mis. Fi'znera'.d, Of New- York. 1* the guesl Of Mrs. Charles (lardner, Of Second Mr. D. S McCarthy and family bars taken poSBSBSlOB of their new house, No. I Main. Mr. A. L. BayaeO and family have moved into their new house, No. 10 east treet. Miss Maud Mil's, of Bala, (.'on?hland Mm J. Dodley Bar? BOtt, ut 1818 east Broad sir.- t. MISS Zelle Minor Is at home again, at 1 -t Qraes street, after a AOHgbtfal .) friends to Washington city. Mrs. S. C Hatcher has returned from . trip to Now Vork. 1 bars aha has been on a visit to li-r si. tor. United States District Attorney WIUUUB H. vTbll* of Norfolk, was among the visitors to the cnstoni-hoiise yesi? 1 lay. MISS Ji.lia V. Wills has returned to tho city, aftrr spending a delightful Bumm r at lur country home, In Nelson county, Va Miss Inlta Canepa ha? Just returned from Italy, where BBS h IS leen visiting her relatives, and had a most delightful time. Mis. W. Wallace Rowe and Miss Elea? nor ('. Rowe have returned home, after .1 Stay of three months In Albemarle oounty. There will be a full ?tase rehearsal for the? opera, "Martha," at the .v .,d Buy of Music to-morrow afternoon at 4 Mrs. Louise J. Card BOB anil Master Randolph have returned from the Warm , and are fctivplng at the Mt. n. Mr. William S. Davis, of the Gas-In? spector's office, who uadsr.Bat a painful ?il operation a week ago, la rapidly Mng. Mrs. S. 0. Smith and Mrs. P. I* vaagbaa, af bU wist Clay street, have retoraed from a trip to New York and Philadelphia. Mr. George Arriirhl ha? Ju?t returned bosBs from a Isa gray visit? to hi? aatlro home in Italy, he has had a most delightful time. Miss Virginia Rruce Rraltliwalte ha? iiturned to VVillamsburg. after a mo?t hi.nnltiK vi?it !.. her relative, Mr. J. S. Mi ore, of Church Hill. Ml?* Annie Louise Reinhardt, the young viollnlHte. will leave In B few day? for Rrooklyn to study under lieury Bcbra Heck, formerly of the Lelpslc Conserva? tory, and one of tho greatest violin mas ter? of the world. Util? Pembroke Taylor, son of Traffic Manager C. A. Taylor, WhS ha? been :rltlcally l!l for ?orne tune, was reported illghtly better yesterday. On next Tuesday the Oeveaaaters of the Second Presbyterian church will Issue a ?aper. giving a history of the old <'<?ve tianttrs of the church. The first rehearsal of the Wedneodny "lub for tb.- se.-son of lV>7--<?8 will be h. !d n tho Voting Men's Christian Assocla lon Hall on Tuesday. Little Mi's Margie Hughes, daughtf.r of Mr. Jdha Hughe?, of ?.ist Bread street. who has Been with malaria-fes? r, Is BOW very BSUCh better. MlSS Moilie Scott, of BB4 south I-iitrcl Itreet, h.xs returned to the city, aft. r a leiightfui visit of five weeks to relatives it Amelia Courthouse. staUs Duke, of ffft north Fourth street, ha? return.d home, after : weeks saving friends in the ,ii Borthern cttteu Th.. annual meeting of tho lyadles' v of the Virginia Hospital will >? h? Id at thi hospital Tuesday, Octo? ber (th, at II o . i?? k A. M. Mr. YV. WsJlaos ROW?, of the Rlch nond poet-oaVse, Is again at in;y after a rs atlon ? , spent it Ctozet, Albemarle county. Mrs. Las W. Staton and ch ldren have ?turned to the city. an twinsnhil by ?1' vi r, who is at? Woman's CoU? Mrs. f',. 1". Schleicher and her lovely r her home, n Jacksonville, Pia., after - r moni'hs with relatif 1 Rufos i. Qray and Champ ; ty last n their way to Blacl siege the i Mr. W. J. Maeon, who hsh ben ron nhed at his home with atalarl i last thi is stin a eery pick man, and unable to leave his be?l. ' V. I ...i b I .imerly of th Iturd ly to ,-, ? ml the - phew, Harry BaHey, has : i to lor home, in Roaaoke. Mi ic B i'?bp ii .-?ml grandda A] --on. of Danville, ire tii . Bf Mr, \v. B, Dlbrell, south ' lor a ?ew d ?f C iM. nc I Mrs. D. 1 ' O'Brien ? : ' New rork to ' I mil re ora to next rsai t at thi a ' : : HI -n I: Ml llwaine. of Pi n M Q .''' " ti^rial nombiee from Charlotte mu? M k I A cal! ' the TadlSB* Atixt r t Camp will lake o-morrow (Mi ; i. I of the ? mble in this city on , OctotM r Uth In an will be ni the R v. i ] ireh ,i students of the I 1. His sub j ; will be "l'.'c ' ?of ? ! in After Bt ?t." ars la? vi-. n to ?ti i L I .ile. to Mr. ll will tak i at n m - church, in this city. ' l John H B ihardson, M sr . Lndrew Kl oui e 'i n. all of the Porty-eixth Virginia' ::^?i Mr. Bteinb; \? waii:. N. Br. Parker, of th" tei'ond try Artillery, at ?even Plni on Pi A number of Rl? hmond gentlemen na to the i >f the Amei lean T< T .' ..n f,..k . \i bango, i eeea 4 and N P. M. Thi stay*? : w 'i oonaect Norfo .. ; cities of tho North, Best, ir.,1 V. . i Ma y' sterday s l?longing to Mr. .i. K. Powers, ? dray nan, while, standing on Ninth stri ronl of Mayo'i auction house, was ran oto ami i dly 'l'ai.?"'i by Pranklln r. -? ar. The owner only umped In thne to save lnn.s?if from ?ersonnl injury. Mr. Powers says he i fur damages to his ragon before lbs i oaapaay. Blnhseeadera in ?w York. NEB rOBJ toher I . .1 )?\v. :'. Moulton, Continental; a. j. itooney, !t. Denia; K. T. I?. Myers, Hoffman. flT-BALL AT < IIMT.L HILL. rhr t'ni%oeelty <>f .><?rth ? ?r..iii> i Defeats the A. & m. CoMoajo. CHAPEL Him N. C , October 2.-in be gaaae of foct-baii here to-day hatwsea \, ii tilttiral and Mechanical College mil tho University of North Carolina earns, tl I to 0 In favor of he latter team. OTHER CAMKS ravrBHDAT. Mass.?Harvard, 20; Wil? lems, o. PblladelphU?University of P. nnsylva I, o. Point, N. T^-CadotB, ; Trinity. 8. , Weeleyaa, ?, -Indiana, .16; Dickinson, 0. Ithaca, M. T Cornell, II; Byraeuae, h Ann Al ' : ?UnlvSTBlty o? Mi -hl ;,.m. M; Tpsil mtl. 0. Princeton. N. J.-1'rlncrton, 13; Lehlgh, i. <;i:?i!ti.r. a nit aits attlntiov. H? m m any llnnL n"?* I'll* May ll??lt Van Bfpafe f??r lllm. M'\v YORK, 0 bar L?Haary George 9 attrr .tlon from politl iari3 than any other factor in the muntc pal campaign. It was learned hat a movetni nt Is on foot among the ank and Ble of Tammany 11 ?> 11 to ovcr hrow ths regular noaateee, and in a Henry on the Chicago ptatforaa, with nicli additional plaahs as the local ultu i!i?m may eall T'"r The movement has developed to the , r s m? ting of its promoter.! In .. an?! to-morrow they will meet md tornsally orawnJae. A platform has teen prepared, and to-morrow*? meet ng will be formally adopted. Tni\L OF MHS, ATKINSON. A'lfe of AVe?t Vlrelnt?'? Governor Chnr?fd With Korgerj. (II.IINVII.I.E. W. VA., Oetghsi 2.?The trial of th.? wife of Governor Atkinson, if WeHt Virginia, began here to-?lay, after ludge Blizzard had overruled i demur? rer to the indictment. The charge is 'urging the name of her ?ate hu??b?\n 1. ludge D. C t'amden, to certain recelpis. Hie prosecution is pushed by heim of ludge ramden. the Indictment having leen fourni ?h^rtly before the lady'? mar l?ge to Governor Atkinson. The Gov? ernor sppearei In court with his wife, inrt It 1? ??M that the posalbilliy of con Mctlon and sentence doe? not alurm the lefendant, a? In ca?e of conviction she geuM rely on Uci husband fur a full lardon. SAfiASTA IS CHOSEN. HI IMinniKi:? TO FORM A CABI BET FOR -5PAI.1. -BB WEYLER RECALLED PROM CM. He I? to Jlf -uooeeiled There by Marshal lllnnco?Liberal Coneea aiona to Cubaos Now Proba? ble. MADRID. OelObSf 2.--Senor Sigasta, the Liberal leader, ha? been entrusted by tho Queen Regent with the task Of foimlng a new cabinet. In BOOSSBtOB to the ministry, whicii resigned on Wednesday '. Bettor Sagtsta, after lea vint? the Queen Repeat, had a long conformuM with the Marquis Paga d. Armigo. who accept? the presidency of the Chambi r. Admiral liermejo becomes Minister of . in succession to Admiral ; Ker. Una in ill cmestion is demanding the greatest attOBtlon, and the Ubsrala win, at the ("its.-t of tho coming ses? sion of , v, frankly ..??pose the pos.tion of lb. Spanish Tnasury. PEELING OP RBUEP. WASHINGTON, I?. C, October 2.-Tho from .Madrid to the affect that the I Ragsnt had invited HhgOPtS to cabinet, to succeed tho Aaear? Cabinet, was hayed with a feeling of rail r In . -, la] e. In the of I sited I < to gain and nothing to lo-e in the Liberal accession to p ly is not will? Ing to Ka as far as the ai i e : ii. th? r.- ci rtalnly will I riPK of I to i s In l roba ..i i > have stood from the Bret In opposition to the policy pur by Spain for the burl >. ar, 1 thai . baa hoc? roi rory poi u? lar li : : i - -. K- boos war had served to draft most of m the i? terloi and . a? , and ath. As a result of thla aontlment II la >ai<i thai I i ' majority in the Cortea sad tbua permit bin t<> oarry i >nt with? . it balag hampered by the Conaervatlve - in the it ?s b dlevi or i ?. pay 8s nation .is soon aed of th a of WKVI.Ki; BJKALLED, LONDON i dia from M thai ' - 11 VI ' M IB seo, It i. Bill in the i of Cuba, in v ?. I : It >: \ v BBWB M? i BB. The llmperor Iiiiumi-iI Ii? '( > (-Huts? ' An Amerli-iiti Prize-Winner. I8JT, by ' ' : " . : t?The entire Qer. maa prasa itlng upon to-- now j being - n bo Cabinet Both Mr. MJquel, lent of the ooupot] of mlnlatera, and tho Buadtasrath have ap> pn ved ? but before it lg it nay still b.; The bill asks for s ,uil of I'll B distributed over aoven j of reai ha, of which tea are to be largo i refuse, to grant I of money, it will b>- seat sent, and new i avili I . forthwith, In s : IBS laid" ?'ir ?HI be of the riiii party's advice, who, in r defeat Tno :. pel's In the Turkish i I that Turkey is negotiating ? ?ih Oerm my for a] nd thai Turkey is OB ths point Bin ' ; Ol mil. are dl Bled tn klly at the German fOTOlgB OffiC. ii.- ,. a : .-spotidi nt of tho Aaeoc i' d iiowever, u.arns from diplomat!? < that overtures to C bava i a by Turk, y during the. p . i nd that th- : is a v.i V. sen l :.i roa Von liuelow, Prince Hohraloha and Emperor Wil? liam, Prince Hc-henlohe rejecting all or? rtui The barrlod arrival In l?crlln of Count V'.n Munater-Ledenburg, ths Oerasaa Alilba.- ador tO I'latiee, and his Si i 'incut movements, have Created B s.-nsa li'.n. Immediately after the Ambassador arrived bora from Paris on Monday be bad a lengthy with Dr. Mi ipiei, prince ii henloha being still a. and th . same '.n.d for RO> minten to B the Kmpcror. After the Ambassador returned to Berlin oa Wed? I 'hi r. was a spootal ssaeaon of ' iblnet, and Count Von Mans! burg then retuniei! to Parla Th? re aro many ?urmlses regarding the mys terioua movemeats of ths ambassador. bu? nothing definite has been bj ertalnod conconttag these, DBMOCR \''V RAMPANT. in Bavarl ?, rana psaaaat itlon is ra; dly i lining - ..' tin- past week tWO hitherto I tila branch?e <<t th. fadorattoo lava I, a:. | ad'.p?. .1 a *..-.nt platform Of the moat red cal natura it demands . mir.- liberty of aseoofstton of meeting . reform of the jn-li- l.ny DB, a complete division of Church and State, a diminution of the military I.un!.-tin, and tl ptloa by tho state of all rural Biortgagaa ThA I ers ?if thla aewly-fonned party expect to 'tasarla at the BSSl BlSfltl The Baaparof is having poor span at Raeatatea, from which place he has i i i arks to the poor of Bud ipeet. His Majesty has prohll lists havli . tO 'he whole of th. Roinin ti n Dlatrlct and n bc trm' that OB the d.-y Of h!? Majesty's ar? rival bord?Ni of bleycllsts were 'impadei I igh to race along the ro d b? biad and in front and ! .ring the horses and out?! -n." Hsaperor VFWI UB was BO annoyed at this dtsreepectfi - t upon the ?art of the 1 ?IcycUstS ttiii he Hiiminoticd tho aman he met und ordered the otli' i r to am ?t the worst offender. At IfoerlBBOfOB there is blttei tweeii Dr. Baumgarten and Prior R.-Ue, i a h Irving to IvaoOBS? I ir of tii.- lata Father Kb? ment of the famous water-cure establish? ment. The government Is preparing bills pro? viding for compulsory Ufe Insurance throughout the whole . mpire, and for old age Insurance for the laboring classes. Delegate? from the ?'entrai Insurance Bureau have been asked to advise the government In this matter. nrl! ia! statistics of the Imports and export? of the empire show a large In? crease for August, compared with the same month in 1SK> and Hot LI DHL ON AMERICA. Herr Kleflsch. a wholesale dealer In hum? and pork at Cologne. Is being tried for regularly selling ?polled or trlchlnous good?. oth~r dealers Bobal?as, /.orn & Company, and Oswald A Co.?are also im? plicated. Kleflsch. when arr?-?te>i. claim? ed that the good? were of Antortca. origin, and In their original package. The evidence at the trial disproved this. , All th" Spoiled ham??1.190 altogether?the prisoner admitted had been Imported from Servia. Misa I,.-?ora Jrckson. the young Ameri? can violinist, who has Just won the BSBOh SOeslsd music prlie known as the Men deb sohn Htlpendmm. formerly r?.-aldert in Chicago. She was sent to Merlin by Mrs. Grover t'l. \?1 ,mi and other ladle*, then In Washington.In oriler to study music under Joe? him. This Is the first occasion upon which the prize, rmounting to l.;>0?) U ' n Brofl 1 y an Am*rl' an. The competition Broeeed the keenest Interest. ?itatlve? of a acore of countries. and of all parts of Germany taking par? In it. ^^^^ CBJT1UUB OF BALIHIII'RY. Ilrltlsh Liberal? It? a r Hard I pun Hliu?Trouble in Africa. (Copyrighted, 1887. by the Associated Press.) LONDON, October 2.-The >\ Ironically ashed by the COBWerrattve press, relative to the whereabouts of the Lfberal leaders, has been answered in trip-hammer style dining the piist week by the speeches of Mr. John MoTley, the former Chief Secretary for Ireland; Mr. 11. 11. AAQUUh, ths forawr Home Secre t.iry, and Mr. G. orge W. K. Russell, immr Under Secretary of State :''>r ln iiia. "Disgrace abroad" and 'Mleeeter el hoaaV w ;.' the tenor of ell tin vas to be SXpOCtOd, but it niu.-t b< admitted that the arraignment li ap? proved by the conscience? oi : en ' recall the i ?d c Ule !. i Mr. aUBS? il. In dealing with tl t on Lord Ball ilnted ni.' ami Lord Randotpk Chup. lull's estimate Of the rr?miM .,- the "greeteet funk in Europe." \l i ' his own opinion ?>f Salisbury?namely, Frailty, thy aaie j . i ' . ?i " The recei t by-election In B ihlre, resulting la a greatl; I Lib - ol? g thai the people are wi arying of th which baa marked Lord Salisbury's full? Mr. H t Insta In which he saiil the Premier alway? ?if viKi-r. whleh " on as his op ponenta show fight." BACKDOWN BET?RE i Continu bury haeki i down t>efore Becretary ? ?limy, and is BOW I tary Bhermen, ?nd ring the ' '^ui m n lid Tti ; William ' ually that h? ? ?s m ids M sal h) i >u ;.r, i none? H Dn1 gns arc deceiving, trouble | In West Afri. the BM h. who, have trcbl ' their protectoi ate In v. t bttlk Of the . h ' erriiorv I - 1 d out of country ?r?' s It bin the Bril of In? ' i irles ati.. a ' llsturbaneee at L ige?, m and tl.. i . . Bi the world from adjolnli .- I that the I onlal lag to Beaegal, ! ? I thai th" Bttuatto ""ij and tl of interests is I il o;' London ?aid to s t'i reeentatlve of the P is: '"ill native torment smounl rig, b t tl"- feet la thai the i i aro i ? - mg ?b Into the sea, and unit . a ?'?Immission to dellml ntler mon neasfully then formerly, there is bound tu be troubti. BlhfE ALLIC ''"M.mission. The i I quer, filr Mich . i .t ire? k, s hei I I: arrivai d by th Ion. While 1 i te s mes t It will 1 government la ; ble t" ;--ivi> them definite reply to tl Is, but Ie t.? announce its co.-i tlnie. i In the besl position think thai 1 .. ' \ BIMWOT, M e. Handy, th M ? the Pans Exposition of i<vi?), ; ., ?... i v i m with the French Minist-r <?f Foreign Affairs, M. Hanotaux, In n i.. t: of ids vieil to Bui bol ha and hi? ' Isfled with th?- suiiiii amount of sps : to t stales, sad throat? s to wRhdraw. It Is practically h .or* the authorities to extend the sps Apart Brom the feel that the ground -i di finitely i boeen, I be h"i i ind the con - granted, there la no available space whatever in proximity to the build PBOYUIOI i on ki:m'(i\. ii.iunus? iii?> Powtaaaetog to lie t.ivea Anoiber Been WASHINGTON, I?. <-.. Oetehe? t lag Pest? OfBos Department that rostn. i i. tin, of Ilogansvill?-, (Ja., be given an? other position. Loftta is expected In 'i.ngton soon. His transfer to an other government place n a bbbbII i m > ?ity In Washington or elsewhere same from his friends. ?OSTMASTKH BOB >l UN mOMTmBm Mr. Ilenjiiniln IL WeUleer Appointed by the rrcaltlent. WASHINQTON, October 2.-The PrseJ? ; Otntt ?1 the follow in.; , Virginia ? Maacbeetar, nsnjBsMa r>. North Carolina?liiltmore, Georg.? W. Ri i. Gold Find In Carroll C>unt>. WELCH, W. va , ti. tobt r t .sj a BBBM r 0 ' ' ' N. !.. McLeod, both of this pis Brers lag their raeatkw In the mountains ' ,rt'i..l Bounty, N'a. W hi!.- they riding along on ths read they noticed a which attracted BttOtt, and which they pi k- ' awre souvenir ' f their trip. When they returned to this plan? they how. d thi Stoae to B number ?>f th-ir of Whoaa, in .? ."?Kin;; way, sl Ink -; j trueles it t?lned might he gold, out of mer. I t it to the Virginia I at Richmond, to have it i? i. wh.'ii th. < ose* I ?he sample S/BI f'?'in?l to be very si? Babia Upon hearing this th? gentle? men went to Carroll county and dls eevered a aumaitatB that was rieh vGth stuff. They sa? tired ?bout pounds of It, and loam d the rich? at and portion of the territory, i consists of 7W acre?. They ?ent some of th? last rock secured to have it assayed, and the report on It was that It contained J17 worth of gold to ton; silver, |3 to the ton; copp.-r, 4 per cent. This is considered a rich find, and may open a Klondike In the Vir? ginia mountain*. As the place l? only ten miles from the rallr?-i?I. a ?host line an be built to It. thus enabling It to be easily operated. La? Tana? Hetaken by Spawlah. BrBfj rOBJC, <x i bot Dupuy rte I^ime. the Spanish Mtnlster. telegraphs from l/.-nox, Masa., that he ha? been of llc.tally Informed by cable of the occu? pation of Victoria de Ins Tuns? by the Spanish troop?, denor de Lome I? noti? fied that this occurred ou tki-tember 27th. UICIIAEL_DEFEATED. 'WEI.Sn WOtDKB" VA8?riSHKO MY STARIU'CK, OF PHILADELPHIA. I HIGHLY EXCITING CONTEST. I'he Winner'? Time for Twenty Mlles, 47 MI on tea, 3 1-5 ?eromi?? The Welahman'a 47t04 4-5? Kl.BS Ihoa.anU Peraoaa la A??end?nc?. PHILADELPHIA, PA.. Octotxrr 1-?J. ? 'tank Starbuck, of Philadelphia, thla af? ternoon defenteu "Jimmie" Michael, me "W?ish wonder,' In a 2S-mlie paced rac. on the one-third-mile board track at WIN lew Grove, by the narrow margin of ?lg yard?. ^ It waa one of the most exciting middle distance races ever seen here. Star? - time for the twenty-five miles wa. 0 minutes 2 1-1 second?, and MlchaeJ'S 17:04 4-?. Each man waa In the lead three times during tho race, but neither led by more than forty yards at any tim* ?ad lbs Bg to the finish. Michael ?ed diting ths BTSt ten miles, Starbuck vis n; front during the eleventh and twelfth miles, and Michael led on the nth. In the nexl rniie Starbuck igain BBSumsd the leal, and in Id it n? o twenty-first, when Michael took ommand. Prom the twenty-first to the niiisti It was a battle ro>al. 'On the r-fourtk m,i? Btarouck forge?! ;. ami h. ilntalned the I? -1 to th. ,. i, winning n> ai?..ut six j.. Both in. ii iode In magni?Vent form, m 1 caught their pece-makera In beautiful a Buffered somewhat In 'be | setting on the big ssxtupleta When theee accident? oc? tant would follow? at. and use him for a pace? r m ill he could catch one of his <w n t. I in.-. Tho day ?s raw, and a stiff, chilling wind blew across the | owover, orer IV ?4 Ii d to Widow Grove to sea tho great lac . SCIMOI'S SI'II.US. DETROIT, MI? n OetObet :. -To-day'* lev, In rac, m woun.i up with half a dosen i i racing stars ba i:r ipllled slong the tr.?*2L Jaal after the Lit. Sigbtb of a mile of the Baal ? \ -nt of in m tWOmlle open profes? ional, ?? reached, Tom Cooper's wneoi th it of Butler, who waa Just ibead Butler and Cooper were battra 1 B i. Mertens tumble i a in a bad m.x-up. ali rtens*fl rlghl aide w;i? painfully Injure?! fall upon Cooper's handle? Paul se i, lay upon th. me time before he was ?t---\ : n training o inner?. However, in.-. Injury Is not expected to m m nt. Bald r. "oived a harrtj Mow in the aid i, and all had a ?ever? this, the day; ' ata. \ is tine und the crow?! -im it.. red I Cat n. amateur?, went S ' i indem In i ' ? beatfceg tin .vor'd's nnd ('tunning th< t mi One-no prol .sionat? r Browa, of de- - and, wob; Nat. Butler, Boatoa, ?econ??, ?til Watoii i olenian, Boston, third, time I ' nal heat?F. J. I, Ban la, InL, von; Kimtila, i j. F Bsp? re I m Irolt, third. '.' Ii a, i 17 < l<\ eliinil-l'll??l?nra Ttoail Kaee. \ .n.-ricli '. won the Cli . I? tttabui i f. Ober puts* ii , 1 hours, a minute?, 11ATTI.K 08* ATFfl.KTMS. V.KHt i'rliiisitih? Over We???Wefera k(M B?avS Kei-ord. I tOttCT 2.-The Ne. York Athletic ?'lut.'s annual field ant ie - were he'd BB th? i grown da to-.iav. Por tin second time thi-' j A meet wni the "Mercury foot** experts and the Chicago athletei, sn4 IS the western men had to put tt|? with a Bra wni tMr?-? events Of which, the 150-yurd run, h? rld's record and established i new on-. The record for this d w.iji hi..; i ? Wood, but Wefer? clipped one fifth of off un?, and setabHshed tie?. nord of 112-S second?. Thl. may not at. id a? a r.-cord. us he had a ' I i k. but, neverthe it the ?ft. moon nil to any of hL? previous beat w< f-1 -s wop th? I8*yard i h from Klun.b-r and Rush, both of Chicago, la no w .o the last quarter ,r th.- one-mile relay rac? by ten yard?, from Towneend, of Chicago, gaining that i lit':- more from th.- tlm-? th it h>- had pick.?! up Lyjn? ai the finish Df the three A. *' a Chicago hurdler, .on the high and low hurdle? splendidly, i won the last Vast, with a throw of '?j feet t Inch???. SENSATIONAL FiNh'i The ssoat Bsramttoaal Mulsh of the d?y? was that bSl.* n Town?, ad, Of Chicago, ,:id I.?.' -.: th. . in the 48) Uuh. Towi lYosj the ?tart? Bftth Long <m.y two f-? t behind him. i a trlde oa the f?r tUI I it as Ihay rounded into teh Long overhauled him. and] i in- N.w Yorker made a wonderful effort at tic head of th-? stretch, and the two rn.-ii rai I i team a? they m-ared b, Bach of ?h'-m wa? run out 1 of ihe tape, and Ixdh fell across It ?Imnltaneoualy, each re? fall. TI-.? t. .nds-was nothing ex? traordinary, bui us the men were watch ait-sprlnted imlna in the laut fifty [he tim.- of th.- ra'-e cannot be eon-ldered] ivh.-n su? h a llashhMJ aBUBBi wa? the re? suit. _ l Till: TORPF.I?O-IIOATS. ? ? \ Prospect of I.lvelr Time? fog The?. WA8HINC.TO.V I?. c, 0 tober 2e-ThB t irpsdo baat flotilla has retideivoused at Tompkin?ville. S 1.. the porter, Cushlng. ,,? Ericas erday Bailing from N * York to Join ?he Foote. which will be th. flagship at that point. V? I h 'he pros he;. v> weather during October, .v,e nttl? b. ?pectejd to have when they start dowa tho roft haa arrived at Smyrna. The Aanapolls has arrived at Bt. Peters? buig. Fla._ TFUHIBLK TRAIVWiEfK. Most of th?* Weaabera of tho Reported Killed. MEMPHIS. TKN.W. October 2.--A sp?*?. ,, , ,. , ominerclal-Appesl from VaM Hiiren Ark., ?ays: A report rescued her. .t ii o'clock u-t.tghi of a terr.hle fralgtrt wV k on the 8t. Louis and San r*Taa >.er, twenty mile? north of here. A frelght-tralB coming Uviwu the mountain got beyond control, by Ihe air biake? r*fu?ing to work, and eveey Sjal ran oft the track, killing meet of th* trat* crew. The number ceuu?>t be learn??!.