Newspaper Page Text
-!? _ _ __THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1897. 5 ' ' MARKET QUOTATIONS. i won i S Fin? M ALL OR BAY mm KKS8 CbC.VTKKB Of 1 Rtfi WORLD. rrtoes ? Mener. Bends, Stock? Grata, Tehaceo, Cotton, Tatllg Count rr 1'rodace, ?fce* Forelgi aud Dciut-stle. ?F.V York.October 2.~Tha marke. |t| In stocks which develop,! fa lau trftd:' 'X %as resumcc th . morning m full force, and continuel v one ror.mon;Kry pnune ,r n . .:ng until tho close of the ihort Be? Tho buying wm **ger. and th, eiag of short contracts put out ta> tTvo eseaJsg reaction in th? i ?< ' ?agsaiel to be urgent. Then :>' hVdaeaUOB thai the rcaetior had tun Its cour**, and the agents em by the leaders of tho former bul campaign were buyers on a large The stock? that have shown tho sharp. linea reoentl) ?ere foremost ir the rsuaim, pri s of Ajaertoans wen ?cod In London before the opening and arbitrage brokers bought fot Ixmdon account. Tho stocks which non fites In the London buying wer* thut huvd r rely from llnuldatioit of foreign hold ,n** %ed cbaage in Bent. 1 in th? rato et ft? r c eschnnge of i-t for j, : ??5*4 1-2. au lent th-it i fold Imports cai g de the market though gold Is ful at this SB at the Clear? ing-House In that metal. trtagv s " have buua at I IB their i.f ]. by a p. in loans of Ht32,000, making i ontractloii for two weeks of nitbdrao/ala of .; i an s on la the de 1 88,4CMO0 I net increase . : : the a< ' prot".- , having re? duced an Ulerease In circulation of doubt that the erithdi to the . to p. crop due The I front tl t and rk re aments fot xes. To- gains fas the prices of ? ran from l to 3 per cent., tho in full tlclo when the r OF TH be stock i n highly I and pi ii in its cl which eras '.: tlnued late on Friday. The bears have .ers of the situation, and there no aggre tempt to beat day. . b -vug int? rest which eras tent a force during the pro: i | el t;.e rise which culminated two - _.. hi ippar? Mtiv c i ied opera the braaera who had come to lied ; th? Instrument of this ? ve at tltude apparently ooatent to see the re ?ith the question of the Identity ?1 po"l which led the bull market with so mm h dash and cor?l . ays itoa of bankers and of i 'fii Dorporatlons have boon mon tided with the movement, bat a their identity, the tad Ig before any evidence era? allowed to appear that they had and while the smaller tlve publie their apparent lead |p they had liquidated a largo i pUTOhatSB and realized its. With no change In the generally fn k for business, and with the eontlfl m th?? eat of railway ?locks, the occasion wan ripo i the level of th' ?r tnal value but It had 11 ?? m into bands the Inst a I ; liquidated their hold? Important Interesta were viImJ their for Ink Umo being, t" see leerer i the speculative br.ld.-r?> Of stocks have h:ol a bad time of It for two sreeha. PriOOS bave de eiinfii shaply because more people . ! to SOll thin 10 bor/, or sellers W< re. more anxious than buvers. No I ble Inclient nerved to DhOOk the decline. Anguet statements all showed enormous uses in net earnings. PANISB C1MSIS. Th? reelgnaUoo of the Conservativo ! Pj ml-U mlalatera and the likelihood of a j vession v. tend- ? to ameliorate the relations between ajpaln ami the Cuit eoacernlng j Bui the market sold off sharply j on th" I snOOBSOntS Of these ?venta. To-day's sharp advances hive gone far to fhdnce the net d' I the week, I them out j whole character of the ? a marked change, j : iding OB the advance being pro- I the ' arts covering heavily. The bank clearing? of all the cities In fed States Khow s decrease from of over 3 per cent., thoush the . r lent V'.ir is still 27 per ; with an increase last or over 67 per cent. OOUD IMP 'UTS. h? mnrk'-t far sterling exchange has v declined am and gold nportO ?: ! * ?git'n Immi The weakness of exchange is due to offerings of cotton bills. In f l>ie dimension? j of the god imports, the low price of | im! this, compared r*S prices, wll j ' many millions of donen M due from abroad on ( ts. The liniert* . merchandise. h for the Week rrrer last week. Of this week's over Sagt week fea i rrj^.^o. In ? , of to-day's rally In fat very few Standard >. n two ; w. ' k. and some show , ii pactho preferred and WttSburg, (' C and St I.. Unk? bo? ng conspicuous In the latter class, NDg Ponds leave been much less ?etive than of lata, and hive r, .- ,.st?.l the decline thai >s. the net declines being .mall, a'?' uea showing gains. sale?. !; Cnitcd States bonds are 1-8 to 1-2 higher. total sales of stocks to-day were -,s. including AtchteOB prc MOf; Ohenepeake and Ohio, 4.3&S; Chicago, Rurllngton and Quine?, 7.712; i neu/) U ' M I- lOVille and Nash bsttan I/., 1.2?; Missouri ) .;.:<. New York Central, 4.861: rn Pacine, preferred, 18.178: stead' Mi Rock Island, 10.043; St. Paul. It. 1'aul and Omaha. 3,300; South ?rn Railway preferred. 4.?0; Union Pa Chicago Gas, 15,0G0; Sugar. egaee Coal and Iron, 4,435; Wostern Union, e\7($; < hlcago Orcat Western, 4.090. MONK Y AND EXCHAKCi:. Meaty an cull nominally 21-%3 per "' . prime mercantile paper, 41-*t?5 r*>r . l**ming?;??xchanre weak, with actual bejotnooa in bOBhOfV bills at NJil-tf , $?M3-t for demand and ?<?>2 1-2 for sixty days; posted ratea, li.KSfttiAt and I4.S6 1-S ?tW.SS; commercial bills. $4.Si. Par ?liver. ?6 1-2; Mexican dollars, 41 Kin te bond? quiet. Railroad bondi strong. (JoverT.ment bonds firm. m:\V I?KKaTi>CK viuurAiioss: Closing htoeka i Atcbla?*. Ton-Hv ? U ??at. f? _. leOi Atea toa. proterred. B-tfl ,i ; i .? ,>. It)*jj tai.??? 1'* i i . ... . 7 V ?. anana sombera. . ?~4 I teu.rail'ac.iic. 17 l'U?* i,i4 Uulu. . . .. "4'i ? ese??aa Aivoo . -.1'iv 1 Ubicntn, M;irj.tiir<. <',-!? w mar. M\4 Chicago and Kastera Hanois,. ?7 C. ?... (.'. and 8k bouia. ?>?1 i i..i ( ?ni ?i. l?mhs preferred. M3V? Delawaroaad Hudson.?is l>oi?a,ere.La.'K%\r*n-i*. ?ad We*i?rn.'*>? > Denrcratl KioMranJ?. 14 LenTeraou Kuiurande, preferred. ?lU One (non,... l.Vj ? knelnnw . l?.or?i?rrnl . . . *' . Icrt Warna.108 (Jreat.Nortuern. prererred .13?' i Horsing Valley. 7?4 lliiDoi? rentrai.1031? Lace fine ai i ?vettern . . IBM ! La.? .ir?? aaJ ?Vein-m ore:err<>4. 77 Loae.eerO...? . .... .174 Louiafiiieani .>??:itIU-j..I HiMWinn I. ..... . .lOtfl ,k> ,ttu Traction.I'vi 1 aUcMe?.: : iir.. ..10?^ i Mlanetotaand 3k Loui? . *0% ...iiiuvsoia ana f... Louis 1st pro:?rrel.... HU'| 'Mr. . 3 V? Motilo and Obio. .'-'< >, Mifsonii K. ano f. l Misitoiir.. K. am r. prer?rre<i. ?J^ ? l h're.c. la.tao? and L. 1? Ubicago In iiii-i- and L. prefaced. 3:1 aer>/iv rumrai. M f?rno'satrai....110?< 1 n?v. iago.n4 . oMt N. Y.. in -ago and st. L. 1 at pre barrad.... few a?*, ?nu ,st L 80 oreterred_ ?7% N. . . ... ITS -.onh American (-'ompany. 4? Neetk?ra/Paotac. vo? li ei H ."*' '. . .r?iMri?4 .... . ?oV OatarKxaad Western.- tgf Or?so., . BBdNaf. "> Orejen-?non Liu? . 9 I i'uteourjt....I ! Keadins .~?... fdV KckxI :inJ. 004. 11 sea rea. ..' I M. loulsaultun fc'ran. pref.? 10* it ?'.i. ?;' M.fau.i.r? n ?.140 8k Peal and Ornaba. BkPaaiaad Oman?, preforrel.140 . sal M and a].WO BouUi?Hm Pacific . 10 ?.em. I01 boatbern, oraferred . Bbf luaal'aoiQc. 1 tmcL fanrio. 84 I . i'. I?, ana 0. lOJ Wabaak.Bi boots and PaetBe. Waoafh. M Loolaaod Pacific, preferrau.. 914 , M t.ra'll..' di. i j,- ? c'.# . laLeelWfi and bah? Kr ? nreferral. Hi .Ki COMPiMC?. Adams Express.I?7 American. .1?7 l eltedState? Bxareaa. 44 \. o is 1 Ut?'u*fs*.It 18 XlS'JKt.l.ANEOls. American Ci. ton i?n. "\\ Ame: i an UottonOll pr.. ierre i. i-I America spinn. IM. American Spirit? preferred. 00) Ami. . CO. ? arlean TebeoooOo. tuofurroi.in1 ir '. i?. If". 1 L?a?."I4 " Co.'uoany.17 ' OeLPaelAl . *! Fusi '. i preferred?rM. . . 171 Hill ota s toe I.- 4s CtOO? ?BS . 4" LeadTrust..... :'-? .10 : National i.iusecd Oil. . ' PaettrMau. . :! ">' I'ullman Pala.-?.IT!? BUvs il . M Standard stops and T??ine. 0 Amenc-r s ir-ir < ,*[ .- y.1 I , AiaMrioaaSQ^ar Heanory Dref.lid F. 0. and Iron. ;> ' l. R. Leather. I . Leat!?r preferred. 0 Kudter. 11 t . B. Ian' r [i-eterreU. pa I Weetan > uion. P" ; ?Jblcag North weit era...180 i tdeago Norttiw^ito n urefarrea....HI4 , chicoKoOiout Western. l< Bumu u r. l r ItOOStates 4'*. u.w. rejrim?r9d..l-_>jj?ar.:?"t? I mied ?.ai?? t'a ase, coupons.?i?avj Un. ted Muta . ? ;i?.. orci. .... 11 l?a\l r.M? cea ' .ilStU Lu'.tedStuea "?'s registered., t?S United atetes Ve regajterad.HaO?aUdM tuned States W% coupons.H4)it i., !" ' . i.. .,0 >M tUtam? (iJi.^ss M.M. lud As bam & (iji??? r?i .105 Amiinnn. i lass ''I.? ? ? vu Atatiama unrreaoy. ag Aicptsont's. hi>4 AtclllB'JII fHtj. 4 S. . RUjBj ( anad? soutoera ,' n.104 Obtengo and > irtbsra rauitlo ?'a. t. r. 4oV? Cbeeapeake A Oalo O's . Ill 0, II. .v !? 4V,V.(Otferel 1 '4">s Penrer A l'_ 0. lets.Ill DeaverAB-G ??. hpm gast Tennessee ieta.ioo Kri.? nrn?ral 4 m. ',\<? V W. it I). lHts t. r.?offered) 73 (Jener 11 l.le tn ? s.loo l,. Il* s. A. os.106lf Q.H.O& A. '.' u. U). V? II. * T. C?:irral j'i.I 10 11. Jt T. Cwural lvu?o? O's. Ill l louat:. leu. u/ gsnses Pacific consols t r .lue h ?u su Pacts tete (ven iMV. > t. r. .lio % 1 louisiann now cousols, 4'a., no l . V. I au r.. . eg il tus?n ri ii s.loi) s,, k :.M. G..>4 H.K.T. 1st 4's. New loi t Central st.* . j i r Now Jers?T Central 6* ; North Carotina -...j.v? North irriiai?. . 101 : I Northern faJitlc .?'s. .,,;<? Noniiitu P?cule 4's. DOH N. Y atHUt'l .p i,4 Nor ?ml Western O's. ] .' Nor'iiKDMtern i ffUSTrlB.! ,'3 4 Northwestern i o o. ft'?.j ] , o es u Havlgetwe sis.\\% Oregon Navigation \'a . . ?mi?? O.S. Llaet?'s t. r.HO ?'. a I. n ?'? t. r . yQ?? 0. I Beruf ment jsts t. r. 100 0 l'nnr re-liant ?'s t. r. 41 l'sctflcti'sof 'ui. ....l?tte' . H . U.V. W. IStS. 8i?s M. !.. A 1 -1 ' :' >! ?'s. .. h H St. 1-JkS.F. ??a?rai o's .li-li^ su Paul Uoateis.14 i 8t. P. < . a P. isn.1 iga. st. Pault'. ?fcl*. ,Vs.ji4 \A South CarolUia nou-tund...... >4 bou U -i . .- . . . 03 Stanlir I Hope ant Twine 8k. ti i 'lenoesseea?w settleiiont 3's. ?s:i 1 ex?* Pa?Mlo L. ..lets. j?;,i? lexea P* ttftcretisterslt'e. soy l mou Pacific !' ? of 'l*?. lou CPU iUuPlsts. .y?^ ajahask into'*.lo?vt Wabaea 'da.. 7S'?t West Hhore 4's.|i 7*4 Vlrcmia Centuries. m\% \ ir<inia deferred.m 4 HANK. ^TATK.YiliNT. Weekly bank StatSgSSBtl orpins reserve, deoreaae, 8417,300. , dooreaee, $4.5:12.000. B, increase, $494,500. l-tenders, decrease. 12,412.300. decrease, Circulation, Increase, #21,000. The banks now hold J1?.GJ0.400 In excess of legal requirements. The Financier says; The statement Of the Associated Hanks for New York city for the week ending October 2d Is proof that there is no occasion for the fears entertained earlier in the season reg.ird lng actual Stringency In the money mar ; .te the Steady drain on the banks, by reason of the interior demand for crop money, the reserves are main? tained at a secure point, and the natural of conditions which have Ik en making all season may be trusted to ob? vi?t?' any departure from this standard In the future. The liquidation in loans continu?e, the loss for the week bliag> Int: {nt, total to an amount $7.320,200 under ted three weeks apo. In the time deposits have fallen'off $17, ?;<' ;, i*t while the reserve has decreased ' $.'000,000. As money has been flowing to the Interior at the rate of f r or Uve millions weekly during this m_1 n will be seen that the banks have .teed the drain very easily. The demand f,,r funds still continues. thou*h in les? sened volume than reported for several ?r/k* Dast. The decrease in deposits I ?. e Tiimt week, of course, lowered the ?le re m,uiements appreciably. The ?'moooo gold received from Kurope by ??-lb t- banks does not seem to llKure h? uS e^r?nt Statement The October iettlcmcnt has brought about some shift. ?nfS^JS'-Hrtr to a greater hie if funds, but the disbursements now b?mK made will show to a greater ex ..i t in the next statement. The Son Paci?o foreclosure sale, un, r arrangements which hnv? been c? Dieted^ for payments extending over a com?derablo period, will ?ot cjum the contraction at ?rat anticipated, and this ac?ranos! to aome extent, governed the rate quotations last w.tek The statemeot, as a whole, la of very favorable character, and w'th the expc tat Ion that gold expo.? s will follow an) advance In money, the outlook Is ever brighter than predicted. Three of th? New York bank? last week made theli clearing-house settlement? In gold, owing to the scarcity of legal-tenders. It woul-J not be e strartge foot were- the Treasury to follow suit In this particular before the close of the year. London money market. The Evening Post's London financial cablegram says: A further rise In. atocks was recorded to-day. Americana were strong and closed at the best. More American billa were offered, nnd there was renewed talk of gold exports, but there Is nothing definite to report noesumDgrorh ?ntxig Kiots >* >. O.'.obsr 2. IS .7. niTtai?BTTitl M'-IBi un. ASkeL DnitedStalea re, lI'd.. HVifj ?fiasi.?tJiu. NrtrtncaraliQ? * %.wm ... 104J% NortUOaroiin* ?J'c. l?? Virciula St (aew>.m 78 Camar?n. tt7!4 08 c:Tr ga kj.;: r aa Richmond clt? 8's...?. 128 i'Klcbmuad city il'a.I. ? * Riobuiond. oltr Vs.... lit I Rienmood City 4'a It, 19?0-IH80 101 I l.? I i .1 . ?O... s. i Atlanta r?nl CBsrtOtte i?i Vm . 119 I Atlanta aalCnarlHte f't' I la. a'*. II. 1800. 100 Ci ir.. Cot. ?8 An?. 2J 7*a.Hi i Oeargia. 9oatbernanl JCioril? j . 88*4 99 P?iersourgi< .? ?.? >'*. no ' Petersburg tVlas? Bi ?'?. li4 ?. li-iiond & Mecklenburg lit O's. .... 7> I ^oumern rta i?T4T I SI Va. .. U2 ! Georgia \nd Alabama pnt. tf%,m ... 103 Ororgiaaud Alabamacoo sols. 7i'V?j 8111 hicinuotid Traction J?, 1888.... 10? lluutOA? mocks. Par. a la an? ( ni >:>. 100 f?l C.sMDeakeaadOsM.100 84 ; Norfolk an 1 Wettern prof... ID'? 42 4 :*4 P?t?rti)jrg.. .100 108 110 Ri.hmoad. i'i - l"rt ' ?. rirg, I and Potomac Dir. O')lu'.'a..l0'j 107 Rich ?nona and Patera org. .100 17 >ru Rsl'w.r, pruf. 100 .1.P4 j S'ju'.harn l??dwir. c? nn ei... i j J 10V?j Ocorgia sud* .ir-v ! ferrad. ... 2"> I Georgia and Alabama can m>n. 9* Hank stoics. Citizens Bank. 25 22 2"> MezcbuitsNatlOBSl Hank.. 100 IS.'K : Planiert national Hank.J00 888 243 1 l'etnraburg Savings ?ind ?Q riM m oo Bpeay . '-o 3?V4 Plata flans of Vrrmn.l>> 187 , I'nlon iianit of Riohrttoa I.... ?0 IK , Vugii;'.. i -: n i?a? - . ' 1 st? no inrinc? llana of Richmond...."."> U Is r -, BOS Ci i . .. v. Virginia Kir? aal Marine... 88 34 :'."> 1 Virgiuia*jut?. 88 23 84 ItstOBI. LB8008> I American li?ia at'onpanr ( .-.t?rri?0 . 1)1 110 | A aeriCBB I jd. :?oU >np?ny I (common). M 88 UO I Va.-C'arolin?! hemU-U pr? 100 108 111 Vii.-i.'arjlinaCbeuilcal cjiii. 10J M ?>->\i "Haotaalona ?rs-for bOOda matnrli? ta not 1er? .bau ton yoar*. -?M?? DRAIN AND COTTON BXCHJLNOK Va.. OctOtX t I Quf V rrjr, 8 to . mixed, H ? Bortbersy, w to 85c; No. | r. !. Corn v. hue Vir lota, re; No. 1 white, ::?". l-tc; No. 2 mixed, 35c. Oati No. 1 mixed,'Jil-i to Ml?8c; No. | mixed, 81-2 to Me; win? ter nhed outs, 'm to ?Sc Hyo Wo. 2, w to 63 l-2e. RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va., October 2, P<97. No auction sales tO*dajr. Private sales: Fillers, 29; wrappers. 11; cutters. 12; smokers, ,V dark leaf. 14; lugs, rap, 49. Total, 150 hogahi ads. Revenue collections: Clgara and elgnr ette. 88.79; tobacco, 1478.26. Total, 1'rivate sales for the week: Wrappers, ?".; Ollero, 858; smokers, 41; cutters, 7?; dark hat*. 217: scrap. 8; Burtey, 8; lugs, : . western. 11. Total 1,111 hotrabeade, Revenue collections for week: Clears and cigarettes, $33,209.05; tobacco, $13,21^.47. Total, 140.491.86. The market for bricht* closes strong on nil Rrades. Good sales next week. The annual meeting of the Tobacco Trade will be held on 'Change Monday at 12 o'clock. NEW TORK PRODUC1I ICARKET Ni:\V YORK, October 2 -Flour? celpta, 2').-Ml l :>rrt ?^; exports, 7.1s; i j reis; sales, 4,(J<>i packages. M.irket lr tlve and barely Steady at old pri< ; Minnesota patents. $5 I5?r$5.40; d ! $4.??5&$4.50; winter patents, 85.10tfg5.36; ' Straights, J4.C.V'/$t.70; do. extras, $,1. j $3.c."i; do. lew grades, $3.iv?$3. . <>. Etre Plour?Kasv; Hales, 1?0 barn fancv. $.'v2;,'u$J.C0. Buckwheat?Quiet at iV??50c. Corn-Meal?Steady; yellow western, ( Barter?Rasier at 3o-. Barley Halt?Dull,' western, Mpseo, Wheat?Receipts, 183,000 bushels; i norts. 120.695 busiuls; salea, 771,000 bush futures, 48,'KXi bushels spot. Spot Steal No. 2 red, 8S8*8c Options opened arm on higher cibles than expected, bro sharply nailer heavy short selling. spired hy cloudiness west and fre?3 Non i western receipts, but rallied on sapor ! summers, closing I-gfll-4c. net tower; > 2 rod, October, 83 l v I -8C., closed fd ;-: ober, ?1 9-16??92 3-8c., closed ?l 7-8c. corn- Receipts, 108,77! bushels; expor : 12.:::.4 bushels; sales, 20.000 bushels futir' be ; spot Spot steady; No. j ?ii-Sc. Options opened up on cabti I eased off with wheat, but rallied on covt | lug, and closed partly l-8c. net low October, 3%321-2c.; Decimbir, 311-> .., : ItC, Closed 84 l-ic ( i;its?Receipts, 331.800 bushels; eKporl 137,048 bushels; sali 15,000 b labels spc Spot quiet; No. 2, M l-f-jL'4 l-2c. Optloi dull all the forenoon, closing I-80, lowe October cl( I .; December closi 24 5-8c. Hay?Easy; spring easy; good to cholc 60$. 75c. Stead v: State. 1805 crop, 3C4c ?..'S3-16C.: Pacific const, UK crop, 3 4c; 1896, 008c.; 1S97, 12 fl5c. Hides?Steady; Galveston, l.v^lfie.; Texa dry, 121-afrlSe.; California, 17 Leather Steady; H-rnlock sole, Buenc Ayrea, ?1-2021 l-2c. Wool-Firm; fleece, 20ff27c.; No. 2 t extra, Rfj 12c. ; Texn?. lOfJltC. Beef steady; family. $90310.50: extn $8.50; beef hams, $2ti'(j$27; packed, $8.505 P.M. Cut Meats?Dull; plcklexl bellies, 6 3-41 80.; do. shoulders, 51-2c; do. hams, 8 1-?V? I Me, I.ard?Steady; western steamed, $4.w< 84.85; Contli ent, 15.80; South America $5.70; compound. $4.62 l-2'<i$4.87 1-2. Pork-Dull; old meas, $808>.25; new mes? t9.W?f$10; short clear, 310.606313; family $11.50g$13. Butter?Steady; western creamery, 14i 22e.; do. factory, 84fl3c.? Elgin?, 22c.; iml tatlon, 12@l*c.; State dairy, 12^19c.; do creamery. 14gfttO, Cheese Quiet; larjre white, 9 l-8c ? smai white, 91-2c.; largo colored. Stjei-Sc. small colored, 01-3c.; part skims, IlifSj 7c.; full do.. 31-304C. Iv; State and Pennsylvania 10 1-?-?JI9C. ; western fresh, 16 l-2ffl7e. Potatoes?Easy; Jerseys, $2.25988.50; Ixnig Island. $2.50?$2.75; sweets, $1.50^ $1 62 1-2. Tallow-Dull; city, 31-2c; country, 31-2 ?i3 3-4c. Petroleum-Dull; no market; refined, New York. $5.80. Rosin?Steadv; strained, common to good. 8jt.4g831.45. Turpt ntlne-Pirm nt 32 f!-4ff33 l-4c. Tttce-Steady: fair to extra. 4 3-8'5?l-4c.; 4 3-4*i6 1-8<\ Molasses?Steady; "New Orleans, open kfttle. good to choice, 25031c. Pig-Iron-Steady; southern, $10.25if$U.50; r .rthern BO.BOtJfll Copper-Easy, brokers*. $11.26. I . il -Strong; brokers', $4. Tin Plates?Quift. Tomatoes Per box or crate, according to quality, 00C.4JM. Cabbage-Xxmg Island and Jersey, per 100 pound?. $4<t/$5. Cottonseed-Oil?Inactive; prim? crude, I l-2c: prime summer yellow. 'IMS 2t1-2c; oft summer yellow. 83 l-44j*24c.; butter oil. 2*?|32c.; prime summi-r white, 29c. ; prime winter yellow. 82 l-2?\ Coffee-Ont ions onened with near months steady ami far months barely steady and unchanged to a 6 points decline; earcoiy changed during remainder of the session; exceptionally dull and featureless, with v,. ik undertone, following mom liberal offerings of spot coffee. Closed quiet at net 6 points higher to 5 points low?r: sales, 5.750 bag*, Including October, 35.M: December. $840. Spot coffee: ltio dull; No. 7 Invoice. 37; No. 7 Jobbing, 57.50; mild steady; Cordova, $10.50?f!?.60. Sugar?Raw nominal; fair refining. 3 3-8c.; centrifugal, 96 degrees test, 3 I6-1O0.; refined steady; mould A. 5 3-8c.; standard A. 5c.; confectioners' A, 5c.; cut loaf, r>3-4c.; crushed. 5 3-4e. : powdered, 6 3-8c.; rrsnulatcd, 51-8C.; cubes, 6 3-.Sc NEW YORK DRY-GOOD? MARKET. NEW YORK, October g-The dry-goods market closed wl'hout feature, locally. There, is so strengthening of the market fOf cotton roods, and print-cloths haVo slumped materially. Woollen goods main? tain their position undisturbed by the general trend of the market, although It Is doubtful whether. In aoino divisions, such na dn as gc?ds. dealers will be all!? to ??Mure the exjnected atlvanee* for spring goads, ample cottons are firm In reo.u*?t. without change. Print? are fairly well maintained, at the current rates. Print cloths are reported qvlet at 2 l-2c.. the aale yesterday afternoon at Fall River at that figuro having a decidedly weak? ening effect. RALTIMORE PRODUCTO MARKET. BALTIMORE. MD.. October 1-Flour Q.ilct and unchanged; receipts, 18,103 bar? rels; exports, none; sales, 600 barrels. \S heat-Dull and lower; spot, W 1-4'tf f<2 3-8c; December, 93 l-4frW l-2c; Steamer No. 2 red. 87 l-4??87 l-2c; receipts, 42.21H bushels; exporta. 82.000 buahels; southern wheat, by Hample. 8i*y*J5e.; do. on grade, 87 3 4Xl92 3-4c. Corn \v. ik; BpoL 31 1-2?31 5-8c ; De? cember, new or old. 32 3-8?.32 6-8c. ; steam? er mixed. 29 l-2ii29 S-Sc.; receipts. 17.88 bushels; exports. 121,122 bushels; southern white corn, 37&S7 l-2c. ; de yellow, 87 l-2?i? Be Oats?Firm; No. 2 white, 2Sl-2ij27c.; re? ceipts, 30.002 bushel?. Rye?Dull and lower; No. 2 western, 51c; rooelpta 22 128 bushels. Hay-Firm; choice timothy. tl.loT813.60. Grain Freight*- Active In eteamera; par? cel-room dull; s;e;irn to Liverpool, per bushel. 4 l-4d. for October; Cork, for or deis, j er quarter, Us. 7 l-2d. for October and November. Sugar??tr?na and unchanged. Batter and Eggs?Firm and unchanged. ' -e?Steady and unchanged. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CHI? "AGO, ILL,.. October 2.--Tho bean ran the wheat market to-day, In spt'ie of the help that the bulls reoatrod from the drought. ruis was unaccountably very weak, und this encourage-1 'he sell? ing, which resulted in a docllao Of T-ge In D ?"nrn was linn, and odeoaced i-?il-ic. ouv.* werf onehenged ?t ihr- close, and provlsloea 2 l-2c lower to 2 1-285c. lower. Leading rotures ranged as follows: Opentag. Il.gbeik Lowest. Closing. Whkat?.No. -'. ,... . s7'. Dec . .' >:?!?? i?n*i 8i.,m 8!>h,-??. Ala/.?9)4 *H ?!'^i ?o^ **H corn?No. .. 27^ C7*?j 27'-* May..-J."1,1.13 33Vij 32*4 32;fea3J Oati Der. n 14 lsij ifiti i?"-.\QW/k i!?*4?74 iota n** ?lay. W 2?? 22\ti?? Mas? ' mt Per Bbt Oct.j,s.2o 18.30 ta.o'-'W fn.05 l>ee . s.:.d B.88V4J 8.18 Ikgg ?lanuarr.... 8*80 8.128J 9. i? I , 1 : M I III In?. I . 14 -".. L47W I4.48M ?4.4Tt< Dee..... 4 > -fc 4.5714 -i 4.J7* January.4 7o 4.7:.'!?i 4-07^ 4k78)i 6.0 . lb. I sr.*i :?o ti.u:>^ i?.it5 U moer.. 4.r.> 4 7;?^ 4.72-4 4.7."> January-. 4.7.) ?7718 ? <'-'? 4 7 j 1 h Quotation, were an foUOWB! FlOttT . .'. Intei pat 1 . . ?".; aprlng clal, 8.60; aprlng paient. H No. i' aprlng ? ; 1 : No. z No 2 corn. 27 l-2?f27 I on 1, I8e; No. 2 white, f, 0 b . -' 8 .;?.:.; No. ; whit.-, f. 0. I No. ln.1; Ne 3. f. o ?. 4, I. o. ' No. 1 - 2. .Mi-SS pork, p b*rri $1". Laid, per 1"> pounds. $4.47 1-2'r Bhorl t '. - li ; (li o?. 2 ?. dry? oxed), 1 ' ..',; short .; >x? I). $6 2 ;'i. . 7 1-2. Whis? key, ' r gallon. 21.22. Sugar, cut-leaf. J.'.9ft'ij*,:, :>A. No. 2 3-4c. Bui ti r ?teady ; creamery, liV<,22c.; dairy. I2.;!'>. cheese . at tojBs, E^gs steady; fn ah, 12 i-4c. CHICAGO LTVat-wTOCK MARKl.T. CHICAGO. ILL.. October I The wob* quiet In th* cattle market. There a 1 'he u.-uai Saturday scarcity of offer? lugs. Common to extra native i ? were salable at t.'.f. .. >- Prlcea ior moderate gradea wera nominal. Tradv in hog. waa rather slow at a de? iner 100 pounds, the bulk of the Offerings crossing th* scales at 83.*V"p 14.20. Heavy packing lots sold at and prime assorted light fo ! buyer* at $4.2J>ii$4 30. I. Bl mon opened yesterday, and ill create u better demand for U..r .. .. I.,, '., hi,.. I.."..,, ^..lIllKT K.I badly recently. upply of sheep and lambs was ln ereaa i by a cociSiderablo number left ov?-r frt in yesterday, and prices were not any better, trade being Blow.' Sheep were sal? ble al $2.26(0*4.25 for Inferior to prime natives, and at $3.40084 for western wethers and gtfrgl.OO for western ewes. Lambs were salable at 8&5O3r$6.80 for poor to extra. Feeding sheep were salable at . $3.75, and feeding lambs at $t.50?> $4.75. Receipts: Cattle. 500 head; hogs, 16,000 Lead; : : I 0, 1008 : ST. LOI'IS. ST. LOUIS, MO., October 2.?Flour?Un cbanged. Wheat?Spot dull, depressed, and lower; No. I red cash, elevator, ?Kl-en.: track, No. 2 bard, caab, 83 1-2 884c.; December, 85 5-8c saked; stay, 95c Corn-Spot easy; No. 2 cash. 26c. hid; December, 8S8-4C. asked; May, 30 3-8c. . Qate fJpoi <:?vi'r; No. 2 cash, elevntor, I91-2C.; track, 300401-20.; No. 2 white, l-2c. : December, 19 7-bc.; May, bid. Bran?Firm and higher; packed, coun try po Lt.-. 46ir46 l-2c.; east track, 47c. ..-> 31.20. Butter?Firmer; creamery, I6<324c.; dairy, n i : , at 12 He. Pork?Steady; standard mess, Jobbing, | L^rd?Higher; prime ?team, $4.37 1-2. Bacon Extra abort clear and ribs, $6.25; shorts, f Dry-Salted af?ate fboxi I shoulders ' ? Ira)?Short clear and ribs, $5.50; shorts, $5.75. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI, O.. October 2.?Flour? Q Wheat?Easy; No. 2 red. 91c. Corn- Steady; No. 2 mixed, 30 l-2c. Oats--Firm; No. I mixed, tUjO. l-2c RyS 1 "inn; No. 2, 47c. Prot islons-Steady. tej Steady at $1.20. Butter?Steady. Sugar?Steady. Bggs- -Easy at 13c. Chases Ffim THE COTTON MARKETS. LtVBRPOOU October 2.-1 P. M.-Cot IpOt dull; prices lower; American middling fair, 4 5-ttd.; good middling, Od.; American middling. 3 13-ltd.; low middling, 3 U-Md.; good ordinary, 3 9-16d.; Ordin ?ry, 3 3-8d. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 3'Sj w re for speculation and ex? port, and Included 1,600 American; re? ceipts, 2.000 hales?all Amen Futures opened quiet, with a moderate demand, and closed barely, steady; Ameri? can middling, low middling clause; Octo ber, I aTdtd., sellers; October and No vember, 8 37-44453 28-64.1., Bellers; Novem? ber and December, 3 28-64d., buvers; De rijnber and January, 3 27-64^3 28 61.1. sellers; January and February. 3 Ti-W-f 3 28-64d., sellers; February and March, 3 28-64'!., buyers; March and April. 3 29-64d., sellers; April and May. 3 M IM.. sellers; May and June, 3 ili-Oid.. sellers; June and July, 3 32-W.I., sellers; July and August, :t 32-6403 33- 4d., buyors. A recount of the stock of cotton here shows an Increase of 26.408 baits In the total amount, end an Increase of 31.'.fl3 bales In American. The recount also shows decrease* of 647 bale? In Brazilian, 8 in Hgyptlau, and 4 309 In Surats. NEW TOR? October 2.?Cotton Easier; middlng. 8 l-2e.; net receipts. 965 ??toss, 4.693 bales; forwarded. 5.483 tales, 15 bales?all spinners; stock, ales. Totals to-day; Net receipts. 31.395 bales Bgports?to Great Britain, 4,8,77 bales; to th- Continent, 1.799 bales; stock, 401,702 balea. _ . . .... Total? since September 1st: Net receipt |M 313 bales; exports?to Or ?at MrPain. UR354 bales; to France. 47,453 hales; to the Continent I?R0 bales. Cotton futures opened ?teady; sales. l.tOO bales: January. $?J32; February, 36.35; $6 12; April. $?.46: May. 36W: June! p; -4 i' ! ii r, 86-25; November. $6.27; De? cember. ?'" - Closed steady; sales, 71.800 bales; Jan ri4rv 88-83: February. $6.37; March, ft.51; rVoril 88.48; May. $6.51; June. Bg.B5: k-?|yi 16 59- October, $6.26; November, $6.25; De? cember, 88.?. Spot closed eaev; middling unland?. tlrfc.; middling Oulf. 6 3-4c.; sales, 150 jales. ?V ORLEANS. October 2.-Cotton Futures quiet and steady; sales, 12.800 >ales' October, $5.92'!?>$5?3: November. 1 <VVn?.".'?7- December. $5 97- ?98: January f,OKW.0?; February. $*.<*.<$? i?; jfnreh. 6.1>?$6.14; April, $?.'15^6.13; May, $6.221? 16.21. NAVALr-8TORE MARKETS. CHARLESTON. 8. C. October 3.-Tur lentlno-Firm at 30c; salea none. Rosin?Firm; sales, none: A. B. and C, 1.06; D ao4 A iUO? F, |L?; a H?; u. KLONDIKE British North American Trading and Exploration Co. Organized under the laws of the State of West Virginia. Capital stock, 15,000,000. Parraine of shares, Si each. Full paid and non-a&sessable. General offices, Nos. 63 and 65 Wall street, New York city. Officers and directors : General U. M. WHITLOCK. President Safety Wire and Cable Company, New yorg# President. Hon. CHARLES T. OFERRALL, Governor of Virginia. Ku hraend. Va,. First Vice-President. J. W WOOD8IDE Vice-Presldent Ste wart Ri.lph Snuff Company, Philadelphia, Second Vke-PreeidenL A. E. IRONMONGER HOLA, Dawson City, Managing Director. ir^ T W. TIMB?N Director Nassau News Company. New York. Hon WH I IAM V BEACH, Collector Internal Retenue, Syracuse N. T. THFODoPF HFI LMAN of Selllgsberg & Co.. Bankers, 7 Wall street. ALEX. A. ARTHUR. 63 and 65 Wall street. New York. Secretary. Knn. .1 F CnNNET.LY, ex-Comptroller of . ry of Newark. N. J and ex-Coneui to Kobe. Japan, Treaenrer. CHARLES H VTNESi Attorney at Law. 63 and 65 Wall atreet. New York, General Attorney. General J. M. VAR?AN, New^York.^,,^ ,mm^MmUktr%t ^? ^ ,w t^, a?-^ ^ M_Eeatern Sib?rie . New York. Chestnut atreete Fhlhaa t, .?ilrv'.? '? ???.'nuarters Seattle, Wash.: Dye?, and St. Michael. Alaska. ?^wS^S^?n^VrVmcSm. Un?a ?uMding. Wb8 street. New York OBJECTS OF THE COMPANY.?The chief object of the company is to carry on a peneral trade and to develop the gold fields of British America and Alaska, including especially the Klondike dis? common . ,.;?, Met n?n an average of from 980 to 1.500 feet. The pay {Travel or detritus is to a depth of aliont )f Hill HU K Oil rtJiii.?-i?-, ' ...i. i_1_L_1.3 ?_..r il_ .1 _'.;n_j_ tho Klondike, i*^>gejgaj^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Um eomrmnv are now arranging to sen'l a number of small prospecting parties to the Klondiko regions I ' ? . . li. i * i i.tlnni on.l Lw-.i>f in tr rm?r /->lilim?J ami <lt,ri??rr 4liaf ?i,v,.v 4/% As\ ? -M' I ?he most competent and responsible men for the various posts, mid by influence and connection, "' lVise-i.touch withthe largest amount of active capital at home and abroad as to justify the fullest confidence. M ^ 6- Wn|j Htroot yovr jc/tk, for prospectus. Ms.m.Tn*psm 11.30; i und K. 21.40; M. & at] N. $1.7:.; I; vater-whi B, T-M SAVANNAH, OA., Ootohor 2?Si-irits ; irm al 31c; sales, 800 casks; receipt., F rm and unchanged; receipts, -, L8JBJ bail?is. fVILMINOTON, N. C. October 2 ?atrita Tur;.-ruInc?Firm at 30 1 recelpta, M c;.*t<h. Rosin?Firm ut |1 lffjfl rf: receipts, 3U3 torreis. rVude Turpentine?Steady at $1.30, 2iso, inri 21.20; recelpta, W casks. Tar?Firm a< 11.25; receipts, 170 barrels. THE COCKADE CITY. exporta of * ! .i i. i/faii n nil Tobacco? Dlnvt l?l?lle Dem?crata. PETERSBURG, v.\.. Octohe? 2,-iSpe exportation of manufactured obacco from this city during the month if September aggregated 4.i3.73l pound?.. . )l this aggregate .171.706 pounds went ' hrough the ofMcti of the Collector of Cus- I oms. and 62.025 pounds through the ln O..H..I r.v.nii* ofllce. Until the estab li.-hment o? the bonded manufacturing srareaonas lystem, tho early p:irt of last year, the first and only one of the to? bacco kiiil ?n the country, all tobacco was exported through the internal reve? nue office. The Democratic convention for Dln wlddio county to nominate a candidate for the House of Delegate.? will be held at the county court-house next Satur? day. The names of two gentlemen staunch Democrats ami honored and popular elthMne? Mr. Charles Smith, Jr., and Mr. Thonvis B. Clarke?will be I ted In nomination. At this time it would be ansafs to name the nominee, but either ona would abiy represent the county. Rev. Dr. II. W. Rattle has accepted an Invitation to deliver an address before the Baptist young People's L'nlon. in Norfolk, next Thursdav night, and on Friday Dlghl he will preach In the Park Avenue Baptist church, in the same city. Ex-(lovernor William E. Cameron ar? rived In the city to-day from the West. By Its action last night the Common Council postponed for the i resent <he proposed improvement of Sycamore street, in view of the expense in pfOS P'l't of securing a better and more eer tain source of water supply for the city. This action is approved because a supply of good water is a pressing necessity. A delightful "barn party" WOO given last eight by Mrs. \V. R. Nichols, on Union street. In compliment to bflss Maverick, of San Antonio, Tex., who is a guest in the family. Some twenty-five couple? were present, find festivities wire kept up until S late hour. The condition of BOV. W. H. Platt Is more favorable to-day. IIVMI'TOV. The D?mocratie Muddle?A Republi- | run I'proar. HAMPTON, VA., October 2.?(Special.)? These seems little change In-the political situation. Both sides are getting In readiness for the Accomac tribunal, which will probably hear the cas,; early next week. From the present outook, , It appears that there are about 1.100 Dem ?crets In this county, arid the vote ( for Governor wll be watched wifli Inte- | rest to see how many vote. The Republicans held a meoting on | Thursday night at the court-houso. It | was called by the Eambites. it Is said, but both factions seemed to be out In their war-paint, and such a bedlam has not been witnessed since the days when Spaulding, Phoebus. Ubby, etc.. were nominated for Congress. Rev. Calvin K. Camming and Mr. W. J. A- Cummlng have returned from Phlla>? dolphin, where they visited their brother, Dr. Hugh S. (' miming, of tho Marine Hcsnltal Service. Mr. W J. Boone Is in Tiltlmore. Mr-'. Charles J. Faulkner, wife of the Senator, is visiting relatives here. Mr. Marion Colbert ha? returned from attendance on tb.e Ruoreme Dodge, I. O, O. F., at Springfield. III. SHOT BY A Ml?.RO. I nprovaked R<rnort to a Pistol at East Kadford. EAST BAOFORD, VA., October 2. (Speelal.)?John Einstein, ron of Henry T. Einstein, was shot and seriously wounded by a negro named Floyd .late yesterday afternoon. Young Einstein was at work drilling wheat, when his at? tention was attracted by the cries of a little whita boy, who was being beaten by several negro boyB. The white boy appealed to Einstein to make the negroes stop, and hs started to where the row waa going en. At thfs point Hoyd, a young negro man, and brother to the ofher negroes, took the matter up, and threatened Einstein, who stooped to pick up a stone. When the negro saw the motion to pick up the stone he drew a pistol and fired, the ball striking Kin stein In the leg and passing through, leaving a painful wound. As scon as he ?in d the negro ran, and has not been arrested. Tho shooting was unprovoked and unnecessary. Young Einstein la a very quiet, orderly young man, and had I no Intentjon of being mixed up in the row, Intending only to make ^e negro boya let the little white boy alone. W?TCH the market next week. There will be opportunities of buying securities at " bargain-counter " prices. The past week's steady leelino was caused by a combination of circumstances?such as the ,'< llow-fever scare; strained relations with ?Spain, and a <lenire on he part of the bull clique', who had unloaded at top prices, to scare rat the small holder, which would enable them to purchase at lower irices. Importations of gold are bound to come. Australia alone will lend $25,000,000 in gold to California to pay for wheat purchases. Snrope will be compelled to follow. The effect is bound to start mother bull movement Again we say, Watch the market and read )ur daily letter, which will advise you when to buy stocks, grain, and lotton. Out-of-town business solicited. W. A. PORTERFIELD & CO., ' 1104% BAM MAIN STREET. Telephone ,'?lN. eu 8-8a3?a "Stock Exchange Gossip." "Wheat." "Cotton." "Financial Outlook." At the close of business BO681 'lay we Is.-1!.' our "DAILY BXCBASCjIE llEI'OHT," contuinniK an arttole under eoofc <>r the .bore headings. It is taken and kept on nie by a ?ari,e number o:' National Banks and Finan??! Institutions, and is aidered tho neat conservstlve und com? plete Wall-Street bulletin : it is sent re? rular ly to oui euetoBMire. \v* would b> plena i to send it to you. Macy&Pendietoii nt\Ki:its ami iinoKi::t>. 46 gUIOAOWATi BT2BW YOIIK, Mi'miifii o? tlie New York Stock Exchange AMI Mm.rVnHl/ < OTION. PRODUCE A ' [New YorK <?>ini j\?m.\n?.i.s Connected i.v prhrate wire arlth the ?Hit AGO HO \ II O 08T TUAIJK. (00 a-au4tj STUART & PADDOCK, Mu ni. it?, and Drokrri. I'llIlHllelphlU, I'll., 441 ll.Kt.lllt St. Now Vi.rk, Host on, gfaaa,, 6s Broadway. Amea HuiMlng*. INVESTMENT SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. MONK Y LOANED ON ALL LISTED SECURITIES INTFRKST PAID ON DEPOSITS CHECK-BOOKS FURNISHED ?stocks, noxn?, (.It ll\, COTTO*, provisions. bought and? sold for cash on margin. Every facility for the prompt execution of orders. EXPERT OPINION, ADVICE, AND FORECAST OF THF MARKET FREE ON APPLICA. ION. Ask for ? ??r Rooklet. SECURED INVESTMENT IN WHEAT (oc 3-11) MONEY TO LOAN AT ?> PER CENT. ON RICHMOND CITY REAL ESTATE. H. 8ELDON T.\YI/>R & SON, corner Eleventh und Rank streets, oc 3-11 MONEY TOLEND IN SMALL AND LARGE AMOUNTS AT 6 PER CENT. A- R. APPERSON A CO., oc 3-lt_i_nor: ' Eleventh street. MONEY TO LEND ON RICHMOND CITY REAL ESTATE, In sums to suit. J. B. ELAM & CO., oc 2-8U.WAF21 1113 Main street. MONEY TO LEND ?OD ?MTV IMPROVED RKAL Estate. In sums to suit. Charlen mode? rate. C. L. & II. L. DENOON. oc 3-lt_fc-'l Main street. MONEY TO LEND i ? to 210.000. In sums to suit. One to live years. i. THOMPSON BROWN ? ' >.. oc 3-lt 1113 Main street BANKERS AMI BROKERS. John L. Williams & Sons Corner Tenth and Main Streets. RICHIOHD, V?. INVESTMENT BONDS, yielding on the investment from 3 per cent, to b? per cent, net- We wiH take pleasure in furnishing copies ot our Bond Circuler upon applies, tion to parties interested. JOHN L. WILLIAMS & SONS. (aa ?HJ-Ttvsu?iuJ Thomas Branch A Co, Bankers and linkers, Richmond, Va., ?ptem'.er 20 1837. WHEAT. DECEMBER WHEAT SOLD IN CHI? CAGO RECENTLY AT 8L It is 7 cents lower to-day. Wheat should be a purchase, iOr it IS long since so poor a crop has been har* vested abroad. Countries which usually "xport will Import. Argentina, our se? rious competitor, Is out of the mrrket. Russia, our greatest competitor, has lese wheat than usual. Tho crop In the valley of the Danube failed. We are masters of the situation. Conservative estimates of European needs Increase, while estimates of oua croD decrease. In 1891 prices were high because of for? elgn demand. Our crop promises to be 10O.0O0.000 less than then. The world's re* auirements are greater; our shipments are as large; our stocks smaller. It Is probable that during the next Big weeks we will ship dally nearly a million bui-hels. Wheat Is cheap if this proves true. THOMAS BR1NCH & CO., BANKERS ANI> IlltOKKUS, Members of the ffew York StecR KicliKuge, Established 1H3S. (se 6-Mu.TuAr'tfwta) GEORGE A. - I I'IT ?ft CO. | j STOCKS, GRAIn7~COTTON, PKOV*e S IONS. Orders executed In lota of 20 Bbk?eg stocks and -.?Ml bushels wheat on 3-poiaA margin. Write for our Dally Market Letter. . ill STREET. N. W., oc 2-31_Washington, D 'j. MUX bit leWABaW ' FOR BUILDING PURPOSE?, OR Olf property already built. Also, hi farms. Small monthly payments. Intei<st. 6 pap cent. Why not build you a home ; What you pay In rent will pay for lt. B., Room 60. Ford's Hotel._*> 2S-1 m SOMETHING NEW IN BTOCK AND BONDS. Pays 100 per cent, per yea' oo Investment, any amount. Investor h Ido security, payable any time. No specu'a? tion. Rest references. Write for full par? ticalars. INVESTOI'S' TRUST. 1221 A cfc street. Philadelphia. Pa._oc 3 It MONEY TO LOAN. WE HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY O? money on hand which we can place at once on city real estate in sums to suit* BUTTON A O?.. corner Tenth and Hank streets? se 2C-Su&WCt_ j? |j MONKY TO LEND IN SUMS TO SUIT, AT 8 PER CIUCR. ? ON CITY REALTY. CHARLES A. R03B, Real Estate and Loans. 11 north Tenth street. New 'phone. 341_ja H-gatf "FINANCIAL, MONEY TO I/O AN ON Iti'MMONja , CITY REAL ESTATE AT 8 PER CENT, Moderate chargea. Apply to T M. WORTH A M A (X>., Real Estate and Loans, b-i'S cast Main street ' MONEY TO LEND i ON RICHMOND CITY R83AL ESTAT* j Charges moderate. N. W. POW1B, oc 3-lt_4 north Eleventh eTroot? *, a MONEY!" ??ON?YJ! j Sl\ PER CENT. MONEY ON ?t?? j? REALTY. B- I* CAbELU "& eo 3-lt No. 8 aorth Tenth attest* k *J