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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1897. THE RICHMONDJDISPATCH. lilhl'AlOU COMPANY subscribers at week, payable ;i . a Per H.50 per in cr id or regls liY THE The DAILY D *^*??S"? J.-1- 1 l.-. \ i EN IB per to the carrier weekly. i.iHI ?KW ? month. Ma? .t K per annum; ? for six ? torth?ee months; W cents for onamontn Price per ropy. 5 cents. The WEEKLY DISPATCH At ThTsUNDAY DISPATCH at annum, or 75 cent, for six mon ^ Subscription, tn all cafe? P?>?W* advance, and no paper continued .*? ,no expiration of the time paid tor post-office money order, check, or ?ered le.ter. Currency sent ***?% te at the risk of the aender. Sub*c" wUlng their post-office changed mu. ,.v. their old as well a? tholr new post offica Sample copies free. ADVERTISING RATES. HALF INCH OR LESS 1 time . 2 times . I times . times . II times . 1 month . S monthB . Business wants . " WaaeM situation, payflbl? In *u ffi vanee G? words or 1<*?>./,"' , Above rates are for "every day or a vertleemente running consecutively. Reading notices In rc-n.llng-matter type, flve lines or less. U; I" nonpareil, leaded. five lines or less. ft cents. ?,???,, Card of rates for more apace furnished ?n application._ All letters und telegrams muft M * dressed to THE DISPATCH COatTAK* Rejected communications will not be returned. .. All letters recommending candidates for office must bo paid fOf to '"sure their publication. This Is a long standing rule of ours. _ Resolutions of respect lo deceased members passed by societies, corpora? tions, associations, or other organiza? tions will bo charged for as advertising matter. rays, either for their vehicles or for their wh-e|s. (We should, however, clasa a le. too.) Yet. we see many thousands spent upon roadways, where only hundreds are spent upon alde aalhal Our people would do well to give this subject moro thought. They ought to rifa up In vigorous remonstrance against n policy which Is so hurtful to the public welfare, und which, If much longer per? sisted In, will give Richmond a muth to-be-dron."n d appearance-that of "a finished city." $ 60 1 00 1 50 2 70 6 20 10 00 ?00 60 ad ri'-TOWN OFFICE. RKOAD-STREET PHARMACY, MU EAST BROAD ST R KEY WEST-END OFFICE. PARK-PLACE PHARMACY, P.ELY1DERE A.w MAIN STREETS MANCHESTER OFFICE, 1203 HULL STREET. BATUKDAY...OCTOBER 9, 18!>7. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR! JAMBS HOCiE TILER, of PulaBki county. FOR LIECTENAN'I -OOVERNOR: LOW \ It; i Et HOLS, of Staunton. FOR ATTORNEY-C.ENERAL. ANDREW JACKSON MONTAGUE, of Pittsylvania. LET ITS -KM K." The Dispatch Is glad to lind that there Is a growing inten*' here In the subject ?f street Improvements. Our people ara aot wining to have Richmond consid? r< d a "flushed city." lxast Of all can our tax pay? rs afford to have Richmond so regarded. And above al!, owners of n al -1ate (whether that re il estate be In th.- h art of the town or In the East or West End), are con? cerned In all that will increuse salable values and make our city more highly geteesaed as a pasee Of residence. Rut how is It possible for us to make Rlihmottd more attractive without our having better and cleaner streets? For years and years our str?-t-clc;iii|ng has failed of its object In a large degr e. Wo have depended too much upon rains to come and wash our city free from dust and trash, and have done too little in the way of providing ourselves with Street-sweeping machines. Season after Beason, when rain has failed us, have auch complaints been uttered. It is no new thing, and cannot fairly be at? tributed to any recent action of the City Council. For flve years, ?t least, there has been need for more machines, and while most liberal- not to say extravagant?appro? priations have been made for other pur? poses, this patent necessity has been ig? nored. Never will Richmond be able to com? pare favorably with other cities of our alze until provision has been made for ?weeping nightly such streets as Main and Rroad, and until the paper trash ?nuisance Is met boldly and decisively. And never will the authorities act until public opinion demands it. As to street repairing: Our authorities might as well recognize now as later on that the bicycle "has come to stay," and that the wheelmen have rights which Trill have to be respected. As a rule the wheelmen are vigorous, active young men, who will eventually make their in? fluence felt. Most of them are now, or soon will be, voters. So, In the making or repairing of roadways the conve? nience of wheelmen will have to be con? sulted to a greater degree than It has been in the past. But the wheelmen, numerous and Influ? ential as they are, are small in numbers compared with the masses who are Inte? rested in having good, smooth sidewalks. And the masses are getting tired of having their ankles twisted upon such pavements as that on the west aide of Ninth atreet between Main and Frank? lin. It la little to our credit that our people keep alienee when they are compelled to trudge over auch uneven and disreputa? ble plecea of pavement us that. It has been In that condition for some years, snd meanwhile we have been told that the law as to assessing propcrty-owreru la not In a practicable shape! Whit matters It if it Isn't? Are we to wait in? definitely for the law to be adjusted? Why cannot the city take the small sum of money that Is Beaded and make such repairs as will cause that piece of side wulk to be aafe and presentable until the assessment law la so arranged that we may require the property-owners to put down a new sidewalk? Richmond cannot afford to adopt the "do-nothing" policy with to her streets. To do so would be damning to her prospecta. It would dissuade some new comer? from making their homes here, and it would be discouraging In the highest degree to our enterprising and public-spirited citlsena. If w* hope for a more prosperous fu? ture, we must reject the Idea that g treat Improvements may be abandoned for a series of years and then resumed where they wer? left off. And most of all, we ahould keep up the sidewalks. Ail of as use the sidewalks, while o..!y a amall ?anaertleo of our population use the road CIVE 01 A TLA*. The Southern Planter dislikes the sug? gestion of the Dispatch that our Legis? lature will not only have to retrench public expenses, but may have to find new subjects of taxation in order to m?, t th?- Ineraasad rate of Interest upon ibttfl debt The Planter thinks If the I-<-ri*lature will do Its full duty in the way of cutting down expenses, no of taxation will be necessary. If the end in view can be reached, as th? Planter believes, without seeking new subjects of taxation, the Dispatch will be murh rejoiced. Whatever new taxation Is laid will fall chiefly. If not wholly, upon our cities and towns, all of which have now as many burdens as they can well stand up under. Rut elimi? nating the appropriations for schools, college?, pensions, and the care of the Insane, which. Judging the future by the past, will not. be touched by th? hand of the retrenches we And the expenses of Y'irglnla's Government arc only about 1740.000 per annum. Now, will It bo possible to economize In expenditure ?o as to save 1180.000 per annum out of the 1740,000? We much doubt It. However, we should be glad to know that a plan could be framed that would accomplish that purpose; but. so far. wo have seen no such Blaa, if the Planter has one. it would do the pub? lic a service by proposing it in detail. W.- but utter a warning when we say that unless the most prodigious cuts shall be made in public expenses, the Legislature will have no choke but to aa k to discover new subjects of taxa? tion Of course, nobody will vote to mor?ase the tax-rate upon real or per? sonal property; but If the money we m ni cannot be gotten by a reduction of arpanaaa. what choice will the Legis? lature have but to try to secure addi? tional revenue from new sources? At any rate, no harm to the cause of re? trenchment can be done by the Dis? patch's suggestion that unless cuts can bo made to the amount of $180,000 per annum, new subjects of taxation must be Bought for. We Should suppose the dread alternative we present would nerve :)i. h-arts and Strengthen the hands of all true friends of retrenchment in State expenses. 1XDF.RSTAM1 EACH OTHER. A dispatch from Cape Town, South Africa, says that Dr. Jameson, the hero of the Transvaal raid, will stand for a seat in the Capo aSSOIIlhljT. and that the Chief plank In his platform will be "Fc !e ration for South Africa." That Plank will do very well for Jamo son to start from, but It by no means represents the full ambition of the gal? lant raider, and of the more prominent figuro who, it is safe to assume, is be? hind his candidacy. There can hardly be a question that Jameson is Cecil Rhodos's candidate, and that Rhodes'? platform for the near future. If not for the present, Is not only f?d?ration for South Africa, but absorp? tion of all the territory lying between the Rrltlsh possessions in the southern and the sphere of Rritish influence In the northern part of the Dark Continent. If Jameson shall be return. 1. as doubt loss he will Le. his ?-lection will be in the nature of another notice served upon the Boera, and It will bo interesting to sot how the latter will take it. Despite the fact that Jamison was made the "scape? goat" In the Transvaal raid matter, ho and Rhodos understand each other tho? roughly, and recent events have prove? that there Is no feeling between them except a fellow-feeling regarding the ex? tension of Rritish domination in Africa. THE DHOfOHT. The aevcrlty of the long-contlnuod drought In this State may be bet under atood by one'a taking a look st the James river above the fall?. Its rooky bed Is exposed to view, except here and there where a comparatively feeble atream winds Ra way between huge boulders. It may well be doubted If ever within the memory of "the oldest Inhabitant." the Jam?-? was lower than It Is ut this time. This Indicates that dry weather has long prevailed over g ?arge portion of Y'lrglnia, as It has, Indeed, over many 8tatea of the Union. Genere.lly speaking, the drought ?f the whole country between the Mlsslsslp pi and the Atlantic. And it has also been severe in portions of the Union farther west. Many cities, towns, and country home? steads have had their supplie? of water sadly reduced, and thousands of farmers and cattli-ralsers r.ow have to ?irlvc th- li cattle long distances to water them Here In Richmond our water-works which. In their enlarged form, were firs: put Into uso during the drought of PM stand us In good stead, and we have not only a reasonably abundant water supply but of good, ??ear water?a boon not usually bestowed upon us for so many continuous wicks and months. each one a ?urn that cannot fall to help it? gnod work along, charity like this I? surely well boetowed, and prove? Hint th? giver was convinced that each one o4 these chari'1. , In its own sphere, VBa doing it? work well, and was worthy of encouragement. THOMAS MOORE'S LETTER. min We understand the moi hod of working prlnonors in Albcmarle county and Char lottesvllle Is a little different from our method h<re. If we BN correctly In? formed, Charlottesville hus BOBM arrange? ment with th.- oounty by which the coun? ty prisoners are worked with the town prteonera for the benefit o? th? town. What the temas are wa do not know. This arrangement simplifies matters and reduces the aspanas Anoth.r feature in which they are In advance of us is their arrangement for working prisoners in bad weather. They have a large shed outside the town, under whi.h they haul stone, and In bad wea? ther the prteonera are employed breaking rock for trfe streets. They have broki n an immense amount of rock, and the streets have no doubt received groat v fit from this work.?The Staunton News. If the- legislature would allow prisoners sentenced to the penitentiary for very short terms to be added to such gand? as this, the frightfully congested condi? tion of the penitentiary cells might be relieved to a small extent. We say to a ".-mall extent." because enough prisoners will have to bo kept in the prison to meet the engag? meats of the Stat,- with the shoe contractors, and this number, together with two t>r thr. hundred other prisoners, whoso presence will always be requisite, will pack and Jam every cell. Attltnile Toward America rhnagnl After Poems Were Published. WORCBSTER, MASS., October 8.?In view of the comment aroused by the dis? covery that the name of Thomas Moore was omitted from the roll of poets ln tne Congressional Library, on the ground that he had bitt-iiy attacked America, and particularly Thomas Jefferson, a letter | written by .Mooro in 1810, twelve years j afl.-r his American poCBti v.i-rc published, ! to th?- editor of the Philadelphia Port- j folio, is of great Internal ha showing the poet's change of Sttltoda The original letter is in the possession of Senator QsOTga F. IP'ar, who ?> I s given it out for publication. In thla letter ihe iio.r says: 'This life is just Ion? enough to commit errors ln, but too short to allow us timo ;.) repair them, and there are few of my errors I regret more sincerely than the rashness I was gulfty of In publishing ruda and boyish tirades agalnat the American?. My sentiments, both with respect to their national and Individual character, aaa much changad since than, and I should MUSh, as a lover of liberty, if I allowed the hasty prejudice of my youth to blind mo SOW to th.- bricht promise which America affords of a botttr and happier order of things than the world has ever yet witnessed. "If you but continue to be good repub? licans, a? w?- of Europe seemed deter? I , be good loyalists, the New and h.- ( iii World need soon have no other distinction than the hemisphere of free? dom and the hemisphere Ol slaves." GAIN DAYS ty FR?DAY AND SATURDAY, ;at n SHEPP?RD'S T CORNER FOURTH AND BROAD STREETS. READ OUR OPENING PRICES: c H tvr YOU B. IN ??win- weaker 11 of lite? Dees your heart beat Losing: .Strength, y,i i li.o. I?, the * lir alti-r exeriisinir.' Do brada? Im kin sliilitly fellow? ,\rc idly atn-r exeri da? I liuli llic wlr.tei nf the eye?, unusually MusclesmRaadSabby? If lliii i. voir case your blood needs arichiag. Scott's Emulsion ?f?r.A. liver Oll stops dNfased.vtion. It supplies tli,- material tor r.. n Mood, :.tro 4 Dem , .in.I sound strength. Boys' Short Pants Suits (**? .) Men's Sack and Cutaway Suits ?Tust received 100 Children's Suits*, from 6 to 14 years of a?rp, which are worth 11.60. We s.-ll them FRIDAY and SAT- <C| AA 0BD?? for. ?FlaW Another lot of 60 Suits, in Blue Cheviots, bom I to 16 years of Bgw, go in this (?| Vy \ sale at. ' " " $5 Bach Street car should idiow for it??flr. and by night as well as by day. wtv no It comes and whither It goes. Else, It will lose- many I nickel that ou^ht legiti? mately to fall into its till. People can't well be expected to know the routes of the cars by intuition. "Rag-punching" is good exercise, at least, and ln line of training for real work. It Is not at all amiss. DEMOCRATIC MEETING!. RstLraiOm lasaWlCM siMiAY. HrT0K bet. w. c. brown,who ! Is eniraReJ in ml?s'on-iry work In Brazil, it now ; in Ibis country, and nrran?emeDt? bare leen Blade by (he Kri corsi Mi:.-! Nun BOCIBT1 1 am OWJ to lavo him ndl-e-a a aia?* maetlsg of the Episcopal coneret-s'ions nt Sr. Parx'i Caraca on busbst, October oui, at ht. m. M-. BaoWg i vi Is te restlag spe.-ikor. j *r.d It is earnostljr hope I timt iho ineotuig will bo larceiy ntten i?d; sod bbera oeTersaea are I ai i ?ball of Po ii tu? missionary woik in Braatl aud n tin- ,-itv. i:, i i J. C.kavatt, President p. .T. Ail-o. secretary Ki hmond Protestant Episcopal Missionary So- | clety._ocS'.'t' Br?r NEW JERUSALEM MISSION | I7MwaalMarsbaM atreet) ? Regalar ?smese! 11 A. M. next H?MBAV. OctOOSf. lOtb. ^Uljn't, i '.lud*? Not. ' Free lihiarv (.pen for SB? WOO desire to iLrestl?ato the do'tnues of tho M >-v : < horch. A cordial welcome to our Satbata asara serriez. WfBBOAP-BTBBBT METHODIST CB?KCH earner of Broid snd Tenth streeti ? ' gasdat adv ,.! '... :'.:) A.M. Preaching ?t li A. ! M and I P. M. by tu? pnstor, i,uv \V (, Brisa, ? l?. Morning aabfact: MThedM* lent Worn of (?od.'' At sight: M Becogsltloa Is i Heaven?WIH We Know "-.?cu Other Thoro?" A iii' v, .,, .. to all. 300 Children's Suits, to tit t?TM 1 to 14 years, in strictlv fist colors und All-Wool Cheviots, Blue, Black, Brown, and all sorts of plaida, which we place 00 sale FRIDAY and ?-} ^nf| &? KA SATURDAY onlyfor^ am ^-^U There is not a suit in the lot which can he bought anywhere else for the same nione-v. Wi> place on our counters for FRI1 >A \ m SATURDAY ont No humlr.d Mema SuiN for. These Suits consist of BlrjA and Bid \ Cheviots, stripes, and Plaida, and are match li-ss bargaini and special offerings f<?r these two days. 600 Hen's Suits. Backs and Cntawa; mad?? ii]? in tin* latest styles, in Clay \\ <>i t?ajs, ( 'li?> vinis, and Caasimeres. These are the talk of the town, and will go in this sail tf*y f5/\ 300 Men's Suits for Press, made from Im? ported fabrics and as good is yon flan buy elsewhere for 115. Bhepparda price FRIDAY and SATURDAY will be. Is $10.00 Boys' and Young Men's Suits. "We are showing six different lines of Boys' and Youths' Suits, in Black and Blue Che? viots, Checks, Stripes, and Plaids, and made op by the bast tailors. We place them on our counters for these two davs ?it $5, $7.50, and $10. 19th. HI POT TO TIIK KETTLE, The compliments thiit are being Baaa I between the leaders of the anti-Lamb and the Lamb factions of the Republi? can party respecting office-seeking are no particular concern of ours. As a rule, they aro merited. The history of th Republican party in VatghaaB shows that its leaders, with the rarest of ex?, p tions, are place hunters, first, last, und all the time. N'evcriheles?, wo agree with the Balti? more Sun. that criticism of McCaull as a chronic offlce-seekei comes with very bad grace from the head of the anti Lamb faction, seeing that McCaull has only held one Federal office of impor? tance, and his critic has held lucrative Federal positions at intervals for the last quarter of a century. The case Is clearly one of a pot that has seen long service ln the kitchen cabinet BBBaylng to reflect upon a com? paratively little-used kettle for having a sootv hue. The South Poston Times says that the Republican party Is a working party, from one election to another, whether victory has crowned its efforts or de? feat has been its portion. Its members nre unceasingly at work devising plans and schemes with a view to obtaining power In the State. They are a well organized army of political workers and political wire-pullers, and the work seems to have a fascination for every member of the party. Cirrect. The fascination lies in the baa? < .' reward In the shape of office. Whether the party is harmonious or di? vided into factions, Its members never Ut up ln their efforts to get there, as far aa the offices are concerned. M.ti and women who have corns or bunions, and all who are otherwise af? flicted with tender feet, are hereby warned to keep off the sidewalk on the west aide of Ninth street between Main and Franklin. The pavement there Is full of ruts and boles, and whoso walks upon It endangers his comfort. The lo? cality, we presume. Is carefully avoided by our City councllmen. It Is Incredible that they would allow it to remain ln the condition that it is If they had to pick their way over It dally. Aa It la. the generul voice pronouncea It a shame and disgrace to Richmond. And there are other pieces of pavement like it, on other great thoroughfares. Queen Victoria la said to hold moat pessimistic views tn regard to the sta? bility and general future of thla republic of ours. We trust, however, that her Majesty will not decline to receive as? surance of the high regard In which aha Is held, and hau glwaya been hela, by th? peofile of those United States. Appointments for Public Speaking for Several WteUi Alieuil. , tarters Democratic State Committee, Room 4 . Chamber Commerce Building. and Ornea and places of fepe-ak ing are aiimuin ad aj follows: J. BOOB TVl.l'R. Caroline Court, October Uth. Fredertckaburg, October Uth (night). Lrnobburg Fair, October Uth. Alezandrls <ity, October 16th (night). Kairfas cnurt. October ixth. Stafford Court, October :oth. A. J. sfOVTAOUS, Wythe Court, October 11th. Giles Court, October 12th. Carroll Court. October l?'h. Independence, Grayson, October JOHN W. I'A NIK I,. Louisa Court, October 11th. Waynesboro', October 10th. THOMAS S MARTIN. Nansemoml Court, October 11th. Greene Court, October Uth. DWARD BCHOLa, Henry Court. Oct.,lu r 11th. Smythe Court, October isth. JOHN LAMB. Chesterfield Court, October 11th. New Kent Court. October 11th. Goochland Court, October 18th. H. D. FLOOD. Buckingham Court, October 11th. Amherst Court, October lMh. Path Court. October L'th. JAMBS HAY. Bhenandoah court, October nth. Oreen? court. October 13th. Rockir.gham Court. October 18th. PBTBB J. otkv. Roanoke City, October 'Jth. Campbell Court. October llth. Roanoke Court, October 18th. C. A. BWAMBOM. Wlllesburg, Charlotte, October Uth. Keysville, Charlotte, October (nigh!). Mecklenburg Court. October Uth MARTTJS JONE?. Mathews Court. I vtober Uth. York Court, October 18th. GEORGE W. MORRIS. Dawsonsville, Greene, October (night). Greene Court, October 17th. S. B. SETTLE. Dawsonville, October '-?th (night). McMullens, October 16th (night). C. M WALLACE, JR. Northumberland Court, October llth. W. A. JONLS. Matthews court, October llth. Fairfax Court. October 18th. J K. W?LLARD. Loudoun Court, October llth. F. W. WEAVER. Rappahannock Court, October !', LEWIS H. MACHEN. Loudoun Court. October llth. S. H. LETCHER. Botetourt Court, October llth. Bath Court. October 12th. BAM?BL W. WILLIAMS. Scott Court, October 12th. N. 11. MASSIE. Clover, Halifax county. October 9th. South Boston, October 9th (nigh1-. N. B. EARLY. JR., Greene Court. October 13th. W. HODGES MANN. Northampton Court. October llth. J. TAYLOR BLLTSON, Chairman. Joseph Button, Secretary. ftaT UNION STATION MKTHO DISI'?Itev. (iEORUE C VANnERSI.ICr, I) 11., Pastor.-subj.-ct!-: 11 A. M., ?Holy Joy": 8 r. \t., "iii.v I Ougbl t., be a ( iitiftinu. ' ?i.l.'i a. v.. Suoiav *cb'M nti 1 niorniiii: e SSBJ 4 I" M.. Kt. x rtii beagae. Da islrsrtioaa Hoi sat, Wi PNia I'av. and raUBSBATat 8 P. M. Uflicial nieeiiiiii TtTBBB I NiiiiiT. ?faT CENTENARY METHODIST Pitt OPAL CHUK< li, SOUTH (Ursas strept, between Fourth a'i I ruth)? lier. W. V. Tud ih, I), p.. Paeaar.?Praaehlag at 11 a. m. a ,i i P. IL Bf tbo pastor, bubjoct at nigat : ".-elf heliaiice."_ Uf>r PARK-PLACE METHODIST i VIS' (?PAL ? HI RCH corner I'm? sad Freak? itu Hii-.-ets)?Kov. i HOMA9 N.Porra n.i?.. Paster Barrira* St 11 A ?.ami h p. M., cot lu toi i,t I lap.-tor. BoB'eete aanteiiu ganses. '-up. aeval ot ' Bnbject o? areolas *er? n.on : " Leaves Irom Qo-l'.i *-orap Book." A cor. dial invitation to all. HATS AND CAPS, . jo dosen Men's Derby an?l Alpino Hats tor FRIDAY and BATUBDAYONLY. QC^ Your choice at. There is not one hat in tho lot worth less than 81.60. All this season's shapes and styles. MEN'S PANTS. 100 pairs Men's I'.mts ?70 in this 00/* 200 pairs Men's Pants, Pin Stripes and Checks, on sale for FB?D?? and ti Z(\ SATURDAY a*. *l'Jl' 600 pain Mi n' Pants, el frantly made 1 trunmed, and lit rnaranteed, at ?. S2.50, s i S3.50, rind $4. There is n?>t a pair in the lot which is not worth more money, l?nt they _'<? on sale for the next two days at th<- shore pri?es. _ Men's Shirts, Underwear, and Neckwear. We are showinjr one ol the most complete lines of Men's Furnishings in the city, and will pat some special values before FRIDA1 and SATURDAY. vjmsW r thr M E T H 0 D 1 8 T SUN DA Y M nom IOCIITT.?Tba regalar mee in? or th? Metbodlai swaoaysoaooleaeteiy wUl be he.1 nt Trini y HetaodlSl church B?MOAT Ar TKiiNOON at 3.:i0o'clock a. J. OiBT. Pretldonu Cbarlos P. Rady, Se r?tiry. lCth 9th war FRIENDS.?MEETING FO? airin? worship BVBBf ^abbatii Moknini; at 11 o'clock. Seats aro free, and all ara srelcoins. itootiiiir-houso Clay .?tre?i nhor,? fini Serricei al?oat 10 oNaoOk A. M. oa \\'a;i).s)-:>UAT tj sW CLAY-STREET METHODIST KPigcuPAi ciiL'Ke n (cornor saassssaU Clay strefita)?Kev. K. il. BAWUBOB l'antor. ? * >.,. n,..u rchool 1?; 1.1 A.M. OUQOlilr rival servi, es b <t? m rnine and eveniriK. Subject 11 A. M : -'Can , I Know I am Miicl?" BUbfsel at 8 P. M. : What It i? to Bepeot.* lbs special revival services ?111 continue ?"ach evening inirinp the . , ek al h e'Otoat I a '! ' Aid and Uorcas (so? ciety will ux?ot ?ONUaT ArrsKNooM 4 ociick.; SdT THE MOMHLY MEETING Of IHK BAPTIST SUNDAY BCBOO?, \--so. , lAilo.N OK BlCBlION? AMD M IMC iBsl It will tak?> pla.'O on HCBBAT ArtBBBOOB, Octo? ber lOtb. nt 4 o'cliek wuh the Loigh-streot Bat> ti?t church, eoraer Letra ^n?i Xwestrftttb streets A^llres-ei by rroteesor CBABLBI II. Winston and ctiiers may Le expected; also, a Une programme or mu-i-. W. I) Pecs, Se-.-ietary. Arthur B. Clarke, President. fAff-SECOND PBB8B1TBBIAI " II litil ?Dr. liooK will preach at 11 o'clock A. aL and at .1 P. M P?[!l' NEW CLOTHING STORE, Fourth and Broad Streets. !3GOOGGQOG03?i3G AMtSKMEXTS. \( MIKIIV OK Ml BIO, MONDAY BVENINQ, OCTOBER UTB, s, .i..i i v n' laon, isniteiie B?asees ami Bstelle Ctejrtaaa In tba Nee Ron tu dy, A PI It ITA B IKPIAM'E. Special Scenery and Beautiful Electric Effects by Phyaloo ? Klna, of the Qarrich Th< atre, New York. MOST WORTHY PRODUCTION OP THK TIME! _j ? MIJ_ e^w??^a>?w;*a??w^?^s?a??^??wS fiNOT^ER WEEK OF ? AMUSEMENTS. ^iQ)?ia>??<fr?ifr??Otifl>?if)?'t>''#''?0>'S"- ^ MORRIS BROTHERS,' Peerless Do^ aad Pony Show. J Poaitivahr the lavrgast, baadsoAbaat, and moat highly educated colle? Mon of truined domestic aoimalain America. i no exhibit tenta, PERFORMING PEIS under their big wuterpmo'' SfeTGBAOE STUEET PRESBYTE- ' S AUCl?tOr?U??l, OCt. 4th. I KIAN CHDMOH. Barrteaa ai il a. m. an,i h '? ? I VAU D EVILLE | cor. jepferson and main streets. BKjr??i?N, Monday, October llth. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday" I In the Week of ( Inn HUm Well Dralowrd. iKiltlmore American.) Major 1/ewls Qlnter left a large for? tune, and in his will nearly every charity in Hichmoii'! wus remembered. In these bequests Major Qinter drew no denomi? national nor sectarian lines, but | all alike in a generous way, leaving to o'clock P. M. I reaebinic by tho lie?. S 0. Mitchell. Sunday s-tiool ?er nce at P:30 o'clock A. M ; WBBBanBAY N'KiiiT 8o'cio.-k. Usar GUACE-STHEET BAPTIST ciiiucu?Bar. Wruisa f. BAiCBaa, d. u.. l'iti.r.?SerVtCM t th? 'lanernacle, Urace between Helviueio and f\ai utreets. ^uuday ? Loo: at l):l? e'clock A. M. ; preaching ry the P?-|i.rat 11 o'clock A tf. and 8 I*, af Paver m. ctiiig vVkdmfsuat Matai at H ocl-jck. Younj iii-ni> prayer meeting BATCSBAT NiiiUT at 8 o'mock. ti aVJTGHOVE AVENUE BAPTIST CHl'UCH it.'r.ive avoiuin a> ar SsesB street ? Hof .1. C. Umaa, I) I)., Pa?tor. -Pieacnuig al 11 A. M. by the pa-l^r. Serriceta' ? t. -M. ts (Exposition-Grounds.) _and Saturday, ?:30 P. I ?It ICES?Ad ni is. vn?-. : Children. Ki(." AOMISSIOVl FIVE TEXT*. <;il.MOHE AaTD BOSBaaUt, Hi re .)iit:ni Bntertsinera; Novel Street l'?ir:i.I.- HUH) A. M. Dull) t_lo..'1-O At AIII:mY i Last lime, To-Day. thomas d van osTsars .1 Mill COMBDY COMPAST, , " ,.- Ji ' ?.j...u,i,-u.i,i innren, sk :'''' ;- g THI8 AFl'l ,A (BY REO) K8T) u m hkiThiht 71 TIM: chtmm. ?H?*"' I aaSaH"i??? J&.'WBm CBange Artist. H||, VAJ( UINKI|. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi? cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine Hood's Pills TO VIRGINIA i:i>l CATOICS: auk vor TfcAcnix; M'.GILL'S HISTORY OP VIRGINIA? THE STANDAR? SCHOOI, HIVI'UKY OK OIR STATE, DY MARY TllKEIl M \<?ILL, of WlueheMer, V?. The first edition of this history was pre pared at the requi It of Virginia educators in 1171, ami was adopted for public-school use while in MS. It has lopted by every State School Hoard since th;?: time. In sentiment it is loynl to the cause.for which the South fought, while ut the same time it inculcates the most loyal devotion to our Qenersl Govern? ment. It has often been pronounced one (f the most delightfully written books In the K'r.Klish language, and ia from start to finish deeply interesting to both young snd old. AS A VIRGINIA HISTORY, IT HAS NO EQUAL. L2mo.? 374 pages?substantially bound In cloth, fully lliustrsted, snd is sold ander contract with the State Hoard of Educa? tion for school use at $1 per copy. It can h? bought from booksellers throughout the State at that price. Special price? srill be male to both public and private schools for first Introduction. Specimen copies for examxlnation with view to adoption by county and city school boards, principals, and teachers of col? leges, and privat?- schools at 50 cents per couy. which amount will be credited on jfl ??articulara ap the first order for supply of books after such adoption. For full cbest, always ready, al? ways efflcient, always sat? isfactory; prevent s cold or fever, cure nil liver ills, alck headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. 28e. The only PUl? to take will? Uood'a &UMparill? t ?su iiuUa& oly or write to J. P. BRLI. COMPANY, I'ulilloher?. LYNCH HI HG. VA. (se r?-Th.S?ATu ) BOOK AND JOB WORK NEATH SXBUUriUATTiiS OIsPaTOU Pt?iNfc English (. ORVILLE, The Or?'it Novelty Pool .Tuegler. JlO<.K AND WALTON, Comic and Acrobatic Bketeh Artists. tea Jeannelte Mi: rrl ?:; inn, f) The V iv. rita I '."t: illo. (M THE ORVII.I.I>. f) lasasaUenal aeriaMata m Performance at 8:30 precisely ja every evening. Ji Music by the First Virginia Regi M) ment Bend. Traction Company'a 7g t?rs direct to the park. f, ADMISSKINi rm: CENT?. jw^Ss^a^a^a^?^SgSS?^C^t LAKESIDE PARK ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. SACRED COcJCERT By the First Virginia Regiment Band Every Sunday Afternoon from 4 to 6. RioBjDaoad'a chaiuiing suburban resort Take coitiortablo PRICES '- ?0 alEETINGS. oc 9-11 The Ca Osarattve Inveetaient Ass.xiation <>t Richmond, 8 north Tenth street. Richmond, Va., October i. lvjr THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the CO-OP?RATIVE IN' VESTMENT ASSOCIATION OF Hicii MOND will l... h.-id in the assembly of the Powbstan club building i tree! between Broad snd Marshall MONDAY, October 11. ISK, .,t ? ?felo?* IL sharp. J. I. BOSWELtt Jr ' I,,ry and Treasurer. NOT. oc 543 Southern Railway Company, Richmond. Va. October ! TIIK ANNl'AI. MEKTlNd OF THE BTO?KHOUDER8 OF THE SOUTHERN RAILW \V company, for th, , of ele?-ting directora and for the tr.i. t;on of such other business as may come before the micting. will be held al the ofiic?. of th? lomnany. In the dry of Rich, raond. Va., on Tl'KSDAY, October 1? lW ! at 10 o'clock A. M. . ,,i4 JosiAii r mm oc >-!?__ Se>r. A ORNERAI. MKETINU OF 1 S i 7-7 I PrOCJCHOLDliRS OF THE RICHMOND PERPETUAL BUILDING. l.oAN ANA? TRUST COMPANY will b- beld upon the ' call of th?- Board of Dlrec'tora. on <h:i?>- i CHifciSON CLOVE!!, FIELD and GHASSSEEC WINTER SEED OATS, WHEAT, RYE, 8c. We noake -\> cialh of Hi?h-Orade FIELD SEED. Write us when buying? N. R. SAVAGE & SO?. GRAIN AND SLID Ml RCH \\ IS, RICHMOND, VA. O" >O? JrtO <> *<T>^C <>^O"'0"J^M3 (se l-w i CARTERS, ITTLE I VER PILLS. Blck Hwdscha sud retuve all tlii tro-ibl?? Iw* den? to a bilious BBklei I t.J PlKin??, Nauaea, l>i-,w. lu.-w 1 e?;' .Pain In th 191. abl?aucreM has l? ?ti ft, Si <7 ?j >\ S&A. Af?v?SL*08 ?ASi^'era! Reached also i-y the superb liiook turn geae, the best road ior rtuing, driving and 'cycling Admission. 5 cents; children under ? free. No charge for admission after I I . M. No colored persons, except nursea and coachmen, admitted The Lakeside Inn and Cite, with com? plete and first-class service, for refresn menta, at city prices. Fartlea served wltn breakfasts, luncheons, and auppers. _ ee li-ta ?aid company. Rlchmon?!, Va. | siderlng a further sale of r?>al estate tor j stock, and to receive a report and recom for the purpose of con le of in. ii-latlons of th Hoard of Directors. Done by order of the Board of Directora of said compa " ber. 1897. se 22-UUt iny this 2let day of Hfptem HENRY 8. HUTZLER, Cssaier. Ordere for printing aent to the Dlapatch Company will be given prompt attention, and the atyle of work ?A4 prices will be sure to please you. PAINTS. LEWIS'S PURE LEAD. LEWIS'S PURE UNSEED OIL snd sil material (or painting. Only th? beat quality kept In atock. Writ? tor quotatlona fURCELL LADD * CO.. aa ? Wholesale Druggist* Htvlvhe, vc c. > '? i i dually ??lua'.l?. i-i < ? . Venting ttiiaanno-, < lall.iiiorilci brer and reg?late thsU it 1?. i HEAD Arhethay would boalBioaterleelasato .1 SuflVr front tum <lulre?aiagcot?!?? i :. srhooncetry tUcm ?ill find tkcae little pi able In y wa?.?' Lai - ling to do without t.em. liut aflefailatckhaad ACHg baaaaaaaafaeassay hvea tbi ??intakeonrgnhl boast. Outt eihi-i? ,u> ti.'t. CasBara Little Liver PllUarev.rr ^'ii?ll ai i very easy to uae. ?J Thoy ar??trici. n pur?*, bul by thfir BS? them lu vi i by drugglats everywhere or a*ut oy m* CARTE? HEDI?? Ca, Nr- YoHu fad 12!. * "" ' WU (Th. Ss. Tu. A w) a aassBfiis DR. BOWH v. ?iiu.iir HAS . DENTAL ' FROM 10 . -i. Xi] EAST MAIN ?TU*-**. <OC ? 1..V ??? ? g ^ g^HB^aSam^a bbbbbbbbbbssbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbI