Newspaper Page Text
t> THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1397,'_ fi New Saturday Bargain-Day has its ISSUS to-day. prices <>f Read the I ^.^^ I iss? ^L fiv ?S__V?-?? and if tii'.v stem unreal, a call will soon convince you that this is thf only store where atl Vt'iiiM'inriits and merchandise qua] and meet all expet ta tioli . competition In our \\ It VI*?.. Mil-. Olt >hlHT4. Tf : n ?ilt< r oth r men liants liad i?!v?n th? ir ord. re. 'i ! i y pri V. > x: ti. The .bol. .-i tUnga t? Uto aaaeee. look; it vM.i < thing atore than th- ;,, , ?.tun. c of polite attention. An . Mb ?ate amount of : };i?>. ib Bloat? * has I ioui parattve i la ti.? I A hint or tWO of t\'1 Cheviot Talior -, price V' The swell Ru -. suits, braid? ed, nade ! thi m it mateilala, M ilr, Rough I Chi \. ? pi pi m r. bip C .id. B .silk. . . : and moat I . nable m Ut rlaia Prlcea from Hands, m? Vi lour Russian Bioase, !.. ! throuiihoot irlth sat n I MO and |W. Bt) and braid best M J .:. for a lb-ln? h Velour Ca| . valut. rn Cloth J ' Itched :, for M.60; otbera st MS? ai Ckl ' i Coate, fur trimmed, Iban the cost of materl Stylish en- riot doth Ceata, blouse back, doubl? breasted for UM; others Bp to K < The boat - nly in makOltf wares find re? fuge in a bouse Mk. Killllllll I BDMMgKlMTS. Silk, Wool, or Kan' y Beteee Skirts are tio exciptioii to the rule. Thost- that are righi and proper, and {boat tttai add te ?le fttttng of the outer ganaaat, are rep? l, e at? .i. Bleed. Bateea skirt?, full ruffle, He. Changeable-Color Taffeta Silk skirts, d?. ?- i flounce, .<i M, Hoi:. Skirts, bava the ta. as. Elegant Plaid and Fancy Btrlped Taf de Soie 8Uk Skirts, I ' n-LIni !, Deep Cord? ed Flounce, UM. A day for money- string In tbe buying or LADIES'. MIMANT, nu t lui.iiitEVs KM i l MlKIIUl:Alt. La II and Misses' gxtra-H? avy : . ; -. Egypt la n i , I neck, stit Cl i Ii " Wool Ribbed i , with drop ?< at, a I .-int. Lad Vests.] III! S VII BOAT QLOT-BS. ill' a-y Btnbroidi r< d Back Btriw t -, any color, a K,in,i ?i <?i"\., Th. best lin.- ..r ?i Olovea cvr ahown are worth flJB; any shady. ltlliiioN DAT. Meet Roman-Stripe Necktie Btbbooa, ue I6c? for le. No. ;> ii ivy Quality Roman- - . value ?'.'<., . a yard. Ko U All-siik Roman-Btrlpe Necktie Ribbons, beautiful coloring-, value rard. Mats Plaid Necktie Ribbons, value 17c, for I Me M All Bilk s ot< h Plaid Rtbbona, heavy quality, Etc, quality, for 1. ?DIES' M.? !?\\ C \H. Rom in-st!i;ie itows, acoordeon-pleated, ralas BOc., for Ladl< ' i irgi Boa ?, all di alrable rain Roman-Stripe Club Necktlea, S designa, for Men's Nets Roman Btrtpe Four-la? Hands, value. 80e? (or He. (IIKSIIT II \Y. The usual $1 \\ . B. Ou ts for T5e. white or liiacit Eors.ts, extra-long waist are!I b mi d, 76c. relue, tor Wc, y | 11 ii \\ vi.n.ix.s. 18-lnch Black Tuxedo Veiling, vlth large chenille dota, 25c \ ard. Jl Black Ri idy-Made Velle for It ' Bli k Tux. do \ . Hing, with honlllc dots. 12 1 _.-. rard Me. .-tad.- of White Fish-Net Veiling. wltn B . k dot . 19c. yard. All sha.'.- of Bouflel N.t, with chenille dots. B . > ird. Mo, M.iiine N.t Veils, with crepe bor? ders, Be i Si>c. Bluet Qrenadlne Veiling, lie yard. SATURDAY BOBIMMT H-itt;\i\s (hut ate to i.. Mi ?ibutt .i to-dny< laidi.s' Medium-Weight Fine ?? Black Impen t? d Hose, White fo I fpllt sole, oi solid Black, extra high apt!? ed, elastic topa, Me. n pair. Boya' Extra- Heat v Blcj. : Rlbbee ii' ' Cot . i heel, t..... and knee, cost _ ':. everywhere, here llo. pair for any siz- up to 10. I ; ort? .1 Rlack Hose. Hi rras dorf dj e. 1 ?m i toe, !.' i-_e. pair for the usual ltt.\ 01 und Hoj 1'oie Rlhbe l Rlack M f?il! s.. ml. sa, double-thread foot, any Mas, bo. a pair. it is a Bargain AVONS THE BWB-BTS. Oream Almon I , Cri am Fl ben . Marsh mall, a i m Bonbons, all Ml and 10c qualltl? a for II I : >-. s pound. London Chocolate Caramela, Bl-tc . ...I Extra I ?ch Mixture, mu-t sell ' und. Chocolat? Bonbons, ltc. a pound; ? 11 . l-.Alh. !. t , il THE COHRN ?O am?1.1.. ' Mr. l-'loiiriioy'M I nix-inl. The fund a; of Mr. Prank J. Fl.uirnoy, -ghees death occurred under sich pecu? liar!) aald i ' - "ii Thursday, a? announce?! In the Dispatch of that day, place from 84 llary'i church rea \. iy afternoon .it i o'clock The int. r pii nl . were pr? j : ttl ! The nr' Ive pab i" s . , IthuUfJ, .lohn ?! Ross, I He? K. i J i McEvoy .1 .1 ]?. \ |. . i II. Nott, 1 i I . M the hon ; . were Mi H I, Charlea I? liosa, SV. II. Hecke, A. H. K? ' 1 IV. S. Ja? k aan. I)nut.-.litriH lit ? .leri.ey tu llei-t. The Rlchi ?j ??t?-rs ot the ?""i .:!.'. 1 'amp i ; in.- afternoon of ? >ctob 1 12th, at i ' end ih? m i,> the chapter in 1 Frank T. crump, i-'iaukliu Street, b? ! tue? ting. t i.lieil B?lntes Inert? 1.. Convene. The United Stuns c rcult and | Court? will convene for the October term next Tuesday. Thire arc very few casca to be heard, and it Is thpught that the petty Jury will not be la session nfore han two or three days. CHOSE IIOI.Y TRINITY. Mit. lilHSON TO III: (ON-I.? HATED IX TUAT SASI'TIARY. THURSDAY, THE 28TH, SELECTED. On Tlil? nu? the I liielniintl Mlnla ter win lie tndnalad into Uhe BIsS ?. in I. ?\i in iiui-i.i. nis f??r the Cere mon> Not Vel < .mii..!. t?<l. RtV. Beb. M A. <".ii>-i,n, of Cincinnati. a/ho has i,, . elected BMhop ?'?.atijutor of the Ii' of Virginia, will be con ascratsd in tins city at II,'ly Trinity church on thO Bth of Oetoher. It was left to him t?> ' iSSsata tli" time and place for tin' oonseornMoa servit****- nn?i on Fritlay ROV. J. J. Oravatt, paatOff of n?.iy Trinity, reeetvi i a letter from Mr. n. informing him that bo had se? ll, t..i bio (Holy Trinity) church as the place ?ml Thursday, the MAS instant, as the time for assuming the robes of his nan od This tels? i "ii will, of ?nurse, have to bo tpproved "f by Blahop Whittle be toro it btcoenofl anal, but tin re is little d'.ubt that til-- presiding bishop will abide by the irtshes t,f .Mr. pinson. PR] ?"?KATIONS NOT MAKE. The pr? par.itions for the imposing o rene - not y. t bean made, nor will they DO for SOSBS days to come. It Is customary in consecration services to have ?i number of bhihOpfl to conduct them, and He Invitations to these, dlanl tains nil! be I nt out at once. Holy Trinity I| w< ?i adapted for s rjori? accretion aervlce; the chancel lo suiii ciently lari i mmodato all of the blahopa and visiting cJergymeii srho will parti? Ipate In th? e? t? rnanl? . and tnt main bo.iy of th? church is abundantly in accommodate the meat crowdo who win want to witness the oonsscra tb.n why in: CHOSE ROLt trinity. Mr. Olheon, th.- non blahop, was at One tin:.mi. .I'll with St. James Church, in tin? city, and it was thought by many that he wouid want the- < <. 11 - " H aervli.- la that church, but, While connected with St. Jam. s Mr. Qlb aoo had much to do with th" old Moore Memorlal church, now Holy Trinity, and it aeomo to bo peculiarly fitting that ho sin.Hid have <! -. il?.I to have that t ?li? li' ? i'?- the thtaatrt of his elevation to the bishopric. M. WS OF CITY-HALL COI RTS. Mrs. Eord Sues lor Her Diamonds? Sull?, nuil .Midi; incut".. Mrs. Loretta Bmall-Ford. through her Counsel, Mr, Frank E. Anderson, yester? day afternoon Sled Uta papers in a suit in the Late and ISqulty court against Mr. Bamui i Btern, to rooover one diamond lin valued at UU, and ?no ring value.i Th.- claim is made that the gooda were pawned by Stewart il. Ford, and thai they were given to Mis. Ford by her Brat busband. Suit was Instituted in the same court by Henry N. Hardln against th.- Rich? mond Hallway and Electric Company for II, ?00. 'I'll.- suit of John Holler for fl.Oofi agaloat Mik'- Kelly is going on In the Law and Equity Court. Lust March Kelly's dog bit Holler's son, and th. I Wei away from the city. The present suit i- ih. n - ut oi th>' injury received i>y the 00) . in the Hustings court five cetra wer? Polndexter, an old negro man. charged with criminal assault upon nia daughter, bul th< ca e i o ild not be pi oveB ai ; the m in was ;.ult l Margaret Glasgow (colored), tor roh I'- tt"iley, an old white man, ir in the penitentiary. .i .mes Ray (colored), for burgarlitng the loom of th< i nitor of the University i !ol lege "i Mi licine some monthe ago, was given aeven y< ira in the penitentiary. York Williams (colored), charged with burglary, , tted. .lam? i M i k alias .lohn Smith (colored), charged with ('"louions assault upon I Bi Ile Washington, vas aconit ti ?. In the chancery court yesterday Henry C. Reily, iv t.. qualtfli d to practice I Pr. A, E. Dickinson qualified i tor of the est?t? of Mrs, Lou C Dickin? son, der. _S< d. Judge William R. Barksdnle, of Hali? fax county, was a visitor in th.- court, a de. iee was enter? d In I he ault ..f Eord vs. Ford, trust... confirming the sal.- of the property at Right!, and Broad atreeta to Mr. E. ll. Spence, at the prict of 111' HEMIICO COI \TV i'OI'RT. Octolier T?-riu Ocultis tlondn j ? \i-u -. Setae ??f lateaeat. The Henrtoo County Court will ?tre? v.u. Mon.i,.> for the October term. The following petit jury has been summon- I John Barnea, W. T. Tucker, Samuel Coli - man. ,1. II. Tiller, Thornton Qr0V< s, I: Orlffln, R. li. Alien. J. E. Herndon, J. R. Miller. .1. I!. King, W. It. Williams. Robert OhMdress. Phil. Patterson, E. w. Wlngfleld, n. s. Anderson, and Jam. - Yarbrough. The cas?> of John Mayo, continued from th" last term, will be taken up Mon? day. hi the lleniieo Circuit Cant the Hil di brandt ?'ase will i" r< oi n< d to-day, and the Parker cow cas.- will be tried Monday. iwo Henrlco belles are to become th laid, s m' Buckingham gold miners The* aie Mlssee Etta R, i i I T< ! w V Wrlgbt, the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright. Misa Etta is to Le? ihe Linie of Mr Calvin Faudree, while Miss Teresa is th.- alllanced bride of Mr. W. T. Oarrett. Marriage II? wer.- issued to the couples yest? rday morning, l..' Beay (colored) st..v a horse from his mother, Mary c. Beay, in aim. II county, a fsw daye ago, and aet out for Richmond. Th? Henrlco authorlti were Instructed to look out for him. tue! yesterday Constable Qarnetl overhaul d th.- thief, il.- was turned over to Con? stable .lohn- ai. of Amelia, who .-. . him to the jail of that coutltv. John Si. wait, charged with attempting to !.. at his sister M i rested and lodged in tin- eoanly jail bj Constable Garnet t yesterday. loot Hull Olime TIiIn Vftirnoon. The ?thletli Foot-Ball Club, of th. city, and the Newport News pig alunara %. i 11 m.-ct on th. gridiron a ik this afternoon. Th.- Athletics have Improved wonder? fully this w. ek under the coai nli . Mi William Wertenbaker, of th? verslt] : v- Hi ba thi I out every moi nun- giving them 1:4 ?H v and in the ait. i oi ?i Urn thei for a stiff practice with the collegi eleven. 'I'll.- men ire in (in.- condition. ' I kicking, nun Ing, and ta< udu^ has an? il Baturday'a came With 11 Murraj McQuire will act as umpire. DT. R. C. \\ aie' Mi A Ule Band I Tl- N< ' || Richmond 'his niorninn .. ,. Over and t'hio, and Will put tip at. th Lexington, 'the .:, II. I ! I P M !. irp. itetiiiciiem BwaSey ->cii<n>i. Rt v. John M. Plloher, D. D. will ad? Sund .> .-> ....a. "i cburcb. in li.iiii.o count im.ruing at io o'clock, and afters Hellt slaKlt.K Is a ! thl .l. m.i o., this occasion Captain Frank Cunningham has promised to be t. ____________________ For Infants and Children. Tie f?? l'.atlt ilgMtC.? 1 C??AfW^$L [ p :.g TbASs tf-frj ! Iionv WIM. ARRIVE TOMORROW. Mr?. Tlionin?'? luiiernl lo TnUn I'ln?-?- Tii-lltirftin AftiTiioiin. Tin- body ?>f Mi"- ?aaaet Thenana, who was kdled by a fall BUS! lined ai Aslie rlUe, N. C. on Friday, will r. h h Im? lo suai ton asocnttts; Bad Um fanerai a-tti lake pleCO toluol r.'V.' aft? moon Hi?) Fust Baptist 'hutch, Of which tht dO* d was long B number. Tfo, urred il Fernlhurst, th,. home of Colonel Connelly, the unfor? tunate i.oiy's bn-in-law. ane bad beta walking en the lawn, and was about to softer the bonne, when she opened Hie wrong door and fell into the furnace? room, a institue of 'J fee', breaking 1er wrl.-i . '.lining o fracture of tiie ?kull. Two physlclano were Immediately aummoned, but ??wing t.. Un aero of the Injured latly. little could be (lone fibs ii.\.r fully rallied from an unconscious condition, and died aboui :' o'clock. Th.- denli rabie acddenl and its atten-i aai result baa oast o gloom over a weie circle of friend?, whom the deceased en? joyen. _ Rli-Iiinoiiil I'll I.I I?' I.X-enni. it | ry that i ignara of the Publlc-Ly< eum roll remit the m? m berahlp feeo at once to the treasurer ?>f the committee, .Mr. J. L. Hill, No, II north Twelfth etreet, In ordei that the committee may proceed with Its work. Nothing will be done until the lie ml, i sblp fees bava ail been paid in. Other cities ai.- organising ami securing the talenl for tie- winter, and it is destrahie thai Richmond i"- placed it, a position t?> ,o i m,m. ?bat' i.v. in order to s>cui heal and entertelni t.-. a n. names will be lak.n as members. If application is bade to-,lay to ,i. i?. inn. 'I'lie following s were add? I . .lay: Dr. il. Stuart Mu?/lu?, Dr. Lon? don R. Edwards Mrs. f. L, Blgelow, w. E. Barrett, Horace Bhei pers? B, V. Williams, and John Hunter, Jr. Run*.- of Mae Bienal school. Th. Bunday school ?>f Pine-Street Bap tist church will bold a grand rally in the Bunday-school-rooa of th,- < bur h to morrow morning, The exercises will I at I'M a. If., and will c.insist of instru .1 an.i vocal music, and addr? A roll-Call t.f Un- school by classes an 1 i- : will bo had, and a very inte? resting time is expected. Tins i-- the laic i Sunday school in the Southern Baptist Convention, having more than 1,100 members on its roll. It Is expected there srlll bo a large attend i Illtii'ii by n Horse. A colored boy. named Qrubb, waa the Victim "i' a borae-hlte about S o'.-l" k yes? terday morning. Tht? negro was rub ring down til" beast for AI,,- Huris, a lb m it o I 'run r. an,i aecidentlly scratch? I th.- horae'fl n?.s,- with t>i.- curry-comb he was < ing. Th" animal snapped its teeth into his forearm, quit.- a jiainful wound. "My busy day"? ?the clay whef. houscclcaninr^ sets in. If you do it in the hardworking, bustling way, every man, woman, and child wants to Lret under cover. Do it withPearline.and nobody's troubled, not even you yourself. Pearline housecleaning is quicker, quieter, sooner through with, easier. . Saves much rubbing. ? Saves paint. Saves temper. Wherever you can use water for cleaning, use Pearline with it and you'll get the best work. And let the children help. They enjoy cleaning with Pearline, and you'll be training them in the way they should go. m MX .... r.?t-A (Jy .O-Tu.Th ,t |g _;~?>oir) U9WQXto*Q?m%rUMU9**9WW99*Q9&OQ*Q*9*Ot': PURE-WHITE-FLOATING. Nothing enters into the manufacture of Fairy Soap but the purest and best materials known to the soapmaker's art and that money can buy. Sold everywhere in one quality and three convenient sizes, for the toilet, bath and laundry. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St. Louis. New York. !_>oGQee??*????i~?w?--^^ 0? MT.Sit4fcWltttwara) 8 m COTTOLBHB. 1 I^X-Xo^^^^ If the Doctor | Did Your Cooking There would never be an ounce of lanl used in -roar kitchen. Cotto lene would take its place. As a re? sult your food and your health. 2 would both be improved. Why not become your own doctor, and use TTOL?6 The genuine Cottolene Is sold everywt I>oii:i.Ty.;'.i.w tins, witli ..i:r tr..'!' -m:irk ittrr's Mad i'i ci.;tiH-pluitt u renlti? on every tia. Sut gUftrautSSd IfSOldlB anv other way. Madu only by THE N. K. FASRBAI.K COMPANY, Chicago, St. LouU, Nsw York, Montreal. BPQ10DDDB0a?WW| lau lv'*i?..TiAThlT-r.rl Fleer?, cArsnle I roafclbg "at, ai?d SI | jal La H?, ??ti UnL?i?irbu?v?J /readil) t.. the cam .nit all the BTStem, SSS the posers of S. S. S., wlii. h eipso out all t.unt, ami thoroughly cleanse? the It peruuaeattj c irea eaa? ? ! long ?tan ling, area though all . i falle?! Ar lof bat?. a rjanrnrj u Its tool el merit. LEt'Tl REt. BBV. SAM NULL TWO l.l ? . . ' ? AT 1 ICADBB1 <?l Ml IIC, SUNDAY, t., i. ?;;|.i; | at 3 o'clock in tb? i l at 8:L o'clo? k at iiiuiit. ISSION t R at the box each. . . ,:'t \\ ITMM*TAKBMB. ?tiaiim?' oui' ? o? ? it> . it. Richmnii.:. Va., NOTICE To WATER-TAKERS IN I'HK THIRD DISTRICT: Wi a blUa remain unpaid OCTOMBM llTH the wan i wi'i be ?nut .??v CHALLES E. HOLLINO, oc 9-2t l? tit. BOOK AND.I0R WOBK NKATLY KXECI'IEU Al" TUK JJlSl'ATCli rKLNr IM. li?-H >u Roysi makes the food pare, wholetoinc and delicious. Absolutely Puro fwrai. Barma powoc? co., new yowl .?^ It? I'lr?.t Aiinlversiiry. Tho celebration Thursday nijcht of tbS first anniversary of th. S.'v. tit. >nth-Street on was ;i (hlkhtTul affair to* tho Manda of lee eriasloii and those p~ An elaborate programme was carried out l.v lbs rn? mb.-r.? of tlM infant class with nid't plsaatag effect, Ifisa Minais Bragg playing Um acMBtpaiUaMata on the organ. The following sddltton to the programme v...... carried oui by the friends and work lie m to v. It : A so'., by Miss Blanche Doughty, with .Mr. M. J. Taylor sccompanylng; s duet by tbs Hisses Pul li.mi. or .Vest-End; reading by Mr. M .1 Taylor, with vocal Interpolations by Mr. \v. ll. CoghlU; .in address by Mr. James F. Flournoy; prayer by Mr. Rich? ard Harmon. Refreshments In abundance were tin a m tv> .1. S?. .l-inii?. I.|i.Mirth 1 . r.mir, To-ium:ii.-.v afternoon al t o'clock a \. ry interesting meeting will be held in the main auditorium <.f st. J Methodist Episcopal church, thi being rally-.!;.y and regular anniversary of the Bpworth League Bo? l< ty. The Junior and Senior leagues, consisting of ov>-r IN members, ?ill combine, and som" very sweel music will be rendered under Professor .). L. Mitchell. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. ! :. H. RawHngs, or Clay-Street, and Rov. R. P. Beadle?, of Pairmount-Avenue church. A paper will i read by Misa Bailie Smith, entitled "The Leasrue a Stepplng-Btone to Heaven." There will also be other inte? resting features, ah who nay be Interested are eordlally Invited to attei <l this meeting. i rana HSTJsT* 1 1 ? von usan, 117 NOMTH TU ENT? - FIFTH; 7 rooms ni', . t-t Brood; 6 rooms. MM I'ark an nut ; U rooms. h south R? - ' voll . 10 r? <'.-?i !_n Floyd I room Mai ' all: 1" room-, 'ith Liu:.! ; t', rooms. ; rooma. HO w? ?t ? "anal. I rooms nortb Tw-iity? sth: J rooms. ..-, Broad; 7 i II ! ?tst Mai-hall, ? looms. J. 1? CARNEA L. oc 9-11_Hi-, ?mat Main atr? FOR BBOfTi two FiltST-fi. iSS FU?ORM, BSOPA* rate or as a whole. 204 east Mai street Modi m. Apply at a? or hat. _oc ? If I ?lit IIKVT, AT REDUCED PRICE. No. SB SOUTH 'lhlr?i etreet; l- M M rooms, uu. make all repairs iic?.-. oc t-at_ p. ?LI. MID ? ; BAOHY. FOR HUNT, A DESIRABLE VVSST-MAIN-STRBET Home, with all modern conveniences, and in Ptst-clBSa condltloii, recently r?-duced to WOO per annum. One nion'.h's rent free to an immediate tenant. Addrcsa Post Office Roa i,s, city. oc ?j-ta AKTION SALES?This Oar. MAIN-STREET LOAM UfflCB, 1713 EAST M VIN STREET will ?Hl a large lot of FORFEITED PLEDGES, beginning at io.:'.o a. M.. and continuing all day.? consisting of watches, Jewelry, ?'locks, r.uns. Pistols, Clothing, a Pine Organ, Bewlng-Maehlnes, Tools, Hood?, Bedding, Bibles, 1 Nice Table ?'nunter, and many other articles. oc 9-11 Alt ?ION SALRS-Knttare Days. WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SOLD THE TAXES POR THE CURRENT CALEN? HAU YEAR Al:t? T<1 UK 1JAID PltO RATA liY THi_ VEN Dolt AM) THE VENDEE. By Pollard & Ungby. Real Batata Aoctleneere, 5 and 7 north Eleventh str. ct. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OK PRAME BTORE AND DWELLING ON SOUTH BIDEOPLEIQH BETWEEN BROOK AVENUE AND HENRY STREKT8. KNOWN AS No. m. By virtue of a dssd of trust dated Octo? ber l. UM : hi Clerk's . rtlco of Richmond Chsncery Court, Deed-Book Ltd a. paga i. default having been mads hi the payment of the debt therein secured, I win. at request of the hoM< r of M i d. ht. Mil by auction, on tii" premises, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS, im, at 4:r;'? o'clock P. M.. the sbovs-mentioned PROPERTY. The building consist? of tore-room and threo additional rooms. Lot 17 l-'J feet front. TERMS: Enough la cash to pey cost of alS, any tax-s tlia't may be duS, S?d D pay a note of ?lT".. with Interest on same from October i. LSB7; the residue payable and two years, ' . cured by trust deed, with ?nteres! added, H. B. POLLARD JB., ?>c 6 Tru REAL ESTATE AT rillVATK BALE. WHEN P.KVL ESTATE IS SOLD THE TAXES FOR THE CURRENT CALEN? DAR YEAR AKU TO tSF. PAID PRO RATA HY THE VENDOR AND THE VENDRE. roa balm. DWELLINGS STORES, l.oTS. ETC., IN all parts of ths city at exceedingly low prices. Apply to T. M. WORTHAM .<- CO.. Real \: I Agents, OC t-ll I?'..: easj Main street. s>l ILL FABM FOR SALE, JFST NORTH OF HIOHLAND PARK and within two mliea of Richmond; a oew 7-room bouse and n acrsa of valuable land Pine opportunity. Most of the purchase money may remain as a mort gage, ?ir will exchange for good city pro? perty; owner leaving for Europe. For particular apply CORAH, Dispatch office. -oc 3-lw*_ FOR SALE. AN EXCELLENT FARM. STTUATETJ in the celebrated fruit bell of Albemarle county. Va. Young orchard, dwelling, and ?ither n?tc?Bsaary buildings. Write for particulars l?> WILLIAM II M'CUE, Alton. Va. 00 He* EMPLOYMEVT WA.VTS. WASTBD, ACTTVE WORKERS EVERYWHERE for the most popular Art li,.,iU iaaued In ten reara; firal thirty .lays; m a w< 'k -ruaranteed t.? good parties; n paid; credit given; the i,,?.ik of all others for Xmas bolldaya; low price; eelleevery? where; many agenta m ik-- si1?? per month ?m commission: BOO for selling 125 in B) ?lays; Other I.ks. anl a beautiful set of Chlldren'a Xmas Books; write immedi? ately; will pay HI a we.k and expenaea to ., few good parties (men or women) to appoint agenta on our publications. In TERNATIONAL NEWS AND BOOK COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. oc 0-lf M VMI'II, A HOOD, RELIABLE YOUTH, OR youn? man to Collect, and make himself generally us? ful. Addrese, in own band* writing;, with full name, "ENERGY," care Dispatch. No notice will be taken of applicants without full*name. oc y-lt \\ \\ I BO, REGISTERED DR1 G CLERK, BIN?LE preferred. Address M.. itch, giving i and ealar) xpected. _ ' M wild. LACH CURTAINS AND GENERAL Washing t" 'in. Call and oee ELLEN DANIELS, No. u eaat Duval street Can give city refei \\ IRTBOi BY A WIDOW, a u uni: WOMAN ,,\ if B v, era of age, to ai liol In h hold duti? -. Addrei a Mrs. i'.., i -, Ma?on, Va. t-lf v? INTBD, AN AGENT IN RICHMOND AND KAN t< r for the \ Irarli Is Panl - < 'omi of Roanoke, Vs. Call at the Lexington ami oee my Uno of samples Saturday. S j. BU BLETTE, oc 9-lf_ General Agent \\ IRTBD, A ('.' " 'I- I!1 ?USE-GIRL DINING-H chamber work. Must clean well. Apply at Ml eaat Franklin otr? t. _**_oc 9-lf WARTED, Ci.MI'KTKNT BTOCK - BOTS AM? m i a. A p| I) i" : w? en I and 7 o1 Bro id ati oc 'J-lt_ \\ 11 i i:u, TEN TALL YOUNG LADIBB TO learn the retail dry-gooda buati be bright Intelligent and a< curate ai ut', -, Alao, realde with their parente. Ap? plication by 1? it?r. ?'. lt.. OBI pat? t. office._oc I WAV TED, PUPILS IN SHORTHAND AND T1TM? writing. For terms and all particulara ap? ply at Richmond School "f Stenography, ,-t Main street, over Meade & LaKir Pharmacy. Misa POYTHRE8S, au 12-2m_Principal. ?}io PER MOSTH salary. WANTED, ENEROETIC LADIES gnd KsntlemeB to canvaaa. Above salary all or address R. W. STAhf CILL liox 1?7, Hampton, \ a. _iyla-dlyAJyM wiy B ami:?, TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN WANTED for u ivi ling poattlon, with old ed firm. Permanent MO per montb and , a-x n.-es. Z., Ho\ ?j. Philadelphia, l'a. ae ll-Sa It&8u4t III IIMMSI HAMS. \\ V > I III?. TO fini? William Johnston- who own.- loi on R., in Hollywoo I Cemetery; or the loirs of William Tuft, burla?! in aald lot February IT, 1172; aged to IOHN B HOOPER, Sup? c? iio:i> wood i' ' ompany, -t? Cream Puffs. OCIAR ': : \ POUND; OYSTER Crackers. & ( ; Two-L Caki 12 l?Sc. Bo man* nice things. DR1NKARD/S, 423 north sixth. oct-lt" \A IMIJi, BOARDERS AT THE LURAY I : BAST Main street. Psrtlee wishing desirable ; l. .nrd apply to Ml - M \ Mni.-rt. at the Luray. M easl Mala _ s.' lo-)m Teas and Coffees. LION, tie.; PINE COPPER stc; immd ai.t I :i?. k,>, I'- i - north Btxth. oe LUST. BTHAVKD. AND I Ul Ml. U I SUNDAY EVENING, SEPTEM a-stre t car, or oe ion betwe? n Main and <ir. r in l?r K.ri's church, a DIAMOND EARRING : s ird to finder n ne.i to MU west Male or nit _ oc ?-It* LOST, ON TUESDAY. EITHER IN Hollywood or between there and Kloyd avenue, ? LADY'S PEARL BRE PIN. Finder will receive reward it left at thl?. orTW_< ? ?-It? LOST OH STRAYED, PUG I MONTHS OLD. A -in.' res id if return? <l t" H E. WEISIGER rtnldence a?) drove ue. _ oc y-)t" LOST. BETWEEN BON Al it ami my ottlce. h*?i easl Cary stre#t, pall of SKELETON I'.IM EYE-ill. v.S.?K ', in ca*e. Buluole reward if left at oil!. asa i DER A CO. oe 9 It "1 papers for sale at the Dispatch sanea. AUCTION v?!.?-:N-l'-uture oars. WHEN REAL ESTATE la BOLD TR1 TAXES FOK THE CURRENT CALEN? DAR YEAR ARE TO HE PAIL) PRO RATA UV THE VENDOR AND THE VENDEE. Hy 0, i_ & il. I* Denooe, ' A I' tlOOl d. Main street. TTU'STEF/SSALfcOF HAMM.HF. I i nr...- TORY lUltlWN MU.._.t'UU.M Uf.-.l>. NO. m WE-? GKAC- STREET AM? A LOT PRONTINU W PEET ON WEST CAR Y STREET. By virtue of a certain d.I of trust. datad January _\ 1197, and r. Deed-Book U'J B, ; Richmond Chancery ?'ourt, and LU A, peg? I -. < rico Co infy Court, default bavin? I ni.oI,, it. the paym? al ?( the I cunad, and tx Lag requin d bj tl C.f the same to t" '!<?. 1 ?1" -"??I? ljy pub? lic auction, on thu premises, <>n THURSDAY, OCTOBBR l?. BRT. at | -/clack P. m., the abevs assei GRACE-STREET PROPERTY, "begia rung at point on the north nd Orace sti ' '' Shaf? r itn el ; tie m runnm?. w? twardlj -'it fronting on the north Irne of Gi nineteen (IS) fi twi .h ii"arlv parallel Urn o? lesa, to an alley LB feat wkh Improvi ments consist of sn elegant tl ind brirk ' and will make a most eharmlag home. IMMEDIATELY AFTER Tin: ABO*? I SALB, I VY AT ' S OCLOCK P M., I will s-ii the VACANT LOT la tit county of II' Mi'", on tl t."- tt' si Cary streel t.. tw< ei moi - ! : ets, beginning al s poli I of Rowland ?tre? t: thi m e run? ning westwardly and fronting on street ID f< et, and i -tending bach an all.y. TERMS: C ish as to tl * of utlng this trust, and lo paj due, and also to paj the sum of MH, with Interest from m 13 SI, ISW, ai I of *.".. >."., with Int n balai years in i install) oc 9_C. L. 1iBNOON, Truste?-. N'. \V. I-owe, Real Est a I pPJ'STKl.'S BALE OF 1 BXCSLLKI.T TBBBE-STOKY THAT BKlt K DWELLING No, KM BAST ' AR! STREET, TOGETHER WITH THE 1> " UPON Will.'11 IT STANDS, PRONTINU 20 PEET ON THE NORTH SUM'. OK CARY STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND PIFTH STREETS, AND RUN? NING BACK I! : FEET ? INCHES TO A ?-POOT ALLEY, BY AUCTION. In ?? cutlon of a deed of trust, dated Utb gust, 1RS, and recorded in 'he Clerk's office of tl Chancen Court of th i f Richmond, In Dsed-Book US "B." page JOT, to roe as ti istee, i will - ell by public auction, on th<- premises, on FRIDAY, 01 TOBBR l". ISW, at ?SB o'clock l'. M . the PROPERT1 abo'..- referred to. The dwelling has torli i In tb< n?aln part of the h two m the Wing, and eont.iins ten rooms. it has no baeement, is centrally compactly and convenli ntly ai i u i ,.. ii constructed, if you d bon d Invi itment ?property, you will dnd it here, and yo ?r pn . I TERMS: ? mi third i twelve, and eighteen months, for notes, with Inl I? '. and secun <l by a tr ist. ALLEN ?1. COLLINS. oc P-td Tru B] Harri we .- Oo . I No. u north Bh ?anth sti ' COMMISSIONI.ItS' A rjOTION BALSOS ?BAt-SlM B ILL," ON BSV? Kltl. Y STREET, BETWEEN RITCHIE AND ROBINSON STREETS lion <.r ., the < "Ircull < ourt of I_eni October I In suit Of Pal -?e, the ui ' -'!" olal commit . ra, win sell at public auction, upon lb? "ti THURSDAY, OCTOBEB 11 U . o*( l". k P. M . 'h" PR< >P1 scrtt? d in said .1. en as from on north II I,, tw< ! Robinson sti and running back I " :"1 Unes . large it am. building on the : ?f hall, dwell? ksmith -shop. TERMS: One third cash, and upon a credit of ils, twelve, and eighteen months, evident i d hy ni gotiable i r ., per cent ill!t c| until the pur. I ';,l a iiire oi.i. r? d by tin- . JOHN A. LAMB. JAMES LEWIS .NDERfi i mi in the ri. tk's offli of the Clrcull of the county of Henrico, Parrlsh, Plain? tiff, against B< atlay and ti ad ants: I, .lohn K. Broaddus, Clerk of th? , do certify that the bond required of the ; lal < omn de? i t 4th - 1 v II. t ihis .th day of l ictob? i >_JOHN K. BROA DPI B] v W, Bowe, Ri al Bai riUU'STKE'-j BALE .1 or i HAT UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE, MEDIUM SIZED DWELLING, No. 315 NORTH TWENTY-THIRD PTRE B. \i CTI< >.V in execotlon of d< i of trust, .1 ? t - -1 Juna U, of the CI cit. ' t Richmond, In Dei d-Book : U, there h i\ ing been default In tie ment of th . . I, and, at the re qui s| ol th i" ' R i s. 11, by public auction, on tb . on TU! R8DAY, OCTOBEB it. at (: B o'clock P. M., that unU tractive, well-sltuat? pointed BRICK DWELLING n sbovi third street, between Bi Mar? shall streel ... .\. Brig? cold wati : make a pn tul horn? . TERMS: Cash : to pay the to day of :""1 ' tb ln 1 ti ..m th- 29th .a' June, !-:<? i . as to $616 until 36th In two ata at and two to be 1 by notes, with Ii I aid proi pui 'h is? r _______HARVEY Ull.i. l'y H, W, Beam, . 'PKUSTKI..-. J- .' \ . ALUABLE \ AC .NT LOT ON Till' SOUTH BIDE OF CA? BETWEEN EIGHTEENTH \\I? \'l\K TEENTH STREETS* ' AT AUCTION. It? ^"?ution . of trm un of 11, Ichmond, I, . h"r'- harln ,,,,> , Ul ,,,, .-r a portion ol th. the r.-.|... ,1 ,,: n.,. i,,.,.. wlU s.ii by public auction, on the pra'm WEDNESDAY, OOTOBIR It, T I I . , IOCS i'. M . the V \|,t I on the south side of <\ir\ A, , and Nlm Th.- loi adjoins Um warehouse of S II H*W.'l It'.':,.. ll"1 ' ' -ho Dock, shuuld attract atteni "ll,lu TERMS Cash suftVW-nt to pa\ -'. and an 1 lh"'' ' ,.i tr., debt secured amounting to !;_. > WIU, inter.-' thereon from ltth August l_?7 nn,i ,he," f six and twelve months, r r notes witii in? terest added, ai . bj a d.-. < at GEOROE L CHRISTI \.\ _ Tri Ml Ml 1:. ivsiui CTiov, VOCAL CI LTl in;. SIGNOR CAMPOBELLO, i.ATE OF Her Theatre. Londoi culture. Italian metliod. 701 "lfee-? uc s-im j AfCTIor* rALES-Katar? Dare. U HEN REAL ESTATE IS SOU- tT|E TAXES FOR THF Cl RRKNT CAL PAR YEAR ARE TO BB PAID PRO RATA MY THE VENDOR AND Till. VMNDB& By John T. Goddl ? ?t Co H S -.. 1 >.. lor A Son, end N. V,. How?, Aocttonoera. pOlaJaSBlON?r? AUCTION SALB V^ <?r* VALUABLE i:Ro.\D-STREET I'ERTY. ADJOINING FORD'S OPERA-IIOt '.. ? '? ?N8IST1 S< I ' -! I'HH TWOSTORE8 7H AN1 BROAD :i;r. BETWEEN SEVENTH AND El .1 STRI AND THK f/>T ADJOINING ON THE WEST, Willi ALL THF. [MI'ROVEMI THEREON. WHICH BELONG THER1 - VALUABLE TOBACCO-FACT? ON TWELFTH NORTH or AY ST REE Tn executi? 'erred te . ra .?ill ? : : TUE8DA1 ' BEB 12. 1M7, ratas a, n *; so. the fol. I. At 1 o't ?" k P ' ?NE-H l ? ?R*i BRICK -?i'' ?1 as abo t 12S f' t loth of ?he?* ?tor ipii .I by : ! m Li? ny. - on the west, fr? running b with all the mi belong lock P U LIGHTED AND CAP ICI? ?I -> i STORY ltl'!<'K TOBA? rrituntcd ?m tl ? north of. ' by W. U. Ru I ; \ n of the should command the ors and otl a nap of i i be atea m " ne fourth i welv ? and eighteen m for ). with it.?' reel and : ce n I by the EDGAR ALLAN, PREST? >N ?' " KR, B B Mt'NFOl EDMUND w VPDILL, JR., laj Comnil??b?ner?, ' L. Ford. l,v, etc., Plaintiff. TO A. J. Ford, trusl and st, war* H. Ford an I vo A J, Ft d trust? ". and f.-.- stiff?, i - ; sery | ..t.-rt .. City of Rlchm I. Chirles W. Qoddln, clerk o' I ' court, certify thel i bond reqnln ' the sp? clal i ommixsl. luae ol Noveml be? n duly given, Given under niv hand this Pit I ' \ ? li IRLES U. <;? IDDIN By II Sal r A Son, Real Estai Agents ti, con i at rea ta IWUSZUra a re mon sale, ?S LONQ CRSOI r, ?I' Til \'l' DESIRAI AND CENTRALLY I.? ?CAT ED THI BT< Ui - AND - I! tSKMENT Bl I >W KM.IN?',. No IL', i ?\ THF N< ?H I M SIDE OF GRACE STREET, HHTW1 FOURTH AND I'll ' F?>R. \n\v years < "? i fii i iv tip: LATE DR. CULLEN. THE I'M' FRONTS 331-4 FEET, \v-1 R BACK T< ? w \l.i.i:v. THIS 18 THE HOUSE AND I.? ?c.\ i I? ?N F' v III', Hi I \N In '".' . utiou of t . the Ul ! June IS, ISM in th.- Clerk lit; B, i sa id >! ' ! \ the h' W? r of the [ wll! pro n, on . on U EDNES 1 -i ; AND l.? ?T b . i fronts i!l?l ?I It I this j I, ami In a dellghtf il .tntii' cd it t" all li .. strahle hon JALE: Hy < in intet -t. v. Il I m? m h? th. ?b t. : ' annually. ? Il I .,[ u t,, do M S. ?.?' ' ;_ i. ' Real I M rpBU8TEE*a ?renos halb op JL A DBBIRABLI i SAI i 0 ? '. * I ' DWELLING AND OTH1 ML NTS THEREON, IN ?'oi NTY, ON THE N I IP HI I.A.M. BPRINUti Vl\ FR? 'M RICHMOND 0 CAR UNE .lut d July I fault l airing been made in : : . lion, BATTJRDA1 I . p M , the Pfl s< rib? J ' : I : mo ; 1 \ will tal i ' TERMS:? '. BO .P. July ." lv\ ' F ,r furti, ' 'pKL'STKK'S |1 ? ?IOS 1 BAI DE8IR ?.Pi.i. . - l'ltld ? 'lt..I ' '. ' I n m.oi- in 1 Monday. OCl at 4 o'clock : In ?aid 1? ' SHALL STREET, In " mon.I. Vu ' corner of I shall " street, and ? ?tending i l,.? n, . KKitbem dire? I to an all? laxt-a note foi ;' ; S . amo from July M a? to two note?, L |3??>, duo January '?I. W James 11. Cixiuh n. ABOtM J*' ?4?