Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NUMBER, 14,415. RICHMOND, VA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1897. " THREE CENTS PER COPY. AMI-LAMIi ADDRESS to Hi.ri hi i< w t??ii:us rituM \(.m:w ? <?M>irrn:i:. ABYICK AS TO LYNCHBURG TICKET. >?> Itcpuhllvnn Who Voles or He lii??"? ??? feie for It Win Pniier Jropnr.llre or Korfi It HI? Vnrty riikition." WASHINGTON, i.. c., October ?2. '' ? foQewtag ii?idi "1 l | Hm State Commltt-. . ?sattag the regular organisation, wsa sign. v m. of the ? miidtu., including Oeasrai I r: the i:?-;?iii U..II Vetees of the Of Vlrgi -..mmltt ? l?f the ?*iv ?.f Virginie Asea It Inc.-- ;, il,, m t.. ?illiir, nn , and dtllnn of par;. at the i time. "it tl weil known that at a r?gulai full m> ? Uttg "i at l.yti. 1. ?whleh lt> r oonfi : with the iii'.st truste!, ' party ' IS ? n of the State, the < ?.ni inif. | ,i, ful .'..h. mu? by sn elmosl onanl* . that it \? nt to held g B ei lion for th? pui pose of get "As it WSS ?I?'? n.? l 1 ? -t 1"? ?dir ; : tin n f the principe] i I? i t?. the eon* ' ' ' ; i..-?i tu bs pre tlve im looklng t" ? r the pi .? ! ; i. ??t id ltrf i law ft.un. ?I, Intended, snd r in VOta that right, ; ev? Ty v?t. ( I ...' .1 y which i '? mocrstlo vic . ?i. addrese r? f. i i sa o and co* n "i 1 r te BimllSI t by the R? i ubllca? New 'lb it oommltt? . want further, i i. Ii. ut 10 ? .ill ? in N . with I? i slty ? party or? : n of the comm ttee wai I In, bal COMPU1 ' ' i.vmi:. Tl: ? irty i!., tlm? the ?''.mili : ?it in the ..f i.yiH'bi.'iiir, but -hi not attend the b " aben m. ; led s .i the ?. ith the action ? i?.,vit- .i th?- holding of meetlna n organisation, electing, ?'r, rather, ' oon vent tiffl. under euch < Dbl d, wail .- i : v. .?i h h i?? i form? d utt? i ly in\.? ch of th.- supportera "f that movement, it * . convention h? Id In th? Bi I i gath? ering, th? only n nlaatlon in th?- gtate, contrary d to l be ? ?I the supplant i laatlon ol the E ..tin i.ii represents* . "This nit..n ums ?taken tinbt in <?i t).mpalgn of this body, t, hit h liai no -i?i no .tiv?- ticket in the Bold, sad v-.ii? n tat? to name th? m, op? M?di and demoralls? R< pul llcan voters In th? - Your I prior to .- its Commltti some ihle, and Influ ding n. bu1 v. iiti t'< w excep t?. i unanli of the commltt? e, snd Hon. Bu? h red by all would, in ths judgn ur commit to ti? welfan .?: i;. publlesn party. LAMB ' IRREGULAR. 'it |S hnrill.v for this ..,11, tO UM h '?< cillai uy of the . nt Lyn? hliiit ;, as ounty In the Si I in salfl h with ?the men and the that I? "ly. Hid' e| ti i K at all, w ii i?- the n that attend Toui renew, i I and of the . Committee wl ring m th? next i | . , the ? haoges in the sleetlon laws of Vlr-fln i- 'n..\.- ths -i long will proclaim to ths v. ri.! tint .n -Virginia sea onoe fr.-.- and fair. No loyal Rej . *n will disregard this Injunction. oythlng latsrfsrs with thu i Had th?? regular at Ion of th.? petty celled and held a Stat?- ?t-utivrnt !in. it W< oold i "'K ogee a Ith pride snd t wi'b pleasure. Under ptt tsat os, there win be upon ihe b an in.-.. pendent . ths . iioiniii?-? - and i? la conced? ?i . Republloan, either In voting for ? i- of ?h?. Lyn ! bui i m? or refusing to vote for them, will DStthS* II? -.r imfi-it ble clslma or peel* Ri publli an party of the Stale. PARK A'iNEW (Chairman), "JAMBS A WAI.KKIt. "EDMUND WADDILL, JK., "JAMES P. BRADY H BROWN ALU "A? ry), .- ? -1 Remittee.** WM.KKP. rOS LAMS Til KKT. -ai Wall., i who atlsndfl the tli?. anti-I.arnb State ??an Executive ?'o.'iunlt'?? eld; "While 1 mn | of the ci/nnttlltes, 1 ?m tu favor ?,r the m caall ticket it i? not tnf* " i.i piiblioan ticket. nn<1 I do 001 approve Of the w?y In which the nominations were made. I am. how? ;? Repdblleaa, und i win ?apport th.? M '?nil liehet "\Ve were not-I rn^an the Republic?ni of the Ninth DtstlieS t i?t the I.yr.chfturK 000 ?, >? l am ?nttafl.?* that nearly the Repobtteans in ray district wUI r?.r the XoCaall ticket. We -v.-Ill '? fc?t every l?ctrtocratlc cund? i .t.? for 'ho Legislature In the Southwest. Oar policy I? not ao much to elect the State '. but to curry ?? sunk-lent l;?. af the meaiaeri .?f th?* L??isiatui < a new election law, In whl.-h we will have th? oappeti of i? greet vaaoy of the D?mocratie Biiniheri of the State m T.tlre ?ympathv with th? F.x ecottve Commltt??-. of which I nm a mi-mi?? r. I ?lo rot approve of tho ac? te, n of the Lyachburg oonveBtfen, bai ?a publican ticket i??s been put in the l will ?apport H with all my might und main." WADDtU*. SaOCS M'KIM.kv. JnSSI W.iiidill Visit'?] the White Ho?ij?e to-itay. and had a 20 mtnatOB1 tatSTVlew w l'h ?he president. Although it Cabinet oaf whsn it is rery | tha PlSaTldent, Jude? ?Vaddlll was prompt? ly .1(1(11.1, . .. v. it'. Mr. M'-Kiu i?y. it eeessed t?> be by appointai Waddtll -me out ??f th.? Whit?? iiouse m? i. rraatbed ir. I, and h' f| e1ly satisfied with the result <?r I i with the flent. It la onderatood that tha itloa Is Virginia ??rowing ???it <?f the nomination of a State Uckel by the Lamb faettori Lynchburg wea folly lilac mind : id 1 r. the Pi aetd? fully in accord ???'?h the reculer Republl? a, ami ??aid there ares lit? tle likelihood of air.' rer-ORiiitlon of the committee elected by the Lamb Lynch lion. Ju-n-e Waddlll alee lathed with the ri' - d? -.' boat some Import ml st it. a hlcli will shortly he an? no?, need. PKR80NAU Joha B. Kiml'fii.-y. of Fort Monroe, Vs., is .?t Mu- Il?>t? 1 Johnson. Judge Wad.mi, of Richmond, is in at tin? of th.- Itepubll ? in ii?. BxsCUtiV? ? '"ininit'.' ' . and Is Btoppin? at the KUiitt. John a. Ryan, T. M- Usan, W. U. Brown, Richmond; Mrs. ?;. ?'. Chalmot, Holcomb Rook The Mi tropolltan. ?lay and A. II. ??i.wiy and Ami?- Dreary, Mr. Thoi r, and Mr. ! ;. C. May?, ..r Rl i. iieind. ?ii?. stopped over at it.?' Metropoli? tan, left tins mornina for Mts?ara Falla and oi h? i pointa North, Mesara. J. W. P/otnack, of itk-hmond. and W, Y. i'? nn. of ii.tnviiie. Vu., are at i ie Met? opolttan. K. .1. Brevard, Of North Carolina, Is at th?- sain.- b< i;. B. BpabUmj, Norfolk, Va.?The Rl] | House. if. i: lim cock, Virginia; O. t.. Bti Richmond; J. ?'. Hays, North Carolina Th- Raleiab. 1?. I". Trower, Norfolk, Va.?Tho Kmc rleh. \V. DavlS, Norfolk. Va.-Fritz K? u J. C. I.. Harris, c. i\ Maserve, V. i lel?h, N. ('.; W. <". Whit?-, Vii'sinia-The I Colonel Robert Maury, of RlchmoBd, la in the City to-day. 1'iiSTAI,. Ali?is; th? fourth-claai ?iostm i " tober *th are the follow In?: Willis Tlllett, Manns Harbor, N. . i Ancle, x. C_j Nekton s. Crlap, Btecoah, v C.? H?i?h w. Buddna a, Vs.; John T. P/hltehuret, .*.; ton. Vs.- not money-order ??tli - Railway post ?oflli a i rvlc? aai ?;> i tabllahed on trains i:; and n of th- t bet < .uni Ohio railway between Clifton \.... .m.! Huntln?ton, W. Vs., makin? e. i rice i? tween ? .lifton r Va., and Hlnton, W. Va., additional to ti?.- Washington and Hlnton railway i" i . and between Hlnton and Huntlng ton, w. Va., additional t?> Hlnton end nnatl railway poat-ol inc. mil? i hi Una to i" ai laned t.? the Third i ??.vu-ion Railway Mail . and io t??- known as th?- Clifton l'or?! and Huntington Railway i'..?!-? MB?... Ch?n?ea it? atar achedulea bave made for Virginia as follows; ilontal i:? ach Le iva Oel . - Sunday after arrival of mail from M? Il tiot laier thin P. M., arrive i I Beai ii in 2 \-2 hn.ii-. i, a? i ei ml m h? ach after an?\ -\ ; .?i tr? tu Kirn; ?leor?e, but not ih..n 1*11 i'. M.. arrive Oakgrove in two ? Beach to Kin?- ' .'M\. .'.I..i,..! I:. ich daily except Sunday h A. M., arriva Kin? Geor?e by 12*J0 P. M.; i? ave Kin. apl fc unday after irrtval of mail from Fredericksbur?, t later than 1:41 P. M., arrive Colo? nial Beach in i i :' hotata . Pun?otea?ue?Leeve ''?oki?s Bo??a dally .-vent Sunday 1:10 P. M., arrive Pun?otea?ue by I'M r. IL; leave Pun?o escepl Bundes after irrlval Of Bouthern mall ii ?m Ksiler, l?l ?He houi N.w Kent to Tunatall Leava Mew K? lit daily eXC? pt S md ? ;, ; ? A. M , ar iiv "i uaatall by I a. m ; leave '?'.. dally escepl Sunday lu A. IL, arrive New Kent by i P. M. Dorcaa to Cburchvtlle?Leave Doi daily ? v? pt Bunday n a. IL, arriva Churchvllli by IdB P M.; leave Church ville dally e\. >; t Sunday tttet arrival of mall from Btauntofl, arrive l??..i?-i m 2 hours and - ' run. i.oco to Btonyoreek -Leave i.oco dally : Bun i ? i SI i". M-. errlvi Stony? by 1:30 P. m : i- "? Stonycreek dally . Kcepl Sun lay i i*. M., arrive Lose ?'. M Bhowalter to Mlrafork- Leave Bhowal ter Tuesdsy, Thureday, and Saturday 8 \. M. arrive by 11 M.; leave Mlrafork Tuesday, Thursday und Satur? day i i". m arrive Bhowalter by I P, ht. Blmpaona to Little Hiver ueaveHtm] > dally exeepl Sunday U a. m., arrive Flint by 12 IL; leavo Flint dally esoept Sun la A. M.. arrive Simpsiuis l?v 1" I" \ m : leave Flint dally esoept Bunday : a. M . arriva Little uiv.r by s a. IL; Little Ulver daily ? Sunday \ M.. arrive Film By '.*;:'i A. M Cowani Mills t.. Vicar Switch?L. Cowsna Milla daily except Sunday : I \ M.. srrlve Vlcsr Bsrltcb by \2 M.; I - Switch daily SXeapl Sunday 1:30 p. M . arrive COWBBI Mills l?y tl I'. M. Luti'iy t.. aural Retreal -Leave Lundy dally ixoepl Bunday t'M \ m, arrive Rural P.etreat by II M.; leavi Rural Re tree! dally excspl Buaday UdS P. M , ar p ? Lundy io Independence Leavi Lundy lay, Thursday, and Saturday Ml a. II , arriva In?lepend?mee by il a m ; Isava Independence Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday i- M.. arriv.? Laaaay by 3:40 IV M .i,,., to Daveapert?Leave Joe Mondny sad i'ti'1-iy x A. M . arriva Daveaporl by P? A. M : '.?ave 1'av.-iip.u t Monday*, and Friday 11 m . ulive .I??.- by I P. M. M t I LLOl UM VS. VIItCIMA. C'a??* in Sii|?renie Court KeaaalKncd for HenrInn .laiiunry :t?l. WASlllNOTtiN. ?)? tober I*..?The Su ?u-, rn<? Court to-Cay reaaslKned the case of M.CullouKh vs. the State of Vrngfioha, llxltiK the ?lute for hear'.tiK <>n the first Monday In January, after other canes set for that ?lay are disponed of. The BBBI deals with the vai.ulty of *.he ,?i contracts of the State in the bond Issues of 1S71 and 1N79. ScIiooIhMp? nt CharIe?ton. WASHINOTON, I? C, October 12-? Thl Slut? 1?. pattrii'-nt has received Infor. m ilon throuKh the (?fru?an embasny here that hi? MaJCBty'a cadet ?choolahip sn?lri will arrive at Charleston, S. C. PVbruary Id. and the sehoolxhip ?'huilotte on Feb? ruary 11 th. They will take their departure on th?? (Ah and lath of February, reapec tlvtly, J DR. HARBAD6H DEAD THIS W'KM.-KMIWX VKTERI!*iftWAS PAS.MKS AWAY. AT THE HEAD OP HIS PROFESSION. Won Distinction nt School, snd Hsd Achieved n Hlah Krpatatlon s? a rrnrlltloner ?nil Authority?Ilia Work Here?Some of Ills \N rlilim?. I>r. W. H. Harbaugh, one of VirRlrTla's b. t-known veterinarians, and a man who had for years steed at the garni "f hi-i profession in this country, flie?l at nlrf asesa Ma 12 east Csrj atrset, lest night at MM ?.'(buk. II.- bad been III with tuberculosis for m.ire than a year, and had been conf?n 1 to his bed sin?-.- jun.- .'Kh. ii?. gradually wssted stray, and while his physician and his n-latlv? s aid friends knew that h<- c'.ul'I not i.'-over, h., though tho r?ni>.-hiy ooaverseal with th>- Datase cf his etesees, r. fussd to believe that his vvas hopeless, sad frsouently toil hla vil., and those who attended his L.? ?i slde that he would get well. H.. wes eensdeoa ihioSghmit his en tir?- sleknees, until a *liort WhltS before bis death, dial lust week insisted upon bslng taken for a mttVA, ii?- started day In a 'arriar?' for a short til-, DR. W. H BARBAUOH. bal s is overccene by exhaasuoa almost it? ly alt? r tai ting, and had '" i? i'ii '? boa? en i te his bed. !! grow rapidly worse from thai time, until si the ii.nir named last night, when the spark "i nt. which eersful sarslng hn?i . lid. avor.-l lo tan OHM more Into a Ham? expired, and lie breathed hla last '.a a quiet sad paaet f?ll manner. A MAN i.F MANY PARTS Dr. Harbaugh was a man of many parta Re ?;i- popular with ail ?-i isssa ??f psople, and, besides being a most ski' ful veterinarian, wsa a writ.r ?if ability. He was ! in ? iind.ei j,?i I. .\|,|.. on Februsry If, DBS His ancestora i ssaong the urst settlsra In that perl of i'r..Link county, Md., known as Bar* baugn'a Valley, ai i it waa la thla vicinity that h>- spent his boyhood nays. I ?er? - I was sdooated si prlvste achoola sad si .St. Vincent's ?College, in PennsylvseJs. II. ipenl t.-n years thereafter In Can? ada, where he attended lectures on chemistry at the University of Toi and subsequently h?- graduated at th? Ontsrlo Vetsrlnsry College ??f Toronto, He \va< thee r : ? t ? < l as one ?if the ni'.-t brlllianl atudenta ??f the institution, and beeldea his diploma, he won ths tir-i prias on dis? a snd treatment, the se? cond prize on anatomy, the first prize In microscopy, tin- third prize In physi? ology, iti.? ascend prise in chemistry, the I prize in materia nndica, and the highest honora In entoeoe. gBJTTLBD IM RICHMOND. He moved to Richmond In IM and made this city his home, beginning at ende ths practice of his Chosen profes? sion. He m.t with Immediate sm hers, snd soon worked up oas of tin most lucrative pruCttCeS la tli?' <it>. In MM his ability was un ogiiisafl ay the United stai.s Qovernment, snd bs -waa appointed by the Deportment of Agri? culture Inspector of the Bureau of Ani n si Industry, with special duty to Invee* the sature snd cans.- of the .ii.-- sea cmmonly Known ?is "stuggern" of horses In th?' eastern part of Virginia and North Carolina. Be was the author of the SSCtlOB on dlseaae of the respiratory organs in the book on ths horse, published by the United States Deportment of Aerieulture in UN, aii'i <?f the section of (Usases of the ami blood vessels and Her SOUS systsm in the book on cattle tagnsd by ths saase department in is*.?.*. He was also the sathor >?f numerous articles for il and agricultural journals on veterinary ami sanitary subj? ?is, aii.l was a frequent contributor to the columns of this pap.r. hkai) of his pRorasnON. Deeeased was the istaignlesd hand el hM profession la tins elty, snd bssMss having held the first presidency of the State j \ i rlnary Association of Virginia, ? an influential number of the State Wteii nary Examining Board, it was la this let? ter capacity ?that he did the most valuable work for science and hygiene In the gtata he having free** atly Inapeeted dlsi cettle in various parts of the Common w< alth. His praitl.? I eye roiil?! at once detect the tuberculous germs In cattle, aid though then? was consumption In ins family, it is thought that ne contracted ! lb. ?!!- .<-.- Horn Which he died froiti of the sahJscU on which bs worked. Dr. Harbaugh was la love with his pro feSSlon, He was great hum and had a profuiiiul regard for the dumb beast. It was this regard, as well as th" realisation of the need f?n- sash sa in? stitution, which led him to establish an animal hospital In this city?the only In? stitution of Its kind in the South?and to the care of the dumb suff??rers ?nil,. to his keeping he gave much time. KK< KIVi;i> THS gACRAMMMT. Deceased was not connected with any church, but a few days ago he express, d a deslr?- to see a Catholic priest, and one from the S at red Heart ?hurch visited him. and from th > reverend father Un? dying man received the sacrament. Dr. Harbaugh w is twice married. His first wife was from near llarrisonburg. Va., ami his second, who survives him. with three children two hoys and a girl was Miss Salit.- ltrauer. daughter of Tl surer William H. IJrauer, of Henricu. I ? ased's mother was with him at th? time of his death, and beildes her he leaves a brother und sister, now resident in Climb. Hand. No arrangements have as yet been fSadB for the fun?rul. The body may be tak-n t?i fessasflaafl tor interment, though It is most likely that it will be interred In Hollywood, in which ?vent the funeral mill take place from ?acred Heart church. Carter I u ? eatiastlon Retimed, WASHINGTON, D. C, ?October 12.- | Captain Carter, Corps of Engtne'-r*. whoee conduct uf the river aad ?harbor ] Improvement? at Savannah Is now under investigation by a board of Inquiry, ha? notified Colonel OIIIe?ple. the president of the board, that hi? has prepare?! hi? case, so far aa to be able to proceed from the point at which It was Interrupt? ed by the adjournment at Savannah about two weeks ago. Consequently, the board was called together again at the Army Hull-Una; In New York to-day. t.FVFRAL. IRK I\ W ISIIINf.TO*. He I? Incertain When Ile Will He turn to Habana. WASHIN(!T<iN*. October 12.?I'nlted State? "Consul-General Ijos- has returned to Washington, and called to-day at the Stale Department. He spent half an hour In conference with Assistant-Secre? taries Day and Crldler, and will call upon the President before leaving the city. He was not certain when he would go to Habana. MAY MKKT I'HF.SIDKNT TO-DAY. WASHINGTON. I? C. ? ictober 12. (Sp.-ciai.)?General Fitzhugh Lea o.nsul ral to Casa, was up to Breakfast earlier than usual this morning, for a few mlf.ut.'s after 9 o'clock he Dattel at the State Department, where he was pl*OB ptly ush? r?'?l Into A- -l?tant-Seer.tary Day's office. Soon afterward U Sheraaaa came ta tha department and aavRed Oeaeral Lie and J-hd?e Day into his ..HI.-?-. The three had a |0BS OOOtOt eiiee, discussing In detail the Cuhaii situation. Osneral Lee will be at the State Dc partm?'nt again t?-niotr.iw morning. He B?l no appointment yet to meet th?' rieeffliiit. bat he will piabebly be re? ?piest.'.l to call at Ih" Whit?- Hull" ti aaorroer, Hi espite to leave for Richmond on Thursday. 1'p to the present writing be has not learned how long his leave <?f ahsenei from Cuba win continue. He hopes to remain In this country until Nov? mlii-r 1st THE l.l BTCHOBT Titl\i.. Attorney Mt-Fweii < oiieliiile??Cnwe Will lleneli Jury Silluriliiy. CHICAGO, ILL., October 12. -Aeetstant S'.u. '--Attorney MeBwes finish.-.1 his ar? gument In the Lustgsrt trial to-day. uii.l win bo followed to-morrow by Attorney Phalee, who will make the opening ad 'or the defence, Mr. McXwrn took up the etitir?- day With his irsiii meiit, and Went over the case carefully, connettmg the detalla of the evMenee for th.- jury, and showing how one clr ciimstan? ? fitted Into another, and how the whole mass ..f evttteaBa lubmUtBd I.y the State furnished. In hi- opinion, a full and ...mi 1- te 1 ?r.-umstantial chain proving that LBOtSjert haU murdered his wife in order that his relations with his servant girl, Mari" Si.-mm?-ring. miulit r.-maln undisturbsd, Throughout the entire argument. Luet t-'it ttstened t?? the Bpeeeb of the at? torney who was BSkm? for his life with the K't''..t'st .-?tt.-ii km. H.? ?ever nek his eyes off Mr. MeSwefl for more than i>i and the hCSVy scowl that II habitual with him deepeaed eg the As? sistant St ale's Attorney pointed out clr eumstance after rirctaastance that Welshed against his inn.?eric. it is now practically esrtaln that ail of the arguments will be flril?he<] wo that the CSSt wl'l be given to the Jury by Sat? urday nlh'ht, at the latest. 1:1? u\ti:?j >ii:t. Cat liiiiir?? Mmle l?y 4*\+ Miillory 1,1 ne vin t.iil? eatoii. ?TUCA?;??. October II All tho lines be hreeo Chicago and Denver bavi bmI the reduced freight ratea announced y.-ster day by the Hurlington road. The cut ratal will remain in effect until a coin pi.?.- undsrstaadla? 1- 1 1 with the Southwest?-rn lines regarding the I iiiinie 1,y th- Mallory Line irla Garn sum. Which were the OBUBI Of the rtducil rates n , la by the Burlington. The I'dui.d ratea oudi i>y the Mallory Line \ia QalvattOB WSTI CBttlng down the buiineei of the weetiru roadi betweea Chi? BSjO and Denver, and no ttilim' for them to do but eat 111.- I traSlc _o In soin?; other ?lir? ? - tl'lll. The lines between Chicago and Denver claim thai th.-y would aot have been compelled to reduce ratee if th?- raadi between the Oulf <?t Moxloo and Colorado common points had sialatalaed mt-s, but it is assert.-i that they wen all the thai cut tin?,' thetn, gad, tin r.for.-, It becam?.1 ?eoaaaary for the Chloeso-DeBVer roada to follow their exams 1 II \ I I'VMM??; 1 IH'.MIK R.VTIC. O? it? lielmliiK lleimlilleiiii ll.-f.-nt ? ! 11 sn II.? I i,ni Amollie the \?'ur?i?'i?. CHATTANOOGA, TI'NN., October II? The municipal election to-day resulted in the overwhelming defeat of the Republi? cans. Colonel fed. Watkins (Demoer it) was Mected by 995 majority. Colonel Watkins Is a bailing lawyer and pro? mut? r. Tha Democrats elected six of the eight Aid. mien. This city Is' normally Ripublteaa l?y from 4<j0 to .?. an?l the ov?i\ helming re? versal of conditions Is due to apathy on the part of the Ib-publican vot?is and disaflictl.ui amolli? the negroes. There was a light vote. COLO\K.I. ?I laUB-9 I? Ft I.I y ES, He Prefer? tu It em 11111 at Head of Street? I en 11 In k l)e|?n riment. KSW FORK, Oateher II caienei ?borge K. Waring, Str? ? t-< "I. aning Com? missioner, has deettaed tha nonilnatln .?f the Jefferson (Henry George) iH-niotra ey for Comptroller. He -?>.-. "I thank the party for th?- honor dotM me, but I cannut accept the nomination for tiie .?f Comptroller. 1 am v. ,-y r.ury I was not consulted about It before your action was taken. I should bare told rea that 1 ?reeM aal tjtoe up, r.?r ihi sake ot h. coming ?'umpti dl.r of Orsster New York, tin- hope of continuing to direct the operations ?if th- Departan el Of Sr... t-C|. aning until the plans now in hand for Its Improv.-ment shall BBV0 been carried to completion." IMIIAV VIMH.IS DI.MIX l< \TIC. lirai) DemiMTiitie ?.?In?. In It < |> n l.l I - ?aa SlroiiKhulil?. INDIANAPOLIS. INI?, October li-At 10 o'clock to-night the Republicans had conceded the election of Mayor Taggart (Dcaeeerat) 09 MM, and the rest of '.he I?. m??, rath- ticket by from S (?UO to 1,000. It is hard to figure gains and losses on account of the recent changes. Kx-l'. dent Harrison'? precinct, however, showi a large Democratic gain. In fact. i?i Democrats made heavy gains In Itepuo'.l can strongholds. FIRE I* < HICAGO. Flames llrenk ?lui in the Sherman Honae. CHICAGO. October 13.-At 1:20 o'clock fire broke out In the Sh.-rnian House, one of the leading hotel? of the city, but :t Is not yet known how extensive It will be. The hotel Is one of the larce?t In *h city, but at preeent la undergoing e?? '.?-naive repairs, and haa not aa many ?ueati aa uaual DIES FROM THE DRUG. KDWI** KKLLKV DRI>KH CHLORO? FORM \M) BwBB EXPIRES. KO REASON FOR HIS DEED. Wss Comfortably Well Off n.i.1 Had a Ilnpity Home?Aernslonied to Ap? ply ?he I'oIiiiii to Relieve I'nln ? Warn Once nit Aldermnn. Mr. Edwin ?. Kelley. who had brav ?1 the storms and tempi-sts of seventy? three years of life, committed suidd?' y?-st. r.iay evening at his h"m?\ OS Henry between Bread and Marshall, by swallowing a large ?luantlty of chloro? form. Mr. Kelley had us.d the drug habitual? ly for several years for pains in the head and In his gums, and h.? espsrisnoed no ?littlculty in gattlag the ?1'iantity he want.?.! vest. rd.iy from Mr. I* M. Farrls, th.? drugglSl with whom h- ?Lilt. 11.? \ m*? hail ths b."! I.- tr.lcl shortly after 5 o'i le k, be went to his home an?! sat awhile in tie back yard smoking. Then his wife saw him take the bottle from his j.get ami drink it" contents, ihn.w jag the saapty phial lato th?- suet, she surmised what had happen?A, and sent B frlenil who was with her at ths time to pick tin- boitle up and take it to Ci., tiewald. the druggist, who keeps a OB th. ...rn.r of H?-nry and Itroad eUSStS. and a-vert.a in what it had con? tained. AS Seen as Mr. < ?r.-encwnld saw th.- phial and beard that Mr. Kelley had drained its contents bs telephoned for Dr. Winfri?-. but by the tim- the physi? cian arrived the unfortunate man had lost consciousness. COI'LI? NOT SB BMV1VBD. Dr. Wlnfree had not brought B stomach pump with him, ami the ambulance was summoned. but as it was on the way to Henry street the hOTSS St? tachad te it took fright and ran aw iy, knocking down a lady on Breed Street. To make matt'-rs worse, the wheel of the v? biela came <>(T. aad when the cmi of this chapter of acci.lents wss reached, and tliu smbulaaee arrive.I at its desti? nation. Mr. Kelley bed breathed his last. In the mean time, Dr. VVlnfr?? had u.-.-.l all possible nnaiis to rseuscltats Ii ? patient, bal without avail. Bs injected a large do.?e of strychnine, but It had not the slightest effect, and Mr. Kelley ."lowly sank, ?lying three ?|uarters of an hour after he had taken the chloroform. WAS IN BRIGHT SPIRITS. Mr. Kelley was a cabinetmaker, and his clrcumstanc. S WOTS comparatively easy. H?- lived happily with his wif?' and was me h Uksd by his DstghbOfl and by all who knew him, for bs WSS genial and Jovial always, and Uniformly ?nod-nature.i. At o o'.io<'k yesterday deceased visite?! a salooe with a friend and SSSSSSd to lie in a v?ry happy mood. Hs svse nui' some j... alar remark te ? frien?l who pesssd the yard la which he Bat, ii few minut.s before hS drank the fatal draught Mr. Kelley area wsll connsctsd, snd bad up to a few > ars age SOBdUCtSd a \>?rv prosp?rons basin? as, being s clever cent? Dettaaksr. Bs had si ttssss mads re? peated threats to commit eeletde, and at auch times h.- was carefully watched, end the chloroform which he used, with harts? horn sad SWeet oil, for his neuralgic af* fsctton, was K? ?t us far as possible out of his reach. HAD TAKKN A [?AROB DOBBt Th?? bottle from which h.? drank the poison yesterday holds about an ounce. It bears a red label, on which Is Im? printed the skull and cross-bones, and the word "POlSOn" in large blSCk It was th?? OptntOB oi I >r. Winld..- that deceased had takea . lore Sum four drachms of the drug, and though the dose was not very large, it left little (-r no chance for the man's life when taken under the circumstances that existed. I'is. Wlnfree, Davis, Matthews, a? | Beughmaa wars with florea asd when be breathed his last. Though no arrangements hav? been mal.? fur the funeral, It Is probable that it will take place to-morrow, and will be condu? *' '! by Rev, B if. Rawllags, of Clsy-Strssl Methodtot church, which de : ?I I"did. d. Mr. Kslley is survived by his wife. who is ti years old Be leaves do chil? dren. Mr. Kelley was an ex-member of the Hoard of Ald??rtn? n. He came to th*s city many years ago from Hanover county. BMMBT GIBgOS DI-gCHAROBD. Pieaalaaal iinsi,.,,, m,? ? , rtif> to His (.?tod OSaraetee, NaTW YORK, October 12-Kmm? t ?". Gibson, the promoter, vice-president or the Akron-Str..r Rafiway and Illumi? nating Company, and said to be asso? ciated In business with ib-n.ial Samuel Thomas and J. 1*. ClswS, Of KeW York, who was arr. sie?! on tin? 7th instant on a charge of attempting t.. pass a worth lesa ?h.-ck for PAo. was discharged to? day. The complainant, R, B. gtissson, au.inor of the Hotel Netherlands and the Imperial Botel, said to Magllatrate Bedsma thai he ?lid not bdi.v.? Mr. <;ib s"n had any Intention of defrauding him. Qfbeoe liv'd at the lasperiel. BS offered in payment of his accouul there a sheet on which payment was r. fused, and his erreet followed. In court to-day ??ib? Showed letters from prominent business? men of this city, certifying to his goo?! character. --^ Ti the I'll hilo. The dally Dispat?-h Is delivered to sub? scribers at | ? ??tits [)er w?-?-k, payable to the carrier weekly, or DO cents per month. Mailed at pi per annum; ?S3 for six months; $1.30 for three months; 00 cents for one month. Price, per copy, 3 cents. The weekly Dispatch at 11 per anmim. The Sunday Dls? it? h at J1..V) per an-' num, or 75 cents for six months. Subscriptions in all cases payable In a?l vance, and no paper continued after the expiration of .the time paid for. 8en?l post-office money onler. check, or rcgls t.t.?l letter. Currency sent by mail will be at the risk of the Ssadsr. Subset: wishing their post-office changed mi:r? give their old as well as their new post office. Sample copies free. N. B.?We make this announcement, which stands at the head of our editorial columns, in the present form, to wan. the public against overcharge, and es? pecially against the overcharge of A) cents per month, which, we understand, has been made by some carriers. <jur price Is 60 cents per month. Pay that oniy. THK MBPATGH COMPANY. Tlllmas II .-i h .Imuii.I1? <-. COLUMBIA. 8. C. Octob.-r 12 -There was no change In Senator TlHman's <-?m diilini to-day. He Is suffering from latin dice, and Is doing as wefl as coiibl be es pscted. No immediate danger is appre? hended. Koraery tharae DhmUiel. i.YN'cHi'i'itc,, va., Oeteeer II Upa oUl.)?Judge Adams, of ih>- Campbell County Court, to-day sustuiuc?! ihe Ue miirr.T la the ?-ase of the Commonwealth against Thomas g M.?trmiiii. charg.-d with forgery, and the oasS was dlsmis.??*d. Mr. Moorman, while president of the ?Ooanty School Hoard, was charge?l wilh forging county warrants. The grand Jury of Ih.? Cprpnratlon Court has brought In an a?l?lltl?> MU of tadtettoent In ths Traders* Bank IM charging H. K. HngllSS. the late s president, and T. I' ?'ounsell, lato ?ashi.r, with embeeateaeeat. MAGOM THUIK" r\H%DK. < .l' of I.?i?-?uii???l? ? ? ? ? oni|il?-i?? Wreck? Marine Hnml < unrrrt. MAOON, ??a. ? ?it"i ?.-i r*. in th?? Ta les par., le to-lay !??> floats w?-re in line, headed by the Governor. Mayor, and Council, and th.- BtatSS Marine Hand. The Southern railway was icpre seated la the Baa by a leeeesotlve si nearly full size. uenSllUStSd Sag*? I ?Hy for ih- ..?cisi?n. Th? Ososgts gouthern had a l"g cabin. I home of tho ante-beHum oegro, in I with it were tropi? cal products of Florida, to r.-pt. -. nt the route, other dlsplavs w re well suited to reprisent the-various In? dustries of Macn. At 4 o'clock In the afternoon ahOSl ubi? 1 at ?Vitral t'lty Park ta wit in ss th? < olllslon of tw motivas, which ended ths ?lay's dtsplsy. A straight track a mile la length ren through the race-track ehcToeure, \ ?-?.motive at either end, st?sesssd to the utmost limit, was h-Id In r.? itin.-s la an engineer, who waited ths signal to tai I M tf*l ?lr..|> of a flag the tl w.?r>- opened, the engineers lesp ?i to '.he ground, and th.? massiv.? mschls llded. The wrei-k was complete. To-night *Iip Marin?? Matul >! tit'tv pleeSS gav.? an open-air corn-eft In the Df? of."?."?' people TRIAI of BRI?BAsTDS. Monier of Political Opponent?? llor rlfyliiK Kvltlence of Tortnre. UOMDON, Oetahseat, -A dSamteh to the Dally Mail from Vi. ?rir.a. says: "Tho trial of |M brigands and russlVSffS of stolen property is proceeding at Aschaischak, m Servia. Th.? evidence has revealed sys? tematic plundering and murd? ring of members of the Liberal party at the in? stigation of Radicals. "Deputy Tekdtch, a w-ii-known Badteal m. int. r of the Assembly, was arraign?-! as an accompli.?.- of the brigands, but the Radical Minister of Justice procured hi*. rslesss, aad it la said that the same in? flu? boo will secure tho acquittai of the others. "The trial has develop?1.! horrifying evi? dence of the torturing of victims with red-hot irons before robbing them." BMOBITA COSIO y ('IstFROf*. -h?- Will Make Her lt..? Ile fore tho Palillo To-Ilny. NBW TORK, Oetober It it was said at th? Cuhaa Junta her.- to-day that Se? ?orita Kvangellna Coslo, the pretty Cu? ban girl who recently escaped from prison in Habana. will mak?- her SOW before the New Vork public some to-morrow. "Th.- Se?orita Is In the hauls of her friends," sai.i an oitici.ii of the ?Cuhaa lion, "and if all goes w.ll she will hold a receptloe in this iity to morrow. The time and plaOS have not as |. t OSSfl seh OtSd." HIgTORT of 'in*,Di\?; ?stamps. The I.I... OrlKioiXe?! WHS Two itriKht ii.t Baalnsse Moa. (?'oiiimiinl' ltd Haw Vork Journal ) T. A. Sperry and S. 1?. Hutehlnsoii ars th?; Originators of the deservedly popular trading stamp plan, now m SUi operation all ..v. r th.- country. Mr. ButchlBSOn halls from Michigan an?l Mr. Sparry is a New Vorker. -I'hr. SgO th?- form??r mi 'i hustling merchant m the little town of Jackson. Mi h. 11 t'ull of as lie was of ?nt? r prlse, <?ne of his plans for in? trade was the issiian?.? of tl? k. l-, Off Coupons, which would entitle customers to premiases on th?-ir purchases, Mr. gpsrry. In th.? curse of his travel? arrived In Jackaoa aad hoi ... - slon to s.-il Mr. Hutchinson some sllver W.H.?. Wliil.? Conducting this transac? tion his attention wss attracted by the ticket or coupon plan. He thought ?he m.atrer over and evolved the trading Stamp idea. ii.- laid the matt? r I Mr. Hutehlnson, who quickly saw ths merit of th.- system. A partnership be? tween these two bright young busn men resulted. Th.- plan was first tri.-?l in Ja? kOOS, and It wrk.-.l Ii!..- a .harm. In a very little time all th.- leading merchants of the tuwn w?r.- In the Trading Company's directory, and the public showed its h.-arty appreciation of the good thing offered it. From Jackson the sysn-m was exten 1 Sd to lpsilantl and Battle Creek. Since then it has ben Introduced lu towns aid al! ov.r the United States and ?'anada. Among tin- hug.? dtlSS in which it has scored a big hit are New York, Brooklyn, Jersey cuy. N'.wark, Phila? delphia, Albany, New Hevea, Provi? dence. Pittsburg, Washington, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Detroit, it has also been Introduced into a great number of smaller cities, ilk.? Elisabeth, PlginneM, New Brunswick, ami gomervllle, N. J The company now has sixty-seven stores ami Is adding t.. the number all the time As tli. - ami Its -s wherever tried becomes apparent telsgrsaea are resslvsd erety day from merchants .-?Il ov.r th.- country asking that they be admit id to the list of tho...? entitled to give the trading stamps. In Brooklyn alone there ar>? i that handle thsOS StasapS, and In the 1'nlted States there tte over Vi.C-t? m? ? - Chants who supply th?-m to customers. W'h.-n th?- number ?if OUStOOSefS each of tins.- m? rchtnts has Is computed. It 'vill n how v.i-i an army of men, wo? men, and children are interest??<l In this eOfOl Scheme. Since the Trading Stamp Company started over thirty more concerns hive sprung into exist. Uta. If imitation Is the flattery, th?- Trading Stamp Company has g??'' i eaaee to feel pamrmeeX Hut th- methods smpleyed by these rivals are so similar that the public shoul : on It* guard. As In every, oth.-r bu-l n.-s. there are persons engaged io tl Imitation schemes who are -without any financial standing. Men hints ami the public at hug- should Investigate thoroughly before taking any stock In these .?..ii.ertis. Th?. Trading Stamp OMS? pany ha.? nearly half a million d??llars ln v? st.-1 In its business aad refers to R. Q I un & Co. for references. People naturally regard with suspicion new enterprises, especially when they are of a novel character. Hut the Trading St imp Company has ample capital ba??k of it and Is here to stay. Merchants whom it dees not supply with tridlng stamps may call this system of adver? tising fraud, but It's the story of sour r again. It would be real tweet fruit If all of the boys could ras? h it. _ fM SS October Kanday Outluara. vis C. ?t o? to Old Point ?ml gpIfegS. on Suu dnr. tieinlirr I7?li. Beth, aad .'Hal. i., .-.. i'.?.-? mor? .... sbeve dater at 1:10 A. M , -returning, arrive ;'.t lilchmond I P. M. The continued success of the??* high class outings warrants their continuance through the month <.f October. If (he Babg Is Caftlua Teeth be sure ami us? that o?d and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind-.-oll?-. and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twent?-flve cents a bottle REPLY 0F_ SPAIN. tVSWKR TO MII'K l'HK?K>T?:D DR MIMKTKR WOODFORD. EARLY PACinCATIOR OP CUBL Thl? I? feapilliS, and "It WnalA Have It.-.-n More Rapid Had It >o? H. en fur PlMhastsvlnsj lade? American Fina." MADRID. ?Vtober 12.-H I? seml-offlclal ly announced that th? reply of ?Spain ta ih?- note peieented by the Oalted state? Minist, r, Oeaeral Btewart i? Woodford? h?s been drafted by the Minister of For? eign Affair?. S? nor Oalloa, ami will bS suhmltted to th.- Cabinet at It? meetln? tc-morrow. Tho reply, It is stated, will say that Spain Is unable to fix exactln th? date when the war will be over, but th?' ministers are persuad?1?! It will not be long, because "the situation of the t-bei? is critical and the efforts of the Spanls? troop? are sure of success. <'v?lng to thl rel? Is' situation, and the concession of aut.momy. which will be effective before .l.niiiry, th.- hope Is that actual lioetiU* ties will linlsh shortly." Spain. It is continued, thinks the rs. form? and the activity of the HpanU? troops are safe el? m< nts to secur?* the Im? mediate pa? dl'-ation of the Island, which, it I? asserted, "would have? been more rapid If tho rebels had not had the suca ? ?! ..f ttllhusti'rers. who, und.-r the ehel. ter ?>f the American flag, have contributes to maintain this stato of affairs." The government has decided'that Uens? rsl Primo de Hiver.i l? to retain cum? in. ,ml in tiie Philippine Islands in ordeg that he may Initiate the propomxl re* foi ma. N BW 1 '- -1.1 ? " Y 111 :? '. AHDINO CUBA. MADRID, October IS A seml-offlclij its tamest, issued after tii<? Cabinet meets lug of yesterday, says that by employ In? native volantearo in ?,'uba. instead of European troops, th.? expenses of ths . ampalsn w??ui<i be decreeaed and ths operstloj * against the Insurgents would be .?.i ducti ?I rjiore rapidly. S. not Gallon, th.? Minimal for Forcen Affaira, has comniunecHte.l to hi? col? l? agues itie views of the European ana Americaa ?>r>.-.? In oonaaiilea with ta? BOW ministry, pointing out Unit the for? eign newspapers are almost unanimously) of the opinion ftiat the selection of Henea Bagaste, the sea premier of apain, h-\e caused an Important change in the atti? tude of the Washington CuMnut, which? Is now favorable to the belief that th? ?! ? islou on the Cuban question will now inter BOM I more favorable phase, an-t that th.? step? taken by the mlnlatry have had an excellent, effect In showing that the government I? chooelng prncthial n,-ms ii, solv? th? existing difficult I?*?. The Minister for thu Colonies, Henol Moral, announced at the CsMnet meetln?. with a v. ?v to proving the sincerity of tha government*! promis? to grant au? tonomy t<? Cuba, that Be had telegraphed I.? S? nor Mentor?, th? leader of ?lie Ail? tonomiet party, asking him t<> nominate candidat, s for appointment for some of, th?- Important post? uialer the Cuban ad? ministration. WOOIiFOHD RKCK.IVKII MV QIV.KV. McKinley, It I? Said, Will Try ta Make ? ilium? Aeeept Autonomy, MADRID. OatOber 12- United Statog Minister W-> ..lfoid was received In aivdl? by the Qaeea Regent this after? ti'ioii. The reoaptloa was of the mos| cordial Bharaeter. A private cable message from Washing? ton dedans ihat President McKln 1. \ win andeavor to Ipduoe the insur? g? nts to ae.-.-pt autonomy, and if thev re he will do hi? utmost to put an end to DfitBtlon and to prevent filibustering, .1 he bshVvee, now that Captala-fleaawaJ Weyler 1 reoellsd, that Congress will apport this policy. An F.xplnuatlou Aliout Trading} Stamp?. ?mr company desires to call attention to "the man" who ?eems to call ?o of? ten on "Mr. Meyer," of the firm of Jullue Meyer*! Sons, the Hroad-atreet "dry? gOOda merchants." tn order that h* should give his experUaCC with Trading Stamps. How does thla concern Mr. M.yer now, when he ha? noae to give away' He never would have had any?, had the present distributer?, the Cohen Company, aeoepted our ??ffe before w? ?rere osceeeltated as th.? only resort left us to call on Julius Meyer's Bon?. Ho this as it may, however, we must ?ay that no house can or la allowed to us? our stamps under any circumstances that will a.ll ?v.ti the fraction of the co?t of the stamp to the price of th?lr mer? chandlae. Nor Is there any necessity f??r tho honest firm that uses them. In? asmuch a? the tendency to o.daln tho stamps by the public creates at the same time th?; unavoidable inervase of which mor-- than compensates th?* cost of the stamps-to the proper merchant. 1; I- upon this basis only that th?? publlo is benefited, which Mr. Meyer, when so mu.ii and so often "called upon," tor gsti ??r Is not willing to remember. The stamps are assigned not only t?* tho person who r?*celve* them, but S whole fa-mlly or families may collect them and present them In one hook at our store for redemption. RICHMOND TRADINO STAMP CO., 1 J. B. Wattson, Manager. . ? In up 1 ?iMiralinia to II If hamm!, Vl?J . lieanii.uU, and Ohio Hy. .'heap excursions will be run Into Rich? mond .?n Saturday, October Mth, from Howards ville ami Intermediate stations ?m Jamsa-Rtvar Division, and ?!?o from Cor.lonsvllle and iiiterme<llate station? on Uns, en aoaount of Fut?alo Btir? I crforniaii? ? . Bchedulaa are so arranged a? to gtv? ample time In Richmond. Full Informv tion ran be hud of Chesapeake and Ohla agent?._ _ ' , Special Rate? to ??rfulk, via < . A O, Par the Norfolk Driving flub Fur Association the Chcsap? ' ?hl<? railway are selling tickets from Rich m?md to Norfolk, Va., and return. In? ? luding idmisslon. at rate of $3. Thee? tickets will mania oa eala until 0.10 ber 14th. inclusive, and bear tlnai Umlf of October Mth. ? The Weather. FAIR hin? ?ton, Oeteber H.-? 1 st for Wednesday: F. r Vlr?1 le Fair weather W??> y; not so warm; light, Tfs? nable winds. For North Carolina. Siuth Carolina, an? rally fair weather Wedaes day; south- r.y wunls. THF. WEATHER IN RICHMOND YESTERDAY was partly cloudy, with heavy showers in the forenoon and dead akie? at nicht. Btate of thermometer; I A. M. . tf ? A. M. 7? U M. H S P. M. ?? I P M. 7T 12 Night . m Mean temperature 111*1