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THE RICHMOND OISPATCH-WEDNESDA?. OUTOHKK 1?. i??T.' _9 CARE OF OP R HISTOR1 nxi \i m WtTBM of nu*. A. r. v. A. IIITH LA*t MtillT. ENCOURAGING REi'ORTS SUBMITTED. \ ?I nii.l??>iiie 'in? In llnnk to tin 1 n ?III <>f the tmniilatliiii- K.lcctlon of OIH.-i-r.? anil Other llo?l 11? ?.? 1 , n.v ., 1. .: ti. na, i,,n? Mud?-. ration ? 11 . they l.old ... .. \\ h. 11 tl,. : ? .. Ml. . Dr. J. r, Jr., a. .10.,. JK. Mr. .!. tor the t ,iii and mu. h . '.: : - Ball and 1 tin? *tl.? a. lu . mon to 1 . oU ol Ins I-hls report frota . John Ii. I. lation, aub 1 ?.nt . ? .! the ?its ? ?jtiii n . port aras 1 Bryan. II arork .?i iti??n far aa th< .1 through ii? r was . , for h< 1 a01 i. at Jameatown, I that an 111 \v. II v. 1 land, it .' .\oik upon t ! ; .m? m and com] letion. 1.1.! 1 the an? 1 \t in oilier. ; do i to 1 thai or the 1 Un ? '. Vf. : VU-1 1 ' 1 ? : M lent, .!. S. \\ llfoid; BlXth I !.. \\ . 11 A. .... ; . If. H. Lee. 1 ?a ton, . II id\ 1 . and 1 lion M 111? 1 'i. n-fth ' mmis hid i.r \i:h 11. 1.1:1:. 'I he CoBSUl i..?iiei.,l I' With .? 1.? t In- Hin? t* Man.I. this. ' ' i OUI S ith 1. nad? ?i ?'.? Aft? r a I in full tin. with ? utch - 1 tbut th? . : ? tin- city. ? pli the 111.inly-!?. nl In* id, ?ml an Informal r- - a , .- , fell a by his . hute of v I 11 1 Kht. ' r ..r will it ! IIIAlll? ?? COI MV I Ot II I. Mr. Pm\thvet?a < >?? ? a-.?- <?uasli??l? lliiiiK .lory lor (Im- ?>ll-l'etlifl?-ra. I ?. ; . 11 ?i .?i the appeal oaaool - oil ?wlthoul The Jury fill??.: I Jr., Hi? M . iuar? ii.? court .HI 1 ill. and Mr fu? l>. Wlae. w hile i '.?mm. n Attorney* ondu? .1 tl.?- pr?i ect.n. . . -, 1, ill l.slell 11 1 hlr? ?te? nd;.dm. M wat ren? dered ground that the ,t failed l lot? nt ? n It In likely that ?? ni out. Wo K?l.le,ii-r of DrankenriMi. There vas h nseottas lilS< B?Shj ot the ub-com-nlu*-? appointed i?y the Oooaailt , , Buildings <<> liL*-' ..f drunkenue?* HgalnKt Mr. .1 : k. an en city m wort upon Monroe. Park. After a full l???uliy teto this lustier the sub-torn ee decided lhat ?he charge wh? not ?hd recommend? i to the g> ne ommlttee that the matter i i missed. b committee to whl? h lb? Btreei th.- matter of ? rlts ..f th.- petition! ol the **;""' I Companj and the Home Meet tic Com pen? met las? night. , ; ... . to it The <*lty Attoi i?. ? and I ni at?? nt. and It was | th lion of the application of the ompanle. should _ ?> over until Pri? ai ? o", lo? K. wh. : th? Wol i.- on h ?I i Heath of Mr.. trimer. M. Tir? tint. V Ko ?-,- night. h Mi.- bom? of 1 111 N?. 1233 Mi sir. .1 - .ght.r M? " Andrew B., Charles T. .lames L., Walter v. ,, .i Bryant und M Mall TI,, fonerni -.?ill fr? muni Methodist chun o'clock, and the Interment will bo made I. Bofoimalear i:.eni?e.. :-' i r, of Baltimore, Md.. la in tu ? l for Mm. itory ..n th.- outskirts of that cfty. Th? \ I 17 or 1 Old. two Of whom are black, and' the itha, Miirrlnue of I?r. IIen/1.4. of thta dtp high noo Alma Elisa! m? s? n? .-. dsugbt? M'". . . *.' William M s liera <?f Hunt!? lile, Mo Th? .k place ptlsl chun h, in Huntsvllle **l?>le n Doctor'a Tools. -.rat harg?-d with . ?n-, John F. VTlim, of thii ; Tomllnaon m. Bond (ni. Dtghl ta the i White man n -.i i i .? ho had fallen ta . ti?, man was treat? ed and Il .MI'lll'VMDM'Y. I ..llene (1,1,1 Seminar? ?,,,(,??The Poet-Ball Te.-: m. M ami Dl N SIDNEY, VA.. O? tob? r l? (Special.) R? v. \ T. < ira) bill, I . M. \ cb pulpil y? ???y n bly, and deliver? ; nigh! on ' : r. ilgion i.. . the chap? i of the m mu.aiv. it in- been twenty-five | thai inetltutlon to Du - ring ?M?IK. lie . le At WO? k. Rev, i " Jam? iurraj Is ? ap?ete I moi row from Staunton, a her? . v\.. v, ?un? of the lllnesa and deatb of hi! broth? r, Pn Th? iln S. W*. Venable, of P? -.. rsbui g, Is f? i lerloua looked forward to at commencem? nl as one of it! plea and he wai regarded aa il ? nd it- t? d >.f tii?- trust He giaduated ... in i*-':', end for more thirty ft ara h? ha? tu en one of the most honored, iralued. and > ? n? row- of Its rd ol T.- ?i*-*- . N'?? other man sin. ? the .-. - .?-n so largely to the COl drought continues to be severely pastures are dried up. and many of the smaller streams. Very little wheat has b? I, ? *.? ' |." in totiai? u loi R< v. i?r and Mrs. W. W. Moore I? ive for Nashville to morrow to be present at on Pn * byt? rl . n-i ?ay, v. ben Dr. Moor.- will make an sddri i te ..i p. v T. ?'. John l?. I?., of (Jnlon Theological Bern!? \>. m i.. r? lolced to leal n thai his health hai 'el thai hi-* ni;.i. a? of ': compl? te nice. Dr. J? ..t Ihe al nu n in the n? Church, il.- la full work of bli class? room, and la greatly admired and valued by his atudents, 'Tii.- Hampden-Sldney foot-ball team is compos? i of th?- following men: Stuart ck; Bull, right I .back; Moi -on. f?ll? et ntre rui b; \\ ili : : Barhart, rlghl ti rkle; I ?oug? ht end Hud "?i. l- it go..?.I: Mur ' 'ir.. 1? It ell?!. U . P. ... |Ol| li M ' m and 1 i pi iy in Rl? bmond on the 28th In? stant. Mrs. Dr. 1 who . bei Mr. Thomaa IV. Hooper, Jr., a mem i homore clans in ?oil? . nd. hi:ii i\ it \nroitn. Misa Battle Bccoaaea ih?* iirlde of l.leiilemi n I \\ . ? . River*. BAST RADPORD, \ A . OetOb? r K>.? Bomber <?f relal Is, and it;-. ' : I 181 nape! i.? wli!.. a the mar . I l.e 111. Ill . '. i. 1 v. United Bl . Mary I ..liny Battle. I? u pa beauti? fully A iii'tis. and . . . . wax candle! I? I lighl to the Ai the ' ?1 s wedding ?, tie ush? ? Mi are, Robert I.. Jor? dan. ..f Radford; B. I.. Moyler, ?>t Roa at d Li? uten inl John Battle en ? A. ! i -. I In- III.-i?l Miss Annie B North ? larollna. im oi her brother, Mi. William s Battle, entered, ami they nu t at tin- < bancel by the groom, dressed in full uniform. Rev. Ribble, i? ctor of the church, made the appeal to tie- congregation, ami then t he i rm< >i i.y Bishop Mr. s. Battli gave tbe bilde away. ; in i w :tl-i nain nml veil. Bbe h< Id of i.ri.l. '.* roeea. After i reception iwai tendered ruple -.t ib?' home of tin- bride*! moth? Thi groom li a first Lieutenant of ?'."?i : th.- Firs! Regiment of Caval? i-'oi t Apa? be, Aria, aid live of '1'. nnessee. The i?i ide is ?.I:. - in Bouth - - a daugbl r ?>f the Captain James Raul.-, of North ana. and is noted for her beauty The .-..hi.'... left on tin- ...t bound t? ill v hi ' they \\ ill .-mliark tor Europe. 'I'll-' lion.-:, m.n.n will le- spent m Sunny Italj and a ilx-montba1 tour mi th.- Continent Among the \ ?-?t?>rs pr?sent from a ?lis? tan. ut? i: nit John M. Battle, of tl ' ; Mr. Foi ' i i. Tenu. ; Bishop Oaylor. ,.- \ ah ville; Misses Annie Hi. Us and *_ ,? \ N. th < il Una; Mr. und ? vin.-, ,,i .- on, D. G. le was one >>t tbe teachers it? tin- public achooli laat year and endeared hers. patron! and puplli by her gentleneaa ind splendid attainment!. Iliiuililoii Mention. \ HAMl'ToN, \"A . October r.?. -('Special.1 It now looks a? if there will be a r.gular invasion of Richmond by ??ur citizens 01 ?a hen oar foot-ball t? an i i v? reft** bova in your city, are getting In practice, and will, doubtless, put up a good gamo, it ?bable that there Will be a Special train from bore for thooe of <>ur town w ho desire to att? nd, Mr. WMton R Oalea began his meet? ings, under Young Men's Christian Asso -, auspice?, in tin lia no church on ... night. There was .. very good at .t. Of \, Btrge, \V. .1. .lohnson, an?) Saum- '. Latlm.r. ?hi?.- cttlacns of tbe county, are Vl.,y r homes, and are mil ? \ : to live accidental lire damaged to some ex of Mr. W. ?' Young, or? [find, >?n yesterday. Rer. Mi Caeaard, chaplain of the baft? ii.-shii? Indiana, preach? i .? line sermon in the M? th?> list church on Sunday :, I ?.- a a low ebb. and are very littb' talked Of. Present Indications point i.? a small o.t, throughout the county. Mrs. Robert Moreno in quite sick at her home, in town. Misa Ruth Peterson. <>f Petersburg, la visiting her sister. Mrs. S. R. Weld. Mr. .1. M. Cummlii_ la out, after a sever? Spell Of S??-kll.-s*i Mr C. \\ . II .? ?. who lost one of hla v..img en..oren a lew ?lays ago. had the : dafortune to lose another to-day. They wer?- twins, and onlv a few months old._ " ' " To Care a Cold la Oao Dar take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta refund money. IX it falls. Bo. Well-dressed men who wear cheap Derbys remind us of the fellow who always t.*ilk.-> of his cousin who owns a team yacht. I '??r ?*( i? nl ?In?-- v.i dir tl i.- " I )i ml tip." MihIhooius end t owl stool s are difficol( fco tell apart and dangerous to experiment with. To many the difference be? tween our clothing and the ordinary tort ?i only apparent ??h wearing it. Von can ex? periment with uh without risk?your money back if you want it. fi lit-. H} to $81 : Ororeoftta, |74o - We clothe tlie boy and clothe him best, 0. It Berry & Co., Main and lenth Streets. GOVERgOH ITKI***<0***S will'. Little Likelihood ?if ?*<-?<>iid Irlnl of I'lirRirj Caao. i\\ ? hlngton Post.) "(luv. mid A State, I SB pardon bis arlf? eavli t.?.,'. on the i trial, " Bald I in Chart? P, i ?on. of West Virginia; "bal l^ < Su .|.???.?al to the I" ople f??r >.du iic i'ion until ISM. Th. COBStltoUOB Of Wt I I lala a Is? ly provid? i thai do Oovernoi can succeed himself, and ?Oovernor Atkln? paust wait i vin dlcation if tha ease turna against his wife, ami i..- perdona ber with an ??i i to Um i?'?oj>i?- foi vindication. Political things min.? pretty awift In this srorld time, snd seven -rears are a i?jhk lima to wall for vindication. S.rk.iisly apeakinc" said Mr. Don-, "1 do n?,?t believe th< ? see will ? isr ? ome to b second trial. A dead is.-u.? is usual* ly interred in \\ ? t Virginia, and this I-? b ?lend Issue. N?strspapen In lbs big cities cannot galvanise it Into Ufa "Mrs. Atkinson Is tttp beautiful wo? rn m. Bha baa a large bbmubI ?jf 'gtmy matter,' as the reporters call it. In i>? r head, and she is not likely to be con? victed in riny trini that can be bad la Virginia. And nobody la aastoua to bave h? r oonvlct? ?i. n. r lii.-i bus-band uns i>r. Davl I ;i brilliant, bul somewhai nan. lira. Atkinson's maiden tan \ Horter, - :?.. w is always ' wondi r? fully bright ;? n.i attractlvi aroman. The product of this unloi < bttdreo, both sons, ?and now grown. One night Dr. Davidson, looking for a bottle of li'.ii'ir, ??rank OOBCOBtiated ?y by rn: tak??, tin 1 died. ' 'toon after Mrs. Davidson married Judge Qeorge D. * !amd< n. 11? years ber senior, and bad ti\'- children. ii? was wealthy, mainly in farming lands, and ha trusted ins ?wife fully and Implicitly, she was bta i rt\ tary, with full power of attorney, ai i during his declining years she the entire family.;. Camden a ta aa ..f Johnson S, < '.arad* n, United - s? nator fron Wt -i Virginia. AU Camdena were money-making man, and Judge <; !. I'ii ric!. ii was no ex i. w b? n he died It i rered that s will rxlsted whereby the wife given pi Bcttcally all the proi i ly was bo Burprtse, hut the helra raised a row. The Will WBS SttBCk-Sd. Aft. r litigation a com] i soon Mis. Cam l? il of the rum. 'Not long after the death of Judge Catadas ti"- ?widow became the wlfi 'w . Bley Atklnsi n. ?'." > rnoi Wt si Virginia, H. had h- en an Methodist preacher In hla f.iriy days he became an able lawyer shortly a ni. He had be SB m iit???.i i.. foi . Two Boas, bath grown, were hi.- off? spring, ii?- married Mrs, Caasden, snd im.m thia multiplicity of family Interests the praseal ram started, rjamdoa Boat? who Mi be t ghl S| ill -t Mrs. At i'h?w of Judge Oeorgs I ?. ?'ani'l. n. He Is bold sod Hvi man, hut flghttBg a WOBMM Is usually fl losing baslnesB. Ha will Bad it so la Um end. "But, win or lo?e, Governor Atkinson cannot appeal t" the people ontll IMi ir be rosigas in th?.- ?vent of Mrs. Atkin? son's conviction, the President of the s? i? ii.-. ander Weal Virginia law, sue oeeda btaa and serves until I'M, Oovernor Atkinson oannot then appeal to the people for \Indication f??r the Constitution of th.- stat??? provides thai a Oar or nor can no! i?.- a candidate t?> sneeeed him.ofif. (TfOVernor Atkinson must ?wall until I???! fnr vlndioation. Those who have advised him to *B|>pSSl to th.? people f??r vlnd!. i *inn.* should he pardon his wife, in tha rvenl of ooovlctlon, have n..t rsallasd that *? Indication is aeVOB reBTfl off." Miiiiris |>(||K HACKi. Onlj- One Favorit?- I.iukIm?It I? Mue nwny. \i-:\v i??r.K Oetohsr i9.~out of a rd at Morris l'.uk to-day only i i favorita Isndad. it was Btasasmy, who took the third avant* after being ridden ail over th.- track. Summary: rust race? one mil? leaape? Bgo i? t?. 1) won. Hugh Fenny ( ' la I and 4 to Q BO? .?ni. Cassette is t.. Ci third. Time, 1:?C. Second race?six and a half fiir!..n?,-s li? nt d'??r tit t?> I) ?WOB, Hand .' r i D second, San Antonio (7 tu li third. nasa, l ::-' Third race?Autumn Makes, Belling, dx fllllSBgS TISSSaWBJ I? vein wo? r?d.ton (7 to 1) seen.], Saratoga tl.? to 1) bird. Tim.?. 1.111-2. Fourth race?? Kamapo Stak-**, one alia Imiitaalof G t?> 1? ?wars, Baaaoeh 1 and 7 to i) He.olld, Tillo (9 to 1) hlrd. Time. 1:41. l'ifih rao??on.? mllu and an eighth? OT. (7 to 1) won, I5.?n I-M.r is 10 h K.coii.l. PUSS* ??' Day (lu to 1? third. rime. 1:66 3-1. Sixth rpco Ostohei hurdle handicap. n. and B half SlIlSO Forgot (1 to 2) ,von, lirown Rai *b to li - ...i. Valorous 3 to 1) third. Time. 2:511-4. LATONIA. ?'lN'OINNATI. O., October 19.-A lij-ht rain fell at faitOBta to-day, bat it ?lid not Interfere with the ??port. The racing wan exciting, and good time was dung out in every ev?-nt. Firat race??Ix furlong-.?Annie M (?4 to i? won, LaWaala fl to l) ssaand j??hn BOOB (S to I) third. Time. 1:1?; l-l. ' Second race?on? mile?J. H. K. (8 t?. "Q FOB, Madeline (2 to li ??econd, Takanas U tu 1) third. Tim.?, I:tl3-t. Third rac-e-The Oovlngton Autumn stakes, five and a half furlongs?Lady trans O to 1> won, Ja? karmpe? (4 to 1) iecond. t)ur Chance (S to 1> third. Time, ,:08 3-4. Fourth rsc-e?Handicap, mile and hIx :centh?Loklu (8 to 1; won, Lou Bramble 03 to * > aeeead, Lord Beeojy ?.- to 5? third. Time. 1:411-1. Fifth race-live furlongs?Rotha (i to 1) w??n p.tliua.sijue (7 to 1> BBCoad, Spaulsh i _ t.. li third. Tim?, liA. Sixth IBIS all furlonira?Sim \V. 01 to 1) W0B, K? D. 0 lo Q secori'l. Peace? maker (I to .? third. Time. 1:1''.. i | i mkk.tin?; AT PLXBTWO NEW YORK. OctOBOff 19.-The last meeting whloh wl'l ev-r be h--Id at ?>d Park bOgaa th!? af??-rnoon. with fair Weather, I nood tnefc, and a lively, s; ? iil.'iiv- crowd Tie- unfinished 2:1; r!a?s un<l the 2:10 class go ov? r. and v ill be added to to-morrow's procramme. ?a? ?rig; pone, . " "" Highland BTOB ilr-t. .?Tul fourth h? ita, Baal time. 2:111-4. o. m. ?*. won thirl BOBt Time. 2:17 1-2 r?n. liai-, Mlthrn, Daisy J., Quarter Utile ?'.?-m. N.-lile S.. Joe N- . ?. end Rattler bum atari? ! 2:14 class, trot; purse. ICVi {unfinished I? WOB third and fourth 1:. r Mm?-. 2:16 1-1. King ?'hlmes won fir.-1 and second heats. Rest time, 2:1 ?n-1. Pastoral won fifth h?at. Time. 2:17 1-2 B SB Old nnd Olive Wood also itarti i. POSTPONKMKNT AT LUUltVlLLB. LolTSVILLK. KT, October 19.? The aecond day's races of the Louisville I ?1 tvlng < lub W? : of 11 In nnMl to-morrow, when there w:l! be a doubla bill. 111. .CK?iTo\i:. A Sneer..fill I ?. i -ri a i n ... e n I for a t Imrcli??n Ilullilliij... RLAOi.ST? ?NB, VA < ?.-i..i r I ? bSTge a.-i'i *r.!hnui lOir- BBfUeBCO Tony Mdltr trcupe In the last Bight Thi programme v. is on., of the most enjoy I dered In thia i?>wn, snd at times t> .?)' . i?. in their - it- t?. _i\ et tu to TI enter! linmenl was i.i\ n by Mi- Sadie! of the E| church, ??i 'a?' n? - ai . Ised, wh?. h w i 1 t.. ;. . .1 for the liquida? tion >>:" i * ? i- rtory d? bt The -mint of progn mi is aurely alive in .or toen at present Nol -, twelve ..r f.. ?i i. . u 1. -ai- a , s ai.- |? ?m ' a.n. on November it s large BOW brl? k ai 11 be opened for the Bale ol b af tob icco I y M ? \ Bpes, ol ? D, Hfte, of Amelia. both bu men of wld nd su of th? town was talc? n ).?. ??a?- <?f our enterprising men bist found thai th? re are BO m the vari? Is of the tOWO. 1 did showing for B t??\?. 11 this siSO, A to snd ball will ha ginn next Friday evening, and every evening now the knights meet for pi .-i [iimi?.?r of youii from a distance nd. A n< w feed and gro ery store was open? ed hen w< ek, Dl.l) III ll<; WH VKIMTV. Fire In >|?<?l.? I viinfn ?llnllle-lield Purl. < oinnils.ioii. PREDS-RICKBBURO, VA., Oetohor It ? Thl 1 im and stable., on the 1:. rclair farm, in this county, purchased from Mr, p. M. Ellison by Mr, >' uytvanla, w< re bum??1 this morning with Ova 1i?-h?i of bon some provender, and farming utensil-?. The iii<* is supposed 'o bave been acci? dental. There Was no Insurance. a meeting ol the Battit Pli Id Park Comml held Mils morning ai th. ..till ?-, with the following gentle? men A. P. Row. J. i ! l>. M. Lee, T. McCracken, M. B. Rowe, II. P. Crlsmond, J. T. Knlght. .1. p. n. nd, ami j. i?. Corbii , menta were made to present th. matter ?.i th.- Battle-Pleld Park and roadway to ? longi Mi. j.?iin i:. Caasell, of Washington; Major ::. T. D. Myers, .?r Richmond; H Willi ims, ..r Baltimore, and M ?jor l.. Hi 1.1 v Richards, of Baltimore, wen dvisor, m? mbera ol tbe commis? sion. Captain M. B. Row... 11. k Crls ? and .1. T. Knight wei e. HI, lllitte, to . I, fcj.. lition may be nee?le.| in this matter. ...? was cbo- n as vlce-cbaiiman of th.- commission. RBRVIAH CABIRBT KBIIOHB. lotion Due. Il I? Tbiiiight, to Return of ?I I In 11. BELORADB, Octob? r IH- Thi Cebinel has resigned, it ?- rappooed that the 10? Bignation <?f the ministers 1 with tin- return of es-K-Bg Milan to the Servian capital. Milan arrlv. d 1 daj In company mv.k his aon, King Alex rat'^ ex-King Milan t" 'h'- Si : vian capital ilnce bla .s;?, w ?s ex? pected to r.-ait from it. at the Premier I : | | h m . ' . ' ' i th.. former Kb rmitted : King Al. sander 1 nation of ti?.- Cabinet mi i IT-II POBCB AMBI ICAOBB. BbIITO Troop? Killed <?>i'l Wounded. Indian Surrender. SIMM. 111.?Two squadrons of th.- NiiiMi I :'-ll into an embnaeade reeterday in the hill- i Ban and Mamaant. A native ?Acer and fourteen Bowara were killed. Seven *-'?> wara were wounded, .-?r. I twegty-seven ?? kill? I. Th.* Balaraata h-to* aurrenden I 117 n.i th- Mamuda have completed aubmlsaion to th ?uthori ties, and have promised '?> be loyal la future._ _ II.I.A'I>S OK a?A?. .?TA. I.e.-idrr.hlp of Simnl.h t'on.ervn tlve.. , Madrid. October i;>. The Cahlnei ?ted, owing to the illness of ih.- Premier, Beaor Bagaste. \ 'litlg t5 the pr?s- III lleli.'aMoil-, *-- : ..r .*-i!vela, the leader of Ma- I' I ratlvm 0 ill b.. oine. Mi.- lca.l? r of tie Conservi Th.* Beraldo, of tins dty, aaya wide? spread disagreement exist.-* among the Cuban autonomists. lll-PAXO-POItTM.I BfB AI.I.IAXCK. It I? Ileporled to He in Process of A'eaotiutloii. LONDON, October It, A ap?ela] dh> patch from Madrid says ther?- is much ...n at t|M Spanish capital on the ? ; an :.',!! UK?* 1? tWe? n Sj..i in Bfl 1 Portugal, whi.'li ll reported to he in pro ees.?? of neginlatlon The Portngnesi Minister o? Manne, who is BOW m Mad . >.|?r? mod Ihe belief that i och an may be BOCOmpHshsd at ui.y m. imei .i. Ilorv l>? l-li II" rlil **!>? ?a.I?. ililmors A mark an J New eBSOa of diphtheria were reported to the ll.-aith Department yesterday, ami Commissioner McShane baa redoubled hia ? ffortl to arr.-st the course of the . Be minks that the disease. Is du?-, In a great measure, to the fact that children t.i achool while suffering from I stages. Dr. D. S. Williams ha? been detaileo to visit all the schools in ?nd make a thorough investiga? tion. Teach? rs have b.-t-n aehed to co? in the movement. Btxty-oaie cases of diphtheria have been reported within ??,. last t. ?, d-.vs. There w?r-? eighteen deaths from tbe disease last wt?k. State Council Junior American Me? chanic?. I l.YMMIRKR?'.. \'A. October 19.- (.-> - . I , The twelfth annual s? sslon of the State Council of the Junior Order United Aue rlcan Mo-hanlca cotiv.-ned In this city to-day, and will continue In session to? morrow. State Councillor John F. Boehm iioke. 1* presiding oitictr. Th?:? are about .?* > delegate? present. The re? port of the Grand Secretary* shows that o7 members of the order In Virginia distributed among lo_ councils. An interesting session Is anticipated. Irnla Uro?, n on Trial. "VYHKELING. If. VA.. October I?.? i ??Judge FTeer convened court at Harrisvllle this morning to try the case of the State agatnst Irwin Rrown. ac? cused of rouribrliig Emariu.-I i'rull. of Richmond. In Ritchie county, last sum? mer. Rrown was brought in handcuffed, and was cloaely guarded. The securing of a Jury wan begun promptly, both aide, being ready for trial. At ". o'clock the jury, mostly farmers, was completed, ar.i court ailjournod till to-morrow afternoon to allow the summoning of witnesses. Till*] BELMONT RACES. THEY ARK WITNESSED BY A GOOD CROWU. * Interesting i:\i-nii-lli.- I nirl? ? and the Winner* ? An Arolilent ? A I ?.?Ik?- of Elks Inatltnted at Chnr lallBBl Ufa Tlattlag Memben, CHARLOTTESVILLK, VA., Ott 19.?(Special.j?The races on lielmont track this afternoon, attracted much attention, and there w? re many entr?mes. The following are the results of the fBTlOBB svoBts: First race-running, four and a half furlong BSBtfl | . -t two In three; open to a?l;*?to carry not Usa than 12D pound*? purse %'J); $3.5 to first, $10 to BBBBBd, lb to third. Entri--: W. Qarth'l [itimHIst ?C ii. Barkamp'i iirighton, c. i. Pan Bowssaa's itob Roy, m. Lawman's W-SStl he-ter. Won by L??onI d.i?. Time, 1 rninut??. Second race?running, five furlong dnsh, for borsss not thoroaghhrad that have i.? v. r won; to carry not less thai pounds pUIBS $-,; $15 to first, $7 t?; BO* Bond, $3 to third. Ratrtss; a. white* h M ! T., L. H. Turner's Kan.y. W. Btocktoa's If? .?: r. f. i:. RuOn'a Sir J'.hn Fa 1st a ff. 1' g, i troWfl'S BOB Holt. F. I*. Farlsh's Unknown, B. W. T. ' ? 'in I 't Big Charlie. Won hy Fancy. Tune, 1 r.iinut?.-, 111-2 Bsrnnds Third ra? ? trottlag, un.? mus I two in thi It?, * to Hi to BOCOOd, V> to third. Bol Vla'S Georgetown, ?). It. Ornohundro's J. B., .1. a amltb'a Bcotttsh King, u c. Watts'! Billy Blacksmith, L. C. Wt Blipi Won by Bootttsh ; Tuna - rninut? b, ?t'.t seconda Fourth rice-novelty, ?even furlong ?lash; open to all. to < rirry Bot k - 111 pounds purse PR; Oral al quarter* i it, ? ; Hi al half mile, Ho; Brat at three-quarter mile, Ol; first at the flnlsh, MS, Kntii.s: w. Qarth'a Bteua, W, J. Plcklln'i Milton T.. C. R. Rttfhn'B Tanthe, C. H. Hurk imp's Royal Rover, C Long*a Painetta, C. Long's Edartn. Worn bj I l; .v. r. Tim.- i n onda. Fifth race?hurdle, one and one-eighth Blues, ov.r six hurdles; opeo to all, t?> ? in -. ii??! ! M th . n :? pounds, and to 1 ? rlden by gentlemen ridera purs.- jr to first, $10 to second, $". to third Bn? tries; L. n. TUrner*a Pancy, u <-. Mad? i Princeton, C. h. Hurkamp'a Brock, l'. B. Bro*Jrn'a Ben Bolt, B, \v. t. Comer*a Johnnie Jim. Wan by Brock. T?m-. | minut?e, ?? aeconds. IhortS ?was tkroara from his sulky gad badly hurt. A lodge Of BlkB was Instituted this BVentng by Mr. Carter I?. X-al, ..; RI?chmond Lodge of Dks, snd Dei Grand Exalted Rotor of tho Bks la Vlr? ginta, aaatated by ofllcers of the itich nond, Btaunton, and Lynehburg lodges. Th.?.-. prosenl from Richmond wore J. a Ptsslnl, Br., J. a. Plaslnl, Jr.. j Wells, M. C. Metsger, J. .) Powell, Soi. Watt, l'hii. Bellotera, Joseph Btumpf J. J. Koran. P. O. K.-lley, T. R. A. Burke, Tiie Stnunton delegation arrived oa No. 4. bringing with them fourteen mem . wall Brigade Band, na? dar the leadership of C Harry Hainan Tl.. \ mar.hi-1 from Ma In-Btl ?Bet Station to Hotel Olea son, rendering aeveral of their popular aim along the way. The Kiks in ti?e party were: -T. B. Ountner, W. R. Burke, J. J. Klllgaller, B P. Bailey, Thomaa KlvUghaii, T. a. Daw? r='in. N. ?'. Wattn. Thomaa Burke, P, a. Qbcbssb, Hoist Olson, a. m Vals, B. P. ?. ; ? rty, W. ? ?. Burkh Ait r, Thomas .i. Crowd?***, J. i.. Bumgardner, and R. S. Blackford. Mr. W. F. Jones nn.i Colonel it. T. w. Duke l'-ft to-day for Richmond* is dele gatee from John Boarlo^traags Camp, i-.?m'' i? rat'- Veterans, to attend ri raeet* of the ?'.rand ?"amp. Confederate Veterans, Department ?if Virginia. Mm. F.. P Hawkins, Mis? QortnidS Mann, and Misa Minnie Jarmaa left this -.ft.ri.n for Norfolk to attend the an Of the Woman's PofetgO Mlaskmary Bodety ?of th?? Virginia Cob? ference "f the Methodist Bplsaopal church. South. They are delegates from tha I..?ur.i Hayg.l Bod?ety of th.?. Maths SO! I II laBTTOaf, ('iiiirll)nj- >i> l>?-[ii..erit lie Speiiklntr. Jtepn !.l lei. ii ?a ii ill da lea. PRAJfKLDi, VA., ?> tober Ik (BaoelaL) Y.-s?. i . was Couoty Court day. a small crowd was in attend.nice at the iii'l), and vc-rv little in tim court. There w-a- aonsldsrable political talk, but there was no speaking for tha ; i Banks sBy appointment! for this county, .ii the Individual - tbal w< re srged t?? come here ??nd apt *k all I u . - t?-r not coming. I that the r< whj Southampton le r*u| pos? ! to Democratic, ihd to need n?. apeaklag. i !:?i|?.- 1 bS ' ?nrii ?. is I .-:. . . ' t Ut a I apathy and ov? r-coii!. . I xist as ni many places, juid our people ii.i al ' ' Th. ,r in full force. It was thought at one time that they would not pel op any opposition ?>? Hon, .!. ?'. Parker, but at the last hour two Bled aotlcss <>t' their candidacy?John j, Hopkins. ,, negro, member of the now d? n faction and John R. Doles, s m?*mb??r of tli? Lamb faction. Neither assss to ilarly aooslBat? a by his faction, r.ur ea.h i- spfs routly boasg well !.a?-k?-?i. Both spoke yesterday. Hop? kin?, tin? aegro, dn a the olor line sharp? ly, gad mate a % ! > Mtter speech, la which be ssvsrsly sad Insultingly do? aoaaced his >Repohllcaa opponent. I speaking oil the I.pp??site side o?" th? street, <rectpracated must cordially, though be said less about Hopkiuj than did Hopkins about him. Th.- \\ ites Commlssloasrs of the city Of Norfolk have api Otatsd a i-ommlt'.??? to visit Franklin, with a view to obraln . writer supply for Norfolk ?ity from the Blackwater river, al this pian?. Il is th.- best opinion that nowhere In thi? Boetlofl ooold they obtain s bettor and mars reliable watet .supply than at tim point. The SSBCOTS of the AlhOBIBrtS Hteam HavagallTB Company, in ihetr usual spirit of public progress ha.. fered the cooualttee free transportation aad aatertatoasenl ?ri s trip for ?humea? tl'di dOWB the river, and a committee from this town, CQBSistlng of R. J, ?'amp, W. H. Uabni-y, T. 0. Barrett, R B. U Watkin-. R. A. PrStlOW, an?! U . H. Btroud, lias been appointed by th* Town <' to meet the Norfolk committee and go with them on Inspection trip. Th.y wi.I bS her?-, we are lu lonasd, "n ? *" -ls'- tt Mr. C ?C. Vaii?'l'.an, B prominent hanker and th.* Mayor of the town, BOBUBtSSS very III. The appllcati'in of the Atlantic? and Dan? ville railroad to the Town Council f??r p.-rmlMiiion to run a -pur track up a par? tion of Mala street rn.t with BBCh ?trong and pSSSSStSBt opposition from ailj.. property-ownec? that ths application haa >.. ?m withdrawn. WILLLUMB1 BG. f na t ? lin 11 i> of He?. W, J. Kin?? \pproiii-liiuu llurrliiK?-. WILl.lAMHIil MB, VA.. ?October 1>. tSpecial.)?The installation of Rev. W. J. King, as pastor of the Presbyterian . hurch, took place l??t night In tlu? pre aeace of a c?on?regatlon that fllle?l the nairred edi-flce, many not being able t?.? cure state. Frofaaaor Charlen K. illshop presided st the organ, and the muatc on thta occasion waa of a fins or? der, there being about fifteen voleen in the choir. The Installation ceremonia*, which were conduct-?* by Rev. K. T. Wt Iford. of Newport Ntwi, the presiding officer of the presbytery, u-ietsted by Itev. Edward Maok. ot ??folk; Hev. R. U Eggleston. of Portsmouth, and AI?-_ an'ler Rr-mghton. of Norfolk, and Pro? fessor Stuhbs, of this place, ?ora most iBIBflflUlie, Rey. Kdward Mack deliv? ered nn ah??-, s.-rmon. taking his text fr<?m Genesis lv., 10. In the a I - I R?-v. Mr. Chlnn. of Suffolk, b?>th tho charge to the poster nn?l the charg. to the congregation were d-?l!v r?-d 1 y Rev. Mr. BggleBtOfl, both being exceptionally flno addresses. Invitations were receive.', h r- to-day to th.? marring? of MM Laura <>. Ham? mond and Mr. i'ar. y ?'. Rr-inch. The ceremony win take pmoa at ? eretosh P M. October 27th at Oll-. Uran, h church. Rev. Junltia AAMIkins will offl.-t. M--> Hammon?l resides near LlghtfOOt Depot Janea city, and Is on?- of the most at? tractive young ladles in the county. Mr. Rran.-h Is one of the largest truckers in James City, and very popular. The cou? ld w di tt M?s ai Um aid I r T ?ano, which was purchaa? .1 some time ago by Mr. I?ranch. Mr. B. WIlkersoB, a leading baatasaa? man <?f \ Point, and for ten years Mayor of his town, was h. r>- today o mi >t some of our city officials, In regard to ? s'.ablishlng an electric plant here. R.v. J. Wilkins. of Richmond, who for the pa H twain months has ben pastor of Othre-Braach chur.-h, Jam.^s ?'ity, Bnnday night tendered his resigna? tion, which was accepted by the Board of St? wards. Mesara, h. L Raadles? vti Baleo More. .-.,. k. iBSBOOtOri In the Newport Ni-ws ? nstom-hoiise, wh?. have been visiting h.r... han returned t.? Newport News. Mis.- Mary Trevilian left for Richmond rday to attend the meeting of the Orand Camp of Confederate Votaress, peases from Msgrador-Bwell ?'amp. ..r ihtg p?a,..*. Captain C, B, Tnviltaa and I?r. (borge A. Harikins. .] h-Kit-s. Will also attend, hut will not be ? ?!? to gol off until to-m-irrow. Mr. Arthur DSBBWBd Ml y. .-i.-rd-iy for BaltlBMm t?. visit his broth'-r. Mr 1 ?etim? .??1. No. l-H'i S?. Pan! Il t- '. .Mr*-. ?sate Bantaon will visit her daughter. Mr*-. BSdSBBBd Ritttln, at (?M Church, IIanOS? r. this WOt k. FtllMVH.I.I. A Prelty YA e.l.llni_-\ Military Olltccr It ii.. v farm?.-n.1.1:. \a., October i:?.?(Spc clal.)?A marrlag.? of unusual I rnnlsed tO-day at high noon at the Methodist > hur. th, In this town. Th. tiag paitiis wt.' Mr. Leigh llam?n lilanton. of Washington. |). ?'.. ami M.-?s Aaole Olivia Rlddlck, daughter of Be?. J. ii. Rlddlck, prealdlng elder of the Farmvllle I?l-; , . i. DtOBy w IS performed by the brlde'i father, assisted by R- v. "i". M.-.N. Simpson, pa-stor of the church The ushers ?rere Mesera. W. Thomas < "?ark, .1. M. \ ? nal I?, Prof? s?.,:k.. end Maxwell Robeeon. The bride entered th.* church on Ute arm of h?-r broth.-r, Mr. JuniUI Rlddlck, while th? groom pro.led Dp th?? Oppfl ;' all'. aocompanled by hie brother, Mr. (Bruin Planton. The ehur. h was MVOT B-OTe ? BQUlSlt? b 1, and on the w hole Be Of rare brllllate f. Mis. .f. M. Prut?* presid.-d at the organ and r.-nd.i.d Lneptrtag musk for the bappy occasion. Immediately after tile . ? !. muny Mr. and Mrs. Planton were driven to the Norfolk and Western ?l.-pot, where they boarded the USB train for washing ton, their future boni?. Captain B. W. Paalotl and wife went to Richmond this morning to attend the Orand I limp ?>f ? lonfi derate ? atorano. Captain I'aiil.-tt was or-- of the youngest Boldlera in the Confederate army, and to? day n?. re lives no more enthualaatle vete? ran of the war. i-irst-i.i. utsaaal w. p. Venable, of the fUrmvUle Quard, has aenl his resignation batO headquarter-. It prill be ?pilte hard to nil his place well and latlafactoriry, l-'armville is forging rapidl) ah? ad In growth, ii is rather remarkable to note the new bulldJhgs completed and bow In ooorse of construction In the face of th. (iiiaii.'ial dearth Which prevails through? out the whole country. MISSIONARY AYOHK. MooHag of ib?* Poiolga loolofy of the ?ii-_,niia < on ferene.?<;?is Mm, N< iRF? ?Lis. ? A.. ? ?. : .Spe? cial.)- -Til. Woman's Porelgn IdJsslonary .-.?. i.-ty of the Virginia CoBf? It Methodtot Epi^i ..pal Church, Sooth, aaal in its aim a In this city to-?lay, in Centenary church. Mra. w. c. Ivey, of l.yia hbiirg, hair, and pal business transact? d at Um morning session n i the i ding of re? ports from valions committee*?. Tie ci.ty will be in a aMon three A < There are aboot MO delegates in tendance, aad they are being entertained at the imm? s of fa At the evening session of tbe by B number of the btdl? Tbe annual convention of the Am . ;.,- i on will be bold at ? ?id i ...m Comfort, i?.i-!nuit!g tomorrow and continuing throe days Same of the m? mi?!.* of the a-.-?.. ; ?i Ion t..??. ah arrived, sad an making preliminar** ur rangementa for the oomfort and oBter talnment of th.- . Tbe object of the sssoctstlon is to pro mot., knowledge of the ees? I In thS gas business among Its n.. mbers, sad to I Paout ite wh.-n able 1. d upon. Th.- r. ?nil- to dotl ' i.. en . ?liireiy aati factory. Maay tan. I ,;,i i : bavi b? M r.-a.i and pub? lished, bo that the practica] resulta <>r the different methods and appUaaoea i..r mahlBg cas have been published by eg?* ports fi.iii actual testa Prominent ,i:d .-.?pile ..p- . ted W be pi. a* nl to Mi?- bub or mon. The m"? ting will i>. called to order by the preeldent, Charlee H. Nettletoa, >>t i,, rby, Conn., to-morrow moi Blag la convention hall of the Hotel Chambertta, whi?h will be th-- beadauai ?PI'.KI*,?. I> \?)KK. 41a? ?n? Jone.?PWWOM nuil on the Stump. rORKTOWN, , ** > Oatobee IS CRpi clal.)?Yesterday was ti?.- r> guiar Coun ty-Coart ?lay aad a Sold day for the Democracy of York. According to ad fllUBBSal. Hon. Maryus JeaoS, of i, was wilh us, and lion. T, I pow< !. ti.?- o- mo i-'ti? i- * lbs Houa? **P ttooi N- w? porl N. ws. and J. P. Hubbar.l, OOW vigi? lant and tal? lite.1 Con.mOBB I alth'S At toraey, aas aleo on band. Judg? BBMth ach al UM Weh* k, ami tin i? the - Mi. IV. K Oofl-gaa, our ?-.-unty ?halr .....,,, nallsd lbs mssthn t?> order, and fetroduced Mr. Jone* who, whan in. aupia . ?g him bad nbstdod, soea> menced bH ipeech, which aras aa ala? queni atateaaeai of reaaoaa why Vmytotu ibould SaOf tbe Democrats In powi-r. He : .ru history what had always ;:;., i ?. ! ??.-I | .i; - - o? the ,. r.?tt?- p.nty. Hi? P! and unlimited coinage of at-SOT was powerful .m i ? oavta Mr. Jones was followed by Mr. Powell, wh. mad.- a pleasant am! aptlvating eddreSS, Bad won -bS sympathy and ap pt.iua?; ot tha audlonoe sir. Powell was followed by Mr, Hubburd In a speech of great power. Mr. Bahhaid had i*??en i n? ?Ing candidate of Mr. Powell f?r the i.oinin.ilion, and his manly appeal frends to rally to the support or Mr. Powell was very effective. Death in Alexandria. ALKXANDRIA. VA. ?CtSbSV l9.-(Bpe lal ? Mr. J. Albert Ft H I, one. of Alex sndrla'a beat-known an,i most popular y.-ung men. dle.i at bis residence, on upper Prince Street, to-.lay at l ocio k. .Mr Fl.1'1 had b?-en extremely ill for some weeka punt with typhoid-fever, though up to the past day or two every hop?. ha?l n'ertained for hi. recovery. Th? d.caaaad was a nephew of Mayor ?ieorge t_ S lu? peon, and had for a number of year, t>~-n connect?*d with th? tt?m ,.f H. I- SLmpaon's Hons. He was a young man of great promise, and was a general favorite in a wide t?rele of friends, who deeply mourn bia untimely death. SALE OF Ladies' Mackintoshes, originally bought nt half prie? fi??m the H.ale of the Yemlome Rublxr ('<?inp.inv'? stock, and uoxr beiBg closed out for ?till lower prices awing our removal bjiI?-. (?? miine Cloth Mackintoshes, some with 8io?*le <-.ij?? s, somo with triplo capes, s??li?l 3>lack Dia-onal Cloths, Solid Mue Di? agonal Cloths, Dark Gray M i . ture Cloths, Dark Plaid Cloths, all lengths and h?zph, resillar retail pri?es up to $& BALE itjci: Finest lila? k and JMue Scribe Mackintoshes, cost- AA ting up to $5?sale prie?? ?-ayr-la Children's Cloth Mackintoshes, $1.23. Boys' Heavy Rubber Coats, $1.48." Motormen\s Rubber Ovorcoatg; $1.98. JULIUS MEYER'S SONS. 6TH AND BR0AH . V $1.19 i,f.\in?.h?\ riti:?*iivtkiiy. \ llnsy MeetliiK?T.leenaed to 1' Ki'porlt. (Reported for the Dispat.-h.) Th.- i rj of LsSlBgtoB met al lUHhO-ro* .luir, li the Uth, ami was opened with ?i !?erni(.ii by the H?'-v. .1. M. , ROV. F. f. Hartman waa elected mode? rator, rind Ri v. C. W. Trawlck nnd Klder ? !.. Stultlnj?, uf 1'nioti church, tempo? rary ilirkr?. R >, ? V*f, It. ThoSBBSOn, of tho rrcaby tery of 1'? in tmbtico. i' .??11. an?! Dr, K. W, I d ?lift.m Korf-e, were In vit>?l ??.tiding member?, nn.l ReV. H !'. BtShOp, ?Si thg Methodlat a*ajlsoopg] ?Chareh, south, as a visiting Brother. The u,?v. pr. T. ?* Whaling pr?*a??h<'d tti?. Prsoh**terlal sermoa ob "The Diminc ITIncipIea of th?? rr??nbytr.rl.ia Church," aad sa order was ?taken tu have n ptiated Lleenttate Harry W. Hirers, ?>f 1.? xln??*# ordained as a foreign evaageMoL Candidat? it. i>. ?CaraoB, wai rsoofvarl from Uolsten Pr?ssbytory sad iieen?<H?i to preach ths Qosfeel. Ha w.i-^ aaatgaod to duty In OreenWQOd. Mountain drove. mihI Vailing Spring Valley ?liur h*a. lu H??th ?-..duty, the !?. i. t R i rs having resigned the ohargs of thaaa ehurohas to t ike a i? it-gradaate oooi egn Cninm? lOOlOgfa ll Sellllllil v. ROT. J'.iin H'ilT was r<celvi?d from Want? gomen I'r ui?l i.iJfr takPii for his InsfUlatloa as (??.stur of Mouuney, ? it. li'.tturn ehorchso, the Y2tli Of Hoi ml?? i The Rev. F. V. Sydenntrlcher will n?it OOBtlBttS a* BtBtod supply of Oltnvllle, Coal Y.iii. y. and RToodvlIle sharsh***. \\ ? il Virginia, loager than the i*t ,t next month, Permission war? Kiven him to Ityhot outside the hoagis of th? proa? bytery until tho next Muted meoitliiKi siso, to R<-v. W, H. Oraras? Th.. Rev. I>r. II. If. L.itini r r. slgnf-I the pastorate ?.f CoUlBStOWB church and Rev. ?!. \. Doyle, that of Clark .?bur?, W. Y t Arrangements worn completed to havo th.- mlnutea of the pr? ?by i ery i>rtnte<{. Hum.- missions received tii? usual ? - itl.iii. An . irneat effort will bo m ida t?> aupply two very Important tlelda In \\? i Virginia al an early day. Tho ehurchos of the preehytery win bo ankci tu raise MM* for th-? preabytsry'* homo ?na text roar n >?ll?ht Inoren??- ou ?ilbuted the <-utT??nt y?ar. The followtng Ki-ouptng of ? hurnhea was ordered: Walker's Crash ( /.hlflh now has US raomhors) an.i Bheflaariah) ona aaaaj Tii. m.m.' Iheaaai tro-h, living at Pond Gap, ?rid the members ot Logs*** hon church, living ar ?crai***r**ttaB, i*r in number, a???k s n?-w srganlsstiSB, mastm** a charge, and lasbanoa i?n?i ?lonlieri a third. The Rev. Dr. Brooke, evangelist, mad? as IstsreoCtag report of .lone lu \ Virginia. The prashyterlal arasenr-ments were re m d. Increasliig the ?total umount from |H"l t.? II!". Revs. ). B, Book? r, J. ,\r. Wells. H. A? Toung, and Bidets J. D. Tom u and ? - *> Coffer wera appointed t.. ? the church at Crakfsvflls the lr.ti of Novem* gor, TBS next t.- d aBSetfag will be h?l?| b u Blow ??horch th- l?th of May, IfJB. An Intereatlng sddrass on mission worg in Bl ..: . i i y the Rev, \V. H. Thosapooa. The presbytery sdjoarasd to muet n? Btaunton the Mth o? Rovosbbss to ?con? elude the following busln???*: 1. The call Of Baste <*?fy rhureh for the psntoral ?er Of Licentiate Itob? rt K Hrown. * in.? call of Walher*s-Creek church to w. w. Carson, :i The revision oS th.. manual of I It ry. 4. The Ot* ganfrsatkm ??f two churches at Btaunton-? one at the Olivet Wl^nion, ?onnected wtltt th?r Kirst i ?ti?- on Bear's 11111? th?? work of th?? S?-, oml ?hurch. The following wera nominated at SOBS' mlsskraera to the n-xt Oeneral Asaembly, u hlch m< - ta In N> w ?rrlean? In May r- ?rj lu-v. Drs. A. F. Fraser an4 <;. W, ?fialey; alteraatee, Reva, l?r. I ?'. Palmer and Jt. a. Lnpeley. Ktders?DK A. P. Kerr, of IflttbOfO*, and rrofesaog \ i. Nelson, of Lsxlngton; alternates-* Mu r Jed. Ho-tchklas, >.f Btanaton. an4 A. Mi. IfoCoe, of AuKunts church. Tho presbytery now consists of ?ixty* ?Ix ehurcbes and fifty mlnlste?rs. 'a Tavern, Vs., October l?, 1SST. BIO STO^K (?AP. I I in ?nu?nul ii.; I' Report?al N.? .Ir? Itiii.i. i.l?; BJOHB OAP, VA,. Or?ober 13.? .j1.>?Judge W, F. Rhea spent to? day hero. Thu Judge haa be?-n stumiv? lag ths whole Ninth District, and report?*, r ; re gstta for tho election of alt tho AHsembly candidates. He spoke to a big crowd in Jonesvllle jrtsterday, and the ! r bays he did s?>m* excel? 1. id missionary work amontf the Hepub* . .tor Dan!? I came In t?.-nisht. an?-*) will address th? voters to-nioir..?*/. We had the first rain In this section for over two months to-day. our water? works her? had closed .town, snd people had to dopend upon the neighboring cprlnas of tho boom period. Hufus A. Ayers haa been in Mew Jforg for a week, an?l It is hoped by the us* tlv.-s her? that he may persuade somo of Mr. Hanna's prosperity to come Into thla section. - i M in oat laslg? Oat. i The stomach that is not tur?m*a in... ka a ahaklns up on th- "briny ^27\ 1ft be a weir fortlrUd on*. The ?g-aatr?i a??l\ ratus can b* rvn?l rt?i proof ?agateatsataL .tckne?s with that stomuciue *e vopuEi ion? travellers by u** mnA j^aJ laT..* ters Stomach Ulttira It a.f2?i~V'>?,*u tem aaain.-rt n.-l.rU arw rbsSLt-^T ,y^