Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20. 1897,_ -__J rVC~_ s?^_ai : M .? w \ ii\?. i i TI ir ._:. v_ ti Vf<^a abas, ahapetam ??alia, i .?a, phaaptee, t.Uckbead. . .?..:-., tit?, sad tsllteg hair, itch! .irkivto warn? b.tha 44,th r? ?r, ?.. ; i. .. , ?.tt? c? ri< ui.? (e.i.'i-H-Dt,,tba great ., i>rv")' tlv. 4?n,li retrait. Da; o a?t.Ca??. B#- - 11. w t., |-r?1ur. OeJt, Whit. II??<W." Irr? ITCHING HUVSRS "S**sl_!__-_? RADICAL DISPUTES. LAU AM? OBS TBS I rOB IU:i()1.MH?iN \M) SI.J, ADMINISTRATION WITH WADDILLITES it i. ri.oimin it will Baaaala s<?. Ba Mi ?Her Whin ?in,i? Die di,. Met null l'c.ple *?lnl_?* In Ihe BlOOllOa? . B| tOB I ?r.oiinl.. iN, D. < . petobei i tod I ad Ba oomra :u - . : la wi la an lateraal coat? it dar machli itiOB, both by th? n aad the aatlonal party organisation. 'i bia i. 'I : tm? nt Of Mr. J.s ?A . BUtOtt as 1 Newport News is claim. Mi? m upon that idera v . s for Mr. A. C. Pn bey, ;-.- ' WmO, Tt'iK is | big one .- until aft? Me* Novi-iu i.. Mon". N< arpori Ni we plum. litt? ? ami N i I : . .... n n ba odd appotatmenl . h hi. ti shows that they are -Mil tbe pa? penning machine of the party , is that while the the bulk , ; ty in the State and th. men was I w i > ue in OH an i ; It. What will li th l_j nebburg tl tel : In i be Btati . the . . -, ioi of tbe pstron mal I tue a ol th.- party will atlU will I " UiiZ.-lS. RAIL- AY MAIL BERVICB. I repon "' M?.? Post? ral will contain an i ion In regard bul ' ... e tai khapei to? il Of Railway Mall : I be ? it at the I railway rka; with th. mil-s .1 bf th The (land ai of mil? The numb? r of of .d . ?1**1 - Of mall matter iti i In tti? ca? i dm lag th? * itter I ol ited at at ol to ?d . ,. ii ? i ror . rtg the la The nuin ,ti.-n during the .ail., r Of pi railed d?r? re i u titles during the in whnh it clerka loot th? i bill for the relief of , lei ki kill? -i in thi line <?f and unfitted perm mently or t? mp : d t..r ?. "t on pa* lisl pay ol b*bo ha ? to be llO la ell I . I ,.-. '. ..'. , trongl] m ntendent PERSONAL. BtOr and Kx-Mini- t? \. . rol lna, i m the ? ity to-daj. t of Cap? ot the . .. ;.. his r. mi m from ?>>t?< a pel lodli il Bsnall] M.?;..-? .' I .a Harrison Tyler a I"? tty tair a,lean? ?. Th? waa w.ii pieeaed srlth it?-- pro by the I nil. . d.-r, of Bta lotoa, '* .. | .1. II. *i..r \\ i? e, of 1 Va., aad ? i : it. BoBthera railwi . R. M - ' \ a ; W. W. . R Williams. IC. I?. Williams. n. v. on 1:111", Lynch? n. C?The vv. ii I B. Bddy, North . ii ii Gray, lUchmon I, Va ; M. R. Ru I.n. ? I M . . Rat h -TAL. the fourth-?: r ?..Mi were the fol? ?. Surry, Va.?-a JoiiaMian ?J. \\ y C. : ' u . . \ i m.t mon. y-??r.|. : BBBQBB. i office ha? beoa sstabiu I I lest, Gloucester county, Va., with \ Riake a? pootmaster sos? changes have been made s follow.: ?, - . Drj bridge. M?>?!ify order i??. US! (Bulletin B*-t), so as .n Incrtu*1?' In distan..- of ono . dge. r to Mirafork. Modify order 1 (Bull? lia MBD, bo an to n ?llhlaliie of "lie-half .'sit- of Showalter. I? to Roeehlll. Modify order I 1SJ7 (?Julletln ?-3.1?. so as * Halo au iiii.-ri.aic In distance of on. ?n?i one quarter miles by change of sito of Rooehlli. tat North Carolina: to Monroe?Leave Monro? lay? and PrMays at 7:3o a. m.. ar MofgaBfl Mills by 1:.V) I?. M.; leave Morgaas Milla Tassdays aad Prtdays at P. M . arrive .Monroe by 7:30 P. M : < ?. tota r 19, 1897. ?TAI MON t\n Al <.| ?iT*. "*.? *.*? Iron I! r i cl h <r-o??**ona of Veteinns. Ilrlcr?. \r\T(l\, \ A.. OetObSff 19.-(Sp????lal.) Th.- eaaatj bas ju-r the publls a splendid new Iron Migo soanatog ?Chrlotlaa'a creek, on the itichmoni roa?. p ahatasssHa of solid Stone, and ths structure BBS a Ith af 13 fct, Boally accommodating Augusta is erecting two or throe Iron brldgas ?rich y?mi-, thai ul.??placlng the k H trestle I Th.- Sons of Oonfed' int?- V?sterans met in BtoBowall .j imp iiaii i ?st md i i f< : i th-ir or i>. Timbertakc and Holding L nil-, iei the hading spirits of tha in. ling. Tha Bmrrlags of ths Bar, H. t. Shards?; r of Christ's I.utli? ran church, r.f Btaunton, snd Miss Mabel ?Caroline Duble, of WUllameport, Pa., win be DBBlS d at thS home Of tin- bride's ad Mrs. .i. i!. Dable, ob Thursday aitornoon -After a wedding y of t fortnight Mr. nnd .Mrs. . will be at their otannton Bosse. Th.? Virginie Uva Stach aad Pair As? ti, and the Southern lr I .on will conjointly, at begtanlng ? totober Hd, hold an exhibition and fair, to last Sight .'.? ??Kik for S siK?'?,?ssfiil c.\|'?. II hi la good. Botertalasaenta day and night will be given, ?One day will b?> devoted t?. M . i? raoos aad four days t0 horse racing. DITO IN TlfBI WOODS. Ur. SOB WOlla <>' <.l?iu?-?-af <-r, I'niiNea \miij While Out lluntiiiK. (Hi ?i ? BflTEB COURTH? ?i si.T, VA., ' i Ik (Row I Bl .)-t'ur whole commu? nity ?was profoundly Bhoeked this morning to herir of the death Of DT. William T. Sea well, who ttiei twelve m lies south or this rlllage. Dr. Seawall drove yesterday In !? to th.? village of Hickory Pork, where h<- Stood, and ih?-n had a snd. Ids bons an?l BBtOfBd B Is to hunt turkey.?. a i., Bimset his hone and <i?>g wars found on the rood. Prienda searched ths WOOdS all night. At licht 'this morning his body ?was fouad by Deputy-Treasurer Joshua f,. Bray In a iltttog po Itioa, aith a turkey-call la hla hand, n.? had sal? dontly died without b straggle. The Doe* n.r's health had been poor for severa] Dr, BeaweU ?was greatly beloved by ths whole community, BBd wna one of ths few men without enemies, h v\: i?.?.--, and "ire dBBghtor and two motherless grandchildren to mourn th? Irreparable loss winch has befallen them. InrciMlinrlniii in Oicl.cii-.oii. DWALE, y a, October Ik?(SpodaL) haa Jusl b en rsoolvod to the effect that ineemiiiiri?s have been getting In their demon-like work In the vicinity of Sergent, a few miles from her?-. The barn and out-bulldlngs of Hon. Nathaniel li.ill were burned Sunday night. Loss, BbOUt tt,<M* DO insurance. There is a clue, ??tul several am?sts will follow. The bara of David Hall, near there, was also burned tr? ght Daniagsshsavy? no tasaran It Is il., driest time now that we have had for years la this bo? Uon. Ths strsams have all dried op, so that Btock is almost ? !? I'. Reports i from Norton sines th.? Bra ?say that many families are reu . an?i thai the BttustloB Is Indeed bad. Ths Iosf, it is thought, will i | coos. Tin? Norfolk turnery Trlnl. NORFt U.K. \ a . October IS {Hp< laLI J. J. Morris, formerly employed as a book? keeper in the Norfolk branch Qr the banking concern of <*.. n. Hancock, of Atlanta, waa trici in the Corporation ?. to-day on the charge of systematic then bj forgery. An sxamlnatlon or the books, it la charged, showed thai tal aatrles had been mads and batanead by which wars hold a? col? lateral securities. J. H. Wall was sr roated ?with Morrla as an aeeemplice. Me was released ob ball, however, and i?sfi town Immediately. The indictment upon which Mortis was tried . ordains BVO . .?uiits, on three of whleh be w:is ac? quitted. I'll? re still remain two Indict menta against him. *t nollit-r Portsmouth Sensation. NORFOLK, VA., Oetober lit?(SpoclaL) Portsmouth has another ssnaatlon, i by the attest of .\ir. c. <?. John on cosap?Ialnl of hi.s daughter. Miss i Johnson, who aU-sgOB thai about one week ago her father made her dis ?Wlth the exception Of one garment, and looked for a boras whip t<> heal her with, but falltag to iin'1 it procured ths limb ??f ?i tras and boat h.r most tinnier? ctfully. The eass was oontlau-ed until Baturday morning al M o'clock, to allow Johnson tlm? t?. secure witnesses, and h<> ?ras balled In ths -urn of $100 for his ap nice and to heep th?- pease. A Ksrmer'M I'hIiiI I all. BTAUNTON, v.\.. ? i ;?? ? r H?HBpa i William Harvey Marshall, a 60 ycar-ol.l farmer. In going to his homo from this City last night, fell from his hors? Into s ?Moot r"<'?< col on ths Bal? timor? and ? >h;<? railroad, near the Mar? shall Bluff road. !!? lay all through ths Cold night with a broken iBg ar:.| a torrl ut in the band. Hs died ?shortly after being discovered thti taornlng. His wlfs x children r? Bide In Bl ninton. I ttmt He Una Sent On. ROCKT MOUNT, N. C, October 19.? lal.) -1 the trial just beard I Justice Ac.'lrrw Joyner, of this BtatS, against John H. Barnes, for aliened at i. und at criminal assault upon Miss Cora ?i m i....nil, th? defendant was required to give bond in the sum of S'.?OO lor hiH ranee at Nash County Court on No? BT 0d,__^______ A VIA t li Alt RBMTOY. -. m? ihm? About lb?? * ,? .> Discovery for Curlnc, DyngogBf??, Ths Roy. F. I. Ball, a hlghbj-astoossod 1er, residing in Weedsport, ?Cayugs county, N. v.. in a recent letter, writ s us follows: "There has never been any? thing that I have taken that has relieved ij | pals nom which 1 have suit n | for t?-ir ?.??.us except the new remedy called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Since tak rig them 1 have had no distress at all after eating, aad ?gata after long years eaa sleep smU. Haa. P. Boll, Wood? sport, N. V., formerly Idalia, <'ol." id's Dyspepsia Tablets is a. remark i.iu.dy, not only because it is a lira cure for ail forms of Indigestion, bul because It BOOBBS to a. t as thoroughly In oid chn? ' ' ? as well as in mild attacks of Indigestion or bill A i ? i bob baa dyapagala shaggy because tl,.- stomach ?a overworked; all it barmleoa, ?sgsta-bls remedy to : the food and thus give It the much mided root. This Is the secret of the success of this .ir remedy. No matt, r how went or how much disordered the digestion may Dyspepsia Tablets will digest the food whether th? ?tomach works or not: NOW M* **><* ?saergy Is Klvtm not only to the stomach, but to every organ and nerve In the body. A trial of this nplendid medicine will convince the most si that Dyspepsia nnd all stomacn troubles can be cured. The tablets uro prepare?! by the Stuart Chemical Com? pany, of Marshall. Mich., but so popular has the remedy become that Stuart's 1'yspepaia Tablets ein now be obtained fct any drugstore at 60 cents per package. ?Send for book on stomach diseases, tree. ACROSS THE BORDER. SEWS ft A THE It Kl) II THE NORTH CAHOLIAA CAPITAL. Farmers' Instltntrs? A ?.crions Loss-. Polltlrnl .\otra?A Horrible Acrl ilrn?? The BSStO Fair?Military I'u rnde?i'ersoanl if ml Onrral. HALI.IGH. N. C. October 19 -(Special.) Ban. Dr. Kllgo, L.litor J. N. Halley. and .State Superintendent of I'ublic Instruc? tion Mobaas have Kone to the BUaaboth City Fair to apSBk on education. Dr. KllgO ha.? drawn a hot Are on himself by a sermon and a IntOIS delivered here Sunday. One of those who openly at? tacked him for hi? utterances is Dr. Cyrus Thompson. BSCltSlBIJ of State. Dr. I). R.-id Parker has finished the ho'?ling of farmer-?.' Institutes In tw<nty Bve counties, each Institute occupying two day.. j?e says some others may be h? i?i this year. Be dwlares he never ? ; ??k?. a wor.i about politics, and that the institutes were productive of great good. The Itldgcway High School, which was bar Bed BBSday Bight, was valued nt The loss to the principal. I'rofes? sor John Graham, is s- -. ere. It is BOM that then was no insiiraii'-e. Some of the forty boarding pupils also lost pro N. II. Rraugthm. of Raleigh, has gone to Clyde to BttCBd the session of the Winston (N. ?'j Raptist convention, and i tain what are the terms ui ou v.hi? h It is pmpend tO |Ola the North Carolina ? "Tivcntion. These will be laid before the latter. The nnti-Rutler PopOliStS, who have Balled a .oiif.-renee tar- (?einher -1st, claim thai letters are pouring in, and that there li gnat enthusiasm. Whit.- R? publie n.s ai.- rldi.-iiiing the notro mass-meellng or cOBVOBtlOB Whlcb is t>> in- h'M hen November ;'??i to de? mand ?.m? -. a The plain ?statement yesterday that the penitentiary win not, uni.r any <ircum atanon, ba leased was of particular tn t< rest, In view of the negro attack <?n the i .;;. y of i. aatag. 1 he declaratloo that Me- Superintendent can remain li? oll:M upon c. rtalti OOOdltlOBI means that a must i??- the ereatnre and not the bom .?r the dinctois. Be told the Governor that he recogaised him as the head or the penitentiary, arel deferred to his wi.-hes. But the Governor has for week! dOBlrod his removal. Just as ht- has dO? aired Ihe poBlteatiary to be Isassd. RobtaUOB ?*? Franklin Rrothcrs' circus arrived bSTB this morning. With it was Jcnks, master of animals, who was hurt at ?Ireensboro" Saturday by the gigantic . 1. pliant, "("??1.'' A <lo.:tor was to-day called on to s?-?- .ler.ks, and found him with b broken rib. Jaaka went to th.- ,-ii'i of Keeper Smith, whom "cid" was crushing with his trunk. Smith is at Greensboro*. His langa are injured. internal hemorrhage is feared. He has also h*?i mach trouble with his heart. HI.* physician (he is lu a hospital? expects recovery. s? nator Pritchard and his prlvats Beere? tary, ilyams, have gOBB to Omaha on civil a i ?. b mini as, BORRIBLB A( ICIDBNT. A most horrible accident happSBSd * '? - terday in Durham county, mar thl Wake line. A team ran away with I laun-r. I!.- was thrown from ins wagOfl and ins bi id strii? k a stone and was spilt open. i?..?iia was laatantaneoua. BUTly this morning ?.rimes's Lattery, from Portsmouth, arris?.1 here, and is quartered in the Armory of the ?., >.. i nor's Guard, as th-- gUOBl Of that organi? zation and L. o'R. Breach Camp, federal?. Vetsraas, it was in the State Pair parade to-day; bo wae th? Governor* Guard. There was a drizzling rain tfl the morning. The parade was at noon. In it wer.- the Governor and other State oili.-eis. the marshals, the military and Bremen, Ac At the Fair-??rounds Gover? nor Russ.-ii, after an introduction by i R, u. Rattle, opeaed the fair, which la in ail respecta a very fine on?-. UM Board of Agriculture met this af? ternoon and Inspected and accepted the baddaoBM oak furniture which was eaade for the st.?t.- Mnaenm. PORTR?IT PRB8BNTATION. Mrs. Z. B. Van? ? will hi litre to-mor row In order to srltneea the presentation tO the State, at the I'air-Orounds, of the llfe-slse portrait group .?:" tbe three eolo n. is of the Twenty-sixth North Cantina Regiment '/.. B. Vance, BUTgWyn, and .lohn R. 1 -1 ii?-. The Stat. DBirymeB'l Association meets at the Capital tO-moma evening la an? nual Session. i .?-morrow is Confederate Vetei ?lay at th.- Btate l-'air. The Bl elation meeta, and will sleet otAt The revenne depotlee are parUealarly active just now. The moonshiners BXI both numerous and dOJ a cotton buyer remarked to-day that rally there is a large cotton crop, but that the farmers arc nstag rsry m ble to make II app? ar small, 1 b<.. think the size of tIn- > . ?]> in a particular county or BVOB tOWBlhlp has an effect upon pries. State-l'.ank-Fxamlner Orowder returned to day Horn a tour of inspection of Bl ! a hanks in thl West. Be says that May ar.- in good COBdltiOB. At Waynesviile th.- c attic-raisers have received MI.0M for cattle in the past three m? aMis, pn? M I" lB| bettl r than in twenty >? us past. Th.- appU crop ?s viiy la and is bringing in BTBOl deal o!" mon. y. (?in faiim r BC4d bl! apple! OB the trees for UMP, another for H.690, ?Sic. Then wait- tl ?I State Fair tO-day. This fair is now on the I n . uit for rana Butriee arc BOtaonaa To-day they wen m follows: iTOttlng rae? Beul M., Au? gusta, ??a.; BlSttarlna, Halifax, N. ?".; Rivette (?i. i?. Bennett), Goldaboro*' sai? away (G. M. Harden. .Ir..?. Durham; Lutte i-aw.son and Clar?n (S. a/alton>, I' ills Mills. Va.; Krank T. and Clandon [C. St?.-)? i. Norfolk. Gentlemen'! road horses?William ?>. (Jack Harden). Raleigh; Robtoe I ! '. K. Bmory), Raleigh' Lady May (G. M. Har lon, Jr.). Durham; Mamluino Girl (F.. A. It. ttS). Balolgh; Lui? Ray (T. H. Tait), sboro'; Emma J. (T. T. I'ace-j. Ra? leigh. Running?Miss Molred (James Roddy), Charleston; cold Mug ?a. s. McDanlei), Richmond; Frank T. (F. V. T?for.l). lii IWB? My Vick <K. Y. Dent?n?, Ra? leigh; St. Eolgus (James Rrylan), Raleigh; r Vendlg and Benola CO. T. Leach), -:h; Tom F-uiley (W. H. Juyncr), (?nysburg. The Western Union Telegraph Com? pany tO-day pnnatOd to th?; Railway Commission a stipulation for the remand tng to the commission of the very lm poii nit ?-as?' which the company recent? ly transferred to the PedSIBl fJOBTt, an I which was set for hearing before Judge Slrnont<?n at Wilmington November 23d. John W. lllnsdale and W ?". POBgl counsel for Governor Russell, were pre s?-nt, and asked f??r time before the stipulation was accepted. A. L. Holll day and F. H. Rust?. ? appeared fo? the Western I'nlon, and the latter said the stipulation had been prepared after con? tinuation with the commission. The chuirman of the commission said tho Attorney-General was its counsel. He favored the acceptance of the stipula? tion, as hi is desired to get the case out of the Federal Court He then set October 29th for a settle? ment of the matter. This case is the one in which tbe commission ordered that 1J cents be the ?luy-rate on a ten-word meesage In North Carolina. The Railway Commission this after? noon decided to adhere to its order of June 1st, reducing tehphone ratei and making them 124 for residences and f-l for buslnes.. places. Orders for printing sent to the Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention, and the style of work and prices will be sure to pitase you. MARKET QUOTATIONS. ItKroRTS IIIO?I ALL GREAT IUSI NES9 tU.Mftr.S OF Til H WORLD. Prices or Money, Ronds, Stocka, Grsln, Tobacco, Cotton, Cattle, tooFitry I'rodnce, Ac, Forelan and Ucmcstle. NKW YORK, October 19.?The under? tone of to-day's market was one Of Bgth throughout. Tho volume or transactions was not large, and there were prolonged periods of dulncss when trading was practically stagnant, but the operations of important Interests WhlOh were ?dominent in th- Int.- I,nil market were BBBatfsst The tone of yes tiiday's market had apparently deter rnin. I large? professional operators to m.'l'-rtake a movement for a riso to day. Ths break in the price of Pullman, OWtag to the news of tho death of the head of the company, halted the or tlons of this element for a time, but tho finanesa of the general list, in tho face of the brask lg Pullman, di?l not last long, and the strong support Which was offered the palhnan st?n-k eneouragofl ths bull operators to renew their cam? paign in an aggressive way late In tho afternoon. Th?. result was that the shorts driven to cover, and prlOSS throughout the list mounted Btronaty Upward, to B potot materially above last rritrht's ? The strength of the market developed Brat in ths ?/?anderbllta. Michigan Cob was the sensational feature In the group, with a jump of 51-s points, bat nearly all <?r these properties, iriclu'iing Nerthweet and Omaha, wer.? quits int, and Closed with net gains of 1 to 2 points. Sugar and Chicago (Its rang'd over nearly 3 point;- and the oovertog or shorts in th-aSC stocks on th.? rise WBS a.i Important slement in tho strength Of th?' run kOL Dealtoga in PuHmaa ,,n n v.-ry ? ale. and ov<?r a range of 7 3-t ?points. In estimating tho Blgnlfloaa movement, it is to be considered thai ths stock jump."] yesterday 3U-4 P? rnts, on a small transaction, such as often aft.s an tavastsssal st?>?k. Tha ? lose to-nliiht is only half a point below the price ruling before yesterday's ? All ths news ?.f the ?lay continu, d fa v? ?rabia Railway sarntags shoo op w ? 11. Louisville a ss s notable ? with b .! line in earnings <.f I7.1M for tha ?ss? cond w?eeh In October, due to continued Interruption by yeHow-f?svor quarantines. Laondoa continued to be a good buyer in the -New York market, and, In fa> t. Of* : ths principal support during ths ? arty trailing. TBS exchange market showed a ?IIe tii.etiv ly linn? > tendency, thoagh the only snn of gold from gurupa was ot ths withdrawal for shlpmonl to the United stat.s ?.r OM? in gold from ;ink of Kti.lair.i. Hold. hOW-SVer, is in transit from Australia to San l-'ran * Tho local money market continued and oiitsi.i.? banks continued to i large amount of comm? rclal paper In this market. \ feature of the bond market was th?* sale of two BtOChS Sf IBMt BB 1 IB lively, of i nion I'ai-iti?- ? ?Hat? ral ! good prices. Dealings in bonds n??t on a large s, ale, out |?: illy Bhowed Improvement. Total ;i : ?. i m t < .1 Stat.s Vs, registered, advanced l-s bid, snd th.- Pa declined 1-4. The total sabs of stocks to-day were ? shares, Including ?Chicago) Barttag? toa aad Qutacy, ls.&in-, Uailsvllle sad NsshvlUo, i-.1?;": Missouri P idOc, I N a v..ik c.dit rai. IMS; Northora I f?e. 7,21:': Reading, AMa, si. Pan!, :i,-, i:,.?.j; Chicago G Pullman p u\ IM*? Chi? cago On a m. MM, IfONKT AND KX<*HA\?;i*. 3 p. M.?Money on call easy at 2fi2 1-2 per cent.; last loan at 21-2: closing off?r <??l al -l-l'"-'!--: I'time mercantile paper, ! ? I 1-" i" r ? ? nt. BterltBg SX? haagS Arm. with actual lese in bankers' bills nt $?t?rll-2 for and, an?l |*.82?* 1-4 for sixty lays; , ited rates, |4.01-W-K? 1-3 and fUU-S; commeri lal bills, MJL Silver certlAcateO, 58 3-8. Mexican dol? lars, 44 3-4. Covemment bonds Irregular. State bonds ?lull. Hallway bonds strong. FOREIGN' STOCK MARKETS. Tho Evening Post's L'indon financial j agran says: The stock market*? were dun to-day. except Amerl Which wars better on the New York 1, id but transactions were tWW, To-d iv's sale "f SBglSS attracts atten? tion, the withdrawal, though small, be? ing the first since the price of eagles was ' raised The Paris Bourse wns better sft?r dulness, and the Uerlln market was quiet .NEW YOHK 8TOCK QPOTATIOV-J. ClOiiug bto??f9. Aict?is??a.-Tor-etc-aa.! "?"?? " .14 Auu ?on. preferred. rjo-y Baltlniorr a? -1 ?thttS.... 15^ Canada Pa rlfi". . . 94 Canada homuora. PAU Central facia?. i7 Ohiaaiaaeasa ** i oui?. -il4\ ubica-*?' ame Altea . -.l?fl?i Chicago, tluriin?i ill ' U iiii-f. p.-,., lhl.?agoaaj Bastera Illinois,. m CCCaad Ht boats. 3t?u 0, f. 0. and St. beaw preferred. s.i,r Ii??lbwarc?ndllulir)a.ll.,^ Delaware. haet*#%nna and Weetera .... I.?*,? Denrerstd KioWrand?. i?-?^ l?eu?*erani Kiotiroa?e, preferred... 4/?^ [ Srie tatw\..- . loi* j li . ... * . lut, arei errai. as-u Kert ? ' t-.reaiNorto.ern. preferred .JH,?, Uurktng Valley. su IliiDoi? i'eotrai.-.104 tas? Xne asi ?redera . h Laie trie and VTestere Drererre-4. 71) Late -.?ore.I7IU Lo?ji??iu? ?11 .**,asaritle....M.. |ga| MaiiUaiMQ L.. .?.,.lo.?., M ? 11 uiM.ii t to 1 r action.110 M leb I rar C-eStre?,. ~107U Mlunoawtaaul?:. boui* . pj Raraassat.aaS *i. LeaM 1st Dreferrel.... ri Mi'fuiri PaHBo . 3114 Mobile end UOlo. .51 Missouri K. aad ?. 14U &&&? I Five Minutes and $15 will give you a Top Coat that a tailor would keep you waiting live days?and charge you $20?for. And it wouldn't be a bit too much. We wouldn't take your measure and make one M good as thpse are for any less ourselves? Wouldn't be any better?wouldn't fit any bet? ter?and the r-tyle is absolutely corroct. You men who have never seen our ready to-wear don't realize what satisfaction there is in it. You men who have not seen it THLS season don't know what improvement we have made. point out ppocially that English Covort Cloth Coat .11 with pan silk ?.f the very l>**st ?pinlify. W? want to that is lined all , ... .?.. -__. ^__..____,?, _~_-> ..,., _?-?-,. finished with strati noama, French faeiagg, patch jioi'kets, and iii.-.ri?'?! front piece. Thor?'"? feM w??rth of tailoring for $1*?? and they are ready for deliv?*ry this morning. ?. SAKS & COMPANY,! % "S?KS'CORINIER." $ NKW VOltK STOCK I'UOTATIONS. ('-?.' Stocks B-BSMtt K. sad T. preferred. S.iM MoarAtoeay ?nd crnciuto. Now Al 4K,n?/ and Chicago prelen-od. ;) S~w .lerne? central. !??'?? '?.--.-. Tore Central......_.l</?<, Nfic i orft. ?. ' ? /in l st. L. ISfj N. Y.. ?'!i?ei,r<> ?ml *?_. L. 1?: preferred.... 7?? M. v.. CMeegoaaoSt? u Sdoreeeered..... S4M sortrweetera._ l?M_ Berth American Company. ?X+ Northern Pa?-lie....... ISfci NortLern Pacifl??. ?.reierrad.... . ?'??I Ontanoand Western. ISM Oreeea <t. aad Vav.-. ',?> <?rei?on*?hor? Lru.?. SO I'ittat.urg.ISA Heading._?_. . 2 i ?4 Kecaialaod. B7ti st. LaatoaadSaa rrea. i*?? sc I.oiiiB and :?..n Vran. pref. I?He H.Paul _. 0*?* f*t.Paui.o*?r irren M.ISOtt St. i'a 11 an i Om?h?. BO St. Paul and Omaha, pref erred.14 "I St. I'nul. M. eu.] M.-?I?-! Southern Pacific.?.... '-'" Southern. MM Snuthern, oro'erre-l . SIM Teiaa Pacific. 1 l!-t Lnxin Paciilc . 21l, i . P., P. ??mi?;. *'i Wabaab, St. i/iuis and Paeifle.? "'<. Wabasb. M Loulaand Pacific, proferre-i.. ISN WB#ellax aa*l Lai* Sue . I" Vila e.-l ? T. I I.'? I'." " ?.-?'-?TJt. 11|, ?IPKK3? COUPAMBS. A ?lams igsrew.ISI Aiiierl'-?n kxpri????. .11'"> UnitedHtatea Kinross. 4 I Weils i ar-jo Exprese..?.IOS MHCKI.I.AN-OI***. American Cotton (?II . ?'J?4 American Cotton Oil preferred. Tflj American Spirit?. Kit, American Spirits preferred. '-'si*v Atin' tob?cea Co. Mna American TobaccoCj. preferred.K?!'V?j ??i?!-? liai . !'t Consolidated ???a.'-'I t Com. ?'able ComDany.1 78 Col. Fuel A I._-_?. ISM Col.fuel _sl..pret_rred..... !?i> Beaeeeigleetrta. :h*m ll'itnnis Stool. ! me, i.? ?Inn?? <>aa . 4 '>.? LeadTru.r...,. 33W Leee preicrreo.......10 **? National Linseed Oil. Up.* Orecon Immurement Co. I ? Paclllr.Maii. UM Pull man Pala-e....'.171 Silver CertiBcatea . s (?m lord hon aad Twin 4. Anuerii-nr Baser Hot iery.1 ISN Amen -mi Sucar Heflnery, Drot.114U T. C. and iron. ?ISN D.S. l.?Mtl?r. TJA I. ' >. ?..-.-liber prerarrod. 61*. D.S. Kubier. i;? 1 . s. Kiitiii.T preferred. Mjj W ?.ftarn l.'nion. S!) ) IcagO ?Ir.eit VV-.tern. in" i ( ln-a..". Northwestern It? ..- Ni.rthwent? n pnfMVS I.....l^'-t Hlo Orando Western. '"' HioUrande Western, preferred. ?tS^ :io.Ni) 1.1 IT. Daltnstaiee 4'-.. now. registered....i-m-ii-.' v<_ Untied siates ?'a. new. coupons.I27al27"i?_ in.ted Btaiee a'l reg__?end.Il_*)e%ll3 United Matee ? ?. coon ? 1 (JettedStaiee Ft rarjaasred. ps'i (Jetted Btatel ">'? refe'is'.oreJ.1 1 i M Datted Statee a1? coupons.LlbMali ? _ Dial : ' :'..;..?.im1, M-.mi P'laas M.?,. IOS ataban? a (?;.??? Mi .101 Alncama (?'lass C).UK) Alabar?a Currency. ?s Ai.-l??*eii 4's. k.;i?s Ate!ii-??ii .-?dj. 4*1. ...". ol? ( muida Souttieru Si.10_4<J c SX,F.W Ft. .... 4..V? Chesapeako & Ohio -Vs .113 ?'. 11. a '? ilfa..1??. *? , Deoverh R. d. lata.ill UeoverBlta i'l. M|| K?st Tennesse ? lats. .lOMa Krlrt -.-ii ml I'l. In'-1 !. SV. g t?. 1 ^1-4 t. r. 7'ti ?;.- r -i r.le -in I > -...11)0 (i. II.A s. A. ?'l !.. I. . S. A. '.'Is . 10. ', n. & T. Ceetral Va_.1 n 11. A T. Ctmtral .*ousoi d's.KM looa?. ist?. STIe Kaaeaa Parlfle eooaoli l r. b7li Kaoae ?><? ? oit.) t. r.11 - Louisiana new coiuoU, 4's. ?7^ I.. .. \. Int. II.... . ... si Biaaoari Fa.100 M. K. r.Sda. ?si?. M.K.T. : I 4's . MJ 1. rl ? -ntr.'ii igta.?.117??. New Jersey Coat ral 61.113 Norrt? Carol!ua > v.|_rg Nonti ar i-o?? ? *t. 103 Nnitherii I'.i'-ltl.: Is'.1 , Nnrt'i'-rnl'vil..' a*l. '"1 Northern Paci/lc4*a.'... W?'?, N. ? 1 . .V st. 1..4's . 1?)'(.s N? r-olk and \V?-sterr. (i'a.I'lnv.'Ltrtrn ? ?>ns"ls.lit)t North went ci u.1eb. it'a.117 Oregon Savtgatloa ists.111N Oregon navigattea if.. i'l'?, <? s. i.iti.'ti's t. r. ..Hi?1* ??. -. 1. n .V? t. r . OlU ?>. bapro.eeieBl 1st. t. r. ItlSJe 0. Improve eeal -'?'s t. r. 4;> 1'aclOcdaof '?..l?'.'*-4 l'a .... . *> ? 4 li.o. W. isis . s? St. L. A 1. it. ?-onsol .'?'a. S"> f?U I.. AS. F. ieuoral ti's .114?4 St. Paul Consols.IJ0 St. I'. ? . ? P. Ists .111*-. St. Paul C. A P. .Vs.... .11 4*4 South Carolina noa-tuud. H Sei" ern :..?,.. . HI-?, Btaa lard Hope and Twin?? Bl. ?5 'V* 'l'eao/sseeriow set'leiient 3'a. s.">?4 'le?as Paetilc l_ ??. ista. Poig '1 exas Pa-inc reftjtered9*e. SI l'Mon Pacific t's of '96.10IU 1. P. 1) .v?.ni* Ists. ?i"* Wabaeh 1st.?'*.107V?, WabeeB 'da. 'sv% West Shoro 4'8.I'd? Vlra-mia Centuriea. t'41?. Vlra-inla ?leferred._, 4 Pacific e^ or 'I'??.10.". Motil--ai.) 0:110 4". . "7 1V4, I'M'ai.-li lu.i and Heading*, m. O's. SdN Kort.'i. at-.d Weatern consol 4's... T'.'-j Ncrfoik au-l Westero preferred.43 uicU-lONiisro :- MA*{<ar. mana o.'tob.r i9, is.?;. n^ViiaiVflVT IBTS t?'i?_ Bl!. A-?-ii. DsltOdittllSI ?' , 1V-07. 113 si k *>? LR.ri?? North Car ?in-.-? '' ?.? ... 101J?_ North Carolina ?a. 123 \ trgtnla :i'a inewi.- .... 7<J* Ceuiunw. 6?H H'.W un saovairaa Ktchmond citf ?'s. Fit 'Hi-binoud dry *i'_. 11* Ki.-htnon.l ottr Va.. Ill P.ichmoad city 4'a It, lOaO-lii'.Q 101 Mm rtf -?" ? Itlaut? ant Coariotte is? 7s... 110 ... Ail.-uta an lCbar. ?teg't'l la. 8'??. K. l!.i)J?. 100 ... th ?r. Col. A Aug. ?d Ta.litt . ? uejrgia.sou-.oern and Florida ?a ?7>?? Oevl ? , if . urir e. I ? A '....?. 110 Pet??ourti.'tasa Bi ?l'a. l?3 sav.ini. ih, Aiuericus A Mont? gomery. SB _?. Iimoeru K%llw?T 1st ?'a. .. Ul-i BaitwaW niwHe. US Norton and Weatern . 77 ... Kaiiboab ?Toogs. Par. ?tlanta an? ?larioUe. l'?> 86 -?7*-_ .'.uaaueat. an1 Oaio.10?? 21 Nortoliaul Weaiern pref....100 43 44 fo'rtf.oir..iuvl 1US-? HI Ki -iiujo-.i. rrailerlckauarc, and Poterna: Uly. ObllgCo.. 100 108 ... Hu- m. .?i-i an I Pa < >'* ur/..lO?? ... Un tVaitharo Kaitway, pra(. 100 31 S'4 louLhern Hail a? ?r. r.i-nutt.m . ?IIU 10 _. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. HAii.'soiiisnicKs rat Bid. AsXed U-sorfia and Alabama pre? ferrel. ... *"S Qeorgta and Alabsoia com? ?non. ... ?W !U-k ?STUUSS. CttiseosBank. M ... ti Metropolitan. SS M > .Nan iialllauh of Va.JOO ... Ml Planter-, National Bant.100 ggl Ml Htate Hans of Virginia.100 HIT Union Haat of iticbrtion?!.>0 IP* 11.? Sa-ir t? Hank of BBSSBaBBl.II 3.? Is (kBAIMMOaa/a .1 .% Virginia Kir?, and Slsriao.... ?*> ... r .*>Vg Virginia??t?t? . ' ? -.'.I 35 ili- ?. ?.. . par. American Tobacco Cotopv ny ;pr?terred). 100 109 .?. Aru.-n -un I ?>o i .> '?> rnp my (. ouru.'ii). .1 ) 81 8! V a.-Carol! na ? .? . ?iii.-M pre. 10<) ... i .; Va.-Carolina Ch-iculeal c?-ji-10O 51J4 H ?iitivn-i vibr Ont i aQi'.i;tij ?.a not lee? ctan ten year*. - m? GRAIN AND COTTON 1:."\<T1A.NV,E. Richmond, Va.. October 1?, UST. Quotations: Wheat ?I/>n?,'b? trv. mis??!, 91*?i**6o.; shortberry. Wu.'j?e.; So. 2 ??i. Me. C-orn?White, Virginia, ha? Iota, . N'<>. 2 white. MU-fhSJc.; No. 2 mix? ed. 3.!V.i..i<\ Oats?No. 2 mixed, 24ft'ZV-iO.; No. 3 mixed. - : winter seel, o?** Sic Rye?No. 2, b2f<?b2%c. RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va.. ?October 19. 1S97. No auction sales on 'Change to-?lay. Private sales: Killers, 75; smok-rs. .11; wrappers. 9; dark leaf, ?2?; Iuk*. ?17; west? ern, 7. Total. Ill hogahsads. U?-\>nue collection ": Clgara and clftar - ptMAM; tobacco, fl.735.11. Total, H.W?B. Hright loose sales at Plantera* nnd Davenport's warehouses were very - atis factory to-day. Prices ralod w?-ii upon all gradea, with a mii'-h larger proportion nf food t-abaccoon sales. Ail ?three ware bousea will sell to-morrow (Wednesday), BfaSBTB W. O. DunnlnKton. of I'arm vflle. Va., and B. E. I'arbam. of (Jreeri ville, N. C. wer.? here to-day. Receipts of hogshoad tobacco are light NEW tORK PRODUCa MAUKE!'. NEW'.K, ?OetO-ber If.?Pl?OUI He? rr?is; exports, :.'?.t:i bar lels; ??I packages; market lair ,.:.?l steady. Rye Pl?oar?Qulet i'uckwheat Klour-Quiet. Buckwheat Easy, < ornm?al?<^ulet. Rye Easy: No. 2, 48c. Bailey?Quiet; feeding, ?S'4c. Barley Malt?Nominal. Wheel Bpe Brm; No. 2 red. 97 i-fwp '.?7 Me. afloat; N??. 2 bard, M l-SO. atioit. Options opened easy, under bearish .M?les, but rallied, and wer.? Brm ail day, 00 later foreign buying? small nortbarest? in receipts, covering, and Hnal a-t-eadl neSS at Ijvt-rpool, closing l-*.c 1-4?., BStj higher; No. 2 ?red, January, closed M 7-s?\; 1 is. .-,' BSSc., doeed Me.? May. M 'j-l'i'.i!':'.-. ; closed Mo, Corn?Spot weak; No. t 3?) ?-He. afloat. options opened saajr aad declined all day, with few reactions, under weakness abroa?! and Ii?iuidatlon, closing 2-fVu'i-Hc. lower; May, U 1-8-1134 5-8c., closed :'.(', .; November, "20 7-*vt<3?> l-8c.. closed 29 "-fco. ; 1> c ml?? r, 90 I-Sd81c., closed 30 5-8c. ? ? its-spot weak; No. >, tVAp. ? ?ptions I Bl and fairly steady, closing l-Sc., net, lower; ?October closed SHc.; December 23V??I23 3-8c, dos? i IVA* Beet Steady. Hay Easy, Hops ?Quiet. Hides ?Steady. leather-Quiet. w??oi?Uulet. Beet?Weedy. ? ur Meats Dull. Lard?Dull; western steam."1, ?1.70; Oc? tober, ii.?2. nominally; refined ?inlet. I'ork?Quiet. Butter?Quiet; western creaasery, \4<ft 23c.; ?I?). factory, !' >.? i:.-.; Elglns, 2Sc.; imi? tation creamery. IPffitc.; State dairy, ***** He.; <i<>. creamery, 1-46*230. Cheese??Quiet; large wblte and color ?i. rfc.; small white and colored, !?'. iv?'3c; part skims. t>Y?i7e.; full skim?., a'_."*, I i:<i's Quiet; state and Petmeylvanla, ; western fresh. Wo, Potatoes Steady; Jerseys, fl.80Ctl.75; Long Island, ll.T.V.ill ?; <,; sweets, t 11.7-.. Tallow InacUv? : ally (R vr package), . ; country (packagea free), I I iceordlng to quality, I'ottut;^i. d ? ?i! uulet and steady; prime crude. B)e.. da, yellow, B%x\, Petroleum- Hull. Ro In Bt? ady. Turpentine steady, Rice?Quiet. Molasses ?Quiet, Tomatoes Per box or crate, according f.? quality, Cabbage Pi r 100, P0M. Coffee Options opened Irreiniinr at t?n chani ... a i i-p.-iin decline, ruled IS, with a weak un? dertone, under disappointing Euro; in bi ivy Brazilian r? of -p.'uiative support. Indifference of spot buyers, sad a cene-ral pesslmlvtlc feeling; s.-ninp ?-h?-eke?l by Increased warehouse deliver!) d barely steady, with prices .'.dl?1 points Ic sales, 16,500 bags, Including H.-cemher. $?i.:'.'>; January, f?; 30; \t irch, ii;.r.? M ?. ( ' S Boot Cottat Rio dull; Ctor? dova. 1100115; aalee, MM bag? M u icsJbo. Sugar - Raw nominal; fall n doing, ntrlfugal, fg-Klegree t?*et, :i 7-sc.; refined steady. NEW rORK DRT-OOCMM mai?kk'I'. NEW rORK, <i.-!..t..?r If The situation in dry-goods is by mi means satisfactory. ti ling to-day was i?k?u. and show? ??I little proepeel of Improvement, stall orders were decidedly Irregular, particu? lar!'.- In cottOB k..'.'1-i. The situation in i. gOOdS ?-? maintained In .-?. triilll ri.?r which surpassed the expectations of traders ti. rally. I' wer.? firm In both men's woollens and worsteds, sad in ladles' dress goods, and th?? demand t??r spring was reported t?? be veri steady, in tel was strong, both for do? mestlc and for imported gooda K'nit koo?Is and bowed some Improvemeat Si i; I-- cottons wie quiet Print-cloths have not sold heavily under the very easy market prevailing, as was expected. At ^in?t extras can onljr be bought in small quantities. Futures were obtainable al - 7-i-Sc. in smaller quantltlea. HAETIM'iUi: PRODUCI MABKaW. i:\i.ii.\iiiKE. mu, Ootoaer la.-Eiour? unsteady, \\ -Firm; No, I rod, ?pot, DCVifi , October, '.'.','?/d'iV?*?-.; Noven. i ? mb< . st? amer No. 2 led. 90??-9?JI4c.; southern, by sampl -, ? ipts, . W; exports. S8,OH> bush?-ls; stock, l,ltf,NI bushels; sales, l? Is. ?'?mi Easy; mlx.-il, spot, October, and November , ; new or old, No? vember or December, 30V4?J IO-!4c.; January, , Bteamer mixed, southern white, :*l''(i'33c. ; do. yellow, ?2'<i :\',. : exports, U\AX bushels; Btocks, ?vMl bushels; receipts, 31,7U bushels; ?alts, oats?Firm; No. 2 whit??, 2614'??27c.; No. 2 mixed Oc. bid: receipts, ll.bto bushels; st-sck, L"-l..'.??; lui-h? Is. Rye- Pinner; No, 2 near by. 52c; No. 3, i?tC. bid; receipts, 11.346 bushels; exports, I .?'.71 bushels; stock, 111,241 bllsll.|s. Hay?Steady nn?l BBOhaoged. Qraln Freights gteady; steamer more activai quotathms unchanged, Bugar?Strong and uBehang?sd, Butter?Firm an?I linchan?' I. i:iij;s Firm and unchansreii. < t. Steady and unchanged. Whiskey- ?Unchanged. CHSCAQO PR-OOUCB MARKRT. CHIi'AOO, October 19.?The most nnta M. ehange in the wh?-at mark'-t lo-'lay was an Mvaaes of i-3c. per bushel la M.?y, while December declined l-Hc. That lagSB s.-tits the style of ths day's operations Of the bull Clique. Th? y appeared t > be sell? ers ?.r December every time it Rot op to 91 l-4e.. and buyers of M.^y on all weak spots. At th?? clone May was only 1 3-4c. i .? . ember. Instsad ot :? . as It waa Saturday. C?ora **as heavy contlnu e?l liquidation by small holders, and closed 1-MfS ML lower. Oats declined 3-?tc. Provisions were weak, under renewed yel ?. ,?r r.?i>ortn. and ?1? ?lined ?.idOc. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening Higboat. Loseet. Closing. Wheat?No. 2. Oct.. .~. 00^91 Dec....vny4%l4\ 01? Pou ooi^ftl Mai.*8H*?9 *m a?H *t>HeH Corn?No. *?. f???.b?r..'?4H*\4 24H 24*^ 24!4 Ir??coint?or..*-'"?''6a?{d if?:v?aH ^?4 v4H May.'?UHeti 2#W\ '2?H 29% Util las " OctoDer.18 1? 1714 17*4 Vac.WH tut* IK? IKV? May.20? Mfjltl -?OH ?O^afi H ?a Poax?Psr Bbt Dbo.S7.SO *7.8.*i S7.70 S7.75 ' jnuu?rr... S.S0 ?S.80 S.05 8.7^^ i.ASD-Per 100 ID* Dec.S4.3Vmi.85 |1.?7*4 S4.3?M January...~ 4.4714 4.50 4 45 4.47^ SilosT ItlBS?Per loo lbs. ?October ...14.:b7\4 I4.67I? *i..v? 8?.'?5 December.. 4.&5 4 &5 4.47U 4 41X4 Jsausry. . 4,00 4.(12X4 *- -'*-* 4.56 Cash quotations were aa follows: Flour bar.-ly steady. No. 3 yellow corn, 34 l-fc?f 34-Wc. No. 2 sorlrur wheat. Mitttc; No. I 1 spring wheat. ~H*.?c. ; No. 2 red, seOJMo, No, 2 corn, ?I 1-S4?_4?..c. So. 3 out??, ?Je.; No. 2 white, f. ... I?.. _. "21 *_ ' ; N ? -? ?lilt??, f. o. b., ll-Vitr-l1*''- ?o. 2 ry.. - : hurley nominal; No. S, 1. o. b.. TKHlC.*, N... i, f ... , . .(-4c,; No. 1 fUxAeetl, i**.. I'riiri? timothy need, SZ.SS. : pork, per burr. 1. *,* ;."* l?ard, per 100 M ' ' *') ?r'-rib OOe? ). H.*"'??J?7.. Dry-sal'.. 1 shoul? der? (boxed), Jt T ' (boxed). *?.x7?._"i*-V Whl**k#-y. ?l?M'HeiW finished g?.?? Is. |. r g.ilion. ?. Sudani? Cut-loaf, unchanged. Hu't.-r Firm; cream? ry. r ,_<*.; dairy. m.l?e. Oh?**??a -lul'-t F.zga? Firm: fr*??*i. M CHICAGO L-tVB-BTOOK MAM CHICAGO. October 19.?OBIttc buyere took hold cautiously to-diy. and prlcee were barely ateady *<>r the bulk of tho offerings. H? few cattle wen offMvd that priors were nominal. ?lockert? and feed en? were fairly aitttnated -it Pi.K'4t4t.iO. Cows, bull*, and heifers sold a? f?>rmeV priera. Cal vea ?a. re active and gene? -, ly unchanged, the l?.?t unid--> hrlrtR-Ing pttAQ >S.75. Th?? hulk of the western* weal to fedora and cannera, at prlcea retiring from t3.50iil4.S6 for steers to I2.:.'?itl4 for cowa and .?eifere. Hogg v..?.. active prices ruling steady at Monduy'n figures. $;\\r* were hirgely at S3.0D?f*?.i.'>?. common puckere selling for C.-6?t?,|:i.50. and the !.. st licht-w<-'.?-ht? ?tt ?.??im Plgi sold i? i:.??!?.*. Sale? of buuh?*rs" hog?, weighing around _l?? pound*?, mad?- in several Insiarn-ee at UM. The lato market was very slow on packing boga, pries ruling weaker. Sheep and Lambe were fairly active, ruling weaker for sh lower for lambs. Native aheep ? ble at :'..'..'. for th?- poorest up to fl-_otf UM for choice ilock.?. Westt-rn rango sheep Wire in demand at tAMv$415 lor common to primo gradea. Lamb* ?.'?'.d at t3.7>'-iV?.7" Or.-at numberg of northerne aold at tt*??fi|K.40. Recel?te: Cattle, ' Ott head; hog?, 21,000 head; aheep, 17.0U. ruad ST. loi:IS. st. Loris. Octohss i?.-Fiour-Quiee and anchan Wheat?Spct higher; No. 2 red, . elevator, M%c. bid; ?rack, U^tmXi N ?. 2 hard, cash. 8#ii v.? . ; Decmibcr, .<-'??. bid; Bay, ' ? l-Se. ?'.?m Spot lower; No. 2 ? bid; May, M .-.? '. i?i?i. Oati Spoi lower; No, 2 cash, elevator, 18c. bid; track, n> No m cember, IMac.; May, _>'.:*.<-. aeeti Bran 1 ?nil hut strong; Bad I tr.i. k nd sold ul mill I'.uttci Firm; < r< .?ni.-ry, dairy, n key a Loo ?r; itandard mess, Jobbing, UM, Lard?Lower; prime steam, 14.?0; ehoic?_, HIT*. on (boxed lots extra)?Short clear and ribs. ? J?:. Dry-Salt? ?I M.-nt-* Boxed shoublera, B.G0; extra abort clear, 15.26; ribs. ?Wrt'.l sh?>rt.*?, |M& CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI. O., October M.-Flour?. Dull and Quiet. Wheat Quiet; No. 2 rod, si?Wlc. Corn K.i . No. _ mixed, 2*Jo. Oata l-1? ??-.. No, _' n - l-2c. I'v? Quiet; Ne '. Hulk Meais Steady at 11.80, Lard Steady al K_6. it.?con Steady at P'< ,4ft. u blakej Bteady at $1 .1. Butter- l-'trni. Sugar?Dull. Egge- yul.-t at V.r. Clives??- l-'irin. THE COTTON MAUKKTS. UVBRPOOL, Oetoher ML?4 p, __ -rot ton?Spot lu fair demand; prl? American middling 1 Od.; i.ood middling, :',d ; American middling, . low middling, 34 i.; good ofdli 'l :l-*?d.: ordinary, :t I lid. Salea, ; bales, ..f which 1,000 wer? for a] i an 1 export, and Included 9,400 A re? elpts, 10,100 balea all Am? ri. Futures opened >.?*<y. with A in.?derate demand, and clos? d ate uly; Am? i , middling, low middling . : 3:U-t)4.l., buyers; October and No '.'< 24-4J4d., buyer?-; November and I Ira I?. r. 3 .l-tll.Ci __-'M.| . buyer?; ! ?. end January, _ tl-64d., buyere; January and February, 3 21-61.1.. buyers; February and March, 3 i"! Id., March and April, S 22 April mid M??y, S 2C-*t I . buy era; slay ana lune '. _t Me . I uyers; June arid ] Id., buyers; July and AU| :t L't'-'iid., boyera NBW YORK. October C tton?Dollj m i.i.i I in _r. li-lfie.; i -.-?, none; Oreai Britain, 1,128 1 ?,> tbe Conti? nent. 300 balea; forward 227 bal..*,; spinners. 27 balee; stock. Toi ' ' ?lea; exporta to Oreiil Crltiin. 23.090 bale? i ; BtOCh, ?114,441 Consolidated: N". t receipts, IW.SH I exports?to ( Kram to the < '??itinent, BS.I I i Toi let: Net se? Cell? - to ? Britain, 446 i? -? bul? i; to Frai bales; to the Contln? i I ? '"tton futur? - tle-i, 7.900 i M ?' !? May, M..3; June, $*..: ?;. Juiv a?; Novel $?,: De? emb? r, U l-'iii m eady; salea, 143,100 uary, M.16; r'ebrua March, W.22; April. 4>: '.; May, p *>.'". October, S.U>; November, M.0S; De? cember, >'?.i-. Spot closed dull; middling upland?). 6 t-llc; middling ?iulf, 6 7-1?:?-.; * . -?. 2/T NBW ORLBANS October It. ?"?ton? sj ?eg UM; November, IMMMl. . - :. I ?mi try, | ' <-, 'j?i; March, .*.':o>i *.'.>; April, U-UtA J?i; May. ? ;..?:'. ,/{.;.??. . AI. STOKB M A III. KTS. ? (IAI.I.I n-Tur pentine Quiel .?' Be.; ml? Rosin i-'i? m; - .A, n, and I '. O.10; I? and B, 11.15; F, H . if. (LB: I, II I.V. K. B.I0; M UM; S. :?; wlo lew-gian UMi watar-whlto, IMS SAVANNAH, (i.V. Octohst !' . " S;irlts Turp.titlte Bl i ? -elpts, Ro in Firm: - ' i*eported. ?Ml harnhM receipt ?, 2.147 ban .\. B, < '. anc| D. II I !'. ?1 30; <;. $1.35; H, II ; I. 11.56; K. 11 ?; M. II ; window . Be?; water-whita, 5 v. ii.mi.m;t(?n. K. ?'.. Oewbsr -V-j rurpentlr-e?Bteady at 29-?/2-? . ; i ?, 61 caaka. Roeln J'irm at UMttUMi receipts, 1S3 barrel-.. Crude Turpentine-Quiet at I1..V?, 12, and j_: receipts, 37 < 'J':.r Firm at UM", receipts, 22? b?rrela, N.'?ni-'(?l.K PB?lNTJT MAi'Ki r. NORFOLK, \'A.. 19. (SpaciaU peannti Formen" market ateady; Cai . prime, - 1-4.-.; prim'*. 2 I-??-.; Bpanl 1?, Wc; low gradea hli.-lling stock. ; n l-picked fancr, 4c; eg? traa, :;.-.: third grade, _ l-tc . No. i Span? ish, shcilcl, I 1--?' : N;?). 1 Virginia, 31-2C., NO. 2 \"u?'i'?i", 2 1-2C PBTERSBURO PBANCT MAR] PETERSBURG VA., October 19.-(S| ? dal.) Market quiet; Vu. I'll extra prime, 2?*jC.: tot , ucW S] ituHh <p_iet at Sf?lZV.c. FBTBRSBCRG COTTON MARKKT. PETERSBURG, VA., 0?'f??ber lD.?(Sp# cial.)?I'otton?Quiet at 6 7-Sc. for kjood Iota, _ ?"'' '" FIXASCl IL. I IN %M 111. MONEY TO LEND ON RICHMOND city real ?state at 6 oer cent. Moi?rr.?te chargea. Apply to T. M. WORTHAM A CO.. Real 1 oe 20-lt_ FOR SALE, THIR'I "V B H ARES ?"?F . OLD DOMINION BUILDING AN_> ' Lf>AN ASSOCIATION 8 \.*a-s old. F'or further Information ,:-. i. 4 .. .^..".e ? - i, \ a. ?>.' F '.* MOXBY LOADED FOR BUILDING PURPOSBS, >'. OH property already built. A!?.?, on farrii??. Small monthly payment?. I t 6 ; . ? cent. Why not build you a home? What you pay in rent will pay for it. ?... Rooto r/i BVprd's Motel. _".^-'m HONEY TO IjOAN. WE HAVE \ LARGE QUANTITY OB MONK Y ? li we can p' .o? at once on CITY REAL ESTATE In suma to suit 81 iT,,N? r-O, oc.7 8u_W?t Tenth and Bank ?recta B OOK AND JOB WOilK NEATLY 1UCKCCTBI? AT TBS DISPATCH PAlNTINt- BOtTSB.