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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23. 1897._ ?VniKI. \TTHKII(>MK MRMRERf M? '' ''"*x" < AMP ATI A HUHTl Rtl MOV THE SOW COTTAGE IS ACCEPTED. Presented by Bt, I.eokyt Recel*,*,) l> Mai. Ran?lol|?h? Addrr?.-? by l.rn., Bt ? ??*?. I iuiiit. Rev. Mr. Majmakrr. and Johnny Krli, If tho sclcntlrtc gentlemen In Mars had ih> ir sstra pswss BBSSal I Iht v 10 i-t ) a ].r,-!ty tale if IBM '. the city l.y g Con fedor. I" U>S ? irtj ni'.riiinK the sun sulk??! behind sullc-n I : . gladly cor.qu? :he ' ' lv. The ?mitt I rathorlm- on t , ,,f Richmond gs?.. way t<> i bo and ratina ' tarn to ta? M bed ; m ,,r t>l t) "f pictures, majestic, la ester, and tall of human was unfolded all along the rout? of the? Of \. t? r M I..?. Cnasf to tl Sir Of "Plxle" stirred up mingled eathni Jollity all ?ne of march. It was | :. i. ?and i > I drum find fife of th.- a. p. ji.ii Qrunp, of Petersburg. aging With ; tle-flHtS ?.? >or:.? , i.y. t\ temas who arrtn pro??. tin m with lalute th. ir of the < Saaap ?sad I ? N?. m tit- : w !,.;! t>,, |?"Int >.f vi?w mfort of a parlor arlndow, i!,,? piel elan ? r the mail hoy's hasardons perch Is s tm s.,m. ?thing ii.,ii rarla '.Ion of i : ? ii to tOW I? MM OS ii'.rc ..f ta?asen natui Tin: \ BTBRAN8 ON i'.\?: IDE. It was high nom wlidi t! .1 ?i. ?and ii>- ?j? ??in? side I^eo Cam;? Hall -ill was ?n rendlni H ?'.r th.? parada Qeneral Phillips, chief marshal, with Colonel Percy Hawea, chief of staff; and i. had dona h.-ir work well, in.?! the > is <?f thS Hi and < ?amp bad "fallen la" in I .ii and ?: . i . their plat he pro? ? -:?'!i start- ?1. 1? was I By n platoon ?>r police, under 8er Boka '? ii?? Reghneatal Rand Bt, ?nul tl,? m tin- chief marshal ?ml his stair, which laeloded Paet-Oi !! '..? : i upsons und two ?if his 11? u ??im.i Camp headed th?' amp, No. l. of ? P. Hill Canso, ??i Peters h?i strong, beaded by their drum ?lid * , ' :'I':K a line ,?ljl The Tom -Smith i ..nip, <,f Buf y of ni? n. (?allowed, a Ith mi a on their v arana, I Irand 1. Sons of ' ThS did nut take part |n the . ii h it !. c ?vas giren fur el - ' then Weal to the home In cars and c:u i v. ? ? band t?> greet tim na upon their arrival. At Elba the pop 1. ft the line home m oars wh< re i tin- inmates of the in t, at, i the ; recelvi ? with iiiimi: BOHR la \i??w the gana .?f . out their wi ' and th. Si.i.ii'i-' ii?.n.? , r- tie | ? fell Into lina in the <ii? BBOd o" th? tie-scarred ?ararrlorB "marched i ? i pi lyed "Anld Lang 5\ ii..." Pert ii - ? - ended Ly the the l Bo , and ,?. !i?. w. r?? :? .m,! ?ii ?ut porch ?f the headquarters of tic- home, and it ?,tii the prooaaeloa I ; .int that ranks w. r, broken. ?.%.! a: th.? bom? \ r v ?, thai the > re* I .. !,'Hlld 1,1 in the Chapel, ha?l 10 1" li-ld in ?.. n air, h wai mors than apecta tlons tl?> not point to of , qua] imp? lattng to the . .i arar la the near futur? the pray may i i'H-cth. r bese for some time t OH EM A UJMCHBON. Those was an inf?irniril aid delightful | ?, ion, and > lOOOl ClSS> . and oth< i dlstln rdlally art ttei. as and t';- -??!'' .--.? t,. a luncheon admirably hail of th.? hoasa a who were pi -?la of he n, mi building, where th. . tl,.? turnip-, ,,\? ol the Bons I l .ok (.lac?, aid The ?,. iy striking i mt ,?,,. 'i he speak'-rs Wl ! P ?' 'I II tli.? north en I ??i ?S l.ali'.ny, and the , ,i th.- ladles <>f Hi?' city SO .iit ami -. The \' kers, and others .,. ar to the brsproi I ? ?i roa .ll.l ?ft. '/Ii: ? | 'I.NIK I?. command? r of K. Oled th? to order, after whli b ook, chaplain ;, who .?p. ii. i uie exsrclsei Mr. Kolk? s th i h. feathering, Bald : I . i on these grounds, and '?> donate it tc .! ! . ? \ Isttors <?f this fi.i'? tana f.. thai they are no? experiencing ma a tt a h.ii we were hen a,, . of military. r.KURfti In laying the corner-ston? ?>r thli rottnge. Th ,,r?, that SU? ?me now . fullil tin tl?. V ma,',, thni Itcate their . oil..?;. ins, wh? heir l.lood for the Slate th? > at some length eulo ?Mii-r of th. i ..i.i. .! racy. a. a trihut-o to tin? tiullding ' ky. Jr., .i m? mher of this committee ?, ,,, . tui -i'-?l tl??- cot tag? rd of VI of tl ? Art. i rth thru th?- occasion a Mr l.k-. Of the C," inooths am .... . ?. all <>f those who bat ri: .'i >>f t'" King th? ,-?,l!- tl. HO In anything they m ij un?.risk, for the good of tin- ? r^tih. ! t?? the included with the following ad ?Iress to tii. Sons: "WS should ' tf thli? n?.h ?Iit rltles .?ii?! states, hut t.-t us not t? ? ?'?iini-ci until we have added t.. thli ?nc? *.M true histoiS.-i h? our schools an? fc*****i>na?iU to mark tho gravea o? ttiosi '"d In northern prisons, for In these '*** ?, red the memory and holy the ! honor to h?roes Is honor to God." -JOB RANDOLPH AiVEPTS. Major Norman V. Randolph replied to LiOCky. A i irr ..-in.- the gentli-mnn I when thli land was bought in Id th? I.? I ' ' m ; I ibltsbed, i op n.m of ? ?ottag? ;-. 1 have i of cottages until to-,1.. 1 ? , , ??posed i<> them .m th. around >>f economy, i ll'vlng that it?., old soldiers could be bouse?) under one roof at an expense, or i*--, tls.0M pet year i.-s than it t..k< s to m.lntaln them in cotte^fee. i believe, ;h, that th? at this cottage t?v th? Sons of Is the beglBBlng of tii" ?lawn Of Ben era for the Old l? soldier, and 1 have boried m* objections to the cottage system. "Ws want to encourage the Sons of v..- want to footer ih.-ir or ?lioiis. so that when wo ?in gone, Hi? y may take our places, and In order SO l<?rig aw on.- old one-li ggi-d Con oldler its?s thei some to look afpr his comfort, and home to his wants." After ?apr?nsalas the hoard's hieb oi the w??k of the Sons. MaJ'.r Randolph gave a brief history of (he home. He told, Brst, .<f how th? Ides for lim. nt had oi Iglnated with 1?. - Camp, and then of how for two > that organization supported i?. He then told o? how the property had I t?. th? state, with th<- understanding that the Stale WOUld .arc .Of all the Old BOl There had been accommodated home sir;. gents itlon and there were 2S1 on the rolls Appllcatlona of 41 m?,r : -i. but they can't be ac comnio hit? ?1. aa th<- State appropriation ii other revenu? at the disposition of th? board is Inadequate for thoee ai ready at the home. Major Randolph paid tea to Major Lewi? Qlnter ana Kentucky lady for their generous gifts to the home, and rn ide ?omplimei on ! i: F. But!? i. Corporal Tinner, il ?'.rand Army of the Republic : ?;.>v. CAMERON ON THE ixfanthv, 'or Randolph, who presMcd over the ne*;. Introduced ex-Governor William mi ron t?' sp.-ak on tii.- subject, "The ntry of t'??- Army of Northern Vlr Governor Cameron was loudly he stei ped i" 'he front. Turning to .Major Randolph, he said: "it isa .rts.for duly to? day, and, a? oanal, the hot work of open? ing the engagement is assignee, to him. The Infantry i*< always pul t?. the front." Ing, then, until he confronted Qeae? ?, the speaker ?all: "We have h> ? ' ' OUr BOUtbl rri horse, our gaiiam i*!iz. to whom long life, happi? ness, -i. I is the prayer Of ev? ?y < ">. (Appln is.-.) Geoi re i. ?!hi1s ti.-in. Governor Cameron sala; "We are irted by a representative of ;". lei lOOae i he dogs <?f war in the faoe of our enemy." (Applause.) Then . both s? ntlemen, the ? I? . "My friends oi ? he rammer, \ our comradi lute vou with uncovered bead." and la? ?tantly every hat Ii th? large gathering .'. ? doffed. With great eloquence an'?', partially In re? , <;? e/< i nor < 'ameron then h? th? me assigned him. He paid a glorious tribute to the neu who trudged through snow and rain to follow nd Jackson, ?nd quoted Pop?*, who "I was forced under such circum? stances ns bave been described *o en? . ?.inter Hi?, fine-it body Of infantry or modern times," to hear him out In his claims concerning ihis magnificent army. He paid < most ?loquent tribute to Lee, the Immortal leader, and concluded with a beautiful peroration, In which be ! ed eulogtum on not only ih?- leadera <>f ii?? i.o*-t cause, hut the multitude who follow..! them. THE ARTILLERYMEN. rnot Cameron was cheered to the ? ho wh.ii be close d bla magnlfl. .ir.-ss. and wii? n qulel onoa more reigned it< v. w. A. Slaymaker, of Abingdon, e. tiie boyg uf the otey Battery," rdtng to Mi |or Randolph, was lntro ?iii? ? i Mr. Slaymaker, In speaking of his old comrades, paid them a high tri? bute. The eloquence, the music of IBs oils in battle were then pictured by him. and as he enlarged on the theme h? hlm ; rew wondrously eloquent Touching ui.mi General Pegram'? career, th- speak? er ?aid that his life was more eloquent than tie .??ar of th? e.-innon. As- the r artillery leader who mad? the ri such a potent factor la the do? .?f Richmond waa Pegram eulo? gised, and Mr. Slaymaker aaid ?>f him that he preferred ! > surrender t?> Immor? tality hi? fame ??ml his life rather than to Uve and suffer defeat. Tribute v next paid by the speaker to the memory oi Pi iham. the "gallant Pelham," aa General L?e h id styled htm, and then Mr. It i i?, ids touching i llu ? ? lierai ly-e. whom he characterised si adest hero of all time and the i man who ever lived on ?his con? tinent. Hisdefi ?i was only touched upon by the speaker, but hla success In making for himself an endurable character was li nt manner. In con? clusion, Mr. Blaymiker spoke directly to the men who had follow.,! Lee, ruri urged upon them t?? live up to the example Which their illustrious leader had Bet thi m. "OUR FIT'/." TALKS. After this speech, the inin!?r of IBS band Bounded "Boot? sad Saddles" <?n ins trumpet, and M..j??r Randolph Intro? duced "dovernor Lee, General Los, aad our own Pita. Lee," to speak on behalt of ih- cavalry of the Army of Northern lata. General Lee, acknowledging th? latroductloB with a ?mile, came lor ?vi rd, whll? i r che ar smote, the atmosphere, and bal were thrown en? thusiastically in the air. Waiting until h.- could secure silence, the General said, in laughing t??ncs: "Who's been h.!>* since I've been goneT Bomebody has. Lee ?amp has; the Sons of Veteran? have; the ladles, God bless them, have, for 1 see treat Improvements around tins old home since last I visited it." Gen ial L-M hero told an amusing story on Genera] Grant He said thai whoa (?rant was in HanoVe r it Un* litad of his army s lad? -s. ni her little hoy out t.? in-iulro of him where he was going. The : ii told the youngster that h?* was I elth r to Richmond, Petersburg, Heaven or?tho other place. "Well," i' joined tin* lad. "you can't go to Rich? mond, for Lbs Is there; y??u can't go to p? r, rsburg. for Longstreet is there; Jack? son i? In Heaven, and?well, I guess you en o get in down below, because there are mighty few Confederatea there." "Grant did get Into Richmond," the sneaker eontlnueid, "because the attenu? ated army of the ('onf.deraoy wasi-?sa? iled out and B?usy, and they could not ,, ,. i hla attack." WARFARE OF THI FUTURE. General LBS |few humorous as he pro eeeded and gave B most entertaining de? scription of warfare as it will b?- ?raged in th.- futur?- OB bicycle? and In balloons. Crowing serious, how .-v.r. hi* gave B graphic description of the innumerable skirmishes In which the cavalry of Lee's army participated, and paid an eloquent tribute to smart, telling m detail of his won l?*i f?il raid around McClellan's army. ComDllmentary allualons were also mudo bv the General to Hampton, Forrest. wi.i.'er Payne Butler, and Young, and th-ti 'after declaring that ?re are now cltts?na ?f one gran?l and united country, with one common destiny and one flag, he ?poke of the necessity for having truo ugnt tn our schools. In order that the posterity of the Confederate sol? dier may know that tin? cause for which he fought was S Jost one. He told of H dream, in which he ascertained that there were n<> secta ta Heaven, bel that all there were Christians, and eon (.i,i,i. ? i with the atatement, "There is no North no South. We are all Americans, dwelling tog.-th.r in peace and unity." HARD TACK AND THE MILK. General Lee was loudly ? ihaered ?rhsa l?. concluded, and .lud-- F. R. Parrar ("Johnny Reh*') ?vilS introduced. The sub . ,. hlm w . "Hard Tack and the Mule" und as this subject save blm amole opportunity for displaying that humor- which I? part and parcel of him? self he ma?!.- the best of the opportunity, ing the vast crowd In on? contlnuoua roar eel laughter from the time he ?tarted to address them until he conclude?!. Alter .?using nt length on the merits 01 h rd tack ?tal the demerits of the mul-, :1,,l with the itatement that ij ,*.?.( soldi, r had had Beime? thing to eat and the mule had not bees so slow, the cause for which Johnny fought would have been vi.i.>rlous. i p. men who followed Lee, he said were noi h,.y lust ?lied ? f starvation. I,?. - talk was th- last on the a-hei hec.inclu,l.-,l Randoli h : the Krutherln*-: in a : prapriate words. 1 OM'KDKRATE IIAl'C.HTKRS. The IlailR?* ?l?. ?el?.n ? Election Ol OSit-ri. LYNCSaaVttO, VA., October 22.-(Spe Btal.) Tii?* Virginia Division. Unite-n Daughter? of the Confede-racy, adjourneii te meet next y?ar at Appomattox day's session the queetlon of the adoption of a badge, to be used by th* o)guni_H-tioii throughout tho -"-oucheri: Rtates. was taken up and discuss? ! at length. It was the general opinion among th?- delegates that the badges of all S*..-,.?n should b* Identical, except that the chapters of #*ieh State should have the name <?r their s*..;.- prominently display? ed at the top. Hev.ral designs were suh mltted, hut the majority ?if the oh <: favor.d t|?. 'M,ik... which WHS originate.i by th<- Lucy M Chapter, of this city. It having r. i> <*.." wbereee the present badg? has only !>. C." The Bt < Is to leavo off th.- mf.nogram "I*. M. ' . ' and put In Its place the Htat?- r? i '" i>\ the chapter. Nothing definite i cldod upon, and the matt.-r is to bs re? ferred t?i th.- convention to be Mali m Baltimore n.?xt month \ 1? tt??r was read from the O.-irland Rodea Camp, Confederate Veterans, wn? th? mlntions and thanks fof the good that had been accomplished through the otganlnation. LOOKING TO I'.viox. A resolution was offered by Mr?. Smoot, of Alexandria, that the state Preeidenl tak.? piompt ?action at ?i.e Nati? nal Con? vention of UM United OaUKhtcrs of the Confederacy In lialtlmore on Nov.-mh.-r Mtn, to bring at,?,m :, union between ?he. Daughtera <>f the Orand Division and the l'nlted Daughters, it was adoptad. Mrs. Smoot spoke in r.kf.ul to the unen? cemetsry where so! !i?*rs ?arc burled at Hull Hun. and hoped the chapters would ?geeist in enclosing them Mi?"?? Huth I huggested that the cemetery at Appo msttox should BOlossd. it was d<edded than any surplus in ?the tit should be deroted to enclosing all ?? m? - tarries wb?sre Confederate soldier? are buriel. MCHOOL B1MTORIER An Interesting .1?-? ueelon was pr-sctpl* tat? i en ths ?|ii??t;..n of Bchool histories. \ ; - titton from the PulaSkl Chapter was jit? s?nte.1 by MISS 'Ay?-or, asking tl operation of all chaptsra in urging the State Bohool K'..vr.l to adopt f??r the ?ola of in-- Hin.? only th..-.- histories that are fair an?! Just to Virginia and tho South. Tho election of officers resulted SB fol? lows ?Pr?sident, lira Bdwln ll. O'Brien, of Alexandria; Vlce-Pr-esldent, Mrs. J. U Trasher, ,? ? rg; Re? nrdtng Be? n hftaa T. Wyeor, of Pulaea! CRy; Corresponding Beoretary, Mrs. Dabney il? ii?don, oi Aleasndria; Treasurer, Mra Jamea V. Lea "f Norfolk; Historian. Mrs. Charlea M. Blackford, of Lynchburg; Registrar, Mrs. Merchant, of Chatham. Th>. convention adjonrnsd sine die, BBBP of i? AI kkvom tiox. inion of laeletlaa Dlsawaaaeli Rut ( ?Mislilutlon Bwt Afleil lln. Th?- ions of th.- Am.?tu?.m Revolution lK'l'l a meeting of more than B t? r? t last night In the parlor of the Vir? ginia Historical Society, i, wsreprea* cnt Messrs. Charles 1". Wi.llrn. . . (president), Charh i V. v?, llllama, jr., n. !.. i'.it.. ii. it. A. Oalnee, Charlee t.. Smith, Thomas M. Rutherfoord, R. II :,. lilies T. Phillips, W. .Ma? . Jones, J. S. Moor??. B, 11. I'ulllam, B. U. .Minor, \v. Q. Btanard, Joseph B. nee, and R. A. Brock. Mi. Minor was at his post as a cretary. The question ol uniting the two organi? zations?tin? >?,n? of th-- American H. lution and the .Sons of the Revolution? was tak.n up and discussed at some l-Sngth. The president, Mr. Williams, ni"!?- an Informal report of what hart taken place in the recent conventions of the two societies Ih-m in Cincinnati, ami delivered to the Rli bmond society a i of the constitution which had been adopt? ed jointly by th<i Boctetlee. II" explained that ai many Btate ?societies, whether .Sons of the Revolution or Bons of th", American Revolution, as adopted it WOUld become a part of tin- National Society ot the American Revolution. The differentiating provision In th?- con StltUtlon of ea?h society now I.-: that tic Sons of the Revolution will admit to membership nil who are directly or Indi? rectly deecended from the Revolutionary fathers, while lbs Sons of ths American Revolution admit only those who ai lineal descendants of those heroes. Tho constitution of the new society provtdea a common .ground, and that is that those of either Boole? at ; ' will be ?allowed to continue In fellowship. but ?none beraafter will b.- received who are not shown unmistakably to he lineal deso? niants. No action on the new constitution wns o- win be taken until tka oActal report of the joint convention i.s made to this society, One new member was received l>r. Al? fred B. i.iaytor, ?.f Longdale, ftllagheny county. Th.? soci.'tv adopted an order of pro Ctedlnga -i"?1 :,lso attended to a quantity of routine buslni I'rt'i-nrniitiiiM for the Festival. l'ieparaiions for th?- grand open r. -- thai an- being pushed forward with en? thusiasm on th - pan of maangers and participants. With each rehearsal mor.? of vitality an?i pe? ?nal enjoyment s. .?m t.. animate both Caat and chorus. Th? latter h..s grown in Btrsogth and num? bers. The costumes ar? DOW nearly 1m Ished, and are unusually picturesque; tno stage s?ttlng will be in keeping with the? ,ii,l both of thune beauti? ful oneraS will be presented in a manner highly creditable to ail engaged. Personals mid Itrl-fs. ICaesra, C. !.. <v H. U l>?-noon have Fold th.- i lot No. mo Beverly Btn i for MB. Governor O'F? rrali lias moved his fami? ly from his siimm r borne at Dundee I to the Kxi'i utive Mans.on. Colon-fl K. !.. F.dmondson, of Btaunton, who has b.?. B in the city for a fOW ?lays, kit yesterday for Washington. Miss Mary If, M ich i- . of Louisa county, is visiting her nl< < ?.-. Mrs. Irving i>. Beve ridgO, -Whl-- west Mai.-hall .street. Mr. J. C. Munford, of the New York Journal, and Mr. ? ?.ori?o. A. Crawtord, ot the Philadelphia Times, aro In the city. The funeral of Miss Mary Ella Oilman will tak?: place from Marshall-Street Christian church to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. There will be B preparatory servie- at Union Gospel Mission to-night, when the Sabbath-school lesson will ho explained by Mrs. M. K. C. Mi-kl,?. The annual meeting of the Richmond ?: unan club will be hiltl at the Common? wealth clubhouse on Wednesday, po tuber 27th, at Ml P. ML Mr. S. Arnold, retail merchant and capitalist, formerly of Mllford, Dei., but now of Davenport, la., is ths guest of his r.lece, Mrs. Morris Arnold, and Will be in the city for several weeks. Cards uro out announcing the marriage of Mr. J. Marshall Hall, formerly of this city, ami Miss Klla Chambers, of Balti? more, to take place on November :td at the residence of tho bride's parents, m Haltlmore. A special meeting of Post A, Travellers' Protective Association, is called for to niKht at 8 o'clock, at Rooms ?' and .:.'. Chamber of Commerce building, to attend to business whL'h needs immediate atten? tion. The Presbyterian Bakbetb-Bchool Colon will hold a niass-nueiing at Dr. H church to-morrow afternoon at 4 ttCOt t. There will be good singing, a responsiv Scripture reading, and an address to th? children. Th?? Rev. Byron Clark, of Mt. Wash? ington. Md., will occupy the pulpit of Qrace-Streel Preabytcrlan church to-mor? row both morning and night. Mr. Clark is the guest of Dr. J. Hall Moore durin?? his stay in the city. Dr. D. A. Kuyk has returned from four months' Hip to Germany. Ths Doctor ?spent moat 0< the time In Vienna, where he took a course In u specialty Of his profess-on. H.? will. In the near fu? ture, deliver several lt-ctures before tn0 Academy of M?-?bCtne. Dr. Henry A. White, of I.exlnRton, v.l.. who will preach at Dr. Hoge's churcn Sunday morning, made one ?if the beet <>t the many line addresses delivered at the last Oeneral Assembly on the Westmin? ster Assembly, and Is greatly admired by the people of Richmond as a pr?-a.-h r. The plans for tho mortuary chapel at th.- Hebrea Cemetery, as submitted by Architect Dlmmock, have been ?aeeeptes by ths eommlttee having the matter m band, of which Mr. I,. 'A. M??rris is chclr mun, and they have been Instructed to gat eetlraatee for the erection of the c bant ?. Hlelinioii.'.erw In \?s> York. IfBW YORK, October B i-A. c?. Hancock. Harlborough: \v. B. G and wife, Windsor; ll. H. A'sott and wlf< (?rand Union; s. Salabacher, Blaclalr; w. R Trigs, Waldorf; W. F. i?il'ontu, HofT maii. I ' I'S' j?*^*** * ?***** **# If yourchild lookiupon Scon's Emu,sum ai Cod-liver Oil and is rrp?-llf?l by it. beirrin with part .4 a tea?pooniu! in twi? e the quantity of ?rater and It ?will take it and reliih it as though it ?vert milk. Th?re is no food or mai?.in? f,* ?liiliirrn wliih eo.uals Soli's KrnuUn.n lor uutnu* color into the cturclu, ennthinf the blowd and !,r..i?inf -.onsfort aaA good asture. O?r ben V will -.ell yoti mon ahotil it; sent 1res. BOOTS & iO W N li. Uienuatr,, M ?w Y?k. Child S?NOD OF VIRGINIA. *OI RTH DAY'S PRO?T.KIIIMiS OS* THK BODY. I ? .?mplnln? Aanlnnt Winchester Preabyterr Henrd?.Argument on Roth ?I.le?? Question of a Separate Colored e hnrrb?dihrr Matters. FIIKDKKUKSHCRO. VA.. October 22. Special.)?The Synod of Virginia met at 1:30 A. M. and was open? d with devo lonal exerclsca, conducted by Rev. Al 'nd Jones. D. D. Tin- lirst matter occupying the at >t th.- ;-ynod was? the complaint of i: S W. !.. yburn and J. W. LafTcrty again?) ?** *Ir ' h.ster Presbytery. Th.? ground of omplaint Is that Rev. V. <;. Smith WSJ jr knined without being required to stand the usual examinations called for by the Book of Church Orde-r, and without iiaving the qualifications which would put rilm In the das? of extraordinary A v.-ry srrong. clear. nfative Peach in support of the complaint was Re -v. K. R. Leyburn, and ho was followed in another stroag apeSfefc by Key. j. w. Lafferty, the other complaln fint. Pending the discussion of this matter ri.. r< port of the Committee on Colored BBtlOfl was pros. nt?d, showing the great importance an?l needs of this work. In this connection Dr. M. 1). HBfa I ' ' speech In Introducing R v. K. W. Williams, a colored 1 t.rian preacher, of Ahbevttla, s. <:., who made a \.ry inter-sting address on the of an lud? i ?nd. iit color? .1 Prse byteriaa Charch, advooatlog the satire eparattofl ta orgenlaatloa of it?. S/htta and colored e'hurch. Dr. R. p. Ken offered the following paper, and made p strong speech in sup port of It, nnd Dr. M I?. Hog? s, ? | th?- motion in a few telling remarks; ?mod, appr.-i'iating the great work which is being done t?y th? Assembly*? Home and School -the home of the or "f our mtnlsti : i (! . IS...I. and of th? chtldraa ?four foreign missue a i i.,??gni_ing the grave cr?ela through which this institution, deaervoelly d ar to the heart of tho Church, is |? M**1g. arls Ing in>m such a dir?; lack of funds, as to threaten the existence of the whole enterprise, v,,. ?... hereby earnestly sad affectionately urge every one of our ses? sions and Bastera to bring tho Interests of the Home and S. BOOl In!,,?,, our 0CMB gregatlons, endeavorini t?> ?ecnte at the Um? December - ' . LUV, appointed by the Geaeral Assembty?a? large offerings aa posstbls for th? relief of this, our one an?l only orphaaaae for tii?- ?-hii.iren of min 'We further BrajS that individuals throughout ti)?' Bjmod make gilts, laru? or sn)aii, for the present necessity, sad also for an endow in? nt for the Home and School." The .-onsi'li-ratlon of th" complaint was th? i? resumed, an?l in defence of the a? tiott of the u>?mh|tuy, Rev. f.. D. Washbura ni,?.1, a careluQy-prepared ?pasch, pre? senting the gr??un?is which led the pres :. to take the action otMBpteinsd of. 11. was followed by Rev. Dr. D. D. stepheasofl sad Rev. Dr. n. m. White on th?- I ?me sl'l?-. Raspen OSS were mad? by the complainants. EBCfa sl?l?; was allow? ed an hour and a half for presenting its side, ari'l the whole time was tak? n tip. The discussion was vry ably COB i on both si.I.s. When tho vote was taken on the com? plaint, It resulted as follows: To sustain, _?. to sustain in part. U; not t?. sustain \t the e>pening of the evening session Rev. W. H. Woods, i>. l)., of Baltimore, i from Revelations xxl., 1: "Po? le. | i m.-ike all things n< W." 'i saeweMI and Staunton were put in nomination as the place for the next meeting of the synoe. Tasewetl was se? _ Y?'II.I.IAMSlll RO. Seilt \-_nln?! ?lie Tot* ?Personal anil t'l-neriil Notes. \\"ii.LiAMSiu F.f.. va.. October _-.? . ?i.?-About twelve months ago .i"hn W. Jones, one of our citiz? BS, while walk? ing on the siJ.walk, was run Into by a bicycle, rtddefl by i bes Bessed Maurice I ?ormes'.in, and severely hurt. Jones has been a crlpplo ever .-inc.*, and to-day, through his attorneys. R. H. l.wan, of York. an?l Hon. James N. Btahha, of (iloucester. Instituted suit against. the city for UAMt Sam? Bgea Sin..- t tie? accident the ?'ouncll I.asse,1 ?m ordinance prohibiting bicycles? from being rielden oa th? sidewalks, a Lading lawyer residing here statt?! .lia! t had consulted attorneya here in regard to the suit for dam but they gave h?m bo i ncouTagen Wild turkeys asea to be rery plentiful srouod here this season, ju?lging from th? quantity offered for sale on our ?ti ry day. Mr. R. < ' Laa*aoa aad Mr. Floyd Povv.ii, two well-known NIm ro?! -, BBBM In B day or two BgO with lour ? oh. Th? BOBS BTB sold al ?j cents Bad gobblers at II. Mr. John Dahn, the well-known land Bgent, had out at King's Mlll to-day a party of home-seekers, principally from Michigan, They returned her.- this eve? ning, much pleaaed with what they ?aw Of the proposed town on the .1 IBB Mr (MOTS? H- Boiling, who has con? ducted for some time the large farm Bear here known as "" has Jecided to change his business, aad win ?dose ?>ut at public auction his effects, and locate in Missouri. Cnjon.l John A. Henley, one of our oldest :i!"l moot respected clUseoa, is in Richmond, vlsi'ing relatives. Mr. Graham Nlchet, from Washington, th? well-known foot-ball manager, is aera on a pleasure trip, and to arrange lor game of ball Between th?- Columbian University, of Washington, and the Wil? liam end afsry teeuas. Mr John w. Jones, residing at Liliput. has secured the aervlcea of Mis.?- <'?>ra J. Phillips of Richmond, as tsaeher in his; family for this session. Mrs Mary B. Neal, a for an ??hsonce of y iwo months rlsttlng In Greenbrier nnd Monroe countlea, W. V.?., returned this morning. ._ _._,, , -. _ y\r ] c ?ater, who I i i beoB in rtlch mond f'?r several days undergoing nn-li treai ment. Is home again, much 1m Mr J H. Parr?n, from Richmond, Is here'visiting his brother. I-o T Armistcnd, the well-known at? torney has jus' gotten back from Rich? mond where he r oreeented our town In a suit In Judge Welford's curt. ?tllCIDK IN P1TTSYLVANI .. A Prominent Mere-line?. Take? Ills Own I.lfe. DANVILLE. Oetohl la!.)?Mr. J. W. Harrow iy, a promisent merchant living in Rlnggold, committed ?uiclde last night by cutting his throat and then shooting himself. A coroner's Inquest was held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, and a large num? ber of wttne.'.s.s were Interr?gate.1, thus ( iiislng the examination to last until |y dark. Constable J. Hoge Hurton, acting Coroner, conducted tho Inquest. It was shown that the dead man had been In a despondent condition for some time. his despondency being especially mark? i during tne" pant week, and that when in approached the house last night he was met by his son. James, who was or?, not to follow him on pain of death. The ?I discovered by the man'? side was a t'-ciilbr? weapon, one chamber only hiving been emptied The Jury returned a verdict to tho effect that Haxroway came to his death by his own hand. A i ouih Drops Dead. DANV11.L1.. VA., October __.- (Special.) j ll Hamlet aged 16 years, a resident or this city dropp? d dead at Milton to-day, while drawing B bucket of water from a well The je-juth was on a visit to his uncle. The remains arrlv- I bars late this afternoon____^___ Young Lady's Sadden Death. Mis? Mamie V. Perklnson died Prlday at the residence of her mother. Mrs. K. V Perklnson, No. 1-31 north Twenty? seventh ?treet. Mis? Perklnson was Just II \eats of age, and a lovely girl. She had contracted a severe cold and la grir.De. and h*r physiclnn thinks a rapid con? sumption deveIo;??il. The death ?was very sudden, an?l a terrible shock to mothei and friends. The statement has been miuh that h?r death was caused by a two rapl?. and abnormal growth, but this was denleu by Dr. Raymond D. Garcln. who was call? ed In. In th.? absence from the city of th? family physh-lan. Irr. laTSSlSJT Though s?> young, she was full grown In height. T?IK LOCAL WUBLMAh* MKKT. Richmond l.rnitor Klecta Oflleers?> President Anderson's Report. Tho Rlchmoml Uaargn? 01 V. met in animal seaston in the ea ?embay room of the Chamber of Commerce last nicht, and beside? the election of officers for the next twelve months, street Im? provements were discussed, and a com? mittee appointed to provide for a t- - ing to be held in tho near future, when It Is purposed to memorialize the Coun ? h ta naprova the. but? i - to in 0 portion or the city. Mr. James Lewis Andarooo was re? st? tod, and the allowing additional of? ?ii'-'ii: l?r. Prank Steed drat ?rtce-preafdent; Thomas M. Tlgnor, I.i i tice-preeklent and BegnoMs Ror tary aad treasurer. PrssManl Aaderaon Buhsslfttad hts an? nual report, lu which he ?xpres thai bat nui?? has been done in ths Una nrlng a better mad or trank ? of the principal streets in the city. The fact that B more limited sprinkling of str? ets has t. g the ir ,1 I In the stre.ts in th.- ai ternoon, is tonched upon, ? ths ants have heen at work on th.- Hawing Link track, trying i?> Injure th" ril'is thereon, The insuffer? ably had condition of our etreeta sad is ,!w.;t apon si sons length hi the r??p?irt, and it Is reetHnmended that nun gen.-rally bend th'-ir ?-(Torts toward gattlng the city to construct a track for bicyclists along on.? of our pal sir??, is leading to the Wt End. Tho board, the r??port goes on t?> .has ofTer? ?1 0 reward of V~> tor th< arrest and conviction of any bicy. m thief, and of J.". f'ir the conviction <;t on?- who place-? glOSS ?>r llk?> BOhetance on th.- street, and with an ap? peal to nil wheelmen to join the : 1)11. "ATTIII-:it??.lM?OX ACCKPTS. Hopes to He I'ltntnr i?r (.race-Street Cinireh by December 12th. The p. op!,? of th,? < ?rac-Stre? t PlBSB*** t< rlan chur.h hav.- cv, ry reason to con? gratulate themselves, for now It Is as BOred that the Rev. Dr. JSTS Wither? tpoon, of Baltimore, Wfll becomo th?-ir Mr. I!, c. Wh.iry. an .l.l.r of th.? church, between whom ?and Dr. Wither Bpoon corrsepondence concerning the call has paaaed, r.??i\?'l a l siegle m ii?,in the minister yssterday afternoon. Btatlng that he had mailed his letter ot aeoaptaaoa Later Dr. Wltherai \mi>.i the Dlepatch that he had aooepted thS ?all. and hoped t?> be hi Richmond by the sseond Sunday In December. In his BSBOSagS to this pap-r he also Bald that th.? co-ngrogatlonal meeting of the .hu?. h WOUld be held on next Wed nesday night. Then Hr. WlthSTSpOOn will ask his DOOpla to Join with him In ****l**g th?- praobJlOT*?, which meets No vember 1st, to releons him. As soon as possible thereafter the elo? quent and able divine will coin.? to Rich? mond to he a pastor. The i.<?"i.iii,'.ii \eivi. Matters ars Brogresstns t?oely at the association building, and students are sn:i being enrolled in the evening coil-age, On Thursday evening fully eighty persons in th?? night class? -, while met night full fifty Btudsnta were in attendance ut" n ths mechanical drawing, commer? cial law, and grammar and ipelllni R? .. I?r. i:. L. R.ll will cn.luct the study of the Bunday-school lesson In the .ion Hall this aft, rnoon at " o'clock. At 3 o'clock to-morrow th. Army will mi t In the a , i arlor, and will be addressed i?y Mr. C. ii. Ham? ilton,;?)', the thei.?sing "Courage." Mr i> a. Ritchie, of the Blues Band, will p?a** a cornel solo, and the hoys' choir will Btng. At t o'clock the m.n's meeting will tako place, and will be the fourth of the serles <?n the "Enemies of Man." ih< theme for the afternoon being "Personal Purity." Rev. c, r. Hyde, pastor ot the Third Presbyterian church, a mo ?i eloquent speaker,.,will address the nv ting. The Association Male Qnar will sing. At 3 ?o'clock, In the Bins Room, th> Bible training clasa will meet in : This class is in chart;?' Oi M K 6, and Is studying the ll!?- of ? 'hr ist ; also, methods of | work. The junior Bible-study clasa will meet this morning an 1:16 In the i Hon [irlor, and will he In charge of Mr. If? niil, physical director Tills lS ll.^l-lritioii-IlM?. This i, ragtstrntlon-day. All the polling piacs >?. in h.. open throughout the ami registrars will be on hand with tli?'ir booka Tbeee who fall to ae-enra regta n to-day will ii'.t be able to nest tin.nth. Colon.i B. L. Farlnholt, of Lan announces bimeelf a candidats for the office ?if the sup. i int.n'l. n.y of the Ji'-til w ill come i?? fore the Legislature with a strong backing, an,? hopes to win. Among the visitors si Democratic bead? quarters yesterday wore Hon. Edward Bchols, Major P. R. Lasslter, Mr. Charlea Reyn?olds, of Newport News, ind Mr. H. )!. Warren, of .lain, s City. Both of these latt.r genth m? n r< side in the House Dis? trict wlo-re Hon. T. T. Powell is the I?, u: ?erratic nominee, and Beverly Is the candi,late of the Lamb faction, and P. c. Corrigan (colored) Is?the Bow den candidate. Messrs. Reynolds and Warren said there was no doubt of the flection of Mr. Powell. Hon. W. F. Rcddy his been Invited ?> rneks s ap.h to the Democrats of St w port New-? next Tueeday nicht, ll? i U accept, it i.--, probable that Hon. B ?'. Folk i v.ill also address the nama i ng. The Cnrnlvnt of the Nations. ThS Carnival of Nations, which open? at the Regimental Armory on the nigh't Of November Bth, t?> continue for two woks, for the benefit of the Home fot Incurables, promises t,. 1,.- uni.jiie and thoroughly worthy of patronal.'?-, BVOS were it not giv?sn for such a good cans? . Tu,- largo hail will bs beautifully deco? rated, and ?'a.h of th.- denominations oi the cily will have charge of one of th? booths. These bOOUU will tOOti nation, ftii'i the attendanta win wear the costume?', of the nationalities which they represent Som?- of these contornea wl! be very attractive, particularly those OI the young ladies of Ihe Scot? h, Herman l-'rench booth??. America's booth will be a regularly ap ?pointed restaurant, where a aeora "i young goddesses of liberty will Bern dainty lunches and substantial dlnnen throughout tho continuance of t: nival. The Board of Lady Managers of th? home, who bars the carnival in charge earnestly solicit assistance from all ? M have the goo?l ?>f the institution at heart and invite any on?- who ?can help In anj way to meet with them next We at 11 o'clock at the Young Men's Chrl? tlan Association to discuss plan?. Another Fire at Ureentrce'fl. A still alarm was turned In at 9 o'clock last nixht, .rilling the department to th? clothing-store of Mr. A. Oreen tree, ??i Broad street. An arc light ha?l to the cornice work of the building, and when noticed by an officer on th the heavy rain, the panels wer? blazing brightly. The new ch-ml? ?il ? n Klne responded, ;m<l the flame extinguish ed. No damage of consequence was ?lone Oyster Sapyr for Charity's Sake. An oyster supper was given last nigh by the ladles of the Broad-Street Metho dial church In tho lecture-roum of Hi? church. An evening of much social plea sur? was paused by those who were pr?s eut. Th. proceeds will be d?.-voted ti charitable ends. Mrs. I.i-iinura W. Ragland Dead. Mrs. LSOSMSg W. Raglan.I. wi?l?w ?.f M' c,i.I. on Ragtand, ths weu-kaow? bnci contractor of former days, ?died yesterda; at the r.-sulcnce of ner sou ln-law. Mr 11. ?. II. Barns. No. ?? we?*t Oracestreel Mrs. Raaland had been in HI health ?to two years or m??re, but on Monoeiy la?. Be vl,,? ,,t!v Hi, and all hope of r recovery was abandone*?.. She? Is sur Ived by tw-.> se*-??Messrs. John Rsgland. ?I Hi?- Men Tint?' Natlo.ial ??ank. and Ragland, <?f the American Tobacco i four daughters?Mrs. Rosa, and ??ay Rag No arrangements have yet been made for th?? f in? Rr. -Sana Hmlth's Store Robbed. end mineral-water store of ir?. J. ivilx Smith Tobacco Company was ; hy burglars some time during 1 nlsht or Friday morning, and. rifling th- caah-dran stole a handsome suit of clothes bt-tonging to one of Mr. Smith's ,i.rk-? ' al.OUt 4 morning by ? ?fticers Heiley .-?nd Wrenj but the burglars ha?l Sed. They sent for Mr. Smith, who came down and locked his doors, the thieves having Stored with a false i Moving from the Penitentiary. Messrs. Charles t>. Laras a Brother who, as stated some Urns ego, decided not to renew their contract for operating .. which they have conducted for a nuin.??*r .?f years, are now moving to their at Tweaty-Snt and t'ary sir. The convl.r? have been ernp by them will n?>w be added to the several hundred hired to the Davis Root and shoe Company. horsi: OWISBS DAY. This the Hem-irk as Itestiril* Morris 1'n rk?Rare-Winner?. rORK, Oi'tober ...-This was IWBBI ? day at MofMs Park, as they msda up the programme. In tin? 'con maiden ..'-year-elds w? -it to tho poet, with Mr. Hunt as th.- fBVOff? Its, although Julius Caesar, Jack Dona? hue, and Nautch C.irl had a good follow? ing. The last named won In a hot tlnish by a in j?i. ' ovge H. Ketcham and Fireside, were? ? pial favorites for ttte leoond race, whin. South Africa was next in choice, and carried a lot of money. The was bad, Fireside being left st the ? but then there wer- SSV? Dteea starters. South Africa led from ?tart to finish. i lure were nine starters in tie -vent, and Peat was a slight favorite ever l'.-ieiagogue w.nt to the front. In? ?IV ll,.,-.. ,., M ., <.><_>..-... ? o. .,; siiuii?..??, oi a neii'i. in the fifth lac another Keane voung ster won, as In the first. The Winner was a favorite in tho last rat*e, and won islly Pliai race?Sv? ftuionga?Nautch Girl " ". 1) won. The Cad ih? to 1) Kll i Daley dl to 5) thtr.l. Time. 1 Second race six furlong* South Afrl"a (,? to 1) won, Tunis tii to D sei <^od Kaiser Ludwig n to ii third. Time, i Third race one talle Peal ?ll '??.'i? aroa? Demagogue (? to I? second, Tom ?'r-'in well <?> to 1) third. Time. 1.41. Fourth race -one mile and an ??igh_b? Sir Walter ? ,"> to 1) won. 1*. ep-o'-l ? a v ill ?nt, Thelmau O to 6) third. Time. 1:5j ,. Fifth en furlongs?Flax Spin? ner (ID tO 1) WOn, Sly KoX l_ tO J) S?*,,.Till, Maximo Gomes CIS to 1) third. Time, l:-".?4. h race?one mile?The Winner (10 to 2) won, ('hallemr.-r it to 1? second, Ramiro II. (4 to 1) third. Time, 1:42. LARGE FIELDS AT LATONIA. CINCINNATL " Oeteher 22. ? The starter had large Held? to bandl? In most of the <y.nts to-day. bin sent ih?? horses away in very goo,I start-. Four favorites won and two outsiders. Weather c??>l, track I kii-i 1 ice Ova sad s half furicnae? P.right (2 to t) won. A?UCBB (I to 2) BB? cond. and My Maryland (5 to 1) third. Time, 1:101-2. Second r:. sjy furiongS -Misa Verr.e ?1 to :,? won. Argus (10 to ii second, sad Suydara (8 to I) third Time, 1:1T. Third race on? mil? -Sister Btella ft to .',? won, ?'' ? n ?T i?? li second, and l?ock bart it to n third. Time, 1:41 1-4. Fourth race u,., miles Sir Ll.ony <S t?> D won, ESndurance <4 to a? second, and : h ?s to 5) thlr.l. Time, 3:a:t3-4. Fifth race six furlcngs nop (I t?) 1) won. Tuaeulum (5 to end Arc turua i2 to 1) third. Time, i:i?;_-i. rfth race one mil? Madeline n to b) won, Anlath ?10 to 1) second, and Cecil (2 to D third. Time. i:t:i. rLEBTWOOD PARK. NEW YORK, October 22.- la spit? of cloudy weather, there was goeod atteaa? ame at Fleetwood i'.uk for th? fourth day of the October meeting. Th? I vent on the card was th.- unfinished 2:*> class trot, in which Lag ' I and Allen Dare ?ach had a beat. The former , promptly won a heat, und was hi OBC I i nenio favorite. Th? B 1 . 'I \ couple of heats In very . . tau in the sixth and sev? nth heats Allen Dar? got his best foot to the front, a)id. making no mistake?, won by length. Etesu 2:30 trotting?lot??Allen Dure won trie l sixth, and seventh heats and tas Best time. 2:22 1-4- Lu?-y M. in B the fourth and lift h beats. Best time, 2*231-2 Legend won the flrst and thit.i ?uats. Pest time, 2:22 1-2. Harry II. L ly ?lirl, Basel, Highland ??irl, Haiti? D , and ! '?'!moaa also started. _:_<> trotting -ta*) (unflnlBhed)?Neva Wllkas won the seoii'i beat. lime, ' rj 1-2. Nlta Paaeoaat won tin? first heat Tim.. 2:19.-2. Ivandorf win the 'hir?i hi it' Time, 2:171-2. Dressche WOB IBS fourth heat. Time. 2:201-4. Margin. Hugh c, Beyreuth Nellie M . ?'.?mmoeiore, Amb.r. .lack O'Brien, Billy Gaines, and Morris N. ;?lso started. I -* trotting-lt'"* Record won the only heat trotted. Time. lOil-t c.u.-echy, Cephaa nd Oeld-m Bell also started. EUB8D-TS AT i.oll.svTl.LI'-. Louisv i li js. k v.. 9c**>b?i;.H*7~s"w~" In? ar- the re?Ult? St Louisville to-day. ward won second, third, and fourth heata ?, race. Best time. 2*071-4. Bumpewon irst heal In 1*011-1 BhertnaB Clay. *? ? o,, Planet, and Nlckol B. sise Btsrted. Spe.-I.l race-John R Gentry won m Best time, I* Robert j also started. _ *_ -, clasa trotting -stake B.0U Devfl won in straight heata Beet time, 2 1 1-4 Hod Star. Lit-.;.- Edgar. ?' A.'k-riai'd. Dane, and Idyl ?SllS also s t ' i r 11* ? 1 ' ?inB?-TAFP-nts sn ?o,??. fI**-?TNN VI I. O., Octoher 22.?Wire tanning so-newbers between Latoala.track llll'l l^i.iSVllle vest, (lay ?-..used Ma v. ? in the fourth race, and Talwnassee. m the ti<"th to bo falsely reported winners, lhe Enquirer's LoulSVUle special says: On account <?f a manipulated report or the state Central Stakes, run at I-Btonta ??lay, the local pool-room illy void just after tho race was run When the report of the race began to come there was considerable delay on ? ccount of wire trouble. The pool-rooms never pay until tl.?ilcial account ?s ved from the New York distributing point n cam? and verified th.. re pa celved by the direct wile from LBtOBlB. 'i tcket? >>n Malveilo were cashed. The Turf -.achanga and New Market were both hi! bard, the former about .27.000 and the latter UMA Tim pool-room people think the wire? were tapped at the Lattmla end. They h detective? on ?fa? is.- .***?> money was lost on Tskanaasee. ??myth.- klalvouo betttos was an. he aeheme. -^m? llrulil Assault In 4.1.1... 0OLC1CBU8, o, O te v special to tho State Journal from X.n.a, <)., ta Bwabh S young lady of this city was to-night the victim of B brutal asaauH hy William farter (color? id) and now Hea at her home m a critical condition. Aemry crowds of citizens are gathered on the srr.-ets. and If the negro Is caught vher- m <y bt sc-rlou? tro To Met*? In !.. n,*liliur_r. X, ,[ '.'< >LK, O i*-?peelal.)?At the night session of th.* conference of the Woman's Foreign-Missioniry Society <?f irch, .South, Lyncnburg 1 as th?; place of th* r. xt _ Oliver Belrne'n Will ?.?stained. Ulm? re Sun.) Tho New Orleans Plcayene says: "The ,. just pronounced by th- Hon. twentieth Judicial ?rt, sitting at Donaldsonviilc. in the .ase . rgaret Cox et al. Vea Ahlefeit, dismisses , tiffs' attach" upon the will of the e?liver Ri-lrne and tl. ices of his property to his grandchl dr?-n of Qeaersl William Por?h-r Mil?. The property Involved is the magnificent sugar estate left by the let.? John Dam? ?.?liver P.eirne. The* decision of, >; .ves this vast property In the possession of lhe Miles Planting and Manufacturing ?'??mpany, limited." Orders for printing ??-nt to the Dispatch given prompt attention, and the stylo of work and price? will be sure to please you. .Tint where to draw the lint between luxuiy and in eessity is >o difli?ult that we line many of tbe same Overcoat? with both silk and serge. Not to tempt you, but to give you a choice. r.ili ? cer.-o.-it?*, JT to CO. Fall Kult*, y, to *22. A room is never so crowded that woman's gown passes unnoticed; but man's evening dress b*iii<- always of a gene? ral iamen?ess, is the least no? ticed of any of his clothes, our hest lues?* Suit Is $38, our lowest I 130. Tuxed?? C-oata, white waistcoats, every ami anything for evening dress. Shirts to order is the one exception that proves our rui? ot nothing but ready-made clot hinL*. Ready-Made Shirts, of course, cheaper?most people think as good. The foundation stone of a business is just like that of a building;?it must lie the strongest of all. Our men's business is built upon our boys' business? everything they wear day or night. , ,IS 0. H. BERRY & CO., 31A IN AN.? TENTH STS. i iiiini'i \ui: muh I??*. I'loy.l I \ iiirltii.', n A SlmU?--lp sod a Rambling. rr.iiVl?. VA, Octohcr '22. -(SpeclaL) An earthiiuuk?! shock was felt hero last Bight ?it 10:30 o'clock, a??companl?*?d with a heavy rumbling noise. Very Percrptlbte at Saleas. BALBM, va, Oetoher B--tBpoaAtky* An earthquake shock wn-? felt her? last ntgbt ?it 10:30 o'clock. Houses rocked, windows rattled, and ths earth fSSleS to riti'l tro. RAIiBiasTI III IKiKT. Tin? State Fair a Hui?(?M?-tlnos. Nlilnrr*?llrlefa. RALEIOH, N. C, October -e.-tspeciai.) Oeorgs took BBveatf prizes at the K'-.te Fair, h. sides the UDO BPSOlal lor the best sgrleultaral display. Rain fell In abeeta to-day and literally broke up the fair. Nothing could be done. Th.? general comment on the fair Is that In tho point of exhibits It Is one of the ever h< Id In tbe State. Th?; sel-eoih.n of Colonel J?.hn 8. Cunningham, of l>r son county, n.s president. Is an ulmlrable ?.!?... The Chief ?if Hi?? Flro Department says I hut but f??r tbe tain Wednesday night this city would ilmo i certainly have had one of the vs'H-t lin?* It has ever known. Raleigh Township has ordere?! WO car . of RTanlta from the Qreystooe qu-ar ri?'H. n<*.ir Hender-son, f?>r nan on roada. This city ha* placed orders for srs-itte for c-irhlng sidewalks with quarries In Ro? wan. Much will Be rreparr.l h^re at ths quarry. I'roperty-owners will be mads to p.? v.? ?a. Rreat many miles of sidewalk ?Moonshiners are eieeptlonally nume ild il is tx-caose they think the new administration will not molest th? m They are giving the people of Wake Forest Ootlegs much irouhW?, m stills aro In operation quite i.*ar there. nl \\..s captured to-dsy ?Iaht mllea fmni hei'". The Board of Railway Commissioners met to-day and had a conference with Governor Russsll's attorneys In the mat i.r of th.- application of the Western Union Telegraph Company for the re ling of fis case from the "Arri?rai court hack to the commission. This is the Involving ihe rate on messages, In which Injunction proceedings aro pending. Attorneys Douglas and rook, for Gov? ernor Ruasell, were present. Their rela? tions toward the commission aro quite singular. Superintendent K. McK. Ooodwln, ot the Deaf-Mute School at Mor^anton, is her.-. an?l says there are now la? pupils, with It more to eOSBa It is quite openly sal?l that the question of bar-rooma <>r no bar-rooraa Is again to I??? maii.r an ??sue here 1;, the next cam paign.______ _ : .' ' '" - !9 DKATII9. BLACKBURN. Died, ?t the residen?.-? of her son-ln-l.iw. VS. W. Iaiyne, Chest* nut Hill, Mrs. MARY K. Il LAC KB URN, aged C3 year??. She leavea flvo daughters to mourn theli loss. funeral will take placo at the above residence THIS (riatur.lriy? AFTERNOON at t?) o'clock. Krtenda and acquaint? ances of Hi?* family are respectfully In? vlt?<i to attend. KASTMAN.-Dled. at the residence of it* parents No. 1713 west Leigh street. October 23d. at 2 I*. M.. HARRY, the In? fant son of Mr. H. r?. and Mrs. A. M. in; UK?-?.! 1 month and 14 days. The funeral servie?-* will b? hold THIS AFTERN?OON at 3:30 o'clock at the grave In Hollywood. RAOLAND Departed this Ule, Friday, October _Jd, ut the borne of her ?son-in law, H. t, H Barns No. '.nnX wert ?'.race street, LSONORA W., relict of Oideoa Ha gland. Notice of funeral In Sunday's pipera. ? Fanerai *iol Ice. The funeral of Mr. 1.. D. ALLEN will take place from Lelgh-Su?? t Haptlxt church on SATURDAY, " ; ?b-r 23. 1491, lock P. M. Friends and acquaint* anees Invited to attend. Petersburg papers please copy. e MI ?TIMJS. INNCAL MI.KTLN i OF TI kholders of the PAl-METTO P.A. WAY COMPANY will beheld at the flee of tho K.iUIgh ae??l Oaston Railr. C?>mpar?y. In Ral :' \ ? , oniTI tl ?, * 4 r It. 1*97, Ht P O Clock \l JOHN H. SHARP, Treaaur* (oc 12 t no U in) a glnlT.'al mketing (?r l It.-t . !" THE RK'HMO l'F.RPKTl'AL Kl'ILDlNO. L?>AN A 'il.i n't i uMPANV will b? held, upon , '. Directors, on OA7. RfcR 22. l??. at S P- M-. S* IhttO-fiC? ?aid company. No. PU east Main str Kl. h morid, \ ? , for ih? purpose of c sidertng a further sale- of real ?slate stock end to recelvs a report and re? ?u, .'dation? Of th. Hoard of Ulretet? Don? by order of the Hoard of D_ree1 ,f Hstd company this ?lst d??\yj? leteet? ter 1W7. HENRY S- __Um_-M-_ se ?-?t OMS?