Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1897._ ? > m 99 si f-p-p-p-p-p-p-p ; GREAT EFFORTS baTobeeil mad?? to make tins (lay the busiest <la\ of tin- season?and ampio prepara!ions bare boon made to hare everybody promptly waited on. Men's Fall Suits That $10.00 Are Worth and ; ron $12.50 ! $~\25. k There srs sbooi 250 of them sltogofher. Fancy All ? Wool ('licvie)ts and Csssimeres- msdoright?and are in fash? ion. You'll find S good assortment of ni/es. More Specials for To-Day Only: l'A) value f < >r ?blo35o 1) 1 I c h s s ii d Browna, in ?ill the latest blocks. H III! ? *l $15 lop Coats. Lo? 188 English C \.-rt Cloth Top Coat . ail W mil, broad e 1. [tallan lin?tL The i??--t 110 garmenterer ?la-? MB p?sri? $7.25 Lot 8187 Fine [in ported Blaek v ?-.1 T- ?p C ?O, ?-?it nie -limn ?-??\.-rt length : lined to til?* edge Britb e-\tra ?|itfili!v silk. At 820 a hard < .m t?> S]??-i-ial pri?e I.,, 8891 TOD Co ' "1 Bast?an CWf ve-rt Cl'tlh Top Coat, J;it?-st shapes?$-_ with doubl? si Itohed .?. eon?*: .-ilk lined ail through. < !u1 |)r?)???*r length. 11 ".** a leader ai 1-2*3.50, B pe eI al . Loi 8870 Tan Co Vit < 'loi Il T?>?? ? rOatS with strictly sin?). **> fo.-i**. patch pookei.-. [tallan e-lotl? lining, Bilk in sleere? \ ? well traniH-iit nt $12.00. i ether? cant thou it for leaa S |> .- ? : a I price . Separate Pants. Loi 7M Dark limy ( Sassbnere Pante, on] perfe <-t fitting. Worth Jg**? $2.50 $15 Men's Shoes. Six styles? I'.n;t iiiil Leather, Black VSlnS Shoes for $3.00. Four stylet Black ('?ilf - siajrle and sole?s?new $9 value I'ive? lots of Hair Lin?-?! Striped Oaasi mere Pant**, guaran? teed all \m???1. Blaek, i.rnv, and Brown si (??cts. (???oil, honest value's at |8 Special prie?'. $3.50 Loi BOO Gray Hair I,in?'<l Ktriped )i**-i in?-)-?- Pants **.i?'h a valu?' as y?)ii _~M eleewhere at S9.5C only he-ttcr liiael?'. special 1 trie-??. iiiaeie*. $1.50 donbli lasts. Cor $1.25. I.??t 4029?liupe)rte.?l All-Wool Casrimere P a n t s ; darirab?e stripe pattern : ?*ut anel niaih' In perfect shape. Worth 18.80. Special price. ?I I II 4P??. "... $5.00 p 200 ALL-WOOL SCHOOL SUITS, sises G to '__V--J-_-* 14, s?-r\ioeabls colors, durable,_\vell made. Match then, if yon oso for *'-i. SPECIAL PBICE. 10, well made. $2.00 $5, for the ohoioe of TOUR HUNDRED MEN'S ABSOLU! IY AIL-WOOL SACK SUITS, woit'i $7.50 t?nd $3.50. .00 Above items are on sale to-day only. A. SAKS & CO. lilt IDSTOI ? i' MHI ,'' " ? -. .-iislii?",? Sltiuillioi ?< e-nrilliiK; ??? the eeeaattfe Saeaetsa. Bf v.iKK. ' SraS iii?* ...?v. ment is ?O-Bswbai i' - lar, a id ti-.iis Ca?n ib o? m de-Band.'the ?rolun .... laiL-e |.r?.| OTUOO* in w.ii?l ! : SBd u"' Md tot tb? Btapls la less? thaa tec weeki ,,r i ,-., cotton, sad i""1 ... tbaa ;.,. 1 In th?- ? ? lit':?? vV? Bl buted feil -" ?.?I, and many Jobber? , ir, i they ov< re?l when ??curlne ' . Y.., Ill, V. bul rain? in Kansas, have mi ovea outlook. ? ," ? ttv.ey lu ' ?*> , |ty and Omaha > ''"'.*; ?ulatlon? ?I ',f .OU,. m<M? "l, ?Ml 111 tnort IOV. in'-i.t "i " of collection? to fall aw?y io its ?outbern , ? Hi iron : - : ' ..' - . cplalna the advance* In . while lh? that producto n It In i*? ture which tea an nal I "1!,t t!u ,u ? irtB of v 1 - ann iron. ? an . i.l.?? Mar? Ilk? ??harp decline h " ' ?ov? m< Jn.llai l t w? > ??Ik-Is li? O- . ?.?.- v4. ?he I? ' v, ?, . -.ii ih.- Ilk? w??k oi ' ;., | failures throuehoul Ihl v*.. K. as ill ,, 29. in the same w? r RS?; ?j m ,hi- like w?Bjk of , .i ;.; ., ? '?. third -S "f '"'"" Ti ten faliui from Can la ?hi? week, a total lerabli er tr?-??? * '" ?_ la*' or in ti ?ctobsr la of rh?- f??- i ?' ?ding year?. A QUIET P-CRIOD. Mcesrs. R. < I""' <** Ce.'.? *v,",-k,y,!"''r of trade to-morrow will ?ay! Alt? * >" known n a**?* during Heptemb?? and i ...lober, It waee l>oth ' >,u1r',l .;. that a n. >r.- quiet perie??! In textile? Ke>e)di! tl? ruan ? rent far *<>".? . all d??Jibutiv? In AUUOM, "ri.l prevent? 'm' . inl .?..-,,.,r?"li)Kly li*-."t i linea foi I 'wo month?. 1?) ?no?? ... ,. ?i.e.e 44 ?s M.-ilv.* ?Arnaud iinil m ei.-.r, of prlceie mich ? ?. T,1*" "*" lias bee ' : ";'?*V ' quiet as ^"?'iJu rm r-roi.j_.rity in their line?- A_^'y'n* , ?-.._.._,_-,_.?. i. ?_riiv ?atuii?-??. tber* ! la ths volume of transa o liona tboturk al ths Bams ttas the srork* lag force has faal Incrsaaafl, tin- ?A-an -s ?if labor bays been In numer?os casos ad? vanced, ami ths foundation has bsaa laid more broadly every ?.-.?? k for larser buy? ing and business hereafter. Th?- iron industry wait.??, because the Ii production for th?.- year lias been practically ordered, while neither buyers nur B?liers regard contracts at current i?ri.'.?s fur aeat year's business as quit? Besaemer pig la s shade weaker i HO. i". aad gray forge at IMS, at Pttta burg. The demand for bars it the best loas ' '> "| > coatracta for Mis East-River bridge and for numerous new buildings ami railway bridgea are buii ng, The cok? output has risen, ana la tin ?.ir^ist Known f??r yean. Anthiu i it? coal Is ?"il al ?ii.ii in Maw Korn harbor, or 20 cents below the eUrcuiar, .m I conssrvstlTS estimates make the's (,input 4.BOO.OO0 tons. The only noteworthy feature In tbe minor mats is a sensational adranoe In l?sad. Tin decline In cotton to ?.- ?h ?lue to ! i. ad ? ??u?. ience Id the larga i mates of yield. A natural consequence la th.? fall in print-cloths to the i.?? point In ths ?history of the market I... cents, aad cotton goods generally are ?with Hmltad sales or sfnplea ah o goods ire t.i'in. but then is no i i - of note for -spring ordara Ths sales of wool have Bbarply " " rr?eased at Boston, amounting to only 3,O4B,O00 pounds, against over i::,<?ri.?' ? pounds th? laat weak in September, and the week was th? dullest since January 71 >i. Boras large offerings wars nada to realise profits before pri?es fell, but quo? tations remained unchanged, because at .. : . nt decline buyers were not i t,, tak?- bolos The proSuoe mark?-! acted with a* little reason as usual. Although Ar? lartie exporta of wheat were ;;.: bushels (flour Inclinled?, and for three w.-.-ks of October. LOW-POS bushels, against ? ar, w ?ii. \v. stern tot not half a mill.?'" bushsli l-arger, the price : i | i ents. Corn, with small, r : | nd ? tl ?its bt i< ly s ?iuart?--r ot ?ear's, declined a small fraction, , , n, - for the week w?t re '224 la ti-.. ITnlteo State", an mst :*7i 'ast year, and 36 ln< - ' P*ar, (?lOKKSTKK. Shlpmeut of ? "Ittl't Toliacco-The County Ju?l???hi|.. , QLOUCa-TSR COURTEOUS-, VA.. (i;-tc?ber _. (Si???clal./-SIx hogsheads of brtakt flue cured tobaivo. raised on Dr. W C Stubbs's farm. Valle* Kr?nt, w?lia i fr,.m Clay Hank lo Kuhmoiil f??f^ir?to? This ta the first shipment .,, tester for many !?-. StubbS, who now Irv.s in ; ? ... ?.?onirht a man from North fc?Ul?*?r leatsarirs to try *' .Mi?. herm The experiment has beet, ri,irfv m ?' ?s'.ul. a..d it seams ;,V?! Hgo^de"al?f tona.???? will be plant sd_as?t_rsar. T 8(,awa?l wor( Tbe wawiwHJT?J \n\wteh yeaterdaj lh?*^bWslllsm B. Lee left yesterday fo, Tallaferro and .Mr. J_H. Htaweii. Srhool Trastera Elected* uawtyWsN YA., October 22.- ?Special. t ;*??,nti: 'llnard. OOOSlatlnA of Judgi tH::^^,:fVh.i:^;;;t;^r^K Rowa foi Hampton Dlstv.ot ami R. J Hogg, for Wytbe Cg^'aiJ-AS ardson and A l* I ?rK"*r "*,*>^ I in their respective plscBA INTIIEAPPOMAHOX. KWS I'KKKn IP I?l Till. COCKADE CITY. ntrrrstlnn; I leril Caaea?Wanta *e?pa rmte Judge for Starry Count*)?The l)ln??leHte Settlement?Small Fire? I'eraonal and General. PBTBRSBUB0, VA., October 22.-<Spe lal.>? While the criminal docket of the lusting? Court at thl? term 1? small nd unimportant, the clvi: docket Sa? a umber of Interesting ea>?fn. On M??n ny next the ?lainage suit of W. S. Me? ranee against William F. Kills will be rled, and following It will be tttfA tkt everal suits of W. T. Crowder ar..l W. V.. Crowder against I-ieutenar.t II. S. ?handler, of the poll?.-.* corps, and of w. P. e.'rawiord VO. btCBBra K. A. Harrison nul ML Saal Tasas suit? are for IMM o B0.OO? damage? each. The Western i'nlon Telegraph Oom ?any has plact*d two additional operators n its office here. Petersburg has been r?ade a relay i???ir.t on the lines of the MSBpS-B*1 between New York und K? w ili<- a.lilitlonal fore. ih'.- Increase.! bosinsss of the ?fflee. Mr. J. H. Dlllard. Republican candidate 'or llx Hobs? Oi I from tb? .ountles of Prince George and BotTjr, ?vas tit tin* city lo-<l;i/. He Is r. fever el a ??parat? lade? for -ounty. i.iil NDpSCtS IB tab) strength Jii this plank of hi:* p!atf?-rm. Mr. Vlrglnlus Bdwarda, a well-known itiz-n. .li' i ;?t lbs City Hospital to? il.? y ; ag.-.l M year.-. 'I In- Uichm.jri?! High School and Pet?-rs bttrg foot-oall teasaa ?rill play b .;;m et lh<- Bbbs Hall Park In thin city to? morrow aft? moon. Um ?psslal imbbiiiIUb? of the Chamber ?f < '??r? rn.-r? ? ;.r.- te>si!y engaged In col? lecting statistics arid prspeiiBg -til BBOSS* sary information t?? place In peBBSSBlOB nf tie- Naval Armor-Plate ?'omm'i:t?< Thi.s paper will fully BSt forth Om a?l /sntagei? of Petersburg as the pr.,i ? r location for the prop? .! plant. Depositions in lb? ? "oilier divin?* suit are In pfBgrSBB tO?elsy before Hon. W. P, Mcl'ae. notary ptihllc. A Kent it-man prominent In Interest i.l eonnectlon with the Richmond. Itetsrsburg sad Carolina ralbaad Se* slated to-day that the building of that road is accordare-e with the contract with the city is a certainly. In all try preliminary matters safe pro? gles- has been made. The lmprovemi-riUi to be mad?* in the custom-house building here will greatly add to the goad appearance of lbs pro? perly. Nee* iock-i??'\es ?,f letset design are to be put In the poBt-Ofltes for convenience of lb? publie, and more light is 1o be Riven in the otllce. In the cup t??iii ail,. Internal revenue department th>- walls and door? are f> be repainted and t'.w BoOftBg laid where ne.-'l? ?I. In the road and walkways of ihe var.l th> . obhl? -ston? s. : . long in us-., are to b. removed and replaced with vltrltb.l hrlek. These lrn;ir <v"inentI are BCBrttlV iiirriended by Colonel Roberts, ,: ? riimir? Inspector <r Butldtnga, ?rho baa been ten- for two ?lays iBBpectlag the building, Colon?! Roberta, ?rho la gealal sad sooompUsbcd gentleman, goes from berfl le Richmond. Th? sfttif*ment of the DemoTctie troubles in Dtnwlddl? eeuBty by ihe BtatS Committee to a matter of COfl? gratulatloi., and ths ?lectloB of th.-? i ? mocratl?: candidate for the Hou?" i-? now A slight lire occurred at the residence of Mr. \v. a. Prank-la, oa BoUlngbrook street, this m rnini?, but the OBfl was light. Hon. James Lyons, Republi? an C*BB_S> I date for Attorm-y-ib-ne-ral. addroeaed ar, lie .,-. of about three hundred at th< N' B Market to-night. Hi*- -p.- h was mainly contln?-d to a dlacilSBl ?n of i i tional l?SUeS. Mr. Edward McAdam, Bsaaager <>f the Crystal Ice Company, ri-.elv.-d a tele? gram to-day annoiinrlnrr t.if- death of Ms son. in Montgomery, Ala., fron yellow? fever, and ths ?erlous lllnesa of hi? -.?ife of the sum.' ?li* l THK CITY BY THF. SKA. The Wnnmn'i >llN?lounr.v Confer? ence?ltertor ? .-ill. .1. Norfolk. VA., Oetobet B?<Bpe cial.)- Th>- Woman's Foreign IClBBlOBBry ?'.?ni'i-rence BdjBUroed to-night. At Its nn ruing BSSStOB all the ?.1.1 OACSIS w>*r> re-e i? tet? ?i. In ths sfteraooa ths Sale gate? went to Virginia BOBCB In a body. I.iil .- bUSbMBB WS? ?lone t.-day beyond the reading of reports. The praatdaBl pfBaenled with a bouvbbIt si?o?.:i by the Kpworth leagues of Norfolk. Rev. Robert r?t: .in).-,'-, of St, IblBi I Church, Wilmington, N. C, has be ?, called to th.. i*itutorship of e'hnst i>r. teetant BplBoopal church, asad? racant by ths ?le-arh of Rtrv. 0, S Barten, D. D. Chartas Lewis was convicted of rot> bsry trout the- pereon le-day gad ?en> tenced to two years in the psBltSBtiary. In the ease of W. A. COBBer against the Tidewater Ice Company In the Law and Chancery Court to-day, the 1ury brougbl In a verdict or i2-~>>) damages, instead of $5,000 sued for. roiT-omci aoBBan. Postumster Held I i> at tile I'olin of the I'latol. i.i;.\iN?;TON, VA., Oetobet SL?<Spe? .-?.il.)---Mrs, William Harrison, postmas? ter at Monmouth, a i ?junty poat-0_Bo? about four miles from here, WBS up about midday to-day by ihres men ami the ottos rubbed*, she had prepared dinner when the in? n steppe?l imo the door, and one of them held a pistol at her he-nil while the other rilled th? ?Scaring SbOUt %' > tit money and stamps. One of the others secured all the bread and meat on lb? table. Then all de , amp? 1. No one in the laSglllllllbllllll - .w ths tehbsra before or after?rards. \ patron called in a few minutes for his mall, but be did not see them. The country was scoured, but the rui.i. ; hav? not > t lie? n fOUBd, This jarr of th? country is ttlfssted at pQMMBt With trarni's. l.plscopal Convorn'lon of SwBlhweal Vlraiaiu. l.KXlNill'ON, VA? October _.-i_*'e clul.)? The opening sermon of the convo? cation of Southwest Virginia at Qraci Memorial church sn Tuesday night w&l preached bi lue Rev. i?r. Men Je, o? Roanoke. NVediiesday mornings ?eimon was ?.u-ached by th?- Rev. Mr. l.ubbaid, of BaJem, and the evening sermon by th* Rev. Mr. nibble, o* Hadfoid. Thursday was the ?lay for general business. Th. K r. Dr. Hulllben, of Staun?on, preached the morning wrnon. Uuulne?s was open? ed by the members of the etmeocatlor giving reports (rom their respectiva Beleli of labor. The Rev. Dr. I-loyd, of Lynch; burg, chairman of the Finance Commit? tee, recommended apnro:?riatlons to Pu l?ski Brintol, Itlacksburg, liotetourt and Tan well. The fallowing were ap pointed to take part in the next corrto cation: The Rev. Dr. Icgai. esaSylst; th? Itev Drs. McBryde and Meaoe. speak ers, the Rev. Dr. C. C. Randolph, t? preach the convocation sermon. e>th>-: clergymen In attendance were the llev l>r. (*ar_)on, of l->nehburg; tha Rev. A P, Cray, of Amherst; the R. v. Mr. L_ Mosey, of Bedford- the Rev. Mr. Pall >n of Roanoke; the Rev. Mr. Towson, ? Hrlatol; the Rev. Mr. Scott, of Rock bridge. Mi-si. ..? wa? the subject f?> Thursday evening, and adeln sses wer? made by the Re\s. C, C. Randolph. Johr S Alfrlend, ?nd W. 1). Buckncr. the- Kev Dr. Logan presiding. _ Killed by ?"? Indian Gambier. TA1.UHA?8KK. FIiA.. C?Ctober 22-A McMahon, a prominent young member o the State militia, was ?hot and kllleed. b: Dr I.lghtfoot, a Cherokee Indian and i profeaniemal gambler, in n quarrel ov? dice In a aale?on thl? morning. The a??*U ant wn? recently releaaed from Jail a Part?. Tex. ITCHING SKIN DISEASES Si???*-.?* Cirr? T???.Tsa*rr fnr rortortns. dtaflf. ?arln?'. Ucliinic. burn',ir, Kuly ?kin and snip iMaaBSB with loss ofbarr ? V, _,-ii, oaths witm r Tiaras Sosr, gontlc appl!cation* of Cctre?as, ('i.r-i-.. and fi'l ?loa*? of Cri-mca? Ranou tsst, greatest t? bloou purl?-rs aad humor caras (pticura ^*SB^^ Is *?!4 thmnrVmt O.? world Toma Dr. a C*?w Coar.. antm iv-r?., Rn-ston. ar*"Ro* toCnrt Iri'iiriSklnDinMi.-f'ti. RED ROUGH HANDS? **__.-* by Crmeoas. mur. [ARKET QUOTATIONS. I TOUTS FROM AIL Uli CAT BCS1 ?KSS CC.VTRES Or THE WORLD. He*? of Moser, Iton.i?, Stocks, Urals, Tabaceo, Cotton, Cuttle, Conatry I'rodace, *<.., Ferelg?* and Dbmratlc. HRW y<?i:K. Oetobi i U -To-day'sstash rark.'t araa S <??. U - batatas profes? ional trader*, and th? rsssSt showH a rawn battle bstwsea th.- balls an?l the * 's, net tip -, tut me?y war aw In almost all Baa -. bvt those on ha oth?-r BBSs of galas beinn very law. he bulk of the day?? trading Bra ?? l.-v.-l of -pri?es -, rtaH*f bSM?S hat of >. st-rd.iy. Th.- oj?? nltiif wAt Bl hafp dc'litKS. in sympathy frith ' loa, at which point apsealattoa vas very lull, owtas to the hardaahlg t? aiattey ?^t ho money BIBllrSl Sad n.irs .?f la as trtngeac/ thsra Thee': ; ion of Spanish rompUeattoas -vas also isa i with p..? i .-n?-< t by th.? baas ?. ThS declines o? th.- mo: iiln< reached ?i Joint of over In B l;?*-?*e number o;' BtOCha, nelu?1ln< the 1- adln? tndusl ?als, the . I'tiinn I'ri.'Klc, and ths ?outh sastsrna Ualoa Pacific aras affseted by bs i ports ?if Um fonaatton ?if .?n ap o-iii.m syndicats to hid for ths property u tii.? foredoeura Bale. Ths torn in th? BMUfhot BaSBS with a sharp reeovt ry in [JhtoagO lias, 00 S definite r. (art from Chicago thai ths eootrol of ths threaten i'd opposition had i to fri.-mls ot tho company This Btoch was quite -u ing during ths remainder ot ths day, selling at ?.i..- tima 11-4 potato1 above close, on th? aoUmated benefits to aocros from eountervalllng dal refined sugars from foreign countries which pa) a bounty. Union Pacific was : from ths sai i . pressura i?; menta, from latan : ti:?- i g its ths apposition. At on.' Ums durlag 'he afternoon prices ?slightly beloar ths best, aad belou last night's ? loss la ths Saal transec* tloaa Dealings in ?Bay Stats <"??* srsrs on a notably large Boale, eery heavy i>;<.. ?? ^ changing hands. The fluctuation of ths price was limited to 3-8. There wars thass darlas ths day wham the mark, t BfSS SlBSOSl stagnant. Bad than srsrs no svMsacss b! say out-stds taten sts In busto? Ths money ssarhsl tsndod toward an saaler tons, ao Ball i?>ans being r. ?rd I ahovs I pee osnU, though lbs aaalag rata is .-tiii r? ta ted si *_ ).* par c? nt. by anata tanks. To gaoi low's brink state, meal ti i marta ?t ta? in ths surplus ras rva over ? i f gold, Which was I-"? ' iv. d if. in abroad last week, was not Included hp ths last aresh's statt mi s srash's Sub-Trsasury op rations interior movement have horns fruit in a in-t Kam t.- banks antlnoed t?. i?:?i at ths raarfcet r?>r commercial p:?i?er, As ,i rasait ??f thsss op?rations, the statement is Bgpaotsd t?> show a haadsoms increase ?r? sash, i bond aras quiet, sad pri?es i,,.,,. .,1 in sympathy with st?-"'ks, bal over a narrow mafia, ??TOB Mountain ,','s ; Oregon Impeovsaaaai arara notably W< r.k. Total BSjSg, UMAMP. ThS total sale??? of stinks for th<? day were ?sfT.tM B?harsa toetofitag Atchlaon ad, MIS; Burlington, 9B, Used? \il- gad Nashville. MM; Manhattan, 1,711; Missouri Padfle, 12.3MS; Northsrn Pa clBc preferred, IMS; Both Island, IMt Bt Paul, ?0,780; Itoton Padfle, BAB American Tobacco. 6.3*i; Bay Stats ?"?as HMt; Chicago das, 41,141 : Chicago Orea v -. rn, t,:'.T". HONUT AND BODCHANRB Money ?>n call easier A Vn2 p??r cent. ia>t loan al I por cent.; cloatag orfere. at 1 par ??nt.: pi ?me mercantile paper If 11-3 per cent. Sterling exchange Ursa, \---tth actua buslneaa in bankers' Mils at -$1.84 7-Si demand, and Hol-? <? ?- 1-2 t i layo; ?pasted ratea H?l-S?IUiH an?! VIS? 1-2: commit? i?.81. .sii\ i- .-.-niti.'a.t. s. ST1 -. . bar allver II i-i; M.-xi.'.in dollars, ib. .?..?.ei-nni?tit honda strong, fita'- bead dull. Railroad beads tirm. PORSIOM ?STOCK MARKRTS, The Evening Post's Lsndon Snanel: cablegram Bay?! Ths stach msrhsta w?si qntel sod dull to-day, sa 'h.- tlghtei ; of the Bsemy marhet Borrowers ti ,:.??, wen? dtivin t?. the H.uilt of !-*n? land, ?hers 3 per cent Is charsee. Am ;,? ,'is wera Ufel-eaa and ?lull. ?s affaettog future koM moeeaaeata b tw?sen New York and London. I l??;i that New York is ttoaldatlng eoastdsr bis Sterling engUKenients h?-re. It a tlao, that, ? irly this year, ??.?rta of the Bsserlcaa railroads concerned refunding schsmas borroared ?Ian foe about six months, nt 3 |.? . . i m, v then being r?sry cheap. N.,? thai moaey is Usht, and certain rerun Ing schemes hays bee? carried throng considerable repayments .n?' ax\ November, thus to that aatent makii money saalet on tit ehaaee of gol.l e ports tO ReW Y??r: Barita and Paris markets quiet. NEW I0R1 ?TOOK. liUOT4TIOXa, atoct Atctil-M.a. ropaB*.a<U-aai? /* .-1:. At ?o ???u. proterred. -'i1 Baltimor-f a?j?l ?wu . '1 Caiiaira l'aiii?'.. ??' tauada ?oottiara.ii (.'eniral Faci?c. Il Cu???at>??*?*'ii Ouiu. ri Ctrioaw? ?u?-' A u>a. -.'*0J ?CUk-aso, jJ'jrnnan'i ' 11v> ":,,!?'. W Chl.aK?. ?o?i i>a?tara HUaoU. M U.U.. Canil St. L'jui?. 37 i..r (an.I si. I*?ma proferr??t. ? Delaware and Uul-oa.Ill DeUtwar?a. l.aesa?r.*.?na anl *A?ai?ru. ].r>-| U?joTeraudKio(?r*.ula. I-J Lienreraiii K?olir^u 1??, praterrad. 4? ?i?-r (a?**?)- . .... I.1 ?ne (Dawi.lsiprsterrad .B KertWayaa. .I?? (.reat.Nortcern. prolc;r?sd .ISO UoeBim Valley. ( lhiuoi? ?'eotrat. . M Lai? Knaatil ?Vaster . 17 Lasa Kri? and W?aat?>rc BCSSBSSSS?,. 7i I.S.S* .??nora.....~ ...171 touukfiuraaj Naaa'TUl-a....?^. 6? Sai.&alUUi L.- .? ...10.' Jnctiopontin Tr??-*tlon.I.'! SlcMcst ' ?mrai.10t aiaQt>??vtaa?*d9t.Louia . SI V. ni ne-.?.a aud ht. Lout? 1st preferred.... .* . Xi - > in i'l'-n..' . :ii UoMIe and Oblo.Bj kl.ssourl h.aud T. U V ::??un. T. nreferrea. 81 Ne?* A'Psnr and Ctumsu. I ^ew Al iany aid i'bic?sco pr?aie?TM. ;i ?Sao Joraovcmnttai. .... ?1 N.-r, TorsUsatrst._.10' Naw tort, i ttie-.? ?and M. L. 1. S T-. cbi-ssgo?nd m. L. la*, nrsferrixl..^ 7 B. V.. can*???? sod St L. 3d oretarred. S! .>?>r I'Wtwiarn.?^ |: Sonb AoiartcanCooBpsur. Nortfiarur?a*.?iflo.?.... I? NortLarn faciBc. arei ?? ?.... .... .. ... S N.r.-u auj Was'aro prate'red.4 SS ?111, NBWTORK STOCK Q?OTATIOSS. Cloalas ?toc,? ?Dtsrloaod W?at?ra.- \.H ?!> <.n K. ??il Nnv.?. " ? ?r?g? >i ?Bon Lln?>. l,?*M 'ittaDurg .t'-e l~ ' na ._. 94H te>_:*il.oi..... H?M It . ests-in 1 ran Kran. ' t. [.ouiaan. ."?an Fran, pref. ?U .t.Pei.1. ??Wi It. Pao i. o ?'?' ' ??'i.. .-..-..' ,,_ '.t'ii'.. -.'? 1 ??mAda. aSM lt. Fain anl ??.nah?. preferred.1? ? ?i i'*ai ?i m. M. 1-1 'outb?>rnl'i_.-ino . '?9*4 ...'ti.'rn. 10 ?oatl.ern. oreferre.l ..? *?}JS laia?r?v*itlc. lil* Caion Pacinc . = ?* I.l'.U.anilO.-.. 5 iVaiiaah, Mu i/),?la an1 Pacifl??.; <H Ba&esb. .-*. L?ala and Pactttc. i?r afar rao?, > _ ?'i,.- i',.-,' i i,4.'?,"i. --?a fil e?!.i__; anlbik? lire, nrefurred. 114 ?xrai-i- coar-siRS. Adama Kxpre??.? '* ? %er.?r1e?n Rjpre?s. .Ill l"n?.ti?d Kxoreaa. 40 lA'ell? rargo K_press.IOS Bmms___sSMa American Coitoti <>ll . 21*?4 American i-uUou Oil preferred. 74 American Spirit?. ?1 A monean ??pints preferred. American Tcb-C*o Co. H-' Ar_i.ri.-an TobacejoCa preferred.110 riii.n_-f ?.,? . J_" Consolidated Uaa.?.1-4 eon?. Cab a? eornoany.17. Col.Funial. ii ? j . M Col.Fuel A I..pref?rra?l.._. ' * i??'.-r.? ?i* in;. 344 IIBae ? mmi. *?'<*? I.a?'iaae < __. . "-??H UadTrust..... 3?*H L???t : preierr?"?.......If-? National ..lneeed Oil. it} ?)*-?r'?n Improvement Co. Ij Paclflr-laii. 3:i Pullman Palaca.17IV* Silver e'ertiflcates . o7_, otauAord bot)? aud Twin??. Ma Amanear sia-ar riei-i?. y. ... .ISBfi American Maear Keflnery. t?rof.I IS T. C. an-l Iron. -'8 D. s. Uatbat. 74 I. s. ?.?ather preiarred. 04V?. : . B, Kabber... l?4 t". S, KutibT preierred. N>'"nion. 88U l*Bteea ?Northwestern...F24H k| Northweat? n nrererre-l.l?.:i Fio Oran-I? W??<t.m.w. '"_ Kioiirand? Wwtarn, preferred.*. -**-W> CM MC?? '?rent \\ aSMCB. 18 r. 1MB l.l-r. lir.lte.i States 4>. it??-/, rejisterod_UeWaltl Lulled s.ati-e liDlff, coupons_i'.THal'.'M lii.ieU maim . t. letfU.ered.HSfr.%.184 line?.?! -??rn? 4?. -ou:.,?.IlSKaIt4??] Patted IteHS "-'a rogistwed. ij.i l?.r..,l Maies .">'? regis'.erei.1I4*-?aI144 I oited State? _>' ; coupons.11 a-?.?1 l'll4 I'.s'n.l ..<?.*j.lOHVi, Alabama r/ia-i? AI._. 108 Alabaina (''.-.?- m. 1U8 Aiauamn iCtaaa ej).-,....100 A!ab?p?a e:urreu.*v. VH An-i.'-eii 4'h. 8.',M ?.? --m b?;. ? !. . ?H/4 ( an.via Soumern _ a.10.114 CAN. I'.tr .Vs. .... 4>?4 Obeaapeek? St orno .Vs..ii'_'a ?'. II. A !l 44'r>. .1044 DoiverA It. i?, lata.11 I benv.-r A P. ?J. 4s. 88J4 lactTaaoaaaea tats.108 Krl* k-einr.-v; 4 -?. 71 F W. A I). l?ti? 1. r. 70 (1er?mi ?le tri* 3 ?.IOlV? (I.1UH. A. ?Va._10*1 ? ?! * -. \ -_i_ . l(t.-)4 II. AT. Central 9*8.....1 1 I H. S T. Centrai cou.ol 6'a.10 ! I lowac. 1st?. 084 ! Kanaiu lucttlc cjnaolie t r. HB-j KmiS'i? ra.-ill l*te <uen itir.) t. r..116 Louisiana new consols, 4'a. M I L.aN.Cat41. 84 Missouri ?la.100 ? a. k. r.gdi.?m 1 M. K.T. M 4's. 864 NearTe*rkCeeunl tata . ?le ; Sew .i?*.H.-r Ceatral '._.11'-4 Ncilt' C.'ir.illD?.'IX.... .ISS 1 North :;?i-vi\,4's.^_.l()'.4 ? .". ?rthern Pa*ll*lc tat.. .1.0 ; Nortnerul'a.ntlc ...-. :,W* n? nil rn PadfloS'? ."?S . Y < . .<. ?t. !.. 4'a . l?M ?orrftlk saaWaaSera fa.I?.rt4 I Norr*iw?*?jr,eri? __mo?IB.14:14 Northwestern.leb. ."?'s.1174 Oreifiin .Navifa'iun lsta .ll'_4 'retten Navn.at1"i) 4'?.. Dl?<? ? alinee'? t,r.ll?4 ?>. s. 1, ri" :.'? t. r . .,).'4 ??. Ltaproi a?a?at istg t. r.lo-,' O. I>))er??ve-iient ."?'? t. r. 404 I a, incti'sof '0..10*2-1 '-.'ea.iin, 4'rt . .14 H.H. W. !sts . ??-.4 -1.1.. a-i. m eoaaol .vs. 8? i St. I- AM. K. gBBleal t?'s.1 1'4 I m. I'.ni CoaiMi.140 t>t p. ..,?' i*. i?t?.11 au St. Paule. AP. .*)'?.1151-? 1 South Caroli.n ii'iu-ruud. ?, BeMtBe ni .- a ? ? . .. . f?l s?n?i 1 ??i Ropa and Telue B"?. ein rene???eea?e -)?'.*?aneat 3's. 81*^ IM Pacifi" 1- ... ists. i?.'.?, i?xahl'aci!lri.>j|?t.-rM-."a.?. 28?< DsloePaelfld c? of '9?.IO1V D.F.I? ..?iilKlstS. 48*j vfabaab lit ?'..107., \v?i,rt-.ii "da. ? )-? Uest Shore 4's.lnev, \!ik-:)?ii ?ontiirica. 07 \ :r?,'inin '!???crri?'l. 4 Pacitlc t.'i nl ii").10(1 Mobile ar.d Onio 4's . 14 Phiialelj r-.ti a-id Knadln). k. m. 6's. 84M Nortollc and wattOtO 8SBBB 4's... 77 HANK CI.KARIN? ?H. The total bank nlSBtlngl for the weel wsr? ' pear cent rocreeae, a -. of New York, tAttMt .21; pa cent. Increase, ILS Kicu_io\,)?r<? * *. MAt<icr. SBS-BBSa 0:'.ob?r ..', 18)7. i,/?rra*<SK*?"* ?*' '"" * H AskeL Cattedhtales 4's. 1907. 113 8T1T1. *4?Ct?lT:i__. North Carolina *'?. 10H4 104) North Carolina O's. IM Virulilla 3at (n?ai. 704 771 Cauiunsi. 07 071 ClTt BBOUBITllH Kteboiond cltv 8'?. I'.S Hionmondctey'l's. 114 Hieb moni our > ?.. Ill Kionmond city 4's 11, 1SS0?1SS8 K?l>4 ... H.ii.K?Ai i.-, mm Allanta an 1 ?.'hartotia in 7?. . 1194 ? Atlanta a-i 1 Caarlottes'l'd la* Sa H. 100. 100 CLoir.. Col. A Aug. '-.1 7's. 11*1 e.eoreia Pacifl. 1st 0 a. K. 0. I BBS 11 7 (jeuricia. ?3uineruaud KioriJa j -. 07 OS ?'eidrtblirj I 1 .*-? \ ?'? . 110 Pete:sbar_(vJKi? U) O's-. Ill in U.ilw.v H'.i'l. 02 West. > N. ?'. 1st (J'S. Ill Geor_iu aul pr-s-f...'_._. .. ISS Oorgiaand Alabama conaola. II Norfolk and Western . 77 78 IUII.K0AD Stocks. Par. ?ttaau s?e Uaatmu?.mo ... 07 Nettelli ,?nl Weitem pref....100 4? 4i Potsr.airir.'?" IOO 111 Boetbarn Hallway, i?r?(. 100 .'U s itbara Ita'i-rer.?-? ? ._. IbJ 10 t,eor?tia and Alabama pro e-l-M. ... '*- ' Beorcla and .Mabama com? m )u. ... A i;?*-k STOCKS. C.ti-erjsBank. '.' '. ... *i"> Kit at Natiana?. 100 1??') Betrooolitan. fl II-M Min.malHankof Va.100 ... IOS Planter?National bank.108 -M5 Ml -,. u itr . .100 100 1 :? Slate :iAim ol Vtrulnia.100 IH7 I'nloi) liana of H'ehnond.... ?>J 11 .'4 llf Vir/iiii.4 trust Companr.ion ... IK Savings Hank of lticbmoad.. ..'la 3d Si BIBS '.' > IS VirginiaKlre ?3-1 ?arlne ... '.'S 3? -l V-i.-ii.* . . -') '?."-Ii -'I Amertcau Tobacco Compa? ny v.ferrevt. 100 109 III Ameri' *.n I'jot^coc >mpe>ur U*o?araea). M 81 8'. V?..Caroltna e bernias! pre. 100 107*?4 110 Ta.-e'anilinae'iie.aical com. 10'J ?l 04 iiiDtatioai arif.r bail? matarlas ta a lea? tban ton year? GRAIN AND COTTON EXCHANOK Kiclini.?!??!. Va., October PA, ISS? Quotatlona: Wheat?L__n?berry. J 9Cc; mixed, 01 to 95c.; ahortberry. *J0 ?-. No, 2 red, 85c. Corn-Virginia ** hi bag lots. 31c, No. 2 white, 33c; No. Oats-No. 2 mixed, _" 'l-_ I4c No 3 mixed, _3 to 23 1-4C; wlnt? seed, 3? to ?Vtc. Hye -No. 2, u.c. Itl"l!M')NP TOBACCO MARKET Ktehinond, Va.. October 22. 1W S i-nue collections: Cluar? and clyp IllW.?.; tobac?;o, I2.3S6.41. Tot r-'.'-i-.M. , . '. were several small l'.oae da sales to-day. Dark, primings sold at II 12 io? rnther In advance of sales at ?a L?4 J4?r Uiv? bright sales shoe?, a strong market, and fully san->f. t< price? for the seller. Sales ye-tenliy Planter?* for one package averaged *i! for a lb-rtle county (N. C.) planter, u on? lot sold at MO. To-day another s< at CO for hlgheat price. Receipts ?re crea.lng. . .,, VUltors: E. I?. Chrlst?an, Jersey Ct C W. Ilohm.r. I.ynchburg Mr. c'urter. Wllaon*. N. C , and Mr. West, of J. <> Gravely * Co.. Rocky Mount N. (. . B?hmer calls the crop around L.ynehb, a very inferior one. ?with no high-pn? tobacco offering thla w-'k. private ?ale?: Lu-js, 117; dark, 11; di uiJ' "mot*er?. i; Bcrap, i. .? ?.... . NI-.W YORIv PRODUCE MARKKT. BBW YOUK, October .?.--Flour was and highor, with demand shut out ?-Jl1*' * ?***? ?; Minnesota patents, |6.HKc ~uJ w,,,n,,T "-? ??Shts, H?0^|4.76. Rye Flour-.-'teaay. Buckwhesi Flour-?uiet. Huckwheat-Qulet. Corn-M-al-gulet. ?li~ ',r;j,; No- 2 western, 6Sc. Barley-Kirm. Barley Malt -Dull. \Vhe*t-?pot strong: No. 2 red. ?1.0I5-?, afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, ?1?., ? afloat; No. 2 hard. New York, ??3-4e., anout; No. 1 northern. New York, ?1?*., afloat Optio:;-? opened strong, and ad New York, *? 3-4c. n. New York, opened strong, and ad v.u" i ?. ail day with scarcely a pause, closing with the bull flourish of a Je. net rise. Buying moves were ex? travagant, on higher cable* and a bad sere ot shorts; No. 2 rod, January. Ri-l ?JMS-ic., closed l7 3-4e.; Ma> V2 7-Va. 36 5-16C., closed ?51-2C.; Decemb. r, 5M7-**?"? i?7 l-Se., closed &8 3-&C. Corn?Spot strong; No. 2, '22 1-Hc., afloat. Options opened Arm, and had a big ad? vance on short liquidation. May, :*-? ft-Sty 36 l-2c, closed 35 l-2c. ; November, Wa-HT ?7-8c., clos?ed 30 7-ic.; Dtcember, 'JU 6-4ip 31 b-4c., clos-ed 3l5-8c. Oats?Spot stronK; No. 2, 23c. Options opened quiet and stronger at a l-io-J-Nc. net ?lvance; October closed 23 l-4c. ; De? cember, 231-V??i3 3-k.. closed 2a3-te. Feed?Steady. Hay-Dull. Hops?-Quiet. Hidse Steady. I ithcr?Steuuy. Wool?Steait?, ; domestic fleece steady. Cut Meats?Kirm. LarJ?Firm; western steam closed %l? ir.f4.85; city, fc.4<?jJ6.ot?; October close-d 14.75. nominally; refined firm; Continent, ?5.1.". Pork-Steady; old mess, ^.06''j$9.?; new mess, J9.2M.illO. Butter?Steady; western creamery, H'? ZI l-je. ; do. factory, 9>Ulbc.; Kigtns, :*::< . ; Stati dairy, 12019c.: do. creamery. H?tale Cheese Steady; large white. ?HpSWte.; small white, 11-40?f-2c.; large colore?!. 9c.; small colored, 91-4^?* l-2c; part skims. </>''v7c.; full skims. 31-2*?>4c. Firm; Slate and I'-iirisylvanla, ; western fr??sh, 17c. Potatoes- gutet. Tallow-Steady. Cottonseed-OlK Pull; prime crude, 2W& *2?> 1 -_? . ; do. y?llow, 23 l-?'ij23 3-lc. Petroleum?Pull. Hosln* Htt-adv; strained, common to go?..l, 11 Turpentiiv -Steady at 32>tt321-2c. rj st..? Molasses?St ady. Freights -Quiet an?l steady. Tomatoes?I'cr box or crate, as to qualt BU, Coft-ee??Options opened stsady at un? changed prices and u*?d mor?- aettVfl 8n switching, but with iittla change; selling checked by general bearish conditions; eloaad steady; net unchanged to :> points low? ", Bales, 2?i.:'?oO bags, including De? cember. p>.2V?ttH 25; .lanusry, 16.26; Mar, * May, -16.5t); spot Rio quiet; nina quiet. Sugar?Haw nominal; ruined dull. m;\v yokiv DRY-DOOM MAMUT, NKW YoKK, October 22.-The dry goods market Is still without feature of moment, the only chance In the situa? tion luring a slight lacrease reported In export b lo-lrs. This is not believed to be any radical change In export buying, but simply a demand of the moment, which has to be covered. Reports coming from various -"??lions of the country sh??w that distribution Is somewhat freer thut? for the last lew days, but Is b?c no BBSS M . tive In print cloths. The deman?! BSrOWl ! i. tendency toward WltasnSSB in all COttOfl lines, but no openly avowed decllnlnj condition In prices has been noted. Con ?r?-sslons, h?jw?-ver, are ?jutetly made In many Instances, and tho offerings from buyers ?>f weight make It an object oi particular attention In the bidding Woollen goods and worsteds in boti men's WSar fabrics and dress gods MM strong feat urea U'-.LTlMoui: PBODUCB KAftX-T. BALTIM? IHK. October >'-----Hour Kirn and unchanged, Wheat?Strong; So. - red, spot and Oc tobar, PTMitajtPAe.; November, s; i-s-i '.i7?_..- ; December, 1)7'/?.'.?7 V ; steamer N?) 2 red, ut V"' '-'' : ?southern, by sample. 91^ 9Sc.i do., on grade, tttrgfTHc. i'urn-Strong; mixed, BjPOt, ?1(521 l-8<?. October ?and Norember, ;;r?/ii1,?., bbw <>? 1 old. November <>? December, .!?> Ml 30 7-Se.; January, :UV" ?Pi? ..; Btcamer mi\ .??! L'yi/29l/iC.; southern white, 31Q33C.; ye. t..v.. iU'?iXJc oats Finn: No. 2 white, A'j'i.?Tc.; Ne 2 mixed. n%tjtlc. Rye l-'irui, No. 2 near by, S2V?,c.; sale? No. -' at stem, PVAe, Md. Hay ?Steady ami unchanged. Grain Freights-Firm; engagement sl?>\v. Sugar?Strong and unchanged, Butter?Firm and unchanged. V'ggs?Firm and unchang? 1. Steady and unchanged. Whiskey -Um hanged, :ii?\?;o PBODDC1 MARKET. CHICAGO, October '.".'.-Sensational ac - marked to-day's saaalon in whee Deeember cloead I ?So. higher, and Ma il a iMc, advance. Th< adrance, whlc was at leaded by the beertest trading i x? ver.ii weeks, was oaoBad principally t tie hug?? ?export bustneas on engag? m?-nta. Sensational r?epo?rts as io ih drought COndltlOfl east of the Mlsslselp riv?-r caaaed mat b tigm-imc on the ai ranea ?Corn **as ninu acttva ami a? 1 1-le., helped by wheat, and a m ahlpplng demand. Oats sdranosd \ and provisions Biosed -' >??. higher for In to IT'?..?', higher fur pork. i.. .?ing toteres ranged as follows: opening. Lose it. i.'losin \YUeat?SO.2. Ii1* 004 2-A-jni?, 'Hi* tOMjxii '? ?.i I>4 ?3 ' 16X44 'itttt HTli mi 91M St 40 4.0.1 LAS ? o.'H II II S3 Ml ?4.4 4.01 ??.?;. 4 ti. 4.7( Oct. Dec.,.?l?vt74 May.lWy**M Cork?No. -.'. u ?oben. '4?4*.H [)< ?niber..^?4'4s7j? May.'2ti*\tM 0*T9-No. ,'. October.!7'?6 Dec.1*4 May.!?t?y4 MBS?PORK-l'er Hl.l. D?sc.S7.U0 IH.07U oanuarr,... %JAm% h.D7y, l.ARl?? Pur l ou toi. Dec.tu:, S4.45 January..?.. 4 05 4.0U short lliBS?fer lU'j in*. Osaober....!. S. Deceraoer.. 4.00 4 U> January? . 4.70 ('ash ?luoiattons w? re as follows: Flo ly. No. 2 yellow ?-?on*. oytttpMt So. 2 spring wheat, 8<Va?~V?. ; Ao. spring wheat *jir,-:, .;., .? ,,..?t ??s-, ?j. No. 2 corn. . ., ! . ,s> ^ Mo. 2 whlti . -:?i?'2?.; No. :: w:. 22-V40. No. 2 rye, ?l6-*?4.-. No. 2 b.irl? nominal; No. 3, ?uy.Mgc.; No 27&37c. No. I Baxseed, ILOl^?fLC*. Pri Tlm?ithv aeed. ??2.i>j. ilesa pork, per b i? l, Iv?;8.u6. Lard, per i??i pounds, $1.42" |i.?lo. Short-fa sides (loose), li-Jt'utt Dry salted shoulders (boxed), %iMA Shorr-cl - r tides (boxed), |54||G.12?4. VM key, distillers' tinir-he-i goods, per gall Ii .22. Sugars fut-ioaf. unchanged, n t"i ?Firm; creamery. 15/'(i22c.; dairy, 1 IMc. t'liees?. quiet at ?SM?ybc. Egg > rreeh, D??c.' CHICAGO ?UVB-fTOCX KABKBT. < HK'A-OO, l> poor dessaad f?ir cattle, and prices w no better, show'n^ a weak underte \ nlve be.-vc?? bo] I ..t 14 f-.r the pi MM tot the be l !.'..,; *. ' ' -. it'.- \era marketed, and numbere western s?dl at H7IOtl <-anners* c tl?? did not show much charige. Pal sold at the name prices as a veek a Stockers and feeders sol?l at Wutibb. ?ood many western rangera went feed! rs at ti W-?1S4.15. In hogs the market was weak, an< g?>o<l n any hogs were sold at ea?. prices, but as the day advanced, va! gained strength, until average ?inotatl? were a shade higher than at the 0 timo yesterday. The hull* of the r. brought V.Mr|o'.96, common packers s Ing at K ?lortW.56, and prime assorted Ii u $i.i?l !.. Pig? sold largely at XI. $3 90. Packing hogs sohl unusually we Sheep and lambs ruled strong. Hh were sal?'.ile at M.'-Mx*,: tor the poorest H-t&Otfi .'or the best natives, while ?s ern rangers sold at |3.3M?dl.lR. a gl mi?v feed-rs go g for t3.7<<t*44. Lut aU Ay at ?.?lO-l*. an! a car-lou? selected brought Mm?. Receipts: Cattle. 3.00O head; hogs, V head; sheep, 9.000 head. . CINCINNATI. riXCINNATT, O., October 22.?Flo Dull and easy. Wheat -Firm; No. 2 r?*d, B4c. c??rn I'ull: No. 2 mixed. S l-3c. Oats-Firmer; No. I mixed, ?>*?_. 1-1 Kyr-Klrm; No. 2. 47c. lard-Higher at 14.31. Hulk Meats-Steady st I4.?f*>. Bscon?Steady at W.10. Whiskey 8teudy at 11.20. ?utter-Finn. Sugar Dull. Kk? -Firm st 13 l-2c. Cheese- Fl rm ST. LOUTS. RT. LOUIS, MO.. October 22- -Flo Sti ?mg. Wheat-Spot strong and hlgti?r; N red cash. ?IcvAtor, 97 l-3fv; track, IT 1 No. 2 hard ca?h. MB. Bear"-*???, krr. M .-le.; May, ti l?lc. _ ____ Corn-Spot stronger; No. 2 ca?b, -?J---S 24 l-2c.; December. 24 Wc. Wd; May. He. t bl*her; No. I ceah, elevator, ISc.: track. IS l*2c.; No. 2 white, ceah, -_<# 21 1-4C. ; May, 21 1*4*8__. Me*. Bran-Quiet and strong; ?ack?d, ?set track, 4Dc ; this aide, track, 61?96_o. Butter-Firm; ..?an.try, 199U l-_e.J dairy. ll?Mo. Eggs-Firm .,t lie Park Higher; standard me??. Jobbing, Lanl-Higher; prime ?team, U 30; choice, 4M.37 12. Bacon (boxed lot? extra)?Short clear .in 1 rib*. $;,.::,; shorts, W. Dry-Salted Meats?Boxed shouldera and ex'ra ??h?rt clear, |5.W; extra ?rort clear and ribs. IS.T6: shorts, gi??; shorts, $6.1?. THE COTTON MARKETS. L-H KRPOOL. October 22.-4 P. SI?Cot? ton-SpM. In fnlr demand, pric-s higherj American, fa'r, 3 3-ttd. ; _r?KXl middling. 3?-?Jd.; American inlddliag, IMA.; low middling. 3 1-M.; gv>d ordl 3 3-ad.; ordinary, I 3-l?*?i. The aalea of the day were W.OOO bale?. Ol which 500 bai-a wer? for sp?cul?t.on and export, and included ?.000 bales American; receipts. _>o_ bnl?>? - ?u American. Futurea op *ned ateady, with a moderate demand, and cloned quiet; American mil? ling, low-middling clause. October. 3 3l-4*4d., buyer?; ?October and N??\ember, I -B-Sri.!.. buy rs, November and December, 3 a-Sleha 33-?4d., ?"lier*. December BM Januars, 3 __-?>4d , buyer?; , January nt?d Kebrunry B-Md., buyers; February and March. 8 __-64i>3 _3-ej4d.. buyers; March nnd April, . 2I-44?3 24-?4d., a. Hers; April and May, 3 24-<S4d.. buyo:-*. Ma? and .?un?, 3 _5-.4d.. buyers; June gad July, i __.-_4.1. ! August. 3 **7-<>4d.^buy4l?. Ni.w TORR. October -2.-Cotti.n-. Op??ne?l Arm; miles 1,0(0 bales; January, F?.ir?; February. PUS; March. B?._1; April. f.._3; May, ?'" "?I : June. |6.:'2; July. %.*; October, pill; >'?>ven.ber, H.!?'; December. W 13. Futures cloaed sready; soles, lot.VU January. S5..M; C'-iiruary, tt.ttS; a.12; April, May. U.V; June, UM; July *?._7; October, UM: N vember, MQ1 : December, ISM. Spot cotton c!??*?o,l easy; mld?Ving up 1 I? ? 1-Se*.; mleldllng Gulf. 6 3-lc.. ?aU?, m bales. NEW YORK. October 22. cotton Basy; middling. ? t-8. irts. 8.??? bales; gros? receipt*, W,1?0 bale?; extiort? to tlio (?omirent. *i.f*92 b les, forward??*, 1.0.8 bal. s. ?. !es, 1?W bal?-a; stock. .7 i Weekly! N>*t receipts, 4 :V? hales; groan receipt??. 37.207 bales; exports?.? On--.? Hrltain. 3.iVi9 hales: to France. ...? bale?: to the Continent, M2.'> bale*?; f ??w er 1? 1 17.9?* bales; sales, 2.0S2 bile?; spinners, I? bales. Totals to-day: N'et receipt?, 62.M? balee; extorts? to Great Britain. 1S-..2S0 bale?; in Franc?, 1,1-1 bales; to the Continent. r.1.1 beles; stock, WA^?-O bales. Consolidated: Net r? ?ipts. 3?-? ,319 bale?; exports?to Great Britain, lv_5*? bnlee te France. ttiPS b..? ?a; to the? Continent, _&. ?les. Toi ila since September 1st- Net receipts, bale?; exporta?to Great Britain, bale?; to Franc*-. 121.711 bale?; to tb. Continent, UtlU bales. Th? following arc th? total receipts of oottoti al :?n port? since September 1. ?_vi M , bales; **,*< w ?)r!o?n?. 3*.?-. 694 bale?; Mobile, i>7..".7S bmes; Havanna!?. 331 ??s bal??: Charleston, lleU-l bules; W? mlngton. 124.791 bales; NorfoUt, 131.02 balea; Baltimore, 4._?o i.aies; New v?rk. 1:1.7".". bul?.?; Hostori. 11.516 baler; Newport New?, 1 I ile?: Philadelphia. 10.3SU bales; Brunswick. 2S.532 bale?; PSBSBaelB, 14,160 bal? s Port Royal. 7.W1 bal?. Total, *..'? bales. NBW ORLEANS. I.A.. October 22. e'??ti"n futur?? rtca?*.v nt the ?b-eltne; sal.*. 4-: MM bale?; October, !*>.??: Novem 1?< ;-. $0 71 : l)ec?mb''r, 16.71: January. talZOf $T..7:t; February, J.r>.77iil*. 7K; March, U.Plff loo; April. |S.g7?0<t..SS; May ?.l_ri.l3.W. NAVA!. ST? MSI MARKETS. CHARLESTON, B. C, <>t?." <-r ...--Tur? pentine-Market quiet ?et _?h-.; sales, none. Resin?Firm; sales, none; A, II, and C ll.lo; D and E, *l Li: F. $1 V: G. UM; ". UM; I. ?!.__; K. USO; If, ?It?. N. 12; wlndow-glaaa, M.U; water-white, 12.1*0. Havannan. ?;.\.. October .v-Hpint* Turpentine -l-'irm at 2?*j,c.; ?al.-.. 1.572 casks; receipts, 1 Itesln-Flrm: sales. 3.547 burr?-ls; re celpt?, i.SlO barrel?; A, H. C, and I?. ? _*: R, UM; F. 11 -to, <;. 11.36; II, ?1.40: 1. tJ.M; K, ?ISO; If. 0; N ?2.10; window-glass, 12.65: water*whlt?, ?3. WH.M \'?;to.\'. N c. ?K-tober '-. Bplrlta Turpeiitlne?l'nchansed; nothl ig doing: receipts, 127 Cfl I Ilisin-Fiini at $l.l.V?tl._0; receipt?, 281 barrels. !.. Turpentln??- Quiet at 11.50, 12. ?nd .sks. Tar?Quiet a| ?1 30: recelp'.-, 343 barrels. NORFOLK PIAHUT MAHKKT. NORFOLK, v., October (SpwlBl) I'ennirts?Farmer?' market ?teady; fancy, -trlctly prime. 2 1-4c; nrlme. il-lc.; Bpentshj ?we.; l"W grades shelling ?tock, 1 1 .?il 3-4e. : hand-picked fancy, 4c.: ?X? 1 Iras. 3c; third grade. 2 l-2c; No. l Upan? i-l. shell.-1. r. l-2c; No. 1 Virginia, 31-2c; No. 2 Virginia 2 i-2e. VKTKHSHCI'.e; I'K.XNTT MARKKT. PETERSBURG. VA.. e,ctober 2. ? I ?1 i Market ciulet; Virginias: Prime. 2'ie.; extra prim?. 24c; fancy, 2\c.; new Spanish quiet at #?..' ?:''.?-. PETERSBURG COTTON MARKET. PETERSBURO, VA.. October 22. (Spe> olal.) -Cotton?ejulet at 6 7-lc. for gooa Chnrlottesvllle Dots. CHARLC?TTESVILLB, VA., Uotobet 22. (Special.)?Judge (Irlmsley, of th? ?'ircult Court, has aillitned th? decision of lue County Court In the case of Supl?? >i Point? i.oloiedl, v\lie> had been sentenced to a term of five years In tin- penitentiary as an* aete ?si.ry to the murder >>f Thomas W. Thompson at Freie Uii'?*ii two ye?ni ago. Thirty ?lays was g.v'eei Points'? .hmhI to consider an appeinl. Tim caae of the e.'ouniv _,< hool Board gainst rhe . lmlrilstrators of A. J. Farlsh, who isurer at the tlnu? of his death, has been argued 111 tattled. Th? ?uit invo'ves -um. , f ?i ?liars, which th? School Board olalma to that Ta-'ly from tb? ?tc. Out In lllrkenaon. DWALE, V.\. October .2 -iKpeclal.)? ng continued drought haa been broken by a _-oo?l rain, the first we bay? had for 1 bout fit w? ? k*. Then .? ? s not seem to be much eg Clt? m? nt over the coming elei-tioti, and It !?? doubtful If a full vot. will be polled. This county wll ki D i?'?r..tic ma '" ?.'4 a? w.ll a ere ne. to of at ves ge> A for l-a iter _es 9ns est ght WH' II. eep ' rest eat nb? 1 of 1,000 ur? section has abuud Dl.rk.l-" **-**** ?2S_B. ^^^^ October -_ '"'V money aere >k? ? ? _ ..*... maai.-r hud taken out mo.*?t of the . rres 1". ili.r- is as yet BO clue to Ihe rob? bers, ihoeifeh Hi? auihorltle? are mukln?. .?Hi.;, at search for theaa muiim: ii.tei.lic.. s?;e. MINIATURE ALMANAC. 0?CT. 23 laff. . .? I *' - .2? Moon rl??a . ?nlng : _e PORT OF NEWPORT NEWS, O U'y leKgieybi) ARRIVED. f-'t.-amer Saturn. Boston. St-.nner A. \V. WestOB, Bnaton. 8 AILED. Steamer OrUn, Boston. Schoon. r I?. II Rivers, Vera Cm?. Schcontr Edward Biewari, St. Johl?. Seho>r,er August Welt, '.?uivestcn. S^-hooii^r /.. Steetman. up -tune? rlvaf Harm- H. H. Meud. Boston. PORT OF WEST POINT. OCT. 22. 1?7. (By telegraph.) \i'ki\ i:; Steamship Baltimore, Murphy, Balu more; passengers and general cargo. (Reatner Bda City, Hay nes. Malta noid-rlver la.'.Jinga; pa?seog?r? and fine rai cargo. SAILED. Steamship Baltimor?-, Murphy, Baltl more, oasaengera and getiicral cargo. Bt earner Elm city. Hay ne?. Matt? nonl-rlver landing?; pase?.agera ai i gene e riSASCIAU "~ MO*? LOAMi FOR bwu>i*oJ^'*-?$ property ulrr^ly built. I Small monthly payments, cent Why not build you I you ?pay liii rent will pay le j?. /ord's Hots?. V~ XT~ 130OK AND JOB WO > ? XjaVLMKVlMOAtTBM DU go,; UiUBOUAA.