Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. VVHO-.K NTMKR... 14A\\$. RICHMOND, VA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9*1897._t_jmm^^g^J^^ MR. FOLKES RETIRES. HI ?M.*?'* IH0.1 TIIK SONS OK VETE H .>* II!M??U. ? OMMITTEK. IS ATTORNEY FOR BOOK PUBLISHERS I ?r T?il? Itonsot? He Think? Il Met ,,,t l<? *iru?< Imlrmnn Sliil.l,? F.x ymuAoA To-I)a> ? \ (heck <_n l?l to lime llien >i'pii Posa llanda. fie Is no abatement ?,f interest In | ?.." mt>.? r. It gj : .* by what ?t fi.-.l? or:. Major - ?? i,ti?i.-)it th.u the <h to .?rlnK ?-?m be mi?*' ' i?>- th.- Veteran Commit!? >. > ,?*nm.ii)dcr C-,\. ?>f th?- S??: I | - that ht I? MlMfled that I?ftO of the junior (?nip are . : -'h I 9mtirnian !... ky, of itg Cotnmlttee, **.?> thoy ItOU until the *< ni?>r .-._ ?omnii: ? 11 * mil] - of 1.? ? Camp Sons .?r particularly 1? dsvelopmente v.? re but the only allusion t<? tl.. , .- .,ii i i?? the follow ??n?)??l by Mr. Lewis the rum>?r.- regerdlng the , ; by the Ameik en ?'."??k , ?inrnitt?-? ti,, members of , - imp. , ... ti?. \ unpe: 4 'i.?, u th* luv. stlgetlon , 'ii'!".iii!> ?i by Qrond-Com ng .?f ? "?.inia-l. I RO ll Jr.. ?uni Lam? 1 by , ? amp to -ret? the matter so Ion mitt? ' end repon lit of ? t Ion to l PfM I ' this r?-solution. - Id he thought it wai rs >?f the committee that i ild i??- mode. Mr, a. end it,iin?.ii.-ly, without dig* ITOTRBE POL-KEfl RESK.N& ., of the day was p>" ?;. following ordei leeu? d by , s of r I IWT, : order. 3S Innen in ing Commltt? e, Cltj . Sir,?The following letter end reb] ref? rred to the appointed under Bpeclel Of* . l. Richmond, Vs . Novemb? ? ?minian.1 - : \ i nehmend, Va.; j tender my reelg? o? the History ? lom? ad ?'.iiiip. a c. v., tola. In n . .. - i em connected with rer? end l do BOl th.nk ti??' tw>. oAees consistent l was on the commit.? ? ? ? i bav? never attended nay i with gr< I ' otoin, yours I MINETREE FOLKES. Richmond, \ , Nevi '?. - t *-. MM? i . Richmond, V u : ,: .?-ii. Your - ommonl? - - -1 ? ? i j of this (i. sigiu-tloa bt-r of tl < '??niinitt? <?f rat?- V. t? rans, hus I Com? ' I EDWIN P. COX, i Commander. W. Brander, Adju? i Mr. l??lk ? n eft? i i i ? pet? h ) **oi t< i. II? thing for publication, for tl - h-- said, thai there e is nollr: II t_tiii- .i \siih the Wa) . til ?null path) \m'Ii it, end i ed it i st, In % Ion of hi-* pi l niai, r the ? listing <ir wll hdn p fi om the ip's comm ?Mil. OARNETT8 DENIAL. hi. Garnett, the only i f tl History I lommitt? ? e ho ?i by the i depot? b ' srrltti following lett? - v, bkh ; Iteeli : more, lfd., \. M.? Novemb? r 7, IM7. : ?>f the Dispatch: i fuel received, it l noltber >-i hat a i? ? n. in ?my w.-> with the American Booh Com? i have been i ? siding _m i . I have not at? * Is meet u ton Com? mitten -.? of the Qrand Camp sin? 1 imp ni'-t m CharlottesvUle In \v any i. ?, ?. : I In j est? rday's papare. I l the fullest Inv? q will be ; uly, If. <; -RN-BTT. I HAIRMAN BTUBBfl EXPECTED. ommender BtuM led to he tl'.y to-day. It is known Inimenl h. :.?. ' .? ,M1|,, which. In t! be should l. ?v. n - .. n ornlng, will have the of bringing him to the dtj nl h will s ?i? iv nem? his com? I til?- lei 1 in this city, it Is ,i?t. end ti?. propriety .?f leaving the ': !.. ill, n view of tl t l that of the . ? mrnli i that the principal i ? submit.? -i to the commit? k pass from nn egenl ot - ; . ?nan. will be further evidence ??f a doou ilte Infonn.atlon can l There wee s m? sting of in men who ?rill prefer the of Mr. Norman V. but what conclu i iv? ,1 at oi takea could I \ lEWi ?il* Ml!. EDWARDS. Mr v, Point, one of th?* : ? ,i .ml Camp, Sotl? of . mis in the ?, did 11"! In what wey a busi-. lion wltll took ? loupai i?-.s eould Interfere with \ rn? n.b. r ol the H ,MIi?,;'?j!i p. ?son.illy he erith any publlehlng I ev< r. Dr. Hunter IfeQulre, .iIIu.i?dk to Cap* Cueeone*e retirement from the H?*? Coo?ntittee, seid thai bt eould not to iarticulare, but he bed aecertata? e?1 that he hsd acted nobly an?l properly. VUS. A\(.i:i,l, AM? JA. (.1)1 III. Motion ?<? DIkiiiI.? Former'? Action for l?o?v?-r lilsmlased. YORK, N???.? tub? i 8.?Judsre - In the Supreme ?'ourt to-da. ihe motion to ?UmhImh th* suit i?i ?>y Mrn. Angel? to eatphllsh her of ?lower ui< th? widow of J-y ?Jould. The suit was ordered pla.-t-d leudar for the ? ?t Momlay in December. I" m?kln?; his motion for dismiss?.! of lh# actl-u. VV. E. Ward, counsel for Mr*. 1 said h* wan thoroughly convince?! | lui there \V.1S ,10 foundation tot 'M? Having commenced thl* Suit voluntarily and nod? the char**-, thought u wo* no mor? than Justice to defendant? that oh* should come- b 10 COOrt an<l t?ik.? the initiative rather than ?Dow It to bt called on the calendar. BlIhU Hoot, who r< ? CBted the Ooulfl heir?, warmly eomrn? nd*d Mr. Warf? 11?? thought. li..w?v.r. that the complaint should mm b? dtaaalaeed wlth i recorr? being made us to con? clusively an.l forcv? r lar th.- i lalnKJT from reasserting her daim. Th. y Intended, Im ?old, to take action ?l the author? ?>r thli eonaptr? v icken Um reputation at Mr. Qovld OOd blackmail his heir---. Cleaned won ?i rather hav.? th? <??. mi r?r trial ani Ml Ui<- plaintiff ernpb y oth.r rruinm 1, an I if she a??lied beraelf of thai apportai thin her case should be dismiss? d ,. merits. Afl.r fil.-i ing thr rase on tho pref. rr. ?i lar, the court directs that terrtot : < niiidi? upon the plaintiff. KKVKH ?IT! ATH>\ t \ VOIl AHI.K. Trnile EmpmnHmA to llnvr \mi|n Itc eemtm \<irm?ii i?> tup i.-.iii. BMW okkkans. November s.-The ><-How-fever situation looks fiv??rthlt , There bao been M marked chanfr? 'I'l'liy. und Yelmw Jack has lOOl i for (he people, who art? " v ?tatOd ovir Um gratifying turn of affairs. ?i ti? ws bus gata re?-lv?-il rrom nil i, and it is predicted that trade win iniv.. aacumed its normal ooud l'y tin? middle or th.? month, though it has auSered a terrible blow by th? Th? Board <?f Roolth offleera rap that the situation wiii gradually Improve, and the IndtcattOlM point that way. T ? daj .- record: Htm ? ? Miss Funnic Laughlln, Vincent Maguno, Mrs. Cha_er, lire. T. Camp-bell, to. Perrot, Miss Roberta, Den? Hare, Michael Hat-ran, Prod. Leal, Ceeeoll, George Horn, ? i i'i ;( - , prrank i';.i? n?-. Death? lira. W. Beeeert, Michael Mit? chell, Krank Perene, Vincent Maguno, R, Berthelot THREE NEW casks. PLOMATON, Ai.A., November 8?-~ Throe sow eaam tad no deaths t' -ti: >*. TWO DEATHS MOBILE* ALA., Movember I. Th? new caaea ot feilow-terer to-day wer? ? ut tour?-those of Alfred Batte, Jamo? R. Groom, Vivian Bru, and Mrs. Samuel Lyon?, liiere were two deaths?those of QOOTgle Hollerman and John Kerns. ONE HBW CASE. MONTGOMERY, ALA., November R.? 0m BOH COM of fOvOf ,unl DO deaths. Mi M?;\V CASK; NO HKATH. MEMPHIS, TKN.V. NOfOmOOl 8.?There was not a -single law CMC OT death from > ellow-fever in MOmphta to-day. In ad-ill? i thle, the Board of Health report? thera is mu eren ?uaplcloaa case known, and that those already Mok art? all duins w.ll. MODIFICATION OK QUARAN?Tl NM. Jackson. Miss., Norember _?Th? Board of Health to?nlght laened en order ?permitting all paeaengera from non-in? fected point? in the state ??f Alabama to Com? Into Mississippi With proper'l certificate?. Mall aad newspaper? will also i?? allowed to com?- Into the State from nan-lnfected points In Alabama. (itiiKKits GWMUUAI WHMb Knee for l??" Sovereign* Taken h > th? American. LONDON, November k AI Ungneld Park to-day Richard Croker's |-yoar? old bay idly Georgian won the Chollowp Tins race is i handicap of i1? eov?e iKolds and Upward, wili ie i and hursi? fro?, Ther? were six tartera, and Um oonroe ?as one mil? ?tralght. R. Devonz'a four? Wot d and W. Huiiipnri y's B-antrj third. THB I i s EVENT. WASHINGTON, November l?la ?pit? of raw, threetenlng weather al Ben? Bingt to-day. th? attendance was fair and the ?peculation active. Sum*?artos: Piral ta.? Bv< and half furloi HI O.iddy (' to 1) won, Veliitia 0 to 1) ?!. Athy B tO 1) third. Time, eooad raoo ^ix furlong? Hardly o i?i .i won. Lady I'isdain (t to n ?econd, Card, lia (t t?j 2) third. Time, 1:17 ?l-j. Third race?celling; on? mil??Stray Str-p (! tO 1) won. Alarum (.' to 1) ?OCOnd, Tlmour (I to 1> thira. Time. 1:16 1-?. Pourth raoo polling, six furlongs? Saratoga 10 to I) won. Qlenoln? c> to Q md, Senator MtCarn n (7 to 2) third. Time, I'M b-b. Kit til race?one mile--Premier (7 to 2) won, Good Times {2 to li Second, Dr. Catlot (' to b) third. Tim.?, 1:16. CUMBERLAND PARK. NASHVILLE, TKNN., November 8.? Cumberland Park results: Pint raco?aoven furlong??Dr, Work di lo 1) won. Van Krunt ?;;> to i) ?OCOnd, Miss Kitty (II 10 1) third. Time, 1 :;:i 1 I. Second i???? four and o half furloag**? Purity (I to n won, Pound 9 te I) ;? cond, May Clarksoa (?'> te H third. Time, 57 1-4. Third race?six furlongs? Knchantcr {2 to 1) won. POUtlng I- to 1) ?ecoad, Miss (7 to 1) third. Time. 1:17 1-t. Kourth rae? -live furlonse "Our Chance (C to '?' won, Buckeaw (."> te 1) ?econd, B, Cox (??ven) third. Time, 1:'.'! 1--. Kifth race?one mile ?and a sixteenth? (indague (M to 2) won. Linnet (8 to 1) ,1, Anger tlO to I) third. Time, 1 -? l-t. _ HLAMO'S RRGBPnOl ( HILLY. Ills llejilth HhiI?An B?OVffOtle Cam iihIkh 1?orefoeo I nllkel?-. HAKAN A via Kl-V \\T?;S'!'. November v Qenoral Blanoo?*a reoeptloo at the paia?-?? a ?reek ago was a very ehlUy af? fair. Outside of the oliicials and the rep .1 itlvi Of th? ii'inmerrial bodies who attended, there WOTO only about thirty ptisons. i'i? Illanco is ?.iid to i?- in poor health, and not likely to \?. ;,|,!,. to einlure the hariships of an ,ni i?.-? tu- oaaipalgn against the laoar? gllltS. I'.isonally. Marshal Kid neo Is well liked bv th?- aaembera of all parties, Including lb? Coneervatlvee, who, owing to their wealth, girieiaiiy aucceed In awaylng the masses of the people m Cuba. Kut th? Autonomist? ami the ConaervaUvoa "< far from liciug hand la gk*Vo, and no matter which the -..< ? Captaln?Oonora] favors, h.- Is preity BUT? to li.ui.? the hOO* tillly of the oth? r. DE-KM HATS IOH 111 MIXEI.I.. l>ro\itlrd He (in It epn lili can Voten I "n OU ?h to IHmn llninin. COLUMBUS '' Nov.nibir L?A kwel DemocraUc newapep? r i rteta aa interview with C. V. Han ryot tht- L?emo eritl?- Stale Central Committee, In whiili thai gentlemaa la quoted us sayin?: that at a conference of the Democratic lead? ers of the State, it was decided to pledge the votts of us many DemocraUc mem? bers of the General Assembly as could be eootrolled i<> Governor Hushmil for United States Senator, on condition that th. Governor could command enough I ; ? - - publican votes to make hiB election possi? ble Mr. Harris is editor of the Athens Jour? nal. He is quoted us saying: "We have decided to throw the Hemocratic vote in the next General Assembly to Governor i;u-hnell on condition that he can get vote? enough from the Republican elde to elect him. Bo many of the Republican members want to down Hanns tlut we think there will be no difficulty lu th'?. and so It ha? been urruiused." REVENUE REMOVALS. DECISION OF JLDGR fj__0_KMM AS TO TEXl'RK OP OFFICE. CIVIL-SERVICE LAW COKSTIT?TI0KAL Appointees Thorennder Have a it lu. i, i In Finally to Their Places, Which They fnn't lie Forced to Surrender, -.??? for Canse. < HJCAGO. ILL., November 8.?A spe to the Times MeraM from Mar? tinaburtr. W. Va., say?: Judge John J. Jackson handed down a decision to-day. which holds that a transfer cannot Without trial bo made under the .civil m-rvlce law, because It is equivalent to removal. Judge Jackson ln?>l.?ts that the appoint? ment of a man to FeOeral position un? der the civil Bervlce laws gives him a right In equity to the place, which h? 1? not forced to surrender, savo for cause. Judge Jackson remarks in his docu? ment that the leafing of discretionary powoN In the band! of the heads of de? partments makes civil service a dead 1? t t.-r. H?: rules that the ?Ivil service law Is entirely constitutional. His upoond f?nding 1? that Congress has never delegated to the Pre?Ment and lbs commission legislative power. His third point declares that the In tornal revenas servtoe has boon i endet the merit code, an?l he holds that nay attempt to change the position and tank of oill,?rs in the civil service de pertmenl is s violation of the law. His final ?balding is that the Court has g ri-iht In such I <-ase, and has tip jurisdiction, to restrain the appointing power from removing th?- oflCOM from their positions, if such removals ??r< shown to be to violation of the civil ser? vice act. He, therefooe, orden that the men who have boon Shifted from r?jo! salaried pleeeo to nnrinll oelerled i shouiii be reinstated. The case, Which i??u!t?-?l in this opin? ion was brought by a storekeeper in the Internal revenue service. AMNESTY l\ OI 11 A. I'nnlon from lln? ?tiit-en Ki-k?-i?i~ Re It-iiNe of .Inllu ?.?? ?)??In. RABANA, .Novi-mber 8.?Marshal 1 "Jan? eo has leeued the following ?-diet, ofil iia.iiy ?Jeeerlbed as **e_preealag the mag? nanimous south??I nts of the Queen lie genf ; i.l the llrm ?1? t? rinination of the National F, m ? nue nt": "1 pai.lon m lull ,-?11 those who ha-. > been prooecuted for th.- ?rime of i lion. Rebele prooecuted for common Crimea, Independently of r< ix-iiion, snob as Spoliation, immorality and the like. will i??- pardoned es ?rebels, i?ut judged i?>r the other offences eommltted by thsm. Thoea suffering ?sentencies imposed prior to the date of this edtCl will hay? th- Il sentoncee commuted t?? oertaln extent. end l"i hap- in H In full. "Pereone pardoned should sppsor before the <lvtl and military authorities at their i.-sp.itivi- placel of residence, which th? y will des?gnete end which win i oommunleated to ne. should they ?j nut?- ??la-.-.- of resldsncts outsi.i?- of the principal town*, ih.y will be advised ot the necessity of rending within the mili? tary zone of cultivation. The military authorities will be careful not to Invude th?- jui ?sdlction of the ?-ivil aiitti,,? Therefore, thooc pardoned cennot Changs ti?. ir reel lencos without obtaining tin permisrlon of both the civil and military euthorltlee." 41 tl?.- solicitation of Se?ora BmllS Ou, sada, widow pf gen or Artege Qui Captain-General Blanco has ?pardoned her eon, .?Uli'? Queeeda, s nephew <?f Benot Qonaalo Queeede, of th?? ?Cuban Junta el Now York. The young man was und? r *- tit? ?;. ? of d< ath. ?Beveg laourgents were tried hy court martial ?bore to-'i'V, and ftfty-throe in ?_ni**geatg war?- s. nt to th<- penal - 'ti? lia ni ?m the Isle of Placa. YOUNG ?.TUSADAS HISTORY. NEW YORK. November 8.-i?r J, D. ?le flu seeds, w In n informed to-night of the action of O? neral Blaaco, was almost ov< rooms with Joy? h>- said Julio Ortegs ?Queeede was the young man's nm, and that he was _1 y? .?is of tgO, '"'le is | manly young fellow," said l)r. Quteerte, "end two years ago ho was s member of the sophomore class ?>t the College of the City of New York. When hoetilltiee ?broke out b<- insist.-.i on join inK the Cuban feroce. "We tri.-d to talk him out of It. but h>- resented our inter? fer? ince, and Said his place was at the front. H?- fola? ?I QonOTgl Bermudez's army, anl >?. SI ??pirating in I'inar del Kio when captured on May Btb. "Julio bad beea s#k. ami was very Weak at tin- tiflM. HS was swimming in a small sin am wh'-n be I? came dOtOChOd from his oompenlons and fell Into the hands of Hi?- BlpenU?*dg. He was taker, to the San Ambrosia military hospital es a prisoner, and later sentenced to be shot "The boy's mother left no stone un turned to save her hoy, but she met lit? tle encouragement from General W< yl> r "Several times ti?<- lad wng about to b< shot, but something providentially In? terven? ?I. BLtAMOO HIS FATHl-'ir.S PR-END. "Ten years agO, when Captain-General BlanOO was Governor-General of ?Cube he formed a erarm friendship for Julio's father, thon a professor in th.- Medical University of Habana. When Ulan super*-? ?I? ?I Weyler Mrs. Quesaila took the cama- of th.- yOUBg man J> him. and he seems to bajee t.n eeoeeeefu] at last, as there was n?> reason ror lllanco's Clemency, escepl the frien?lship In former years for Julio's father. The action Is a good one "Julio Ouesada's father died three years ago In Mexico." IIIRR MPT Ml ST ?IE. Supremo Court ii.-t-iil? - Thnt Lnn Mimt Tiikt? Ha C'ourae. WAIB-NOTON, I? ?'. November 8 The I'nit'-d Slat? s Supreme Court to-day atlirnied the decision of the Circuit Court for the California Circuit, refusing th?? writ of hObSOS corpus to Theodor?; Dur under sentence of death for the mur <l?-r of Miss Blanche Lumont, in Sin Fran? cisco. In April. ' The spM has attracted .itten'lon throughout tin- whole of the L'nitcl Btntee, ami to-day's decisi?n permits th< law to take Us course with the condemn? ed man. Chief-Justice Fuller announce?! th? court's conclusion, but made no remaiks In doing so, save to cite a few authori? ties on which the court based its u? cisliu?. THE NEWS IN SAN FRANCISCO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL., November K? The news that the United States Supreme Court had decided not to Interfere with the execution of Durrant spn-ad quickly over the city to-day, and created great lnu-rest. The decision of the Supreme Court was not unexpected here, and ap? parently Durrant and his lawyers have ceased to have any hope. Warden Hale, of San Quentin, who Is In Washington, wired the news to Deputy Warden Edgar. At 11 o'clock Mr Edgar had not notified Durrant of his fate, ami had not decided when he would do so. The decision of the Supreme Court has paved the way for 'he execution of li ? other murderer?, who have been sentenced ?th. but whose executions hpve i deferred, pending the decision In the Durrani case. Among th-m are Train Wreckers Worden. Harvey All-mder of Ban Jom?. and E. B. Parks, of San Diego, who butchered an aged couple. Durrant's mother was notified this morning, and was deeply affected, weep? ing bitterly. Mrs. Iuirrant had never given up hope that her son would be vindicated, District-Attorney Rarnes Bald: "The only thing the attorneys of Durrant could do now would be to appeal from the order of the Supreme Court, but In this they would be sure to fail." WEILER MAY GIVE TROUBLE. His In Spain I .. men I I i,K Agitation Attain?? Government. MADRID, November 8.?Lleutenunt Oeneral Weyler's political backers, sup? ported by his Influential followers In the army, are fomenting an agitation on his behalf against the government, and are preparing to give him a reception on his arrival, which will. If they can bring it about, neutralise the attitude of the Bsgasta Cabinet. BeOJOT Homero Robledo, who Is leading the agitation, addresseil a large meet im; of the Conservatlv-s to-?lay, at whi?i< BOVtral Senate*! an?l Deputies were pr? s ent, and made a violent attack upon the QOVOrnlBg Committ??? ?if the Conserva? tive party, whom he charged with bi lag respOB?tble for the dissolution of the party. Be eulogized Lleutenant-Oeneral Wey 1er as a military commander, and as an administrator, and argued that war is the only true policy In Cuba. Se?or Robledo will go to Corunna to meet Lieutenant-General Weyler, on the entrai of the Montserrat. Meanwhile, he Is organising a merles of public meet? ings, to protest against the recall of Wey? ler, the first of which will be held to? morrow, and he i ropoeea a reorganiza? tion Of the Conservative party, upon ill basis of the programme the late Senoi Canora? proposed for the Philippin? I, visit OV Tin: cwadiws. It Mar Lend to Sett lenient of All iiUpui. ? With Panada. WASHINGTON, i>. C, NOvomhor 8. The authorities here have been advis? ?I th it the arrival to-morrow of Sir WiltVed Lavier, Kremier of Canada; sir Lo?la K.ivies, Minister of Marine in the Lauri? r Cabinet, and other officials of the Domin? ion, is to hav?' an Important bearing. not only on the Boring Bee aetUemont, but on th?? pending question? which hav? ttbjecta of international ?linlomaey betweaa the Knited State? and Kanada naaeety, the passage of alien laborers to and from Canada; the North Atlantic deberle? oueetloa; the preeant? of many Americans in the Klondike territory 1? - longing to Canada, an?l In the mining regions Of Rrltlsh Columbia; the fishen? s troubles along the great lakes; the bond? ing privilege granted Canadian ruilroa?ls; the controversy over rights in the l-'ias.-r river. Hritlsh Columbia, and in Pugel Bound, ami also the queatloa ?if reciprocity affaoseinenli hetwoaii the United States and Canada. This Is direct an?l authentic luforma tinn that Sir Wilfred Laurier comes pre? ! to take up all theae questions, and, if poeelbl?, lachad? them in one general ment, wheieby the constant friction tin v have engendered may be overcome. FATAL FIRE IB ARE__ISASi Three I'erxona Bur.ieil to Death?A Temperance Lennon. hot SPRINGS auk., November 8.-a in with fatal r'-suits occurred here early this morning. Frank Kaufman, Charley Johnson, and Clara Erhart were burne1 to death, Th? _ i in A. Brharfa bakery, on Central avenue. The trail*?n? ,i ihn. -story hrkk une, and Mr. Krhart's family occupied the third SOOf us a t? -id? n? . .?-i v. ral of the employ.- s of the bakery, Including Krank Kaufman and Charley Johnson, slept on the ?econd H< i r, The Bre originated in th? room in which the ovens are located, Ifl the ' U of ih" bail ling, and Spread rapidly to the ?econd and third BOOTO, WlMIQ th? Bleeping une upan ta were almost auf* located with smoke before th. y could make ari effort to sav.? IheOMMlvefl, tor Erharl aucceeded in got?ns hla family out through UM windows to the roofs of ad? joining buildings and dropping them pfl auminga below, bol his U?year-old daugh? ter, Clara, after being rcecn?d, ran bach int?> the building for her mother, and was burned to death, Tha bedV s of Kaur man and Johnson were fouti'l In their t.?!s frightfully burned. They were in? toxicated when they retired, ami wore suffocated before they could be aroused. stv.i HAY is I'MiiAiin\sssFn. He In Ordereil >> (.(iinri to Join the the ?tuban?. 1'Hikai>!?:i.kiiia, Novamber 8.?The Pn m win say to-morrow that General Julio Sangullly, the (*uban patriot, has received OB order from General Gomez to report for duty In the insurgent ranks. The order places him In a moet lllba naming position. Sanguillf had become an American citizen, and wh? n arrest? ?1 in Habana, "vn years ago. ?U only reli-iscd from Morro Castle upon pl. dglas !|is word not to again take up arms against Spain. Sangullly gave this pi.dge. after much hesitation. Not long afterwards Central Gomez ordered him to report for ?luty, but Secretary Shi r inan, it Is said, informed Sangullly that if he did so he WOUM forfeit his Ameri? can citizenship. The last note from iliimiz is to the cffei-t that if Sanguilly, who Is a major-general by commission from Gomez, does not report before De cember, he will order him reduced to the ranks, and discharged without honor. TUB ANARCHISTS OF NHW YORK. 'I hey Ccleltrat?* Annl * ernnry of t'ht mtnpm Execution?? Rmmt Mpemtxm, NKW V'iKK. November S.-The An nrchists of th? city to-night e.|. bra?? I the tenth anniversary of the exoeattoa of their oomraAra la Chicago by a publie mealing la CSareadoo HalL There were about ."-"i AnarchlaM In the audience. Johann Meal presided, and reed hi-?-,?. .?.?<h from manuscript. He was Interrupted everal time.?-, hut wh??n Most's flushed, and he shouted: "I'ut tint dog out " the ?rail wag not heard again. Most spok? ol th.? "canaille of cepa?,1 i-m " WblCh, be said, congratulated itself that the ?SOClal revolution hol b. . n squelched and that peace and order pre valleil H>- Wanted lO ti li them th? Anarchists were not gathered together i ? ^h?-?l tears, but to sing a song of triumph for a future Which Is not far oft. "The siilrit of the revolution must and a ill en? dure until the spirit of tyranny .shall be crushed under th<? triumph of Justice and humanity, and peaee will prevail/' I i I the speaker. He call.-J the government "a cowboy government?with apologies to the ,,,y." and closed by saying that only one bomb m is fife?! In til.- Ha.vmarket, but that it did excellent execution. charles W. Hoerbray, Herm-in Schmidt, snd August I?tt were the others who a Idreeeed the meeting. _ Condition of General Taliaferro. QLOUCBBTEB COURTHOCSB, VA., \ .-. ember 8.?(Special.)?General Talla ferro was a little better yesterday, but to-day his condition is considered not so favorable. The Richmond convocation meets at Ware church to-morrow. Quite a num? ber of the Richmond clergy arrived this evening, and are stopping at the r-t-c tory with Rev. William ti. Lee, Orders for printing sent to the Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention, and the style of work and price? will be sure to please you. POLICEMAN KILLED. ASSASSINATED II Y A HI PPOSED III It?.I, .H HE FOLLOWS. IKSOLYENT LIQUOR-DEALER ARRESTED < Ircamstnnces Abont the Mnnli-r I ? n?I to This Action ? Liquor Dealer's Partners Also Inder ir? real? I 'remendona Sensation. ATLANTA, GA . November 8-Patrot nian J. <>. r??i?ler was killed here to? night at 9 o'clock, while he was shadow? ing a supposed burglar, who had en? tered the wholesale whiskey house of L. Stelnau. The officer saw a man enter the building, and followed him. and when tho officer struck a match to light his way he was fired upon five tlin-1 hv an assassin. He died In a few mlnut?-s. Early this morning the business of Stelnau was placed in the hands of a receiver, and Officer Pender kn.w the house had been closed by the Sheriff when ho saw the man entering the building. The man, finding himself dis? covered, killed the only cye-wltness, who was Officer Pender. Stelnau was lmme<liately pieced under nrn-st, and is now being subjected to a critical examination. Other members of th>? firm BIO also under arrest, and th?? affair has CTeatOd 0 treni'-udous .?.? nsatlon In the city. Wh<-u the re? ceiver left the bullillng this afternoon he locked the vault, ami turned the combination. After the esseestaation the vault was found unlocked, and a bunch of keys was picked up near tho vault. All who are un?l? t arr.-st ileny kti?*wing anything about th?) tragedy. DESPERADO shot \NU KILLED. He Left ?In? ?luiirncm' llencli to Eut??r His Lnol Haht. WflUON, w. va., November s.-m?i ton Hickman, leeder of a gang of dss? porodooQi was shot end ktii.-.i near a church by Deputy United Stat?s M.-ir shal Rander sind a large pos s rooter* ?lay. The _ghl was [.rot ract.-.l. and Render gal also tWO Of Hlckman's gang wert? wounded. Hl.kman It ft the mourners' bench to engage in tho tight. h. srao a post-oti!? ? robber, gad the lender ?>f g dangerous gang. Th.- affair was in the mountains gear Mu?l?liety. LON?. AM? SHOUT HAIL CLAISK. Decision of Supreme Court \unln.i i ?. terete ? Ooaamh?ni??n. WAIH1NOTON, D. C, November l? The i nit.-1 st.n. s gupieese Court to-day atlirnled tin- ?l.-?ision of the lower court In the case, of the Interstate ?.'ommerce ?'.?minission -.-?ainst th?- Alabama railroa?l end the Oeorgie Central railroad end Others. The CgOS aros?- out of OhaTgl cltlaens ?>f Troy, Ala., that th.; compaales v.. re disregarding the long- gad ohort? haul cienos of ti>? Intoratate fnmmerri la w. The point el leeue was whether, when there is competition i?* i w .?ii railroad and weter routes, the r? da must Hie lower with th.- Interstate Comm?res Com? mission, and It w.i.-t de-Clded 111 th? I live by the court. The opinion of the court was handed do? n by .liistlie Shit as. The action was begun before the inter state Commerce Commission In i*-'.?-', upon g petition from the Board or Trade of Tjroy, Ala., uiieging g discrimination by the roads Bg?inet that town, in the interest of Montgomery an?i other ?placee. The ro oi? ?i, fended their rat? .. - n. iss try to me? i water transportation, but the commit decided against them, end siso bold that prefereni e in rat. ?a should not be granted, i upon authority of the commission. 'id?- court t ?. - < 11 y overruled the commis? sion ??u both p. ; ng on t In- tit St thai "competition is one of the most obvious and effective circumstances that make the conditions under which s long end a short haul are performed s"ui?.-.iun ti.iily dissimilar." Juetice Shlraa stated, however, that the ' intend?-i t?? r lleve com? mon carriers of the reetrelnts of the third end fourth sections of tbe lew, bul Us purpose was that th?-s,- sections are not so string? nt gnd Imperative as i?i ? dude In all cgses the matter ??f competi? tion in determining tbe question of undue end unreasons i?i?- preferen? -." Upon the other point, as to whether railroad companies can b.* relieved Iron th?- operations <?f the long- an?i ?short haul dauae of the Interstate comn act, without first invoking the consent of th?? commission. Judge Bnlres said: "We ere unable to suppooe thai Con? ?rrees Intended to forbid common ?art in cases where the conditions gnd circum? stances at'?- dissimilar, from making dif? ferential rates until end unless the com? mission shall authorise them t?> do so." This opinion was In line with the ?l? dslon ?>f the Circuit ?'??art of Appeals for the Sixth District, whi? h Is, therefor?-, affirm.-I. Justice Her?an dissented from the opin? ion, remarking that it went far toward defeating th>- object of the Int?ntete com? merce law, ?adding; "It not only mini? mizes the power of the commission, hut places the [??v\?-r of the commission far below what Congress Intended, end puts It In the power of tho railroads to SO err?nge the transportation business of the country as to d?-str??> the business of ln termedlato points." THE JACKSONVILLE ( -HNIYAL. It Opens Auspiciously?Firemen's l'n r n tie?Hie ? ?-le Itaees. JACKSONVILLE, FLA., November 8. Th?- great gafa, week Carnival began to-day auspiciously, with clear skies and bracing air. ThOUSaads ?if people from all parts of ?Florida are thronging hire to participate In a harvest festival, us the Ding of what will surely be one of th.- most ?prosperous winter seasons ever known m Florida. All the thoroughfer? of th?- city ar?. resplendent to-night with a profusion of daga, bunting, evergre? gnd artlsticallyai ranii'd electric 11 ? h t s. huais of music, ami throngs of people. All in.-omliiK trains are fill.-.l. lind by to? morrow nlghl the largee. crowd ever known in the history of Jacksonville will b-- bore. Th.- sports tO-morrow Will include the annual parada end competition contests of th.- state Firemen's Association, for which there are numerous entrtee, and at night a baa illuminate?! tradee* ?parado. The Meycle rec m Wedneedey win be the most lotereetlng meet ever bold In the South. The ere? k professional riders, Iialil. ?Jasper. Kimball, Haker. JohoeOB, and ??tJBi-. reached the city to-dey, an?i are In tine trim. PASTOR INSTALLED. A Marrlaae at S<*i?tlan?l \eel_?Late? ness ?tf Frost. SCOT LA NI? NK?"K, N. ?'., November 8.?(Special.)?Yesterday R.-v. J. N. IloOth, ?late of LumU-rton, N. C, was Install? -I ?is paOtOf of the Haptlst church In Wash? ington. N. C. I?isi ni-ht In the Methodist church. in Palmyra, g small town ?? fea mil??? from this pla? ?, Miss Ma? y Hyman was married t?> Ut K'l. Ausbou. Rev. Rufus Bredley ??fttiiatlng. There has been much said here concern? ing the lateness of frosfc this season. Mr. Petes K. Smith says niat in lvT, the first killing frost came th?- day before Christmas, and the cotton was still bloom lac Not much has been said about the Scot latnl Neck p<>at-ofnce recently, but the Republican? will !>? ?glad when they can get matters arranged so that they can take charge. ^_^ South Doaton Mention. gOUTB BOSTON, VA., November - ? (Special.)-Evangelist W. P. Fift?. who cu?n ?. need holding religious sen-ices here on October _*-th. brought them to a close last night. A warehouse, with a seating capacity of LAU In which the morning aud night a.-.ii'?i.-. were held, eus ire Qucntiy fun. As the mating pr the Tutmber of irttendanta seem?ed to In? crease. As nearly as can be ascertained there were 120 conversions. Last week the sales of leaf tobacco here amounted to ?OO.OOO pounds. The highest PHc? pah! fcr Bim wrappers was PS9. Th? colored Kresbyterians held thott etnl-annual presbytery her- hurt week. It was well attended by both clergymen and lay delegates. The sporting fraternity are having a delightful time, n-.r alonB the Dan river are said to be more abundant than for several year?. The largest one kill? 1 during the season was on exhibition to? il.iv Wild turboy?, ducks, and part li'i?.?' are plentiful; but Of cuir.?? no lawabtding citizen would think of shoot Ing pa Mrs. Olla Holland, of Danville. Is vis? iting Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Kmlkner. Miss I?.tira M. Stebblns is visiting rela? tives In New TO*? Hon. R. R. Noblln. who attended tbe Winston Tobacco Fair, has returned home and speaks In glowing terms of the exhi? bition. ,Rev. Dr. J. H. Davis, of Rlack Walnat. Is visiting friends In town. Mrs. M. A. Hrook* and Mrs. R. M. C. Glenn are visiting friends In Richmond. PETERSnt RG AND VICINITY. Death In S?MOW? A Fool Tournament. Personal. PETKKSBKRc,. VA., November 8. (Speclal.)?Mr, W. A. West, a prominent citizen of Sussex, died at his home, in that county, Sun?lay morning, after . B Illness of a few days. His remains have been Bent to Snow Hill. Md., for Inter? ment, the place of his resident he came to Virginia. Mr. West was ia yeare of age, and leaves a wife and she children?three sons and three daugb He did a larga mermmtll? and lumber business in the county, and wa? lnt?ereet* ed in the Burry Laimoer Company. He was the father of Mr. Elijah West, who om? weeks ago assaulted and ae> rlouety Injured by a negro named Acquill J'ilies. Messrs. Harrison and Mullen, engi: of the Richmond, Petersburg ami Carolina Railroad Company, are now at work sur v.ying the route of that ro-id through Chesterfield county, between Rlclim<>n?l and Petersburg. They have office? in m? of the building? on Mark??t street, whi.-h by the terms of purchase belong to the company. Tho remains of the late Cantata John Lyon arrived lure From Washington on Sunday morning, and were m?-t at th?? depot by many of the old friends of th?? -ed. The funeral services having taken place in Washington, the body was conveyed directly from the depot to Bland ford Cemeter*. \ pool tournament commenced to-right at the Cockade City Bicycle Club rooms, to be continued every night during the week. There are twenty-live entries for the tournament, divided into two classes. the sam.s to be M or 1(?> points, as the player? may decide. The winners will be liiv? n a prize of a Baa taha Kr. J. B. Ilooth was thrown from his horae. on Washington street to-day, and considerably bruised, though, fortunately, not disabled. He bad been visiting a Ini? tient at the Home for the Slek, and when lie a't'-mpt. d to mount his horse. th?< animal started ofT beforo he could secure control of the reins. Union Star church (colored). In Dln widdle ?county, was dedicated yesterday In the presence of a large congregation. The dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. William Willis. Miss Nina W. Randolph, of Richmond, Is visiting Miss Cocha Of this city. Now Melon?? to the Denomination. The Charlott. s\ille Daily PrOgTaoa of l,i-l week says: Th?? Rev. A. K. Dickinson, D. D., senior editor of th?> Religious Herald, has been the guest for th? past tWO d.ivs >f tho Albemarle Female Institute. Dr. Dickinson is the preeldent of the trustees of the Institu?.?. an?l CUBM tO b? present when Mr. Bawling? ?6onv?*yed this excellent property t?> the trasteen. The deed has been drawn and signed by Mr. and Mrs. RawlingS, and the property Is now legally In the banda ot the tr?> to run under the Baptist denomination. Dr. Dickinson is ?blighted over tho magnanimous treatment received at tho hands of Mr. BawUnga, H.? la also sur? prised at the pr??-. nt su f the school. He, as well as others, never thought th? school would succeed so weQ this session. H thai <A>a*~'- miti not be room to accot*%iodate all who will wish to attend next ?eaaion. Another building will be needed. Two ?>f Virginia a wi ilthieat men promise to aid the achooL The llesperlile? Hroken In Two. BOSTON', MASS. November s. Officer smith, of the ateamer Delaware, which arrived Sunday night from J ok sonvUIe, report? that last Friday h? ed the stranded steamer Heeperiues, which waa wr?scked on outer Diamond Bhoals, off Cape Hi 11. ras. October '.?th. while on a passage from Cuba to Balti? more. When the Delaware p? wreck only about thirty feel of th?? maata were rlaloli above the a i tat; and th?-ir position showed thai th? ?Teasel had broken in to I I.eaanc re'?* (?round of Contest. 'CUMBERLAND COURTHOUSE, VA., November v -(?Special.) U B. Leeauere is going to contest hi,nitons ?lection oa tin? ground tliat no legal ?-!< ctlon n?SM, and thai the voio for lilaninu ii.r.. was by ?tamping his name on the ball?ota h tte id "f writing it, no name being pnnted on ih?- ballots for members of the House. Proceedings A-calnst Crisp? Quashed ROMA November y Th* Court otOae aatlon has quashed in. proceeding! of the lower court against BIgnor Crisp?, the former Kremier, in connection with the bank acaudala on the ?{round that the ire in? ?imp? I? nl to deal with the chargea, and that they must ;? with by Parliament, which was the con? tention of the ??x-Kierni? r. Cabans Capture Two Towns. MADRID, November ?* -a ?sable moo* sage received hero this evenlag from ??ympathlsara with the insurgents in Cuba say? that th-i latter have ?aptured th? towns of HOlgUla and Mayria, In the province of Santiago <le Cuba. Yesuvlua in (?rest Aetlon. N'AKKKS, November?. Mi. Vesuvius Is in gnat action. A -m?.mi of lava Is pour? ing out of the Atrio del Cavallo enter, Mich opened in IMS. Two wide streams are Bowing doom In the ?lirectlon of Vitrova. an?! Piano del Inestra. Ilritlsh Force Hlnughtered. SIMLA, November 1 A rumor has reached here that an English off.? er and thirty-live Sikhls have been intercepted by t'a?- tribesmen in a ravine and slauglf tered, but the rumor is not yet officUtlly confirmed. Cotton from llrun?*-? l.-U Lost. LONDON, N?ovembei I The British steamer Incbdene, whtcb arrived at Bra* rn.-n from Brunswick to-?lay, lost part of her ?l'-ck-loud, amounting to HI anlas of cotton. _ An Opportunity to Mult* f2.*>. Twenty-five dOllON In cash Is hereby offered for the best title for a great dry guoda house. Messrs. Juuus Meyer's Bons, now at Slxlh and Broad street?, before moving into their handsome new establishment, desire suggestions as to a title to be given their sture, such us other similar large dry-goods houses employ. For ?sample. "A <lty In ItBelf," "Tha Big Store," Ac. The money will be paid on N'lvemb. r lit h to the first person who will suggest a title which the firm will adept The UUa must consist of not less than two nor more than five words, and sine,! In their establishment e very i hing will be sold, an unlimtt?d field for thought is offered to tha coot?slants. The only provision is that you must write the sug? gestion in the coupon which will bo printed In every advertisement of Julius Meyer's Bons, appearing dally ?on the third page of the Dispatch. I^ave or mall coupons to the store, Sixth and Broad k'r^..'... To Continue the Publication Here. Tli? Hev. Dr. Lafferty has been pub? lishing the Richmond Christian Adv?cete for nearly twenty-five years. He also prints the Baltimore Christian Advocate. The?e church organs have a clientage of 15000 Methodists. The patronage Justi? fies a forward movement, In th? opin? ion of the owner, and the Doctor pro? pos?e to use the latest Improvements In typo machines and Illustrativ? features. The two papers have been Incorporated, and will continue to be yubUtawt lu #*'-?& 1MB?i ATLANTIC LEAGUE. MEET IN?; OF OWHERI AND MAKA? GERS 1<( PHILADELPHIA. THE ATHLETICS OUT OP !.. Franchise Surrendered?-The Allen <<>??n il'f? i Clnb Comee la?An -irieiiKiiii,* LUC' Estnbllsha?a Pay of Playera and I m pi re??*, ote?. I'HILAIH-.r.l'HIA. PA., November a? (Special.)?Tho owners and managers of the Atlantic Trague base-ball clube met hero to-day, and transacted a great deal of Important business. Mr. VTH ltam Sharetg. tbe owner of the Atblo? tl?-s' franchise, surrendered his fran? chise, and the va? eat place In the leegue was filled by the admlsalon of Allen town, pa. It had been the intention to admit Woruootor. Mas?., but tl ,t city was pre-empted by the Eastern league. Allentown. however, la a flrst-clas? ball town, and Mr. Douglass, the owner of that city's club, deposited <_0u as a guarantee of good fulth. and en as? surance that hit? club would finish the season of 18S&. This was thought to be a good plan, and each other club In the league did likewise. It was decided to blieb what la termed an "ineligible list," and the list was sorted at once by placing thereon the nan?-?s of about half g hundred ball player?, whoee con? duct on the ball-field Is considered ob? jectionable. These men will be debarred from playing hereafter with any At? lantic League dub. The list will be added to from time to time, and a num? ber of men who barely escap.d being placed thereon will be reprimanded and warned concerning their conduct by the pr? sidi-nt. SALARY LIMIT It was decided to establish |_??t) per month ns the high-salary limit, and a fine Of P2CO in the penalty to be Imponed oa any club paving more than this amount to any player The fine la to be divided squally between the Informant and th.? player who can product* a con? tract for more than the amount aped fled. The schislul? meeting will be held In this city on March 24th next, and tho UN season will begin April 16th next. The schedule la t*> consist of 199 to 130 gentee, and equal numbers of games ir<? t?> be played b;- each club In ?ach city. Wednesdays and Thursdays will bo open dates at Newark an?l "**on. At no dtv will two garnis? be scheduled for one day until after July tth. AS TO UMPIRES. Conatdereble discussion was had con? cerning the management of umpire? for next season, and It being agreed that the leairue would prosper best with only the very best umpires. It was decided to pny them l__*i p?-r month ?noli. Thla sum It was thought wouhl secure the very best men, who will be able to maintain order neat seaeon. ?One of th* acts of the m?nag?re, which will prove of Interest In Richmond, was en agree* m.-nt to admit no one Int?? the grounds of any of the cities without a ticket, uniform?*?! police officers, and to make the minimum charm? of entrance for negroes lo cente. Heretofore thla of pailnano have paid only 10 cente in Richmond. A committee was appointed to go be? fore the National Arbitration Board, which meets here to-i.ight. and look after the Interests of the Atlantic) 1..-aguo. In order that that committee may report, the league meeting was ad? journ. ?I over until to-morrow mcrntng. The Olil Dominion Steamahlp Com? pmmy tak.s pleasure In announcing Its Fourth Annual Personally Conducted Excursion to New V??rk at the timo of the National Horse Show, at Madison-Square G_*r tlen. Tho party will leave Richmond, Saturday, November 13th, at 3:.i6 P. M., vi i the Chesapeake and ohlo railway, or by Richmond and Petersburg and Nor? folk and Western railroads at 9 A. M., connecting with the Old Dominion steamer el Norfolk early In the evening, due to arrive at Pli-r M, North river, New Voik. Sunday afternoon atout 4 o'clock. Those Joining this select party may leave New York for the return trip . pi Bunde) ), at 3 P. M., Sat urday al i P. M.. for Old 1'oint Comfort or Norfolk, arriving In Richmond the following evening a Dont 7 o'clock. The fare for the roumi trip. Including meals and stateroom i??-rth on steamer, will 1?" 111. Tickets are good for tun days and to return on any steamer of the Un". Special rates have been secured ,i b'-th American and European plan hotel?. As New Y?*rk Is always crowded at th.- time ?f the Hors.* Show, and as this party Is limited, early application should b?. mad.- to insure? good accommodations Upon the ?i.-.imer and at the hotels. Tick? ts on sale November 8th. JOHN r. MAVIIH. Agent Old Dominion Steamship Com? pany, 1.1. east Main street, Richmond. V.w New York Horse Show. It Is seldom such reasonable t? in.s und Superior acc-muiod.?tlons ar?? offered for a trip to the metropolis as the per Minally-condu.-ted trip via the Chesa peeka ami Ohio gnd old Dominion rU? imahip Corrpany on the 13th in tent The rate from Richmond to New York and return, Including meals an?l stale-rooms on one of ih<? new and luxurious ships of the Old Dominion Steamship Company is only 111, tickets b.lng good for ten days. Take ?Chesa? peake end Oblo train leaving Richmond at 3:?? 1*. U. November lith. which will connect et Norfolk with ship, reaching New York next day about noon. .- ? The Kim he I'liin?? H rpreae n (Mil Tee. For twenty years I have sold the re? nowned Knabe planos, and yesterday the manufacturer, w lllam Knabe, Esq., came to tbe city and renewed the eg?.iey with th?- Manly it. Kamos Company. Mo will personally select for us the very latest styles of iprights Intended tog th?- "1S3.*>" trade, and the public la in I to call und test these artistic in? struments. MANLY K. RAMOS. Ill east ?oad street Orders for printing sent to the Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention, and the style of work and prlcee will be sure to please you._ All persons afflicted with Dyspepsia. Diarrh?e Coi??:, and all kinds of indigestions ?ill nod Im mediate relief and a sure cure by using A -.000* Ti sa lhTrKgg. Tbe oclf genuine is s-anaiee. tared by Dr. J. G. B. sisgert A boos. The Weather. RAIN j WASHINGTON. November 1? Forecast f?-r Tuesday: Virginia, North Carolina, eng r~ _ South Carolina ? Threatening weather, with showers; southerly winds, becoming westerly. TIU*. WEATHER IN RICHMOND ERDAY wai paitly cloudy. At mlJnlght the sky wes overcast State ot thermometer: ? A. M.SI ? A. M....IT . 13 M.?I S P. M.n 4 P. M.,..? 1. Night ..? \ alean- t?'-t?etk.ur?.....-..?.l-l