Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DKPATOH-WBDXESDAY. NO JTEMBER 17. 1897.' _ _ Figures Attract il" The prices at which we are marketing our good* would be of little si^riiiticrtiH'.' fftn they not connected with sterling qualities. Wonderful growth in your midst is tho lwHt evidence that the wares and the prices are cor? rect. Wc give the Richmond ?*Trad lag 5tamp" Company's Stamps With Purchase* ot ioc. and Over. ITS COLORED WORSTED DRICSS GOODS to-day as you've ne ver seen them, before: Pretty 6-1 English Cork-Screw Suitings for 98c. Handsome Silk and Wool Dress Novel ties. In AJegrett, Lizarlne. Caterpillar, and other fancy weaves, at Me. a yar.1. All-Wool Fancy Dress Woollens, in numberle-ss pretty designs, for 37Vro New. Stylish Drees PsJbries, intended tor a 50c. dress stuff, for 25?-. a yard. Wade to e>ur cwn order from one of the tonleat American r-ictorle?? FALL 8ECKWF.Alt, Including Homaii Stripes and other novel? ty ?Ilk?, made in newest shapes, EOc. kind, for 25c Men's Good??Front. Nearly half the length of the big east aisle la given up to KNIT rNDF.RWKAK. and even then only one box of a sort or sise is ?hown. Surplus steick on top floor. Bo much for quantity?this as to price: Heavy Ribbed Jersey Vest?, high 0008 and long sleeves, are excellent gar? nie nts, any size for ISC. Bgtfa Heavy Bgyptisa Ribbed Vests and Pant? for ?Tie. Leelles' Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants (flee-cedj tor Wc. Ladles' Natural Wj>ol Vests, the kind that 75c. buy?, are 6C?c. h? re, Bov?' Natural \-Wool Vests and Pant?, a" 75c- kind, for 60c. Infants' White Cashmere Wool Wrap - for 2?c. There's a newness and eleganco In the WRAP AMI Sl'IT DEPARTMENT that keeps it thronged. Come in and en Joy St all. We are liberal educators In feminlno fashions?a hint or so as to price: Blouse Suits of Cheviot Braid trimmed, price, I1S.50. Stylish Blue and Black Heavy Cheviot Suits, I raided effect, for $20. Camel's Hair Suits, ?y iront coats, e-n tire dr. ss lined throughout with taffeta ?ilk. for 111). At $9.50? S? r?e Suits, fly-front coat, lined throughout, perfect fitting. Separate Skins oi Black Satin, perfect Bttlag. price H Black Mohair Skirts, well made, for ??.."/). Black ??Brocaded Mohair Shirts, lined, ssUmade, for n.St. THE IKHKKWABK DKPARTMK.W'. There'? no auch another exhibit of China. Glass, and Brlc-a-Brac in the South. The great basement is full to overflowing. A gift or Household re? plenishment in view? Come, look, if you love the beautiful. A few stray price hots: A lot of Forrester's Vases, 14 to 16 inches high, regularly $2.50, for 95c. che BaaOsorsc Green Bohemian Glass Vases, with gold decorations, for 10c. each fi.r.n Bohemian Glass Vases, 18 inches hiph. fer ?8c. each. Card-Boxes, Trays, Vases, etc., suitable for euchre prises, for 2?c. each. fut Glass ffpoon-Holders, 40e. each. 6 o'clock Tea-Kettles on wron<;ht-lron stands, 9Sc. each, and Upwards. 100 Handsome Colored M-'ialllons win be sohl to-d'ty tor tc each. A lot of Fine Psstel Pictures. In gilt and oak frames, that were- $2.75, will BS ?old to-d.iv fur ?to, choice. $6 Banquet Lamp Globes, gold dragoon, de ' i rations for $1 each. Solid Brssa Onyx-Top Tables, with 8x8 onyx, for $L"?1? each. Bohemian Qlass Loving Clins, $1.98 each. Bohemian Bonbon Boxes, no. each. A lot of Fine Vases that were $10. $?<. and $6, will be sold for $.'.. $1, and $J choice. THE COHEN Cfk THE ASSIGNMENT OF GATJGERS. Tbe New Order of Thlna? Leave? Mr. Moscley Oat In the Cold. Collector-of-Internal-Re venue James D. Brady la keeping things stirring at the custom-house, and yesterduy he re? assigned Gauger Newberne to duty at Portsmouth and Norfolk, and assigned Gauger S. Boycc Brady to duty in Rich? mond, thus leaving Gauger D. \V. Moscley ur.a??lgned. The Collector stated that no politics were Involved in his action in Banking these change?. The gauger? appointed. ho said, were Democrats, and he was sorry he had no Republicans to assign to duty, as ho would In every Instsace give them tho preference. There, wert- Blas gauger? in the district, he ?aid, and all it them were Democrats. Three-M Moscley, Newberne, and Brady ar?' as? signed for duty nt ri'ctifylng houses in Richmond, Norfolk, and Portsmouth. "These three gentlemen," said Colonel Brady, "are all well-known Democrats. Mr. Newberne ts a brother of Delegate M. S. Newberne, of Norfolk county; Mr. Brady is s reaident of Richmond, and has a sick wife here. I relieved him," said the Collector, "at Norfolk and as? signed him to duty here, leaving Dr. Mo?e)ey unasslgned. Gauger Newberne, who ha? besa unasslgneel for some time past, was assigned to mecced Mr. Brady st Norfolk. I felt that the good of the serviie would be promoted by having Mr. ltrady In Richmond, and restoring Mr. Newberne to duty. Thus, you see, Dr. Moseley hn?l been left on the unas slgmvi list. This Is nil there Is In the matter." A. 11. HARRIS IS REI.EISKD. "Back" Mallory'a Mnrderrr Once More a Free Muu. A. H. Harri?. Jr.. the Petersburg sport who about two year? ago shot and killed "Buck" Mallory, one of the beat-hearted, though one of the motet notorious, gamblers or Virginia, and who wa? sentenced u> two years' imprison? ment in the penitentiary, ha? Served hi? tasas out, and la now a free man. He wa? liberated from th? prison yes? terday morning, stiel was met at the erstes by his young and pretty wife, who has etood nobly by him throughout hi? trouble?, and together the happy pair left for their home. |fl l'-tersburg. Mr?, li.inla was under tbe Impression that hiT husband would ts- Ubi i Monday, and went to the prison bright and early that morning to reco?. ?the was disappointed, hut not cast down when ?he? learne-d that another twenty four hour? must Intervene before ?hi Baals' sc?- bot husband, but busied her si ?f in preparing for the reunion. She cerne down town and purchased a nee suit of clothes for Harrt?, which ?he sent out to the prison, and arrayed Ir these, with hi? handsome diamond? gilt terlng In hi? ?hlrt-front, he made hli advent Into the world from which ): ha? bees -'A'-luded for ?o long a time li'iris had quite a nesi little ?um o: n? which he had accumulated bj working overtime while in prison, am raoetvsd $89 by wir? fron? a frleud. VOTE BY DISTRICTS. nr.TI H\s VOMI THE VAHIOrS SBWA TOHS A*I> nKMUKnS OF HOI ?E. BOARD OP CANVASSERS MEET MOMDAY The Finare? Are lielan Tahnlated aad Prepared for Them la Order That the Work of Isaalnn Certifi? cate? May Be Expedited. Complete returns from the recent elec? tion in Virginia have been received at tho office, of the Secretary of the Com? monwealth, and the figure? are being tabulated ready for the Inspection of Iba State Board of Canvasser?, when that body meets on Monday next to ko over the vote, and Issue certificates. The vote for Attorney-General by counties has al? ready been printed in the Dispatch, and below Is given the total vote cast In each district for the candidates for the Senate and House: First Dlstrlct-V. H. Thomas. 2,526; O. W. Steele. 695; Charles W. Steel, 2,0?; O. IT, Calhoun, 136. Third Dlstrlct-A. St. Clair, 4,074; R. C. Monde, VOL Fifth Dlstrlet-T. L. T?te, 4,071; W. 8. Poage, 2,764; J. W. McGavock, 91. Seventh Distrlct-L. H. LotObST, 4,079; J. It. McCormlck, 3.636; J. D. Murloe, 168. Ninth District-John K. Ople, 3,597; J. C. Cochran, 2.137; EL L. Griffith. 29. Eleventh District-Henry Fairfax. 3,487; Thirteenth District?G. M. Wallace, MO; H. J. Wale, 1; O. Wlgglesworth, 403; W. A. Little, 1. Fifteenth Dlstrict-J. L. Jeffries, 4,623. Seventeenth District?George W. Morris, 2.S.?T; W. L. Wood, 1. Nineteenth District?Bland Massle, 3,407. ?Twenty-first Dlstrlct-W. P. Bnrksdole, 2.183. Twenty-third Dlstrlct-R. A. Janes, 4,M2; - Mea.kirs, 1,229. Twenty-fifth Distrlct-D. Q. Eggleston, 2,877; A. L. Prlddy. 1. Twenty-seventh District?R. B. Hartley, 2,470; R. W. Arnold, 1,370. Twenty-ninth District?W. B. Mcll waine, 2,<*94. Thirty-first District? W. E. Foster, 3.075; W. H. Hall, 678. Thirty-third District?H. L. Maynard, 2,4(0; G. A. Melvin, 726; J. W. Rutter, 508. Thirty-fifth Dlstrict-C. R. Hands, 6,667; B. H. Mun/ord, 6,671. Thirty-seventh District?G. W. LeCato, 2 296. " Thirty-ninth Dlstrlct-T. E. Blakey, 2,640; F. 1?. Taylor, 1,792; J. H. C. Bever ley. 1. FUR MEMBERS OF THE HOUaUK Accomac?one delegate?S. Wilklns Matthews, 1,491. A.bemarle and Charlottesville? two delegates?William R. Duke, 2,069; Wil? liam H. Boaz, 2,048; J. S. Harris, 8; J. D. Smith, 1. Alexandria city and county?one dele? gate? Ixmis C. Barley, 1,789; S. If. Gar wood, 34; E. J. I^ewls. 260. Alleghuny, Bath, and Highland?one del? gate?A. F. Withrow, 1,229; John W. Kell, U9. Amherst?one delegate?C. J. Campbell, 1,241; S. C. Allen. 983. Augusta and Staunton?two delegates Silas H. Walker. 2,793; John W. Church? man, 2.706; R. D Halsllp, 210; W. B. Dodge. 199; John G. Fulton, 2,303; David S. Condon, 1.807. Bedford?two delegates?A. L. Mlnter, IJS7; K. G. Turpin. 2,082; J. B. Gardm r, 9k), J. M. Wells, 830; W. F. Graves, 1; E. H. Murrell, 1. Ch.-sterfi? Id, Manchester, and Powha tan?two aolagntaa R. G. Wood, 1,748; Harry B. Owen, 1,926; E. B. Howie, 451; James Ii, Gregory, 568; J. Hasklns Hob son, 915; J. Nunnally, 1,139. Lynchburg?ono delegate?Tipton D. Jennings, 1,641. Motetourt? one delegate?K. B. Stoner, 1,355; Joseph B. Bahrman, 1,142. Brunswick?one delegate?E. P. Buford, 1,235; R. S. Powell, 892. Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise OnS delegate?Joseph L. El?wlck, 1.6'J6; F. H Evans, 1,382. Buckingham and Cumberland?ono dele gat?? B. W. L. Blanton, 1,209; L. B. \ asnsai. 1,122. Campbell?one delegate?J. C. Feather ston, 1,234; R. A. Hamlet. 593; W. Hop? kins Llgon, 1,232; William Daniel Htx. 453. Campbell und Appomattox?one dOSO gate-W. H. I^on, 1.9:.".?; W. D. Hlx. M Carroll?On? delegate?Dexter Good, 1,321; C. C. Warrell, 1,215; J. P. Wino sett, 7. Caroline?one delegate?W. D. Qulsen berry, 1,126; S. E. Pitts. 2; J. H. A. Cyrus, 1; Allen Gordon, 1; C. T. Smith, 1. Charlotte?one delegate?W. C. Car rington, 947. Clarke and Warren?one delegate?S. S. Thomas, 668; John R. Castleman, 1,011. Roanoke city, Koanoke county, and Cralg?two d? legates?H. Randolph Hicks, Mt7- John 1*. Caldwell, 2.280; I>anlel Mooman, 360; J. W. Martweli, 2,808; W. I, ifcClanahan, 2.864. Culpeper?one delegate?S. R. McClana han, 1,516. Dinwiddie?one delegate?Thomas E. Clarke, 856; J. C. Duane. 374; C. F. Smith. 23. Elizabeth City and Accomac?one dele? gate?K. E. Montague, 2,208; T. H. Saun ders, 591; Cummings. 1. anUMUt and Middlesex?one delegate? BOOkST (?arnett, 1,356; W. M. Mlnter, 344; H. Beverly, Jr., 2. Fairfax? one delegate?Joseph E. Wil lard. 1,710; ?. E. Hlne, 1,116; James Sel den Ctiwden, 14. Faut|Uler?one delegate?D. C. Hatcher, 1.824; T. C. Pllcher, 1,623; Daniel J. Pnj BO, 463. Floyd and Franklin?one delegate?S. T. Turner. 2,063; Thomas H. Potter, 2,978. Fluvanna and Goochland?one dele? gate?George W. Browning, 1,186; R, L. Mills, 829; A. J. Taylor, 7.268. Frederick and Winchester?one dele? gate? E. C. Jordon, 1,104. Gloucester and Matthews?one dele? gate?J. N. Stubbs. 1,651; L. J. Carm?n?, 125 Grayson?one delegate? W. 8. Hale, 1,193; It. W. Bobbins, ljtf& Greene and Madison?one delegate?W. B. Early, Jr., 1.529. Greencsvllle and Sussex?one delegates John Chaplin, 1,319; L. A. Knox, 88?. Halifax?one delegate? W. ?. Lovelace, 2.336; J. O. Terry, 644; William M. l'aimer, 2.150. Ih-nrlco? one delegate?Addison Mau pln, 1,315; John H. Kemple, 63. Henry?one delegate? W. A. Garrett, 1.191; W. P. Erwlneson, 932; John R. Arm? strong, 8. Isle- of Wight?one delegate?Thomas N. Jones, 1.345; C. J. Clark, 6?*>. King and (jueen?one delegate?George C. Bland, 789; W. <J. Brooks, 390; Billy Brooks, 10; G. W. Brooks. 13; - Brooks, 28; W. B. Brooks. 2; J. W. i:n...ks. 1; G Brooks, 1; W. \v. Brooks, 1; - Taylor, T, W. Douglas, 1; W. U. Bland, t; W. G. Brook. 2; O. W. Brook, 1. King William and Hanover?one dele? gate?Isaac Digg?. 1,879; W. T. Wlekham. 96. Lancastei and Richmond county?one delegate- R. Carter Wellford, 1492; Thomas Splcer Curlett, 1,167; Llewellyn Currle. 75. Lve?on?- .! Isfatd at S. Surgqner, 1.ZJ4; W. S. Caldwln, 941. LouJoun?one dtlegatc?John F. Ryan, 1.601. Loadoun and Fuuquler?one delegate 1> c Hatcher. S.481; T. C. Pllcher, l.rxa; Daniel J. Payne. 463. Shenandoah?one delegate?J. M. Pause RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER Cares all lilootf and Car?ale Disease?. Baos ?or?re? history of reoiadr an4 te?n piuinals to 'l'ii? Hadam MluniM K.llor lu. 131 Pria?? gitoat, .Sew Turk City. loc VI ev Wi man, 1,923; J. W. Sautlnler?. 1.039; ? "?" W. Sheeta/U; J. B. Straycr. 29. Southampton-one delegate-John <~ Parker. 1,363; John R. Dole?. 471; John J. Hopklna, 14. Smyth and Bland-one delegate-J. as. George, 1.836; A. G. Pendleton, TM. L.ulsa -OBS de-SgStS-W. H. Pendleton. LOI; G. H. Duggln?. 916; P. H. duller B? Lunenburg?one delegate-N. H. ?eo lett. ?24; G. E. Pa??more. 3. Mecklenburg-one delegate?John r Smith. 1.440; H. C. Smith, 342; T. A. Jones, 178; Jame? E. Hell, 125. ???,?,. Montgomery?one delegate?G. C. Wnar ton. 1,640; E. F. Gill. 853; B. 8. Thompson, 39. Nan?emond--one delegate?J. E. BooK er. 1,343; George L. Barton. 76?. NeUm-one delegate-A. B. Fltspatncx. 1.181; P. B. Youig. 726; R- M. Tyree. 4. New Kent. Charles City, James city. York. Warwick, and Wllllamsburg~one delegate-T. T. Powell. 2.155; P. C, Cor? rigan, 992; Reverdy Stewart. 819; J. K. Moor?. 11. Norfolk city?two delegate??M. 1*. Cooke. 2.325; C. O. Klzer. 2.389; S. W. Scldner, 456; Henry Parker, 436. Neirfolk county?one delegate?M. ?. Newhcrne. 1.988; J. E. Cole. 491; W. W. ToaIU. 215; John Smith. 6; M. Holland, 6; A. J. Trultt, 133; A. A. Has?, 3; J. A. Trultt. 24; Robert Rawl^s. 1. Northampton and Accomac?one dele? gate?Charles Smith. 2.262. Northumberland and Westmoreland one delegate?C. Harding Walker, l.Vi?; H. E. Cole?. 470. Nottoway and Amelia?one delegate? Jame? Mann. 1,315; W. C. Butler, lb?; R. H. White, 528. Onnge?one delegate??W. G. Williams. 834; A. R. Jones. 295; C. C. Yager, :t!. Page and Rappahannock?one delegate? R. 8.*Parks. 1.810: G. C. Klklns, 193; K. V. Hudson, 84; R. F. Leldy, 2; J. C. Weaver, 1; J. N. Corbin. 1. Patrick?one delegate?A. F. Mays, 1,:**9; J. S. Taylor, 1,084. Petersburg?two delegate??W. H. Mann, 884; T. B. Ivey. 7K3; G. M. T. Bass, ?no; "W. E. Tlnslev. 1. Prttaytvaala and Danville-tour Jele gates-A. M. Damall, 2.765; C. O. Watson. 2.578; W. T. Wilson, 2,377; H. C. Allen, 2.583; V. A. Wltcher, 712; W. H. H. Cocke, 748; Henry Berger, 754; R. A. Burnett. 280; W. R. Abbott. 241; W. J. Walton. SeT.; W. P. Matley, 197; J. L. Gravely, W. W. T. Lewis, 259; J. T. Walton, .'o. Portsmouth?one delegate?Charles T. Bland, 974. Princess Anne?one delegate?George T. Basad, M? David D. Patten, 363. Prince FM ward?one delegate?A. D. "Watklns. W, W. H. Wllkerson, 5'..".; S D. Brown. 9. Rappahannock?one delegate?G w. Settle, 916; A. M. Willis, Jr., 273; N. J. Cropp, 6. Prince George and Surry?one delegate? A. R. Hobbs, 1,060; James H. Dfflard, 545; W. B. dark?-. 1. Prince William?one delegate?Q. O. Galleher, 750; p. B. Bowen. 1. Pulaskl and Glle??one delegate?James W. Williams. 1.958: A. P. Strother, LBJJg, Richmond?five delegates?J. L. Ander? son, ?UK; K. C. Folkes, 4.316; T. B. Mur? phy. MM; W. P. Reddy, 4,237; C. M. Wal? lace, Jr.. 4.309. Rockbrldge'?two delegates?J. 8. Cralg, 1.852; R. W. Wlnborne. 1,836; James A. Frazler, 1.707; E. H. Gilbert. 1,520; J. Scott Moore, 1; W. B. F\ Lssoh, 1. Rockingham?two elWegates?D- M. Suitzer, 2.292; W. H. Blakemore. 2.140; W. H. Zirkle, 1.810; John E. S?nger. 1 IB. Russell?one delegate W, 1>. Hansom, 1.:!'.'",; C. J. Gose, 1.145; H. E. Thompson. 64. Scott?one delegate?E. M. Carter. 1,741; J. H. Catiara, 1.611: John Smith. 27. Hanover? B. L. Winston, 1,085; J. O. Wlngneld, 685. Spotsylvania and city of Fredericks burg?one Astegste?B. T. Bmhery. 1.133; Benjemln crbin. r.2; B. T. Mills, 35; J. H. Lucy. 3. Stafford and King George?one dele? gate-T. W. Barry, 1,221; W. J. Rogers. 917. Tazewell?one delegate?Jam? fl W. Smith. 1,373; William B. Spratt, 1.476. Washington?two delegates?Charles H. Jennings, 2.3S0; T. J. Campbell. 2.3M: Wil? liam T. Delaney, l.<09; J. R. Robinson. LBsf; Thomas W. Clark, 39; J. Robin? son, 79. Wyth? one delegate?Samuel R. Bayern} 1.670; Stephen O. F'isher, 1,121. MR. IIROADDI S EXONERATED. Ho Will It. oiKio on the llrooklnnd Dlatrlct School Hoard. The Henrico Board, of Instruction, composed of Judge T. A. Wiekham. Commonwealth's-Attorney Sands, and Superintendent - of-Public - Schools Fus scll, m?t at the county court-house yesterday morning to investigate charges against Trustee John K. Ilroaddus, of Brookland District, which charges were preferred by Mr. Herndon Taliaferro, ono of his colleagues. About a month ago a school-house burned down in the district, and prompt action being necessary, bids srsre called for by Messrs. Broaddus and Jeter, of the trustee?, and the. contract for the rebuilding of the ?chool-house was given to a BOB of Mr. Broaddus, who had sub? mitted the lowest of these bids. The amount Involveel by the contract was a little over $200. As soon as Mr. Taliaferro learned of th?.> action of Messrs. Broaddus and Jrter. he? became highly Indignant, and preferred charges against the former, claiming that he was trying to run the district In his own personal Interest. The BSattSS was thoroughly Investi? gated by the Board of Public Instruc? tion. 4 number of witnesses w> 1. liiard, and the board finally decided unanimously that the charge was not well founded, and Mr. Broaddus was reappointed as school trustee of Brook land District for three year?. Eliza Allen (colored) and her daugh? ter, Mattle Allen, were before Jnatlos George W. Thorna? for resisting and In? terfering with Officer Garnett In the dis? charge? of his duty. ?Was was fined $6 and sent to Jail for three months, and her daughter was discharged with a re? primand, on account of It being brought out In the evidence that she was sub? ject to fits and an Idiot. Thomas Watkins (colored) was before Justice? Thomas on , the charge of as? saulting, striking, beating, and threat? ening to kill Jane Troy (al?o coloran. He was found guilty, fined $5 and costs, anil -sent to Jail for thirty saya The white schoeil teachers of Henrico will meet on Saturday at noon at the office of the School Board, at the coun? ty court-house, for the purpose of form Ing a teachers' association and trans? acting such other business as may be laid before them. Mr Praak Samuels, ?on of Constable "Cyclone" Samuels, had a new gun stolen from him In Fulton yesterday morning. It was later recovered by Mr Hlghsmlth. an old frontiersman, who traced the thief, a colored man, to a house at Seventh and Orleans streets Tho thief, when cornered, dropped the gun. Jumped out of a window, and made gooel his e?cape. Supreme Court of Appeala. The following case? were arguetl in tne Supreme Court of Appeal? ye?ter?lav: Richmond Union Passenger Railway Company agslnst New York and Hea Beach Railway Company. Argued by Thoma? N. Carter and Rosewell Pace for defendant in en or and Wymiham K Mendith for plaintiff in error, and ?ub mlttcd. Lynchburs and Rlvermont Street Rail? way Cataosly against Dameron and others. Passed. Williams against Tomlln. Argued by P. Hiw for ai p. liant and Roben W. Tomlln for appellee, and continued until to-day. Th.- next case? to be called are Com? mercial Bank of Lymhburg against Mil? ler and otheru. No. 10, and Bradley Salt Company against Norfolk importing ana Exporting Company, No. 11. To Cars a Cold la Oae Dar take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet? All druggist? refund the money If It fall? to cure. 36c. The genuine has L. B. Q on each tablet. FOR THF DRUMMER. A? INTRRCH IflGEAllLR RAILWAY MILE IGE BOOK SOIOHT. MESSRS. HAGAN AMD WALLERSTEIN. They Appear Before the Jfortheaat ern Pa??enner A??orlallon'a Cosa iiilttee. anil Ilelleve Tho Will ?b? lala the Ticket Desired. WASHINGTON, D. C. November 1?.? (Spe.clal.)?Chairman M. W. Phalen. of the National Railroad Committee of the Travellers' Protective Association, and Mr. John C. Hagan, of Richmond, of tho same committee, accompanied by Mr. Joseph Wallerstetn, of Richmond, ptcsldent of the National Travellers' Protective Association, were before the Conference Committee of the Southeast? ern Passenger Association to-day to a?k for the Issuance of an interchangea? ble mileage book to members of their association. Chairman Richardson, of th:* Passenger Association presided. A mileage-book of this sort is issued by a western railroad association, that em? braces 20,000 miles, and one by another association that takes In 13.000 miles. The advantage to a commercial agent of an interchangeable book Is very clear. It saves him the trouble of go? ing to the offices of the various railroad companies and purchasing a book for each line. With the interchangeable book in operation in the South a drummer could go to the Coast-Line office In Richmond, or Wilmington, N. C, or it any other point where books are sold, and buy a book that would t?e good over the Southern railway or any other system that might belong to the South? eastern Railway Association. He could then carry one book for the southeast? ern part of the rolled States, Instead of having to carry half a dozen or more. The Conference Committee asssnad to be favorably impressed with the repre? sentations made by Messrs. Phalen, Hawaii, and IfallorstOtn, and promised to give the matter careful consideration. The committee also suggested a re? duction of rate*?, but they were not so urgent about this as about the Inter? changeable book. Mr. I'hilon and the Richmond gentle? men have every reason to believe the concession will Be made. CHARLOTTKSVII.I.E GROWING. Halt MsaaHf Morris, of Charlottesvllle, was In the city yesterday. He said that city was growing faster than tny other In the State Mr. Marshall M Ollllam. wife, and daughter, of Richmond, were In the city to-day for a few hours, on their way to the Horse Show In New York. Miss Addie Williams, of the Charlotte (N. C.) Observer staff, and two ladv BOSS? pi?nions, are In the city, stopping at the .Metropolitan. Mr. James XV. Gentry, of Richmond, was in the city to-day, on his way home from New York, where he had been on business. Mrs. A. K. Ware, Miss A. Feltdoer, and S. 8. Reynolds, of Fredericks'ourg. and W. Williams, of Richmond, are at the Jefferson. H. A. Redford. Joseph Wallerstein, John C. Hagan. Harry Marks. K. Fish.-r. and J. .!. Qothrte, of Richmond, and T. O. Troy, of Charlottesvllle, Va., are at the Metropolitan. Representative James Hay, of the S.-venth Virginia Congressional District, Is in tho city, stopping at the Metropoli? tan. Mr. M-Cormick and wife, of Virginia; Charles C Moore, of Ash. ville. X. C; J. lMckr.-ll. of Richmond. Kilward Nichols, of Leesburg, and Mrs. Patterson, of Vir? ginia, are at tbs Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Puce, of Eng? land, are registered at the Hotel John sun. C. H. Thomas, Leesbtirg, Va.?Emrlch Fourth-class postmasters commissioned November 13th: Henjamin P. Steup, Flat Rock, N. C; Alice Register. Vtneland, N. C; Joseph R. Catus, Winston, N. C? money-order offices. PATENTS. Among the patents issued to-day are the following: Addlson D. Rarrett, Nor? folk, Va., wig-frame; Charles C. Pennk and A. L. Nash. Richmond. Va., fan at? tachment for b.itiy-ranuge; AddlSOfl F. Purefoy, Wake Forest, N. C, spring-bed bottom. Mr. Carl Decker, who rescued Miss cisneros. has Just returned from Nsw York. He will again start In a day or two for Cuba, this time to go within the insurgent lines, and will remain with the Cuban army until Gomez marches vic? toriously Into Habana. A letter received here from Colon? I n . W. Ashby, of Bpotsylvanla county, who was recently appointed United State Consul at Colon, States th it he arrive; there safely after a most IsaitlSStUOUS voyage. Colonel and Mrs. Asbby and daughter sailed from New York on the Rth of October, and they ran through the storm which was so disastrous to many coastwise vessel.s during the period f?d lowlng. Colonel Ashby is duly Installed In his office at Colon. The climate at this season is salubrious, and as the consular office Is located on an Island wh.-re, iiy tho way. Colonel A. L Hives, father of the Princess Troiihctzkoy ami formerly manager of th>- Panama rallro.i!, re? sided, there is no danger from yellow fever or other southern epidemics. Colonel Ashby was Consul at Colon during Harrison's administration, and It Is predicted on the part of his friends that his administration of affairs on the isthmus will h.- a credit to himself and to President McKinley. Governor Hastings and staff, of Penn? sylvania, who have been at the dedica? tion of monuments at the. battle ?Vtlds near Chattanooga, will arrive here to? morrow morning, and will breakfast at ropolltan. They will leave soon afterwards for Philadelphia. rF.HSONAL POSTSCRIPT. Representative James Hay, who has been here for a day und engaged winter quarters for himself and Mrs. Hay at the Colonial, will return to Madison In the morning. Alpheus L. Waller, of Fauquler county. Vs., has been appointed an attendant! Il the Government Asylum for the Insane. III'.MI . N. ??Hi: \ It aft MORE. He Wa? a Flue l.awjer and a Leurn ? ?I Mnn. WASHINGTON. November 16.-Henry N. Obear, of the law firm of Obear & Douglas, of this city, died at his resi? dence to-day. The Masons have taken charge of the remains, and will con? duct the funeral services at the Scot? tish Rite Temple. The demise was not unexpected, as Mr. 1 ?bt ,ir hud been in failing health for the past year, and more especially has his condition been critical during the last month or ta-o. The deceased leaves a wife and two ?on?. Mr. Obear was born In Falrfleld coun? ty. S. C. When yet a boy he enlisted In the army of the Confederacy, and sei ved with distinction during the last two years of the war. He was admitted to the practice of law at Wlnnsboro' In 1S*OT. and later he ffirmed a partnership with Colonel James H. Rton. of Wlnns? boro'. Some time after the death of Colonel Rlon Mr. Obear removed to Columbia. 8. C, where he remained un? til ls9t. At that time he came to Wash? ington, together with hi? partner. Charles L Douglas, and established offices here, at the ?ame lime retaining th? South Carolina practice. Sine? hi? advent in the capital the deceased had been actively Identified with the legal profession, and had be? come a prominent member of the local liar Association. Mr. Obear hsd been reputed to be one of the strongest office and equity lawyers of South Carolina, and bs fully sus ?tlned that reputation after hi? re? moval to the district. He was n man ->t broad and refined learning. The deceased was one of the attor? ney? who led in the great right In 3"uth Carolina a few year? ago. In which the registration law? of the State were :arrled Into the? ??curt? on the question of their constitutionality. Thin ca?e is now pending In tho Supreme Court of the Dafted State?, and will be tried loin? time this winter. The remains will be conveyed to Wlnnsboro, S. C, to-morrow night, and the interment will be at tho family) iiome. CLASSIFICATION OF TOBACCO. Recommendation? of Government Examinera aa to Import?. WASHINGTON, November I6.-TB0 government examiners of tobacco at several of tho more Important points of entry In the United States, by order of the Secretary of the Treasury, met In conference in New York recently with a view to tho adoption of a uniform prac? tice in the classification of imported tobacco. The report of the conference, which has reached the Treasury Depart? ment, makes three recommendations, as follows: First, that 25 per cent, of all marks of every Invoice of imported tobacco should be examine?!, and that the rule for the present bo limited to tobacco Im? ported from the West Indies, Mexico, sad South America. Second, that the percentage of wrap? pers found in filler bales be reached by the count of leaves. Third, that the districts from which tobacco Is Imported be marked on the Invoice, wherever practicable. These recommendations will be adopted by the Treasury Department. GAVEL FOR COLONEL TI RK. It I? of Solid Sliver?1'reaeiitcd by l'aaai unir Agents. WASHINGTON, November 16.?At the recular monthly meeting of the South? eastern Passenger Agents' Association, Colonel W. A. Turk, passenger agent of the Southern railway, was presented with a solid silver gavel. In honor of his r> 1 ?p.t ede-ctlon to the pTSStdSBCy of the American Association of Passenger Agents. Colonel Atmore. general passenger agent of the Louisville and Nashville road, made the presentation speech. Postal Treaty a Law. WASHINGTON. D. C, Novemb-T 16. The final act on the part of this gov? ernment in the ratification of th?e treaty adopted by the recent Universal Postal Congres? was taken to-day. when Presi? dent McKinley signed the formal conven? tion or treaty, and fie. retaiy-of-State Sherman had the government seal af? fixed. Postmaater-Goneral Gary had al? ia uly signed. The treaty take? effect January 1, 1889, It modifies the convention of Vienna, the compact now in force. GEORGIA'S TRIPLE Ml'HDF.R. It Wns Done by Moonshiner??Fede? ral Autlioritl?*? Looking; Into It. CINCINNATI, 0?, November 16.?A spe? cial to the Commercial Tribune from F\iirbum, (Ja., says: The Turner triple murder Is developing fresh sensations. At tho Coroner's inquest the scene of the shooting was thoroughly Inspected, and the manner of the elea'ths of the three victims settled beyond doubt. The mem? bers of the Jury an- keeping ?iiiiut. tiut it is generally known that the murder' d trio met thi'ir dtath? ut tin- hands of moon? shiners, who felt it nei-issary to get them out of the way to destroy Incriminating evidence In their possession. The Psdersl authorities are considering the advlssbilfty of Investigating this due, and it is the verdict of the Turners' fri.'niis that this Is th" real CSBSS of their mur? der. Bloodhounds were placid on tho trail of the assassins, but they lost It on "tho public road. -?a?*? M VYOR STRONG KNIGHTED. Queen of Holland Daine? Honora New York Executive. NEW FORK, November 16.-Mavor Strung Is busily engaged these days re? hearsing his part in and accumulating fragments of Dutch rSBSjrtse for use at the grand coronation ? er? .unities of 1.a vinia I.. Queen of the Holland Dames of the New Netherlands Lavlnla la'a other name Is I-ivlnia Dempsey. and she has made Mayor Strong a Knight of the Legion of the Crown of the -\. w Netherlands. The Holland Dames of the N.w N'etner lanels Is a very exclusive organization. and it is a safe wager that the court genealogist carefully scrutinized cv> ry twig on the Strong family tree before the soon-to-be-retlrlng Chief Executive was called to knlghtheiod. THE til L1?I.NM IM?E SAW. It I? Sitlei to Hi??,- It?-?- :? I ..011.1 ? I ? ill Again MmiUiij. NKW YORK, November 16.-A taw, which may be the Implement with which William Guhlensuppe's corpse was uls membered In the cottage at Woods; !.. L. I., where he was murdereel in June last, was brought to District-Attorney Youngs's Silice at Long Island city to? day. It Is said to have BOSS found burled in the meadow lying li> tBTSSB Plashing ami College Point, where Mrs. Nack is said to have told the officers on Sunday last that It w.i . Martm Thorn. The saw will he prodOCOd wh. r. the Thorn trial is rssaSBSd on Monday BSSL In an? ticipation of this latte-r event, a I ; rsalra af M jurors will be issued to? morrow. Savannah Stenmer Quarantined. IlRKM EN. November 1?, The British Bssr Strathdene, Captain Phillip, which arrival here yesterday rrom MB vannah, has Ken quarantine?! for live days, the incubative period for yellow fever. One member of the crew 1? dead, and It Is thought the death was due to Yellow-Jack on board Hi fis- /y _ . 1i es mrr VBgjBS (my tt-W, F, & Su f r) FOR RENT. ?LU con gjgrr, NEW BAY-WINDOW, THREE-8T01U Brick Dwelling, No. li.M Grove avenue; handsome oak stairway, broad hall? sad very stylish. Rent low. Sl'TTON ft CO., no 7-8uftW4t Tenth and Bank streets. FOR RENT, DKSIRABLK PI Its I -l-'i/IOR FLAT. No. 110 south Fifth street; 6 rooms; nice order; janitor'? Rent low BUTTON & CO., no 7-8uAW4t Tenth and Bank ?trecta. TAXES. TAXES! tanks:: I am now rsady to collect the TAXES dm- tor 1897. My otlic-i will be open to l?t of December from 9 A. M. to 5 p ^j eive the ? I THK LAW ADDS I PEU CENT, on all bill* remaining unpaid after Decemn? r l?;t l^ands delinquent for non-pnym. at o? taxes for 1896 can also be redeemed oefore *aif' k. a ,?^ V' ll BRAUER. November 3. 1SW. Treasurer No 14-Su.WftFtno30i_' Treasurer's Office. November 1 1H97 STATE TAXES FoR 188] ARE NOW due. and ?hould be paid on or before November ?ihsfu-r which date S %r cent, will be added to all unpaid bill?. Ah persons having trustee? will pl?a?e buu* m Whcn ap*>,ylnfc* t0 P?T their Fiduciaries will olease settle for the taxe? charged agalnat them Charles h. phillips. . w~ jTe??urer Otty of Richmond, no 2 5.7 10.1tl7.24.?&30 AlCTIO? ?ALKS?This Day. WHEN REAL K*STATE IS SOLD TUB TAXES FOR THE CURRKNT CALEN? DAR YEAR ARK TO BB PAID PRO RATA HY THK VENDOR AND THS VENDEE _ _k Rv thi Auction Company. 81 east Rroad street. r ARGE 8ALK OF BRUSSELS AND ?U Mot?v?;rri caki'ki>, TNT. l-THM'rrm; PICTURE?. BOOK? CASES I KSK s SHAVING MIR? RORS, ETC, AT AUCTION AT 10:30 O'CLOCK THIS (Wednesday) MORNING. NOV. 17th. AT OCR AUCTION WARE ROOM. 829 EAST RROAD STEKKT. Tho furniture eOttStStS In part Of Very Fine Walnut, Oak, and Mahogany-Finish Uuffets; Fine Walnut and Mahogany [?ookcases; Oak and Walnut chamber 9uits; Oak Extension-Table; Oak and Walnut I Fin?- Walnut and Oak IHnlng-Chairs; Willow- and Can? Mockers; Oak Tables; Moquette and Rrus ?els Carpets (from 27 1-2 to f.l yards to ach oarpet), carpets are good; tsro Very Pr? ttv Parlor Suits; Pictures, and lots of jther Rood Furniture, lele positive, The Indies most respectfully Invited t?> attend this sale. J. H. VALENTINE, no 17 Manager and Auction- I r. AIGTIO* SALES-Fatare Day?. By N. W. Rowe, Real Estate Auctioneer. Sale or THI factory, ware? house. AM) PLANT UF THE SOUTHERN STOVE-WORKS COMPANY, FRONT?N-; . - t KET ON CARV STREET AND EXTENDING FROM TWENTY - FIRST TO T\\ E.NT Y-SE? ? >ND S'l RE ET, AT AC. "HON. At the request of the Southern Stove Works Company snd o. O. Valentine, Es?i . 1 will sell, by public auction, on the premises, on PRIDAT, DECEMIlER I, it 12 o'clock IL, the valuable PLANT of tbe Southern Btove-Works Compeny, ?avins* a front of M feel on th.- north line of Cnry street, snd smbraclna the whole front, from Twenty-first to ty-second Street, and having therein, in uldltion to a fully equipped stove plant. a lares brick warehouae. formerly known is "C. F. Watson's Factory," and a largo, one-story building, which could, at a comparatively small expense, be ninas luttante for mercantile oses or for to? bacco storage, as w?ll as having i adaptability for general manufacturing purposes, The machinery embraces, b? - sub s the holier and engine, B full com? plement of modern stove-niaklng ma? chinery, and Is extsnslve enough to give employment to at least fifty mould, i it can be ssfely ssserted that ? *pur track of th? Seuthern Railway Compeny :an be brought t<> the front of this pro? perty for the mere asking, a rather un? usual circumstance. a.< UMTS is but a limited amount of property In this city to which a side-track can bs gotten, said It Is an Important factor In considering the value and desirability of this pro? perty. If persons desire to treat for the pur? chase of this property or any part th'-reof before the day of sole, privat.- bids there for will be received up to the Btb in? stant. TERMS: One third cash, and residue at f?. M. and 18 months, for not?s. with Inte? rest added, and secured by trust deed on said property; or all cash, at option of purchaser. N. W. BOWS. no 3.10,17,2?td td Auctioneer. S SHERIFFS SALE. ITRSCANT To AN ORDBR OF THE Law and Equity Court of tlie city Ot Richmond, made on the ?mh day of Oc? tober, 1S97. In the attachment suit ot Reuben T. Jennings, Jr.. agent tor George T. Deans, tgalnst Bernard Witt? kamp, Jr., I will sell by suction, on Cant? ?o] street, opposite tho City Hall, <m FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ill, UN, beulnnlng at 11 o'clock ht., the HALAN? M OF TH? PROPERTY described In the said oi 1er -to-ndl. 4 stts Hack Harness (double); 4 Horses and i Top Ruggy and Single Harnean, or so much thereof as may be "< ?snry tO 1 iv the- pdaintiff's claim, costs, Bad SK? ? of sah-. TERMS Cssh. J. T. HUGHES. Sheriff of the City of Richmond. no Il?t_ i: H ri n. vi vi WANTS. WAMED, A SUCCESSFUL UFE - INSURANCE Solicitor. Weekly advances. Address POSt-OAce Pox ,".\ Richmond. Va. _ _no 16-*>t WASTED. WOOD-WORKER WANTED QUICK ut Twenty-fourth and Main s no 17-lt _ THOMAS oDI.lM WANTED, THREE lNTELLICENT TOUNO MEN of good address to introduce an Educa? tional Device. Big commissions ? I. References required. Apply u. wats .> Ford's Hotel._ no 17-lt? \\ wrEli. A SITUATION AS TIlAVl.'l.i.iMi SALESMAN; have had Several V< experience on th. road as sslesman. can give gooil refill m '-. Address JOHN c. RAWLlNiis, Lawrenccvlli?, Brunswick county. Va. no H-tt? OK) PER MONTH SALARY. W A N T E I). ENEROETI? LA] an?l gentlemen to canvass Abov? lalary guaranteed. Call at :<r> north Elsventn ?treet fhetweea Broad and Marshall treet?), ?-ity. R. w BTANCILL. jy l?-?lylyAJy 'Tl-wly FEMALE HELP WAMEI). LADIES WANTED, TO new i.i. and appoin for old-established he Permsnent position, 11" per month, and all expenses. /,., Rox B, Philadelphia. no 3-W&Sa*t?SrNo 7-Su4t IK SIKBSS WARTS. WASTE?. TO BUT CHEAP FOR ? ASH. INVALID Rolling-Chair in good order. Address O. F. R? Post oui,,. i:,ix 373. nol7-!i' WANTED, CASH OR TIMK PC VER FOR MS. .Ver.- Farm tbres aillos west of th. diers' Home QoOd house and outside kiti h?-n; 3-stall stable and buggy-b Apply at ill Rroad street, only those meaning business need call, no 17-lt _ p, BUCHANAN \\ IHTBD, A QOOD, HONEST m.\.\ TO JOIN ME In the manufacturing and sale of a new Will open factory In Richmond, This Is a chance of a thousand, and big profit?. Address M. S. CLARK, Cal burg. P. no COAL COKE, Ai WOOD WANTED. ooNSCMERS OF FUEL TO know that they can buy that most rlor grate fuel, the Clover-Hill Coal, as low as J3 50 per ton; and for roohlllg stoves, my Domestic Crushed Coke, &v (doubts I'.iul) for J?. Al?o. Anthracite, Sillnt, Fire Creek, Po cahontas. USd Oavl-.n i Pine Wood at the lowest price?. Samuel Ii. Cottrell, Harrison and Proud and MO east Rroad streets. oc a-tf LOST, STHA?KI), AMI KOlilD, I.O.ST. PET WEEN SEVENTH Orac and th.- Ac idemy of Musi?- ..n Monday night, November 15th a i:\lt OOLD PIN with brilliants Th will be rewarded by leuvlng same at I north Twelfth street. no 17-lt LOST BETWEEN C?T1 and l-ourteenth and Main itn OOLD ANTP.I E FOR SWIVKI. I ET. set with stone. Finder will b? ably rewarded If left at thl? office. _no_17-lt? LOST, strayed FROM No. im Orove avenue, a ORA Y SPOTTE I? - El; PCP. Answers to the name of Rang. Reward If returned to above number _no is-ft PAUTA. LEWIS'S l'i. Uli LEAD. LEWIS ? PURE UNSEED OIL snd all material tor painting, only th? best quality kept n stock. Writ? !? quotation?. PL'RCELL. LADD A OOt, S# to_WboUsale DroajjrUte Old papers for tais at th? Dispatch office. AtCTION BALRS-Fstara WHEN REAL ESTATE 18 He TAXES roR THK CURRENT DAR YKAR ARK TO l:K l-, vt'M,EET * VENDOU * Ry H. 8eldon Taylor A s Real Estate Agent? and Au< u nOURT 8ALE~OF THA V> DlltKE-sluKY tlBTACHt? m? a?, ,. l>W?tt MU, No. 113 FIFTH STREET, 111 D?VAL AND I SMALL TWo-mtoB', DWELL! No. 212 BARER STREET BF OND AM? THIRD 81 i VACANT LOT, 2?it ON THE NORTH BIDE STREET, BETWEE! AND THIRD STREETS COMPORTABLK ? DETACHED PRAMI l.\\f NO Id THIRTHTll STUCK TWEEN MARSHALL AND ( . .. AND A VACANT LOT, Eg] AT THK NORTHEAST MARSHALL AND THIRT ST BEETS. In execution of the low. I will proeee?! to sell, tlon. the above-mentioned I U>TS. on the premia, y ,;.,j tn th lug order- -viz.: <)N THl'RSDAY. NOVEMBER at 4 o'clock P. M . I will or, r AND LOT No. M.i north ? ms 12 rooms mod and Is In nice order. The (Ml to an alley. The frame stable on these ON THK | I v ?ay at fit) o'clock P. M . I w HOUSE AND LOT N< j. [ink? and the VACANT LOT north. Tht? house cuntan the lot frunts about 16x49 cant lot front? about ON FRIDAY, NOVEMI at 4:30 o'clock P. M.. I ai AND LOT No Ml m rth . and the- VACANT LO i south. This ho . , and th?' !"' 8) f? M fest wide. Th- V northeast corner <>r Man tlcth ?treet?. and front 24-foot alley. TERMS: < me third 6. 12. and 1? months, for i with Interest added from all cash, at option oi : title retained until s con deled by the court OVERTON HOV, \ CommlM '.'. M. WVinbriinn. Plaintiff brunn ami als., Defel I'hatiiery Court of th. montl. i. Charlee w. Ooddln, court, certify that the bond n ? the special commissioner In said cni^e of Nm- tr duly given, eiiv.n under my bind this nth N"\? rnbsr. ?W. no 1.1 I'll AR1 By Sutton ft Co . Real Est?t. agSOU II ' v corner Tenth ami Bank str..' -TRUSTEED ?OOTION BALE A OF A NB'K BRb ri ON THK NORTH SI i -I", i tl ENUE BETWEEN HAH PLUM STREETS (No. ISM PLOTD A\ ENUE) In execution of a Ci I to the undersigni l t < u?t? arv B, b'ji : office of Richmond Chai Book ISO "A." | ? t.. ?ecure the pa) mi ni o of money therein m? ntl Ing been made in the I I ' and being direct tl.larv therein named w< ;i at public ssctle on THUR8DAT. NOVE1 e/etosaj P. M Um i scribed a-? i bath with hot ami COl 1 ? it? culvert srrsngerasats, sad order. The lot fronts on the nort! avenue 11 feet, sad runs bs In fast Wiiie This is truly s alea MU? Will I SB luv? -tn TERMS: Cash any taxes thai may i?- day ratable proportion of the year t?Wt, sad ihe sum of from Jai upon such terras as th? deed, or his n direct, and il Buch direction, then ui th.? ti usieres shall thli J. l: II -KAliA C. H 81 m no 13_T_ru,t . w Real Estate \ TRUSTEE'S BALE o VALUABLE, VERY ATTIt.v T AND 8PLENDII ?l.Y l.< " BUILDING LOTS ON ?111 It'll I AT AUC1 Bv virtue Of ' 'trust, all dtlly !" '''; the Cbanci ry Go of Richmond, the lir-n In I "A," i igi 3S2. th. ?i . ' page ?s?, the und. tute?! trustee In sll three win. at las mu' il there having bee n del . " Of the lion, on 'the prassasss, on TUaatDAT, NOVEMI R ,i i ... loch P M - ICI I ? ?TS situ?t? d on the S II ty-tnlrd 'lav streets, . scb frontl running back s g?> *l deptl alley. Three <>r these lot? south side sad three "i tl the ?,n,| -i of th. it .i HOU. bl'ilig Close to Bll : . th. ?, deservedl) n attract th?- ait? ntlon iee for II dit for purpe TERMS: By c? all't the balate o at . months, for not ed. and secured by < d? ( A plat ?if thi WILLI VM ?' I no 13_ By J. B. Ham A *'o.. Real Est?t. Au ti I? TRUSTEE'S BALE BT I'UBI AKTION or nig MOST DESIRABLY i> ? * .VI Tl: \? "I 1\ K TWH-ST? .i:\ BKI.'K HWELMN WITH PRAME ADDI I'loN No. 809 North Seventh Stre In execution of a i : date d ? > - k i ? h. pas (ou?t, default h.i\ : .i.-bt secured, ai 1 ? by the beneflel trustee will ?ell, by public iu? i premise?, on THI RAVDAT, NOI I RBI at I g ] DWELLIN . Ing No. 88 north Sevi ntb nix about six rooms, lb i to an ill? wi le. The dsrsllli . is convenient!) ' - nd by s good Will pa?, t as .in inv ?nd the ?urn of 17?. ? from Ootober - i*? ?quel iiot.elni.iits. al ?tx months by n< foil >i t-rtn? as ' ed by the trustee aft. r , , grantcr? In said dee t. rms an I Ih.-lr fallut i? l! V" J B. Elam A I ?TJjAJ. BITlTr. AtiKV!? a A. C II \*>l ?>. iLmt. ' '' a? ?. BKA' r AND *p 1114 EAST -VAIN >i itKi-rr *aAW?s BOOK AND JOB WOUK SKAT1; gXSe-'?fg?AT I'd.? -?fAl'OH I*?"** lNu iKuJatf,