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_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1897. 4 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH LY THK IUHPATOH COMPAN. The DAILY DIBPATCH I? delivered to aubacrlber. nt nr.\ CENTS pel ?,,,, ... th. carrier weekly or at I? per annum. *> six months. B.M for three BB? I? cents for one month. Price per copy. . i enta. Th.- WKllKf.V DIBPAIC-I at H per annum. Th. SINPA. PI >'\ ' ' "?I ggaaa sets i?>r six month?. Subscriptions in all ci - !<' ln _<lv.. no paper BSBtlBlied afta? th.? Cd the l?ai.I tOT. money order, "heck, or regte? ? .irr.ncy sent by mail will .: the risk of the MB-CT. Subscribers tbslr post-o?Bos choaged must lu-lr new po?t oiJKe. Sample copies 5 M 1 ?00 i M I BJ 6 no H ... W ADVi:i;tis!\.; BATES. __AX-T INCH OB UHss. 1 time . : times . 3 times . 6 times . IS time? . 1 month . S months. Business wants . A', anted situation, payai.It- in Bd.? words or i? ss) . j_ben ' " " ' v''rv tAY* or ml \ la running comecutlv? ly. In reading mstter type In, , , ;. -.--. U\ I" nonparlel, leaded, live hi . WAtU, l for more space iurnUhed on application. -? Ail letters and tSlegTems must be ad? flrsasotl te TOB DIBPATCH OOMPAIflr. Bi i communications will not he returned. AH letters rccommi ntllng candidates for office must be paid for to insure th.-ir puhllcation. This is S long standing rule of ou?s. Resolutions of respect to deceased as embira p sasd by societies, corporn lions. as-oci.itlons. or other organiza? tions will be chained for as advertising matter. DP-TOWN OFFICI-:. BROAD-BTREET PHARMACY, .!'.* LAST HHOA? BTRBKT. MANCHESTER OFFICE. IM HULL BTREET. WEDNESDAY.NOV. 24, 1H07. this ?UBf i:m i: histiikt. We BJ glad to BSe that our ( hSBSbST O? Conimiro- is ?earring energetically in the i ..f trying t?. prersnl the removal bee? Biehmoad to Peterstmrg of the hcii'iijuar'. i> ..i Collector of 1 Revenos for th.s ,ii.?iii<t. Not withstand* ng coi'in? i Brady's declaration thai Bee? clary QegS has decided to pCT-Olt the cmoval. we ho| ? thai lb? chamber will satinas t?. j ig tltat hat bod* station of the ueh as erould not only Justify, bul oui;ht ? eo-EBaaad. a prompt . of Lbs ion. Tin- qnestlon is in no sense s political it is pur? tj .?ne. The h? ad Ma-ten or chief ofli? ? of the Co lojhl Ih> located wiei? it would prove?}! i? gnitist ocnvsalcnca to th? greatest usher "t pei ons having tranaactlbna ith it. The facts and ; ibedl? -1 the Chamli. r's prot? Bl dl ia ,i..( aajceesaful challei s thai Rlchasorel place thai far and sway would this requirement mon- fully than ^thcr city la the district haee no ?martel srlth Pstereburg ils issu,.. \v, do not Marne that y ?r urging the removal. The efforts ..- i ' 'iric friends to compoi II ar?i an ? of th?-ir energy ___ .ui* -Pi lerprlse, -{or which they shoti|d.?*"be en credit. But th. fact ri rnaii_f that re th.- questtoa* ?. of/the h? id irters ? n i?e?ersbtyrg and Nor ., the former oosld, sad, we doahl not, jld, adduce the same uasaswcrabli asese nrgum?-nt la favor of Patersburg t our Chamber has adduced in favor Richmond. IB repeat that the Question is partly a iness ana, Balsea, Indeed, tin- depart l! r? that the ollice of ('?. [ntsrnal R?9Tsn_e Is s psrsooal offlcs , ari'l a public an! a ItllSlnaSS ??-!: :. If this is the View of the depatt t, of sasare? Oohmel Brady has a t to remove his headquarters to any t in the district, rsgardlsas of the enience and the legitimate deraanda he greatest numher. If this is no| view of the <! p.riment ; i!' the il? ment consider?, that the office of ctor of Internal Revenus Is llrst a c and a business odBCS, Secretary would stultify hims.lf In permitting removal. tl I tt Si of p. t_ ga hi :h dl !i\ Ht of of thi If kn by oil! pal iij .. D: ent thi r \M Of 1 1,755 tiuri Into and Insai eh ir Wlll tiers leptit the I?r. I It I th- l is i em tht_,ri hi a_#ii ?fen RDWAY AM) ?lOMtOll PARK. name of c. tu rai Albert Oftlway vas always BB?Sd OotOOSl here) will ;st rememht-rtd in Richmond on sc? : of his connection with th ent of Monroe Park, which eras the great step in the development of Vest Knd. have not searched the City Council'8 Is to see precis, ly what they show respect to the promoters of that t li? se, but our community has long Jed to Colon?! OsdWBJ th? La? place ln the movement w'.i ii arded chsnond's transforming what was i Vagstsbla gardea into a park, or I the Colonel had aide aid i?.cful i?tes and helpers, bet common re? sal always accorded t<? him cr?dit nerglrlng" the pn?j. t. ici Ordway bought the lot at the rest corner of Franklin an?l Laurel , .and built the .handsome frame that still stands there. His? General W. C. N? wherry, bullt tne bouse at the northwest corn.r of street and P..:k av?-i\uo. a century age th<- pre?, nt Bit? Of Park was. In ? limited -?use. t. It was fraqueatsd of r*a afternoons by your,*; men. ami shrni at Bteai ?us kept th woman. Later it bsrSBM HM i of the. State Agricultural ftBPtcty. Iso leased th.- land ! n um 11 ?m.i .i, and pul couri-e there. Iiut a few the win the Society, Saving the nlty to do so, bought the Hennl rm und n-moved thither. And ko I Kalr-Orounds" came In "heady" ed as the camp for the first ; Carolinians) arriving here fr_m th at the beginning ?>f the war. at time on till the evacuation of ?d a Confederate cami? on th??r BOterlag the cii> th. i also established a eamp and hoaplial thtre. l__ter, bevtaaj ' 1 for all other us?>s, the were rented by a elty gyntleman tlvated the aofi in sera, pal ? ete, TSa Lot, ?b?itw??a Mum pi tale p?tala the || Cent. The ratio above AViih much UM. It Insane the c, of II".. ten ft l>r. ' Cal, h germ t! "germa pens?e into hi> h?j has ami ha harm f eorrolxii pbyslda espsrlm la a git . a la of his t "Then In the cians 1 into the capsule? therla b and subi "Kxain by the pulse, il spirali.m .land tl or water. "in ord slbility 0 thai th only In n Way beta ture, I ? tWO W.'io similar- Bl consent, course Bl virulent < that my < no evil r than In m r?r. Pov when his diassetiag ybnd the the way, p? riment i teetigaters the way In It is sal reigning n dieted With plains ly fall to s. It Is an duclng Del ended Jn a about tl0,80 not It The Chic. w??rk. and i out ?30,000 v moru-y-mak? of aold-mak and Eranklln streets) was so ui was enclosed with B tall, whit f.-nro winn Colonel Or?lw other gentlemen began to to s. as?an of It and It into a |.ark. There are m? n living to-,lav ?? ?, ! tl , opposition tlieie the mov.m.nt. and how It was ?i |y said th?* scheme was only lut-.' lncrt-a-o tho value of the lots of < and oih'-rs. Hut.? happily, that mitl narrow view was r< i City Council made what pi"\?,l n{ th.- beai in?. -tments for ?* I .?. d public money. Colonel ?rdwa* had great faith future of Richmond, and tlbl mi promote our prosperity. Be Wl Isadtr in tho gn prlaa lE gE granite anttnra to amrh on the ?bester slior?' preparing stone f? .Slat'' Dcl'.'irtm? lit building at Wash: In.bad, all the Um?- that he was In was a ?any, hl-*4i*ngi hop?-Inspirln? publlc-splrlte I citizen. NotWlthOU UM fact that BS had come to HI. li at the ev.n ualioli With arms In his 1 he fourni great iavor with our p He wan popular and respected, an aeread to be. He had married a 'i iy Virginia women, and an? and beautiful little Klrl mad.- him very h Th?' granite-works, with which < ?. ?rdway bad so nun h to do. w. i. rOl m the Booth ilaa ?.f the river. ****** be Bhl| -hicks. The unhewn stone irouKtu doflm her?, on trains of the '. ill.- ioa.1. and was ! an .;? ! at "the slu Turo (under greet long, open shedsj tone-cuttera carved the blocks lato .?-' n?l there the llnishctl blOOatl W<H*d pon sailing vessels to be transporte le city Of Washington. That was irgest job of stone-cutting ever t iro. and the amount of money It cat ? bo distribu??"1 in our city was \ rrX>\ Arnold Colonel Old way's friends 1 as tjovinior Walker, and our reool m is that When Walker went to C i m after lin alun, out his <*ui" rnato mi he got for <?rd?vay a desirable ?on there to Indes the ancient jourii the United States House prnsentatlves. Ordway, having it time no better bUStoeeS I li? mont. Bad lining worked oat granite contract with far law pn in be bad i i" ct? d, gase up his re a? hers and wem to Washington II long held his position in t ui-e, and afterwarda bsoami the eg? the Hotchklai Ann Company, i pta mmh Importance. We cannot b :ik his life would hav- been liappi i. had fi< vet bi'i Richmond; but wl Wl .' Ha and his wife were ,'Ursu. B cruel foriuiie, to which W< ref? to eay how much we always aya tdaed With th?m. rather thai: to dWC I a sul.j.?I BO painful. THE I\*?am:. . Robert .:. ETeston, the Buperlnten? of th" Bouthwest? m state ? I ; i ?n hi-? .annual report that be and ai.- under treatment In the Ihre lilla hospital? for whites at the clos bis SscaJ year, Pefrtember M\ MM Inaane patients. Then h ire ' g this last li-c.ii year El admlsaton: these three hospil als. B4 dit Kg deaths. Th. r. are about : 0 wait? ?. still outside the boanFals l?. th? A few of ,ir on buid in ;e of friends; bul .i)' oo i r or later ?e applying for '.omission unit i by death. ,..- urges that an epl? '.' e.-t-.blished; al- I thai -'outiiu- ?t< i a Asylum ?"- snlaiged. l*ntOfl fui ?m r says: Interesting t" note si this, oi<- of the tir.?: decadi of the i s fof this hospital, the statistics of sane during this period. From the a i. ports it will be Been that thsr?j Septembei h), I8s7. In the State hoe (fOI ?hiles? 1.171 insane. Beptem iv.;, there were ta theee three hoi This Is ?in increase In st ten years of IM, or over 40 per population Of Virginia In IM was ; in UN It was l.iLV,.:?Vi. an i:i durlng this di id? of i EMS, or m p? r cent. This Bhowa a marked if Increaae of insanity over and tie increase of population. the colored insane this in.Tea?. |a mor?- rea irkaMe, Beptemb? r '.?. lie wer? in the entrai Asylum IM s.p!. mber M, laff, th? re w? itral Hospital IB. This la an ta* in th? colored asylum popufation or about K per cent. In the Utai is. 'homas Powell, of I.os Angel? . ts the utmost contempt for tin loory of disease. He regarda the ' as the results, and not the .f disease. The Doctor has taken aystem nil sorts ..f germa while been making tbtse . gpei inu-nt s. ? BOVer suffered the slightest cm them. His ?talements are at. .i by a number of his broth tr i-, w im arete e-ltneaates of his nts. .tatement that Dr. Powell has the i nss. be tolla of a number sis, and then gOOO on to I .iy : I mad. tlif gnat-st trial of all I'i'e-, nee of twenty-live physi ook, llrst, the bacilli of typhoid stomach, inclosed in gelatine and second, the bacilli of dlph* f liotb Use vaccination method iitan. OUB inoculation. nations were afterward made physi. ?ans referred to of th? B tempt rature, antl of the re end it was unanimously ?1? at these Inoculations pro.hi'-e.l r affect upon me than rr>U lit i ?-xpccttti from a like rjuantity r that there Bhonld he no pos ' doubting Thomaaee dedariai :iln? n;s v?. h' BB ccs'sful y Osas, and that I had in some made centagton-proof by na* Bgled out from my patients, appeared to be fit subje?-ts for penmentation, anil, with their put them through the same I had umiergone. with less is. as. s. The outcome prove.1 alculatlons wen- well found. I. suiting in their cases more ne." ? 11 may bo germ-p??oof. but prof?-s?lonal brethren get to him un.: his theory, he will. feel pains which will be b< BBCh of anaesthetics. And, by owcll Is not the first to eg. i this line?certuln Herman lu havlng Homv years ago led that direction. r?! 1 rm 11.1 m; 1 thai more than half the onarchs of Europe are af defectlve eyesight. This ? x bly why they so unanlmous e the signs of the time?. ?ounced that tho long-pro igoa Ray railway case has \idl.t against Portugal for llCg which it will probably jguesy to pay. .go gold-maker has begun ays ho will be able to turn orth n week. Will he b?: a r. though, at hi? busluc-ss I ?: lit bal a ' ah? af Ope Hol N of ? tog? te;n the bal in S??h< area 1 i and ache the Th way ough It U dun th?'.?! kind! dren! Hal led, and ?washed .ay and th" clfy convert .ho can was t.? MB ring? a I. .1 to ?rdw-iy stupid nd the to be hlch it In the i At t?. is the ut put Man? ir the re he '.. ?od indlag imond lafi'Is, enpls. d ?le JC Ti? ber tippy. ilonel atad a it. waa Lian? ts." the ll-ipe Jilt d to the lone wed cry on riei pe? ak of at t?n of fit si !.. he Bl VW. IIRVVY THF. I.IM IV. ha.l thoiiKht that the limit t.enlh century leono?'?a??m and slonlxlng. and the hlshfit d< vi? of materialistic cult hud been adiee we saw ihat a mission h org.iril-'-d to convert, or p?-rv? r ni.- erro? ?>f thai? ?-ay th.- bee?, i who still condone the heresy mlttliiK the little ones to bell Santa Clans. Hut * B 11 'i ha Hew Sagten l pe? en heve ti ..ry of th? "Man In th? ! with ghoulish ,, :,.,. ,n. - ,,- ..(. i - Pit..,.:. I cynlrl cruelty ar.? attempting to ?li It. The Hartford Courant Is one ?ea.liis In thi? oi:tr.iK'"l?s pcrfor and _? e lei ",,,;l1 p.m r was a man in th? lion anil thai "tha?e ?vas not even a m<i?k for a man to bo In" During the IsM few years, wo ?... : du d many of our cherished c lions on the altar of I'm d? ulllitariai.?sin ami "practicality." ha,-.- BVea been ternptid to Join craaads agalasi rhttSrsn's reading tales. W?- have almost become con' that no one ought to peruse "Jacl Olant Kill? r," or "Mollit r Q. ?lies." or study MciiufTey's first spe book until he had attained an aft devi loped SB Intellectual acumen would enable htm t?? appreciate occult symbolism In these protiuc that tin authors thereof did not 1 th. y contained, it was beginnln dawn on us that perhaps it was our to our little on.-s. < onsi.l. r.d with ference both to Huir happin?-ss ;in?l mental culture, to confine their ret to such simple and easily OtNBpri I.? authors as Hurton, of "Anatomy M?denehOl) " fam?-; Horno Tooke, A smith, Browning; Bnuraon, Iboen, Nor is that all. We WOT? gradu ) our heart to take part ?n mass.up of Santa Clans, and pivpa to sit down at ?i BaJaUSCidl fSBSl Which his mythical reindeer would BStVSd up. and it WOUld be pro\< .1 Andr?e or some other Arctic cxplc that there was ne toyshop at the Hi Pole. Hut a*? draw tin- line on (he att.-; to wipe out ?h?- "Man in the Iron Mai That is carrying the thing too far. ' mysterious prisoner of th? Basto? about lb? only thing of that ?liara: left us from the wreck WTOUghl latter-day investigation and fadism. then- never was a "man in ih?- Ir mask" and BeVBT an Iron mask for man to b? in, th? n OUghl to have bet and WB BIS gb-Bg to believe In bol Furthermor? . WS i-.ant as to our WSB BSSa touching fairy tales and San Clan?, and beg pardon of th<- litt!?- BOl The New Vork Herald joins in tl tight agslnal the pressai pension in qulty. Among other facts prassatsd I UM H? raid -ar?- Hi- SSI "Th.- fees for examining sur>; expenses of dispensing the moneys has ..mount- d to - 000, and the pension distributed rea h the astounding t?>t. of mot. tt- in n 107,01 ' ws tu im in? r iwsy from the pel I? d of I h vai, Las pension i?-t. Inst sad ? f dwin d in I geomi trica i,;;.-.. The BE is grown ti a , :i i?-? in ! ' and la still swat?ng.' iiow long are the tax-payers of tin North BOd West gOtag to stand tl of thing'.' The Dispatch acknowledges the receip of a cony of "Owens S Minor's Virginli and North Carolina Almanac for th? > ' UM, eslcnlated la Richmond, stanoar. time lor H degrees, :i.' minutes north latl tads by w \. Qathrlght nephew of R. K. Howl? s, of Louisa county, Va." Tht pile? of this almana?- is liv- cents. \\ ? heve also a copy of's Farm? rs' Almanack, 1HW, puhUsbed by th.- Mit. inn Company, el r? * r-ourg. Va. Cxamine your pile of $10 bills carefully. Tin Beerst Service aaneuacea that, s bow counterfeit li" stiver osrtmcata of thi aeries of UM. Tinman regtster, Morgan Bier, Is Ifl circulation. Th- n it? duced by the photographic ?rocess, and has a pir.k-tinted seal. Th-- r.uir. berlng baa beea traced with blue ?n!< and is well doae. it has no silk line.? I or Imitation <>f it. and the back is brown, Insti sd of gr. en. P. Marion Crawford, it Is said, waited ever Bftssa ysars t?> ?se his first mega? In? article published. la the mean t? he had written ahoul a doz?-n two-voluaai sovela He srideatly knew how t.? wall with dignity and Ha mi?.! his waiting time with werk. The Nt w Votk papera announce ihei th. Arbucklea have followed the as im_4 ef tin- Havemeyers, and mads another eu. in coffee, ami that th. roasted ... Il -i hing at th? lowest price on r? sold. i'his ought to be fragrant BSWS to the onsuti. The threatened ?nil amerloaa trade in Kuropf stems to be on the "?nt of materializing. This la another ne of the things for which BTB are fa_? i'bted to the Dfaegtey ?I'-ticit-i.rod.i. bag titles of the llanca regime. This is th?- lasl WSCfc Of foot-ball, for ?n at has*, and herein lies an her reason for giving thanks. w. j. Bryan, it is said, is getag to xi???, in arder to study the Sa tuatlon in that country. The i; u.? . I., o . i the Editor of the Dtapetch: f. at editorial or" th.- Mth instant In ??aid te th? public school?? of Rich? >nd Is timely. It ahould si IsaM stt? ry friend Of fWblle etlucatlon t ' i sac maane so thai tin- children y not lose a Singla day in tie bey? f of school days It muy appear UBI to say "lose only ten d ; we must remember ten days means ?Treat deal fr.?m a s. BStOO? We who iut arrived at manhood In the days ls?;i know and feel the great loss asloiud to the youth of Virginia ti th.- period of the war. OW, Mr. Kditor, as a Irlend of the ools. let me propose that the p hihlren who att? rid each school -th?r and raise funds to pay the bars. The writer baa ana ehlM at High School, and would : the parents and guardia,is meet Um ?msmbly?TOOB? <if ih?> High xd. or la some other hall, to .; na to pay the teachers. aaderstand this win cost about, th.-re ar.- a large number of lars atrendlng this school, so that cast for each pupil will be nominal. is ?aaBSS to me to be an equitable of overcoming the difficulty t not to expect the teachers to <b) tnd give their time, for our benefit, i their living, and It 1? our chll s education that is at stake. If i views meet with favor, will you y assist in securing a meeting of its and guardians of the school chll ' Toara respectfully, w. h. b. ton Heights. Va. Lore and Respect for Age. (For the HHpateh.) ' cultivate this 3pirlt Is to cultivate i on. It waa among the first things | t! sc d? Ul or Ft ah w. til! 'J aii' kB er? by be isJ ?< put all Ul LI wer but Ad rills icin feet She sore 8MI. IH lath? Insisi Ha of nlno dlslllu opmcnt id bet n . from BBTssTaSfl if per ve In itahi a. ken up Ima id tile m and mollsh of the nance, there, ' i 'ron have mvic slecle U. the fairy locad the Mdo llng aii'l that the ;lons now I t'? duty r< - Eng ided of lam etc. ?lone by the apostles. Tho B IS Met bg a warm responso, to ?hed bit for the Cro! brave and Stephen, wli at the bead of this commlsslo was the first Christian 10 " ' What a noble arid san? tin? I ? us follow hia Beatona spirit. illy th? ing at be by rer rl.i ipl ;." he la r i". If Richmond, Va., November To the Editor of the Dispatch In yojr et'ltorial of IE entitled "Father and Sen," > of John Minor BottS as ha Richmond In c?nse?|U(*nre of I I'nlonlst. This. 10 I may bo tru?-. Mr Rotts Ie? mond shortly aftir his ?1? feat ; i'?r th? convention, tii having b. en Botl -, ' ' ! and Joii'iscn. Mi-. lioii by Mr. Lai'.dolpli. It was then ? i' ins admirera aeuuied. or g> tl-." farm in C.ilpeper. This g was a great political admirer rmnal friend ,.f Botts*s, and na cf his sons for him. Mr. Botta was the idol of Whigs cf Richmond. H<- and m were strong perann il and friends, uft-n have I heard M discuss Whlgry at my father'.? in fat I, tin. lirst political received was from John Mino: He and I differed as to the wa youth, taking the lnspiratior my countrymen, sustain? d and I the Confed?rete aide. All, or ne? of the (Jalon m? end boys si Virginia when sh.- went, or at to go, ??ut of the Union. Mr. claimed to occupy a position of i ity. He at lene! was honest belief, anil stood solid and aione opinion. To say the lea it, Beits great man in his day?a st.t among ?tat. amen aun Blthoui marble slab marks his last restln? the ii;>me will Use With the hlsi Virginia's great men of ante times. W. J Mr. mu? Mr?. Thoiiins fail! i >\ ashtagton Past, Ed.) Hob. Thomas Battle, the w.n fti t ongle asina n from North Carol if th?- Shorcham wi'ih a fair young formerly Miss i'ott.-r. of W'ilmi whom he led to th.- altar last w? ek and Mrs. Settle have been receiving congratulai toas Bines arrivai. forin-r has concluded to renounce li for th- prenant, and has toca! On ? nsboro', where ho will give stn |. nti.,,1 10 UM practice Of law. U'h lirst cut, red .Mr. Settle Wl youngest member of the Honest aa ring his tenure made aa enviable t as a legislator. Dim-ring; Tnste?. (Detroit Free i'nss.) "If there lie anything la the woi hat?." said th" proud Plutocrat, " b?-ing patronized." "Tin r-'s nothing I like better," his acquaintanc... who keeps the c( giocery, -?ar-a* To Mirth. (Chicago Re? ord.) Teach mo, o, Mirth, the language of mood, That i may keep for? r? r in my bee Sufficient ?tore >,i all thy I? . .. ..inst the k- n and ready-feats dart of thai - ircastlc nil who playa his 'ii'.iy w. i ' c i me ob? diem mot? To grief, forgetful ol thy merry art And mow at leal to bate thy me Bui Like ome Imprisoned soul among a tl sind li.' Lei me of count l< ind merrta Make cil In to reel aecur? irhen eld *torrow*a gloomy hosts .?. nt Asatdnal m- bts long siege i may endi Laugh at bla shaft my gi an I-'cas; at my board ami know that sw h s; ring Within my walls a fountain bright I pure Bo anal! i hear with Joy my minstrel i And match my lot above or potentate kint. O, Sunn/ Co,! of Laughter and of Son?: Wh...-.- cheeks ?re nsee? whose eyes . twinkling stars. Whose voice Is music, I hat/a loved tl long; And 1 have thought with wonder Linn warg ? >f thus.- who : I thi by in whirl! To triumph:? proud, to thrones th troubiiBd i When the1/, fortiearing, might ha? missed their -, ire; And with th." danced beneath the gree v.: ti' [inked arm in arm with love, without I enemy. Vain goda there are who tr-mpt us fro OUT own. Strange dreama that haunt us with ?1< . ng show ; We wake and tollow, trusting th.- m known. And wast?- the gladsome blossoms as n to. s.. Bnd, too late, th.? path la one of w??? Through whose binad portals is no ga r? Mirn, Since they do awing but to the region ton Of pillared darkness and the imulpture? urn, When Mirth is mocked and Jeered b] hi?: ? b that madly spurn. Keep thou. <), Mitth. thy king dorn in oui hearts, And in our eyes maintain their happv light, Ind 00 "iir lips, until the soul dep-irts. Keep thOU the Sllllle of tllV COIlt? Ut.'l might lea. Bina thy golden measures through the Bight; "ncloinb .1 kt-.p thy stars, and let tho moon ly.ok calmly down fr..m h? r enchanted 1.1 " i ?-.. ?rill aleep, not featoua of our noon, it Ike i!.. ing Emlymlon, lapt in blissfiil sweon. SCROFULA . ?9 Foul Blood's ment Advertise? tftfi It Is Soon Curod by Hood's Sarsapfirilla. Ye?, Scrofula, if anything, may bo called 0 advertisement of foul blood. It la tho jurgoot the world?offensive, painful, bilitating, st'jbborn and well nigh endurable. Jut ward application? do not cure, they Iy drive the difficulty to new quarters. jolliente may palliate, they cannot ?lii-? the evil. There is but one eure y out, and that is to eliminate the at from the blood, hero is one remedy that can effect this, 1 it ia tho only one that, so far as we >w, has almost invariably succeeded?- i a where th?? system has been poisoned ? long years of taint, and the ravages to ! -epaircd are tremendous. That remedy loud'a Saraaparilla. Bead this: My daughter was afflicted with im s blood. There were ruuning eores over ber body and they caused her h suffering. We tried medicines that 3 recommended ss blood purifiers, could not see that they did any good, ?end told me a boat Hood's Sarsaps and I began giving the girl this med i. The result was that ehe was per y cured after taking a few bottles, has had no symptoms of scrofula i since that time." Mabibtta M. ii, South M id die boro, Mass. lood's 8S. best?In fact the One True Blood Purifier, upon Hood's ; take no substitute. id's PHI? "'* harmoniously with /U 9 fill? UoQ?.i ?terwouW*. \ li!. I I > \ I th. ?Jig The first was the ras put . and he Heaven, irk! Let 1'. 2*.. 1837. Instant. Ing left s stand i ext.i.;. Rieh* ? B in VV mo? far?an? I. leteated hat one re, him; ml i . i - led one h- old father olltlcal Hot is house. i evef BottB, ; I, as from Jcl i'> ly all, ...i ay mpt> ! Botta ?utral !n his ?y his was a t-smiiii i no pi ice, .ry of ?ell urn . U. nown 1.1. is Bride, mon. Mr. n.'iny The lltics d in t at n he ? the do cord 4 ?i i : is ?Id ner IA THANKSGMN ? FEAST FOR THE LADIES. To-day ?re placo on sah bit? ly the most rem Bargain? ever offered, 100 n md Born. Blach Bo? Caterpillar Cheviot Jackets tailor cut bali-sfJh lined. i s.-ams, nicely bound, as weil as any 110 Jacket; f : f eat, ?.1.9S. ?ITEHMV?J-SII.VEIt AXD I.M.LI) IIEI.TM. 29o. for ?-holco of Ladt??s* sorn?* Oxidised Belts, with Jewelled Buchle. 18c. for choice of Ladles' 1? Lt its, in f?ll or Osldlaed, v. Jew-Is |U each. ;;.-. for Beautifully Cul Bel the new bright finished; wot cheap ,'?t BJB. 12.:*) for the Handsomest H ?lied .levelled Hells. Wilh j of Turquoise. Emeralds, and n.'ts; wt.rlh un to Also. B fu'l Un?' f.f the Now ?i.iii Enamelled Belts, at sj Thanksgiving prie? s. from $-1 ?.V'.C STi:ni,IM? SlI.VEH. and Inc. Sterling Silver ton Hooks and Xiiil-Pilcs, foi .'hole. <;. nuine sterling Silver Ki Letter Seals, Het-Msrhs, I'o Combs, unil Handsome i H? x- b, with Sterling Sliver ail at Be. chotea Sterling Silver Hal Brm twenty different styles, from up. Sterling Silver Hair Hru.? full size, worth $.1.'A for KM. rlandaom? Combs, with Btei Silv.-r back, SB low ;.s lie.. thousands of other Novtltl.. Cut-Olass and Sterling silver, equally as tow prteea here's v BLAB sritrn rOa THE LITTLE 0\ES. Eine. AO-Wonl i:i'i? tdown Ci in all colors, reduced for this ? t.. Be. BO Hoys' and Girls' <"i"th 'J' o' Bhanters, nicely bound ; trimmed with rosette and bun to go al Be. tOOOIrls* Handsome Boucle T o' Bhant? rs, beautifully trimn with Velvet, '?'.lilis. Ribbon, a Buchle, always sohl for 7?C, cho now 38c. Kaufmann's, Fourth and Broad. S< 'II'I'TSI 'II.I.K. KIIHna Their ll?K*? i Mnrrl; Senator Mnrtln. SCOTTS VI LLL\ VA Xov.mbor rjp. ciai.) We are having a lovely of Indian summer now. Luring the cold spell a good many person? I their hogs, as th- ?oikers were Lit the. farmers wanted to stop feeding I their tern to them. Bf tin- way, the corn crop Is tur out much shorter than was anticipe anil it Is thought the p'i??- will gt about Christmas. Hi-ath's flourlng al this place is still receiving large qi tltlea of wheat to grind. They turn b-aiitifiil Hour, and Wheat is brot? her,- from a radius of twenty miles ov.-r. Mr. i\ ?'. Morgan, an Englishman, Us at Warren, bus just re eiv.?l notice his being appointed to an Important p tion at Cairo, Bgypt The position i obtained through his brother, who is officer uiid'-r the BngUsh Oovemm? Mr. Morgan leaved in a tVw dBJ I B his family for England. Benatof T. s. Martin and wife nero town yesterday. The Senator is rest at home a short time, prepara lory to turning to Washington before the , ponj of Congreae, Rev. j. a. Dearborn, of Rlchmoi preeched taro aM? dlacouraes ?n the I? cipii ' chun ii ii? ra to large audien? on .Sum?a?.. Although comparatively i VUBCed In years, he has lost little of I \ii" anli eloquence Of former days, o ? 'i.- lire greatly picas...i with bint a Beautiful marriage took piece a f< days at;,, il'.. r Valletta, v, i, n .Miss I'< d .tighter ol ? "aptaln B. M. P? rhli was united in wedlock to a young m; from West Virginia. Tremendous droves of cattle, numbe ' or W in a.'i. have been tiriv? through her.- during the past their way to Upehur county, w. Vm, Mr. W. P. PlttS, who baa been absei a month or m attending to some bus for the Cheeapeahe and ( ?hio rai road, return?.i t., his home here > Miss Mary nuil, o? niohm.,.. . ?. nest of her relative? her? Mia. D i Powers iiinl family. Mr. Andrew J. Eppa of Buehinghaii Courthouse, la here, the gueei ol bl aunt. Mrs. i?r Osborne and family, Mr. J, w. Parry, of near Warren besrtng aold oui his farm and h kooiIs. intends, it Is said, to start for hh form.t borne England?In a short time Bl THE IIM'OSI tTTOX. ApproaehlBag rganJagta Thanhegli l nu-On? Presnaaaaa?1 Ball r*. J'ETEUsniH?; VA November B Spcial.? Oh the Blghl of Til. slay. .Vo ,'? mber Bth. In Trinity church. ;,t DtS Btnata, Miss S:sie Bland ?}?e. .laugh? er of < x-s? i. of Prince ? onaty, will be married to Mr. Jo aletead Williams, a pi young itizen of tin- county. Th n will, . attract a huge a. i he friends of the couple. Appropri?t? iritl be held oa t.anksn.vil'K-il.iV at the ?'atiiol.. churches, and probably pi !h?r churches. In the afternoon there iM be -i parade and target-prar*tl?*s by ie white military companies of the city. Mr. Charles Hall Davis, a well-hnown ?uni- lawyer, is conf?n? d to his home t aichni I'll.- .??and germaa of the season will given at Library Hall on ! ng of this week. May Kobertson and Janie Davla, Portsmouth, and M;?s Alice James City Point, u guests of Mrs. p, 1. ileox. on Jefferson street. ?. son of Captain A. R. Robbe, o.* ince Qeorge county, representatlve Ct to the House of Delegates, has n very HI for sonn- time. Ir. William Wells, n popular young iductor on the Norfolk and W Iroad, Is rapidly recovering from a nful operation recently p< rformed on n at the Home for the Hick. . colored youth was given a $5 bill to <hanKe<l at B house on Tabb sir. .-t i morning. Neither he nor the money ? been hoard from at this writing. I the police are . ndeuvorlng to find what the matter Is. <? ido;- Pa on a Mr in v.. (Chicago News.) illle: Say, pa, will you buy me a lei's worth of fly-paper? i: Why. Willie, whut are you going lo with fly-paper? lllle; Make a. kite. For Mirk Headache nke llorsfortl'a At'ld Fboajthntc. removes the cause by stimulating action of the stomach, promoting tion, and quieting the n?rvea iz^? I nbro ! Cloak le and latest with ma or tl JIAV wt M? d ?th U Its. in ild be Innm ewels li 11 Rns ;i- Ctel .'.'.I to llut 12c. lives ck'-t ; live Top. ?tic?. ISK in?. ial< it.l SPECI? I Thanksgiving ! WEDNESDAY THURSDAY wi unusually fnter days at our si made so by the CIAL and attri offerings outline? low, in commen tion of the \ Thanksgiving F val and its req j( ments in dress other necesf ities. ]S-inch Piafo J-iii?-i pillow cushions, in Light VAno, and On fa yard, real value, yard. Figured Black Gi Cloth, AH-Wool, at yard, a good 50c. value. infants' Wool Wraj I in all sizes, at 1-Uc. eaci 29c, yard for Fine B I Silks, in pretty ev< I shades, a regular 50c. value. Genuine II Colored 1 ?|j Corsets at .">!?< . each, all s Checked White 1. Doilies at 26c dozen. We hare an elegant as> nient of Jewelled J3elt ")0c. eaeh and up. 4-4 Wamsutta C'ottoi, 10c. yard, instead of 1 yard. Handsome Medallions new, pretty subjects, \\ et ? ?"J H gilt fram. s at _'.lc A ft should be (Hte. eaeh. ft i' l.>x_0 Roman Strip? _m y i??*? 23. .?-Iii II tete iiii.-i and iway ning it.-.i, > BP mili lan out ignt i or lag o? m. Itb IB lag ?red Down each. ped C J'il lows at .' Ladies" Fine Bibbed V? at 17c. each, instead of _ each. _ :?."?c. Hi riusdorf Bee. l'An Hose at '_ ")('. pair. I ONE-PRICE HOUSE, ill Ftftb and Broad Sreet lug ci. i? M I t.l ii I i!' Suits to Orck S12.50. Never before wen? si goods offered for the mon Cull of style and quality, tremendous range of patter dices were $15, $18, I $20 a suit. Heavy Overcoat to Order, Black and Blue Kersey Ileavv Covert Cloths in sei eral shades. As values go elsewhere thee Coats are cheap at 130.00. Your money hack if w don't tit you. Morton d Stout & Co? TAILORS, 826 EASTMA?NSTREET (no 21 -.It) STREET-CAR TICKETS. ON AND ATI ER SEPTEMBER 9:h the sale of tickets in lots of 25 for SI will be discontinued. Conductors will continue to setl tickets at the rate of 6 for 25c. SCHOOL TICKETS will hereifter he sold tosChOOl Children only at the company's o/fieee, foot of Seventh street and corner of Twenty-ninth and P streets. Pupils defiling them will be required to pre? sent certificate covering the ensuing session from principal of school. BICHMOXD RAILWAY | ELECTRIC CO. _If? W-ttl FOHKST LODfiK. nrniN'o tiik P____-l_j~r AUTUMN saatBar, an<1 so lon_ hs the roads re? niiin In ?rood condition. KOKK.ST MiliilK ?III be .?[)?'ii for Um <nt< rtalnni? nt of liest?. Small driving or Vy<Un_r parties an bo provided for at any time, but lar_e ?rtles should notify by 'phone a few ours before their arrival. Bell 'phone B_ li. Olen Allen, Va. no 7-ts SHOKS, TltTNKS, I MDRKI.I.A?,. f_ E. H. SPENCE, ?| WKONO >Ii>K BKOAO AND KIOHTU Wa%* dOF.S- TPIHalai? Aaifk na.??. ESS L ?ales. AND ill be :stin? :ore? SPE ictive d be iora ?reat :esti uire and is for Bed en, at lac? ran i te 89c, yard IJ'l'l'S, 11. iiirah 'IlilliT yard H MEYER SY( I S I I Onr storo i* rapidly ,,,, holiday harness. W.? H|. I just tfethilig you want f. i sent?all the latest and eh, Toys for Boys, Toys for Girl?, fancy Tricks for Grown Useful Things for Em W? ? I i. : . i know when om partBkBBI b r. ,.,|y _?r y,,. ay. Bey aatiy, m ., n? ? .|..;. Coats and Cape roa I-a'i'?ks. mi-.-:.?, AXn I REH. a __?__ *? c?ese, an Btssk Melton, .?ilk faced, -aade In ih?- i'., i>i?? mann.r. Cell It ., | . It Is worth ?B, be? our advai 1?._k?_srjrk_l BBjr_ y,.??. Cloaks. <_ .> to m J'l.rsn ? \ [>K.?i. 200 Excellent Quality . MM? |_B8d, <':r!y Th' trimming-. | cap? WOfftb V, In >\ linHh and Vi i?>nr ci All-Wool Eiderdown In in eink. Red, LlgHt-Blue, MEYER 5YCI 103 E. Breed St., Neu Cor. I, ,_<no f?il?) men J.E.R0SEU No. 1510 East Main stre? Stoves. Cooklnf'StO*. -. for wood -in.! coa liii.l? i S coal; Wood II? at. ; tops an.I I ?; ii. i You want ' for?- B__k!ns vi.h.- i u .. . every 11 t?. k:\ China and (jlass-van Mar T?rkei i with sad without Bonis Bowls sad I ?ad I ti.irni'. r a is; Wit Tin and Wooden waie Tin Sits, lilly I' | i i. .?.. r?. Coffse-MI Cafe? Cutters, < 'ake M . Honnis, Toothpick?, E_f*'ir-\. sad < ak. -II. Kl Cutlery. CSr, lng ?>ti w hi I hand I Spoon? i K I Table-Kalsai snd i" Granite Ironware. Y Bu< k Dish P-J i Mili Pistes. J. i lies Pans, sad tai.i. aad m lag. (noM-vVant) :r ich A us. .ml :s rui m> nirn AT PRESBYTERIAN AND METH HOME, i'li'l II STREET, i H QIVINO-D \ . Chser th?* ai?r??i aad "honorsbl a? you would remember o ?I Btepbl n. tlw 11 r??t marrj i ? hsrge of i his ii<>i> dut) in " of th.- Church. ? '< bei kelMtne! BOARD <>F M ?N no 24 .t ? Hl ?KMI.VT?. acao-un op mi hi THANKSGIVING MAIINEE THURSDAY A\I> PRIDAT E. November Th.- Popular i 'oim ROBERT E. ORAHAM In hi? latest an<l ?. cess, "\s H".- v. i: I HI m.. . B, -e WILL UK < l.o?i ii. M i Richmond. Vs., Noveml I'l.'ui i ? ?i .Tin v. TUI-: ANNUAL. RETURN THANKSOIVINO-DA1 (.""..I ? ?M/, ll? Of who.-" merciful protection tli> in on th? I? in? 's loui proper Unit we should bow Ii submission te His ?11-wli sad rt-ii'l??r thanks fur Hit Bi< ' ?tuvv'.i iipaa ii?. By virtu? 1er, a? i'hi. f .MiKi.arrat.' of th : in tin- < 11 y Mi on THURSDAY, \<>\? tab lag Tbaakaglvlai ' i led s ment to th?' City Government. RICHARD M. i.vri.'nt. __no 212t_M o >r._ CAW?. AS OUR STORE w II-L ' ('S THANK8UI VINO-DA Y, thank our fr tended for that .i.i v on \\ edn. ao _:* 1 r- M'CARTH\ <\ H ? I Southern n.iiiw i - Freight I Rlcbmon : Till." FREIGHT Oil ? COMPANY will he CM 1 .? i Novi ai!,, r J."t!i ('I I'KKISIIAHI.K FREIGHT oNLi ? dellvi red betwei n tin houi K A. ML K. 11 U no _.-n An r. Chesapeake and Ohio I .V . M n '. THE PREIOHT DEPOTS I S VATOR <>f this company ? THANKSOIVINO DAY 1 i't for tl pi-rlfhahl?? fr.'xlu betweei ' >' < .ui'l M A. B '!' I do 2i-it_ Hi?, hmond, Kr. Potom.i.- Rallroi Rlohm? n.1 Va S'ov? THE PREIOHT Dl compsny will b. '...? d ril ' N INO-DAY, November I delivery ..f perishable th?? hour-, of 8 an?l i no 21-lt H. K. I! Kl _1'flill'OSAa.S. lift!?. 01 nd N'OTli'K TO CONTH ED PROPOS U_H bvlll ' oAee until S.VTI lll'A ;? i 12 o'clock If., f.N.? . v lUtlCK RETA1MNQ ^ ' the ll? ? ' ?* i' o.? of Hospital street Uso foi S'lltl'i riOX OP SKV? ! .: - on flle. the proposal r??r wblch received until MONDAY, N at 1 o'clock P. M. ' aad th on and list of can be M-?-rt at this ..trice. Th.- riebt i.. all proposal? off' W. F.. (?I'M I VU noK-St_ BIDS W1IJ. BE KKi'l.l.Kl- ISLiU SATURDAY. Nov. mi. r .*;th for 111 e-- ' INQ A SCHOOL H? >l 8K o> HartsBjera Cotleee. Plans and spe?irt/atioii? can b? s??n ' ih?- .?.unty court-house th? reeervlng the rl_ht to reject any or ?'? bids. Hid* will t. Kl'.?? at IS M. i- H Jr. ir-" no _S-8t