Newspaper Page Text
6 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1897._ rffe trial of nm JIRV OVTAIffBD ?Ml ? -?? ??T Ii ill I. I'lilliKXTBD. IDEKTinCATIOi. 0F_ REIMNS Mr?, .srk Ma? He ObJIM ? ?o T?*s llfy, ?n?. Thorn Mey Also lie Pu on ?he Klaod to itciute lier Tesll ntonf. , K, N?veme? r T3. The ?econ< i . i MartlB Thorn for the murder o .\'!ll?*iin Oi.l.b nsuppe was fairly ?I ti,i- i In the (.mens Count) pep Base diligently endeavorn! , a jury as quickly a? possible ami when BB ?djournm? i?t was taker jurors had h? en oidilio:..kl fifty was made Up ?nul from these and the remainder of tbe first BpSCWl p.tml of ?tlu r five Juror? were se? I . 9 Cr.-.lay. Th? y are NMioIas lilak?. carpsetar, Freeport; real estate dealer. i: Rilar.1. oyster k; V.l. rrt-M Watts, farm . .l?or, carpenter, u Bsfclegtoa. I? completed ?in which Distrl<t-At the case for the ?,, i n, r he placed agetest th?? before th? ?'.?tin and Jury, rytblng that la tbe indictment. He | s? WOB us he of svMeee. we? ; III. The most of the afternoon session was Ion of Ibes? who each one con thS mVSrsd body. i wen sxamln? d :.. i In whi.h the different hi to tbe Ne.' York the Lath-rubbers who ? p? in life, and who work ; le of liim la th? baths, testified Identity of Um remain?, which . found in four sectloaa in three bun hre, Judging from marks on the different parts of the? l"longed to the body bath at" ndant. To-mor roa 'i- Coroner and his deputy will be : 11 ll quit? probable thai 'ark. and others who say ii to them MRS VM K A.S WiTNES?. Mi- Nach maj ..i.?<> t.. called, but when ?rt. r ..f ;.-.! Prse? ask- .1 tbs OlStl ' > whether thei thi fact that he had -? ken of Mrs. Mack as witness Is opening address, and if sin- would not !.. a u.tuess during th?- SB piled: "I cannot qui at this stage." .! f. B04 . h. w.ever. In- woman will bi.?' sr? prepared to for lor daring bar Insl i n That they will put I to n fat? Mrs. Nark's r i BWl u ?hat it was she who ooaunltted the murder Is bow b? cuiit. Mr. Hoars'? qeastlon? to .: i when Ihey ?rere ?xamined line of defence dopt. In n?l.liti..ii to Thorn'? testimony. It is i ?thcity that the defence will who will a .< of having committed re of a bleb will not be by Thorn's counsel until It Is made public In i ?id?eos. -____ AltVIOH-fl ATI-: PLANT. 4.<i? eminent I'stii hl Uli ment Itccont ineriil??!?To (?at !?.':.iMMl.OOn, W'A.silINGTnN. !>. C. Nov. mb. r 23.? ..I naval board appointed to In? into the cost of armor-makiiig :.eil a plant, th-- detailed plans ,i. h it will Dissent to It will OSBt ' ' ' '. and will have : armor per an? num, whi.h I? about the combined capac? ity of He two annor-ptants now supply the navy, The processes of manu? facture will Include tiu- very latest ?1? VOlopn mts in th. art of metallurgy, and While the plans contemplate thS manufac? ture of Uarveylsed nickel ?teal armor, according to the methods used in the re? fer?-? tiny will a?lmlt of easy adaptation to th? BOW secret Krupp pro? of hardening armor by the use of aid to lie perfect In every detail, arii h?lng drawn under one of trie (pert? of tin- country, the spe? cifications an said to be so well defined thai no iliftleulty Is expected to arise In S" 111 im.-: straight bi'ls. The board baa prepared the form of Bdvsrtl emenl calling for bid? for tim ? 'instru. ti. o of this plant, and Secretary I ; will soon issue the advertisement. 11 I? proposed to have all the plan.?? in the Secretary's bands by the first of r- \t month, and if th?? advertisement is nt out, it is hoped that within three months at the latest Congress will? bar? before It full information as to the ..f an armor plant, us well as offers from existing plants to sell out to tho governm OM.V IIIREi; M .TTERED CASES. I? ?er mid Fear Have Jluth Passed Away. NKVY "Rl.K\.\s, November 23.?There onij tbn scattered cases of yel i to-day, and these wer.? n-port Ing. Not a single .1. ath occurred, and the number of old cas.* j- da-BlBlSbblg v. 11 : Th. _ < ah. r bai turned cool again, und nd fear have both passed away n . Ktenl that the Hoard of 1 dedded to abandon the pub? lication of dally bulletins, the B? then for no longer ? xlsttng. <'NE MOW CASK. MiiRII.lO. ALA. November 23.-One new added to the y.-llow-fever list ! hit of Clan'ice Tyrrell. There ths. s_ r, a ?jr. n\iiiio\ii poupasv. ?.lection of lllll.-.ra? Ell i nln_a?1)1 redor? All lt?-l,leel? ?J. SAVANNAH, <!A., November ?tf.~The inekml meeting of the stockholders of I lanah, RtkiWe and Westen, rall h? ;?l here t?.-iiay. 'lowing odsCers ?rsre ?Isctsd; H. -hl.-nt; R. K. Erwin, vlce i M oui trie, treasurer; R. B. kntth. ros? earnings for the >??ur Were ase of $47.7??._7 from es, $2,4__,72?.ta, n re U. Surplus. $_t*V.04.?4. as- of |_S,?-tg.l2. 'l*h. dli ere all re-elected. They i? U. 0. Plant, v. F. Plant, R. BnHn, M. K. Jesui?, M m Plagier. H. '. Hl!?l J. 11. K.tlll. I?? M\K J. ?.. pg| PKMALTA. le la Mem t ???1er Sentence of Death at Mi.iiuiiii. .1. '-?.. November 23.?Ap > made to the Probate r the naturalisation papers ot I? Psralta. now under sentence r death m rtebai ared with a party of Insurgents nsur Habana three y**?.- .... -m? Cubans w?rs ?hot but i >. th th .-. ' t'.u ?III wl to bei all th. 11 I ri. T agit lab am lell the can bac con to beh win reel ?tei Tl barl coie hlgt Spll the} Tl the) 10 p piii to I SP ?ha! fere C Mi .vom orno le. I. Kr??? 11 r. HttVtl I Peralta was given until 1 ?? < nil., i to prove his In the U States. HI? papers were destroy?? the court-house fir?-, but there Is i? evident??? to ?nable the Court to ?er Secretary Sherman pro?>f of his clt ship. A brother Is now living in ?Ity. It Is said Peralta hn? a heavy t against the Spanish Government property destroyed In Cub?. HI ? UM. OF BRITISH EXPOn' 4lle--etl Sri-inn? ? ...n...-tlilon f the t ult.-d MuH?. UTtNDON, November 28,-Rlght 1 Charle: T. Hltchl?\ president of Board of Trade, made an Impor apsech before the Chamber of Comm of croytlon to-day, taking ns his th the decline of British exports during last t.n months, upon which he bun g-rBye warning against American c.n tltlon, now "ousting British trade." Mr. Ritchl.. after declaring that Dingley tariff and the englne??rs' tr ?lisputo were mainly responsible for recent decline of exports, and a; pointing out that England had BreaBOn against the tariff, said th was a great d?*al of talk in conimor Circles about the serious competition Cicrmatiy. but he thought they were apt to overlook a more serious comp tor. the United States. "The faits ire serious," he continu "and call upon us for the exercise of our powers to enable us (o maintain i position In the commercial world. Th Is no doubl that the Fulled States ??xecutlng orders which ought to be e anted here. As we all know, an Ami ? (in llrrn obtained th.- contract for I Centrnl Underground mil way (of 1^ don), us its bM was low.-r than those English concerns, and It coul.l ?dell* tho supplies three months ahead of t British tenders. Many Important O Unentnl orders have gone to Amcrii The samo Is to hi said of China a Japan, where the Americans ar>- rtoi work that Englishmen should have dm In consequence of the rngin?-ers' .lispu many orders are lenvlng the OOUnt] Uta, unfortunately, these orders scl.l? return. "America's succssful competition lue to hSff enterprising capital, and ?1 o the employment of the best m 'hinery, and working it in tho mo conomieal manner, untrammelled 1 Ii. restrictions which have hamper. naiiufacturers here. Every one havli he country's interest at heart mu Mapa that to-morrow's conference w tail to a settlement of the unfortuna nglneerlng dispute." DR. KVASS'S FOKTI'XE. I >luy Co to Fourni ( linritiible li stltutions. PARIS. November sBV-ft is now b lev?? that the late I?r. Evans, tl .mMM dentist, who facilitated the fllgl 4 the Empress Eugenie, and who di? it re on tho evening of November Ht .st. l.-ft most of his largo fortune t tumi charitable institutions bearing h ame. It is understood that I?r. Evans's estai : even greater than th.? estimate mad f it during his lifetime. It will pre ai.iy be valuad at nr., TO ill.??? I? Mil: COXSTW HNOPLE. o**iera Make Thla Anrnt Hi t'relnn Matter. I.? NI ?i iN, Novetnlm N. -The Rom n.-pondent of tin* Daily Chroniel The report la coniirmed that th owcrs have ?i<cidi'.i to atochada Con antlnoplc in cas. Turkey refuses ti Ithdraw her troops from Crete and ti leapt a sanTifopaaa BOYerhn**ent of th? land. peniug of \e?? BuHiIIiiks I .-Mull? The n? w buildings of the Untvemtty col IS of Medicine. coiner of Clay an? rvelfth sti i ?is. win be optmed to tn? ?blic this evening at I*1S o'clock. Th? - will take place In th? lectur? iiphiilit*ntre. and addressee will be <'.' t-re.i by Mr. E. V. Valentine and Dra . S. t ?onion. London B. Bdwarxla, am uait IfoQuire. I'he buildings v?-ili be open for ?apear? ?a from I o'clock to li o'clock In the ening. I'he following gentlemen will act ai the ceptlon Committee: ?edlcaJ Department ? Third Claas ssis A. F. Wood, F. B. Olhausen, B. Early, A. L. Tynoa, \v. II. Thompson, E. Axera, and E. O. Hank, riecond iss: Messrs. J. G. W. H Gui.-. A. 1-avls. I. M. Smith. W. W. Bennett, A. sizer. and j. r. Thomson. First MB! Messrs. H. B. Bnkt-r. W. J. Che-wn :. F. W. Hornbaker, B. C. lusher, L. Richards, L. A. Robertson, B. B my. and J. C. Gr.-ene. tentai Deiiuitment ? Third Class: s.-is. F. O. Hookiar and E. A. Perry . ond Class: Messrs. C. T. W'.mack and 1). Whitaker. First Clan*: MlBBm w . Hemmen and v7. li. Stratford. 'hamiacy Department -?Mesera w. a. ?ling. H. Zimmermann, 1. N. McN'air, 1 E. Ii. Jones. B Mlnalrels?AVho's Your Friend f laida ?fe Hanson's Minstrels gave a cre? able performance at the Academy last inlnc of later-da*, minstrelsy. The first t Of the programme Is conventional, I the jokes and songs are not as up? date as the. remainder of the perform ?-. In the olio are many .-xcell.-n't ?pe ltles. especially those of Fields un.l nson, Zeil a. ?n?l Wadell, he sale of seats for Robert E. (Ira? n's engagement at the Academy, which iiDicncwt with a special matinee to rrow . and continu?-? to-morrow and day nights, has been unusually large, I "the matinee. notwithstanding the t-ball game, promises to be given be? I a crow ?led audience. Mr. Graham will dues his latest QOmedy success, "Who's ir Frlenel?" which he- presented here ll??r In the season, and was glv? u Sable praise by the press. Be has the a- excellent company with him that earad here then Thanks for li?.?.p I tn I i t ?. t the last meeting of the Young Men's itneae Association, of this city, a letter i red from the secretary of the Hart l (Conn.) City Guards, in which he ?: \t our regular monthly meeting, held >I?t 11. ivr?. it wits unanimously voted t the aacretary be instructed to extend hearty thanks of this company to the r,il military and other organizations the courtesies extended to us ?luring recent southern trip.' In accordant-?? i the above ?-ote, it gives m<- pleasure Etend the hearty thanks of the menv of the Hartford City Guards to you the members of your association for handsome treatment recel ved while ptly In your city, our* very 'ni!>'. "LOUIS M. HASTINGS. "Secretary." lioitr.l of Caavaaaer? Sot Yet Thronsth. B Statt Board < { ?'an. as-,is m?t n yesterday, but dnl not oohcltide lh.-ir rs, they I .?-lug forccsl to wait for (he ii'l.-d return? from Clarke and War countles. The original returns gave itim*. of Mr. Thomas, the Duma-mile idaie. two ways, and they were se-nt for correction The Washington ty returns gave the Democratic vote . W. and (halles W. St.-.le, and it r known that Mr. Stwle's right num. Charlea W'., the returns wer? cor d und counted together for C. W. Barbers Go on a Strike. ee white l.,.il>.is employe?! at the >r-shop on Broad Btreet near Seventh, ' icted by S. *->idilbe?-g, ?truck for r wage? Monday night, und because? ?erg refused to grant their rci-u?aSt, tjult work. . men were paid 50 por cent, of what made, und asked for an increase or r oent., and went out when the pro ir toll them that ho could not afford y them more. Iberg supplied two of his vacant ! ?. and his work has not beea Inter- i with. grcMmaa Lamb's Secretory. J. Howard Grave*, a well-known \ ; MAM, who has b?*en in the law ( i of Mr. Jackson Guy, has b?n-n ?*? 1 by Captain John Lamb, the con man from this district, to suoc<-<-?i ieorge M?T>. Bisk?- as bis pnvate urv. ?At. Blake having reeigneg. ] 4 Ct h llted I In nple 1 to *t?n thts lalm for B?NOM T0 60LDITE nESI I.TS OF ItKCF.Vr ELECTIONS XO WISE DISCOLRAOISO. , SILYER L?SSES EYERTWHEI " Mission of the ?'National Dem oratlo" Ora?nlsntlon?-Al?out Wh It Will Cense to De ?st Indcpen ent llody. Ion the ant a? i se? m : B pe NEW YOilK, November 23.?W. D. F num. chairman of the National Dee cr.itic Committee, to-day Issued the f lowing address: "Headiiuarters of t "National Democratic committee, "New York, November 23, 1897 "To the National Democrat-w: "The results of the recent elcctlo were In nowise discouraging to the su cess of the principles for which the N tlonal Democratic party has been ba tllng, "The silver organization lost the Stat of Ohio and Maryland, with the Leglsli tures, which will choose United Stati senators. "In Kentucky, the silver candi.1 a majority of only 123, with 80,000 elei tors, a majority of whom were ujh.u? . for sound money not votlnj The National Democratic vote for th State was twice ns large as It was lai }<ar, while the loss In the free-silver VOl was 40,000. "In Iowa, the Democratic sound-mone vote was dont,l?.l, notwithstanding th silver candidate? ? ban-doeed that issu and pk.-ub-d for support on State nut lera. "The sound-money vote in both Ken tucky and Iowa would undoubtedly hav been much larger had it not been for th fact that the names of all the- local OBB didates for county officers Sp| eared 01 the ballots under the fr.-. -,-ilv. r -tab tickets and emblems, thereby compellini sound-money electors to scratch theli ticket? or vote the free-silver .Stat> tick, t in order to vote for the local of fleers. "In Massachusetts our vote was In? creased M per cent., while that of thf free-silver candidate was reduced In th?. same ratio. "In Nebraska the free-silver maj'irity was rsdUOSd, while South Dakota ?! it- I th.- oaUBS, "The efforts of the National Democratic Organisation last year w?-re to Bid in saving the credit of the nation from dis? honor. Its mission in the futuro will be, if possible, to preserve the true prin? ciples of Democracy, until Judgment and nason shall again dominate th.- councils of tin- party, aiel Its ancient CTSCd ! ?ton I to its platform. "Then, and not till then, will the work of til?1 National Demo? rat!.- pany 1 oompllshi i. and it.? organisation oeaea t.. be an independent one. Tin- firmer th. convictions and the bolder th.- Oi of National I ).-mo'-rats. the ?OOtMT will the country b? ft?.?l from the blighting influence of Impending disaster. "Mo OOntprO-B-M with dishonor, no sur? ren, ii r of principle to expediency, is th? shibboleth of th? National Democi and each and every member of th? party should stand by his convictions and - double his efforts to Uphold th?' p. i les h.- believes t?. be Indispensable t?. th? pre ervatton of the rights and prlrU Of tin- In "pie." BT. Y. IT-IAMB? flF (OMMERCE. Its Annual Dinner?(.nice Spenks on Current?? Reform. NEW YORK, Now mix i U, 1 he OBS hun drsdtb iin'l twenty-ninth annual dinner of the Chamber of Cbmmercs was given el Delmonlco'a new restaurant, Fiftii avenu? an.I Foi ty-fourth street, to-night. .\1 ,ny dlstinglllshed men In professional and political in'.- were present, ami th.- beau? tiful banque) bal] was taxed to its utmosi capacity. Se.r.-tary-of-tlie-Tr? asm y Ly rnaii J. Cage was the guest of honor, and the chi? f speaker. Alexander K. Off, I.resident ot th. Chamber. pr.-si?l? d. Am..tu,' the other guests w> r. S. .i.tary of-War Etussll a. Alger, Qovernor Frank S. Black, Coniptniler-of-the-Ciirn-n.-y .1. II. BcklsS, Mayor William I_ Strong, Presiden! Daniel O. Oilman, of Johns Etopkln? i'i Ivi isity; ifajor QsBeral Wes? ley III tritt; Commodore Francis M. Dunce, United BtBtsa navy; Carl Schurz, and .Vhltelaw Heir. Beth I>>w, who is an honorary member of th? Chamber, was not pi?.-? nt. N. Mb r was M ay., i -elect Robert A. Van Wyck. In fact. It can be authoritatively Stated? that tie- latter was not Invited. It was long past the appointed time wlii n Pr?sidant Orr arose and made the Introductory spSBOh. The health of "i _M President of the Cnlted States" was then drunk, standing, with three rousing, while the orchestra played "Th? Land of the Free." Secrttary (?ago was flatteringly re Cslvi ! when he rose to speak to th.- toast "Currency Reform, Now or When?'' Tin lary read his speech from manu? script. Governor Hlack responded to the toast "The State of New York." He, too, was warmly received, and, like tin- preceding speakers, read bis speech, which was fre? quently applaud.d. ' la the absence of Major-General SA son A. Miles. General Wesley Mi-rn'i spoke to th.- toast 'The Army." CBBBBBO dors Francis M. Dunce spoke for "The Navy." Mayor Strong was warmly applaudi-.1 when he arose to speak to the toas?l "Th? Duties and obligations of a CHlBSl R New York.'* Daniel C. Oilman, of Johns Hopkins Cnlverslty, was th.? last speaker. His toast was "Commerce, the Child of Science, and Its Filial S.i:>[x>rtcr." JuiIk?' to Try l.oet_.i i. CHICAGO, November R?JUdg? Qfl-7i who presidid at th.- trial of th.- Hay mai k<t Anarchists, will occupy the bSttCk at the second trial of Adolph L. Luet gert, the alleged wife-murder* r, provided the venerable Jurist does not consi.b r the strain of B long contest too severe for his advanced years. appeared before Judge Hor ton to-day and signed an affidavit. In which h<- stated that both Judge Horton and Judge Raker were, prejudiced against him. >t.m-.i iiiii-r? tu II? Deported. BALiTIMORB, Novasabar .?Untted Stat? s Immigration Commissioner T.-. rcncc V. Powderly came over from New to-ilay to linsallgal? tho case o? Ihe forty-eight stave-cutters arr?ate?! la [be Mississippi swamps, near Memphis, ast week, by United States ihspectors. in<l who are detained h?'r<? under tho ill? n labor-contract law. He deelded that hey should be returned to their native ountry, and they will be sent to ?S.r nany by the steamship Muenchen, which lalls Saturday. th !' f.. in St B* m. de Ti wl 1 0? t I'nlon I'i?.-III.? Psyment. NEW YORK, November 23.?Tho first iiiyment of $13.640.400 to the government m acount of the purchase of the I'nlon ?acltic railway was cleared to-day. as well s cashier'?, checks on tho National city tank for nearly $4,000,000, which latter Is ailing for the national banks i-hlch have been designated a? temporary peclnl deposltoriea for the proceeds of Arroyo's Msrdrreri Hopeless. MEXICO CIT.'. November 23-The po? ce nttlcliils cori'lemned tc death for the ?urder of Arroyo now realize the hviIous ?ss of their position, and the fact that he crime Is certain to be avenged. It is possible that Vlllavlcenclo may Po lake a clean brennt of the matter and C how why Velasquex was anxious to yei Ispatch Arroyo. eel -.-__ ; Wanted for Ms Marders. H" LITTLE KOCK. ARK.. November 23? mm , special to the Gasett. from Van bu- ._? i Oit h. e\ fot ren. Ark., says: City-Marshall ? W. Ils, of Mulberry, Ark., mude s thought to be an lmp? capn day when he ?aptured J. C. Di ?Una James Buford. want??! In Clara county. Cat, for the rnun Colonpl nnd Mrs. It. P. McGllney Hattle Dunham. Miss Minnie Sch J. K. Wells, ?m?: R. A. Bn 26, 1396. The- mil? was commltH tho purpose of robbery, nnd owing prominence of th- fanilll?:? a rcwi $11,000 has bean Offered for the arrei convh tion of liunham and his pa H. Llnton. SherlfT of Santa Clara ci was notified, and wired Instruct! Iteraba! Wettn to hold Dunham till plcte 1.1?-nti?ic "'..n p.;?ers could b. warded from California. TEMPER AM E INSTIUCTIO' i .Toil. Urina Mnde to II .?? Thl! in the School?. The following Is a copy of a kttS being sent to churches and othe ganlz? .1 ! o<!l. b. A large number ol tlons are beln?; clrculatcl and thou of Signatur, s are being Be?tarad: "TL. Woman's Christian T?-i BBCa Union of Virginia feels tha time has come for urging* ti a scientific temperance education la the Iii-sf^Blalnse of this state ttarfa m xt session, and In the name of organization we appeal to you for in obtaining It. We ask your fionstdei and approval of the SBClltBtll I and your algnattires, both official an .livid,nil, to the petition. w.- .ask also to unit.- wi'.h us in praying Aim Qod to grant that tin- signature numerous enough to convince our makers that the people of Virginia their childr. i- (aught th.- science will enable them to grow OP to m;wi with clear brains and healthy bodlBB rightful heritage of all Hie children ask for your aid in this work In the i Of Him "whose w.- an- and whon s.rvc." Mi'--. K. W. JONE! President Virginia Woman's Cliri: Tempranee Union' W Mrs. A. E. WAIT, Superintendent *Metttiflc Temperance .-miction Virginia Woman's Chill Temperance I'nlon. "Ke?oived, Thai w?. deplore tho i of intemperance, and that an those evils a great hindrance t.. coming of th.- Lord's kingdom in bn benita for which the Church i. prays. Wa realise that tho eai ti'?n of the young as to the nature effects of alcoholic drinks and other cot!.s Is a powerful pra*/snttvB BgB Intemperance, and we rejoice that I hav.. been snacted ne*t*frtng this at in tho public schools of ail the ttl but four- -Arkansas, 1'tah, Georgia, Virginia and in all the Terril tha national military nnd naval sehe and in all Indian ami colored sch. under l'adorai r-ontrni, aardkraclng t n million .hi ... a .,' BChOol air "We r. eomniend that our membera 1 all poaalbl? aid toward securing the i Of a like law by the Virgil ii' ire during- its next eesalon." The followinir is th<- form of the p. tion, and those desiring to sign it ? ample opportunity to do W.-, tha undersign. .I, residents . county of . , f Btnte of Virginia, believing that p i early education, Is ul antidote for th?- vi? Of temperance, and thai good win res from tie- study In th>- public school 'physiology and hygiene with six-? oca to the effects of atooh? drlnka .n.'i other ngraotlcs opon the i man svsKm," do r. si? ctfully the E-eglslature n?>w in aesslon to em su.h a statu;.. Indudlng snob just a late penalties i'..r its apn*enfon in. in as will ensure th.- faithful pars of this stud* branch by pa] Us in .-.?I Bchools supported by pah mon.y and under Siat.- control HIS I\Ti:ill>T I\ MII.ITiRV. General Oj-gway'a Aetfve Pnrtlclp tlon in Military \fTnlr? Hero. The death of ?;. a?rai Albert i ? way has awakened in military c;rc hen many rcinlnisc. nt es of bia D lilt} and r.-inirkililc career in t! city. Th? ?en? runs and kindly nature itrdw.iy and hi:- many .-xc-llt-nt gualltl Berved to overcome entirely tl ii prejudice that the ?olor of t uniform he had worn would natural t> nd t.. azdte la the days of **reeo Btructlon." Beginning his aoeial co iptlvatlng ihe civilians thr.HiL kind offices in the time? wl from Union ..tti.-.-i- were most appro? ?ted be Bubaequently bacaaae str.>i favorite anwog the military "f the city la i sil. when the several volnnteer coi panlee arare being orannlsed, which we Bfi rwsrda formed Into the Flral Rei Tient, Virginia Volunteers, Cotoi : Oi way, who bad by thl? tune th i himself nith the people, wa of the "Sidney Grays, ,11. i wards known as Company I?. Ol tl First Keglnient. In OctOb?IT, Is71, When lufflcli ni number of companies had b ?rannlaed ?n 'his dty to form n regimen be present First Regiment ?>f Vlrgml Volunteer? was formed, with Colon? ol.n A. Sloan, as its lirst colonel; Joli ?. Whit, h-..<!, li.ut.ii.iiit-colone-i, an w rl ? 'i.lw.iy, major. Major Ordway was very actrrs in pro noting the Interests of the military, an? rery pouter with all the olncers am n. n of Lis .-..1111111111.1. In l?7ti. wh.-n thre ompaniss ?>f the First Ragunenl ConJ itnies A. B, and C, under Captain: .ouls J. Bossieux. Charles T. Blnfonl nd J. L. Waring, respectively -dot? i lin.d tfl gO Ittto Damp B! Philadelphia uring on.- w.ek ?.r the Centennial, Itejc vit.iit Ordway went in command oi h. m, and It was his boast that he wa: i command ?if the finest body of troop li?t participated in the ?n-at parade oi Uly 4, 1876, In Phiiud. Iphia. These Richmond ecmpiinies were, th? rst southern soldiers to parade in the lty of Broth'-iiy I...v.- "imv the UUI nd their reception and ente**talnm? "it an on the most Isvlsb seile, much ot bleb w-as ?lu?- ta the too? that ihay .re commanded by Albeit ordway leery where the Virginia troops w? iiu.i. .1 for their tint- a**pearanea and tidlerly bearing an?l comluct. and Oov n,.r Hartianft and his staff. In full llform. paid them the compliment of siting the Virginia camp, and witness When .Major Ordway sign?.! In Uli to no to Washington to . ? . his many Manda here regretted ax? edingly to part with him. He was also member of the Board of Aid- im.ii for le term. lili.le? nt Ihe Soldier?' Home. Bichmoiu!. Vu.. November ?, 1897. > the Ddltor of th.- Dispatch: \t the re^ue?! of the departmental ?U lintendent Of soldiers' and sailors' work the East-End Woman's Christian Tern ran??? Union, I usk space in your col ins to correct a iiilsi.i [''eh-nsion In rc rd to Bibbs al the .Soldiers' Horn.-, it ?ms that the Statement ha*, been made, tl the asme published, that this home is not supplied with Bibles, whereas our . ? Intend.'iit, ?sabove, felling quitsaur? it n.-ith-r 'his del :rtm?ni of her union, r like departments of sister unions, r.- negllgenl of such duties, made a sons! visit to the home, and was m *med that the Institution contain, i .re Bibles than Inmate?. Th tement was doubtless innocently m...i> t IB the absence of this correction .nlfest Injustice would be done to thi? artni.tit of "ur Woman's Christian nrmerance L'nlonfa general work, in Ich all local unions are inter?-.-' try respectfully, Mm W. M. BICKERS, responding So. r.-tary East-End Wo lan's Christian Temi<erun<?e Union. The K-hraaka Election. JNCOLN, NEB.. November 23?The clal count of the votes In th ?I November !d was completed tats nlng. Sullivan, the Fusion candidate Supreme Judi,.-. received 102,838, and It (Republican?, SO DOB. ompared with the vote on Governor a r ago, wh? n li .'union) re d 11?-il.", and McCail ?Republican) w. the Republicans made a large gain. oinl-, how.ver. ran ahead of his >t. the average Fusion plurality last r being In round number? lo,?J(W, while . year it U U,u)o. naries hat- I? ire to iinham ?sa nti hr "t , Mrs. I May il lor to Mb ird ot - t .'i'i.1 Is. J. aunty, on to com . for KA1 ItY'B OKCOIt \TIO\S. ' peti sands mper t the g" of w by ig its this lp in 'at ion it ?on, el in? you Ighly law want that ha.i,I , the We lame i w? Tn itlrin evils I In th?' mar and Bea? med nar b-tt ; i w | udy it?-? and In els, Lilly . . end |tS ti vlll of the !? H in ult of ill l?e .li? nn i? t ml nt all lie I.I.- That The) Ulli He Plan In the I iinuieaaiiililll l,il.rnr\. (New York Herald.) Tho family of tho late Commander M. Maury has been approached by the co mittce having charge of the new Unit States Library nt Washington with pi posais for obtaining possession of the I ng and unique collection of DSedj tlone, etc.. bestowed on this dl t_ngulsbsd scientist by the crowned lieu of Eurooe. Tb? collection consists of twenty-ti gold and ?liver nuil ils, given by I'russl Austria, Norway arid Sweden, HollaTi Belgium, France, the POPS, Sardinia, at iti.-m.-n; three Bofifssf mtdal?. given i Kngliind, Belgl-m, ami liatavi'; four d corations?the Ctennebrog, the Tower, ai Sword, St Ann and OUT I_idy of Gam!. loupe?given by Denmark, Portugal Ku si i, and M.-xico respectively (two o?h? rs St. lasopolt-, from Belgium, and the IjAgU of Honor, from France?were ruturned i Maury's death to the monarohs who gm them, but UMBB doubtles? could be dl plicate?!); a pearl ami diamond l.t. from the. CflBT of Russia and a. diamoe pin from the unfortunal? Emj.?-ror of MS] lOO, a gold and sllv.-r casket contalniii a gift from th. Lords of the British A? mlralty, and a f-ilv? r SSI vice from th merchants and. o? Ne York. TIMM honors were conferred upe. Maury by the governments mentioned ll token of respect and admiration excite? and benefits conferred by his "Wind an? Current Charts," his "Sailing Din ?nd his ''Physical Oecgrapby of th? ?sa" on the na.I ' i "f the world th.- suggestions, improvements, and dl? ; ma?!.- by Dim with r. the Atlantic submarine cable, his "StSSJl UUMB" across thS Atlantic and Padfl? and as th" originator of th? present system of the Weather Bureau. Congress has now under discussion a ' petition from Boston to erect on on? of th. govsrnmen ressrvatJon? a monu m?nt to this groat American, In grate? ful remembrance of the bsnefll ferred on the navy Bad Bavlgntor? bv Maury's discoveries of the secrets that | "rovern and contro; the movements >.'' the atmosph?re and th.? oceans." On Ifaury*? "Wind and Curreat chart?" ami from Maury's plans and msthodl thS present vvorl?! renownt?! United States Pilot C!. isd monthly by' th?? r.ureaii of Hydrography of tin United Stete? Navy, ara bullt and con? structed. The largest and handsomest of the gold medal.--, tin- great Coomoa mi was k1v.ii to Maury by the King of Prussia. It wi ?'ruck for the famous msteoroioglst ami phllosophsr, Baron Humboldt, ami nt his requssi was ?lupti cated for Maury. These two are th? only on.-s In existen??-. All th?' Other gold medals, except tin' Austrian fiom France, one from Belgium and th. Pope's were struck in Maury's honor, and have no dupUcab This ?-oll?-et Ion. Maury's friends and admirer? think, should nol bfl scattered 1 among his heirs and hid in privat. ?rher? thieve? may ami ?teal ?ir tir?- may destroy, but should be gathered to pressrved and exhibited with by the United Btab ment as B tribut?.? paid to an illusfious and an object ! ?On that future ganara? tiens of the youth of thts country may strive to ->- started n;'- poor, uad by his own effort? became tin- distinguished me teoroli ?1st, hydrogrspber, an?. ? omnilltee ?if t'oiiferi'iie?? of S. A. R. To th?: Editor of th.- Dispatch: The Virginia I th? Aiaerlcan Revolution are obliged to you tor the which you t Bunday of a in ratifying the plan of ''nion with th.- Bons of the Revolu? tion, which was adopted bv th.- two na ti?.nal Bocletlea in Cincinnati last Octo? ber. PleaS? allow im- to supply an omi in the report of th? C mmlttee of con? ference with our brother? of the other solution which we p ommitt.r live whi.-ii th.- president was to appoint. When h?' it- _ motion w.i.? made I that he Should be a member ..! sail ...illicit:..- and its .hairman. "The full list. Including ii.- ihr..- whom you mentioned, con i ?idem Cb U. Williams. ex-President William Win Henry, Professor John P. HcOuIre, C i.-i John 1?. Cary, and Dr. Eteeert A. Brock. In Savannah, Ca., In UM, the National ,.t to.- i<? volution" officially told national society here in Richmond that "th?- existence "f two separa:. B, with Idl Otll al ob j.- t? ami i; id.-iuical narms, where one Strong ?0 ; to exist, is an anomaly which psrplexea th.: public mind, sxcltss ?listrust h Mck ties, provoke? injuri?_iis com mants, alls? iti th? sympathy of many descendant? "i" Revolutionary nh? aid 1? asedad, ami strious ly int. rfersa with the patriotic work to which both of tl te sincere? ly and equally ?1? voted." Th.?.- reasons for union aro cogent unanswerable. We hope that th- Vir? ginia "Sons of tiu- Revolution" will be Botuatsd by them a- w. bars bean, and help us to extirp?t?- the d? plora ble "am - maly" which their own comrade? have so soundly scored. Youis very truly, HEX iil.AKV; MINOR. Richmond, November ..'. IWl. I ii? I rii?-11 ii_. Itepi e-eiitnt ? \ ? ?. (Lynchburg News.) Th.- Emporta Messenger and tbe Rich mond Dispatch are discussing tin pro? priety "f holding auss-meetlngs in tno several counties of th?- .?'at. to Instruct their representatives in the Legislature on the subject of retrenchment and re? form. There are two sides t.. this ques? tion. Nobody .-an object to meetings ot any number of citizens to express th- ir opinion on any public question, but when such a meeting of >itiz?-ns, whether lew or many, assumes to instruct an accre? dited repreaeatatlv? of th.? p.-opie?why, that Is a different thing. The members of th? Legislature are elected by the people, th.- whole peopie. an.i delegated to perform certain duties The> chosen because tin? people have conii dence in their ability to perform th.- du? ties required of then. How. then can a fractioti of th? people of any count. sura.- the authority t.? instruct th.- ? n renn tentativa of the whole county? a delegate mlj,ht properly ?lis? gratuitous instructions of a mass-meeting and r.-mind his Instructors that he rt s. i.t? ..ll th pe.,tde of the county, ami that they expect him to exercise his own Judgment and support such m.-asun-s B> in his opinion will promote, the wetter? of his constituent? and the Common? wealth. Th.- case might be different it all th?- VOl is lu a county or City, Of even a majority of them, sh?.ui<i unit? In advocating a particular measure, but un ordinary mass-meeting is never com? p- ?.-.I . r all the voters of a county or city, or of a majority of them. There? fore, it i? arrogant In any ordinary m meeting to assuma lbs authority to in? struit, and any delegate is justill.-d In disregarding the instructions of a m stilt, mass-meetings are u a? it iieations of public sentiment, but the resolution? adopted by th. , only the consideration to which their intrinsic merit entitles them. They can? not properly be regarded as blndiug In- : structions, ll?? ?-? lu Europe. khJ-agton Poet.) "We h. ar a ::..<..( deal ,.f on, s(,|e of the ' nment fostered sugar industry. ? ?irled ?n in ."ranee and then is a phase ??r It that Is not generally I known In "tills country." ?aid i?.. T. 1.? i- ' ser. ??f New Yoik, .a Ohambertin's. "Ev?r> body knows thct 1' , lts rowers of t.?-?t-sugar an export bounty s in Franc.? 'thi* summer, and was .-.hat surprised t.. nottcs the prie- of 'lie average ? a pound. This same bounty-fed sua-tr goes acriwis the Channel and 1? sold in England tor -1 and 5 cents a pound not ov. r th- last-nam.d figure. Now. on, *_U has been to d Imosl entirely the sugar-rehnlng business of Greal Bri? tain and I think that at least 7,U0u peo? ple have b??en thrown out of employment Now for the other side: Owing to th?' tvemandous Importations of cheap sugars there has been in England a wonderfui Increase, in the businees of pr. fruit?, of making ???.nfeet.on_. can?b othi-r goods in which sugar Is thi constituent. Where one man ha?, lost work through th. closing ot the rcBn_ b) A l -ll , .. ta. be thi W I 8Cl ? ?? ad. t'i; leg CO) th. sut i :> ?1 .-:? desli SCI! ?lern Ten rie*, six hnye Been abiA to get employn In tho lines of Industry ?" greatly stl lated, Not only was there a big | here, bul Bngland has been givi?n a w market for the, sale of Its sw?-?*ts an?l i, being enabled to undersell '.th.-r countries. ThM Inf? rmntlori I g: i??l from the most reliable sources, .not b?.? disputed Th? suits show (luvt the bounty business I kind "f double-edged swora, that may t as well ss for the notion that therein." -SS - Fell by Ibe 'Wayside. A young man whose bom? la in B <r> ty not far from Richmond came to if, "luy with s m?'mb? r of his fax who wished to visit u d'-ntlst. The coi ?!r?.v?- to town In a buggy, and ! Ing his charge with the dentist _ man drovi ibl? and pul his team; th? n h?- v! . and In a remarkably short whib- 1 forgotti n everything but that salo. arer? in town, ii- was picked up b> nan and taken to tb? Secori'I S lion. His clothes were dirty sad to th.- hat was out ?,f ?hape, hu lacs bloody, and he didn't know ?There b? w He took a nan in one of the 1:1 list night SB? l"t out after h.- I paid cost? H? did riot know whir I happened t.? him, ami ara? glad r.? i away. He sal.I he was going right h<? n as be wnt by the denl after hin n latlvs, who bed I there. _ Police ( rnellle? In Snn Frnnelaci (Lsslle'a We. I Th" police of San Francisco are i Hi looking body of men, and their '?on. .1. They an terror to .wrong-doers, and with go reason; for they have a method of su dulng rlOtOUa and disorderly perso which ?s uniqn? levere. Th have organic ?i a glea club, and ba ysti m Ltlc nu:?,. r.? apprehe a malefactoi 'in > do not use loca as the New York policemen do, but gi . lube and j'i?t sing th.- wretch ?lew something powerfully ? t h.- i ..ii.' ii- n' - chorua : rom "Th? l rate? i fetch him. < 'runhiala in their 11 have I ' for ?list at : listen t" ibes.- stern ' law rendering ' th Tl? th Hinds." or "What Sh ill the Han and cocae out "i jail changed men. Tl gOOd on?- thai th?'i-e . inj er of it?- gem ral adoption. British Lusses in Itcloootilalnn. LONDON, November 8. Ac b dispatch t.. tl from Ha_n, town id" B. ! prOVil ' . of Cut?'t Nundava, at th?- south ?'ntran. Hol?n pass. Lieutenant Jom - Yorkshire Regiment, was killed, an Lieutenant Watson of lb mint, severely wounded during the ..t.. rations near fctatei under Sir Wllllai Lockhart. A-?i_iim?-iii ?it AVilmiiiKton. WIUflNOTON, N. c Novemb H. Flsn ly-made < lotB Ing, mad" it. isslgnment to-day. Thi estimated at $25.000, are said ti , _c<. d th.- llabilltli i h rencei amount to H2.000 or 113.1 ?. Ptasl?sasy ??f iraKuny. IIONTBVTDBO, NovembSf B. BssWI Gomensoro has consented t.. be candi? date for the presid? my. and he win ro? th? support of th. united groupr 1 to :??. n?.r Cut Armor for the KB-UraOUrgre. BBTHLEHBlf, l'.\.. November U.-Tnt lompany to big shl armor-plat? for tb? Kearsarge to Newport News, D? * YOUR TRADE WANTED. Will _five yi.ti more t'i?r it than niiy Shoe House in tin? city. \v?. "*o_ur_--tee One -toller's Worth of Shoe? for tl, end "Entire Sntisfncriiiti." Besides) will pay <\ yini for tin- privilege. I Our $2 Shoes Bin ?w Equals [ and No Superiors. SH UM ? IM'S CASH COUPON. Cut it ?.nt : it ?s worth Be. toUOa.. 1 eeeording to your purchase. Beleei jroor Shoes,eJKitDsettle mentpresent this Coupon and gel ebeolately free OH A lft.00 SHOK, ibe. ON A ?1 00 MloE. if)?-. ON A ?3.30 SHOE, I? A t '.'in SIIO?, ' ? ?... 0 BHOK, in?-. OS \ ..' 00 ?HUB, ... "v- A ?1.0 ' Mio.. This Coupon ?jixj.i to Dece-ibsr 1. II Charles Ja Shuman, 101 Es Broad St, l^??e?-*???0???,^_P^ S?-,*v? (no 1 4-.?>u,Tu_r.Th) 0 YIKI.IM A EDLXATOItS AKK you teachim; IGILL'S HISTORY OF VIRGINIA0 11. MAMIA?tl) MHIIOI, 11IV. OH I MT OIR ST A'IK, BY MAItV TliKKK VIA (.ILL, ol ?\ .m-li?-M?T. Vs. Che Bist edition or itus a.story was pre n l at the r? qui al of Virginia ?du in aras adopted for public?scb?x>l 1 whllv Ir. US. It lias ben readopted : ne. In it it Is lovai to tin j for v>hi. h the -out h fought, whll th.- ?am? Hin?- it Inculca t< al devotion to our Ueneral Qovern nt. it n pronounced on? tb? delightfully written books in KriKlish Ii irom stari fiiii-l: 9 to both youn_ A VIKOIMA IllMOHV, IT HAS XO UQIAL. Imo.?374 puK?.s--8ubst:tntlall>- bo?and ii, th. fully Illustrated, a _ndi r itract with the State Hour.I of y i for school use at II j i ;, ,,, bought from bo? ?sellers trirou.rrn.ut al that prie?-, ?i? tda] ,?.,,, , 1 i,, made to t>oth public ar..! privat. ools for tirs? Introduction. Specim? i : ?aamzinatioo with vi.w to ption by county and city school i?is. princip?is, and t?ach?rs of col s, and privat? schools i?t 60 eeni y. which amount will Urst order for supply of boolcs _fi,r h adoption. For full .?articular* au or Wilt?' to y j. P. ______ rowi?._??Y, PaUtakova, LYKf'llllI R.O, VA. (se a-Th.HuftTu ) IARVEY & CO., FLORISTS, 0. 5 West Broad 5treet. VlOi.KT.S, CUT UIWKRS, rWkXAL DKSK.NS. N'D i)KC(?RATIONS. CMen ? mail or wire promptly niti-ml to. oo.ll->a,Tu._T_:ia_ J HYPNOTISM. TICE.-A Tll?Koi till HYPNOTIST es to POR-I \ 1 l.A-s in THK :SCK f)F UVI'.NOTISM. A full un anillnx of th? ?cl?-ni'<_ _'. . ta reusonable. Addr,??.. c. D. ?.. tni_ t, no _*-Tu/i.??,t?a?t?iMv y* t<i ot in C a. p.? OBI Ml Inf v. I ?BU .-fl? att? ain der ,r. ail tn ind rt ? a rut lr. HI MM ss VVAATS. ' ''?-- ?-vv For City Sergeant: D. O^ullivan EIGHTEENTH AND MAIN STi This Is an instan; where the office want the man. Why ? Because he * is th only man who know HOW to FEED Till MULTITUDE. Thisi. no miracle, either. 5.000 1.1. leal 45l s pounds N..w Mount ?. BiMOEt . ?)l 3 pounds Finest .- Jl.O OoO Marta:. . /?C ! full quarts l o-.. ?.000 ? ,,r H,:t, OC Hummer Boap, .ii t ? ni. ?OC. Apples, A on. P?'.-k . iwt, EU0 bushels New I ) ?? Potatoi .--, p? r ? * ?Uw. it. psehagt? . 1 ?3C Cider \ ;: .-. i . allon . -vv. t, large si/.- . ?Jl, ten Large 1 on. re!, per don n . ovi. mothy 1".?,<V) bushels Fin Cora . rn Tlmoth p.-r hundred . City Milla Bhlpstuff stuff, per hundred . 50c. Vc. 50a 75c. Maple Syr-i" I I Larga i-strmg ? ! Lunch Tongue, and fresh . 25c. 15c *C 15c, 23C Cr? an mellow tli mu. v. ' I for th. . ?n town ? ii --oods a twice the pi I l*\* sell you all for m : 1 Flour Large balf-plnl i j?? . . Gelatin i"'1"?1 ?f . " , Vu ? . ou k-Can ly Syrup, Ort? gallon . . W?. 10 car-i Timothy */., Hay . . M 5.000 barrds Nun!. tierrlngs . ?I)?*'? pine Old Rj of. er pint . California Sherry Wi: 7". loa . 'w** Kidney ??in, for I 7R* . '? ? We have Mai li U't.-'l our BARGAIN POT BOILING. [? y??u want the* fini w i I fetch your baoket and one ?loi* Jar and we ?ruaran'.' to 3 on two dollars' worth o? goodl, Others got it. not you ? ? LLLG4M | ? BRIDAL ? \ SILVER. ? l ==? I Ai ?lie opi'iiitio; of the fall " a || . . wt 1??'^ tOnnnotinc? a 9 j?ne?' of Sterling Silver? * | has basjB fjramHf r?'?lu.-?- I. i A ? bnring r^eeted oui itock ? I grunt ''ni?- w i- m'.' now 0?V1 f i the iiM.-i Kl.KdA.N I' \\l>< '.\| 4 , PLETK Assoh CMI..M' I ? THE SOUTH. J } In radditioo thereto are ai ? j rt'ci'iviiij? ?lrtily inany g | NOW and Ixdusive Design? ?tni f , Patterns, a I rapiag?intlnf, all <>f the l?aadii tf iiiu!infit?-tiir?-rs ..? this count rt ? 1 gad fin furnish anj nri - f ??r .?nt >.f tli.-ir entgloguei al i factoryprleea. .hirimtr.iii.-.'aii I therefore Mve ?express chaffi/ei? T itvoitl i In* n-k ?>f f-gttinj* whai i they ?l?> not want, ami have ..ur 1 tf?iarant?'.* tliat ? .. Y M r.-pre-fiit?-.I?MB looo fine. t THE NOWLAN CO.. J 921 East Main Street. | (pe 3-B**,TsstTB3ai 1IWKI If? AM? lllliihllH?. ohn L. Williams & Sons Comer Tenth and Main Streets RICHMOND, VI. INVESTMENT BONDS, tiding on the investment from Ip*?? nt. to of per cent, net He ib? l?e pleasure in furnishing topa** our Bond Circultir upon applit?* m to parties interested. JOHN L WILLIAMS AMIS'?. .au ''i!-Tb.*?na lu! irds, Ulli-U erneut?. 1.* nia. Not? iic-?r.??. ?ce. arrested ??y ib> npsny ut low prl?.-?*?. - .1 work at MaUM patena *. ?i i > iri?r work. M?-aJ ae /our erdsr? will Buaraui'-?; jatWa.Uon w e??-f ttcular.