Newspaper Page Text
O_ TIIE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24, 1897. The Morning of the Store's Happiest Start The hritrlit ?mjm O? holiday ?hopoinst ]'<?,r tlnouirh nil this ,st??r??g life ami ?"ik with g i'Hili nnce ;iixl brilliancy that already ?ore-li.ulows its 'irepuratioiis arc liic most sumptuous ?tW at? tempted. lai-nacliiii-jr ol>lio-fttious hold this store r?*sjM>nsil?lo for all the extrava^;in??*s sod economies the l.icliiiioiMJ public ilt'inamlH. I jiwards of a. score c?f _i .1 is you have looked to the merchan? dise ?-roupiii^s of tin's stores tal? nt and success, and upon tho tt'iins of this subscription every country on th*? ?.'1?>Ih' lias 111 r.m.'-ed to contribute their care? fully best for SHOW ROOMS. To-Day the Basement alone presents the very dictionary of art and beauty, frith every corner of this ?jitat store as most ef? fective tempter. RKtl. Ulli V-.KI.S UkCafJ CIHIAI\S FOI Ql AKTKK T1IKIK VALUS. Any among nearly a thousand pairs ta S pair. Th.?<e goods w. re sold at am - tion kg th< fire underwriters, nnd are ?old to you n< damaged by water only. THE HOOK IM. \\s ere r-oBung to oompletlon '?ur grant i t I pea always gather? retnark aMa ofTerings. Boiaka af evary sort and size to dellg&i the Juvenile world. Books of every fatal thai will delight the < ?iris. ka of the old maatets la new, ;.t of the new, ln ten ting arrlters In the : atabla pota Peale for the little tots: Ti. edition of Mother <ioo?.es with <'v?r 100 engravings, .-d.iy 1!'.'. Children'? Larg? Board-Back '?....ks. profoaely llluatrat? : : d highly-colored pi< tur? lie. 1 1 Cut-? ?ut Ti- tur? Book? for 7c. Colored Illustrated B? oki for 4c. Board-Back Books, arlth illustrations, for Boys nnd ??iris: |i edition of Alger, end Cap. e Reld a 1 1 1 Any of the P Booka for QlrlB, Books for < Irown-Cp People : ll.l 1 in bande?me pad binding?, to-d.l Illustr?t? d Hound Booka, 28c.; 11 ones for fOc. j'..j.. r i ?olle, v t.-.. ? te. ?Uli I.KKAT Flit SKM.IM. is going oa h?**- Then la a inae that i i.i,y ever created to buy quick. Buch i'ur prices and so many pretty Ifur a r. n. \>r h.r?. before: ]: liai ', Victoriii. with storm Dol? lar, i ill .' i...ids. lined with fancy si k. for tli"?". Electric Seal stole. _ Inches long, 16 talla, Horra collar, fancy ?Ilk Untad, . I i . mi ill il''. S1S.S0 here. Imitation Stone Harten Collarette, 8 ran talla, : beada, for - ,lr;iw Electric Seal Stole Scarfa, with 10 Mar- gout tea, tu'-. j Im Imitation Mink S.-arts, with spring sliou mouths f..: M . I?. ,. Frei irettee. liigh, storm ..?.?d .-. II Canil.n.m Marten Collarettea, 8 tails and I lu.ids, ?'. Sliver ??luv Fox, life slz>-, a perfect gem, ?i-.'.'i. Coney, Collarettes, with coney tails, for Full line of Fur "Trimmings, Mack or Whit. Ancoi.t Knr. for i"?'. u yard, Ui KI' il II I'll m< il s hi. ine th? SO! \<lt W . Il bai 11:. ? il! T I:,!,. t. r Th? tat! ol'l BOCI tnoi mai Ule and un ?MCI m? :i or I dra\ that le-, i othe 'I THK MI>1K\SK ClDAK-liOOM Is crowded aa it never waa. The prices ere lower and the finish and tailoring superior to any ever offered. Specials for to-day are: Swill Coats of Tun Covert Cloth, flat back, vi-lv. t inlaid colluis, price il-..*?. 'Stylish M an-Tailored Coats, Un? d throughout with iMmun-stripc mIK, shield front, trimmed with buttons, price ?:m. I some Velvet Ruaetau inouse Coate, lined throughout with satin, beaded and braided, price 126; others up t.. rgu. Jacket of Imitation Persian Lamb, double-breasted, half lined, for ??4.19. Th. best M Boucle Jacket ever made. lacket <d Fancy Clolh. braid trimmed, tor tt.80; others up to 117.f?o. Silk I'lush ?'i.i?. s. full swe.-p. silk iin.-d, trimni.d with fur, for $' " " each Plaid-Lined cloth <;,?If Capea, from l?.9o to flO am Handaome Black Keraey, stitch? ed, tailor made, for IS- each. THK t IIIVA STOHi: IS HKADV. The dlaplal pat takes pf many open novelties not to be found .Is. where. The most beautiful I'hinawitre from land and at it smull profit advantage. Among them are: Th.- l-'ine.-t While Porcelain Butter Diahca for 10c, H.M Hand-Decorated Chocolate l*?.ts for ?te. l??ift Tea and Coffee cups for Be, each. Handsome "Trilby'' Toilet Set?, com pi. i,. 10 i-ie, ea to> | 3?c. White China "???ut or Turkey Plates for !? Decoratd Individual Butter Dishes for le, 9Sc. Austrian China Cracker Jars for ' Beautiful 10-lnch Jardinieres, various shapes and coloi I Cnderglase Decorated Toilet Sets for I 15c. White China Howls for 5c. XKAKl.Y nVB THOUSAND DOL .Aitri' WORTH OF ill SIB iRowvAitr. ar ca?h down. The Houseware things ere bought with the view that the tOW rlcea ahould clean them up before all ?ie Toya wer?- opened. The prices ai? bou^ a quarter and half the usual low rtleed ones. The goods the v?-iy ?-at known the world over: BAUCEPAN8, 1 ?tuart. lite. ; I quarts. *' ? . ; 3 quarts, fafv. ; 4 quarts, M * " ""' /. ..r Uotstijw Pan?, 10, a, and KC. for th**JP?irgfst. l'lsti Pana, it? quarts, Mc.; 14 quarts, fjde. : l? quarts. 91c.? _i quarts, use. Bucket?, with Covers. 1 .mart. 9e. ; Z quarte, Uc.; 3 quarts, Me,; 4 quarts, 3Zc. ; 9 ?|uai i - Milk or Pudding Pana, 1 quart, bC; 2 (?narta, 12c.; 3 quart?, 15c; 4 quarts, |g iking Pana, 6c. Coffee-Pot?, 11-S ?marts, 10c.; 2 quarts. Sfac; 4 quart?-, 4?c. ; & quart?, fuit. 0 quart?. ?9c. soup leadle?, 2e. . KCIA1.S AKK: :\?i?l-Sift.if. for So. Large Japanned Lettered Cake Boxen, 19c. ja? panned and Decorated Toilet Set?. 19c. ?Is. 2c. 1-pound Cake Mould??, m. Pte.p|atea. le. Canister? for 8c. li?-?iuart Hlocked-Tln l>l?th i?K Ruuala Iron Bread Pans Be. Jai.anneu Coal Vane?, 90c. U-lnch ? 0..1 llthlu, lo-, HE COHEN CO. tratli havii lee (. cure l>lant thai what that him 1 being stron airea? you. m? mi No? eallin me 01 me oi Of .III well p .11. . a 1 do 1 getbei and J BO tO Of tli board? i.ioi li io reo little v and m Heat stay ii a .1 e . used t she h. I am i times ; for Jo? Jim || taught 1 knov I'al.ell' remind !.. tell 11. aal at the clal in l the rBi turn v. . s . I in r. dr. But Sin by a re in due ? on lu? ll..nt. a called l me. but and, bet tie boy for me. Tea? 1 S- \ ellth n.ake n tn.!. th further 1 again s? .sir??-t, ?: Th natura -f. probat But from f debilit dred a< becaus enougl Scot liver ( phites ; tion, g nerves, tyood. ?*aCOTT BUSINESS-MEN ?EET. put together. See the fBeSBl OOfiab_??d _balaaoe aheeta of our banks we have the ?fmnia for nil the money we want, and |n i.lent In this I am not afraid ol Rlchmond'a or Virginia's future, ghs is ih<? chosen ?pot of choeen eoaatry in climat?? and resoiir. < s - In nil. Hud it not be?.-n so our forbeara and the forbear? ? Washington and l?e?? would have settled elsewhere; none could have Hindered the m, and it Is for ti? t.? carry It to It? highest d? v?-lopnietit with untarnished num. and fume a? now ?nd sa of yore, Gentlemen, a? dweller? h.n- ?r? BBS? a wonderful heritage that caniea with it graal re? sponslbillty. 1 am often appalled away mid fur from home anywhere and every? i whsl being n Virginian atanda (Or. It Is all that Is honorai.le. ThABSOl is ?rho have been guilt] of lapa onsidered eegcncnitc. t)nr teacblnga are Btperiahahle. AI tbi closing ai Aope? nattox, the foe hemming In on every fee, B brav? North Carolinian said to da m<n: "Lei ua die here." l say to We BOB aroun.l me: Lei us live here; lit us roth togethi l ; lei us <-o-??perate; let us se the ?r. ;it fore?' "association" that a ecent distinguished speeAer Habed with t. am and l.-?-trlclt>'. s?.?, gentlemen, my letter is read, sad onsMerate a? my dear rrlend oyall, l would conclude you had beard rtough, and stop, or otter to do it. as h< Id, in his .iiis'tiy-c.iei.iatei lecture on 'aterloo, but to proceed: Now. as to the u r Hi- it ion of our water? mir, s? a basia for Industries, I em holly ?n B) mpathy ? Itfa it. I h.-lieve th.i iy has in that a gr?ai Bod distinct ad? ?atage. i i.? lleve the eleotrlesl people ?mil be encouraged to com.- hero, and at every present manufacturer should tronlse them, if it can be shown he ike.? no aa n Iflce to do so, and tb< > can ow thai they hove the power. A for -. I am Wilting to ai'opt it to-morrow; leed, we bave eontraoted conditionally .-a-lv. "he city f.f Richmond was the first to 'ft the trolley system; she abould not a laggard In the ?rater-power electrical \. ! would impress any OBS to BO? iv in Ehirope the us? <>f water la sup rating 'il" of coal. We .should ban-ss? wat? r-power, it n "l III )N I ?'S P( ?SSI HI LITTJ-S, Jchmond, as a manufacturing centre, ? a population, urban and suhuthan. people, largely engaged In maim luring, with a great number of me? id, s already ?loniicilcd. offering otbers i'-ty. si-hoois. and good homes ?a corn it.:.- houses at reasonable renta a ket unsurpassed and climate excellent. v it is past belief how far This enters ' Richmond's welfare. One of It? ntosi lable possessions la the presen? ol large, si - r< ?pectin? i lasa thai repre a our" mechanics. The* offer to new era associations which tbey gladly race. Thes? men constitute sa assit ia:k?/l a- ..ur wa I? i-| ow .1 ; and to r> to the Ix>conwtlve-Works, which is ?,, for i" inu before roo, tbe fact in sixty .lays i am enabli i to muster m? n to run them alone gives sa mous value to the plant. This would i an extravagant statement but for fact that l can show thai it cost t sum to bring this situation about it was i h.ap ai any prli e i can re i the shops, if destroyed, in 0? : i could not ?ducat? my men in lany years- and upon tin nucleus W? w? can graft many more, and hav thi-m educated, has silenced one ol Missling snd oft?n-ask? ?I questions ol I ears I a- k, " v\ hi re will you gel men In an agricultura, communltyr1 I .m. is a distine? encouragement to em in an enterprise In Richmond, that 'an g. t in? n to Com? hi I and that like it. and that our own ni''; learn ly Id. rations of so < nterptlse are. snd material - having hist, a.? a mat cours?. a mo li m plant with power, li i. thai '<- i" ? b< ap traaspor? i. is easily had. 'i'ln- labor, though irily hard to grt, .-. havi alt. ady d. and . ach new project gives Rich a ireatei reputation aa a laboi it, and we have the latent talent ol ..t us ready to come, .inline they s. tt:.- permanently with y own estimate, though possibly in. ?te, la that In normal timea 1,0? mployed means thai I re dtisens, aine BO, and lor the tin?.- t part ale th.- country round about; a, w? educate our own people, and homi. i tractlng fn.'in without K Mia H INK s' INSTITUTE. ? 'th;s thojgbl is in my mind 01 H upon ?mi own and the States <r mat.-rial for ?killed labor : say that our t? chill, ai School !.. encouraged, l wish thai it could lowed it would mean m ? ?nd ol o ua as a community. As an ,uus of t?o foregoing, i will say thai bi-.-n appoint? 'i one of the commit - the Chamber of Commerce t?> m - il;.- localtlon of the armor ;?iat, i wrote Commodore Melville t" ass ) lin.i out, ii be could unofficially, he requirements were. He ?rrotc ?aw ??ne of the board, who lave ? easentlala, the first requirement 'men and a i??>-' city." Thla was confirmation of the views I bad jotted down here to present to id .shows how wise is the Ginter St. gentlem.-n. Mr. I'hairman Chbell upon m?- to help him out remind? limon Cullen, and Blmon reminds loe Bldgood, and Joe remind? me Mcllttiie, BO tin- s?ri?taiy had as on some fiesh logs, snuff the can? i m., a ..".ah. r bowl of punch, for t see the end. We all roomed to Immediately after tin- war. dim in Cowannn being In an annex, eak thai is, the room at the end passage opening Into ours. \\ ? with .Miss Lizzie Bldgood, two ibova on Main street, and I wish I. just here, that a better, braver gian nevi r lived than .Miss Llxxle, recollection? of ber are the kind suppose 1 thought her l.rav?- tO be house with us. and then there i. t .- a house full of others. She keep a sharp lookout on us, ami a vary good offset on rm-, i>ut ri y t?? say my roommates sum, - ay. .1. in truth, if it had not been lid good's good Influence, I i" lle\ ?;tn< would have i ulm d me, He ie pretty much all tin- devilment Bui as i was aajring, Landon transferring tils burden to rae. we of a story Blmon Cullen use re Used tO tell each other lots. when the cadets were quartered orhbuse during the war. the ape. tution s?,as .u algbl t" latber in Ig ball, eU'iose a cad? t. who in id choose soother, to fleht, Bad in i; ii he Bad another hoy who small, would cower la the col - un?; du- certainty <>f their turn. ti s .?.l his d|streae ?-- tempered Jutioh h.-.had formed, which he irse put Into affect When called ose his littli friend and confl I didn't sjiaie him. Bo, Landon, ?! ! serve his city, calls up..;, i tins' you are the sufferers, les, Simon was soirs for the lit? I beat, but l_tiuioii has no pity HAT MAY BE HUNK. ntlemen, in lhHo i roomed at mi Mam, and every day would way through tbe burned die commenced, at this corner and th? noith side of the street I?? s'il? t. the beginning feet below Thirteenth the north Bid?; and half way iin flesh? Perhaps it's erfectly well, this is y the case, many are su.Tering ?quent colds, nervous , pallor, and a hun ?es and pains, simply they are not fleshy I Emulsion of Cod il with Hypophos rengthens the diges? ts new force to the md makes rich, red It is a food in itself. '. and ?r.oii, all _0WN_,__w?ku.N?wYsrs. i si. mi ? qi 1. or 1 the the lie rllil the big! Iteo I mar COtl' Will, ' H Bent \. t the th. i gres N. will st i III 111 ?our only the 1 tram sura term Ister (S) we a ua is com have our i (?Teat parei nothl skill grant tbe pan.1? if no our t with 1 shall htindr cated . sperl t?. wo theref direct Will I Rlcbno merit. equip] ta< hi ?: h. i- of c:.) i W? un power I? real incline age la lleeess not ob posai here, 1 BOWl r althoui wat er-1 di er? i - certain a grfHt should, pri v? nl S. e of 1 our ve further w at'T. than t? facture natural claim tl taken ahould i a manu coal ml t< I'fol'l Here I the h?a citizens Water-p. n ductlo for man <l> Ml Style T rares. "I built, an g] assit. conditloi TRAN (.'.I III.? Facilities that th.s WS have Norfolk I Pennsj It borg and Hin.-, an. not lu- loi Baaboard. much coi South At ha v.- the Potomac, way conn and th? a more. J'In no. him.; Ol port on f News; an by sail ve ..ur | .sit h it behoovi the best lesson? i there? Ith Traffic l!u initii ; an James rivi il? bureau predated, progressiv? and i which appi of tin- ofty UM*i in th alt ?i for tl burasua N for y? ai - I of our citls .v. r Jamal dium. but for It. and Vluilble gu re rat. bin nions, river, are I ?I? lelopm. h the United plan ot glv potdtion Is thai > hearty su? ; prevent ?>th from ing but a i tween Fourteenth and Fin.-.nth on the south sl-l- t.. Mr R. W. I'owera ?i drug atore. where Mr. K.lward Coh.n. who was riving n..- . mpl.iym? nt. ? **- b,r.,k''r__ offlc. that Ik, he waa paying Mr. POS 11?.? a on.nth for a window, with apace i??> ?Im, i.d i hat we tun COU? no' sit down at the name time. That rent was the Wisla of Mr. 1''. fortune. I nt? never ror get th.- of September, 1*5- Th?- burn ..I bricks wen bo many furnace*', and. In? di..!, in aome, In many, place?? the fir??? u.i,. ?till ?mouldering. A rnercilee? ?un. ? ? cotton shirt, a black a ' Bud a perfectly raw back, are one and all und aitot,-etlj?r Inseparably connected in my mln<*_Mth the t. habilitation of Richmond; tnil.le.rth?'!. Hnhmond Is rehabilitated. ,\n i. having seen in-r rise from poverty un? asnea, bat young maa dead, lo Bar ?resent ??t?te of wealth and beauty, antB 1er young m? ti alive, shoui.l I not ?n \...? to .inliark In cnt.rprls. s. md v.-t myself In the prime or life, hop* nvs.if t.? see prtjepenty, ?esa piled on . Hon. resting upon her seven hills'' Mr. Crfnshnn'a Forcible A*l?lr?*?a. Mr. Tligg*? sfteech was pUBCtUBted by pglauas, which was Iic.'.rty and pro ' BS in' 101,. luil.-d. Mr. S. J?abtiey renabaw, pr. Ident of the itlclimoml h- mi.-al-Works, was next introduced, ni tb livered a most forcible address, S ?aid: Mr. Chairman: r have a? eptad your in t.-.tloti with ilifll.l, i:ce. for not only am an unpiiiciie.-d ?pnskrr. but also unac latonosd to the preparation >.f a profan* mal thesis on any subject. My apology r venturing to giv< w thoughts, th.y occur t?. a piain manufacturer, ust be my devotion to at-d Interest in r city. riie subject suggested -"How to sttmu a Ifanufai iones and New Enter iscs" is a big one. and I could not un rtak". if ah?.- t.. do bo, i" really ' I h ground in the limitol Um.- at ?>ur posai, to say nothing of the fact thai i other geotlecnen nave already dis* ted of the subject bo ably and fully, 1 1 Dsighl add. by right of pre-? inp'l ion. y have already given you pomu of my r thoughts on the subject. :i this day of close margins It Is n? - aary to have superior, or at least lal, conditions to coinp.-ie successfully; refore, it Is necessary to first MM what conditions a:-.- to determine what eon iy Improve, which will stimulate nufacturlng. In the early history o? nufaetuiing hundred.?- of years ago, b great margins between the prices raw materials Bad 11N l:ni-h..| plo? ts, an i but fi-w p.opi. who even an ROOd that primitive method >.f con? ting the one into the other, the word m!.n Hiring meant really what Its t derivation means -making by band but little regard had to be given to minding conditions. l'OINTS THAI' AKK IN V? ?i.VKl?. >w. for successful manufacturing; one t. from an Ideal standpoint, In. on il fooling wllh competitor?; a.s to? 1 'ust of mw materials I'ri? - and skill of labor. coal ?u pos. i, wbi ther water Ity. Machin, i y of most Improved typ* Sit her a home (i.e. local) market for nanufa? tui d product : if heavy rr have the sales area. limn, d bj n, t r Srst-clesa transportation '? thai UUlble great distribution for light.-r goods whose weight and r price make the freight cost a small . oin| iirativ? ly. or Ix/th. -sat, but no) Lust. Brat-cl isa and ante :it. for without this all other tions may be superb and yel failure i be almost InevM course, some one of these Idea! ee lls may be Inking, and n nterpi Ise i" suc? i sful, on rig to ..e of other conditions to an ti? nal '?.'gr. ? , but the more m conditions exist favorably, the ST the chanc-s for su. HOW ore CITY STANDS. t. it t us s?-., how our ?-ity Btl di tbeee Idea] eondltion?, aa tms i ? atly help us in deriding late manufacturing. : Raw Materlala -This, M -. dl pi lids on what the material Is. ?earing in mind that in cas.s tetter? iw material is no? Indlgenou 'I't'tatiori facilitlei are the I ? of r.-iw mal r?ala ...| the beat and this subject J will com, ... rice nnd Skill of I .a Lor--As to prie luredly hold OUr own, as labor with not higher priced iban our averag? and as to skill, while W? . lug.- numb? r of skin, d p. ople In i.i- t, i conaid? r th?in la room l >r mprovemenl In thlwdlrectlon, com witii many other communities, and I win do more to lncr< ase Ihta than t. ehnlcal education, lioo ther? fore, that the work beg m bj [echantes' Institute ma}- ! under the newly-suggested name. i's own, until w.- shall have In List another Stevens Institut. . training schools and shop- wtn.-l, innually turn out semes, if not ds, of young nun, not only edu heoretlcally, but ready b\- actual nee In the institute shot.? t?. etari k practically and int. Ilig -ntly. I. re, make here my Brat mark ol .(.plication tO OUT teat Nothing ore stimulate manufacturing in nd than the organisation, develop m.I maint, nan?'.- of a thoroughly d t-chiiical school, with shop- Bl bo as to yearly increase our num ducated skill..1 workmen. .st of Power As regards wat.-r, ?ubtedly have thousands of aoi unnlng to waste, so that are have avantage la this, aa? epl that i to think that this progressive apidly making electrical POWOT B y. and that we should, therefore, -* herald with pleasure th.- pro* r suggestion of tins being don? it also gfve all the aid in OUT i its fulfilment. As regarda eoal, i th.' fullest development of our War, as abov suggested. WOUlO its Influence, n.\. rtbeli - purpoeea, coal must ever remain i ictor in manufacturing, an ? wi ther. fore, us.- ev< ry Influent i to the existing practice whl? h ?.? Irglnia coal being carri? d tnrougli r city, trananorted eighty nui. s by rail and .'.'?I !.. I.'?-? mil. - 1- | nd deltvi i. .1 at even lower price many of our Richmond manu i, thus robbing us ..r on,- of our advantages Furtbermort i s to be a short-sight.d and mis di.-y for railroads, as BO ",;? i th. Ir cal at a lower price thai acturer on their Une, for 11 idily increase In f i his difference in price of coal I'lefor., I stick my second !"-?-' ! lti-.g irianufactiiring. by nrgiia.' ii. sl support and work of ..ur o insure the dev.lopm.M i f our ser on the Miagara plan an.1 ?n price of coal to a minimum facturtng purpoi hinery of the Most Impi adltlon is lik. aome bora? , a to ail " if the plant be ni a ij thereafter intelligent and pro il.i nag. m. lit must see tha t this l-i maintained. IPORTATION FACILITIES Cot.I .. i.- Harkel ami? Transportation I believe it is admittedly true aril b us an- g... d. To the Weal the Cheeupeuke and Ohio snd id Western, and practl? nia via Richmond, Pied? ricks Potomac; It? the South We ha\. in railway, the Atlantl practlcallji and I Ii.?|h- it win before I can ?ay actually?the which three systems pretty rol the transportation of tin title States 'I',, the North, We d Fr> d> ri.kshurg and rlth ils close IVnitsylvai. il.m. the line via West Point .?rater lines t?? Norfolk. Bait!. i. u ma. and New fork, opportunity for Import and i ? ir terms through Newport last but not least, all-water s.i whl|e ail thla means thai for distribution is exceptional, us t.. see that il is ufed t" .-. . and there are two ivould inculcate I.i connection h.- one. th.- importance of the I'HU Of tile ?'I.'tl... I of Com th.- ..ther. t;. Importance ?>t for transi?:" Con The Traf i i|?v su ?in rtc.l, if ii|? y our merchants. Certain!? no city can afford to be without I ha\e flatted two cities elate 'bu bo greatly that out treasury t?i.iuo in ?me oaae *n<:<r are annually appropn maintenance ..f their train. *t James river. 1 know It has .n the fashion among many it? to can. at and make merry river as a transportation me? to, be unto you without It! [ alone, Is a standing and ln rd to thla city, again?! es? , In thiB ?lay of railroad com nd lnatea.1 of bellitllng the lould work earn.-stly for Its including th.- fulnim.nt of (tatas (iov?-rnineiit's pi ng us 22 feet of water. Our itrong as to transportation. g make the most of >rt of our TTafflc Mureau. to rs with lam or equal uilvan ettlng ahead rf us by k.< p sll-poated guard ?;* to rate?, V" an. Ti fat of th.-, i. ?i sul 1' WI pla til? gt. in . V> let th. - w Ing su? i -in'-. of t tloll luri ?. olll ?'.'oll pow get . port i On wain own? Bom? ?tee? gard lei .. turin real 1' llts main sight t. reai . -i it to th from' spirit I f.i? in!. bops ample that ? Stilt. mend which will s pria? s liona . p. rlty father t., 1BS0 I be, al'. H' giZe f. Mr. ( in ss o lu ss n? 'le- cl. quentl) Mr. fl Kollo' Green** shoe u l'r .1. g) .Uni In tr. it WiS' vi. W S il dustrlai ill tile II b? ?at? ,'IS bell. and wo 1. Ho which r i.?- put < lai foo subject 'h.'-.- W brains i that th. ail ove! Mios t i. -s ha also, foi latest ai .tiv eau cured. > c-ondlttoi -agges! lentlal . -h .il be who are ? : ? * -ala eMitin!).I condition ?ufflclenl -OUI.,I Co supi ?is. I cil could i 'hitmh.r I . ! ' I | ' I |, | done lo I mints in l his C'JIIll N'KKI. :. i go fad that mad?- in I ment wit; eh mie m m? chaule. lin?-s of i :>ee.I mon may be i" iKxiy. For that a ir... unoigsl t t?.r the pi -ill..I the ?Si apart - :, expena turina irm Ing their 1 cate. of "FO am? pia dre no AYE Mrs. . and L'' earnest work lo have the bulwark of our transportan..! Jame? rlver-not only maintained, hut enlarged to tho fullest possible extent, only those who have experienced it know what a po t?'itlal factor "water r?.mi>?tlth>n" Is in making rail rates, ?nd with th? railroad men. almost as bad as the cry of "Richard '"cur de LBBnM whs In ?'al?t?tn?> In oM times, wh?-n they us?'d It to friahtcn Mo lamm, ,!.,u children with, ?o w?- BIS told. <?3) As to miitiagem?'U.. CUA spare B iianuli'-turlng business without that bO ng good, for the world certainly will not. ui in this, als?,, I f,.,.| that WO vun hold >ur own. TO brhfly recapitulate. In a few words, h>- following Is the gist of ?ill I have al'l as to how we stand In all that goo? ? make up th.. |.|e,i| BBBSIltlBla and con Ition? for raanufacturlng, and what we ' 1 to do a? tu each to Improve and it? manufacturlnsr: <U ?out of Mat? rial? superior In many B-I ?luai In Bsarly all. (.'? Labor Our manufacturing will be raatly niinul.teJ by technical schools id Hhonu. 00 Our power fa, good, but may bo im "v.,i beyond superiority by develop* ?'jit of our water on the Niagara plan, id by putting ua on a fair parity of coat t" cal passing through our doors. t? Improve?- .V. i h.'ni ry--Aa good a? ..ry ''. Ol Ing free to all. (5) Transportation rsdUttes--aateep mally good, but would be greatly )m " ? 'i ay hearty support of tbe Trame snd earnest work to secure tn?.> liest development ?.f James river as a mmerctsl water-way. >.? Management in this I believe our rvea Btrong, bocees? o? my belief in r people nSFlDKSCf-: IN IIOMK AKKAIKS. 'o thefe cardinal principles which 1 r? mentioned i wish to add, without urging on, the outline of some ?.th.-r ?ughts that Occur to rile, which WOUld stimulating to manufacturing and new erpri onfldence and Belief in Our Own LOca -, Ability, and Resource? -The three ha- ralUloB dollar? of Richmond money t was s.-nt t.? Alabama, ?st. Paul, De? li, and numerous other place? must " bean aenl i. cause our people lack ?i fldenc? in ?air horn.- enterpris? s. it t money ha.i been invested in manu- I luring in Richmond, who is there In room that would not have derived eflt from It, and how it would here m?ate?] other manufacturing, an In ?ult. just ?is tohai co manufac :? the manufacture of wooden BB, pap. r boxes, tin boxes, tin tag*? other eoiiit.rai branches, Let us lit and never forget the lesson of lbs . and hereafter Invest our ha r. I-earn noney here ?I home. an.I Instead ol B doubtful or aa enterprise because ?me one, 1st us believe in it and ?up ind work for It. Pal every man On back who thinks of starting an SB? Use In Richmond; if he wants en Bgement give it to him. Instesd ol a iiirn a hose of water connected 1 ' nl ind' i > mountains. If he capital, help him according to i applaud th?- pluck, i nergy, good manag.m.-nt of the Richmond tion Company people, who, in the of dlacouragemenl snd f?iret.?idings; re dbutster, built and equipped a Um our whole city feels proud ??t. and I hear they are meeting with rs? aatlafactory and ?l? served. ri'.t be ashamed of small bt ginning*. i we should rejoice over the hlg s we ?bould none tin- lesa welcome mall once, for ii"t only is the ag t? Of small factories Important, hut dition it Btimulstes manufacturing ly in a dty t.? have located thi r? kind of manufacturing. Then, too, i not forgi t what Important giants little bable? frequently i? Bll know that Alien & Oint. r. start rlUi only ? few hands, achieved growth In twenty year? a? to pro probably the largest fortune soutn Mas.m ;in,| Dizon line. Inconnec? >ith this matter of small munit.o plants, I wish to ? apeclall on to the f.n-t nothing more stimulate them than ele. tri? development so that on.- could at whir poorer be aeeded with pro aate i OBO TO RKAI/TT o\vni;hs. Other thought and I am dom?. I to urg?- OB ?mr ri.-h real-estate i not t.. make the mistake that if th? m hi n . In common with those ?re. have eo often made In re g themselves as uninterested on ihj.-.-t. in thinking that thev will era risk ttvlr money In manufac wbile they lock their own up in i pecttng great beneflta from ind i-nhaii.e.) value? by Im m Hiring. This Is aelflsh and short . as no on? should be mor? !n i In manufacturing than the real owner, for If it lags and i ?sii. where ari hla renta to come No mim should i.?? more public than tbe n sl-estatc own? r, and S to -iv that there are many BO il sui-h in our dty, an ' i at all oth.-rs will follow their cx io aa to take away th?- rcproacn so often hear ?bout certain real, larnera In this regard. Let us all mr ways in tin? particulars in l have e illi d attention, and w? manufacturing and new enti r itlmulated beyond our expects .i a return of the wonderful proe that we bave heard from our that Rlchmon 1 enjoyed from livx? m it eli BB St. ?.f BB ?in int th? tal bal ksi re. I - a WO ri ?. tit - t- t in : tlor thli tha any tnji st., i ten .?.i Co forci of e putt; urgii also not ! turln ly I mam there th. man i, chin? conn! pris?. mood in no that t IS ry. tures fered of all ?Iw.'lt jeenl Mr. cessltj mond l'are f. beUjet ' ' he ha. bec k t no mi. luisin. | every I -Mr. ( Brtth g w i se to thank y.iti for your oourteOUS i. an 1 at the sani?- time to apolo my length. enshaw*? clear analysis of busi dltlons, and particularly of benl? Is existing jn Itiehmoiid, claim? d st atti ntl n, and be was fro? ipplaoded. <>ii??iii?iI'n l.ood ?im.i'.ili.ii?. ng Mr. Oren haw. Mr. P, F. ?i, ?uperintendent of the horse? nufscturlng department at th? Iron-Works, addressad the H<- said: ting this subject I have deemed o write a sla.rt synopsis of my t.. some ?rays ?>f stimulating in development, and t.? set forth t.-r part of my sp?-.-i h (which will pore) the detalla ??f my plan and dal ? fleets In tha areau cotton len manufacturing centn can our pr.-s.-nt s, y b? languishing and Buffering. tter linaiicial and cirnin?-r ig? This has, bo doubl been a ' very aeitoua consideration by i have Invi money and auch enterprises ,m?l who tlri'i ti. i competition for business the country has forced down such an ext'-nt thai tli? ir busi become unprofitable; possibly, ack ?I to buy i he verj Ihtncea for doing work, or rr-.m thai . m ;.? found ?.ut and W. in order tO ameliorate the wanln? Industflea i at this body ? "< !onfl? I. isoi ? i ?.un II," ? hose duties receive from persons or firm.-?. uffering for want ?>r anything be given them, rithet in i he \ dvtee or of -i to lutereat capital to ameliorate their . -pi daily If i I'-h flrma si a ol Importance and oth?M~rlse in lit Ion. In tills .-ugg'Stion it is i.i i the memo? r> or uns conn e. n on any member of this them in th? ir dellbe ! thus dO the hi St that catl le ap aueb -?erttortouB establlah ?o 1 condition for us? fall inlty. V UKYKI.cI'MKNT F\Sl>. i! i all your attention to the > effort of any moment can be matter of Industrial develop. Ul the us?, of moray A nie gi\.- advice On a hualnraa man may Me ...ii i?-.- along the i usage, but it win to carry out any plan thai iiulated by the wisdom of this thi i r ?aeon, i would ?ugg< st rate fund of mon?*) i. in.-mh? is and their friends MBS nailed, this fund to be "Development Fund." to he id used exclusively m paying Involved in getting ?auiutac (Wbo may cont?mplate Ch.uig BUIonj to come hi ouriie, such BOOOaatM as we ? WORMS other bowel com its to which chill? are liable, there i's edicine equal to r S PILLS CASEY. Pigott, Ark. 99 ? ?n m of the Grccnw >li In a UIgeil unite a the "i'i v.ii' 'in. ao gn -n advoca t. power ? tion to t m? tit in di pn cal existing and urg? Mr. (hi Hirers .1 also, if | s. nt an coal-field Professoi coal-fleld larglng u they wei of the i? Ml. B, mit tee W be < nip?. Of a sim (junrti-r. practli ai atimulatii would pi Richmond number o TO B9 Mr. \ii th? i 'oii.i furnish'-,l of brlngh - Mr. S. 1 d with t tur?-s to I .1 with tl Mr. cat suggestion Mr. Chi which Rk through ?: Mr. O'.i.l Mr Crenel Mr. Tsn northern i SettS B IS th.- Union tone, and i was .?'. "?i Mr. Oree bar tak?- ?t tion iriterf. Which had past. Mr. Trig? mitt.e un< ing was li? ga ;? th.- a<l to atti n?i t? Elichinond, cussion the K.NKMH' Mr. ?.'atlii be app. im I. lslature t to pass at taxation f( manufa. tuii ?lei-Id dlnance abo r?a?t>- locate Mr Rage? a short sp? ? ? Mr. Christi he at once t; ?ri.; the sala time should enterp; ?opted subscribed. . Puat-Ont? ft/ILMINO' tO ! that th tered Monda; open, and Q stamps, and tered letters The robbet strangers wh< Monday .-v?-n to be fakirs, (S. C.) Fair. To fare tak? ! All druggists to cure. 28c. on each tabl? . ould Interest wouhl he of such irrip< nice as to commend them to OUT BOtk 1 great part of this work may '?'silt; < dono by the paid officers of the I bar er. but it might be f??un?i desirable lb tin. t'ial m? m hen? of this body rnig called Bpon to go and see such Urn ? are desirous of coming here, 'ind gh icm such encouiagemi r/1 a? we con o r. I think this view should' meet wll le careful attention of all those havlr ils matter at heart. FOLLOW taCCMMfWVh LINKS. 3. In ?farting new enterprises our nil I'jiild b? to follow as clos.-ly .is | the footstep? of those who hav?- ma I great ?necee? in th.- .?am,- lines. Tak? r Instance, the manufacture o.' cotto ?.?I? B? It Is carried on In the countle Lancashire and Vorkshlre, and part Cheshire and Derbyshire, tSnglsnd ?untie? of very limited area havi thin their borders more than ?,000.09 Indies, and are sending their pr< every nation on th? face of the earth e phenomenal success of the cottor lustry of England has been very great forwarded by th.- formation of cotton. nnlng companies under the limited Idlltles act the prteS of shares b?-lng ; out In small denominations, say y? li and upwards, and has grown more n a hundred-fold. The Industry ba? died Itself of the very bent mechan;. t| II an?! business know I? ?Igt, It has wn Its capital from ?very class In community?th? cardera, th.- spin s. the weavers, the overseers, tn? nagers, and larger capltallats?in fact, vould aeem that the cotton operative MSB, from the managers down. OWB e than one-half of the ?har?? "t k In these concerns. Large number? private cotton manufacturing firms e capitalized their concerna under tbe ted liabilities act, retaining large themselves and selling shares t.? r employees tirst, and after they have 'n up such ?hare? as- th.-y could, the nee hav.- l.i en Bold in 'In- Open mar Tbeee firms hav found that tfi'-ir nuea hav.- been Isrgely increased by on of the great Interest tak?-n In the i by th" small shareholding opera i; they lind greater att? ntlon to dU greater economy In the use of ma 1. BUpplleS, and care of machinery; iet it is clearly shown that a condi of things have bei n wrought out by j.artiai osmershlp by tin operatives could nevi r have been r? icbed in oth?'r way, and for this reason 1 that if any new industries BN 1 1 that this feature of small In* ted ahareholder? may receive ?pe prominonce. EVERT MAN Ho HIS HA HT. tlnuing, Mr. Ore. :iwood, in most le terms, emphasised the necessity ry man In the city, high and low, ig his shoulder to th?- Wbi - ; forward th? car of prOgfBL He lWelt Upon th.? cause ?if past fail? li Richmond manufacturing cnter i which, h<- thought was caused ? reason of any lack or roanufac fadlltlea in Rtehmond, bul chlef cause such enterprise? had not BOtersd thus.- artl? !? ? for which was greati 11 loca] dstnand, H? that sffOrta ! made to secure ?cation of a plant flsrs .Of th? acture of cottoti-w?.rklng ma r, -.11.1 ?i? clsred thai bo dty ?n the y h.-oi fadlitlea for mch an enter? goal to ?li"- d by Rk h? Mr. Trigg was equally a? earnest ng the Importance of endeavoring ?rs a cotton-mill here, declaring asalta all statement? to the coo? tin- proflta .'rom cotton mantifac rer? ?mple. The Bdvntaaea of? iy Rtehmond f'T the raeaufactur? i, woodonwaro, etc, were ais.. upon by Mr. OraenwOOd In ? !<> tyle. 0 OUR OWN INTEREST. Ireenwood, in discussing the ne of the btisiness-m? ti of Rich 0-Operatiag for the mat? rial w.'l the city, said tli n it was his _et the citizen could easily afford a price foi the dooaeetlc? roduct, because of" the fad that an opportunity t<> some day get 1 money spent at horn.-; W_ chance existed a? to th? dollar broad. Ti;?- further asceseity of -in? ti r? ?ponding promptly to all to Bid tiew enterprises was wn in the most esi'ueot no e.lawood'a address was received at enthuelaam. and aa ovation t.i.d him in th<- dose, tion of Mr. Taylor, the thanks .?ly wire unanimously voted Mr. od for his ?scellent address. iy fBuarl Ifpsoehe? "*i??<i.-. irtef speech Mr. Warn B. Oay ?hat Richmond business-men ?I at orii-e to tak?. advantage of rtunltlflS for th? industrial a?l ?t of the city, which were now and would s.xm be greater, n? 1 the Improvement of the water Richmond, and called stten? ? gnat possibilities for .!. .. I?.p th? Uichniond coal-tield. lb d the lack of a helpful spirit mong the citiz?-ns of Kichmond, i h? arty co-op? >tion. was aski-d why our nianufac 1 not use Richmond coal, Bad, IS National Oovi-rnm?-nt had not xp? rt to SFBmil?? Virginia il?- repu.-?] that this . xp- rt Rogara, sftsr examining th? of West Virginia, and en on their richness, declared that ? not nearly so rich as thOS? hrnonil II? Id. V. t'atiin moved that the COB?? km bad Um meeting la charge ? red to arrange for meeting? ar character t<? be held every dr. CatllB asked further, a? mark of readiness, to Bid in : local 'ht' rpriss, that all who ?lg?? themselves to us? only mail?- flour to stand up. A gentlemen . NO NSW KNTKUI'KISHS mms Newton ?aggeeted that / N.-w Enterprise? be with a fund for the purpose X new manufacturing enter? lis city. atiin-y Crenahaw movsd that, the committ..- being entrust? ? work of bringing m ' hniond. on? man be lntrust i duty. b ?uppor? -i Mr. Crenshaw'? in an ?aiti. st speech. ?tlnn citeil an instance in mond had lost an enterprise irbitan: ; I upon rchl R] I SII Ml * ' U PL'] An will I-ift A goln llth I'oll. for .\.?\ publ BO Oft TH 8T< m will cemb DR Swan < DO A I.I will I thai ? turii'-r __ BO I Tr STA' iltle, .1 .\".' a C?'Ilt. ' All | n ime Flilu? no 2.1 n'spoke briefly in support Of iw's motion . it. .1 the testimony of ._ anufscturer thai Maessrhii ic- most unfa vo-a l.i.- State Ifl rt which to ma itlfactuie cot-, nit th.- drift of this industry??} billa. southward. wood urg.-d that the ("hum? ps to preven! leghtlatt. lug with privat.- contracts, Ions BO great hurm in times m?>v??l that the Joint ?urn r which last night? meet* .1 b? instruct? ?I t" Invi ?Cl isablllty of ? ngaging a man secuiiag new industrii - for ;ii?i after consldereble ?iis ?sSeptee. |m.\ l-'KoM TAXATION. BaOVSd thai a ...mmltt.-e i to ?rait upon th ask authority f?ir th?- city ordinance relieving from a term of > I 11 - g int. rprisi s. th comrnit ts to wh? th.-r such an or id apply to enta?|srlss? al? lie..-. r seconded this motion In i. The motion was adopted. ? raoved that ?uti??ertptiona x.-n for th.- parp?se of pay-. y of a man whose entire devoted to securing new ?r this city. The motion n.i a condderable sum was djouriicd I am due foi to race THE bills re? l-in.l tax? ? 1 aelc Nov.-r Nu 14 I at Mar. ton Itobbed. >N. N. < '.. November Z\. - IB ?Star fri.rn M txtoii, N. (*., poat-oAc? there was ??n nlght; th?- sa re was blown ' in money. gI8>> worth Of he content? of four r?gl_ ? r? taken? are supposed to be four passed through Laurlnjburg ig, and who were thought n their way to the rheraw n 4 old lu One Dar Hroin?! yulnlne Tableta. efund the money if It falls The genuine hus L. li. * in:. DBUCH I'ufis, F no Jl 1 COA WANT know thi rlor grat low as I stoves, r bushels d Also. A cahontus. Fine Woe 5a n Harrison ?trevts. Not until coolish or winter weather do tho really brilliant colorings or patterns appear. r*)nappy (?olf-BIcycle Preach*? of rallona rol rs and .-onihinaflons ..feil. rs. Hand-Kult Bicycle Golr Mocking*. Fan j Vogte, Wisstt?r*T6f man orlioy w.?arg, if correct, we hare. The question is, What kind of ?Suit or Overcoat do yen .rant? Not what kind ire have It's OUT business t?> supply all these want?? -and do it. Handsome Hluo Keefers. t'!.4H. Woritod Cheviot Sailor Suits, $4.75. Boys' Suit?, IS.M up. 0. H. BERRY & CO. Main and Tenth streets. SPAIS'S PROGRAMME l-'oit (tilt. So i|..?lii?.-.-t0...i ?if tin? l'r.i|..i?i.l Autonom?? \ilili I hiiuil Iteforin-.. MADRID. Noven?asr . Pr*enrier Ba tasta, replying to-day to a Catalan depn* atlon, formally declared that the G nent of Spain r-OUid in no way nullify ts programme of autonomy Continuing, the Praaal sd tha ope that the Cuban Assembly would i.-i't a commission which would ate with a Spanish commission In ?I? .-rmlning ths commercial relations be* treen Cuba and S? iln, by consulting tli.-ir lUtual int.r. sts. The Cabin? t ' lOUncil lias ."iproved th. 'ti. h- m the autonomy schein, giving the abana control .-? the cuatonia. its term.--. ill not be publish?..! until it has i. tion of ti" ' nt. Ill addition to th- granting of an a i nomoua tariff for ?'uba. th.. following forms have been proposed: The Chamber Deputies ??f the Island shall be com !.. |W( 9fl forty and lil'ty m? m rs, a deputy for BBC** Iii.'hm of the POPU* iion; th.- Qovernor-General is to choose na tins ohamber Bve members, to form Kv-utive Council, consisting of a esident, und Ministers of the it I nance. .la-n.e. and Public Work- Th? vernor-tbii'-r il shall hive th.- right to :.. legiaia HKAi, i:??tati: a?;h.\ts, &c. A. C. II WDItV, ( ol Boawi ? .*. Fiarman), AL ESTATE AOENT AM? AUC? TIONEER, 11H LAST MAIN 8TR1 ! no 7-guAWlm I.Oil, ?IIIUKII, IM) I HI YD. >.?-"['. ABOUT TWO WEEKS AOO, a VMM TERRIER, who anew? rs to a- of ah> rt. ic ward if lafi at . ti h First street. no 21-lt? 'ST. AX ITALIAN GREYHOUND M'Y. ah an j months old: fawn color, ?rets to the name ..f Don, A reward p.- paid if returned to No. it north i street._no :'4-.t otile of Chief of police. City Hall. Richmond, Va,, November 23, l?-'.?r. NOTICE BORREL BULLOCK ?,!> taken up. : at hug.-, by the police November Instant. Th.- owner will call ,,; s>-c>?n.i ? -St.mon. Sixth ?ti in- same; ..nd it not called for by lllb. r :':'.. 1?.;. h- will be sold a; .- auction at 10 A. If. "ii that day. i:. F M. ?WARD, M-ft chi.-f of PoUce. ! h? g? tla to mi ai. .? 1 I I the in bet ?; No !: r ' ? d- i i '..m we i I : u at I PRO BV? n Btra?, and i and 17:? f. TE one, C. no ?M : M "...?. ??* of .r.imes K Qooda I'm:' Rlchm md \ ... N'ov? mber 2 : ANNUAL MEETING OF THE KHOLDER8 OF THIS COM PAN) m (?-Id at l P. M. THURSDAY, De office, north Seventh street, Richmond, V'a. JOHN T. WEST, Treasurer. ?AN1 lug ? wa nti II TAXJBg. NOTICE TO TAX-PA"*? i:k .1. P. ?ni.LlA.M WILL BE IN IgOffO*, at ?'. T. J ' t.lX.-S for V.'.ir 1107. l-'t M \\i If I :** I III, TAXICg. TAX ES, s PA. & AS? CITXi paai du? ..o DECEMBER 1ST. 1 the sain.' m my oB ate, at which time 5 per cent, will d to all billa unpaid and the lulls over to th>-Collector for immediate ordlng i.. law. .1. W. BRONAI Oil. Jr.. Treaaurer City of m d.Voii AN E Iiox U W A and lb RELIA ' PayB i. TORY Ulevela usurer'.- i >0* r !. !?'?:. I i.- |. IR Ugf ARE NOW id :-hou!d b- paid on or | Lier ;'i?th. after which dat? , i l be added to all unpaid lolls. having trustees v?.ii h. u. Bf!? a applying to pa I lariee will th for the hug.'.l them. ? HARLE8 II. 1'IIlLLll'S. treasurer City of hi. hmond. .7.10,11 17.21 _ r\\i:v TAXsTMII bob i? adj i . . oil.-, t ih.- TAXES 1W. My office will be open to let .mber from a A. If. U> 1'. M Vt the same. LAW A id.s :. PRB CENT, mining unpaid after 1 ? I. Ilnqu? nt for non-,. ,\ m nt 0_ r UK can ., ,,,, ,| ,? fore _ _ W. H. BRAUI iber 3. , ur? r. B*u,WAFtnoga*I M \ N ?Hit. e; ? quired Addr? timor?, i I.A I'll appoint Fermant all expe no .l-\ Hi ti?, aTWOK*BsTBg, ?tc. Tg l'A IN LUS? OPERATIVE orrholda (P ,1 tor : ;? prominent West \ lr n without a failure 1'. r ure gu?rante, d. to li !.. :. ion aast ''lay atr?-et, after .' '. If. dally. no Zl-Gf 111 MMCS*-: WA\TS. Lte? HISH ITS. >Ug. le. DOZEN; CREAM mcy Cai t*" 423 NOhTII SIXTH. no 23-?i. ALL W and man advert?s? Hol the in the f! hable m, ?'LI. | - i Old s. ' . i '. i W-l ' THOMAS UMg F. ?I Motrtgsge H. it., tu: i- CONsaUMERg of rUasL TO t they can buy that moat aupc ? fuel, the ?'lover-illll Coai, aa 1.60 per ton; and for cooKlng ly Dormant!?? Cruatuxl Coke, Hi ouble loud! for t?. ithraclte. Splint, Fire Creek. r ? und Gayton Coal?, Oak and 1 at the lowest price?. ?uel H. Cottrell, and Broad and 810 Mat Broad ec9-tr ONE I' Lathe; oi tor. 11? v !.. be | fitsh. Ad Lynchliur. Kill IT I'l.I'M I Citron Cs for T no 24-lt? ? ?? ?. w INTE t.? k FihST-CL I ',.|: egg als?*. or Z buahe Anthraelt at loa r..r cash. 1?A. I Broad str no 24-d6ti KTIO* fAJJBftWrhi. ,?nf WHEN REAL KgTATB is asrJ__J??" I:. I I A?OTION BALE OF a t No. 17 NORTH 'i At the ri qu? -t of ih? o*., , WK?.NKSOAV, s-ovi l- .\i , thi - !nv< -tow. * TERMS: A: no 19 . A By th,? Valentin, i i Denos s.\i i rMia weds -'i- DAT) MOKNINO. XOVKS AT OUK W All KIM BROADSTREET, I Br?ssels Carp? ? , Turkish . Plctui Lin. i ,.f Purnitur? Walnut . i.ik and Walnut Hati ' marble, and i The furnltui The lad J. II . tl. ' All llo\ ?ti cwnlara Day?. Lv ,?: ? . No. 6 north I.' 1?MMI.1SIOM.I: . -am; J Of . EAT DETACHED BRI? SIT' Ali.' ,n. SEVE. ry Court of tl red Nov. ml?, r 17, : ?." Payne, i ? ill, on FRIDAY, ' AT ? I P. M., the pr? tfCK DWELUNU 'he dv?. . -, - ill? >-. I.'KM.?' I Ighteen mom I -, i.i" not? b, with lied until - n? y shall ha\ te o?d- red ' . mirt. j l si.? ?*. Payi ntlff. .u and Bl i id: I it. , . - taid < > i i duly given. v n und. r my hand, thl .nib?, r, 21_ By < I rJSTEsW' HALE OF OBOvT AVhMTJg BUILDING um virtu.- of t! ?1 in tl ,i"ll s. II by ; i - -. on ? RIDAT. N k P. M ?B v*AI 'ERTI "ii the ao?t h Ht mining ' . t '.? Inch? - IMS: ? >n? fifth . ; ;wo, and tl ?' I, ! - '.' JOHN II' N- i .. & II. !.. '1_ EMPLOI Ml*? l W IVTB. \\ WIKI), s FOB THE I ook ever publia! It. .| Call 510 ast M . WA VI II?. OD MAN T< I M INAOB I - ,iana?;i:i: * \\ l> l ED, [PERIENCI l Richm Sin V MORI H BAI ?Il s' T K I?. B! iitle:.i.n to Cl ILL. Bos 1*7, n tamp for n plj . W Willi, ?Li: MAN TOI I ephoni Tal - M ANT KA? Tl RI id. O. W tM II?. ' i SIT? ..I VTK.N - for - Room ?.i.' i Md. :>l ILE HELP ? ?* l KD. :s WANTED i' ig? m.? for UlMMs?. WIM?. M ?m in. OUND8 . J . _ I \\ IB i i:n. DE-A** IE ifactun I by - ' i " :y. Cli . \\ \\ I I I? [AHOOAN1 s. with Fro or Tal Tall <-an-! i the 1 >! <!*<! h U IKTBD. : ITVE >-..-.- ?iN v on a Vlr? Fourth ? \> i BO, ? !? IN- I, ' , ! Drill i" J M .v._ H?l? ISO MIN? I PI' v I I ? 1 I N? ?. RAISIN lankagivinx ?linn? r m I ?KIN? - .. i oki:. uni \\o?u>. cus ov -k'1 -'' J? KL Kl. AT FIGUItl - 1 ?la.'ount in v .JL h. l'Ai;*?