Newspaper Page Text
2 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. NOVKV.BBK 27. 181*7. _ FOR 1898 ? THE AUTHORITY O.V Women's Fashions Everywhere IT PUBUSff?S WEEKLY f Foreign Fashions illustrated, with ikiltfeB*/ written and very practical ea? st lipiions. Women ??.ill be charmed with the clever and >prir>lit!y corresjKintlcnce given abroad. Our Paris Letter ?, A A Til A RISE DT FOREST Our London Letter By Atrt. i'OLLTAEYB1?ELOW BalMriae Tie Ytnn* r?v These letters will contain !>its of information about mat? ter? of curren: int?r?t in Esfl pe. Tliey are chatty, rteraonal. a:i?i i'.eii?;l?tful letters. 17 ^V New York Fashions is a weekly column coadacted by Mrs. A. T. Ash- *^v /[rff/ZV/JI lt^ \j more, a:i I ia fall of valuable information about * /''//////yJiIU * ': til, ex; east t, etc Vrs. A. T. As-hmora io Csnt.s a ?Copy ; $4 00 a Year In combination wi;h Hakpfr's Macazine $7 00 a Year ; $3 50 for Six Months HARPER & BROTHERS. Publishers, New York and London jpca*z*tm?tac2G3C3caea ^c3C2?ssoc5t3C2 c"j?tao aciG?C3t: g SOMETHING NEW?A FORTUNE FOR ALL. S250a.G0LDfwili! PUZZLES Till?* IP kflT 111 I"' T"?" ' (** *bm opportunity which rnaj make Uli?) lw Pul ALL ihemri.-?, without work or effort. Wciu? rn<r?ged in [i -an ling . < -n.paii? to OfMCT**.? in lin- ?loll Hi-Ids of the Klondike. The com pun j Baa a apn-ial o.a. tun-.- for turning that does tb? work of 160 men. Men working l>jr hand ha.? taken out 11000 per <l?y and more. <>ne iti?t?a.oe?J)owsll|l?>>iiOOfor one mail's work in on. day. We want to put an of the*.- iiia.-bin.-s at work, we want small inviajttnenl.' of at**, rent? .-ach to use In tauasoBag thu enterpri i.e. Every |>rntiy may bring bak ?I0..X? In protlt?.. I?? doni want to go through UM -'ow method of getting Urge capital in.e.l.1? by few p*r?on?, hit prefer to *r t in communication with u large number who are Inclined *-.-> rl?k m little for the pi..?...Mllty i.fgettlnc afortune. In order to get Into communication with oelf a million of ? k.rid jf people, we have (rot up the following contett It irlve? y,u ? rh?n< r to g?t lu??.oO(,ui"k if mu solve the problem, and an opportunity which may make you all the money you need ? ? liletlm?, wltfio.i? work r ?-IT I HESE ARE THE WORD PUZZIES-SaN YOU SOlYc THirM ? U NO. j, ?Q?Q ?cmtjthinK one may i/et In Alaska. ? fJQ, ?t A-A The name of a place where gold hat been found. v NO, 3, ?A-""" "~~-N One* pretldent of a g-reat r.publlo. I NO. 4, ?LA? ~" 8i>m<t?,ln?T o?*?1 on dinner table?, either as an article of food oran utensil. REWARDS K.n, THE CONDITIONS EXPLANATION. ' '"' '' f **" 'l ' ' " "' ' '' " '" ,?' ???ve ilM'iealo the place of minimi litter?. You are re i .?i' ?joir. 11,, nil a. Iks ?pao** with Itrttort to make ?s many r-ompletr word? m possible wh h property in the iirtlu-tion I-or No. I, I? -U?I?, something one inay get In Alukii, in Um ?o.ali-.i. yon wn-jlr-, flt-i (i and L. thu- making ?)t?l.l?. In tninklrg what ?-Im- on? niUtil gi I in Alarka you would crtaiftiy think of (* Ll>, ?:. I ?o on, make ?II the woM.yoU can for each pu?Te. using the ?keleton and BlllaVf tli. -:.> letters, >o that thi.f<>Tiiplei?wordflt tha?aflm?, .n?i?.-i.. (let the tnd, 3rd . w2r'' P'11*1** I'- t?e se.r.i? way. I?o no? ?end It. eon!? whli-b do not lit the il.-flnii!on given. ?plots solution?, of the ? word I'uisles we i/l?e 1100 In Hold. If th.- answers are correct ?no. complot* to only I. va (rinelW in Bold a if only tare correct and complete. It? in gold, and to everyone ?riding jniy a p.rtml solution wc will ?-ire a credit of IJ.74 ?n the first pur-base they ska from as PiiM*.i1l l?fiy PRI7F? ('?? ^0 will be divided amon? II person? who answer this contest but whose I? l/n OU LB 11 Uli rn.Z.L.0 .nM?er?areni t entirely complete and correct, and will be awarded accord? ing to the number and correctness of the word? In each answer. that you ?.-nit with jour solution If.cents to be in?e?t?-d In the promotion fund a.f tbii- great K Gold Mining Enterprise, forwhlck ?cti will receive an in lnTi-.lii.en*. ?.-i tin?, ute. which ni?y enable ? o'i to participate In the profits of thr mines, and e.ery penny m?y bring 110 in ' - -.nUFTUlUK SCW w" !l"'" fc'* ''*l! thi.a.lT. rt??emrnt "Something New " Youwlllfind It different OVIBIL I niSD Rtn from moat of the leitr uJ?erti?em?nt?. becauio ? -eery thm* Ik stated p; on. ly and there is no attempt to mirieari. like ? > manv other*. We. do not promise any impossible tt. i -n.-? to cootMtantr, and adTise you to beware of any ?dTerti'cr-ent which promts.-? things which on it? face Is Impossible. We will i sctly es w? promit? "ne! eTerv thing that t-y i I .in.oniri.ry meaning of ?bl?adT?.rtl??,neot j. u h??c the niih' to ?ipei-t. Should there Le more than en? full and complete ?*t of answer? we .hal! dlriu? t!i?- rsTtrdl pro m a* amoag ttu-in. l?u we promise in good fallh thai everyone who ?end? a fni: a,id eorrat*! in..- at ?h i'I net'.' ?,ly rtM-e.rea money rew?rd promptly paid to them In cash. RUT TUIQ IQ HOT kl I Every one who enter? t! 11?.nte?t will receive an ea.y proposition by which BUI 1 Ulli 10 SU! SLL they may bare ret,, rue.1 to them 16000 00 to I1D.0CO.U0 in gold, enough f to k,-ep tii-n. comfortably for year*. Soan?w*r. will bo considered aftei Wi-iay. from dates of paper? In which this adeertlsement appear?. Beware? will taea l>. ?aid pramprl, la M.lit. ?'iihlishers of paper? or anv bank or basinets house in Chicago will amura yon of our u?.?s?.lbl!lti. ln.?r ?t ?at?. Send silver or ?tamps. Address KLONDIKE P-tC MOTION COMPANY. COto 84 Adams St., Chicago, III. 3OO000OOOOCC3OOOO0OCOO00CQOOO0S*?->) ARE HACK lltli.? COS? I .??EVE. >1fth<idi-?t I'lHIira Ilclurii. nnd Will lie In Their Pulpit* iii-MiirniH, Th? |fs<11 i minist? is of Ki<iiin?..iid, altar a busy a* alon *t th? Danvlll* con? ference, have r?-tui!i?d to th* city. *Ud will i th*y "gain sntar upo - th? duties "t" th* pulpit. While ti rather n pro l "f th?- mlniatera sgree i teng ''' -mount ?.I .. | p. i. .- hi? ii oi delegatea to the ? I ral Confer, nee, and the prest ntatlo memorl ill im? bod: - Th? a iv? n- i W? dn? the nth, and did noi ? omplete it-' I until half-past 10 o'clock Thanks? giving muht. The Richmond menu with oth? i> bound this ?ay, left t? hours later over thi- Southern railroad, and arrived ?ere si I A. M. ye*terd Rl 'htnond b foi lunate In only having to i?.?.- one of Its Meth "lit paator , and th.- various congregations aie congratu? lating themselves The minister who, to th?' regret of his charge, must leave for another field, is b.w. Travers .1. Taylor, oi Laurel-Streei i hurch, \\ ho k<? OCk, ??n the Eastern Shot-. His t.rm le re h la expired t>> limitation, he having [served ti??- prescribed four years B? v. w. I'.. Crowder win succeed ?Air. Taylor. Manchester will have to part with on? of her most popular dlvlnei the Rev. J. O Bab? " "t th.- Fiftn-St.'i ? t church. Mi- ?.. - b ll-Slree( Danville, and will I Air. McFaden. Bev. W. !.. I', who haa been ao suecessful with his charge In Barton Heights, has been assigned to u growing Church in ?'ai ter: \ ill? . and it will be tvuh reluctance thai hi i mgregatlon will v|_ him fare? ! i. in Rev. J. Sidney Peter? they will no doubt have a young preacher whost rdor and earnest ness will soon completely win ovf r his charge, when, with thtli h?lp, he will push forward Ihe work ao \?',1 done by the latlrtng i .. 'or. KEMAIA? til AIMS. > MEYER. They Will Arrive T??-M?>rro?v it ml He interred on Aloud??.. The res-ama ?>t kfra, Julia* ht***-*, wAa died at Zur!? h. Switz? i lui, I. a month ? ? xp.eted t" r ash N< ? v?>ik to d win be broBMjht at o?*** to Richmond for interment. It is expected that ih. y will reach thla city on th? ? H-i trun to-morrov? morning, when too | will be ink. n to thi "I ' Mr. A. il. Meyer, on Barton H? igl w h? nci llu funeral will take place ?>ii i Mond.,?- n..a i Ins ?t 11 ./do, k. Rev. DI i Bclatlng. The Int? rro? nt will be muilc In tin II It will readily be recalled that Mr*. ' iravellliiai m Kuropt luir g the past foui y? L?f 1-er health. SI nly x at Zurich .and died within ; snori ire Her i? mnli ' mad. anil uiv beiiij, broughl li? I ? on board th? sUanashtp 1 accompanied by h ? two dau ? M E J- Rosentbal and Ml mi, Mever-Steiner. and b? r ?on H-law. Mr. E ,1 it,,.- nthal. ! Mra. M ever w -s in the T.-t year of ht-r j atlv i.. luv- t by . wldt ; ?trcl? of atgualntiiii .-.-. |q Virginia ?fa*tice John'* Visitor*. John spun out ilg to the "uncivil visitors," and " I "I? ? ? th? CiVll ?111. r. rhe ease of .1. c Cheutwood. chirm.I * ?ith ?trkii.g Mr. Flunk ?i.,vie with a ' waa continu,.! until the 1th ?] In the , ?m- of Edwartl Sl*_?rl-?JU ? "l,.i- I d> charged with striking Sperr*. 1 ?L* J ' wa? fined $_. ?rtkln- xi '' ",1 ""' '" " "t l ?a Moore on the ?ti "ivalry of hi* n the few drunks who Joined ' ?tton of this tri Unsl. com-;....... xUk denket. Tw? Tbank??!?!,...^? pn??.. -I ?' luck I i -.11 ' -* iA.',*' "f iM N it , . -. IV- I!, TALK OF A THE AT ?it hi:aie to erect ove oat M HI ItnOAD. PLANS HAYE BEEK PREPA Onnrr < ( Hie Mlle AA llllna to Hi If the Kent I* t-unrnnteed? posed to Run n Popiilnr-I" Hou??. AVInler and MJinmer. There is another plan afoot for ?-action of a new theatre In this tboiiKh ?hat th.- |,ri,-*,cct.- of Its ultlr - ; may bo It is tllftniilt to for? No less than three can?;: managerial hf.nors are In the rb l?l, h. lite of the proposed house is tf the lot now occupied by the Boar B, In tin- rear of the Olobe CI Ing Company's establishment, on Sev< street. Thfl owners of this property wllling to build n small modern thei here If th? y ? get a tenant Who give security for the rent. In?!? .1, fl ten have gone so far that Mr. Kd? !?ui Bogst :. the anhitei't, lias aire pieparnl plans for the liuiMing, I when a satistactory tenant appears work may hfl I" |UU at once. This much Information was obtai y. sier.iay from one of the g'litlui who is anxious to lease the new pi . and ?ho has rattsSntly disposed his on Broad BIT**, to und take the enterprise, if he is I in ohtalnlng th* l*a*e, b* says, he ? run the house mi tin? po| ular-prlce pi H* win angag* i*fl"*?rtolr* ooai*anl? ?it .1 in.- ' i?- and i'pi-ratic and will also f; vaudeville periorcnancea He **ro] kei p Un- bou a > i" a tin- year aroui and ?.II gaV? inatinei. anil evening p formalices dally, He has bon in co municatlon for some tin.' past. In .-a with thfl theatrical exchange* of N< York, and has b? en BSBUTOd thai hfl ? get the .same organizations b*r* fl* pi la thfl '?opular pri.e houses Of W'ashii tOB and Baltimore. This will be all t .asi. r?, h.- flay?, now that a bous.- h bien opened m Norfolk, which is to run on similar Un** to thos-j he li plant,id. Thfl 0?nars "r th* property saiil Is sight that th'-y bad r<??ived three ses rat?- and distinct offers for th?- proper! in casi? they build I thoatrfl upon it. SI tiltil' S?'?'IIIS tO bfl ll'tl" dOUbi but thl tuie or the other of the gentlemen will 1 able to make BStlsfactOl. ai r.nigemciit HOLLYWOOD REt FIVES ITS |)EA1 Mr. TstolSSMBI Topper. Jr.. nml Mr AAoutliili Inlerred A ?*?t?riln> . ' Tin- funeral fl*rvle* ov*r th* r? mains ? Mr. Tristram Tupper, Jr.. son of Bfl Dr. H. A. Tupp'-r, a:;?l in lif.-t im Hess man well anil most favorably know in this city, an s h. Id trota th* lather residence, No. MM xv? st Qraofl atreet, yet terday afternoon at l_SJ n'ci?.?-k. i? Q*Ofg* Coojit If, for many ***_**_ the pa? lor of 'the ?i?-cia.-? d, and *a_stor of th fl tiros flaal'fl fatiier. conducted the la* rites. The aervlce waa dignified, sad, an lmpres?-Ive. Tin- Interment was mad.- 1 Hollj w.i C? metcTy. The funeral <?f Mrs. Jame? Wood*! who died on Tu?*day, took pis Monumi ntal church at l o'clock yester day. The m r\ I- e Was ***OOdUCtOd b.V 11? ? Mr. Eterr, snd ln*tar_oent was mad?- n Hollywood. RECEPTION AT THE SHAIIA All V. Friend*? of the Institution to Bt \A ?-Icujih-iI Till* Afternoon. A recej.tioii and hispsctlon of the baad somo new buildlnga now being er*? : Enion Th-'oiutiicai Bemlnsry, oa Brc?ol l', will i?' ii-'M ??i -i'k ?hi? aftet noon, to whi.ii ail th* public are invite i There ?sill b* addreflfle* bj th* it? ins. If. i ?. H"i-'e, Hartley C-Armlchsel and W. XV. Moole, of Haiii| ?i.-ii-Sidii.y All who cine will hav. thfl OP] of g??ing over the *pli ndld lion Building, now awaiting only th.- fin? ishing toll li. .-. and ?ISO ."-I snd weatmlnater Hall, the ?salla o? which ar.- nearly complet? !. 'r?e- aeminary la t?> b? Of*?e_r?M for work neu October. U. S. Circuit Court ot Appeal*. Th? t tes < Ircult < ?Oui I ?>; A| - peala adjourned yeaterday for tin No? vember aeaalon, Bubject to the call of the Presiding Judge. The court made an?! entire?! the follow? ing Judgment* and decrees; No. ML British Steamahip Haxby, ap? pellant, \s. Merrltt'i ?Vrecung Organixa lion, appell? e. S? i ond app? ai from th? District Court, at Norfolk. Decree en? tered reversing the d?cision ?>? Um lower court. No. it:;. IE my w. Behlm? r, appellant, vs. l.ouis\ lib- and Nashville Railroad Compsny et ai. Petition for a rehearing ?iiiii. ?i. No. ao. Steam-Tug P. s. Chai*pell peiiai.t, vs. Dsvld E. Tburaby, appellee Rehearing denied. No. 117. Township of Nlnety-slx, etc., plslntifl in mili, \s. Qeorga W, P*olsom, defendant In error, Krim- to Circuit Court oi South Carolins. Court ordered the can??.? to be reargued on certain points. .No. _:;.:. Ex ? irte, Bsmuel w. Vane? petition? r. plaintiff in error, vs. Ed? ward B. wesley, defendant In error. Er? ror to Circuit Court ot South Carolina. Cause E. D. Melton for lh? plaintif! in error, ?nil by William H. ,\ I? | for the di fendant in error. . inn!. !. Alorrison at the Academy To-Dny, E.-wi- Morrison is announced a* th. at? traction at the Academy of Musi.- to da] for a matinee this afternoon, sod a p r formance this evening In his ma.?'. "[ ' .list." Mr. Morrison. In the character of Me? phisto, has 1?. en a shining light on the American ?tag? for yeara His work aa M'phisto has no equal. Msny years aso tsd a nineteenth century devil thai pleased th? public upon us flrsi .. - tstlon, am! bas evi-i- since ?oa their fondest admiration. 'I'he mounting of (he Bl*c* this aeaaon, which admits ,,r ?-,, >n chance for a display of mn. scenery, la aupertor in every a ?> to hia production? of the past. Among the mem? bers of his BUppori are Whit? Whlttl'SV, Burton Hill. Gordon Foster, and Mis Mabel Mori. le of seats for the engagements of ?'bar?es Coghlan next Tues?! -. evening snd iloyt's "\ f.iiitenied Woman" next lay and Thursday evening? and I'liur-iiay matlme. b?xins at the Acadero) ?f Music !.. x-ofllce this morning ,u f o'clock. Both engsg*n**)Rta nr.- impor? tant ones, and, fn ?an the number of In ilready mule at ih" box-offlce it is likely that they will draw large ?u llenc**. Elk*' Home Open Every Day. The ? ,- "Horn*" ot t!i? I::< *-, mond Elks has been luxurious!v furnisn* d from the ground Boor to th- BttiCfl tad thfl buffet, which Is to !>e conducted >v Mr, ein' - W?i t>e o? i., i o-nlght. Hereafter the "Home" will he (.ept op.n all day snd every day, ?Sao" th? in tiered brethren win bave a resort that ?III combine all the advantages of a ?ome and of a first-class club. CASTOR IA For Infant! and Children. __ __h ___/*? _ [?p W-TliiSatf-fr] Scrofula sss whether heredt Ury or act-aired, can ba? peruitv? nently eradi? cated from th? ?yiteai by SJa.S. It i* th? only remedy to be relied upon Lu deep ates i'-rf<irmi'? the c.-rcinc'iy. The brMe and gr?r?ora ai?.- popular In a wldi eii*cle o? acquatntai - b, and theii happy union ? .s made the o?*c?ajlon of ;? very Batter? ing h. monatrat?on ob Um part oc tin ir Mr Jami G. Balle? ami Mi Mitchell were laarried mi th.- afternoon o? Thankaglvlng-Day at the hpma <>f the bride No. Tu? north Twenty-math sir.-.i. The ori-inniiv, which was i-< rfi*rm?'l by Rev i?r Vanderslice, was very o.uu-t, on ;1,,.,,; m ii.-i. avement In Mi-*-* Mitchell*? family, an.-I only a f?aw of the most Intimate frlenda of ?- ?)? i>airti. ? were preaent. The couple left on the JJ.?l timore boal for their bt-klal tour. IX X? HlltltY ?v* "??VF!, < oloiicl lira?!? >?>? V?*l Tnklnn: Any Step? In 'I'llin l>lr?'<-ll?iii. ciion.-i Brady has i ? ?\-c i a [ **-' from the liit.rnal-l<i v.niH- Department BUthOl-lslBS him tu apead Bay amount ol p.,u,. J hi may (I- -m BSC4 ssairy t? in..v..- hlfl office frciii I'ichiiioiid t'> PBtlUS burs. in- ha? not yet determined, he Baya when in- will make th.* more, and la making n?> arrangements to that end it. He will l. av.- an adequate ataB h- !- , and Baya th< re will be absolut? Ij im Inconvenit ivo In the matter of rev. nue tampa, and that he will be In telephomc communication with the Richmond onlc? BO thai lie may lu- able to cuiiveisi WltB any merchant who wlahei to consult mm. Tl ' di putle? in the Richmond office are -.1 in in- i:- lamentations at the pros? pective ?lian?-,", and iiiiuK that it ?rill mail mi Immense am.cant of work on tla.- im innate f. *? who are left behind. (?lira !; i i !.. I .-..'.un nu <-ii?< ni. hi cul-..'.a iaw\. r, who i m.? m- ide Richmond depositors o? the defunct Fr**edman's Bank, wrote re i 1111 \ to ?President .McKinley, asking lim tu recommend in Ms message to lonarc-sa that |1,2DO,000 shall b< appro iriated to Bettle the claim? ajjtslnst the nstltutlon. The President ha? replied tu hl-? communication aa follows: I'v cutlv? Mansion, Washington, November H, Ias7. Dear sir, i beg to atsknowledsc the re . in. of your communication oi the -'-'i ? i.- : ;. ??i in lull,iii ,,f th? creditors <?f the .- IVlnSja snd Trust fum any, ami to inform you that by dll i lon of the rre.-i,i, in it has been referred or the consideration ol the Secretary ol be Tii a-ii! r. Very truly yours, JOHN AI "?is,'in' PORTER. Si cretsry in t!.-- President. N?*.ia ?if Die ?Hurta. la th.- '.aiiv sad Equity ivmrt . ester ay Judament was entered for |i-> -i P. H. Bruner & ?."o. againat loger K. Qilberta. Iii (he I'irciilt 4.~"ourt judgment was warded Vv. Benjamin Pa.vis against it. i. nnlnga Jr.. for JL'B.fjO. Th? suit of th? ll.'tii'.il. n Fleming Com lay vs. the American Biscuit 4'ompany as dockt-ted ?>v coaseat. The case ol Jama-.? M. .Martin vs. Ain?* 111,ml was continued for the defendant. In the Chancery Court Mrs. Kossina evy ?*uulifi.-d as adminlatratrix of me Itate ..f Leopold Levy. The value or te same Is estimated at Jio ??xi Civil cases engaged the attention of the listing?? c uni t ?,. sterdaj. Kampe from th? Reform School. The little Basalel ol Lease] was a . item* m >. st? i.i.,-.- morn th ,t a.-.,, her of the In istrlal Reform School, established there ?'1 made tjo?>() his eciipe. J. i>. Wilkln ?! la the bojr'B name, and his dlstln l??hlin; marks are ''dark hatir, brown ? ?. c(,m?l.-xlon. and with b WO ii a heiid on hi? rieht arm In k. He waa attired at the time of hi* il.n'H j. ?vat and trou in- striped hickory ?hin. an-l a dark i-" He was sent to the laatltutlon n ??a.iviil.-. H,- la 16 years old. and la ' . ! tall. >.l of *?n h-?s l????sn offered for his lapture, and Sen-rant Alexander Tom Omt ".?-** tak? ti the rase In hfl Muprewe < <?uri of Appeal?. luiu ?i ijfe-insuraiice Cetaapeny, Of w York, v? Oliver. Argntd by Ro. \\ uliice, for plaintiff, and Bdwar.i H ii.l. .Jr., tor def? iidant, and submitted. 'lu next cases to be culled are ?*lty cf ?rfolk anilnst Nottingham (No l.'n, and I man und others twain?**, lit ma ?and ?si? ?No. JA? NOW IS THE TIM U) make y oar fruit ?cake, all m gOOd? and sold real die. Bead and be con vim ?ed Save You 25 Per Cent GROCERIES S. ULLHAiYS SON' BEAD ? 11 LOW. LOW 1'itnIM i\ i;u:itY i?i:i?aii 11 ST. a'-1-1 [lo'inls ??r?nula;.-I i-amar r-.r.. z Light-Brown s ;. .... Black Enamel Stove Poliah, - for... ?.?u.irt- -k-il ll.iniiiiy . Ni m Citron, pound. ? Nan L'Union !...>< r Bsislna :; ('?unid?- for . i New Mixed Nuta, :-: p>ounda tor. z. to le Jelly . Ing Toll. 1 So ', '. .' for. ? I 1! . New English Walnuts for.... -' New Clean? i Currants, I lbs. for.. 1 ?ystei Crsckera Bad Ctai i>iist, per pound . t ?ir.-iiig.- ?County ?'i- i'ii'-ry H?;tter, tin.-et on 111.- man I?- t, per 1 OUBd.... U Imported Bwitiei pound.... L I for. 'j \.-a Raialna . 5 New Ciuteats . I N. w rigs, 4 '."urnls for. Virginia Apple Brandy, per gal.J- ?a . ^> Large e? na Pi? '- a- ' - . I Pineapple . M per I a . -? ' ut p.. p. r i; iahe! . ne Ti.imthy Hay, per cwt. ?5<? New rrniH- pel i " -lai . ? ? 'aiifii! in i Rama, ; i pound. V N ? Si *dl< si Raisins, pet pound... 7 2 large cans Toma toe? for . if? North Carolina Roe Herrings, kef., l or dosen . I" 3 i nun? - aablng .*o la for . o Thistle-Brand Ton b...? e - ca n . t? our Plcklea per k?.?i??d . 1!? . Ity liilla Bhfpstuff, ?>r cwt. 75 Beani quart . 6 New Ora? ti Peas a irt . 6 10-pound |iail Ron e-Mad Pi New Buckwheat, pound . 3 ! Laguayra ' toffee, p r lb... u n i Layei i, per pound. t? New t'rainii- n i?-s. .?.nan. . * Strips i;' ans, p? r can . ? i Rice, per poun ' . i Chow-Chow or .Mix?-i Pickles, ser ?lu.irt . a 2 boxea Jefferson Wsahlng Poari for .....*. ? New Shelled Almonds, i- r pound. z> Large Lump Starch, per pound.... s Jeffenon Laundry Soap, per bar.... z I i inda Palm Nuta for. - - I iros n Sugar, i>- r poaad. ;:?,: . anilla Syrup, per gallon. '?'> Blacking Brushes . > Lima Beans, per pound . 4 New iiiit-nrteii S'-tir Kraut, quart., ?> New Pecana, 3 pounda for . M New Lemon and Orange Peel, Ib.. H Sweet Country Cider, j"-r gallon.... z> Pine l?ti. i Pi a? hi ta, i er pound. M Pi?*s' Feet, per pound . I Sliver King Minn? ota Patent Family Flour, bairn 1 . 5 4?? or sack . ;;t Try our n. w BnowSake Patent Family Flour; It's !.. st sold, bam i. .. z.i or sai? k . cana Table Peachea. M Quart c;?us* afaple Syrup . Large I'O'o.mnt . .'. N- w Virginia ?'omb Honev. pound. 1U Larga eaas CaUf4*rals Peaeaea per ? an . UM} ?'an Table Peaches . 1 New lieans sad Peaa, quart. ? We have a hous? full of bargains. S. I LI.MAN'S SON, lf?o AM? h%t 9AMT MAIM STMaUrr. i'p-t-i . Store, HI esst aaareaau. Thon. '1'hiine :io., it will pay you to call for our complete List. no 31-Sa.Tu?&'l'li PEERYS PUA8B-?? Will Eradicate WORMS FROMTHEHUMAN BODY PRICE 25 ch PER VIA* ija 13-W*8aly) PI ? hl.-k?.Ura. Ba-rUah IXaasacd BrrtaA ENNYROYAL PILLS Orla-ia?* aa.l ?>..!/ O.aatae. wu.^li.ilii.^ A? l?r*4??,t, .r a*?? *m, U> a.m|,a to? partleala.-.. inttuaalaU a?4 , " Htlicf for l.a.llr?," m i.ii>r k, rrta.-a a7 Mall, lo,??? r??ilmM>la!. tmmtrmpm "rCklok?Mt.r? kcsukal t., M ?alo.?. Maar* 41 lij laU Ucai llrauisu. I'l, II. U?.l., J \. (my 1-Sa.3u, Wfcweowly) forest i.odue. m'kin? this pleasant autumn ether, and so long aa the road? re it In In gr?od condition. FOKKST LODGE 111 be open for the entertainment of ?esta. Small driving or 'cycling partie? ' ' n h? provided for at any time, but large I \ ru.? *hould notify by 'phone a f.-wj urs before their arrival. Beil 'phone 8_a_Olen Allen. Vs. no7-ts >ld papera for aale at thia offle?i CURi ?lck ITcadache and relieve ?til the trouble* Inel d?nt to n lili,an state cf the flyfltMB. such as *N_B_B_??, Nausea, DrowMi.ce?. Diatre?* after t'.tiiM, I'iiiii In the Side, .te. XVliile tt???ir mart re-uaar-abloaucrcas tuts beca ahuwu la cur::,,; BaatWhfl, r.-t C.irW-i I.lttlo Livor Tilla are ?-jus?ly valusiil'i iu Cuiiatipatl'in, cunngaud pr*a Vratiag tliisannoyingcompIaiDt, while th*?- ai.??? laUdla rd***lOfthoaioiaacli.stlmiilatetb? livrr and regulate tut? bowels. Eren if they ouly HEAD Aabathay woni<ii>o*!moatpric<*v?*toth<?a? wh?i Buffer frota t-ttegcomplaint) bntforta. iiately theirgoodnrsa.I... floteadBaWSyind tk-*S who nuce try thorn will And theae little pills v? hi? ableiii suius.-ir w*\a ti at th'iv will not tx? wil? ling todo without ttiuin. But'aftor all sick ?iu-?l ACHE lathohanoof somaiiy liv;-a that here I* where wo make our great boast. Our pills cure it while taO-r? do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very ?mall and wry aaay t-> aaka Ona or two pill* in*.-ea dose. T'.i.-y are strtctly veiiiitahlo and <l'-> not grip* -r purgi?, bat by tli'drc'eiitlesctin-l all wk? naetbeiu. In vialaat .Scents ; Uve for fl. Sold by steflMJgtafla everywhere, or s?tnt by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. 1 M Pill. Small Boss. Small Wn (Th. Sa. Tu. & W) !'IIOKi:s?l?AU,. l'EYEl.i.i.v B MUNFORD (LATB OF Suple? ?v Munford), ATTORENY AT LAW. Merchante' National Bank Bulld? ing, Richmond, Va. INSURANCE LAW A SPECIALTY. Refer? to Messrs, E R. Warren. Davenport A Co.. John W. Gor? don, J. B. Moon ft ? ... l>. V W.ilk.-r & Co.. George I). Picas. . .-. Howard Swlneford, and Julius Straua ft s.u.s Richmond, Va ; A. B An? drews w. E Chap?n, an ! H c. Btockdell Atlanta, (?a.: M. Lewln M.-w.-s. BaRi moia, Ml ; R. Emory Wan..-M. Philadel? phia; Henry XV. Eaton and *_. F'. Bayard New x ork dty, snd .lohn c p ten, Ms*?., mensgera and general Insu? rance Agent?, for whom I have conducted _no l-Tu.Thd DEPARTIR? OF 8TEAUERI. Q L ? DOMINION b'l'EAMSHH' COMPANY. DAILY LINK ton NI.W ?01.K. :gcrs can leave Richmond DAILY Via Chesapeake and Ohio railway at s go A. M . or Richmond and Petersburg rsil (Norfolk and VVestsra route] i> -x IL, connecting at Norfolk ?1th ??id Do? minion Line st ame.' BflJUng sun .. eve? ning for N-w York. ALIr-WATER ROUTE. Steamship Old Dominion ___ ? m..K moud .very Monday at 5 i>. M for \ t V?>rk via J urns river. ' iui *><-vv Ticket* ?m sale st Richmond Tmn?,-? Compsny'fl, 108 ?-??st Main atreet Ohi?? P'.ike ?tad Ohio railway, and Rj bmonri and Petersburg railroad depot? an company's oflc?, Ltll ..a?. Mala |S__lt Richmond. Baj-ira?r?? checked thronst? FREIGHT for New York ana un point.? bey,?id ,- ? l?. shipped by direct steamers uni?-. from Richmond every MONDAT x \ ?. FRIDAY st I' M., als.,, by Mean, , leaving Richmond WEDNESDAY ?p Manifest closed one hour before *aliln_r Freight received and forwarded nnn through bills of lading j-*Uf^ for lu northern, eastern, ar-d fr?re|-n nort_ FROM NEW YORK. Faaser-gers can teay? aaily ,,-xcept Bun day, to Norfolk or Old Poim cimt or i coniiectlng with Norfolk and VV t?.rn railroad or Cb*?apeak? and Ohio raiiav*. Direct steamer? -via James-river r_??? ?! leave every 8ATURDAY (passenger ?iL. freight), and MONDAY (freight <?rdy? Sailing Horn company's tpler NO -. North river, foot of Beach street! at *t t? U_ Saturday. 4 P. M. ^ at a K Freight r?-celved and forwarded daiw scant Sunday. -?*"/. For further Information apply to JOHN P. MX VFB Agent 1212 east Main street, *? - ~ ... Richmond. Va. W. L. Outllatideu, Vlcr-Preaident *nri Traffic Manager. NVw York. oc -? FR t 8:1 fC tl:' ?I 0:4 E. P' LI CLO! E?ROPEA5I M'E.aaii.k*. AMERICAN LIKE .Sailing eveiy ?VEDNtMiiAY at lu A ?A ?'? I*4 .Dec I l MTV?, Y(,KK *__. __, -&Vr?__y|S:^_Si ?ED STAR LINE N?W YORK ro A\ rWgiii*. KHTi-HNLAN?.Wedne_d*v, D?e I r-w? ?I I'll W AKg.W?dn-?d-.r beefs, ?J ??m IM?? t.?Ni).. ..Wedna-alsr, t?ri- ? ? n,JOO IH rgR.tATMNAi. N AVIJATIO**! ?Ja. Pier* 14 ?ad 15, Nt?rtt? itiriic Offl.?*. ? Kowlinc ilreeo, M. t. -a.5.T..Tu*a.i,"''"','*''>"t??_'_.. 3. A. 1= Your market and butcher shop ought to use Pearline, surely. There's no place that needs to be kept cleaner. ? -?b-w There's no place that's half as hard to keep clean. Soap and It H \ ? W Si P clean* -joap and _ vL^ ?j"L\ water is of no use at all. It ST^VmuK^^Si^^ ^Ift ta,<L,s Pearline, and nothing ^?^TO/ Lisa but Pearline- to kccP (IoW11 M 0 l-U the general greasiness. How many places you see, where the whole shop and fixtures in it seems to be fairly crying out Pearline ! Millions ?&.Pearline (Jya?0-Tit,ThS.*}a ?fcweow) COTTOLEXE. Take Your Choice Cottolene or lard ? Pare, clean vegetable oil combined with wholesome, digestible beef suet, or hog fat, impure, unclean, unwholesome, indi? gestible ? Take your choice?a cocking and frying fat highly endorsed and recociincndc-d by medical and cooking authorities, or one just as strongly condemned ? Tsks your choice??digestion or indigestion ? Pure food or poor food ? Take your choice? or lard ? The genuine Cottoleno Is sold everywhfiro In one to ten pouml yellow tins, with our trade-marks?"Cottolene" ar.d Oteeft %*U? in cotton-plant uwith?on every tin. Not puaran teed if sold In any other way. Mado only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Montreal. | - '. BBi-BE*3i,i31^^ |apl7.Sa,T'i?Thly-rir? ?iiJioAD vnrme es (;fl?Sa??AK? ASO OHIO RAILWAY. Ktfecllve October -5, il**l?7. THAI*.?, LEAVE HI CM MO.ID, IIUOAD ** l Ui.l. I BTATIOS. S;0O A. id., Daily, wnn i'ariur car, tor Nor/uik, Poi'?mouth. Old Point, Newi-ait News, Hiid principal ?nation?. Connect* daily with Old Dominio?? steamship* for N?-w York. 8-?U? P. M., I'laily, with Pullman, for local station!!, News, Old i'oint, Nortoik. and Portsmouth. 10;0O A. M.. Local train, except Sunday, for \V. Clifton Forge. Con? nects at ?;?rd?.nsville for ??rariaju. Cull'cper, Calver ton, Manahstt?, Alexandria, and Washington; at Unie? station. ?:harlotr.svi!le, tor Lyn.hourg; at Paste for Ha geratowa 2:15 P. M? Daily, with Pullm'in?. to Cin? cinnati, Louisville, SB 1 SI J/juIb. Stops only at Isapor? taut ?tatiena con-. CoylnaiO*" dally for \ Hot Si*lnas-3. Ifesla s?*rv?-d OB I>lniiiK-cars. .No. 7. Lo-al Train, except Sunday, fol? lows ab??ve train from Cior donavllle to Staunton. ?:.'JOP. M., A<-ommmlitlon, except Sun ?J-iv, for Charlottesvllle. 10.10 P M., Dally for ?Cincinnati, witn F F V. Pullman? to Hlnton, W va., and (*ordon?ville to ?/ineir nati and Louisville. M ' ' served on IMnlng-oara ?'" - at Stain: ' -v. for Wlnchi a- r, VA., and at I'ovlriKion. Va., dally, for H TRAINS LKAVi: EK'.HTH - STREET STATIOM*. II :it??A. M., Dallr? lor Lynchbiji-!?; ana] an Fors??', Omnects at Bremo, exc4 pt Bunday, for white Hall, ezccpi Bunday st Balcony for I^xinKton. and Sl W. I'lii'ton Forgo with No. I for Clnisinnsti, 4:00 P. AT.., Except Sunday, J n^n] ac? commodation for Columbia. lltAIV?. SMHJfJU AT RICHMOND, URO AD -S'lREET STATIOV. ? o a. M., Daily, nom Cincinnati. 11 15 A. AI., Daily. ?-ion? Norfolk and Old Potat 3 :io P. M., Daily, from Cincinnati and Luuisvili--. O-fiO P. M.. Dally, from Norfolk and Old t. 7-15 P. A!., Except Sunday, from \\. Clifton Foi TRAINS ARRIVE BIOHTH - STREET STATION. 8:50 A. M.. Except Bu ?day, from Colum 0:20 P. M., Dally, from Lynch'jurf- and Clifton Porga ' : i I v. fiom Lexington and Whin- H .IDUN n. POTTS Assistant Ornerai P???enger -v LI., f. ix f. haws s Potomac. *?li?Uule In HStOOt \??venil??*r 2N, 1SJJ7 AI 9 i ? ? 'I-' " H N< ;l ,N' LEAVE Hi HU -STREET STATWSs in? a. ai., Dally, for W.asMngtoa aad North. B Al Iford and Frederi? o Ne et S:2oa.A1.. Sunday only, for Washing? ton and pointa North. Btoj i at Elba, Glen Allen, I land, Taylorsvilla D?oawell, Rather Olea P? nol fiiiil. Woodslane, Guinea, Summit. i' h d< rick iburg, Wldeerater, Pullman S:?f?S A. sL, Daily, except Bunday, tr,r Washington and North. Btoj -a al Elba v land, Tayloraville, D R?ther ?len, Pen?la Mil? ford, Woodslane, Guinea, Summit. Fredericksburg, Brooke, and Wldewater, Pullman ?air. ?:0O IL, I ?.ail v. ex.-in Sunday, for Washington sad points North. Stops at Elba? Olen Allen. Asbland, Doswell, M i I f o r d, Frederlcksburg, brooke, and Wldi - car AI with Congreasional Limiten ait Washington. JSP. U, Dally, for Washington ??nd roinrs North. Btqpa at Elba, Ashland. Doswell, Ifllford. r-Yedericksburg, Brooke, and Wldee ??on-" Sundays, Mleeper, Rich? mond in NV w York. tmtivE byhd-street stitiox. .i<? a. ML, Dally. .':'- j i al S : li a il r, Brooke. Prederickaburg, Mil? ford, Doswell, Ashla Elba aad other ai itlona Sundays. Sleeper, Nbw York t.? Kiohmon-l. :45 P. AI., I Mlly. except Bunday. Stop? a r Wldewater, limn k Frederlcksburg, s u rn m > ' ? ; ?li ea, Woo lalane. Mllford, Pen?la. Ruther Glen ? >,,- - weii, Tayloraville. Ae'hl OSOB All? n. arid Elba. P ir ir from Waahlnjjrton. 10 P. M.. Dally. Stocn only at Frede ?tsbure, : ?oswi II and Ash I ?tba, Pullman ?*?ara from New York. M P. AI., Dally. Btotrs al v\ M?-w u.-,. I: r o o k .-. Fn Bummit, Guille i Woodslane, Mllford. P? Mola? Ru'her fjk-n. Doswell, Taylors? d, <lien Allen, and El? ba. S|eepjnff-CTr. EDERIf'KHir?' Aft OMMO?\TIO\. ' iV.I M P. lt., Leave? Byrd-Street Station. to a. AI.. Arrive? Byrd-8tr< A?HLWD TRAINS. il lall - l< ipl .-'liiinay.^ la a. |f., i.- aves : ?? P. M . Leavea Elba. ?4? a. AI , An k? p. AI.. An:., s Elba. - A. TAVIvilt. TrnlTIc Manaja-er. T. D. MTERS Pr.-al-l ^fe IlEPARTtRE OF STEAMERS ilLADELPHI?, BICH MOND AND NORFOLK ipolnted sailing days: Every TUES? C, FR1DAV, and dL'NLAV at ?is/? sight ?ecelved dally until 5 P. M. re ?Including im-als and berthj, |4 on ay'a and bunday's stt-amer. r further Information apply to J. XV. M'i'AlUtU'K, ?ral Southern Ag.-nt; offl--e Roeketta W. 1' ri.YDK * CO., 4 Oenera' Agents. Philadelphia. I, Y ?AMES-RIVER ROUTE FOR NE. BALTIMORE. Hi ?0OM.JWl.aiNI for an. POISTS NORTH. jointed saiiiiig ?i-tys, every TL'ES . THCRtaDAY. AND 8ATURDA? at M. lrht rwelv??-d dally until 5PM Kant state-rooms, heated by a ?-.aim lla-nted by ele<irlclty. y ,u* ?lcketa. state-roorn reservations, urtber Information, apply to H. at. BOYIfllV. ?l^'rjl A?snt, L_?a eaat Main srreeC VIRGINIA hAYlGATION tOMPANy, ""^^JAMliS RIVER DAY LINli. ,mer ! ?*??, /?-, ?dUS WEDNLSDAV, und FRJDA? ut T . ??j. .soiioiK, Portairuoutii, ??Id Newport New*. ?Clai-eastrnt, and ?-nver landings, and connecting at ?oli.t and Norfolk for Wurihiugtoi?. nore, and th? North. e-rooms reserved for the night at at? prices. trie-cars direct to the wharf. Fare, tl.ajii and li to Norfolk. Music by ??rcheatrlon. ght received for above-named places II points In Enstein \'li?iiii.t sud Carolina. IRVtN weisti'.er. General Manager. I Dr**wrv. Prenllent. b?. it ?, H!i:-Hs.?da, ?J;uiements, Lttter Note-Heads. cln-uhna, II ui.Ibi.l?. a. Ac, printed :?y the D-tpatch ny at low prie *s. Will jjlve you rork at same prices y su pay for r work. Send u? your orders and 1 gu?rante? jatuf?--tlon in every lax. SS-** RAiUaVOAO ruges. SOUTHER? RAM/ ?cheilnl?. i:-rrll?<- Anrrmbrr 21, I TRAINS I.F.AVK RICHMOND. *? ?a.oo Ntebt, Ne, il ?-?ouinern daily for Atlanta, Augusta, points South. ai.*?n T It! Danvlll?, Orcen?b??rQ', Charlotf, Columbia, and Sbep? r open .?t I U V. at ??il Btatlt na be;ween ' and 11 ni', i,- to take on ?i"i '? t ."s. Connects at Danville. 8 and Charlotte with the W and SouthwcM.rn 1Jratted (N carrying ?ie. p. r? New York AshevtlTe. Hot Spring?. Cbatttn s ?. and Nash Y ??rk Memphis, New Y'urk to M? -v leans; New X 'irk ' firsi-clas? das Washington and M< tloii- lire mad?* for all ] Tea*? ' -i Caltfoi \> r o\ tup occupancy at. 12:00 noon. No. 9. sola! train Charlotte, N C, c< ? ley with Farmvlll? railroad. At Keyavlll? for ?Ur ville, (?xford. Hen ler-on. and I? ham. and at Or?**n*r?oro' ham. Rah'lgh. and V'lnsl at Danville wt?h N State* fast mall, sola! tl for New ' irleana and poli which carries aleepe - I New OrM*ns. ?ml Ne? Jacksonville. Thron?;' - bury to Chettanoog - i man tourl day w aahlngton to - without ch 0:0-0 P. M.. N> 17. local Sunday, for KeysvUl ?,. ; rtlnt? TRAINS AUHIVIO AT It I? II ..? > ?j O.OO A. If. S_SS P M.. from Atlai Aahevllle. ami N H.tO A. M.. from K ?yavlll' 1 OCAL FREIGHT TRAINH Nos. H snd 62. betwe'ti Man ter ai . oil*, Va. tm-Wat? 1*01 m WS? Mil III fax ?nun: noin: IQBTB. LEAVi; lilt UMSO, 4;3<J P. ht-, Nft M, dally, ? p? Int, there m ik - Friday* with inoi--, fllflO, ?tl Manor for Wall I Tapi sitiirdays. 2 .'til '.' M No in. local y?, and Ei - point and in'' .... 'v h 1er Mai-or for "' k; also with st'?nm??r for Baltlru at all atal 6 00 A If., No. U, E"..ii M ? daily, ? ?cap! Sunday, ' ti \ r fftnla p.nd Intermedlat? atal Wall TRAINS ARRIVF AT III? MAMAD. Il 17 A. M.. daily. Id l<? A M?, ?? ' : I only. 8 OO P. M . daily, except .-' XVi ?it Point and int-u tlullS. .?rs leav? Weat ' laltlmore at 5 P M. 'I lays, and Saturday?. Tlckel ? ' -? itlon, fo. ? f -. -\ - B*_Q P M to I LU : It Main ?tl Ai i'I'EE. W. A. TERK. m mager. Gen Pass Agent W m GREEN, On? i r.*tB*lngton, i- w VVESTBPRT, Travelllr iiK-er Aunt. 920 east Main Btr? I lond. Va_o<- n i P 1 ATLANTIC-CO., ST _! Vi U LINE. hedtile In Fffeet \o\cmlier _**. lv?7. SAISI __ __?/ Blt-I?U IKIUI Ifl'l. '.OO A. ML, Daily. An tve? . '.?..Il A. .A!., Noli , h M. Stops only a) I VYsv? n>. snd Bull ? .0? A. ?J.. D illy. A: live . ? A. I A. M . P.] If., ?. bar!? p, ..: .1 aonvlll? i ' ' r.M at X\ |l*on w Itl. N I \\iln. gt .. X >rk to Ja? ksonville. :55P. M., Dally. ?_' I?, M all ..'iO P. M., ! ail) . An ; . ?. M M.k. I ?top*, Rii hin-. I :30 I?. M'.. Daily, ?rrl I P, ?., k and ?Aeait rn ; r i ' orla 9:10 i with A. a al i .' P. M., i A. M . Charl aonvlll? i p. If., P P M NEW EINE TO MIDI'EU GEORGIA .' 'IN In* ai. to 8:1'? A. M M M . Atlanta 12:15 1 . Wilmington, Port Tain a X ta. and m 50 P. M . Dally. Arn. t A M . Ri Bristol i i., r m Rlchi burg. Ml P M., Dally. Artl Ml P, M VI eld ?P. M. ! . - IWi'll I don TRAINS AIIRIA'. Ill? HAKIM). x) a. M.. Dally, . vant,.ih. . Ma?on. a IgUSta, t* Son'|, ?? A. M., I ?ally, ? I .' ?1? l soli, Eyi., ?il, ?i g . | ih<, XX . T A. M., Dally. ivr.-r-.lai:,- : ?> A. M , S.,ii.lay onl) ?nti. At! Lynchburg S A. M., Daily, Norfolk. S .1 P. M , I ?ally. la. k __ nah. Charles!.m, Wl'mlng 9 ton, Ooldsboro', points South. a. P. M , Dai - Norfolk. ; ill c, *? verly. and P? I P.M.. Dsllj -,_ burg. ami th.? v. KENEY. T. M I.'" ...-' IN eneral .Manager Traffl Xl.r ?: r. H M. Eli KR?** n General !*, Agent C. 8 ?* i.i? 4_Division Pa.? nt. ^WNorfolk^Wesleni aiaamaaii Schedule in Elbe. ______ I ?J-ly a, 1S?7. VE RU iniOAir. UYRD-STREET STATION. ? A. M.f Dany iu i.iiiond and Nor? folk VKST1HCLE l.lMi? ED. Sec? nd-clas* ticket? a??t accepted un this train. i A, M., Dally. "IHK CHICA - }'!'.??,?.' .or Lyn. Uburi. Roar?.ko, Columbus, an_ ago. Pullmsn Uleev' Roanok? to Culuu.bu*. a for R??i?..rt?, bristol, ville, Chattanooga, and UV __ termediat? /joints. P. M., Daily, foi N??rfolk, Sufro*. a ?id Intermedlat? atati-saut P. M.. l'?l!y. for L> nebburg *n* Rounoke. Coime' t. gt K??-?* ncke *?iih Wasbington ?H'-l Chattanooga L?mit-d puil* i. m Sieepsr? Roanok? to Mru-iibi?. und New urlran? KUAN SlTiKPKR betwe-n RICH? . AM? I YNCHBI RO r- :. tor oc :y at IP. U.. also. Pullman bicp-r burg to Boanoke. n? urrlv? Richmond from Ljncl?* ?nd the W??t dally 1 :$ A. * ' :.*?- P. M. From Norfolk und ti.-? 1:1? A. M., ana Vestibuled UmiivJ L Offlc?. feat Main atr**L B. W 'Ml i: tNKY. District I'ass-mf-r Agent. x\ .L, G?"trr*l Pa??enge.- Ar?*n. ' e*: Roanok?. va J? *