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4_ THE KICHMOSD DlSFATCU-SATLKDAYs MJVKMBKtt 27, 181)7._ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THE PlflPATOU CX)MPAN? The DAILY DISI'A llvercd to aubscribers at FIKT. i 9HTS pet month, payable to the earrlaf w.-.-kiy or monthly. MaJled --i ?'; i"; annum; ? for six months; ?.CO tor tht-e month-, M cents for one month, l'rlce per copy. S cents. The WEEKLY DISPATCH nt H p< r annum. Th.- .-.?NPAV DBFATCS nt HJI Bat annum, or " cents for six m-mths. ?n ail ?aaea payable m sdvanc?*. nnd no p-. the ? v; iratlon of the time pi:?l ?OT, S- U.I i..,?.t-ofti.e aaoaaif et?or, ?h?ca, or r? ?s?-* I letter. CUttOmet sent by mall will tho ri?k of th.- ?catar, fcbse-rthers wishing ?heir : give tli.ii od as well as their new post ofiiio. Saaaple cpi?--? t adveutisin?; R vrr.s. HALF INCH ?>K I 1 time .? 2 times . a liases . 6 tlroea . - U time. I month . ?f* g months .''/' Business wants ."? Wanted situation, pay.ble in a l vanee ?2a words or l?ss?. H Ab04 ,: ad' vertlsi mints running con-ccutiv< ly. i:, i.iiiik aetlcea la wading aaatter typa Bee unes or tosa ?fa* m nonpar,.;, k five lines or l. BS, 1 Card of rates for im-r, spa<e furnished on application. All and MagraBM niuM be ad? dressed to Tin: DISPATCH ?COMPANY. Rcj., : ! eoaaaaaalcatloBa will aol b? returned. All letters ri-commrnding .and! lates for office must be paid for to insure their .. allot?. This is a bag standing rule of ours. Resolutions of r?-sp. . t to members p? I bj 10 . OOrpOTB Uoaa iis:-"i-i.i!iiIBB, or other organlza tions win be eharged f^r a? adverttoiag matter. it-town- OFFICS, BROAD-STRKET PHARMACY, HI LAST HitOAD stkkkt. kanchb8ter office, im hull STREET. SATURDAY.NOVEMBER 27, 1897. rOLI ? l'EElt ti: \? HERS, It .?-?ems that the a and teach? ? m il;.- pabllC sclnols of this city nte Bgggffag !" !' ', Council and th.- ?-ity Si-le ..! i:.,ard. No prsvhrton aaade for : educators from December ?.'?i to Janu? ary 2d. The ?cb??Bi of letreiichmenl now being put lato fort ben requires ?mi-Ii department "f RlChatOO m.iii to Uve within its Income, and tii!-- th.- school Board ha-a fouad to be lmix'S'ible without ledoclag principal.-' aini tea- h.Ts' aadai Rather than r-din . the pay I" r month of tin, . j.. isona tin- Si boot I thought It letter to compel them te tal. g prob.n;--.I h'i'i ' ' "hri-tm.-i-. Hlth.-rto tiny have had t> t. days' holi? day with pay, but now it Is proposed thai tin , shall have twenty ?lays without pay! Bart ae ?auch has been asid about the injury thai would thus be ?l"iie to tin- causa of education, the princip?la and ten hers have quitte generally to offer tinir servie s flee t" th< to round out the term to its full mea eure. This Is very pood In them. It not only m. ans that, utfd. r ih- I rues. they are wllllii? to work without pay rather thani that th a chil? dren ?hall lie interrupted, but t lia t they ai-.- conten! to "i?uii" th? City Court II Html School Board "out of the hole" they have gotten into. The Dispatch cannot but applauid and oommend the sctloa of tl - and gentleaaea. The petriotlc and naseilflsh spirit they ahow la worthy of ;iii praise It not only op.-ns the way t" relieve our city from B dl dia mnia time ?h. n w. an-.- making to attraci the atli' of the World to our a-lva-i tar-es as a resld?-ntial and manufactur? ing city, but very mueli redac?te the hlllty that the school .jin tioti will bo carried into city poltttaa BOXi ?priBg arty next y?aar the City Council will make up Its hudRct Of annual appropria? tions and ara badales the ?hop? thai it and tie- board will arrive at auch an aaderstandlag as win Insure this aub? Ject ?glHut rei'ew.-.l ui?li i'i-ui. As mat? ters stand, ?re know of nothing that tin so much contribute to thai end SB the proposed volunteering of the prii and tench. ??f course it will raaaala for the City Bchooi Board to Bay whether it win bo c?)?t tin -? voliinie.-rs' servios; but w. cannot s? < bow it i'ould r? fu I them. If the prlaclpala aad t. icbers are willing to give the public ten days' work with? out chain"?. n-> "in- .is. lias the right to object. Nor need then- be any fear thai S dangerous pr?-o sisal will be estsb? llsh.-d. In the future * * - can arrange matters better than we did this ?ear. Mi\i:i> it." A bill has been introduced In the Le?'i.?!ait>;re Of ?Jem tag to fix S p?nailty upon all Who off? r fo>* sale as pure flour any article oou? I -if flour and in part o! ?corn men I, or of any Other adalteraat. Tlll-a mi \ Ill.-llt IS intended lo th? ?rretagdelag which was ?i?-v? i,*??. ,i in'.. By I!"- chemical urialvMS- re eentiy made of some popular brand? of W?e ;? i n flours. In a nunilur of Institues It wns found that manufacturers bad 'i-.-t a deal of coinui'.il in ? .-?.-h inr. 1 Of th'lr fli ur. In that way they w? ;-.- ? -nablet! to ur??l*r*'ll the southern mills. And kg V th??/ ?, il their CUSlOIIHts-. It la not a sufficient answer for them lo BStoga that the mixture is bealthful. Bo It may In-, but the custom? r who Is really dcsirims of lmj.r-.viim his health may do hi? own mixing, and he will not have to pay as high B price for corn Dfal a.? 'or flour. ??leomarttarlne, too, Is g hcilthfiil nun. ?oui??!, but whoever buys l!, thinking he las ?bought butter, is To >revent this pr.u-tlcc. st rincent law;* nave been panned requiring thai amckage of oleomargarine from which ?ale* are made shai: be plainly labelled ->a:ine ' If that law ha Juslili isoiiH think it is, the ?I ?J??irgla law also would be. It 1? ?falte true th??t lava of this haracter are not as well enforced es hey ought to U-. but It is also a fact law* HKklnst Imailulds? are but L Htm they ara considered O be neceasary and .:. The western millers hay? been able to Irrva muuy wf u? MCN|f.rii mUU ? Uif tb .la ai t?. Cl SB am tl '"! Tu I B tlv Hi liai I" Bill ?J IK t. D Air; Pre !.. . yea ?la ma 'l alai Pre a o jam Tl aro in III her. win day own bar) At trota I ni tos? Ni a vers lag don. laid ton if to , limb \i" So n I 11 nient Th. Toan n Bte l! Ilia deal! fllltll 1" for make ?choc ?I- VOIi yotiag Bah 0 m; ht beds. pnteai or tal Last i n. re or lue A pi Kl'it'l Mghwi The who i How there ?>f our Th?*r? KivlllK Cluus, Martl i;Ivlng wiili h M?i-on of the very favorable rats* ib r ar?aAaa toeeearetand the nnutll profit th?y .?re will in?; to i - i ..u upon on n.eount of th"lr Immen*. It Is bad cnouirh for th?m to h?ve these B?VaatSg*fl over us. without tii* tr pain l-tg off ? : nni? .. I Bfl flour. That all west,, (in millers arc guilty of th?Sfl fruids we tlo not believe; that ?uni" of Hum we know from in\ < ?I IgattOB* I aaV* ! n ma.;.' ;n oilier title, of this ooaatr*r. We, tltarofor?, tea as rt i**a ?hi n*0-*glfl ; ln'iil'l :i"t paSfl such a ?? Is BO? proposed. And If it lie a law f"i Oiiiiigla. it would b? a good law for X irts'liiia ?Bl?*l Mf statute-book* al lain ?plain provisions again*! (h- adulteration of food. We. of course. foresee that there w.U ?lllllculty In eiifor? Im; th*** laws, but We may ?le,.! to si me ?M.nt upon th" Jealous activity of millers who offciiag par* ?Oars l*or ***Ja. Will BOt I?" eotltelli tO un.ler.-oi.l by m? n who an* fraudulently Uj tornmcal with tb? flour of ?b*?t ,;,, thosfl otf Bfl m t'"- Sooth ?be want to be entirely OB thfl flat* side may effect that Bad by buying th? pt*odti?tfl ot ??ur own nli.ible h'ine mills. It is ible fot a:.y Bfl ??ufa. tin M I t" lorn ??in batter Bour thaa eorfl eaa and ilo turn out. Y-'i these mills have BOt bad their r.-iir --hare of pobtk patroaiaf? I: al, th? ! ?inilies of thlfl community _ t., i-.i ,i.e tiii ir purchsssfl at toar from Um flgeata of cur miii-. tho*? mills whim enjoy eartraor? linaiy pn?s[?< rlty. 'I In- Ki<'hniond Cliain '"mtnerce has ?--t on foot ? move? ment to secure Richmond'? patronag? iinoinl's mills, and w.? bopt it ,M?! ?.?..-a 'it.- rt* und?rrtalrJng ?1th un /. : ui.'i! -V'-ry family bCTfl Ifl to tXre pr> ' n bob t?> th* pro ??ur own mill*. And outsiders riu am - it? IU hmoad flour ?ni th? ?hen tii? y learn that our mills iJspated control of th* Blchi_?ond nd Man- li'-st? r trade ht In I" th an go me i?? Itt I ?ax Vii The churches of Atlanta must pay taarafl .n th'ir p*vi**Of-Sg* iropii'iy; they must ? * Btraet Improvement assessments on he church property ; th?y must pay f'?r Idewalki aad a**r?r .?oanectls?*, and r a ?art t?f th* ? iiy's burden by .lying ta??* "n all pi?'l":iy not actually seil for church baUdinga. So fays thfl Constitution, which add* that Ids rule has b**n 'l..i?l?"l upon by th* Ity BUthOlitleS and members of thfl encrai C.niii? il. "in compilan?'?- with thfl tat* and dt* law? and th* Cc*n*tltution r the State.' There Is M other course th* elt-* to irai and after full in ?Stlgatlon an?l consul.ration the City arshal und City Clerk "have been In raetcd to continu? th? advertising and ii,- of property of th? cburche* on ?rhfch i street Improvement ?nu havfl not be? n paid." Th-- < '.institution says this means that ally all th" ehurch property of t' ill bie.?me involv.l in th? B-flflhH Of 0 law. and that vi iy f?W J Of arch property will bfl kept el? ltd tO ?hieb th.- ehi'i-ch. !1 hold clear tita a "1 ?"/-"iis : ars outstano?ng sgatnst the for taxes on paroonagfl property, aa of ii. fis. are h'-M by th? ,.inst thfl cburchea for non-paytnu eel Improvement ass.-ssm? nts, such as - paving, and flldewalks." .'he Kooky Mount (Franklin county) Benatora I laalfl] d Mariin ami tl;? Virginia repn lea pension for s Bemple, l*T**ident Tyler's -ntrvlvlng ighter. it my* ihat for the greater t of her tatber'fl term -h*. was thfl Of tin- XX'hit?' HOUM, and It .i.- aa a precedent th* fact that about ago -' i rudon ?** granted to . xviiiiam Daadiidge, s daughter of siileni Taylor'.-, "wlii? h pension bflfl H twice ilicreaseil in the last live The Tim? B-l '.-nioirat, after ting that Mrs. Bomplfl is now an in? te of th? I.oiiis.' Bom?, adds; h? daughter of President, sh? is > aiii'ii by ties of blood to three other aident? <?f the United state-, | tuBin to Presldcnl Monroe snd "f Ben? In .mil William Henry Hsnison'a lie nicht of a long day is closing und ber in visual bllndnc**, and thfl mit le? of S;*v arc fast gathering about ii"\\ proper and hoar beautiful it ild b ' that sha flhould spend th? last s of a nobly sp? tit life among her i i" >i| le, in be* 0?rn Slate, and be "I with her forefather?. .i? ml; o ni i tria Am tria aid dis? froi Ji Inci Hin th- i tbs snd are on* shot Ihr? If? inllii mon cana tile hip if. not situ; oth? th? . nil King tria. King Fred .out a week ago it was telegraphed u Iseadngton that Washington and Loe rorfltty had abolli bed foot-hall at thai Itt-tton. Thfl Etockbrtds* ? s says, hoarever, that this was a aha, as the authority's of the uni ity mi r? ly laaocd an old? r disband On- team for tin- flflSBOn. This was ? th? N.-ws adds, for tb? purp? pllnlng thfl team for ?rlctetlng rule down by th? f.unity, and lookfl to rming th.- K?me, so far as Washing* snd Lee Is concerned. the name can be t. f?,in?. . 1 BO as lltnlnate from it danger to life and . and the feature? that incr. as, thfl life in the eases ?>f l.'iny of its tli vott-es. much will hay trained In inoaltfytng public sei.ti "i't. ' Srat arrast haa bean niad* under intl-fUrtlag law, and the ar 'i "Johnny" bound ov*r to court, but i.i. In jllstlee to th. with In thfl present instance, that Ig hi's been followed by courting A this. Th* Tenness.e t Dai tnii-nt - r | violation of law to flirt with >l-glrls or to loiter about buildings ad to the ? ducation of ?ills and women. l_ag*r*oU thinks foot-bail plsysra ip tia ins?i\.s in feather? Wt**_ld he have them Bfl warm will prohahly be bltaaclf BtreatuaDy, ! h? his way of thinking? king? year the city of Atlanta spent f?t street Ught*. For this sum rere Bp*rat*d 5".". ar? aad US scries andesceiit fight*. roposed alr-shlp for travel to the ike is announced. It will be a I] t.? the gold-fields, of course Austrian L.-ftbts item to be those lever get left In the mutter of ; u row in the Kelchsrath. ?ear It may be with salaries, Is no discount on the public spirit city school teachers. i are other birds than the Thnnks l>oy turkey. The one with Santa. for example. n Thorn play? tl pinocle all Thanl s 1'ay. Tin* gituio in??/ mou he up PR* x.-a ?il Er Ing a In tin Ji? re . had b sit ion atadle u? k. i is, in for? i ?aa t ambit i ? h? r? II" R ; and 11 reach b. -in only ! and E nently clty. Mayor In the and Bl si-v? ta only htm ai !'..! III.,) those ? ?aa m last fl? iest fill Wi allli tioli ? fine i? ? lie lili.'I cr?. k conduct victlns, j romin Mr. \ Blbley ? : Mr. \\ termina taken,, oui by would t the Ho? a. .-, , ,,,] Hall. \!i- ?'I Mr. xvi bought founder Burning forcible friend? it? uteri , . - B-( el? ctlon popular Mr, X-. gtnla i'i At a ? this Bf| map pi? offered ; tend M? In Its el ing be < the trib sir.,us oi c.r. Th Th.- .-i are drap I family fi Tl A Mellu BLACI-i (S|."'ial ? by UM X i man Ctol most bei laurg* hai beautiful corts, HI!? BfM el. tea graceful i and eleg? brilliant I s. en-- ef to render Joyment He III. III. come. Ti by Mr. 1 N. c I?. o'i lock P, not tiled "Home, fc ment* of ? IV. I .11 I "h. .; rit i *.i ni*. BUM n?>>?. It Is pOBSlhto that the Urgi?la Legii ! Ita approaching ??saiOB g a .1 prlm:iry-?'?e(t!on lBW? bal If lo. s not. lb- I IB Of Klchmon gtn s?fe that our city's apeeial law ?ha ?. ,, vised .m i a:!:i",-.'! -!. Th? - i.. likely t?. attract much atten Ion this wit , We find thait coiniuandlBS la? ?* :? tnky priant ?a? and froa in m are loara thai an lalnaary ?leetloa hjtn an- c.ii.iu.'t.-.l In the same ni.inn? .?.I tin! i the same regulation! an? ? n.ilti? s as OB. All of MIS ST? sworn, and any fraud Is pun hailile the as nn election fraud to hold g*, ?t ?. reqsired to kIv fortj ays' notice by po.-ting at ?*? rt.iln con aatni a ail Btatlag the ?Jay aak oerra and place? ai irhlch th? poOa w-n . and tl.?- QlBeeS for which can n- to 1"' nomlti in the regalar ragas!ration booits a ?lumn la raaenred la which is entered the irty afli?atl"!' Of I ai'-'i BtoetOT WtW de res f.? .?".-lire it. The ?JndgBB ask ?BOb an. If h?' wishes to remain neutral may do so. If not, bis nnme is put his party list. IT,, i i-I!;.;-- are of uniform character, inted under ?jnvi-mm? nt authority, at e aspease of the party organ iz tloa ?1 no eb'ctlonoerlng is allOWi I within fa t of the polls. Th- count is anl-d by lew, and It Is said that th n.raii opt i-ati'-ii "f th.- Byatesn has been secure to the m?-mb> rs of B party a I- Choice of c : I! ! ? 1 : ! t > t*. i.irne of the features of the K? ntncky v W? think might well be adopt' d In rgtala IVSTRIAN BBICHSRATH HIOT. if,.!. Count iJolu? -howski undertakes lously to unite all Europe sgatnsl the suii'tiv ci.uipe??on of Am.ii'-a." it -ht be well for bba to try hla hand on In?; the polyglot ?l'-nntits in the Aus n Reichsrath. There is more dai ?tro-Hangary, or rather to the ? i n division of th.- hyphenated mon iy, from th? bear-pll acenea that are -raring the Reichsrath than Um n American competition. ist In proportion as these proceedings ease in vinel)'-", A.'i.i lOBBg nnd igary galna caste end prestlgei Taking r cue from th- ii i- ? rea? Btatli Reichsrath, the m toral racial dlvlMoni political fsetions throughout Aostria dev< loping more Mtterneaa ton another than bas ?ver b?fore been en, and g< neral Internal discord is atened. BBWhlle, in Hungary the opposite i * t ion of things e.\i.-ts. Nearly all the leacea und t.? th. pi**oinotioa ot ctally lan'iail harmony an I I equi m ni"! i "inplete domlBBtlOB by Hagyar of the affair? of the partaer astioaa th? refore, the Austrian rioting ; . tie n -ult of the it;<>ii may be what W? OOtllnod th" r day. Franchi Joseph may suspend Austrian ?. n-titution. for which Aus I? Indebted to Hungary, and l'""ii:e ; of Hungary and Emperor of A Instead oi Baiperor of Austria and ?..f lia: IV. SEI M4>l It WHITE. erlcl?alin rn'a ?liiy?ir line! ? SLcH-li of Ilia (airi't-r. IlDERICK^BURO, ya.. November :j.e,-:ai.)-\\'. Beymoor White, Mayor ederlcksburg*, died .?t l*H tins m>Mi t hla boma OB Washington . i.Mii year of hla age. Ha ?vas born January I, UU, and most of his life ? ' n s|.- nt here. His amiable dispo greatly eitdearad htm i" all. Ha ii law in the office of Judgi ?aal waa a-imitt?-d to the bir -:. .Mayor Whit.- lauglit BCfal .? ginning the 1 ractll.f law, and i-ry suee, .-..-ml as i t. aich? r. Alwaya oiis, be sought a l-roaid-T ii. id, betti r opportualtlea wen t ?offerer when qolti i waa fear, d be would not live t" rtate, bal hi recovered, ?ad a cuite an athlete. He Was the -on of Captain Chester B. White anny \v. White, who were Identified with the history of thla Chester s. White, the father of White, was .appointed paymsster army, with tha rank of c?ptala, ?signed i" duty in I'aiiioriii i, v.ti' ra ?l in tut, leaving a Id ?w with i small children. Seymour beiag the on. the cari of the family tt n to t an early age. end boa hi i i - ihe ?acred duty la besl known to !" him. li,- life " oi self-sacrifice, and. until tie be scarcely knew a ha! i hour meant. He waa Common? 's Atiei n. v for Si iff"!!1 i ounty for twelve rears, ?ad fllled ti. Itb an ability that I mtatlon aa a lawyi r, it waa whlli l this offli " thai the famous Aq il i train robb rj occuii-'i. and nia ; of the case and sue, , aa in con ii robb? ra brought him Into rVhlte in.mi. d la IgB] Alis. H. ! ti 8i">- tl d ..-liter of the lat? ill H. Blbley. who aui rivi i blm. hite i. cognised the prol ible I ital oi hla ilii" aa whi -a ind, despite thi ch? ering Imp. held hla i h . Insist? d . i well. <'io?. i ii-x and Qrym. tea, he waa an! of ?: orge Mason, of ? ; Two aiati rs, Ali.--.- Cool rick and u rive him. Two lite et ! it,-- Hon. A. I.. Ei the l'i. i. rlcksburg ?Star from ita . B. B. M< rchant, Ur. ?Fhlti Ba? il control. H writer, it was often thai had he turned hi Iture la, -'. : I of the law li; ubi have p., i, more marl;- d, He '. .1 Mayor of Fr? i rg two tO, am,I would have Bl had he llv? d, h iving ma li a most aii.l . (Reten! officer. hile was i -, -;,!, nl "f the \ Ir? ' Hon. ailed meeting of the Council, hpM ernoon, Recorder il K. Gould raiding. Captain T. A!. I i nceolution thai th.- Council at - or White's fun.-ral te-Baorroe Sclal capacity, and that a BM ?t? alled for aexl Thursday to haer ut' i thai the m< mi - rs ere de ! paying ih. ;r 1 'e presiding ufli " i? solution was ado? iy buildlagi and the B( ?r ottio? ilHn mourning. Alnny m. : ae* bave b. an re< sived by i li? on? nil aectlona of th-- country. IWKSi.lVIV; LEHMAN. Infill ?ill.ile ill lilac ; ? Tin* <?iii|?l?-a. ;.-'ilURO, v.v... NovetniM- .;. 'I'h. Thanksgivitai; genBBfl giv- n rginla I'olyte.hnic Institute Ger . OH 1 ISl ?v.-nlng was ulit ot the lUtlflll ever dliii'.-l h-I, Th? I was i?iIihI to overflowing with gills and th? ir chivalrous es l a large number of interest--.! s. Th. .?.ft miisie. th. easy and notion of the ?antosra, th? beauty lace of their eOStumee, and th-' Igbting all combined lo make a rare beauty and loveliness, and the occasion one of i-eculiur tn thut will r.maln Impressed on irl?H of many for a long time to lie gii man ira a beautifully led taipb e. Fraater, ot Charlotte, Being e-.mmenced promptly ?.t :? M and ih- tripling teet w.-iv as the gray ?ti-eaks of mitming III the east, and I lie band pi.i v.,I Nreel Home." Light l.f. laiidwlches. eoffee. and lr?n w. r? 1 A. AI. Th- chaperons were the the faculty. The following eiu leipated In the girasen : .Miss Jryde, of UlacUsburg, with Air, I : W he i-a !" -ii pu bu effi II Tal to in Sei A Lea i n i and I eti strn "He A i Cai i la The No Cap! I tre My I I fan I II My f Arou 1 - Aloft Ca'ise return ami i ? geitioi tongue soinni. curecc result.? l'r- p.u The oi Rerfoot; Miss Plesssnts, of Memphis, w th Mr. Hau-; .M,., Bouthall. of St. Psul. win, Mr. Hurl ?mli Bent ley. Of IMIaskl, with Mr J. K. Harrison; i'"?m? of Rosnoks, with Mr I.. ILarriron; Mis? Annli rrhlldre*?, of Chrts hui ? . wiiii Mr s Fraser; Ml? ' ' ' J-"i'w, .,r Maryland, with Mr. Morton; Misa Sail!? ( ,- ... ?, Blscksburg. with Mr. J. m Mcliryd?; Mis* Bentley, of Kosnoke, with Mr.' Bell; Mis.- Etta I ?* ?I with Mr Covlngton; -a?' Kuctti, ?f Roanoke. with Mr. B. <.i ?h mi; Ml?? Cos, ,,f.a,i. of Radford, v.. I. Mr f?oorm.ii: M Is* Oil ve iXklemead, 0? Pulaskl. with Mr H ?' EU? ": Ml ? Maty ? arn? r. of Rocky M.t. w'l!l? -Mr a T. bkrklge; Mrs. Ft C Prie*. <> * 1 ' with Prof? -*?ir Trice; Mrs. I' C. Shank*, of Blscksburg, with I.i? u U Shanks; Miss Bigs?, of Ellleton, with Mr. Olbson; Mis? N'cl ? McBrydr. of with Mr Ughtfool ; I rqubart, Of Suffolk with Mr. J. A. Bur? in, of Roanoke, with Mr. Stonem.ii; Mix?, Vlrginl' Hetb, <>f ?rd, with Mr. XX is. : Mis? M. l'r?|ii r Suffolk, with Mr. N?" i.v: Mra Firth, ..r Chicago, with Mr. girth: Ml?* \'i. holson, Of I'llaskl. with Mr. Hubbard. The stass were Messrs. Dsn forth. Turn?--. R Prssler. R H- C. Bever? ly, M.ide McBryd? James, Cooper, and Cowan. n ISOVKS i i:\t HFiis. Mretln? ?f the ln*>t II ute?The Elec? tion of Ollleers. ashi,.\ni), November .:.-(Special.)? Th. first BBeettng at ths Kajeovet T>.'?n ' ' thaUtot* for this fall took place hi re to-day at thfl graded school-house. The i x. r?|s's ?rere presided over by Mr. W. If. Hamlet, principal <>f the Aabland ol. Organisation for this year's work was effected by electing the following i : Pr< aid? nt, W. N. Hamlet ; Vlce Pr? ildent, Misa Carrie B. Ratcllffe; M - retary, Mr* Julia c. Esgbert, of I school at .\?! -. Es ay* were read by Miss Meyer on "Edui -m?.a M<. na of 8u< and by White on '"Training th?- foung Idea." Short talks ?< re made try Buper? Intendent-of-Schools-of-the-Count) W, ll. Campbell and Dr. v\'. ii. Pox, president ..:' th.- Aflhland School Board. Bubjecta for n- xt m?etlng as fol? low*; "Grammar, Reading, an?! Spelling." i on th' - -ni i. ct? will i e ,11 ii i Mil - Mey? ; Wai h, ?rock n brough, Wright, I.ami.kin. and Porter, and Mrs, Egbert snd Miase* Bllncoe. ami \\ in?:' I_ The following teacher* were present: xv. \\ Hamlet x\\ t. Lowry, <;. <;. Mr . ju!: i ' . Egbei t, Urs. \\ ool? ? Ire rory, ? !ampbell, Hen Wright, Wlngfleld, Thompson. I^iii", Meyer, White, Lumpkin, Ratcllffe, Cocks, Brock, Wssh, Brockenbrough, Jon s. feaman, Beaaley, Haw, Et ins. and Oilman. ?er? stti tided by a largfl er ..f vial tors, who ware deeply In? terested in the work of the members or the nssoci ition. Th" m--.! me, tin? win tak? place on January Mih in Aabland. There was son... talk of having aub-meetinga in neigh? borhood* which, if carried out, ?111 greatly aid th. ?on. ? ma com. DIM o\ Eiiv. i trown ?nick. Porter, Iminense l*?*J? \eiir Sal em?Held I p Itolilietl. ROAHOKB, Y.X.. ,\.,v. tnl.rr K*-*Q*p* clal.)?At the foot of a mou-itain tu ? aid a half mil? s from Salean, and imploring mi th?- Cave rood, in l*?-mnohe county, a vein of .oil he- been illacovered, x\o: o is a 'lUait. r Of -i mill ?id* and eight l*?l thick. Th.- dlflcov? ry was made ?a- .-ks ,-u-o by 'ii "! '. calor? ! ahoemaker named B_ M. Lawaon, who resides in tins Ity. Th.- old man ?ai keeping quid tbout i int of n ibit t" i m ;.. | ;t. The coal ha? bet B i i.. ,,f -400,1 quality. Hon. M. ?'. Thorn**, n nu. d at Bhawsvtlle yesterday morning, vas broughi t.. ibis city t" ' ij on *n d b- -: in ab ". Mr. na i\ pi " u ions o i Every .it ? mioii p. sslbl? i- i-, r ^ given him. r> ..f the hold-up ord? r was r? - "Tt. .i t., th.- t olicfl lu last night by m employ? e of the f;?1 tnoke M x'oik - named Cridlta, v. ho i tat i that u h ni i.. en h. id up m ir th.- Roanoke h?mi? al-XX'olks and deprived "I hi?' itch an-' other valuables, .x- a result. Is men ?en arrested to-day on a-wpi i'.n. Mr. Ctidlln tailed to Identify any " nt Henry Fink, of the Norfolk nd We d an <>rd? r tut) \'.'. ?'. liullitt. traffic ir aving resigned ids position, to tak.- .t ci November SOtb, Hi" vacancy ?ill not till?.i until further notice, and that on n,l aft- r I'.imber 1st W. B. I ii. ral i r agent, ami T. s 11 ? - rill ; d? m J. M. Barr, ?ho ?ill IV general control of th. trafile depart n;. Ill II \ CD TO DM ITU. / V?? n en? Ii le H tie I? brittle ('?unity l.nily?\ *-?,| Das?. UBXJHQTOU, X'.x.. *g<rv?*ml il.i Mr* Khzibeth Ayns. ag*d H t". i n? t "f i ?. B_ Ayr? . ?ho Btchlng h*r son. Mr. Jame* M. Ayi -. farmer of Decatur, near here, kid bogs, . near ; he Are - - d for h< itlng d her clothins c night in , bul aUiurulshed, ii waa thought, that tin;.-, shortly afterwarda the n ?aa attracted by th.- ci-i.-s of hla ah' r, and found b- r clOthlBB in full tfle. She ran towards him. and h" took coat to extinguish the flam? a hile he ?aa wrapping his coal r ehe fell on a i i!" of fodder, and that u i h t i lii. ||. . ni],?, d eo\11 ber with a bed comfort, which . bad broughi to d thai ht. In attempting t?i i out th.- Raines Mr. \' r? ? ' i? badly nd hi? mother only ?urvived the i., i i urns a fe? hours. lev. Dr. J, T. Wightman, pastor of Inlty MethodlBt church here, was called Baltimore dis n - ? the sudden i'ii ol hla daughter, Misa Annie Wlght n, ah?, ?as rialtlng there. Sh m the eff? eta of bronchitis. I': Oil tl 'I'll th? a? s. I 111. coi n? L Chi Bei SI la Uli tea ary I': Kir I. I i SU'', Mis Mm n ni tt m In 1 11% N I) tir OFF. Ions Accident In u I'm I. i nu i. t u Su u-Mill. NDBRSONVIl I.K. .\"ov?ml?-r ei'ial.l V- ' '...; about 11 o'clock Mr. I:.- XX. flset with a v.-ry se ; lata ,-nilll ? : i: M 11 ai ,x. <; im n snd i.: w>! knag . *.-. id:.- on the carriage, thai . undertook ; > ? in trout ?>f th? ;?v?'. Th? saw ? lek his il-ht at in. ami eut th" h mi and thre? n n y ira* T?" . Mil ?I I'e tut to The I'ri'i-iitnn, ni,- Monthly.) ; i- i frt man." id betweei ? h iE i H ,n. i \\ I greet ; ' : s ami the ST no t?rr..r any man may bring, Nor an] cl?nkless chains that bound me 1 liav* rent, more . . ?1 . \ to Hop* I cring?- or cry; Ive* t?? Pat* imn rear their prison Hut fr?e ?.ni I. ad arha re arrows press upon my path, nil.? to se.- the danger and the ?lart; breast is bared to meet the slings of Hate. But not my hfart. o the thumb r an I I face the rain, ft my head, deSancs far I fling? <?t are .- . t, 1 tac* the autumn as I tat ? th.- spring. rd im- on the battl'-lblds of life. m- u fi? ht and fail and crouch In player; I stand unfi ttt-r? d. for I know The freedom of ?lespair. KI.I.KN GLASalOW. fOnstipation s fully half tho sicklies?, In the world. It s the digested food t??? long In the bowels ?roduces blllou.uess, torpid Ilrer, lr.iii ood's Pills i, bad taste, coated >, sick headache, in i. etc. Hood'? rill* ?iittipation aod all Its_ i, easily and thoroiiRhly. 25c. All?-ruK*Ists. rd by C. I. Hood A Co.. Lowell. Mail. .y ?ilk to take w.Ui llood's ?.?.rs j?-au_u. { Al NI ral "'loi ti.Ill to-,I tain 11.00 filial A i stn-i mue mod rang H m t 11 LI I'r.,_.? H.-v. Kit Lo -1 glare tho Ft ??L I DMT. pastor m< r-.i furelli "X'onii It)-* oil PAY, V meetti m si BO aSSCtafl I r-?t ZStb, a Ct*r Ha* R?AN ( o'clock D. I). M.; XVe mt dlrin* o'clcK-k. -leetin? also at (comer UEOKOR II A. 1 M.; Yoo curdiall UW <c irner 11 A. SI is_r OBVSC Services HelTliJei l': 1.0 A. A J. Bi Jasas i at 4 l Ni?ST ai tag t-Atx. BaTi CIIIKU Her J. i 111 A. The Fire=5ale Store is Growing Ami it's growing great by theOTrchseee tlia-tmak<>pi?4'e ?jron<k very w?)ii? J'iftil indeed The third great Clothing Stock of tin's M Hon's .*??'4'iil?'iital wreoking has looked fate With this store. This hi stock lias filled the Ht4iro, and tin* 4'omparative pri?e with clothii irosa other houses is odious. Tho lowest and b?it?ng price of ai < ? mi i ?:?t it i v?* house ig more than a third higher than nur al'.-nrom ??roht osea. Von ?'-'in read of them, .?-ee them, hoj them, ami tin have your momej ivfuinhd tliree days after your purchase for tl asking. 000 lien's Elite, Black, and Fancy Mixture Cheviot Suits, we made to cost :**7.."><> ; y<?ur choice for any in the lot.S-'.? Bfen's Single and Doable-Breasted Suits, of the latest d?ssigns plaid and phiin mixtures, w? re inaile to cost ?18.60, for.$3.! 150 Fine Imported Cheviot Suits, perfect in tit, elegantly mad with rolling collar, garments made t4> cost $13; your choice for an in this lot .$4.9 300 M4'ifs Bine Bearer Overcoats, with velvet oollaii coal made tocoet ?18.50, for.$3.5 Men's ('??vert Cloth Light Colored Otercoata: Men's Blue and Black Kersey Overooate, lined with Skinner satii coats made to sell for $15 ; your choice of any of them for.$6.9 Men's Pants, all sizes, strong and durable 1'ants, made to 001 |L25, for.09< Midi's Pants, good enough for dress, of stylish patterns, made t cost $1.70 : your choice <?f any in th?? lot for.95< Men's l\i:its, of Caasimere, Cheviots, and Worsted--Trouser made to cost 18 and-ft a pair; your choice of any in this lot for 51.9? Cli?dn'ir.s Suits, sizes -1 to It, ?ill neat pattiTiis, and plaid?suit matle to ooat $% for.99c ?Children's Suits, all sizes, in Bine, Black, ?>r I*l;ii?i?Suits mad to cos? $2.50; your choice of any in this lot.$1.1! Children's Suits, of rhe very liest all-wool chevi??t?suits ma.let? cost 11 : your ohoice of any in the lot for.?$|.9I Knee Pants, made to 'A'lC., for.,.19c Men's l-ply Linen Collars, all standing collars, sizes l'J.i t?? IS for.4 jc. each Men's Fleeoe-Lined Bibbed (Jndtanrear, sell everywhere for50c. for.?.24c Men s All-Wool Bed Planne! Underwear, were to ho sold fo 11.25, for. .65c. a garment Men's Fine Stiff Hats, all were made to sell for S'J.2.3, for.$ A. GREENTREE, 429 East Broad Street. AIRSHIP TI? TH? KLOMHKK. r?i|n*lll???A Tower Will 11?* n \npht I : n Hin?-. -A.V KHAN?'IS?"? >. N'?v. mlier M.?1 ni a Maxim, Buperinten ISnt i th Atlaatle auni rial Navigation Company, aai at the conipeny now baa In eo . -ii.ti ?m airship in '.vlii-li H la . -.! to make the trip to the Klondil everything n r I? ? ml the Bhip will *r?fish ' ''"? pound ,1 ?re Bhall taki ;1* '" i m. iKhi ' a as au.! provision 0 cut i. The propelling power will be a i mi -i,,,'.\, r nglne, which wi made ou! of aluminum aa far i ,i , ,,, i? u----.i, and will welgb, i oa - pounds. isollne will la-- store-I in tntil? the . wiiii-ii will contal i ni quantity to drive tin- vessel aroun .- n ih without f plenishing the tang? ?.kin of the ship will I"' double, am Intermediate apace fiII. .1 with hydro i gee, This gas will i-e confined i . i mpartmenta, and will be H i pan of the cylinder and in ?n pniacn mat be HiggiOMART. i-iuiiliii le. of ??>, ?-?l?-i?, Sui?! <?? Tlilnl ?tf (.'?iIiik to %frl?-a. ?NDON, NovbbbI r -"' The Dnll: thai ft hears that rrine nadOtta "f Swe'leil. hr?s* ?lev. og r.-?eiotis t. ii'ii mies under hi l'a Influence," a : i -., i that ih?- ?oi?! . plan- devoting th.-ir lives to mission work in aiii i. in.*.-* Bernadotte la the ?e?oond ?ob oi ir II., "f Sweii. n and Norway orn .?t Stockholm, Novemb<er IS On Ifaurch r. laW, ?with I nlsslon, be d .-ill claims l? t<-> the throne, having marrtt Bbba Munch, daughter <>r Colon? i-k. and the name of Prince i- r it!.-. Th?- I'lii"-.- inri, rats his father'i ?rament, and resemhlea him Btn I? lu-,-.- iif charitable woi k. DOLL \?i wiii:\t. \?i \i\. '.enat. In ?I??* ?i|i?*<-n lull v<? A?*e?*|it ? ?l.iii ?if ihe Term. :\V V? al:K, \i.\i nil - r :>;. - After weeka of anas tlafs<*tofy masketa, ai- wli-at" In the sp?-?-iil.-itlv- an' -i,? , of th" t'Tin. waa realised ob '?Cl i v. The Deci mb r opl Ion -a 'y at? l that, gnd aoon \ laaed It, reaching ::-?. in the afternoon, which was thi A bad . re for the -inn's [ble for the |o al gth, although ibl? a h id i tu do with the -airly advano of ,. ts. {Exporters bought only rati ly "f \?. bi at, i->.it to<>k ? bushela nf corn to-?lay. Wheat -I from !'V..e, -,?.i.:m 3-8 for D? cember, i BLIGIOI s sKltvl? i:s m vini', -KROAD-STREET METHODIST ell 'corner of Ilrosd BSd J ?*n-h -?rest? ? ilng nt 1 l A. .M. aa?1 ? P. M. by the pastor, W. STAiiH. U. D. Moraiae aaB.'ect, lima? Vi..ii'1'..-r. In tho Armr Of Ihr. Ai nicht, "ir tb?> CBaac*ltae n-om <.r iv I? .lust \tj6iil ot tie Bow ?an Ws Wia leadabtpol ?.<?:.'" A ??erdtal reelce-iiie to in. Jay tit-hool at ?J:.Tj A. M. " UNION STATION' AIETIIO -K-.V. BggBBB 4' Vaim-.k-i.-i r. I? |l . bavin?? bee* retan* J win p-? . IC ami i.nrht ar 1 I A M., " I h* N**?v Coa? ? \ M.-ir-Wua?. Miall If get ftJJOP. M, v." :?.i"- I. v., BsadaygcBooleae mom? iB : - i-i-- al 1:30 P. U. Mo> edsksdav nn-l Iiuk-hat Ni .ins ir.?cr US. Orlli* ?l ineea ing lilgpAT Men;. ' METHODIST SUNDAY Il S'il TH 1 V. ?Tl.? regular BMBtfely % Ot tbls -O'tetr will or, noil at elmieh IPBBAT AiTiKXOO!?, Notembir t 3:3 ? t/ctoax. A. J. Oiar, I'refiJr^* ?a P. Jtady, Secretary. 0 RACE-STREET I'RESBYTE Tll'l'CII.-*??rvlretj at 11 A. M, and S I". M. Preaching by Ho?/ J. ?.V lfo?.Biil!0, -unday scncol ??errlcra at t?:.'*0 o'clock A. ? ?.-.?day Nn.HTsorTlces at d o'clock FRIENDS.?MEKTINU FOR rorsl-ilp F.vr.Kt ?.absath .Mormm; at 11 ; gseaa are ir?*.?, ?.nil all aro walcoina. ' -house Clay atreoi aboro Hirst. Serviooa , 0 o'clock A. M. ?n WaPSXiOAr. ts FIRST BAPTIST CflURCH of Twelfth and Hroad ?tre>;t.?)?Ker. Cooi*eb. I). I)., Pastor, will preach at and ? P. M. Blbln geheol at ViSfl A. , ig People's I'nlon at 4 P. M. Welcome ? ' giren t.. nil. SECOND BAPTIST CilURCR ! ill.h and Mala streets -Pre*? bin r at and ? P. M. by Her. J. M. >tih.bk, D. I). '' OKACE-BTREET BAPTIST 1-R9T. Wa. K. Matcher, I?. I?.,p?.ator. at the Tabernacle, (hace between ? and pine streets. Sunday acbool at a. Preaching at 1] A M. by He?. utos. 1). 1?., nod at 8 P. M by ttev. 1 Tayia?k. Vutine People's I'nlon M. Prayer meeting \Vepnk*h?y , H o'clock. Young Mei?* pray ?r-iu?al ii'AV Miuut at 8 ocloca. ?ROVE AVENUE BAPTIST I (?Jrore arenas naar Bae?*b atreet ? j '. Uibin. 0. I)., Pastor.-Preaching I. by me paau:. ?errtcet at a V.U. j at?_" ?g**?*^ COCOA mj>???f rfr.AC'rM.-i-U! GROCERS P/EXWHtRL. Uto O? 'C&tffcy feu*h9-_o_ no I.'*. STREET-CAR TICKETS. 0\ AND AFTER SEPTEMBER 9th the sale of tickets in lots of 23 for SI will be discontinued. Conductors will continue to sell tickets at the rate of 6 for 25c. SCHOOL TICKETS will hereafter lie sol?l toSChOOt children only at the company'?. oi?ices, foot of Seventh street and corner of Jwenty-nintli and P streets. Papila desiring them will be required to pre? sent certif?cate covering th?. ensuing session from principal of school. RICHMOND RAILWAY I ELECTRIC CO. (?efi-tfl KIRK'S SILVERWARE 5A/VVL KIRK & SON CO. desire to call .itteiition tu their motd attractive SILVER GOODS, PRESENTS. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY. MAM'KA; TOKY K? I AHLISHEH 1S17. ?alcsroiiins, 106 Baltimore st., esst? Baltimore, Md. [no 1.0-1 ni| amvsmmbsts. At At?KM, Or' Ml M? . .s'ATnin.w, x??VKMiti-:i? irrTir, MATIVKK A XI? NICHT. thi: FAMOUS A?"r?>i:. Mil. l,i:?IS MO It III SOY, ?,' AN' I'XKIVAI.U.I? i'li'iDI'iTIONOF I ' \ I IT. I'l.itviV.L. ) WHOM IT MAY ? iiNCKKX: Take notice, thai 1 have UUfl ?l.iv ,-i|i I'-ted J. 1,. GftEENWALD my agent to the elothin-i and ?*entlem?!i -, rnishfr.-r bualae-as at No. ur, *_-,> Main to and sell for cash only aott-U M MI.Vl.K. Dili ?. ?, VIMlIt I',K?a, Ac. NOTICE- -PAINI-fCSS Oi'KllATIVK i'?j for Hemorrhoids (Piles), L'aed for teen year? by a i?i'>miii.-nt W**t \n ila physician without a failure r? : ?n.i.t cure guaranteed. Apply to H !.. IM BLE. I'll aaal Clay street, aft-r ? let k I* M ?Lilly. no 21-gt* in i'mii un. ,'(?T!' K. A THOROlTOJi HYPNOTIST ?lie? to FORM A ??.ASS IX THE IKX'K OF HYPNOTISM. A full an? standing of the science guarantee?,, rma reasonable. Adlr-s*? C. l>. H.. tni Ua no iu-Tu.'in..saA?u4t I'AlM ?.. LEWIS'S FLKE IJCAD. LEWIS S Ptrjil LIXSKED Oil*, d all materiul for patntiBg. only th? m qu&llty keyt In ?lock. Writ? for otatlooa PL'RCELL I.ADD * CO.. S *> __ _Whol?s?l? Dniggtat* ?0K AND JOB WU1.? MgATL?sxgourio ATTgS SI5FATCU I'llll-atl.U'J'JH IN GREAT VARIETY. )/co/W7n/t >"W t!l?lf til- etil'I ?S? eomli-f on, one of the r-***ni I? t??i*<>.>tl Innltli ifl \\ ABM I'll. l'?-!t Shoes hi.?I >|ip*,.-rs ??il, I i 11 i i ? i_r-i unil Felt Hh?oe? ?m?} NIlp* with fur Iinings a! prie?H wifhii, reit'li of i-v?'ry o:u*. I't-lt Blipper* f?.r ladiW Bear, liiiine*. for 7."??'. J'VI* Lac* Bho?*, fell li'u-.l, $1. ? ( &T?-* L? ;V?_-r:a__^-S Pelt Nnliiflers, for ladie? a fron! god Itnck. fur lim-ii. 7.*?c i't-lt shoe?, in nog? sverj - Kcoiiotiiv pli???.. OE AND TRURK HOI1! 311 East Broad Street. (DO'JtI-'.'tj Wc Advertise No Old Stoc All <?ur goods are fri from til?* lur^est ii;ii?<?it? r.?i?tl titlk. It's now G. E. Anderson, Sr.'s Cheap Casii Wholesale and Rete 212 West Broad Street ?ind IS3I and 1833 West Curv Street, !; ? ? ?m ? _ - and Peea, onli A ' ' Mix? I T< - Macaroni, 7?.- ? ? '.traiii'-l Block*, T 1-2? ; :t pack* Chewing ??um. .' Ii Iah Pol I hoop Wat? r Buck? l-hoop Wi?. i i. Mincemeat, < and ?c. ? ound, Nutmeg*, only 2 tot le. Any BUM Lamp 1 II Vinegar <- >o I, Id per i ?Hon. Arbuckl ?'a ai l Li >i h .?ir ?;i? ?-n ? loffee, 01 Clipped Herrn. :u Meal patapflco Flour, Be per 1 Lard, only I ?'.. and Anchor and Hummer Soap Luck Pon i : .' '. ? ?id Dominion Poa . I I r Kraui. Se. quart Cork. 4 1 ?1, ?. and 7<*. ghoul I. ' mda up only 7 . I ?-irire Irish Pol ' \<rcx. F'-ni Brand To the Front To of Lye ? ! P B? ? Sew Fork Cream*? i. poun Mutter Beans, only k |.. . Mail oidei nil? I I Old 'phone B2 at 212 'phone Utl at lan I atreet TO VIBOINIA EDUCATOR); AUK Y??l I I- ?< M IN?. MAGILL'S HISTORY OP VIRGINIA? 1HE KTAM)A.:i) _USN__| UK tit It VI A IK, BY AMI tick Fit BAQ_1__?. ol \\ lachr.lir, V ?. The flr?H sdltlon of Ibti part ?1 _; thfl request of ? ind W-- Adopt? : ise whil? in MS. It ! i :.;, ? -.a i'v gtatfl Si hind I inn*. IB .-''iitimeiit it Ifl loyal 1 :ause fur ?*. I ith fought it the same time it Inculca! oyal devotion to our Oenei tn'iit. it haa often i en i rt >f the raoct - II -i-fully wrltt' n I he JCngtlsb o finish deeply Interesting to both fouag i ml Old c, A VIltr.l.MA BISTORT, IT II \S *,?> , ;Jl y,n 12mo.-*7l i .?_? ? loth, fully III ontraet with the Stat.- I Ion for flcbool uae at il i? r ? ?j ? ,!n from l;?.t.ks.-i|?rs throv hfl Sla' a-, that I'M rill i?- mad? to boi . for firs? introduction S| ewioa f.?r ?xamxinatloti ?Ith > deptlon i?y county sad ) Bards principal*, *nd L?py. f*hl?'h anrtounl w ?-?! rm it? first order lor supply of boo ich adoption. For full parti ly or ?a rit*? t-? J. P. BBIA COMPAWTs I'liMlsher*. -' MAI HIM I??;. \ ?Y. * _(se -.{-Th.y.iATu ) _ riMI'if* '.I i. '. Richmond, Vs., No*? N' -TH'?: Sealed pi ,i t p. M. N< ?'. i Il.l ?IN?'- A BRU Branch, In th? Una : ?.h In I t.i be accomr.anleil i y , led ehe? k f? i tlflht l :-?l. VV. I \ ?V. I_ tin - Office of City i ? "it V Richmond, Va., So\ n rOTICE TO ci'XTKA'"i ?i - ? PROP? >.? \i.M \ *. 111 !.. o i eo until SATI RDAY, N?.?? \2 o'dot k M for t ne C< i.\. A BRICK RKTAININU V\ ALI, Hebrew < ?m. lery, ob tl llos|?it il .?tuet. Also. f..i RUCriON < ?! ' si:\\ KRH flic, th?' proposal for whi h ?a ?u.-d until M? i.Mi.'.Y, N". '-. i* M Ian? -- . ations f'.r the I tile - .?, . be right is rr?<?et r proposals ofl W. : TAXES. /^-V\*-*vv-.. - ?*> BAKI BBSTSM, T\\i *. LL TAXK8, si'A , i-; \m> CI i ? he past du* mi DECEMBER 1-- i I ' t dat*, at ?Bleb tun idded ?o all !.iil? uni aid snd lb? led ?.ver to the Col ector foi pell?n accordm?, t,. J \\ BR< ?NAi ?ill. Jr. Treasurer City >'f M n-txoa)_ SI UM I! HK. A?'. : v i_ea\ wo Tin: ein ES to s.u ,i very bandaoni -' avtng large plate ?. ??* mir? - ? ?et and ?ither Furniture. ? "t._ no HOF.S, THINK* i ?nuil I ? ' l E. H. SPENCE, g ON?MIig BKOA? AM) Klt.HI tl*?l'*<*? ES, IRINKS, AND UMfiRfll-.?* _ M -3m) _. Bl'SINRKS orroKTt'.viTies. KIM? t.uot lit? I ?'H ALB. ?eat ion i* ra*a abiUhed ten yea ? \ fl*M? jL'i?Kl'll