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- r... as iiiiiiiiKivll mwiilTIMJ_C* l IllJl.l V Mfl V I?'M III? O 1*7 1Q0T' Vf We give Trading Stamps with every of loc. and over. No snir-r way 93 mastership of buying Hum * l*'i*>t't knowled^o O? valius. . 'ill?* )>4>w?*r of thin know isagt lo foil in t!?4' \nst ?listributioii mwle during our Saturday Bargain-Day. Tli4> sti'iks. SUTf?mg crowds, ill?' rharm of UttltJ i?rif<>*., all general i z< d by And it's thoir determination to maki- ?vt'i'v 1>uv?t a pleased and Biltisliiil |?:itl??li <>f tin? stur?1. I'l-wartlsof 100 styles of Suits and Wraps await you this niorniii'r, ?ill at I cluiii?-.?' < 1 l?''*"1' U1 .V"UI" *;iv,)|': Just one ?>r tw4> an- nu'iitioued. lai?ii>- ! !? ****** B?nwri of Black in " "1 d -M"h.ur. well maule, Ha- Figured Silk or ?atin .skirts, d.iubi. lining, perfect hanging, A!Wl?-Llnedh' Throughout Cheviot Skirts, lor IK? each. , j . nd il.iliii'ii s Bath i? Eiderdown and Turkish XO? a * 111 f ?IstsX g Astrachan and ?'ti.-vlot CMts, htsh storm collars, finely tsilored, *?> Tun Kei?'\ .la. k. as. half-Bilk lined, in? laid ?velvet ?ollar?, for H. Btrliah Man-Tailored Jacket of Black Kers.-v half-silk lined, strapped ma, for HH; best f.'.?-" value Velour Russian Blous? -. rich, stylish garments, lined throughout witn satin, beeded and braided, price I'-'- -<?. Cheviot Russian Blouses, double-br? ist . ?1 braid trimmed, stylish garment, price 111 ; othi rs to UtM Jkli???..-- ' of Fancy ('loth. ?.in. s from 6 to 12 rears, large collars, braid trimmed, for ?tt-76 ? a? h Chlldr? o- Coals of Cloth, handsomely bralde.1. for UM teem. Th?* most surprisim* faatore in the II It JDi:i'\!tT>IKNT Is the. wonderful prices on the handsome grades. I'lnaip oins, too; lots of 'ami German Marten ('ltisti r Coll with heads and talla cost V-Z.'m usu? ally, here 17.60. Electric Seal Scarf Collarettes, 6 tails, 11.9a. Brown Harten Countess, w?h Ftorm collnr and lu Marten talla, worth ?I?.. for 19.60. Canada Marten Scarf Collarettes, 8 tails and I hi ads. I2.<?8. Childra-n's Gray, White. Ilrown, mul Tan Lvnr. I'm - set. Electric Seal MufTs, 11.60; German Mar? ten, large si/... H.G0. Brown .Marten shell shape, with heads aad tails. $;i.,,",. French Ceney Muffs. Tea \v i: UBAO II hosikhv. is no middle piolita sre charged up to rou. From maker to us Is the. way thiy come: Fancy Roman-Striped Hose, entirely n. w ? ff- i air. Hllk-Finidi.*, l.anlies' Hose, fifty gauge, doubl? soles. >i boi "f A j>airs foi Solid Black, Pancy-Stitch, Finest l.isi. Thread, with solid colored silk Boles, 1"' Is, and lues. Ho. ji j.air. ItMBeS* Fancy I'laid EaOBS, any Ftze, chaln-stltched snipe, l>. pair. Misses*1 and ?Boys' Fin.- or Heavy Rib* Black Hose, double knee, he. i. and t.,-. any sise, '." pair Ladlea' Imported Black Hose Herroa dorf dye. B| Heed heels and toes, 12 1-^c. pair -and others. A HINT OF Till-: M ANY IIAXDKEHCIIIKF IIAIK.AINS TO-DAT. Ladles' Sheer Pur..- Unen Fin?- Nar? row Handkerchief's 10c. each. DaJnty, lein,., 'Scalloped Kml-roidcrod on. All-LJnen Fine Fr. a,eh Embroidered Handkerchlefa, 'scalloped, or open hom8titch?.-?l. for 10c.?worth 37 l-" li" dozen L?diert Unlaundered whit?. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, open? v?"k Bff( each, ?list. | 1 ..I II l-2c. "Men's or Ladlee* H.mnic?!. Heinstlteh r 'S' :i!lo|i.-d i:m!.n>iile!.'il( over l.tsJO dozen, your pick, .' BBOh. ru? Kin-nixM*.**. Combination ?*r*ocket-Boolu and ?Card? -, In plain .m.I . mboaa. d, vei v ? lor. including l?lack, cheap at .?Ik-., tor Ladles' J.'-aither chnteiiiini-ii.iKa*. Black only, oxidize Ulramed, cheap at inc., for loe. Combination Pocket-Books and Card - plain ?>r silver trimmed, usually e., f u 16c, ?-ach. Combination Pocket-Booka and Oard ?'as.- real aeal, any color, value 7'.h\, for 60c. each. ? S.aii I'h.itelalne-l'.aiiis, value .TJe., for 25c. each. Ask to s.-.- our tni?! complete line ?>f Ladies' and (Jeiitlem?*ii s 1'ock? t BOBM. KID Gl.OVK??. Ladies' 2-4'Ias.p lleaw ? 'a I -I. -St rtehc'l Kid Gloves, in Ox-Blood, Tan. Golden Brown, White, and I.lack, f??r S.V. ;? pair. Ladles' 2-l'lasp Heavy Embroidered Hack Dress-Kid Gloves, In Brown, Maroon, and Mack, regular SU6 glove? for 11 a pair. Ladies' 3-Clasp Heavy Embroidered or Plain-Back Kid Gloves, an elegant wearer, cheap ait 11-78; sp???c*lal, UM\ RIBBON?--. M'IKIM, SALK OK *I7M. luidles' Sash,-, i ;;-? yards long, Roman gns, Molr? iltilsh value 62. for|1.39. No. 6 All-Silk Satin BJbbon? all color?, a yard. Mo M All-Silk Sitin Rlbbona all colors, value I.V.. for 10c. ho. 40 AllSllk New Fan.y Itoiniin Kiti txms, regular 3i?c. grade, for 25c. a yard, *N<>. -t?> Heavy ?Quality Taffeta Roman Rii>?-r?n?, regular fa--??.-, kind, for ?Z<-. a yard. ll-lneh White- .Malm.-Net \''illtie. with Black chenille dots, 18c. value, for He, a yin-I tSe. arude Of Klaek Tuxedo Veiling, with chenille ?iivts, ISc. n yard lS-lmti Black Kish-N',-1 Veiling, ? . kind, for 2".c. a yard. Black and Colored So?fle-N'.t Veiling, with chenille dots, : >. a yard, 15c. gni?li* Uluet Grenadine V.iling, 108. a yard. 10c. H<-msti*tchcd Hernani Veiling, W)c. yard. Ask to ?co our higher price goods. Ol *-i:w?iii:. g-Hecc Int?: Glase D?C4>rated 4'hina ToII?*t iM'tM for Nc a aet, .Jk ?c. Royal Vitreous Whimv Tt*a?grota tor l<k?. Extra Large Emboseed Jardinieres for Ko. Aliniature Flv?-o'Clock Tea-Kettlos, on wrought-iron stands, for 20c. Solid ?K?k ''. t -ki.uks for 12.'M. XOc. roUs Medicated Tolli *. Paper for S5c. a roll. tOc. Bohemian Glaus Vases, to-day for 17c. BuiK?Home ?>ak, Muhognny, and VVhfto .-Hi -i i .as? i- for t9e. 1 l-Z-nuart-sia?. GratilU-Iron CofTe?> Pete for i I^?rge Ash-Sifters fir Jc. flllverlne Walters. 10c. Large, 4'onifortable Oak 4'obble-Lea ther-8?-..?ted Rockers, 11.69. Itattan Nursery-Chairs for a98c. Haislsi'ini' lu.-sden DeeorattBd I>??mpH, new. low ahaites; sp?-clRl this day, 9><: n.ul W??lg? wood Cnam lltchera for 25c THE COHEN C?X p" "" . " . . ? Th? Co? fraor's Meaange. Governor ?<'l-Virull has completed his rnessage to the L-tglsIuture. which, R Is theugiit. will be duly presented next Thursday. A g?ntl.?m?n ?tu. hua seen and read part? of this mesasq? said yes l-rday thai it i? by hjl 0J?U the be?! Vd- ~\Tl?l'??*t??* ?Hot the Govern^ BOON COMES AT LAS'i IRKK MAIL DKMVKRV TO MCI.I THIK MOItSIXO. PASTORS BACK FROM CONFERENCE Two it. ?urn to I heir Work In Man ilii'?lir, Bllt Mr. U l.oi ? ., Danville?Wilt I'renelt Fareuel Pennon To-Mnrrow. Tho long-looked-for and much-rir-slr?-? fn .? delivery of mall la Manchester be gins this vary morning. Tb* first car? rier?, laden with tho city's mail, start out tins morning from tho *WSt-*SB? f at 8 o'clock for every house in Manches. ter to which a letter or paper direct.? th? m. Post-Ofllce-Inspccli.r Wa.ltlcll reached Us* (dy yesterday, and ?luring the ?lay, with I'ostma-t? r W*-?lg***, completed all ?1. tails for the delivery. Together the Postmaster ami Inspector made a sur? vey of tb* city with a view t?^locating IS* to bfl ni".-t convenient to most people, The bOX?? have not been placed yet, but will as soon as possible. Con? tracts for the woik will be. inviud with? out delay, and as soon as thu boxes are U) on th? s*r??t.? rCgOlST collections will bo ma-!''. The city has baflS divided Into three districts. In Hie out? r districts mail will I..- delivered twice each day-at b| o'clock and at 4; In tb* cutral ?listritt. Including the business centre of the city, there win be tin..- d*llverie*--*at 9, 12, and ! 0*?**le k. Tbeae tiding? will !>? lulled with joy thn.ucJioiH the ?ity, (uni means the Ing ?'!' many Btspfl and much loss of time from business and household dutlei in every part of the city. For eight months tin- boon which now com? s has h" n talked of, and a! last, when thfl ('? "! !? are Almost incredulous, it o Wh- n it did come it cam?? i-uickly. In on.- day, after the long wait, Mr. Wad dell came ami thfl M rvi. ? gosfl into M?:th??i>I.-t l'AST.'KS OBT BOMB. The continuent of M?-tho<!ist mini from Ibis city which want lo Danville to attend tin- conf'Tence there returned to the city yestt r.lay morniiiK. Rt f. W, \V. Latter returns to Central church tu his fourth and lit year. Rev, W. T. Williams return* also to continue his pastorate ?,f W**t?End church and to take up th.- new work of ??trlii?-; tor As bury church, il? v. Mr. BcCullOUgb has asd ??barge >?f Asbury ohorch for some Usas |aut B* is a student at Randolph? Ma.on College, ami as his w'.n'k here Interfered with hla atudlfl* bfl asked t.. bt relieved of the clurg*. Rev, jam? s ? ?. Cabcock. thoimh cominji back with the risi, tioes not come to stay. He f'loin Fifth-Strei t church to th? Cal.? II Stit-.t Taberna? le, iMiivtlle, He will preach to-morrow to the Mam I: church flS u-uUl mornliu-;. Tb* De* p.-tor, Re?. Q*OTge H. McFatlen. will begin his work th* first Sunday in I ?. - comber. Cabell-Str? ? I tabetnacle, to which Mr. Hahcock go**, BC it* ! ' I BOT? sons in thfl auditorium and ha- thfl largest Sumiay school in the South? in Methodist Church, if not th* largest in tb" entire South, it has l.i'n? Bchalarfl In actnal attcmlance. GOBI A WAV POR ms HBALTH. Mr. William x. Bronaugh, son <>f Mr. J. \X. Bronaugh, Jr., City Treasurer, left yesterday morning for th* Barbs ?iocs. West iii'?'.-. in hopa that hla health will ).- benefited. .Mr. Bl was accompanied to New Vork by hi brother, Mr. Minor Bronaugh. In N? ? York the gentleman win be met by Mr. Harry Callaghan, snd th*y will p?i*oceed to Hal hado? s by the Quebec line of mer*. Th* fjcean trip ?ill oonanni* il fourteen day-. Mr. Csllsghan, who is also a Manchester man. haa been in iking blfl bom* upon th* islands f..r onifl time past. Be is engaged in th* . busin? -s. Tin- cas.- ??f Boiling vs. Kahl, pending In the Circuit Court of Cluster! . !i?l?'il Thursday with a verdict for the defendant This was tb* sixth Ubm tin? Lei n :-. t and ?ailed for trial. ami it was all about an oniinaiy hit?! dog. Judge James M. Gregory, of coun? sel for the plaintiff, gave notice that he ?oald take Hi?' cas.' to tin- Supi>in> Court of Appeals. JOHNNIB 1:1.i-S WINTER STORIES. Wilh his usual humor anil path?.-. JudgS Fiirr.'ir. known .North ami South sa "Johnnie Reb," told the winter Eve? ning Tales by an (H?l Man" last SV? at Leader Hall The audience which greeted Judge f-'aiin- aoon fourni them aelvea in tins genial old man's power, and lie made them laugh or cry at will. In fact, in rapitl Chang? from one to th* Other is just how the ?unlit nee spent the evenlm*. The talcs were of war and chivalry, of love ami of tb* very trying situations whii-h lovo often g*t| a fellow Into. It is only t"?i tame to say that all who hi a id his talk, enjoyed it vi> graatly, A very delightful musical pro gratOfl was also rend.ted. Th?- pi" of i he evening po tor the benefit of Fifth-Strt"t church. PERSONALS AND BRIEFS. Rev. Dr. L. R. Thornhlll has returnnl from tho Baptist Convention held In i k*. Mn i:. A. -tnelllngs, of Frodericksbur;'. Is visiting her father, Mr. J. R, Latham. Mr. Latham ?.??ntinuis i-ulto 111. Mr. .lames M. J*W*t1 Of Selma, X. C.. came up tO spend his ThanksKivin?? with his family. Mr. l.inwoo'l Moody, who had an but extremely good for the sufferer from that harassing disease is Dr. Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. No medi? cine can compare with this great remedy in the prompt and perma? nent aid it give3 in all bronchial affections. It stops the cough, soothes the irritated throat, and in? duces refreshing sleep. "I had a bronchial trouble of each a per? sistent and stubborn character that the doc? tor pronounced it incurable with ordinary remedies, but recommended me to try Ayer'? Cherry Pectoral. One bottle cured me." J. C. WOODSON, P. 14., Forest Hill, W. V*. "A ahort time ?go I was taken with a ever* attack of bronchitis, snd neither phy? sician? nor ordinary remedie? gave me relief. In despair of finding anything to cur? me, I bought s bottle of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral lea* than one bottle entirely cured me." GBO. B. HUNTEit, Altoosa, Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pecarai now put up in half-size bottles at half prictr??O ceat?? Royal oiakti the looXl pure, wholesome and delicious. Absolutely Puro noyai KAKiK-i reweaa co., m i vork. ' us?? m? imwmtrtwemm i'1'er?oii peifoiaaed ni the Virginln Host, Is very much Improv. d, am is now able to attend t-> buaiaeea. Pierce ?Tllaon Johnson, lbs little nor of Mr. H. i:. ?tohneoa, at this city. ?n?-? yest.nlaiy at th-- r?-i-!.-nc.- of his gland father. Mr. .1. II. J. Johnson, Marks am Fourth str.-eis, this city. Th" fu?era will tak? place from the grandf ath. r? home this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Rev, Jteiijamiii Ii.unis, r.-etor of Ml oi. Memoria?! ehureh, ?Will conduct tie Mr viro. The little fello** was bright am! wtaeome, and his ahorl life has warmed the li.-arts of the household, whl? h an BOW very chill. Boy I'renclirr at Y. M. C. A. Snmlny Then- win i..- ttir.s- mterastlngj sad m BtructlVI at tin- B??QClStlon "n Sunday. The Boys' fJoepel Army win m- 'i. as usual, In U," parlor at 3 o-.-lo. k. Bad will ?.?.en with a s- rvic-- of - Which the I;. .1 and BltM '-hoirs Brill taik' part, Mr, Joseph Blstner, of Baa Dcago, t'ai., will speak, mi. i;Istnar im- travelled over the country a ?jrood deal, und will give an Inti n sting taiik. Al I "iio'k. in the I'.lue Room, the itihle training class will meet In r?gulai session, taking up the study in personal w i i k Rev. XV. I!. Holcomba ?** voting, elo? quent, and ..-nil?.-! speaker, who baa been very successful In evangelistic work will address the men's meeting in the Associa? tion Halla! I o'clock. Mr Hol?-*ombe needs no Introduction to ?i Richmond audlenc? as he is w? II known for his plain an I forcible utterances, The meeting ?ill "i" n with ;? service "!' song, professor Frank S. Tli"ti:|,son will be the a-.Joist, ntad the at ion choir will sinu. Th.- M-i.Tki i -.' training clase will be held tonighl a! I o'?*lock In tha association parlor. Theme.? of Interest to Christian young men are discussed In this meeting in .-m ..pen. frank manner, The Associaili'in S'liat.* will meet !" nit-lit at | o'clock In the Blue Room, when the temperance question will ti? debated The d? trete will be op? m ?J I . S' natora L-each, McKee, Daeison, an-i i :, naon. Th.- .nmior BiMs classes win m eel Ihii morning al 9 and 11*30 o'?r*lock, respective? ly; the gymnaalum ?lasses si M and 11:46 o'c'oek. The younaj men's gymnasium Class m.-ets al 6:30 o'clock. Young men are cor diaiiy invit.d t.. \i.-n the building, and th?- otheen alwaya stand ready ti visitors any C0Ult< To Attend Hi?- Miirylund Bur Meet? ing. The r.altini'.ie American of yesterday ?Chief-Justice Keith, of the Virginia Cour! of An - als, Btat? l yeat? rday in Richmond t" Mr. George Whltelock, tn.* treasurer of the Maryland Btat? Bar A OClation, that lit would aitt- nd Hi** next meeting of Ihe association In July. IM aind would apeak st the annual dinner. H.- BBld thai the pi' - ir< "f otlieial du? ties would preven! tila preparing a formal paper, -is i"- had been Invited to >i". Tha committee la alao In ?T-orreepondenca min several eminent lawyera in Northen stat. s whom it has Invited to deliver ?d dreaaea. President Henderson, s Bams, and "TreaBurer Whltelock constitute I !.. , ommltt? . , Itev. Dr. I'i*lr?'e'a I.nat Snniluy. Kv. w, Pairee, of New Orleaaa who has for some time b en occupying the pulpit of the Unitarian church, in tiuj city, will leave next week for home, and th.* sermons to-morrow arill i-- the la?i Hi. Richmond congregation will hav? the pleasun ol hi aring him pn ach. Mr. ['. ir?.- bat m ide a good Impression He ?ms during hii abort stay don.- a great deal toward building up congregatl??n for many month? without a pastor, and th.- seed he has plant, d will doubtless bring forth good fruit His Bubject Bun ! .y morning will ba "Th.- Lesson of the Transfiguration"; In tie- evening;. "The Spirit of the N'-w Faith." Arrested for Ileaertion. William K I'lveiiport. whose parents live on Seventeenth street, was arrested yesterday oa the charg? ol deeertlon from th" United Btatea army. The war ran! was sworn out by Ser-.'.-aiit Hick*, of the recruiting station. I ?a v. upon, it is allen,-,I. was enlisted in the First Regi? ment Of Artill.-rv. and deserted fioiii port si"- um. on Davlfl i land, N. v. The prisoner was turn?.I over to I nlted states Deputy-Marshal Pleaaants, and was arraigned before CJomrolSBioner 1* i? genheimer who s.-nt liim mi to tl??; grand jury, fixing in- bail at ii"" Kot to Be I?lalurl??'?l Yet. The race for the I "st mastership of this eiiv and the United Btatea marBhalahlp Of this district grows mor.- exciting as th.- expiration "f tii" terra? or tke "> cumbents n? sr thi Ir i Mr. Morgan Treat'? chances for the marshalship are regarded a? unquestion? able while Mr ?Qua Russell and Mr, Wray Knlghl seem to be the moat la ! candidates for the postmastershlp. 'Ph.- Republican leaders here Hunk tnai Mr. Hudain and Mr. Culllngworth win be allow.,! to aerve "'it their full terms. A l'oaalli?e llefnrm Movement. Now that th.- State .1-. ti.m is ..v. r an-1 the school appropriation question luu ceased to !" agitated, th.- clubs througn? un the eitv are conaldering th? reform movement, which, it la thought, will be B factor In the spring municipal election. The's of the reform movement ar? Mid to i" divided among themselves, some preferring to make the Hutu within ah-- Democratic tanks sad oThera pi Nt ring t" put up m Independen! ticket. jt is not thought thai th?- mnv*m?-nt win crystallize in th? near totora nenlli of Mr*. NVyntt. Mrs. ?Catherine w>att died at bar iBaa. dence, No. ?60 north Seventeenth street. on Thursday night, In the ?*"th year or her an . The fun. ral will take place to-morrow afurtiooi. ait I o'clock from Leigh-StrtMt Baptist church, of which she was a m- mber. Deceased was a ?laughter of Rev. Thomas H. Hewlett sin- leaves a hus? band, two daughtera, and one son. Sentence? Not Yet Passed I'linn. Gov.-rnor <>'Ferra ll was India] terday, and was unable to Isave the i'\? cutive Mansion. Hi- hau not yet been able to pass upon the sentences of the court-martial in the several ca?e? wnicn were reci-ntlv considered, and It Is doubt? ful if they will be returned to the a.i In fore the middle of next week. Property Transf?ra. Rlchmoii'l: James H. Jsfkfon and wire to H. L I'ali.ii, ?I?! f?. t on Thirtietn street, northwest corn? r 0, U> The Title and Trust Company to p. r. Telser. 21 feet on north side Franklin street between Fourteenth and Mayo, aj???ju. Broke- In the Store. Entrance was gained Thursday night to the shoe store of A. J. Shackleford, on lower Main street. The negro man who was frightened off made his i-scape, but the pollco are endeavoring; to find him. Inder a Derrick Beam. The ambulance ?Vas called at 2:30 yes* terday afternoon to Mayo's Island to at t?n?l a colored man, who had been In? jured by a falling derrick beajm. He was treated by tha C3ty Surgeon and MBit 'Widow of One of the T.vlna. The Mt. Airy (N. C.) News says: "We learn that Mrs. Adelaide Hunker, widow of Chang Bunker, one of the Siamese twin*, who has been very sick, is lm Drovln*." Se?*a?_a___________________________________| fa $6 Men's Suits and Overcoats. a\ See Our ... ? $8.f5 Men's Suits and Overcoats, j See Our ... ? ! $2.?5 Children's Suits. I U See Our ... A | Men's Alpine and Derby Hats at ? ! 95c- i ff ?S)? :-- -.- - --~-?-1-a_a> Y IJrWyiJDU?*,) D Leader of Low Prices. $ ? 1009 East Main St. $ Dl \ AM) Bit .D*?TBI-'l'T. Krport* on the Stntii* ?>f ' .-?iitl >ln mi fuel ?ire. N-BWTORK, Nov. ml.'r .'?.--Messrs. K. ?'-. l'un ??i Co.'s willy r? vi'w of trad.* to-morrow will say: The heavy export? 01 wheat, with the mnev/cl advati?.- in price. Is the most inter? stim* and im i-..riant f.itur.. of th- w? - k's events. Sim--- August, when the extent of fort-Inn 'i' tl. i? Boy became Hflllflfld. exports have been hvrgcf than in th** eoiTe*poading ?eekfl of any previous year. Cotton B-t? also have become very heavy, and thfl OOtgO of corn falls but llttl?- bel?? I - .u '- awprcead? at* i racord, wIUm In the exports of manufactured produt ts, lalTy m n -hinery. all records for tin n hav* bean surpassed. While tho flggTfSgat* for November last >'?ar was. ... | ,l"'.?,""?i.<?.?). the shipments from M*W Vork for three weeks h?ve bun hut lightly smaller, with a fair pr0*P*Ct that th? continued Increase in cotton ami other products from other ports may ia ike up the deficiency. MeenwhUe, imports arc runnini' behind ar's, at Ne? Yoik nearly *'_'.'???.?Ml thlfl month, a? tiiat another ? sosss of ? * ov? r imports, amounting t?> about ',-.?.,.i?,i ,-or t|U. month, is probable. But ttiis would make an exOOflfl of about j ,000 in four months. Aft.r th? sticht .h?hn.? last Saturday. | wheat rose to Ju-OOl-l for November, witn No. _ red and other gradas Belling many cent? higher. ?et ?estera re? lots are of enormous magnitude, in tour iv. k Zt.tn3.lot bushels, sgsinat t.ZH.UH In the asme four ?*ek* last year, while Atlantic exporta ?Hour Inalud? i> were tor th?; ta .k :;.?;>.it?', busbela, and for four week* l ...-*:?.?:,: bushel*, I.W.WA last year. The ahlpmenta from other port* also been heavy, and nothing ?'p to change former **ttm*t*a of Buropi an n? eda, Cora ai.-o continues to po abroad in qusntltlea almost aa largfl i I year, when ail jiast recordfl were broken, but the prie?- haa Blight!)? declined. Cotton declined to :..?i cents, th?- lo?sre*t point for many ?reara, with scarcely any lions of speculative effort. Mora 'in.- Into fight this month "than du? ring tin- sann- time in IBM, from if crop ?.. r .!. while takings by ! northern and ?oath? rn ?pinners have been ? 1er, and print-cloth? and aome other ?tapie Rooda are at the lowest quotation* ever known. In such conditions weakness la natural, although the extren mate, of yield are not by flome entirely ' !. KK.MANI? rROM TUB SOUTH. Th.- demgnd for good* from the South is nice the removal of quarantine . mi-1 rgoes, and i? cent r??iia tiona in pricea hav indicated large tran*actiona by dealer*, hut stocks held by the nuns are atlll hi avy. un h i 961 i prut-cloth* on. bend, against 2,21_,000 one y?*ar ago, and 2fJ6.?n?i niece? t\so year ago. The output of L'oii.ia beyond consump tion last year iias been a heavy lo .?lia ". Thfl iron industry shows no dccllr.?. In th?- production or consumption of pig, but ?.Mili much r? luc-d orders for product? excess of i i" !u"ti?.'i la expected, and m? r fell a ahade at Plttsburg. though Chicago and .astern markets .?how no chu nice. Billet? are a's.? weaker, ai t-Mttsburg tu. The expectaXlon of low? r tenda to pmduce tin m. at a time when mw busimss is naturally small, and the mills are working mostly on old orders, with buyers impatient for delive? ries. Other large order? m plates are held Lack bv inai.iiiiv ..t the work? to deliver m the lim?' d-.-ii'-!. in bars, aarrlcultural i rail-ray manufacturing causes a heavy demand a) Chicago, Iran being pre? ferred !.? Bteel, and thin sheds an- BlBO m better demand, but bar? are a ahade lower at Plttsburg; also, h?>th wir.? and cut nails, Bom? large order? for rails by eastern railway* are reported. The woollen manufacture Is Still con Bumlng heavily, in execution of past or? ders, and m uiv agent? are aol i ah.-.-al that they ee-i k m. further business, win!.? other* are beginning to question whether th? ?1? maud for next season ?ill aufflce If prl? a an rnad? t" coi n ?pond with the present quotation? of WOOL S .ni'? r?duction In th.? prl- ? Of wm?1 *_* .............. SHOES FOk MEN BEST IN THE WORLD; We carry In our retail ttores the \ | largest variety of modern styles to i 1 be found anywhere. We can save ! | .you time and trouble In getting a \ fit, as we always bave tbe sire and \ width you want. You will find I exceptionally good value In any of \ : our 155 styles and widths. This is the Oem, one of onr many up-to-date ?tylea It Is made of Cordovan leather (hor?ehlde),with Kangaroo top. The hooks and eyelets are fast c?.lor, and aro Invisible on the inside. These ?hete? are stitched with three row? of best ?ilk, and . have f-oll'l oak leather soles. ? The workmanship throughout ; i? of the best character. A ? very desirable ?hoe for gentle- j ; men for business and street ; wear for winter. You can not ; ? bay s ?hoe of enaal value els??? : where for less than $5.00. The ; ; price atan/ of our ?_*.?_} KQ many retail ?tor?ela *0* Rxfirolne this ?hoe or any other of onr 1S3 atylwijmail? tu C?lf, P*t?*iit C*lf. fix-neb En. ? ?niel. Box ?'?if. ?wi <Viat. Iilark Kid and Rue ala fi loria e_if. _u uatraied calado?; uo fj-oe o? W. L. DOUGLAS. Urge-t Manufscturcr aad KcUller at Men? Fin? Shoes la th? World. nOCKTON. MASS. : Sh i purchased at oar slot-*, polished Ith. ?o.d in thl? city at * 623 EAST BROAD ST. (B.-.3-Tu,Tb??Sai tl possiDiy averaging t-. t-em, nun -* of Australian amounting t-> - 7? ? - ?.minds in ;i r.vv large bli"ks at Boaton, I.ut the ton" is -till atronar. No i baa o. .-urn d in the cotton manut'a? tuie, and the mark, t tor Its pi" : Irregular. Failures for th.- week li.ive hern Ut in the United Slates, against ?100 last year, in-i H la l'Ai..?-ii. against H las't year. NO GENERAL IMI'U? ?VKMKNT. Bl*sdStreet'a to-morrow will say: N'of elthstanding the appearance of a demand 'or holiday specialties at some points In ith, at Chicago? ait St. Louia and In le- reeion tributary thereto, general trade hroughout the rountry has shown bo ieti. ral Improvement this week. Tin most avorable reports air.- from the territory vest of th.- Mississippi river an-1 north if Missouri and Kansas, where ?oll'r seatber has aUmuIated d< maud it tin- ln tior. ami country merchanta have been ?uylng with ' omparatlve freedom, latent COtton*a?->od? industry con inui s depreettedm Consumera evidently lo not intend to buy extensively until hey believe the price of raw cotton is eniy p, advance. Competition ti*oin wuthern mills?more particularly over iroductlon by raanufacturera who pro luc?- but a single staple- underlies the . x ttng large stocks and heaviness of nie. s. Converter? and manufacturera ?'f rot ton yarns are situ.?t.-.i relatively more 'avorably. Other lines art? expecting more ?. asonante distribution. At Philadelphia there is a cheek in <ic naii'l for products in leading textile linea uni arrangerai ata uro making to run on hortsr time. lion and s:."l have not been In a** ae lve demsnd sa ? ?tpected, and are lower, lotwithstsnding furnacea an?! milis are upplled a/lth order? enoogb to t*arry th- m v- il Into next year. A favorable feature s found in advaacea in tin- wai iperatlves in rartoua industrial lines. Wheat exporta Bff?Bcted almost entirely iy the holiday, show a considerable di - reas-* from lauft w.-k's total. The BggTe ate exports of wheat (Hour inciu?'--i as i!n .m from coasts of the united Hatea and from ?Canada are 1,186,163 uahela against iO9.(XI0 buahela last .? ok. ;-.:.',:;.??.i bushels las! year, ! ush< la In 18?, t,0H.vH0 bushela In ivi. and bush.!.- in is:?:!, Corn exports also rould have been larger bul for this rea aiii, amounting to 2,80,000 bush? Is, against ..'" "'i bushels i.nst week, 1,930,000 bushels 00 bushels In lsiM and E?I0? in ISM. Th- re were : " "> buslnesa failures a d throughout the United States '.his reek, compared with Ut Issl week, Ht i the like w.ek a v ir ago. 288 two gO, 01 In the corr.--ponding week of 1 '?, nd M in the like ?,. rlod of UN, There were M failures In the Dominion f Canada this week, compared with "i ist week. M in th.- like we.k a y?-,?r ago, lid B two years TO LEGALIZE III'LL-I-TGIIT*. Tnole Joe" >liiii*llcl?l Introduces mil in fleaanla Leatetoiaare, ATLANTA. 4;.\., N-.v.-mb? r M.?-Un*? auated by the defeat "f bta MI] to leg ' :. i.riz. -lighting in < ; I. : .. "1 n? Eansfli Id, m> mber from Mclntoea county, ill introduce a bill to allow bull-lights i, rgia EHnce the first of this legislative ; I'm o- Joe" has la-.ii trying to ha\. 1 his bill to legalize pri/.e-Ii gll ! 1 II g. He as made sever li eloqllelU sp, . ?, -a In ?vor of tin measure, and has made a real fii-'ht for its passage. The General ad?ela iy Committee made am unfavor bie report on the bill, bul Mr. to laele a motion to disagree to this report, hieh motion was tabli I. Now- "Uncle Jo." will off.-r a bill to gSllaa bull-tights. He says lhat this ?sill i g great commercial benefit t>> tie late; thai bulls which now- aeU for ?"> ?r beef will. If v-p-y-i,,! for lighting pur? isca i"ing IB. making a clear fBlfl of '? at h.-a.l for bulls in ??-orgia. H. saya ils will bless South Georgia more than ay other section. Mr. Mansfield laid tat his prize-light bill would bring rrul ons of dollars to Georgia aa vival of prosperity; thai cotton would 3 up to 10 cents, and other products take a upward tendency. ?M FOR RENT, FOR RENT. No. 417 NORTH TWENTV-ITFTH; 7 toma No. l".l l'nrk avenue; 12 rooms. No. 13 soiiih Reservoir; 10 rooms. No, -"i aasl Marshall; j room*?sec-ond ?or. : south Laurel; ?3 r'ioms. No. 2833 . - ' Broad; 7 r.i No. H- east Marshall; i ronmn ?eorond tor, l. D. CARNEAL, no 27-lt No. UM ass! Main atreet F?m iiiA i. RICK DWELLING, TU i:\ST i-hank -1. containing raagre, itrobe stov?. Ac, with office In has lent and admirably suit.d for I PByBI an'i residence or a bourding-iious?-. .- ni reduced. JOHN T (MI ?I ?in & CO.. K.ail Batate Ag. nts. no 27-2t Hank and Elev? nth streets. _EMl'LOVMKM WAXTS. VI ANTED, A 80NOLB wiiiTK WOMAN wants Ion as Housekeeper. She refers ios.- wishing to employ to Rev. Mr, .ynolds, KM McDonougn etreet, Man . iter, ?nd Rev. R. B. (Collier, of Hlgli nd Springs. Add) Miss VIRGINIA HODGES, no 27-lt Manchester. Va, WAX TED, T ONCE, A SITUATION IN THF ClT, i a Companion, or to assist Brtth ?BW g and household duties; has had < x liene-. Salary, |8 a month. Reference quired. Address Miss il. K I?., cue ostmaster, old Church, Hanover ? ??un ', Va._no 27-11? WttTEO. AN INIU'STUfilS AND KTI-.Alii an wants a Farm to Work on s no.l r.-ferences. Address "WANT." c.-.r? ispatch oliic'-. _ no tl-ll' WATCH), *VERAL WIDEAWAKE MEN ?>K ??d address, l'rortts liberal, addresa call at No. 6lt) north Thirty? reet. _no 2?-2t? 01O A MONTH SALARY. WANTED, SNBRGBT1? 1.ADIK8 id Gentlemen to (-anvasa. Above salary laranteed. ?Call vr addresa R. w. rANCILL, H??x 137. Hampton, Va. En jso stump for reply. _it l*-?iyly<frjy*3-wly FEW ILE HELP WAITED. ?AI1FS WANTED, TO TRAVEL AND point agents for okl-eetabllahed house rmanent position. HO per month, and 1 ?VTtW ? *?'V,Box * Philadelphia, 10 ?-\\?l-?ii8tANo 7-Su4t >OOK AND JOB WORK NEATLY 7-mo-(vLT|'U AT Tilg DISPATCH run., At uviic i tu ?im:-- WA?TS. D. O^ullivan, EIGHTEENTH AND MAIN STS. This is an instance where the office wants the man. Why ? Because he is the only man who knows HOW to FEED THE MULTITUDE. This is no miracle? either. 5.000 bushels Country-Groun?! M?**l 8 pounds New Mountain Buck? wheat . 9 pounds Finest Arbuckle'a Ccttco l.noo b-gs Finest Patent Flour .... 45c. 25c. $1.00 33c Mart.ui's French Brandy, quart 7?P bottle? . ,UU ."." dozen full quarts Fine Old Malt firt? Whiskey . "V1" Hummer Soap, dirt er.idicator, 10 Ha Uurg* eak.s . ?[)Kj* Apples, All.? maile Pippin?, per On? peck . *'? ' 10,000 pounds Cure L*af or Hutch- Rp ?rs- |_ard lummer S,;t) cake pples, AI peck . .00 bushel? New York State Irish 0?A Potatces, per peck . **v MM Ii.ims Gold Dust, 4-poun.l 4R/? packages . u " Ciller Vinegar, n guiar apple Juice, If)? pat gallon . 1UV" 3 boxes Climax Stove Polish, R? large size . t-00 dOgea Large- Importad Macke- QfJ? rel, per dozen . Finest, Greenest, Nicest Timothy Rftp Hay. UKiyj> 10.000 bushels Fine. Clean Oats.... W*? ?.'-it bushels Old Virginia Whlto QRp Corn . ?dL* 10,000 bale? Western Timothy Hay, Rfl? per hundred. uul> City ?Mills Bhlp*tull and Hrown- 7R stuff. per hundred . __ Maple Syrup, large quart tin cans 25c. IBs coo can? Finest Orated Ptne?*ypl*.. 1UU 60 barrels Kd sh. Crispy Ginger Jr. Snaps, per pound . "** III Large 4-Strlng Carpet Brooms...? luv> Lunch Tongue, larg* can?, nice 0R ami fresh . *lJV'? 20 tubs of that Fine Culpeper Creamery Mutter, BW**t, rich, mellOW flavor. We are sole agents for thfl entire output. No lions,- in town can sell you BUCb goods at tWlC*th* price. We can 4Ra ell you all you want for . **'" 6,000 barrels Kim Bt Citent Kair?ly Flour . Larga half-pint bottles Lemon Ex- R? tract . uu Gelatin.*, largo full size, puro Rp good? . 5.000 pounds Flnr? California Hams 60 tlosen HOtOI M11* Catsup, p*> Cr. bottle . 10.000 gallonfl Hock-Can?ly Syrup, ma llmi . $4.50 5a 5c. 6c. 6c, 30c. I?? car-louis CholCMt Timothy Ray . C.k.i hair?Is North Carolina New Cut Herring* . Kin- ?ill Uve Whiskey, 4 years ??id. per pint. . California Sherry Wine, par gal 50c. Kidney Gin, for kidney trouble?, Quart. 25c. 75c. 75c, We have just started our BARGAIN POT BOILING. It you want the first whiff just fetcli your basket and one dol? lar and we to ?rive ? o you two dollars1 worth of ?.roods. Others get it. Why Dot yOU? 8_,Su.Tu4Th WAJfT-DB. C.KNTI.KMKN TO ???'Cl'PY ML'I'.LI furnished Rooms, with Board, in a pri? vat.? lamily. no .?MW CAST ??HA' i. WANTED, l.i.?,....i roUNDS LEAP SUMAC, DF.LIV ered at any station in Virginia. Highest market price paid, ca-.h J. B. i.KVY & CO., no _3-??t_Baltimore, Md. VVAVri-'?, ALL WIDK-AWAKK III'SIN KSS-M r.s ami manufacturer? t.. hav- th. ?r buaineas advert?s..! by the Manchester Blll-P fn_r Company, 10U Hull street. W. con? trol the best and most prominent boards in the city. Circular? dlatributed b liable men'. New ?phone, U',23. no_C-lw COAIi, COKE, AMI WOOD. WANTED, CONSUMERS OF Fli.f? to know they ean buy FIRST-CLASS I'CKL AT 1?0\\ K.s'l' FIGURES. Doaa**tk Prepsrsd ?'?ike, stove, nut. or egg si/.c. SO buahela, double toed, $?.,.-?, id, at $-.5<?. Anthracite, Iplint, or nte-Creek Lump at k)Wfl*t plie**. Discount in stamps or for cusli. . 'Phone 1**, or 1_?J0 west Proud street, 'Phone i"7 CHAHI.CS II. PAGE. no 21-?l6t&tooil.i I uuiVLi nuu iiuuui WANTKD. CONSCMkT.S OF KCK.L TO know that they flea lmy that most supe rlor grate fuel, the Clover-Hill Coal, flfl low a? 13.50 per ton; anil for ? Btoves, my Domestic Crushed Coke, ?si buahels (double loud) for $0. Also. Anthracite, Splint, Fire Creek, I'o. cahontas. ami Gayton Coals, oak ami Pine Wood at the lowest prlceg. Samuel H. Cottrel!, Harrison and Broad and 810 east Broad streets. oc _a-tf LOST, STIl.VKI), A\D FOL .ID. LOST, ON FK1I?AY. \<?s t.m i '," 7. !,. Ninth ami Broad ?treets and It Luke's Home, ?_ LAD? s ?;?>i.i? watch, with nam? of Mr.?. suuaoetn Owen*, i?aek Walnut, Halifax county, Ya., BBgravcd thereon. Kinder will Oo suitably rewarded for its return to St. Luke's Home, Thirteetuh and boss street?._ no .7-1. I.OST, ON G HACK BTltEET m?.. TWKBN Sixth ?mi Fourth, a *-tNAr?r. SKIN PURSE, .italnlng a llu bill ana a railroad ticket from Richmond to Peters bur?'. Reward if returned to fjtT east Grace._no 2/-11* 1-oST. A BLACK CtiCKKR SPANIEL? ' I months old: nt> white mark?. Reward for return to R. p. JONES ? , east Main ?tr. i no -.-at" UJ8T, AN ITALIAN GRKYHOCND PI PPY, about 2 months old, fawn color. Answer? to the name of I>on. H It SMITH, JR., no 2*>3t No. 17 north Fifth ?treet. Orders for printing sent to th? Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention. ?nd the style of work and price* will be sure to pleas? you* - AUCTION M!,l'..-.i,o(or, ltuf%t WHEN REAL BSTATH IS ?OLD TiT. TAXES FOR THE CURRENT ?AI ?Va? DAR TEAR AUK TO BH PAIDpft *?&? Tim yaSDOlt ?S? -?? Ey Pollard ??VI: Real Ksmie .\uctlorieera i^OMMIS?SIOXKRH SALE BY AUC. VF'ri-*r'AJ/'-''- BRICK ?TORE prop? . lYc?'? fS,::,,"M? BETWEEN *ON AND Di* VAL BTREE1 KN"\\N A.-i Sox. 71? AND . In ? -K-cutlon of a decree enr. *ed i . , Law and Equity .Court of th. Richmond, on Nov-m'-p P. ??V In r. inafl.r-rari... | ,-.,??. , .,' Buotton, on the [iriialaan ras THI'RSDAY, DE?*EMREll 2. 1*'7 ?.,..,4,'...l,"'k *' M " ' ?hove m PROPERTY, which will be ??i., . v. ?.r as a who!, ., . mil wem hour of aale N?X 711 . atore amd dweUIng of .1?. U a? ?tore ?uni dWl II The lois hay.- a Joint frota' on w. st line of Second i: of |?M feet. This !.. or,.- 0f ,),. . tions In Jackson Wart never r< grel making an i- -. TERMS: im?' third thr.?pial [.ayiii'ia'-- - - n months evidenced by noi title retain?? until a-.:i .. II.-.,a y I I I 1 JOHN GARLAND P?>l.f Kate <". P.'ireh. guardl in, etc -, against Km.- C ; nnts In the Las th.- eitv of Richmond: I. 1?. I*. Winston, 41. rk . ' certify thai . lal conimlsslon. r I y 11 ceuae of Novi mt" r :i. . , given. Given und. r mv haind this 11th ? November, 1897, no 27_P. I*. W1VS Hy C. U A H I. i ?.n. BOtOJ Ag'-nts aiid A . %, 821 Main s TRU.STEES' BALE OF QBOVE. AVr.Nl'E 111 II.IHM; i.?|s. Py virtue of tin- pm\ d?'?'.I ?)f tniBl : |n the CI? rk'a oftl , County Court. Deed-B? ,_ ST? will ? 11 Ijy puMi ? -, on FRIDAV. NOVBMB1 o'elo.-k P. M . ; VA i Pit? IPERTY on the r : , avenue. I" ginning -> 1-12 feel j Straw!- , and tronting on ? IrOi i and running back beta ( 171 f.-.'t | inches to am all? r TERM8: ?in--tilth -i one, two, and til-- i 4'. I. 1 JOHN IP ' C. L A Ba L. I '' a -Oit. S p. ?3TP4 ?NEM1 ' Tho above MONDAT, NOVEMB at faiiu: hour. C L DEN? "V JOHN IP N no 27_T Py N. W. I Real l?stala Aactl *r SALE OF THE FACTOKV, WABE? UOl'SK, AM? PLANT of THE SOUTHERN ST? >VE A ? OMPANY. FRt 'NT! \-, '' ON CAR Y STREET AND KXT I FROM T\\ KN'I'V - FIRM r T? ? TUI.'N'l'V-SK' "N'li si 1(1 tl l ION. Al th.- r,i|n, -r of th? Bo ithen (Yorks < 'ompany ?nd Q ? : il...: a i y publie suction i, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. i? |] "'.-l".-k M.. th?' valuable pi,\ he Southern Stove-Works <'"m? i iving a IH'Iit ' "il ?le- I. In? of ?' '?> -ii. et, and embrs? Ina thole fron!, from Twenty-flrst to T : aid having then ddltlon to a fully . 'pnpi d It i large brick warehous . for" s ?;. F. W irge one-atory building, w! Ich ? i omp iratively small expeua illtabte for mercantile us? - ?rage, a?s w? Uni i daptablllty f??r general m mrposes. The machinery . ' lid? s I hi* boiler amd ? I liement of modern ihinery, and ia extensiv? to giV4 raployment to at least flfty moulders t can be saf.-ly assertt-r] thai rank of th. Bouthei n ! an; n > brought t i the i.-rty for th? rath, r tin isual circum United amount ol i n thla .it> 0 WhlCh ai side-!-- . ,. i t Is an important f ictor h ho valu? and desirability i.-rty. If per has? of this proi rty o? i .? for.- th-- da] -t le, pria ?I or win be received up lo thi itant. TERMS: One thr I cash, and i , is, and is months, fi r not? - . st added, am i si cured by ti aid property* or all i lurch a - N. W ' ' no 3.1t).17.25tl M A Hy J. Thompson Bran Real Est?t. Ag?-nn and A - ' 1113 Mam s! r. i-i, rRUSTRES' SALE OF 8E4'4?NI) MAKKliT BTOMI PROP No. til l-J NORTH six u? BT1I A FINE INVESTMENT. AT thi? request Of own? [ .1 ! :'. I cuUofl of a died ?.f trusi I mn? ?I trust. . , nd recoided in th? I 'ban? ery ? !ourt of the . It) of H j leed-Book IM B. p??;.- 17. to * iMii.-nt of a certain not? ; ci Ibed, and del lult havl * nd being required 1 ? 1 so requeated by th? oe to dO, We will * aieiioii. io the I be pi mis. s, on TUMDAY, NOVEMBER ock A PORTION OF 'ERTY In s ild d. All thai lot of laud In th.- ; Ig on the east line ?if Sixth ?tl : ??Util Of ?'lay .-II- t. thi ' Duthwntdiy sad fronting on in- of Sixth sii.,-1 U fett, und k . 1 itwardly ??nd b< tw? en 1 fa 1. to an all'-v 1" f- et a . th? ; with th.- us- In - : ,g V Beea said Bi Util Sjaip- N mOVi -a " it on a I III \ way is I 1., t ?J in ? .-* I Inches deep. TERMS: Py consent r. -t. d. "lie third ? Bd twelve months, or all cash, ' ? t purchaser. FTDWARD H BROWN. WILLIAM El 3. Thompson Provvn 1 I 1KAL ESTATE AT I'lllaiTE ??" WHEN REAL SKTATE IS ?OLD TH? 'AXES Folt THE CURRENT CA ?AR YEAR APE '10 HE PAU> tATA i:r TUE VEN Doit AND Til-? TNDEB. roa lAi ?. I HAVE TW?i ' iiw ready for purchasers, In I lth six rooms and baila within oO?TA cash; balance { ,,,I ,' 0. CARNE .i no 27-lt_ No A SPLENDID OI'I'OMTl 1ITV. he Heel Estait* and BBBtnOIStary ??? Ihe linn i-i.... a On* 'la?a ?l< ?.II lilt < a.... |.l. ? * I FOR HALE. THE Ai.?-? 1. ' ' x-;,'' a.t Han-iaburg. ???*" ' > 0.n , '! of the P.-nnsvlvat ninerv win in- st.i.i .?!>?*? ' "? ., , .. d.liess Till NWEAI.i " . K. TRCOT AND SAH-.-l?-?^'? OMPANY, U< -iv.r. Harrisburg. ? * no 23-Tu.Th48??>t STA5.D11G TIMBER FOR ? * - ' A BODY OF FINE TlMfiER- l \ . ?nlng ab?.ut ?.'W.oa? f?*vt. ? * **,? ,. hurch Itimd I??*,-!. N.t: ! -" rn rallroa?! Paru i^mam. rite ?o ti. Y *-*^?*i***? no a-ln.? "" i^wibvir*. Y?a .