Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1897._19 Continuation of Ths (Men Co.'s Adicr tlsemtnt From ?w 20. ^ ,-? . - ? V"i_^**N?**?. ****a-?**V'V THE COHEN CQ ... ,, Wat ci Tumbler? ns a ,,,mm\i hoi su.w \m: Till???,?. quality; a? ii. s, 4o. Por \ ? ?rated .' ?t ant a? T. ?> i ,- lc. , or e?,uarc. k 1 o - leather n or fJarpot Braoon f'-r fie. ' i IV. M llicts , art!? #, 1 IV I I *l TIMS !** ?'14 I I RES. ' . ... . . . . .. tbla: In White nnd ' ' ! ' ' te 1 iiairn ? turss. In solid, real ' MOI * \m??> OF MM URS I\ em km i buros~ uud, ?id nil have to r. el r space for ?? bar i ?.A fora 1er to i lop: ' ' Llp '' "'. and rail ?sa oi H Cot, I i*?\\ \iti:. J 1 Tin ' . a? -Quart Jai s - -Puachera, ' I : ' i Fry m 25 I - Hera, BIRD IN 4 i I -?.l ?SS. ninger'a N< QlBflB Water w and In? h H.wls, with hand lor ' y ] rl for ? ? THE COHEN C? RESOLUTION AGAIHST rOOT-BALl?, .. .-.? ii.l 4 ..Mi t;? Min?enla Honrilla ? ??ideniil Dr. Dill'? Ac'lou. "io last day of I the Bti. ' f Vlrgli t of the e : ill from . 1 Col trae thai '.:',, Of this \ : of th..- eoUi and .: be 'li it is prob ball In the tima it from ra in their ' ? . will : ill w the ting i talnty later? i of the et lally the | ?ya th? m ny action power i it is that if . ,:i la? the ti . II] , for i. A i" - v. ! be nably, rgtng that enact i g for th? * the trastees to do for ga, Work of Ihr ?lj.? ra < luh. lib will meet ' ..tti'H Pinafors." 1 as opera Will In January for th? | hats . t.-ni'.rrow. Tin-* f'W goo i | | ' will he given after Is ii'.-go ' With a w?ll-knowi? ?tar to Bing . Tbe liant t lui,'? Hun. If v.??*. tg ld'.il d?y for hunting y? an l there ?*aa an unusually large n Hunt ?'??b la t'-s a 'aeige ?*u'>ta of th?* .. ral visitors from ? t'.eld. I I been laid from th? i . ms store, at>out tw> aind 'r'liind tO nt lay v.-eii, and tno A very HBftB ' - * port ended with a jSleaaant r??oept?on at ' o clutj. HOI SI?: - WARMING. I** Ulms BMirBI>M AT THE SEMI KARV Ht 11.1)1 NO?. SHORT TALKsIrOMCLEEGYVEN. Ber. |>r?. M,,,?, ?,. ?O?r i,nrile <-nri...,.,.:,,.,. an(I W, W< ,,??_? nn<| ?of. 1*. Ilont^rlaht the Speakers ti?o x.*~ Strvatfuraa, ,: ? ***** P aTorr, D. p.. psjto. ? ' ' ' *- ! rlu church, iros the 1 lOdlSS and genii, rnooo .a, ths partial I building of r.iiot, ' ' ' Dl I. :r haul I?. *** of ths seminary in ry denomination 1.? rday Bftemoon ami thai had l.C.n ,; tton. The Invitation bably MO who I the brief addi I the leetare-rooma of ths Dr. Km, "?'1 janitor M well, and wi:h fa . Bros of plM blocks the broad rir.i?lac?s of tWO of th-- i,,,,n,y BB th- Int floor. of the Bou meeting to a. gad l?r. XV. XV. M,..,r?, ,,f rnlon ri" " the lavo ? made a brii f Bd< b< aren by his witty Ilusiona, and ? aom? Btrlktng of tl ?leml . a. . : . con? aralti ? with i what Dr. < . - to . ! Richmond bastases . I ?T, M"?---. Ii .i r? a? Btl*r !.;?.: I ng Improving Rich* .. of th? grast ?wmlnan that would i.? be located here, the ti"ii i i in the rabnrbe ?>f tb? city, No - tii?; gr-oandi ?and if the profrasors, or d r. fr, . of a they < lid obtain ? Bl no than tlio homo or -- '?n.- hoepltable Mead. WONDERFUL ?'.::' ?'.'.'ill. Dr. n to th.- ; ."aitin r was ma a i tb? Synod or Yirg no room in win?;. ! ; in the President Cushli. < : ?Hatnp ... a , ?ry with tin ? inentty traced growth ..f th? Institution from such hum? . glnnlngs Id Inatltu : .' B "l ' a.- a: lo 1 ! gi :it BS that occupied by any In ths land. ); v. n Mii' f fJarmli hael, l?. i?.. I , irch, f"i Altu Ling t?. : , ss i" oortoatt) i ling an EplsC 'J-ail Ob d say of Pi lana, or. ? .irmi' ha? i said be was thai the I' >t know next to th? paii Church h- 1"\ rmtahs?sl emphasised th? lance, ?-i.-ait.-r In tins aver i si ol mlnlsti y of ths seminary would maintain its high standar a OF REMOVAL. R? v. w. w. II ?oi , pro! Mr In Um Bemlaary. followed i?r. Carmlchael, entlng a fact or two "f interest n i of 1 Tvro thirds of the nun on ander the auspices of tb? ?yteiian Boaid, lis asid, arc sons of L'nloi . . and about tho ?am? pro mlnlst? ra In th? ?*'yiiod or Virginia and North Carolina ?ar? grado? tltutton. As an indie ?.r what the removal of theaemlnary from Harnp k n-Sldni m? anB, he i the matiicnlation of tbla t in its history, du? to the change of loo? Prei y W. Boatarrlght, of Rich? i upon for ! . bli gratification that Richmoi .?it In the ad of education in Rlchmon L Till' BTJTLDINO& ? of the bulldlnga un i of eon i . ru. . xprei -ions of adral, ration of I ' of tha ro aauty of i r, archlt? I a:, and tha .-a'..stair,. icter of th.* work, ?rere universal. -, lining toi n th road to oon pl< tttm. Th? imblng In, : illy Boni? ng will be known H 11. In honor of Mr. C5e...r?*e W. Waits, of Durham, N. ?'.. wh for its construction. ??n the south *-:.!. of ths butldli a ?.?ens?* of Mr. W. JAJ. sa at "f ' USM0. Thl? : as a library, an i will i"- fireproof; wen the bookcases wi.i On the north side of th? DWlfl building is Westminster Hall, which will be? lt is und? r trill b. oempleted within a? llaill is not so far advano4 1. tha walls being only up as ? .stories. y;:t in i'Rosi'i:?"rivi:. A refectory sad gymnasium win ba built on M< ?OB, BOd at least live dwellings lor the BBS of the profOSSOTI wiii t. i i aaar th.- ??antnary build proper. Ail win be oomph t? tima for tha ?esslofl of |_bVM to be a In th? nsw biilldlnga. . . Land Company ha? r< oently Sot itad to the ??aalnary six Hcr.s of land lying to the imim-diate southeast. Tins land lo very valttabla us .sites for residences, and will probably bo sold for that purpose. SMITH * CO. A5SIU1T. I In lallltlf-a Placed nt il.MMMHIirr t'onrt r?>?v?. An assignment was made in the ChOB? i-. iy | Bjurt y? ?tordos) by B> J. ?Smith B Co., of No. 1311 east Main Btreet. Th? liabilities at?-, placed at ti.?-OJ, and -Mr. Cary Kills BtOTO I? named a? to. The firm deals In gentlemen'? furnishing ThO cr.dl'.rs aru divided Into four classes, the llr?t including the Stato Of Virginia for all tax*:-? due und Mr. is. XV. Mow,', for rent, etc Th?, ?OOOnd IllBI? creditors are E. *A ., UM; D. H. Drum, Aso; E. M. Par? kinson, ue. Third Class?Long A Riddick, $21.41; J. . ?14.25; W. R. Phillips ?V a'..., $:.._: ; XV. A. Cheatwood, ?0.24; Sogt?, M at ?o. Sl^l>.32; I?aac Hinds, a$.':?M i'.<. Fourth Clas??All other creditors pro rut:?. Tho trustee Is Instructed either to carry on the business three months longer or m auotlOfl ?ul? Immediately and of the goods. In tie Law and Equity Court Judgment of $750 was rendered In favor of OB H. TUghaaaB v?. the ?irlfflth-MHyo Manu? facturing Oompony. Upon application of Mr. Tllghman'e attorneys, and with tho t of the company, Judg? Minor has appointed Mr. E. R. Fischer, president of ihe company, receiver for that con? cern. The Husllnga Court was engaged In tb? l.Ul?t.ld? latlOU Of Civil Winter's informal Evening Dross Coat?tho Tux? do? was never in inch genera] dm as this season. Just the -hing for sta_- par? ties iiiid when you want per? fect ?bmfor. and eaea Tuxedo?, ser?/o ttflflfl. ?i.k f -ing, $13.00; lia nuc? tlirougbotit, fl'.'0.0 ?. SMOKING JACKETS (?f the vwy latest make and materials ?- fancy colors that blend so har monionsly. Don't miss seeing this hand? some lot?just received? t5 to IIJ. 0. H. BERRY & CO. Main and Tenth streets. jcih.i. wit KHAT-PI wr.nDiio. A ? Im rni In ?v Si.till? ( nrolltin, I.m?> Ile? oui? s Blfl Ui?tli*. Hon. T. Asid.y Wlekham l'.-i'-l,. r ?1 n- marro ?l at .-t. Michael's churcn, ton, s. c Mr. Ros? v. eii Page, if Rich-Bond, l a? 1 -t man. Judgo Wickham WBfl also ?tapaali d _?y Mr, i I . t,r Norfolk. .1 i " Wlckh.mi's from bug i iiiigu?not ?ne her? ,a a charm i ta? sad ?111 s s luabla addition nd ?octety. Th? *rra ?m : Judi B?ai i nnty H? i, boflt "i" fl-ana frl? i sroond I and ?s ai CUllUIttl | ? ommunlty. Mr. sad Mra, wi< i. eversl ?rseks, ?rlll uve al Mr. - In !! arico WHmty. ?lai to the Dispatch from (?-tarifla ys: ' A brilltSI ' - In hUh BfS was Bolnmnlsajd in this < ; ,> to-day a? a-*-_* . || - .- -. '. im, of Kiehmond, Va., and Mtflfl Jail* Wi?-kham PorelMr, Of Chatiistoi'. -vere married In the hia torlc Bt Michael's church, Rev. Joha _-**T latlBf. Mr. >'."? w.-ll Page, Of Richmond, s ta thfl irroora'fl aast man, whit* Miss Virginia Leigh Pore-tar, s Bt*t*f of the bride, acted as maid of ' "Al r tl r? mony th* bridal ; .1 to thfl I.? BMtlful home of Dr. Walter Porcher, s brother of the I i aumptnOUl wadding d!niit-r in waiting. After ] U ikham i'd the Notlhea*tern train ?.?r Cota fa inalasj a Cooper, s few hours' rids from th? : 'id their i. aft. r ?hleh JUdg* Wickh.mi Will eairy his wife to Rli Mrs. Wick? ham Is tho daughter Of Dr. T. P, pni\:li-'i. on?* of the most ?.minent bOtflBlfltfl in th* .?-.util. .She is a young woman of many charming traits of character, and la h?-r Charleston wUl i of bei most popular Boetot*, leadsre." CATHOLIC CHI Kill NEWS. B?el?Sl__StlS__I < t)?ifere?,ce-.Iiil,||ee Of the ( liilijri'a of Miiry. Tl" . . ?tl? al t our. rsn? for the pri? ?,j of thlfl section of tl ? Wflfl held at thfl BLshop'i **,. |? v. The?-? ,?,. r. n,,- ta at thfl c.inference. Father DohcTty, of Nor? folk, r? sd a pa, ar on "i trtott rk. of Lyncht.Uli.', one on "My1 Scrl" .1 other ?subjects wer. J? flph'fl Children of, Mary brated the golden jubile* of th? lion yesterday thfl Feast of thfl It Ufl Medal. Tl..? retreat for Die chll ia v? ry i irgi ly : '' i A mission for the young pool !>? of Bt m iry'a parish ?111 I ;-?h c?f Det*ember, and continue until the utii. Thfl iiiii-.-i'.n will !" conducted by (rather < ?nli ' .'-?"' ; ' ry, Baltimore, m?i. Dicht l: IT, BlflbO] \ ?/! r \t:is ' vin .nd Vsry Ret P* thei *iVl_il_mla**TTora mon d t o 1 thfl Bill Bf jul'il.( - - - ?Id. Bt. Mary's chili'. !i and priory aro, ' ted and ?'? SMOKED HIS LAST I Hi MIl'.TTE. A B*fl??fl Hin?**? < j? fisK-il the Alinn doiuiicui of tin? Habit. Mr. w. I? i.:iiy. koown to bl* mat. l*g* of Vb as "lliilly." will fllBOkfl BO Bl Uten the partial p?cbaga that re BBBlned unsnii*k?"l when lutlon ?as taken ?ill n*v*r fauaow th? ire, fais thiows them in th? smoked by a fri? ad, I I 0 lias i.? : ?v. D the evil at !iis *-' E*1?day aft"! nanti Mr. Fairly WilS Sil;*. -1 .a-tlilng in thfl B - of heart-failure, and ?a* uncu - tima H? aimllsrly aJfec-ted, Bad Dr. Joha N. Up* ?bur Bra* siimmiTfil. The physician i re? nounced th-- tnxoble due to oeei stlasiilii* tion, which Mr. Early thinks due to Ct tte-a_aoklB_Ci a habit to which hfl ted, but not t<? th? extent, he I of many of his Hasazaatea H?- ?ras very rnuch Imprt-red last Bight, though still conii'itd to his bed. Though so nearly well, he is firm in hi* dOtermt* ? to WOO Ni'-otlna with cigar-it. " no more forever. Mr. Early it. limn Madison (?ouiity, anil will graduate this ? salon. Governor A*k?*?I to I*nril??n Spltter FoaltT, Governor O'Forrall KSS been petitioned to pardon Spiil? i Poster, Of Bot*tOO!*t t'oniity, who Is i-t-rving a ??*i :. In th* P*?lt*Bttary for murder la tin- flflronfl de?iree. His mother ?ri Um (;o-..'iiioi Friday ami ur? him with a r?'tiii??n slimed by ev< ry member of the fury ?hleh tried her Boa and a number of tho beat titli-eiis of th* county. The Governor Is s*il?l t ? -i.i? ring the mother's appeal tflth favor. State? Mission Hoard to Meet. The annual meetiim ..f tne Haplist !-: ite Mission Board will l?8 held al 4 o'clocit nom Thursday afternoon at the _H I Baptist Church, this cfty. At this meeting ?ill noa-re*-d*nt end rasldeat _*_a_ab*ra ar* BJLpactaf to bfl present. The coming year's \s.?rk ?A ill l?e ____f*p*4 out, and sppoint BlBBtfl for the mission-fleld will bo made. The board now ha? elffhty-three mi**l??n a*i*fl Bl '-vork. Ile*?urt? from theso will bo presented._ CAWTOniA. (my 2.-VV, F, _. Su f rj The Scottish Reformation. A very delightful and Instructive en? tertainment Is promls-d for th? 9th and 10:h of I ?-ember at the Academy of Music, when th? "Btory of the Scottish Reformation; or, John Kn'ix vs. Mary ?'?i? ?n Of BoatS?" will tif pr?'sent?'?l under the snsptes? et a well-known ooanmtttee of ladlss, with Mn C P B ta. Ths s?ciii.l coming of Mr.-. H. B. Monroe and her accomplished trainer will bo ?batted with delight, as many citizens wIM r?'.n?mber the pleislng entertainment of "Manln Lather," as presentad Badsr the sume manage ment. Th?? ta'leaux ar?? as f-fft.tlve; the BOO? turnes gorgeous, particularly that of the i. who will , by B Richmond ?.-iri. wall fitti i to tak<> aaefe a part, tha lectoM remarkably antertala ihk and instructive, ar.d the st? rc.ptlrnn vl? ws unsurpassed. The first rehearsal will take p'. ice tomorrow night at th? t At miry. Nl"?h and fairy streets, and let ?.: th?* KowltSW Armory, as has ou need FOR REST, Q S -t _ Fon hi:\t. First-Class Offices IN THE MERCHANT? NATIONAL-BANK BUILDING, eorm-r Eleventh and Main Btl Bui I with all modern conveniences. I R? til l. 11. SKIjDOS TAYLOR .<: BON, no 2S-it Cor. Eleventh and r.iT.k Bta I nil Ri:\T OB SALE, THAT BEAU I'lI-TI. DWELLING on M< >' ?tlker il ? H*phan Aaj lura, t"i : y. Trahern sa a Bower garden; ISO running i.nck ISO feet, with beauti? ful ?bade tr?essj sOltabls for a daiiry or flow? r i i run by ft. Ap? ply i" s V ?VUG IAN, No. Oil . ist M ' 'i a NICE RRICK D '., NO. 2z T/?M bardy atrset, ?between Main and S avenue, with 1:\ Al Prick 1 .wiling. No. i?j>l Cary atroot, cor? ner Adams, with six r? H SELDON 'I A VI.' ?H & ?3' ?Hi no!*-lt for. Eleventh and Bank Bts. FOR RKNT, THE BTORB AM? DWELLING (AB A whole or a a ?, on th. * of M kin ?joui lo? atlon and cheap rent. N. W. B It No. 4 i nth atreet i ?.H BB? r. IE No. I'.ii EAST MAIN STREET; ?is,., I Govi idjolnlng in Inga, formerly occupied by J. XX'. Martin, Esq., ; furnltuia il ibllahnumt. 11. BELD? IN TAYLOR A- BON, no 2S-lt n.'l Bank S?s. KIR ni'XT, DESIRABLE ROOMS IN OLD I on i ' ipltol atreet b? tw< an Ninth and Tenth ultabls for ' Oto I or lodgl Renta vei > rea lonable. UN T G4 rDDIN A CO., Real CstSte Ag nor-'-it I'.mk and Eleventh street a._ l^OR HI'AT, THF LARGE AND wr:.L located i. : of Cary and ?Four BOW OCOUplM lv W ?I a' A 11 N. W. BOWK no "?-it No. i north Eleventh ?street. ru it ri:\t, ? lb ?ICE ? PACE "N" BTR1B0T :' No. in.'? ? i?t M.iin Btreet A I .-'? ?, s on tho upper floors of same bulldlna. il. BBLDON T> VI.' ' _no:*.-lt ? . r. Eleventh and Bank j FOB HEM, A SNUG SIX K"-\\l Ha ?I 3E ON CANAL . . i 'i -i l .' i'l - i- at?; Just tha thing for a small family, aw.d th? loW. M w. BOWE FOB KK\T, ?NT BASEMENT OF .'! , :?: H WTS' mal-Bank Building, cornai Main for s first II . TAYL ?R I BON, no : Bank sts._ I ??it REST, No 110 NORTH CHERRY STREET, adjoining i?r. a. L. Wellford; i?? nwai, . an 1 the rent Is low. .; It. N. W . BO* K, no 23-11 No 4 north Eleventh str... t. FOR RE\T, FIRST US D SECOND I " I VKR Palais Royal, No. 117 tal Bn id 11 v? il : ni. ? for any light u dentist, millinery, or dressmaking. n. .-l.i.I - ?N TA> LOR ? SON, no g -it < i ,-enth and Bank St?. roit RENT, DWELLINGS IN Ml. PARTS OF THB city; alao. ?i nun.'?" r of Bton and orti,-, ? vsell located, fall for 1'rin?. ,| Rent . C. L A H L DENOON. 'Phone 2f3. 89 Main str.-et. rmi _S-lt_._ FOB BBBT. Ut ?PER MONTH, B_ MARSHALL | Btreet; rooms, bath, arm gais. J12 : ? i ' a 'y-uinth street; 6 rooms, bath, and H. A CAULFIELD, no 28-lf sir, Twenty-ni nth st* rim revi, THE EXCELLENT RESIDENCE AT northwsst corner Qrsci snd Fourth 10 rooms. ... W I!? ?WE, no ?-lt No. 4 north Eleventh Btr< I FOR RBBT, BTORB No. is NINTH BTREET, BE twecB Main ami ?Franklin, Will be put in nice ord? r to suit n-namt. i I SELDON TAYLOR k- BON, no 38-lt Cor. Eleventh and ; FOR RKNT. No. 1?>2 NORTH SEVENTH; 7 ROOM*?. No. 1108 Capitol atreet; 1) mom?. Will be -pat In llrst-claiss order and rent? ed low t?. good tenai H L. CABELL no 2S-R No. 5 north Tenth atreet l ?Hi BBBT, ?I'Tll THIB1? STREET; It Ri * la-j north Fourth street; 7 rooms. POLLARD ?* BAGBT, no" ' 5 north Eleventh s:;.>t. FOB REST, I/VW, To A G4.IOD TENANT, FLAT OF largo connecting room? snd bath Ma?in between First and Pooshi Room House, No. 1223 w.-st i Apply to A. UOLDB.U'K. 11 east Main street. _ no 2g-lt? FOR KKVT, A DELIRARLE FI.AT OF FOITR OR i,v noms. Comer houec, licht from sides. Cheap to party uithout small children. Call Monday or Tuesday morn" Ing before 1:30 o'clock. ?US north Eighth atreet._._no p . REVISED REST-LIST, WITH REDUCED PRl?Jfc._. CALL FOR or '?jhone M3 n?:w 'phone. CHARLES A. ROSE, Real Estate and Loans. 11 north Tenth street. New 'ph-ine. UA_Ja 17-Hutf BOO!. AND ?TOR WOBK Nil ATI A' KXKCllTIUAl' THK U18PA TUB Pill M r? waBouss. Al'CTIO*. KALEft-Mondar. WHEN REAL ESTATE 18 SOLD THE TAXEP FOR THE CURRENT CALEN? DAR YEAR ARE TO HE PAID PRO RATA I!Y THE VENDOR AND THE VENDER I!y C. L. A H. L. Denoon. Real I state Agents an?l Auctioneers, -21 ?Main streit. TRUSTRES' SALE OP GROVE AV?NUB Bl'lLDINO LOlb. By vlrtuo of tho prov'slons of a certain d.-ed of trust, dated AiiRUst 1;!. 1MB, and of record in tb? Clerk** office of Henrteo County ?Jourt. Deed-Hook 1?9 A, pago _M? wo w-l'l s 11 !;y public auction, on the premises, on FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ?5, UM, St t_\ o'clock P. M., the VAUABl.K PROPERTY ?>n the south line of Urove lue, beginntag __>7-l2 feet west of Strawberry street; then.'e wstwardiy and front?n?? on GrOTfl avenue ft:, 7-i_ feet, and running back between parallel lines ?H feet I ?ii'hes to an flltey. TERMS: one-fifth C**h: balance In one, tv/o, and three year C. L. DENOON, JOHN HUNTER. Jr., rrust?"?s. C. I* A II. L. Denoon, Auctioneers. POSTPONEMENT. Th? a!-?-,v.- sale is postponed till MONDAY. NOVBMBBR ?.\ ____, at same hour. C. I_ DENOON*. JOHN HUNTER, JR.. no 27 Trustees. By Georgfl W, Mayo, Auctioneer, 22 and _l north Nin'.h sttt.t. T ADY'S CART. ri?AETON, HARD ?J WAKE, IJOUK?, FlKNITlKii, AC,, A L AUCTION. I will R-ll at my auction-house at 10:30 A. M. MONDAY. NUVB_.L-.MR Ie), 1 . ! , < t ; ar 1 BBS Canopy-Top Phaeton, in m.rder: ' >ne im : : . . . i k ?t-Knlvea, , ., Wrenches, I'unehes, Cam;:, '.ice Walnut sad oak Chamber . Wal. -I. Very Handsome Brass ornamental Parior-Tsble. Plated Vage* tai i ?: -. i... ., ? nue- Press, lot ia - ellsneoufl Books, Bureaus, Wash i Me?, R kerr-, chairs. ids, Springs, Mattresses, Beating and Cook-Stoves, and v na '?? ti : -?. GEORGE XX MAY? >, i ? '.'S_Auctioneer. By the Valentine AttCtlon Company, No. &_y east l'.rortd street. T ABQB ASSORTMKNTOF ITRNI X? .rKr.,_HKK('KSI?ICTI':iK-?.si'uVh:?. Ac., VOR MONDA, s --.?. i.e. NOV. 29, UM, AT UM O'LiiCK. AT O?R WAREROOM9, No. O EAST DU??AI- BTRBET. ment will coaslat of i _rior Baft*, Chamber Suits. Oak and Walnut c and Vi slnut Hsllstaads, Room Chair ; Cane, Willow, and othei Ro kers; 1 Tete a Tete Doubl Chair. T ill kind*, a large line "f Handsome Plcturea in ornam? ntal fraaies. Beve Pier Mln New Dogs; iron Bedsteads, with springa* Hook? i. -, 11? '.ting- and Fir? pla? - Square Rosewood PI -. with nvany other arti _?__, must t?* sold and re? moved, to make f'?r new to: n:etus. I?a?l!c3 specially Invited. J. H. VALENTINE, ro in Maaager and Auctioneer. 11 I( ill CONSTAT,r.fc.'S SALE I will sell at public auction on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 2?, 1W, ?it 11 "VI-.. !? A. M , at .\ It Frank h? following PR? IPERTY, to satisfy wrfts in my hand*?to wit: '. ible*; Lou ' ads, Mattresses; r?, .Minor?. Matting, Bto* Parlor Salt.-, Wardrobe, _?how?-Ca**' Counters, _ Push-Carta, s Hats, ftc. TERMS: Cau-h. E. C GARRIBON. i ? lonstable Cfty Rlc-unond. -t-CAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALR. ?.\ HEN HEAL SfcTATE Id -SOLD THM TAXES FOU THE CURRENT CALEN DAR VEAU AUE TO HE PAID PRO RATA H? THE VENDOR ANO THi. VENDEE. I WI1 L -I. W PRICE V RICHMOND PERPETUAL, BUILDIN? LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY'S K or for cash, or ir??>n lit-aral terms, the fo lowli g REAL ESTATE: dfl of <?ak street (extension of Taylor ? reet), between Car od Terni le, I? I 23 feet by 120 feet, to an alley. Th? bouse Is in eocceUerft ?"n dltlon, modera, well bulk, Bad no*- occu? pied ' i tenant. Eicht Vacant. Lots adjoining, r.lze or by 120 feet, to an alley, COB n.. n. ri*_r at tho corner ?.f Temple atreel and extending w?*twaraly about thr*fl fourthfl of the etith a This property should (?core a profitable Investment, tn vl? w ?? Its being In inlty to the Main-street car flhfldfl. .- further iiarttculara ad-Ursa* "A. _*.,** caro of this oil!? ?-. no 28-lt FOR SALE. TWO NICE Ulli.DIN?; LOTS IN* LEI?) District, Mhtli?. y.'i'^, Bt J1? rrr foot. A ?' H t-RMAN, ' Estate Axent, no 2*-lt No. 1114 east Main street HI.??OO WILL nr'Y A NICE l-ROOM coi'i'AOw on north Tw*nty-flfth itreet POLLARD ft !'.\OU?. no 28-lt No. 5 north Eleventh atr FOR SAI.f . HOUSE and l_OT IN BIGHLAND Springr Bev? n-room ho? * ?vment; balance m.-nthiy. n is m SLOOO WILL BUT A SKAT T\V??S!'- n .-?l aCK-BRICK DWELLING: I franklin between Tw?n_y-flfth and Tw< a? ty-slxth stroei ?. Coal | J. THOMPSON BROWN * CO. I .--Vit 1 ?ill BALE PHI? ATELY, HOTjra AND LOT ON rRANKUN Mh. A_ una and Ptrst atreeta I teet front, a. b. APPBR80N .?:- CO., no 'i-TluVSul't 8 north Eleventh sir FOR EXCHANCE. J, Thompson Brown & Co. WILL BXtCHABOB AT CASH VAI LES POM Hl'ILDlM? MATI.llIAI. UILDING LOTH on el?*c tric ltn.*. wlthli. corporat? limits, in tho western and northern i-ir'ts of the city. no 2? It RBAL BSTATB AGENTS, Ae. r. M. WORTMAM A CO., Heal Eat? tat _-* **_._* mu? Loan llruker*, 1013 East Main i-tn lltfl I'ctf e. 'I'lione 2"?i. B*al Estate Boughi and *?o!d and 1-x C-iaagfld, publicly or privately, ?uoney Loaned or to Loan Ou Itb'hmond City Real Estate, PAYING LENDER C PER CENT. NUT S,"'cial sttSBtloa to th?* I !o. lection t?f Reata, ?ad liberal advance* male thereon. Negotiable Paper Bought . id, ? , rreapondenc? solicitud. (BO M-lt) NO SAl.K, MM II ARGE. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING IF I DO not sell. List your property with mo for ?ale. I may be the man to place it for you. No objection to others having it also. W. B. Pi/ZINl. no 2fi-lt _ :.k street A. C. HAIi_?A.-4/, ?Lat- bt I'oswell i?i Harman), REAL ESTATE AOENT AND AUC TIONERR 1114 EAST M AIN STREET. _no 7-SuX?R Im Real Estatef?^; noniyfc___ II. A. M'CURDY, m_ 3D?Sa 7sorth 1 ?nt_ stre?_ WINTER Mil l IM lt.. BEST STYLES. BEST STOCK. r*OR most becoming Hats and Bonnet? so to Mr?. H. W. COSBY'S, ?7 ?ast Broad street. _ no _*. SMOB-H IMOMSil FOR BEST STYLBB AND T?OW prlc.? go to KMMKTT A. SAUNDEU8. Audit, corner Filth und JJruad, no ? AiCTIO.-I SAl.l.S-lnlure D?t*. AUCTION. 300 ,5__5 HORSES. AUCTION. 300 MULES. r^v/* / -?.?>?. -?? -**-*** ACCTION. 300 ?XrtX HORSES. Three hundred Horses and Mill?-*- to be sold at The Great Southern Horse and Mole Bazaar, 18G6 TO 1812 EAST FRiNKLI!. STREET, Wednesday Morning, December ist. Our r?'f/ular shippers will have consignment**. This fsto.-k consist?? of Workers, Drivers, Mated Teams. Family Hroko, and Hpeeily lloraes. We are advtsod by the shipper to sell for the hh/h ?loW lar, re^.iri?iess of cost. Kvery hon<e must bo as repre-emeil or no ?ole. Smyth BrOtherS & Kline, Auctioneers. N. B?_-On THURSDAY, December ad, we will sell 35 head of Registered JERSEY COWS and HEIFERS, consigned by theBloom inj?dale ?Stock Farm. This stock can be seen at our stables Thurs? day morning. Sale commences 10:30 A. H. SMYTH BROTHERS ? KLINE.__ WHKN REAL. ?STATIC IS BOLD TtLB TAXES FOR THH CUHRKNT CALKN DAR YEAR ARE TO BB PAID PRO RATA RY THIS VENDOR AND THE VENDEE, WHKN REAL. BSTATB IS ?Oi_> THE TAAES IOR THE CURRENT CALEN? DAR TKAR ARE TO BR PAID PR?J RATA ?Y THE VENDOR AND THE VENDEE. ' lly a3eoas*s il Valentine, Auctioneer. nOUHT aSALK OF THE 3TATK U NEtVM'AI'KK PLANT AND OTHER PROPBRTT f*ON NECTED THEREWITH. By virtue of two d;eds of trust, to the inderslgi I bearing data on th?> 1st la? of Januafy, 18%, and th>? other on the ?th ?lay ?if April, lfsy?;. of reeord in the Jlcrk's otll.-e of the Chancery ?.'ourt of li" city of kl.-hmotnl, from the State 'ewepaper Company, .? corporation, a?n?l t? pursuance e?f ;? deeree of the Uw am.i Sqully Court of the city of Richmond. nier? 1 on the tftta eiaiy of November, UBT, n B suit peading therein under the style f John Oarlauia i'oliard vs. the ?Stats Tewsoaper Company, et? . the umlerslgn l will Hell at public auction to th? high? st i.i,iii.?r, fur eaah, at 12 M oa TUE8DAT, N?.?V'EMB_r 3o, 1W7, t No, ?; south Tenth street, in the city 'f Richmond, Vu., aill of the PROPERTY onveyed la it by the *.aM ?1 li of oust. The ?aaid proj. rty coaatata < ; the slant, ?roperty, a?nd good-will of t!> ?"??wspaiHT Company, Perfecting I'rintlr.g ...l Typeeettlng. Stereotype Ma? hliies, ?uid pre??? ana mscbtnea hem?,' mbjeot to osrtalB lions of record in the 'urk's oAoa ??f the Chancery Court of Be city of Richmond; Typea, Stand.-. Imposing Table?., Cralle.v.?, and all ery and appliances, and all artlolea .? naming to the business of printing and luhlishlng the newspaper known ?is "The Rate," Including a library and newspaper Bating, .ml editorial rooma, furni ai.'-. and ftxt'ir.'s. TM? valua ?!.. property, ?Seing the plant ; i n 1 equip? nent of one of the most Influential news .aip.Ts publlahed In Virginia. THF. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY. no H Ry C. U A H. U Donoon. Real Estate Agents and Auctioneer?, Kl Main street. 3 ALE BY rCBLlO AUCTION ' op I'HE DESIRABLE DETACHED TWO SI? >RY STOCK BRU K RESI? DENCE, Ne. ?H WEST CLAY STREET, At the n*qu?st of tho owner, who I? ?00? termined to sell, we will o(T?-r at pubilo luction. on the premiase, 1 a WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1. UN, O'clock P. " . th?? well-built VK rACHED DWEL \"0. No. 3>H west .'i.iy street, coBtalnlag 8 room:-, nir.-iv a.nd in perfect order. The lot fronts K feet on Cay Btreel ami ?" ? ? r a -? back ab?.iit 1.? f.'ft to Brook avenu?*, ?invintc two dealrabl? ?treat fronts, it you are looking for a paying lnv< or a ni<-<* boms in a good nelghborhoo?!, attend this sale. TERMS: Very easy and announ l ?ale. C. L. & II. L. DBNOON, no 2S-lt_Auctioneers. Bf J. Thomp.-on Brown A Co., Feal Estate Agents and Auctioneers, UM Mata ?tiaet TRUSTEES' SALE OF SECOND MAKKiiT STOKE HtoPERTT, No. 423 1-2 N'oUTil SIXTH STREET. A rXNB INVEETMBNT. At the request of owner, and in part < *; SCUtiOB of ai dee*d of trust to the uii'iel *i*:i*.d trustses, da.t???d January 31, lt?!aM. and recorded in the Clerk'a olfiee "f tne ry Cowl of the city of Richmond, D?Md?Book J..1 H, pun?) 17, to s?-curo 'ibo paymeat of a certain note th?-r?ain d? acrlbi I, and defH>iit basing beea mad?-. and betas, reojulred b>- the? beneAdary, hIho rsqUSSted by the owner of said pr?> perty so te do, we will pro ce ad to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the. prom I aas, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1897, tel A ] ORTION OF THE l'i'<> PERTY describe- hi aald deed- to wit: All that lot '.f l?~?d In tho city of Rich? mond, und t>oundc*d ..a? follows: ?Coauaamo in< on tii?' aaal Bas of Math atraen ?.i fe? t south of clay .su??!, thanes rosining - ?uthwardly Band fronting on ?aid line of Sixth str.-.-t 14 feet, and running baoh ?-?siwardiy an?; between parallel lb as ISO feet, to ao alley 10 f 1 ara with the BBS in OOBMaOa?, witti -tore and dwsllinc aboTB No. 12.1, of 4be . . red alleyway oa the aovth ?md t??? tween aald store No. OB 1-2 and No. ?Bt luiUI >_/?? No. 423 is removed from ib.* lot on which It ?tands. The ??i'l COVen ! y is 2 feet ?> lachas wide, and "?5 feet ? Inchea de? p. TERMS: By eoosent of all parties In? terest?*?!, on? third ?-ash; tr.? lance at su and twelve months, or ?ill cash, at option of purc'iaser. EDWARD H. BROWN, WII.I.lA.U ELLYBON, Trustees. J. Thompson Brown & Co., Auctioneers. no _') Dy Dudley & Gray. Real E?talo Auctioneers. AUCTION HA IK OF THREE STOKY ?STORK AND RESIDENCE AB4JVE, NO. UM BaUn MAIN STKJMMT. At the re?iueBt of the owner, who nail recently removed from the city, and is, therefore, anxious t<? ?sell, we shall off? r St publl? ?Suction, on the premises, TUESDAY, r'OVEMRKK 30, R~. at 4:30 P ML, the alBOVB-PBSCH IM Kit PROPERTY. The lot fronts 2_, m??re or less, on the south Uas o( Main str.?-t, and running back 175 fe<-t. more or IsSB, to an alley in common. This property is now rented to S good tBOBOt at gool rent. It hu? never be**n vacated. Is on? of the best invustments In Richmond, it Is n<?ar the new Chesapeake and Ohio depot. Do not fall to attend the sale. TERMS: Liberal, and announce?! at sal-. Person? desiring any Information about Droucrty can call on J. Samuel Parrlsh. v v D?DI?Y Ik OKAY. no 21-F?u,Tu&Th5t Auctioneers. MEKTIOUS. TUB MEMBERS OF RICH! JO MOND LOI ?OK. No. 1?), A. F. and Yy A. M , an* requested to attend B " "W ,i?!l'?l i-ommuni? atlon of tnelr lodge, at the Temple, THIS (..Sunday) AFTERNOON at _:? o'clock, to pay the last, sad tribute of resp.'?*t to our ?! - ceaaed brother. ROWLETT WINFREE Members of sister lodges and visiting brethren are fraternally Invited to unit? with us. . _ By order of the Worshipful Master. R. B. BNEAD. no 28 Secretary. Offtce of Jame* B. UohI? Printing Co., Rlcnmond, V^. November 23, 1<W. TUL ANNUAL MEETINO OF THE ST? k'K HOLDERS OP THIS COMPANY will be held at 4 P. M. THl'RSDAY. De? cember 2, 18ST7. at tho company'a orne?. No. 7 north Seventh street. Richmond. Va. JOHN T. WEBT, Socretary and Tre?i?ur?r. no 21.*X2*>??jD?> 8-4t STAMUXO TIMBKR FOR BALK. A BODY OF FINE TIMHER. it'N talnlng about 3.0W.000 feet, situated n.a? Church Road Deiwt. Norfolk and Wl It? ern railroad. Parties wlshlr.K to buy will I write to t?. Y. ' L LI.1AM. xu>??la:*?.^' " ?. Fattriiburii, Va. 1 COMMISSION ER8' SALE U or* i Al.l'AUI.E jamfs-RIVER FAKJ_| AND OTHER REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree entered In tn* oii-olidat.d cause? of Dunn vs. P**_n? tnd Harvey Blair A Co. vs. Payne? Au nlniatrator et il., entered at the <?ctc>_ r term, IBtT, of the. Circuit Court oi m county, th-> undersigned lommlsflioners will, on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 18, IWI, it 1_ o'clock, noon of that day, offer * > rat? on th? premise* that VALUABLM FARM ov? :. ,i i . N. T. I'aryne, i. attuated in liiickina-ham county, ?n James river, at I'avne? Landing, it", it three miles below Scott?vll>. coo*? [.tilling ...ri'*rj aires. more or less, -W? ?'<? ?f ?Ahich has been aaalgned to -*? E_ i'ayii..-. widow of the late N. T. Fay??*** leceased, sa li r dower, but ih>- remain*? 1er in said 4?-? seres, after the expiration ?f ?ild dower, will be soil alona* will? th? be lane? of the farm. Bald f ?mi wilt be offered us a who!?-. SB*, will fll*0 b? >ff?red lu ?eparstt tracts, Hie qtiautity und boundaries of which will be an? nounced on th? day of sale, and the rl?*n_ will be reaervi'il t" iccepl which? ver bid* may b? d?em?d nu-st ?.dvantasjeoua This farm is a valuable James-River farm, contalnliifl Btttj*, nt' James-River low-grouhds, a good ? ? ter-powt'r grist-mill, a good ri?id?i and other buildings, a good ore!? and Is convenient to schools, churc and railroad stations, and Is consider?'?* B very ?iesirabl- p'.<j,-o of property. The un?*r*l?-n*d c?>mml?-?i?>ners will also ('Ter for sal.? nt the sam.? tlm.? ? >IX ISLANDS IN JAMES RIVER, near said farm, belonging to th* estate of the said ?N. T. l'a it? mint-, y, as follows: l_-l'Hi of si. K 100 of an acre, .8-100 of an aer>?. I 2-10 acres. 68-10) of an acre, and b l-i TERMS OF SALE vrlll be S*? ner cent. ea*h, ??nd th? balance on a 'redit of one, t,\". three, four, and five y?*ars. In equal annual payment?, bearing' lnt?r-*?t from, diiv of sale, _n.i s?.aired by of tna purchaser, with home?i-_d waiver ami good peraonal security, and retention ol title, or i"ih"iial ucurity may be pensed with upon payment of on?-thiri| of the purchase-money in .-ash. ?'AM Si patteson, I M. DICKERSON, F. C. MOON, | Commissioners. Bond executed l.v F. c. M?v?n as re-* nulred by above-nmn'ion? d decree no U P. A. FORBES, Clerk. ????-__________ ? a? By N. W. Bowe. Real Estate Auctioneer. SALE OF TI7E FACTORY, WARE? BOUSE AMI i l. A NT UP THE SOUTHERN BTOVB-WOBJEB COMPANY, I PRONTTNO ZU l EUT ON CARY STREET AND irXTENDINO .V FIUST TO TWENTY-SECON11 STREET, AT AUCTION. At the request of the S?>uthern Stov?*? V.'.irk? Company and ?,. C,. Valentine, I'. . I will ?ell. by public auction, on th? premises, on FRIDAY. PSCBMBBR 3. 1897. : at 12 o'clock M., the vuluable PI_ANT o| i?a<- Southern Stove-Works Compaay. having ? front of _,',8 feet on the n i Itn* of Cary atreet and embracing tna whol? iront, from Tw?*nty-tirHt to Twen arni having thereon, in) 11* equips? i at?te plant, ta brick warehouse fi.imerly kt.owu? aa "?:. F. Watson'a Fai-tory," ?nu a large on? -story building, which could, at a. comparatively small ezpen?*, be matte siiiiabi" for mercantil? us?**-: or for t<* bacco ?'.'i.?Ke, as well us having peculiar adaptability for general manufacturing purpose?. The machinery embrace?, be - ihn boiler and engine, s full com? plement of modera stove-making nw? chlnery, and is extensiv? enough to give employment to at I? -t fifty moulder?, it can be safely lerted ?hat B spur track of lb. Southern Railway Company can be brought to the front of this pro? perty for the mere asking, a rather un? usual cnciiinstaii'e, us there is but a limited amount of property in this city to which t side-track can b* gotten, and it Is au important tactor in considering the value and d**irabllity of this pro? perty. If persona desire to treat for the pur?, of thu pro!., rty oi any part th? t before th? day <>r ?at?, private bid* there? for will bs received up to the 25th in? stant. TERM8: On? third cash, nnd residue at C. It, ami is month?, f??r notes, with inte? rest added, and secured by truel de*d otj said property, or all cash, at option of purchaser. N. XV bowe. no :?.l??.17,i;:.t I M Auctlone-r. By Pollard A Bagby, Real Est?t?? Auctlone?_ra /COMMISSIONER'S SALE RY ATJO \j i ion or \ALEARLE BRI? K-SrORE ITtOPER? TY ON SECOND BETWEEN JACK? S'>N AND DI'VAL ?STREETS. KNOWN AS Nos. 714 AND 71?. In execution of a decree entered by thd l?.w and E?iulty Court of the city of Richmond, on November 11, l**-?7, In th? her ii' CBBflfl, I will ?"?Ml b|J auction, on the prenvl??**, on THURSDAY. DE? EM HER J, 1SS7, at 4 o'elp? k P. II, the above-mentloneS PROPERTY, which will bo ?old ?epaiaat** ly, or as a whole, as roar ?eem beat el hour of sale. No. 714 is a large two-ateryj sioro and dw??ll!ng of six rooms, and No* 716 is a store and dwelling of four room*. Th. lots have u joint frorftagu of _f fee* on west line of Secc?nd str?*et by deptft of 134 fet-t Thla Is one of the t^-rt-loca? tions in Jackson Ward, and you would never regret makln?* uji investment her?. TERMS: On? third cash; reekru? la three equal p??.yments at ?Ix, twelve, and eight?'. ;. months, credit payaient? to b? evt'l.-nc-ttd by notes, interwet added, and titlo retained until all of the purchas? money 1* paid. JOHN GARI-ANT) POI*I_ARI>. Sp-*olal CommlMioner. Kato C. Burch. guardian, etc., PlAlntiffs, against Kate C. Burch and al?.. _>ef?and. ants.?In the I_w and Equity Court ad the oity of Riehmoitd: I. P. P. Winston. <_*l*?rk ef said ?*our?_? certify tlKit the bond required of the ?pe? dal commi??loner by the decree In ?-al? cause of November 11, __t?7, ha? been duly* gH< IL Given under my hand this Uth day of November, 1897. no? P P WINlfTON. Clerk. i? By George H. Valentine. Auctioneer. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE At AUCTION. l'y direct It ?n**of Mr. A. K. Henry. I wll] sell, at (21 north Tenth street, on WEDNESDAY. DEVfciilBEH 1. UCT, at 10.30 o'clock, the following ?rucio?I Black Walnut Parlor Suit (7 piece?), First?* Rat. Br?ssel? Carpet. Hall-Rack witi?, mirror. Oak ?Thamber Suit. Black Walnut Bedtttead and __*ttr**s. Malvogan? Bureau. -Ply Carpet. Black W*alnut ?a* t-union Tab!? and * Oak tZ*halt*s. OaK Buffet with Mirror, ?Limey Refrigerator. Cook Table, ??fe. etc. * OBOR?E IL VALENTINE, t bo :._?L*_i _ Auction*?*..!