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THE RICHMOOT) DISPATCH. WHOLE Xl-MIIKIt.14.-Ui.-,. RICHMOND. VA., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1897. THREE CENTS PER 00 CHECKS JO STHil?S. Two Drawn in His Favor by Mr. ^oniack Are Produced. WERE GiYFN OYtR THREE YEARS AGO Ore Is fcr Two Hundred and the Other fcr Fifty Dollars. HAS KO RECOLLECTION OF THEM. res Endorsements Forgeries, Bot Modifies His Statement. ?j H | M \l\l BkXPlaAJ \ I ION TO-I> BY? , ,U ?>f Ihn? < oniiimnrter Bay That A ni I ?ill?i\?? 1 lil? ?Our???lit?, r from CsieajBl ? u????n?. nnii Much lloaal I ?: Itiiony 11? uni Ve? 1. i ! *? history larestli ster* of O Vetarsns, . ras tM rly in the ! ' : : , rj QlOU* BaBB v( the ination. In 1 tfl ' M III' i tlB| : ' 'omman?er. Taro ? f?>r SJB, S 111 :i \\. r, ! " .1 ST. Wom.nk, .: Bti . and whlli I ubbs ? ui :. 1. lor? 111" eh' eks i him, that t! n? nts on tl Bhiy ' oa? lB8 ?fu in ? iii fully, Iwrttlnf a - \ i ? arach like be ?i id no recoll?e* ever n Ived them, he i m . 'tt.ii credit la s for Is. m< at era? taki a, after aa luii Of three and I until this BMTBlBB tit 10 0*1 . : V'V-11 i Bight / a oald ko oa Fui] splai of the ma : ?"iy . \U 'M:i. CUS80NS RKSKsHED. i a that, Bl intim?t? il , lone! John Cue* Inlne to ai ctlon ; Conn tired frum the Coaamltl in aawlll* rtaln rneail thai he with from the Hlatory Ceenaalttec be nploy D Book C SSSJ iay, and he would Bol afllllate aith a man whs OCCUl' oas. :. for this ta CB4 eS drawn Bt of I . : Not man V. 1. the thi two iwn by Mr. Wotnack, a well* . .-.' 'k Com? m. nt. Tl : .: n;. IBM, . MEL BTUBB8*8 l '?'' I tl? : a fri it ibled f the hall and iy in all that was be* bul little dis* tlate, sad ?Mxjrtvinity eras afforded him nias* ad* - and the no m .1 the checks >mb exploded In ml.i aol have I such an i ri'l uni? i . i sjate* : SB? ; for a Baosaeni denui '" . he ... ;; d .. i ': si t were nd thea tiff situa -aiaandera . phecks, fully and | : ; .. back i ] I I'.iSIT,', ; i lous . i ttee that ralas thered the bass , but Be ad ; . i the i Ilk" hii cks . bul ?f a of thea sad e.iuid i i.,. rred a Cofaaaaay earn i with tie- Oraad Oaaap. m any . BBBloyed by the . jiullar . nt from . sad Bases u ion? stale? tow his lot? rest in aouthei b ar.d the WO k. li<- had done in History i ri ru f bsetts e. t OOlO* BOB? i. bul be a?a> i no of Um ?a, and BMUy, win n WllllllKIleSS t" SB What . I i y of the the ' "inmitt.-i- took u recesa B) B*flBSBT. In on!? r i. a a search for him In giving hi w n it, Slnoe the adjournm?. nt of the toinmlt *??e. however, Colonel Btubba wus in close t aesMUttUtteu with his friend?, nn?l th?-\ t Idviaed him t?> roansal naught that h. " might know concerning the matter iin?'.< t ' ' Investigation? He h..s, therefore, deter- ' '. mln? ,1 to go bseft on til?? stand thai morn- fu line, and General Ooorgo J. Hundley, of th i mella, whom be bei anajesjsd ax oun- he ' a ho win Bdnait th.? guautnenees , of tip) ?h?'rk? und will make 8 clear and u ; mnnttoa of how th. y asase into ln h.s pesuusstoak (,',' last what this explanation will be (?en- h? srul Hundley declined to Bay, and Colonel * St urd.!.. who OOUld not In s?- n, ssrot.? tho following, vshi.'h was handed t?> the re- G porter who nought him: ^ 1 srlll make no BtUtentrOnt to-nlrlit for ?.' prib!leetIon. but v. 11! In lb" mornlni; m. k.- H un additional statement ?>ef?>r.- the In ting Committee, which will cove- !i; the whole ground." CABD CAME IN* PiTP.MINGHVM. it was learned, however, that Mr. ? Booker, of the Shorwood Bo ?I, r? Did Point Csmfort, would bo un lui- . portant svltn-ss before the committee to- ,., I It was IWportod 'hat his tt'i?t!- M will throw some light upon tho ^! A Blapatch man found the d? ?.ot.-l proprietor at Murphy's Hotel, and asked him concrnlng tho tes- U1 thnony he is expected lo y Ho said si lid go on the stand If the commit- J Bted him, though ho .?referred ti, GRAND OOMMANDKB JAMES X. STUBBS. ?I to do so. "i hare, though." he said, i atTidavit win. h v. is drasm by Huadli j. Bad which win be pre* iit'd to the oommlttee to-morrow, in hieb I I'll of i poker some In r.lrmlrt itn. Ala., In June, ??94, in which I sal Ith Coloael Stabbs, Mr. .1. \v. Wotnack, ei a representative of another pubHsh g i omi'.iny." Mr. Booker could not tire the reporter cm .' ' "'' Ihl " sad Qeaeral uiidii y prefem I not to do ho. but Mr. ?oker gave 1 aunt of the ddent; "l wenl to Birmingham to the union, a- a delegate from my camp i?l I occupied the ?sai? room with Colo- | i went to th? room ahoul 10 : ?lock at Bight, for thi purpoee of ra? ring, sad fourni Coloael Btubba with Mr. omsck and th? other gentleraea re : n I I . in a frleadly dollar Of course i took a seat with ; in, and i :i I until S o'clock, winning 1 ? and then lostng It, and St that hour j retired, leaving the other e?*ntlemen lyitiK.. 1 saw no Check? BSBSI I at tin . H?, and do BOl BUpBOS? that the cheeks | ?ijor Huiidoli h Showed IBB committee j Bid have DO SB given toi a ,|, bt cou- j U?ted in this game, for the Kan. June, and the cheeks 1? ,n- dat.. in Oe ber "f the same year." Tin: SESSION vi:stkki>ay. Bualttee had agri ed to assemble i mi' Hail at 11 o'clock \i sterday ! irnlng, and a large crowd of i ind Boos of ?ioafede- ! w iid, B b< ii, ShOUt M ; ::t"d time, the minitt? men pul Ib thi Ir appt araai , time wat lost after this, however, in \ Ing with the work, and jt was j ocisely ii:i" o'clock when Chairman ocide rapped the assemblage to order. m the eentn of l be i latform, and I ' ptala vyaahlagtOB Tay- ' ; PAY TO THE ORDER 0? " 4-** *_ *-# >* <U& 7 ?% ^^^<^c. SAfl_llLK OF TH? TWO HUNDRED DOLLAR CHECK. ?-"~\ T\v a smoot. while on "?_* ,, 'h Segr? ' "-* \at?l??^ ****** (H iNYE-ill^ATIOMX DETAIL. | balrman Woods'? Address to the w tin? ? < ? *?nil Sp?*? (, l0^ The rommlttro did not aKscmble until WtM time after the apWinUKl hour, and vas ll;3*o o'clock before the work was .men???!. In beginning the s?->p?lon W???> 11? mail?- an address wtHrti ; fragraut with feollng. and yet fought h eriieuosa M determination to prose tin? l.'i.pilry to the ?lregs and 8ft at fst't*. i.o mutt'T what the cost mlslit II- ?aid: Fellow Confederates, CoesrndeO, ind : Virginia I ou ara ill familiar h the objects which Ar? had In View th?- Investlgstloo which will be held ?n this nfi-i-iiKi H la not only a very id very aacred duty thai we re to discharge, but It la n duty which, th??i conunlttes, la i very unpleaauttt Under the resolutions adopted, th?? i . ! Cump of Confederate Vete-raxta1 of requested these Ore gentlemen , ?oiv.-ni here to ri'sko an Inv-stlimtlon to whether any of th" members of th?* 'tory Committee of the I Virginia tire In any way conni h pubilshlng henees, or mi I?-, their In . reetls .1 Ir, lir.-rls. A BlTPREMB DUTY. If ?h-T?, in One duty which Is a au -, to be discharged by thl men this generation In tie? South, it is to that h?- story of that irreal war; that story of tin- valor an?l th?. fortitude th?- Confederates, their lordty to prtn le, to bom?', and to country, is not v told truthfiiiy to thli generation. ?>ut in an abidins form, that other? after SI may honor us for the 1 ss bleb we pcrforme?l. It Is true, as has liten said, that Provl i? ? denied to 11? victory, but It crown??l with Immotl il alory We Confederates charged with the duty now of aeelng t a faithful and true history Is writ . and the men i<? whom it is deputed recommend to th?' teachers ??f thu rath, ami to the Btat? s of the South, roper histories, ?hould be ah? ', ' ean-handed. They should no men putatloB in thi-- respect is as laste as the Icicle tbsl hangs new-coo* "The gentlemen upon rhln commit',? i" notified some months najo thai they 'i been selected srl?fj a view to this iu itlgatlon, and i cao say In behalf of i g< tul? nu n upon tliis committee?them well ii 111 > ?* it thai we knew ithing absolutely of any of the p] id nothlns Bpeclflcally ?>f the rumors tal were ? 11 l touching the History ?mmitt- ". Though I may be guilty of iictlon of luty a? a member of ie Grand Camp of Virginia, and as a rati I will ssy that 1 ws? not miliar with tl"- name? of thOM Who d that commit! ARB HBRE TO ACT. "Wlun the summon? cam?'. We fell that ,. owed it not only to our comrades in :\!)oKSKMKNT ON CHECK. SIGN ^TUKE TO A LKTTKli Virginie, bul la the South; that we owe II tO the i BUBS, tO ! pond ?nd BCt U| 0 mmltti e, and we ire here to do ? "Vmi will ' the fact thai thi (?nimlt te. is not cloth? ?l wiili an-. .-.. i. We sit not as any r< gula court, form? d by the laws of th monwi alth, with pos er to i unlah : tempt or compel witness, s t;, testify in all of this m ttter we have to rely upoi [he court'mis treatment of those sum atoned befon us. and we ti usl th it thow arho may be asked questions will ft-., i> insurer them, recognising that, walla! we have bo powei to compel them U testify, thai then li o public sentiment | ubllc sentiment -thai should com* 11. 1 any map, an obligation higher than un ordinary outh. to dlsclos?- what lie muy know toiii'hlng this matter. "Certain witneeeea have been fum moned and will be questioned III the lours.- of this Investigation. It Is a free and pub.le Investigation on?- In which Virginia and the south and au iov?is of the South, are more or leas Interested. And now, In behalf of th?1 commute??. 1 will unk that If there ure any persons who can give any Information that Will throw light upon the ?subject of this ln veeUsjation I trust they will come for? ward and give ua an opportunity of learning what they may know. 1 will a.-k. in view of tho fact that we are not a body clothed with th?,? powers of a court, thiit the gi-nih-ni'n who an- | nit will ohserv?' order, und remember we have nothing I" the way of enfor order here, or enforcing the rules of tlmony that l?, nothing beyond thai i of cmirtess which dw.ll? In th<- h-art Confederases n:i?l all Virgin nut A PROSECUTION. "The ln?A'?tlg?tion. gentlemen, that have to mak' to-day 1? one in whl? latitude will necesaarlly nav? bi .ill.,w?'?l In the ?tatements made, are no! sltrlrisr to prosecute any one. ate not sitting with chargea ?list?n preferred by ajny official body wltl vi? .'. ,,f Investigating any particular dividual. Our scope la a large one?to whether the rumor? ?aid to be fltxitlni the community touching thi? Hisi Committee are tru.- nd we to Und what the??' rumors are. Th" ?. tl'iTu-n on thl? committee will doubt desire thl? matter to be probed lo hottom. A? far ss we are concerned, hnll endeavor to conduct this Invest tion and reach our conclusion with f-iir. favor, or affection. "I will ?sk Mr. ?"ox. who I undersl is a notary, to com? I n .\ ird sod adn to the member? of the cmmli an oath which we think it proper ike." Mr. Kdwtn P. Cox. Grand fomtiwn Son? of Veterans, tien adminlst? re?l the eomml'.l? < !!' following oath: "You, and ? ich of you. do aolern ?wear fh?4 yon will honestly and faJ fully perform your duties as members this ('omsjra ?j. and thoroughly Irrri gate and exansn?' nil question? submit to you unffer and b> the n adopted by It. K. I.. Camp, No. 1. C f? ?l. rate V;-? ? Virginia, on the day of "*Sv?!nit>i r. l*c*#7, in puraua whereof thi.- committee was organ I by the (irand Camp, Confederate V? ran--, liepnitm? m of Virginia, and r?'| ti.m wlthvit fear, favor, or affecU So help you Hod." THE HKSOU'TION READ. <'l:ilrrnan Wood-': 1 will ash the ? retary pleas? to n id t b?- resolution der which WS are acting, and also order Convening the committee. iln Thorn i- Bllt It, Adjutsnt-Oe ral. then read the r solution, as followi "Wherea?, 'ins aamp has been Inforn that sein,, of the members of the Hisi' Committee of the Orand Camp i I ? f? ! tali Vi t< r .ns of Virglnl i h ive b? in tin employment of the American l'>? Company, of New York, and nave ceived compensation for such empli ment; ami whereas, H is currently ported ami beSevi d ti-, it - ome of th< member? are still in the employment said look company; and whereas In t opinion of thl? camp auch employment detrimental to the work and influence thi Qraad Camp of Confederate Vetera of Virginia, aa well a? Inconsistent wl it" position of membership oa said H tory Comas)ttw d bj I: E. I' c <'amp. No, Confederate veterana, of Richmond, V That the Orsnd Commander be respe? fully requested to appoint committee thoroiiKhiy Investigate these rumors fat as they may affect the Hlatory CO! mut?e or anv other member or memtx of the Orand ?'amp. Confederate Vetera of Virginia; and we respectfully requi the Grand Commander of the Sons Confederate veteran? of Virgin!? to is similar action in their organisation, ai that this communication i"i forward officially to th?- grand commandera, r questing prompt action." ORAND COMMANDER'S ORDER. The s'cr.rary tren the Older CO rening the commute as follows: "Gern ral < >rdi rs N "in compliance with the reoueel mai therein, the following Commute? of I tion has ti-, n appoint',! by tl Orand Command???1' Micajah Wood?, chariot!? svill? ; O. b. Morgan, ?if Peter burg; W. A. Baaoot. of Alexandria: Waal Ington Taylor, of Norfolk, and Berrymn Or. in. of Danville?- with th" requeet th tiny will assemble il the trlleat pract c il le moment and proce? d with I vesl igatlon, "By order of Jarn<s N. Stubbs, (Iran idi r. THOMAS ELLETT. \ i jutai ;-? ;. n ral." Chairman Wood?: I will ask tl tary picea? to read Ihe proceediags < the Grand Camp of Virginia touching in appointment of ih<- History Commute? which winds up sboenn? who an it : infini" rs, of the History Commit Till-: COMMITTBaTB HISTORY. Captain KIK-tt xXvtn read tic -tatemes recently pr?*par?d by him, and which wu published m the Dispatch som, day? agi giving a hlatory of the formation of th History " ? mraitteo at the annual meet :i . it tl Or^iiACamu. h ;'l In Ki M k ,Tud9.10, I?*?!, quoting the . ions un.!?t w hlch it I i r?i*/ie*aiag the icporla aubmltt* from time to time, and bringing tin- mat ter up to dati, i loalns ?rl( h the pr^s.?nt History Committee, who are Colonel Jamas N Btubbs, Wood's x Va., h ilrman, ippdnted Jun H 1802; Captain .lehn Cusaoiis, Glen AI i.i-, \'a . appointed Jun? S UM: Colon? .lohn H Haue, Portsmouth, vs , sp !. mti d Jun? -t. IM; Rev. B. I?. Tuck, i Norfolk, Va., appointed June M, IBM Professor James M Garnett, now of Hai timor?, Md.. appointed Jun- 14, IBM; Cap tain M W. H iah wood, Richmond, Va, Bppotntefl June ?, UBB; Colonel John .1 Wllliuma Winchester, Va, appointe? ?S ., Dr. it. A. Brock, Richmond Va., appoint? d by Grand Commander i>? t -mi,-, The Chairman; 1 ss?il ask the s?cr?tai now to lead the li.-t of ii.? History Con lllitte- ' in i.M il : The m< mb? ra ol the Hit rnmttl nt i onatltut? ? ;. - -I'i-i ..-riii m, 1er James .* ici riel Job il ihr mouth is. Dr. B. I i oi Norfolk; Cupti n M w\ Hasli nd sfr R ', . irock, of Richmond i John J. W Uli im Ol 's- : and it, ! ?or Jam? IL Can,, | Ellis'? I - its- of Vil .'inia. ABB INVITED Ti I ATTEND. Chairman Woods; i tsry to i?ad the dreulsr wblcb a i each member Off that committee at the auuest "f 'I"' chaitman of this commit as This request was complied with by he reading of the following: "Richmond. Va?, Nov. ml? r 80, 18*7. "Th?. coiiimitt? of InvestigatloB ap? onited by the Grand Commander ?>f the Irund Cnsnp, Ctjufederate Veterans. Do? Kirtment ot Y'lrginla. on the 15th day of foveanber. li*W. to Inquire Into certain bardes thet bare been made, which may if,, t the HUt.iry Committf. or any th? r nieinht r or memliers of the Grand 'ami'. Confederate Veterans, will com nence Un Iniyjlrlee on the 8th day ?>f ie? ember, IBB, at 10 o'clock A M aj '(CONTINUED ON SECOND 1'AUE.) IHK PENSION ROLL. FEDERAL HOL'BE DEilYTE THAT promise* to (OYTiYlB. PRIVATE ALLEN LEADS A CHARGE. M?- BehSUBU Some of the Inlquitl??* of the I'rraent i'rnslnn ??yatein?Kan? sas P.'U'llli- *?ale ?M l.'iiniDiiil Lcco niuli ? e-\t or?.-.. W \.'HINGT? ?N. I?. ?'.. December !). Tie- lions.- to-,1 iy entered upon : sid?ration of the pension appropriation bill, and stitr?'?! up a debate that pro mis??? to continue for s.sar.ii days. Seve? ral of the ao?t hern Demoeruta offered crltMsm ?if vnrloua ? of | and Privat?; John Alien. Of Mi--issip'ii. i ' who |eii the assault In a speech repleta , with his characteristic humor, pirusetttedj a Sacies "f amendments, designed, as hu' said, to corre't BOUBS Of the most glaring evils. Th" h-mo. r its, bOWOVar, vie wi'h the Republicana in th? ir pro*? foaalona "f irisndshlp foe the eotdtsra, and one of them?Mr. Norton. <?f ? ?ill ? - I CX?aONEL JOHN 0?8SON8, EX-COMMAXDKii. i that the Republicana could make the bill too large for him. Mr. Stone, In charge of the bill, jk to Mr. Cannon, chairman ef do ( mlttee on Appropriations, who te h i .? ion to make s s*eneiul atatement of -ut,initted by the Bee re tur th" Treasury for the public i- <, for the purpose, ho said, of abusing the n?nda of numbers ami country of a false Impression n by -i comparison of thee? estimates of pro edlug yeai 1 h eatlm r. s mues tor 3 "' aim expenditure*? & *.<> < "". showing ,.n i mated deficit of ?.000,000 Under sundry civil act, the Secretary of ..i.e. he pointed .??it. was compt t., estimate this year for Mi r'vn- and harbor work, 8n,O06vJB0 el wl had not been authorised by law. h : mi not i,, tet, r- i - in luded m the ? in.itis wen there wo ited surpl a d? licit. Last fear, the estimated d ificit un the last tariff net was |46.000.0oa If > for rtvei and harbor work, wl leb tin- government then el.i bou bud ii. n iii'iuii? d. the estlmsted ?l- I would i.-is- been i**!.'-1 Mr. Cannon said ii might be that expenditures for pensions for IS i the estuantes. The Commlaslol of pensions estimated tie espendltu at HIV"!.1??, if be should pros.- t.? right, sir. Cataran pointed out thai i poroprmted by tins bill wot p is ail pensiona for the fir.-t ?..-s months of ?ii?- fiscal sear, and a deflcleii appropriation could be essUy ma? in i on iuslon, Mr. Cannon aolemi warned tba House thai the large sntl patoiy importations would keep ill.- r. s inder the presen! lass down to t minim..m. and he app ?led to his c< leaguea to ace to it "that while the pu -?ttiii. m i y supplii d wl money, not "ii" doiiar is appropria! which Is not absolutely neceasary to t i.. si Interests of the public at r* : Tim statement of Mr. Cannon s s\ is irmly applaud.-.i on the Republic. side. AI.I.EN <?N PENSIONS. Mr. A lb h ?i ?emocrat), of Ml -l'a tu a Mr C innon'a atutemenl In In which th.-re were Itashi s ? his Inimitable bumor, that s t the Hom In a roar of laughter. He greet mended Mr. Cannon's appeal for? but avowed that tb I of tt cbutrrnnn of the Appropriations Commii tee did not do Ihs situation justie. He produced ligures thai ahou d an ??st muted deficit for the next fear of 171,000 Be referred to the Inereuse in tb pi nsioii roll ?ander the present admlnii U-ition, arid ridiculed tin- Ida of a da creaae, uuleea the late Increase s ta l in- attributed to the "exlgenciea of th recent campaign in Ohio." He read from Commissioner Evans's tes tlmony before the Appropriations Osai mlttee, predicting a deficit of 00 to B0.000.6O8 In pension expend? Mires duriuB the nest Bacal year. Tin msxlmum hud not y?-t been reached. "This Question of the maximum ?>f th> p. 'isioii r?.ii." ohsaraed Mr. Alien, "i.? one of th.- things bare protracted Bg stay In COngTSaS. W'h.-n I tir-1 .am. here they wets talking on the maximum, i atayed ten or fifteen yeara to but it has not yet eOSBS, an I I gOOSS I'll have to some bnsb again " (Laughter.) Mr. Allen directed the batteries of Ma humor a! the Dlngley law producer, picturing the intense anxiety of the chairman ?if th? W'avs ami M? ans Committee, st the extm aeeelon, to get a bill ?m the BtntntB BOOBS that w..uld -trlk.? 8 balance between the ' and expenditure?, and predicting another mason of sasiety an Mr. Mngtey's part n x'. spring, at snother extra .,Ile,l for the same purpose. Mr Allen s?ii<>uslv crRtetaed kohi? of tas nlnssffa of pensiona Brknted in con Llueion. be spoke of the hardships this grant tax burden placed ?in th of th? South, who w. re, he said, being relentlessly burdened by the gold st a i.ti? ll id and 4'j cent cotton. Later, Mr. Allen again got the floor, and disclaimed any Intention of attacking the soldiers or the pension rolls, but be BBM he eould not but marvel at the fact that VW.OQD nam?s were now ?in 'he rolls, anil that there were fioVJOO aanjBau tlons in th- Ponton otlice. PBDBBAL DP-AIUEITY. There had been but 2 200.000 men In !he Federal army, and he wa? reminded of a me-tir.g between an ex-Confederate ond n >x-F.deral at a Rl'ie and Gray re? union. They were felicitating themselves on the disappearance of ail hotttlMles. "It there should bo another war," said " e\-F..,? ral. "we will be ??andlnj oui,1er to shoulder, ander SOS flag." 'We will; hut you won't," r torud th? -Confed. rafa 'What ?J<? you m?ian7" a??T^d tho ex 'Jera I. 'Why, IwaHy." an?w??-p<l tho ex-Cm "v ,11 are disabled." <i^?ught?r.) dr. Allen gave notice that be would r .un? Bdmenta t ? prohibit th?- grant ( of a p.-nslon to a widow Whose appll tloB was not fll??d during her widow - od. to pr'rtuhtt *he p. nsloniag of widow? 10 ia,i not iBaftssd prior to the gS of th? nor, and to stilke from tho i s the in-,. > of all p rmani'iitiy In ii" or helpless "h'ldren ?nho ha>l reach* their majority. dr. Noetoa (DeaaocratK of Obaa, as? ired that it was nql the Democrat?? which was assaulting e penaton roil. He charged that Com* ssioner Evans, both on th?? Streets and foi th? Penalo? Committee, hat ad* CBted a law that would hereafter eat ' th.- widow and the orphan. Ho pro la friendship for th.* old soldier, ?ring in your BSBStOB bill." ho cried, - the Republlcaa teae. "Rabat as Bagh as you .1 are. and it will hav? e vat? Of every nortlurn Democrat on I r. Hepburn (R?pabllcan), of Iowa, ro? ed to s. rue of th?- crl'iclsms of th?> Baton roll which came from the ether la, Be was sstssrlBlly severe in hi? ion ..f B ressark by Mr. Nor* n. which he characterised as "ar?oa? rolls." Th?1 statement was to t?o? effect at the regulations ->f tho PSBSlOB OfSce | compelled most Boldlera to ?taad on i rejected ?si, or eataailt raoral and le perjury to reach tho. Mr. Norton disclaimed having used I Word "most," bur with a change of tl 01 I to "many," 1c said h? stood it? meat The Pension OfBee quired testimony win. h iras not in asi aaca Be stood ready, h- said, to ai<| sweeping away these sen ttons. THE DEMOCRACrfl PRESIDENT. "While you? party had th? prffiri and lb? Senate and the House," ush Mr. Stone (Republican), of Peaasylvaa "why did you not cm. .ly SOI . - rflsf "When Ood or the country had t misfortune to giv" us the only Dentoora PreeMeni we aavs had since the ci war." replied Mr. Nortoa, "we found too fata i? d to you. aad y owned him." ?Democrat!.- apple ^Remedies don't begin with the Pre d< nt." asid Mr. Btoae, "but with Ce -i- -.. wi. .ailemocratlc Congn do Bathing bul reduce the pinslon rol not Be in your BBOUtBS to ? u plain." (Republlcaa applau if we committed s wrong, why ?hee you sit by lupin Ij ind not ?> '-k to c?j i.-cc."' r.torted Mr. Norton, (Demoeral appl in.3- and Republican J Mr. H"pburn dentad thai h- liad p words m Mi Norton'? mouth. < oalrary, hi insisted thai be hi I Hi" WOrd ' in?.si." and that he w. sated i all the membt : ! by the ?Acial reporter*? not* Btlem in fi m ? ?hlo, with all h. d courage, was tryiag to run aw. man the foul slander ha had sttsras. At tills point the commftts? rose, m '.. Horn adjoin i, ,i. ?TBj INDUSTRIOUS. The Benate did considerable buslne: to-day, although no very Importai m lid i? d or p IBS? ?1. ai: there was very Mttle debata beast? GalllBger, chairman ol the Committee o i i died attention to the ii cr islng demand f< r pi Iv it? non, and requested senators to i careful In future to see that their bill for privat? pensiona were meritoriou: th. i w< rs In rodee? d. . ni.d s petltloi natives of Hawaii, pre testing against the annexatloa ?t the? l.-i inda to the Patted states. Ab attempt was rsade by Beaator M< Bride to secure an appropriation for th r.'li.f of Klondike miners, but tho n result was a resolution calling SB tli Be retary of War for all ini'ormati<?n h bad ob that lubject. An hour was devoted to the conslde ration of private paaaloa biBs, sad forty Bv? of these, asm Th resolution of the Pacifie I Company, asking information regardlai the sain of the Kan p road, wai which gar? Beaatei Q Iowa and Senator Thnrstoa, of Nebraska an opportunity t?> mnk> short -. congratulating th.* country opon |he * I nt the Pacific i idway question. ,lotion was off? red by Mr. ?'hand' 1er, of New Hampshire, and referred U Hie COmmltt?.n Naval Affairs, provid? ing for an ?-???tigatiOa of the Qsootioa of dry-docks sad aaval Tin- resolution reported by the Pastfk Rallrortd Committee, asking the Atteraey* Geaerel for Information conoerning the sale of the, l'aciH'. and reSHBBSt* Ing the Presiden! to obtain a postpone? ment of such sale to such a time a? will give to COBgreas S reasonable tlm?? ider and act upon his -BseBBSaBB?? dation, was adopted PRIVATE PENSION HIM.-' Mr. GalllBger, of New Hampshire, chairman of the Committee on Pensions, requested that at the conclusion of the morning business u. day and hour b<? s. t asid?- tos?ta? consideration of pri\ ?>. D bills, ?.f which he said taSN \\.r.- i,ver two hundred on the calan,Mr, d by th?- commltt.?'. "I am ?atistted," SB said, "that In pri? vate pension matters we have gone to thn extrema limit, and that it is now time to call a halt. I have always been friendly to the eotdlere, but 1 am c?di atralned le f?al that wo ar?: going too fir. and that we ought In th?- future to exerclae the greutest conservatism in th? con*ideratiorr <>f all parisson Baattara." Mr. (lallinger t(Knight that the practice of pensioning reinarri-d widows, ami seve? ral other similar classes of claimant?, ought to be stopped. He thought, too, that the recommendation <?f th? Comtnlsaioner of Pension? that a luw ahould ehe ca? speedily, providing that no pension ahouM be granted to u widow tf her mirria??' to th? ?oldk-r had buen suutKiquent to ' s .Hawing a pa?al?n, ought to be oae into law. in response to a question by Mr. Allen, f N. bi-aska, Mr. Galllnger said that he raa opposed to the granting of huge pen? Ions to widows of distinguished oflicora? VY.? hay.- the limit in that re? al?!, t.?.?,'' said h.?>, "and It Is BaiaU thai ?? . shoiii.l stop." The order requested by Mr. GsJIIngea ? as then made. LOC'?MOTIVE-WORKS CLAIM. A bill was passed to pay the Richmond s? -Works its claim for ?lain ??gee nd losses Incurred In the construction of he battleship Texas. Mr. Gorman escurad the passage of a 111 to provide for the purchase of addt lonal ?ajvl In Mal'lmore, MO., and til? rectlon thereon of a new government Willing. Tb-. Padfic railroad resolution offered y Mr. Harris, of Kansas, last spring, raa imiuiimiSted to the Union Pacifia tallroad t30S8SSittSe. Upon notion uf Mr. U)dg?, the litiml trit.iii bill was made Ike unaninhed ?us?a, on the Senate caiander. Mr. ? irter, chnirm in of tlio Censo? 'omniiii.'?. secured unanimous cotisent ,.r the consideration on Monday next of lis bill providing for the taking of the 'edersl census in isoo, Mr. ImxIs? Agree-? ng not to pnss the 'nunlgratlon bill on iooday or Tuesday, In flew of the nxlety of Mr. Carter to secure consids? atton ?a* th-? census measure. I*. M. tin' .Senate udjourned until Jonday. SBICIBB IV BALTIMORE. ?ranvllle Lmiil Shoots lliinsell Thi-ouati the. Head. BAJLTTMOBE Deceniher ?<.-Granvlll? - "ni. m nlor member of the llrm o! baud, larldge a: Co., ship-chandlers, lia wont? lay street. Hi .ten. ii.-,i suicido ins m, ruing, by shaotmg htmeeti tino-igS) i.- head, Ilusiness anxieties are an I the fa use. Mr. Load was al rs old. hni| een In business in Hal timor? for forty ire years, aad ??aves u widow and two blidren. win neu i icaria Il Its I,lie and ' a. rj river, at rate of To A? old a RumIi. To avoid a crowd at ?ho box-oflice II i thought ii? ?t to commence lo- ?a> un (change ?>f tickets for reeerve scats to Oa itunlay night concert of the Cuunvtl Co i. ' Band, of Miitimore. N?, ts for th?. matin, e. Iirlstiiin? llollilnv Excursion Ilutes?, ls:,7-'!?s. ?hi Southern Rallnuy. Account of the < 'In lid ?N a a? m railway will sell tickets etween all points on lona, south of tl ust of the Mississippi '.? and ops-tbtrd Brst-clasa iar??t? foi he round trip; except that tc or rrore r between points In Virginia, North 'aroim.i iinti s nth Carolina via rsgwsaS ick? ting :oi? i will no .ur G) Ci tits per mile one w ,v f?>r the? ound trip. Ticketa to I ? *mbe? I to 28, 1687, in ' I s'.'.srotvea i>. ;ti. 1897, and January i. 1888, Einai ' - t ill tiek.'t ?, January |, ?886. TlckstS will be sol?l to ? indents of in?! ooUegB SO rates and 0'itlitlo; rued herein, upon pre. ? iitntlon of certificates signed l*y the tuperintendente, prinripalB, or {?residents . ?.Il.'tr?*s, on Decem-? er 18 to 85, i-,?;, Inclusive, Final limit, fanuary t, 1688, liter with thi m ? lu ougtl ' I ; si OSS ?on? lections, via the Southern railway, offm xceptionai facilities to all ?k-siring ui aka ?. trip during the holidays. Further Information, I ' dSBSSj ileeplng-csr res rvatlona, etc., clv?*?rruilj) furnished by any tig? bi Bouthsru railway, ...I Transfer Company, w?.i east Bain or C. W. w itbury, Travel. ling Pi ?gent, SB ? Mall street, Richmond, Va. ( iirlatnwir. Btowsru -ni.i Plants. M. A. yThBty, HI eaal Broad street, tad 903 ' stre.-t. '"hristma? lowers and plants at low prices? Finn American Bounty roeea a spi-clalty. Ship? ping orders Bolldti u. \ wlli sell on Friday and Saturday i inds Fresh Kill ! Dreeeed Turkeyi ;it 10 een! - per aouad Cessa ariy sad eo l hu? lesea B I'l-UMAN'.- BOX, [Tp-Town Store. (V?t> ?wist Marshall ?trest. Old and N >v "I'll .ne. r4: Down-Town MUn street. Old ?Phoi S 'Phono. C08. We have no time to write advertise? merits. Diamondfl and watches take ail 3ur Btt( riiloii. B< ; ' with prices. You s. e at a arenas what ,oii want at D. BUCHANAN ? SON'S, Goldsmiths and Jewellers, ill rast Broad ?treat. _? Oar ii.liii.nli? rs Knew s. goo?! thing and al. it?Dr, David'a Cough Syrup of Pur.- line. Tar, Wild Cherry, and Horehound. "??sst or earth" for Coughs, folds, croup. Hron> L'hltis, and all Throat and Lung troubles Aliando 4'on?(-Liu???Important ? Ii "i. -.- In **<ln ?I'll?'. Tmin No. '" *. leaving Rlehasond hers? at 11:60 P. M., win. < anmesMfBaJ Sunday, D? ember 5th, 1 ave KichmonC P. M. This tra'n conn"cts si Wg wit? the Norfolk and Western railway, west? bound. C. t. CAMP?ELE. Division Paassssrsr Agent. Yes, They Cars Sick Hi ad.n he. < ?usiipatlon. and al Liver troubles. Dr. David's Llv?r Pills . ?.nth" for JJIilousness. 25 cent! 8 box evcryss. fin??al >?BIO. Qrsphopho?e Talking Ma.lilnei Is nier for ChrlfBaBI I . WALTER i?. MOSKS A I Main If the Baby la Calilas; T? ba sure and us? that old aad s nmedy. Mrs. WlnsloW? Boothlni Mr children tc?thlng. It sootl ?hil.l. softens th? gum?, allay? i cure? wmd-.'ollo, and I? the beat for diarrhoea. Twentv-flv? cent? For it h. in,? .11. m ??id Pa rub well wlth-Dixl?? NervS and U? m.m. "i:?st on earth" for stn pains in tin ?rasete?, sac J..t Crean? Tua??.. it I? ?iellclOUS. ' l.xtrac Psmberton, Conies ?a Co., Arle for sample bottle. The Weath? \VA8!ll.\'?iTo.\'. Dec? -t for Frlilay: Kor Virginia-Fair wea duy; threeU-nlag weath? night; warmer; southerly wind? Kefth Carolina-Fair and warmer weather Frlduy; souther THF. WEATHER IN Rl( i.It HA Y wa? clear and ? r?tate of thermometer: < A. M. 9 A. M. 13 M. S I'. M. ? 1*. M. u Night.g^^^^HH R