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' THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. DECEMBER H. 1897._ _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BV THB ??KPATCM COMVAN? The MILS I I ****** rubscrfber. at FlFT. ? UHTB Bat month. -p*y*>le to the carrier weekly or monthly. Mailed ft H P<*r annum; $3 for six months; UM tor three months. 60 cents for one month. !.. set copy. VbTwKEKLT DISPATCH at U 9* annum. The SUNDAY D1SFATCH at fl.M per annum, or 7J cents for six months. Subscription? In all cases payable In advance, and no paper continued bftal tho expiration of the time paid for. Send paist-offlc? money order, check, or re**ls tcred letter. Currency sent by mail will be st the risk of the sender. Subscribers wishing their post-office changed must give their old as well as their new post ?ofllce. Sample copies free. 1 time ADVERTISING KATES. HALF INCH OR LESS. .I SO. ". . ir I times . * llm.? _--**,... ??..,??.....? * 6 *,me? . i ??.:;;;:. te? 1 mODth . ... 25 00 1 months .-. .. Business wants ."* Wanted situation, payee? m aa vanee (26 words or 1? s?). Above rates are for "every day" or ad vertleementB running consecutively. Heading notices In reading-matter type, five lines or less. 11 ; In nonparlel, loaded, five lines or less, 7i cents. Card of rates for more space furnished on application. Alt letters and telegrams must be adV 0,matttl to T,,r: MSPAT?^ COMl'ANY. Bij<*cted communications will not be returned. Alt letters recommending candidates for office roust be paid for to..Insure their publication. This is a long standing rule of ours. Resolutions of respect to deceased members passed by societies*? corpora? tions, associations, or otlnr organiza? tions will be charged for as advertising matter. IT-TOWN OFFI'K, BROAD-STREET I'll AR MAC Y, 61? EAST BROAD STitr.r.T: MANCHESTER OFFICE, UN HULL STREET. SATURDAY.DECEMBER 11, IbwT. THI* TI1K IlKTTI'lt. The pension appropriation bill Which. was reported Wedaeedajr carries tui, 121.8?. General H, v. Boyaton, aa sat? Vnion v?;?, and Washington corre spotadaat of Republican proclhrttlea, points out that this ;:il.i:'i s o is out of a totul of $34jfiA">?DOO. In round numbers, for all gov? ernment exposera, and d?clar?e that, in the opinion of experts, the pension bill next year will sail for USSMSMS, ."iid in three years f.?r ?17".???? i?? ?. (1. neral Boyn tt.ti Mrther says that "If the- pension lists could be print? d, every community in the lead woulil In disgusted with Its r-v?dations. Wealthy m. n in large num? bers would be found opon it. Thousands Would be reveal? d WhOM disabilities wee only temporary, and so long since dl*?ap * teed." To such men, bs adds, "a pen? sion should be a badge of sham?-.'' The Springfield iM.i-s.t It. publican, In discussing ?leu. id Boynton'a calculations nnd comments, says thai i? Is BOtorlOUa in /very community that the most sham? frauds have been perpetrated upon the government in OOBBeotlon with the pen? sion system, and concludes that there are Unmistakable signs of an Impending storm over pension abuses. The storm to which the R?publicain Blind?e, and sipns of which are also seen by other papers, Is the storm of indignation that has been brewing among the tax-payers in the North and West. The sooner It bursts the better. Not until It ?iocs burst, and With such force as shall threaten to sweep away the congressional fOBOOO that are now kept up by condoning pension frauds and pension jobbery, will there be reform in this matter, BATTI.I. ROYAL OX WHEAT. Over December wheat g battle royal is in progress between P. D. Armour and the Letters. A Chicago spsdal to the New York Herald says Armour is "short" a long line, ami wheat paeoaa hard to g. t together, but th.- Letters ataad ready to pay for nil they have purchas. I - tho amount being between IMtMt and 10,000,iMi bushels. Armour Is scouring the \\ ' It for stock, and bending every t-nergy toward, secarlas its delivery In Chicago before Ihea tlrst of the year. He Is hiring tugs to assist In keeping open the harbor at J ?ninth and th?' ?-traits of Sault Ste. Karte, >?M 1ms dynaimlte ready to scatter the Ice whenever It may clog a pnssag?. in Hi?' lakes and obstruct his grain Beet The same special says wheat for De? cember dell vet y .-old in Chicago at tl-08 Thtrxsiia**, and few would have been sur? prised had it reached H.fiO. We shall watch the light with Interest; not that We care a grain of wheat which Hide wins, but in lite hopo that It may iencnt th?: farmers who have been hold ng th?.?ir crops lu part or in whole for u rise In price. FARMER t.liil * . Minnesota has (artabUabed ?state schools o? agricultura; for girls. Oue, U iik h has just be? n opened, uffords first-das* accommo? dations for sixty, and this year for the lirst time women may enjoy tho tallest privileges and u-adcinlc honors on a par with mon. We know of a number of Virginia wo? men who are successful faimers. And there are thousands of others whose srosh lu raising poultry and making butter con? tributes very largely to the finance's of their households. The value of the egg "crop" in this country is enormous, and Virginia con? tributes a considerable share of it. in many Instances, the bulk of the actual money that farmers' families have the year round comes from the sale of eggs and chickens. There Is, as yet, no demand here for such a school aH Minnesota has estab? lished, but there may be before many yt.ur? have paised. I The Baltimore City Charter Commis? sion has agreed to recommend that ih?' term of the Mayor shall bs four years; that the salary shall be $C,4jUt> a year; tpat the Mayor Shall have the power oi appointment of city officers, subject to the confirmation of the SaSSM Brunch of the City Council; that tho heads of departments and sub-?U*partnients shall have the sole power of appolntmeat and removal; that the heada of departm? ?nti sball have thi privilege of tbe floor in the Fir? Branch of the Couaetl; that the M??*?.,-, comptroller, and the presld ** ueeouu .branch ?ball be elected by copular ??ote. rnd hold their place? four ? ears; that the president of the Second P.rnnch shall perform the duties of Ihc Mayor In his absence, and that all rum ?l??!?lons Shnfl have minority represen ;atlon as regarda parties. So says the Italtlmorc American, which it.!*? that "of the eleven recommendations na,;?? by the City Counsellor. Mr. Hayes, f? thin commission, eight have In 'till, or in part, been adopted, and most >f the others have been postponed for urther discussion." KM? MA?. Y KI.KCTIO\S. Certainly we have too many elections In his State, bat a*a BgltM with those tin ic? ier? of the c.enrtal Assembly who de? mand that proposed changes ?hall be onsldered with the utmost caution and lilil elation. In Borne cases constitutional amend ntiit?? will have to 1><- adopted Iti onl?r ? (?fleet the results aimed nt. For lu? ?ame, her? In Richmond, once In ?lx cars, we have an election to choose a 'Ity Treasurer. Owing to the fact that a ve?y heavy ?m i is required of this officer, candi lates for the position ?ire always few In n.'ii.lir. and often the Incumbent ha?, m? 'pposition at nil. That was the case this ear. nevertheless un ?lection had to be le'.d atol all the usual formalith-5 eh? ? iv I al: at the cost of the city of Rlch ni'tvl! This sort of ?thing has been going on ver sine-- ?n-> Dndarwood Constitution pa? adopted. The necessary constltu amendment might have b.-cn put hiotigh y?'?ir?; ?nd years ano. but nobody ook th? trouble to have It done. The ear-on for this t>t?rmlhg- indiff?rence to ur interests Is that the Treasurer Is leeted for a three-years' term and pet ry ther t> rm his election falls con?ur? ent ly wltt thai of a long list of muni' ipnl othceta Then th.- Treasurer's elec* Ion Impose? no ?xtra cost, Hut the time as no? i ?im.? when a change Should b?> nti'le, an?! to this end a constit'itlonal meiidiii. nt will have t? 1" prepared cov ilng all th?- points Involved. Change?, too, should ha made, as far s possible, In general election?, so as to anaoildat? them where this may be pru ?Mitly done. That in the making of hese changes difficult questions win rise and ?oirn: constitutional ametnl i? m | may be IndlBfSnsable wo can e-idiiy naderstnnd. _k? t?e ?io not urge tax hBSte, but we do urge that the mat? er b? taken hoi?! of as soon as pnssil.'. tul push-'I lot ward as promptly ?| Il laiticil, having due regard to the im lortance of th? work ami the accuracy hat Is essential to it?, well In Int.'. It Is not alone upon "the public purse hat these numerous ?lections 1? .1 cavity. They are a severe tax upon the ime and attention of tha paopl?, To gar lind, this consideration far outweighs hat of the mere cost Imposed upon the ities and countl? ?. Tl.. Itispatch, of course, holds to 'the o<"l old Democratic doctrine of "fre? tient ?ldctlona"; bul we do not wi-*?h hem to !?e too frequent! And we are ?dims of the latter practico now. ?'hen it com? s to having two elections ne year ami MM the next, as is the case i.'ie. we are in danger of b??lng over? whelm? ?1 with too much of a good thing. THF. HAW AIIAX JOD. It la said that the advocates of Ha? waiian annexation practically concede bat th.-y cannot muster in the Senate he two-thirds vote necessary to the rati catlon of Qm treaty, but that they hope o consummate their s.*h( me by means f a bill, which only requires ? majority r>r its passage. If the opponents of an exation manage their case properly, the Ill-dodge will probably. stand as little nance of success as would "ratification." The proposed bill would be subject to IscusHlon in open session of Congress, nd, as a consequence, the public could e made acquainted with the Jobbery onnected with the whole annexation chcnii' from the time ? usurping gove? rnment was established at Honolulu tin? ier our guns till the present. A full discussion of the bill would show nwarranted interference on our part a the affairs of the Island, which en bbd a ring to overthrow the lawfully oiistituted authorities; disclose the fact hat the Hawailans do not desir an exatlon, and expose the reprehensible ?art the treaty was expected to play In r.aslng tha wheels of tho tariff ma hineiy. It would vindicate Mr. Cleve ind's denunciation of the Job, and ?le iionstrate that the only condition that ould justify us In annexing the lslamls t present?the condition of menace to he lntegriiy of thS Momo.- doctrine? mos not now exist. Nor Is this cohdi loti likely to obtain for some time to MM. Agitation of the annexation ques ion has developed clearly the fact that oreign nations recognize that Hawaii ?mies within the ?copo of the Monroe loci run?, and to that extent is already irtually under our protection. Tin re in io more danaer of a foreign Power's ?izing the adunda, so long as wc stand Irm on that doctrine, than there would M <>f ils seizing them were they an ln :? i-'i'al part of the Unit? ?I Bt With the lights before the people that omprehenslvo discussion of the bill voultl shed, there ought tobe, and doubt ess would be. ?ttaa-nd?-red a popular an agonism to the job that Congress would lot dare disregard. Renator Lindsay, having been quoled is saving that the lea.lers of the gold Democrats "h iv? BO plans mapped out for the future," the Ohio State .tournai (Ke l?ubl__an) takes compassion on them, and Invite? them in out of the cold. They should, says the Journal, have plans, ami ldds our contempoiary, "In justice, rea? tan, and consistency these should lead them to active and unyielding co-opera? tion with Ihe administration." To that complexion it must come at aet, unless th?-y are prepared to return to the house of their fathers, or seek ?omu vast wilderness of flmtnclul Impractica? bility, some txiundless contiguity of po itlcal ?hade, and there flock alone and forgotten all by themselves. The Hawaiian protest before the Fede t . .?-- nate against the annexation of Hawaii to the United States ?tart? out B* follows: "PAI-APADA HOOPII KUE3 HOO H11A1NA. I Ka Ma? Mahaloiu Wm. McKinley, l'n-sid? na, a me ka Aha Senat?, o Amerika Hulpulti. "Mi- ka Habato; No ka mea, ua walhola nku lmua o ka Aha Senate e Amerika Hulpiiia he Kulhahl no ka Hoohul aku ia Hawaii nel la Amerika Hu?pil?? l olt-doln, iio ka noonooia ma kora kan man lloko o Dekembabu, M. H , 1SS7; nolulla." Ktc., etc. That certainly look? as if it ought to be effective. An eminent French physician claim? to Have ?ilscovered the mlcrob? of baldness? ?ear the foot light?, of cour??. "The Shah of Persia ha? a great rever .ne. for cata il? ha? ftfty o? than, and each one hns an nttendant of Its own. Wi?, hS travel? they go along, being carried by men on horseback." He pro? bably finds lliem a-mews-lng. Scratch Hawaiian annexation. It Is said, nnd sugar begins to crystallise on the spot. Don't forget that It's tho early Christ? mas ahoppcr that catches the best. SEWI'ORT NEWS. A Fire?An Intci-vl?*??,- Willi ?Sennlor Mnrllii. NEWPORT mows. va.. Deesshbsr 10. (Specla! I Fire |Mka out In a thr." frame building at th?* uSraor of Lafayette avenue and forty-fifth Street last night, and the building was partially destroyed before ths daaass were twtlnguiBheal en talllng -t loss. Including bous?-hold effects. of li.?". Tinre was no lasuraaca The lower Boor was occupied as s hsse saloon. and the upper stories M B bOOJ ?Ung* house. The ten boarders haul to scurry out In thilr night-clothes to save their Beaator Thomas 8. Martin ?passed through Ibis city this afternoon, aeeom p.-niel by his ?Wife and child, OB rout?' for HmiihiicM. Questioned by the fiis patch'S i-orr? spondetit. he said he ?lid not think that presea! Oongreea would nc compllan anything In the way of cur? rency legialatloa Bsaator Martin said be was la favor of a poatal telegraph sys tem own.ti by the government. Regard? lac the MtabUsbmral of ?postal savings banks, he saild It was ;i niattt. r thait would receive serious consideration. Dentil of h Baatfaefer ot Wlaeheeles WINCHESTER, va.. ?December m,? fSpedal.) a telegram was received here this morning by ex-C.ov<rn?>r I-'. XV. M. HolUday, announcing the ?death last nkht in I.?.ulsvl!le. Ky.. of Mr. R. A. Robinson. .1 retired millionaire merchant of th it city. Mr was S native of thll county, having lien born bsrs In 1*1... and was therefore, U yean of age. Hs r.leed his education at th.- old Win tie ater, and when a y00B| man n BtpVed to Louisville, where, with? out B penny, he started upon a bii eareer from which be retired soms years rtge i millionaire. Mr. toblnaofl was one of tour of Winchester's benefa? tora, only one <?f whom is now Bring -Mr. ?I Broadway Rouaa lbs "tier tarn bavlag been dead for some years. Tbess wei Judge John Haadley, ?of Bcraatoa, Pa., who left over 13,090,000 to tit?- dtp of Wla? SbeStar, and .John K'-rr. the founder O? th" School Which bears his name. I'roml li. tit BBWBg Mr. RobtBBOB'S bOB? I"' tioBfl is th" Bbeaandoab Valley Aca?i?-my. of tins (dace, which be sadowsd several years ?aso. Pout raluable scbolarsbli i to that in-tititti"ii bear blS i.trn?. Mr. Ro? binson is Burvived by aeveB sons, n whom married s daughter of Oeaeral Albert By.v Johaatoat, and a sister of the wit', of i-x-Conifiesstnan Hairy St. Qeorgc Tucber, of Bteonton, Va. Xnr-vey for a \?-av Hnllroad. RALEIGH, N. ?'., Daoember Ml (Spe? cial.*?- it is learned to-ntsht that tbs At? lanUc-Coaal Una has completed the sur? rey for a road betereen New Berne and Klnston, and will s?.Illy COUBtrUCt it. This would bS ai severs blow to tbs At? lantic and North Carolina railway, in which tbe State is a taro-thlrda owner. I'reildeiitH EngliNli, ?, (Neat V"ik lbi.ii.i.) it ought to b? a synonyme, nkc King's Englleh or Queen's Bngllah, for pur. or correct English. The phraas Klng*a Bng? lisli is at least as ? !d as Shakespeare, John Rugby aaya in the "Merry Wlvea of Windsor.'' "Here will be aa old abualng Of Ood'a patll nee aitid th" King's Knii lish." Probably it was a mark of loyalty -nine that the King spokS and WTOta the Bngllah. c.eneraiiiy he lud Bot; be took liberties with it, as doss her pre? sent Majesty tbs Out > n. Tbs Pre aident also takes i i ! r t ? ? *?? . in tbe first aentenoe of his meaaac* be "It giv? s ni>- pleasure to .xt.mi greeting to the Kifty-hfth ??Ttongreae.** That is a common, but Inaccurate, use of tin- word ratend? Perhaps it Is com? moner in Oblo than here, but her.- also soin?- Kweeaess of speaeb preralls?some? tint's aren in the newspatptrs, or In BOBM newspapers, and eOBMtlBM s in the dlo ti"ii,tri?s. But the dictiotiarii'S are not In themaoiveo authorities. Their business is not tO hi-islate, but to register, ami the examples they give, are not to tho pur? pose. The Presld.-nt means to offer his gnet Ini^s to Congress. It would km simpler to saiy so. and simpler still to s.iy that it giras him pi.-asur?. to greet ?Congress, Ami simplicity is, in language, as la art, one of ths seorets <>f sace?sBoa ? In. I? Suitable, ? ij'itt^burg Cbrenleto.) Cupid's areepon us.<i te be b bow and arrows." ramsrbed Mr. Homewood. "but the shotgun is used in courtship ai ?r? it deal nov.-i-days." "Isn't it absurd, too?" replied Miss Point Britz?-, "when another sort of gun |S so much more appropriate?" "What sort of gun do you moan?" "l'opgun." A Muilrrn Yonng- Mam, (Cincinnati l&MiUlrer.) "Darling," he cried, using tin? word as if it wen a discovery belonging solely to himself; "darling, I am yours, heart and soul!" A cynical observar might have DQtJced, however, that he retained pos.-'-.-ion of Knd ?liai not lose his: Ii. id. Ills Illlnrll?-. (Cincinnati Enquirer.) "I'd like Brearfl better if he didn't al ways laUgfa at Ids own jokes." "He doesn't. II" laughs at you fellows who are fools enough to list? n to them." Love anil Time. (Chan Book.) Across the gardena of Life they go, A ?trange, Ill-mated pair; By path ?l? ?c naught but idossoms blow, By pailas Beglected where gaunt weeds ?row. Rut hantl tn hand, through Joy and caro Across the gardens of Life they go. The one I.? old. and grim, and gray; His eves stare off Ilk? DIM in nroBBIB. Acroea his breast the white locks stray, The sands in his glass fall ?lay by daty, Over his should? r the scythe-blade atoaras. And he is old, and grim, and gray. And one Is young, and bright, nnd fair; The golden curls Sbo-Bl his h? aid Shine as a halo; bis red lij'S dam* The birds In song; he knows no caro, Joy In his heart is in v?t dead? Ho lives to love, and be is lair. Hoar-headed Time ems never young; And Love on earth can ne'er ?row old; And yet -since first to thait hand he clung, Since, tlrst his tinder oettga h> sunn. Since firs! his love-tale he haul told, And to a dart his bow had strung. Together, through way of joy and woe, Though one is old and one Is fair, By paths where naught but blossoms Mow, By paths neglected where gaunt weeds grow, Together?a stranRe. ill-mated pair Across th?* gardens of Life they go. BEATRIX DE.Mt>RE?T LLOYD. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness In tbe world. It retains the digesb-d food too long in the bowel? ami produces biliousness, torpid llv.-r. lud? Hood's gestion, bad taste, coated sra^ _ tongue, sick headache, in- Kjf ill #_*> soinnla. etc. Hood's 1111s III ?) curetsonstlpatlon ?and all Its * ?aw results, easily and thoroughly. 28c. All druggists. Prepared by C. 1. IIckmI & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only itils to take with Uood'i aarjup&rilla, M<>< Minim.*:. May On Into lilnal?1.<-\ inn-ton Locals. W'rahlngtiMi ?ikI I,ee. LSXIKOTON, VA., lie. ?mber lO.-?Spc clal.)-Mr. Henry D. Turney. of Columbus, Ohio, who la the large?! ?tockholder In the large Iron furnace ?t Goshen, ho? bean Inspecting that property. It Is thought, with a view of making neces? sary r? paita pr? p ara tory to putting the furnace In blast. The furnace property has been placed In charge of Mr. I.? w I..inert, of Culumliiia, <)., who ha? n fore? at areah painting th" Mack. Th?* starting up of this valuable Industry In that part of the county will give employ? ment to many banda The furnace Is "ti" of tlM larg. st in the State. Tha stare of .r. o. McCMIand & Co., nt '??i-li? n, was ent.r.d by thieves, who Be? eilt..1 a lot of merchandtae. An entrnnca was effected by breaking the glass in the transom ovei the main entrance. The booty secured ?mounted to about *-."'?. The last party of .1?" r-hun'-Ts- out were Mesara, laitier Bngleman. Bpotawood Wills. J. ||. and It. TOtley, J. Forbes, ami James Reynolds. They spent several days, camped in the mountains at the Rockbridge Alum Springs. Th-y returned without having ?ecurad single deer, al? though thra? were started by their doirs. At! r t short run the dogs i;av<> up th? ?has.-. The hunters attribute th?-lr bad lack I" tl." ?TOI I'll, ss dogs they had. Mr. ch.iil.s II Wilson, formerly of Colll rstown, in this county, wh?? has for th.? past three years msnsged the lunc tic.n st?r?. ..f th.- Winifred? Coal company, baa been promoted to th? position of pur ? basing ?sent for that company. He will hav? his headquarter? at Winifred . W. Va. Mr. William I- Wilson, president of the Washington and Lee University, sddress .d the Etconoml? Claaa of tnut institu? tion on tb? tariff nUMtlon ?1 their last lecture. There was also present s large number of student? from th? various ?ith'r ?lis?, s and ?-|tiiti? a number of th? town people, ai the regular Wednesday weekly aesembly of th? ?nur?' student i-otly he continued hi* ?ddras? on the Ciiitci states Cabinet in completing this subjed he brougbl out many interesting fact? relating to that august body. Tb.' ?'lass of i*g* ,,f Washington and Le? University held a meeting Thursday afternoon te elect from their class their j quota of asslstan' ?ditors on the univer? sity annual. "Th? d'.yx." Mr. J. Sam. Bllcer, Jr., of Virginia, wa? elected first tant editor and Mr. Charles J. Faulk ner, dr., of West Virginia, wai elected second ssslstanl editor. Both are promi? nent and highly popular student? of the university, Mr. Faulkner e?pfcl?lly so In th?- athletic departssent ?nd <>n the 1 as, -ball dl Id. Mr. Slic r |? a n? ?MM man for eut-of-to?m dalll??, ?nd ?Isa busin- ss manager of the university week Iv, "The Ring-Turn Phi," published by the stud? nts, Mr. Abraham Hotlnger. of Colllerstown. th iu it? st '. r and ?me of the lam. st end most influential farm ' thi- county, has 10. acres 111 wheat. Ii required 175 bushels of wheat t?> _ *** i his acreage. Lasl season he raised near? ly 1,000 bushel* ?>f on his farms. I!.. -oi.| to a ?. ral 'i- ah r ?' " bushel* for -n'.s per bushel, and was offered that price for th" remainder of bis -?trop, B? ays that the ?rlu it which h<- h?a sown is now looking liner than any crop that hfl has ev? r bad h for?, ami that the til prospect* were Uns for one of tbO Large?! yields ever known. Real .state and property continue to bring a good ,-ri. .? h- r?, nti?l In the county Among th?- reoettl sal.? weres: Mra, Margaret A. Waddell to Emory K. Snider, s bous,, and lot on the l-'air Oround avenue, for the sum of II William P. Johnston. ?jpecial commis? sion.,-, t?. A. _ Klhart. of Baltimore. IU ?ten s on north Duffsto, for th? snm <>t ?.O i; Or enl?? I?. Letcher. *uh?tltuted trustee, the Sellers property, In the soutb w< -t portion of th? oceporatlon limits, consisting of a v brick residence, ?Ituated within nineteen ?eras of sur? rounding land, to W. i?. Moody i '*'"?., or Galveston, Tex., prie? paid UMA The ?v.mi;, heal meeting? now going on in the Cn-I;, i? ri.ui church, which BT? cotidiiite.i by Evangelffl Pe-uraotr?, have ?roten to Immense proportions. Ther? is an attendance of thousand persons at eu h meeting, s-. great ?rath? audiences that th? ?Isle* are filled with seats, an?l ?ill of these Shoes \eeded by the Poor, (For th.. Dispatch.) Will not th? kind-hearted merchants, wholesale and retail. ? MUM to our r.-lj.-f by i_-.\ing us son.f th.-tr old stocks of sii-'-s'.' in many Instance?, when work has been obtained. Ore persons (mala and female) hav? been unable to accept the positions lor want of shoes. Last winter some of tb?- marchants kindly donated ? large lot of shoe? and rubbers, which wai" a godsend to the poor. Donations tnav I? s. nt to 13 north Sixth stre?-t, Ml venue, or 1*. east Franklin Street. M.s. a. V. BTOKE8, Presid nt City Mission. ECZEMA Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of itching, bumi?ij*, bleeding, scaly skin and scalp humors Is instantly relieved liy a warm bath with Citicuba Soap, a singlo application of Cuticura (oint? ment), tho great skin cure, and a fall ?loso of CvnoO-U Bksolvent, greatest of blood purifiers and humor oures. Icura ________* _ speedily, permanently, and economically euro, when all els? fails. P??tt._ Ilatjo _irt. 0?na Cottr.. 9n\t Prop?.. Hr.?*on. _-" How loCui? l.rtrf skin ?nil Bluod Uuai-jr," tree. PIMPLY FACES ^MM _[_ TO VIIKUMA BDUCATOS8: AUF. VOL" TEACHING M.GILL'S HISTORY OF VIRGINIA? i in: WTAMDAMU school histori OF Olli STATE, IJ? MART TICKER MAGILL, of \\ luche ?ter, Va. The first eilten ot thi? history was pre? pare] ?it ths Kipu-t oi Virginia ?ducaton in Uli. and ara? adoptad lot publlc-achool us, while lr. MS. It has betn rcadoptad by every ?Stale School Bo?rd .-ince that time, in ?eetlment it Is loyal to the Cause for Which th? South fought, while at the same time It Inculcates the most loyal devotion to our <;<m:al Qov?rn 111- nt, It h?s Often been pronounce?! on? of th'- most delightfully written book? In the English language, and is from start to finish deeply Interesting to both young and old AS A V1RGIXIA HISTORY, IT HAS 10 EQUAL. 12mo.-37?l pages?substantially bound in cloth, fully illustrated, ni la aold under contract with the Stati i?.ard of Educa tlon for school use at 11 per copy. It can be bought from bookseller? throughout the State at that price. Special pries will be made to both public and private ?school? for first Introduction. Specimen copies for examxlnation with view to adoption by county and city school boards, principals, and teachers of col lege?, and private schools at 50 cents per copy, which amount will be credited on the first order for supply of books after ?uch adoption. For full particular? ap? ply or write to J. P. HELL COMPANY, Pnbllabera, LYNCH BI KG. VA. ' * _"_ (*e 23-Th.Sa_.Tu ) Office Collector City Taxes, Room 7. First Floor, City Hall. Richmond. Va., December 1. 1897. hOTICE TO TAX-PA. EUS. The residue of ?'Ity Taxen fur IK?? Is NOW DUB AM? PAYABLE at thi? office. l-.-r cent, added to billa not half paid In June; 5 per cent, will bs ?dd?d t? h .If bills not paid by end of th Interest at ?. per cent, also atta. all tax-bills as ?oon as reported delin? quent. Every male 21 years of age, and every fier ?on keeping house or doing business n the city is a.?i8e_?*?fl for personal tuxes, and those who have not paid any city tuxes during* the year will please call and settle, so a? to avoid being pouted a? de? linquent. GRADING. PAVING, PIPE. AND BEWER CONNECTION nil.l_-, are also due. and will have t<> i?e daclarad delin? quent If not paid on or before end of the year. OFFICE OPEN UNTIL ? P M F. W. Cl'NNINOHAM. do 5-lm Collector of City Taxe*. WADE MOTHER WELL Sickness Dri?en From Another Home by Paine's Celery Compound. Women, mothers of families, hav no more right to live beyond their strength than beyond their Income. The greatest injustice that women do themselves amd t h ? ! t- children is in put? ting oft petting weil. Headaches, ner? vousness, dyapepala, and melancholto lay their leaden Sagen over the who!?' bOUSC? hold. PabM*S celery compound has driven sickness and gloom from Innumerable homes, wlnre some loved tr.-rnl er was ths source <?f continual anxiety and cv.rfl despair. The eonstantly repenti i sue? -; of this great Invlgorator in making people wi'ii have rouaed many peinons who thought themselves destined unre ?I-:. inahly to llv?-s of imperfect health to try Pnlns/s celery compound. No one can read the following letter without h.'ing Inspired with confldenos in this greet remedy: ko Elm street, ?Buffalo, N. T., July :::. About, sight yus ago, after the birth of a child, I suffered terribly. I could BOl get help from ?ivc* ai doz.ii phyal? dans to whom I .'ippii.'d. ami after r - ccivlng treatBMnt from the last doctor continually tor nine months, wi? pro? Bounced cured and conlinu'd so until the birth ?f another child, when I was obliged to commence doctortag again, although all Imaginable treatments had resorted to without one parti. relief. 1 was subject to neuralgic troubles and slightly rheumatic, and I beam.' dis? couraged and melancholy, feeling that if should nev.r again be a well woman. I wats in B pitiful staite, when my bus band, who had been ?"?nciited by the us" of Baltic's celery compound, ?ir??"! bm to try ?t. In a n-markaldy short ttSM - ? f" r. - 1 begen taking the remedy I begBfl to notice s ' hangs for tbs better, i had toben Ihres bottles i was well, i ronalder my cure s mirante, for i ha?i tried b ?reit ?many doctors and dlitoreni drug*! and spent hundreds of dollars in vain. Respsctfvlly yours, Mrs. KATE ?SBNNB88BN. Close, careful observation Of nuni bers of caaes like the abara led Protosaor Edward E. Photos, m. i>.. ll. D? of the Dartmouth Medical School, to the formu? lation of Patno'a colery comnound. Th.- sucesos "f this tu?eersally srell* known remedy In ?illicitly driving out dtl frmn lbs hi.1 ami synt-m BOOd BOt be retold to newspaper r?*8d?-rs. Bailie's celery compound restores to | hetillhy statte a w-ik<m*d ; nil diseased nervous system. One of the tir-1 ovi dences of its building*-****? virtue Is th sain in tie-ah Bottceable about the fan-". Night uraats and Borreus twltchlnga rae things of the ?past* there is a treat Improvement in liK.ks. a better app?tit , S'iilndiT SIMP, ai < ! -,.re. skin, aind lll"i" regular functions. Tbess ara a few of the outward improvement-. More im? portent is tho thorough and redirai puri? fying of the blood and the regulating and hullillng-tip of the deep lying DOTVes all over tbe body. Ther? is nothing half i way or pairtial in the effect of Pntne'a selery compound. It ou?es permanently. ? Great Removal Sale Is Still Going On. ! $20 Saved on Every $100? A Good Oak Suit, 0 pieces, $20, now at $16. A Good Walnut Suit, 10 pieces, $45, now at $36. A Good Oak Wardrobe, $10, now at $8. Extension-Table, $4, now at |8.80. A Good F. B. Glass Door Oak Wardrobe, $30, now at $24. A Good F. B. Glass Door, $S5, now at $28. A Good Oook-Stove, $10, now $8. A Good Cook-Stove, $4.50, now at $3.60. Sliuck and Cotton Mattress, ?2.50, now at $2. Parlor Suit, $25, now at $20. Walnut Suit, $196, now at $100. CARPETS, 0IL-GL0TH, AND MATTING INCLUDED IN THIS SALE. Sale will continue until entire stock is sold. J. H. BUSBY, 1406 east Hain street. ESTABLISHED 1848. OSCAR CRANZ& CO., 14 UOVUKNOlt ST., KicliiiioiKl, Va., IMFOKTEKS AND DBALEKS IN* m WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, ?? ir l?uve to call atti'iition to tht-ir large itodk ol Ote nh??vi> montionofl '004.1s. most of which are of their own importation. FRENCH BRANDIES, OLD ?LONDON L;?)?'K JAMAICA ?U'M. ST. CROIX RUM. arrack:, scotch whiskeys, JLENLIVET. KINO WILLIAM IV, HAMSAV. AND lilKKE'S ODD IRISH WHISKEY. OLD TOM. PLYM4>i;TH. AND MKDER SWAN ?JlNrf-all of the rery finest quality. All the l?'a.lln_ tiraiKl? of CHAM PAGNE?PREMIERE SKKRE-oiu* own Importation from one of the finest vin< rardi in France. SHERRIES. M A OKI RAS. ami PORT of FRENCH ?nal HERMAN WINKS a terf large assortment Including the fa? mous brand? of CHATEAC YQUEM, CHAT, LA ROSE, MARCAI'X. AND I.AFITE, MARCOHRI'NNER. 8TEIN RERGER, and SCHLOSS JOHANNIS BERO. OIBSON'S ri'KB RYE. ?"STRAIGHT, OLD CARIN'IST. CLEMMER. OLli i'ROW. M ELL Wi ?OU, CANADIAN CLUB, and other WHISKEYS. The CANADIAN OLCR. for which we ?ire the aiKents here, only In LotC - alto. the JAMES E. PEPPER WHISKEY, in bottlM. CREME HE MENTHE. CHARTREl'SE ?nd a great-many other fine C0RI>1AI_* u ?tie but lmi"?rt?.il. HAVANA CIGARS-tholr own lmpor ration: alao, a full aupply of the KL I'RINCIPE DE GALES CIGARS con utantly on hand. de 1-tJa 1 Old paper? for ?ale at the PKpatch BnmUt STREET-CAR TICKETS. ON AND AFTER SEPTEMBER O,h he sale of tickets in lots of 23 for M will be discontinued. Conductors will continue to sell ickets at the rate of 6 for 25c. SCHOOL TICKETS vill hereafter be sold to school ;__ildren Only at the company's >ftices. foot of Seventh street ind corner of Twenty-ninth md P streets. Pupils desiring .hem will be required to pre lent certificate covering tho .nsuing session from principal jf school. RiCUMOND RAILWAY ? ELECTRIC CO. Imp-It] C9_ aaaMwaUam ???u._ H?I ar*??. Pennyroyal pills U?s. ,_'? .^--a?', ??* ? at/km ?____________ M-a.!-??-.,!. A? *> ?_*) .. ; May. ?a. ?t_n>f?? Cat _p-rl-t?_r, t<.tl-_*.<_k a*4 '? ? 'r r_r ?_??_?_, ?. utu, *, ?_.? ^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^1 ' i- *. UA.. r** a "i?s?eeTU-_->??, r%?*_-4M_!C? CWM Pl Imv 1-Ba.Su. W__weowlvt> A GOOD BOOK anda cosey fire on | ??M ,-.... is good company f?>r the ? whose bnsbend suenas tl. or wh?) liJisaleisuroliuurt" | We have the latest N.?\. tii.? bes! author.?, amia Istge H,.,, of Btsm?sH ?Books. Holiday Gifts in Profuiion. 50c. books at 26e.; TfosndSi Bookl at ?"?Oc,?iiid a Isrge SI ment f?>r bo*S and ??irk ( I N. w Books,illustr?t? ?1 : T lii!?l?*s fiiira fl to .*?.); 1 Bibles, PntyiT ami fiV Fountain Psas, Pockel I Card-Cast's. Silver NoTsltii choice _:?><??I*:. Y?iiinr?'i*<ir?linllyiiivil. I V trouble HUBTErTcO., B29 East Broad Street. [no .10-Tu. lints?..gj - n NOW IS THE TIME to make your fruit oak*, ill Dew goods and s??ld ros] cheap, ?Bead and bo convinced Save You 25 Per Cent on GROCERIES S. ULLHAN'S SON'S ici:\i> l?i;i??w. LOU niCH in BTBS>1 nii'tiiT ssnrr. .'. ; 1 ?.'ir-is Oramrtated Bug I Light-Brown Bu&ar, per , ? aju. 1 .... 1 Irtali Potatoee. pe? k .1 ? juart-cana ? '"Ok- .1 lia. . Neu Citron, pound. New London Layer Ralains, * pound- for . New Mix. .1 Nut-. H.imf-MiJ?' .J.lly . Floating Toilet Boar, I for I Ibe. New Bngltah Walnut! lot ... N a ' 1 :ttie,l I Ml It a. It!-. Fr? ah < >> iter Cracki r Dust, per pound . Orange County ?Creamery fine ; Import .1 Bwltaer Chi 1 ... l> 1-pound can Apple Butter for. ? New Raising . * New Currante . New Pige, 1 i- a Virginia Appl?- Bl 4-siring Broom . '' ... 1? t Black Enamel 5tov< 1 1 '.'i 11. i" r tro ? . Genuine Timothy Haj 1 New Prune*, per I MID ? ?> California Ham 1 New S? dle*t H a ill 2 large can? Tom North Carolina R a or doaen . ' I 1 ounda Waahlng Bo l 1 f.?r . Thlatle-Brand Tom it? ? 1, per can...? H? *t Sugar Corn, per can . r gallon . I- r owl . Whit? Beans, quart . See Oreen Pe? 1, quart . - 1 ban Oct?agon-8hape .-"??.u? lor impound pall Home M ide Prea N.-w Buckwheat, pound. 1 Roasted Laguayra Coffee, i .11 New Layer il|ii per pound New, ?piairt. h String Beans, per oan . -* Carolina Rice, j"-r pound . ? I'how-f'how or H_ed PtCftli - ?juart . 2 bonea Jefferson Wnahlng Powders for . . New Bhelled Almonds, p? r Lara? Lump Btareb, p? ir pound.... Jefferson l.niin<lry 8o?P, per t'.tr.... la Palm Nuta for Nice Brown Sugar, per pound. 1 it. t Vanllln Syrup, per gallon . Blacking Bniahea . Lima Beans, per pound . ' New Imported ?Sour Krout, quart.. t> New Pecana, 3 pounds for N*. w I..mon an.' Orange Peel, it... 1? Sweet 4'ountrv Cider, p? r gallon Pine Dr!?-<1 Peaches. r?-r pound Pigs' F???'t. per pound . * Silver King lllnneeota Pa Family Flour, inn? I . & ?I or sn.'k . ' Try our new ?Bnowflake r "Family Flour; If? beat sol?' 1 I or ?aek. I.arge cans Tail.! Qjuart caiiis M nile Byrup . . - Large ?'ocoainut . New Virginia Comb Honey, 1 Lairge cams California l'< can . 1 ?"an Taf'l? I . New Beans an.l PUM. quart ... 6 We hurt a house full of t?.?r?<.iln?e. S. 1'I.I.MAVS SUN, 1820 AND IM B.?ST MAIN -1 L'p-Town 1 M ? 'Phone Of, It will pay you to call for 1 . * Price-List. no 31-Sn. ' Sour Pli klea per gal 4-ity Milla Bhipatuff. An Elgin's usefulness extends beyond the present generation. Its mar\ durability makes it an heir? loom?always accurate. Elgin Full Ruby Jeweled movements represent tkt best in time-keeping machinery. In sizes for ladies an?i gentle? men. Approved Holiday gifts. An Elgin w?tch ?Iwavi h?? th? a??>r.l "Elf I C engrav?' on tht Wurk? ? fully jiiaran. [no 1 ?.lu, 1 h A h?: Do t'A] COCOA ruant Ha^Tw *.?-:' OR0C?? f CVntVWHERL mm?e?\Z__?f?_& te?tna Zm-J