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? THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1897. n THE SESSION SHORT RHITHKK nilAM H ??F ?.F.NKRtl. A? SEMiii.v ?n?. \ un lortd. TO CONSIDER BB BJHWl LA? The jlllsakinn ??' R**P*???I*.K oi __V*-_M_M_ U?e InrUer Art to lie la ?*_ir??i i?_<??.-i??'ii*?u**e?*4am4 9M% I'Micl-Vfw Mi'nmirii Introdnerd Th.-r.? ? ? B-tl 4 PP?in interest il tlie Genet.?1 A-.-- mb.} . The sessions ol l^tk short ami t-M !<ro '. iracl. I. I'he _ ? sated ?it noon, and r?* main?-'? la IB?Inn ja n minutes one minute longer thin mi Thurs.iay. Th? i.i ?tenant Ctovernot presided. }: .. I ?r. Qaaai made toa t'l" li? ver. lNi RODUCED am* REFERRED, ?Uowtluj I introduced: By .Mr. Bandai 'P.. amend and re-enact section 202 ?.f th?- <"? ?!? "f Virginia. In re? gard to tin- report ?n? ol th? Supremo Couit cf ippaath BBBpf-, and other books. By Mr. Planagaa: To amend and re enact sections M ?nil -.'!:? O? tin- Code Matin. - small claims. By Mr. Clamant: To aspenl .?- .:ti??ns MM ?nd -.'"?" "f the C'.?l?' of Vir? ginia, iitul t?> dehhe what shall be con? st uutetl a lawful fence. By Mr. r*aaa**aa: To raajnlrs Um tw? ti.rn ?>f distress ? rrants and to provide for process t? sale thereunder when necessary. BILL! PA-HUD. The following bills w??a paaoadi T?. ssaend ?harter of tho American Guild. To Incorporal? the Danville Mutual Aid und Benefit Society. BILLS MIST LIE OVER. The following nootutlon by Mr. Turn bull was ais'r? d to: R. .-oivttl, That all bills anu resolu? tions, when reported bv committees of the Bannt?, shall II? orar until the next day in arder that they may be placad upon th?- calendar bel ICtOd upon by the Se?ale. COMMITTEE APPt ?ENTED. ib" chair announced the appointment of Mesar?. Turuhiill and Letch? r us mem? ber? ??f the joint committee to lnvonti giite the criminal expenses Of the State, as provid? d f??r under a resolution mlopt i'?i by the BQns? u ? dncadaj, and can Bailed In by. the Senate Thursday. A PERSONAL EXPLANATION. Mr. St. Clair, arising to a question of personal privilege, --ti?l be d?sft0d to cor? rect a statemi nt attributed to him In i pubUshed report of th? proceeding? <>f Wednesday night's caucus. 11 v. resented as saying that th? heavy crlml lal expenses of certain ?..inities of the loath want er? pan of th.* state weae du? ?? tin- large nunibi-r ol lav?, ess people imong their population, when what ho "eally said was thai th-1 uii'is'ia ?ly leavy bills for criminal exijfensea Were lu?' t?. the fa.t that th-? -,?. .- border '??untie??, and that lawless e?? ne ills of ither States were constantly making ln ursions Into them. The Si nite, on motion of Mr. Wi?k lain, adjourned at 12.!??. until noon to-day. II- .?.- of I ' I. gll I -. The Hou.*e held ?notber brief I ? torda**. With th? i iceptlon of the of the bill in r? gai d to the sal? f dallnq*? at lands, nothing of im 'urtante marked th? proceeding?. The mdy was t" order promptly it noon by S : ?n. and th? pm edtngs wore t'iniii?i with prayer by t?V. Mr. Ma-tin. ntaaara. Wlnborne, Raddy, and Qoaa rate appointed on the committee pro? of und?!- the resolution offered >y the former few ?lays sgo, In r.g urd 0 Inqutrtng Into the ?xcesalv? criminal m certain countlea Mr. launden'S bill "to prescribo the mi'le by which unpaid snl.s? rij.l ions to [?int stock coaspnntos may in? ??covered y said companies, Unir receivers, or Sign?e, s., as i" prescribe and r?gul?t? h.? procedure by which Unpaid subscrip lona to joint sto.k companies may be ?covered by said companies, tin ir cradl? i?rs, rsedvera, trustee?, assignees, or ny Other persons," came tii?, but ?is lui.- were several ?mendments proposed, l*on moll .a of the pation of the i.-.isu!.-, it was pas-, d by until to-tl:iy, ? (?ni? r that these amendments might a in proper shape. The amend Tiits w?rs ;.i"i "- i by llenar?. Duke, ?nil.'lsoii, and Parks. REDUCE THE MINIMCM FIXES. Mr. 1'aiks inln "lined a bill to g ?Mini mi re-enact section i of an act in regard } the sale Of ardent spirits. The only hange ma?l>- in the 1 teat Bt law is that the .Illinium line for any violation of the Bt In regard !? the i "i liquor? ehail e $1'? tontead "f HBO, as at pi? sent. Mr. Pnl-U also introduced ? bill am?nil ig the act in regard "? ill" carrying of _ weapons, Th? measure makes he, minimum line for th? Violation of this el $2.M Instead of IM1, as at present. PRESENTED A\l> REFERRED, The following buis wars also lntro uced and referred t>> the proper com dttoes: by Mr. i;. W. l. Blanton: TO am?ml nd ra-semct section Std ??f th? <'?>>!? in dation to when and where such county nd city tr? saurer shall rooetv? the taxes nd let i- s. By Mr. Chart?? Smith: To Incorpnrat? M Cap? charks Railroad and Power ompany. PLACED ON THE CALENDAR. The following bills were placed on the ilend H', nui!, i ., suspension Of the rules; By Mr. Buford: To repeal an act en tled an act providing for levying on ? ?I cotton In th-- held in Brunswick ?unly, approved January 11, By Mr. Bayers, of vVythe:? To revise ?apt? i HI of the Acts of the General ?.semi.iv t.f Virginia, approved March ?_, milled an ?ct giving consent of ?? State to purchase by the United lates of certain real estate In "Wytho ?unty. ami exempting the samo from ixation, ?te, and a? r. vised tu almud t?t!??? I and 1 of I ild set. By Mr. Maupln: Authorising tho Board ' Supervisors of Henrlco county to ic? es bordering on ie pub.. ol' said county to be immi'l by owners of such hedges, and > impuse a fine for failure to comply. THE ELECTION LAWS, Mr. Qusscnbccry offered th?> following solution, which was referred to tho uiimitt?'?- on Courts of Justice: Re? lived, That the Commit w?. on I'rivl ges and Elections enquire Into the pro 'loty of rap*aHng th? present election w and of reporting ? bill that will be co from the objections to tho present w. HOUSE BILLS PASSK1?. House bill to suspend the operation of ? lit.?i MS, of th.- Code of 1887. as amend 1 und re-enacted by an act approved arch b, ltSW, und as am?-tided and re? ?a? Sod by an act approved January ?ry, r-. In relation to delinquent land? pur ia?ed lu (h? name of the Common eulth, for a period of sixty days. Resolution relating to the status of the Monats ?.f ib,- culi? ofitccra with the ate Treasurer, i'o amend i lu?* rond law In the county Buckingham. rulaU the hunting or titipping of ui-.kr_.trt ti, th? county of Acoomao. If we leid you lh_t voor b?hv i it _ttuallyih?Ji?'t . jh emoudU h? ?-??t, you ?.?.ht re V-lall*- \ ??lit ::. ASS yet there ?re tho??. 1 vn'1 i ?-?-I? _ _?h?M -*ho newer ?ct Baby tbcUlthcy t-iwu!. in their ?---J ?.? ?*T.u??(- tiot ?tbie to durait the ?t thi?t tb.-> d.? _? *.. F.t i? _ l!. ..'. 1 : . ?,.,.,ty *A la? ?*_ '-" ! ? I - " .- 1 a., slim (- i _!l *? ?*?ie l.r uns?. IU/ u_iuc 4u. ?:?.* .a it COIKJIIS Thal Hill are not distinguished by any marl p or fign from coughs that fail to In . fetal. Any cough, neglected, ma sap the strength and undermin?? thi 1 health until recovery is impossilih? All coughs lead to lung trouble, i: not stopped. ; Ayer's cnerrg Pectoral Circs Ceag&s "My wife wag suffering from a dreadfn rough. Wo did not expect that she woulri long survive, but Mr. R. V. Royal, deputj sarvoyor, happened to be stopping with u? I over night, and having a bottle of Ayer*i Cherry Pectoral with him. induced my wife to try this remedy. Tho result was so beneficial that she kept on faking it till she was cured." H. ?S. HIMPHRIKS, Saussy, G?. "My little daughter was taken with a dis? tressing rough, which for three years defied All the remedies I tri??d. At length, on the urgent recommendation of a friend, I began to give her Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After using one bottle I foand to my great sur? prise that she was improving. Three bottles completely cured her." .1. A. GRAY, Trav. Salesman Wrought Iron Rango Co, ?St. Louis, Mo. Ayer's _teiT| Pectoral is put up in half-size bottles at half price ? 50 cents. TWO Git ?Ml COM I.IITS TO-DAY? .Mii-l.-nl Trent Thin \fl?-rn<?oa ninl Miiiu nt the At*n?Iem>. The celebran? d Veteran Oorpfl 11 ?nrl. ns slstod by tal. iit.'<1 vocal and instrumental soloists, will gSt? this afternoon and night two charming concerts in aid of the t'onfederate Museum of this city. The following are the programmes; MATIXKK. 1. March (Sousa's latest). 2. Barltoae Bolo, "Rocked in the Cradle Of im* 1 >."p." I? <?. -N'ovatk. :<.. Selections from Martha, Flotow. 4. Cornet So'o (solccted), by Mist- Daisy Qgden. 6. Hunting ?Scene (?loscrlptlv?), P. Buca 6. Sopr.ino Solo, "Dear Heart," (Mat tal,) by Miss A. J. H.nrix. SK('ONI) PART. 1. (ivi rfiir.'. Orpheus in Dor Under weldt, Offenbach. 2. Cornet Solo (selected), by Miss Daisy Ogden. .?. Medley Selections of Southerti Songs, Contorno. 4. Soprano Boh), "lie Told Mo So," (BUchoff.) by Miss A. J. Henrix. 5. Merry Minstr. 1,-Voclker. 6. March, "Golden .** -eptr?'." ??'liarles,)' dedicated to ?Colonel ?George R. Qaltbar. NIQilT PROGRAMME-FIRST PART. L Mairch, "Maryland and Dixie," ar? ranged i?y PlndeU. 1 Soprano Solo, "Waltz Bong," (I'at ttooa.) by Mi.-.- A. J. Henrix. 3. Overture. "William Tell." Rossini. 4. Cornet Solo (selected), by Miss D.iisy 5. "Village Life in the <?ldcn Times." Voelkcr. Bynopete Klghti Rooater ?Crowing; Astir in th.' Village; Children 4?..inK to School; BlackamIth'i shop; May Pole Dance; Vil lame ?'hoir; Finale. t!. Maircli, "?;ay Coney Island," Levl. SECOND PART. 1. II. Trovatore, Verdi. 2. Baritone ?Solo (selected), by G. Novak. :. i ?cms of Stephen Foster, Trobanl. 4. Soprano Solo, "Dove's Sorrow," (Shel 1 v.) by Miss A. .1. Henrix. .".. Selections Tobaaoo, Chadwlek. 6. Cornet Solo (select. ?1?, Mi.-s Daisy ( ?cd? ti. 7. Kl Capit?n, Sousa. A well-known critic writes of Miss Daisy Qgden] "She- is personally attractive In Ser gentle, childish ways, und as musi clain ranks with the best cornet soloists." COLOXEL, mnUPI FATHER DEAD. Pannen Ann? nt 111?? Home in Caro? line?Other Heal li-. Colonel Jo Dane Stern d a t.-le Kiaim yesterday announcing the de.ith of his father, Mr. U St.-in, at R?ther (il.-n. ?Caroline oomnty. The ?fleoeaeed ?as in the 7"th year of his Iget. Mr. Stern was a native of North Caro Una, where in 1*14 lie married Miss Klizai b.-th Hall. Fifty years igo be camt 10 Virginia and located In Carolitx* ?-ounty. Where he has since resided. He was well known to all the business-men of Rich? mond, but had not been actively ? n a in blUlnena for several years rust. Mr. ?Mara wais a roii.-istent member ?rf the M? tho.llst Church, and for tpTty-?r* years had been a steward in St. Haul's cliurch, of Caroline county. He is survived by a wife and two sons?Coloni-1 Jo I^ine Stem. Inspect. - (??.neral of the State of Virginia, and Mr. I'auy Kin? Stern, both residente of this city, and practicing lawyers. Colonel Stern left yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock for R?ther (?leu. The ful? ral errang? mente have not yet been made Mr. John T. Brown, a. well-known citi? zen of church Hill, after a prolonged Illness, died Thursday night at his r? sl 1? nee. on Thirtieth and Clay str.ts. Mr. Brown eras for a long time em? ployed by the Hoard of Health, and was tlways faithful to his duties. He had l?e?>n out of work for QUltO awhile, ami, bat for the kindly officers of Cruce Coun? cil, Jr., 0. V, A. M., of which be was a member, and some it his neighliors, Mr. Brown and his family, ?onslstlng of a Wit? "ml three children, would have 'ound it difficult to exist. The funeral svill bo hold this afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock, nit definite, arrangements hare not yet ??? ti completed Mr. Slg. M. C-oodmnn yesterday received ' I legrem announcing the deatl\ of Mr. 'liarles F'elschman, of Fl??lschman A 'o., distillers, of Cincinnati, and of 'lelschman & son, noted hors.-own? rs. dr. Flelschmnn was also at the head of he cone?rn makinK yeast. Mr. Fleiseliman wan a very kind and a ? ry eharltahle man, ami had a number >f ? ri? mis In Richmond. Man*. Sinner? for the Juntlce. The bright wealher of y?'Sterday morn ng brought a large attendance ?non th?? cm? of Justice John's onslaught upon ?In. Brltton (colored) was chnri-ed i/ith breaking Into Cab<>*D??e-Car No. SB, ho properly of the Chesapeake and Chlo lallway Company, and stealing thlity wo railway brassas. valuo<l In al! at apio, tistlco Crutchflold sent the accused on o the grand Jury. The cano of P. Baldrlaht, charged with Hiking William Bibbs In the saloon of I '. Donatl. was continued until tho 21st Jlbbe was unable to appear. Robert Christian waa charged with eating Estelle Winston. Christian admit- , i*d Striking the woman, and was fined HO nd costs. J un: us Taylor (colored) was charged . ? ith breaking Into the house of Major .ut.'i- (also colored), and was sent on a tho grand Jury. Matt. Harris..!i (colore*?, chan*.-?! with ciravul of Dorlnda Taylor, also went to he grand Jury. Bo K<*!?l?*nr* Against Them. m and Hill, the two men who have n custody for norm? weeks under usplcloQ, of having robbed certain Vlr? ginl.-i ptwat-oiflofi*. were boror?* i.ommn? sloner Fl?*g?*r?helmer yest?wdsy. and a no material evidence was brought ugalns them they were discharged. n left the court a free man. wi Hill ?as carried back to the city JaJI t await trial on the chirRe of ?niielng th ?leath <?f a f.llow-prlsortH In a figh nom.- ?lays ago. Hill claim* that he re seated an Insult by strlklmr a f?H??w prlsoner who fell and struck hi? hea? against a block of granite. COMMHBNSI AM) MMNI ?ITtOSS? Acts of the Coniiiiniuler-ln-t hlrf Thi* ll??"ivll??Tt? *?.? ?? I iilform?. Oinernw CFerrall slgMd the ilollowtai commissions yesterday: K.lward J. Hagen OaPtaln and adjutant of the Bin' ' Battal Ion; Dieiit.-nant B. Jones, Company A Fourth R?glaient, Norfolk; Liegt Hielt A Ulx, C"tn|.aiiy 4", Fourth Roiclm?-nt. NeW porl N'-.vs, for the four oMl.'ts "f th? Naval Division of Bes.rv s at Norfolk and a retired ?ommission for Flrsi-I.ltn tenant A. Hume Sprinkl?', Company C Third R.glm.nt. Ciilpeper. The Executive has r.ceiv.d the r'-sltrna tlons of First-i.i. ut? mi nit DaugBsrty, Company I?. Fourni R?eglmeat, Hampton and of ?borg.? .M. Wilson. -..?>nd 11? u tiuaint. i'omjiany I >. First Beginn nt. I'HK BOWTTEKRS1 HBW UNIFORM. Menbera of the Wchmood Howitzer? have b'.i) m.aisured tor their uniforms, and it is expectsd thai thai will appeal in thent for th" tlrst time on January 1, HS*, 'l'he tin.form is a very handsome one. Th.* jack? t is of Conf?d?ral!., ?gray, with noid indaga and spaulettss; the iri.u.-.'i .ir.- gray, irlth red etrlpa, ?end 11,,. i,u. i.y is surmounted with a red plume. Captain w. s. p. Mayo and LteuUnant Oeorge M. WTarran -aie eapected ?" pre? sent themselves for examination gecct week. Services nt Hie Association. Sundav afternoon at I o'clock. In the iition hall, Rev. K. H. Rawlings, pastor of tho Clay-Street Metb church, will address tho young men's meeting, taking for his theme "Husks." The mail?* ?niatrt-'tt?* will ling, and there will be oth.-r interesting features. At A o'clock, in the parlor, th?- Hoys' Gospel Army will meet and win be ad? dressed by Mr. K. II. ?""oiirtney, DM O? th- boys, on "Sabbath Keeping ** As tisuail, the Staging will be l?'l t.y the Red and Blue choirs. At 3 o'clock, In the blue-room, General Secretary McKes will condud the Bible training class. To-night, in the association parlor, at s ...lock, the Workers' meeting will bo held, and will !.? ?ul.lress? d by Mr. C. H. Hamilton, his theme for the evening be? ing "Conviction." This afternoon ait 4:r,,o, instead of 5 O'clock; I >r. Pell will conduct tho study of th.* Bunday school leeaoa in the as-.< ct.ition hall. This is open to all teachers end Bible studeata, both ladies ami ?gen? tlemen. A \\ < ?Millie in Hanover, Mr. William A. Hurnett and Miss Set? tle K. li.'iithright were married at Black Creek Baiptist church, Hanover county, on Wednesday. Th?* marriage eras the most attractive one of this season in that community. The church was deco? rated with cedar and white llowvrs. which ad.led very much to the beauty and attractiveness of the oooaekm. Miss Muni? ?Peace played an impr?-s.-ivo wad? ding march. The bride and proom arc popular with I large number Of the reeldents of Ilun over and New Kent counties. The OOtO mony was performed by J;?.v. XV. 1!. Tyler. In th?- presence of a large gather? ing of people. Property Trnimfers. Richmond: Bernard Qulgl.-y to Mary A. Qulgley, M feet on ?.ist Me Twenty? fifth street, U feel north of Clay, and household and kitchen furniture* <?n premises. $5. Bdgar Ransom's tmctCCS to Cunranteo Building, Loan, and Trust Comp.iny, ]?S feet on south sido Jackson street, M fed oast of St. Peter, |85<). O. '/.. Baunders and wife to .r. a. Me Donough. U feet on Nicholson street, southeast corner of l'rire, $.:iu. ll'-rnief); Kilmund S. Road and wifo to Bertha I. Hicks, 30 acres adjoining C. )\\ Hechler, ?.75. Supreme Court of Appeals. I'.ti' against ?City of Richmond. argued by h. it. Pollard for plaintiff la ?rror. and c. v. Meredith for defendant in error, and submltteil. Southerti, Hallway Company vs. Toelan. Argu-'d by H. H. Munfbrd for plaintiff in error, and William Leigh and .lud??' W. B 1; irks.I.ile for defendant in error, and submitted. The next cases to be heard Behmelta Brothers vs. Rix & Bentley, No, Z>': and t'uairanteo Company of North America egalnst First National Hank, of Lynchburg, No. 27. Dr. ** m 11 u to Meet Young; Men To Mltht. There will lie a tp**m\\ meeting of Um young men of the Second R.'iptlst church congr?gation this ev?-nlng at Si.", o'clock in the bat:-, in.nt to m. -t the BOW j.astor, Rev. Dr. Smith. All young men are c.?r dl.illy invited to be present. I *t. Smith, who began his pastorate her.- so auspll 'iotisly la-t Sund.iy, -vs i 11 preach at both services to-morrow. Koto? from East Itlchmond. (For tho Dispatch.) East Richmond held last night a Klon ftllu and literary entertainment, which gave *-eaeral sattefbcUon, both to getter rip and those who dug for ?"id. Mr. J. ji. Nicker continu? very ill at his home, near Newbridge church. Mr. Irby Self l.-ft y.-ster.iay mornlnp; for tho Virginia Hospital, where be will be treated for ohronlc sdiuic rheumatism. Ilnsket-Ilnll To-1 lay, A second exhibition game of basket? ball between the Richmond College Young Men'l Christian Association, ?tad th?. Central As-.xiaitlon t?'ams will be !'! '> ? d ?m ilu college campus this after? noon at 4:15 o'clock. The game last Bat trday was an Interesting one. It Is an? ticipated that the OOllege boys will make I hot for their opponents to-day. Visitors nt ?he Library lio i 1.11 .?i*. Among tho visitors at the Library building yesterday were Messrs. J. L? ?"owell. Treasurer of Nottoway; N. t'. watts, sheriff of Augusta oouaty; EL B l!yr?l, Commonwealth's Attorney ..f ?'rederlck county, and Samu. 1 Donald, of augusta county, bit.? candidate for the ?nice of Superintendent of the Penlten? lary. THE ONLY ONE. rHE PYRAMID PILE? ( t BE, TnE UM.? PVUt ? I Hi: MBOOM*g*CNDBD ll\ I'll V?? 14 I \\_ AS HEIN?; I'F.ll FECTL? SAFE. 4>'o Opium, Cocaine, \nrcotlc, or Other PoIhou la It. Tho Pyramid Pile Cure is probably th? ?nly Pile Cure extensively recommended I _ iy physicians, because It is bo safe, ?o -, irompt In the relief afforded, and so far J is known the only positive cure for piles, xcept a surgical operation. In ono year the Pyramid Pile Cure has ecome the best-known, the safest, and he most extensively-sold of any Pile Cure lefore the public. Address the Pyramid Company, Mar hall, Mich., (formerly of Albion. Mich.,) or book on cause and cure of piles, and Is o hundreds of testimonials from all ?arts of the United States. Full-sized ackage, BO cents. If suffering from any form of piles ask our druggist for a package of Pyramid ?lie ?Cure and try it to-night. l'ii t Cream Toast. It is nutritious. Old papers for sale at this office. Soap Sharing isn't pleasant to think of. It's slove and unclean. But how are you go to be sure that your soap is used o by yourself? Particular people i Pyle's Pearline. That solves problem. They fill a salt shaker or sii vith Pearline.. Then they use that instt soap, for the toilet or the bath, with no f using it after anybody else. A Pearl: h is like a Turkish bath in freshening 3 and bracing you up. _ * Millions ?fstPearlm (jy .O-Tn.Th&.-Ja ?fcweoir) !_ - S EI'____-XgI-,_;-2XI_ra FREE! ? A beautiful 6-sheetfart calendar given away free to pur H chasers of FAIRY SOAP. This calendar is 10x12 inches in si/e, is designed by some of America's best artists, litho? graphed in 12 colors, and can be secured only throng- your grocer during the holiday season. Ask him for particulars. If he does not sell I'AIRY 60AF?pure, white, floating? send us his name and we will tell you where you can get a THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. 8 H M S I I-i s< B __-K*X__*_?XXXXX*X_.*_K'XXrX*_K*_?_^^ . Ba 'i*u,d: riii."-?,i-?v a r mi ??^-??i^???-?-_? ?? ?.??-??????. 1 ??___, _?_______________________ cottolkm:. ^?a?;,,?i_^u...Ji?.,-,"?,-.i?Ci_?*iW?i.iu iDyspcpsia-proof*^1 ? Dyspepsia, the thief that steals away so much ?lof life's pleasure, has no accomplice more a pernicious than lard. Bar every lard-soaked <| thing out of your diet, and make your digestion proof against % dyspepsia and the ills that follow it, by eating the appe? al ti/ing and digestible food that is prepared with <_ '_ I COTTOL The genuine Cnttnlcnn 1? ?old everywhere In one to ten pound yellow tin?, i Ith our trad? m?r_ts?"OottoUne" ?_n?l ?ftwr?. hrnd in cutton-plant wreati very tin. Not Kuaran.e-.d if sold In unvutlur way. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. Chicago. St. Louis. New York. Montreal. jamBf*1-^ I-apl7.???s,T'iAThly-nr] FOR 1898 PRACTICAL TALKS ON GARDENS By EREN E. REXEORD How to work in a small flower-ganlen! How to treat bulbs! The place of the garden in October and November a?, well as in the spriti;* and summer! What can he done with a hack yar?l of small dimensions to make it beautiful as well as useful!?AD this is included in this series. Each month some practical suggestions, which do not include botanical names nor much botanical knowledge, will appear in the Bazar, in short but pithy articles. The whole treatment of the subject is meant for the use of the av? erage BOaaBkeepM who, bwn as she may be, always has m.?nient-, to give to any? thing which will beautify lier home. Any one, no matter how limite?! her means, may, fr<mi '.' lions, secure practical hints that will enable her to have a spot in her own yard that shall be flowering for most uf the year. 10 Cents a Copy ; $4 00 s Year. In combination with HAJLPBB'i M a o a 7. ink, $7 00 ? Year; $j 50 5ix Months. HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York and London PEERYS PISS-SOT ?ku i*guntwLT? Will Eradicate WORMS FROMTHEHUMAN BODY PRICE25cF5 PER VIA/* ?Ja 13-WASaly) I.I H.H'i: \N STEAMERS. AMERICAN LINE UW VOltK-SOl'T'lAMtMoN (Ix>aaou-P-.ri_.l l \> Hi fsCliEVV U .*?. MAIL STKAM-llll'.-? nlttna ereiy WSDMWHAT al 10 A. kl. IT. LOU!?.l)->c. I.. I IT. LOUll.I in. 5 lKP, V'iKK.. ??.-, . '_. I NKV? VOUK...Jau. 1-? IT. 1'AUL.Dec. ._? ll'Ahl.H.Jan. It LiEl) STAli LINE. .m_?v lOKK o As. wsm > IOOKULAND.Wednesday. Doe. 15, uoon. *ltl--?l. ?Nit.Wednesday. 1??- ',".?. ie on. .r,N>IN!.roN..W?*Alne_a??, Dec. -'?,10A.M. Vr*Sl'*-KNI.A*?ll) .?Ac*-ne?iilftT. Jun. WrKKMATtOSAi. NAVIuUlTOM ?jo?. l'lers 14 ana 16, North Klr??e. omet. ?1 ???lanii??. tirona, N. f, W. _-.'AL,_li.t-A<'.?., mb 15-Tu,Th4S??ly Ki.i_iujni. Mayo:'? Office, Hlehmond. Va., Do-einh, r 7, l*?i/7. tSE Hi NDR EH ixiI.l.AIcs REWARD. A reward of |1<J0 will t,y tha Ity of Hlehmond for li , which rlQ i. 11 io thti artest und conviction or I,.- person or pa-r?*???)-. who entered th? _-.hle.iic?? of John M. III-._.ln*", K.? ? , No. I!? Covern.>r street In thf? crty, <m the iKht of Tuesday. Xovt-mber *>, Itifl, flth ?tent to commit bunxUrv or nrson. -U,:__.__"> ?L TAVI>'I?. do .-lit Ma vor. DEPARTI RE 09 STEAMERS. BAY JAMES-RIYER ROUTE FOR LINE. BALTIMORE. CLUSE CONNECTION FOR ALL POINTS NORTH. Appointed sailing days, every TUES. DAT THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY at Fr'elrht received dally until S p j_ Elegant state-rooms, heated bv ai??__ and lighted by electricity. ?>* * -. For tickets, state-room reservation*. and further Information, apply to H. M. feoYKIN. w*^ menu navigation If^^ JAMES RIVER \ DAY LINE. Steamer FOCAHONTAS leaves MOM DAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at 7 A M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old point, Newport News, Ci u? mont, and Jamea-rlvci landings, and connactlng at Old Point and Norfolk for Washington, Baltimore, and the North. -io-its reserved for the night at moderate prices. Electric-cars direct to tho wharf. Fare, only 11.50 and II to Norfolk. Music by Oraml orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places and alt points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WEISIORR. General Manager. A. H. Drewry. President. bo II P HILADELPHIi, RICH MOND AND NORFOLK SHAMS-US company. Appointed sailing days: Every TUBS DA Y, FRIDAY, u? SUNDAY at day? light. Freight received dally until IP. u Fare ?including meals and berth), ft oa Friday's and Sunday'? ateamer. For further Information apply to J. W. M'CARBICK. General Southern Ag/nt; office RocketUL W. v. CLYDE A CO.. m* a General Agents, Philadelphia, ti?/ lg y se he er id ar ne ou a?HJMAo uiras fi P A. P Hictiiiiond, Frederic Xt f. (X f. j,nPg e Potomac. Schedule In Effect November ""*>, 1?* AT IS O'CLOCK NOON. i.ctti: in in? ** i ici : : i *?r ?ti? iv. 4;10 A. M., Daily, for Washington ? points North. Stops only Mtlford and Fr?slchcksbu Pullman Sleepers to N York. S:20 A.M., Sunday only, for Washlr ton and pointa North. Sta? at Elba, Olen Allen. A.* land. Taylorsvllle, Doawi R?ther Glen, Pen?la. M ford, Woodsinit?', ?luliti Summit. Brooks, nml Wldi wat Pullman car. 8:45 A.M., Dally, except Sunday, i Washington and poh North. Stops a? E land. TaylorevUle, R?ther (lien, I'enol.i. M lord, Woodsiano, Gulm B u m m i t, Fredericksbei Hr<?ok?x and Widewati Pullman ear 12:00 M., Dally, except Sunday. 1 nington and ?toll North. BtOpe nr Elba. Gl Allen, Ashlnnd, Doswr M 11 ford. Prederlcksbui Urooko, and \\ | . Parlor car. Also, with Congressional Jaunt nt Washington. 7:35 P. M? Dailly, for Washington m points North. Stops ;?t Kit Ashland, Doewell, Mllfor 1'redericksburg. ?Brooke, a?' Widewiter, and Other st tions Bundays. Sleeper, Rlc mond to New Vork ARRIVE RVRD-STREET STATION. S. in A. M., Daily. Slops ait tVIdeWaUl Brook??, Frederick s b rwell, Ashland, ai and othi r BUI r, New Yoi to Richmond. S:i.*i P. IL, Dally, except Sunday, Btoi a t Wldewater, Br?ok Predericksburg, s u m m i Guinea, W?>odslane, Mllfor Pen?la, Ruther Glen, Do well, TaylorevUle, Ashlan Olen Allen, anrl Elba. Ps lor car from Washington. f:10 P. M., Dally. Bt<ms only at ?Trod rlcksburg, Doswell and Asi land, and Elba, Pullman cai frorn New York. 8:30 P.M., Dally. Btorfs al Wldeerat? Brooke, Frederlcksbur Summit, ?Guinea. Woodslan Mltford. Pen?la, Ru?h. Glen, Dose ell, Taylorevlll Ashlar?!. Glen Allen, and E in. S!eepi**_**car. FREDERICKSIl'O A( ( OMMODATIO' (Daily ?xcept Sunday.) drSS P. M., Leaves Byrd-Btreet Statloi 8:30 A. M. Arrives Hyrd-Street BtatlOl SSSflUSSB TRAINS. (Dally x < ? -1 ' t Buaday.j 0:42 A. If,, ?Leaves Mba. 41:241 P. M, Leaves Elba. ?1:10 A. M., Arrives Blba. 0:0O p. IL, Arrives Klh.i. C. A. TAYLOR, Trafile Manager. E. T. I>. MYERS, President no 2a'? CHESAPEAKE ANO ?BlUTf3^ OHIO RAILWAY Effective October 25, 1807. TRAINS LEAVE RtC11M?I*?D, UROAD STREET STATION. S:0O A. il., Daily, wan Parlor car, to Nuil oik, Portsmouth, ?Jl. Point, Newport News, am principal stations. Connect: daily with UM Dominier btearaahips for New York. 3-40 P. M., Dally, with Pullman, foi , stations, Newpon News, (?Id Point, Norfolk and Portsmouth. 10;00 A. M., Local train, except Sun.lay for XV. Clifton Forgo. Con necte at Gordonsville foi Orange; Cuipeper, Calvar* ton, Manassas, Alexandria, and Washington; at Union .Station, Chailottesville, for Lynchburgj ut L'aslc for Ha gei town. 2:16 P. M . I Mily, with Pullmans to Cin? cinnati, Louisville, and St. Louis. Stops only at impor? tant statiuiis. Connects at Covlngton daily for Virginia Hot BplingS. Meals servil la Dinlng-cara. No, 7, Local Train, except Sunday, fol? lows above train from Uor donsville to Staunton. 5:30 P. M., Ai-'oniniod.-itioii. ? Sun ?laiy, for Charlottesvllle. 10:30 p. M., Daily for Cincinnati, with F. F. V. l'ullmans to Hinton. W Va., and Crordonsville to Cincin? nati and Louisville. Mails served on Dining-cars. Con? nects at Staunton. Sunday, for Winchester. Va., and nt Covlngton, Va., dally, for Hot Springs. TRAINS LEAVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION. 11:30 A.M., ?Dally, tor Lynchburg ana Clifton Forge. Connects at Hr.'tiiu, except Sunday, for Whits Hall, except Sunday at Balcony for !>xlngton. ana al XV. 4'llfton Forge with No. 1 for Clnclr.,iatl. 4:0O P. M-, Except Sunday, '?ocal ac? commodation for Columbia. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND, 11ROAD-STREET STATION. s.24) A. M., IHUiy, n?>m Cincinnati. 11:15 A.M., Dully, from Norfolk and Ola l'oint. 3:30 P. M , Daily, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 0:5O P. M-. Dally, from Norfolk and Old .at. 7:43 P. M., Exc? pt Sunday, from W. Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION. 8:50 A. M., Except Sunday, from Colum 0:20 P. M., Dally, from Lynchburg anrt Clifton Forge, and except Sunday, from Lexington and Whit.? Hall. <?HN D. PfJTra Assistant Oerer-U Pausender Agent. DEPARTIR?! OF STEAMERS. QLl) DOMINION ?STEAMSHIP COMPANY. OAILY LINK tVH M NEW YORK. Passengers can leave Richmond DAILY via Chesapeake ana Ohio railway at * ?<? A. M., or ?Richmond -and Petersburg r.u; road (Norfolk and Western route) i> a IL, conm-cting St Norfolk with 4j|?j \)0'. minion Line st?-im? r, sailing same eve? ning for New York. ALL-WATKR ROUTE. Steamship ?Jid Dominion leaves Rich mond every Monday ut 5 p. _ t r %>'_ York via James river. **"-w Tickets on sale at Richmond Transfer Company's, 903 east .Maun street i peake and Ohio railway, and n'tchn and Petersburg railroad depots, Cttn in company's otile*. 1212 east Mala street Richmond. Haifjmge checked through FREIGHT for New York and alt points U-yond can bu shippeu by direct Stesuners, sailuur from Wchmond every Munlav A.\b KltlDAY at ft P. M. ; also, by ate,.^, - ELvl.ig Richmond WKDNKsiVy^P M. for Norfolk, connecting with ???urn.? for Naiw York. ?mci Manifest closed one hour before sailing Freight received and forwar?led an.i through bills of lading Issued f'or I nothern. eastern, an?! foreign port? FROM NEW YORK. 1'aaseilgeiD ...... _?yU*mtUt. except Sun. day. to Norfolk or old Point Comfort coiuiecilng with Norfolk and Western railroad or cn?-*-_peake and Ohio railvav Direct ?teaiuer? ?via James-river roiitel leave every SATURDAY (pa.^-ngei ^_ freight), und MONDAT (freight only? Bailing from company's ipler, so At North river, loot of Reach atreet at ? ?? M.l Saturday. 4 V. M. s ni a r. Freight received an? forwarded daily except Sunday. w u***'' For further Information apply to JOHN* F. MAYER. Apyent 1212 east Main str^t. Ri?'hm?md Va. W. I* Oulllaudeu. VlcatPresldent ana Trafile Manager. New ' r?. ^ _POHE8T LODGE. DllUNO THE PLEASANT AUTUMN wen'.her, and uo long as the roads re? main In good condition, FOREST LOIXJE will be open for the entertainment of guests. Small driving or 'cycling parties can be provided for ut any tune, but large parties should notify by 'phone a few hours before their arrival, ft H 'phone 2335 H. Olen Allen, Va, uu 7-U rt a i libo ad Liane?. s ' 3 A, C. L *wjww. Kelirduif I?. EUemi Deeimber .%. iv TRA1MS LEAVE ItKIlHOMj-i M? DEFOT. ?:UOA. M., lili., ., ,.,,, p Ml A. .'-; 11. .Ht.,',s oruy ,,. '-, '?cuy, and 8u!t > 9:03 A. M., Dally. Arnv? | y.?? a. .\i . w A M M., char Savannah sonvllie I " A T.imp* l:_0 p .?,? ? ,r : . at Wilson vin \ rlvltig ?; Wllmin?; i m.?i; Bleep?] ;,, .... keon ville. 2:55 P. M., Dally, l..,?..;. Arrive? i? t.ruburK 3:t_ i?. ?i -lOpM. 5:30 P. M , Dally. Arrl?. P. II. a ?top?. Ri. hm - , burs mili 7:30 P. M.. l?illy. An S."l 1'. M., . . a Norfolk Norfolk an! ii'tiiit?, Emi or? i ' * HI:. \ statl'ins h. t.\. .a ami l__wi 1:43 1'. M A. M . < ' * I onvllle i i?. m . . ?:?6 ! M NEW UNE TO tliii'i OEOROIA POIN In?,' Alla. ?1 M.. A ?la: ' man Wilmington, port Tan 10:43 P. IL, Dally. I'M A. M.. R ? \? Ktistol H ." \ \: Ble? per H,, hm blll'g. 8:8t, P. M., I'ally. An I?. If., Weld M. Ilak? twe? n Peter?! don TRAITS ARRIVE Ill( IIMiiM). 4:00 A. M., Dally, from J? * vsnnah, Chu:, -i ?1 < .m, A l?iints South. 8:10 A. M., 1? uly. escept Sun.lay, ai. I u.t.i. Athen-?, l: ?h-rson. L H 37 A. M.. Daily. Peternbur?/ h B:?D0 A. M., Sunday ?mis, from s/ -,-.. Athen*?, Raleigh, H Lynchburg, and i 11-05 A. M.. Dally, Norfolk, r* Petersburg. 1 715 P. M.. D.-illy. JackHonvlii nah. Charleston, V t m. Oolduboro', i' South. 0 .*.?*? P. M., Dally. Norfolk. Suff vi-rlr. 8:30 P.M., Dally. P? hurg,?an?l th? V J. R. KEN1.Y. T. M. EMI General Manager. Traffic m II M KM General i' ,--- - ?. r ?' S ?'AMI'! no 4 Division P ????nt. N?WNorfolk^Wesb ? i, SckfiV?''" fft?t December 3, 1 **ri7. LEAVE RICHMOM?. IIYR|i-'?TRI.''1 - I 11 ION. ?oo A. M., Daily-Rlcbraoi folk. VESTIB il >. s., ond-cl I on ihi. tr?it. 0:05 A. M., Dally. "THE ?'Hi' PRESS," for Lyi Roanoke, C luml Chic-ajrp. Pulli Roanoke ?. i for RadfoTd. Il r lia toi, Kli"\ Ville, ?'h. t? rna Int?. 7::io p. M., Dally, for and int, rrn? 10:40 i?. M.. I ?ally, for L) Roanoke. Com n?>k<? with Washington Chattanoogs Limit? I man !{?>?.nok? Mi mihi.i and New ? ?i I'd.I..MAN 8LEEPHK I ?'tween H IfOND AM? LYNCHBURQ re?dj f cupancy at 9 P. If.; also, Pullman . Pi '.. rshurg to Roanoke. Trains arrive HI? hmond from bun- and th?' West .lally 8:1a ,\ g_M P. M. Prom Norfolk and If., and \'entibul.?d Lin M. Offlce; U? Main sti H. w District I'roj*? XV. I?, i ;i.i. General P General OH moke, v , SOUTHERN RAILWAY Schedule Effectl*. >oven?l??*r -I. I ' iitAiN-, i.i:a\i: hi?iimi?mi. VA? 1-..00 Night, Au. H, ?OUI? dully for Atlanta. Aus i points t?uuth. Sleep? r H Danville. Greciiaboru", ? "harloi i?. < "lumbia. Sl.-et.ier <'p?-!i Bt aM ?' *' *" ' ?it ?ill ?stations betwin K>??- ? and Danville to tak. on ps?seng?fs Connect? at Danville. Salisbury, and Charlotte with tu- W..-iii-i i and Southwestern Limite*? <>o. 17?. carrying ?lee*j?'.r? Now AshevilTe, Hot Splint.. Chai ?si. and Niuhvill??; N-w *? ork to Memphis; New York i h ans, New Turk to 'I ilrst-elao? day coacl I '?*'a.?hi?igton and Memphis. ? lions ar? made lor nil : Texan and Caltfon for occupancy at 9:.?t 1' M 12:00 noon, No. ?. ?oli?l train ' Charlotte, N. C. cotineet ley with Knrmvlll. railroad. At Keysvlll?' lor ? ville.* Oxford, ll. n.l ham. and at Or? ennboro' ham. RaMKh. and V'li.wi at Danville with No State? faat mall, ?olid trail for New (?ri? wiil.-h came? ?ieepers N< w > New Orleans, and New I Jacksonville. Through ??I? bury to ? !hatt moon man tourl?! -lee] i .1 ,v Washington t?> S?n I without eh?ng? 6:00 P. M.. No. 17. local. daily. * Sun.lay. for Key?vllle ?n 1 II ' diiit?' point?. TRAINS AHHIVE AT RICHMOND. 6:?JO A. M 0:_*5 P. If., from Atlanta. Augusta, Ashevllle. and Nashville. 8:40 A. If., from K>y?vl>!? LOCAL FREIGHT I'P *?lvs Nos. m and 63, between Manchester and Neapoll?. Va. l?RK-RIV?S 1t\UTMwmtPMst IHK KAVOIUTK 11(11 TE UOUTM LEAVE KlUiMUMl. ?4.30 1*. M . No. 16, i(!in. ?lally, except Sunda) : : ?' * Point, there makum ca? tion on Monday.-. U Friday? with ?t?am?r mor?; also, with ?tag? Manor for Walk? rt.-u a haniK? k and Saturday?. a-so P. M.. N" 1 ? day?, \V? dnesday?. j.n-1 Knd ? Went l'olnt ?tul Int. im tious. Connect? with ?-t 1er Manor for Walk-n pahannock; also, al W with ?learner for Paltlmor-?. ou.* at all ?talion?. 5:0O A. M.. No. 46. D*eal _flx?jd L dally, except Sunday, from ginla-Street i-natlon for '? and In!? rn Ing with stiiK i! I \V??lkerl.?n an ' T ". ; ' '*n?-k TRAINS AIIHIM. AT RltMMU^U. 0:17 A. M.. dally, lo to A. M.. Wednesdays and 1-rlday? only. K-oo P. If., dally, except Bunds) W'tst Point and Intermediate ? ?' tloiu. _, _ .. Steamer? leave West Point at fl I v Mon.lays. Wednesdays, ai'-'l ' Paltlmor? at B l? M. Tu??day?. Thurs _.?yt?. and Saturd?*?;?^ ? ? Ticket Office ? W?m toot ottVtr?in? street Open from I A. M to ? l -* ?,?,1 from .:? P? M. to 3 A. M. C.ty tick?t utfice. ??? - ?V't Main ?ire? t J M ?'I'LP. _ ^-,A TT.KK', T- t m 1 'naf*r. flen. I WHO HEWN Genera! Superintendent. Wa?hlngt'?n. I? C, ___ C. W. WE8TRPRT. Travelllns P??* ?er...*er Ajcent. I_0 eaat M?lu ?tr, t. 1 ? mead. Va._ _____-, Orders for printing ?ent to the l Company ?a 111 b? ?_iv??n prompt a?.t??uli?J*n. and th* ?fyle of work an- pr.?.-?? will tie sure to please yuu,