Newspaper Page Text
_ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1897._ now S?e chopped TllK IOLB? M (O-BPA-IIRB A!f AC ?-1TI ? ?nv - "*??*I- STREET. COULD TARE CARB OF HERSELF !,, WSB 4>?tcnalli|r f0 l?|CflM (nf, i 'ilMSSSaj lint It Dliln't Tnrr inn lb?* ??J-Among l.nrilra' Ap. j ir? I 1er? 1?sued la?t Friday ?t 7:S the children wetra vying wit! In wrlgKllnn i ?hould go (*hrlst f that afternoon. V I ' Ist ! ;, Bonrtal in con S that m. r , ' ' SB In the ?tores I ha tal - it aras with a ?-a. Is *>- " - rsnnnsrs Bl V i'. ,\1., wiiMt I batr, and g-.v?, th? rsfl kick as 1 ths n ho r ?.?l.-nitiiy swori I ' ': I ijusting .1 f, w ? "'inteiian?-o S 1. id ?-: t fourni v all,'? . to pi v? nt rl"t <>r insurr.?-ti<>n or Th.? nir ww y. and BhM as to how i sleigh, in rat? . th? ,. ' set! ma W1 r.? put to mo 1 i answer and t? ?flamand? i.?;?? dia WB tfa r millibiilty and Ir i?, h . figure as ulMmnte r> . * v SB once i" ir. .in thoroughfares, B ' ' rglea ?-n her ,-r runl bar nos i Kniffe.I at iftet t*:?- BM a aro ?ding a flock . our accumulated of. -, her Bying v v.. '.??. . ?-nt hei mull . i | Btrm| f??r the ? -r l Jvmptng-Jacks in t and "to . . . Hi. y tarry, f ?r. ?? * 1 ler-ln-Chlef s eulo" i i approach lo mutiny in \ht f th?- i.p-.r- ' - \ : BM ' leg that I : t.? th" i e - asgan d? r. This r tlifi chililren slsrh:. It-?1 treaibisd continuously, and was *n???e 'tit II ol ? ?. I didn't ' ra i '. > children, f??r But ths < bub tndsr in-Chief ; ?>n oth?-r en.1s. and string th? ng ?>f hnmanlty a tug. ah? mi -.ii <k ?i". ?i started. T* '? i-eaastnnca. is ?going, But , th '-t shs won! : Hon. M.i'iy toy . - ! ,e bun and it w is _ to SO? column -i-,- .. i re? .I m - onljr a traast | ? g : I was Bnmsdl? ... ted paca, uni > had kaosra roo al is they saw BIS ?l"lng tits : followed me with sympa \ i s _ s s roungstsrs ring. . ' ler-ln-Chlef finally hnltf??l -, hp?1 'h?n column into tli?? establlah? liko a circus, anil a re d? lighted. on all ,W the akin? of i and would . . i ths moat at til b< i r. beef Of tin re t. r ,: .?. . r ( llSTSlaad, I . ? : ?uldn't . tO learn If the Stuffed a- BIBB. 1 Ik n h?? under ths I inga va a Isopard'B l his thumb? Into the thai once f.-rocloua beast. I hief at this tlmi i ttsr m h? r SJTS, nnd it M who knew her char ,t to aocom .! it t!,? n thS Id) B Of me, and I b ii. But soon I \vi?s v olerh sras to 1 :h a bla? k martin boa. :.:ma!. very mucb like b la avoMi I by SCROFULA It is Foul Blood's Advertise? ment But It Is Soon Cut-od by Hood's Sarsaparllla. V -. S Tafula, if anything, may bo called the adven .?.-ment of foul blood. It is the f the world?offensive, painful, Bf, ?tubborn and well nigh ??tie. il 'i ~'>j'l lestions do not cure, they difficulty to new quarters. Is may palliate, they cannot Its stal, There ia but one eure -;-> o it, and that ia to i-liminale tho Um] from the blood. one remedy tbat can effect this, ! he only one tbat, ao far as we M almost invariably succeeded ? -e the system has been polsoned by long yoarg 0f taint, and the ravsges to ** ?"'laired are tremendous. Tbat remedy ?arsaparilla. Head this: " My daughter was afflicted with .in? jure blood. Thers were running sores l>ody and tbey caused her uueh aufl? ring. Wo tried raedlcinea that ?ere recommended as blood purifiers, >ut could not see tbat they did any good. I fri-nd told me about Hood'e Barsapa ?lleaud I began giving the girl this med ?:lne. The result was tbat abe was per? tly cured after taking a fow bottles. be has bad no sympt?me of scrofula ore? since tbat time." MauiETTA M. ?itu, boutb Mlddisboro, Maes. Hood'S Carina ? tb? bsat-ta fact the One True Blood Furiner. !?*:?t upon noon's; take no aubatltute. food's Pills ft^b?2?oo!ou?i(>' wia> ,ure la m be abaolulr ' ?''la-tr. '?lliiKUpllievirj an.iiioi>'.,'nt(w|. Heure* ?ri!teornui??mUrrh?\iiii ?' inlnfriiinonatoflvi. ?1-v?i, h: arn,alio?tinKpal I? any pari of the I. dy Kopped la a frw <1? .\ rompt, rnrniilc T-^r^'^^ b*?k "nd "" r*1"" in hiPS ?Wl lOll ?III* IIA' IC Ulli M.CV'...? nirn.1 H...I.I. f.:1.'._, the b*ek are *|>??\i 1 !: mi '.v 1 il***,** At nil < rr ?M i,-al ?,1t < ?MreetjPhauclelphla. lora f?ii?ton ntul ?lmu'1 ln\ *r:?.l abat asen asad. The Munr? ?'l-are a ?rnaniie core f.r . *la?Stc*Dt?.a tlal, ifyciun.? la net Mnnycn, 1W4 An It Is ahaoliiUly fr?*e. ~.^-i,?-i?.m?-.rnia, ti i? aimoiuuivfree. thB fastidioun, wna producod, and tklS lh ?-ommander-ln-chi? f adjusted to h neck, whereupon she ?fhlaked herself be fera a lerga mirror, nnd then seruttat* Sf her sli..ulrter. Aft. r loo lag at herseir -Joswaya for ao-aa tin r otb r asarttaa aad mink and these ?leo nh<> applied tc, h?rf BSek By find by g| . iirded by a arhol defunct tooto-rica) Barden, bul Bothtn exactly suited her. gke wasted the ta -i the raartla la react dewa aa far as he iad finally aben auck an aalasa i aba waated aa? with tbtea tails. Now area the childrei had aenaa enough to know that Baissai don t generally grow with bat ' ''' a? all thoaghl the Cetaatexader-la Chlel I. - bar hands right there But Bnally the lady el? lia on th? Biartln, arhl? I bad otl re? up t.> . at ? me? tentally, ab ji<.<i tin- pri.i- ..f the t?rala! After i Bad heard the rt tpoaaa, dollars,v ?t ?ra? ?orna time I .^d frtMB the fainting apell whtel me. "That's what I want y.ui tn give mi Chtiatmaa, dear," aha asid, with . nnd a tone thri aaaumed a negatire answer to be ba black martta win ba pre idy will kiu-v When the youngsters had mads thea IB the fur re, tie y demanded. \y I ija, and tin Comnaander-la unwonti d magnaalai nouni ed in le-cent ? atah Uahment ?iras bar aea point the string ?if incipient humanlt) was dtrected, and hoto, too, the ctitrwdi peetfuBy taede way fur ns. Th? lead ? r al "ur party dragged the urchlni awe* froaa ths toys Bod bled us to the kltchei , irtmsnt Though the i.'O fur ba I an Itera of the aatalleal considera? tion to ii'T, she bow ba .une sataad ??? a spirit of overwhelming e??onomy. Bht the lea iBty of charglag i quarter for a bread-roller, and huall) had ?his article knocked down to h-r foi ara llowed to carry tht artlcl? ttx at, the i klng-eten alia were e<xaatlnod, and having ; to tl lion of the clerks and pro prietos that the same gooda could be bt anywhere else al half ths price : " al 7r> per in addition to th.- bread-roller, i -, a : Uy iroaaed bt a? th ths weight or many pai thai i '..a i some in Ufe, when we were marched In a double-quick to the Great .Notion lubtleoa ao named because it i? 1 i" Ti ; any nOtlOB B worn.m m ly take Into bar head. Here the ?*hll dlrectlon of a won di rf-.ii cat that vary im*nsaWy mewed when pressed In Its la?eBq-bashal wiih sufficient violence. I was detailed to cor? nil the fugitives, nnd when WS wire once i Hi cte i together the Caa**Ban?lar? I? I us through the realm? ol II I bustles. Then, and than only, I was (lad I WaB man led. Xo r;ini;|.; man oould have aaen the tklnas I did and lived to tc 11 the tale. There were bustles of all Sisea .".ni BhapeS, though of them -.. ie ballt en the beoaae rang plan- that i- to My, they ?ame bacl at you, or rather at your back. Tie ballt on tho pattern of a 0188tSat Would have mndo good llfe-prestrvers, and In case of emergency could even have l I as shoulder ornaments for the mill tary. I nm told, however, that they are BOt BSlUaUy asad as sh' wider ornaments. Aral the BtooktagS I aaw?Ohl me, there were to many that I concluded ladles ?rara bullt on the plan of earwigs". The Commander-in-Chlef bawwasd with her eys OB thess ?-trange pnstuns. and roamed b-ng and lovingly among tho ob most oalOUlated to make me con .late Btyaelf that I had a chaperon. r mature deliberation and much ef? fort cm the part of the clerks she pur I" a paper of pin?. These I put In my poek?Bl with her veil, girarse, and pUfWB, whl<h I carried. ? hildren," she Hald, at this Juncture, "I'm (?.itng- to take you home now. ? un vise In my trying to get plea* at or a i.y thing when I've got you with me. V"ur father would let you tear d iWB ths city If he had his way." And we all went haca, and 1 was Bad and BOtrUWfUl, hut chuckled that Xmas comes only once 8, though I couldn't . what application our excur? sion had to this great holiday. Till-; WIM RBPORTBK. WASIIINGTOX AS A t HI Kf HMA5. Dr. Kll.ihnlet Potter on the Snhjeet? Addrea? in New York. (.New York. Times?ad.) Dr. Kilphalet N'ott Potter, formerly presi? dent of Hobart College, and now Presi? dent Of Tho Cosmopolitan T'nlv? rsity, was tha aS*aakar <>f tho evening at tho re ii of tho l?ruwing-Koom Club, held at tho Waldorf-Astoria last night. His . "Washington as a Churcn? iiiui BSSl Communicant." Mis. Neitei, piesld. m of the club, presided, 8M Walter a. Logea latrodacsd ths apeeger, la Bfboaa boaor the reception was given. L>r. Potter ?aid, in part: "Washington a? ho was. not Washing? ton painted by guahtag tavdiitea or Berti* aanprejudl I i it which should be poss?'d on from the twentieth century to coming Bgea. While the materials are ar hand, it Btay be the prlrUega of any one of us, with care, to add sumo true trart tO the needed lifelike likeness. Ot lato v.- bava reached, in the cyclone or si mg und Irreverenco. the HO-calk-d 'tnke h.!m - down - frciiri - his - pedesUtl' peno't. Washington? of the rollicking, r.^l-faced try-equlre type an; rnt-hly founded on his m?iiily fOOdaoaa for horses and hounds, or he is lapiaaentail as belonging to the M-Inelpleil, profane man-about-town 1V?M. -astlroea may bava besnOV? rfond as a youth, and as a strong man Brader tremendous responsibilities -any with Indignant epfthets, have spurr? ed laefldeacy or rebuk?d Uaaohary. wn.-n -?cklng Washington BB he really was, ln>iulry invariably arises as to hi? religious habits, principien, nnd I*-liefe. Fact?, and {?eta o ' '*' f,,r r<^Ay "One may n-eognlae man as essentially . r.ligious ?-?'r?K. ?'Ut nevertheless not und to account for his outbursts 01 Mst.ncy. K. according to ths thco ; tz<'d man Is a Chrlsiian. ,rge Washington, tho reoord o| whose baptism I? duly -?sbeUatlatsd t>y .poneori a"'I wltBiaasa If to the paator deal Chrlfitlan Is one faithful as a church officer, euch Is Washington, as an itrvman. a designer of a church bull'Hng, and a liberal ?upporter of the church. , the ever-watchful congregation. i regular attendance upon worship attMts the Christian. neb thea, was Washington, as his rector emphatically declares in the fcllnwlng words 'He was the most punctual at? tendant at church I have ever known. \o company <*ver prevented his coming, and his behavior was so reverential as greatly to aid mo In my labors.* "During the war he not Infrequently rodo ten or twelve mile? to divine ser? in? diary further records that on succeeding Bundaye in Philadelphia, he went three time? to the Episcopal ser? vice, once to the Homan Catholic, once to the Quaker, end once to the Presbyt?? rlan. Free from bigotry and respecting th? religious convictions of otb-rs, be V OLD CHRIS HAS MADE A VISIT TO THE GREAT STORES OF E. ANDERSON, SR. and unloaded lots of poodies for all. He rame direct from the largest importing .umso of New York to the great stores. Call and examine his goods and you will be convinced that they are far superior to any that's being offered A Binall order will convince. B_^_H_^H Old 'Phone No. 2327, At 1831 and 1833 west Cary Street. Gooda sent C. O. D. to all parts of city and I Old 'Phone No. 862. New 'Phone No. 1146, Manchester, Va. | At 212 west Broad street. him:?, 1.mi on-?. Ar., Bold nt ?tore. 18(1 and 18.? west Cnry street. Thonr them an order or leave it at Store 2!2 west Broad ?treet. Whiskeys are pure nnd direct from dlstlllsr: Pure CBtawbs Mine, per gallon! no BSSi Claret Wine, per gallon.. ?"Ml M'lns?'for Jelly . 4? California Sherry Wine . Ft Bherry Wtas . * ,M I'ort -.Vine . w? Claret Wlnea, per bottle . H Rye Whiskey . i - "? ? ?Id Rye Whiskey . 1 BO ? ? . Rye Whiskey, 4 yar? old 2 UO i ?I?I Uve Whiskey, f> year? old.. B 4i? < ?Id Rye Whisk j. < y< an old., ?'i 01? Pine N. C. Cora whisker, I years c!?l . 'J ,M' Be??, am. .'. years aid, i*?r sHil'm '<* l*\ Beer, i'vr ifevan . N?w f".iigifln?1 Kum . Imi? rted Oil. lo.i, k! :ry wine, i-r quart.... Best Blacktx rrj* Wins, i^r tal? ion . Fin? Catawbs Wins . *> pack? of . . Holland Olo . Wine, for Jelly, ?<?<*. pail?n, or. i-r quart . i t?.\i:i) MMMi Small cans Bast TSSBBtOSS, PS* ran . Pi?? rescbr? *-i,<?un<l cans.. June Teas I-ar?,"? cana Best Ti.matoes.... Finest Buzar Corn, pi.r nui.... Muatard, sugar idsh . String Beana . Condensed Mi!k, Pern Brand... Condensed Milk, Rival Brand... W'-Mt of Kn-iiiin-i Bauce, I bot? ta - f.?r . Potted Hani . Potted T??rrini<' . Coi n B4M f, - pound ?'an . Canned Apples . Sliced Pineapple . Orated Pineapple . California fellow Peaenea, larae cans, ? stra quality, 2 for. 2 !" 2 ?Ml 15 BSJ (HI 1 IM? l BB m ?i u .ft and H mm <i H (( 7 H M 4 4 M n in M Tub!?? Pearne? . l?i Paked B?-ans. In tomato sauce, csn . .1 Cnn F? art? . ?I Lar*e ?an Ba-ted Beans, In to muto ip.w^. ran . 7 IS-pound-bucket Preserves, as.? sr,,rt?vi, r, i- *??. pound . i o?"? FRIITS. HA??!*.?,. ?l'T?, CAMlY, *c New Kal-fns .| !*? New Kxtrn Raisin?, specially for fruit cakes. * Rag, for_ 2ft New i Layar Rslatna, 3 pounds for. H New Bsedless Hiisins, per 1 . M ami 7 Qrapi ?. t?. r pound. VA\\\ N? v.- ('rirrnnTc. PCS pound . 7 New Cleaned Currants, per ;??an,l . ** Kxtra iln? ' liSlUS.... ?,:ir?:*- California Prunes 4 pounda for . Layer pig?. p*r pound . I barge Rat ;i a, pound... New Craabatrtsa psr quart ... NSW Citron, psr pound . New Mixed Nuts. New Pecans . New Filbert?'. P??r pound . Pig?, 4 pounds for . '?' ' i - per pound . mes, i er dosen . Bal Extra Qualltv London Layer ; - r i..?'in?i. ??'.; ST 3 BBunda . F -' Mad? l-vanca Candy, i U ind . .V- . MUM in Candy . extra, quality. :? . | poun?l? . Plain ' andy, | r pound . ? :haln i i ? Ine . ci r .; . , nut, packi !.. . i ' . -?lariut? . per Ih.x . i . , at? .1 < locoanut p r pound late 1 ?rop? . 11 r. ? 1 s . 12 packs Fir,"<"r:if'kern for.... l ,ri. i Pea i "? ' l" i* r*> isd, 3 i inda . M m Kl il M 12 1? 7 M 21 7 H n I M l.-i un H m 2.1 Home-Made Mincemeat, per poiin?! . California Prunes, per pound.. CRACKER-?. Fresh Snda Cracker?) . I.'mon Cukes . Nlc-Nac Crackers . Oj at?r Crack? r? . Cracker Oust . OinK?'r 8naps . Animal Crackers, per pound... En h V\y ! Cakea .? and Giaham Wafers, per pound ? FISH. Codfish, In 1-pound brinks. Arnerlrnn Sardines, ?"??larters.. Ami-riinn Sardine?, harrea. and Mustard Bardlnei ha! Vf s . Bf mim. Vi-rmont Maple Syrup, per ml lon . (' ] Sugar Syrup, per gallon. I'm?. N ' ' afolan a, p? r ?allon Maple Symp, quart cana . N ? ?. Mol - as, per it ii"n, new ? rop . Silver l>rlj>, per bsUob . Vanilla Syrup, p?-r ??iill'in . Oolden r i r i p. per f?llofl . N. O Motaaaea beet tr?,w rrop. PottO Rico M '; - a per gallon ?i \ ?. 'i ! ; ? Prr-a.1 So?**, per pound, Be ' ' ir i ?i Potatoea, per peck . '", .,1 ?"??.klnir Butter, p< r It... New Y?.rk Creamery Butt? r. per round . Baker*? Cocoa, per package... Large bottles Vai Ilia aa I . - m-.n Beasnce . Jelly, home mri?!?-. p?'r pOUttd... Appl? [lutter, \'lr??in11 . H ime-Mad? Mincemeat, p?r I'"ir.d . \SIiItp HfHill;?, per ?plan . Lima Benns per pound . Carolina Rice, p?-r pound. 1-pound-hag Sm-kinK Tob?ceo, t?? r bag . S'h.i?. I'filish, in r bottle . Ib'tnlnv .,. Virginia Buckwbi , , - psund o B n n n n s 4 K 7 10 BSJ 1.1 M 2IT. BSJ W :io BSJ i? 22 12 in 21? n :t 5 4 4 1.1 n. 2 a Farina . ?* Homlnv Clrlts, per ponn?l . a Herman Mustard. p?T quart .. 1?> Bloirk Stov?? Polish ...I. Corn Starch, per packag?. n Larse (Mi*re?. per bottle . M COFFEE??: COFFEESI! Coff?..?. guaranteed batter ?han Arbuckle's, for only, pound.. Vt Arbucklv'a and LIob Coffee.... it Crackeil-C.raln Toasted Coffee for . I Fair Green Coffee for . M I. A RDS. Best Butcher's for . 7 Pure for . ? Good for . o CADDIES. PMi?k Cindy, pound, only. ?."-i ! a| Xmaa Mixed . '? Best Yankee atlasd. r.>s;ular 10c. ? JOAI'*?. OctaRon Soap. bur. only. 4 Anchor P'iap, per oar . Anchor Soap. p?-r box . Hummer S?>ap. bar . Hummer Soap, t??>-c . Wushlng Boda. I lbs. for.... Mll'ili'l*?, Ac. A 3-StrlnsT Broom . A 4-Strtng Broom . A .'i-stiinur Broom . 2-1 loop Buckets . 3-H'^p Bucket?? . Zinc Washl., ar.i . IIKA>S AMI PEAS. Navy rtsans. quart . Peas, n?w cron. aoart . TKAS. Ac. Fair Tea, pound tot. Fair Teas. p??un?l for . Best Tea, pound for. A 7f?<\ Tea. pound for . A ji Mogunee Ounpowder. drain I>,t?i.?.r for . Ground Pepper and 10 Pit KIE*. Ac. Mrs. Johnaon'a Mixsd, qusrt.. IJ Mtxe,] Cucumbers, null'in . -'' Vinegar, gallon . aw TOBACCO. Plum, per pluK. only . H Grapes, per p?ug, only . B Manaola. jvt plu*, only. 1* Sweet Briar, only . "* To the r*ront Tobacco, only.... B Queen of Virginia, bag. 1 Bird, per bag . * EATS. f Good Pork .*H to a Plates .,. I Breast Pork . V Breast Bacon .o and 14* 2 N.I .4 2 7.1 n 10 in in B n? io n o 2o 2.1 41? ?VI IM? io Picnic Hams _ ._. Shoiiliicrs . Bla.le? . BSSI Bug ir-?"ured . Boneles? Ham . Bologna Bauaags . Smlthtleld Ham?, small, tor only. FEED. Piv. Ml. Brownstiiff. lnj. Shlpstuff. lW . Com. bushel . OatS, bushel . Meal, bushel . CHEROOTS. Virginia Siar. pack, ??niy. HI ??DRIES. Cheese, pure erSSSB . Sauerkraut, quart . Rolled Oats, package . Babbitt's I'.itHMh . Babbltt'a Boap . Polar Powders, 2 for. Jowls (hog), only . T'as. can. good, for . 30-pound cak?*?, per pound . Catsup. lie. b?)ttle f,,r . Kizgs, only, per dosen. Best country Butter . Jersey Cresmery . Valley Vlr?tnla Butter . Nutm?'gs. 2 foi . Ginger, only, juin ml . Spice, ealy, pound . Clove?, only, pound . Mixed Sp'.'?" onlv . MINCBMBATB, ate. Best Mince for . G??.?! Mln?e f.- . Preserves, all kinds . Appl? Hutt.'r . Apple Butter. 3-lb. cans for.... 10c. Jar Muatard.a . g _ _ 7 T 14? ?'S IS no Ttl 70 41? .14? 4". M B i 4 4 S a u is IS in in i in in m in H a io a Raisins, Se. potind. Wir;?* fer Je SPECIALS FOR CE1i,lSTMAS!? Bom |S fSallotv ( 'ni'.iiiuiit??. so, Singer Snaps, 4b. pooad. ?HlxedO Cheapest House in the City. Best Goods for the Least Money. 40(*. (Jo ??I Oookinff ItnTtor. 12^c. Ni?w S??<Hlles?? llaisin.-i, 7<\ |i?kiii<1. i ,,,,?? ioc ?lo/un Pine Sherry Win?, 80o. Jelly, 8c. poond. ?Best Harns, lie. pound. Parres, 8e, jMoad. .W ?^..n?;.V' ?,..m,.l V'rniibcrries. Se. Citro... 12c pound. Try o?r 4 y,arokl Ryu Wlii-k.-y, * fSSm M.xpiI C'nke?, 0 and 7a rjonnd. ( )nr (rnodl are of ths v?ry l)P?t (pitiUty. We Own Two Larj^e Grocery Stores. Biiv from us once and y??u will nlwnysbuy from tlie preat BonSSsteapers1 Prii-ml, wli.'ro you can nl You will find our prie?"? the lowo-i ways ?hvi? J? pet ?-eut. on your parchase You Will Find Our Prices Lower Than Ever, and We Are Prepared to Heet Your Wants. Fast delivery. Wt) r?n> f<>rir delirery ^as*ona Money order must eoaid with all shipping ord???. de oVSu&W ? \v?s careful to retain that confidence of ths retlgtOUS community so SBBBBtlBl for tie- pin c, ?g (,f the patriot eaaea "If there are thus- who hesitate to rill him a cbri'tlan, BBlesa b communicant, this reaulreraeat, it mama, he aatlafl s also. ThS testimony of his family and frisada is that he commuoed rei before ths war, althougb opportunities ware in Colonial thaea tatraojaeat Ba com? pared with the - prtrilegaa of to-day. "The Kngllph'Church, In which h brought up. became in Its Ameriean church's also Very generally d?ti s'.ed by I patriota. On the other hand, Tory I churchmen looked with suspicion upon j WaahlagtOB'a patriotic character. IVi 1 Ing ran high, and BBS with a delicate j m BBS cif propriety might naturally ab? stain from communing when his no doing would incense these communicant? who distrusted or despised him. Naturally Bishop White. In his old na-e. did BOt remember to hav.- lesa him commune In Philadelphia, but memory Is fallible, and BlahOBS are not always with the same congregation. "lir. At'-rcr-mb'.e's story, representing him to have expressed hlmHelf to - body as though he were not a communi? cant, cun become credible only as- Inter? preted In view of the many reliable wlt s who testify that Washington was a communicant. "A gr-at writer has aptly remark-id of those who covertly or more op? nly a? h to deay the truth as to Washing? ton's i irc-tly religious character that a formal attempt to refute their statements or Insinuations won:.', be allowing them a weight which th. > cannot claim im,:i they can produce poelttve teatlniou? sub? stantiating their position. "This has B8V8B I n dorn?, and no? thing is hazarded in ?.tying It never will ba SOUS. At lea^t from the sad hour arhea h? his boyhood he was suddenly summoned from school to h is loved father's, death-bed. und took up the bur ce-n of self-support and the care of his devoted mother, the relierions trnlts and CUSteBBS which were his by heredltv, !, - came thenceforward distinguishing marks of his own character and life. BTAir.XTOX P RUSO X ALS. Movements of llraldenta?Hellglona ??ote??Brier Mention. STAI'NToN. December 11.?(Special.)? Mr. T. Peyton Brown, of the Staunton Bar, Is spending a few days In Wash? ington and Baltimore. After an absence of two months, Mr. George W. Brittain has returned home frurn Hot Springs, Ark. Mr. Hrittain Is much Improved in h.-alth by his trip. Messrs. Ferdinand, Johns, and Adolph Loeb are entertaining Mr. Augustus I/oeb, if Lafayette, Ind., who is on a trip Bast, accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Frank W. Hanger has returned from St. Luke's Hospital, Richmond, where she was summoned to the bedside of her husband, l>r. Krank W. Hanger, u. fsw days ago. The operation for appen? dicitis was very auccesafully performed on the Staunton physician by Dr. Hunter MeGuire. and though at one time It was feared that Dr. Hanger was dangerously 111. his H lends are gratified to learn that ho la now well on the road to safe r?- : covery. Mr. O. II. Gresham will very soon re- : move to Hagjarstown, Md., with his faml- . lv, having ln-n made manager of the linger Sewing-Machine office In the Al? manac town. After a visit of several weeks to friends In Baltimore, Miss Mary Woodwurd Is back home again. Mis* 8usle Cochran, accompanied hy Miss Mary Preston Graham, of Lexing? ton, Is spending a fortnight of fun in the Monumental City's social circle. Miss Cochran and Miss Preston are the guests of Mrs. Lee. Announcement Is made that Mr. Ed? ward P. Chamberlayne. of this city, will bo married on tho 22d Instant In Appo mattOX to a lovely Apyomattox girl. Mr. Chamberlayne is a son of Professor H. M. Chambirlayne, of the Deaf, Dumb, amC Blind Institution, and is also a m l*r? w of the late John Hampden Cham? berlayne, the founder-editor of the Rich? mond State. The Baltimore papers spi*ak in moet complimentary phraae of the appearance In that city of Miss. Agnes Klnney, who Is spending the winter at Profeesor Bar? tbold Myer'B Conservatory of Mu?ic. MIsh Klnney appeared at the Baltimore l-:iks' memorial servie*?*, and made a de? cided lilt with tht> musical critica. Thursday, at Moff? tfs Creek. Mis? El? sie Venner Sensebaugh vui married to Mr. Jacob B. Clemmer. Just a few days ago Miss Edna Taylor, of 8h?ndun. and Mr. C. B. McAubray wen? married at Hag?rstown. Md. After a drive of 1.8? miles, William Hlght, his wife and two children have reached here, having crossed tiv?? States te? reach Augusta, th?-lr old home. In a ?(?ring-wagon the family started a few weeks ago from fhelblna. Mo., to come back to the father's old home, whence Hlght emigrated thlrty-threo years ago. The long drive In open air greatly im? proved the health of the travellers. T'p at (Ireenvllle the Hupt let h are hav? ing a protracted series of eervlces, in which the Be*. M. I.. Wood, of this city. I a taklna an at/Uva nerL Next week toe Xmas Presents. FINEST rr^^? wi LamPs> D1SPL*Y M- ' ':jJtelKj Clocks, Bronzes, Silverware OF China, Glassware, Bric-a-Brac, P5j?i of Choicest Art Goods, -4 j/1 Selection. oot W. S. HUGGKO., A??' OFEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Qoods carefully packed and .?hipped to all points. , , II t , II hlaHifTTs?Ml HSV. W. J. K. Cox, of Baltimore, wti preceded Mr. \V?>?><1 ns pastor of Staiu t"n's church, will go to <?r???nvllle t len?i a heli'ln** hand in the revival. Th?? organisation of Olivet an?l Sear mil Preauyterlan rhapeis ha? been pe? Let?'?'. tli??y now constituting the Thlr Presbyterian church, and the R?v. H. ( Gllmore, Of Brunswick, iln., hs? bee Called tu th<? charges, ullvet Branch ha elected th?-t-e SfassrS! Mr. John F. Youn. an?' Mr, Jiihn W. Woom, elders, and Mi J. w. Kltt.-r, Mr. O. B Barman, Mr. W T. Basklas, and Mr. W. D. Keller, SSS eons, Kmaniiel Episcopal rhur h was m?>s ful In it?? r* .-?.-ut "Festival of SSS sons" Basa a r, and reallaea i^bout UU tat tin* i-hurch. Mi ?ara, Loula and Julius Wits, nfter a t,? Aaheville, tf. c, have, gone U ap*nd tbi winter in Tesas, Mr. Lout? Witz in tniv.'Ulng for hi? health, and hi? trien?'? are gratitud to learn of hi-?? Improved condition. So mild and May like h r? besa the past few liny? that the BUIBlBSr cars nave been brought out from the winter and put In service again. The Ch. ? apeak? and Ohio Railway Company Jiaa arranged to carry passen? f-ets on a fast freight train from Char? otU-svtlle this way, reaching Staunton about Ii? A. M. This arrangement Is an excellent one, making it practicable for travellers along the Une to spend the day here and return home before night. Mr. John Capers, Jr., of Richmond, is in the city. ' ? To Cure m. * .?1,1 In One Day take laxative Bromif Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it falls to cure. 36c. The genuine has L. B. Q. J on each tablet. Cheat nut Stuffing for the Turkey. Turkeys are best roasted onatuffed," Writes Mrs. B. T. Borer In the Christmas ladles' Boats Journal. "But people have, -, becoam aa aocuBtoBssd to the flavor of the stuffing In the BBBBt Bf the fOWlfl that It seems almost laipOBBl Ha to gat along without It. Bread stuff? ing Is no doubt the most objeotionable of all. Acting aa a sponge. It draws the h?cea from ths B?t?t, leavtag It dry and tasteless. CheetBBtS are. much to te preferred, and where these cannot be procured swe?t or white potatoes or r|ee may l>e substituted. All must be bOtted b'fore using. For a 10-pound turkey 1 Quart Bf Spanish or 2 quarts Of common chestnuts will be required. Sh.ii, blanch, and boll tin m until tender. Drain, mash or chop tine; add a table apponfnl of butter, a tenspoonful of salt, and a BBltSPOOafB] of pepper. Mix, and stuff Into the turkey." Saved by Prayer-Book. (Philadelphia Bresa.) Tho fact that he carried his mother's prayer-book In the breast pocket of his seat Baaed John ?lallagher, of Brooklyn, from Instant death. bar, with a number of friends, was celebrating Van Wyck's election last Wednesday morning, when he waa at? tacked by a party of Italians, one of whom made a lunge at him with a sti? letto, but the book turned the blade. In the battle which followed, Gallagher waa cut several time?. Tv o have been arrested, charged with the assault. ?OULI UlBT. 0METH8NG NEW tant? parkac* of th? world? beet for a nickel. Mill freatereconomy in 4-pouad package. All ?rooera. Mad? only by TMR II. K. FAIRBAXK ?COHPAsTT, ?SaUcatfo. bt. Loan?. .New York. Bo-loo, PbU-di?lr???-?? (W..wrati GREAT CHRISTMAS VALUES IN ?Men's, Boys', and Children's Clothing, Hats, and Gentlemen's Furnishings AT J. R. SHEPPARD'S, Corner Fourth and Broad Streets. MEN'S FALL AM) WINTER 8UITS.-8ee our?. Rest line of patterns ; more to obooss from, and for lesa money than you'll bo fieve. An All Wool Huit for Ht7.50, for $8.r>0," f?.r $10, and by easv stages t<> #-0. "MEN'S OVERCOATS.-You'd thirl: we had " cornered " the market the way they K?. ; the ?-.ewinjr, the cut, ths Unish, s?? dil?erent from ordinary ready ?inane clothing we won't plngls out any. It's the heut lim? we've ?m?l. < '??me and m>o them all raro values $7.50, $8.ft0, $ 10, $ 1!2, $ 1 \ $ I ?.?O, $ 1 <S, or $120. MEN'S HATS AND FURNISHINGS Our ?-lock of Hats com? prise?, t-verythin-f in thai line from u 10e. (Jap to a $3 Hat. Our $1 Hut, In the latent blocks nnd colors, is a wonder. Our $.'{ Sheppard's Special, ?-iiaranteed to wear or money back, is the b?-t wearing Hat in Richmond. Por Men'B Shirts. Underwear, Glove?". Handkerchiefs, and Neck? wear we are headquarter.??. We give Richmond Trading Stamps with each purchase. J. R. SHEPPARD'S NEW CLOTHING STORE, Corner Fourth and Broad _trtr?=?t_. (?1? o-Sii.TuAr") t WEDDING DECORATIONS, BOUQUETS, AND CUT FLOWERS Hammond Florist, 107 E. Broad Street Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Goods Shipped to All Points. ? <oc 31-Su,TuATli3m) The Pleasure of Intfcipatfon is said to l)e ?j-rc,iter than that o? re? alization, but this isn't true of a Schubert Piano. When we sell you a .Schubert or Kingsbury Plan? all that you anticipate in sweetnesa and purity of tone, richness of mel? ody, and all around pleasure that it will afford you, is sure to be real? ized, and you will have the worth of what you pay for one over and over airain in general satisfaction. You are cordially requested to call and examine our fine Amas stock. Our prices are low and terms easy. Richmond Music Conripany, ?13 E. Broad. m? r.-s ti* tu i_ R. A. PATTERSON, President, L. Z. MORRIS, Vica-Pis??but, JAMES M. BALL? Cashikb. The Savings Bank of Richmond corner Eleventh and Main streets, In National Bank of Virginia Building. Capital.._.$100,000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits._ 52,232 44 Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Krj-otiabls Panas lUcounted. Loan? made on real estate. " "^ Open daily ir?m 9 ?. M. to 3 P. M. Satnrd%ys til? 13 IA, j* ltt TM T-hffi^