Newspaper Page Text
* _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1897.'_ TAX LAW SUSPENDED .,,?>? rroiM?* for rmcntsR or i?rii*>--lK>T , *>n,, *TAti i?. * FLooD OF BILLS IN THE HOUSE. I era?* B?StasheS ot Meneur??? *rnlre> jtjce?" *""? * n' ImP??r?a*ier?Plan I? ?re???* ll*e?to?*k ?.anltarr Com J?!? lesatrt***B BBS* Re???nnc?. I mm S. nnte yesterday ly one nv asure .? was elia led. Th ? ras ihsUSB suspending 11 lun.'.s beid in th? ?1th may I 8 With th.? law tl I ). llBlStSSf 8f ? i in th.? fi] ? Mr. i laytoc : I ? p -s ,1 ! | - er, with a trie* t? g > r?a protection against land This was aim? ?1 only at future ' I IStOB of th? 1?** W ..:..' . , ?.. rs WaS COB ?a.? constitutionality of this ! .* the majority i a stay luw, or . ware mtrodooed of lh. m " I h of Mr. the meat of revenue under act of the tur?, i roviding for ths mal pi, ;, rty, and the of 1 r, to , t law r.-gir.ling th.? i?, nnd providing for the I a live Btock aanitary com 9 ri;<>M COMMITTEES.* ' ? atti ;.mce In ft?e - Bl SVt r from th? ; ; Brty referred, and th? rted hy the Commltte? I Mr. Lstehsr In re .* charters, etc. ths Hem : r Fund Asea ?.ai, n, n mmendatlon that it ?vierge the POWSTS of the : seven t.h are thai tl ' Richmond UtS of H< l ' . .-.v.-r t0 : d that the con., be paid In lawful mom . '.'ii: PARTBIDGl LAW. I sat the killing tcber lnti i and stable all con I by virtu ? ! ., maintained on counl DEI IX',>''':\"T LAND BILL. I rabie debate on th?? ft] rah ' II provtdlnj a of th?- law andar which ds? the Imm? f th* bill nnd *?ir. W I k tlon. I of tho greatest that th? th? p? ; who are under? ?- : hardships un law. - am said tl t it be PI th tl arm..St s Oommltti s to which should ' referred the time I -Ml re he bill pro i led. Vr Flanagan Inquired nis to whether -. 'tual rlgl - B ' i." ?vi.s BOt I h a question. : >l LD HAVE RELIEF. Id thsi sboaM n??t be .ntlng th- , ' laf thai the i few BOS -.. I seen an InStanc? I rklng of the law. He ther ths law pi itlonal or n'?t. a higo ' legislature la trying f to " He L eis:?,!-. | immediately ??ft. r Um ; ms an? tbar that it should : ?saber htth. and Mr. hftM I ati i??ict!??n was ?itiiy ap . m.eakltig In support of ' Sal a dozen citlaeas of thslr i the law w led be? at*! oenvened, ei Ition on " .- further motion, the ; f Mr Mr. Mr ? ?.m'S motion. i M afier ?mi? hour. lluu<?i ,f Hilt ?-?les, ants ses?: .?ig Importai t ? rtlona t., th? , - ri, Intending te M . >. . ."I BOUndod ?t the i .. b powerful effort. : i\ moaaeata, while Re?/. red ' Win ri ths e - ike air, th? m- mi ? rs that i sad n?it lysad during i .f saf?te? ! relaxation, was In working order for Oaf, . v ! ??it MR. MSBLVXT. off. red ths CoUowlag r' wBI h was "That Gils Hous?? learns * BOrSOW of It.o iilnrmlng r N. H. N mem ... tender that he i r i i bat has so an him." N TBS RLVENTE. , red the following, * in. Auditor ot Publie 1 te furnish Hila House with a atat? ment showing the of addltl?a t: afforded la sack J ' ' BtatS !?>' the operation of SStKlod an act to provide s -?essuient of per : rty under ths control of n?iu ar,?1 'he m?'\ 4, 1HW, and " at amounts, if any, ? ?eve? '*??/ and r?ap?cttvely received by the ommissioners appointed under thla act In the several Judicial ?IreiiHe und. r ths (??ms of the act aforesaid." stock. SANITARY COMMISSION. Mr Harry Owen Introduced a bill to aasend ths press?t luw m regard t<? th? eetabiishaaeat ?>f live ?tock gaaraaunc line?, etc., so an t?. p?a??? this work In t,,, bead i of expert? ?,, td eattl? men hUhU 'i'he bsard Is to be known a?, the Live-Stock Sanitary < of ths BtSte of Virginia, und In t.i b? compos?.! ot five m.imbers appointe,! i,\ the Governor. The term of ottoc sf saM ? shall t.? four pears, und aash mired to give a bond of mbers of th?? commission ?hall be practical atooh raleen of not than Bv? rears' esportones, and sh-iii Bds rssMeats of the section of the gut? from which they are appointed. N" compsnsatlea Is to be paid said mlsslonera other thun for the actual m na? ? incurred In the pei-fonnaae? of duties. The sspenees of ths sess iii not exceed the sum ?>f ?won It shall be the duty of the ?'.nimission to protect the domestic anl "f the ?--ate fr..m all coatagious ' a maligaant character, ami ,or " ' thsy are authorised to nd ? nforce such quaranUne they may ?i,. m :.kMU ?. it the duty of nil railroad aad itlon cofnpanles transporting live - !" k?-? r? the < ars or part? ot \ occupied by the 1res stoeh in a sates aad healthful condition, nnd violation of thla provision to \*< pualshahls by a tin? sf aet leas thun ajag, Any parson Whs shall fcBs?lBgli bring Into thla State any aatasal Infected with lhall be fined not les? TORAL BO? in? VAC?Ni R. S. Parks Introduced s bit] te amend and r? ? nact section a. of the relation to vacan?lea In Tho measure that if any - m the Electoral Board snd the remaining members thsreon ra? to fill ths vacancy, ths Judge sf thi Count] Court shall d?? ??. if every posi Sa ths board become? vacant it !? the duty of the Court to appoint : .. Board. HIS?AX1? AND WIFE. Mr. Hals m traduced a btu to aassad ompeti ncy of husband and wlfo to testify tor and i ? ach other in civil ces? s 'i be measure provtdss thai husband sad wife shall n?>t bo competent w i each other in esses where an attempt l* made to batpeecb any conveyance, gift, Is h in ths on? to Um other, or any by third party to the of lands Beguiled during the ' ire, ??ri the ground of fruud or want if ? ?i.slderatl'.n. til; REMOVAL (?F GOODS. Mr. v.. w. Banadera introduced a bin to amend tho Code in rotation to the frunlulent removal of K??ds which BBVS tsvisd upon? Th.? BMaearo pi es Idee. ir any peraon frandnlently innove, ?i, ivn. secrete?, or dtspoee of goods ttels that have been dtetraiasd or i "n. orepsowhtehadsed ??f trust ?>r baa besa gfvoa, aad reccc-aed In the ? Ssrtt. B OttOS of IhS County or ? 'or Court, of th.- county or oojr? ' on, BS th? case muy be, In which the property la, with Intenl to defeat auch ess levy, deed of trust, er r.- k?k.U l>e deemed guilty of tbo larceny th? r,-?>f." FOR TAKING A BOAT. Mr. R. s. Parks tatrodueed a bin to amsnd tho Code in relation to the penalty for "taking another's boat or vassal." measure Blaaply makes tho minimum fins for suti an ufT? nee P Instesd of JW, . . HAVE A JOINT BIRTHDAY. Mr. N. B. Early, Jr., Introduced a bin to amend and : MM and ?ended and i sd by aa i n act to ?m,? ad saotloa MM of th? Code of Virginia,* In relation to publie. approved February .'. ami to amiral ami iv-.-nact BSC ' th? Code of Virginia, Ths rovides that January sMth shall be di ae a public holiday, in commemo th? bin inlays of fjsnon] . . - 'i, the former having been born <?n Janoary r.?th and ths latt.-r on :y i:iPt. The present law provides for ths Obeervatlon Of January lPth i l s holiday as Lee's birthday, Hmi Ufe :i is to be repealed. Mr. Early Intends to follow up this bill arith another dir?.ting tsaohera to re? ih, ir pupils t.? pn ft os thai <?< oaslot*. OTHER BILLS INTRODUCED. Mr. Btubbs Introducsd a bill to allow and permit the Colonial Water Company t ,i wharf or pi? r on the York river, aad to erect a hotel and other i uiidings and provide for ths granting of certain river bottoms to the sume com? pany. By Mr. T. T. Powell: For the relief of J, B. Marable, of the county of Warwick. By Mr. J. B. Taylor: To authorise the lay?.-Hiver District, la Patrick ?s-, to vote on th? fence law. i.v Mr. Isaac Diggs: A meatoras! of H. D. H??gun, Of King WIUlBBI county, I that the General Assembly will Hi the rate of charg-s by railroad coin - on farm products. Mr. Huford: To amend nnd r?> ?ton 3931, Code of Virginia, re? lating t?. wiitim? th? aaSM Of prosecutor ci foot <u" prsssntmsBt, Indictment, or in formation for Briadssseanora, etc. i f Mr. R. O? Tarpln: To amend nnd ..-.-tlon 1170 of the 0 -I" of Vir ln relation to statements mude by By Mr. Suunders: To amend and re ..!:vl?lon 3 of section IM of th? Virginia in relation to ths powers dutlefl Of th- D.-ards of I I of the counties at their unnual meeting*. ' By th- sium: To amend and ran I .; of th? Code In relation to . of Court of Appeals, to wh??m f printing records to be charged, when cas? ir dismissed, if coal of print? ing not paid and unmunt taxed for prtat '"ll'i '".n lh*T?Zc Mali By the ?asee. To giye to John , Hail tirer of the County?! Franklin, and bl? deputies the power to levy and -a to collect certain ancoUected tai , i?, his hands. By Mr It S. Parks, of ?Page; To amend .,.,';-', Uon Mil Of the Code of V1 ,. - - ; m relattoB te nppoint trustss In place of one who has died. _?_?? PLACED ON TUG CALENDAR. Th- follOWtag bill was placed on the Ct:"^,t.(t gam.' and bird, In the , of King William, und to prescrit* nd t.? ?hange the name of said cor? ?? to the American Oulld, wee passed. , , ? ?. House adjourned jit1--?-.. *_. , ' """ ^MPLOiYMEXT WA*TS. WAXTEI1, Ai-i-NT-t FOR OVM N~* MAOIC OAB f J /i I ooer nts all keros?n? lamps, and Ldgni ?u" ' '. ?asliKht. N<> chimney, ''r^'^nlu I^rrinir ?ell? r. Ass-Its' NAA?L^ ^P^M-ir WAXTED, HTTITATTON BY REGISTERED DRU*> Zm r-iiv Vine year? ??ractlcal "?" "r?V,mpetent energeUc and ' "To? I abs?ln?r. Clood habile. w "re; ?-e? . '?o. frcm present employer. ?Ar^RU?Ottff. car? Danville, Va, WAKTED, s a ??^fiTrroXDl'RlNG THE HOLIDANS. t_%mf^vJ& Richmond Coflstfe._ir ~~-. -' ' WASTED, &*a^m&F3ni& TORY. P. O?. jjj "r: ? '* - W?BTKD. ??_, HOISEUIRL AT 1U EAST.CAR Y ? Btreeu m F.MPIOYMENT WANTS. WANTEI?, A HALF-OR??V N ?HRl. TO !"> DINING Room Work. Muwt hav?* goo?l r?!?i?mr-ii. dations, Apply at I?*? Went a-enu? be? tween 9 and l? o'clock In the morning, di? 11-?* _ _ \\ AXTCIl, A?}ENTS 8END QUICK FOR BPBCIAL Molldajf F'remlum O?T'r on "Perf?*ctlon" S?df-Heatlng Hair-? \irl?*r. Fiwi i good prejfit. Sample, M?-. ?Jlreular? free TANDARD 8FECIALTIE8 COMPANY, %% I?Timdwiiy, Ham York. de ?",i?.i.r?Al3_ WAKTUD, A QiX>D. SOBER BARi.Eit. AT < R"l Addreae with r? fi-rences, *I?ek-Ben i:?j. City, Vi?. ,;,. . Wasted. SITUATION BY A PRACTICAL PTONFV Miller, to takce eharne of Hour- and f.ed mtll. Address DANIEL M'NAMA BA, Mlddletown, K. do &-? _ WASTED, RY A RTOISTBUIU) LKi ?K.ilrtT. A l"> Teti roars' akparieo<?a. Good rsftf encra Address PILLS, car?? Dlspat- h. _ c?e IMT, WANTED, A OOOD CTOOK. RKa KRENCICH RE quiixd. Apply at "11 Hint Main ?tr?et. d >:-it WANTED, A HOME BY A LADT OF EXI'K rlence as sick nur??, or housekeeper, or to sew with a drtssmaker or tadur. A good home more of an object than wages. Address Mrs. EL, fcC east Marshall Btreet, city._ _^?L*2"1!. WANTED, poetrnoN. tew yea: is- experience a? ?.??lesraan. At ?.r * . - -111 oui of employ? ment. Not afraid to work. BatlSfaetory teleiences. Address VIVIAN, cure Des? patch._ de lt-lf WANTED, BY AX ?TXFBRIENCED COLLECTOB wi?h a thor-eudh knowledge of book I in?-. Situation. Can furnias city refer? ences Mlei real ?-Mute bond. Ail ?r. -s EARNEST, ?ar.- tins paper. de lilt? WASTED. TRAVELLING-MEN IN THE WtloLE vi,e Grocery or Proviaton 'ir-. do buainess reijulrlng DO sample.?. Ad? dress C. 11. Wr^VVKK <& Co., f'hi HI. do tf-lt WASTED, AGENTO WH<> CAN MAKE p> TO ? A day selling Oils and Hpeclaltl?-*. Addresa TRADERS' OIL COMPANY. Cleveland, _ _?oJ2-2l _ WANTED. ACTIVE SALESMAN TO SELL TO dealers, P'*) t.i ATI monthly ami ex peneea. Experience. unm-.-efsary. ACME ClOAR COMPANY, Chicago, III. dc 12-lt "WANTED. SALESMAN TO BELL STAPLE LINE to d?"aier?. |io?i monthly /md expense* erience unneeeaaary. H. W. BROWN <v < ?>. i>; Fifth avenu?, Chicago, ?ie 12-it WIM'KI), SALESMEN-? TO M DAILY. BEUT? Adjusting Leather Buapsndera, All colors. ?Cconnoi break, attar out, or pull off but tona. Exclusivo riKht.s i/l\en. Write for term? and ?ampia. Endosa atampa. IB ?LZ MANTIFACTURINQ COM BAN Y, (5), Cincinnati, O. de. l.'-lt WA.M'KD. ~~ EVERYWHERE HEM TO ADVERTISE "LUBtEO." the modi ri. BOOUrlng soap, taik ?i?,'n>. distribu?a e-tiemars, place ?ami o? deis, cue. ?Steady wv?rk; Hilary Ho week? ly and expense?. LUSTRO COMPANY, Chicago,_ _de 12-lt* WAXTED," AGENTS. BUI DAILY BELLING Nickel-Plated Brilliant Gaslight Burner* Fit? all kerosene lamps; give? beautiful, bright gaslight; no wt'-k; no chimney, uo ?moke Ch? ipesi light known Free sam 1-., A, M, ENTERPRISE MANUFAC? TURING COMPANY, ?Cincinnati, O. - It _ WAS n:i?, AGENTS. P3 EVERY .WKEK, GIVING away fres specialty soaps as samples and Introducing and selling- P?rfectle?n Qss light Donars. No chimney, ?io cmoke, no wick: makes kerosene lampa gio bril? liant, cleir gaslight. Sample free to work.-ff. /. B, PERFE? TION MANUFAC? TURING COMPANY, ClnclnnaA ? ?. 18-11 w WANTED, ; ?.GENTS. MO WEEKLY PRESENTING Oak, Dining. RoekinK. COmforl ' and selling Soap Specialties outtr Dollar Christmas Souvenir frfe. x Mo DOC SOAP COMPANY, Cincinnati, O. de lz-lt WANTED, LADIES To DO WORM AT BOMB. NO oanraaalng. Three months/ w"ik guaran? t'-evl. Heinl stamp for sample and i ir? tlculara of work. INTERNATIONAL COMPANT, 20 Third avSBUC, -New York. de l.-it _ W VNTK1?. AA3ENT8 GET FIFTY CENTS ON each dollar. No experience Beeeasary. Write for sgsnt'a outfit Address tid? CATHOLIC NEWS,, ? Barclay ?treat, New York. de 12-Suit WANTED, SALESMEN (BIDS LINK PREFERRED) il WraiH'inK Paper and Advrrtlsin?* Novelties to merchant? in their territory. Correapondence soil Ited Exclusive terrl. tory given. KEMPER-THOMAB PAPER ? OMPANY, nncinnatl, ?j. de la-It IV A ME D, A G E X T S To BELL ET> ?XI '1 R K Mining sioek. Strong Canadian company, owns pr- duclna mines. Liberal commla slon BENT?N A BROWN, United States agents, < * Exchange Plaos, Naw York. de _MJ _ WANTED. LAMI'.rf. BOYS, AN!. GHRLB TO Dis? tribute Samples Of Baking Powder and gBt a camera, gOld-fUlM watch, or biey cla free. For particular1? stssress NA? TIONAL CONSOLIDATED COMPANY, ' hlcago, 111. do lt-Sutt AGENTS WAITTED. BEWARE! t?RGANI/ED THIEAT?S ar-.- robbing mall-boxes aad raising i n< i ks. BeU tho Automatic Indelilil.- Check Pro i. tor. Inks hoh^s through tha ?ap?r. The only preventive. B?tails l?. l^irge mission. WESLEY MANUFAC? TURING COMPANY, Times Building, Mea York._<3e ia-Su2t_ AVAN TED, TRUBTWORTH_ P i: R S O N S TO travel. Salary |7N and axpei Refcr ?: . ?celf-addreased ?tamped en? velop??. THE DOMINION COMPANY, e.'!i!>'ajrOJ_ _de 12-lit WANTKD. A PLACE AS BUTLER I >R Co.\?'HMAN. JOHN MBLLEY (colored), de 12-lt_ ir: east Second street. ~ WANTKD, BALE8MEN F<?lt ADVKRT1SINO BP? clultles. New line. Extraordinary merit, paving ISO to $76 weakly. Sells to all re tailera. ??rc/U rush rl?ht now. Ada stutini; expertance, TRADERS' DBl'ART MLXT. 1"2S ?Tuthbert street, Philadelphia, de Ifr'? __^_ WANTED, BY A REGISTERED DRUGGIST or thirteen years' exix-rleiice, Position, wholesale or nrtail. First-class reference?. W. B. AGNEW. do g-W&SuZt?_Burkeviil.-. Va. WANTED. AGENTS TO CANVASS IMMEDIATELY. No experience rtouirtel; w<m?Sarfa1 im p?.ivenient; neded everywhere. Write uuick. Samiwe in ?relvet-llned case, l?)c. MUTUAL MANUFACTURINO COM PANY 126 Chambt-r? 8tr**-t, New York. no M-BulTl_ WANTED, BY AN EXPERiKNt'ED AND PRACTI cal man, a Position as Manager of a Fe?rm. Good reference? Kiven. Address W B. C-. care Postmaster, Vlnltaville, Va. ______ n" ^-Su2t'_ WANTED, MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK AT Home. I pay IS to ?16 per week making Crayon Portraits; new patent m<thofl; any one who oan read or write ran do the- work ut home In spare time, auy or evening. H?nd for particulars and work at one?-. Address II. A. GKIPP, German Artist, Tyrone, Pa. oc Z4-?LUet AGENTS WANTKD. BBWAREl OROANiafD, SIEVES ur robbing mall-boxes and ralsln< ch cks. fell th?? Autom.itlc Indelible Check Pro toetor. Ink? hole? through the pap?'r. The only preventive. Retails 15. pSTO ??; miswlon. WESLEY MANl'FA?'TLBIN?l CiiMPANY, Time? Ilulldlng, New York, no il-Sult _ W A VIED. AGENTS GET 60 CENTS ON BAt:M ?ollur- no experience neceesery. write for agent's outfit. Add re? THE CATHO? LIC NEWS, 6 Barclay street. New torn. no 14-Sult WANTED. BRIGHT MEN AND WOMEN MAKE big money In representing new _8__ flelds enterprise. Write at once. Some tblit n"w^.?olld taking. Address Post? Ofhc* Box ?W. Baltimore. Md. oc 10-?ulJt E.iri.O?MKST WANTS. WABTKD, A PRACTICAL RESTAURANT MAN. One that can bring good city reference? ?s a bartender. Apply at No. K?J2 ea?t Main ?treet bStSTSSB the hours of 3 and 8 o'clork P. M. OVti E. DBLAKC1-. _ _ de 12-lt? WASTED, CLERKS AND CARRIER? FOR THE Ri?'hmon?l I'ost-Olflce. Examination ?oon. MM appointments In post-ofllre s'rvlce lii^t year. Full particulars about aij gov? ernment positions, ?alarles, dates of ex smtnallons, etc., and beautiful views of Washington free. NATIONAL CORHE SPONDENCE INSTITUTE, Department K. WaehniTt'in. D. O._Je 12-lt WtVTED, INSURANCE SOLICITORS. OCR RY.?* tem warrants ?pedal contract with ag'nfa It N popular with patron, and writer? of buslnia? are very s?cceeeful, and well pleastd with it. To food agent? a splendid orsportunity. Addr??s MANA? GER, with full name, cate Dispatch. _ _?J-'11' WAltTKD, A GIRL AS COOK AND TO DO OENE ral housework. Only two in the family, l.lve on the premi'es. Apply at 9 o'clock Monday morning at 6?3 Harvlo street, c??r ner Park avenue. Dring references Mrs. P.El P. _dell-lt WAaTTMUtj A GOOD MARHLK-OCTTER AT ONCE. iy work. Address BLUEFIELD MARBLE-WORKS, HlueliebL W. Va, de l.'-Su.TuA-TiiSt _ -iVAVTED, m SITUATION BT AN ELBOTRIC BNGI steam-fltt? r; also, roller ftoter mllbr. ?; '.tant. AddTSSS S. B, 3414 east'Marshall street de 12-lt? MAI.E HKLP WASTED. WAN'IKII. I>'?N"T HE PooK.-I WORK FOR A. Gray & Co., (2) (Mnclnnntl. ()., selling r . il Platera plating knives. forks, Spoons, Ac. (?ulikly plated by ?lipping In I metal; hue finish; plat?; guaranteed 5 to 10 years. Mad?- f-C last week, lf.9 this. Easy Job. Write for a pline Sample, free. Everybody has gou?l9 to plate. oc3-Su BUSINESS WAFETi. WANTED, 12 Roman Candles, 4c. i? Packs Firecrackers, 26g. 2 Torpedo-Bombs, lc. 12 Bkyrookel Boys' Printing outfits, 10 nnd 2*.o? Manic I.onterns. Mc, to J7.50. Steam Engines, Mc. to $7. , i?. Exnresa-Wagons, ail prloea i ?"i,-, from j?"? <i'?wn to i?-. Also, large stock \- nny toys. SCHREMF'S TOY STORE, de 12-lt* No. 107 east Main atreet WANTED, TO BELL a BKVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON Barton Heights. Cost ?4W; will s?ll for MJGO, |?ari cash. Party having city. v ... will rent two nice Six- and E'.ght Room H'l'.j?- ?*, US and Sir? each, samo place. HARRISON ?*? CO., da ?'J-lt- No. 11 north Eleventh ?tri WABTMD, TENANTS FOU SECOND FLOOR OF three or four rooms. Hath und water on i uns i!">r. Suitable for light housekeep? ing or lodging rooms. Can furnish one. |f desired. Prl? >, unfurnl-hisi, p?. Apply at N<?. l<i north Ninth Mrast, one aquare beyond l>Mgh street. de 12-lt? w \mt:d, BOARDERS, FOR LARGE. BACKROOM on aeoond fl?>or, well furnished, ga.s ;?.n?i ?grate, and weil lighted. Apply at WtO east Marshall -str.-et. city. It-It* At THOlUZI II CAPITAL. ? lilO.llOO. l?o yol' WANT MONETt If you aro prompt call on or ?nldres? COMMERCIAL GUARANTEE CO.. Han.-win? :kel Hullillng. Ixi.ans in budm t?? suit. . . tid . -"*d. de l?-lt WAMKI), TO RENT A SUITE OF ROOMS, OR Flat. Beoond ll'.or preferred,' west of ith Btreet. AddTSSS W. X., care I ?Is d" It-It? WAV TED, fJCCUPANTS FOR BACK PARLOR; Front Rooms and Other Hu?.ms on : i Boor, wi?b L-'ani, at reasonable ratea. Apply at No. 4>? north Eighth de 13-It' W INTE I). r. r-HKAl', li.VE OF THE fin? st old Violins In the State. AddTSSS "VIOLIN." care Dispatch. __ de 12-11? WIKTKII, OCCUPANTS FOR DBUOBTFUL 8E cond? rs? front room, with Brat-clsss table; also, Table BoarBera. Terms m? le? rat.-. Franklin, between First and 'lhird strei ts. Hex ?/, de 12-lt AVA-?TED. TO DISPOSE <>F USASE OP BaDARD? Ing-House, nearly filled, on Frankll tl First and Fourth. Addr?"?s 0. K., cure | ,lv IJ-lt W HI ED. 100 OLD I.I\ IMItK?. AT : :> CENTS EACH. L. k. OARRETT, Fancy Poultry, do !: '' m west Broad street, city. WAX TE II. REASONARLE RATES FOR PLEA sant Rooms and Delightful THE DUPONT, de 12-lt? _?rtt east Franklin street. WASTED, PARTNER. BOOM A.S I'llBttllll HI. WITH t1>?i. Good business. Address R. L. N., Dfapatoh ofllce._de 12-lt? to LET, A LARGE, NI?'ELY - FURNISHED Front Room, with board To couple, or to two gentlemen. Home comforts. Apply be i the hours of 12 and 3 at No. 3 north Fir--t street, betereen Franklin? and Main ?treet?._ dei2-it? R. L. it \ n\ ; s a co., 14o?. EAST MAIN STREET, dealers In Herrlng-Hall-M in/In Com? pany's Safes. New Safes, with combina? tion locks, from lb? up to largest Hank Snf??. "What Is nlc. r Chlistma? ?lift. letter.'.i in ?joJ?a, t'>r ?rife, sweetheart or friend, to protect keepsake?, . ;c., which cannot 1><? replaced with money'' Bar? gains In S"''on?l-Hand i*if?s, nil Bises. ? moved, open? ?1, repaired on Hho-rt notice, Correspondence promptly answer . t. Old 'phone Na ftt _de a -it WASTED. TERE!" GENTLEMEN CAN BB-CUKB Good Board with a prlvato family on church Hill, one square from either elec tric-car line. For particulars address G. j. t?.. Station B, city._no i?-Su-3t* MAWTEI), OLD GOLD AND SILVER. HIUHKMi cash prices paid, or will give watch?*. lewelrv or silverware in exchange. A. M MEYER A RRO., Jew, Hers. KT3 eaat Broad atreet, Richmond, Va \\ an run, HOARDERS AT THE LURAT, 403 EAST Main street Parties wishing desirable rooms ami board apply to Mrs. M. A. jilllliERT. at the Luray, 403 ?.ast Main ?treet_0lJ -*-*<?*? (Jy l-Th.Su&Tuly) COAL, COKE, AND WOOD, WANTED, CONSUMERS OF FUEL TO know that they can buy that most supe? rior grate fuel, the Clover-Hill Coal, as low as PW per ton; and for eooktng stoves. my Domestic Crushed Coke, 50 bushels (double load) for 10. Also, Anthracite, Splint, Fire Creek, Po cahonias, and Gayton Coal?. Oak and Pins Wood at the lowest price?. Samuel li. Cottrell, Harrison and Broad and 810 ea?t Broad _?treet?. ?5La-** ?LOST,TsTHAYED, AMD FOIBD. LOST SATURDAYAFTERNOON.BE I?sen First and Canal and Ninth and llroad ?treet?. A BLACK ONYX BREAST-PIN. Reward if? returned to H2 ea street._1*.__L I>?ST FRIDAY EVENIN?! HE'EM IierW 1W. A HANDSOME HI-ACK OB TR1C?I FEATHER BOA, between L-WdeB and Main sir??Is and Fourth and Clay streets A liberal reward If returned to Mrs. D. P. GILU ,-? is-it?*_iPLf8^ Clay street. "Xo?JT. ON TU EBDA Y. rM?cWMBER 7th, I'l'G 1XK?. Answers to name of Dandy. If returned, reward at ?0 eaat Clay street. ue l.-.t OLSISESS WANTS. For City Sergeant: D. O'Sullivan, EIGHTEENTH AND MAIN STS. This l? an instance rvhere the office wants he man. Why? Because he is the >nly man who knows 10W to FEED THE MULTITUDE. This is lo miracle, either. 000 bushels Country-Groun-1 Meal ?ound rheat 45c. pounds New Mountain Buck- OR? pounds Finest Arbuckle's Coffe? fl?8a 000 bag? Finest Patent Flour .... ?^ lartuir? French Brandy, quart 7?n bottles . 'uu > dozen full quarts Fine Uld Malt fin. Whiskey . **m* O.oflO pounds l*ure Leaf or Butch or?' Lard . k lummer Hoap, dirt eradicator, 10 OK? lurg^ cakes . ?'"? 1_8_ -, Albemarle Pippins, per 0Q? * bushels New York State Irish Oft? Potatoes, per peck . "uv* ,0O) boxes ?old Dust, 4-pound ?]Rp paoka&es . m. lyu* :id? r Vlneaar, regulur apple Juloe, 1A? per gallon . lVM" a, boxes Climax Btove Polish, R? large sise . UVt " d"zen Largo Imported Macke- Op. rel. per dosi-n . ?Vt' rlnest, QraaasBt, Nicest Timothy Day . ,0U0 bushels Old Virginia Whit? Corn . D.?J00 bales Western Timothy Hay, rer hundred . "Ity Mills Shlpstuff and Brown- -7R?. stuff, per hundred. '"'' 50c. 35c. 50c Ma "aple flyrop, large cy.inrt tin <2ans '?uv X> Small Kmithnold Hams, per in? pound .1' 0 barrels Fresh, Crispy Ginger Snaps, p?r pound . .arge 4-Strlng Carpet Brooms.... . unch Tongue, large cans, nice and fresh . h 15c. 25c, ii tubs of that Fine Cull et er Creamery Butter, sweet, rieh, m? How flavor. We ?re sole RKents for the entire output. No hoass In ?own run sell JTOB su. h goods at twice the? pr|e-e. Wo can ??R? sell yon all you wint for . *"? ,0?i barrels Finest Patent Family Flour . $4.50 _irge half-pint bottles Lemon Ex- R? tract . uu Iclattne, large full size, pure Kn goods. uu lf& It 25c, .000 poundi? Fin? California Hams 0 dozen Home-Made Catsup, per bottle . MM gallons Koek-?'anely Syrup, gallon ?.. .TcJ.rr-l-..vis CboU.-st Timothy Cf)n Hay . SO* ,0?j barrais North Carolina New ? -it )'e rrlnxs . 'In? Old Bye Whiskey, 4 yeara o? i. per pint . ;u!!forr.!a Sherry Wine, per gal? lon . Jill'? Best Chewing Tobacco, 4 plugs . cans Cream Cheese, made by one of the best manufacturers In th-- State of New fork, n> tail Ml -. 14?.; selling four 0Q? $2.50 25C 60c. 25c. pounds for Joston -Cranberries, per quart .. {!i=>dnn Sardines, gallon cans _ Jermnn Spice Herrings, per .bucket 10c. 50c. 90c. 00 kegs Holland Herrings. WC, ,00?) pounds Comb Honey per Id? pouud. laai We have just started our BARGAIN POT BOILING. f you want the first whiff just etch your basket and one dol? ar and we guarantee to ?rive ou two dollars' worth of ?roods. Others get it. Why iot you?__*Jj___________| WANTED, 1 PAHTNER. WITH ?,500, TO INVKST n a good paying business. Afi?ri .we tills oitie-i-,_de I.-lt? WANTED, X) SELL, THE GOOD-WILL, UNBX? ?ired l^aae. und Furnitur? In the fasil. piiable b"ardlng-h"'i- v eaat Franklin itreet. (?wins to 111 health. I wish to pall h?- Good-Will of my l.oi?rdiiig-hou?e No. la aast Franklin street, noo p'iylng a landsome profit, a? my books ?how. Th? pane expires Beptembar 30, is&8. The loiiso is full of boarders, who desire to emain. For particulars apply to Mrs, I. L. ?PIEMAN, 115 east Franklin atreet. de 10-St_ DEPARTURE OF STEAMERS. BAY JAMES-RIVER ROUTE FOR LINE. BALTIMORE. XOSB CONBIECT.ON FOR, ALL POINTS NORTH. Appointed sailing aays, every TUES? 3AY. THURSDAY, AND SATURDAY at ti'. M. Frei?ht received dally until 5P. M. Elegant state-rooms, beated by ?teens md llgiit?d by electricity. For tickets, ?tate-room reservation?, ind further Information, apply to H. M. BOY KIN, Oenernl Agent, Is _^-"1- "* M*,n '?r**' - VIRGINIA KAYIG.TION COMPANY, r"*^ JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer l'?jCAHuNTA8 uavca jdoN ,AY WEDNESDAY, and FK1DAY at T k vi for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old ??lnt' Newport Naw?, Ciaramont, and iame?-rtv?r lending?, and connecting at )ld Point ?nd Norfolk for Washington. ^sss^*SlP^^ tha n,,ht at nE?eec?rtc-??r.etdlr^t to tbe wharf. Fare. mil UM and 11 to Norfolk. Muelo by irand orchestrion. Krelaht received for above-named p'.aces .nd all pointa in Eastern Virginia and forth Carolina. IRVIN WEI8?OF.R >orv O.neral Manager. A. H. Drewry. Pre?ld?nt._se ll_ PHILADELPHIA RICH MOND AND NORFOLK ?j?AMAt?f ?JOMFAISX Appointed sailing days: .^V*_TU*? >AX, FRIDAY, and uUMJAY at dajr? 'freight rec?lved dally wttt i F.U.. H'i'^^ndT;?' B&a^ " * WlM? 'formation ,app^_to^ iSBSSOl Southern^?nt^om^^ckgtS. U 4 Genera' Agents. Philadelphia. -.- r rs-s- - - . , /-yv?^eww ?i?%Ja^rVjr?i, l,i* ; a r; barg & Potomaa etifddl?. la Effect Si.veiiil.rr 28, 1S07 AT 12 O'CLOCK N?OON. LEAVE n Vit 11 MRIi: I STATION. 4;1U A. M., Diuly, lor Washington an? point? North. btops only at Miif'ird and Fredertcs^burg. Pullman Weeper? to Nee York. ?:30 A.M.. Sunday only, for Washing? ton and points North. Stops at Elba, Glen Allen, ABB? lund, Taylorsvll'ie, Doewell, Buiher Ulen, Ponola, Mil ford, Woodslar?, Guinea, ?Summit, Fru? f-rlck ?burg, Brooke, and Wldewater, Pullman car. 8:48 A. M., Dally, except Sunday, for Washington and points North. Stop? at Elba, Ash land, Tayloravllle. Doswell. Huther Glen, Pen?la, Mll (ord, Woodslane, tTulnca, Summit, Frederlckaburg, Brooke, end Wldewater. Pullman car. 2:00 M., Dally, except Sunday, for Waahln_ton and points North. Stops at Elba, ?.'?en Allen Aahlind. Do-woll. Mllford, Frederlckstniriz, Brooke, and Wldewater. Parlor car. Also, connect* with Conirre?fllonal Limited at Washington. 7:3.1 P. M.. Daily, 'or Washington and point? North. Stop? at L'IM, Ashland. Do-well Mllford. FrceiiTlck?burg. Brooke and Wldewater. and o?her sta? tion? Nundsys sip-rer. Rich mond to New York. ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION. 8:40 A. M, Dally, ?tops at \\|.?.-water, Brooke, Fre?Ierlek?Durif. Mll? ford, Doewell, Ashland. and Elba, am! other atatlona Bundaya. Sleeper, New York to Richmond. 2:48 P. M., Dally, except Sunday. Stop? a t Wldewater, B r o > k Krederlcksburg. Summit, Guinea, Woodslane, Milford, Pen?la Ruther Glen Don well. Tayloravllle Ashland. Glen Allen, ard Elba, Par? lor car from Washington, T:10 P. M.. Dally. Stops only at Fr*lo rlckstiurr. TV>=well. and A^h lor.d. and Eltn. Pullman car8 from New York. 8:38 P. M., Dally. Stops ?t Wldewatet. Brooke, Frederleksburg. s-'mmlt, Guinea. Woodslane. Mllford, Pen?la, R?ther ?i'en. Do-well, Taylorsvlll?, Ashland, Olen Allen, and El? ba. Sleeplng-mr. ^REDERICKSB'O ACCOMMODATION. 11 ?ally ?acept Sunday.) 4:00 p. If., Leavea Byrd-fltreet station. 8:S0 A. If.. Arrives Byrd-Street P'atlon. ?-Ml. ?.M? TRAINS. (Duiiy except Hunuay.) 0:42 A. M .Leaves Elba. 0:2O P. M.. Leavea Elba, 8:40 A- at, Arrives Elba. 0:00 P. M , Arrives Elba. C. A. T-.YLOU. Trame Manager. E. T. D. MYERS. President. no 28 CHESAPEAKE ANO OHIO RAILWAY. Effective October 25, IS ? - (RAINS LEAVE RICHMOND, UKOAD VaUaaVff STATION. B.5V A. M , Ouii>, wu.1 lurior car, ror Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport .News, and principal stations. Connects dally with old Dominion steamship? for New York. 8 40 P. M., Daily, with Pullman, for 1 il stations, Newport News, Old Point. Norfolk, and Portsmouth. 10:00 A. M.. Local train, except Sunday. IOC W. Clifton Korge. Con? nects at UordonejvlUe for Orange, Culpeper, Calver ton, Manassa?, Alexandria, and Washington; at Cnlon Station, Charlottesvttle, for Lynchburg; at Basic for Ha own. 2:10 P. II., Dally, with Pullmans to Cin? cinnati, Louisville, and St. Loui?. Stop? only at Impor? tant station*. Connects at Covlnifton dally for Virginia I : Springs. Meals served on 1 onlng-cars. No. T. Local Train, except Bunday, fol? lows above train from Oor donsvllle to Btaunton. 6:30 P. M., Accommodation. i-xcept Bun day, for iCharrottesvlUe. 10:30 P M., Dally for Cincinnati, with F. F. V. Pullmans to Hinten, W Va., and Gordnnsvlll? to Cincin? nati and Louisville. Meals F.-rved on Dining-cars. Con? nects at S'iuintnn. except Bunday, for Winchester, Va,, und at Covlngton, Va., dally, f< r Hot Sorlni/? TRAINS LLAVE EIGHTH - STREET RATION. 11:30 A. M., Dally, lor Lynchburg ana Clifton Forge. Connects at Bremo, except .Sunday, for Whlie Hall, ?eept Sunday at Baleony for Lexington, and at W. Clifton Forge with No. 1 for Cincinnati. 4:00 P. M-, Except Sunday. Local ae ?Fommodatlofi for'Col ??rabia. rBAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND, BROAD-STREET STATION. H 20 A. M.. Duuy, trotu Cincinnati, il 15 A M., Dally, from Norfolk and Old Point. 3 30 P. at. Dally, from (Cincinnati and Louisville. 8 00 P. M-, Dally, from Norfolk and Old Point. 7-45 P. M-. Except Bunday. from W. Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE EKIHTH - STREET STATION N 50 A. M., Except Bunday, from Colum? bia. 6 20 P. M., Dally, from Lynchburg and Clifton Forge, and, exc?;pt Bunday, fron. Lexington and White Hall. JOHN D. POTT? Assistant General Passenger Agent. DEPARTIR? OF STBA.MER8. LD DOMINION 0 B-TKAOSIilP COMPANY. DAILY UNI lOK NEW YORK. Passengers can leave Richmond DAILY via, Chesapeake and Ohio railway at H:BO \ M . or Richmond and Petersburg rail? road (Norfolk and Western route) 8 A. M connecting ut Norfolk with old Do? minion Line ?teamer, sailing same eve? ning for New York. ALXrWATER ROUTE. steamship Did Dominion leave? Rich? mond every Monday at 5 P. M. for New Vork via James river. Ti.-ket? on sale at Richmond Transfer rom?any's, 8? ?ast Main str. et: iko and Ohio railway, and Richmond ?nil Petersburg railroad depota, and at rnniDuny'a office. 1212 east Main street. Richmond. Baggas? eh.-cked through. FREIGHT ,~, \-i.? York and all point? beyond can f Khiilued by direct steamers, ?ailing Uom ffimond every MONDAY AND [?i-MivY at 5 P. M ; also, by stea-mer ill-Jin?s Richmond WEDNESDAY ? P. ? for Norfolk, connecting with steamer * Vork. f?Manlf?8t closed one hour befor? ?ailing " ?velabt received ?5? forwarded and ..?u.fh bill? of lading issued for all ?S?n entern ard foreign port?. FROM NEW YORK. ?road or Chesapeake?, and Ohio railway. r i ,i?..-t ?te-mer? lyia Jum?_t-rlver route) ,i?e every SATURDAY (paa?enBer and laaht). and MONDAY (freight only). flaUini from company'? ??1er. No. 36 K.?rth river, foot of Beach street, at 3 P. ,, . a .n-rday. * P. M. ? ^TaSS received and forwarded dally, *f_? further iiifonBatlon apply to For ruri,,0HN F. MAYER. Axent. 1212 east Main street. Richmond, Va? w T.. Oufllaudeu. Vlce-Prc?!dent and ff\mc' Managw._New York. __J?JL FOREST LODGB._ DURING THE PLKAPANT AUTUMN leather and ?o long aa the road? re nabiln gold condition. FOR EOT U?DOE ?il I? oDon for the entertainment of r??ets^SmlU driving or '^???8 Py?__ ?lu urovtded for at any tlm?. but larg? ?rt!M Should BOttty by 'Phon- ? few Sours befor? their arrival. Ball phona 035 B. Glen Allen. Vs. noM? ft B~ rsmSBMD OBB7M. ~MBBBBBS * fft ^w?*_iiW'<%>*~m 1TLANT?CC0AST C. L LiNEa hedule In Effect December 6, 1*44*7. IAISS LEAVE IIK ll*ao*?l>-f BIOS DErOT. :00 A. M? Dally. Arrive* Petersburg ?.?l A. ?VI., Norfolk ll^'J A. M. Stop? only at Petersburg, Waverly, and Suffolk. Va. :05 A. M., Dally. Arrive Petersburg V*u A M., Weldon A. M.. Fayett? ville 4.1* P. M.. Charleston lo:?O P. M., Savannah ?J?u A. M., Jack? sonville 7:30 A. M-. Port 'I .imp? ?20 P. M. Connect? at Wilson with No. 47, ar? riving Goldsboro' 3:10 P. M.. Wilmington 5:46 P. ?M. T-ull man Sleeper New York to Jacksonville. :8B P. M.. Dally. Local. Arrive? P?? tersburg 3:43 P. M. Make? nil ?top?. :SO P. M.. Dally. Arrives Petersburg CM P. M. Mike? all local stop?, R|< hmond and Peter? buig railroad. :BO p. M., Dally. Arrives Petersburg 8:04 P. M.. connects with Norfolk and Western for Norfolk and intermediate point?. Emporta 9:10 yssaw n?cts with A. and D. Mr stations between Emporta ami I-awrenceville), Weldon g>:42 P. M., Kayettevllle DOT A. M., Charleston ?:(? A. ML Savannah S?S A. M-. Jack ??invtll? 1 P. M., Port Tampa 8.10 P. M. NEW UNE TO MIDDL1S GEORGIA I'oINTS.-Arrlv Ing Alken 7:28 A. M., Augus? to BU? A. M . M?.??n 11 A. M . Atlanta 12:L5 P. M. Pull? man sleenera New York to Wilmington, Jacksonville, port Tampa, Alken. Augus? ta, and Me??on. ?:4BP. M., Dally. Arrives Petersburg 11:80 P. M., Lynchbur? i-.ik v M. Roanok? 6 30 A. M-, Bristol ID? A. M., Pullman SI ?per Richmond to Lynch burg. :B6 P. M., Dully. Arrives Petersburg ?31 P. M.. Weldon 11J0 P. M. Makes local st??i s be? tween Petersburg and Wel? don TIIA1V*. A1IHIVE UK II Moid. l.OOA. M., Dally, from JackseaiVlMe, BJBs vannah, Charleston, Atlanta. klac.n, Augusta, and all points South. I:1B A. M., Dally. ? xcept Sunday. Al? lanta, Athens, Raleigh. Hen? derson. Lynchburg, and the West. :8T A. M., Dally. Petersburg local. 1:00 A. M.. Sunday only, from Atlanta, Athens, Raleigh, Hend?r?on, Lynchburg, and the West. :OB A. M.. Dally, Norfolk. Suffolk, and Petersburg. LIB P. M.. Dully. Jacksonville Havan nah. Charleston. Wilming? ton, (."idatjoro'. and all ???Ints South, ?any. Norrolk. Buffollt, *Aa verly. and Petersburg. 1:88 P.M., Dully. IVtersbut-g. Lynch burg, and the W< ?1 R. KENLY, T. M. EMERSON. General Manager. Trafile H. M. EMER-'ON. General Paes?r?ger Agent. C. S CAMT'BELU no 4_Division Pas?engor Agent I^WNorfi^Weslem m ? au ?*;r-"?i.'ie h rfVt Deeemher 8. 1NOT. EAVK RICHMOND. HYRD-STREF.T BTATIOB. ?00 A. M., Dally-Klehni'ial and Nor VEST1B1 LE L1MI I ED. Ri^oml-class ticket? not accepted on this train. 1:05 A. M . l'.ly THE CHICAGO EX? PRESS." for Lynchbnra. , Koanoke, Cniumbus. and Chicago, lajllman Sleeper RoiimiKo to Columbus; ai.o, for Ra?lf?>rd, Bristol, Kn.x vllle. ci.attanooaa, and in termeillatt? pointa. r-80 P. M., Dally, for Norfolk. Suffolk, and intermed?ate station?. >:43 P. M.. Dally, for l.yiichburg and Honnoke. Conn??ctu at H ?a? noke with Washington and Chattanooga Limited Pull? man Si,? pera Roumtke to Memphis and New Orleans. PULLMAN .SLEEPER between RICH? UND AND LYNCHBURQ ready f ?pancy at 9 P. M ; also, Ihjllman Sleeper etershurg to Roai. Trains arrtv? Rlehmon?! from Lynch? jrg and th?? West dally 8:1.', A. M., and A P. M. rrom Norfolk an?l the East -06 A. M., and Vestlhul?-! Limited ?:M P. . Office: 82? Main street. H. W. COURTNEY, District Passenger Agent; W. B BEVILL, General Paasenger Agent. General Office:?: Roanok??, Va de 5 ?i> southern"" "?2)1% v RAILWAY. lifilnl?? Effective ?.oveiuher 21, 1SOT I it ?.in? i i v\ i: an hm'jM). VA. t.oo BajcBt ?No. h asutasta HAUrmtm? dally for Atlanta. Auguata. ana p'linta South. Sleeper Richmond to Lauvllle. Greenaboro', Sall?bury, Charlotte. Columbia, and Augusta. Sl-*p?r open at 9M I*. ?> Slop? at all atatlon? between iflchrnona and Danville lo take on and let oix pussengars._ Connect? at Danville, Salisbury, and Charlott? with th? Waabington and Southwestern Limited (No. 37), carrying ?leepera New York to Ashevllle. Hot Springs, Chattanoo? ga, and Nashville; New York to Memphis; New York to N?w Or. bans; New York to Tampa, and Hist "lasa day cuiu'li betwe?io Washington and Memphis. Connec? tlona are made for all point? in Tetas and California. Sleeper open for occupancy at ..30 P. M. 3:00 noon. No. ?, solid train foe Charlotte, 1ST. C, connects ?t Mose? ley with Farmvllle and P-whata? railroad. At Keysville for Clark?? ville. Oxford, Henderson, and Dur? ham, and at Greensboro' for Dur? ham. Raleigh, and VMnaton-Salem* at Danville with No. 35, United States fust mall, solid train, datl** for N?-w Orleans And points South, which curries New \?>rk to New Orleans, and New York to Jacksonville. Through sleeper ?Salt?. bur?..'natl inooga; also, nul? man tourist sleeper every Wednes? day Washington to Han Kranci?co, O-OO P M , No. 17. local, daily, except B'inday. for Key?vlll? and interme? diate pointa THAI.*?* ?Itil.n: AT RICHMOND. G ?H? A. M o BB P M . from Atlanta, Augusta, Atheville. and Nashville? 8:40 A M . from Keysvl'.e. LOCAL FREIGHT i'RAINB. Nos. 81 anl 62. between Manchester and 'enpollt. Vs. ?QHK-RIY.U \M TuwKSTPJi^r THE FAVOHITI" ROITK NO HT 11. l.l.Al I. II1CI1MO.VO. 4:30 P. M.. ?No- -'>. i>?i'-!inor? Limit ?4. dally, except Sunday, lor We?t point, there making clot? connec? tlou on Monday?, Vvednesdjiya, and Friday? with ateamer for Haiti? more, also, wt.b stage at Lester Manor for Walkerton and Tapp*? hanoock <>n Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday?. a ?SO P. M . No. i,i. local express. Mon days, Wednesdays, anl Friday?, for West Point and Intermediate sta? tions. Connects With ?tage nt Leu. ter Manor for Walkerton and Ta; - pahannock; al?o, at West Point with at? amer for Baltlmor . Btops at all atatlon?. 6 OO A. M.. No. ?>, Loral Mixed. Leaves dally, except Sunday, from Vir glnta-Street Station for W'eat F'oint and intermediate ?tatlon?, connect. Ing with stage ?t L??ater Manor fcr flia?lkertor! ?nd Tappebann.M h TBA?SS ARB1VM AT H H. Il MO!? D. BIT A. M.. ?ally? ._ o 40 A. M-, Wednesdaya and Fridays BDO P M . dally, except Sunday, front West Point and Intermediate ata? tlona. _ Steamer? louve West Point at B p. M. lorday?, Wednnsdaya, and FT'day?, and laltlmore at 8 P. M. Tueaday?, Thura ?*???! and Saturday?. TicKet offlc? ?t ?tAtlon. foot of Virgin's? ,;;.? open from 9 A. M. to t P .ML, n-i from ? ?ft P- M? to t A. M. City ticke, rhre 9?'? ?-"at Main street. V\CV LP. ?W.AT1T.K, Trafile Manager. Gen. Pesa Agent. ?A- m GREEN-General Superlntendeot. v'aahle.gton, D C. ^ f\ W WESTnURT. Travelling Pas en ger Agent. ?0 east Mala at reef, Rich? Oilers for printing seat lo the Dispatch 'ompany **II! be gi*,en prompt attesalioajL ni tb? ?tyl? of work aud oncea ?3 m ture to please you.