Newspaper Page Text
1H1S RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1397._ I^USCr ?^e L Broad St. WE INVITE YOU ALL TO OUR GREAT SALE or Holiday and Housefurnishings ltead carefully all about our prices. You may think nothing can TOYS. Cet nolis. 11 Incti-s high. oMn? bead.; jomt. n basses fit*??. Jotn'ed Dol?a, i? loche? high, closlns eye?. - French Kid Doll*. 1? Imh-? hlrb. 3 French Kt.l l>ol.s. t PrenchKl-J Dull?, -'1 In. he? high. S Iron Tor?. * lrm Toy?.? Bipress V,'a?<?n?, BO* kind. ?1 Haby-carrlage?. 1 Ch?lr? . I' Tla Klt?*hen 8e.?. ? Magic Lantern?, 60c klnl .... S! Drum-. 60c. kl'd. 81 Alphabet Block?. j Tin Toy?, ??s-irted kind? . Trump????, IRVi'ocb?,.- 8 China Tea Sets. 10 bUrer-l'iste?! Knife-, Pork, and Spoon Sets. 10 ClIINAWARR. Decorated Thin Chin? Cnpasnd Ran cer?. 14 Stamp*?! Plate?, assorted ??lora.. ft Decorate?! CMn? Mil?* . 6 Cap, bauoer, and 1'ateSei?. 18 Chins Milk an?! Mush Seta.,. 10 Chins Decorated Butter Dlabe,. 17 Decorated t tana cracker Jara .... 3S i*o!i- Hand China Cap? and r-ancers? H China Ornament-, tie kin t . 10 BsoareiBSCUtas Vases. 10 Bohemian Ulss? Vase? . 10 M% in-ii Carlati ?1 China Plates. 0 l>?*ooratel Cake I'lal??. Id 7-inch Iror.strtn? China Plate?...,. 3 Dishes flroostone Chin.v, lJ-li.?u. 16 Uorg? Ironstone'. thine Howl?. ;t7 I-lnch Blaque Kigares. ID MnchllsDil-Pa'itit'??! (Hohes . 60 Ispanese TuMB, K'?4j?lnch. worth iti... 79 apa snd lancera, iba. kind . n ?btna Salad Bowl?. -g* ;blna Fruit Saa'ors." g hin? Fi-oit Plates. o Jand-ome Carlsbad Chins Toa set?. Mi pifioe?, worth B10.._g 4 00 :0?ptt?ce Decorated Chamber Sets, worth SO. g os lesutlfal China Dinner sets, contain l02plecos. lg PR 'a?pl4ore*., china. 7;>o. kind. :;7 landaome li-pieoe Chamber Pet?. worth Si*... 0 40 (.I.A'SWARB Centi Wafer Tu m Mers.?. 1! Win? Oleases.-. Cat ?Maas ft-tncti Va??s. 10 W'na s-ta, g au tr?,/. 64 Cnl-ry bips. 1 ?Ti ?i, aaaesrs. 2j Mi.fdalioD Oins? Pitchers. 14 Craaai Pitaban... :' Mutter Bixhe?. 4 ?akeSalror*. 1 ' Jelly liow.s. imitation cut. 1"? Celery Stands.> ** . I Batas Seta. ?8 -?it and Pepper?. ~V i.-;:v (;i?MM, <i adozenktod. .' Uob'ets.. 8 <.HAMTE-IHOXAVAlt;:. Saucer.aTifi, 4-'.-t;art, wltb eorer. 25 e OF* KK-POTS, ?quart. 2A COPPBJ K>r>,8-quert. 33 Tea Kettles . . * "? JellyPaas, shallow anddeep. ? Pie Hate*. ft e-quart Halting Pao? . 10 LAMPS. Braaa Baninet Lamp?, with Chimney.. 81 Brasas Banquet Iaeui>s. H-lucu Dresden globe .?2.20 Handsome Banquet Lamps, band painted. . 1.38 Hall La-apa, Robr glo s . 1.17 ?.lis-Stand Lamps. 12 Mowing Lamps, globe and font to matm. 60 Nickel Table? I.&mps, 10-inch shade, centredraft. 1.58 Night Limps, nssoried -olors. 10 lian ts-'tne Table LauijiK. blue and Yollow. 69 TIXWARB. ? | CofTee.Bolleni, 3-qnart. 9 < offee-Pote, 'i qn?.rt. 8 Ru-kets. wit*iex>-?rs, 6-qoart. 0 Baace ans, 2-iuart. 5 cake Mould?,'??c. kmd. 10 pi? Hate?....-. ltd .Ml? Pau?. BJf Block-Tin Pans, '..'-quart. 2 blah Pana olook tin. I? Nut lieg Graters . 1 .1 .panned Tray?, id-Inch., 0 Eg? Wnips . 3 Hiii>tlng Spoons. 3 Basting Pians, wilh coTers. 70c, kind.. 2o ld-qnart OalvanlzM Backet?. 10 Tes Strstuert. 1 To?.-end Coffee-Caddies., fi Coal Va-as. 85 Tfi,aK?H_ _ 4.4 THE GREAT TEA COMPANY, 527 East Broad St?, AND 1559 East Main St., RICHMOND, YA. BEAUTIE5. (THE MOST MAGNIFICENT PANEL EVER GIVEN AWAY.) PRESENTED To all Purchasers of Teas. Coffees, Spices, Baking Powder, Extract?, *vc,, for TWO WEEKS COMMENDING Monday, December 13th, and continuing until Friday, December 24th, (included). This is the most beautiful and largest Panel ever given away?Size, 10x40 inches. It has only to be seen to be appreciated. It is lithographed in L2 oil colors by the cele? brate?! house of The Knapp Co.. whose work cannot be ex? celled. Don't fail to GET A COPY Before t?ey are all Myen away. Only a limited number on hand. NO CHRISTMAS DIiNNER COHPLETE Without Our Celebrated Teas and Coffees, Pa'viag J'ow.Ut, Spices, Extra,'?:.??, Cora Btsrorh, ?mioe, Rolled, ?to. m OEOSS'S Calf, S Box CalF, JJ Russia Calf, O Willow Calf, E Patent Leather. S FOE GENTLEMEN", $3.50 ? PAIR. Correct Shapes, Goodyear Welt, Calf and Linen Lined, Double or Single Soles. For atyle, comfort, service, they're hard to beat. -W-*?W*?i^-*?*?*.i'--N^ G F. Cross Shoe Co.,, 313 EAST BROAD. At Smithdeal's Business College, Opposite City Hall. Kfftry ?iinna man, ?ni ?omim, t ?>. (??rthrit m?tter, knows tu? basin???? ran? *n?l importan?? ?f IxitiiK ?dl? to writ.? a ?taK<o.h, rapid. i>*,',.> ? bind. *? ?aiau^rro i???, of tue typ??rilar bas no; ii, t-.ftic???! docr?a?od tun m,|. ?n?in >. Wltn r i? n.-h> k'.ul ol nxtriiirtion, and tho uropar aort ou Hi? part ?>! Ih? -tu1<?nt toi? il.lo i.lijo-t rn.a |-.n i\c -ombttl >*.. I. I'ro!e,tor .Vitsutr'? ,.b-(?> ?u*t>?sd ?uuattj -iiutr-tu?-kills? s trrlisr. HI? ropntatloa a* ? i?iii?u?,f I, eg?-,:!? so .1 c? ?* ,r c. A. .lohn.-iou. s?b . will a??i?t Prola-asor Warner in tb???e ?moos, u ?Uo a an? wni-r, u-?vl ,.? Jilt.? I'r .f?s -v.- Wa?-r??rj reilgaed ?good pu#it?on ha l*^k??p?r ?o }<,lti oor (??ul r. II? is ?1*0 ao ax\ -her. ay u ? Cardan? will l>? lorn.o-1, Bouda*/. Jauusr? 1 4 oc'orfc. Nlffht rlaaa at 8 oVUvk, Taaadkr, !?'? lary 4?'? I'., *?,c 0 1 or iho S*B?-t clss? promptly. KRISS KRINGLE'S STEEDS EOR KLONDIKE. Superlntenelent Jackson, the United States Government npent, hns written for this newspaper an Interesting state? ment. KLOMKERS1 HOPE THKRK IS limiM FOIl MM: MILMO: OF HF.I.MlKEK. DR. JACKSON'.. SIGNED STATEMEN1 Ilriudoer Will Convey In l'onr o Five? Days What Takes lit PSSBSB Fifty or Sixty Days tu ?euch It Destlnatlun. (Wrlttsa for the l>i:-p.atch.) Two raBSBt events have brought th Introduction of domestic relnd- r b.1 Alaska before tho American pBBtta Wll great proiiiin-ine. Ono of these was th ,. itl ?a tbat tas talas ra in th Yukon Valley arara without a taftVleri aapply of provision to last duiing tb coming winter. After weighing variou plana tho kovi rr.nient found tlmt th only possible solution was to tuke th : ; ', to harnees that wot In tho neighborhood of St. Michael, inn with them freight provision? to th miners from the abundant supplies store at at. I . i at? d on ths ' i i i o Hering BBS, sixty mil s above the mout of the Yukon. Hem.-, I PS BBBN by tha War Dei trtraeat late in Beptsai ber dire? tina Lileotenaut-C<>l<rnel Rsnoall Unit, d army, Ifl chart,'. tsebment of troops at Bt, Ifleb .. of the lataBssr and wltl th? in .- -mi food to UM starving miners Ol the Yukon. Th-?- arrang-m-ats WS"? no soon-r consummated than tiding. came from the Ar-tlc 00*181 of Ala.-k. that eight ?haling \- sals, csrrylni crews uggnsui tour hundro? Bssa, had hi n Dnexpeetsdly caught ii , iiii*l the iiK-n VBfB in danger o starvation. Many pians were pmpoM-d for a relic expedition, but it was found that no plai I , ble tlmt was not i i.-'l j;oi the reindeer. Aecorejlngiy, the govern ment, on the ltith of November, Issue?: orders for the revenue cutter Hear t< proceed north until stopp-el by ice, thet make a dstsnatasd effort to send a naall party of Oahosrs sad rasa svsr Um Ice to tho malnlaiul. Having landed, th? party art; to pro-cod to Tape Prince Ol secure Die. servic-s eif \Y. T topp, a Congregational missionary, bor? row his i hard and the hard i longing to a BattVS E.-klnio by tl eif Antlaarlook (Charley), and with tlMMM 1 ov-riand five or ?i? bundled mile? in Daoaaibai' and January to l'oint Ha? row, or until the sailors an found. The importance of the reindeer In the tfev? lopnn-nt of Alaska cannot be ovvr SStlmSted. Tins is true, whe-thcr look.?I upon from tho side of humanity, utility, or commercial value-. The nativo pin piss o-cujiying Northern Alaska wero brought to a condition of s-mi-staj-v.i tlon through the p?rrststent detstrnctloa of the whale by the whalers and the rapid killing off of fur-biaiing animals through the Introduction of bre*Hh-load baj br-arms. The days when they can support themselves and families corn fortably by nshlna and hunting are, and a chanco in their m-thotl of sub? sistence has become absolutely n-c-ssar.. This change can bo IStJBrBd by tho In? troduction of herels of domesti ; r-it.d-. r and the education of the native popula? tion in their caro und management. A careful computation, based upon the statistics of I-upland, where similar <-II BaStaS and other conditions exist, show Northern anel Central Alaska to l*e capa? ble of supporting over a,uuu,'?uO head of reindeer. V."It?i tho discover-,' of large- and valua? ble gold df-pouPs upon the streams and creeks of Arctic and Pub-Arctic Alasko, it Is found that the reindeer is us Im [xrtant to white men as to th- Eskimo. A dog train on a long Journey will mai.? >n an av? rage from BxtSSB to twenty five miles a day. and in some seettons :-annot make tho trip at all, becaus? the logs cannot carry with th?-m a sufficient lupply of food for themselves, and can i>r?>cure none In the country thronten which they trawl. To facilitate find rsnflSf possible frequent and speedy ommuni-ation bstWSeB these ls?ilate?l settlements and growing centres of American civilization, where tho ordl ?ary roads of the 8tates have no asiflt? SS '. i.nd maintained, BSSepI it an enormems exp-n--. reindeer tBBfBI hat require BO Saaten roads, and that It tho clos? of a day's work can be urned loose to forago for themselves. dial. Thus tho lntrodueilon of adeer into Alaska makes pSSSaBte t!?? levelopment of the minea and tho sup ?ort of tho miners. The Introduction of domestic reindeer imonjr the native peoples will prottMy M aoooatpllsUed through the ins: rumen allty of the various mission? which hSVS ??-en established amutig them. To fa liltate this the government lias entered ipon the policy of lending them small itrds, with the understanding that after i term of years sn equal number will it returned by the missionary societies o the government. As the mission herds ncreaae there will be a ?onstant supply or the establishment of new herds owned ?y the nntlve3, who have taken care of he mission herd, learned the business, knd received reindeer in compensation of heir services. For th- u?? of tho minera ?mu plan will be arranged by which ?urttes deslritoj to establish transporta tion route? can procuro trained deer foi tbs purpuoo. The thought of the miner in Cen? tral!c i Is to BSCUTB a good claim, I h!s n.xt thought Is the ?jutstlon ol food supply?whether he sea enough provisions from the wai*eh4*4*eee, Where they are brought by boats and In other ?ays, to enable him to? w??rk hla nine continuously, wiih the exception ' of Huh and a limited quantity of wild game, and a linilte>l Quantity of gardes Vegetable?, there Is no ffio?! in the eoun? try; all bread stuffs and the l.arg?' tion of th meat supply nnd frnli?; must be brought Into It from the OUI * ' Now, It should be rStasmlMa-Wd, th?t there are n?> roads In ft 1*1 T****. SB th-y B*dSt In other options of the United States, ar.?l that, with the almost 1! lim?able nrea <?f b?.g ,ir.?l BWSJnp nn?I tundra and frozen subsoil, it will be lm ' possible to in ike and mnint.-iin roada, ex 1 cept at a cost thai 1? pr;i?'it?'.illy prohi bltive. In summer the supplies, 1? id< 1 , Into BBU?I boats, lire pulled up the en efcs or pactad on men's shoulders. In arbiter they aro haul? ! OBI d This costs heavily. In addition to the tllUBBB. the currying ? ipaolty Is limited i toflid is from : ' i ? IS pona Ab per Bl?d pes dof*, a portion of whtcb is food for the dosa and ff (he route Is a load one, without Interven?as ttom of supply, das utttu san Bcaruet*" carry saore than food <jafS i i? nt for then. Bo far, th-y have failed In fu; ??lying the inlner? with a BUtaV ii. nt stock of provi The only possible ???lution of the qu?*-* 1 tlon i?f r. LP' nable land transportation end rapid eotnmonicetion end travel between centres hundreds of ailles apart in eub I Aretic Aii-hi. is the Introduction and I utilizing ord.?m?*stlc reindeer. The d<?er Is j to the far North vhal the earael Is to ?".sert regions; the enlmel which Qod b I provided and adajiV?! f< r the rix-eial c??t. dltioas which exist The greater the d< of eold, th? better h.? thrlree, i>i"t winter s party of reindeer banting nine Fh-ls BSade a day's Joaiiay with th? tem I? rature ai 7.1 ???-gr?es below BBTD. A >*? *" with 200 pounds on the sled can travel up and down (he mountain? and o\c-r the plains from on? end of Alaska to the other, living ??ff the aoiustrp v/heta h? tra\eK LSSt season un exp? lltlon Of nine deel*, ?lr iwlng nlnij aleda Was miu!? through Alaska, lasting during the COVf Winter months, an 1 making a total dis? tune?., of i,tj? miles, during which the <\f*-r were turned out at night aftar a d-iy'H work to find their own provision, which Is the native mous (C?a?lonlu rangi fetiaa) covering 111 (hat region. The gr.'.'it mining Interest Of <"entrai Alaska cannot realir.e Its fullest dSVSJop ment until tho reindeer are Introduced in umeient numbers to do the work of ?up plylug The mine? with provisions nnd freight, and Riving the miner ep< ?dj* com I munlcation with the outside world. It miw take?? from fifty to sixty days to car ry tho mull between .lun.-iri an 1 Circle City. With the ratHblishm? nt of relay ?citions at suitable ?listances, retBdeef 111 carry the ?arrw m.ilLin four 01 days. The reindeer is equally Important to the prospector. Prospe<*tsng at a dis tanco from the base Of supplies Is n?iw IvafMeelMe, The peospeotsr can go only s.? far arf his lupp'y of provisions, blank? et?, and tool*, which h?' ?arr?es on US i,?n shoulders, will last him; th? n ho *Miat return for a fresh BtJpply. \S'i( ii t?-n head of reindeer, packing KM pounds I ?making half u ton ?,f BUpplles), be caji t?- ?ron?- for months penetrating r.-gions bundreda ?if miles dlatajrt, his d"?r .-. grazing V/hSBWer night iluda him ami them. With Alaska fully Stocked with this valuable animal, the hardy Eskimo nnd th.? ? ?(? "prising Am- rlcari will ?levelop grazing and mining In lustrles that will amount to IR?i.iX?.OOO annually, and all tht?j in region? where su<h Induct ries are n??w ??iily develciped sufficiently to ?how their great possibilities. nSLDOH JACKSON', M. D.. I'nlted States (J+neral Agent of Educa? tion in Alaska. nncklnartiani's \. ?? Tobacco Ware? house. WEAL.THIA, VA., DeCSSBhSff ll.-(Spe. rial.)? Thursday was opening dny at the new tobacco at White Hall. yulte a large crowd was In attendance, and the tobacco ?old brought good prices. If you are ill you need a doctor in whom you have confidence. If you need a remedy you want one that has been tested for years; not an obscuie, un? tried thing that is urged upon you, or on which you save a few cents?that is no consid? eration as against health. For wasting in children or adults, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo phosphites has been the recognized remedy for twen? ty-five years. y>t. and fi.oo, all druggist?, ( SCOTT & BCWNfc, Clunust?, New York. BEDFORD CITY. Sold Ills Farm?A Profltnbl?* Invest ment?Personal and Social. MBDfORD CITY, VA., December 11. (Special.)?Mr. John A. Trout, who ha besa B resident of this county for a num brr of years, has sold his tana at Thax tens to Mr. C. W. T?te and removed t BoWourt, that ho may obtain greate privileges, of religious affinity with th' Imnkards, of whom there are very fov in this ce?unty. The result of his invest Batata la land In Redfonl affords quit an mterestlBB suggestion of how ole land.-; -n be bought for small amounts lmpi'-vd Bad rsdseraed, then sold for i protltablo advance?, proving there Is gob in the ground here, a? well as at th? Klondike. Mr. Trout purchased a farrr for f'l,i?0, mado a comfortable? living- foi his family with a surplus over expens< each year, and s?ld the place for (MM doable ths .mount be gave f?>r it. if? then bought B farm at ThaxtOBS, made a fine living for two years, and then sole at an advance of ^*) on the price ho gave I '.'. EL II. 11 isv, a D. D., who Is ?i broth-r of Mr. B. II. Hawes. of Richmond, is now fully aStsbHshed la his pastoral du USS to thS I' church, and has made a mof-t favorable lmpre-ssion on all who havo BOOM within tin? ranjre of his laflueace, both as an able and deeply* spiritual pn .u her und a man of genial, sympathetic manner. The following ex? tract from tha resolutions of the Ahlng i!on J'r- -tyte-ry In dismissing hirn to the Montgomery find.?: a ready n-spone in tantlmsnt in this community: "The bytery feels constrained to give ev an to iis rehietance in reparstlnf from ono of Its membSTB, who has al aaya besa bald in saet? high esteem for his wisdom, pre-eatln? nt lodlliusax and asvottofl to ta m oaaaa.*1 A very Interesting serle.? of services an now In progn-ss at the Baptist church, conducted by tho pastor. Rev. \\". H. Royall, and RST. Julian Duck, of IIol 11ns. . A prize of a do-en cabinet photos wns OBJersd for the greatest number of word? made from the Mters of photographer, und BSfltted a BOBtSSt In logomachy with n V entries. |f*as Mary \V. ?'laytor and *.'..- | Norma Arenspflugh each made the ?ame number. < -?nsldorably over 400 words, end ?ill be similarly reward-d. Mr. K-well Morgan, a prominent mer . who war. united In matrlmonv on f meirnlng with Miss Maud K. Nobie at Il'icktngham Courthouse, has returned with his bride. It la Bald that quite a number of mar? riages will be celebrated In tho county befe-ro tBS old year is rung out. Mrs. F. O. Thomas entertained the F!f i'lub v?ry agreeably Thursday af? ternoon with a programme of vocal and Instrumental music. Impromptu eonun drnrns, and dainty refreshments. afra Dallas Taokar he-id a bazaar in behalf of the Junior branch of fie Wo? man's Auxiliary for missions at t'ie l-ao? tory reeimtly, when refreshment.? w-r t'urnisli.-d (.-rat!*, and the ynuni- people tb-ir pretty wares for the noble cause of promoting th? spread of tho Mr. flfcmuel Orlftln and bride, of Forest, were ftBBStg of Major S Grifftn this week. Mrs. J. B. Morris and son have left their summer residence. Bear town, ?ind returned Wedne-day ta thetT homo, at Richmond. Mr. S. J. Rurks and family left Wed? nesday for Roanoki-, where they will now r> -I le. Mrs. J. P. KSSsy Is visiting her daogh tar, Mrs. J. El Wamsley, nt Winchester, Ky. Mrs. James T. Dcftwlrh. of Amata, who has b?-en visiting friends here, re? turned home Tuesday. Mr. VernOO Smith, of Norfolk, has been the guest of Dr. 8. 8. I-ambeth. Rev. E. F. Hale, who has been visit? ing bis father, Mr. J. a? Hale, hns loft for his new charge at Whealton. WARM SPRINGS VALI.ET. Sold Ills ra/lBSB fliaaS Mall-Carry lii -.-, - Vtormona. WARM ."PRIMOS, VA., December 11.? (Special.)?Mr. Fred. Sterry, the manager of the hotel belonging to the Virginia Hot Springs, Is making his arrange? ments to le; ve for Florida In a few days. Mr. Sterry is only about 30 years of age, but so great a talent has ha for . such properties, that he has tho control at this time of the Home? stead and Virginia hotel? at the Hot. and the Healing Springs Hotel, all In this valley, and of l'aient Reach Inn and the Royal Ponelnna Hotel In Florid t. Mr. Robert J. Harrison, of Cincinnati, has sold his cottage aj the Hot Springs to a New Yorker. He still own? some property at the Springs, and It is hvped thai ho will return her.-. The munificent Income derived by some of the employees cf I'nele Sam Is well Illustrated by the compensation derived by the negro mall-carrier, who transport! th>i mall between this point and ths Hot Springs. He gets 28 cents a day. To tatty the mall he must have a horse and ronveyance, and as at pressnt situated, he makes two round-trips, aggregating about twenty-fWe miles a day. Out of this run he has one round-trip toll to' pay, which. If tegular rates were charged would be 20 Bsata, nettl-,*- him ? cents a. day. And his contract price Is 12 per month more than ths government gives the contractor. A Mormon alder, with a ?iompantoa. Is travelllnf through this county on foot, llstributing tract? from ho?jse to house. - m- very, wisely do not tarry. '-s?ss-)S?*??*5S?S6? An Easy Way to " the Present! ' S ? Ton*!* Koing to need every dollar you c.-ui tm| hold ? of between now and Christmas?that's a fart, i;,nt it? It will bdJ ?i ])l(-nsnrf* if you |<o about, it, in tIk? right W?J. The sensible gift must be useful and the useful gift mn-? be substantial, and what can 66 more sensil/%, more use? ful, or more Mibstantial than a Handsome pier?? of Fur- f niture? Having found something of this kind lets find [/j out how to get it?that's the tliroil of all! Just come in here and select what you want?tell us that you will pay for it a little at a time?weekly or monthly. Is there anything hard about that? Perhaps yon think it will rost more to buy on credit,?that's where you make a mistake. Our price-tags are all marked in plain figures, and we placo these evidence as positive proof that our prices are lower than those of any other furni? ture house in the city?cash or credit. Select the Gift Now?Pay for It Weekly or The great storeroom that was such a convenience ?,, many of you last Christmas is again at your disposal We are ready to store your presents?and deliver them at any time or place you say. Look at these pn snii A (Irand Va? riety of Beauti? ful Parlor and Ban? quet Lamps, Onyx-Top Tables, Pretty Parlor Cabi? nets, Ladies' Combination Book? cases and Writing-Desks in oak and mahogany, Parlor and Bedroom Suites Chiffonni?res, Sideboards, Library and China Cases, Hundreds of Rockers, Chairs, and Couches, Hall Racks, Sideboards, Wardrobes, Watches, Diamond Rings, and Silverpiated ware. All of these, and hundreds of others, an- le-re ?wait? ing for you. If you want a Stove for the parlor, sitting-room, or (j kitchen, they are here, too?all sizes and all prices. If w) you want a Carpet before Christmas dont rielay your (? order another day. Come in and let us show you v hat f\ real accommodation is. There is no better Line than the (A present. f\ Rothert & Co.'s \ MAMMOTH CREDIT HOUSE, f? f) Fourth and Broad Streets, f) 8 til?e!tw^fc?9?>*?*S??^^ B* Christmas \ IS J Coming, j Save your TRADING ) STAMPS and get one of our t Beautiful Premiums. 1 _I They will make fine CHRIST- I MAS PRESENTS. Patron- j izo only those merchants who give TRADING STAMPS, I as it "will pay you. { Richmond ? Trading Stamp ) Company, j 821 E. BROAD STREET. { #* ? ASK FOR TRADING STAMPS. , ? ? F.W-Dabney.Agt., 301 East Broad, Corner Third. Hero is the list of special values for this week's sale. Wo sal? ait it without a word of argument, so that each Shoe and each pri? s l.iy tell its own btrgain-story?to stand or fall on its own merit 'omo and see them: lot of Men's Leather Slippers, good wearers. 50c. ouths' nnd Boys' Slippers, extra ?good quality...!!*....'..!.*.. )i.<? iadios'Quiltc?f Fur-lop Slippers.* . i.uo Jen's Extra Fine Slippers..f \ .'?j,'??.'is.'/nul ' he most stylish line of Ladies' Don?ala Button und Laos; also,! Button and Lace in McKay and hand-aawatj waalit vm tJ for. $3.(K) Jen's Winter Weight Tans from. $3 to 4.00 Jen's Best Quality Hand-Sewed l'atout J.eather Shoes in all of the newest styles, at $4.50, sell for $t> olsewhere. lisses' Storm Rubbers.. aie] .adies' Storm Rubbers.......... 35?-' ample lot of Men's Patent leather Shoes at.......$i.pS aiid $i.<A Eitra ?ne ?took of Men's Dress Suit Cases and Leather I-a-;* nitable for holiday presonts AT WHOLESALE PRICES, ?Sjataiaalaitl