OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, December 12, 1897, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1897-12-12/ed-1/seq-8/

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Tho I if Lot ii ^ot "10 hsft-over styles?Imt tho
lit iicji.nt i^ vt>rr nowefit nn.i latent creation*? f
?inH in Pt The vory sao!lest garments, designed X
dMil I tl|/t,;>. too late to fetch the regular prices
SQgas to ga fjon the best makers by X
every express on stun terms that make this the OK EAT
What other store provides so wide a range of style 4.
and price ? What other store offera auch magnificent
qualities at such ridiculous pricm ? x
Enongh said.
ladOasW CAFMg Osad, heavy quality of Wool Beaver 1
Cloth, doubls Empire bock, beautifully braided, fur-trimmed +
collar and front, regular $."> quality, our special price. S3.G9. 4
Indies' Boucle Capes, double F.mplre back, satine lined, 4
fur-trimmed collar and front, regular S5.50 quality, our ape- -
ci.il price, $3.75.
Ladles' Boucle Capea, full sweep, ?atine lined, fur-trim- V
NOTHEB holiday season is upon us?a season filled with*
visions of turkey, plum pudding, and mince-pie?a seasonf^J^J
Xmas Cards.. in ndIe"? ?iow ?,f ^p*1?*1 Ti><*
_? A Sons, and Prangs dainty fan).
X r-iloriflirc n,)8- We'v? ? wide range from two
T Vdlt IIUcIl S. oenu orj up# T?e ?^?gn, flre
ncher, the colorings more perfect,
7 the verses more beautiful, and tbe prices lower than in
4 poet seasons. Each and every one is a work of art, Onr
4 line of Calendars ia superb-all'the now creations?the
X richest effects, and priced remarkably low.
4 A great range of Christmas Cards, 2. 3. 6, and 10.
A big array of Beautiful Booklets, S and 10c.
Dainty Five-Drop and Six-Drop Piece Calendars, some of
holceat creations, 28c.
terly Impossible to go Into details concerning the
of joy and gladness?a season of good fellowship and gift^t^SS^S^^^^^^ "ual b# r* **
giving; when children's prattle and good cheer fill the*
Kid Herd's a department where confidence
g?pst^f*^ and everything is bright and gay. WE'RE READY? Gloves S*??^?^^*'^^
T_?_; " ? ? ? *> 4 V'"TC3' city. Better Qlovea for the money than any
T other house.
4 WTAll gloves from one dollar up are fitted at oar coaa
A great population, running way into the thousands. Transient to be sure?only here for a week or so.
and then ? A way they go to gladden some eager VOOngetOfl h ?art in nearly overy home |a Kiehmond Christmas X ?ur Alexander Kid Gloves, with -t pearl button* or 2-elasp,
morning. Thy're not thin, scrawny, long-drawn-out Dolls, but each and every one is as plutap as a part- w1Ml h,avv embroidery of both Black and a^if-color. m
nd Light
oth Capes, handsomely braided, t X^f\ P lrV I
<>rm collar, with extra tab on X *- *-'*v XX J
Ladies' AU-Wool BsaVOf Cloth
double Empire back, high It
collar, regula'- ?lO quality, our rytirlBi sal? price, $6.48.
Ladles' Fine Wo .1 Kersey Capes, very prettily braided, +
high storm collar, satin-face lined, regular $10 quality, ur -4.
special low price, }7.>). * rv
Plush Capes of F.xtra Vine Quality Plush, handsomely ? l/^"^*
I ad and braided, Thibet fur-trimmed nround collar and-f
front, regular ffj quality, our low price S15.9S. f ___. ?
4 DOLT-??-At 6c, 10c., 19c., 25c.. He* Me,,
LADIES' COATS of Fine Black Beaver Cloth, high neck > 50c., r>c, 69c., He, H., $1. U.M. tLSS,
button; also, co.it front, high storm collar, regular $5.96 $1.75, I-', $2.25. MJI, $3. MM, ?, and $6?all
quality, our special aale price, $?.48. 2 told, st laset MO different styles.
leadles' Coate, Indium Shade, Tha mix, coat front, velvet ? At See,, l*-lnch Kid body, Jointed, Bisque
front, finished off with buttons, fancy stitch seams, regularXhead and hands, curly, blonde hair,
$10 quality, our spe ial Balo price, $7.98. 4 stockings, sleeper?a beauty.
Ladles* Fine Black Koreey Jackets, coat fly front, sclf-l, At -'""'- M-lnch, patent head, arms, and
faoe. with flap on pocket, fancy stitch seams, very stylish, 4 "T" c,0,h '""ly' blon,J? hair-special. 27
regu!ar MJI quality, our special price, MM. pother
rifen. Dressed Dolls, Undressed Dole, lioy Dolls, OKfJ Doll,. The most of them from ??b^JSai^^ *
lew from I raneo. . " w
T TI.? U.?._l..- VU /-Il_.?- -M ?_ - ? _.
Ladles' Fine Royal Bina Kersey cloth Jackets
Ity, our low price, SS.4I
nicely 4
I othr
Special at lie?, 18-Inch. Jointed Kid
body, fine Bisque Jiead and arms, shoes
and stocking?, sleeper, with curly, blonde
Dressed Dolls nt Wc, 13-ineh, Fully
Dr< reed Dolls, fin" Pisque head and arms,
Jointed, shoes and stockings, hat, drees,
and undergarments. 10 other styles at
+ The Beatrice Kill Glove, made of fine French kid. fine
At Me.?The best line in the city. Here 4 finished seams, both wide and single embroidery, ?very
Is one, style: 20-Inch, fine Jointed Kid bony, pair guaranteed as to fit and quality; Tans, Russet, and
Bleque face and arms, with shoes and Black, price fl.CO.
*$!!&<?"" CUrIy halr' ?theri ?ur r"!",r:itM "^ K,fl ?~. ? 'NU know? for
At |l-Th? best assortment in the ^ ^'?r ^ ^"' ablllty. Foster's patent hook. In Black only.
South-17 different styles-hero is one:4l 9Lm
Bl-S-lneh, extra grade. Jointed, Kid body Two-Clasp Pique Gloves, Just the right Glove for hard
Dolls, fine Bisque head and arms, shoes '""vice, in assorte'! Tans, Red and Black, SI.
and fit.? kings, long, flowing hair, sleeper. I Childrea/S 2-Clasp Gloves, with heav>' stitching
She's a beauty. 4 buck, in Red and Tan, 89c. regular 11 value.
en tha
fully braided, very stylish, right up-to-date, a regular
garment, heavy aatln-Hnod. Our low price, SIS.
Ladles' Ught Tan Kersey Jackets?Here Is an extraordl- T
narlly good Jacket bargain; silk taffeta lined, perfect fitting. I MA 12.25,
regular price, $15. Your pick at J12. ._ Mechanic?
4 Hone Raoai
The Other people's happiness?that's your main doz'-''
?_ thou?ht now-a-davs. Trying to find an appro
_-_, ... f. " ? , . ? . ^ ano j;ir. eacn.
Flir?i PriatdP,rt at a l,ric? y,,u can afford t0 W? I Trumpets of all 1
___a* hitSM ve\ 1x4. We solve tho troublesome ques- 4. freso le. up to 60e.
tion and help to decide. We suggest LASTING f Full Lino of Toy Pianos, from 10c. up to
T Immense assortments of Tin Toys?
^. Horses nnd Wagons, Carts, Animals of
10 -., up to He.
50c, 75c, up to $2.39
The .Oh, ho! What a lot of fun-makers ! Iron Toys head the list?horses, wagons truck- and dravs railr oad t. Ft"rJ{ut,in ,KM (]loves' 80ft and el*8tlc skln- ?tltchlng on
S? trams, fire engines, and hose-carts. Then come7 the soldiers' oatflts, flron??ne ?S ^l?'i ?fl^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ?^
? TilV?. drum?. trumpets, guns doll furniture, and tool chests. The task of telling of all tho playthinLsia well-nich hope tfa-..^/!^
making .*117 m?8t ?f 'em~bQt 1>enQ*?ly(im*> New ?*- aad "K Jersey C&l^mh^ilS. t*g *W S
? Perfumes.
. .??^ train9> firo engin(i9( aml hose-carts.
, drums, tnimpets, gun-, doll furnitu
- i''"Y^less. Oermany makes most of'em?but Pennsylvania, New YorJ^ and New Jersey
Magic Lanterns, ?c, 42c, 50c. 85o., $1,
MJI, $3, $3..V>. up to $5.
^al Toys?Galloping Donkey,
Bicycle Races, Circus, and
there, at 2Sc. up to $1.25.
KaleldOQCOpea, beautiful effects, 5c, 10c,
and tic each
sorts, kinds, and shapes,
gifts that will be Kept and cherished for years to eome
Our selling of a well-known furrier's line of elegantly ? '',"''"", nn.n \VSTr5'
lODh AI WDOLE3ALE COST. J Hlghly-Pollaned ? lab
$10 Astrachan Collarette MM; ?2.". Skunk Collarette. SIR; HIT Chairs
Astrachan Collarette, M; Ml Krimmer Collarette, $10; Mti Fhes Wa
Electric Baal Collarette, HI; $25 s-ai Collarette, MS; MX cheats Cl
er. $1 each.
Desks, Hobby-Horaea, Bhoo
gona, Buck-Bcarda, Beds, Tool
Chiffonni?res, Sideboards, Wash
Prench (^oney ColIirette,S4-75; US French Coney (stoleeffect), 4
$.. Sheared Coney CpUan tte, $3.98; $11 Shear. .1 Krrm- -
mer Co?lrette, $8,18; $10 Belgian Coney Capes, J7.4s: $10^
French Coney Capes, 110; Ml Astrachan Capes QS.7?; HI As-^
trachan Capes, HO.98; 818 Astrachan Capea, HS;'IM Astrachan X C mrlt/
.50: ?l'i Wool Seal Capes, $16.48; H-60 Skunk B ?arts, > VClIIUy? or bucketful
Stands, Bureaus, Ironing-Boards, Tenpins,
and every other conceivable kind of
Wooden Toys, at the very lowest possible
China Tea-Sets and Tollet-Sets, fron
5c. up to $2.
Brittannla Tsa-sets, u nnn 25c.
Pop-rjuna, Parcneaton-aans, the Creed
mrnr-GuiiK, and others, 5c up to $1.
oldler, Police, Plremen, and Drum
Major's OntfltS, 25. (V), Toe, and $1.
Bti un Toys of all good sorts, Z5c. up
to mjol
Iirums. 19, 23. 39, 50, and 76c
Iron Toys?beat grade made? Street
ibles, with draw- Ctrs. Freight Trains, I*asse,nger Trains.
'.Bsottvoa, Com bga Wagona, Sutries,
Hank;* of all sorts, Banges, Klre engines.
Fire Patrols, Ho?.- ('arts. Hook and Lad?
der, Fire Chief, Ox-Cart, Kxpres-i Wa
gons, Steamboats, Police Patrols, Prices^
range from 10c. up to $1.98 each
Doll Trunks, 10, 13,
Boxes containing Twelve Assorted
Toys-all sp!endid-50c and $1 a box. * Garwood's Sachet Powder, all odor?, put up Ja pretty
? "Upt : .
What a funny Christmas it would be without Tandy. The youngsters look for it the first thing Christmas TUes,
ning?so <lo many older folk. First comes OShdv, then the presents. ?
BuyingCandy hj the ton enables?us to eel] AT F AH LOW'K It PRICES than those who buy it by the bos
The daintiest, sweetest, and most
lasting perfumes are put up by Gar
wood. We carry an immense assort?
ment. They are magnificently bottled
on 1 boxed ; put up in band-painted
1 boxes, snuggled in rich aatin, encased in exquisite 13ohe
39, 40, and We. 4 miau vases and jars of every description-of the specials
X we mention the following :
Twelve Assorted i
Bulb Toys, very funny, 69, 75, and 85c. J boxes, 10c size for 7c
*ach- 4 Garwood's Fine Kxtracts, regular lee size for 8c
Musical Toys, dozens of different kinds, 4 Garwood's Fino Extract:!, put up on Japanese metal pin
Me, up to SI. 4 trays, regular 25c sort for 19c.
Tin Ranges Kitchen Outfits, Sall->; Regular 15c Perfumes put up in fancy baskets for life
Boats, Steamboats, Trans, and others,! n*r. - _ . m. . ' "
5c un to 'Vic I Garwo0(ls F'ne Cologne, in dainty little baskets, regular
Grace Hoops, 18 and 39c set. I ^ s!ze for 8c'
GAMKS-All of the old favorites and 4 Good Cologne, large, fancy bottles, regular l?o. sort, for
the season's newest, at the very lowest T,0c"
P7"10"- ? Regular 10c bottles of Good Perfumes for Be
A. B. C. Blocks, 10c up to 75c I Oanrood'a Firm (.'..loRne, put up in dainty Uttle china
Building Blocks, from 10c up. A tea-pots, the HJC, kind for 19c.
Garwood's Fine Violet Water, in long sprinkler-top bot
- the 25e. sort for 19c
If yon want Umbrella goodness and
beauty at low price STOP H KRE. We
them the lowest, A peep at our window display will oan- *
rince you.
Gentlemen's Genuine Seal Clgsr Cases, In Black,
value S1.K9, to sell at $1.59.
very swell.
Ladles' Card Cases, In genuine Seal snd Morocco leathe
Black and Red, $2.39.
Tate-a-Tete Set, containing 9 pieces,'
gold trimming, MJb
Han.?.-'in.- BIOS <'up and Saucer, gold
traced, decorated, regular 60c. value, for
+ Fine Phina Cuspadores, decorated in
-t- lat.-st flaalgna. worth $1.2j. Our price this
very 4 ni. k, lie each.
T Ma China Vasa, gold trimming, 28c.
Teach; several styles to select from.
+ Fine French China Cup and Saucer,
Ladies' Combination Cases, in real Black Seal, with ster- i gold-lined hue for
ling-silver rim, the newest thing, price, $5.98. -f French China Mustache Cup and Saucer,
Ladles' Genuine .Seal Silk-Top Shopping Bsg, silk SSfdl^S**1^ KaU *&&+ Cheap at H. OSV price
Card Cases,
pretty, $1.69.
In genuine Black Seal, medium size,
Small-SIzo Card Cases, In Red, Tan, and Black, 98c.
and leather handle, $3.19.
v '
$T. Onyx-Top Table, heavy brass
The Latest?Ladles' Card Case. Pocket-Book, and Watch-4 ming, our price this week, $2.98.
Pocket combined, In all colors?the price, $1.69. 4
Bohemian Vase, heavily decorated In
gold, 18 Inches high, worth $1, our price
Extra-Large Tlfney Vase, ? Inches
hlKh, sold everywhere at $5, our price.
$.'?.50; several styles to select from.
Large KoJI Vase, entirely new and rich
coloring, worth $1.25, our price 59 and 75c
Our special low
Fine China Cup and Saucer, heavily i
gilded in gold, riRht price would be $1,
we ?ell th'-m at ?'.'.\ p.iir.
Fine, Opnuin* <'ut-<;iass Rose Jar, worth
S5, our price. $1.:>S.
Cut-Glass Oil Bottle, 89c
T Red, <?n. n, and Navy, regular $5 quality.
Cut-Glass Water Set, contains l-2-gal- prke' ,:u:*'
Ion pitcher, 6 tumblers, and nickel waiter, I Gentlemen's 26-Inch T'nlon Silk Serge Umbrellas, steel
Special price this week, MJI set ^ rod, close rolling, with natural Moravian vine handles, In
10-inch Cut-Class Berry Howl, rich P*t- !'li:l wllh Pearl- regular $2 quality, Our special low prico,
tern, worth $18, to be sold for $12. 4 H 39,
Cut-Class Water Bottles, large size for 4 Special offering in Union Silk Taffeta Umbrellas, silk
98c each. + case to match, natural handles, silk tassel, steel road,
Cut-Class Syrup Pitcher, sterling silver ?rl0i"* r?llin*' !iPeoii'1 ? W^*T. Our low price. $1.98.
' trimming, nickel top, worth $3. for $l..r>!*. X htrarFlns Quality Taffeta Silk Umbrella, 26-inch, silk
Fine WedgOWOOd Clock, decorated, New4ra8? anil tassel, close rolling, the latest carved Moravian
Chatelaine Bag, with outside and -f StCf?nQ
Real Alligator ch?telain? nags, medium size $3 is 2 Qilv ?r- Fifty-seven feet of counter room and the services of fifteen salespeople are devoted to the selling of these f
__. ?, , a , w '4 Ollvei . Silver Beaut ei.
Ladles' Genuine Seal
inside pocket, S2.98.
Writing Pads, in Black Seal, the newest thing in a pad
Brown Alligator Writing Pads, the best of quality, for
SOS- 4,
_ . Richmond Souvenir Spoons, Gold Bow'.s,
lo-morrow begins our An- fwlth dainty handles, fgc
T clive Bpoona, 7-lnch, with open-work
chiefs?Men's, Women's, and X^"11 ,,"vl- ?1 Slt
Children's. Thousamls of dozens T y?ry h'"',!s,,!n', briKhf1y polished, plain
_ go on sale at prices that'll enable X SSor'?uon^'??? **""" ^ r?'"'1 bead
you to buy lots of'em. t Individua'' Butter Knives, gold blades.
lheresnota Kiehmond ttock that s worthy ol com- Twith aterUng handles, some entirely of
pamon with ours, either in range of styles, delicacy of de- I gol l, with rich ei.amciiing on bandies, 98c
eiges, goodness of fabrics, or littleness of prices. 4 I W-lnch i'< i pen, rieh enVglaaa, ehasi d
yetei ling topa, Mo.
children's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, all colors and T ll-4-lnch Saits, brilliant cut-glass, ster
fltirignr. te sell for le ?iing tops, t;^.-.
Some of tho most acceptable gift-things are the Sterling Xoreltie
but not costly?bright, attractive, durable and in exceeding good taste.
Haven movements, worth $2.50, here for4vin'* handles, sterling Mlv-r mounted, sliver swedges reg.
$1.?9. 4ulur $1 quality. Our special bargain price, $2.75.
Fine China Clock, Delft, 18 Inches high, T
^criTa^r decked, bras, handles, { FC?thef B03S, .*??'? gering of give
for |i 6& I - *b?e? that ,nr surpasses any
Seoaratp Sk?rt?* ihin? ln thi" line ever ?*
-rioh. ? P JUingf tofl Never in all your
' Silk Waists. BaviDK haTe TOU hftd '
-they're so dainty, yet useful
?Dg have you had such
prices quoted to you on sucn
superior grades of desirable
A word ot caution?There's lots of brightly polished white metal offered elsewhere as silver?look ont for K
^it ! Every article in our vast collection, from the ten-cent hook to the most pretentious price, is guaranteed 0SV1OOQ line, Z PMATHBB hoas
and boaru the bTF.KLI.NU stamp. 4 ru" i W yards long,
Children's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, all new pat-"f 1^'ti-r-Openers, pearl blades,
terns; also, LadleO1 Main White Hemstitched Handker-^handl<>s' 14' 19' nn,i *
chief? a regular 4c. quality, to go at 2c. T Deeh Knives and Erasers, steel blades,
lines' main white Hemstitched HandhorohlofaandCb?-iSS*** hund!e8' * 39> ra' w> * 98c' and
dren's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, that are really J ?v?.Knlvre. two blades, sterling nan
worth be, ior so. 4,11,3, 23, 29. 39. and fgc; two btadea, with
Ladies' All-Linen, POaln, Hemstitched Handkgrchlafs, STsetasors, fS, Itc, and gl.tJi?; three blades,
good Quality, for IO, f69, 79c, and $1.39.
Ladies' Very bheer Scalloped, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, X
| Pretty Class Ink-Stands, 21-4 Inches
square, with sterling tops, 98c
21-2-inch Beading Glasses, heavily
metal-bound, with 41-2-inch Colonial de?
sign, sterling handle, $2.39.
Bonnet or V. ?v. t Htushes, whisk shape,
long, soft bristles, handsome designs, 79,
i)Sc, $1.39, $1.09, HJt, and $2.69.
Military Halr-BruahOS, very handsome,
sterling hacks, MM
Shaving Brushes, fine badger bristles,
sterling handlea, $1.39 and $1.59.
Infants' Brushes, sterling handles, $9,
Me* $1.19, and $1.79.
41-2-lnch Whisks, with 3-lnch chased
sterling handles, enclosed ln Red seal,
sterling mounted case, $1.'.'8.
New Pointed-Shape Pungente, rich mt
glass, hinged sterling tops, with Chate?
laine ring, 4 1-4-inch, $1.29; 5 1-4-lnch, $1.39.
? rs, full
Special sale price, $5.88.
-Fino Quality Ostrich Feather
_ very full, nice, long feathers.
4 $10 quality, special sala price, $7.98.
8-Inch Files, with 4-Inch sterling han-"f i.ur- whit? ristrieh -' .- ?_,, . , .
dies 98c 1119 J1H3 and 1198 . Us,rlch *?'?ther Boas, 11-4 yards ong. hand.
dies, SSC, $1.19, ?l.bJ, and $1.98. ?SOON quality, regalar S8 quality. Your choice $<> 4s
Nail Polishers, tooth-brush shape, ster-4 Ostrich feather BOSS, l yard Inng nice lanar f.-,m,
ISS, 79, 89c, and $1.19. 4and fluffy( regulur $7.00 quality
Nail Polishers, with sterling backs and 4 Ostrich Feather Boas, extra long extra heavy ?
upright sterling handles, 89 and 98c f quality, tho tlnest of its kind, regular $15 quality You!
Bterllng-Mounted, Fine Seal Pocket Xcholte> ,la
TOUet-Caaea, containing bevel-edge mir-4 The biggest bargain ever offered in Feather Boas 111
ror, sterling-back comb, and steel nail 4 yards long, g.,?d quality, very full, regUar $7 ausliiir vJ
?If. 89c. choice, while they hist, |198. Quality. Your
Small Octagon-Shape. Plain Cut-Glass J bHPABATH SKlKTS-,Special lot large nutt^rn? i>.
Jars, with plain and chased sterling tops. 1 Mohair, full line of Storm Serge Plain Sicilian an if
Vri?' flnl8hed 8eam8' rogu,ar K5? W^y- Our special p?lce"."
Full-Size White Knamelled Olove
Btretchera, with richly chased sterling I
handles, $1.59.
4 Biggest bargain ever offered In large Figured
> Skirts, Plain Hohalr, and Sicilian Serges, and m
Bripht and Satin-Finish, Blchly-Chased styles, regular $5 Skirts ~ Our spec-la?"'salodr)r^n? J^?r*
Sterling Garter-Clasps. $1.19 pair. X Kxtra-Fin.. Quality CoafOS Sl-illan Cnmbrlc-llned ' a ,\ ,
A splendid line of highly-polished Steel 4 seams, $?1.70 quality. Your choice $14? "MMSi
?h?9 1?',?9'8rl98Vr'$?89tandnr?9and,eS't, ???? P^* * ^^ !llrge ??Uerna. .,?, .
^lfM Of Boucle, regular tl quality. Your choice $4 9?
our loe. designs, to go at .c 4 T-Ulp Of all good things for Xmas gifts there's none to better Table Linens, They're the most useful and moat
Ladles' ScalioiOd and Hemstitched Embroidered Hand- T L^ZILT lasting in the whole category of gift things.
kerchiefs, all new and dainty designs, a regular 12 i-2c + ; c We ve gotten together a line of Linens purposely for this season-Cloths, Sets,
quality, for 10c. + Lllllll?. y?e\e put prices on 'em that'll take "em from us quickly
ladles' Very Fine Scalloped
all new and dainty designs
for 10c. 4
ind Hemstitched Embrold- T
fed Haudken hlcf :, also with lace and insertion, a 17c. ? German Linen Table Covers, fringed,
grade, to ?ell for 121-2c. 4 all-linen. 2 1-2 yards long, real value $1.39,
ladles' Scalloped Embroidered Handkerchiefs, all Bew^hol'd''y Price J1
?nd pretty designs, a regular 25c quality, for 17c t rrhsgod Scotch Linen Table Covers,
leadles' Heaaatltched and Bcalloped Embroidered Hand-4 very tine quality, pretty designs, 2 1-2
kerchiefs, with lace insertion and ruffles, a beautiful quality + yards long, real value $2.25. holiday price
for 25C. ? H.50.
llallis' AU-Llnen Very Fjne ScaMoped nnd Hemstitched 4 Woven-Border Irish Linen Table Covers,
thnhroldored Handkerchiefs, our regulur 75c goods, for ROc+3 yards long, deaagna ln dots and flowers,
ladies' AU-Linen Very Sheer Scalloped and Hemstitched 1real value ** ***** ^rlc8 |2'
Embroidered Handkerchlsfs, all ntw and dainty designs, 4 Irlsh Llnen Tal1'' Covets, woven bor
' 4. .1- rs, 2 1-2 yards long, designs ln Ivy, Car
4nations, Chrysanthemums, _ind Dots, ex
Fancy Brocaded Figured Ottoman Silk Skirts h.n
ly made and llnlahed, regular $7.69 quality. Your choice r"?
j. T.-..,.../ SI I U...I- T\.,?l_ _,, .__ ' ?' *?.
our 89c Handk'TOhiefs for 75c.
Men's White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 5c
Men's Fancy Bor lered Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Be
Men's Fancy Border Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 1-2, |,i
1 i<eVtneh baana, lOc Z p
Msgfl Fate y Bon.r HemstlD-hed Handkerchiefs, extra-^ fj?i?lPS
fine mubUn. 1-2, I, and 1 1-2-lnch hem, 12 l-2c X
Hen's Whits AH-Pure Liheu Hemstitched Handker-4
Chiefs, 1 and 11-J-:ikIi hems. 10c. 4
Mesi's White All-Pure Linen Hemstitched Handker-1
chiefs, 1-2, 1, and 11-2-Inch hems, 12 l-2c 2
Men's Extra-Fine AU-Pur)- Linen Hemstitched Handker-^
Chiefs, this a reai'2?c grade, 17c. T
ceptlonally heavy linen, real value $3.26,
holiday price $2.50.
German Linen Table Covers, hemstitch?
ed, 3 yards long, v. ry tine, good designs,
real value $3.5o. holiday price $2.75.
German Linen Table Covers, woven bor?
ders, the heaviest linen to be had. doubly
woven, special bargain, 3 yards long,
real value $5.50, holiday price $4.
Scotch Linen Tuble Set, cloth 3 yards
lopg, fringed, with ?oylles to match, de?
signs in ferns and dots, real value $4-5?.
I holiday price $3.75.
v.?u? j u m. T FantV Figured Satin Duchesse, all large pattern.
Napkins, and such like, i bned, velvet bound, cut fun, cut to nt >???.i>l ?U ,nter*
TTout ohoaoe. MM ' -equality,
.-?1I.K WAISTS-Ladles' Silk Shlrt-Wafsts
11. t
Wjth pleated "f?on't
Irish Linen Table Sets, cloth 3 yard-. : ? "*? ??*?*??" iwm
long, fringed, with two rows of open.XnobW**! *?bn-Walat to be had la au the new ,'h
work, 16-inch Doylies to match, stars and 4 "!l"rl"*s; "1:so' iul1 1!n* of Plain Black, with pleate,wabI#
sunburst designs, real value $0.50, holiday 4 :m'! ba(k' Pl?*ted yoke and blouse front, reculas nn ,,?nl
' 4 Our special. $4.98. ?,iar ^ ?uality
Flannel Shirt Waist
ralst. double point yok* back, strictt? ...
cd acsoaa front. In Bed. Navy, ?????
price $5.
8cotch Linen Table Sets, cloth 3 yard?
long, double knotted fringed, with two 4 wool, bned, p'.eat?
rows of open-work. 17-lnch Doylies to 4 regular MM quality. Our special"sale" nri^'a* V?? ?,ack?
match. ra?j valu.- H holi.lay price $6. 4 ??, quallty Figured Mohair cut full' ^
Scotch Linen Table Sets, bssastttched. tff?Sllty your pick $1:9. ' WWth'
cloth 2 1-2 yards long, 19-Inch Napkins f.
match, fine, long, straight rtbre, beautiful ?. n
designs in leaves and vines, real valr - nd- w0 ' -' ' "'
holiday price $550.
regular sj
ntifol? Fanoy ^Kur-l Hohalr Skirts, handsome pa.tem
M $7 t?ne ,,ned' VelVet b0und' WOrth K y-ur pTck. $T,7
Figured Mohair Skirts, large patterns, perfect flttln
All the good old-time amuse? are here, elbowing their way with the up-to date "Captain Kidd " and +HyU*h' rc*ular * v4UaUty' y?ur ?^> H.St,
"Prisoner of Zenda." Hear old Parcheesi still shares tho ?uletide joys. Bnup, ?o-Bing Pilirrim's Proeress. PUta ,!l111 >,,halr
and buako Game are all here again but in new drea* There's lots of good entertainers among the new comers; t s?,-h !i Tow'nrw"i,
bowing and curtsving to win your furor. T^ p ^^
DOWM ('? MKORTS-Fancy Figured
Skirta. they cannot be duollc??-* ,.
"The Always-Busy
tSS* '"" ^"?-^..?.?r,H"?'Vur ^;,JW?; ?
W -H1- ^v^*?, 9? t a,n an'1 K,n,y Fl?"r"l flown Comforts
^ T f\ |^f?? 4 '";'lX',r': K"";1 qUi'm> ' re?U,ar ?W value, yo?
extra heavy,
your choice. 14.39.

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