Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. - WHOLE NUMBER. 144138. \{\( 1IMOND, VA?, TUESDAY. DECBMBEB 14, 1897. THREE CENTS PER!)? Y. JUDGE LOVE WINNER , .., ,m t NBBBf ix IUMimiv \ i i i> ,i\ I H llll.OM'.l, Il Mil Ei. -g V, iNS IN MONTGOMERY -. Mr. inihoiin by l.nrai I in trln-r.ili fi, \ | ?II .- ?if lb?- Mosl Inter? ?tin? I ,\ liilcr-Other Nominations, i hip con ... . In . tba t I : a II I I la? | ..l-iiiitur. .1, : i b? nii :n trk : r all ol lakltn, It? r. in ritt T. x id la? ll tba .r ro? ot Ox la? I iintler .a at - coa? rla and Incumbent He al< . . : i bei . ! I,. C ? ,1" r cef th ' ! lient thl ' - ' ' . PRESENTED n tile- OUI that Mr , the v.,i : I mralai loner of th 11 i ?.ti, B n i ; , mcli ..a th i the li I in tr nit su?-h ?i Lorx. I as i...-. ;-0Ce-? . :. . .\' 'MiM.i:. .I . , Firk . rrtafto ! m- n ?. ai I-. alll.-lSlO . i e, n <; un?i . : i Unter, M i' ' ! , Tu? : H A H i .h, Withai - . I Cam ... ||, cart? '. i'uke-, F i . ..- . il '1 - Li/el', ' ' . ., .?i .h,. < i.V. a, i'"W uiitu, HoathaU, l '? ?' It- Ktubb?. til? ??ioUCI "JMfwblp eoat*sl was refsrrad to ?? ?nut... ?r ,,,,. .? ,,,. M??- Wunen, Lo?daaa, and ?ountle? ware passed by, ?ml nomination ">r tne Montgomery Judgeehlp taken up MONTOOMBR. c? iNTEHT. r?V.nnr,,;,l1 !___on ?sted that be ha >,nd It mpoMlb?, from the petitions h ' * bs would support. He asked th? . aliens t? decMe. but Bsesahsra crowd* m and laughingly forced Qenera "V Bfter considerable Importunltj >H ha would rots Pot Mr , ""1 ' > to l -v.. tho most general endorsement. Mr Digga nominated JudgS Waltet th? Incumbent Mr ***on ...ins,. eelved be Mr Calhoun, and asked ''" Hk. mi-. Mr. I.irk, i> i tha nomination ?if Mr "in. ' the '"t that lodge ' ' ?pi ointi : ? Republican I tn? um xplred term i I .? ?to? u ad Com? ' torney, whli i, was i ?. Mr. Digs thai Jn.ij;.. preni . i to h.ri an Independen) Republican for the position, as agalaat a - alar nom Mr. .Ian. ,, the nomination of lullt' "** and Mr. ? in the same atra?a, testified to th? ?ork Mr Calh? un ha?! done for ' boles ?>f the Democratic i arty In that eoanty. THE BALLOT. The ballot resulted: ..-? Calhoun. "'" '"_'.-,' At the oonelnsloB <?f tins ballot, th? caucus, ?i to onset to-night to oontinue the work of nominating candi -hips. THE rjOMMITTEE ANNOUNCED. immediately after ?idj?.?iriim?'iit. the ?hair announced tha following c.immit ind report upon th? Glou M'est: Messrs. tteeseli, with, rs, .lut-dan, it . , paita. LECISLATIVE COMMITTEE MEET moa Th?- Honst Committee ?m Lahor snd Poor met In R< adjournment of the lower branch yesterday, and to take up Mr. E. c. Foikea'a bill Nqtilring all railway eoinpani? s to have VCStl? buled platforms to th?-ir oars. Loth Mr. Oulgon and Mr. Shield, counsel for the tWO str.a ? railway companies her. , ;:p thc committee. Tip J all the Ught thrown upon the BBS? - t the ? oaunlttee t?king action at once ui>on th* Blatter. to i-ijiiMtl.-r the lull Tuesday morning, December ttst, al : I Both Mr. Chares Bland, of Portsmouth, and Mr. Folhea, are strong i asura The S? n;.u ?'ominlite. on Courts of Justice held a short session yeeterday. No Important measurea were diacuased, the chief sctloB of the comsslttea being the adoption of a. resolution making live members s ?Riorum, instead <>'.' seven. I.I.MIRAL S \M.I, ILLY DESERTS. Repurt Tlmt I iisoi n? n I Lender llu? i. .m- lu the Enemy. IIA RAN A, via LEV WB8T, FLA., 1" ' ?Maonneed Berai-oiBci I? ly th ^iiiiiy, the laaargaat :, his ?written to Marshal Blanca Ing him his at i vices unconditionally. of the ? i? h. -i Si Cubs have h- id lui t i r i ?s here at Cb :. fui'gos and at Sigua, tO ? ? ?n.? i?l?-r l! viaability of aendlng s i stltton t > I McKinley, aakiag for the estaMlah I States proti ctorats ovef If within six months the guvcrn us for the i aclflcatlon of the . Later a m Madrid seem to that ?Deputy .Amblar.1. who was trusted with the task ?>f making ov ? t.. the Cuban juma, had reached X.w York. He is said t<> BSVS inform? ?l Spanish ministers tha! be counted upon the adherence o i I Sangniiiy to the BOW Order Of things, and, if it is that the latter ha i Ketad bli to the Captsln-Oen? ral, the Influ? Of at Madrid will BO great? ly increased. In ; said to 1. ly re , i-iiDsn!, sums of money to his sapeases, and it Is furth?r ind sutonorniBta win not definitely complete their Onion until his return tC Habana. BANOUILLTTB ACTION EXPE?'TE!>. NEW York. December 18.?At th<- Co bSB Junta headquarterfe, snd from aouTceo aera, it was learned that Ban I s loyalty to the triaban canee had been under suspicion for some linn?, and rted action In offering his aer uncondltlonaily to Oeoaral B . , , ins a surpris". 1 ? Thon dma, however, speak for publication, aald that hi con! i ly believe that Banguilly ha?i capl i. bur that h, ,11,1 not attach much Importance t<> the report, even If true. A reliant, prominent i the Revolutionist? in 1 . said that rait lik?-ly evi r to go | II the Insurgent tanks, and that Whab I si bad taken w.mi.i have apoa th?? taeaYgant lead? ?;. . auullly was In NOW Yorli , . . ',.. agO. It was said at , inta that Boner Anguilla raterra? dispat? h, was not s mi mb r el i Revonitlonary Junta, whl? I . * only tour membera. - ding to the same author i,v |g :, Cuban laaryer snd man of 1? t ? ho i?; one of the editors of a foot nal called Cuba, published la this city a published IB Span lah for the last throe weeka To-Say i appi ra In English, it is dh ? COvar, formerly of La Discus ... fi .,,,,. of sutonomy. It has bo bob aectlon with the junta \ TKHIIOR-STIUCKCV IBKVi Flight from Daw ?on <'Hy l'??der Fear <?f r?salas Bstlsl Be-nawraa, VICTORIA, ' ' <" Dsosash? I, ihe news i received thai more than 1.830 iii-provistoi '.,\ m? n stamp?"'."! froaa Daarsoa darlni the latter part of October, and, iaspella i,v th.- haunttng lear of famine, are noi ly forcing their way over the raoun taina Auk, tha Indian mall-carrier, wh bring? this report. I?-ft the Yukon capita fully ten daya after thi Daltoa party. H Wya the vanguard of the terror-strtcke army-is following less than a week l?. hind lilrn- Auk declsn - th ?t fully I ,? r eenl "f the stamp? ded army wi . Ite the t'-rrors <?f the! flight north. The river "tee-era Bell and W? ''I'l'eais, did not lap us of provisions on th< i i i >awson, ?n the - art? part o ??et.ilM-r. OWinj to their haying been bel ?? ??i ?rela t*tty. The only bright vie? of the situ?t I?, n Is that the crossing ? tea iibov.' Dyes and Bkagusy ba lately beea improved, sad within a mont win ?M- in exifUent condition ?'v. a parties, needed by George H. I" ,,,. i-, propoas to go to th?- r.n.f ??f th hungry mini'is. They will make tb United State? Government an off?r tod live 50.000 pounds <>r provisions with! nftv days after the time ??f starting fc "wsot. for 875.0??. They ?alrej ?000 pounds of provisions cached al IAS Bennett. Which th?-y will take in ..v. r tl Chilkoot Pass this wlnt.r I lm.r will k south by the next steamer, to lay h ^position I? for, the Secretary of W. by wire. _ , He Is Doing Well. Hr N H. Noblett, member of th? Hour Of Delegates from Lunanburg eeuatj ww, had a?, oaafaeiea tot g^gj unformed at St. Luke s Home Frldn "doing w.-ii. aatf l?s r*wov?ry w com duitly ?*xp?ct?a, 'HE END PEACEFUL \*vi\?; ttt \\ oi' THF. IMtF.M Di.Nrs UBBBB. DIERiL T0-M0RK0Y? AFTERNOON. II lint Three Members of the Cabi? net to Attend?Miinr Tribute* of lie mm i i from This 4 ?mntr> anil from Abroad. Mrs. Nancy Allison McKinley, mother of ha l'r. -:.: nt, .lifel Sin .lay nietrnlng at :3? o'clock. F.iily In the- tlay It was I'.'.H-i-.l that the was growing tad tbf attending physician assured tho JV?BBJ wale h.Trt tha'. she could n<ir i l -; iiy llvo UalXKafhcOBl th.- Bight Thi 1' 1 nt ?nil the other numbers of tbf .mm> llatfl laiiil.y hehl tbe-ir silent Vigil by be badaata uatil th.- .-id carao, it was e ir? ,'ul Bad without I Around tin- (bath-t.Mi when tho final 1 wie l'resltlint Bio? lad his wil. ?Ir. McKiii y. Mis. luim-uii. BBd Miss Hi lui M. - 1.11 i ! 11 ? e n i.f th.- Bged we,man. Tip -?* i alatar ?aa there, Mrs. Abigail Daborne, tha only on?: of the Alli:-'iii family BOW living. Mi:.. i:..wman. of i.e-eiaiiie-, mi- ..'..i Mahal hto? Finity, McKinley, Miss Duaeaa, and lack Daacaa, .?Tandchlldran, atara la th?- s.ici party that wltBoaasd the last a tfa - nth- lift-. II i i Ola? ni.-ne that Mr.--. McKinley ii,..i at alraoal tha ide?tica] h..ur ol tb day us did i?<-i- buaband, oa Thanka aivlng, five yaara ago. l'r.-sici.-nt McKin? ley it niai.i. .1 up until about 2;.lu o'cloe-k, a 11:1c- mora than ;.n lmur aft.-r tin death, and than i Mr .1 for a tea bo During th? torea ?a ha anel hla brother apont tha egraatar part of an hour walkiag about tha roore ?aactuded ur honie-, - ' orlng much-m Bd air. Tin- i'l-sid. nt greatly raf*aah?td by the a?rela* from tha tryiag ordeal ' !' th.- paal faa .lays, during which, except when be went te. Waahington to attend to official dutlea, he kepi an aliimst c.oistant at the boilsiele, of his BaOtb? I. in iln- afternoon, the Preatdaat ami Ai.nt-r McKinley drove to beautlfBl v. LaWB ?'e-m.-te ry. about I milt- w-e-st of the home, t'i attend pemmally to arrange? ment! f..r th- Interment, ahtcb will ba mail?' in tha family int. where lie tba i-mains of the- husband ?mil father, .".ral which adjoins th. i..? which rot more .h.m tw. aty y-- ira h uj ??ecmtalaad tha bodloi of the nu. ohtldre-? of tin- Presi? dent aad bis wife, under carefally-kopt mounda thai ara atrewn with .flowen wlVnevt-r the |ear.-Pis eorM t.? ?'antun. - sklent tenderly aad I fully laid '-lusters of Sowers on th. while th sit.- of th.- moth'-r's Mr. Btewarl L, .Bowman, of I^oratno, the buaband of cue- of Mrs. McKinley*? I'-hiieln-n. Joined tba family circle y morning. Tha ehfldroa ami .grandchildren, except Mrs. eQ-eorge i-,. Me.rri-i, of Kan Francisco, a daughter of th.- lata David McKli I? y. u d ail of tha ?mmtillnte- r'i.rri?y w ere preaoat f'jr t!;e closing aoeaaa <>f life-. MKS. M'KIM.KVS l.TFF. Mrs. McKinley waa distinctively a home i v. .em ,-.. .i.i tba two-atory fi une On W?H 'I' lev.. er. I. in Canton, whore she- i-.. |, and whara ah? !i\i-ti for maay yean a daarci t.? he r than any Othe r ?pol OB earth. 'I'hi-i - Hnlng dan a htta ht-r daughter, Hel<en, gad her Kran ? mi? dien. ?i.. .- und Jsmi mal visits from t.-r othei children, im going oat. i tu '-iiurc-h. whara aha could ba found every Sunday morning, unless prer by ir While showing d? ep afi'.e-tic.n for bei oth?r children, sin- had followed ih. ? ari-t-r of William with pride Bad With feond, motherly ii'imii????* she watobed lit m riae from tha i i ' utlag Attorney of his own cam ty, i .w Btagea '.' Congreeeman Qorernor, and finally xo th?- prasld Daring 'i n of bul y. ai for thi InatlOB and aft? rward for th? tloa, Mrs. Mi Klnley was one- of the bmm rested obaervei Has. was alway a th>- plaee of honor at the borne of b< r diatlaguhihed aon, and mi tl thai bbl i.e.ininatiMii by the- St. . Conventloa wa? aanounoed aha hoard th news i he ttd. Ba aturan i the- de? i' i- te t.- bore h. i aarthor b] Ing be-r as soon as be bad rooedv? announcement e.f t!.. reaaall at St. i.'.ui Aii through th.- campaign that foUowo she- watched the de.inns of bar ?on wit i.. i, ni.]..-.. .She was a freqnenl call? at his h'.u.-f. BBd was greeted by man ol the vtaltlng delegations of Repubttcani sin- ac? nu . ni'"i the .Preaidi ni t . i b Inauguration and remained In Waatalng ton until Mr. aim M. . McKinley had lie , tma aettled in the- White Houae. Tha .-le- raturned to ?'anteen. with t -ie.iis of gratitude for bOtBg at bom mure. Nancy AUlsofl McKinley cbbm of family .* I: insplanted from Fn-: Bd t.. th.- hills of VlrgtahV The Ali i family subaequently removod t Qreen? county) .Pa., whora Ahnor ah son, Nancy's father, was bora, and what ba m.irii-ei Ann .Campbell, of hcotcl il.Titian dOBCOnt. Fnly in th iirest-r Btury Mr. and Mis. AlllBOn CBBM froi Pennsylvania to Columbtaaa count; this state travailing by pack !?"i in iv.'.e, near th- pr-eseal dty of Llahoi Nancy AUlBOB Waa Loin H? r glrlho? was liasse.I on th.- farm, ami in 1v-7 si i William McKinley, a you manufacturer. The couple lived Aral : ["airfield, ami aft' rwarda at NUoa ai Poland befor? n tnovins to <'.n,; thiidie-n ware I. to there. Thoy w> David, dec? ised; Anna, deceased; Jame Mary, deceaaed; Helen Mlnerv living at Canton; s irab Bllsabel BOW the- wife- uf a. J. .Dub?! '!. Willuua, the rr.sid. nt-, Abigi ?Vila, th c-tas. e|. and Abii>-r, WhOM BOB is In N?*W York. William McKinley, Br., ?ti- I la N? rai !.. r, BB. 'it th? :r!< TRIBDTEB OF KFSl'FCT. CANTON, ?>.. O'-ct-mbt-r ll.-The cask the earthly remains of Naa? AlUtcon McKinley i already marly burie in b BBB <'t 11 <>v?.-. rs. All mornlntf tl xprt ss wagoaa bava baao eatrv.m; th !,.,,,Is of Moral OfferiBgB to th.- m. m.. ,.f th?- bolOVOd d.-|.,'. t>fl. They Miss lit-lin MeKlahry, tha Piaatdaai sisttr. who. taiaagh all tha trials of t paal ten .?ay.-, has eeareoly loft tha ha :.|e|.- of her efytBg moth. r. -lay or iiIkI Rut BJ0888egai Bl -ymjiathy ami t?.k? of revei-e-r.tini regard omaa from graal eiistane-fs than BowOIB 088 I?' ?arrl? Tha wli'-s and th.- malls are overl.iad with Bind words of condolence-. In t butB to the memory of 8 model Amt-rl mother. .PrOBldeat Faur.-, Of Franc American ambassailors abroad. Unit Stat.-s consuls, the umbassal'irs of oth COUBtrtM, Station? d at WasbinKton, <}-' eraora of htatOB, raaga?. Ualtad Ital senators, conwrensmen, and other !>ub othclals, ?Iraiiel Army posts, and frlen by th? thousunds from all paita of t country und the civilized world, ha sent expressions of their sympathy. FFNERAI. ARRANGKMKNTS. The funerul will be held Tm S'lay aftc ,,..,ii at 1 o'cliK-k, at the First Method Kldrcopul church, of which the deceui had Ion? been a faithful member. It was the desire ?>f the imm?diate re tlves af tho deceaaed to BBVB bri. t ; i\l.?s at th?? old McKinley hon stead, but In answer to the urgent queat of nel?hbors, old-time friends, a member? of tho church, they ylck i h? Ir .'?'.1res, ami consented to have pub Th? fun? tal servi., s will ?.pen with th? chant. 'Still. Btiil With Th?"." by the Aeoleon Quartette, whl?h will render all of the music for the servie?-. This will !>? followed by prayer by Rev. B. P. Har broke. Two hymns which were e?peclal favorites ?.f Mother McKinley bave bean eboaea to be rendered by the ?luurt.tte. R .. 1>. Milllgan, of th- 1'rev-by t-rlan ?'hureh. will announce. "Jesus. Lover of My Bool," and Rev. Mr. Roper, of the Baptist Church. ".Water. M] Ood, fo The? " Th? QBariettc will airo render "Lead, Kindly Light." A Scriptural le???>n will be read by R*v. Dr. John Hall. ..f Trinity Lutheran and a brief ?<ldr,?ss will be de? livered i y R??v. Dr. Manchester. The tlon will !;? pronniuc? d I y Rev, It. McAfee, of the Broad-Street Metho illst church, of Columbus, who wa? the its paitar while he v. is Q of Ohio. After ! M an opportunity will be given to the Songregatlon t<? view the remains. LISINESS TO Li; SIsPENDED. Th?- indications now a"? that the fune? ral will be th.- lar,,?. evei beld In Can? ton. Busiaesi w?ii practlealty be 6u.< pended in the city, au th.- ??arches win he represented in th.. servi?.?, ami dls tinmiish? d men Brill be present from all ..! Hi? coaatry. Information is deOnlt? that the BMBB i. ol th? Cadatnet, with th? s?est I lo^e, Long, snd Bhernaan, will b?. present \'lce-Presi?leiit Hobart has annoim-?-?! that he cannot corne. Th.- ntltclals from Wa??h!n?i:t<*n Will ?'.niton Tu?'s?lay morning. Early this morning President McKinley to. k a brisk walk in the bracing air for ?x, ;. ise. Every pedestrian that met him lifted his ha'. CABINET OFFICERS ON THE WAY. washi.v?'.ton. i?. <".. December B.? Th?- membera of the Cabinet erho win at? tend the fun.ral of Mrs. McKinley, mother of tiy? Presld.'nt. in Canton, to? morrow, bit Washington at ~,:2i> O'clock to-night over th" Pennsylvania railroad. Th?>re wer? In the party .?- " tary ami Mis. Alger, Attorney-?;?n,ral and Mm Mei:?'tina. Postmaster-General Gary, S - rotary Wilson, pacretary Riiss. Mr. Pof? ter, Se? i? t iry to the Preeldent, and Mis. Porter, Th?' party will ?/each canton about i'? o'clock Tuesday morning, ami win I? ive i'niton Tuesday night again fur Washington. The While House will be closed to visitors to-morrow, and the flairs on nil tta- public building?? will be at half-m ist, but th.- department's Will not be close?]. There were a numb- r of floral tributes from the members of the Cabinet on the Canton train; al*">, on?- from Flos Proal ?I'-nt Robert and OBS from Secretary and Mi?. Pott.r. central sorrow. All about the city Is sorrow over the death of Mother McKinley manif ! Plaga on th? canrt-house, City Had, and other public BBlldlnga have Boated at half-mast all day. The Business Men's Assoclatloa rit a meeting this afteriKMn, decided t.? BuSBend bualneaa during the hours of th" fun? ral. Presiden! MeKlnley k?-i?t eins?? within doors during the gri ?ter part of the ?lay, hut took a stvrt walk ?" ir the BOOSS rent g, this being the only ex he had ? - Watt early this morning. ? ??.? ?LBatCBB AT HABANA HABANA December 1!.-Marshal , and Ssaoc Job? ? ions * , Be? re t:?ry-i;?'n?ral of Cuba called upon Cotisul ?;. n.rai Fltshagh ! " to-day, am ten dered their eondolencea on the death of the mother of president McKinley. MX RHO W E8CAPK FOR GOMEZ. Insurgent 1 ry.lcr Take? Ilffnire la Mnaataln? of La? Deileta?, PARANA, in KEY WEST. ELA.. 1' - eesaher IS it la odacsally snnnBaesd that th.. Spanish forces ander th?* command of General Pando in th.? province <?t Pnarto Principe base been pushing in snrgaat leader. Caserai Maximo O" mea, bo closely that Isa eras <???ti*-?-?i. with about ." ? sssn of his BSCOrt, to seek i-,.. d , sad iiiountalns ol La? 1 - li ?as. The ioniiiilasloiisri sont by Qsneral i i to ?ht:? "in pans <?f the jalead with Instructions to negotiate with the Insurgsats for their acceptance of tiu eutoBoaaona form <>f govsrnassnt pro posed by Spain have sol rstamsd in i aingie cssa which seems t?> eontirm th* BOOM of them have b." i banged by the lasurgent?, ami sthen have elected t" remain with the enemy. it fa- reported that Juan Delgado, ih? iBsurgeai leader, has bang ?d the taw comrnlsslonen trho srsre sent to Ua with peace proposltlons. a dispatch r.ntiy received here froa Autonomie Cfcbtnc fu- Cuba will not be until the Re formiatfl ami Autonomista unite in on? party, and i? Is added that th" Reformta Deputy, Amblard, who Is now in Madrid v. i.l. on his arrival In New V'.rk. oft'. to Manuel Rafael Angola a member ,, tie- Cuban revolutionary junta a port folio in ihe new Autonomie Cabinet ii order to Induce him to return to Cuba RICH LE-ltACE AWARDS. AilldnvllH It i-,iir.lI h? lb?* Alleged MinrlriK?' of tin? Truck. new rORK, Decesaber 13 The win tiers of the six-.lay bicycle race were to ?lay awarded their prises ah the bioi except Hale were present. The award were as foUoars: Miller, 11 ,308, and BM for beating HBle* n cord; H BOO; s, hlaa**r, *.' Bali I ?, \\aii?r. t>'?'. Pierce, BOO; tJokten, BB G.uiiion. BB: Bntennaa BB; Bkes, BM <;., |Bi Julius. BOOTS, iml Rea ei n.l?. ?Bl ea.-h. Gray and Johnson go not hing. Two s?darlta ?rere ksaded to th m?nagera, regardlng the at measurement of the bicycls-trsck Uey Collla City Burreyr, sw?ire that be bbm sin. .1 the traek an?l found a Shi reel 10 th?; mil.-. His '?111,1 ?vit t'?n th??r atates thai the a tld be i follows: Mill. r. 1.9H3 miles, ??.S3 yard* Rice, UM stiles, -- ' yards; Bchinnee ilea IB yards; Hsle, UB mttea yarda The ether allBavit, submitted b O, ii. Runeui, City Hurv.-yor. confirme this statement. E\-mimstf.r BPDOIUP. He I? Crlllrnll* III nl HI? Home I 1.? u<'liliurg. LYNCIIRIRG. VA., l>. -ember r..-(Sl'? cial.)?Hen. Alexander Mel i,,ii?ld. Mini: ter to Persia aadar Presidsat develan is critically 111 with pneumonia at S Andrew's Home, In this city, and mn not survive through the night. He ni here late Tuesday, and haj BBS confined t?> his bed ever sine. I i.liai'cn frum Hit In? um. new York. pseesBbos IS?The Wan Une steamer Orlssaba. which arrived t day, brought from Habana 3X? bal.? tob?ceo, being the? first shipment of tl v., ad from that port for many months. The tobacco was In five ots, two which were ?'unsigned to G W. Sheld? K- Ca, of thlb city, und th>- o er lots " order." \illinium Iron for Japan. BIRMINGHAM ALA.. PsraMBhSI 13 Th? Tennessee Coal, Iron ami R.illi?? Company and the Stosa Iron and St? Company ?o-duy shipped 5.000 tons Alabama pig-iron to Penaucola, when it will be forwarded to Kobe and ^uk hams. Japan._ ?? ss????_ ??? Disagreeable sensations resulting **o coi'i'li valilab before Dr. Bull'? Couj S> 1 UB. TOOK CARBOLIC ACID ["HIS ttUBI Or DEATH ADOPTED ll? MARIE CARPEXTER. 'HE WOMAH ilmLUm HERE. ante from Hartford Thr-c We-ks Ako-Wm TryIn? to Uet In a Ni-aro'? Ilcxsse \\ hen Reported to the I'ollre?Her lit.?nun.I Living. Marie Carpenter, a white woman about .*> years of age, committed suicitb- at 188 .' I I'..lice Station Sunday STBBlBg just iftat I o'-Unk by drlnklna an ounce of arbollc acid. She took the poison In the ail In which she had been placed for : Baffe* ment on the cJaBTaa of mlsdemea .or, and dle?l a half-hour afterwards at ha City Almsh'/uese, whither she was re rioveii for tneatm-nt. Her remalna are ?till in the city morgue, where they wlrl ?.- h'-!?! until to-day to giva friends un >|>p??rti;nlty to claim them. If no claim s ajada th? body will be burled to-day it tin- city's expense. ?eiMI-FAlNT V.AIXST HFR. A ?? w minutes before t> o'clock Sunday svening Caaolla BolMBB, a negro, who live? In an alley on .Sixteenth street be tWe?B -Main ami Franklin streets, went to the Fli.-t Pataca Station and swore nit a wanant charging Mario CaipaatBr with breaking a Uoor to her house. The white woman followed the Holmes wo? man to the Mat?a?a?hOaaai and When the warrant had been written and r.-ad to Mrs. t'ai|.. nt. r, as it now appears sho was. Captain Thomas, w h'? was tu th?> sta? tion at the lim?-, ordered lu r to be- put in a ceil. The charge agalaat tor waa not for felony, as It was claimed that she forced an entrance- to th? bouse, but merely da magi d property by breaking th.- door. She bad heen In the cell but a moment. It seanMd, when she rapped BBOfl the door. Ofllctn- King went to tho e ell. and she told him she wanted a glass of water. The pattOBBMB gave the water, and was turning away wh.-n ?he rapped again. He turned back and asked th- see-oiitl time what she wanted. She told him to open the door and let her out. He t. -eponded that ba could not do thh?. Her last words were, "??pen the door, f urn going." F'-arlng OOtSOB than, Captain Thonuiti ami Mr. King opeiietl the- door, aiel efpond '.he woman partly stretched BpOB B beach in the ceil, with an ounce phial, once tilled with carbolic a Id, but now neatly ?mptliel. lying upon the floor. WAS IN CoXVl'LSl'iXS. The ottlo-rs removed her from the cell to the public room of the ofaV .-, aad the limp lio.'.y laid upon a beach, and from the- beach finally laid upon the floor, as she was having eOBVUlslOB alter convul? sion, taargaaat Otay, tba offlcar in charge, 'phoned Immediately for th.- ambo Ian.-.-, which raapoadad promptly, with 1er. NuCkOlB In tharc,.-. Hut by this time tie- woman w.:s un. onscloiis. The sur? t? oil did BOt have the prop? r Instrumenta with him t'i treat Mob an extreme case, und Marie was removed to tba City HOB? When the woman went to the station '. i 1 a small satchel, uniJ d to tek- it In the cell with her, This was refused, CaptatB Thomas sus? pecting that it mltibt contain instrumenti of haun. Tharataaa other way she could bava gatteB the poison except to bavt bad it concealed about her person. It b not a custom to search female? pi i charged with misdeirieanejrs at tit? , ol.. . *Xett\ t to see tilt the? have no knife or pistol or instrument ol that kind with which to do th. m injury. DIBD AT THF. HuSl'ITAI.. The sur?eon had not timo scarcely t begin treatlag her at the hospital befor she. %va.s .1- .d. She never s|?>ke> aft--' taking th.- acid, except to say she wa (Oing, and It 111 - - Is known of her, <-\ c.-pt whit Captain Thomas gatheree m conversation whila th" warran f..r her arre-i was l.eing written. Sh i.i'i the Foul.- raptara she was barn i I'ms, Kr.ii.', but had COBM to Hieb i... n.i about tarea anaka ano from Hart ford, Conn., and that si man who Is familiar character on the.' streets sellln ; Rent medicines hail paid her way froi that city to Richmond. She had stoppeel one night at tha Catt Una lions.-, a .heap lotlnlng-house v lower Mam street, but most of th- Hu? sh., had liv.-ei at No. UM east Frankli -tr.-t. Bhe denied the chargea that sh h ul broken into the ColBB*B woman' hOUSO, hut said she m.-relv knock.-d o th- eloor. She bJBO said sh'- had mad up her Balad to se',1 some articles In h? trunk In order to li.-t enough money I take bat back to Hartford. The trunk to which she referred w.i found in the room at No. II. Which she bad tK-.upitel, and take-n t ib. F'.r-l Police Station, It w: I opened by CaptalB Thomas, hoping I tiinl something wbi h would l.-ad to location of h.r friereis iiri'l Its prop. OWaar. The- trunk, an apparently re one. of meelium size, contained arti. h? t clothing, u large number of letters, I French ami in blgtiah. Due in the fo nie-r tOBgue showed thai her maiden nan was Hiv.t. aad h? r father was Narota Rivet, She hatl marrie! Carpenter, ar i thara ij oaa ieeagvaai aaanni tha hi ; addraaaad to Marta Ebissell. Thara also a postal addressed to Marie CB . paatar, No. Bl Water street, springti.-i Mass. A few books and papers and laige- photograph album, with the clotlK '. complete the list . -, Thaae m b'- turned eivtr tc> the rightful own? when tasty Oaa be found. Capta 'l'ii.mas hop?es som?tt_ng In the lette will leael to thi? ?nil. HU KNOWS HFR HFSHANl). i A young man, who gave his name - i>ei Calvar, iMjeoaananlad by a toons f companion, went to the morgue yaat? - day and viewed the b?xly. The man ;-.;, s h" identified ln-r as tin- wife of a m. namt-et ?'arpenter "up Fast." but t lie v. d that she had left him now. 5. ', culver was seen last Bight at the 881 WhatM he boards. No. MB 8BM Frankl su.-.t. but be cooltl give no further 1 f.filiation, always ?ticking to the exprt ?Ion "up Eu?t." Mr. Charbs T< fata, who I? Culvers landlord, w also seen. He said that a certain m had com>? to Mh house two w>. kB I and rented a rcxem, BBd that the worn visited him BBVaral tlin? s there. The m also applied fot lodging for her, but grew suspicious and refused It, and al told th- man he must move out hlmse win. h he did. As usual, In auch cases. Coroner Ta lor saw the body, but in vl?w of tho c cumstanees of the death did not de? an ln?iuest necessary. He says this the- llrst Instance of suicide from carbc acid he has ever known in Richmond. T dose neeessary to be fatal varies, cont u?d the Doctor, from a half teaspoonfu! three' or four times the quantity. 1 examination revealed, an one would < pect, tho mouth terribly burned, a says that until she h. ame unconsclt her sufferings were very great. Howev aa usual, with this poison, the re! which follow? Insensibility comes v? soon. The two persons named above are t only ones who culled t.? see tho be s-t.-r.liy. and unless It Is claim.-1 ?"lay it will be burleti in the potter'? n? simes and Me Walke?! Away. Detectives Tomllnson and Hall arr^s a n. tr.-o man num?el William Cabelt i tesrday morning on the charge of ?teal shoes, iiiwtail Into (Jri-?B's shoe at -nd examined several pairs of ?nd when he area! r?w.iy It was sus? pected that a pair of shoes, un?i?r imu?J ??n.Htlon* not his propert>. w?n? awsy. !oo. It appears now that such was tho :aee, as clerk? from the ?tore hi-ntinet the foot-gear when her Cabell was taken t?i the S??cond l'oltce Station. GBRMAXT IN ? HIM?. Ilet? Determlun'ion to Itemnin nt Ki'ai-i linn Bay. ST. PETERSIU R?. i" . ,aber 13.-T!ie ttovoastl say? that the abeshes <?f pra tOSta from the ether l'??w?rs against .itrmany's evident d? tel minat.on to .? main at BbSS Chan Bsy, indicates that tie ?aitltion or China bus actually be k'uu, and win areoosd. Another newspaper expresses tho belief thai the [Tatted ttstas, among other Rowers, may obj'ot to the p?rm.ment o?? i ??pail?n of Kiao-Chau Ray by Germany. Russian official circles, however, ap? pear indifferent to Hi?; step taken by tidmiii'.y. FAREWELL TO PRINCE HENRY. BERLIN, DeoembSS B -A number 0? CtVia miiitar> . are' nnlVSrStty deputatlOiTS at Kiel wilted upon Prince Henry, or Prussia, on Saturday, to wish him "bon voyage." Th? rector of the university said: "In ?11 German lnn?l? the feeling pre? vails that we are reaching a declslv?? turn? ing point In the history of Germany. Tho German universities, which arc the nur seriea, not only of seien??', bat Of l - triotism. abend besase the Fatharlaad whenever Its honor or gre.itn?as are at stak"." Priacs Henry replied: "I enthusiastical? ly undertake the vagase to Chine, at the personal Invitation ,.f the Emperor, and with the consciousness of thereby contri butlng to Germany's might and great aeea" The Prince adde?l: "There ar?? | ; to hope for a peaceful solution of tho difficulties with China." GERMAN NAVY ADEQUATE. EEEI.?N. De-ember 12.?In the Reich? stag to-day Eugene Richter, tho Radical leader, maintained that Cu?? affair with H ?it| proved that th?- German navy was adeejaate to th? demands likely to be made upon It. He oppeasd the pro'xist tlon to inures? the aUoWsncS Of th-? Im? perial Chancellar, Rrln??e Ilohenloh??, whom h? sttSCkSd lOT fr'illng to proml-o the repeal of the prohibition against po? litical ass?x'latlons. Th?- Chancellor replied that hf> still hopeil that before the civil code of Trus 8 i was enforced ?ome arrangement would be arrived at to repeal the provl l*-i?d?d t?-> The House then adjourned. The Ambulance lluwy. The ambulance was oallod to 'he First Police-Station yesterday morning at 9 (?'? lock to attend George Oreen, a negra who had been assaulted by another n and badly cut on the ana. ii?? was treat? .?1 and left. At 1?) o'clock a call was s.-nt from thS Tr?-dcgar to attend William Conley, ?* negra who had a hemoiThage. He was eairleil to his liome, l.'JI east Broad street. ________ H., 1*. A; P. H. R. CO. Holiday Excursion Itn tew?(Tirl?t nins, 1H1IT, and New leur, 1N1IM. Round-trip continuous passage tickets between el] stations sad to Alexandria and Washington at reduced IBb on sal.- Dec, mber Bd to Btb, inclusive, and De mber Btb t.. January 1st, In < Ia-iv... Final lin-.ii January 4. IBS Tickets ?/oui going only on date of sata Round-trip rates from Richmond to Fredertcksborg, UM; t?> Alexsndria UM; to Washington, HIS ?'. a. TAYLOR. Traffic llaaagerj I In ?siiiuis Holldiiy Etonrslon Rates, 1H1I7-'??-. vin Hunl h er? Hallway. Aoeoaat of th?* Ohalstsaaa holidays, the Southern railway will sell tickets between all points on its Hue Bad "onnei'tiens, south of the Potomac an* east of the Mississippi rivr. at rats Bl one and one-third llrst-. la??s tares for tho r?iund trip; except that to or from or betWOOB points In Virginia. North Carolina and South Carolina via regular ticketing routes, the rates will not exc?r?!d four n> coats per mile on?- way f?ir the round trip. Tickets to be sol?l December 22 to 25, 1897. inclusive; also. DSSSBabSf 30, 31, BB| and January 1, BBS Final limit Of all tickets, January 4. IBS Tickets win be sold to stBdeale aS schools and colleges at same rates and comlltiori?, as nenssd herein, BBOS 1?"" siiitatlon of cartiSustse signed by th? Buperiatendenta principals, or pr? ridants of their schools or colleges, on DeceSB ber 1C to 25, BB, Inclusive. Final limit. January 4. 18??*,. very low rates, together with th? excellent ?chedeSea unii train aervtce through slssplng n if BBsa sad close con? nections, via the Southern railway, o8??i exceptional f?*ctlttle? to all deatThaj U take a trip during th" holiday's. Further Information, relative ?st*bedul?S sleeping rar leairvsttens, etc., cbeerfuil] furnished by any Bgeat South.rn railway Richmond Transfer Company, | Main street, or C W. W?stbury, Travel ling Pass, nger Agent, iO? east Mail street, Richmond, Pa? Have You Been to Japan f if m?t. attend ?he greatest auction sal of the linest products of China, Japan ami Asia-Minor that BBSS ever beel seen in this tit y. Tas BaBtiOB sale ail begin Wednesday morning at 10:20. aftei noon at 2:50, and evening at 7 0*0)0*1 The sal., will OOBtlBIM <v,ry ?lay an evening ?luring the week. The ? ?oii-is's of China and Japan.S" Brtc-B ! i n-, Tablewai- -, I'orti.'re: Rugs, Silks, etc.; also, ?me of Hi" tin?-? COlleCtlOBS of Turkish and Persian RU| ever DT ought to this country. Seats hav been reserved for ladles, and g.-ntieme will be In atiendan, - -, A cordial Invitation Is ext?n?le?l to a at our store. JAPANESE FAIR COMPANY, 200 east ?Broad sir?', t. An Appropriate i'r.-??-ni, A box of Downey's Bonbons, fr.-sh, | Twin City Drugstore, Seventh and Mil Btraeta A ?.??nil Idea. Go to Foster and sit for some of bl high-class photos; but don't tell any OS about it Just yet. "Twill be such 8 ple-u saiit surprise Christmas when you frl?n?ls neat*** them. Foster's phot, graphs are rx-autlful. hee tbe Keatnllc -mII. that irra'liat.s her beautiful face as at i. ,.ives a box of Lowney's Boston Boi bons. Fresh at Twin city Drugstor Seventh and Main streets. Don't fall to attend the great Auctlt 8ale of the Japanes?; Fair Company store, No. IB ?ast Bread street, We aesday, at 10:30 a. m. Don't fall to attend the great Aucth Sale of the Japanese Fair Company store, whl? h takes place Wedn 10:30 A. If. No. 309 east Broad Don't Baa Any Hat the lle?t. I.owney'8 Pure Boston Chocolate Bo bona fresh at Twin city Drugstor Seventh and Main streets. Ful Cream Tonal. It Is del No Christ ma. ana Nee Year', table ?bou be without a bottle of Da. HixoBBf a Am; ?st ?a Bittkbs. tbe world-renowued appeitm enpulsltJ flavor, beware of imitations. corona *so coi.n?.-Tt?o.? who are ?utter! from Congas, Cotila, ?ora Throat, 8c, ?boal?! i [l%? Bbowm's BaoNcuiAL l no. lies, t-old only re boxea .?DER FOR CODICIL. PfcOBBa. STtnn? WILL ISSl'tt it 80ME I IMF Dl HtXG Ty-D 4 V. MTED FOR EVIDENCE TO ES FILED. mt.-itfLut aa to Ills Klght to ?Con? vene th? Advisory Body?Esptaau? lion of the Statement i'oaceralag l.em-ral Lee. Captain Micajah Wood? and Judge Bar? n*,an Oreen, of the Oraml Camp Invea Kating Committee, who raaaahaBd over ? certify the transcripts of the uvldenc9 Macad before them, have completed this urk and turned the tOSttaaBBg In It? iiiii'ty Vv r to AdJutant-Cb-iieral hagaaa Judg? Oreen left for is home in Dunvllle last night and Cap* lia Woods will go to-day to Chavrlottes lllc. Tba evidence has not been turn<cd over a Granel Commander Stubbs, and he hua 0 otM.-lal information that It haa boea ertiBod tO, hence ho has not yet issu??! Is order calling the ??rand Camp Advl ory Council to convene. Ho will, how? ver, issue this order to-day, and whilo ie BBS not determined upon tho time and lace tor assembling the -council, it i? Ikoly that be will name an early a dun n next wce.'k as. the time, and Richmond .> too place of meeting. NOT ADDRKSSt?D TO STFHBS. In a published interview had with htm re?terday, Mr. o. Ii. Morgan, B member ?f the investigating Committee. 1? quote?! IS saying that the report of the commit? ee was BddTBSaed to the Oran 1 Camp, thai ie it to Colonel Stuti?s, and hello? BO o inn can be taken by aa advisory omti? :ll, or by the ?irand i >mm??ielcr. Jii this point, however. Colonel Stub-bo lakes Issue with Mr. Morgan. Hold ho to a Dispatch man yesterday, after laving read the r. marks attributed tu Mi Morgan: "The report of the ln\ -stlgating Com? mittee? Ik addressed to -the < (>up.' <'id?-is, and Regulations ?>f ?ir_nd Gamp,' Article ft 1.. section .. provide?: Thero shall be an advisory council, compos? d oi the Claud Commander and the efom? mandera of the oaaapa, which ?hull meet, to the .all of the I> p?riment Commander, whenever, In hi* Judgment, - ol -.nib i.nt Importance may Justify its i onvt'Plng. They shall act fur tie- t.t.uid Camp, m the interval talweea -iiiiual aeaalons. "The Grand Ci/mmnnder deems this te p in 'of sufficient Importance' to convoita the Advisory Council in the near luture, anel the time and place will be fixed OA to-llleel tow. BOn FFF. PKRJON U.I.Y. Colonel Btubba's attention was called ta the following telegram to the New lora, ; [roa n .' ne i "Consul-?; ii, i.ii Fitsbugh la-e said to mo to-day that be know? nothing of nog in ver had anvthlng to do will? ifu lavBg? tigation by Ui- t Ion of tin- History t'omnilii. I!>? has n. ver wiiii? n a lint hUbJect to ai... II. nel Stul bu ; tlou If the lutter rash enough t. ms vot-a . member of I . ure for Unit? I States Se-nutoi with lb? matter." Colon? i Stubbs Miel that ; -'Ay,r Intended by the remark, "'Flu Lee lias a, iiii?t-r in this matter," to refer to Gen I !.. c. ?n person, u. meant by It that his (StUbb.-l "p. TSe. titlon" was being 111 I by "i ends" of the C". raj? TH'iSi; . Fntil tha A?*vl-?oc> Coii-.!l moets bf i-1, i In tie- Investigation will continuo to centre In tn-e \\ m-. * i ?i, cks, were produeced agatnst Calo? nel Btubbe, Mr. Womack la In '-.he city, and is protteoutlng a diligent ln.julry a?i to the manner in which the check* cam? ii.t?t possession of Mr. lt.-iughni.t- ie . retain..! . insel In th>- pti???n of Ron. Qenorge D. Wlae, and aays he propasas to it i . the bottom of the matter, and, If Into the crtmln -I . He has n< ? ? t to get a clue on which to work, bat -ays be hopes t so In tho next day or so. When . I If he had communicated with the company which he represents .-oi..-.-rnlrig the matter, be replied that he tin I not, and that be would not until uf'ti he ImJ concluded his Inquiry. Mr. Womack lakes . x >t>tIon to th? a!? lu-ion mad'- ( him by Colonel Stul . i his cord, and I K a volumlnoua answer thereto, In which he says he will Kive all the facts In the cas.- an.i expos? all ill- kll'ieAS. ?. ? C. A O. R'Y. Christinas Holiday Rate?. Holiday Excursion Ticket? will be - i between all stations <>f Cheaapaak? l oblo rallwav on l>.ml r ".'?l, ?ad, 25th 80th, "1st. and January 1st, wltn limit of January 4th. AT <?:?'F ! iiiKi> PARES for the round trip. SI'ECIAI? LOW RATES T-> NORFOLK AND LYNCHBURO. College stutlt-nts presenting c rtlfi signed by principal or s -nt of Institute, may be Sold Ot I to 21st. In addition to above dates, limit-? Od to January 4th. Richmond. Dec-nib r 11, IS-/*. To Whom It May Coi We notice In yesterday evening's papal a mechanic'? Hen filed by <!. W, Lambeth & ? >-. against us for 1 balance due, which ?hum, we moat poab the Jus', f Tim , ?;,m; which they make 1- pure!? between thernaalvaa and Mr* \ ]\ Huntt -I'p.-t vising archill ? th.- Richmond Guano ? uni I ag.ilnst us. We owe ?; W. UimtMfB as of'the linn of O. V> > * Cat, ?13, whit h bas I- .Il 1 i h.- having refused to receipt the samg I hold It subject to his ordcf me. A. W. PEARCH .* CO., ii tilders. <,t.o Vndl?," THF BBLL PXX)K AND HTATI??NKRY COMl'ANT si Main stm-et. We havo no time to writ* adv. rtis? ments. Diamond? and watchee talca al our attention. Seuhon goods spread ou with prices. You Bee at a Blanco waa you want at D. HCi'H.W'AN A S< >N" i. Goldsml'hs and J?wetl?r?, lit east l'.road etreat. 1 Tl^e Weather. ?WASHINGTON, rwecroher 11? Torecast for Tuc?day: F >r Virginia?Threatening wet ther and rain; easterly wind?; slight rise In temperature. For North Carolin?*?Rain?; easterl winds, shifting to southerly; waxmsr 1 i. portion. THF. V.FATHKR IN RICUMON YKSTFI >AY was warmer and parti cloudy. State of thermometer: M. ? A. M. 12 M.M i F M. 6 l' M. 12 night ., Mean temperatura .,,,: RAIN