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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDiVT. DECEMBER 19. 1897. 11 I U > rhyming, ?c thy music fl?**DaV ? i climbing, J5 ?o the realma wh?re so-*? HM FF FO? nsao v v**-^ x*?^i?X **^?^'s N. *v ?s^N? *-. < -J^s. < ??fei fif ??? S Bins TST sweet bells, Where oceans wide unrolling. .-? . | ?-o glory of thy gladness tell?; .n thy tolling, The childhood story of the Christ afar. On angel w-lngs Is bornc-from star 'o star. V Ring forth sweet bells. Thy sacred song um-ndlng; For oh the while thy cadence nobly swells, With steps unbending, The worshippers thou guldest far and wide. TJntO tboSS hSlla, fa His name, sanctified. Ring on aweet Bens, Through nil the world out-crying: Ring o'er the ellv'ry, gleaming, enow crowned dellB, His word, undying! For oh thy voices show His chosen way. And lead all unto God. this Christmas Day! -BERTBAM A. MARBUROH. Ai?m?i ? ? ? A^4y4^^A^^^04*<-<*4>4>4>0^?^4>4y4>4T4^A>^^^^^^4\ ? ? ? 4 * + ? ? ? 4- ? ? ? . ..?.,.... .,+4.+++?+4.+++++++++ * *-?****-*4ati4i mus?s TO HIM ,. I ,.. :i> ?min roa the tm ?, i n\ i-\d. ?WTHEYIEGIKl-i FIRESIDE. ,?.l?i?? Wit?. ? Country ?or ,, rhrl??mu?-l)U>n-*r ?t HI? .Ils..II??v Mi? inch.r Cele ? I bay aft 1 a c i.i ru.e ?rie till tfc? J do i... 1 ' i B) t hi I a city chip who ?loe? r.ot B#'j lip : l ? well to ?v have a -, sonu-timea feel Id Ilka :? Ca?? more com B-JM the grand old time ... ?s i.--t F ' -nding I grieving over the I and laar-t likely ig for. i'hristmas always I ?n? the country . - ?n the large etUae. The t-rnns at all came to a . u ???d to any other ;,- ;?.rl? aWHV OUt MCI to hear : -1 :!-> :">' >t bring?. ?S-8 -..: , ,1 HIS BOOTS. As . ,ountiy lad WM* h'a bI? ?M b rx ?eh ap to - ..'. ? , of <~r?s I ,,.. which ho ?caaKt-aJ: h a shout, and a f* * *f*; J :: : :. no timo in a boy s Ufo M much a man UM? k - p"-,r oj; SS ,boo,Vl: , bant ?jBOwdrtfta to try n to an iha *""-?r*; ' ;! , . ... .... conqueror * -. .and out of my sun . in tbe country BO? P-"-? J? , ,, winter, as ?? c"* . .; (,e doean't often go inore tat ba Plt?aa the poo: -,-.? hon*?d up the whole year ' 1 m? ; Uaroara l. Mi-r h?. Ufa ta fon/--' tt*at ha M" -,. the melancholy ?lay-are "* mft. here f tl.? city boy a Ut?a hoto, , rallv BBOC??ea. With ?o ,?fore ?Hin of wonderful *.. pnrt of bia brother? in ' - ,jt vacation I to ri'?- aa i? ' It? "'rri,r" ln , -i retain? SB) ' >' charm?. 1? OOtlJ AT SCHOOL* a by eld? at aotea to each awf? ite?, and help each oth'-r win ? h latlon as often u? . .*ary. At rece?? they P?? y . i.,.url?-h th.;r little lore? | irlty and fr.-? dorn of mon , ?i, h.- walk* with W*r i- and ba wonders tn-'i rtar than tnohe All the way bel? hoping he r-. la about ln his hUtory. .>n't rears what, wi.? ... {?at to ?how her ana .. y he would rescue would give hi? left band for wjmething perilous in ner ** * -. i there huit a ?prig o< , arthg so high in all th* a ha cannot get If ?he 1? but . I -.-. watching him climb, and ? . ander it for a Utth h h4 < -trft-a down. Country ? rieht ?lose akin to their ??? ? t-itjr, and they do talc nue?. * comea at l.-u-t. *rt--(r ne i.-i -ou? more day gone fat? <>n h'? ?late manr. many - . i ?.'. i cloaaa with a i a ?...i . '-Aist4.e at tb< we hi won't eue hi* ?waetheui m ?a1 -Matt d*y. and not for two ' fae^pt ?t church, whaa ?he *?* ?hlch a?*T??sB w1tb? D'r aj Imn't touch tn?j " l'ut BBaAfjHM with her ?xid ?ho .-.. r ta him than beforn. He |U ^he l? gone for * ? o . . :? L? wlU be a man **" k*jau?i ic tuina o/bat may. ^l t-. to; h-e la i'i to to V". W 01 } t! 0l !.l -aj la i had to repeat that oath ? c-d'NTl'Y BOT I.TKES SNOW there 1? anything In the world ?untTy boy likes for "Crl.-mu?,," he food things his mothi-r m;i his gun and powder and shot, v. A corntry boy s-ts " hare g? ' f urchin in Virginia ever C n "har? -, 'i daring the f ill, i hla l. ,! a and their aklna, so ?i ra com?' he has a neat little iM bank. M my B country hoy e than U yean ol.l catch? s h rail to buy all his wl ' *. ? ? 'i ?fter laying ?2. for la, iir.t. Not DBS ?i of the Chi ; aaeings go f??i candy and n -? ru? the things to which a com I tO Santa Clans for, unies?? leecfcSd the acre of aecountab! Ibe r ?Is It f?.r Human caml)?--?, ks; th? y ?i r.'t b IS kind in the ... , g|ry r( There eure : s and in pistols among the small 1? eeer mack a cenntry boy may gi he lire of the pop-cracl h,ui rather ki;i ,? anou*blrd eeitl than be right, he bulk of I . however, g Ihot, and, at a tei , with lu.-- father'?, gun, he sai ih. a soldi? r of fortune, indeed, ik dest?n, tlon in th.? ranks of sn? Is. robins, ti- IdlB! ks a?nl \? bow liadly he would fr--? .-.? t,? dee hnntlngl What ? sctteme? re t<? follow me deep tucks of , terday; i he,., ?Ainare ?h* lay losm, and wh i got up agalnl Bat this sll cot t-r, and continues until tlM cud. I'REME JOI OM CHRISTMAS-Dj boy's I ta faster on a Chr e morning than a man's. There eral tassons for thi*.. The man ) !.n us? d t . it; the fact Is. the n Ba't much ('lui.-tmas after all. If s holiday for the one dB? and mi not?the e wetness and rest of it vped away by the caree of and the morrow. The thou it the year Is in swan-song sta it the merriment and noise of Chrl >s is the herald of the death of anot ir. and that he is one year nearer M befand are things that com? y man at any time. Many ttSBSB U VS. Indeed, with the onrush of the a ich.', without a moment's wa. f. Th? y have a knack of cornl it in the ml? 1st of great? -t r? v.-l ve a knack of casting a BhadOW over I Van in its sunniest ?miles. 1 . boy, the i-.-untry boy, escapes ,s. The fatuta is all bright for hi tinted in the glow of his fircwor nta Claus is hardly firmly seated ii again booed for another hou fore h?? is Baraks and Is burglarizl ? stocking ou a nail at the chinin rner. WHAT A COUNTRY BOY FINDS. le finds It rilled with nuts and cam id popcracki rs. "It is as cold as Chrl: is," and Hiero Is no fire In the hou t, M be cuts Borne candy and sll ck to txjd, sometimes with a startlit gree of certainty concerning the pe nags of ihe good saini. liver afte uds he has a visionary sort of id? at this benefactor of Christmas tlnn ears a long, white robe in making h ghtly visits, and not the ?now-tiak?. ?tt the pictures give. He goes ba< r an |slf BStenp half-awake exlstenc llh bis popcrairkeiH, noiseless besk in, for another hour. But when day at last dawna. what ty of fun It la Before breakfast?b? ne ho Is moro than half finished dres g?he plunges out Into tho snow an osty air. Ho aud his two brothei link they sre the only persons up on ti ace, and what Jolly fun It 1? to wall a th? "old folks" with their noise, an Bey churkle over the harsh things the 111 bo ?aid unmeaningly about then nd laugh at the fears of "Mamma" th? icy will set the place on Are and bur leaa h11 up. HOW THE FATHER CELEBRATES. But they aie a litti? mistaken Th old roan" coin?? upon thsm with hi un on hi? ?boulder. There la aomethlm very teechlng" abost this, as the senti isntal yo-m? girl? ?ay. who are ??hsme. f being true to their make. Ihe ol? , II..W, with fro?t on the temples so, ray ?tr?aks to his beard, tassn't ?hot . un for ten ysors-ln fact, the gun ha ,ot been shot for e ysar But.. ?Meus i* waking early, he drifts int. blinking ?bout the "Chrlsmus' times. o ??g ago- nasal he did when a boy, am __y how that hss all psased now? H? .?ara the young hopeftlla In the nex oom. their teeth ?-?|aB_ wit? a*??^! y of all the year again, the birth : -y | tho I'rince of I'-ac... ataala over him. nt he?w ia h? to <io i?? laanta **Jlaua isn't brought him anyihlng for many a 'ar. Then he remember? th- old gua. vps?not without many mlagiv gs?to g.t up ,-uid shoot botb b?rrala honor of the day. "It is tlmnderlniily li." ba ajaealatas, an.i ?r-oald pi*?* ?uiy iim; to let himself down to teeth, hat ?rlnf likf the boys do. But hi. h irr, rao 1<>(el th? rigl ?le?. she Jilee er pra ipta to tbem about gattlng bardan?atl to liki L ?e cold wo-,-., a.lmlt such hypcrinv. H-j ? g kaUM the gun down and goes out to th? lata of th.? yard, overlooking tu? tirer, rung i-oth eyes for faar th-> "old | dag aril] bust," he bin;;? away. One si WO neighbor? hear the tom? r? ports rlng ig out on the ?till morning air, ?jr..*. i r at i .?using what "Old P.illy" 1? making ! fool of htmaelf about. It I? done. Hi? > brtataaaa la ttegun; I ut so is the -begin? ? lag Of the einl at il. Il?; may talk t? Igbbara about the muc-h more fun ' lu y ua? -1 to have at Christmas than hoy* 0 nowa-days, and tell the boys how h? | '1 to hold the popi-rackers in hi^ hand V? llllll 0 Bhow them how It la done, and 1 ice:, sharply than the gOOfsBMB* call? for, You boys ?hoot your own popcrncker?. haven't got time to bother with you low." Ha adds that "boy? are heap moro iinid now about burning their hands than hey was when he was a boy." l'y bivakfast-tlme the country boy has !< monstrated to every llvinc; thins o:i the ?lace his supreme ability to blow a h ara nside out and to In'-itc the eat to her -jraataat power? of bbbmI by tying a full ack of poi i rr??-k- is to her tall. Aft? r ?raakfaat come? the hurry and bustle of ctting and tx aj ly to go out to 'apand the day" at his grandpa's. He las both there every Chri-tma?. .since- he . ould remenilier, and i? ture of having -\ ?rood tirrn\ Oran-lnia always Ins the best ruit-i ake und coldest cust ?i-i, and Or in-i ma always lnsiat? on his being helped at the dinner the ?econd time t.. everything. He is good to the honoi.d old la?ly, anel laily ever refuses to please her in ?his t. Tin* servants at (Irandpa 6 house are so much more considerate and polite to him than those at hume, and ('i.m.lpo. always increases his bank aci-t-uut by a, LG-ccnt piece. These things ?11 combine with th? solid fact -that "Chrismus" is "Jest started," and "I ain't got to go to ?chool to-morrow, and next day, nor for two weeks" to make* the motiiln*" brim? ful of good time. HOVV HE ENJOYS DINNER. Dinner come? at 3 o'clock, three hours? 180 minutes?later than every other day In the year, except Sunday, and every minuta of them has beoB counted over twi.-c-. He never was bo hungry in his life and ho eats till bis grandmother smiles upon him anxiously, and ascer? tains If sh?? has any Jamaica ginger in the house. The afternoon pnasea In a hurry, and once he is called In to "say his piece" which he is going to speak, that night at the Christinas tree. If he comes out ail rifcht he ia rewarded ?with as many / Ottgt into the apple-barrel as his out- ^ raged stomach will permit. Christmas night come* with a great Christmas tree swaying under ita presents for everybody, and a church full of people. Hi? timo come? in the entertainment, and for the iirst time he experience? the sense of exaltation, and hears the sweetest of all music of hand? and feet in applause at his well doing. It i? the music of his first triumphal procession. It 1b a time that night?he Is not apt to forget, and he would think about It a gieat deal If it were not. that as noon a? he touche? his lied to-morrow -comes with it? new Joys. Then for a week of visiting and being visited, of shooting, o? walking the earth a t.-tror to every living thing that Is amaller than he 1?! He Is living on double. "rashtngV and bah" asleep, and he force? all the grown ?people in the house to subscribe to th? latter diet. NOT ALL THE YEAR CHRISTMAS. But ChrUtm?? pas?*?, ?? all Joya do, I he thinks, and as he will And after awhile, Joya and Borrows alike do?the sorrow? very ?lowly. School begin? again, and bo much he 1 as to tell to his desk mate who happen? to be a certain little girl /or whom he gathered mistletoe Just bef?te the holidays. She listens very carelt'Naiy. he think?, to ht? merry tale, and he wonder? sadly at the new indln*er enc?. She must not have heard him make hi? ?p.-och at the Chrlatma? en tertalr.ment, but ?he waa there, for he saw her. Ha remember?, *oo, aha wa? sitting by a boy. whom, even In hla glow of triumph, be wa? forced to admit was a very manly looking and handsome f- I low-. He wa? her cousin from the city and was older then himself. How he did long to be older! rre?ently, ha glanced from her face to her ilate and saw the tuun? of the vile boy in the very place! where abo used to write hi?. There' bU-< UB.P-.JBt?a >ery rvmu*. a I cot I in I I aft am wh ai rai Kit V.I th? do tn fol pi CO gl ?I me lie, li? n? fa h? of Bi se of loss, of something gone out from i which ho would like so much to ill, but cannot. He hates the nlce clng city boy a great deal; he loves girl a great deal more, it all comes it after awhile, though, as all things His sweetheart Is ?rain fickle, when does not hear from the city boy any re, and comes back to him with ?prest sweetness and beauty than ev?=>r. He is her i.-r the fickleness this time. <?YH FUR THE COUNTRY lb ?ME. 0 It all goes, the winter passes, spring neu, with the opening of the buds and ?losing of school. And Just bo a boy the country becomes u man. n these y ?is of growth, of going er cows among the hills and meados?, i over the broad fields, in these years, en at night the whole family gather iiind the gre;it open wood fire, th? | * ~ beer with his relights paper and ?th? r with her light ??-wing or knitting, die brothers an?l sisters cluster about ? table for games of draughts and mlnoes. In theso years In the coun 4 4 4 S 4? 4? ,' a/hen the boy's mind and heart un- "t* Ida at home In tho week, and ut the T^ iln country chuich on Sunday, the old + , untry place, though modest It may be, oars upon him with a strength that the ild of bustneoa and ysata will not ake off. A b??y's homo in the c?iuntry sans Inliiiitt iy more to him than a y's home in the city. In the city, his ?use is side by side with others. Just ;e It, perhaps, and they become as millar t?> him as his own. He may imire the beauty and coeafort of his .me, and apeak with pri.l? to strangers the great city in which that home is. Jt the eountry boy's home U the only ic in BSVeral miles, perh.ip.?. Wad around all his affections cling. Not one he I is lik.? It, and he knows it so eil?its rooms, its basement, and . and attic. The anteadla! asida 'e his city and his ?ource of pi ?de. A, iy In the city can move Into the house xt door and having the same sur- | lundlng?, not know the change, but not i with the boy In the country. He aves the old place for thp fast life of ie ? Ity, where there is life, he says, j ut through all the coming days, when e becomes a man with fiost upon the mplrs. like his father, now sleeping on ie hillside at home, he will remember it ill and sigh for its rest nnd unbroken eace. How it would d'-llght him to go iick and wander about the old WOOdl nd fields again and along the paths he jllowed the cows in summer, or tracked he timid hare in dead o' winter. So, in e?*d, it is tru<\ that the Joys of th If boy. at Christmas, and month in and ninth out, may not have the glow of he city boy*B, but they burn more slow f and last the longer for It. CHARLES M. GRAVES. 4 4 ?V i 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 A>IFS O'BBILL AT THIS ACADEMY. 'he It.?mam I. Actor the Christmas Attraction Here. Manager Thomas G. Leath, of the leadeaay of Music, announces as his Christmas attraction the romantic actor, ,lr. JaaMB ONelll, who will commence lis engagement on Friday evening, with ?uma.s'b famous play, "Monte Cristo," vhlch will be repeated at the Matinee en Jhristmas afternoon. It la many years alncc the play-going ivorld first took a liking to thla French sailor lad, Edmond Dantes, who became i count, with imlii'tis in his possession. fet, it has not weart??d of the eight of :hls same buoyant youth playing familiar with the dignified official, accepting his release from unjust detention with a ?ocular nudge In the ribs that startled Iho officer Into an amaicd "sir!" Nor has It grown impatient of the exulting cry of the liberated prisoner who mounts a tempest assailed rock off the Chateau d'lf, shouting "The world is mine." Nor yet again has It begrudged the beautiful count with the white hair one of '.ht million francs he carries in tire corner of his pocket for spending money. Nor has It expressed any wish to deny him any of the privileges he so much enjoys In killing his enemies, "one, two, three." In all these years, which have brought fame to Mr. n'N.ill, in which he has become a verltabl? count of "Mont? Cristo" in th? ease with which h? has coined by hi? play, th? public has atood by him. to suffer with his Dante? In prison, to exult with him In hi? triumph. Christmas evening Mr. O'Neill will ap? pear In a magnificent revival of th? ro mantlo drama entitled "Th? Dead Heart," which he produced In this country five years ago, simultaneously with Sir Henry Irvlng'B presentation of the same play at the London Lyceuni. Mr. O'Neill Im? personates the chief role of Robert i-tn dry. a young sculptor, who Is Imprisoned and prosecuted beceuse he Is in love with Catherine Duval. the r?eaut1ful daughter of a wealthy merchant. Catherine wa? alee haloved * ? noble count?, and bo 44444? 444444444-4444*4- ,444~4?4?4-' THE BEAR JEWELRY CO., Leading Broad-Street Jewellers and Opticians, 609 East Broad Street. To give the public the advantage of the low prices at which we have $?? been selling our X Silver Novelties,! we 5-hall continue our sale until Christmas as follows + Sterling Silver Hooks and Files, large size. 83 Sterling Silver Hooks and Files, medium size. 50 Sterling Silver Hooks and Files, small size. 17 (This also includes Cuticles, Corn-KniveH, Ink-Erasers, Tweezers, etc., at th?* samo prices. 1 Sterling Silver Nail-Polishers. 75 Sterling Surer Shoo Horns.?. . 80 Sterling- Silver Curlers. 00 Sterling Silver Tooth-Brushes.,. 67 Sterling Silver Stocking-Darners, largo size.11 25 Sterling Silver Seal. 50 Sterling Silver Manieiire Scissors. 75 Sterling Silver l.iiihroidevv Scissors. 75 Sterling Silver Ladies' Combs. 75 Sterling Silver Match Batea._ 1 65 Sterling Silver ('??nil? and Brush. 4 00 Sterling Silver Cloth Brushes.-. a 00 Sterling Silver Stamp-M<*?isteners. 65 Sterling Silver Bonnet-Dusters, with handles. 1 25 Sterling Silver Stamp-Cases.-. 1 00 Sterling Silver and Cut-Cilass Vinaigrettes. 1 25 Sterling Silver Baby Battles. 1 00 Sterling Silvt-r Whisk Br?>oms. 2 00 Stirling Silver and Cut-Glass Pomade Boxes.25c. 37c. to 2 00 Sterling Silver Puff-Boxes, Cut-Glass. 3 00 Sterling Silver Mirrors. 8 60 Sterling Sil ver-Mounted G arters. 3 00 Sterling Silver Tie-Clasps. 50 L Remember, this is no dry goods store silver,but it is all 025-1000 fine,audit is thick enough [ to be engraved. We have also 9 complete line of Watches, Diamonds, GoM Jewelry, ?Solid t Silver F?at and Hollowware, Silver-Platedware, Clocks, and Bric-a-Brac r (do 19-Su,Tu*F) k? *>*> ' - *??v- ?^4^,4^ 4?4~?^44>4444444?4-4-4?4*4'-? 4>+4>>+4>!?4-4-?~M ???Mv?4v4.)?t> i^^-*-*?>?ve?ve444444 4444^4^4e4-e^4??*-?4???4 44-4?4-4? >4444-444-4-4?f4*4-44"?-44-f'?>?r?r?r. . - 4444 444444-4-44-4444444444'44'4'4 md hi? friend, Latour, a crafty abb?, lucoesafully conspire to have Landry In *arcerated. The storming of the Bastllo ??ring about the release of Landry, who finally sacrifices himself as a **1ctln-i for the knife of the guillotine in order to nave the life of the ton of his only love. As may be ?seen, the story deals with the primeval passions of love and revenge, which two element are so blended as to > ' afford a most absorbing Interest In fol- I { lowing out th? dev?toomemts of the plot. I . Mr. O'Neill ha? spared no effort In t ' staging the play, th? ?centc paintings be- , tng frosa th? b?nish of John A . Tompson. \ of th? Hollls-t-Ureet Th?satre, Boston, and i { th? ?*oetumes designed and made by the "Worth of Amerlea-namely, Maurice Her- ? mann, of New York. ? The Neer-Teera attraction at the Academy, will he the reigning comedy sue- ? | ?**sb, "My *rrtend from India." Th? Celestial Ss-rsesrn. OJy Robert Loul? 8tt*ven?on.) If I have faltered more or less In my great task ot happlneee; If I have moved among my race And shown no glorious morning face; If b?-anu? from happy human eye? Have moved me not; If morning skies. Hooks, and my food and summer rain Knockrd on my ?ullen heart In vain? Lord, thy most pointed pleasure take. And ?tab my spirit broad awake; Or. Lord, if too obdurate 1. Choose Thou, before that spirit dte?, A piercing pain, a killing sin. And to my u??ad heart run them tn! To C?r?o a C eld Ik Ob? Day take Laaattve Bronx. Qulnln? Tablet?. All druggists refund the money if it tails to cure. *?? . The genuine has L. IX Q. on. ?ach UbleW ,? LA?.? t??*? f ? f * I r~ i i^c^.o-iHammonill ! BOUQUETS. J f|or. AND CUT FLOWERS Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. Ooods Shipped to All Points. 107 L Broad Street I. A. PATTERSON, President, L. Z. MORRIS, ViCavPiiaBW ?, JAMES M. BALL, Cashikb. rhe Savings Bank of Richmonc ?corner Eleventh and Main streets, la National Bank of Virginia ISnUdlny. Capital .-.-.-.$100,000 00 Surplus ?and Undivided Profits.-? 52?:*2 44 St-tn*? of II and ??wards r-xeired and iutereat allowed. Ket?otlaaas Pgaj