Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. DECEMBER 19. JgW_-^_ JUDGES ARK CHOSEN. (?CONTINUED FROM FIRBT PAGE.) two year?, and shall Tettttt a ?alary ot OX? per ?nniim. l>*?puty gamo wardens ?ay bo appointed, up???? requo-t Bf the gam?? wail??, for each county of the But?. Bold deputies to receive no salary, but to receive a patron of the fin?*-? ra aultlng from a violation of the laws. Mr. George C. lliand Introduced a hill to lay off. designate, and ?urvoy the natural oy?tcr-b<-ds, rock?, and shoals In river, in th? county of King and QsMBbV Mr. J. E. B'^lcM* Introduced a hill to amend and re-enact section 814 of the Code of \ "-'' d ley an aal approved March 4. rlhlng the j | .ds of county officer?. The j ir? provui.s that said Bot?is Bfeafl be auch as the court or judge may rar quire, but not 1' ? IbBB the umount to be received annually by him. A.MI BCD Till-; CONST?TVTl.'N". Mr. '". '?land Introduced two bill?, ifptnialng aaeedmenta to tha I ?tltutlon, which ?re in-it. in the lino of economy. ? )no of this?- mea sur?m ptO? that rnerabara or tha QaaaraJ ?ia aemt r faur year?, and to aerv? tara ' Tha second bill pro? poses tO B lieellH VBltB those of -St Ot the so proposed am- ndmenta I? to save ex? pense to the Commonwealth In conduct Ins; elections, and to pn v. r.t agitation In til.? country. Mr. William O. William?. offered a bill pr?.j". a -Bag ' tha < - it nt ion ?o a? to n-.lii? e the membership of tho House of i 'e:.--.-..!*. a to not saora thaa sbxty nor laag thaa Bttj* ieltgttao. This would re? duce tha BSaflSbafahlp almost half, as nt i -t the law prtc-iIdas that than shall Hit be moro than one hutnlred or -BBSS than r..n--ty. It wot)?,! ??squire the n-dis trlcttng of the State, but no provision Is tcade for this, printing or BITJAX Mr. C. M. Wallace. Jr.. o ?ft red tho fol? low i :k r? solution, which wan adopted: i:- -Im'?, That the Committee on Ruiei* ba, -and M la h-ret>--, request? d to -r and retport to tho House a chungo in th" rule'? providing for the printing of bids Of a general ?.ature, not otherwise provided lor, upon their Intro? duction.** PRKSKNTKl"? AND rkferrld. The following bills were introduced and ref?rre.l to the- proper OOBirnltl liy Mr. R. -ft. Parks: To amend and SB anart section 817 of the Coda of Vir? ginia, providing for oaths to be taken by the deputies of certain, city and county cihVcr-*. By Mr. T. D. Jennings: Providlni? for an appropriation Of UM* for tho benefit pf tha ?.litis' l'.e form BchOOL of Lynch burg. Va. By Mr. R. G. Wood: To prohibit the hunting of Wild feOAl l.eiwe-n the hours of sunset and Btinrlaa -BBOB the. water? of the CaatJBonwtBSltta in tho counties of ? 1, Prince George, and Cha ries City. i:y Mr. B. Winston: P. tit Ion from the faculty of Rut..lolph-Miiee.ii Colle; -..-, pray Ing 1 B" a law, requiring tho public schools to i- ne, and also the effect of ai'-ohr.i and Bf Mr. W. C. ?"arrincrton: To pension Mrs. Maria WaTTOX, witLiw of a Confede l dh r. l.y .1. L> Anderson: To pension Mrs. J. A. ?Vllklnaoo, tha wldoa? cf a DBafa-da rate soldier. Hy s in--: To amerul and re-enact sec? tion 2S'?) eef tlu- Coda of Virginia in regard to negotiable notes ami checks. !'. Mr. COOka: To ratify and confirm tha -ttonaoildatlon of tha City Qaa-Ught Company of Norfolk, and tho Norfolk ?. Coaapany, under tha nanu- of the i'.ty (Jas Company, of Nor? folk. By same: To Incorporate the Foople's J,iL'iit. Fuel, at. 1 Power Company of Nor? folk. Va. By Mr. "Charlas Smith: For tho relief of John B. Read, lata Tiaaauiar of North ami-t-.t? county, and his d'-puties. Rv Mr. K. w. Baundars: Provhiing that In any ease in which nn action of covenant will lie, there may be maintain? ed an action of affumpsit. Mr. R, W. Wlnborne: For the re? lief of Joaaph Bptsn-ce, a Confederate vete? ran of the city of Rucna Vista. !'-. | isaa: To amend and re-enact see tlon -KB of the Code in relation to the collection of the fees of commissioners of KVe-nuo. approved March .''. 1?'.?>. By Mr. <~*oeke: To amend ninl re-enact aectlon BB of tho Code of Virginia, rela? tive to treasurer restrained from collect? ing: how money refunded. By Mr. R. W. Wlnborne: To nmend ?nil re-enact section 886 of the Code, re? lating to payment of costs and expenses In prosecution for vagrancy. The mea? sure provide? that such costs shall be paid out of the amount rec? tved from the hire of such vagrant, ami in no case ahall bo paid by the Commonwealth. By f-ain?-: To amend ami r?--. -iaet sec? tion r.".J2 of the Code, relating to the fees' of the .lailer. By Mr. N. R. Early, Jr: To withhold from tho county and corporation coirts Jurisdiction of cases In which the oott? Btltutlonallty of an act of the General As aembly Is called In question. liKlM'CTION OF Jl'DGLS' SALARIES. Mr. Wlnborne'8 bill reducing the sala? ries of county Judges, r. l-ri.d to above, provoked considerable ?liscussion, and was tlnally -Offdatad to its t ncrossment. Under the praai Bt law tha Slate pays a ?alary of PN to every Ju.lge la a county Wh. re tho popel ition la not in -SB? to.uoo, with an additional UO tot x tory above that number of inhabitants. Mr. Wlnborne'.' bill pioviilcs that the salary ahull be "COO in counties with population a? ?tatetl above, with an additional 110 for every 1,'juo inhabitants over that num? ber. The bill was ti.k^n up out of its order under a -e*rapenslon of tha rulea, and Mr. Wlnborne explained lt-j prorlalona at length. Mr. Willard did not think the Balarles of the county Jcdgtts should be reduced. Mr. Carter, of Bcott, was de? cidedly -oppOMd to the bill, and Mr. Jor? dan and that gentleman had a lively lit? tle ?pat, one with the other, the charge being made by each that the other one was not s-.inVie nt:y BCqaalnted with tho BUbJ??ct tu.der discussion to talk upon it JMr. Jordan .leslre.1 to know why -Scott county drew from the State several thou aand dollars more than Bhe paid In. He also deci.uid that it appeared that the tiamo of one woman was on the docket with criminal charges against her, at least once a month. Mr. Carter lavttad his questioner and any other g?-ntlt mau wh- to do ao to (nine to -Boot! 00 u.ty and investi? gate. Ii. : '., ha said, *m li.ved in con ?ttcUng criminal cas.s aivordiiig to the law. and not In maratu?llag an army to wlp.- out Iba offenders, a? wa? done In Cei tula coun'.ipK. THE RILL A GOOD ONE. Mr. Anderson, of Richmond, was heart? ily iu favor of the measure, while Mr. Baiindt-rs and Mr. Parks opposed it. The g . ' ia li ? p "Ayer's iherry Pectoral saved the lives of two of my chil? dren when to all appearance they were in tho first stage of J. W. HITPOKI), Farmington, la. . HAU -S>XLL\ UOriLLS, J0C, THF SPECIAL SALES OF XMAS WEEK. A Fur Furore. A doublo chance for a present through the medium of a special I porchast of Furs. Your price will buy this week a piece of fur nearly twico M nice, be it a $2 Fur or a $25 Tur, but it will form a grander gift. Imlt. Stone Mar? tin Dt>uble Storm Collars, 10 tails, 2 heads, silk lined, for .$0.5? Single Imlt. Stone Marten Col? lars, extra long tails .$5.110. Duck Feather Col? lars .$17 Real Stone Marten Collars .. ..$:?7.5o. Double Storm Oat lars of water mink, v?iy long front tab. ten tails, two heads, silk lined.. Jl?.!??. 12 - Inch Collar.-tte, electric seal mouf? flon border and moufflon storm col? lar .$5.1)0. Storm Collars, Per? sian lamb, very long tabs, Black marten tail:,, silk lined .$15, Black Ba?rteij Storm Collars, very long front tabs, tm very full tails. .$lo.5l?. Persian Lf?mi> 10-inch collar? ttee, e?lg??l with real seal .$5, Real Krimmer Storm Collars for $P.?->H. Black Marten 10-lnch Collarettes for.. $4.1)8. Celluloid Photo album, 98c, elaborately deco r.ated, holding 18 photos?98c. Sterling Silver Canes, CHOICE FOR $1. El e g n n t Natural Wood Cunes, all with sterling silver trim? mings, worth $2 to $"?. A special pur? chase. Gold Plate Onyx Tables, each one war? ranted, six lots, $4.49 to $19. Doll Sale, 50c. Patent Jointed Dolls, like this pic? ture, line kid bodies, 17 inches tall, sold for $1. This week 50c. Plated Silver Top Tobacco Jars, like this picture, also Puff Boxes of same de? sign, 25c. CtllLlJItE.VS LAKUE 1 ? ?!* . I ? t ni? SPECIAL ASSORTMENT. Writing Desks. ?Il?c. to $4.00. Waahatands. Si*. 10 to $ Bookcases. 00c. to $5.00. Chairs, lo to Oh?-, 1 ?! HUELLA SALE, f 1.50 AXD 1*5. English Silk Umbrellas, for ledlee anl m- ri. Bom?* sterling silver, natural wood; some sterling silver, overlaid pearl; some gold-plated with Jewelled betting. $4.50 and $5. SAM* OF DOLLS, fl. From 14 to 24. inches tall, F*lBSSt French Blaque Oolls, kid and Jointed bodies, aoma with human hair, many costlng up to $l..r,'i, for $1. Hl-??'! I DOLLS, 18o. Shoes and Stockings, Natural Hair, real, special bargain, Ihr. EMIlltOIDEKED HANDKERCHIEF SALE. 1.200 direct from ?Switzerland: Sonn- All-Linen, lSWjc. Some Overlaid Work, 17c. Some Applique Work, ??5c. Others, OTYfc ami .-.?? . Boxee free with Due. worth of Handker - fa SALE OF SILK INITIAL I! Wlil.l.'t C1IIE1 S for men, large BtSS, opea work, hem tltehed, Initial being worked la wash silk, la*?4c. For ladies, large size, open work, hem ?tltched, initial worked in wash silk, 1?-V*<. F??r ladies. Opcn-Work. Hemstitched ll ndkercblef?, initial worked in wash "As We Buy So We Sell." We propose to keep these words forever ringing in tho ears of the purchasing public. Whenever we have a real good thing our cus? tomers shall share in it. The Cloak Sale that started here one week ago is one of these?? good things one of the best we ever hud the goon fortune to present. Briefly, one of tho greet I Cloak makers of New York want-. * ed cash?wanted it badly?and was willing to sacrifice heavily in order to get it quickly. We came to his aid, and these Coats are hero for you to choose from j at half price. 200 Coats and Jackets, including heavy Boucle Coats, made box front and storm collar; Plain Beaver Coats, fly-front, storm collar, half silk lined ; (.ray Mixed Irish Friezo Coats, storm collar, box front ; < ? choice.?lp2.QQ Heavy A11-Wool Curly Boucle Cloths, silk faced ; Black and Navy Blue Fine Import-., ed Kersey Coats, trimmed in straps of same materiel ; M Tea Covert Cloth Coats, box front, storm collar, Black Diagonal ?* Berge Coats.. *?P5 Black I. u s s i a n Blouse, edited with fur, and lined throughout with good satin ; Black and Bine Kane* Coats, lined all through, and trim? med with straps of same ni a t e r i a 1 ; Ho a vy Caterpillar Boucle Cloths, line?! throughout with heaviest satin; Blue Beaver Cloths, lined all through with changeable Taffeta, shield front, storm col- d?_ _~ lar; take your choice for *P/*?5*"' live entiro lines of high priced garments, costing up to $18, including Russian Blouses, Kerseys, Cheviots, Meltons, and Coverts, silk-lined, some with fancy silk, others with plain Taffeta* some braided and em? broidered, fancy trimmed: others strictly tailor-made, best tt*ir? winter colorings ; siileprico ?riV Sl'ECIAL SILKS, FOR X.MAS Pr.ESKN*TS. 20-inch Fancy Changeable Figur? d Taf? feta, for silk waists and trimmings, worth 64c, for .*8C. 21-lnch Changeable Taffe'ta, with small ligures, for fancy waisis, worth 11. for .70e. 80-lrieh Fancy Boman-Striped Taffeta, worth Tue., for .??: '. "fl-lnch Plaid Taffeta Silks, handsome colorings, for waists, worth $1.1?, lot hi? . 21-lnrh Colored Moire Velours, Brown, Plum, and Olhre, for separate skirts, worth $1, for .5!?e. 20-Inch Black Cros-Grain, handsomu patterns, worth 89c., for 4hc. 21-inch Black Satin Duchess Brocades, small and lnrg?? designs, extra le ivy quality, worth $1, for .Me, 23-inch Black Satin Duchess Brocades, handsome, new designs, worth $1.?;'.?, for .MUS. 20-Inch Black Gros-Grain Silks, ,v?rth ??? .. for ..-..sue, 24-inch Black Cashmere ??ros-Graln Silk, best dye and finish made, worth UM, tor .$l. 20-lnch China Silk, all evening abades, for doll dress?e, etc., worth 29c, tor 10c. 22-inch Corduroy Velveteen, Black and colors. f??r WStetS, worth C9c, for..4l)e. 19-lnch Black Silk Velvet, worth I1.J6. for .hOe. ID-in, h Black Silk Velvet, worth $2, for .$1..*W>. 21-inch Cream and White Taffeta Bro csdes, for ?renlas*, worth $1.30. for..$i. THE SHOE SALES THIS WEEK will cover a runge of three sStSi Ladles' l'hronie Ki?l Hoots at II.-5. Ladies' Viel Kid Boi?ts at $l.?Ml. Ladles' Fine Dress 3'oots at * *. Comprising, also infants' Kid Button Shoe at 20c. pair and (?Id Ladles' ?TM rnnsrresa and Bal. at $1 pair. BIG DRY GOODS STORE? OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10 O'CLOCK. rOY BUYING MADE EASY? The arrangement of our Toy Bit 'ach price article has proved a greai he 6c. Table, 10c. Table, 16c, Tab!.?, ] 16c Table, and higher priced tables rant, while the special sales to elOM nring to you many high-priced Toys Ujn Bagatelle Marble Games, 5c, were ISO, Iron Trick Banks, 75*., were 98c. tV)c. Iron Goat and Carts for 15c. Largest 7.'?c sir.?- Paper l'oils, with out? fit, complete, fur 10 . Complete Drugstoies, usually 50c., for 10c Complete Markets, usually UC, for 10c. Completo Warehouse?, usually 7?c, for 1..f the 25c. Out-I'p I'lcture Puzzles, in large boxes, for ICc. All three styles of the 2f-c Double Boiling Chairs this week for 15c The Kay Camera, Leather Covered, with two plates, will <lo th? work of the $5 cameras, for $1.00. i I.HEAT OFFER OF STANDARD HOOKS, ?aI lliickriim ImiiiikI. ullt-tnp pages i.inl kIU lilies, AT ?Ce. A V O LIME. comi'iismg works of QeOfgB Fllot, Bmucker. Bacon. Rodle, Dick? ns, Smiles, Dumas. Lyall, Jules Verne, Orimm, Scott, Charlotte Bronte, The DUChSSS, ?-????tier, Hawthorne, whit? tier, ct ., etc. frank leslie-s mm hook, 20>) pages of fin? st st?>ri. s for boys and girls, bcaeutltul Illuminated cov? rs, linen back, hi<*h art colored frontis? piece, at Bpectsl sale here .10c 4.HEAT SALE OF GAMES. Parchesl. $1 gam?-, for ?'He. Zj< . Bhorel-Bosrd flamea for 15?*. Kc. WatermelOB Party for 10c. spier's Imported &?c Games, with boarda und figures complete, for Foe, 10?) Board and Card G.niu a, th?- former aesson'a Uc games?Soutelre, Qolf, Flsh-Pond, Tscnt-Race, Bweet Wed? ding Bells, and many others?for toe. each. About 3,ouu of the largest 30c. Board Cunes, In boxes actually 6 lachea si?,?ire; every gSOM complete, com? prising Qo-Bang, Ltxo-Trou, Lawn Tennis, Y.nlir I'ac?, Ii.u.k.-v 1'ariy, Bad many others, at Re. i <; ime ?.f Bh<*pplng f??r We. iALE OF IMUBMBD IIIM'IE DOLLS, If a. The Cut?? Kick rp i:ls.?ue Dolls, dr??? ed in silk, ?mil l capa, eai h doll In ;i box, for 17c Natural-Hair Klck-Up Dolls, 10c. ILYER-l'LATEI? ? HI Mil Til AYS, ?ft. Hesvy Triple-Plated Crumb Traya and Sciaper, engravad, srere R.60, ?miro el for $1. ALE OF ILOKIVIIM: I'llAMI'S, 50c. !! ;.vy Qold-Plat? d PI ?r a. Krames, i selling at i\, a ?peels! l"t b. ! M . IALE OF OAIITI US |\ noXE*?, MS. fxacj Silk ?lair, I I, satia bow color, each pair In glaea-top boa Ho, ?TEIILINC-MLVER GARTERS. fl.SO. Fan? > siik Oerters, ?rita BterUng BUser Buckles, satin bow, each in glass-top box. tor U.M. SALE OF llOX PAPKU?, 30r. Newest and nasal stylish tinta Bwallow Blue, Coral Pink, Paiisy, Purple Orris, Pinks and Blues, Envelopes to match, in boxes, 99c SALE OF ClIILIinEX'S F?R SETS, Boas, Collars, and CBBSB, ana Minis; White Coney. 50c s- t. White Angora. $1 m < Turkish Angora. $1.1!? set. White Krimmer, PL99 set. Whit,- Lamb, * ?el White Thibet, *i i'? SALE OF MUSIC ROLL?. Real Leather. Baal, sad falf-Skln, Blacks, Tans, Greens, and other colors, OOc. each: worth $1 ,H IALE OF LE \TIIF.R WRITING? TA11LETS, 75?. Black S. al ?Leather Writing Tablets, 101 of them In a special lot. 75r. SALE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS. Borne special lots of Qlovee, Hosiery, and Ties for this W< - k GOLDFISH AND GLOI1E. 25e. Japan-s- Coldlish, each in globe aqua? rium, 'Afir. .ITTLE BOYS' FANCY OVERCOATS, ? One of the neatest sales of the year. B.autiful Light sad Dark Fancy Over? coats, worth $4 to $0, choleo sii..-.??. Little Bovs' Fancy Suits, $l..'tO n> $5. ADOUl IS? in all; fsocy and solid colors; some with vest, some with solid col? lars some braid?"l and some embroi? dered. About one-third off regular clothing prisai llOVS' M1W BOX COATS, f.1.00. ! Boys', 4 to l-yeara, Dark Tan Cloths, velvet collars, usually costing $?;. for $aoo. SALE OF HOW reefers, Si.oo. Blaea I to is years, comprising Chinchilla, Smooth Cloth, Kerseys. Garnet, As trechee), Two-Ton? Astracnana, gar menta as line as can be matched, S 1.00. ALE OF EIDERDOWN Ql ll.TS, g.t.Dil Frenen Satine Cord Eiderdown ?guilts, an ideal Xaasa pr? nt, *:>.0:1. SALE OF PLLSH Ul'GGY ROUES, -j..?.??u t?t I IM m lU.ftO. ->ro with separate counters for ?boon to all shoppers. Prom 19c. Tibio, 2:>c. T;il)le,45c. Table, yon ?can easily select what you the larger lots of Toys will at nominal prices. Special show-room for Doll Carriages, Express-Wagons, and ?'hairs. Finest Blackboard?* and Drawing sia--s combined, 3-vn.rd Un? n roll of illus? trations. il.UO. Infants' High Chairs, 4Bc Pina Skin Horses, compl? t-dy harnessed to coal-wagons, milk-wagons, ?nd trucks, ex . ?t reproduction of tue originals, $1.B.1 to IB. G..-? art?-, the- ne-w doll carriage, lBc., wer. BC.? *t!?-'., were &0c. Se.ini- -Sirgeal -SUM Doll carriages, plush upholstered, satin parasol, carpet bottom, t'?'?> 17 different styles of ?Children's Chairs ,-ei special prices. Probably i/iOo pieces of Iron Toys, 4c. to fs.4a S ALK OF in i? iK ? I\ SKTS. 10-VOl.r.MK .SKTS of thackbrat, each ?el packed In be?x, red cloth binding, i- ii? Bet. Backrara Pound, put top. *.i..ti> a set. Half Morocco Round, 14.80 r set. r.-VOI.lrffJBJ BBTTB IN ROXKS. C""p.-i-'s Bea Tait-s, ?'.,..[.. r*a -Lteavthar? Stocking Tale ;;, Ma.-.iuley'rt History of England, Works of Pumas. Works of Marl? Corel!!, Works or Ros.- N. Carey, cloth bound, gilt titles; entire set for 74c. 12- and l"-Yo!ume Pets of Dickens, Rul w.-r Lytton, Scott, Red cloth bind? ings, gilt titles, entire set In boxes, ULAB. OI'.HU'IIT HOOK? AT CUT PRICKS. St. Nicholas, two volumes, for **.'l.t?7. Puddln'-Haad Wllaon, $i.70. Fathar Ryan's Poems, J1.4U. Bod Radge of Courage, 7i?c. Queen of Hearts, -BBS, Choir Invisible, $1.10. The Christian, $1.1?. Coming of Chloe, ?1.10. Village Wat. h T.ewer, HMc. Captain ?'-?urageous, 70c. I -my Mule, BOa. Cathedral COB-tahl?, BOa, 1'iirsiiit of the? ll-ii-elioaf, 88c. The Drones Must I?!.-, $1.40. Hon. Peter BtttUhg, sill?. Soldiers of Fortune, !>!> . AlafJ OP IVntl'I'I'.ll IlI.A.NIvKTS, ?LBS. Regular Double-Faceel Wrapper Blank? eta Red and Black, Navy and White, Tan ami Brown, -?'.un. ALB OF COICH COTBBB, 7.**ic. t l-S-yarda-long Damask Couch-Co-rera, H ir.' baa aria? . 11 Ugh! - oloi -. rr.c. < vtiioi.m I'll \? BB-BOOBTJ, for children, ladle?, or men, ?single or in BOta. I<?e- te, |8.BB. BP1B4 JOB Ali pka? kk-hooks, cloth and leather Mndlnga, single or in sits, largest assortment m the e-i'v. IB?. . " .?*? BAIaB OF 1?\M V-M?: TOWF.I,?, 2.*?c. fXW I.-W eme . fig, ttO. LI\K\ LI N'CH SF.TS, BBJfM, Fringed Lunch Bata, -rotor-ad -rordered or pure White, Cloth 11-1 yards long and 1 dozen 4-S Napkins to match, ?-5-J.-. BFB30I *?L DBBBB GOODS for Xnias Presenta An unusual pur? chase t specially for tin.? purj 46-lnch Silk and Wool Velour -Buttings, In two-toned effects, worth UM, tot ? ?He. 52-lnch Tailor Covert -Suitings, handsome Melange colors, hue- wool and BatlB -finish, worth Me., for .70c 46-inch Pren-ch Drap d'Et?, flneat wool, extra weight, and silk finish, colors Pine-, Qreen-, Brown, ,-uid ?Jarnet, worth UM. for .BBC E2-inch Bolid-Color ?'heViot. fa!., y weave, feir seiKir.-itu skirts, color? BIu? I, prowi.s, and Greens, worth H, for BBc, 10-inch Pai'.ey Novelty Suitings, cht-cke-1, mixtures, and figures, ?te., in cbang? able -Colors, worth WC.. feir.4M(>. N-lnch All Pura Wool Cove-rt Suitings, S-color mixtures, worth Wc., feir :t7?.,e. K-Inch Fancy Two-Ton.-.1 Novelty Suit? ings, In Rourette effects, worth Wc., for .BBc, ?VMnch Fine Twill Storm Bergt), Una llnlsh and good weight, worth He, tor .n?.-. ; Wieith Fancy and Plain i-i.? Qoods, ?ill plain color?, anil chsngeaMe effects, worth 17c. for .i--^-. BALI OF APRONS, j.-,,.. 26 atyles Lai a and -ahnbroidery inser? tions, Kmbroi-le-iy Edge, some- plaited, aoma plain tucks, BS oth? r i?jt-~, UVA, SO, and fcOe. BALI OF l-'ltllT SKTS, BtW. et Qarnsaa -Mata China-Hand!? Prult-Knlves, ? n upright stand, entir? et complato, BOc. -worth ALB OF sai.yk, n?>\KS, rasa? Large; Qlasa Balv? highly -silt? plated tops, . natii'-lle-el a: of ,-. doil.r article ...BBc, MIA Kl> TRAYS, .".? . sil.. kk-i'I. yti:i> BOXBB, r,?-. Just L209 FUlgree-Work -Stiver-Plata*] un-i Lined Trays ami Bosaa In tha aalti at ..fie. ?III! I I ?IU-S I I ? I 11 .-?,?,,? ...-, Back piece warranted f??-lOX) fin* Boxes to put them In. Theae article ready for Belling this week: FOR ''.le. Heavy Chased Silver and Gilt Jewclle ?.tidies. B-lnch-long Heavy Pearl Paper Cutteri Chased Edge Hat-Marks. Sfrllne Vlolet-Holdera. 6-lnch-long Sterling Shoo Butlonera. Sterling and Calf Leather Bicycle Tagr Sterling Top W.i Kmorys. Sterling Tts-Holden Sterling Knives an combined. Long St. rjlng Handl Baby Cromos, Bead K'lge ?'??lonl Pa t t era an?I Cal - Cla Salve Jars. ? -Inch Sterling an I?? ,ri Paper Cui tere, in cases. Children's 6 - Kara Oold and Stone-S?. Rings. Roman Fox-Till Chalas, for sttachln vinaigrettee and lorgnettes. Jewelled Hat-Bins. Pair Sterling Steamless Wire Cuff an Bab) -Pins. Sterling Silver and Rhinestone Em Drooa n r: 1 S? r Sterling Silver Dumb Bell? and Bca Brummel Links. FOR 14?B. Sterling Seals. Files, Eraser*, Otov Buttoners, lSreeaara, Paper Cutter? with silk tSSSStS, FOR ?10c. Sterling ICountSd Dressing Combs. Gentlemen'? Sterling .Mounted Comb?. Stirling Sat.h?-l Tigs. Stationery Bets, complete with sterlln Erasers, Beal and Peser ?'utters. lying-Handle Sterling Stamp Idolater, era. 6-inch Heavy Sterling "Prince o Wales" Pattern Files and Shoo Bui toners. Heavy Sterling-Top Salts and Pepper Sterling Top and Cut-Glass Vtnla grett. s. st. riing Lemonade B*)oo*en 6-inch-long Sterling Handled Darners. l>>ng Sterling Handled Top Bmorya. tr-incn-long Sterling Handle and I'eai Paper Cutters. Jewell?*?l Set and Filigree Garte Buckles. Handsome Jewelled ?Bat Girdle?. Chlldr? ing l?oek Bracelets. Girdle Chatelaines, with Pln-Cnabtot Memorandum Tablet, and Pencil. Ladies' 6-Katat Gold and Jewelled Se Masa. Long Roman and Silver Fox-Ta Chalas, with : tide? FOR 50c. Sterling Top Cut-GUss Mucilage Bot tief?. 6-lneh Heavy Sterling Handled Buffer.? t-lncli Heavy Sterling and 1'earl l'ape CUtl' Chased Ivlge Sterling Gart??r Buckles, 'i Sterling Napkin Rings. Heavy Sterling Handled Scissors. Uni h Sterling Handled Roller Blotter? 1-Inch Sterling Handled Darners. Sterling and "Mother-ol'-Beari" Pen and l'an? r ?'utters, in case. Bterllriw-Top Hat-Brashes. Heavj Sterling Handled Peal f.-ineh Sterling Handle Nsll-Bruahes. ?j-ineii Sterling Tooth-Brushes, Jewelled Set Chatelaines, with memo randums, Vlu?grsttes, and r< ocll At tachmi nts Handsome Jewelled Bet crr.n. s. Horse-Hair Wisps, 4-lnd allvei handles, f <:??!d Lacqu? red inks, wir lettera and pen-hold? ease and Jewelled toa, go,? al trimmed Ink bott' v ilue. for.$1.5? 10 CENTS \r m Minis ? ture ? ' ?logne-Fllled Lamp | : u-s-Top Fii; i, Plated Pli Trays. Soap CUSSS, ?'and-I I lia. Cigar Cuttere, Chil ?hen's Seta iknif". fork, am fancy Un? ?i boxee Salve Jara, Smoking Sets, Jewellet ??ers, Rolling Blol t? rs. and Qold-Top Whlsps, Toll? Bottles, Cold Lined Cups, end Bau cera, inks, Hat-Bruahes, Pen-Knlv?*? Crunii?-s- ' - n lars, Candel ibra and big lino of Photograph Fi Tee Seta .$io Toilet Sets .|ll LACK DRESS GOODS. Best assoit m? tu of designa at lowee prices evei I'r.'-.-iits. 4G-in?h Black Silk Seeded Novelty, mad? of silk, wool, and noohalr, In i effects, worth I1.6B, for .ii.'M 41-1.--h Hank Oerman l?? reta Cloth i e 1rs tin?- cord, and beat Black, won! U.U. for .'I 48-Inch Black Baskette Suiting, checke. ?pis, of wool and mohair, WOTtl US, for .?-o.' 44-Inch French WTilpcord Suitings, tin? ?nal rord, worth 98c, for >. ..< ! ' ?rS-inch Black German Henrietta, ho? silk finish, all pure wool, and bes Jet-Black, worth T?c, for .50c 50-inch Black French Serge, all pure wool, fine twill, extra weight-?note the width?worth ,-?Q^ 5QC, now at SS-lnch Black Boucle Suitings, all pur< woul arid n?:w designs, worth Wc. fol ' !?, 40-inch Black Storm Sirgo, worth PJc. for .me W-inch Black Foui,- Barge, ?h finish, worth . fee I' SALE OF MANTEL MIHHOHS, *5.?0. : .1 Edgl d. l|, | \ ; >. r r, neli |',.?l? 0x0* lachee, beavy, i.-. ? i gut, Frencl carved moulding?, usually sold at $10 foi .'.-, B4J LADIES' SEWING RO( KEHS. rtOe. Rocking ?'baits, perforated seats, jus the thing for ? . . mg, only 10 here, to be >. i : .!? tOMll, Hill Ml, AND ? SETS, ?5.00. Ea ll set In Sa In Killed I..-.I I her.'tt Case, actual price tie, fer $."? I?!?. IM'ANIS |.\|? |<()MK>, ??T,.???*. White Lamb's-Wo.;i 1 - .? - Carrlag Biles, lined with exquisite qutltei saiin. ap?ela! a' '.?.Oll. Everything else for beby*a wear. SALE OF ?MI'ANESE SILK HAND? IvI.Ht IJMIJBl ?. ?Purs Silk, 80 In n te square, any em broldered initials. ?15c bale of Watches. K<ili<] G Colored I* Chfttol?ine V. / uaraiit? ? -I g Rl.'.k", gold and dial, Mt. i stem Bot, wort! $10? '7 $6.98. Solid Silver Hunting Cnea V? ., Swiss rr.ik'\ gold d ~ ft? m-wlnd and Mt, I . for . $.', Solid siive r Watch? B, gold h nia Ri ,| tn-wlnd an I stem-set, ? 8n Kick il - Platetd Watches, gu?rante? .i ? ? th.- maki >? Man's sad Ladies' Bicvclts, $24.50. CelebrAtiod litQnner-mi ? year's -written puai u r.. black and maroon, $24.50. Sale of Portieres, SI.98, 3.1 yards lonrr Damask - ?-?. Portieres, 50-inohes ,' wide, tied fringe t^p V and bottom, 12different : ?_. colors, $1.08. Sale of Pipes in Cases, SI. Heal Preach Brier J'ip-s. je.](1 pl?tOd, trimm?-?l.?-a?h in leat h?' r ease.eonipl? t?> $1 Sale of Wrappers, $1.25. Dressrrvike r?M Tlaim?-lift u-Ne? pers, extra quality, m.v: full, ILK other !. ' - Me, Qlr.'a' and Boys' HMt, 66c, Fancy Fea- i-\ th? i- Ta mi a\ for girls, of rough boccle; Scotch Plaid Velvet Tains, for boys?all at ?JOc. Sale of Dresden Clocks, 99c. Decor la te?l China, value?! at t% in this week ' ??CORATE0 Ilk" ]V,e a 11 with globes, co p 1 e t ?*, six sty! Lfchfll n un* ucvcd'c cnu?. rtu ?wn rq?ui..l illl HIS MEYERS SONS, 6TH AND BROAD. JULIUS trtYER'S SONS. 6TH ANCHOAD. 1 f?IJUS MEYER'S SONS. 6TH AMD BROAD. 1 lULIUS MEYFR'S SAMS BTH AND RRQAD. mumavaamttEK?Maat JULIUS MEYE.TS SONS. GTH AND BRQAB. I JULIUi* ??1LILII?- -juno, un? mil? uiiu-m latter said that the Increased criminal expenses came largely lrom delay in the proseoatloa of su?-1! eases Only tines tun- l in bis eighteen years' service as a Commonwealth's Attorney, bad he asked for a postponement of a criminal case. xThe delegates had not bun sent to the Legislature to see re? trenchment and reform "run mad." "You can meet the increased inter? .-t in 1901," he said; "you can give the schools more money. If It is necessary; you can deal more liberally with the old Confede? rate veterans, and at the same time you can reduce the rate of taxation to 30 eents on the $100. But to do this, you will have to get at tho officers who as? ses? the property. So far as I am com cerned," continued Mr. Parks, "I am op? posed to reducing the salaries of the county judges below the amount now fixed by the State." Mr. Campbell called the pending qu<?8 tlon. which was on the engrossment and third reading of the bill. The body or ieted the bill to It? engrossment by a vote of ?10 to 30. No recorded vote was taken. THE LISTING OF BONDS. Another lively fight was occasioned by Mr. Parks'? bill providing for the list? ing of bonds, notes, stocks, etc, the pro? visions of which have been fully publish? ed In the Dispatch. The measure Is simply to enforce the law in regard to the taxation of such property. In order that the State may receive her Just reve? nues. A similar bill was introduced at tho last session, and passed the House, but was defeated in the Senate. Mr. Parks explained his bill In detail. Mr. Anderson, of Richmond, stated that he had not given any time to tho con? sideration of the measure, and asked that it be passed by. Mr. Cooke made a aplendtd speech In opposition to what he termed "dllltory t?ctica." The measure, j hu said, would bring more revenue to th?* State than any bill introduced in th Legislature since ho was a member ?j the body. He urged that uctlon SB n delayed, but that the measure be enacte Into a. law by the 1st of February, ? that the State could derive benefit fror It under tho new assessment. Mr. Mont i gat moved that the bill be made a specui onl.-r for Monday. Mr. Swltzer ?poke 1 favor of the measure. Mr. Saunders set tied the question under dispute by sug gestlng that the bill be engrosst-d, bu that a motion should not be made to re consider, thus leaving the bill open t< amendment when it comes up on Monday This satisfied Mr. Anderson, as he ha? pructlcally gained his point, and th< measure was ordered to be engrossed. HOUSE BILLS PASSED. To amend and re-enact sections 1 t( 14, both Inclusive, of an act entitled an act to Incorporate the Southeastern and Atlantic Railroad Company, approved March 4, 189G, and to change the name ot said company. To make a conspiracy between a hus? band and any other person or persons to cause a wife to commit adultery, a felony, and to provide a punishment therefor. To amend and re-enact section 1 of an act entitled an act to legalize tho adop? tion of minor children, approved Febru? ary 5. 1892. To amend and re-enact sections 6 and 9 of an act entitled an act for the distribu? tion amongst those entitled to the direct tax money donated by the United 8tate? Government, approved March 3, 189**. To amend and re-enact section 14 of an act entitled an act to provide for the working and keeping in repair the pub? lic roads in the county of Louisa, ap? proved February 29. 1892 To Incorporate the Christian Women's City Mission, of the city of Richmond, Va. To protect game and birds In the coun? ties ot Grtcnt'svlllt? and Busses, and to A prohibit the sale of partridges, and to provide a penalty for the violation of this act. To amend and re-enact section 8 of an act entitled an act to authorize tho Board of Supervisors ?if H.-nneo county, Va., to udopt sanitary rules and regula? tions for that portion of said county lying within three-fourths of a mile of the corporate limits of the city o? Richmond, approved February 20. 1SD6. To amend and re-enact an act entitled an act to Incorporate tho Mutual Fire In? surance Company, of Loudoun county. The House adjourned at 3:30 o'clock. Xevra from Fulton. Mrs. W. O. Loeeleoe and son are ?tay Ing a short while with her husband, who Is in the city for the next tew months as delegate from Halifax county. Little Anne Koscher, the daughter of Mrs. Christian Roscher, is Improving af? ter a severe spell ?if lever at the home of the latter, on Louisiana afreet Mr. J. T. Grubbs. of Engine ?,'<?mpany No. 8. is confined to his hume on account of sickness. Mr. W. S. Lovelace, a dental student at the University College of Medicine, has left to spend the holidays In Hall fas, his home. The Virginia and North Carolina Wheel Company will start to work again In the part of the works which have been closed on account of the accident a short while ago. The new engine has arrived, and will be put into pUce immediately. Properly Trnt-sfer?. Richmond: W. R. Hooker and wife to West-Bad Brick Company. 19 7-12 feet on south side Blair street, S50 7-12 feet east of Rajidolph, $5. Mary E Powers'? trustee to Floren.-o M. Coggeshall, 2M? feet on west side Mor. ris street, 156?4 feet south of Main street, Harvey Willson. ?cecial commissioner, to A. J. ?Jhewnlng, jo feet on r-orth side Calhoun street. 20 taet from ?Cl-?ddln Vj-..* Henrico: John N. Burch to Andrew O. Burch. lot 10, In block? L ???.liou 2. High? land Springs, 1100. S *" ~ * * WlkU Dr. lire.dun? at the Art Club. On Frlelay night, at the rooms of the ! -rt Club, Dr. John W. Lirodnax, of the nlverslty College of Hedtelns, d-livered lie BrBt of the B?-ri?-s of lectures on Artistic Anatomy," which h>; has bei-n ? quested to deliver totora the club. Dr. ?rodnax -SBOks ?Sirnaatly of tha value of knowledge of anatomy to art students, nd Impressed on his haaiBTS its absolute i-oessiiy to all Who would make dravv lgs of the human body. He next gave i very clear and interesting description I f tha compound parts of the body, and I f the skeleton. In particular. Referring i 1 a skeleton before him, he descrtb? ?I in ' ae most clear and intelligible way, tie parts which make up the skeleton, escribed the classe? of bones and Joints, nd the movements of which the latter ere capable. After this. Dr. lirodnax ave a detailed examination of the t-rtebral column, and Imparted much iAt was instructive and helpful to hi? earers. Throughout, he showed a most amp?ete knowledge of his subject, und hat was even more essential, a kr.ow dge of Just what art students need, nd how to convey the knowledge to ?era In Intelligible and pleasant form. The first lecture has been so ben. tidal nd useful, that the member? of the lub look forward with even greater ln ?rest than before, to those which are -? come. They will be of the highest alue to the ?tudent, and the members re greatly obliged to their fellow-mem er, Dr. Rrodnax, for the very essential ervlce he Is rendering them. The next si-ture will be givon early in January. He ?nrrl'tl HI? Slater. Rev. George C. Vandersllce ha? r?-turn rl to the dty from Lexington, whither e went to perform the ceremony at a ?arrlage of his only ?lster, M -late VandersHce, to "tir- John- '* P-jWell. f Paducah, Ky. "i 'brist in Business," the third In a on sermons on "Christ in ICOdSSB Life," will be Rev. Mr. Beau . hump's sub? ject at St. James Methodist church to? night _ I " ' ' ??<--??-a???, l'R.IPOSALS. Richmond. Va., Decemb? r 15, 1*-J?. THF. COUNCIL. COMMITTEE ON SO COL'NTS AND PR?STINO Will r?*e.ive ?I ..Uxl proposals for supplying th?! VaXlou? departments of the city with STATION? ERY. BLANK - B-.-.iKS. BINDING, Rl LINO, AC, BOOK-AND JOB-PRINT ING. and for the CITY ADVERT1SINQ for the llscal year l*o\ all bids to bo sub? mitted at Boom No. ?j, third floor, city Hall, by ? o'clock P. M. TUESDAY, De c? rnbi.r 21. I*/?. The committee reserves the right to re Jact any ???' all bid?. For sp?cifications call upon the clerk of ?the committee at Boom 13, City Hall, at 12 o'ixock. M.. Thursday, December 16. 1897. C, K. BOLLOCK, Chairman. C. B. West. Clerk._de 15-6t Office of City Engineer, Richmond, Va.. December 15, 1897. SEAl.Kl? PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at this ottlco till TUESDAY. De? cember 28th, at 4 o'clock p. If., for WORK to be done during the ensuing year, us follows: Relaying and Repairing Brick Paving, Relaying and Repairing Stone Paving, Relaying and Repairing Curbing and Flagging. Furnishing the necessary Stone Work for street basins; Furnishing Vitrified Clay pipe? and Branche?: I'*urnishlng Iron Frames and Covers f-?r Stacks ana Street U?H,tis, and Furnishing Cement during the year, ,, t?. furnish at once .?.?JOO POCN'-S BEST yl'ALlTY Clint? B WESTERN TIM'?THY HAY. Forms of proposals, ?peelfleatIons, and explanations can be obtained at thla&of? flee. All proposals, except for hay, to ? ? accompanied oy a certified check for *?*X?. ?'omralttee on Street reserves ih?, right to reject any or all propeaav _| fer??*, and to give the*contract (or the' whole or a part, or for each Item, se-j*?. rately. W. K. CUTBHAW, de 15-eod City Emdnaiar. DIVIDEND MDTIl 1 ?. DIVIDEN! > The Roa-i ..t Diraet<0n ot MOND. l-*KKM-:i'!''Kt?l--'K'l TOM AC ?AI? C a DIVIDM.NJ ' HALF DOL1.AR?5 Pl ! common au?< k | of lile ' , Th? ? will l>- - the ?rt>) of l?*c?mib-r, 1? <.',-, - Of January. 15**. J. R. WIN? dol9-tJn j_ 1 ?VIDEND Neifl PETEBSB?RQ RAILROAD Uoard of IMr?-< t.-;-* -it tht burg Railroad Company ha\ DIVIDEND <>U THRICE -LX 1*1 l-TV CENTO A BHA1 ?t??ck of the ?*orn['iu day of January, l??s. to : ?ame of record on th? Sut? day ?X ! b. r. UBT, after which day th transfer ?.ill be closed unt'.l lai ** : \\ R dolStJal^.. > DIVIDEND S?0T1CE. RICHMOND AMD PETEH It?- VU COMPANY. , The Roard of Directors of the ' n?l l'etersbur?; IIu..-mI . declared h DIVIDEND ?>F TIIU LAUS AND UIKTY CENTS A SMA capital stock of the c??in?j*ny. i tho 3tl tlay of January. IVJS. t > the ?ame of record on the BH iiber. 1857. after ?Ahlch da) of transfer will bo cloaed 18W. \V. It- JON ?t.- n-tJal_T' COMMERCIAL CUAKANTKI l'ANY. The Hoarfl of !"?.: elaml a DIVIDEND "l" ' ' < BNT. ?ix mouths i?i i-< r *> numl on tha ??a-Htsj?- BtagB^rom - ::'.';:!" -BBb^bBs^bBbI B(Vf)K AND JO? WOKK N KXEt-I'TBBAT IUB uisfATCU ?'-*l>l*