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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. DECEMBER^ 19, 1897. ._ ? ???,. at his beautlfu,, _-__ WILL LE QUITE GAY| MANY EVENTS OP SOCIAL INTER? EST PLANNED FOU HOLIOAI? *?. FEATURES OP THE MSI WEEK llrit German of the A??t*n?hl jr?Sev? eral Elegant Receptions?Mr?. Scott'? Luncheon?Kveulna? at tue Moiuan'i Club?Peraonal Note?. Tb? Christmas which is almost with us j promt??-? to bring a BUmber of delightful entertainments with it. Though must still ha veiled In mystery, two ger msns and a fancy ball aro la Bight, and th? fact that it is "presents" not that make* tho heart grow foudc-r belag established, the express eompaabal Will probably havo their usual ditliculty in bringing the Christmas girl and hi r equally popular *>ld?-r sister tho tl which will be paid these. Ths Asatav-bed of the old year, it Is said, will be ereil ?watched over and ealebraled by gavaral Aaaaaa. a The genius of Rtrhiunead society this Beason has had a good many moments of Inspiration; but it has produced ? tertalnment more ui yable than the luncheon given by Mi l r< ?rV. 8<*ott last Monday. The luncheon was Berved on tables arranged in ti MsltSSS cross Assign, li. in the chandelier di? rectly above tho centre tab!?- four ati era of amllix wei caught by centrepiece? <>f American I'euuties on ?a? h of the four anas of th? Maltese cioss. The ntr- - pleca of Ametlcan Beautl d In a cut-glass bowl, formed ihe ornan tlon of tin? Bald ted the parlor? of Mrs. Scott'a I an the"mantels and table? were bowls and v?s??s of flowers. Mrs. Thom.-.s Hannah, of Rlvcrsl.l.. Ill . the guest of Mr?. ] rlc W., waa the tin? entertainment The other ; Mr?. Campbell, Mrs. Thorn Mise Rosa, Miss Hattle R :.' iry AVilllams. Miss My? Airingfellow, and M< . hi? Id, llryi't? .*-..>?. it Hume. John Taylor, Ed wln P.. Thorn .-. i - Beverly B Munford, Va..?mine, V Buek, Charles Venabl. Carrlngton, White ley, and Meneurs Perkins, "l^tburnum," the home of Mr. Bryan, was the sceae of a very pretty "niUBlcal luncheon," glve.n In honor of Ml.'? Covke, ?-f ]' teisbiii,r, I Mis? Cocks is a fine musician a? wi B charming young lady, and during the ?* ! In a brilliant Several selections of piano BBS Xandolph, too. gave much pleasure by her slnxiii- The decoratlona or. ioou tub!? wer? in yellow; yellow hu..tuina snd yell cari ? [mm n?at to theroughly enjoy? i by th? young gsMts, * Mtasee Cocke, August? Stewart Gull ,- Mon!. ,. 1; ' irtney, Bridgva. Day, snd Kv??hii Gordon. a-T?* l??v?r? w?r? beautiful little banjos g*** or papar mache and ...rd? en? ,"..v?d will, th? pictures of aoroe of the piaat musician?. ? , ^ ?* * A??embly. th? germen club to take the plato of the famous Tuesday pern which has raaaagJ** been gotag thro . traction tunes, gasa Its Hist ro lar -tance Monday night at the Jeffer: The AtHfflMy bleis lair to have a repi tiou beyond the city tor the el? ganaa SXClUatTSnaaa of ItB tntei'.ainnitnts. ( taint?* tho gernaaa given on Monday ni waa a uri-at aaoeeaa. The young ladlaa present WOT? : Mi; Grant, Maria Moeeloy, Kate M* eoiii, Nanjjia Otnk, 'Blallla Cattk, Div i- r, Nina HantH'Iph, May Ltndl of NOW York; Ella Jackson, Mad'-I" . . h, Rachel Cook, Calvin Bra Mamie Hill, M:i,y ROgsra, ClalTB Bier -Lisa Bl? rne; Louise Dabney, of Chatha Mabel To'l.l; Heath, of Norfolk; 1:.;> ef PstofrBaWMfg; Ev? lyn Cordon; Di una; llthel s:uter, L?ot Walker; Oreen, of Danville; Annie Gr Cray, Kmsio Pegram, Annie 1 : ?, Amy Worth, BAd Judith Dea ih.- -gl-mit in- n were Messrs. Mill'-r, C rlngton, Guy, Elanghraan, Wadd Noitlog, Blanchard, VeSughan, Arm im. Baxrison, Qaaai Hii'iiinu, T. lllirKtiibolhaui, Lot Brander, Watklns -Merson, Brock, H? son, Kuttin. Hasen, McKenny, Oral ? 'i raton, Blankem hip, Will Potts, i The parlors wbi h ware the aoene ' Mrs. t. Wither Chelfa wanning reoeptl at 1 I Bga on Tuesday evt-ni -.?ed asnthsr ahnost equally, ai ? gant it-i-epiion. Mrs. ChSlf having i ? ? iitly returned from her bridal trip, W nt hoiiie- to her frit nils on that Si Ball , from :> to 7 ?a the henee <?t her fathi ; Mr. l;. H. ?/i.'-ii. The natural : 1 the anana ?sas enhanced i > i -pairas, a feateoonlag of ??altas, ..i a brilliant array of lamps and (.andel I bra. Mrs. T. W. Ch'-lf. it is i. .?a 1 \ -y ?ovt |j -She wore a gov ? of black net artth Jewelled -?orsage, ii stater, bb naiiasun Orson, wi a? -fascinating aa ?wer in a worth of biai -.nil point ?see bertha and dti nient?, and Mi r . f the bride, was nulled in >>la ' Bilk with net corsage. Mis. VV. Ctiel 1 Mrs. ('teen's third datiRhter, wc-ie beantlful c-stume of bla-k net and ?Ii: ' monds. The other ladies rSOelVtBg wei Mi s li.irtiett. of New York, pink orgai tli. ; Miss Knox, black satin; Miss Mom I lay, white ?Ilk with green trlmmin?*! Brawnla Benaon, white BBaasBtalta ' de sole; Ml?? Bovkin, black satin an ha?aa?jal of violets; Mts? Bauet . ok ae-eord.-on.-j'leated ehlffon. 1.11 .i..ty Ii indolph Thaw, black velvei ! BB tra?ne, with point lace and diamond? - were Mrs .lames Alfre Miss Lewis and Miss Houston Mis? Ve i'lah Travers Pat tison, Mrs. JoBi Mrs. E. P. Valentin- M I Francis Peyton Gibson, Mrs a. W. Tra ? ver<-, Mrs. Anna 'i-an ?'.irr. Ml?? Ell. I Brace, Mis? Kiie Muny Worth, Mlas Am; H Blair. Mrs - i?. Brandet*, Miss Mary D. Ruth Subiitt, Miss -BL 0. Will i Green, Mrs. John T Jr., Mrs. R, V. C,:,i\.r. Ml?! i M -M- e. Co?t-tas? l.n.vtili. Mr?. Henry De? Valentine. Mi- I BOB), Miss Pan ? nie Rrsstos, Mrs. Cflaisnae I'erclval Ca Eleanor Carrlnrton, Miss Mes I .in -t. Mi- ?'arrlnit'on, John F. Ewig. Miss Carrtnaton. 1 I'. C.rynits, Mr?. J >hn S. I 1? W Roberta, Mr?. J. M. Taylor, trillion It. Mason. Mrs. John T. I Watson. Jr.. and Ml?s Gibson. Ml?? Mary Thaw pie?lde?l at the ?'hoce?, table and Mrs. Willis Chelf poured th? ' A "small and early'' but altogether de entertainment wa? alvrn By Ma? rsL-r ? Jor Robert Stile? In honor of Misi Cajerlon on Tuesday evening. The of the evening v?tre Miss, s Bate Saussure, Rebecca BeH, Khe Werth, an.I Amy McRse V.'?rth, Messrs. Littleton Fitzgerald. Julia Kenny, J?"i Perrla, William Wi and William Townes. The pleas the evening was also added to 1 M 'f Mrs. C. R. Captrton, " the brtghtsst mars of the galax Richmond brides. a ? Richmond golfers are still golf?n Saturday afternoon a large numi Richmond's Four Hundr??d went i .inks of tho Lakeside Whssl where tomo Joined in playing a Vt terestlhg game, and others tool rpodem parts of onlookers. Amons present Were Misses Ann Tennant Harria, Fatals Lewis, Berta We Virginias Hayes, Kate 1 In ris, ? Hauls; Bernard, of Pstsrsberrg; with, Boiling, Dimmock, Bessie Liily Ix??.'.m, Blank'-cahip, and Me? Al.? Warwick, C. i;. Smith, K. Myers, Jr.. Scott Pari?sh, WSTTSB Palmer, Levin Joym-s. Allan D'J NlChOlS, Of i'arls, am. .Messrs. F. W. BSWittChel, Robert Powers, Waller Randolph, Holladay, Isaac Dave Hornee S. Hawss, Richmond Lewis Palmer. Georgs Warren, John l Edward ?Scott, Gi'ofg'? Re?d, i:< M i yo, John Currie, K. T. 1?. Myer Lsvta Joynes, Dudley McDonald, ] son Blair, C. B. Antrim, Qserge G Frank Davenport, Symington Scott Parrlsh, C. K. Smith, John Pi Bruce Palmer, ami Henry Basken, a Miss Mary Doniun gave a cha: little dinner party on Tuesday eve A number of the "diners of the ?vater" in Richmond society, were ent, and the dinner very elsgsat I ilntmsats, The gut eta were i? Mary Currie; of Holyoke, I? 1. a Bt4 TUO, M.ny Hill, L'annll mW Berta WellfOrd, and Messrs. Langt? Williams, KlrfcWOOd Mitchell Doi tor Williams, Bd. Harrison, and I Cray. On Monday afternooo at th* Wor Club MiM Maria Blair gave a tali Bldney Leal r. Raadla! selections I.ani-ar*S poem? and giving ?uggc S BUnsnta SB she read, sh? op??ned ho- bearers the way into the trea: house of the beautiful thought and ing.- <?f the greet peat it was, with r ingrat BnaOy that Mis? Blair'? audi realized that her lecture, was over. tnterast of the evening was Increase the presence of sev.-ral distingu? -i Invited by tho chairman, were Miss Lily Irftgan, Mrs. Jaaaai Blair; Miss l-.llen i'.lair of Salem; , Annie Smith, Miss Juliet Lee, and Mo imalr. Mrs. Rah art B. Munford 1 at the tea table, with Mrs. S. Travers and Mis? Beulah Patter The ladles elected in November tc members of the club were Miss Kllzal Douthat, Man* Beelah Patterson, i w. Qordoa McCahe, Mrs, L. R. Dash Mrs. Janus K. Kearney, Mr?, Well] c. Reed, Mrs. Oartett Wall, and Mrs a. Weiler. . On Tu? ads*? evening Mr. Fox, the no Bel and writer of dialect stories, lectu and read extracts from his works bel tho Woman's chih and their guests? the veiy Interesting sketch which drew of the ?'har??rter of the mountain of the hMatern Stacs. ho emphasized tt crude force, which, he said, has b common to nil mountain peOBSSB -to Boot in his Highlands; to the Baaana, i mountaineer <>f Qresoa, and to tho i liens of the Apsnnlnes. And equal to ?rigor and boldnam of bis character is excluslveness. Forms of speech, old har ajid customs, which have been laid as els? wh?r<?, he keeps and perpetuates th?? rocks of his mountain? perpetUf. the foims of fish and fern. Tho K? fucky mountaineer, he w?nt on to si we.? very religious. His chief Interests 111? are religion and ln'iini-Ll.-. In illusti tlon of the Kentucky "crackcis' " Id ayncTaelrs. Mr. Foi road id 'roni "The Kentuckian" as well as fro his short-r stores, and wnh a dramai . nnphsatS ;m?l a faithful Imitation of t mountaineer's dialect which delight his au?ii? i.ce. The chah man's g-m-sts were Mr. Ros well I ai.-?'. Mr, ami .Mrs. ?-lifford Rai dotph. Mis. Montague, Miss Lilly Loga: and Misa Taylor; Mrs. Maryus Janee, Clouee.-ter; Miss Mildred Hog??. of Fran! fort, K y. ; Miss Kmma Hege, of Staunt.?: and Ml Hicks, of Lawtasncerrille. Tt hostesses of th? occaaloa were Mrs. Isa;i nport. Miss Mary LtCwts, Mrs. !>. i ell, and Mrs. in'--atur Axtell, wh presided at Die u-u.-table. The entertainment given yesterday evi nln? by Mr. and Km Eleranaa Myers, i Celebration of the anniversary of thel w? 1 I'li'-'-'lay, was ;i delightful BOCla ev nt. The rooms of Mr. Myers's bann BM home, on Kighlh .stre- t, w? . ?? OBTM tl-.'ly ?1 greea and pink. Th lights were BhadSd with pink globes nra garlands of evergreens were graceful I; draped about the picturm and nmatesi I witti groups of palms about the r?_-st i> the rooms. For sev-v-ral hours the lowe: floor was crowded with the ninny friend) of Mr. ami Mis. Myers, who teiiderei them many h? arty congratulations oi thin enatverssry. * On Tues<tay Bight tne members of thi Art Club showed tha. they were wlllim; to go through a good deal of water 1: Bot lire in order to ?ee each other, lr spite of? the rainy weather there was quite a largo gathering of the club mem M - at the drib tea arranged by Mrs HoAfSt and Mrs. M.ilv-u T. Patterson, and the guests wore rewarded for theli coming. Miss Annie Steeger Winston real for their entertainment her first published ?tory, called 'Tucker's Tour." Among those present were Mr. and Mrs Mahren T. Patterson, Mm. Hodges, Mr. iind Mrs. William G Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carrington, Mr. and Mrs. M.uiry, Miss Annie Wise Mayo; Dr. Brodnax, of the University College of Medicine; Mr. Spenc? r, Mrs. John A. a, Miss Klla Bruce, Misa Patterson, Mr. John Rutherfoord, Mr. Jones, and Mi H. T. Haxzard. (?no of the Interest? of the evening was Mis. Fred Carringum'-. exhibit of hand painted china. Mrs. Carrington'? work show?*d remarkable harmony of coloring and evenness of ?urface. All learned In , ceramics will remember that china paints have a persistent habit of attracting dust, which would be enough to ?poll the I temper of an ai I lul.tng lessons In china painting, and that an even surface is evidence of great ektll on the part of th?, china painter. a The engagement of Miss Bell? Richard? son, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. O. T. HI, V, ,,.lu,.r, r.t (?V.l........ ...... ?J- r._. Johnson, formerly of thl? city, ha announced, and their marriage is t place on December Slst. Mi<s Hi ron's father la one of the large? dealers of Chicago, and Mr. ?'a Johnson, son of the late Major Johnson, left Richmond some yea to take charge of a mission In and ha? since done a splendhl work and been a frequent contributor to xines of this country. Directly afte wedclln? Mr. Cameron Johnson ai bride-elect will leave for J I ' One of the prettiest books or ?helves of the book stores for <hr is a little volume liouiid In white a design of the green leave? an of holly. Tho title- is "In: le ami ? it!n r Stories," by ?. j i i,. pathetic and tender little .?tori-s ha attractive setting of vivacious styl interestinir lllu-uration? by Mrs. \ Garber and Mrs. Parker Dashlell well known artistls of this city. Anoth*r Richmond author, Mr. *v\ :d, has a story In Harper's ?^ mas No. The story I? as Interest; the fine Illustration? In wash-wor Mr. Sheppard. a Mrs. Junius R. Riddick, of WS8t F Un street, gave a very elegant lune at the Jefferson last Thursday In 1 of Miss llahOl Todd and her | Miss Holtze, of New York. The 1' BOB wa? served In courses, frith ?leli rlnea. American Baaatlei decoroie* labl? s, and each guest receive 1 BB | venir a bunch of American Beauty i ti.-1 with satin ribbon. The la.11. s pt were Mrs. Warner Moore, Mi I Toe.d. Mlaa Mary B, Moore, Mlaa Is Mlaa Boeber, Mlaa iioitze, and Miss I Todd. . * Mrs. McClaren entrained a numb la'lies in her handsome home, on Frai sip , t, at a programme etirhre party, rooms ware decorate-i in ?'hristmas s with the green and red of Amei Be ?utlea and mipnorw-rte predomina Afte r the K?me of eu? tire and the win of the haiulsome prizes, a sumptuous per was served. The table was decor In pink, with a beautiful centre bo-s American Beaulie s. S<uvenlr bouquet violets were given to each guest. James Patton. Mrs. Allan Dnnnan, William Royall, Mrs. Thomas Bol Mrs. Ashton Starke, Mrs. Rob?-rt Bol and Mrs. John Potts were the -,-aaStB, Siarke winning the tirst prize, a haiuls copy of "Bife Comedies." Another pi B U-autlful picture of a child's hand, won by .?1rs. Patton. nn-1 the consola prize, a cap and saucer, was awarJei Mrs. Royall. a ? The anniversary of Beethoven's b was celebrated on last Thursda . by an informal musicale, gtv.-n by H ihr and his pupils at his iv?:.!. B? B, Franklin street. A few rausic-lo-, friends formed the audience. The t : elaea were? aoaufaaasDed by a few rema from Mr. Hahr, paying tribute to 1 ?! -v :i as ,-i man and as a composer. ' -elections from Beethoven's works wt we i,- rend? red were the S.-pture, pla by Mr. Hahr and Master John Bow tho adagio and rondo movements tr tli- BooaAa l'athellque. played by X Hai::.- E<!.ois, the adagio and aliebre from the Moonlight Sonata, by Miss J nie Hughes; the minuit and presto mo inent from Sonata. Dpus 31, by Mai John Powell; "L'Absence" ?ml Retour," by Miss Llllie fySallgaan, a the great Opus in Beethovens 1? sonata, which received full Justice at t hands of Mr. Hahr. The younger mu cians i-ave tine internr? tations of t grant master's works. Their playing w followed by the reading of sev.-ial musn essays by Miss J.,nie, tichot-u and M Martha Painter. ' Miss Davis, of _70O ?ast Broad ?tree on Wednesday stoning entertained number of her friends In honor of Mi C-it and Mrs. Shipp, who are v'-u;; her. a ? Tho Court Tea of Thursday, which Wi 5ii; e-rintemled by Miss Rebecca Norwoo Miss Pearl Botttwt, Mrs. George A. l.\ | Mrs. A. H. Rahn, Mrs. Mann S. N .1 tine, Mrs. S. W. Travers, Mr.-. Nash. Mis. Ciiarles Stacy, Mrs. Robe ?'.:.vies, .Mrs. Brokenbrough, Mrs. Jor -, Jr., Mrs. 1'iaxton, Mr.-. Normal und Mrs. Kidd, reflecte?! much I Its managers and patronesses.. The y.nin [) i!.- arho took part in the entertali ment gained hearty applause lor the singing and acting. a * TI.| Matinee Whist Club has been rr . -I Bad met WO-gBBB. I** aft.-rr.oo at tlie tcaiitifnl home of Mrs. Stephe Putney, of ?rest Pranklln street, wher th. y wets nio.t dcliKhtfully ente?rt.-itrv-e' Tha im -nib. rs are Mrs. Stephen Putney Mrs. ?hues Pern 11, Mis. Caritas Jach son, Mrs. J. Allison Hodges, Mrs. T Ashby Miller, Mrs. John Miller. Mrs Archer Patterson, Mrs. Duther Warren Ott Part?an, Mrs. Thomas JefTress Mrs. Warnst Moore. a * Mrs. Charle? Btraus gave Wednesda> afternoon at her very handsome home 9?0 Park avenue, a *BI euchr? party in honor of Miss ?Straus, of West Vlri-inla. Mr* Morris, of Park avenue, and Mlaa Shrier, of New York, who Is now visiting Mrs. Jona? Marcuse, of No. 7 west Clay street, ?nd ha? been the re? cipient of many delightful? entertain? ments. a * The Misses Dsmbert, of Floyd avenue, last w.-.-k ?rave a v-ry Informal but plea? sant entertainment to the Monday Card Player?' Club. a a a At the First Baptist church on Friday night "The Seven Old Ladles of Laven? der Town" gave a Christmas sale and entertainment for the bentltl of the Sun e-hoo! and the Dorcas classe? of the church. The entertainment was made very enjoyable to all who attended It, a * Th? Girls' Guild of Holy Trinity church on Friday evening held a ?ale of Christ? mas goods Id the lscture-room of the , church. Tho enterprising young ladle? !n charge were Misse? Lambert. Miss Ethel -Hater, Miss Eulth Jones, Miss Mary Ball, Mis* Elizabeth Worth.mi. and Miss Emma Shepherd, with Mrs. Edward Mayo and Mrs. Chsr'.cs Norman. s a Mr. Scovllle, the affable manager ot the White Sulphur Springs, is In the city, receiving the cordial greeting? of hi? frien-ls and making arrangement? for the next ?eason at the White. The Indica? tions are that the coming summer will be a most auccesaful one with this popu? lar resort. Mr?. W. Minor Woodward. In honor of Mi?. Pender, of Norfolk, gave an In? formal tea from 5 to 7 on Thur?cr*?y. Although the number of guests present horoughljr enjoyable and th? te? table -ery dainty and elegant in it? appoint nents. . Mrs. John Pot ta gave a supper last ask in honor of Miss Ranlett, of Hal? ?oke, Mas?. The decorations In green md red were very pretty reminders of he Christmas season, and the parlors ind dining-room were a brilliant scene or a very pleasant entertainment. Mrs. -?otts's gnests were MlaaM Mary Crime on. Mary Williams. Annie MeGulr?, and Jertru'ie Camm, and Mesara, Kirkwond ditchell, George Gibson, McCabS, S'.tiart ?cOnlre, and T. C. Williams. . Mrs. Bryc? Stewart Hum? Friday ?ve? il t. g ghva an Informal tea In honor of ?1rs. Thomas Hannah, of Chicago, who s visiting Mrs. Frederick W. Beit. The ?ntertninment was ore of the BKtet pl-'i ant of the past week. The Asosrati md were of holly and mistletoe, and the table was ornamented with yellow and violet ?mbrolderles and bowls of violets and i reUow chrysanthemiinis. Tho ladies re- I elving were Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Frederick | ,V. Scott, Miss Charle? Venable Carrln-; :on. Miss Lulu Walker, Miss Mabel rVelker, Miss Quartes, mi?? Bmpale Pe> rraaa, Mrs. J. Calvin Stewart, and Mis. Philip B. Shield. . ' Tho poglSBSleB WhlBt party given last ?Tueaday sight to Miss Schrier. of New York by her BOSl and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas MsrcusS, tSM one of the most enjoyable affairs of the week, evsttty? [lv? coupl-m te k part In the evening's pleasure, making th? scene of the en? tertainment a very bright and merry one. 1'he ladles' prizes were awarded to Kuans* Helen and Bland Blnaaraagsr, While the gentlemen's prizes ersTS WOB by Messrs. W, Slm??n and (lasten Kraker. The dsccrailana of the apactous halls and parlors were beautiful. After tho game? were played and won an elegant supper I was served to the guests. . The "Ladles' Evening" at the Jefferson Club on Thursday proved a memorable neeaslon for tho guests, old and young. The varh ty of entertainment provided Insured every one's having a pleasant lime. A number of the guests spent the early part of the evening in card playing, while others enjoyed tho beauties of the ball-room In the annex. Music and an elegant sur per feOosreu later in the eve? ning, rind completed the third of the ?le lightful entertainments given at the Jef? ferson Club this BBBBoa. m Mrs. Chartas Straus* gave a #hist partv last week in honor of Miss Atreuaa, of f'harleston. and Miss Bhrier, of New Vork. Tho company of the h--n??re<l Kuests, the hestSBB*B charming mann? r 3f entertaining, and the refreshments which followed the card playing, made a rliarmlng entertainment. Dr. and Mr?. Edward N. GhHseh have returned from a very enjoyable visit to New York. a a Mr. Solomon, of Savannah. Ga., will i-isii Mr. ChsrtM tranaaj of t_4 west ?Jrace street, this WSSk, ? Mrs. Goldsmith, of New York, will visit Mrs. L. Cohen during tho Christmas tiolldays. . Mrs. Molz Praig is visiting her mother, Mrs. ht. Reaeabaum, . Mr?. Isaac Davenport last week enter? tained a few Intimate frlsnda at tea, and With 1er usual grace and ease of m.inner, which makd her such a charming hos? tess. . ? Mis? Emily Houston, of Bast Main itrSSt, laat Monday gave a small tSB Or 'eceptioa, In honor of her guest, KIm Uva Howard, of Ashland, V 1. . Miss Venable, of Marlon, Va., who at? tended the wadding of Mi.-s Howe and Mr. Penn, returned to her home on Sat jrday. . * Miss Grace Christian will Spend the ?lirlstmas holidays with Miss Edmunds, )f Charlotte county. . Miss ?Tarence Fonerden I? the BUSSt of Miss Margaret Sedgwlek, of east Trace street. . " Mr. and Mr?. DavtSS, of K5 Belvldsre idreetj ?vttl bavs a party of friends Philadelphia vilting them during the L'hrlstmas holidays. . Mis? Alys K. XlnSlSy '.111 leave ?he :lty In a few day? for S??iuh Carolina, where ?he expects to spend the winter. ? . Mrs. Leon L. Straus, of 82?* west Frank? lin street, and her sister, Mrs. S. S. ?Straus entertained a party of friends ?Tom KSW York at a b?\autlful luncheon it tho Jefferson Hotel on \Vedne3day. . ? Mr. and Mrs. Kurtz P. Wilson, of NOW York, and Mr. and Mrs. Utteil ' are visiting their moth, r, Mrs. S. H. Wil? son, 819 west Grace street. They are h? re tu attend the wedding of their sister, Miss lily Wilson, to rtoISsaue L. R. Ilamberlln, of the L'i.iverslty of Texas. S'hlch will tak'- piece next Wsdl evening at 9 o'clock at tho home of the bride*! moth-r. There will be no cards Issued, as only the Immediate members of the family will att??nd. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnette Donglas, of North Carolina, ar?? the guests of Mrs. Courtney Jenkins, on Third street. . Miss Bessie McCeHar. who ha? been rlslttng Miss Ashby Miller, has returned aome. . Mr. George Thompson, of Philadelphia, will spend his Christmas holiday? with friends In Manchester. . Mr. _ B. Sims and wife sre on a riait to Washington, a ? Miss Lucy Shlpp, of T.eringtnn. wlli rpend January with Mis? Kiien Lee. Miss Edna Forbes returned from New York Thursday. She is one of the mo?t prominent of this season'? debutante? . Miss Mary West i? visiting Mis? Carrie Soodali, north Seventh street a * Miss Bertha Kdmomls, of aouth Fourth etreet, is in New York. a * Mrs. T. T. Mayo, of Sl?i aouth Fourth street. Is expecting her brother, Mr. C H. Powers, and wife, of Chicago, for the L'hrUtmas holiday?. a * Mrs. J?.?lf Bternrr, who ha? recently returned from abroad, la visiting her brother. Mr. Air*, m*?.,-?, ? ? home, "Restabit," in Barton Heights. a * Mrs. Mark. who. with her bright little son. Hubert, has been visiting Mrs. Simon S? ele, of west Grace street, left Wednes? day for her home, in Detroit. a * __ Miss Saille Parker, sister of Mr. F. M. Parker. Jr., will visit during the Christ? mas holldajs Miss Margaret Sedgwlch. en Cruce street. . M'--Edith Rire, of New York, will this week be the guest of Mrs. Joseph D. Levy. a Miss Rnab and her ?Ister, Mis? Emtty Raab, will speinl the ChrlBtmaa holidays In Baltimore with Miss Caroline Sterns. Mr?. Henry Myers has been visiting Mrs. I* Stern, of west Graeo street. a M'.*s Etta Rosendorf e?r>e-cts to spend the winter season in Phllad-'lphla. Mlaa Liiiy Roeendorf tetros -tha city this ween for Petersburg. a a Dr. John W. Brodnax Friday, at 8:30 1' M., haga? hl3 course of lectures on "Anatomy as Applied to Art" before Ute R | Art Ciub. Dr. Brodnax Is tho ronghly familiar with bis subject, and made the <iry facts of anatomy very in tereatlag to his disciples. a Mr. Pollock Gllmer" a ?BSSf young pro iesaor of PBntope Pi.hooi, will sf-nd the coming holidays In the city with hi perents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gilmour a ** Mr?. T. William Robins left Richmond last wee'.-: for a visit to Boston. a a Miss Ellen Gulgon'is the g*ue?t ef Cap? tain and Mia. A. B. Guigon, 15<? Grass avuniite. a a MlBBIS 1-auline and Ada Moshy, daugh 'ef Colonel Je'hn S. Mostey, are ex 1 to arrive in the city next week. While here they will stay at the house of Mrs. Hennlnghsra -BpUlman, corner or : and Grajo st i . Miss Rosalie Scott's health Is steadily Improving, and she lias been remov? from tho Old Dominion Hospital to the homo of Mr. and Mu Carter Scott. a a Miss Kitty Heath* of Norfolk. Is the guest of Miss Emily Addlso-n, on east Grace BtrSSt. ' . Mrs. E. Bargen Moran and daughters will apead the wlntsr at tha J? hV rscn, and In tha spring will go abroad for two rears. . Mis? Eva Howard, of Ashland, Is visit? ing Miss Emily Houston, of east .Main Street. ' . * Mrs. * It Logan is in the city, at th.? house of MlBB Nannie Joiui, Ti_ I Franklin street. a a a M. s Batea Duval, of Ijexltigton, who has . ..-? lu Richmond, ttsturried t.. her homo last sack, toornpanled bj Mlaa ?S?llen V? , daugiit. r of Genoral ?tshugh L a Miss Emma Giid-r-le. ?a ?rtU spend Chrlatrass a i \ with her grandmother, Mr- Rslelgh Cola on, No, II north sixth treat. ? Mrs. Sadie Nicely, of SBtcksbtny, Pa? Is the guest of Mrs. J. Taylor Ellyson. * a Miss Heii n Christian, daughter Of Mr. Edward Christian, who has bun at a boarding lOlaBOl in New York, will come fa .aa t-.r the Christmas holidays next Saturday? a * Mr. Richard Pagroai, who ha.? bon ab? sent from tho city for seme time, re? turned to li!_ home la--1 v. a Mil Bessie Watki:. . Who i; an Inmat?? Of M. farter's BahOOl, Bear Baitlinor?, will be at homo during the holidays. a " Mr. and Mrs. Junlus Mosby sr? at home, No. 604 east Grace street. a * Mrs. Meneurs Parklna will leave for All.eaiarle on W-dn< !..>- | rut? inas n*tth h?'r parents, Mr. and MrB. C. D. Laimhorne. a Dr. end Mrs. '?. >rg| Boss expect to leava for New York this week. a * Mi ? Bernard Ilarvie Is visiting friends ir. Danville. . I Johnson, of V.'ishlngton, and Mis? Bcriyen, of Bavannah, who have I visiting the Mlssr-s McGutre, and who made ma ay f ncuda here, left thu city l?at Werek. a * Mr*. Coolidge, of Boston, will spend the Chrlstnfass hottdaps With Mr. anei Mrs. -Stephen Pul . 4 Mr. William Nelson, of Danville, will spend Chris'mas w?t? k With Mr. and Mr?. T. Ashby Weiler. * Mrs. Paul McPhall, of Charlotte county, with her dangbter, little Miss Ellen Mar? shall Mcphaii, are visiting Mrs. Cazneau McLead. . Mrs. Robert Rennold? ha? returned fiom a Very pleasant visit to New York. . Mrs. J. W. Elliott, of Newport New?, is visiting her daughter, Mr?, Charles E Doyle. . Mr. and Mrs. Luden P. Tatum are the guests of Mr?. John P. Ysncey, No. ? east Main SUV t. or Edward Hotchkisa, of Staunton. Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hotchkiss, No. 7 cast FTur.klin street. Had It.-.-?? I !i, r.- |l, torr. (New York Weekly.) Mr. Cltlman: My dear, let? take a cot? tage in the country. Mrs. Cittmaii: Why didn't you propos?) that carite* 7 It Is too tato now to make a garden. Mr. Cltlman: Ye?, that's why I didn't propos? it earlier. At Varlaace. (Chicago Tribune.) Precocious Juvenile: Mamma, It Isn't goo?i grammar to ?ay "after I," I? it? His Mother: No, G?orgie. Precocious Juvt-nlhv Well, ths lette-r J come? after I. Which !a wrong, the gram roar or the alphabet'.' It ahlnes Ilk? eaptarsd ?un y? beam? In a? many hue.? a nJ **//+'?OW tint? as the rainbow shows-- **AwJsmAr Ltbboy cut-Kl?*?. You can tell the gen? uine by the trsdfl-insrk. Alwaya clearly Th? noamu. TV l.l-jr Whrn a ?foitn?? r*// girl st?ja g-ir'l-o?-)?* int i **aab0C4t, ?he en? ter? a new ., country. A lai piomise and hoj"?, \ full of hidden dangers. Whether ah? find happiness or mi??*rv depend. 1 / ut?'?n th" health and condition of the cate, Special organism which is the ?ource and ceutre of her womanhood. The lives of young women are often ked 1 ?-cause of a mistaken mbm modesty, which hmdl them to nej?'.. earlier syrjpto:*.is of feminine weal These troabees unir??-, tMiVfjcted, d< v?*iop into serious chronic dirEculti"? a COBM a dragging burden, ruining life ? opportunities and blighting ?11 possibility d happy witehood an(imotherho<><i Any woman suffering from th-"-?? delicate complaint? need? the health giving powei if Dr Tierce's Favorite Prescripr: It heals and strengthen? the aromas stops weakening draina; r ? - the nerve-centie?, and rc-totci pertect or? ganic soundness and constitutional enerirr It is the only median?* deviled for th:? pose by ?skilled snd experietue?! ape? I in d?3f*f"Tf of the feminine organntn. Mrs. W. n. Duncan, pf Arlington, Mo w---.? "I have used your 'Favorit?* Prei - an 1 ; in n<" er tired of sounding its r.rai?? When 1 e'.v t: irndscomplain, I any Whv don't s i lir. I'lerce's Favorit?' l'reacnpt ? ] i inxious mother, who?? danghier III year? old, Lid not been rir-ht for fire month?, aliout Hi? r,r II in?, and after the \ In?! ukrn two-thirds of a bottle of Favorite I'rrtcnption ' she was all right. She had been treated by two ot our best doctors." Dr. Pierce'? great thouiand-page illus? trated book, " The People's Common S? Medical Advi?er" ?cot paper-bound on receipt of si one-cent stamp? ?o pay tk cost of mailing only. Or, a baitd?ome cloth bound copy for -t stamp?. Address, Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, IS. Y. DAVENPORT, MORRIS & CD SEVENTEENTH AND DOCK STREETS, J{Ii II310M>, VA., o?Ti-r to tin: traun Of Their Own Importation QUEEN CHOP oolong Te?, with Or?, n T? a flavor. Tho finest Tea In. J. ?v 1-". MARTBLL?Cognac I li Pel? and London <-?ilor, In wood and Various vintages, in bond or duty paid. ARTHUR OUINNE8A SON A CO.-Atout .ad Porter. BA88 A ' 0 l'aie Al?*. ROYAL AND C AND C? Ginger Ale and Club s .?la Water, COSSAKT GORDON ?- CO.?Rich Old Brown and Pale Bual ' D. ??. GORDON?Fine Ah? r?y ft P.. S. ?i. 1'., V. B. (>. P., and Amon? tillado. CARL ACKEP Wiesbaden. Rhine V. Laubenh? liner. NI? rtelner-H Johannlaberger, Claua-Schlosa, Jo hannisberger. CRUAB AM> FILS FRKUKS-Clarets and Saut, ins, Ponet Canet Grand Vln Chateau Leoftll?, ?Iran! Vln Cu I I and Margsux, Saul *-a itei ' JULES RLONIER A ?'?>. Bursun Ma?on, Pommard, ChamberfVn Vougcot, La Tsche Roma V?ry old London Dock Jamal i i' Holland end ??l?l T??m Gin, Ram Port Ellen I~L?y. and King William V. o. p. Acoten Whtakey. They oA the famous brand? of ?'tian.? Mumm s Ex-Dry, kb Ion Whl*? S.-al. Ttriit Imp?rlil. l'nmm.-ry A ?', uve CIlCQUOt i'onsardin. Y-llow Isabel. spring and Fall 1>*01. UM Rv? \\ iiisk? v. Pepi ?i Hermitage and Jami i- In gla?s. Jacob Orover*s and fl wyaor*a private stock Rye V\ I A few barrels of "Fue \ : Mountain Whiskey. This \\ ! In fully matured, an 1 In our Jud n purest and liest al ohotlo liquor I : l>.\ MORRIS & ' de 19-t.lal HaYft only kbd PUREST and BES1 MILK, CREAM, Bl i H ?. ?lld BUTTERMILK from tli? finest herd in tli?' Sut.?. AH milk deliver? I in ?jlass jars tl?at I t al'.viiys sDrili/.?'?! I fur?' filling. Thill systi'iii is il?' manded, and has boon Adopted in all of the progressive cities of ?be count r v. PRICE: H cents a quart. 3 cents i pint, and I cents half ) I.oth old and new 'phone, No. 7%. Chatsworth Dairy Co., an North Third Street. <de 19-8u.WftF3m) ! Jewelry a! One Half Cos!, I'A'ery thing first- la o? latost. .Mum: in? sold be? fore JaUHUal y 1st. Also, a bandtQUM Oak WaOcaM, throe Show ct???8,?Tii(i one Iron Safe. QUo 0_ter_ren. !*1.# K. l.ico.ut MTRM-T H-SuSU >*>< >< ~+ B OOKAND ?TOB WOKK NEA.TL1 AXgCUTkUAl' I'd? ?lii'.ilVd in?* nunua.