OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, December 19, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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a --a?-a?.. s iiiia?..?Mlawaa--a?-,?i i ii ?-??-?aa-a m s??wi mi i ?a.,
*. i-* ? Un? A o w n I ^^^^^_^^_^^^' a^taal^^^^^sm aal?aasaaa-a* ?sa?aaaaaaal
The DAILY PIM'A ?VII I? delivered to
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THE 4'HltlSTM \S Tl ?KEY.
The tagkey tbat escape*] lbs Beylla of
Thanksgiving-Day will be B thrice lucky
bird should he s'irvive tin? ?'liaryl
Christmas. For him tbe melanch il* taya
have come, th? most perilous of tbe
year. Indeed, wc think we bear a dis?
tinct plaint In his ^?.l?b?.- and notice a
less confident motion in ail strut as the
season of "good cheer" approaches. Yea,
the alaughtcr will be general and the
more so since the cold storage Bjreteea
now in operation In all large citl.-s per?
mits dressed fowls to be kept lad? Unit? ly.
Of old, turkeys came to Richmond in
droves, oft?-n from far-distant Bounties,
end from Tennessee and Kentucky. Tbe**
were driven just as ?beep mat I
were, and were as easily managed, >*\'-?.'i?t
at nightfall. As late as Governor Wlse'l
day a drove of tnrkeya en route to
Bacon's-guarter branch, via Governor
and Oepltol streets, ehaaoed to la?
th? Washington monument win n dusk
tame. And then, at the eoiiiiiiai.d -
gobbler-general of the ging, and La dak
flanee Of the drovers, and in contempt of
the State, they flew upon tbe fences and
of the Capitol .Square ami went to
roost. But early aast Baon?Bg they
ready to resume their march and
bo,?n on their way to Qoddin'g T.iv in.
That famous Brook-avenue hostelry,
which survives to this day, in a goals
what dciayed ataje, was the rendezvous
for drovers in particular, and tho !
of good food and good liquor In gen
Hither about Cbrlstmas time came
many from various pails of tbe Blata;
some on baaineas, .?"tue aa pleasure. And
counted as one of the cblSaSet Of tbe lat?
ter was the Christmas turkey matches,
or target shootings. About thia BQBBOD
of the year in all that neighborhood
turk?iy shooting matches were la pro
gress. The BClBSB were live turkeys Bad
the winners were those who struek m ur
sst the "bull's ey?r" of the rod? target.
Bhotguna and rifles both wero used.
These matches caused the gata? ring of
many men?men of all ?l?greos Slid nume?
rous were tho disputations that arose du?
ring the course of the contests. Some?
times there were list lights. And. alas!
here and there throughout the land guns
Were used and there were killings. In
that day whiskey had the same effect
Upon men that it has now. And-'?, was
easier to get. It could he bought as
cheaply us 2? or 30 cents per gallon, an?
a fin? quality was obtainable at fr?-iii ','.,
cents to $1. Hence, the "turkey matches"
w?re looked upon not without dread by
n?rvoua wives of drinking husbands ami
parents of "wild" sons. In numerous of
the books descriptive of the old South
accounts of these matches appear. There
Is a particularly notable chapter on them
In "Georgia Seems.''
But the turkey drovers had other cua
tomers besides the target ?shooter?. Huck?
sters, hotel men, beads of families,
snd others came to them to buy.
And next in imp?rtame to Bacon's
Quarter branch as a turkey market was
*'ihe Basin bank"?tho harbor and land?
ing of the canal-boats that ran between
nond and Buchanan. Thousands of
turkeys?some alive, some rtrrraaod came
t? Klchmond on tbeso ! Weil, the
t Inhabitant recalls the merry notes
of the incoming boatman's horn; the
crowd that awaited his Unding, and tho
eagerness with which his stock of
turkeys, eggs, applea, meats, etc.. were
scanned and bargained for by the would
be buyers.
\\ lid turkeys In plenty were brought
into our markets In those halycon days
Some come now, but It Is not often that
they are found to be in A No. 1 condi?
tion. They are not at their best If t?o
fresh; nor. for the matter of that, is the
domestic turkey, or any gam,-.
lu thos?. days turkey Bayers had t?>
w.it h th.? stat? of the weather cleeely,
because thrlr cottveniencea for Seeplm
dres*. d fowls w?i,- 1.-w. As a rule, they
atoi.d them In cellars, and an extraor?
dinarily warm season nt Chrlstaaas wouhl
them heavy losses. Then, too, the
pru?l?-iii ii luaewlfe calculated by the
Btate of the weather whether tur:
Would a? ?! desrlj* or cheaply.
It 1? different now. Tbe w ailier la not
?<? important a factor in tho tW
market a? formerly. la tho eald-sts
' kept In ? .I
i for an Indefinite time. Indeed, the
mat. who ?joe? Into a rer.tuuro.ut no?
day? m,?I order? a canves-back duck, for
If- -??< ?.. Sana not knot? (?ad ?.ale? uct?
i -
?ether that duck wan killed yesterday
was killed a year ago, and has since
en In cold storage.
-The tut key, the potato, and Indian corn
e among the many blessing? that th?
?covery of America conferred upon the
>rld. Before the turkey made It? way
un Mexico to Spain, and thence to
irk'-y, and thence to England, and
ence to orr own shores, tho goose was
be ?eon upon every Christmas table In
o Old World. Occasionally, the pca
.'k was similarly used; but he wa?
en, us now, a high-priced bird, more
lual.lc. Indeed, for his plumage, than
p his nit.it. Now the domain of the
ikey comprises all tho Chrlstinaa cele
ating countries. Here and there the
ose has some hold, but the turkey Is
- fa<*ortta, "by a large majority." And
ch is his Importance that lectures have
en dcllv.i.-d and bocks written, telling
w he should be fattened, killed, dressed,
jffed, cooked, carved, and eaten. In
1 : t-namt-el duty we And millions of
el -It-ii's. And as for the (yoking of
m, we think It is best done upon a spit.
>r stuffln-r, either oysters or chestnuts
ay be used, but the amateur cook would
tt. r venture to use the former than the
in the ancient directions for cooking
II was set forth that the hare
[( ht to bi caught fir?'. W* suppose the
BBS i In inspection should be observe?
cooki-ig a turkey. And for want of
I that direction, wo greatly fear
at in all the cities of this land there
i | many who will have no
-d to consult cook-le-ieks to find out
m to COOb tiirk<->?. Alas, that it should
I .. Would that tha lots of Uod and
| that wo are all of one family
?gbt M stir our hearts as to make us
arch out tha poor and provide a, turkey
Family. ,\V<- may load our Chri.-t
.s tabla v?ith the royal? -s: turkey
at aver strutted, bat ara shall not
ive the tppstlta wherewith to enjoy bita
our MBSCtonoa smites us because of
ity unfulfilled towards our poor neigh
K corresponde nt writes us asking "upon
hat scientific prlncipk-s hypnotism is
iscel." Also, If It has been "fully In?
stigated and w?ii:li-"l in the balance
tlici.i?y," and If Its power "has been
My sag seriously considered." Further,
! wishes to know "If It has been
itabUsheg as a science." Searching ques
:>iiH th1, so be.
As the Dispatch understands the mat
r, hypnotism Is a condition very slml
r to somnambulism, which Is produced
,' artificia] m nana it is based, in gene
1 terms, on the fact that the mind can
! dazed, but tho underlying scientific
in-,-ipl.-s are not fully understood, and
10 theories on the subject depend upon
iys;ol(.|-it al propositions which are too
u-tnise to be easily explained. It has
>en quite fully invi-stig.ited, but there
a diff?rente of opinion as to the ac?
ial value. Of the investigations; it is very
Ttala that all of them do not des- rv?
be call.il judicial. Two very formlda
e difflcultlc-s obstruct the pursuit ot
lese lnquirieor_one Is the incorrigible pro
?nsity of the subjects of the experiments
? d-ie ive. many of these persons being
rrant frauds; and the other Is the credu
ty of tho experimenters, who are often
'y satisfied with th*ir
?suits. And, besides, the practice of the
rt has be-on to ling and so completely
?onopoltzed by charlatans that reputable
nd qualiii.-d obst rv.-rs Justly distrust Its
?anif? stations, and are loth to B
1th It, fr?r th'-y do not feel that they are
lually match? i v.ii'-n contesting with
raotlcsd impostors.
No faith what'-ver can be put In the
ravelling expounder? of its mysteries,
nd it is a Bheer waste of mental energy
) attend to anything they say or do.
till, hypnotism must be regarded as an
stablished science, to tho extent, at
-MaSt, that it has been studied by itrust
'orthy scientific men, who vouch for the
eality of some of the phenomena claimed
or it. Thl re se ems to be no doubt that
mprcssionable persons, whose nervous
ystems are disordered, can by hypnotic
ncthods have their will partially Bup
, so that they are dispo: i ta
bey up to a certain limit suggestions
nade to them by the hypnotiser. The
ange and amount of the influence which
an be thus exercised are, however, quite
estrlctcd, being by no means as stu
lendous as enthusiasts have declared
hem to be. It Is very questionable
vhother a person of ordinary sense, whil.
n the hypnotic slumber, can be made to
lo anything ho does not choose to do,
ind when one asserts, as an excuse for
ils rascality, that he was hypnotized, it
s well to have In mind the old dictum,
hat "not everybody whose eyes are shut
s asleep." No unimpeachable observer
?as verified the extraordinary manifest.i
lons shlob have boon attributed to some
of this state, such as reading
- .il- tl letters, eoelng into closed boxes,
lescriblng occurrences in distant places,
ni-! ?ven foretelling future events. All
ludieious inquirers are satisfied that these
llsplaya are delusions or deceptions.
It should be pointed out to amateur
hypnotists that it is a very risky ex?
perience for the living human brain when
It Is used for a plaything. Irreparable
Injury may be ?lone to the victim of their
play, for "that way lies maelness." It is
as if a watch were made to run back?
ward;, and the teeth of its wheels sprung
out of gear for tho fun of seeing the
works Jerk and hearing them clink ami
clatter. So great is the <lang<r of last?
ing harm, wbl' h Is sure to come It this
rude? strain of the nervous system Is of?
ten repeatc'l, that many conscientious
physicians hesitate to use hypnotism even
as a curative agent. It Is a shame that
travelling l'.iklrs are allowed to attempt
It upon children, and that children are
taught by the contagion of example to
attempt to practlc? it themselves; and,
therefore, tho medical profession, know?
ing how demoralizing and otherwise in?
jurious are these public exhibitions of so
called hypnotism, Is almost unanimous
In advising that they be prohibited by
After many years' search the grave of
Captain Samuel C. Held, the alleged de?
signer of the Star? and Stripes, or, at
least tho Buggester of the "E Pluribus
I'num" motto, has been located beyond
dispute, It Is announced, In Greenwood
ry, Brooklyn. It will be appro?
priately marked with one monument out
of many by an association formed for
the purpose.
Our present Legislature Is of an invet..
tigating disposition. This makes the pro?
ceedings v.ry lively, and It also gives
work to the stenographer?. Both are ob?
jects that aro to be commended.
We must confess a fear that Mr.
i I popularity In Mexico may be du?
tn Durt tu hi? dinner-giving proclivities.
In tha December No. or the Bank
?rB* Magasine Mr. George Wilson dis?
eases at length "The Future of Canadian
Janklng." Incidental to the main ques
lon treated there are In the article some
act? and suggestions bearing on the com
?aratlvo merits of the Canadian banking
lystem and the existing United Ste.tes
latlonal banking system, which, we
hink, may prove pertinent to our pre
lent currency reform agitation.
Mr. Wilson, In giving an account of the
iBtabllshlng of the Canadian, bank-note
lystem, calls attention to the "project
?rought down by the Hon. John Rose, as
Minister of Finance In the first Federal
-arllamerit, to deprive the banks of their
Ight to Issue notes nnd to ?ubstltute
herefor an exclusivo government Issue,"
md then comments as fol'ow?:
"The debate was long and spirited, but
iventually the formidable array of Bfga?
nent aiMut-ed by the- banks and the
iress producoel its effects upon Part?a?
nent, and the measure was r>
There can bo no doubt that the defeat of
his project, furiously psopoami by th
'overnmt-nt of the day, was the nn-ans
if saving the country in after years from
i state of things analogous to that with
rblcb the United Btataa baa baaa f"r ?o
ong chronically nfllicteel?viz.. a national
urrenc-y, Inflexible and utterly Inade
Kif-rrlng to the matter of safeguard?
ing tho notes nnd la-gtslatkra to pre
.ent loss to holders of notes of aa-petU?
?d banks, Mr. Wilson says:
"The defect was ameliorated by the
'ormation of the bunk emulation re?
I'-mpiiou fuiiel, which guar.ntt .-d the
.aynitiit of ull notes of a failed bank
ivlthin sixty days of its susp.-nsjon, to
iether with Interest at "> I" r cant, fr-tii
?ate: of failure to date of rede-mptiOh,
Tho fund Is in tho custody of tha g"v
rnm.-nt, anil Is compos-wl of contribu?
tions from (Ue-li Lank of an amount egoal
i-. :, p?r .en:, -of its asaraga raaiij* oh>
:-iilation, adjusted on July 1st of each
fOtt, ;,!?d b. aiin:- .' Ptt CSOt interest,
und hi drawn agstnat only in tin- avant
of a tallsd bank I ssaeta proving ir.sutll
cient to meet Its circulation, if tha
timount so drawn axceeds the contribu?
tion to tha fund, bald oa aooounl of tho
failed bank, tha d, :i.-i.my is supplied by j
tho other banks In proportion to the?
fimount held on their respective accounts. | j,
l.ank issues prior to tha r- \ i ; >ii of UN
wore ait.j.i-t te- ... .i.' when circulated '
In Quartan remote from their plac? of t
Issue. A provision in the new act re-- e
quires each bank ta -establish an agency* f
for the redemption of its notes at the
commorcial centres of -saeb province. By
the above enactments the note Issues
wire placed upon an Indisputably sound
basis, and, more-ov- r. a? ?juin d a com?
plete national character."
In touching upon the comparative value
of the two systems?the Canadian and
ttie- 1'iiiieei Btataa utiaiial baahlsg
terns?to perform tho legitimate functions
of banking during, and withstand the
strain of, seasons of panic and trade de?
pression, Mr. Wilson makes these obser?
"Without dealing with each successive
ib piession through which the country ha?
passed since confederation, It Is only ne
c as. ary to instance that of 1W3 as the
best exemplification of the qualities of
our banking system under trying circum?
stance s. During that and tha two fol?
lowing years countless enterprises of
t \ety daaCfiptlon la all parts of the world
succumbed to tho. strain. No nation en?
joyed entire immunity from the ?w- p
of the great tidal wave of depression,
but re-view of th" effect upon Canada.
M comparec? with many otln-r countries, j
more especially the groat republic to our
south, cannot but prove a aubjaat for
s--lf-congrat-ji.itie in, and a tributo to the
solidity of our conservative monetary
:ii. The conditions of things wcra
very slmi! ir in l.e.Mi countries, but ?Canada
being poaaasa? I of one of the mo.-t ad?
mii.'Ho banking systems In the. worH,
int in ing a staunch and sound currency,
unexcelled In Its elasticity, survived the
storm in a way which elicited world
wi-l-e comment.
'"l he- aasse -egret*? of success cannot be
said to have attended our neighbors who
arara so handicapped by defective?. In?
flexible, anil lasdajetjuata currency. Du?
ring the panic period of UaS?-S| das
In tho I'nited States d( I or
cent., while In Ca?ad;- tha nieriatH
only 3 per cent. Iniring the aame i
bank loans in thee Unltsd St it s el
?leased about 11 p-r cent., and in Ta?ada
tho da-crsaaa was sligbtly over i -per
Call money in N't-w V-irk on Juna Et,
was 7;: per cent., ami on July 1. !
reached tho extraordinary rate of ige) p. r
cent.! la Canada the rate remain -d prsc?
tlcally undisturbed. The few facts -a**
will serve to show the -adsan-tagsa "f an
alastlo currency during periods of dis?
Mr. Wilson has full faith In the tblllty
of tho Canadian banking system to meet
the requirements of Canada's business for
years to come, and presents many facts
and figures In addition to tn? r.b tro,
which throw light upon the constitution
and working of th? system. We have,
however, quoted enough from his .irticlo.
we think, to sustain the contention that
thoso engaged in formulating acht-mca of
currency and banking reform might not
go amiss In studying the Canadian sys?
tem carefully.
Some of our contemporaries are having
considerable fun over the speeches of
Kmperor William, of Germany, and his
brother, Henry, to each other, on the
occasion of the latter's sailing away to
take command of tho former's "naveo"
la the waters of far Cathay. Well, It
does appear that both of the speakers
we to.- on their hi>-h horses, and there Is
no question that the remarks of each, as
tranalstsd from the German Into Eng
llsh by the currospomlents, partake large?
ly of tho bombastic and "hifalutln.' "
Yet, it is ma Impossible that some of
our Fourth-of-Juiy orations translatai
from the English into German would Im?
press tho German public as not the re?
finement of good taste and mod
That aside, how -vt-r, it Is not likely
thai the speech of Emperor Will am,
taken by und through, will be whistled
down th-j wind by the other European
Towers, as a mere passing and character?
istic ebullition In adulation of himself and
his ancestors. Mixed with what may be
considered on this side of tho water M
very extravagant and toploftlcal senten?
ces, were some utterances In which the
rest of Europe will see decided signifi?
cance, as outlining German policy. The
Kniperor'a frequent allusion? to the
Hansa let in a broad light upon
objects of Germany's naval demonstra?
tion In ?.hi?ese water?, albeit William
may be considered us having been a little
off In his declaration that the Hansa
feil Into decny because Imperial protec?
tion was lacking. Many causes contri?
buted to the disruption of the Hanseatlc
League, which, aa the Emperor well said,
was one of the most powerful enter; :
the world ever knew. Until the
11 not towns got to quarrelling um-?im
themselves, and the discoveries of the
sixteenth century began, by the opera?
tions of natural laws, to divert trade
Into new channels, the Hansa was abun?
dantly able to protect Itself, as Its
making and unmaking of Kings and
Princes and the battles of its fleets de?
monstra to. As a matter of fact, the
lesertlon of the herring" had mor? to
? with thn Hnnsit's tumbling to pieces
an had lack of Imperial protection,
evertheleas, these facts do not militate
?alnst the serious menace to the trade
other nations embrac?d In the new
ansa William has proclaimed.
Reduced to Its final analysis, the Em
rror's speech means that Germany Is
Klao-Chau bay to stay, and that the
ordB "made In Germany" are to con
ont other European nations In China
i th?.y have been recently doing in
!' i Baj?rteos of the globo. In declaring
at In the astonishing development of
e commercial Interests of the empire
was his duty to follow the new Ger
nn nansa, and to afford It the protec
>n It Is entitled to demand from the
tnplte and the Emperor, William uttered
i Great Britain, France, and Rus
a a challenge to a trado struggle
the Far East that cannot be mistaken.
It bl true- that Emperor William is not
pun!? tit speaker. But It Is also true
iat he kii'iws what he wants; that be
-! be llnlshc-s ppeakinr, he always man?
ses to tell what ho wants, and that he
?m-rally gets what he wants In the long
BUM thifyim:." JAWEr*. RIVER.
Th?. action of our City Council in grant
g th?. franchises asked for by the Vir?
ria Deetrlo ?'ompany sets In motion an
itsrprlss having for its object the
le< trlfying" of James rlv> r.
Tin? plan proposed Is similar to that
hlch is In successful operation at
. and which allows of the manu
icture of electrical power at a c?n?
it point, and the distribution thereof
>r miles around. There Is no other
a bis way that the great w-.t.-r
i\m r whl? h la g'llng to ?raste h?'r.? can
*. so satisfactorily dev? loped. Manu
iciures may then be quite iml?
' holders of lan?!s and lots on the liver
ink. In th<* past, many such sites have
Oen h"l?l atprleee whl? h practically for
Ids their sale, and which, as a consc?
ience, prohibited BOW manufactures
rom coming here. Bat with tho James
? i 'triii.-d," it will be diff'-rent. Tin S3
0 who wishes to build ? factory n?'ed
BSSfe a site upon the river or canal
ink, hut may go where land Is cheap
it hereabout, and may there prosecute
Is business almost as well as if he were
t the heart of the city.
Again, tho new enterprise will bring
n.uni.il relief to many who nre now
sing steam-power, and who complain
iat the Richmond price of steam-coal is
nich higher than It should be. Alto
ether, tho Virginia Bectrtc Company
as a mission of tho greatest Importauees
i this city. That It will be lib? rally
atronized, we do not doubt in the sllght
The Cramps, It Is said, are to establish
. great plant at Seat'le to compete with
he I'nlon Iron-Works, of Sin Francise
or naval construction. One of their sore
rials, it is said. Is their inability to
mild all the warships of the Fnlted
"Secretary Gag? has approved d*s?c?n?
or new ?1 and $2 notes, which are said
o be almost proof against counterfeiti?
ng." Yet we hope he hasn't gone and
nade It harder to raise a dollar or two.
The member of ducks that Mr. Cleve
and Is killing doesn't seem to interest
he country as of yore.
The steel trade Is reported as enjoying
i gre.it revival. This has nothing to do
vlth kleptomania.
Christmas week Is here, and so Is the
ilready-weakcned pocket-boolc.
Moat Likely.
Tm sure you would hang up your stock?
ing," said he, ?
To the dalntlly-gowned personality,
"If, If"?then be paused, as If fearing
'twould bo
A remark not in touch with formality.
if what**1 Interjected the maid, with
as cold
>f eye as the glint of an icicle;
be replied? "If you thought it
would holl
The very last pattern of bicycle."?
A Young Observer.
Grandpa: Oh, pshaw, Johnny! 1
wouldn't look so awfully woebegone Just
bacaeag mamma didn't take you out with
lier Look at grandpa. He don't wear
my such long face as you've got.
Johnny (looking up at bald-headed
grandpa): Don't eh? Why, your face runs
way up over the top of your head.
I |i-l.i-l)nlr.
Rhody: Sure, Tlrlnce, an* ef ye want
to bl tOUM as rich as ould Creosote, an'
hev the aylltty chasln' up to yer doore
wid moro wurruk than yez cen do, bedad,
Poisoned by Ivy
Was in a Dreadful Condition
Happened to Read About a Similar
Case- Followed the Other Man's
Example and Was Cured.
The following incident is given by
Charles Morris, general jobber, 62 Lexing?
ton Avenu?,, North Cambridge, Mass.:
'Several years ago I became poisoned
by ivy. I tried many medicines, spending
S large sum of momy without obtaining
a partido of good. My children were
also afflicted with the eaine disease. We
wero all constant auffcrers with an awful
Itching sensation, and it seemed as if I
should tear myself to piec?sa. I picked
up a jar*per in whjch I found printed a
testimonial from a man in Vermont who
had been similarly afflicted and had taken
Hood's Sarsaparilla with benefit. I bought
a bottle, which wc took and it did
Mo and My Children
ao much good I purchased another anpply.
We continued taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
until we used five bottles and I can
safely say that neither myself nor children
have any signs of the poison. It has en?
tirely left na and wo are perfectly cured.
We give tbe whole credit to Hood'i Sarsa?
parilla. Before resorting to this medicine
I was reduced in weight, but now I
weigh 175 pounds. Hood's Sarsaparille
bas not only done much good but has
been the means of saving me a great deal
of money. I would not be without it
in my house and I heartily recommend
it to all who are afflicted. I hare writ?
ten thia statement for publication, of my
own will, as I want others to know what
Hood's Sarsaparilla
has done for as." Cuaulkh Morris.
HoodV8>i!l5 WtLXGSX
O.I.?: ne? .?,,., - .... u_ ?
that solgn ye hev up there.
Terence: Is id "Blacksmith Shop" ye
mane, Rhody?
Rhody: Tho vlry fing, Tlrince.
Terence: An' fhat'll ol be callln* id
Rhody: A Btoojo, av course. [
gnanded Worse. *, ?a
Ma: Was your father with you when
the ?treet-sweeper ao recklessly splashed
you? ,
Sonny: Ycs'm.
Ma: And didn't he expostulate?
Sonny: I guess that's what he did, Ma,
on'y it sounded a good deal worse'n that.
The last survivor of the charge of
Balaklava has recently died again, add?
ing further testimony to the endurtng
fatality of that famous event In English
Superiority over our fellows Is some?
thing to be proud of, but it would be
no comfort to a steamboat man to be
without a pier.
It is funny that when King Richard
found that his throne wasn't a stable one
he was willing to swap It for a horse.
Even the actor finds it difficult to
fathom the roll of a collar-button.
Knot In It?the Wedding ceremony.
The Oreen Bee?a Mim.
Hurrah, for the greea-g.Is man, say I!
Hurrah, and a w.i?om? true!
There is never a time that he passe? by.
But inv pul:'.? thrill and my heart beats
As his treasures bright I view.
Don't start, nn?l say it's beyond your ken
How thus eathnse I can;
There aie gr, ?n-goods men and green
goods nn ti,
And knowing this I shout ?gain?
Hurrah, for tli?? green-goods man?
F? r I pay court to the man whose store
Is the hallowed Christmas-tree,
Ami the evergreens that the wild world
Do link our lives with the days of yore,
So dear to you and me.
And his storied goods ne'er greet my
Where Christmas rl'es prevail?
The laurel, the ivy, tho holly bright?
But ther?> leap? to my lips with a wild
To the grssn-gaodB man, all halll
Uncle Mas lo Snnty. I
Sir Of my teens,
Wlnn my first nankeens
Envelop. ?1 my toddlers young;
I think 1 can say
There's Bar?/ a ?lay
I've my Chrhi'mas stocking hung.
For thsre/a bs*n ao need,
Ami i haint that greed
To beg when enough I had;
Belt there's one thing now
'that I vum and vow,
I'm waiitin', and want it bad!
So my biggest hose
I will now dispose
At my yawning chimney jamb;
And with that one thing,
Ef you pl.use, by Jing!
The aforesaid you can cram.
And It's just ?s well
That 1 plumply tell
What I wish you'd here unpack*?
It's tho good times cheer
Wo were promised last year
By tho firm of Mark & Mac.
In the Klondike.
First Klondike Miner: I hear that our
neighbor, Hpiidklns, has marri..I rich!
Se.'.?ml Klondike Mim-r (sa**iOttSl**). Yes;
th.y say his bride has SB Hub-pendent
f?,rtuno of tifty cans of hon?less ham and
twenty-live cans of condensed milk.
Itching, truly, ller-JIn?; pulmt, thapdett nail?,
and pjinlul t:ri???-r end?, pimplt?*, blackhead.,
oily, mothy ?kin,dry, thin, md fulling hair. Itch,
luir, ncaly ?cilp?, all field ?i'iickly to wurm baths
r/llh CfTiei lia Hou?, and gentle anointiiK*
with C'UTicLiii, (ointment;, the great skia cure.
l? .old thmn ?!i.at Ihr world. Pottib Die? ??r Curt.
Co.r . )?>!. I'rop. , Hr>?t,?n
mr " Uo? to Prodii? Soft, Whit? lUnd?," frta.
RITE.? The monthly meeting of Vy
TION, No. B, A. and A. S. RITE,
will be held at BL Albena Hell BtON<
DAY, December 20, 1197. at : i?. at M.t.i
hers of the Rlt? In good standing ar?' Ira
ternally Invited to atteml.
Bv otd.r "f the \'.n--iabl.? Master, Rev
Hartley Oaitr.ieha. 1. 33d d<
CHARLES .V. NF..SBITT, 13d. degree,
do 19-lt_Secretary,
I. O. O. F.. will hold its next
r.-nular meeting: on TUESDAY
NICHT. !? cemberMst, at Con
cordla Hall. No. 4?.>2 east Broad street. Bl
8 o'clock. Elect ?on of officers and Othei
nattera will ''?ni" rip for your conside?
ration. Memlwrs will phase, attend.
- 1er of the Noble Grand.
de 19-lt*_S.-er.'ai y.
Disi-AT H COMPANY will be held ;?
their otliee on TUESDAY, the lltli day o
January, 1108, at I? o'clock M.
,! 10-td_Secretary.
TION.?The regular monthly meeting wil
be held In the hall of th-* ?'harnher o
Commerce MONDAY, December .*oih. a
8 o'clock P. M. A large attendance i
specially re'i'jest'-d, as matters of lm
portance will come before the meeting.
i at tho Society'? Building. 707 eas
Franklin street, on MONDAY, Decctnbc
30th, Bl ? ?P. M. de 17-3t
A meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS O?
CHINE CObtPANY is called, to be hel<
in Richmond, Va., at the office of th?
company, on JANUARY 3, IK??0, at 1
o'clock noon.
Bv order of the President.
de 17-td J. J. HICKOK. Se<*t*etary.
Merchants? National Bank
(No. 17>li,
Richmond. Va., D?.mh.-r IG, 1S97.
of the stockh??i?lers ?if th? MERCHANTS
be bold at thi-ir banking-house on TUE8
DAY, January 11, 1898, at U o'clock At
de n-F.Su&Wtd Cashier
MU. JAM?N O'XF.ll.L,
THE 111. til HEART,
Played bv Sir Henry Irving over I
? - o?, ?in ?'., vacii
Coat Sale Extraordinary!
The garments are all new?JUST UNBOXED
ready for vou in a jiffy. Direct from the maker to Fit,
direct from us to you, at prices that thirty days ago we
and you would have thought impossible.
They'll go like the proverbial hot cakes, right from
the griddle, and you'll be ahead by a splendid saving.
The newest styles, the choicest effects, the trimmest
and smartest ideas in all Jacketdora, in time for Xmas,
in time for the bracing weather that lies "just around
the corner."____
LADIES' COATS of extra j Light Tan Kersey Jactketi
fine Black kersey cloth, t i ange- , ^otli Bty]C8 high neck, And *90g,
al?'a taffeta ?silk-lined through- . , . .
ao.e i.uut.i, t*-?? ^ front handsomely unr-i,
out, fanev strap seam front, \UJ ? ?
back, and" sleeves, latest style right up to date, fancy itRon
collar, regular $35 garment. m8 lar $22 garments.
Our extraordinary sale price
<-.<>?, i Extraordinary sale price $12.
Ladies' Green Kersey Cloth, j^o-ht Tan Kersev JbjowmW
Jackets, handsomely braided fl f t gL^
front, back, and sleeves, Koman J l\ y ' -
stripe silk lined throughout, front and back, cl.an*-.
cut thei proper length an?l sty le, taff-gto silk lining, rc-nhir
reguLarS.'-?? ?rannenU. Our ex- price $19. Extraordinary ule
tra?ordinary sale price $20. | ?ce ?10 ^
Ladies' Ja?k?-ts |ho new ^ .Jfo. ,*,
shade, Roval or ( adet Jilue, ,
and Black kersev, nicely braid- BloOMa?, handsomely bra
ed front and back, heavy qual- finished off with buttons. Imed
ity ]>lain colored satin linedthroughout, regular |3S srar
throughout, regular price **?0- ments. Extraordinary i i
Our extraordinary sale price
" Ladies' Black Kersey Jack- Fine Quality Creen. Brown,
ets, Koman stripe, silk lined, ' and Cadet Blue Kersey Blow, J
neatly braided on front, collar, nieely braided, front, hn?*k H- <
and sleeves, finished off with ,ar ^ Bicev0Sf r-jajsJar
small pearl buttons voxy chic. u> Extraordinary
regular price 138.60 garments, n
Extraordinary sale price $15.50. ?price $14.98.
'?The Always-Busy Store," Open Till io P. H., j
This Week.
Potentste Peler?, of Meer? Teanple,
Mend* tireetlns?.
Mr. Augustus W. Beters. Potentate of
the great Mecca Temple, of the Order of
the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, has
written the following letter to Potentate
Frank W. Cunningham, Esq., Potentate
Acca Tempi", Blilimond:
Illustrious and Dear Noble,?Glad to re?
ceive yours of 11th instant, and to hear
that the "Trusty Arabs of Acca" have
traversed In safety the sands whl- h U
between the oases of New York aud Rich?
mond, i
That yourself and the illustrious nobbs
who accompanied you enjoyed your short
with us Is good n-'ws. I??> so some
more, but give us a better time of year
t.i BhOW yin th? "?l"!"?" ami "shady"
portions of this OSBts, then the nobles of
M, cea will be happy.
Whan you gat time I would esteem It
a favor if you would write BM tin? words
<?f that song you san.,-, "The Knot of
Blue and Cray." it kind 'er stirred me
til? Isolde, and I would like to have the
WBTdS, and then I can imagine the plain?
tive and sweet tones of his voice that 1
first heard sing it. "Blshmillo."
Yours, In th?' s
Mr. Peters Is the presbb'nt of the
borough of Manhattan, and will prob?
ably visit Acea Shrine at no very dis
taat data, afeeon'i illustrious nobles
haviru; accepted an Invitation which Cap?
tain ?'unnlngham ami a delegation from
th?' Bnhmond Shrine went to New York
i to deliver.
Hot Spring;? Company Stockholder?
The stockholders <?f the Hot Springs
Company held tintr annual meeting yee
terday in th.? oflce of Mr. Decatur Ax
tell, vice-presld rit <>f the Chesapeake
and Ohio Railway Compaoy, and elected
the l"lU>wing directors: M. E. Ingalls.
George li. ingails. N. R. Johnson, K. P.
? i-born of Cincinnati, L. F. Sullivan,
Warner Moor.?, Decatur Axteii, H. T.
wickham, and C. K. rVeUfotd.
Th.- Oaafeer? hold ovr from the last
meeting, and ar.- as follows: Pr?f?sl'Ient.
Decatur Axtell; First Vice-President, O.
H. Ilit-nlls. S, i-reta.ry, (-. F.. Wellford;
Chief Ktigineer, H. Frays?-r.
The affair-, of the company were shown
to be in a. prosperous condition.
Cold Wsve'a Extent and Duration.
A cold wave, which will last, according
to the calculations of the weatherwts?
unill to-morrow night, reached tin* city
yesterday. Its coming was foretold by
s,, tlon-Dlrector 1-x.iii?, of the v.
Bureau, In the following official announce?
The conditions of barometric pressure
and of temperature over the ?ountry are
quite decided. A "high" <>r great em
is moving In from the Northwest. It is
mpanled by failing temperatures,
which are being felt as far east ns the
?>hio and Middle Mississippi valleys, and
whl? h will probably be fell In this vicinity [
Mr. ?Iiiiiiri.il' '? lllrlii.lny.
Last Thursday night was the occasion
of a pleasant and agreeable gathering of
the relatlv*a ami a few friend? of Mr.
and .Mrs. R. A. Montague at their resi?
dence. 215 ii??nh Twentieth ?treet, it be?
ing his llfty-tifth birthday. After two or
three hours ?neat talking of old times,
ami ocasionally music by Miss?-? Nellie
liosa Montague, all i . the
dining-room, where light :?j/r?-hhments
aere served, ami about 12 o'clock all re?
turned t?, their homes having many good
wishes ftv?r their host's future.
The Twelve Teruptntiona.
(Tharles H. Yale's spe.tacular produc- I
tlon, "The Tw? ta turns." was '
presented at the Academy of Music yes- I
y afternoon and evening to good-!
slxed audiences, m?os Caroline Rudolph
and Charle? W. Turner ?-ave an Intelli?
gent and entertaining r? ndltlon of tho
respective roles of Hubert, the valUnt,
and Snow Apropo?, the l.i?kcv, Uml a
l.'ngthy specialty bill, including many
clever numbers, was given by capable
performers. *
Mr?. Johnston Dead.
Mrs. Margaret H. Jobaatea dl??d ?t h.-r
home. No. 20H1-2 wist Marshall street,
Thursday. Mis. Johnnton was born In
Dumfriesshire, Scotland, m lM'j. sin- was
th. widow of Mr. Thomas B. Joluibton,
and leaves two chltdr? ?n- Mr. Thonii? H.
Johnston. Jr., an?! Miss Mary Johm.-on.
tsed was a ?l?-vot.?l (tirlstlan of tho
Proabytt-rlan persuasion.
Keroaene Lamp ? mm s a Fire.
A small fire occurred on Friday night
at the residence of Mr. W. E. Ntehote.
No. 723 west Marshall ?treet. It was
caused by the overturning of a lamp in
one of the bedrooms, and caused damage
to the amount of ITS.
Tho Ladies' Auxiliary of Plckett Camp
will meet Monday at 3:3o "Vlo-'k. The?
member? arc earnestly requested to at?
tend the meeting, u? businras Of impor?
tance will bo transacted,
rifa for >.ihli? ? l.nrli.....
To Members of ths '.
I :nn Rlael le? find a mov- un i t will bi
mi !- in .i tl.ty t-r two in tht
to aid and i-n.-..ur.i-i;.? our -sohle
by rplleviiu' tln-rn from a t.*?x of i i
cent, on ?ill l-a-u-M-i. This Ifl In '
true line of our State poUej I
ssara. Bauavalaui .-'j"?r f ??t te?**?* of ail ..
nomination.? of ttx, tht Btai
taking the sensible ground that
of all tin - '
coworkln-jr -sgaaeir. Ths lim l* '
fllHiClr poverty nnd . rini-, I I I
diminish criminal expens?-- The
the country I? In fostering ths I
In all her bSBSVOlsnt
attar, and you atop law-brsakini
The- -church la the? -right ?mi nt tha s*
They will rl.=o or fsll togv<rthi r *M
should help by nil mean? tlio?e who
trying to rais? tha tallan, cultivate, i
all-l edU? "Od fl'
will certainly follow ?h'.s cours
are to-day fifty law-abiding-, hon
In thl? city turn??d out by ?* ur I
ntyle.im?. A remarkable fart la
know of BSTsrsl case? whe-re the hon-?
boy has brought back hi? fath
spcetabillty nnd sobrt.-ty. Two k
from our asylum WM? yarn ?g.? t
their drunken mother out of our ;
house, and ?he lived ?rlth them In re
All men with money ?houtd r-? ?
roiir.-i-.-ed to remember the ?poor
fortunate In their will*. In this a
can tin y do ?"Md, though they ai
They really live? In coming year?, ?n
ire their poiiel name? from gene: .
tlon to generation In honor.
Hut it i? hnrdly worth while to rr. iltl
jily words on thl?. ?tibject. A
men are likely to be of one :
heaven-born charily!
I ?ign my asms (aa reque-ted),
President Mal-> Orphan Asylum
dent Magdalen A?socUtlon, i
Foundling Hospital, and Vice ?
Old leadles Home.
Richmond, December !T, 1837.
The Trial of Hnrdln?A Corree?!.*?"
Richmond, Va.. Decembe- 1%
To tho Editor of the Dispat.-h:
I notice In the Dispatch of ths
communication from Welch. W,
r. pata to the aissattaa of Joba I
Iri Hac'hanan county, Va., for th
ai Ottawa Mounts. I arlah to
the communication Is not all ?
rect. I ama counsel for -Hardln
the case from tho trial > > .:
f-.-'irt of Appeals, and then road?
cation to Governor O'E-rraH :
?pite, which was refe.
wa? in company with tara
men when Hardln ?hot h:rn
and one of the other? on-'- l
lie there twc-lv? hours, as Bl
Welch communleatlon. Mon
I nun b-r ot w!?i
dffe-ne-i., aiiel everything a
could be done by counsel tor H
W. Ii
Tht? lllfT.rr.i
(Town and Country Journal )
Mamma: W?-ll. Kiste; what
learn at s-'ho-d to-day?
Eia-ie (a-g. i . Lasan l to ?pel!.
Mamma: Now. what
Elsie: "Man."
Mamma: And how .' .
Elsie ?piomptlyi: M-a-n. :
Mamma. Now, how go
Elsie (after n m- tt*
same way, only In littler 1
The I!. .,?,,,. !'.,!,....
o'.oston Contiex.)
'.-? 's father hrid ju?t ! -
giing with an old tsahlone ' I ui
retiring ?iinhcunt -u-d treta ,- * u
ful effort to op<n OM >-' it?
ments?, he iti'.\-i to th- arfy
looking out upon the lowering ?k
It's aa that
wi-ather b- | give us a >
of weather."
"Maybe." shyly !r.terp0*?*<l
"they .can't op?n th?? bur. aa -Irr
- -as? ?
Ani.l'.M-r llriirt ?It ' r.
(?'hleago Tribune J
8<orJel: Horn?, wb ' t? ?
80 blue ?bout? Have you l?>?t a frlen.:
| Btruggllng Author, l
1 l??t play to Nagga?. tha r?-vi
otber day. and he ha? Just arrl'1
He say? It la dor.? In my "1
Scorj.l: W?r. what'? wrung v.'lth ?>
Struggling Author: Conf-^ind It. it
Daalaes? ?usina ???.
(l-unxsutawney Spirit )
Tom Heed Is In ??-??Ion ag?Ju.
Old paper? for sal? at ths Dbp.it.

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