Newspaper Page Text
W" TTTF RICHMOND niSPATCH-TUESDAY. PEChMHi.K ti, 10?..-_ Remington Typewriter $100 To-day, Next Year, Indefinitely QUALITY improving?PRICK unchanged. The Standard Machine at a Standard Price, at which our business steadily increases. WYCKOFK, ?SEAMANS & BENEDICT, 327 Broadway, New York. (do SlSmSmmT? ODD //.?IT. A DEPARTMENT EXTITI.ED GIRLS AND CHILDREN CHILDREN'S FROCKS rcri'wlicnllv the 1',\/.\k will ?mm .'.irrfu?ly prepared fashion drawings for cbil ?Iren. Mother* who like to iee theii little ones dreaacd well nt .small expenditure xnn, * *?\ il??* ?ni oi a aaeaaatieaa \* tba boaraa b*j the ?lay or ?reek, pee-p-ue c?.siumes f.,r tlit- nursery, the Bchoftl, or the home, by following the styles which appear in the Bazar. ^_~__ ?V *.,?,,' GIRLS* SPORT AND OUTING COSTUMES One of the ni'"".! pronounced fritures of modern life is the interest which girls and young women arc taking in or.t-door life. The Bazar during the coining year will, therefore, devote a special space to bicycling, golf, and yachting costumes?. 10 ?Cents a Copy ; $4 00 a Year. In combination with IlAkrKR's M.v.azink, $7 00 a Year; $3 50 Six Month?. HARPER & BROTHERS. Publishers, New York and London F.W.Dabney, Agent, 311 EIST BROAD. CORNER THIRD, FOR THIS WEEK, Ladies' Fel, Slippers, with felt or leafher s? ?les.ii ?c. Ladies' Fell Slippers, with fur top ami leather bottom.60& Ladies' Extra Quality Felt Slip? pers, with thick felt soles_Toe. lien's Embroidered Slippers, uieelv finished.49c Mail's Nice Leather Slip? pers.69c. lien's Extra Quality Slippers, tjl, $1.25, and $1.5(1. -\li-ses' Storm Rubbers...?-lc. Ladies Storm Rubbers ...26a Men's First Quality, Belf-Acting Rubbers.50c, Remanibex we pive Trading Btamps, Trading Checks, or s beautiful little Story Booh fur children. tie 19-Su,Tu<feTh DAVENPORT, MORRIS & CO,, SEVENTEENTH AND DOCK STREETS, Bit HMOM), VA.. offer to the trade Of Their Own Importation QUEEN CHOP Oolong Tes. with Oreen 'iVa flui'i.r. Tu.- Anes! Tea Imported. J. ?V I*. BARTELL Cognac Brandies. J'ai?- ami London color, m wood and elans. Various vintages, in bond or (luty pal?!. BRTHUR GUINNESS SON & CO. Slout and Port? i. -. ?: CO Pale Ale. BOYAL. AND ?'. AM? C- Ginger Ale and ciut' Sala Water. COSaSAItT GORDON f. CO. Rich Old Brown und Pal. Bual Madeira, vintage HB. ??>. Q. QORDi -v ?rry Wines, V. P .?- p., V. B. O. P., and Amon? tillado CAHLACKElt Wiesbaden. Rhlnt w Laubenheimer, Nlci i? Incr-Hoehh? Imor jobunnlB_*trger, Claus-Schlot h-_nnlsb? "CRUSE AM? FIL8 FRERES CI ns. Pond < .m? i < Irand Vln Chateau Leovllle, Grand Vln Chatenu \ Sautcrns Han ??ratal \'ii, Ctiati-au Y(,Uein. IULES KE< SIEH ?i CO Burgundies, M i I', inn aid. Ohiimbertln ('los V?iui.i-<?t, l. ? Tache Romanee. Ver*/ ul.l London l?i??k Jamaica Ruin. Holland and Old Tom Gin, Rare Ellen Inlay, and Km-* William IV., ?. P. Scotch Whiskey, They offer all il? famou* brands of Champagne, Mumms Ex-Dry, Moel ?V Chandon White Seal, Brul lmi>erlal, Pommer? & dreno Bee and Veuve Clicquot I'onsardln fellow Label, - Spring and Fall 1191, MM. lMK Whiskey Pepper iv? Bour Hash, Old Crow. Herrn James K. p,i. per, in _,las** Jacob <lrov??i'?? and <J. K W) He ?-to.-k live Whitiklci?. A f? w 1 "Fulcher's" Special ^ Bllty. and lilMllluilon is'.!'.'. Vlraim,? Whlxkey. 'llils Whiskey Is fullv le,,! , i and in our Judgment in at u?i?t ! ? ? uleohollc li'i'.ioi' Male. DAVENPORT, MORRIS ?v. CO. de lfi-lJul NOLTIN6. i] ? LBRY. CASE CARVERS ruio Old papera Cor sols at in? Dispatch ESTABLISHED let*. OSCAR CRANZ& CO., 14 GO Y tilt NO It ST., Jtia'lllllOIKl, Y.I., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, i??".* it'iivc t<? call attention to lln-ir Lu-ge ?stock of the above m?entioned 'omis, niosl 4>f whi4.l1 art* of llieir own importation. FRENCH BRANDIES, OLD LONDON DOCK JA.MAH'A RI M BT. CROIX RUM, ARRACK. SCOTCH WHISKEYS, QLENLIVET, KIN?; WILLIAM IV ItAMSAY. AND BURKE'S <>U> li'.lSH W HISKEY, "U> TOM, PLYMOUTH, AND MEDER SWAN GINS?all of the v. 1 \ fini at ?iiialliy. All ih?- leading branda of CHAM? I'AlNi: PREMIERE SERRE our own Importation from one ?>i the flneet vine? V,il-1.-' Ill Kl'aill.'?'. SHERRIES, MADEIRAS, and PORT. ?if FRENCH an.I GERMAN WINES a rery lane aaaortment including t ii, fa? mous branda o? CHATEAU Y or KM. CHAT, LA ROSE MAROAUX, AND LAFITE MARtX)BRUNNER, STEIN BKRGER, an.?! SCHLOSS JOHANNIS I'.l KG GIBSON'S PURE RYE. STRAIGHT. ?H,H CABINET, CLEMMER, ?>U> CROW, MELLW?OOD, ?'ANADIAN CLUB, an.l othei WHISKEYS. 'I'll.- ?ANADIAN CLUB, for which we are it?> agenta here, only In bottles; alao, the JAMES E PEPPER WHISKEY, In CREME DK MENTHB, CHARTREUSE, and Kr?ait many other une CORDIALS? 11..i., bul Imported. HAVANA I'lGARS?their own impor 4;iti'?n; ulso, a. foil supply of the KL PRINCIPE T>y GALES CIGARS con Btantly on hand. do 1-t.Ta 1 KIRK'S SILVERWARE SA1VVL KIRK & SON CO. di'shv to call attention to their most aitractive SILVER GOODS, ??FOR PRESENTS. DIAMONDS. WATCHE?, JEWELRY. M A N'l* KA v. TORY KSTAHLlSHKI? 1S17. Siilesriiuins, 101) J)altiint)rest.,east, Baltimore, aid. [noiirt-lrol STREET-CAR TICKETS. ON AND AFTER SM'ilMUIK 9th the sdle of tickets in lots of 25 for $1 will be discontinued. Conductors will continue to sell tickets at the rate of 6 for 25c. SCHOOL TICKETS will bereifterbs sold to school I children only ?it the company's i ollices, foot of Seventh street i ami corner of Twenty-ninth ! and P streets. Pupil*' desiring i them will be required to pre? sent certificate covering the ensuing session from principal of school. UC1I0IB RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CO. IsttO-ttl FOREST LODtiB. DKIUNG T1IK PLEASANT AUTUMN w?utti?-r, and ?o lorn*, as th? roads re? main m aoud condition. KOUKST LODGE will bo open tor tha entertainment ol guest?. Small driving or 'oycllng parties can be provided for at any tlim-, but larg* partie? should notify by 'phone a few ImurM bo-fore their arrival. Bell 'phoni _S8 ?. Olea Allan. Va. ne 7-U MANY BILLS PASSED. A COa,*mH-,RUlI.B M-IDKR DIS? POSED ok i**i r. \< h iirascu. TO ENTER OFFICE WITHOUT SALARIES *t. :i*????. ?. Propose?! by Which the I'ny of ,li!?lm ? mu? Mlale Officers May ne Rednced Aftrr Their Terms l!. all.-I l.e Turnbull InTesllgollon. The General Assembly yesterday passed a i.nmlx?r of bills, many of Ihem of a purely local nature. The Senate enacted, with amendments, Mr. Folkcs's bill for the protection of the labels of la Ivor unions, and concurre?! In the House reso? lution uppolntlng s committee of six members of each branch to Investigate the objections of Mr. lliifoid. of Bruns? wick, niralnst electlr.i? Judge N. 8. Turn bull as Judge for that county. An Im? portant amendment makes it within tho power of the commttt? e to Bead for per? sons and papers In conducting Iho In? vestigation. Much of the time of the House was taken up in discussing the bill requlrlm* bonds, notes, und other evidence;* of debt to be listed for taxation, and a _BO_fOfl :?? refuse to order the bill to Us eiif-r??.-. I nient was lost, A bill aimed lo pr?vent discrimination by railways between the "lonj*" and "short haul," was tetrada. ?_ in the House, as was one looking to tho r? '"ration of Slate banks. The Day in ?he Sen nie. The l.i'iitenant-? l'iv. rnnr CSllSd the Benate to otear at noun yestardair, and Ualil'l B. N. CaHaoh made the opening prayer. A bill was offer? ?1 l.y Mr. BsTkadsle, providing that in any action, either at law, on motion, or in ehsnooty, iip??n a II"!.', bond, or Other ? vi.l.'liae of debt, tlM omul in which said aetton Is brought or motion mad", or bill te chain ry Bled, before any decree <>r JudgnV fflt is given, Bhsll reqnlre it to be proven that saM ti??!'', bond, or OVid? BCB Of debt Shall liav 1.B ItStSd tOC taxation. TO 1'KoTHCT Till: STATE'S RtOHTI Mr. Le ?'ato iiiir?i?liir"?l a resolution, providing* that the Comtnonweslth's Attoi ncy of Accomac county be eflB] el to institute* proceedings to protect the rights of the Cenunonweslth In the mat? ter of a certain surrey of the rtparlaa shores of Fox Island, or Fox Islands, in the county of Ancosa Mr. Maynanl tetlOdUCOd a bill In rela? tion to the acquisition of branch rail? roads by which the president ami direc? tors of any company incorporai? d i. construct a railroad Of other trart "i Internal hnpeovemenl may not only havt branch iin?'s not exceeding five miles ii length matai me I ad. as andar the pressa law, but may. hf a vote <>f two thirds 0 all the stockholders, have mail-?, or pur Chaaa, branch roads or lateral works no ex. ? .?lim- twenty mil-s in length. PILES I'ASSl.I?. The foUOWtag bills were taken up an? passed: linns.- bin to protect Isbels and tra?i<? marks of lal'or ftTgSnlBStiiTfli was pass.-. <?i?h un nmendmeut making tli'- lilt? n o deceive necessary o? ?.....,, sea of leodi aoM antier oun .ali. la, The fo?owtng Beaatc billa were p To ainiciui section USJ o? tha '< elation to chancery causea submit mention, etc. In relallon to tax en lawyers, | iains, etc. To amend secllon l.'J" <?f (ho 4*o elation t<> penalty upon expresa eoi ions, thait maik.. ;m overcharga tog ils* goods, ghrthg them ten daya In o correct the asms. To amend aectlon 171 of Uk i atlon to notari?e, etc. To legalise party prlmartea in the if ?'h iri.iit? svllle. THE TURNBULL INYI'.**TI<;.\TI' Tha s nan?' concurred in ?the reeol idopted by th" House providing fo ippolntmenl of a Joint committee c lenntora and six ?i legatea to InTeot ii'j? it i' >ns made on the Boor of tha l ?f Delegatea by Ifr. Buford, of Bi wick county, agalnat tha electtoe itiiii*?? N. s. Turnbull aa Judge of county. The Chair announced ae r iicrs of thai committee on the part ?. *-'.mata Messrs. Boykln, .Morris. ; iiit.i, Letcher, Fair ta. \, .-ni'! JeSries. Mr. Murri.s saii.i be thought li" probably t'"> prejudiced to paea ui">t raise, and Mr. Fairfax :. s k ? ? I to be cueed "ii th" ground of preeettre of v However, they i ; ? t - r- coneented to si Mr. Morris ?laying he thoaghl ii" c Kive ?lue wi-iKlit t.? nil tin- ?-viil On motion ??f Mr. Plood, the powei th" committee arere enlarged ao bi aothorlaa it to aend for pereona papera in making th" Investigation. Mr. WIckham, us member of the i eommlttea appointed to ereil upon Qoeernoff and ?lieutenant?Ooverner*-! and MQveet them to take the oat office In the Hall of the Houso of*L u?ir? - . reportcil that duly discharged. that the officials-? h-n had Consente? d.> as requested. H" reported furt t liait Hon. H. 11. I'.irdwell, one of Judges of the Supreme Court, and for Bpeaker of tha House, would a.imini th" oath of office The g?nala a?fljoorne<] al l?S, House of Delegate?. The House was ealled 10 or.iir at n by Speaker Ryan, mad opened v prayer i?y Rae. i?r. \v. n. Starr. Mr. A. P. ntSpatrleh introduced n providing that It shall l>c unlawful fo railroad or other transportation com; nies ohartered or ?1"!mk boslnees in \ glnla to chSTge rri"i" per mil'* for oarrylng of poooengero or freight in t stait?.. than allowed under the Interste commerce laws, and to abolish ?ill ? orlmlnattoa betwe? d whsi is known the "long ??ml short houl." Tin? measi inaikes it th?* duty Of the Railroad 4'n mtseloncr to aaoertala if truth a crimination Is btinii ma?le. gad, so, to inform th.- Attorney-4'..n. : who shall Institut?' pro.-.-, r.ini?s a?,'.iii mi. h corporation In the Circuit Court Richmond, and if upon trial by jury t latter i? of the opinion than the pro?lelo of the act have been violated, the col shall find the domogea t>? be a which umfnint Judifment shall be re doted, the amount to be turned over tho Treasurer of tin- 9 TO COT POU N ?-'.A LA KIES. Mr. a. ft Hinter Introdaood a Mil amend and re enact eeaUoa K* of ti code of Virginia, In rotation to officers and their salari.s. The bill pr to aiioiish all astillosa of tho i^cxl which BOOM the sa.laii.s tO 1"* r.-ceiv? by the Slaie oSSt ' ' tAmPtOt s.-ctlwi li which ?state?? the salary to be paid I the Gov? i nor. The measure also provides that tr salary Of any clerk employed by sue ofBoera shall, after tha passage of thi act. to fixed by the Laajlalstars. The measure simply places beforo t!i legislature the question of reducing a the salaries of tho State officers, if ne i ry. TO ESTABLISH STATE HANKS. Mr, J. C Featherstone Introduced, b r??<iuest, a bill to allow free and lnde pendent banking In Virginia. The object of the bill is "to give th citizens of Virginia the right and th liini iv to organize banks, clothed an. Invested with all the power that can b given them by a sovereign State, subjec only to the limitations and restriction of the Federal Constitution, and tht? acti of Congress passed In pursuance thereof.' l>r. Charles Smith Introduced a bill t( amend sections of the Code In relation t? the taking of oysters, so that any oni holding fifty contiguous ere? m ?.,..-. lands may drpdg? on them. (?UNTIES TO BEAU EXPKN3E8. Mr. F.mbrey Introduced a bill araeudlng scv? r.,1 sections of the Code so a. to pro? vide that all counties and corporations shall bear their ?iwn expenses oSansetsd with all misdemeanors In these counties and corporations. Under the proposed amemlment each county end corpori'.ton shall bear their exp?nses in misdemean? ors, but the State, as It does not, ??hall pay the expenses of all felonies. WANTS CLAY'S NAME ON IT. Mr.C.M.Wallace, Jr.. olT-r.d a resolution providing that the R?sister of the Land Office be requested to have the name of H. toy Clay properly carved upon the base of the statut? of Henry Clay, now standing In the Capitol Square. Th? House concurr?-d In the Senate amen?lm?nt to Mr. Buford's Joint resolu? tion providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the Brunswick Judgeshlp. INTRO! >l'?'KI> AND REFERRED. Tho following bills were Introduced and referred to the proper comnUlteee. By Mr. a. F. WI throw: To regulate the salo of elder In the county of Highland. By Mr. T. D. Jennings: To Incorporate the American Industrial Institute. By Mr. 8. R. S yen: For the relief of J. A. Bsrrita from a One. By same: To provide for the workln** and keeping In repair the rosdl an 1 bridges of ?he county of Carroll, an?l i? peslteg all previous acts in regard to said rostts. THE LISTING OF poM-S. Mr. Parks's bill, pSOViding for th" llst teg <?f bonds, et.-., as explained in pra Vloiis ISBOea of the Dispatch, came up. and Mr. Anderson moved to rsoOBStdsr the VOta t'.v which the in. SSUre was < r dered t?> its etigiossmen! on Saturday last. He was not B_"**UBe*_ to the me?i sure, but thought that .is now drafted it was not in proper shape. Hi ?vas in favor of postponing th?? codsldereUon of tin- in? asare uniil after Hie holidays Mr. Barley was also opposed to any undue baste in passing upon the measure, He '?? i not heVovc in taklssj a s__sk an?i driving capital out of the State. The I.ill was not in proper Shape, an?,) should i..- perfected before being enacted teto a law. Mr. Charles Bland, while not op_x t?> the object of th?- nesaewe, thought ac? tion up'in it Should be postponed in Jus? to tli?' nn!iil"is who were not tho? roughly acquainted with its provisions. Mi. C-Urrington and Mr. Charles Mann, of p.-it rstrarg, w? r?- both in favor of post? poning ib?, consideration of the bin. They were not present on Saturday when it was discussed, being absent on s very sad duty, bsvlng sccompsnl? i the re? ratea of i?r. Neblet, to thsir last raating? ^. place. THE MoTloN I.oST. The pending gnestlon Mas called, and th. notion to reoonstder wss at firsi car? ried by b rote of ;- '? to :ti. Mr. c?i??k.'. however, caJJed f??r s recorded vot?-, when Mr. Anderson's motion was defeated by a VOta o? B to BL Th. VOte was as fol? low.-: For rec?*mslderlng?*-Messrs Anderson, Barley, Blakemore, Charles T. Bland, George C. Blsnd, Blanton, Csrrtngton, DarnalL, Pestherston,, Osrrett, Qarnett, Hale, Hicks, Ivey, T*iptoa i>. Jennings, Jones, Kizer, Ugon, Jssaes Mann, Met Ma?anan, Montague, (?w?-n, Palmer, Qti senberry, Reddy, Bayers I P. Smith. Spratt. Stiib'.s. Turpiii. ?'. Harding Walker, Watson, Wellford, Wil? liam ?'?. Williams, Wiiil.oiii?', Winston, an?! Woo'l :iH. Again i-consMcrlng?Messrs. .\ll?ii, Berry, BOSS, Buford, Csldwell, Cert?*. Chapan, Churchman, Cooke, Cralg, Dlggs, link'-. Barly, Bmbrey, Pitspstrtck, Oslls !.. r, Hatcber, ?'. H. Jennings, Lovelace, William Henry Mann. Hinter, Murphy, ?.-... ???.,.n..,,,,, Powell. It X It ?i launders, Bettle, ?Charlea smith. Btoner, 'wttsi r, Taylor. Thon: is, Turner, BUM il. Walker, Wharton, Wilson, withrow, uni Bpeeki r Ryan?? COUNTY. jl'ix'.KS' BdLABlKft Mr. Wiiil.'.na- s bill to NdUM tile sala? rles of county Jtldgee cam?' up. and alt-r consid?rai la diacuseion, duting which the lama "(round arm covered Saturday, Mr, Rundere ottered, under luapenslon of the rules, aa a aubstltute, a bill repealing .ill aectlona of the Codepro rldlng i' i ?talari? a- of count** Judges, ..nd them? tsui was given Ita eecond reading. Phis Mil will simply leave opea the met? ier of hxlng lh" salaries Of county Judgca until ant* r the holldaya. rpon motion of Mr. Winborne, the lat ? . till was ?pasad by. niKi.--. PASSED. To arn>>nd and re-enact portion 1 of an act entitled an act to amend and re enact chapter - of aa act approved March 6, UN, entitled am oct to provide fur the assessment of tax. s on ? property, and Incomes, and on licenses to transad in; Iness, aimi Imposing tai\?-s thereon for the aupport of the govern? ment, and putli" t. schools, and to pay th" interest on th" public debt, end in - ?wiiblng the mode <?f obtaining t.? sell win -, ardent aplrlts, molt liquors, 01 any mixiui..- thereof. i:i CSSOa Where B court certlfteata is required, a.-.?l to repeal *n ;i of diopter z at this act, relating to li'iuiir licensee, approved March i. UN? To provide for workina* ami keeplsg i:i repair the public reads an?! bridgea In the county of Qoocbland. T<? incorp?rate the Norfolk Bicycle Rood Company. To amend section 2 of chapter ??s of the Acts of the Qeaeral ??tee? mhly of Virginia, aaoetoo of iv.o-;ii, entitled am set im poslng a ta.x un bunding and Ions dations, approved March ."?. lv'.'l. To amend and mannet the first sub? division of s.'ctiun s;, chapter l, of an set entitled on set i<> provide fur the at m?'iit ut' taxes ?m persons^ property, and Incomea .amd on Uasnsea to transad bust Bess, and Impoting taxes thereon for tic aupport of th- t< i ranimant and public free schools, and to paiy the latereet on the public debt, and prescribing the moda of obtaining licenses to sell wine, srdeng aplrlts, malt liquors, or any aalxtura thereof la casse where court oertlflcate is r?.?uired, approved Mai a a?-1 t.. provide f"r the lletlng ?>f bonds, i stocks, and other evldenoea of U.-bt sqb j. "t to taxation, ' TO provide tor the working, opening. and keeping In repair the i" ids In the county of Brunswick, and for the buii?i Ing and keeping In repair the bridges in an- eoanty, To emend and re enecit sectioa i <>f aa act entitled am ad Is emend and re enact s.?tions 1 mi! 1 of am act elitltl ?I .m a -i t.? prevent the aztermlnstlon of partrldgea (?or guaO) In tha state ??f Virginia, approved January '.7 IS'.?'.. For tha protection of she? p ?r. th.* coun? ty of Louisa. * Th?' BpSSksr 01 pointed the following mcmbi-rs to serve upon the joint .oi.i mtttee appointed under Mr. i tu * resolution to inv.stl(' th. Hrunswlck judgeehlp: Messrs. \v itkins. Bsddy, Berry, Bsrley, Thomas, sad Bettla The House a?ljourn??l ait ? ?iiii'illuient tu n Hielimoiid Ar?-bi? te? 1. Preeldent Ptrnt, at th" Ameiicsn in? stitute of Architecte, has appointed ?"a?i> taln II. J. Olmmock a member ot toe "Commltte? mi Coneervatlon >'t Public Buildings." .Tha object of this committee is to describe any buildings In state which are no*.??j?vorthy ?-xamplis of pur> architecture or m-.y have iu^'' dallons connected with use. and if siicii bulldlnga I"- threatened with demo? lition, <>r are going to decay fr??m neg l*?t. it is the prerogative ?.f th?> com? mittee to call the attention of the insti? tut" to th" situation In tin- respect, and that means be adopt??! to preserve them. Two More i.u? ?i- for the Peniten? tiary. The County Court aujourned yesterday for the term, but before this was done Judge Wlckhim sentenced Ada Watkins ami John St.-wart to serve two years each In the penitentiary, th.-y havlrij; been convicted of malicious assault. A Royal Ui.rri.iit has b'.**n granted io the Electri? cal Power Storage Company, Limit* ed, London, appointing them makers ; i leal ?Secondary lutterles to her Majesty. Queen Vlctortu. We under? stand that thla Is the first Royal War? rant granted to any electrical firm, al? though eleetrle lighting has been In OSS at several of the Royal Palaces since Wi Headquarters for | Everything in the Jewelry Line, diamonds, WATCHES, SILVERWARE, ETC., ETC. J. T_ ALLEN & CO., Fourteenth and Main Streets. A FILL LINE OF STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES. ?Vo g-uarantoo our Prices the lowest and Quality tho best. We invite ?i comparison of prices. < eine ?in?l sec .is. Open evenings until 11 o'clock. fls lO-*ii?STa ' fttv44vva>vv4 ??> ??? ? * >-.--. ?> UP-TOWN BOOK STORE, THE BELL BOOK AND STATIONERY COMPANY, 2 Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers, <R_ 0. BELL, J. J. ENGLLSH, Jr., MANAGERS,) We have pit-usur.. i., Informing the dt-geni of Hi?-?.... ... ti.nt we bet ? ? op,.,?,l?pnt 7*8 EAST MAIM STKl.ET a Book and J Stationery store, whan we shall keep a lull atoe, of th? Latest l'?lilicHtit.iisaii.l Une Corr.'-p?.ii?!.'ii.u' Papers. \\ " aiv now f prepared to wait upon all who may favor..?- with then ptttronaga. R-aad the Hat of aorno ?of oar haygains : Hi?* ?l_.VFVTri.KS OF HOB1NBON CRUSOE. 1? Illustrations.. ? ?i il'-V*\i?V|.'VrFl.?-l3 IN' WONDERLAND. ?'. illustrations .. + ?RoUIhDTHK I^KLNO-GLASS AN,, WHAT AUCH nr *> ! ( il NI? THKH.K v illustrations. . . /HP I m-nv\ns F< HUM'S PROGRESS. 46 illustrations . /. ? CHILD'S LIFE OF CHRIST, 4? lUustratlons . l.UUI iVinP1? FAHLES .,.' illustra lions. *> iS-iafl ffnill Y HOBINSON, ,-,?. Illustrations . f f SpI-Or?tION AND AUVKN'ITKK l.V AFRICA. H ||l??tni- Loph i -'i'V'i v its' th a V ELS! ' ? ?ll?-?rati?ns '.'.Y.'.'.".'. Lull I11 HEl?oRYOFTHE FROZEN BE-AS. 7?. illustrations . j ',.u- I'l/UTV ".'i illustrations . _RABL-N' NIOW-W KNTKKT.UNMHNT8, 130 Illustrations. J TEACHER'S BIBLE, 8vo., clear typo, Divinity Cir- X rait seul. 85c; or with patent index, .$1.20. A - POETS?CLOT--, ISMO. T Printed on pool paper. Frontis*.i..?-? to fach volume. Especially adapted f,,r handy rending, echool, end librarj? ass, 45C.EACH. HKN'TV BOOKS? BBC. each. ? HOUSEHOLD LIBRARY, silk cloth. Kol.l bornlahod t?)i), 4."*.c. each. *> BHAKEBPEARE'S WORKS, I volume. 4Sc. DICKENS, 16 voluases, cloth, I?* X BULWER, U volumes, cloth, $ '*. + r b v P a Nov. i? it.?, Didier, aTMBX LONDON, AS BBBM BI CHARLBS DANA GIBSON, $4 .-,<?. CUPID'S OAMB WITH H-BABT8, ?M-So. I KEMBLE*8 COONS, IB. ot*o VADI8 Cloth 88? : Paner, 88c, T i-ii-i SB PRATER-BOOKS AND HTlfNAIA CATHOLIC PRAT.?- I nooKS^LKATHER GOODS hsndsonie Une: LAP TaSlBTS; PORTTOUOg, X sliv.r mounted; WRITING PAP-ORB, Basal Una In the dly. Call and gat a ^'Ts,'"also"'l? CARD AND W-DDDfO ENGRAVING AM) STAMIMNG. t The Bell Book and Stationery Company, I 7-s F VST MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, VA. t (d? ltl.l ?,'-' l.'-'**. O ^-.-.^^ ? ? 4 4-r 9>m^U99999999Qw9 -99U99999999999999999999 WWWW MOESTA'S, 111 East Main Street. \\'?> hare I large stock of Strictly First-Class Goods which We will sell at verv Low Prices. As we do nor propos.- to carry over any roods jron w-U Bare money by dealing with us. It pays to bay pubb goods. Jf yondo Dot wautyoar-rapplies now, leave your orders sod we will deliver them ?it any time you Bay. What do vou think ol these Candy prices: Chocolat?? Cream Drops, two Mim-otts Bonbon ? li?>?-<?1?.T.-s. . ( >-,,. per pound.Tie, pounds lor... onr <?\vii i.iHk.\ plain iiiixed, 10(*., A?.s?,rt?'?l,<-arai...'ls. two pound-, thp,(, [((1?II1<1^ t,,r.*.o-.,.; for.'-' "' , N'\v Mixed Nuts, l?5c, or two ?'ii'iiiu a l in"i m is. |.t*r pound..l_?o. pounds, French Mixed, two pounds Christmas Trae Ornamenta f0r-.l."?? . Largi st?.fk. prattler than ever. Hand-Made Cream Mixed, some Must bo aeon to appredata Cots thtng ni?'?', livf pounds for.91. UM ?pins - all si/?'-. \Ye have a large quantityo< Fruit Cakes made specially for Xmas, ?ill sisee. Made ol .?elect fruits. Also, other varieties of Cakes Almond, Anirel, Citron, round, Wine, Jelly, and Bponge Cakes. Small Cakes in great variety. Ice-Cream in all flavors end shapes. Special ?lesions for Christmas Dinners. Candy lSoxes in ,_*reat variety. Pire works I Fin-works! Fireworks I Firecrackers, 1_, packs for '2.H'. Koman Caudles, ?5 balls, 10ft per dozen. (jo uvtMiaa?) raicis, EAsr terms. Dean's Billiard and Pool-Table Cushions, the livest, qricc EST ?Ni.TKi est im tu? woBi.i'. All kinds Bil? liard and Pool-Table supplies. He-?t grade? Cloth, I? r?9, $H? r>0 and I1J.50, for both Bed and Rails; Goes, 93.7ft, f&JO, $4.Wand M per dozen ajid upwards; best Cue Tips, tue. per box of It?, assorted sizes ; fancy i>trlpe Poof Balls, $8.fJ0 toll-i.Mperset. the Dean Pool Balls are THE feitSt; TUE 6TR1PES WILL MVERWEAR orr?819 per set. Beat Billiard Chslk. per gros??; Red Leather*, 41)0. per set; green Vo Table Pockets, with fringe, ?1.50 and 12 per set. Dean's Fancy Leather Pocket? will outlast three sets of any other kind?1*1.25 per act, with fringe. TAU!.?* OVERHAULED AMD Pl'T IM PERFECT OKPER. Plgeon-Hole and Bagatelle Table?, Bar Fixture?. Beer-Drawing outftts. Billiard Tables made into Pool or Combination Tables. Bowling Balls and Ten Plus. My B Aliar? owl JV>ol Tnhlr* a-e not eirpaise? by awj other make /or accuracy and perfection. C. P. DK AN, 10 ??cvernor street, Richmond, Va. Write for catalogue and prices. Out of town orders will hare my prompt, attention, (no 28-Su. Tu A F) PAINTS. LEWIS'S I'l'KK LEAD, LEWIS'S PURE LINSEED-OIL, and all material for painting, ?inly the best quality kept In ?Nock. Write for quotations. PCRCELL. LA1>1> A CO., apJU Wholesale Druggists. For Presents. .IANDSOME OOLD BPECTACLBS AND BYB-OLAS8E8. GOLD ?BOOKS AM? CHAINS, OPKRA OLASSSft HAM? RBADSRS, VN1) OPTICAL NOVXL1UM. Gold Glasses purchased fpr presents will je exchanged fret* of charge to suit tvc;ir*-r. Being manufacturing opticians and ?x '? M adjusters of glasses, we guarant?-e ?att'factlon and lowest charges in all Mall orders promptly attended to. [lie S, Gale?i ?ptica! Company, 915 East Main Street. Factory 8 South Tenth Street, (de 17-dt**l, U!tA30*jaiA2) Christmas Presents m Urge variety, choicest rtj 1< * nul highest quality, "Standard Honks in *-i*ts 'iiul NJnJ'j?? \,.l I11U4'?,. 60c Books at 25<f. ; 75c. in.I >l Honks ?it 50c, l.;it?.-r Hooks by popular authors. TiNirlicrs' Hililcs, largest stock, from $1.26 tiijld, Prayer and Hymnals, Fountain-Pens, sil? ver Novelties. Best line <>t Leather ?goods in th?* market Pocket Hunk*,. ( lard t *;is4's, Gen? tlemen's Letter Cases. Hunter & Co., 629 East Broad St., Richmond. Ide-'l-ll, . CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. J CURE Rick neaiU-he and relievo all the tmubl?*?-, Inci? dent to a bilious state of tha system, such as Dizziness, Nauaea, I'rowsiness. l?ntrem after eating, Pali? In the Hilo. Ac. While tbeir musk remarkable success baa been Bbews in ??uxltig SICK Headache, yet Carter's I.ittlo Liver illl? an? equally valuable In Constipation. ciiriiiK a- 'l *** MDttaig thisann.iyuiKcoruplalnl.while tli?*) ai-i correct all dlMtdsnol the ?! >tua. h.?t'mulata tha Brm tul regulate the bowels. Even if they oui/ HEAD Ache th*7 would be almost priceless to (hose ?rh i autfer front thudUtreiaing con,; laiut. but fort u? Iiat-ty theirgoodneas.l.x*H notemlhera.and I J"?S Who once try them Trill find these little pills Valu? able In ?o many ways that they will not be wit* ling to do without them. Hut ?liter all sick ??.u| ACHE Is the bane of ?.o many lire? that hert Is where wniuakeourgrtaatbi.ut. Our ?'iliacure it while Other? do not. Carts-*?* Little Liver Pills are T?*ry ?mall and wry easy to uk>>. uno or two pills make a Ease. Th- y aroBtrictly vegetable and do not grip? or pUM but by tlielr gentle a.-ti?>n plea?? all ?aha tuethaiu. In vialvit Ja> cents ; live :or |l. Sul?J Iff Urugyists overy whore, or sent by mai!. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. WML Sail! Boss. Ufrici (.Th. t?a. Tu. ??i a ? TO VIKt.iM \ BDI (A mus' AUF V??l TKA? HIM. MAGILL'S HISTORY OP VIRGINIA? 'Ulli MAM1AU? SCHOOL HIHlullk up out USA 11 , 11 ? MAHY Tl ? KKIl Mtl.II.I., tit WiBihr.ler, \ m. The tlr-,t edition ur , ?a?, i , 't \ IrglniH ? . In l*.. ? publlc-a use while In MS. it h...? by ?r? time. In ???i liment It i v. hull th?- South foujibt. at the seme time it Inculcates th n loyal dcotlon :?> our Oeneral ?. . of th?- most delightfully written ; : isllsh language, end Is : to finish aeeply lnu rest lug i?j both AS A MlUilMA III??! .?Hi. IT HAH VI I?!! **~ l?tno. tli pegt ch.ih. fully iilu "h the Stete U tlon for s.'h???>l u>?' .it il per? mht from ?>?K.k??'!!"is t tin- State at thnt price, will la?* made to both public an?l i schoolaa for first iiitrcxju. I tupien for exanixinatlou with n.l.'ption by county an?! clt) ils. und teachers ef leges. Sod pm ? ? r which amount will b? credited on th?* first ereer for supi'iy of bo..?",- ..fter muh adaption K??r ?full psrttcuUrs ? ?? ply or writ?, t.? J. i?. MBA <?>MF ."?.. l'lilillahrrs, I.YNt Hill i,?;. \ \. _(se ?-Th.SiiATu ) __. MfcAtuM?. "tHK 1?97 GUAM) RAPID WILL ' ' ' It. Huy no lirepla?-?. beater that Is not ?uarunt<*ed to give a uniform heat ? > egrees In the parl?ir in th?? cold?'*? i thtr. For stile by J. E. HOSE & ?*' * ? east Main, R'chm*-?<1. Y a. 4le Mm'