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4 Tnr DTr-TTUoND mSPATCII-W?DNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1897 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH, BY THE DISPATCH COMPANY. The DAILY DISPATCH Is dolli/ored to ?ubserlbers st FIFTY < KNTS per month, ixiysble to th? carrier weekly or inonthly. Malled st F per annum. ?V lor six mo/jths; ?.? 'or three MOm*ma\ IS cent? for on? month. Fftoa pet copy. I cents. ? Th? WEEKLY DISPATCH at |1 per en num. Ins SUNDAY DISPATCH et 11.60 per annum, or "i cents tor six month*?. Subscriptions in sll cased payable In advauc?*, and no paper coeeUasad after th? expiration of ?he time paie for. Baaed post-otB??? money ordsr. check, or regis? tered tetter. Currencj* ?cnt by mall -?>" b? at tho risk of the sender. BohecrtheiS wishing their post-ofltoa changed muit give their old as well as their new post ofllce. Sample copies Irce. ADVERTISING RATES. HALF INCH OR LESS. I time .' JJ S time? . ??? . x 50 t time?. ..:!__.. ia t time? . ? tlfnf"..*. ...MM months . " .. Business wants . Wanted situation, payable In a?J vane? (25 words or less). Abov? rates ar? for * every day" or ad? vertisements running ? oenecutWely. Reading notices In loadla? BBattW type, five lines or less. U: i<? nonpsriel. leaded. flr? lines or les?, ~5 ? ? atl Card of rates for more ?pace furnl'hed on application._ All letters and telegrams must be ad? dressed 10 THF. DISPATCH COMPANY. Rejected communications will not be returned._ All letters r??ci>;?r candidate. for offlie must be psid for to Insure their publication. Thla is a long standing rule Of ours. ^_ Resolutions of respect to deceased members passed by societies. ?orpora tlons. association.*, or other organiza? tions will bo charged for as advertising matter IT-TOWN OFFICE. UROAD-STP/'HT PHARMA? Y. Ill EAST iTi.OAD 8TRKKT. MANCHESTER OFFICE. 1203 HULL STRF.F.T. WEDNESDAY...DECEMBEll 89, ?1897. aatat?l?BISI ami i.dir. Great Britain's Unid and shilly-shally ing polley in r?si??ct of the recent little eastern complicattBns is being referred to as evidencing that the tUty of British ultitri.itmi-, backed by British cannon, is past, and the conclusion baa been reached by BOOM that When it cum th? test abe win .show no more deannce and Independen in d? allng with the latest phase of the far Baal question than she exhibited touching the Armenian massacres, tho Croan affair, and the Graeco-Turklsh war. The c is? B arc not analogous, and the conclusion referred to Is by "no means Justifiable However much tiny may differ among themselves as to other thing. .'the Brl tish public and British parti's are prac? tically a unit on Hi? question <>f protect? ing and advancing British trade. Great Iirltuln has a merchant marine aggre? gating 9.<3OO,O0O tons, and a total foreign trade amounting t?> more than J4,00(),()<Xl,(iOO annually. Her commerce with China is put down ut $172,000,000 a year, or two thirds of the total foreign trade of the Celestial Empire. Of th.- I7JM entranone nnd clearsncea of ships at the Chinese treaty ports In 18M, ?licit Britain ersa credited with l'.?.r,'.?7. the tonnage cirri?,! being iu,r:2{.,7'?8, and out of th? resi <>t China's foreign trade, Japan, the new ally of Gnat Britain in the present en? tanglement, gets 18,000,000 worth an? nually. When it la remembered thai Chlmi's total foreign trade i- placed at Ra.ow.oou, it will i?-- Been thai Q Britain and Japan leave for ?u?isl rn by the rest of the world only fcl,-?/>0,<XI0 of Chin? se trad? spoils. These facts and figures demonstrate at a glance the Immense Interests Ores! llrltaln has at stake in th?- far K?ist ?otn pllcation. As has been well laid, g clash between Great Britain and the other partes to th,- conceit ?>v, r the little eastern quest ion would have re smlted in injury to British trad?- aii'l In? dustries, hut a ?lash between hei and i ne or more n| the Powers over the In Hi?! problem may be Imperative for the pro tocUon and promotion of those Inti I The little ?'astern situation appealed t?? the sentlinmt of a part of the British public; the far eastern situation tin? aten? to tout-)-, with disastrous effects the pocket nerve of the whole British public. While the British Mini-try could afford to temporize with the Indignation arouse I by the lelmlnstion? ol Oladstom and oth? r party leaders against the "great assassin of Europe" and British perfidy tov/arda Crete and Greece, they w??ul?l hardly dan' resist what they know to be the united demand of the Hiitlsh pubtte, that Britain protect her trail?- at whaajrer cos? might be necessary. They would hardly have the temerity to reverse what has been s policy of governm? nt after government, and Premier after Premier, Irrespective of party affiliation- a policy for thy nialn laaance, support, and, if occasion should te<iulre, the enforcement, of which the aaasses cheerfully agree to th? expendi? ture of some $l(t'..0fvi.??ii annually. Riisi-'u'.s latest movements in the far East are avowedly for the purpo placing her In position to dominate China and China's trade, and ht nee are Inimical to British Interests in that quarter. In view of this, and of t; llritalp's traditional trade policy, the world will be greatly surprised, we 1m aginc. If the note of warning tin- British sound??! In Chinese waters is not, in the ? v. ut of Russia's pushing mat? ters too far. emphasised l?y the roar of lirllish guns. However, even should the necessity for this form of crffpl asls not arise, it Is saf?- to conclu??. ?hit Tor la grabs In the far East ?rest Urltuln will grab an ?II. and | H buUlly sind defiantly, If n??-.l t?e. At a meeting of the Hoard ?,f Oovern ors of t'.ie Democratic Club or New Yorg Monday night th.- Hon. Richard Croker was, by u unanimous vote, elected a I,, r ,?f th. Uuird. and the HlgnltlciUU aaeiouncemeni was mail?? that Mr. Croker am I make the club his hesadquar! and b? trure dally between certain hours. rnor h-.-va? ii p. Flow? r win oiitiiiiMi ?i president of ?he eJtlh. It was report.-d thut Mr. Flower wanted to sign, so that Mr <'raker might I pMsrtdi-ri?, b?t Mr. (Yoki-r, It is said, 0? * I to accept i Th.? no)?.- ?: rmasi s '?tralla ? ?. is Just now making in th? world rei th?*?- ?Ustlstlci Interesting: Th. export eia-li- lu ?! (M lb'.* >?..?l la? I? ?ame nine montha of im. while the Brl tlah export? for the same period de rlined t^J^,?**?. Importation? Into Ger? many resulted In ft total Increase ot Uw).(*H). due principally to the uunntlty ..f r.-t-v BaatSrlal obtained, ?uch a? cntte.n. hiele? and ?Kin??. wood?, timber, and eut Il.-. Amona: the German, exporta th?r< la nn in.reat-e of HJOBMA for machinery, Impl. m.-nts, apparatus, etc.; t2."*13?XtO for lenih. r BBSl It? manufaclure, nnd 11,675,(100 for ?'.?tt.ui :.i?tl cotton i?ood?. There are of }4.e8?K?.<Xi0 for Iron and Iron m.iir.i.'.i. initH. B?MmM$ for ?Ilk and ?lilt e-e.txlf?. and |9iX),O0O for wool nnd woolen Rood?, IIETWKlCTf THO KIKE?*. Th.- LeejMst-iire of Virginia see-ms very desirous of Instituting measure!? t.f re 'in. nt miel re feirni. Th?- ondltlon of th.- si.ite-'s neanees imperatively calls for som?- m.xi. <>f relie?*, and y?-t no practie?el mcthe.el of reachln? the d.-slrc-l end hns ntih'il the . ndorscment of a majority of the members of th.- I.egls'iture. Every Plea I '.>;e><e I . lice.III.telK StrellllOUS oppO BltlOB. The Richmond correspondent? ex pn re th?- opinion thai salarie? win not be tl, and that counties will not be re quired to pay the out of misdemeanor tr?ala w Bal 11 t.? i?- -leent ? BxpeaiUtures must be re.lueetl or taxation must be In-creaaod Th.- 'Letislatare la .-onfr.?nte.i with this alternativ?. An Increase of taxation would be met hy B general <>ntt ry. The people are In no condition to endure heavier tmrdena The- Legislatur?- may ns w-.-u understood this at once, antj set about finding relief by reducing expenditures. If the legislature proves to be unequal to th? task, s popular -aenaad win spring up fur s t'> re model the con BtrtutloB Bad gres us a ii-ss expensive form of government.?The l.ynchburg Nt-WS. The Keen* hi ?ight. ir this roglslslaiB falls to <lo the work expiated of It there will arise an It resistible- tle-mnn.l for a . -onstitiitioiial convention. As- yet, we harp teen no purpoaa e.n the part ?>f mem '- dodge the question of reducing the State's exr'enses; but we fear that raany raeahers .ir. rather too sanguine of their ability te> increase the revenue-. It Is ?r-iite natural, we suppose, that those srhe are threatened with cuts in their sul.itis should point out that amsndntents t.. th.- revenue leers may l'e- inaele- thjt will make such cuts wholly asary. ?in the other hand, It is equally natural thai ?lii.-e- upon whom the taxutlon in qoestieOB may be laid ahould point out that the true course for the legislature te? pursue- is to reduce the State's ex < ?f ...iirse there Is no suggestion from any qu.irW-r that the rate of taxation llpeell r-'al or perse.nal preq.e-lty sll'illlel tie ine i.-ase .1, but many schemes are pro ! to subject to taxation personal property that is not now fully returned. We do not know how much of exaggera? tion there is in the- state-me-nts frequently in ids as t-e the imme-ns.- sums that escape taxation, but we dare say there is .i ?-eiiitl deal, (?f course, it is right ami prop? r, atKi ..-mm.-tuiable. Indeed, ter the Legislature, to try to cause proper re? turns of personal property to be made, but < vi ry State in this I'nlon ami every nation on earth has found it B difficult t-i deal with. We fear that if the Legislature relies largely upon new income tti inuk buckle and tongue meet, it will be greatly disappoint?**!. No doubt something may be Sons In that way, but it would not be wise for members to adopt the belief that the Whole question may be met In that manner. The laws, I-'.-lierai antl State, are al? ready. In soin?- respects, more favorable to non-re aidants than to residents doing baalneaa In Virginia, and are should not like to see any legislation that would put our merchants and other business-men at further disadvantage. Merchants* tax.s ought not to be increased in the slightest. Tie- towns and cities of this Common? wealth furnish by far the greater part eef the. r. v- ii ie- that goes Into the State ii y, and get no great proportion of it back in criminal cxpeiis?-s or school funtls. And BO we say. If the Legislature has any Blind to put heavier burdens upon th-.- merchants, It ought to abandon the ielca at once The business world has suffe red quite as much, if not more, than tie Sericulture! Community for the peel live years, and we hope- to see this fact leeognlasd in all tha leg-MatUoa <>f the ?'.e-ne-ral As- in hl,v at its present session. Cfheeepeakc and Ohio has lately nttract - .i mticn attention by its strength, r? ti-nlay the ?-toe-k Bold at at, she-win?' a decided firmness all day, with ti'aiisacti'eiis ll I li>-ai l>- 10,090 shares. The 11-'-' per cent. In.nils of the company Brers alsc? Quite active anel strong yi-s tcielay. The strength of bOtb the stock end leiuieis was sttrtbuted to th.- feel tha? the ctflhipany has sohl a lot of uv.-r U.OU.0H .ef the 41-1 par cent, beads is? sued to retire bonds maturing in lK?S te. Ki-tlinond, Kerr Ai Co., these bonds being the last of the -I 1-li's Which the com? pany can Issue fur several years.?The N'.w Vork Times of ye-sierday. The company is in such fine condition now, w. take It for granted that the year IM will set? it actively at work In th. construction of its viaduct and new get depot here. ??ovenu.r Aiklnshn, of Georgia, has an? nounce! the appointment of the live mem? bers of the Commission provided for by an a-t of the i. --. nt I eglBlsUlie The cieiiiinls-ion is empowered to aiBBBllia Into the ?ondltlon of the batiks through uut the State, with a view t?> an Improve in? nt of the banking syst.-in of Qea-rgla. The commissioners ate instructetl to re? Ii??rt baeh t.? the next legislature. The existing laws will be nil).-elieil eg lo pos? sible defects, and such changes as the commissioners .let m aeivisable will come within the .-.Mpi- of their recoaiaieiula tion? to the Legislature. N'.w York Is t'? have fl bag carnival, including singing competitions ami lire weeiks, to celebrate the birth of the greater city. We pn-surne the singing compct ii lotis ??n he musical pyrotechnics also. The announcement that we can get along very well Without a stomach is cnreiuniginK, but whether life I? worth living- OS not still, we suppose, on the liver. ' ,ry (?age is re?...rted ns of more than bait a mind to resign. He seems to be In the position of the small boy who wont pla-y utiltss he can b ive exactly hi? own way. We fear th. -.,a!e ..f Christmas . - tare hu? not aided the Virginia legisla? tor in the work of solving the pre.hi? m before him of'retrenchment In State af? fair?. Weucon White, the well-k^own Bom Vork stock-broker, ha-, applied for reln t i' m- nt to the floor of the metropolitan e\. and will probably be admitted. J^hf If It ?aere only ?oing* to be the r?e>V I ter, aa will u* the Urvater, New Turk! I A PRIMAIO ELKi:TIO!t LAW. There Is a warm discussion going on In flbaiajtlaaiMa with respect to a primary election. Upon the merits of the ques? tion we are not Informed, but In this connection It occurs to us that the Legis? lature should give earnest attention to the subject of a primary election law as soon as the holiday r?-cess Is over. Many . Important town an?! rtty ele? tIons are to take place next spring. In the first place, ?very primary that Is h?l?! ought to be held under a State law. Bon in RIchrnotKl we have | special pri? mary ?lection law which does not embrace every primary that Is held. That is wrong. The law ought to be broad enough to cover ?v?ry primary that Is ordered. The Legislatur*? ought not to undertake t?. s.iy that nil party nominations shall In- made by primaries, but It ought to say that when a primary takes place any wrong-doing don?- th.-reln shall bo punishable Just as If It took place at a regular election. The public generally wou'.d approve such it law ns that. Whether era are prepared to go any farther Is matter f??r discussion. II a*0 BJ Richmond we have found It prmlent to confine our Democratic prima? ries to "whit- Democrats." And ere h ?V had no cause to regret the adoption of this rule. It would have been Impos? sible for us to have kept our party t?? gethi-r as we bBVO done upon any Other basts. No legislation that Interfered In this matter would be ?Kc.-ptablc to us. To th?- batudas Ottl Of Urtm tat prima? ries great carets given in ir ?ny States. Here In Richmond, arbore the White R - piilillcans are well k.iown. it bas OCCB little difficulty. In Kentucky the voter, when ho registers, Is to have himself also registered a.? a "Demo? crat" or as a "Hepubllcan" or u > "Populist" or as an "Independent." Or, he may decline t<? have any dOOlgBgtlOB ?U all given him. Th I rc-istratlon list becomes the basis of the primaries held. That Is a wry |.I plan, ind.-.-d, but v\ suppose registrations of vot?rs take place In Kentucky much oftooer than they do bore sad that their lists arc, therefor?, always comparatively n?-vv aii'l fresh. But here, ivlun- a regtet ra? tion ome made is allowed to continue yeats and yeais, w.- doubt If the system would work well. In som,- other Slates n guiar registra? tions are held for each primary election. That would bf BXB? tisiv.- and trOUble some, and, bOWOVOT necessary It may 1 ?. arbore the populstlon is aver changing. It would hgrdly be worth the while la Virginia. We should like to see more public ln tereet than now appeears in this gl aeaal subject. It Is worthy of more thought than Is app.-arcntly being given it. if there is to be such legislation this winter Hi?- more thoroughly the ral Assembly ondefataadi tba wishes Of the people, the more probable It Is that Its work will be satisfactory. THEPIIIMM; FOR AI'OI'LEXY. A (fen York special says that the results of the operation of trephining for apo? plexy, recently performed in that city, have proved so successful that It is thought the operation will go on record as furnishing a precedent for the treat? ment of npoplectlc cases. In which the pressure of a clot of blood on the brain can be Jocalized. The operation was per? formed at the Meat York Post-Graduate Hospital, and very little ether was used, M the effused Mood had spri-ad over the brain, paralyzing 'the nerve centres. The patient was a well-built man, age-l ..?. years, and seemed to have been in good ?- .inral health at the time he was strick? en, Thoraday. December 16th. He was in a dying condition when his family physi? cian wais ceiled in. but as a result of "the operation he Is on the high roil to re? covery, ami is Improving dally In the care of the nurse- at th.' hospital. His pulse and respiration approached the nor? mal In less than thirty seconds alter the operation. The operating BUTajtOn is satisfied that even should untoward symptoms now ?1? Velop In the case, ?t has !> < n shown that it is possible to cute apoplexy by trephin? ing. The name of the surgeon is not given, and it is Stated that as far as known 'trephitilnir for spoplexy had never before been attempt?-!. The days are beginning to lengthen now again. We shall soon be able to get more work into, each one of them, for the greater and the busier Richmond. And now Senator Lodge wishes this country to buy the Iianish Wist Indi'-s. Is the new politice] name in America to be one of territorial grab? An Intercollegiate chess tournament bet waan Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and I'rli-.cet??n is now "on." The New York Institution bads, so far. H can't be said, at bast, that there isn't enough of China to go 'round. It's a large country. If not a fine one according to our ideas. Britain's chief captain In Chinese Braten is not only a Johnnl?? Bull, but Buller. Admiral Buller, at her Maj- I service. Hismarck's gout is no better, and hence the o|?l hero is irate at the recent BtntO ment that his health is satisfactory. If Armour losOA on that ?leal In wheat, the merit-eating public will have to pay for it. _ A (ALL KO It INrOMMATItMf. \\ .ml the \riini-. ?if ?l.-i .ha n t ? Hnnd lliiK lloiut?->|ji<lt? (?onda. Richmond. I? ?ember __, ]K)1. To the BdttOr of the Dispatch: At a recent meeting of the Young Men's Business Association, the follow? ing resolution was offered by Mr. Henry )>*.? Valentine, and adopted by the aaan elation: "11. solved. That the manufacturers of Richmond t??- requested to report t<> tb? secretary of the Young Men's Itu Associallon lb? niui'-s of the merchants In the city wh<? handle their goods; and that suld si'cntarv have the same pub? lished In pamphlet form. In order that thos?? who wish to give Rli'hmonil-mad? goods the preference may know wh,t i.? Bead? lure, and w h? t'<- the same may be purchased." Any an?l all Information on this sub je? t Bill !'C gla.lly received by WILLIAM T BUOOMK. ary Young Men's Business ABBftcia t:?'n. NO. M BMI M un street, city. Reduclnu Expense?. (Northern Noch News.) The legislature ?>t Virginia Is to be commended for th>- prompt an?l business? like manner In which It has fOBM to work to reduce public espeiidltiir.-s In order that the .State, without Increasing the hardens of taxa-tlon, may be pla? ed In a position to meet promptly all Its Just and hec-assry obligations. lx>th present and prospective-. Although <.ur law-miiki-is many of whom hi?- new men ?nd Inex? perienced In leels'atlvc lii.ilt.-rs ha?.? been In eeaslon for only nbout twenty working day? ih?y have not only disposed .ef ti,.- ceiunty yadgeabtpm, ;> n?l many olhar offices which th?-y ur>- r?-<inlr.->t t.? fill, but a great many billa of a m<'t.'" ii..i- . lutracter have been presente?! and consldere.l. some of which have actually i. BOSBM lnws. According to the report of the Auditor of Public Account?, there- iir>? at...ut HAAH voters In Virginia who paid ii-> c.ipitiitlon taxe? last year. If some ni'-una c??uld be ?b-vlseil I.y which the I em thus lOBt to the State ' cotlectVd the? problem ns to how best to ptise th. ?imi.oc?! necessary to meet the ln?re.ise?l Interest on our public debt aft.-r the year BtA, weiulei not be? very dllflcult to solve. It cannot bs possible that there an- 120.0HO mal" p??rsotis of voting age In Virginia who ar>- unab!.? t-> pay the Ottt of il each towards the ?up port of the government und. r whl- h they live, and to which they loeik for their pie,t. i tion. and In many Instances, for th-- . el-ieiiile.n Of th"lr children. Kv?-ry soiintl anil . .bb-boelled man ran con trlbute ?1 towards th?- mnlntenane-e .?f rieder, and good government, and som?- means should be provided by which thai sum at |.-a'-t may he collected. Pub? lic expanses cannot be reduced beyond a certain point without impairing the publie s.-rvlce and crippling our pub'l.? institutions, and It will be necessary for th.- LsgtslBtaie to provide mean? of ln llieasllll the- revenues of the State as well as to eut ?lowti SipensSS to the lowest poaslbls point. And this must and can be accomplished wltbOUt iti eraaatng the- preaenl rat?> of taxation. Mr. Vi'. II. lloyiatei- Promote?! by the *. A. I.. Mi. W. K. Koyst.r. soliciting a-srent for tie- s.-Bboerd Alr-LlnOi has been Bfipetnt Sd agent of the same company In .hatg. of th.? busln.-ss at Birmingham, Ma H will leave for his BOW post in a few days. Mr. Kiyst.-r is w.-ll known In Richmond railroad circles. For many years he was ehl? f deltrery etert* far the south.-m Kallway < *.,mpa ny at th.- Richmond depot, but resign. e| that position two y?ars ago to BJO with th- S?-.i ?.-?.i r J. Then They \A milled It. ??'hie ago News.) -Senior Partner: W.-ll, 1 tee you've sold that homely piece .'f B^MdS we h.eel s.? Ions:. How did you do \i " Sii.ii! t'le-rk: I te.lel our < ustomc-s it was the last piece ?>f the kind thai a*s -had importeil under th-- old tariff lew, anei that the- pelee woiim be Increased U 1- r - -, -nt. e.n su. h material .is soon as our i cb was exhausted. I'aefnl M?n In That Pile*. (I'ittsburg T.-l.-gr -ph.) "Which of the popular mo.lern novelists Should be- station.-tl at lh'- mouth e,f ?? coal-mine?" SSBed 111<-- Snake l-'ditor of th. E)orss Editor. "Is that S conundrum?" "Ve-1." "I neret guess conuntlrum-* BO near to Christmas. What U th.- an^w.-r?" "Weym..n." A I'azaleil I'arrnt. (Washington star.? "It Is ,i difficult problem." said the c m sclenUons man. "v-ry difficult." "What is worrying you?" asked his Wife. "If I use slang before our sons and daughters. It will encourage them in tin precUece, sad if i doeft they win sa*- i am a back number." ,T?vonl?I II?? I nanfe. (Cleveland Plain I).-al.-r.) "I tell ye o. stranger, you ought to come |0 Kentucky." "Whe?. me? I guess you don't know who i sea " "That's right: I don't." "I'm i x-.-'ee re tary Herbert." On Deck. ( North American.) "I see be has arrived." "Who.'" "The llrst long-neglected claimant to Pullman's milli"ii " AlMliill?li'a Lesson. o buicy's Magazine.i Abdallah, pious above all mankind Who dwelt in .Mecca, morning, noon, an-l night His vetes te? Allah releed in prayer. i 'ontrite Was ho and humble-pure in mind. Inspired eef Heeren he?not so his wife-, She daily stood the market-piece within Ami bought ami sohl, n>>r deetanod It any sin To mingle there in scenes of toll anel Stlife. While thus he prayed she earned the food -BB ate ; Hut e.ft be r?primande,l h<r. Sal.l he: "Thou ebouldsl devote thy life to prayer, like m. . Serve- not thyself; Allah alone is great." At lust his words sank deep Into her h- art. Saiel h. : "While Allah shall my poor life spare, My voice to him I'll raise in holy prayer. Henceforth of right' ousn? bs i am a part." . Alelallah's heart was glad, an.l. side by Th.-y preyed until the sun In heaven high. Then Hunger to the pious man drew nigh And loudly clamore-el to be satisfied. Abdallah's wife still prayed--no food was ther. The geni man's BOB] was vexed. " 'Tis plain." be Bald, "That e-ve-n i?i t>- must needa be feel, An-l man canned exist alone by prayer." An.l thus be leaned! "Faith, without works, i? di ad " Ami. profiting by what he learned, straight w ay He w.-nt to work, anel proept red from that day. And thanks to Allah gave for daily breed. AKTHl'K J. Hl'lilMCK. Hood's Sarsaparille? Cures Permanently Cures Scrofula, which is one of the worst af? flictions of the human race, and comee from impure blood. Eczema, a most offensive end uncomfort? able affection of the skin, also due to impure blood. Salt Rheum, a tormciu to tho ll.-sh, a dis? figurement to the body, and a drain on the system, alio due to vitiated blood. Pimples, which so d'sflrure thcBkin, and make the human face divine anything but a thing of beauty, but which sre Nature's adver? tisement of foul bluod. Catarrh, which very often comes from a chronic affection of the circula? tion, ia a conatsnt offense to once belt and all hi-? friends. Rheumatism, which all authorities- now attri? bute to various sciditiss in the blood, which thia grt-at blood puntlt.r of the aire, Hood's Har ssparills, correct?. Hood's Sarsaparilla I? ?old i.? all elriiv'Kt-it? 91: au for $*>. Pre? pared only by ?' I Hood * Co., Lowell, Maas. Henrtafl'? Pilla sreIbebest after-dloner Iluuu *? *rm? ?n,,, ?,.< diieitinn. -* ? ). A FREE FI? HT. It?-rr-ll?,i?le?. Slonm. nail Plslnl B?l? lela llanre?Mnrrlna?-. OAK, NEW KKNT COUNTY. VA., D-cember ^.-(Special.)?At Plum Point. In the store of R. K. Richardson, a free fight occu rd ?m Sunday night, which al? most rea? lud Uta proportions of a race war. whit? and I.lack, being Jumbled up. ?Ikt. The storehouse Is a very large with many win?lows, and but few glasses are left, they having been knock? ed out by th- ihrowlng of IVT bottles and st?_ti.'s ail?! by pistol balte, Mr. .lames L. Richardson, a merchant ut Plum Point. While walking through th?* store, was shot, by some person through his not?e. and la nearly minus of that BaOBshar rtl this time. There erara retj? fete bt the tow who ?scaped unhurt. Sim" have bla'k yes. and others with their fa? es in such shap?? that th.-lr friends would hardly recognize them. I barn that one man. a Mr. Young, belonging to a saw-nun crew near this place. Is seriously hurt. an?l has bad to lake to his bed. Taken altogether, It was on?? of the? most dis? graceful rows In ?his county for many a ..a;-. Mr. RiCbsrdson has sworn out eight warrants, and will put the s'lu-rtff on the trail of th.- accused at once. On Sunday night a Christmas enter? tainment was h.lil 81 Pamunkey church for the t.enefit of the Sunday-school chll ?1..II. There arere many ladies who took part In th" exercises, among whom was Miss Deborah Mills, a daughter of Mr. William P. Mills, who distil rutehed her? self In this community l?y a ?Citation ot her own ??.imposition, call?"! "N'W- *i ear's Morn.' Miss Mills looked aupen? being dress?d In pure arblte silk, an?! it ama given up by ail that aba easily bad tke lead as far as boSUty was concerned. Mr. Robert App.'i.?;..'. our lxputy Sheriff, and Miss Myrthe Chandler ami be married at Ken Kent Methodist church to-night. Mr. ?). M. ?'handler-, brother Ot the bride-to-be will giv?' them a. hand? some tec ption at his baautlfUl Imme, on th?? Pamunkey H\?r. Mr. w. H. woodward and Mr. Walter Kanus, or Richmond, eure down Bt their homes for the Xmas. ARMHSTMD Tin: whom. MUM, Hut They Hud n (???oil Clinse- None the Lese. ROANOKK, VA., DoCOflgber ??(Spe? cial.)- Th- police arteated here ireM "Muy ?i.'tiitig two men on the supposition that they might he two Russians, who r.r?' amatad be New York to snswer the charge of embeeslement, and for the ona? ture of whom a reward "f MM has offer? it. The mea arrived here teet night from Pocahontas, and la tha afternoon while the law oil?.M is were looking Into t ii. i i cas,-,, th.-y ojuletry left the city. Wr.en th.-ir depertura was dlscouered they wen.? followed l?y poll'" and dOtOO tlves, and when the ofScsra appeared la sight they took to their beste, bat treta ov? renken end bremgbl buck to Rosnske, after going nearly t?> Etonsneks, a eiltege even Btilea east of here. One geva his nanee aa Tontea Bbeltaer, and said he ema from Hottend, and 'he other ctetmed to be Jo?? Hl.-lr. a nattVfl <?f Hungary. P.r aoaa her?? inter?-' i themselves in the ? as?', and iiia Chief "?" Police being satis fled that they WON n??t til?- parties want? ed, released then it fight. Their friends claimed that their suspicious actions Were due to ignorance, and th" law Ott BON were inclined 10 th,- saene opinion. The) answer-,1 th- deacriptlon sent from New York as to h-ight ami complexion, but wer.? apparently much younger than the parti.-s wai't.-.i there, besides being of a different nationality. Dl? KIAM1V. Illicit Distilleries He.lro? oil? Shot ilia Hatee?a itiu Log. I'Wai.k, VA., D.sabertt tfipackoL}? Y'our correspondent has Just leartn ?1 that five iiik-it dtetlllertea were destroyed by the deputy United Statee marshals ?n the Cumbertead mountains s day or two since. It seems that those mountaineer m. onshinera are strongly determined to enrry oo their trade, la spit?- of the ef? forts of the antraben* te prevent them. One of tbeea dtetlllertea may be deetro there to-day. and to-morrow there will be arrangements mad-- 10 Mt up two B3MN . ISheUfl I'l? ??her. a young man of this place, sccldsntty shot his horse a night or two sin?'.-, while out on B "lark " H? was riding, and let his pistol go off, the ball taking effect in the hors? 's sid?-, and lodging near the lower points of th?- rids. Tbt animal is said to be very bad'.v dis? abled. Th? largest saw-log w is put Into the Pound river yeaterday by Alvln senter that was ever put lato a atreeua in this county, it maaanrsd about i toot in dtemeter, and required fourteen yoke of oaefl and three paira ?f mules to haul it to the stream. OASTOniA. The fie 1 li at ? irr vri.-er. (my 26-W, F. A Su f r) *w^a.?? A. ?-,X1.J.^X. The ht- jp SHOES, TRIXKS. t MDRELLAS. , fc E. H. SPENCE, $ WMOajO side SBOAB and DOBTTS st?-., SHOES, TRINKS, AND IMBRELUS. _ (oc-U-'imi PHMSOMAL. Richmond, Va., December aj, inn I HAVE THIS DAY APPOINTED ' _ SAUM ?ER8 my a - nl to i onducl th? RETAIL PANCY GROCERY BUSINESS in the city of Richmond, to buy and ?ell for cash only. W. __, FLEMING d? M-H1 CITY OHIIIN IM'KS AN ORDINANCE (APPROVED DE CEMBER 20, 183? I T? > ALLOW Tin-. BOl'THERN RAILWAY COMPANY TO CO.V8TRUCT AND OPERATE A SPUR TRACK ACROSS DOCK STREET INTO PROPERTY OK ol.i? domi? nion STEAMSHIP COMPANY: He it ordained by th? Council if the city of Richmond. That permission is bei b) gr.ut.,1 the Southern Railway Compaay t?> construct seed operate with all necessary cars and engine?, under th? conditions and upon the terms herein set forth, a track beginning at a point <m its ,-xistlng track in Dock street at about ("?? 'i live hundnd feet west or Asn str-.t and to run on curv? ?i i. Doch street for about on?- hundred and twenty feel Into th? property of the oi?i i??? miiiinn steamship Company, aa r? -.1 on the plat filial with the petition of said company. 2. The said ?ompany shall replace and i pair so mach 01 said Street? and Mid alley as may i>? injur. ?i i,> the laying Ot mid track, a nl keep th.- same in pro? per repair, ;?n?i repave whenever the etty shall repave, and with th? sa?n? i rial. I. No car shall stand on the track in l... k stre? ?. 4. The said company shall r.-lmhurs and pay to the city any sum which the city may be required, by reason ??f the laying of said trink, to pay in putting s.iid streets in proper . ondltlon in the opinion of the ?'lty Engin .". TI; - said track, as to a.cation, grade, manner, and materials or construction, shall OB laid siitije- t to the approval or th.- City Engineer. k The permission h?-r?-l?y grant, at all tit.i be ?object to any amend i o by th-- ? ?it y Council or by ?he Commiit". on Street?, end siiau dlnanc? ? new In force or that in.-?y her.after be adopted, a? to the stints of th?? city of Richmond. 7. Upon a revocation of the permission bereb) g? lated, it shall be the duty ?>r -.?',i ompany, at its own expeaee. t.. Imni- dlut.-ly have the suld entire track removed, an?! that part of the all. v and streets affected by aald removal put into a condition similar to th? remainder ?>r sal.' str?-i- a? th.- tlm* ot s.,l.| removal. h. For a fallurS to <?.nf?irm fully to the provisions of this ordinance, or any re qutremcat mille thereunder, or any amendment or revocation thereof, tne said compaay shall i? lisbl? to a fine of not less than tea BOT nmr.? than ena hundred dollars, to be imposed by the I'? lie- Justice of Richmond; each ?lays failure to be a separat?* ??rf- - This ordinance shall be In torce trom Hs pas? ige. BEN. T. AUGUST d? WU?* Cltv Clerg. KAUFMANN & CO. Great Stock-Reducing Pre-lnventory Sale. Kvi'i-vtliiii?* iiuirk?-?l for a coiiipl?'f?' cli-arati?-?? this week. l'NDERWBAR CLKARA5CR Xothinj" l?uf th?- ii?iir uppronch t<? iiivi?iit?)iy WOOM iiiak?' such prices oh tlli'se : Ladies' Heavy tarlss-lUbbed Cotton Vests, fleece-lined, finished with silt?, ' iped Back ji><i embroidered edfl . r"K*''?r 4*>c. Vest, now . * *?' ?Lamdies1 Extra Flt:e Jersey-Hlbh.-<l Pints, lb. a -Un.-. I an.I w-ll made, regular IBe. l'a tits, now .tOe. Indies' Kin- White t?srtss-Rltsbed Cot? ton Vests anil Pants, heev/ Beece-llned, beautifully mail.? ami nn|sf.-,l with ?IK embroidered edge, regular 75c. quality, for . *" Kidies* Fine Nort.i-k and New Bruns? wick ?Jrav Ribbed Vests an.l Cants, with hl|?h neck :ati-1 Ioiik Bleeree* for.B?BC, chilelren's Fine Jersey-Ribbed Vests sad Rants, made fiom tine l'ol-r cotton yarn, go now at .-* *?' Children's Fine Wool end Cotton Mix"! Ribbed Shirts, sizes from :t to 6. ko now ?lt ..*{:?, BM, .etiel Alle Illsees' Flnsst swiss-uti.ii.ii Veste, no? gently raade and finished with silk t-ir>?-it neck and embroid? i- el .edge, go now at -wie <;ri:at odd \m? km? < i.kar ?m k. OK < ORSKT.?. .BO Finest ??uality ?'. I', ?'orsets, sizes from il to H, Corsets that sohl tor 11.!?. ii?, now at ?I.It?; Corsets that sold tor U.P3 K,, ,,l(W al $I.4K; Corsets that sold at ?1 and tflH, Ko BOW at.SX.IO. in Corsets, made ??t food mate . well flttlna and best steel stays, size s from IS to "'"?. go now at . "?. ? 1 lot of C. II.. R. A- 13., J. B., ami Thomson <;i.?v? -Fitting Corsets, go at $1 .?ae-h. (LOAKM! (I.OAUSI! CLOAKS 111 CLEARING BALK OF ALL fi,OAKs. WRAPS, AND CAPES BEFORE lANL'ARY BM ntiii: (it. BJt| PUU CKVI?. OK .', OFK ANY CLOAK THAT SOLD WOB BB AND <>VEK. KAUFMANN ? CO., Foartb and Broad. Order. $IO. PRIC EJ?Lower than tiie ready-made. AV QUALITY-K(iual to tiie average tail? or's $20 Biiitings. FIT GUARANTEED. C, Stout 4 Co, "! TAILORS, 826 East iflain Street. New 'Phone l4S5. t.le3?-Su,Tu*\V? SIKKTIAGS. THF. REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Btockholdera of tin- mail BUILDING AND LOAN COMPANY will i?e- at the- office of the- company Nee. lief. east Main street, on TUESDAY, Jan? uary 11, lilts, at 4 o'clock P. M. F. c CHRISTIAN'. de :?-tel Secretary an.l Treasurer. THE ANNUAL MEETIN ; (>F THE Btockholdera >>f th.- MANCHESTER PAPER-TWINE COMPANY will be held at their office. JANUARY 10, IBM, W T. AR MISTE AD, de 28-41* Seer? tary and Treasurer. Th. St.itu Hank of Virginia, Richmond. Va.. I ?.-.-.-mln-r U, I-*-'1-'. THF REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of the Btockholdera of this hank will be held in th.-ir banking-house, ? - n WED? NESDAY, January 1'.'. 1 M, at 1.' o'clock M WILLIAM M. HI 1.1.. -! ::-!.! Cashier. Uaton Rank, of Richmond, Richmond, Va.. December 3, IBT7. THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF TIIK UNION BANK OF RICHMOND will be h.-l-l in the First National Hank Huil'Hn? eeii th.- nth of JANUARY, IV???. at Ii* o'eloe-k M. J. H. BEA8LEY. ; t la 131_Cashier. ?UK ANNUAL* MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF IHK RICHMOND PERPETUAL BUILDING. I."AN ANI? TRUST COMPANY will be hei.l on TUK8DAY, January 4, 1898, at .'? o'clock I>. .'1 . at th- otates of the company, Sti east Main street. HENRY S. K.'TZLKR. tt-td _ CaaMy. , THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF THF STOCKHOLDERS <>F THE DISPATCH COMPANY will be held at their eettlce on TUE8DAY, (he llih day of January, 'Sa?, at \2 o'clock M H. THEODORE CLLYSON, ?,| Stt-ret iry. arrOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. A in-, ling <>. Ut.- M ? 'UDEKS OF THE UNDERWOOD STEMMING-MA CH1NE COMPANY Is called, to b.? held ill K.thmoiiel, V.l., at th.- office of th? cornp-anj ob JANUARY 3, 1898, at II o'e'ieie-k noen. By e.rder of the President. I. lT-t.l J. .1. HICK?>K. .Secretary. Plentsrs1 National Hank. Richmond. Vs., December i-). U97 TIIK REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of th? h ua-, Kit HARD H. SMITH 14-Tu.WAThUl Cashier. M-.-r. han's' National Hank. (.N't. 17B4), Rlchmon.l. vs., Iie-eemb.-r It* l?-.T THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING of th. stockholder?- of th.- MERCHANTS' NATIONAL HANK < ?K RICHMOND will be h> 1-1 at their banking-house on TUES? DAY, January 11, iv.\ at v: o'clock M JOHN W. OLENN de 17-F.Bu&\Vt.l f.-hl.-r. AMlsi'MK.N r?J. I PI DKM? tur *?ll IIC. TUESDAY A.M. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER HTM AMD -".?TH MATINEE WEDNESDAY, The Coraet*-* Stars. IIKYMIVU \M) rejl llltOK.tK, lu th- Ir Men s I'arc* i ? DODOari TRIP iti m:\v YORK." Plenty of Fun. Hiignt Musi. Mie 2S-21) ' the- Btockholders of this bank will be tld at its building '-ii TUE8DAY Jan liy 11, 1898. at ti M. o'clock. AtADMMi OK Ml ?If. THURSDAY NIGHT DECEMBER sut H Tl.? I'lay Which Ha- Mad. the World Laugh. 'K.l-lt ?n. \| V ' Th| Loudest Laugh of u Kiretime." ITeseni???! by A COMPANY OK INTELLIOENT PLAY? ERS (te ?-It) MEYER SYCL?. MAYBE In giving- pre -nts you forgot some en??. Our slock was certainly a large?and complete on?. WH SOU) MANY THOUSAND Hoi?. LAB.- WORTH OP <'0<>D3 IN TOYS, FANCY GOODS. SLEDS, CARRIAGES, Etc. Miny Chotee arricies here now an.l r> a-Iy for your ins??.??? ton - not i ?<1 broken, an.l left-ov -. IHK ITU? I s ARK CRUSHED AND BBOKEM THOUGH. YOUR PICK OP DOLI-S AT HALF-PRICE, MO, Doll", lar.MOB, 11''. $1 Dolls, large one.. 50c. He, polls, taras Doll-Cai rlag. s, '.T.? ones. 15c. li.di-c.iiiiBajea, ti one-, <>> Doll-Carrlag"s. UM FtOt, 11.2* MEYER SYCLE, 103 east Broad street, Next Corner Firs., _?d. ?-it)_ DAVENPORT, MORRIS & ? SEVENTEENTH AND DOCK STREETS, lilt IIMOM), VA., offer to tho ti;??l?* Of Their Own Importation QUEEN CHOP Oolong Tea. with ?In n Tes Bavoi Th? ti? st Tes Imp? i J. *? 1'. M \KTKLL iToignsc Hran l'ai?- ami London eolor, in wo??d glass. Various vintages, In bond -:' ?lut? paid ARTHUR GUINNESS SON ?- CO.-Stout and Porti-r. HASS ?*?: CO. Pal? Ale ROYAL AND C. AM? ?'.-Ginger Ale ?'lui. So'la Wat.-r. COSSART OORDON d CO RI? h (?Id Brown and Pale Bual Madeira, vint;?*?? D Q GORDON Pine Sherry Wines, V. p. 9, ? i. p., v; 9. < ?. P., and .?.mon CARL ACKER Wiesbaden, Rhine "?' Laubenhelmei N i ?Hochh? lo Johannlsberger, Cteue-Schloee, liannisl.erg.r. CRUSH AND PILS FRERES-Claret? ami Sauteras, Ponel Canet Grand Yin Chateau Leovllle, (Irani \ in ? bal Laros?' and a?argaux, Bauterns, I. Saut.-'-ns. ?'.land Vln Chate iu Yqui JULES REGNIER ?v CO. Burfundiea Ma,on. Pommsrd, chamin inn Clos Vougeot, i. ? Ta he Romanee. Very oll Loit'loii Dock Jsmal ? Hum. Holland and <'Id Tom ?lu?. Itin, Port Ellen lalsjr, and King William IV'.. \- t? P, Scotch Whiskey. They <>tT?r nil the famous brands of Cham?, u Mumm's Kx-Dry. Moel ft Chandon White Seal Brui imp? rial. Pommerv A Qreno B? ami Veuve CJlcquot Ponssrdln, .*-' Yellow Label. Gibson's B| rtns. arid Fall liai Rye Whiskey. Pepper ItM Sour v o?d Crow, Hermitage an?! .Jame- R Pep per. In glass. Jai Ob Grovei s ' Wysors pr?vete st.n k Rye U'h A few barrel? of "Ful? Quality, and Distillation IM& Vlr? Mountain Whiskey. This Whlsl fullv matured, and in our judgment n r ?nd best alcoholic liquor for - DAVENP? ?RT, .MoliHIS a- CO. de r.' i:stahlisiii:i> IS-A8. OSCAR CRANZ& CO., 14 GOVJKBKOB ST., Kiclnnoml, \ ?i.? nUOaaTBSS AMD DEALEHS IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, AND CIGARS, beg li'iivi? tu cull intention to their large itoek of tho above mentioned ? ?Mu?s, most of whieb are <?f thalr owu iinporiation. FRENCH BRANDIES, OLD LONDON Dock JAMAICA RUM. ST. CROIX RI M ARRACK. Scotch WHISKEYS, GLENLIVET. KING Uli.1.1 AM IV.. RAMSAY, AND BURKES "Ll> IHlSlI WHISKEY, "?.?' TOM, PLYMOUTH, AND MEDER SWAN GINH all of tho very finest quality. All the leading brand? of cham? pa? ;nk PREMIERE BERRE?our own importation from one of the finest \tae yard? in Pi SHERRIES. MADEIRAS, and PORT. of FRENCH ?nd GERMAN WINKS ? very large assortin':iit including the fa? mous brand? of CHATEAU Voii-.M. CHAT, LA R08E, MARGAt'X AM? LAFITE, MARCORRUNNER, STEIN BEROER, and 8CHLOS8 .li ?H ANNIS BERG. GIBSON'S HIKE RYE, STRAIGHT OLD CABINET, CLEMMKR. CROW. MELLWOOD -VNADIAN CLUB, and othei V. HI8KEYS The CANADIAN CLUB, for which we are tne ig?-iits here, onl) In bottles the JAMES K. PEPPER V. HI.-K K V, In bottles. CREME DE MENTHE, CHARTREUSE, and u gres I many >?th< r fin?' CORDIALS? none hut Impol HAVANA CIGARS their own Impor? tation, also, a foil ?ril'plv of the Kit PRINCIPE DK GALES CIGARS <*nn st.intlv on hand de ? tja I STREET-CAR TICKETS. ON AND AT 1ER S! ?Ml Mm K 9th the sale oT ticket*? in lots of 23 for $1 will be discontinued. Conductors'??.ill continue to sell tickets at the rate of 6 for 25c. SCHOOL TICKETS will here*ifterl*e sold to SChOOl children only at the company'?* othces, foot of ?Seventh street and corner of Tw_tty.ninth and P Street-?. Pupils detiriBg them will be re?juire?l to pic sent certificate covering th?* ensuing session from principal of school. RICHMOND RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CO. _IseD-tti pnoposALS. illv lia.I. Hi? hiiiot-..: T MK FOR THK RECEPTION ?'F protiosuls for the Book PrintuiK. Stationen Rirvdli vertlsing. Ae., for th. various ?ii-pan nietit? of the city ?f I'l.hmoi ; 1W8. has been extended untn 1 o'clock p. m WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER U, 1W7, when ih.-y will 1..- r.? , iV.-?t ,.i l{,?,?n. '.:. third ???or. ?iiy n.tii. _>lJ( >, i,,,?., _,? | airead*, been handed In will be return, .t uuon application to the 8?r?-?r?ant-ut-Arnn of th.- City Couneii. or will i*- h.l.l until I P AI H.cvmber ;?Jth. u? the bidder? ill-sir?. The Council Cofntafttce oa ?see-oaata and Prinilas will i.?.et In Room No >.'. third floor. City Hall, at 4 o'clo.-l? I' M. WEDNESDAY, D.vemh.r _?)th, to .?war?! contracts, Ac. Iiv order ''. K POLLO? K Chairman. <" H Woot - ".rW. de., PAI?TS. lalWnrS PI UK LEAD. LEWIS S l-l UK t.LNSKKD ?Ut?, u?.I all material for ??aiming. t)nly th?. best uusllty kept In ?tock Writ? fat quotation*. ?'?. Kl.U I.Al'I'.v h>d aYaeetaali Druggisu.