Newspaper Page Text
r THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1897. "APENTA The Best Natura! sipcriatt Water. Relieves the kidneys, unloads the liver, and opens the boivds. Sole Expoft-rs: TIFF JirOI.lWAPTS CO.. ID NEWEST OF THE NEW. WAM Ladies' Box Calf Lace Shoes, calf lined throughout, extension soles, made just like the men's. C F. Cross Shoe Company, aw EAST BROAD. H.oni-1 I? 1 III BWM ?OIIK I.UMIIIV Thieve? Break In There on Three Different U???-aiBl?ina. Amateur tbi. \cs fire at work in Rl??b tniond. and three limes In lbs peat sreeb havs they brt.kPti Info th.- New York laundry, at No. 12 north Ninth Tha first K.l.bery nt this establishment was committed las-, Wednesday night, ?.hen totoral panes tri glass ?rate broken In n window facing the alley running from Eighth to Ninth Street Through thia aperture tin? thieve?, -mads tbetr ud vent to the building, and going to the office in the front, rltieel tin- cash tx of 1708. t Sunday night the engineer, while engaged In banking his Area, discovered, a rear window open, but nothing was miealiig. so far .' - be could Monday Bight auoiber raiel was iiiaele. When the head man In the laundry on duty at C:30 yesterday morning hs foaad that a pane "f glass hid been re inoved fr..m a whitlow In the? alley l-y ?craping the putty from around it. The traces left by ?be- thief show.?! thai BS had gone to the front part --f the store and pull, d .leewii ?lie- siiaei? <. which are always left up at night, In order that the privat.- watchman ami polios may s.-< within, A light is nls?. lnv.irli.bly left burning. The thief, after thus providing agaln-M outside Interference, rot.l..-.l th.- register of ?V>- He lb- a look a number ?>f laundry tickets snd scattered them around the floor, after which be took tiro counter? feit doHnr-A ftoni s desb, where they bad been put te? i r.-v. nt their getting into circulation again. After securing ail tin booty possible the thief -sat down and ate supper, leaving a nunite-r of soiaips behind. The police are at work on the oas>-?, but as yet have no clue, BBTS tin- belief that the work was don.- by amateurs. TIIK f>Tltl'AM AIAVAY?. PA99IHO. It >? *.? r r. ? .liisii. . .lolin, Thouub, nuil lit-? l'olltely Wall?. As ?feat as Justice John fllapoaie of one day's sinners others come up for his oon Ideration on tin- next. Tin- stream of "Ijc* Miserables" is as endless as that Btrcam by which tbs countryman to wait for it to pass by. Hut Justlre John is a second and revised Utlon <*t Job. and patiently hears the woes of each one Benny ?'lark (colored) wan charged with striking RoBabel Washington with .i rock, and was fined tin. In th? case of Tucker Coles (colored), charged with Stealing a pair of sh"?-*, the accused was dismissed. James Frage was chSJ-god aith a- uil - iniv, and throwing a lamp at Kannie chelkiey. and was required te. -give bo eurlty In 91?? for ninety days, it malnd.-r of his ?Christmas holidays will be panned in ja'l. N.lson Taylor ' -olo.-ed). who was ?harged with saaaultlng Willie Stark? with a blackjack and threatening to kill bald Willi,-, was fined B.IQ, ('. K. it.iniiner was before the Justice tot beeptng his bei-roam ,;i" -> an Sunday, und was lined I.V? and the costs. The final case on th.- do. kit was that of John William? (colored), charged with stealing a horse blanket from Mr. 1?. O'Bullivan. and was sent to Jail for sixty days. Williams was seen to go to the dOor of tin- ston of Mr. t ?'Sullivan's, and deliberately toeik the blanket off a horse of Mr. Q-Bulllvan's standing there. THB \VO*?l\?K ?III iK> l\Qt IRY. Dvnbt? ir lli.-r?- la ?.round for (heat-ire- ?if Theft. Commonw? alili's-Aitcrncy 1?. c. Rich? ardson was ashed yi-sterd- y coneern i ng the p.-oposctl investigation by the grand Jury of bis court of the source from will? h the Wt.mack checks were gotten for submission to the (?rand Camp In igatlng Committee. He ?aid that no one had approached him on the subject, end that he knew nothing of it. sees what be hail lead In lb.? papers. He u presst-J grave doutas as to whether the taking of cancelled checks without the authority of the owner could be con eldcred as a larceny, and said he pro? posed to look Into the law on the subject. Mr. Womaek Is not now In the e'.ty, and It la not known whether ! , ?Bkitnged hla plan of procedure or not. The 8tubbs matter Is by no roeuns a thing of the past. Much Interest Is ?tin be?Vig manifested In th" approaching meeting of the Grand Camp Advisory Council, which will consider Colonel t'tubba's appeal from the findings of the Investigating Committee on the 20th or January, tn L-yn? hburg. This council will bo compoac?l largely of new memberr, as it la male up of the commanders or subordinate camps, and most of the camps sleet near officers ?luring the last week in Dacembcr. The representatives from Rlchmoml in the council will be ('- tonel John K. Laugh ton, Jr., who on Vriflay night will be elected commaini-r of Lee Camp, ami Colonel L. Scott Qlbbs, the mw commander of Plcbett ?amp. ROUIIKU A 1I.OTIIIM. ? I.?(?I . Barelnra Mahe n Hiic Haul on Lower bbala ilrrel?>?> Arrrata Yet. Borne time >,rter U o'clock Mc>nduy night ie-r?.i tin ?ill Market Clothing Houae, conducted at Xo. \?3>> east Main street, by A. I". Trewalla, and tarried 0? a large amount of clothing, consisting of everreeoata, underwear, and other ap? parel, to the value of 1150. The fact thai a robbery hud been committed whs not known until 6J0 o'clock yest.r.lav morn ln?:. when the polio? were notlPOd. Rx unlnntUiii was tin n made, and it was a-K?ertalrml ihut the Btor? had been en? tered fr?>m the rear. A panel tn the " or at the foot of a flight of stairs that I..I te. th.- second floor from Ihr- rear hud . broken In, and throu-fih that the burglura bad carried their booty. Th?' building neat d<oor. ??c.-upied b? the Farmers' Bupply Company, was >.!-. I by means of the Bkyllght. but aside from an old com, owned by one of the employees, nothing was t home tltm- after the robbrry hud been .mitt.,! J,... Kdwards, ?y., rioted dlv.-r dUjcoverwl a lot of the stolen . lothlng ..? Un- river bank near gev.?,'? , Xho\t7wV:' ??l,,d l? ** -*< - .- Mat? I covered articles consist?.! of a shirt, I some underclothing, and two costs The police are el work on the case. Several theories, as to where the thieves came from have beta ode in? ed, bol ne definite clue has y?-t b? SB obtained. \? ? IDI'AT TO MH. ?.I'D. M. WEST. ? Wr 11-Known Hookai'llcr Is Injured In l> inbl,nrii In Firecracker. A private letter from Lynchburg was ? received in Richmond yeeterday gieing a more <l?'tnllc?l account oi the accident to Mr. Qaoraje M Want, tiro well-known liook-seller of this city, which in eurred In the Hill City Saturday afternoon from the exsloetOfl Of cannon-crackers. Two exploelona ooearred aboat the .-?me Mme one era? k?-r was la Mr. w hand, and the other andar hi? chair. Two BngOM of the hand wete broken, tin- Sesb Of the hand und arm badly btOO i ted, and a slit made in the left nos? tril. Mr. William Bradley, of Ejrn h burg. who was standing near by, was also Qtelte badly burned. Mr. and Mrs. West are spending the holidays with Mr. H. W. Dew, a kins? man, and the family were celebrating th?, carnival day la true carnival style. Some one playfully put a cannon cracker, ?lyna nilte being the explosiv?- substance used, under his chair, and at the satn.? time. It seems, he wns holding another in bis hand, preparatory to throwing It. Roth exploded at 01100, the OB ' he was hold? ing, tiiving him little Botica to throw it. Mr. Weat'a Injtiriee bis n illy serious. and it Is thought that it will be a week before he will be able to return to Rich? mond. He is at present under the earn of a physician; ?very precaution is being taken to preven! Mood-ii?olBQntBC <>r lock? jaw from settiiu; In. 4D?l??l l)ii> In the Court?. Teeterdsy was . erery quiet day in the city courts, but little business being transa? ttd. In the Law arid Equity Court the fol lOWlng suits were instituted: J. H. Keffcn against T. P. Campbell, i.. If. Bleuten, D. a. rtuyk. and ?. Q. Dickers???. Damages. $1.195. Warntr Moore and Thomas L. Moore against C. k\ Saiind? rs Damages, $400. In the City Circuit GoUTi judgment was confenaed, aubject to credits, in the oaaa of J. S. Moore A; Son, ggalnst H. T. Mil let ani A. G. Helvin, In the sum of $?3G.9.. Clsrk Christian Issued the following mnrriacc-llcenses: Joeeoh 9. Comber and P? hie C. Warrlner; Fnuik A. i'ampo doiilco an.l Mary L. M. /.?mm?-r. Iln\c Mnyii and Yinrren (lunlltled. Captain W. S P. Mayo sad Li.'Utenrint George Warren, re-elected several weeks gajO by Company D, of the BlOOS, to the positions which war.- declared vacant by -i of their failure to presen? th? m BOlvea for ?'xaminution within tho tim< limit !'f<--.'fib.??! by lew, may not have to ondergo an examination at this. time. Major Cutchlna said yesterday that be considered the examination of the two offiaera held before the re-election to bt all sufficient. At that time An denon, Cepte'a Boaslbux, and Major Cutchlna waee praaaat, constituting a quorum, and tho last-named gentleman says that lie. f?>r one, is ready to ?In?: the cetrtlficstes. Mr. \. \ ai iitin? ? ?,-,,; ii,,,-. Enjoined Boll was instituted in the I'nlted Btatea Circuit Court yestcnlay by Missis. Isaac Puller, Sons A- Co., of Cincinnati, against A. V il-'iitine, of city. The defendant is the proprietor of the Virginia Sample Bboe Company, which made an assign? ment a few days ago, and the plaintiff is OBS of the ?.referred ,i editors. Judge Hughe?, entered an order yea? tenlay morning directing Mr. Henry F]< c.-nhelmer, the trustee named In the deed "f usslKiiinent, to act as such trust--. under the supervision of tho court, and enjoining all parties from interfering In Bay eray la the 'idmln'stratlon of the trust estate. I'l. L.o Camp tinllirii. to the Rescue. The ladles of l'lckett Camp Auxiliary are always fcremont in ssslstlng lb? needy and deserving Confederates, who are claimants on their charity. During the peat w? ?-k they have relieved BOOTea of needy ?mes, and now they will '?till mor.- widely continuo their work by holding a "pound party" at their ball, corner of Fifth and Broad ?jii on Thursday, December 30th. from 31 A, M lo 4 P. If. Persons wishing to con? tribute to a worthy charity may leave any donations of i-lothlng or provisions with tho committee of ladles at the hall. The Record of Output of (?a?. Superintendent Know!,s Is felicitating himself that uii pravtene ?/scores ?>f the consumption of gas in a single ?lay have in ?n broken ?luring his ?-.-gime. on Cbiistmas-i-ve last no l> ss than IJF9M9 it Of gas were consumed la the idly, Ibe next largest output on iecor?t being on December IS, UN, when URMt ? I atara need BunertnJlndeat Enowlea thinks this fact particularly BlgnittCeSI and Intereetlng in view of the extensive uso of electricity and of all manner ot gas-saving devi' Colonel Oasy Still Iniprovln-.. Colonel John H. ?'ary was s?tghtly bet ter hist night, and the members of his family are greatly encouraged. He had a return of the .?oasm?. yeeterday, but In a much milder form then heretofore, and his heart's action Is decidedly Improved. Annual Roll-Csll anil Reception. The annual roll-Call of the mcmtiers of the Second Beptlat church will take place r?n Wednesday niBht. January ">th, after which there will bo a reception held Ifl the basement of the building. Next **? ????m ?if I. s. ?|.|,elliiie Court The next session of the i nit Circuit Court of ?isp?ela will begin on the first Monday in February. Th? dock? t is one of Ibe lightest on record. -1?? A 4.00? Idea. The Young Meara BeMbttaa Association and ihe Chamber of Commerce are daily searching for the beat methods to build up Richmond by udvocatlng the establish jnent of new manufacturing enterprises. Why not patronise those you have? The il'iinc Breertag Company has u plant here that Is a credit to any city. Th. Ir product Ik pure and u!isi_rt,___s.?l. Do you cull for Horn? Beert WANT A GOODLY SUM. Tllr* SBKD* OF THE STRKKT DE PARTMKST AMOlAT TO 9THft,OOI?. REFERRED TO FINANCE COMMITTEE. Hreeay Dlaeuaalon Over the *-??-cer I'lpe Contract? \ I.Mai.urn Firm I ti.l. rl.ltla the llu-hHinnil Mer? chant*. The Committee on -Streets held what, for that body, was an unusually brier session yesterday evening, but na far as it went It was replete with Interest. The City Knglneer submitted a statement or what he considered the needs of the de? partment, all moro or less Imperative, and the grand total of the Improvements itaihni the amazing sum of Tlfii.tW. In the discussion wnich followed the ad? visability of appointing a BUb-commltt.. to consider the matter was insisted upon, but It was decided to refer the report, without any recommendations, to the Finance ?"ommlt'ce, on the ground that any report on the subject would have but little weight with th ;t body. ! Ii-re whs ijuite- a spirited discussion over the awarding of the contract for fl'.-w,--r-plpe for the year last. A Pittsburg firm the corrrpctltlon with M-ssrs. Warner Moon- A Co.. of Richmond, an.l their bid was fat, B car-load loader tbs local hOUM |. mjgg ?irgu.-d, OB the one -ule-, that tbS l't<-limontl merchants w-i entitled to priority of consideration over all i ?liners in ttint they contriliute to IBS city revenues; on tin- other hand memb? 11 n -tus. -.'. to depart from the sBtebllsh id custom of awarding contracts lo tin- low? est bidder. TbS committee split ev?-n on the Issue, lind it was subsequently agreed that the city r-f*ngineer shouiti adiar lias for bids again, and that lioth those sul> mltted should be return- d. PROCBBDIN09 IN liF.TAIL. The committee was call. ,1 to order with the following members present: MaSBie, Bloomberg) lUirton. Pollock, John M. King, Lawder, Woody, Foster, Ralit-n, J. J. Klag. A letter addressed by Major E. T. D. Itysrs, president of the Richmond, 1-le.le licksl.iirg and Potomac Railway Company, to Major Otway S. All-ii, chairman, was laid before the commit? tee. Major Myers asks that the existing ordinance may be so amend, d as to al? low the company to bandits a gr.-.u. r number of freight-cars at the Uyrd Strtt-t Depot. TbS present restrictions, he writes, delay the delivery of car? loads of freight. A sub-committee, com possd of Messrs King, Carter, und ?ur lon was apptiinted to consider the mat? ter and report to the next meeting of the committee . The committee decided to recommend to the Council that the Board of Mana? gers of the Horn.- for Incurables should be allowed to close a portion of th? al? ley running through a lot -recently BC? tralred by them in the Went Knd. pro? viding the consent of all the abutting prop.-i ly-iiv.'iii'?s -San be obtained. SEFA) FOIL BtUCB M<?NF.V. Cotones! ?'ufshaw- read to the OOBBBBHtBO ? fully preperi ?1 statement of the amount of money that the city could spe-ti.l to atlvantiige. The total is 17?. divided as follows: Grading and gravelling streets.$ ?,tS?o -Opening streets. 19,881 -aewars.m.?xw' and (arts' pay-roll. 31.0?X> Roller and crusher. 1,?J00 Bttpenss a,.mint, roller and t rusher. i.wo Expense account, hands and carts, including purchase of slxt.-en mules. 8,181 Curbing and laying granite spalls.. HlMt Paving sidewalk??. HM Alleys. io.oi:o Colonel Cutshaw said that this list showml ?grhat work ought to bo done in th?- city, but It remained for the commit tee to say how much should be asked for, because it ce.uld not bo expe.t.-.l that the Council should give such a large sum in any one year. Mr. John M. King moved thai B sub-committee of one from each ward shoahl be. appointed to 00O? si.i.-r tin- Imperativs aeeds of the <i?-p??rt ment, and r. port at the next me?'tlng. .Mr J. .1. King moved to amend by re? ferring the question to the entire delega? tions from each ward. The motion and the substitute wet.- both defeated, and on motion of Mi. IrXttdoT, th.- entire list was onl.r.-ei to tie forwarded to the Pi?enes ?'ommittee. Ir. support of his motion, Mr. L-iwder said that it would be a. useless waste of lim.- to frame any report. BB the Finance?? ?'ommittee would only give Just so much as Its members chose. Several others spoke along tin- same line as Mr. I?*iwder. FOR PAV1NC, WORK. lJids, accompanied by certified checks, wer?; opened f->r the? paving of alleys, 're BStttng curbing, -relaying paving, and Bearer construction. The led ?lors war? The Mack Manuia?tilling ?'.'iiip.uiy, I* N. rcuyheadall a- Co., m. k. Billings, ?in Havis Prick ?'ompnny. John Mann. Jr., S. U. Fairbanks \- Co., S. T. Beveridge A Co., J. T. Anderson & Son. Mayo, Denoon K- CO., Chirl.-s Casser, If. E. Hlllnps. i'i.r neal \- I ?avi>. S. II. Haares & Co.. "War- j n.-r. Mear-- A Co,, James Rtv? r <'.-ment Company. Ambreclit A- M Ul.l. n.b.rf. James N.'tilel'WelOd. Peter lloli.ild & Soil. B. R. (?oodwin, John C. \\ eiiibrunn & Brother. When these bills were consldere.1 an interesting discussion was provoked by these for terra, cotta seweruge pipe --. The rival ?-out i-rns were Me?s;s. Warner. Moors & CO., of Rl'hmonil, and the Meek .Manufacturing <*ompany. Of Plttsburg. The latter lirm underbid Messrs. Me>ore ft Co. by 7 p?T cent., a diff.-n-nce ?if Y? u -ii-load. II was stated thai it woulel re? ?luire twenty car-loads to do the work required, making a total difference Of 1700, and that the goods were precisely the egaeg ?inallty. Mr. John If. King moved that the name of the Muck Company should be dropped, lie- was unalterably Opposed, he said, to giving contracts to out-of-town ?'irms. win? are not even represented In this eity. He thought that the Richmond m?r e hauls, who bor?- the burden of th.- city's ezpeaasa srers entitled to eoBsMwatlon before OataldS bield.-rs. and that they should have any b.-iu-tils that might ac? crue from city contracts. FAVORF.I? THK LOWFST RIDDER. Mr. Pollock opposed the motion. He held that the committeemen were In tarty bound to give the contract to the lOWSSl bidder. They hid no right to vote away $T.? of the tax-payers' money on a BMTS matttr of sentiment. He moved us a substitute that tin- contract should be given to the lowest bidder. After some further discussion, in which Messrs. Pahea, Rurton, and l.awder took an ac? tive pail- th<? substitute was rejected, the vote standing I to 4. Mr. King attended his former motion so as to awarel th.- ceintract to the low? est responsible city bidder. This motion raise-el another breeze, in which the id.a of "building a wall 'round the cltv" and "Inviting a man into your house lust to kick him out again," was vigorously op Beeed. Mr. Pollock moved as a substitute that the certified cheek should be returned to nil bidders on terra cotta pip?-, und new bids advertised. After some further dis? cussion Mr. Pollock's aubstltute was car? ried. it was stated by a gentleman who waa present at the meeting that in event of the corttra.'t being awarded to the Pitts burg firm they would estubllah an ornee here. ?>n motion, It was resolved that con i- . l i i i n , To Care a Cold In Oa? Day. tube Laxativa Rromo gutntne Tablet?. All drugglata refund the money If R falla to otare, aha? The genuine has L. 11. Q. on r-acb tablet-. old oust; Insist on the Genuine W8st Chicago, The best Washing Powder made. Ikst for all clean? ing, does the work quickly, cheaply and thoroughly. Largest package?greatest economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, St. Louis, Now York, Boston, Philadelphia, CSU.W. h Far. - 'SB STERLING, INSPECTION INVITED. T.W.Tipor'sSons, 1312 east Main St. tracts for all other materials should be awaiii?-i to th? lowest Rsponaibla bidder. The Bub-committe? appointed to oonaider divers ftheima fee daaeagea agsinst the city was calk i to meet -?i i o'clock, but Ibera erea no ouureua preeent. The following committeea nil! bmoI te> ?lay: Wat-r. at : I*. IC.? ACCOntttS rind Printing, at 1 P. If., and PollOB, at 4::W 1'. M. HOLY lVMIIIAiS ? ?IT lA'UOWKD. txxoyemaxttro Bansalsas n.-t.i ?? Hie Batean! for tt??- sick raattteehas*. Botj inn",'?-nts' Cot, the Episcopal col at the Setreat for the sick, which was bUsbed thirteen yetara ago, mam form? ally ?l.-dlcated yesterday afternoon, the dedicatory service betetg oondi by Hishop OlbaOB, the Hishup-Coudjutor of tins dioceea. The eot, a little whit? i. ?t ? ? i*c peses for ?deb children, in tie? Juvenile ne***d, wet beentlfully decorate? for the occasion, the bei Of Its im? maculate whiteness being enhanced i>: purple ribbons, with whi? h It was btUig Tii?. aervice began at 4 e'dook, and area attended by glitte a number of ladies und gsntlemsn, all Of whom were given a most cordial reception by the Ohlldi -n Of the ward, and their g? Bile, motherly attendant, atare bella toldan, baverai PpsSoopal clergym?.-n wer?! in attOBdance, but only as spectators, us ti,, senrt<*e was conducted by Blsboa* Gibson. Th. oser BBBSa beaflea with an appropriate hymn, sweetly sun* by Mrs. SWSSBey, BCI ?m aeueled on the violin by on?- of the pupils of the Woman's Coltege, which was fal? low? I by th?' cre?-d ami a beaatiful , r of (b-dlcatlon. The hymn Cor Holy Innocents*-Dny, was then Bang bj the gathering, after whi' h. Ulshop Gib? son mude a ?-h?rt congratulatory ud dr.-r-s. ?itIn?- f.irth the fact that after thirteen years of arduous InbpT on the part of the ladies who had Intereeted themselsea in the aobla work the cot was now fully aadowed and aelf-aae tStalng. "Always Mother's Way." was then tOOCblngly genhg '*> ?'aptain Frank W. Cnnniiichain, after Which th-- axer oleea arete bruusbt la n does by tba i.?n. Linie OUva Henning, a Bweot little girl Of 6 years, the pet of the ward. w,m then pieced In tba <'"t, aad for a ahort while she held gelte a reeeo tion. buifblng aad ?hatting with the visitors, and for the time unmindful of her atlllctlon. Mr. Thomas M. May left l.tut Right tor Uam Orleans, wh.-re Ik- will in future re? side. BBBBBBBaamBSBBBBB ? 0-A.OT oniA. (my 20-W, F, ft Su f r) H uve only tlio PUREST and BEST MILK, CREAM, m ttkk, ?md BUTTERMILK ron th?; finest herd in the Stat?*. All milk deHvered m L'iass jars that are always sterilized 1??* f(?i?i lilliiur. Tins system is d?; niainl? ?I, ami lias been adopted in all of the progressive <*ities o[ the coiliitiv. PRICE: <?' cents a quart, 3 cents a pint, and 2 cents half pint. Both ohl und new 'phone, No. Till'?. Chatsvvorth Dairy Co., 211 North Third 5treet. ?de S-Sn.WS I'm) F? EER.YS DCeWT ^9W Will Eradicate WORMS FROMTHEHUMAN BODY PRICE25ch PER VIA*> (?a 13-WASsly) DUCRO'S All 1MKNTAKY ELIXIR is hlrbl? recommend?*! ss a remedr for luag ?lissssrs sod a- ? preventive f >r t*. pbold, uislsnsl, and a?l ?tads o.' fovurs. Agents: E. KOl.'UKHA ft CO., Se- York (re 1 l-W.Y.':, . r-ARK?^ ^HAIR BALSAM Ca-eaaa* awl Uautlfl?. _,, rrosiotea a Iszurunt -rotrth. ns-rar Vails to lic.tor. Orar JUl? to Its YoutUlul Color/ Cm*. ?c?.*p di-+?*-? * hair laillr*. IQcaialtluiM Dr.?.|_? * VcWT^ly-iweowly) "' COI UT onni'its. VIRGINIA.?IN THE CIRCUIT coi'RT OF THE CIT1 OF RICHMOND, DE < i'Miti'i: IX IFfl: 11. C. LaiiKhton .Plaintiff, Against J. B. Angle and Catherin cohn. r?lants, IN DEBT AM) UPON AN ATTAi'il MENT RETURNED EXECITTBD. The object of thin .suit is t?. recover against the dsfetndants the sum of li??i, and Intereal thereon from May 2, i*?*?i. until paid, nial costs, and to attach the property and effect? ??f said Catherin Cohn, in the city of Richmond, ami sub s.iiTi.? t?. the psyasent of plsintlfr? deb?. An?l affidavit hnvinK boon made and Bled that the said Catherin cohn is a non-reel? denl Of the State Of Virginia, she in here by required to appear hero within fifteen daya after due publication of this ord?r ?ad do what Is necessary to protect her Interests In this suit. \ oopy?Teete: B. M. ROWELLE, Cleric. Thomas w. Qardner, p. a. <!?' i.',-W4t ? ?)Mmissio.m:h*s mitkk. in the law am? equitt court i, OF THE CITY of RICHMOND: ? bar?es il. Tlltthnun, who -sues, etc.. ?Plaintiff, va, The (?rifflth-Mayo Manufacturlii?- Com? pany .D?fendant. (Extract from decree entered December 13. INT.) 'The court ?loth further edludgS, order, and decree thai this cause Ex re ferrad to one of the commissioners of this court, who la directed t?. make the fol? lowing Inquiries and state the following a- ? oiints. together with any matt? r spe? cially stat. <i. deemed pertinent by him. or required by any party in Interest?viz. : 1. An account of th?' transactions of K. B. Fiscln-r, receiver of the Griffith-May?? Manufacturing: Company, from tin? ?late ?if his qualification to th? ?late of such ire-port by the commissioner. 2. As account of all of the ?state, real and personal, of the OrlfBth-Mayo Msnu facturlng Company, with tha fee ?imple ami annual value of the reel ?state, and the llena thereon, if any, and tha order of priority among them 1 What would i?- a reesonable fee for services rendered by s. B. P. Patteeon, us receiver's counsel. 4. An account of all of the debts and demente against the said Qrlfnth-Mayo MsnufuPturlng Company, t-i whom the same ,ii?' due, and the ord.r of priority among them But, before executing these Inquines, th.- said commissioner shall give notice thereof by publication, once a week for four successive wees? in some news? paper published in the city of Richmond, in which notice h, ?hall require all per? sona having claims againsl asid com? pany to appear at the time and place named therein, and prove Btteh claims; aiid.siii'h publication shall be equivalen! to personal servies Of said notice on ull pa ni. s." Offices of Commissioner Jackson Ouy, i and !? QOddln Hall. Richmond. Vs., December 14, i\-7. To Anv ami All Parties Inter? ited in the Above Suit: I have iix.d on THURSDAY, the 2nth day Of J iniiary. UBS, at 11 o'clock A. M . ?trr tl??? time and my offices aforesaid as the place, ror executing Iba decree, ?if which the fori-Koing la un extract. Ofvofl under my hand, as commlasloner In chancery of the Law and Equity Court, of the cltv of Richmond, this Ht h day <?f December, I*?;. JACKSON of v. Commissioner. 5. 9. P. Patteson, p. q. de I.VW4'. F?"? EagU.h IMaD-ond Hraad. ENNYROYAL PILLS -<V?? Original Bad Oat? Oraala??. A ? >TM"*>. a??r :??., rriut,!?. 1.1,11 t.I A_\ LirS?? Orun.n furf\,r\?,rr, Mn.:?\ II,, Aj_\ _aUBBXn. ? I ?.,.,,' |n fe.?l ?n?l <i?U unilrcVW ?-^aWr??'? t -i '.! ,- i.trYSf SK?k SSSBM OIBrr. Umftrv,,, ?,. 1,-au- *? ont ,i?,'i .mi'.ittn?. *? 'Ir.fgitii, or m.4 4a, 1 >'.?,[. ... partas ?r? >-< iiutiij. ..< 'Kcllrf f.?r l.adlra." mi.iirr. ?,, rrlara _? Mall. I ft.oe? ,-- -..aoala!. ? _/??*? ikli-k, i f~. M.iIm. Sqaara. Sen tj all'Local iiru/cl.?? I'll ! I. VIM., 1'.tu _ (my l-?*a,S'j,WAweowly) DEPARTIR? OF STEAMERS. PHILADELPHIA, UOB?|^ MOND AN'D NORFOLK >-iasSaa_5s ITB ft " * ** ' HWttfMttt Appointed sailing days: Every TUES? DAY. FRIDA?, and SUNDAY at a_,y. liliht. mmf Freight lecelved dally until 5 P. a Fare ?including meals and berth) M oa Friday's and Sunday's steamer. For further information apply to J. W. M'CARKICK, General 3outhern Ag??nt; office Kockett? W. V CLYDE A CO. fe 4 Oenera' Agent*. Philadelphia. BAY JAMES-RIVER ROUTE FOR LINE. BALTIMORE. CLOSE CONXECTIO?. _i*0R AI_I_ POI.fTS NORTH.. Appointed saliuig d?ys, every TUES? DAY. THURSDAY. AM? SATURDAY at a p. M. a* ?. Frelutit received daily until S p m, Elexant state-rooms, healed by ?tas? and lighted by ?ledrlcity. ** " *** For tickets, state-room reservations snd further information, apply to H. M. BOY KIN, _ ... ^l^'Airent. _le I_Ht esst Main ?'reata ^VIRGINIA ?.AYIGATIOfT tOMPAN?, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAHONTAS iesves .uo\. DAY. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at" 7 A. M. for Norfolk, Portsmouth, <jl_ Point, Newport ?\ews, Oaremool and James-river landings, and coiuiectl?a at Old Point and Norfolk for Washington Baltimore, and the North. ' Sta'e-r?*).*.? res-rved for th? night at moderate ortces. * F.lcctrlc-cars direct to the wharf Far* only 11.50 and II to Norfolk. Music Lv Omad orchestrion. ** v* Freight received for above-nsmed nlace?? and all points In Eastern i'irninla and Korth Carolina. 1RVIN WRlSU.rcn General Manager A. II. Drewry. President. a? _ -U?OK AND J0i~W0RK NEATLY ?R^5MD4T T"ou,I>AT?a PW?,T- J mm RD ftp Richmond,Francis 3 ?j O-? * - bar? ? Potomac Schedule' in Kffect Vuirm?rr 'S, 1807 AT 12 O'CLOCK. NOON. LEAVE ii i hd ** uni: i btatio.*?. 4.10 a. M-, I'ally, for Washington and points Morth. ?kops at Mlltord and Frederlcksburg. Pullman Sleeper? to New York. 8:20 A.M., Sunday only, for Washing ton and points North. Stops at Elba, (lien Aileu, A.n laiid, Taylorsville, Doswell, Ruther Olen. Pen?la, Mil ford, Woodsiane. Guinea, Summit, Fiedericksburg, Ilrookc, and Wldewater, Pullman car. 8:45 A. M., Dally, except Sunday, for Washington and points Mortn. ?tops at Elba, Ash land. Taylorsville, Doswell, R?ther Glen, Pen?la, Mil ford, U oousiftne, Guinea, Summit, FrederlckBburg, Hrooke, and Wldewater. Pullman car. 12:00 M? Dally, except Sunday, for Washington and points North. Stops at Elba, Gien Allen, Ashlanl. Doswell. M I I f o r ?1. Frederick sburg, Hrooke, and Wldewat??r. Parlor car. Also, connects with Congressional Limited St Washington. 7:3.*? P. Bt, Dally, for Washington and points North. Sbips at Elba, Ashland, Doswell. Mllford. Frederlcksburi?. Hrooke. and Wldewater. and other Ma? tions Sundays. l'???eper, Rich? mond to New York. ARRIVE BVRD-STREET STATIOt. 8.40 A. M., Daily. Stops at Wldewater. Hrooke. Freilerkksimrg. Mil ford, Doswell. Ashland, and Elba, and other stations Sundays. -Sleeper, New York to Richmond. 2:45 P. Km Dally, except Sunday. Stops at Wldewater, Brooke, Frederlcksburg, 8 u m m 1 t f'iitnea. Wooisiane. ICIlford, Pen?la. R?ther Glen. Dos? well, Taylorsville Ashland, Olen Allen, and Elba. Par b?r car from Washington. 7:10 P. M., Dali v. St?r" only at Fre.h? rlcksbur?'. T?oswell. and Ash land. an?! Elba. Pullman cara from N?w York. 8:30 P. M., Daily. Stops at Wldewatet. R r o o k e. Frederlcksburi?. Pummlt, (iiilne.-i. Woodslane, Mllford. P.-noI.i. Ruth?-r Glen, Doswell, Taylorsville. Ashland Olea Allen, and El? ba. Sleep|n>T-e,'-r. FREDERICKSn'O ACCOMMOOATIO**. (Daily except -Sunday.) 400 P. M.. Reaves }i\ r-I-S' 11 - t Station. H:30 A. M.. Arrives Bjlld gtrOBt Station. ASHLAXD TRAHIS. (Dally except Sunday.) G 42 A. M.. Leaves Elba. ?:*<{? i'. M.. Gsa?res Elba. ?J40 A. St., Arrives Klba. U00 P. If., Arrives Elba. C. A. T*iYIX?R. Traffic Manager. E. T. D. MYKRS. Presilent. no *? CflmPEAKg AND OHIO RAILWAY. UaectlT? October 2.1, 1897. TRA1KB LUAVl: HRUM?.MJ, BROAD M I.I I. I bl'ATlOA. 8.50 A. il., Uuoy, wuii i'ttrlor car, /or Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Nswport News, and ptmeipal station*. Connects daily with Old Dominion steamships for New York. B.4M P. IL, Daily, with Pullman, ror local ?talions, Newport News, Old Point, Notloik, and Portsmouth. 10.00 A. M., Local train, except Sunday, for W. Clifton Forge. Con? nects at Gordonaville lor Orange, Culpeper, Calver ton, ManassAb, Alexandria, and Washington; at Union b"tatlon, Cbarlotteevlile, for Lynchburg; at Basic for Ha gerstown. 2:19 P. M , Dally, wllh Pullmans to Cin? cinnati, LoutBville, and Ht. Louis. Stopa only at impor? tant stations. Connects at Covliij-ftnti dailr for Virginia Hot Springs. Meals served on Dining-cars. No. 7, Local Train, except Sunday, fol? lows above train from Gor doriivllls to Staunton. 5:30 P. M., Accommodation, except Bun day, for Charlcttesvllle. 10:30 P. M., Dally for Cincinnati, wltn F. F. V. Pullmans to Hlnton, W Va? and Gordonsville to Cincin? nati and Louisville. MeaiB served on Dining cars. Con? necta at Staunfon, except Sunday, for Winchester. Va., and at Covlngton, Va., dally, for Hot Rnrinca TRAINS LEAVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION. 11:30 A. M.. Dally, for Lynchburg ana Clifton Forge. Connecta at liieino. except Sunday, for V, hite Hall, except Sunday at Ralcony to;- I,exlngton, ana at W. Clifton Forge with No. 1 for Clnclnnate. 4:00 P. M., Except Sunday. Local ac ceim-nodafInn for Colnmhla. TR.AI.f9 ARI11VE AT RICHMO.fD, BROAD-STREET STATIO.f. 8:20 A. hi., D-a?.), from ?.'iituiiinatl. 11:15 A.M.. Daily, Hum Norfolk and Old Point. 3:30 P. M-, Dally, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 0:5O P. at, Daily, from Norfolk and Old P'.liit. 7:45 P M., Except Sunday, from W. Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION 8:50 A. M., -Except ?Sunday, from Colum? bia .8:20 P. If., Daily, from Lynchburg and Clifton Forge, and, except Sunday, from Lexington and White Hall. .T??UN D. POTTS. Assistant Oenern! -Pssssnaar Agent. 0 K DEPARTIR? OF ?TEA ?SERS. ,LD DOMINION 91 RAM SII IP COMPANY. DAILY LINK KOK NEW YORK. ** Paaaengers car? save RiOhfaoad DAILY via ?Jhesupt-ake and Oblo railway at M.50 A. if., or Richmond .nil Put eral? urg ran rued (Norfolk and WaVterii route> a a. If., connecting at Norfolk wi'h Old Do? minion Line Bteamer, sailing same, eve? ning for New York. ALL-WATER ROCTE eteumshlp ?>W Dominion haves Rich? mond every Monday at 5 f. m. tor New York v?a, James river. Tickets on *?.. - at Richmond Transfer ??ompany's. ** " e-a*t Mam .?ireet; Chese peake and Ohio ra Iway, ard Richmond and Petersburg railroad depota and at company's office. 1212 east Muin street Richmond. Rat*?nt*e checked thro igh FREIGHT , ' for N'W York. Manifest MBSaC one hour fcefor? sailing Freight received snd forw.irde??. nnrt through bills o' lading I?hu.-.i for al| northern, eastern. nn?l foreign p. FROM NEW YORK. fusseugai?. ?-a., ?.aie Uai.y, eaoept Sl'n. day. to Norfolk ov Old Point Comfort. connet'Ung with Norfolk and Western railroad or Uiesup.-uke and oi,lo railwav Direct steamers\vl* Jume,-rlver ruutii leave every SA 11 RDAY ?passenger ami freight?, and MONDAY (freight only) U Bulling Dom c?mpan> j ??1er. s? 9a North river, foot of l!?-a.h street ?? ? i? M.: Saturday. I P. M. . ?? o i . Freight received und forwarded daily except Sunday * * ' For fulfil'*'* Informntlin apply to JOHN F MAYER. Agent 1212 east Main str^t. Richmond i/a. W. T<. Oulllauden, Vice-president and Traffic Manager Nfew Totjl oc ?8 FORBST LOOGK. DCRINO THE PLKASANT APTCMN weather, and so lor.g aa the roads re? main In good condition, FOREST LODOE will be open for the entertainment of guests. Small driving or 'cycling parties can bo provlocd for at any tima, but larga partU-a should notify by 'phone a few hours before Ci-lr arrival. Hell 'phone *?? u <?.?-.. Aneo. ?fe. ao7?ta I ' fl? I ATLANTIC-COAST __\ U' H\ LINK ?? be.l.ile la Effect Dr.rwbrr 91, 1H'?T THAI*?*? I.?Ali; HI? -HMO.?ID-LA ION DEPOT. 0:00 A. M., Dally. Arrives Petersburg B_B A. M.. Norfolk U_H a. M. Stop? only at Put?r?bi>rg, Waverly, and Suffolk, Va. 0.OS A. M, Daily. Arrive Petersburg IM A. M.. Weidun 11Z. A. M., Fsyettevllle 4:1? P. M.. Charleston 10:,? p. M.. Savannah 12:?O A. M , J?ck onvill? 7:? A. M , Port Tampa t:_0 P. *1. < onnecta st Wilson with No. 47, ar? riving Oo!d'iboro' lie p. m . Wilmington 6:46 P. M. pull? man Sleeper New York t? Jacksonville. 2:08 P. M., Dally. Local. Arrive? pt. Ut s burg ?.42 P. M. Ma*?? all stops. S 30 P. M., Dally. Arrives Peters., u? 0:15 P. M. Makes all . _, stop?, Richmond and Paters, burg railroad. 7 SO P. M.. Daily. Arrive? Petersburg B:04 P. M.. connects wt'l Norfolk and Western f r Norfolk and lnterme?ll ?t. points. Emporta 9.10 (con. nect? with A. and D. fur stations between Empon? and I_awrencevllle). Weld?.? S.ti P. M.. Fayettevlll? f>/7 A. M.. Charleston ?:?*_. A. M , Savannah 8:06 A. If., Jack? sonville 1 P. M., Port Tampa t:40 P M NEW UNE TO MIDDLI*. GEORGIA P'?INT9.-Arrlv lng Alken 7:31 A. M., Aug ... to 8:10 A. M-, Mscon li A. M., Atlanta 12:16 I*. M. 1' man Sleepers New fork t? Wilmington, Jacksonville, Port Tampa, Alken, Augus? ta, and stacott. 10 SMI P. M, Dally. Arrives Peter_b;rg ll:.iu P. II., Lynr.hbur? A. M . Roanoke 6:30 A- M Pristo! 11:-? A. If., Pullman Sleeper Richmond to Lyn burg. 8 86 P. M., Dally. Arrives Petersburg 9:-?l P. M.. Weldoa 11:20 I?. M. Makes stops r?-. ?ween Petersburg ar.?l Wei. don. TRAIN?? ARRIVE III? il dni M. 4:00 a, *_*_, Daily, from ja- Kr?onvii???, m v.ini.ah. Charleston, Atlanta it a ? on. Augusta, and aii points South. 8:18 A. M.. Dally, except Sunday, At? lanta, Athens, Raleigh. Hen? derson, Lvnchburg. and th? West 8 ftt A. M.. Daily. Petersburg local. b ?M? A. M . Suinlay only, from Atlanta. Athens, Raleigh. Henderson Lynchburg, and th?> Wast It 05 A. M.. Dally. Norfolk Suffolk, and Petersburg. 715 P. M., Dally. ,lack-?onvllie. ?<avan. nah. Charleston, Wilming? ton. Ooldstxiro*. and points South. S:SS P. hi., Daily. Norfolk. Suffolk, wa. \erly, and Pet. rsburg. 8:fW! P ht, Dally. P.ter.burg. Lynch burg, and th? We?it. J R KENLY. T. M. EMERSON, General Manager. TratTt?' Manager. H. M EM ERA General Pass'-nger Ar.-nt. C S. CAMPHELU bo 4 Division Patf-ienger Agent. December 0, 1*407, LEAVE RICHMOND, I ? It l? -?, I It 1 I I' ?TATIO*!. U.OO A. M., Dally?Richmond a?id M i - folk. VESTIBULE LIM.r ED. Second-class tickets not accepted on tins train. 0:05 A. M., Dally. -THE CHICAGO EX? PRESA" to- LynchBui.. Roanoke, Culumhus, and i.'h!?;ug" Pullman SI? ?. r Roanoke to Columbus- also, for Radford. Bristol, TKnox vllle, L*nattan?j(>ga, and in? termediate p<*lnt*. 7:30 P. M., Dally, for Norfolk. Suffolk, ami Intermediate stations 10:45 P. M., Daily, for Lyn.-hburg urd Hoanoke. CsflnecM at Roa nuke with Washington and Chattanooga Limited. Pull? man aleen? t- Roanoke to Memphis and New Orleans, PULLMAN Si.EEl'Ell between RICH? MOND AND LYXCHUUHG ready for oc? cupancy at 9 P. M : also. Pullman Sleep, r Petersburg to Roanoke. Trains arrive Richmond from Lynch burg and the West ?llUllv 806 A. M.._i?nd *:.?; P. M. From Norfolk and the H.?.?-* H .uG A. M . ami Vcsttbuled Limited ?:lo P. M. Office; 838 Main ?<tr?vt. R. W. COURTNEY. District Passenger Agent; W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger Agent General Offices: Rounok?. V*. de 6 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedule Etfertlve *?io-resnber 21, 18t>T TRAl.tS LEAVE RICHMOND, VA. 12.00 Night, No. U. Southern --i dally for Atlanta. Augusta, aiiu points South. SUeper Kichmond to Danville, Greensboro*, Salisbury. Charlotte. Columbia, and Auguita Sleeper open at 9? P. M at ull stations between Kiel, and Danville to take ou *nd ?et ?J?? passengers. Connects st Danville. Salisbury, and Charlotte with the Washington and Southwestern Limited (No. 3,). carrying sleepers New York to AshevilTe, Hot Springs, Chattanoo ga, and Nashville, New York t?* Memphis; New York to New Or leans, New York to Tampa; ?nd first-class day coach b*tw> ? n Washington and Memphis. Connec? tions are made for all point? in Texas and California.. Sleeuer open for occupancy at 930 P M 12 OO noon. No. 9. solid train dally tor Charlotte, N. C , conn?*ct? at Mose ley wl?h Farmvllle and Powhatun railroad. At Keys.HI? for Clark? vllle. oxford, Henderson, and Dur? ham, and at Greensboro' for Dur? ham. Raleigh. Hn-1 V'lnston-Salem. at Danville with No. 35. United States fast mall, solid train, daby for New Orleans and points South, which carries sleepers New York to New Orleans, and New York t-j Jacksonville. Through aleeper Salts bury to ?hattanooga; also, P man tourist sleeper every Wednes? day Washington to San errancisco. without change. a OO P. M., No. 17. local, dally. except Sunday, for K?y?vlll? and intern*? A??*e points. TRAirtS ARKIVU AT It IC II?ON n. ?;?)?? a. m U:**S P. M.. from Atlanta. Augusta, Ashevllle. and Nashville. 8:40 A. If., from K'eysvUj*. T/X'AL FREIGHT TRAINS. Nns. ?n an?! C2. between Manch??t?r snd Neapolis. Va ?ORK-Ri?Sa LINS ru WEST POLIT. THE FA\OHITK HOLTE NORTH. LEAVE I? I? H M??M). 4.30 P. M., No. 10, Ualtltnor? Limited, dally, except Sunday, for West Point, ther? making close connec? tion on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with steamer for Balti? more, also, with stage at Le er Manor for Walkerton and Tspps hannock on Tuesdays, Thursda.s. and Saturdays. 2:20 P. M No 1?). local ??.press. Mon? day??, W?.diie_da*f?, und Friday?. I?-r West Point ana int*nne<lia'? sta? tions. Connects with ata. ter Manor for Walk-ei-ton and pehannock; aUo. at West > with steamer for Baltimore Stop? at all stations. 6.00 A If., No 445. Ix)cal Mixed Ix-?'? dally, except Sunday, from Vir? ginia-Street Station for Weal P?-lnt and Intermediate station*, connect? ing with stage at Lester Manor for Walkerton an,! Ta ppo ban nock. Tit eiN?? ARRIVE AT itn iimonu. HIT A. ML, dally. 10:40 A. M . Wednesdays and Fridays only. 8:00 P. M.. dally, er.cept Sunday, from West Point and intermediate sta? tions. Steamers leave West Point at 0 P. M. Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, snd Raltlmor? st ? i? M. Tuesdays, Thurs? day?, und Saturnal*"-, Ticket Office u? ?tstlon. foot of Virginia street. Open from ? a __ to t P. If., an?l from IM P M. to j A. M. City t*ick?l ?iilce, h?t ?-nit Main ?tut . M. CCI.!* W. A. TURK, Traffic &??? ,, 0?n Pass. Ag?pt. W H ?IREKN General SuperlntemienL Washington D C, * C. W. WKSTKURY. Travelling Pas enger Agent, ?? east Main ?treet. Rict?. mond Va._ _' ok I Order? for printing sent to the Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention, and the style of work sod j***.?*^ ?"S be sute to pitase *_oe v