Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBF/R 29, 189T. i?feSS Not abasinesa t-?y bnt what hg. ItBefBBl of iwh-iiBtii^s in tbe taring of gome tilings, oii.n Avli,?l?'st?)?kswithlmrpiiiM)lirasos lll.o,t listollisllill-'. This Week Every Ves? tige of the Holiday Rush is to be Wiped Out. The Stocks are on the Counters at Your Own Prices. CALLS OF OLD SAUTA HE ATTKM??! CHRISTMAS I KI.KnftA TIOVS I* MASV CHIRCIIKS. THE OLD FELLOW'S BUSY WEEK, ?;r*re-Street llsnllst, Third Presby leiinn. iainanl glanai Methodist, mu? First l'i.uM-ii Lutheran San? dro gakaala Have Their Festivals. The Hindoo?' Paradise," Miss Joanne l>iv?nsteln. and eomM songs by Mr. Eu? gen?: Davis and M: Wcitmote'.an-l. BBBf-BB THK nm: MflPl*. A Ulli for ?he Cn rutina of Old from volumes, for IL?, and KB instead ot sc. amom; tmi: hook?. All Calend?is at half-pr.. The , WK-. Hook- foi -, 1J from 13.19. 1 ;,, i ?es Writing a 1 for It?. th OF THJJ ABOV1 UOT1 CABB TOO LATE FOR CHRISTMAS B KIM. p%i.r. UK II *M'Ki:itt IMKIS Tll.T vlhlU ll\M>_.IM?. Hemstiti-In ?l, Bl-ge., Horn ] Embroidered. K>o.. trom 12 1-1 . that were U i CMMren'i HaafhercMefe, I for le, an? otll. Is. ?.mum. i hi: 01 BTAOIli 5 pairs Bdal I ? I "' iU'-' ' Ior p Point, wer.- UM, tot 4 pairs Point d'Esprit Curtains, rufhed, $ , Irish. Point, wire $7, lor BJP a pair. ir? Tivr-T'.ii".! liamask Curtains to -old for BAO a pair. bAMBB waimv Bleck Mohair gerge, wi m UM. for UM. Flannel Waist*, were fl. f< I duroy Waists, i tor t_.u. toii.i i g. OOlJiRN I.II.V OF JAPAN KXIKACi, in a little a iak< t. for le. a viai. Ml.hS Ltaht Banning Pinta, m Broeade, tor gohd Coloi ror tg .- rlped Effect in All-8llk Taffetaa for ltlaiic All-Sill. to-day tor Wc. ird. ? n/rrgg FABBiog. Yard-Wide Bleached Cotton, ? 7-8c. Ginghams for ;; l-2c. Rot. Roy Cotton Fabrics for :: t-4c nlng Shades of i'r> pons, s 3-4c. Beat i iid-u Ide P? lii-i Bl? a< h..| stn . tu | I. i-Ji. ji?im;\\ mm; THINCM rt? in: <?oi.i>. Cut-Olsss Bola ?es Pitchers, Hug Sifters, and Handled Nappies, tor golid <'.ik and Mahogany Parlor Table?, 1x24, and high)} pollabed, for |L?; value |_ Oak, Mahogany, and White Knami lied Tabouri ti. s. thai were SLA, to-day*?. Qcnnan W< I Bait Boxeo, now Wc. ach. 100 Imported Win. I ?...inters to be sold to-day foi Cut Pattern Fruit or Nut Bowie, many shapes and d< -u ns. for 6c. Choice Leather-Seated < ik Rockers, and comfortable, lor UM; marked down from <-' M Sheffield Steel Carving Bets for 0.25. Sheffield Steel Rone tl. ndle Knives and _?, to-day 10c. . oh. gohd Bl k Ti I K? ttl? --, with ; at alcohol burner, fer tl.-S; were II ndsome Olas? Medallions, Be. kind, for U l-_e Ni k.i Baking Dishes, with Whit? Kn ani.-lled Can, for AC. ia-.|ii.'.rt Agat? Iron le.sji Pans for Be, 15-inch Japanned Coal Scuttle? for 10c 2-quart Agate-Iron coffee Pot? "oi Decorat? 1 china Cuspad or. g-piece Dclfi china T? i B? i, that were 11.50, for BOc. a set. ' Imported Chine Dinner Sets, ?no pli c< : and l" autlfully tnm m? d. for B4. |8.!ri Decorated China Tea s> ts, iuo s, for to-day $.".. tl "Trilby" Toilet s, ts, nil at? fl for >. Imported Decorated China Soup or Din? gt r Fintee for x . each, THE COHEN C? BOLBR?Tl REE ii ?A Pretty HumlnK .liirrln>.e in Ilor Iiuiii, g, C. DURHAJf, N. c. December B (gp< ciai.i A beautiful marriage, took place al tba Flrsl Baptist church this morning et 9:3<i o'clock, the contracting parttec kelag Robert \* Moler, of Washington City, and Miss Co,, I.eich Tyiee, ,,f Dur? ham. The church was ?imply, bul ' tlfully. decorated with palms and other evergreen?. The ushers were Mesai r. W. Vsughan, w. \ Slater, T. i: Cheek John Wyatt, ll. h. Markham, and L <i all of Durham. The bride'? Sunday School class, . of nine young girls dressed In white, formed a semi? circle about the pulpit. Miss Janey Avery, of Danville, Va,, a cousin of the bride, WSJ maid of honor, and wore a green travelling dress. She carried a bouquet of bride'? rose?. Mr. Ely ..t Washington city, was best man The bride was dressed In a dark-green travel? ling costume, and entered the church on the arm of h.f brother, I; I. . Rev. W. c. Two.-, a brother ot the bride, performed tho ceremony In a ?very Im? pressive manner. Mrs. .1. M. Whltted ed at the organ and played Men delssohn's wedding march ns th.- party entered the church, and the march from Lohengrin a? they left the church. The couple left on the 10 o'clock train for Washington city, the home of the ?loom. Miss Tvree h.. sided In Durbam, and has mad. a host of friends by her amiable disposition and devotion to chin, h w..ik. The Tabernacle of the Ghana tlratt Baptlet church was filled t?> Its Utmost capacity y< su rday afternoon, th. sion being the Christmas entertainment for the infant olas?. The beautiful can? tata of "A Surprise to Santa Cans." whs rendered by nineteen of the children. A ? itv of little ones having met to dls 1 ristmas Joys, conceive the happy Idea Of bringing ^Ifts to Santa Clans, and while angaged in pIBng Op gifts for him, he appears at the top of a chimney and descends laden With Rood things for them. A hand of clfs make the welkin tins with th'ir glnd huzzas, and while trying to make others baggy the little ones Bad the greatoat happlnem for themselves. BoabOUa and fiuits WON distributed in great ahundenee Th? i xcises. which wer?' conducted hy Sup? r Intendent Jones and hy Or. Hatcher, short but varied und Inti nstlng. The cm id tha ... < aslori was a recitation? "i'he Qobttna Will Caleb Tan"?by n**' Miss Louise Watklns, the daughter of the popular vocalist. Hadd >n S. Watkins. There were several solos well executed. and the whole programme reflected cremt on those wno prepared it. Mrs. 1',. B. Vaa Buren is the popular teacher of this large class of Bl pupila, and Miss Baaala Powell, the aOOOmpHahOd pianist. Mr. Hugh Powell, who acted as gnntg Claus, delighted the audience with his deep l..r ton. s in a apodal vocal ?election, THI THIRD I'l'.i'riliiTKRlAN. The Christmas festival of the Third teiien church Sunday school was ti d yest? i.lay afternoon at Iflt o'clock. with Kriat enthusiasm. The room was packed with others, teachers. s. holers, and friends of the school. Beautiful Christmas music was rendered by a select cbOnM from the school, a i by the members of tbe choir under th- direction of Br. C B. BcCluer, with Miss Mamie Hill as pianist. Th" Children from the Masonic Home also Bung B aWOOt chorus, and Ifloeee Mar? shall and Clarke an appropriate duet. Rewards for attendance during the past year wen distributed to twenty-three ?cholera by the pastor and auperln? tendent. Five of theea hAve not missed a aeeslou of the achool for aaere than Bv? -namely, Miss Baggie Olttman, eight yeare; Beater Boeooa McOUBn, Sight year?; Mis Fannie OlWlg, live years, and Misses I'ansy Walton and Nellie Wilson, each six yeare. Tha little ones enjoyed mosi the ?rand linal. . when Br. Stanley Reed, as "old Santa." came down the chimney with his ?ifts. He was aMy assisted hy Misses JeCkOOB ami Robinson, personating "Mamma In h.r 'kerchief, and 1 in my cap." All were captivated, and the little ouoa de? ported with Joy In each heart and a bag in each hand. LATJRBL STKKKT MKTIH ?HIST. Th?> Sunday-scliooi classes Of i.aui'l Btreet Methodist church last niiiht laid their Christmas c?l?bration, and a most pleasant evening was spent by aU?old and >'>uiik. The following mtereatlng programma was rendered: Chorua, i>v the school; prayer, by -Mr. r. k. o?ale; recita. Uon, by miss ornee uoott; duet, by Biaam Bva Robertson ana iris Trayloi ; recita? tion, by Miss Aima Kgrhrough; chorue, by the school; duct, hy Mistes Xaibrungh; solo, by Blaa Bafle Mi.rtln; chorus, by the school; solo, by Blaa atva Robertaon. Mr. Hale presented the Imgs of candy and the presents. Many of the teach, is also received presents from their classes. Mr. Ixmnlo Mitchell Impersonated Santa ("laus. St. John'? church Sunday school held its chrisimas eelebrattou Monday after? l'oon at 5 O'clock. Captain Myers acted as Santa Clans. The Ros.-hud Society of Ashury Metho? dist lOplaoOPel Church Vttlted the alms house Monday afternoon, and carried a feast of goon things to tho inmates of the institution. Th?? Sunday school of Marshall-Strict Christian church win give its Christmas entertainment this evening at the church, and a delightful time Is promised. FIRST KMlLlsn LUTHERAN CHURCH SCHOOL. The Btuiday school of the First Bugllah Lutheran Church held the anniversary celebration last ni?.-ht at I o'clock. An Interesting programme of muele and reci tattona was cleverly Interpreted, and u v.-ry enjoyable time was spent. Mr. .li? ter Jone? impersonal..! Santa Claus, and very .-mid was presented with a0_?e token and with a boa of candy. Tbe cele? bration took place la the audience-room of the church. The Chrtattan Mission school, on west Main atreet, had its Christmas festival last ?liejit. There was a lare,.- attendance, and the occasion was .me of greet in? terest. Santa Claus made a bountiful dis? tribution of pood thlnga. DAV-M RSKRV CHI U ?RUN'S TREAT. The Dey-Nursery children are to have their annual Christmas tr?'at on Thurs? day next at 12 o'clock. The ladies v, In. are Identified with the management <-f tiiis institution are expected to assembla at the nursery. NO, l!dt> Mat Franklin at 11 o'clock. Tha inti rtsinment will Include music and the regulation Christmas feast, but there wll lso be many novel features, and not a few snip rises for the little on? B. Mrs Qeorgo a. LgrOn, who lias charge of the affair, Wttl remain at the nursery to-day between the hours of 10 and 6 to receive donations for the treat, in which effort she Will be BSBlStSd hy Mrs. C. P. Wslford, it is hoped that the response will be very hearty, as the supply doea BOt by any mi aus eiiual the demand up tO this prt sent. li... I iinilliiu Ilnndn. Mr. .Joshih Ryland. Jr., the Second Au? ditor, will have liitn.due. .1 ?mm- dint? ly after the Legkdatnra lauenvanm o bin providing that th? State ibbt he op. l? d In ord.r that the holders of old bonds be Itvea opportunity during the six months following th. approval of the bltl to con? vert Hum Into century b?mds. There have already been Bled with Mr. Ryland apidi- B tiens for the funding or from B?.OM to BMB worth or the old bonds, and it is probable that more will be sent him. as he has been notified that ..i bondholder, in New rotk dra us to fund the bonds they now hold. Mr. VlrgtniUi N< wton, of the tltni 01 11 n opori g i '".. and prt i-nii nt ol the First National Rank, informed Mr. Ky land a dav or two ago that a gentleman residing in Malta Ind.I three of the old Virginia consols of BAB .ach which ba desires (oiiv.t t.d into century bondU, This same gentleman also holds a num? ber Of pas! due coupons. The Second Auditor has now in his hands sutllei.nt money to pay the in? terest on the century bonds due January 1st, and will be-in the payment January Id. The amount of these bonds now out? standing is about B7,Bt.gB, and Mr. Ry? land thinks his lili n.ay increase it by about 1100,000. niNXKR to gENATOR DANIBL. It has been proposed by a number ot genutev DanM'e frlende to tender aim a dinner at tbe Jeffeseon nest Saturday ntgnt Senator Daniel is ?zpeoted t.? be her? on that day and rOOCtVS othcial notl Boatloa by the Joint leglalatlve eommlt t. a of iiis re-eb etlon to toe Unltt d Statt i Sonata. The dinner has not been fully decided upon, but details will probably be arranged within a day or two. HB WILL COMB THURSDAY. It was though! a day or two BgO that Major Tyler would arrive hele Krlday in? stead of Thursday, as h' had always planned to do, but it was learned yester? day thai he would adhere to the original ai*rangernenl and come to Richmond Tburaday night. the Southwest, Lake, region, and Middle and North Atlantic States, and lowtst In the extreme Northwest. The tempera? ture? have remnlned nearly stationary In all districts eicept the Florida p?ninsule', where they have fallen slightly. "The w.ith.r Ih generally clear In all districts except the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, and the Bast I.ake region, whero It Is cloudy, and the Ohio Valley, where som?> snow Is prevailing. "The preetpttatloa has been light and mostly In the I_ike region." MUNYON'S Cold Ours <-jr??. cold? in th? head, colds on ih? L.ngs, old cold?, new coMs sod obstinate colds, and ?II forms of grip, ?tops -.nee-In*, dischsm?? from tbe nose aiid ejes, prevent? rsurrh, dlphtherlit, im-iinionl i. and ?11 throat and lunj; tronbl??. These pleananl llttls pedetsar? absolately hnrnile.?. hsv? aved thousand? of live, and | DEATH OF Mil. line K. W. LVBDIW. Few of us go to the tlieatre, tt) call, to any social function without in some way changing our day clothes. One change is as easy as another; but the only correct one after 6 o'clock is to I dress suit. |88 buys our best ; $20 buys a good one. We don't make to order, but we make to lit. Tuxedo Coats. Bilk Hat?, Duiil-.p " Shirt?, Tins and Mufflers. Ercrjrtulng that goes with e-eutng clothe?. 0. H. Berry & Co., Main and Tenth Streets. AH i:\-to>\TtT gHOOTI HIM. The fiol.bler Wcluhcd Thirty round? ?'hi. f-uf-j'.iiii i- H.-ward. who ?.- B?per Inteiideiit of Calvary .Mission Sunday school, was ?.i. .-.m. d reoteroay hy Mr. Charles I,. BroWB With an Itntin n ' tuik.y. wetghlng thirty pougda, which will be served at the ?cbool'a Chris tin is feast. tO 1"' held this aft. mOOU. I niler the I'jirnlytie Stroke. Julia Lamy. the old oohrred eooh who was stricken with pareiyela al her aarvlce place, on south Third atreet, was taken from the almahous?, reeterdap and ear? ned to h-r home, <'t> Thirteenth street. Her condition is still very aerioue, JOY AT THK ALMPHOUsE. I lie Death in gnttnwmy. <i MOTTOS Al - i i; i Ht d >K, \' v n , c-eiii?.. r LV (Special.) Mr. Lambkin Leath, ?on if Mi. Qeorge w. Loeth, Depu. ty Treasurer oi Jsottoway county, and a very promlsinx young man, died at the hone- of his father, neat this place, this n about half-past 2 o'clock, ot typhoid pneumonia, after an Uli ?iKiiit thi..- weeks. Young Leath was in his 1st h year, and was a y.'uii,; man 0] industry, with many Other excellent tisith ..i eharaett r, lie wa? hiuhh' thought of in the county, The Interment will tak? place on Thursday morning at 11 Danville \ ??u . n.. .. i ? liANViu.;:, VA . December M (tot ?lu?.i Mrs. u. Roman, doing a clothing . under the style of ),. i ? lord of aaalgnment in the Clerb'a mveying the stock" to p, n. Boleeeau tnu tot. fot k;. Iltore. Uahllities, 12.006; I Another <l?>ed wa? admitted to record iiihiu. D. SUdl'm t clothing, < i-, to ru i trustee, for th? i- n. ill "f .?editors, wucme foot Ul> |. Died from ?be KffrrU of Illa tajarle?. ilHl'K?:. VA . . .: Hl, the postal ClelK in the wreck Western railroad neei l'u jy of luat we.-k, died to-day i;, n, lt .hi? ? ? it? 1? survived by his witc and svv _ ?_ i hildren. t'lirlntmiia I lnl.-ilnl n un n I I.nst Mlllil n tirent Snceeaa. The Cbrletmae entertalnaaent given at tha almshouse last nl^lit was, if the ]Mjpu lar verdict is to he in lieved, l.y all odds th. most sin < essful OH record. That It waa appreciated by those for whom It WHS lnt? iuleil was plain to see, for It aacmed lo glanoe into the Institution 'Ike ray of sunshine, and to carry hri?ht iii -s and Joy In Its wake. There were fully 300 of the city's ?mor gathered* at the entertainment, and they evinced the : delight in the charmini? enter? : ilium-it which had been arranged by Superintendent i>avis. aad was discoursed by well-know n and callable etitertaln'-rs. Tha programme was ??s follows: II.. Blue and C.r.iy," hy Captain 1'ia.ik Cunningham; violin solo, by the Hvenn a Hrothers; ucltation, "Jlmmie Brown'a Prompt Obedience," by Aubrey Terrell; -o!.i. "Miniorles of th?? Past," by ?, 11. recitation. MLove*a Young by little Boaabud Etnrton; reci? tation, "The Maniac," by Miss Jeanne R. Loveneteln; comla song, by Mrs. \\ i I limit'.and, of Petersburg; dialogue, by MiMits McDougeH and Davis; comic song, "All Coons book Alike to Me " by Mr. James I'olndexter; recitation, "Las? ca." by Miss Plocnuoa Bvnna; violin co'o, i . Hi joim Reinhardt; recitation, by Miss taaltp Hurton, piano ?olo, by Mr. M. li. Kanins; benjo and guitar duet, by Messrs. Kugeno Davis and Hill; "The Klondlker." a chsrade. by Mr. O. B. Davis, performed by Misses Kvans und Davis, and MeB?rs. Qe ik>- B. DavfaV Jl and A. I'aclnl; recitation, "Purl ?I,. ner," by Miss Evans; recitation, "The Tramp." by Mr. Tony Plaainl; reeitauon. Poeeeaala ???ni iiriefs. Miss Mamie Daniel, of Vfllmlngton, N. c.. li the gueel oi the Mlaaea Vfllaon, ot c south Mot ris atreet Mr. W. T. Claud, of Norfolk. through the dty reeterday. an ha way home ?rom N' w ^'ol k, Mr. R. w. Haw, Jr., of the Vtrglnin faroiina Company, is spending his vacation in Waahlngton. Dr. John P. Winn baa returned from Pluvnnna county, where he was calleo profeeaionally two da]i r?rs. w. T. an.i gt Julien Ogponhimer returned yesterday frmn | brief visit to their father's family, ? I'luvanna. Judii?. Roger Gregory will lepuaae his lecture? to the senior lew class of Rich? mond College on I'nd.iy. Deoember Slat Th.. regular meeting or the Oonfederate Memorial Literary Boclety will be held on Friday, DecemberUat al U at., al tbe Museum. Miss M. Klmn Inmn, or Baltimore, Md., is rlattlng her i oualn, Miss Lula C Dunn, und 1er aunt. Mrs. .lohn Hay. of M WOM Marshall sti.-.'t. Miss Winnie Leach, or Vineland. N". J., and Miss Qrace Adams, of Mineral City, ere the gneeta or Mr. and Mrs. i:. c. Pa? louzf'. No. UN north Kiyhth atreet Th? Council of th.- Fust Bngtleh Bvan gellcal i.uth.ran chi.r.h proaonted Kev. .1. 11. Mori head, the pastor, with a haul some chair, upholstered in leather, a? a Christmas toben Of th'ir i st. .m and af? fect ion. No ennounceaaent baa pet been made - Ing tii. fun? ml arrangi menta tor Mr. James Wood,ill. who was found dead in his room Monday morntag, bul the funeral whi tak.- place BOUM time Uttg afternoon from the rcsidenie. a v. ry important meeting of Central Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be h'M tins afternoon at I o'clock at the Priende' meettng-houee. Bualneee of imp?rtame will be transacted, lira, Wil? liam li. Pleeeanta, the hrst preetdent of tbe union, win be present. A full at? tendance la earneatly deeln d. Mr. Juba] K. Terry, formerly or this city, but now Ot Ma.un. On., Is in Rich? m.m.i. vleltlng relatives. Mr. Terry la a su. i . ssful travelling man. and has re si.I. d away from Richmond for a num? ber of yeare, Ha was married about two years ano in Florida, and his Richmond friends will be ?lad to learn thai he con? templates bringing ins charming uife to ltichmond to make tbetr home here. - i Itlchiiioniler?. In \i-?v York. >'':\\' rORK, December IS, (Bp< lei.)? W. i. Paym . Marlboro; \'. Hall and wife, st. iienis; j, ,i. Treaaoa ami wir... Orend; R, A. Jackson, Holland; P, u. Harrison. J. II. Valentine, A. J. Mar cuse, imperial; T. O. Miller, Vendome. C. II. l'nrrlsh ?iliot nml Severely Wounded by Wllllnm Miller. William Miiier, a negra youth about D years Old, and an O-COOVlCt who was pardoned about tea ?lays ego, shot anu mv< rety wound..i c. h. Perrieh, a colored you'h about his own age, >.sterday morning nt v*) o'clock at Marshall and Becond a|reet? Parriah, the wounded ne? gro, was taken tO the almshouse, where he nOW la, though his condition is not r, garded as neceeearlly dangerous. M?ler, OU the otlcr hand, is a prisoner at the BeCOnd I'.'li.'e Station, having ben ar reeted by _k*rgeent Tomllnaon, the very efficient bead of RicfamonoTa detective forea, Perrieh, who is the o-heo'boy ol Mr. gOL U BlOOteheeg, attorney at law, was walking up Marshall stre.-t, eccompanlod by a friend. The two were chatting to? gether, and the dog of the irieiid was trotting along by their aldea. When tbey I Mill.r, who was unknown to both of them, he kicked th.- dog, and was re? monstrated with by Its owner and ad? vised not to dO so again. His reply, so t h. wounded man an I his companion both say, was that he would not only kick th dOg, bul hl? master. Without much BBOTa v Miller then drew a pistol rrom tils hip-poek.t and opened lir. OU the two. Pnrriah'a frit ad got out of the way by running, had Pari Ich was lena fortunate. At the laat shot he was atroci in tha left side, just above the hip. He gave a cry of pata and Cell to ta. atreet A num? ber nr peraena were peeelng, aad reached the youth aoon after he fell la tbe eon? fusion which foUowel ItlUer encapad. Par? riah was taken to Hlil.-ys stable- and a 'phone meeenge sent in for tbe ambulance. I?r. Nuckota responded, an.i took him to the City Hospital. There it was found that the serious fears tiiat the bullet had entered tbe abdomen were groundleee, and anxiety for his recovery relieved. An ex. mlnutton was conducted by Mrs. NUCkOle, Haiighman. and l,< mon, Fr. Trc vilian being out of the city, and showed that from its entrance m the side tho bullet had ranged auroeo the body, pass? ing between the iniisci.s and the skin. It Snally turned downward and buried U BOlf into the M'-sh of th.- right thigh. Wh.n it became certain thai tha stomach had tot been penetrated ?he operation I. as no harm would r.sult rrom the ball's remaining where it was. The phy? sicians think his chances for full rOCOV? ry are pjOOd, < ?r course, the shooting soon came to the ears of the POllce, and while neither boy knew their unceremonloue assailant, th.- p, ii,,. aecertatnad that he was Miller, and apt 'o work Vigorously to rind him. Captain Angle toetrueted eaeb relief aa ? went oui to be on the aharp lookout, and S.-rgeaiit Tomlliison had his assu aleo, on the qui vivo. Every aaclt from the dty was closely watched, and th.- detectives thems.-lv.s bunted Miller's old haunts. The reward CUBSC lad- in the evening. Bh recant Tomllnson was alone at the time, and saw his man at Franklin and But teen t h streets. He Just walked up to him. Ilk.- one would expect and took him in. Miller do-s not deny the BhOOtIng, saying only that he did ?0 he cause the oumer or the dog abused him for kicking Ids canine. Ha was sent to the penitentiary about two y.-ars ago tor a series of robberies committed In tbe Wool End, end had nearly served his time out wle-n he was pardoned. If? n -eil.m- Full rteoelveil A hont a Week An?. Mr. Fl wn.! W. I.uudin died at the resi? dence of his mother. Mrs. Josephine Lun dln, No. ??O? north First street, early ye? g rdary morning. He was in the 30th year or his age, and his untimely death wa? due to a fall from a ladder about a week ago. Mr. I.tindln had been In the employ of Mr. Meyer gyde for the past fifteen years, and ?luring the busy time preceding Christmas he was. called upon to reach a doll-l.aby carriage from an upper shelf. In doing so he missed his footing and fell heavily to the ground, striking his lead a terrible blow. Fverythlng possible was done to relieve his condition, but the ba-. of his brain was irremediablv In? jured, and he lingered painfully until yes? terday. Mr. Lundin was a man or many admira? ble traits of character, and his death will be deeply deplored by a wide circle of friends. The funeal will take place nt .i o'etoetc this afternoon rrom St. James Kplscopal church, of which congregation he was ; r. earnest and devout member. The service will be read by Kev. W. Mead Clark, and will be rully choral. Mr. Jacob Rein? hardt will preside, at the organ, and a quartette, OOglgpecd of Mrs. Jacob Kein hardt, Mi.-s M'.ide. Mr. Tribhett, and Mr. Thuraton Cardona, win stng tho special psalma and hymns appointed for the Oc? casion. The pall-bearera will be Messrs. w. n. I.. R, Mclndoe, Charles l>oel , jr. ciiari. s Hareey, John Reinhardt -nd d :-\. I'. The funeral of Mr. Barvetua Blepbam win take piece this afternoon at ;i o'clock trom 'he late residence of the Od, ?o. Rg north Fifth street. The services will he conducted by Kev. Lan? dim R, Mason. Fl'XFIiAl.S YF.STFUDAY. The remains of Mrs. Mary DriOCoU laid to rest yesterday afternoon, th" funeral taking plac- rnun St. Patrick's church at :i o'clock. Th" funeral of Mrs. Mary Brunt Waa held yesterday morning at 11 o'clock rrom the rt aldl lice "f her granddaughter, Mrs. A. K. Uuffln. prevented imuii slclc neaa. Th? Munyon Ilewedy ("ompiinr prepare a M-paratn ?rure for each disen??. At all drur/tfl?*? S? rents a vlaL If yoa iieml naedlcnl advice writs Prof. Mnnroii. 1?OJ Arch Street, Philadelphia. It Is absolutely free. COLD CURE ACTOR HVrt I.IFFK *F.\TF.M KI?. Wlfi-ilrnilim \ot I'optilnr In America, BngU the .indue. MOW ViiKK, l>.mber 1 --fldWUfd J. Ratcllffe, the actor, who was found guilty of assault in the third degree for striking his wife, was to-day sentenced to six months in the penitentiary. Lawyer Townes, ?-ouiisel for Katellffe, made a motion for a new trial, which ama denied. Mr. Townes then said that there was some justification for the assault. Judge N.wburger looked at Mr. Townes with astonishment, and said. "I am surprised to hear counsel make such an admission.'' The Judge then said, alter referring to the recommendation for nn-rcy made by the jury: "Wite-beatlng may be popular in some countries, but not In America, t proposo In your case to mete out such punishment as will serve as a warning to c'hers that they must not rep?*at an of ft nee of this kind." Rntettffe was taken back to his cell In h.? tombs to await transter to the pent t i diary 00 I'.lackwells Island, When he will be confined to hard labor. This not carry with it the deprivation of civil rights that is Involved lu a State-prison p. ht. lice. V large crowd was pr. sent t > hear the ">ctor sentenced. Mrs. Kafcliff" and her lather, Peter OeLncey, were abaent Supreme-?;ourt-Judi;e Dickey, at White ! taina, this afternoon granted a tempo ary stay to Rnfcltffe, returnable in lwooklyn on Monday next The actor will remain i" Jail pending the argument to whether there shall not he a retrial on th" charge of aeoauit AUCTIOX MALKB-Thls Ony. WHF.V REAL FSTATK IM ?)?.?> TH? TAXKH KOK THF. CHRKENT CALK.\. DAK YKAR AKE TO HR PAID FR') HATA KV THE VENDOR AND Tila \i:nde_*. Hy the Valentine Auction Company, * 8? east Hroad ?treet TO-DAY (WEDNESDAY), DECP.M? BKK ',MUb. AT 10 ?i k. g., AT OL'R P/AREROOM, ?2? BAgV IIKOAD STKKKT, we will sell ror whom H may m, C?rpete, in Bruesela and l-Ply; Turki-ri and Ingrain Uruggets; U/alnui Kokilng Ked and Hldebo.trd combined, with |,,iK, mirror; several Walnut and otner ? huni ber Suit..: Pretty Parlor Mutt; f handsome Oilt-Frame grem h Plat? U rors. Wx40 and ISxU). U/alnut ?-.x. Tables; Divina ami other Chairs; | piece Leather Librar) suit. cc<t u?>, rai Ha tracks; Oab, Walnut, and > . Sideboards; 1 very large, and l . Hand-Carved Walnut n?"? of those Pine Lace curtains and ( can. I. Piano 'to.I ?rg in; ble?, 24x_4 Inches; lots of Ptctun Bureau?, Bedateads, and Wasi se vi ral gool Heating gtovee, ICItch bl. S, Arc. ?be., all to be ^ol.| I,, room for other conslgnt'e The ladlea Invited to attend th J. II. VALENTIN h de 29 _Manag? . \ . AUCTION SALE. MAKBLKHAl.lCLOTUlNli BOTJgg, CORN-ER FOI'KTKKNTII AM) MAIN S'l'IfKFTS l?t Having disposed of our ntir. WO Will sell TO-DAY, DECEMBER '.-vi ti. at ll o'clock, all tbe PINE stokk ri\. Tl 'RE_, consisting of Show- 'as. s; XI Fine Oak ?'.nii i M-foot Ola -Froni H 50 feet of Shelving; Mirrors, Trunks. Purl i, ' 'n tains, 8 ta neu; ?'hairs, [ron Safe; ::? Oae Qloboa and all g- . for. C. H. ? >i_i v m; \N". H. Kurton, Salesman. Al'CTIO* - v i i ?- i ,.i,,, , in,-s> WHEN REAL FSTATK IS gOLD Tii ; TAX-S POR THK CURRENT ' DAK YKAK ARE TO BE AID PRO KATA FY THK VENDOK J SO THK VENDEE By R. B. Cbafla A Oh (Ineorpei Rt al Betnte Auctlot Ko. i north T> nth al AVAII.AIII.K CEItEtl, SI'IMM.IES. thi: st? t tuf, itv ii'Wiv BXTBgglOM ill'i-i in ion? Will He lieg il ii r.iirly >e*t Wank. The dty ordinance granting to the South-rii Railway Company powera to extend their line up Virginia streu, and to build a spur track to the old l?o minien wharf, has been signed by the Mayor, and the company is now prepared tO puah the work or construction rapidly ahead. Arrangements have been made to commence op?rations next Mond iy. wei? ther permitting, and it is expected that th.- line will be complete within two Weeks of that time. The importance <,r this extension Is far greeter than it appeara to ba upon its rac, for it is stated on good au? thority that had not the oompUUf agioad to extend th?s.- facilities to the Jobbere, ?eVl I 1 Of them would have U-rt the city, Und moved their warehouses to the Man? chester side of the river. Dit. HIDKVS IBBBH ( LOSES. An Effort Will lie Mndc to i'.t't Him lo Deliver Another Cour??'. The tortea of nine lectures delivered by Key. Dr. J. C. Hi.?-Mi on the "Origin and History i f the New Testament'' at the Young Men's Christian Association, d laat night. The last was th.- b>st, which sp.-ak? of it very flatteringly in? deed. The entire cours,, has b. ..n well attend..!, and Dr. Hideti has giv ti tn.iy or his rich resources of Bible story to those who have sat trom evening to eve? ning at his feet Th-.y have been enter? ta m. -d becaaee they Interested, but the Instruction derived win be to ell a wii of pleaeure through life. An effort will be mad. p> get Dr. UldOn to deliver another aeries of lectures akin to, and those who w.ll Und time to attend them arc to ha congratulated. W Pen?, Corn, iiml Oat??Iteport? ?> > III a.l -.1 reef ?. NKW TORS, December M. ?apodal cable and telegraphic dispatches to atreefe, covering the principe] points of accumulation, Indicate tbe following con? ditions In available supplies last Satur? day, a- compared with the preceding Baturday: Wheat?United States and ?'anada, east ..r Rocky mountains, Liverpool Corn Trade NOWe, increase, l.-to,?"-) bushels; afloat for and in Europe, decrease, 1J0O.O?Q bushels; world's s?i|>ply, net Inci W,?g bushels. Corn United fltntee and Canada, cast i>r Rocky mountains, decrease, tf,0M busheis. Onto United Btatea and i'anada, east of Kocky mountains, decrease, IjMoVM bushels. Among the more important incf reported in tbe Official visible supply statement are th- gains of MAM bttshela of wheat at I'lllcigo private ei.v.Kols. 141,000 bushels at New Orteaaa, and m bushels at points in Manitoba and at Pott William. Ontario. The Import decrease*? are 400,000 bushels nt Northwestern Interior elevators, und 40,000 bushels at Aaron, ? ?. H.'iiinver iiuriieil. December EL (Up? It i?l<li-liee In ASH LAND, VA c'al.)?A fire occurred thla morning about 8 o clock, which totally destroyed the residence of Mr. John Tlgnor. at KJlby'e. three mii.-s below bore Mr. Tlgnor I av- d about two thirds or his furniture, a de? fective RU? was the cans, of the tire. There was no Insurance Th?' house was a new one. and its owner has been working hard foi years to hinl.l him a home. II? Wa? lust a'-aut tO make his last payment 00 the lnil.ding. 1/oss. |U0. Trouble Stomach trouble is tho common name applied to a derangement of the system which ifl keenly felt but vaguely understood. It may mean inability to retain food or todigest it. It may mean nausea, pain after eating, fullness, inordinate craving for food, or entire lack of appetite. Whatever it means, there's trouble, and it's with the stomach. If you have stomach trouble, you will be interested in this letter from a man who had it and was cured by Ayer's Sarsaparllia "For nine y?*.-? I ?ufTered from stomach trouble. 1 tried the aid of the best doctora of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and ?pent large sums of money, all in rain. One d_r while waiting a train in Bellaire, 0., I picked up a pajx r with a notice of Ayer's narsajiarillr?. I j,"'t one bottle to try it. It did me ?o much ?ood that I purchased fire more bottles. I took four of them and gained in fieeh, my appetite imp-ored, and now I can eat anything. My stomach is all right, thanks t> the use of Ayer's Karsapa rUl?."?OuYLN U.STtvghs, UawatowD, Pa. Mr DODGE'S Tit 11? TO HEW YORK. Ilrnei'k lleiikliiMv mid Mi-jM Ten ?? ore n Douane I lilt. "Dodge'a Trip t.. Ni w fork," the latem vehicle created r<>r the dis| lav of the pe? culiar talents or John K. H.-nsniw and Him Kay Ten Breach, which was ?e?'n at th.- Academy or Musk leal evening, is revotai shades better th.m its Immediate [He.lessor. "The Nabobs." That very merry twain have In their DOW i?!av many opportunJtlaa lo ungear at their brtgbteet and best. Kasy and graceful as ever. Jack Hen shew carried everything before him in the role ,.r the ?'resident i.r the MoOquitO ville Hank and inventor ot the patent pruno-pttter, wheat ; ide at the French ball brouKht iifion his head muiti ferloua trials and tribulations after his return home to the land or New J< While It mimt be admitted thai Miss Ten Brooch Mam In a not far distant second, it will charitably be remembered that she carries more weight. The supporting com? pany la m excellent one. Qeorge Mack, an eccentric comedian or mote talent than fame, gives a genuinely comic perform? ance in the role of Harnab\ l'. ttcr. Il MTOI] i. Dodge'a oonfldentlnl clerk. Hen. ?;rm nell Is there, too?Hen r.tiinail, who ts particular about parting hi? name witn an K.- and as Alphonse IVArville, BOt re? lated to t'amllle, he U ever happy and unctions. Etc ?-arries his perennial Bigg kick with him. and lt appears at every pcrrormance?rvosttlvely Mile. Chrlotta gives a i .nibt tion or dancing, Mr. Benabau gave con? vincing evidence of his wonderful versa? tility in divers and sundry specialties; Taylor \uii?h?.s. ballad rincer, acquitted hlnutrif with distinction; Qeorge Haeg aided the redoubtable Henehaw In h tni vesty sketch, strictly up-to-tbe-limu. burlesquing the minstrel stage, and UM Inevitable 'tithers'' p.oved to be far above the average. The show as a whole is one of the brightest Of Its kind neeo here this n Matinee and evening p*rformalices will ba given to-day. The attraction at the Academy to-mor? row night Is "Sever Again," s comedy adapted from the French, and benring the llixenlor HU?! Uli- I lie?. M , .,. Mr. ?'liarles l.ock.r. Of QlUOgOW, Va., is at the Lexington. Mr, i.ock.r i.? the proprietor of the Jam.s River COUMUt? Works, located at OlaagOW, one <>r the r-'w [liants of this character in tha coun? try. Th. -e works have been [fl ,)|?.. ration for a number of years, but never so profitably as BOW. Beatdee being the proprietor or th" cment-works. Mr. Lo keg has constructed hundreds or miles of railroad in various s.-ctions of the United Btatea, and is tbe inventor of a or shov.i, which, it is claimed, .1... s the work of 80.000 men with Whool? baiiows. Thla Invention has attracted gfOal attention, and has been need by the advocates .?r the K'ivernnieiit's construct inLf the Nlearaguaa eannl as an argu? ment In favor or Its undertaking the work. It is alleged that since this ma i hi i was Invented the 00Ol of' eonstr act? ing the canal will be ;? great many times reduced, while, i.r oouree, tbe profita therefrom would be in no way affected. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER ?lir-? all IWoodand t hronlc Disease?. Send for fres hUtory of remedy ?id te?tl ni.inml? to 'I lie Hadum Micron? K.ller i .?, 121 Prince Street. New Vork City. (oc l? ''V W; II RNITI RE VOH gAUB. PR?VATE SAl.K OP ALL THE HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHKN FURNITURE at 128 west ('lav -. on WEDNESDAY and THURS? DAY, December _th and :;oth, on account ith of my late husband, d.- MuR Mrs. }'. F. OILLIKCM. Blien in ?.? lierai Hinniii . ? turd. Amelia Cottrthouae, Deoember M, MM. To the BdltOr of th.- Dispatch: In the publication of my reply to ns there ate a few typographical errors, only MM Of which is material, bOWt v.r. Your typo made tii" say, Tne venal transgression or a brother has been publicly exposed. 1 used the WOItl "venial," a word or exactly the opposite meaning t<> renaL Again, he makes me say that human law, as H now ?Mst -. |g the ".-ource" or the wisdom. &c. It sliouM have been the "eum" or the wladom, *c Tha oth.-rs are ?rivial. I think, generally, your paper is very careful and freer ttom ,-rr >rs of this kind than any I know. Please correct and oblige. Yours truly, m_OHO-B J. IU'M>LKY. \nrfolk \ --i_; n in . i? i. NORFOLK. VA., December _S.-(Hpe daL)??loba P. Ban, am of tbe boanomea for K. ?!uy Hall, one nf the BUegOg con spiretors in the RalI? nanon?_ba_th case, assigned to-day ror I*?. KMIM.t). MK.VT WAXT?. TWKNTV-IIVK PER CENT. <'"M MISSION CONTRACT Exclusive terri? tory; excellent opportunity ior g< od Dunn? ing aid loan men Prospectus on appll caimn. Something new and B good sell i A 111 s 111 NTINHToN. P, O. BOX _;'.?, Richmond, Va. de s.i-?f w anTMD, IM FF.MALK IIANliS ON PLAIN BMW* lng, experienced and inexperienced?on power machines. .Steady employment. Light wo-k and good pay. Apply at RICHMOND BHIRT MANTJTACTUR IN'i'i COMPANT'B, .v- MM wool Mam Street. de _8-?it WAHTBD, BT A GRAD?ATE OF THK PMIVER? ally or Virginia, of aucceasful experience In teaching, a Poeltlon aa tutor oi t.acher In. an established school. Ad. dreea TEACHER, care of ltichmond Dis? patch._.te u tvr-KD, A BTTUATION, l^ AN EXPERIENCED oth. .-man and book-beeper. Fifteen year-' experience with large commercial and manufacturing concerns. Refen furnished Only reasonable salary ex? pected. Addresi W. J. ?'... can I ltichmond, Va. _de . M WII'.D, RELIABLE MAN TO HANDLE AQENTg lor 'le.ephotu- Tat.lets alel S|.aHles - t.,000 a year, Enclose stamp VIC? TORY MANUFACTURING COMPANY Cleveland, O. no i'i.-t.di i,ir,&?t) ' 1 TRUSTEES AUCTION BALE LARGE BRICK BUILDINQ ON THK U'KST SUM. ... TEENTH _P1 REET. BETV? MAIN AND FRANKLIN STREETS KNOWN AS No. h? N'H'.TH FOUR? PEENTH STKKKT. THIB PROPERTY [fl PARTICULARLY DESIRABLE FOR U HOLES \: lU'.SlNK.SS (.!{ LIOHT MAN UFACTURINO. By virtue of a oertala deed or trusi corded In Clerk'a oifi.-e of the Chancery t'ourt or the city of HI. hmond, In I Hook its B, pace te), default hei ~. made in the payment <.r the debt th sacurad, and being so required bj ? noteholder, I will sell by publli on th.- premises, on THURBDAT, DECEMBE] at i P. M., the PROPERTY d? aid !.. I as followe: Thai lot of with impr.'V.'tnfms, on the Wi Fourteenth street, between H? Franklin, beginnlu? at th.- Intersect 1< the west line of Foul lei nth the north line of Tobai CO alley, ti . running northwardly along Ifourtei I frontina thereon -i f- ! extending ba.k w feet to aa alley i wide. TERMS . 'Xtienses and t note of M.600; balance upon su.-ii . < as will be announced si - K I' . II \FI IN, Ti H H. r*haftiti * c... (Incorporal ' Hv N. W. Howe. AUCtloni Roa] Batate Anette? /^OMMISSIONEK S AUCTIOSSALE yj of THE MARSHALL COTTON-MIILg, IN MANCHESTER. AT RICHMOND, VA., AND <>F 510 FEET OF GROUND < ?N FOURTH STREET BETWEEN BTOCKTt IN AND EVERETT STREETS. HAVING ON A PART THEREOF TWELVE TENEMENTS FOR MILL OPERATIVES. in execution of the <)<.- . l to below, I will offer for sole, t>\ publ? . - tion. on the respective promisee THURSDAY, JANUARY I at !;: ..clock m., the VALUABLE I Ton-mills ab rod to, with - dally capacity of 10,000 I aid- I f brown sheeting, comprising all r..( buildings, whi.h are substantiel in char? a full complemeni of mm binary, and everything ready for iitini. rations. The mills are on great.d |.-r; ally leased, and th* water?powet li fur nlsh? d b~ tbe lea 'i'he twelve tenements will !.. sold Im? mediately aft.-r the ??;. or the milla i "the vacant lots will be offered next in order. For further Information apply sddreaa tbe commlaaloner or the auc? tioneer. TERMS: One fifth cas'.. nri,j the r. at six, twelve, and eighteen month bond-, with Intereel added, and tttl? tune l. and an Inauranoe policy upon the property In an amount to DO egreed upon us additional s.-curitv f.>r the deferred payments. |- ||. H ASK KK\ I (.[. Special Commiseloner K. <?. Netting*! BxacntrL-, Pmintis, acalnsi Marshall Manufacturing Com. i iny, Ac l'et. n?l,nits -in the l_s? l Equity Court ..r th? city of Rtchnv I. P. P. Winston, Clerk of s ml I certify that the bond required of th clal commissioner by the decre? i c tuee of D.. ..mber i", w.; - ?;iv.-n under my hand this <\.w ot P, P U INS'D ..V Clerk. de 23.36 29AJa 2,5,9,12 I6.19A20-I0t I tilt It IN 1. t_ ? 1 If you cannot get beef, mutton will answer. You may choose between milk, water, coffee or tea. But there is no second choice for Scott's Emulsion. It is Scott's Emulsion or nothing. When you need the best cod-liver oil, the best hypo phosphites, and the best glycerine, all combined in the best possible manner, reputation of a lo.ig und successful run ! , l . t New Vork city at the Oarriclt Theatre, j VOU haVC Only OttC ChOICC It brings prompt results in all cases of wasting, or A 8ao?-'nil Predicted. Weatherman Evans predict? a snowfall for thl? afternoon, with slowly rising temperature. The observations tul g o'clock yesterday morning; give the foUowlng westher condlti "Tin; barometer ?-ressure is highest ovtr loss in weight. All druggUt?; v*. ?nd $i.tx, ?C.OTT & BOWKB. Clwxnut*. Now York. WglftSmg WANTS. " R. It, ?AKVK? * ( O., IDS BAST MAIN STKKET, Old 'Phone ?i. Richmond, Va., dealer? in Herrlng-Hall-Mnrvin Com pany's gnfOB, want your orders ror New ..r gecond-Hand gafea, |M up to largest Hank NS'ork. Safes moved, opened N.\v Locks edjUOted by experta. de _3-8t WAXT-O, A PI RCHASEB IfOR A HALF 1NTK r-st in a well-established retail ?c business. Address B., Peat-OtBoe Box CM Staunton, Va._dejttjall COAL, COKE, ANO WOOD, WANTED. CONSCMSRS OF FI'EL TO know that tht-y can buy that most supe? rior grat > fuel, the Clover-Hill Coal, as low as $360 per ton; and ior cooking stoves, my Domestic Cruebed Coke, 'M bushels (double loud) for |_. Also. Anthracite. Splint. Fire Creek, Po cahonlas, and Oayton Coals. Oak and l'lne Wood at the lowest prices. Samuel H. Cottrell, Harrison ant Broad and 810 east Hroad streets. oc _^.lt tVOIl HKNT. THAT ATTRACTIVE ??'?tack Resi? dence on south side Beverly between Sycamore and Btrawberrj air? eta, taining eight roome, with about thno - of rich land attached. JOHN T. OODDIN A ?'<> , R< al Estate Aa k and _li wnth streets. .1^ ?-W.F _ BISIXBSS iM-i'iiii i i Ni ". ti ? POR SALE, A DRUOSTORa IN A pushing, active, Virginia dty. doing ? fair i t: gootl . apt i Ity for m k small, gatlsfactorj for selling. Addi. BS '!'. A. MILI Broel-Btreet Pharmacy, itiehm-.n-i \i _ de _3-Th.S ,.v\'. " LOST, STRAYED, AM? FOlM>. LOST, LAS'" NIOHT, A BOU. . k. on I'lum ^freet or between Flum Street and llainnund's Flower Harnen on Brook road. TWu Bl'UOY lUlBEs on. or long black fur and the other a black aad yellow felt, a suitable reward and no question? asked J" returned to 218 east Broad atreet- oe _*-n IlKlltMS. THK 1VS1 CHAN I) RAPID VI it. l-.u> no nreplac? beal i five a uniform l ' degrees in the parloi in th? i ther. For sale by J . . . lil* east Main, Richmond. Va. de Mm" ? ITV TAXES. "me Collector City Room 7. First Floor ?'itv 15 : Itl? hmond Va.. Ivc. ml Ntmt ? IO TAX-I'WI It The lesi.iue of Clt) Tunee foi ( ? NOW DUB AND VW ABI : Five p? r cent, added to bills not paid ii. June: I [.er cent, will be sdded : ? half bills n-.t ; . i ?,f i!?, ) Interest at ', f- i cent, also attache? to all tax-bills as soon as > lelin qoent. Kvery mule '.'i renn or a^.-, and person keeping bous,. ,,r doing bui In tb - . -s, d foi 'axes, and those who have not paid any city taxes during the year will , md sPtile. so as to avoid being posted a* de? linquent. 's-': PAVINO PIPE v\:. Fit CONN HHXa are a Mo due. and will have to be declared delin? quent If not puid on or b< I I of the OPPICB OPEN t'NTll. ?.". M F. W CUNNINGHAM do Um Collector ?if City Tases. Orders for prlntlin sent to the Dispatch Company will be given prompt attention, and tho style ot work and price? wl!) he sure to pieuse you.