Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WllOlJ* M MIIKi: U48-2 RICHMOND. VA.. THURSDAY, DECBMBBB 150. 1897. THRBB CKNTS PEIUXM'V. EVENTS IN FAR EAST. Till.ill RAPID MOVBMBKT \N m ** ' TI w OataiSfl TOPIC, ' KB STATES NOT A FACTOR. is ?ii.i i,a lisaataae ??r n,, IHplsmStlS < orpa nt \\ ?al.l ?Kl.,n_ .i.pai" ?e. ? lilne-e, nn?l I,,-,,,,,,, a i. ?' ?. x ; aaher h I IS II??' f ?a ? ' ' in ?ii .,; the . ? tory. Th.- i un. a In the i" % ? , Tilt, il '. upon - mtlsr to the ?xt? run. P land had i ' .11'.w 10 (?a* With all ; no in . A y: "l Involving than China - m my ?I tl aaa. Bui f. riiiatuy s n Indemnity m nit y rrona ? - But tint doca not involve I? rabie portion <>r : trill take mor? : ' y, me ked. ?H: "m a mlUtary B ly to take ' . ... . t. rritory. reporte that Japan would aid \tr. mit> . ".all act acting s of no ken, or content i i an in? nd n< nti ruch atrong? than it would . r, ' be sees that th? partition <.f would ' ah an "Th?- Sl? og the ' I not 1 ' ' 'I ? word I ' ment, it is felt, how ; orte as to - . of the ' pnr ov. r ....... from the ; I,?, little doubt | rnnltj hai ring i nav-ii station si i.iy mot.' terrttor). on the entitled to - on r t the asldered si : bu! tw.. i . .. itera. i . | do, ;n>'! they Of th" actual Cll Chinese waters, and Has la dis .i.I. althi Is of i ihn \ ? i;\ ii. OHMJt, ., ... I .nil OM Wi-ulh ?>f I'riMi ili-ni-c . IIXGTON OUT, to f< '"i off tae In the i for N' hip, in v ll?on -" , the Chun-Ohiu i " ty. 1 point, wh< led, to un self- | imbl? th( h , to a.V-ti th?' "We furthei ! I - Tai-Ho a " , it only "i tii" pi Ing Throne Hall, ' :.':,'" '! Ti , ..o to m" im* on '?' W-*l must I, and when ih?' ?tdll ,. mi., ra "f the ooari a the Inner op ?.ii. eren rep to rgi This is, so t o show oar >' - sire to pruplti.-.- i: a." I ii. nee 'I ?Urn a It l-lim.l. aMJIIAl, i a is report - : ? u. ? I oi th?- French r h Bag on Hal* ; tin- Chins H. a and ill of Toii'i'iiii) The Chineas ?* " ; Hoi!. Freut-? Ht-i-ur? ?f ?inflritieil. A dispatch to I report of th?- seizure of Hal-Nan Is lend by th II... nd is off the ??.util cast of I' of T"i> uum iroiii tbu China K. a. It has un esti ai? I ar? a ?if |f 0 ' SOJUSre nul. s and a ?pulatton of a minion nilnese, eacluatve Wild tilbes In lb?- interior. Some ?>f ? mountain!? m the ?entre ils? ab<?v ' Une. H has several large rivers. is are generally rocky, but the *i ?oast Is low and the SOUth good harbors. Timber is a prln pel product. This Is sent to Annam, ad Singapore. Other exports ar*? ir, wax. pearls, '?nal. salt, ami Ulli, gold ami sllv. r. It? CSptjIal Is Iong-Chi',,. a populous ??ty on its'north I??imaklpe ?ranl-dttsasS ?ONDON i?. ember N A? ordtag to dispatch trom Shanghai, the liniralty has requisitioned three the Bmpreee stesmsblps, belonging t?> i? ?'ana.Man Pacific Railway Company. i??!??.-??,!, kggvaves, RERUN i ? ?a -i a.a .a According to " N' :' N -richten, of Letpslc Bismarck iny*s policy In ?'?una at approve? it, and wlshe? li executed 1th nergj on the assumption that it npllea \ ( ImhI, l.\|?rc(,d. B1A, B, ?' . l?.', r M -The Of? fer? of the steamship i? loria, which ?s jnsi In from U" ' "< "' ' The i.pi? In all I thai tile!, Vlll 1,1 lash among the great p. .v, r the t ports of China. 1 ' ' ;.. ,-s m, anxious for Initiant! tO m il?' '.?a n..",?. bul advise a prudent ettttude and ' v. Ills. ( bin.?,- Sim-ill,,i, 4 rikh-nl. i ' INI ? ?N, Dec? tab? i M. A 1 ? '' ? d "The pro. osnts for a Russian gusrsnteed i per ? 1 ? li not yet The situation is disastra . b? only hop.- is that England win render Inancial help, as otherwise war ?s the nly ait? rnative. sir cisudc McDonald, he British Ambassador | ? few ays' delay, in order to the) I ?v li. er before the bom? got i am THIF.VF.S IN THF. 4TI V HILL. looks Mlaeed fr?nn the LtSVe Librnry. \ll II???*.!, ll.-iim 11,1,1. a careful, but thorough, investigation conducted by the City Bnglneer ' mat i ? ,. Which are ?ing committed In the City Hall. The ?w library of the Par A.,U..n ap lears to have boss one of the most fa* es, but other office? bave een irtolted during the night ttm irtlclea have been missed therefrom. In tin? course ?>f the Investigation the -i ti? i' th? front door s bit open ?luring the night when th" iv.tchm.ii go on rounds, it ?s be? loved that whUe ihe m<-n huv- been through th.- building thu thieves ?nusl hsve entered and gotten In their Une work. Mr. M.t.itiin testified that be had seen many peopll who WON unknown to b'.m. the building at s late hour snd go lira, and had not hindered them d no! been Instructed to keep tin m ou! ?f the bslL A charge was that on on?* occasion s night watch? man in the building bad left his post of :.o go tO a saloon, and upon an? other occasion H watchman was found asleep in a ? hair. These mattere may be ftl up before th.- Cro?nos and Build? ings Committee, in the mean while, Col? onel Cutshaw and Bergesnt-st-Arms Rus k-'ii are trying to probe the matter to the bottom, with a view to ?topping the thefts ?'mi tracing them t" their source. TIN-PLATE BE? To aiff.t. Their Purpose, If l??i?;?<l hi??, to He kliirt' H-*i?-?i Au reed I |?on. C< ?LI'MHI'S. c, December Ml I?. C. Of nilWOOd, Ind.. SS Mr ?'.t.'-un, Of ?'hicago, tin-plat,? men. are here wait? ing for ethers, th.? purpose i>< ing. if pos? sible, to restore rates freed upon at g previous meeting, i?ui which were violated me of those presen! thereat Pol lowing ar?? the names of the delegates: Laugblln, Mlddletown, O.; Mr. Donner. Anderson, Ind.; P. s. Wheeler, Jollet, His.; Julius Cohisniiih. New Ken n, ??.; i>. c. Reed, Bllwood, Ind.; Qreer, Newcastle, Pa.; Mr. p, Cl? viand; W. C. DuttOU, Wil? liam Hanfieiti. John Oliver, ami Richard Quay, Plttsburg; W. W, Ghraham, Bridge? port, <>.; xx. ?'. Lobins?n, Wheeling, W. Va.; W. S. Simpson. Cincinnati ; QeOTge Humbert, ConnelMville, Pa.; John W. n . .n,", sad ??. it. Qulncy, Pltts? burg. The statement for publication is that they are here to look over the Held for U _ THF M< \R\4.I . ? ANAL. Prom I tn-ii I i'onlrji?*t??r?? 1?? Se?* If It la I'rnetleiil. NEW Y<>LK. I??- nib? i M- W!nn the me steamship Plnance sails doom the bay On Friday she Wfll have on board fourteen of th?- m:>st prominent contrac? ta the United Btat? s, who will go to Nicaragua to inspeci the survey of the proposed ?anal, if th?* work is deemed practical, these men trill form s oompsi y and bid for the Job. The party Is under the direction of EC P. Crsgln snd B. L. \, chief engineer of the Chicago ,",. can il. Moal ? I the contractors were associated wltb Mr. Cootey In 'hat Immense undertsking. From the meagre a in their possession, Engineer i ?ooley estim?t? i simuni cost <?t tin- Nlcaragusn canal "t M5, tO,0W>. The ;irrnv ra say this is ridiculously small, and predict an exCI SI Of 180,1 ?mated the cost ijoct ?it f'"m ?Wr.0SB, dB to MM,* _ I OLL\l??i: OF \ III ILDIN?.. On,- Man KI ll??l?BS*J ?Till Others S< rioiiHl; Injure?!. WA8HINOTON, l. ..mi'i A.?Th? col. D Old war.laiusc hiiilding I remodelled for s residence, at No. Ml B street, south?.ist, about S_M o'clock this afternoon, caused the dektfa of one workman and Ike serious injury of ral otl i,,.,.< c. c. !! --! ! bricklsyer, IS resrs old. ne? k dlslocsted Injured -Thomas Carroll, v? re Inju* I head and ls..l> ; .lohn i. .,(..,, ?boulder and ankle eruahed; Qua Williams, ???tor? ! hod-carrier, ?light? ly injured Internally; J. P? Jones, ears n lightly Injured, joist? wrre bring taken oui preparatory t., raising the floors, and the ?rash came Without warning, burying all the to n under the debris. THIM?\? \SlMI\l?T (OMP-W. It llecome? nu KukIIsI? Concern, ??III? llei?d<i?inrler?? lit Lon?l??n. m:\\ ?<?pk. Peoemher M An ?ngtish -vmlicate bas Secured control of Trinidad Dj ?nd after the first ol ti,., ver th?' headquarters of the concern .,,? j,, be located In London, Matead ol la thi- ciiy as herotofora The r-corgunlaatton of th?* company t" admit th<- English capi? tal was effected at s meeting ol director? ami Stockholders that was held In this oit y to-day. The capital of the company under the roorgaidiatlon is t?> be hv creased from $3,500.000 to $r..00ft000. Recently American paving om?tanles ?...v.. been doing butin?es In the united Kingdom. In tt.mpetltlon with tho paving i. s there. ,',?. company's supply "f asphalt coir,.? from the Island of Triiibla-l. Tin* Ilolyrood at I.Mrrpoal. l IV-BPOOU i" '"i""'' -" ' ' '?" r,u*"h ?Lamer Hulyrood. from Newport New? for this OUT, Otto towed to this port with ?mr tall-shaft broken. In a previous re oo,t It was Hupi-os-d 10 be the Holyrood 'will wu. sighted off Veelnaut. disabled. . ('. I, EXTENSION. NMTIM TO TUB ??Y-ITBM OK AX mi'OUTA VI' ROAD. ARLESTON AND WESTERN CAROLINA nlrol of Tbla Line ".ecured by 'iireluiMi* of l*titlr** Stock?Srn honril ?Ir-Mnt* Traffic Arrangement Pro? na til y lo i ?ii.iiiiii', ialtim.ibi:. i?.oemher Mi?On Jainu y 1st the AHantlc-Uoast Une will a?l?l Its system an Important lln?> by se? rin;,' th?> ChSriestOa and W.-st rollna Ptlhroad. control or is im?- ?us just ?besa obtained a ?1? ;il in,id. with tl,. iiwii Qeneral Isaaael Thor-aaa and Mr. y. Rysn, of New fork?hy which a Atlantic Coam Une buya the ?'ntire pit.'I BtOCt of th" Charleston and West. ti... Mr. is. p. Nssrceener, vi< - aident of the A t la'lit ic-4'oast Lille, Silid -day that for tin- j.i? -. n? th? saun?' mati :> msnl will be continued on th?- road. ? '" ird Air Lim? has traffic sr? !.- ? m? ?its with this roaid to get into aguata, ?'.ai., and Charieston, s. <\, ami e chsng.? in control. It Is thought, may '.m some change In this arrangement, i some circles It Is thought, howvv. r, iat It will l?? continu? ,i, uwlng to th" al< 1.1?- feellag sxisting now between i two SpeteoSS. as a result or th?- Se.i .irii's making peu.- with th." Southern illroad, with which the Atlantic-Coast in" works in harmony. The Charleston and West? rn Carolina a Crem Bort Boyal, S. f., to Augusta, a., with an extension reaching BpsTtSB* Hg. ?s. C it is regsrded as a valuable operty, becsosa "f th" huge baslassa handles, ami will he an important <<!' r to the Atlantic-I'oast Lin?-. At pi ? - i't th?- Atianti')-*OoaSI Line rea?-hes the 'a?! o\'er the South, in Carotina and aorgla railroad at Augusta from Dea* lark, s. C Mor.- direct connection is ad at l.aurc-iis. S. t.. I,y means of the "lunilla. Newtoerry, snd Laurens rail ?ad, which Is also operated by the At iiaii"-?'o ist Lisa My getting the Chartes* ti and Western 4_'aro!ma rallroad, the tlanti'-Coast Lin?- will Increase its coast I minais, an?! with its pr? sent system ill resch .Norfolk, Wilmington, Charlea* on, ami Bort Boyal. Th.- capitel stock of the newly-acquired osd Is SmMOMJa, its bonded debt consista f tZ.TX'i.'oj of first OWrtgnga bonds, B, MjOOQ of income bonds, and a SSW BOrteO i terminai b?.nds. aggregattag *." ',' >. ile fixed chairg'S are said to lie api...??! a nil", and the property is paying, it is tait.d, .". per cent, on a M?<MM00 capitali aution. ? ?>Rin:TT-Krr/.siMv?i>s fk?it. mil? .lu?l She F? ?9 t sec4 2A\ n to 1 Mel Bn I M ton Bni an? cf rae rae of r.e Ml' (il. yea Hn M 11 T m i Ii hi i,.,i eol linn Siiiiir? Hopeo lo Hi -m (ine ?iff >? ?( Sum mer. NBW YORK, December Mt?W. a. Brady will to-dsy post ?- "'<" with ai. Smith to hind a match between Oorhett mi Fit/simmons. Dan? Btusrt. who managed tie- Pltsrdm? rnonS-Maber ami litzslmmoiis-Corbett bOtitS, Bald t .-??ay that he would tl ,iv? next w.?'k. and ii'-i h.- would secure th- signatures <>r Born Fltzsimm ins and Corbet! to STtlCl? agreement for a ring contest whloh hi propos?e to bring off sezl eaauner, pro* i.iiiiy in the Btat# of Nevada. H-- aaM that .... matt.:- stand now he does ?lot anticipate any trout?!, in getting COrbOtt and he is ?iiii.illy hopeful i Ing tic coda nt of Pltsstmmons. Just what the amount Of the purst which he WOUld off? r would be Mr. Btusrt refused to asy. Mr. Stuart would like to haw th. con? test take pi:.?,- not earlier than n?-xt July, and said that be would Ilk- to ar range a meeting between Bid McCoy ami ChOpnekl or some other good middle? weight, to take pi: . in th?- sam?- week as the ('orb'-tt-Fltzsiminoiis boat. If he can mail.- arrsngementa for both contests, Btusrt saiid he would offer excellent in? ducements for the wlnnera <?i both these bouta to meet six montha later, so thai in the ?v?nt of McCoy and Pltsstmsasas winning, they could s? ttie their dirr? rsncea within i<S98. CORBETT T.? CHALLSNOl FIT/.. CINCINNATI, *' . December '29.? James .1. 4'urlntt. who is spending the boll lay week here, is to-night writing s chal? lenge to PltMtauaoas He asya that win n ?tsalmmona announced hta retire? ment b? dill not ie? I at liberty to ?ilal lenge htm New- thst fltastmaiom announced that In- is still In the ring, tin- chaUenge will be prepared within a day 01 two. CORBETTSCHALLEN??. xi;w viutK. Deoemtoer M?William a. Brady, manager of .lames j. COrhstt, to? night ?lent to the Aaeoclsted ?Press the fol? lowing challenge to Robert Pttsslmmons, champion pugilist of tin* world: "Jemes J. ?Corbett, dissatlsSed with the result of his Iat? ? enlist with you at Car? son City, no believing than you are tus superior either as a baser or a lighter, and heilig of ti:' opinion thai tin- majority of tin- Amsricsn people Bharae ins belief that he lain defOSl V'U, if STOr JTOU ,i" man enough t?> grant lim a ratura bettle ?,ii equsl eondtUons, has deposited to-d ly as a ftwt deposit to Mad ai mstcn tor $1??,""'? a Bide, th" person or pet offering the large? Induoementa to have the management of the contest. "As you have aaM t<?-d:iy that yiir wife has withdrawn her objections to your .gam entering the ring, there is no reason why th.- srrsngemente should not i? imiSSti i: for you, In my h. at Carson City, gave Oorhett your word of honor that If yoii ?ver en? tiled the riic' again yOU would give him it i~ nseli I for \o'i to attempt to do* the ?public aid try t?> boom your pri? vait?- Interacts by attempting to fore* Ces* I,, it to m??t son,, --oiiil- <.r thlTd-TSte i.t before be ?shall t? entitled t<> your notice. He will not ag?''- to m? "t MShOT, Shark?-y. or -*ti> one els?-. II?' claims the chance thai h" i?ra von th.- right to win hack the till? "f ch:im|.l??ii. IB- clearly i,toyed hlms.lf In your class on ?March 17th last, and it was only By the greatest kind of fluke that you air.- now the title?! obamplon; and 1 do not believe thai pan will ?vr forget until your dying day the heating tnat he gave you thin, and if erar he aeea the opportunity to again Ines von in a M-foot ring. I wOl f-usrantsothat be win prove conclusively and bsyand a question ??f doubt whether or not h.- is In your ela (Sign?!? "WILLIAM A, BRADY." Al? lia. Su of PI ! II! i lau ha T? tl, Ti loa Bb 14, ?' I I ill l.a ti t', h th ai" CO le 1. l.v ha t" la ( RKS? BVI'-CITY HANDICAP. it Is Won by Mn?*?*>?Requital Falls of l'lace. NBW (?BLBANS, DSSSBShSt "?.-The 4"rc*sc-?-iit City Hund?? ?p was the feature to-day. Requital,- tl,?* Futurity winner, with J- J. McCafferty up, failed of a place. Octave was th<* only winning fa? vorite. The weather was fine, the track good, and th?- ati?ndanos large. Bum ma lies: First race?six furlongs?Lucky Mon? day (25 to 1) won. Amateur <5 to 11 second, .,?,,1 Reel (H t" :,i third. Time, 1:17 8-4. s oiid rnce?six furlongr--~Octavia (11 i,, a won, Toi Simmon? OS to 1) second, and AI. Bone 01 to 1) thlnt. Tim?-. 1:1? 1-4. Third rae?*?tho Crescent City Handicap, ami an eighth- -Maccy if? to '-'I won, ge St.ilman (2? to 1) ?wcond. ami J. (I to ! third. Tim*, i.R l-i. lurth race mile and a half - o 2) won. Nannie L's sister it to I) ind, and ?'harina (?*. to C) third. Tim-, 1-1. fth race-six furlongs?Ll-wanna (;?? ) won, ?KushrMd is to 1? aecond, and lie ?1. to 1) third. Time, I*?. II F.-*?KATI\(. II \4 F.*i. ull.ti 'Cyclist Chaee Aunln-t ?inerlcan ? hamplon Itrynold?. i:w Volk. Dsssanbec _..?W. T. Wet* , manager of Arthur A. ('has-, the -lish champion ml?l?ll?-distan-- cyclist, I Karl? Leynolds to-day sign? i ai ti'l-s agreement f-.r a series of III? sBsltSg ts between Ckase snd Beyanlde, These ?-s. it ?s annouwced, win be for s pur??? fa?oo and a ?id? stake ?.f (MO. Th?? nrsi e will In all pr.ibablllty be h- Id at ,?r Lake, B. I., where the national implonsliip cont"sts w?-r?. h- Id last ir. or In N? w York city; the mcwnd at Kalo <?r Toronto, snd th?? third at nt r? a I all early in th- new year. 'h.- m?n deposited $_*? each to bind tin? tai., Reynolds was the winner of the national impionshlp of Ato. rica 1,-? y? ar. ? ti.??. is a number of European skating ri? ds. VHITII \tla\tic i,o\i)-i,im:. lion on Ibe Subject D? breiit Hrltnlii. JEW TORS The fiHow * has been received fr??m Mr. Cbsi mner, chairman of the Jolni confi the commercial hodiee of N? w York. liladelphla, and Boston, regarding the sent standing o* ?in PhttSdelphM com ttee correspondence with the ti?-.- regu s man datl m? a asked 'or by the Board of ado: Li?, rpool ?teamabip owners hav* wtrsd i- board; 'ii mended Board ??t ade to aboMsh winter North-Atlsntlc id-line.' 'Lloyd's register of l'.rltish r??t*-i_:t-, Ipplng ?srires: ?Have recommended a n ol Trade '. exten?l applieaiiou of .* winter North-Atlantic load-Lin? so to Includi all ports north of Hatte OMBAT LMOAL t (>*?Tl:**T. i? of < leieinnd Lgalani Railway 4 <?ni pun lex?.Tille lo Minie Lund. *__VB?AND, (>. I?.ml., r Ml- With a t.\v days ?m?? of Um greatest i?-gai ttles which have ever been brought to ?al In this city will commence !?< fore e Court of Common Pleas The case that of the city ?>f Cleveland against e Lake Bhore, pig Four, Pennsylvania, id Cleveland and t*l*__sburg Railroad n-p.iia? -, and inv??H'< s the title to mil ms of dollars' worth of property on the ik" front. The tracks original ran along close t<. the orator's e?ig?', it for yeere the companies base been ling In til*- lake until Isrge traota or nd have DOOB Created. This gVOttad i? >w claim?-I by th?? c ty. A brilliant ar? y of legal talent has been employ, d on ?th ?enes *nd the oonteat will bo etched with gnat Interest, |! III I \ ? V l\ll *. I : \ 1.7.1 F.L \. he \ i-bilr nil?n I'tiiirl-Miirk to lic? it I n la IVbrniiry. WASH1NOTON, December _9.? The riefe In tne Bril ih-Venesuelaa arbttra ted to M " sdy the llddle ? !' F bruaiy, and the preliminary ork of th- arbitration court will then ? gin. The Y?'ii. zu?-lan (?hv? rnmtnt bas am. ?1 Dr Roja?, ? prominent lawyer nd diploma!. ..lent :n 1 s agenl before the court. With him wU associate! eminent counsel, whoss am.-s have not 111 been announced, Tn? t mi" r. of tii" court Chief-Jostles Pul i-r ami Justice Brewer, f??r Venesneia, rith pr. Martens, of Bt PMenhurg, as n || will BO! SSS? nib!.- until t!i. I.,i i ?.r next summer. HOMF. m li: ron CUBA. ? ?v ?... ? e ni tu-o t I.? (??> Into I i ? i .lumiiiry 1st. HABANA, D? ?'.[iibei- ..?. -Captain-C.tne al Planto has issued a dSoroO an louncing the lines upon which the hom?. uit- governmeal is establish?-?.. Th?? Qov rnor-ij.-n? -tal ami ExSCUtlve assumo iiai'K" Of foreign affairs, war and the tavy, with flve autooomlcal sserstsries if supreme Justice gad the interior flnsnee, public instruction, public works, ."-is and telegraphs, and sgriculture ml commerce), with the Prestdesi ?>r the 'ouncii. constituting the rseponeible gov rnment. The BOW OfBctSlS Will take the lath of ofBoe at !i A. M. on January 1st, m.] win lutmedlctely sssume charge or (Bcea. FlltF. IN l'OHT-.\l-I'HIX F.. i ?;;i,i Bandead Eamaoa Bsstrwyed? Au F.n ? lb?|inike. PORT-AU-PRINCB, Haiti, Deceesher : At ?1 O'clock last night a fir.-, whi"n ISSIimrd cons?,|i mill, iiroportions on ac? count of the lack of wat? r to .supply the pumpa, destroyed IM houses, including s number of wsrebonsos s hotel, snd the [" of St. JoSSph ami Its parsonage. About 3,'*" people were rendered nome This morning at f.:l0 O'clock there was an earthquake, the ?listurbane?! running from north to s'iuth, lasting half a minute and causing slight ?racks In the earth. Tin re were no fatalities BUM It III.Ito*.? IN THIS COrSTBY. I'.altut or Line It .in During ISSff About 1.1?:iS Miles. NKw yolk, Deoamhsr ?.-Figures OOmpUed by th.* Railway ?aatMS show that the new railroad buttl in th.? Baited States in 1V?7 aniounteil to about LM miles. These figures .?r>- parti** esti? m?t?..!, and are subject to correction. The new talhrny buUt in the year UN was l.'.f.iT miles, ati'i in th. year UK, 1JB miles. cuiiiirnia i.uiit mere miles of mlrrosd than any other State in the Union ?taring the Just closed - namely, IM mil-s an?! the largest amount buttl by anj railroad was MM, i>> thi k . _ ? ?ty, Pittsburg ami Cuir Company. na_M.ilj Fiiini Ikssllna N'l.Li-'Di.K. va.. Deceml heard Mason, having separated frt?m tirst ?rifa married Bra Dtxoa. The latter, ?Jis ,ng that Mason wss Berried, ra tused him sdnSttsnee to her rssnaa Ma-'ii. half ?Irunk, forced his way lato lb?' house at !* o'elcK'k to-night, and :.11 ?*r g row, shot the woman, wounding fa r fatally, it Is thought. Sh?? WSS taken to the hospital, and operated on. When ar rested Mason admitted the shooting, ind sal'l h?- was ?lad of it, ami was sorry the woman did not die when the bullet struck her. He Jokingly averred that he hoped, if She died, a Jury would be _e cored which would hang him. Srw Type of H.i.l.l-I Ire ?.?in. ALHANV. ?N. T., December Ml?The army-gun factory at th?- Wut-rvii-t ar? senal has just completed and is about to ?end to the 8-<ndy Hook proving grounds a new type ..f tin- Conloo rapid-fire gun. It is a 5-Inch gun, using fixed ammuni? tion. ali?l If th- claims for th. n w I mechanism are realised at the tSSt, It will be the most effeottve type of secondary ordnance ever produced in this country. Nothing succeeds In removing coughs and colds like Dr. Dulls Syrupy ) ARRIVE TONIGHT. JOR TY1.F.R AM? PARTY WI1.B REACH RI? IIM4IM) AT Str.?, DEMONSTRATION IS EXPECTED. Few Friends and Relatives Will leet Tbem?HIII tin to the Fie cu la?* Mnnaion Tn-Morrow-A Mlll ary Faoort on lnangnrntlou?Day, lajor J. Hc-ge Tyler and party will ich Richmond In a sp..?-lal car over the irfolk uni Vfosters railroad at ?M lock to-night. '! ? : .v.rnor-?-!e, t and family will he tt at the station by a number of icla ee and friends, and will be driv.-n at ce to th. ir hot-i, which had not been acted last night, but will proUihly *? t J??ff? rsoii. Th?ro will be no organlSSd aaonstratkra of any ehssacter upon the ?vernor'e arrival, ami it Is his wish that ' Mg ait th.- hot, | be spent as iletly as possible. A number of th? mediste relatives of Major Tyh r and I wife, as well as several clos.- fi i '.ids, II (onie to- Bi'-hniotid with tl, m. MDCCPTIOMfl K\ ROUTA Though th.- arrival of tin- ?iovrmr BCt in Richmond will l** wry QJBtSt, it ( stated thai at several points along the i ! h? will be giv.-n a warm greeting. i Rossoke, Lynchbnrg, Petenhurg, and irmvill?* he may hard to SddrSSe the OWda that will turn out to meet him. lie trip win be mad?* in a psrtor-csr. aderad him by th.- Norfolk and Western aOway Company, Th?- illness of .. son of Major Tyler pi, - nts th?' formation of exact plans after riral here. The raaag man is a eut? rcr from rheumatism, which is psrlodl i! in Its SttSCks, am,I it may t.?- that he ill he too Unwell to leave th?- car. In c ?is sreal be, with some othen of the ,. arty. may r.-miin in th" car, until to loriow morning, and go dinctly to the m CUtlre Mansion. The Mansion will SO vnait.-.l to-day. ai Major Tyler and family will move in ?-morrow morning, it ma] be esstly un rsiood that tile great"! txirtlon of the iv win be spent in putting their new raae in order. THK MILITAI'Y ?npOORT. Though ?Major Tyler adheres to his in? intlon to have liis inauguration aa free rom all ?list iaiy ?* possible, and refueea he offer Of a militai y escort from the | taition to his hotel upon Bis*, arriva!, be ] as acoepted th.- tender of CSptslO Mor- i ?n B. MiiN's company--Company P -aa oort on th?. ? i a. y of inauguration. , ii" coinpainy will escort th" Qorsrno*** i loot front th" Executive Mnnaion to th.?' 'apit'd ?m Saiiurihiy. and will perform he police duty thought t?. in- necessary mtii after the Inaugure] raremonles, rhea h will escort the new Qorernor auk to the MsnMon, Mr. Henry It Tyler, and Mr. Ben. P. iwon, Jr., th.- brother and prisai iry, respectively, of Major Tyler, win onfer tO-dsy with Speaker Ryan, and hmator Wlckham, members <>t" the joint itive committee in charge of ar nngementa for th" Inauguration, aril any hanges deemed neceessry will be made n th?' puhllsh?'d plans for that day. So it- as known, how?v? i. then will In* no i? viatjon from the progrsauaa alraedy amoaaood in the DIspateh. TUB EUBCBPTION. Mrs. Tyl.r will probably select to-day he lanlii s. whom ehe will -isk lo t 1er .ai the reseptloa Saturday night, it a known that the list ha.s not yet been ompleted. Th" reception will be es? eodlngiy informal, it is for the purpooa >f giving Major Tyler's f ri? luis opp 'i'? unity to es presa their congrstulstlons, ind he h is let it be known that be w*ill h?- to aee them all-in evening dress, if they choose; h?- is not In the lesst par? ticular. it is undentood that ?Senator Daniel will be bore on Saturday, ?nd win recel?e ?tti'iai notitii,'ition of his re-election to the Benste. Just when, this ooremsny win i.viir has not been arrang?e?] "Hie mat t' r is in the hinds of a Joint comma' tt th" LagtSlature, who will, after Major Daniel's arrivail, confer with him touch? ing this point. Th.* ?Senator has written to friend hers that be baa no idea of making a speech. 4.F4IHI.I\ nil \l\ll\M\ R. R. ?lohn Skt'llnii Williams, of Rich? mond. Ms MlOStSd President. savannah. 'i.\, Deceesber Mi?The following Bossi of OAcera of the Qeorgts and Alabama rsUTOSd vus re-elected to? day ?it the annuail ni"?tlng of the directors h.i.i li.r.': President, John Bretton Wll? Unis. Bi.hmoiid; Vlce-Prostdnt SBS UOB ? ral Msnsger, Cecil Oabbett, Bsrsnnsh; i vi,, -Bresi.i? i.i. .i. Mlddendort, Baltimore; Secretary, w. w. M'-Cuit. Sa* vannas. At the adjourned meeting of the stock? holders, hi id yesterday at Amsrleus, tero new din. toi- Henry A. Birr, of Bsltl* mor.-, and J. B. Hoist, of Columbus- w re added to the list. Reports WOT* submitt'-l at the meeting ahowtng the property to lie in aiti admirable condition. GOMPERS Ili:i'I.I"'s to bic.R. h?? ?Msltsratse CrltfaMaaas Made by Federation of I.nlior. W'ASiiiNHT'tN. i?. <*., DseeMwr -M.? Samui Qompcra, prasldenl of ttie Amcri ? an F? ?! r.-.tion Of LSbOT, h.'?-? i'-plt?'d m an ??pen letter to Secretary ?a.gcs recent Istter, talking exception to the resolutions ?. i,y tin- Pederatlos with reference Oage financial MD. Mr. Qompera simply rerterates the for? mer crtticiama saule by the Sadorattaa of Lahor. II" ?lisvlalms any intent, to make trtcturea on the Secretary Of the Tressury, bul reiterates his claim thai th? people al large t ire a perfect right to criticis? the Oflfe action of IIBRB. T\KF? US CORPSF." Then Hi* ? ?iiiiniltled BalsMS?For? merly n WSStthP ? Ula-iiKoan. Ni'.w YORK, i>.. niii.i h\?John Berg? maun, who last night hailed a policeman on Third avenu?? with "H-re, copp? t. talk?* this corpse to the morgu? ." and sent a ballet through his own head, falling dead at the other's f.?'. ! -nd to hav>* la ?n formerly a wesltby rsaldent of caiesga, It is said that Bergmann lost his money in Bpscalattoa on th.' ?Bosrd of r 4'hlcaigo, after which h?- ?ame S MAMAMA T?Mi\?4<> i:\i'(iHTS. Filil?.-, rito \itniii-t Them S.ioa to Bo Htalaed. WASHlMtlTON, December 29 \ ant-S?, r. taiy Howell yesterday a a telegram from Collector McFnrland, ai Tampa, stating that he was advised thai the embargo on the exportation of to? bacco from Habana, ?*uba. would b? ii l within th. next twenty-four hours FRKIBHT-TR \I\ DKR \II.MF.\T. I'luaai* lulo Bl?ht Feet of ".Yate-r Slx Men Injured. 4'HH'A?;? ? I ?. inher 'Z9.?An engine ant" sahSOSa ?n th>* ChlCSgiO, Hammond ant ii i.iilr?*?'! left th.- tracks whlb crossing the bridge over Suit creek, tw? miles north of ???Grange, last night, an? plunged Into ?*ight feet of water. Six mei wer? injure?!. They are: Engineer Wll In Draper, Chicago, hip crushed ana kit- fractured; Fireman John Walbnrn. immond, int-rnal tnjuiles and scalp uitls; Conductor M. J. Gibson. Ia ange. ch-st hurt; Q. Conant, toago, ha-k Injur-d; Brnkeman John ?esac, Chicago, bruised and burn?-?!; reman ROwrt Iff. I_U.rang?\ hip ished and slightly burned. The en ie?r an?l tlr-man lioth Jumped when the Kine l'-ft the rails, and war- lOjl:: ?ling on the i?-?-. The accldeat is sup have been osussd hy s-prtadlng the rails. LIMHFII AMI FLOl K. ?Ion In ??nil, America Fn-4,rnl?te to Our Interest?. ?\ '.,SHlNOT<i.\\ 1? ?V. DSBSSSh? Um? le lumber and oth?-r interests which Ight be sftBOtSd by reciprocity treaties e watching closely through thetr n-p sentitives her?? all that concerns Hair ?lai interests. The principal tepto* ntativ.? of th?? lumberni'-n Is Mr. Th? <> ?litis Tunis, one of the Kx-cutlvi? Corn? il !< < of th- National Lumbermen's As ?. ?atioii. He has ba?l Several interviews ?th Mr. Kasson, who is In charge of re? negotiations for the State De irtment, and has reoetved th?*- foiiowir.g tt?r from him, announcing th?* BUeeOBB ' efforts to prevent Argentina from liking a blow at American pine: "Washington. Dcci'tnber US.-Mr. Th??<> hilus Tunis.?It may gratify you to tow that an onViul cable from Mr. uchanan, our energetic Mir?isti?r at uenos Ay I OB, MfOrms us that the Ar? min.- Chamber of Deputies has tie? Un? ?I n- government's t>r?>positlon for an in ease of duty on yellow pin??, leaving the resent rates In force. The bill awaits m further action of the other chamber, ''Respectfully, etc. "JOHN A. K Special Commissioner PI nry." Mr. Tunis has also b??en Informed that from our Minister at Lit? an ounces that th- BraaOiaa flover mi-nt ill f-nrnv?' th- tliscrimlnating exactions gainst our ship-owners, which should -suit In the resumption of our f!o?ir rade with that port. II. is or ??pinion that the ?Incriminating lauses of the Dtngley bill caused th?) de islon of Breatl ami Argentina. .TTBMPT TO MVBBMB A PAMILT, :ion .loliiiaiiii. of Hlthnioinl. Make? ID Then Kill? HlniNt-lf. CAMDBN, N. J., December ..*.? F.ton r.ihi.son. aged years, to-night ?tttempt -d to murd.r Krnest Fellows, Mi PB? m??, and their 13-year-old son. Frank, br thooting them, at their home. 2.?'. Brie itreet. Be dangerously wounded PsllowS mil ., slight wound In the hoy's ?high and a flesh WOUUd on Mrs. F.l lowa Johnson then shot hlms.lf, ?lying instantly. Johnson, who was a shtp-cirp-nter, ? lim?' li-re from Richmond. Va., about live months ago, and boarded with the Fellows family, to whom he was I He fell In arrears for his board, and last night, it is sai.i. was ordered from the lions?-. To-night, while the family was at supper, he ?am- for bis trunk, but was told he could not have h until he paid his back board, amounting to IT.50. Then he draw a pistol and fir-tl at PBlosrS, tho ball taking effect in th- nook riOSS to the SplBSl column. Mr*. PsUoWS ran scream? ing to the yard. Johnson follow? 1 and Bred, the shot glancing along her sMsr. He next turnet! on the boy, who was CStUng for help, and shot him in the thigh. After firing anoth? r shot nt Fel? lows. Which went wi.te. he killed liims. ir. Johnson was formerly employed at Dia? logue's ship-yard. He was unmarried. There Is no such name In the city directory as that of F.ton Johnson, nor <li?i iBCJUlry St the police stations last ?|. b any tnfern .'.or? with tatet* him. While he may have gOM to Camdee from h?'r-, h*> is not believed t<? have been a permanent reeMeat of Richmond. i:\ .MFLLi:?-W IRE l\TF.RK?4TS. Sen '? inili.'i?. I ...?bin.-. Tiiwnrd a ? on ?oil?In l ion The reo f. NKW YOLK, D-ceinb. r ?.?The nego? tiations to eff-ct a consolidation of 'lie Various stamping and ? num.-ll.-dwar?? in tereote have not ha'-n brought to a. c?in i-'.nston. Qeorge Ketcbsm, of tin- central Stumping Company, said to-day: "Affairs arc progressing favorably, ano U Is possible that the negotlati. going to end Successfully, Nothing d? li niie ?s to in- done, however, for a coupio of wsaka" Several minor consoli?latlons have al r?a?ly taken place. Th.? capital Involved is said to bo abOUt HO.?/?.!**). MIRTH ATI. Will ?Mil AllltOY It Will He Henil? (o Snil for the -on i li by Juiiuiiry l.'tl?. NKW Y??HK. December __.-Th>- Ig? touches on th- repairs of the ships of th? North Atlsntlo st-iiailron are now beim, applied at the Brooklyn navy-yard, an the fleet will be side to sail for th.? Bout) before January 1Mb. It was state,? to ?lay that th..- battleship Iowa might g? away this w-ek. 'Ph.- MaSBBCbUBSttS am the laxas will I??? r?'a?ly to go som.- Cm BOX! w?-k or early In th.? -canil w?l in January. There is some Baeertalnl about the Brooklyn. Iiil.-i-iinllniinl **."' ci?-n - I inn,,. NEW Yt'LK, December B.?J. Havelocl WOa ?n, M. P., ami president of the in 1.1 national S-atin.n's and Firemen' 1'nion. addressed a meeting of ??bout 2?] s.afaring men In this city to-day, fo the parp?se of orgnniglng the America eei men Into ?? brsnch of the Interns lions! Association Andrew ? San F/aiii'ise?.?, general secretary ?if th Paciflo Coast s? un? b's Union, ais?? ad dressed the m? ?'tiiig. Organisatl already been perfected In Holland, Spell France, ?J.-rmany, Norway, and DtumarV Three large ?ans Tab!. Peacbeg fo Be.; bee! Tomate tn; beat Con Oc. f.\n, at 8. I'llman's Sim's. 10-pounil jiails Home-Ma.!' pi ."?je.; J-lly, :1?'. pound; Appb? Putter. ::? pound; Preserves, Hoin?-M.i?l", Ig, pount ut B. Ullmsn's I I Lump Starch, 3c. pound; larg bar Laundry Soap, to?, at s. i'iiman' Son'-'. Nie. California Hams, 7c. pound; Boloi BS Sausage, fis. pound, at 8. Filman Son's. Old Rve Whiskey. 4-year-old, $2 galloi at B. I'llman's Son'?. Morton's Cocoa.. 8c. can; Baking ?ho?-? late, Ik?, cake, at 8. I'llman's Sun's. N.w Virginia, Buckwheat, B_? poun, best New Orleans Molasses, ?Wc, galio at S. I'llman's Son's. Lest City Meal. Ltc. peck: good 8a "urk. 3c. pound, at S. I'llman's Son'?. French Candy, 5c. pound; good Tea, 20; goo.l Uoasted Coffe?-, He. pound, at I'llman's Bon's. Large Irish Potatoes, 20c. peck; be Cream Cheese, 1. l-_c, at B. Filmar S ?Ils. Win?- for Jelly. Me. quart; Rival Qel tine, 5o. puckage. at 8 I'llman's Son's Orange Country 4'reemery Butter. S pound: Mountain-Roll Putter, 13c. pout _A S. I'llman's Bon's. Carotina Rice. tc. pound; large Letuoi lie. d.s?n: ut si. Llliuau's Son's. HR. HELMSVS REGIME IM WILL EtTER PPOTt nil IM TIE? t)S 'lll-im OF MAT WEEK. SOMETHING ABOUT APPOINTMENTS. t l* 'liionuiii That Mr. Donalil May il?? line the PosBtlon of Firat As? slain m ? Many of 1 be Boards Expeeg to H?* Retained. Mr. Georg? M. Helms will assume the ih- "lile., of Superintendent of ihe State PenRostlary on TueedaV? The term of Siip'-rlntendent Lynn ex? il r. s the Hat Instant, aid he expected that M?. Helms woul?! lake Oirge on January 1st. but It la understood that the t r? .-im.? will continue until the i\L, ML. BLL.MSS APPOlNTMMNTt Th-ro Is no certainty as to Mr. Helms*** appointments. It has been un.lerstood for ?orno timo that Mr. Samuel I tonal?!, of Augusta, would b?j the first assistant. and Mr. A. XV. Finch, of Botetourt, would have charge of tho State farm, but there now seems some doubt a* to this arrangement. While Mr. Finch has givim no intimation of an intotition to d?clins the place for which he was slated, some of Mr. Donald's friends think he will not accep*. the place of First Assistant. They say ho already has an i ?ft Hunt business, and while It would have b?f*en an improvement for him to have brea elected to the position of Superintendent, he could not afford to accept the ?>n* h?> Is said to been oft?ire?l. The latter pays a salary of pirt p?-r month, with a house furnished, the rental valuo of which Is estimated at $89 per month. Mr. Donald Is unmarried aad would not need tho residence, but could easily rent it. THBY AM ?>N TENTERHOOKS. Many of the guards at th?* p?*i!it?ntlary an* on tenterhooks, fearing that, they have been marked for decapitation by Mr. Helms, hut others are seneoe and confident. The difference In tb? stats of the two classes Is Quit?* r. man, able, until explained. Those oil the e?L lous seat, and they are lu the majority, yore advocates of Major Lynn's r?*-eieo<v?n, white those who are eaay In miad a\,? ported Mr. lj?lms. The partisans **f Major Lynn. ho?v?*v?>r, are not ?ittrely wlihout hope, ?nil express the bellet, t,.>t_ very strongly, to bo sure, that tbey will hold on. Tills latter class, as may bs eaisily Imagined, are very aillent rtvll* service reformers. WILL LIVB IN RICHMOND. Major Lynn has taken a house on west Brae?- street, and will h"gln the work c" moving Friday. Liter he will visit hie hrotli. r at Los Angele*, Cal., but ?a*.III ri -i?le lu Richmond permanently. Ho will not decide In what business he vti'l engage 'til he n turns from the vl Mr. Helms Is ?it his home In Franklin county, but l? exp?*ct?d here this w? i k. The mall thut is awaiting him at Mur? phy's, when? he always sto,?s, would fill a sack. How mnciy of thes.i letters go to swell the list of applicants for pi I already rear-hlng a thousand, Mr. Helm? can tell two or three d.cyac aft.r reaching hers. _____________ ATLANTlO-CO in LIMO, lloltilft) Fa?-m ,l..u Kale? The Atlantic-Coast Une will soil, count Christmas holidays, round-trip tickets b?*tw?*en lixral Bastions on its lines at 4 cents per mile on?1 way for the roun?i trip. Tickets Richmond to By ?hburg and re** tuMi. p,; and Richmond to .Norfolk; and return. tSM in k? is "ii ' r "-i to 28tn, Inclusive, and December .10, !a*?7, to Janu? ary 1, IS9S, Inclusive, good to return until January i. UN, Incitases, Tickets will be aold to students of col? lies afld schools at same rates .?s naiuod above upon presentation 'of certlgaStS signed by th?' superintendents, principals, or presidents thereof on December ***** to '-".il., inclusive; final limit January ?V. ?'. 8. I'AMl'BBBL. .. Division Passenger Agent. c. A ?i. RAILWAY Rswr-Tssjs iioiii. ? uni?-. On li.?"nnber Hath, 31st, and January 1st, the Chesapeake and Ohio railway will sell holiday excursion tickets bo? ll of Its stations at ONI AND ONE-THIRD PARRS, limited for return to Jsnusry 4th. laclasirs. SPECIAL RATES BETWEEN RICH? MOND. Nl'BFOLK. AND LYNCHI goatherts, Railway Holiday Rates. Th" Southern railway announces MM duced round-trip rrtea b?itweep ?U point* on its lin?* and connections east of th? Mississippi and south of the iihlo and Potomac rivers, n?-coiint of th?- liolidays, tickets to l." ?soil December 30. 31, IS97 and January 1. 189H, Dual brnit returning?)*! all tickets, Jsnusry t, UN. .'. W. WBSTKl'BY. Travelling Passenger Agent. 920 e:?st Main : .. Richmond, Vs. ( ? In Paaaearger Hulea, via Bay Fine, .1 j? .? ---1? I, < i- It..,? t.-. On and aTter Monday, B? ???nber HtA\ passenger rat?ae via Bay Line, jam?**' Hiver ?Route, will be ss folio? Richmond " Baltimore, one way....?.ft Richmond to Baltimore on?! return....HOI Richmon?l to Baltimore, second class..J1.9 Richmond t?i old Bolnt .fl.S Round-trip tickets will be limited ti 11. - tuber l"jth. Por state-room reservation and oth* inf..imati?iii apl'ly IS II. M. BUY KIN*. Genera 1 Agent. tX cast Main atreet. - m%m 1? will pay y.u to g?*t one of B. Filman' sons complet? ta a regule mouey-savcr.. i'uick delivery and bot! 'phonea at each j east Main. l"p-town atore, M Marshall. For Diseases of the l.lver. Morare! im?! Kidneys the Water of tue <.. ?nUrt?r White SqlphtJ Springs is the moat valuable in America. Eiffel Tower Concentrated Fruit Juices SI earelnlly and akiliully compon.i'l?**l ani <*t*???? c .l'y our*. Try a packago. Plavor-, : Li raw Ginger, Linger-I'iiia?ii, ?jlnger.'J?x???, Ctovi Black ?arrant, Peppermint, et?-. 8?>le ageat la Ulcbaiond. Messrs. Puroel!, Livid A < o an Kxtbsdkd rorci.Asrrr.?hsowag Barn rum Tkocuks bare tor many yearr bees tl moat popular article in use lor relieving Coagl ?rd Throat troubles. _ ?*??>?? - ? The Weather, t"' - > w.\.-'?ii.N?m>N, D-c-cember M I m|| I Forecast for Thursday: j I For Virginia?Threatening w< t thcr in the ? triy morning. ft lowed by fair weather; aouthwe&tei winds, becoming norlhw? eterly. North 4'aroltna?Fair weather; wxiox southwesterly winds. THE YVEATHRK IN BI?HMO? . KB DAY was char ami bright. ,' of thermometer*. 6 A. 9 A. M.m..,J| 12 M....M 1.A ? P. M.H ? night.|| Mean temperature......?