Newspaper Page Text
2 _ THE RICHMOND PISPATCH-FR?DAY? DECEMBER 31. 1897. We Have Fortified Our Stock AT ITS WEAK POINTS, OCCASIONED BY TUB ON? SLAUGHT OF OUR FRIENDS DURING CHRISTMAS WEEK. *k n? arogV for S Suit ?h mit M iiiu-onimon price for a 7K J I if 1 *** ? '" l.i<*lnnond, bnt it's an uncommon prfos k?e^9\s vr f((r xiieOlobe kind. Noadditions by express. This line ?>f Suits was also unable to with lJ_)_J __%%? stand tli?' att.R'ks mud? upon it. We're forti? fied now by lbs stroiigun possible values. _ *? l_f\ _(\_f\ This UM a vrai n ??oniph^te. Choice ad ?TfSIf 1 11 if ditions, ficsli from tli?i makers?Worsted?, Vil-unas, and ("assimiles. |K a? /\/\ f?t ft Blue or Bim-k Kersey Oveiooat. Fifty ^ft J '1181 d? li\? r?'?l l?y tli<* SXprSSS company yesterday; ^^v-^* anothi'i' 100 OB tlie way by frei-j-lit?so D0H they're hot >et. Com?*, ?r? t one. Better Oven-oats 17.50, $&50, *lo, $18, Yes, $15. -Surprise Special Sale No. 65 BOYS' FAST-BUCK STOCKliNGS AT 5c. ends to-morrow night. WHAT NEXT? SEE SUNDAY'S DISPATCH. SEND YOUR MAIL ORDERS. , ^ttiMt-ft. 1 >>l?,?ll??l ^IUBSSS??-'1 *]*%%* tlr i \t**.Vt'A?V LOBE ...BROAD AND ~aW*S SEVENTH STS. ...SITE OF THE OVO RlCtl-AOND THEATRE... nu: t m?.im \ s i, v-^r Titir iiiri:. *ii-\vnier it?mi?- t?? Bellisaere ni? riiniiiuic.i-it? geasess. The Meeaasr Virginia toad, pat last ;rlp to an.l from tUohBBoaid ten | rhla is the r.-sult of tin- nj-rct in. nt be? tween the Hay Dim- Bnd lh? old V'.rk ghot Une, la Battling Iheta recent rate A?ir. i/.ens of Rkhmond -gen? rally and -*** -nue.lty in particil ir t this .. i t-, riot:.- . - to ?lie coirni'ini'.y. The not paid, ;h<- disastreius rat. cutting that lias ?\ ! aa ib -nionstratol tin? f.ot that an ? di-water reute between Richmond ?end ? itaitiin Ibla, ' '?i , .Id pay well, both company ami : latrons. Seventeen months a?o this , r began her trips to Richmond, j leepinp up .- tri-weokly schedule. The [ lista nee is 275 that b? tween , Monday evening BJ*id Sunday morning ?if ! ach week, in all this tim?-. -aha bei l mining with only" five off hours, and aha ftunis to Baltimore at the .-ompVtion of hie Kreat work ?n a comparatively . ?ondttlon. .?-he- will be refurnished within, egtelnt? -i. and aill i a iiaed aa an - liury to the Bay 1 .\ ho have enjoy? .1 tri .y thlb dfllgtuful route. Ha end ?will The otile. rs ol I aln W. H- Porter, Purser John E. Durd ng. ?mel Bafgey? master C. C. ? inve. by their oniversal Marteay an-i at ention. endeared thepmselvM to thouaai if the Richmond travelling public, el ?rill miss them aadly. Oeneral-Manager lohn R. Bfaer Breed, of the Baltimore Iteam Packet Compeny, wbo had taken uich trreat inti-r. si in the eetabHehm? nt )f the lin?- to Richmond, wsyttmni blaa MU to b Dlepet? h reptasantatlva as hem?; jri-atly "biokefi up" by bavtng to die? ?ontiini?-. Said h??: "1 beUeve Cuis Une ?.oiilil 1??- mude most successful, and was most Kratiti'-d at the ?**ordlsl treatment ind generoufl aupport which was gtven me by th?- people of Richmond. I Wteb le. thank you, and through you all others Df your city who have- keen se, kiml to our people and tendered us such efBdenl service." When aaked ;.s to tin buaineaa th? > had done, h< - d th? boal i oold not begin to handle all tha freight, and that In one summer month they bad car* r,.-ti i;', -000 passengers from Richmond. He aald. further, that lie had but one n connection with this matter, and It was thai the good people here would appreciate his efforts, and that he would I b.-i !..- rorgotten it- a tew day-a. Major R. !.. Poore, general freight Bgent, came down yesterday an.l t up the bu-si. I>\\<) l.l*. UTl IV un: I ?)l \TY. BrlMlniit -Event nt the Hospitable HeSBS or .Mr. t. nil Mra. ( ?inner. A delightful dance waa given V? day night by aotne young men at tha lovely suburban holm- ol Ml.. I*. M. Conner, on the Nine-Mile rond. The hall and parlors were I. iiitlfully decora ted and the whole house brilliantly illuinii, i An or?diestra from Richmond dla.irsed ill during tin- evening as th?- gallan) le? aux and fascinating young ladles tripped the light fant - and Liu and \ irginm a e-oldial K'< e tillK 10 who w re BO-?fortunate as to be lii.mteei. ! among the Invited guests, and th.- occasion -.-- is .me ??f >-?. it pleasure to all in attendance. The young ladlea were chiti-mingl? i In most l? reiniiiie- and t i -, presenting a Bcene of beauty ami lovelin. s.--. At an appropriate hour tempt ing refreshmt ni- i formi.-i?: a circle, around a dulntlly-ar ,1 table. Those part tel put im: wei Carrie (lllilam, Virginia Mosby, Annie Conner. 1 / ' onm-r, Jeniile Scott. ?"arrie lull, Sa".ill Ha: vie; l.tzzi.? Thtunpson, Btaiinton; Cora Mutthews, Mabel Marcy. K11 - Word, Annette Word, Isoii, and lit i Curlton. following ye.uiiK men were pr? and wera the origlnatore of tha ?lain? ; rs. Prank 0111*1 m, Maxwell Oitllam, u Klag-, Richard Can e Xin.itit.eii. ji hn Wilson. Maupln, Ki . Frank A i. . ! Ill- > M itthi Ws, .m ,x?, n I - r. McChean.-y ?;,?,.I ,||, || ill. Km? si Walk? i. 11 ui> Talbott, Tay'? i lc Raid. Tin- ehaperena -.%. i. Mrs. R. ii. Ollllam Mrs. c. T . M Con? ner. The Posl-oaie?. KewYtafa ?n>. The post-offlce will .-row *? the usual leur sud cloBe at 11 A. M . rs will make one delivery, at 9 A. thvr. v, II Mons from Mar si 8*80 A. M and : C. m ?,-,?. ' I registry dlvlsk-i.s will - IM i. and ther?- will not be any eet.ti at th.- wind ?days, titillions will keep the -ours. Ta Cure a fol? lu Ora?. ???, \&e. **-'x,""' ' labiets. A ijiglMB refuno th? money If It f?||. *' ' SBe- "h? (?tiulna la.a 1. i, ,, ?AH AT tOl.OM'L. IIK ADV 111 S. ? teliilloiiM Wi?li Sei-retitry ?.ni;?? Ver? ( oriiiiii?nu Vinas af tasa Bfl?eiea?. i James 3?. Brady, Onlleetnr el rt?;:?ii i;, v? nu?, has returned from Veshliatrton, mttt ?vas at hfa on-;,', v. - eri'iy. Els is in no w-y dlaeonoerted by h?- report Hint tela reaageeatkw may l?e ski?! f?"-r. and say- 1'iat lie li \?n thouplit tie- rumor worthy of -on rsdltrtion. Beers! hsa >-\i?r, ws< ?i lins, ir rerj emphatically on th<- sub I Las maile a BS*< rptSg I ?In- l "Tile tmtb is.*' BBM Colcn-l ''a iiir-i-.d?-ii reporteT, "I hare had no ri( non with Becrataryi Qege, or. for thai natter, with any Official Of any <! ]i;tn. - sent of the goYo?*n_ent under the pr< . ut ailniliiistratlcti. On the <(?iitrar\. ny relations erttb Secretar?* Qama ere nt?r?-lv ??-?nlia!. Bled nothing- w . is happened to disturb erbal has ( en to mo the most friendly in , rcourse. J ase in thorough aocord rith S?-?-ietary OBBB in his finaneial lews, and I admire him g***ee?tty, "\iv ?,rt ii ' (Ion seid c tatst ruction ol he iiw now In fores In r? ?peel to depo? lea baa been sustained by the Coaamu* loner of Interanl l-tarenoe, i?> Beeretery leso, i,y the oplnloa of Anedstant-At? ral Boyd and by the Solid or of the Treaaury. The prlnetpte i li re ocnetended for in this bnportanl i has been folly upheld by tin .pinions ?if United States CitrCUtt-JUdg?a Raker, and tn<?rt recently by tailed St District-Judge Rogers, un? i am content te let the aeatter real >. illi lh s liai-kltiK ati<! t(. treat with It, the misrepresentations of ertsin Indtertdaals ooeineeted with the *i\ ii-S' rvlce Commission. R.lalive te the report that my re ragnattftn as OolleeteNr had barn called 'or. It is all nonsense, ?n.d I ??id not latan the aiatltr <?f anfllriaait taapee* nteeea te atea ataattaa it ta Beer? tery ?.(?re ihirlnK the two different confir? ai-.s 1 had with th.? S?'('ii't;iry at his of i? ? in o/aahtngtoa ymtaidar " 't?TIlK lOII \ < III? KKN YI'MIIOIl Tlicir < hlcken?. Sold In Court, AVItlle tin? Tarn Joim* \v?-in to .inn. Tare valiant Knights of the Ruad ? lohn Smith und John We? t ?w? i ? In l"n Justice J(?hn yaeterday morning, bCOBBSO th'.v lia?! in their po fiKht chick? us, which the oflicers had ?niiie (iniiiit as to the oernershlp <>f them, 'r?e- ereaiiaa, when brought late eentrf, i"i.i?i -*i*t*a no ptAttstbla reeaon why they, rnpitaiists, should be eralhing shout the streeta, ttavtaa* alcely-dreesad chlckena ?. ni, ? possession_and trybeg te dis? I "t them. Jusiioe .loan tin !l put the fowla ui? at puhii?- auction te be Bold, ?jrith Hon. D. ?', l^itcbartlaon as auc i -hi bronghl ffUB. John , .?i John Smith erare erdered t?> i: ii !?> sixty ?ii.? s, ani erare presan I al the ,-uc'ion. It was noticeable that ?a Itber kni'-hl ?liil any biddm?, but when the chicken-- arere s?,i?i ?m?- of them miiioho.l up to IllSgaaill Thomn.? and ?ranted t-> bnon if they erare going lO get any of the money the chick? 1rs broaghl to buy them Mbeu9can erblla In jail. SeiKcaut Tiernas r? p)?. d in one word, "hardly." Tenay Run (<*olot*ed) was nbargad with asaaielttng and beating Harriet Fun, but the cess was eontlaaed. l*roaa the a-ri ii. ;-.- the ?-as,- area gone Into it WOttld appear that the offence of Run will amount to an attempt at criminal assault. John Day poi'iied?. win, s*ae charged with ?Xing, was ?ined *? -.ts. lu the case of Alexander Tdpsionil?. .ih sdnUntsterlng a has ting to i .?i- ?mili, the accused was ?lis? aient ?if eests. This was dot,,- at th.- regueat of complainant. 1 le. lions Of ?1111.: ? IN. Rahiiiiui.l Ledge, Uo, 1, Royal Tribe Of Joseph, has elect? I the following oitl r?h, 0. A. HuWklns; Worthy Patriarch, P. K. Noel; Vlee l'atrianh, J. H. Shepherd; Treusun'r, Itrving !.. Be*/eri?lge; s. rib? ,i. n. Bhea ii-ii Jr.; Prtsst, Rev. P. M. Omer. Ks ?' 11 Charles Ooodloe; Inner Guard, K. v.. I I,t, kins; Ontet ?'uar.l, ?'. ( . Breed A iu w ledge* sontpoaed of nom*? of the b?st ettleana of <*hur-h mu, win or? nan se on next Mi'iiduy nlxhl at l'a Hall. At the annual ni.'.-tlnp af Section 20.'. at Rink. Keelshta of Pythias, h'lii last right, the foilowinsr utfli m a troto fa ted le aeree the year us?).: President, naorja H. Matthews; Vi. , lent, W. M. l-'vuns; Secretary and Tr?usur? r, Ootarga '? Bowden. Crop.n? Traasfera. Hi-I'.mond; njapltol Mullding und Ixtar, Assoclatloii to Julia F. Tucker, wife ot It. U Tucker, 31 1-? feet on Plesssnts streets, northeiis' cernae' Mosby, ti.ouo. H?-un? o: Joseph K. Sorgr and wife to v Tniin.ii. U feet "n Berth aide Sim? street, ka? ie?t a ?at of Huou, rYAUTS JUSTICE POKE Ol.. S. !H. PRKtKll aAYB IIISTOnY I* P4I.MKIKD Ot I lilt HAM At ?A. IRGIHIIHS ROBBED OP THEIR GLORY he Monamrn? flnlro for Their Op poaenta Thai Which They Do Xol Deserve?tiruphlc Story, of the Ter? rible l U.hi nl Hnodtrrass Hill. ?e.lonel J. M. Fren, h, of Ollea county, ill repre?ent to the members of bee amp of ruf. d.rate Veterana to-night. tel history has been falslfle.l upon the hicka manga battle--field, now toe Chiek mauga National I'ark. Colonel French says that monuments hit h have been erccte.l on th? Held pur eirt t.? mark o-rt.ii.i positions held tiroughout the battle, or captured urn! hi by Union troops, when, as a matt- ." f fact, they either WWti not taken, or era captured by Confederate io? ?'olofiel Fie-n<h commanded 'he Sixty llrd Virginia Infantry, Confcdcmtt tateB army, c-,nipos.d entirely of outhwettt Virginians, being inudc up of ?ur companies Washington county. wo from Graysoii. and one from Smyth, I'ythe, Carroll, and .Monti*omciy iimiit with th? Kast.-rn army mil the early spring of Um\ when It ras ordered to the Southwest to guard liai stttioii 11 the State agalaat H'1? i? Ion. ami to re. iniit. Th.- regiment re l.iiiicd there until the numm?-r ? I. -i it was oitlered Into T?nnessee. It ban numte.r?! upwards of 188 men. The t-gim.-nt w? nt by rail to Knoxvllh-. an 1 rom th? re man ht el l?B nafltta to Chi-'ka "lain-,i, -Ahirh point was reach. ,1 on the fternoon of the day preceding the battle, 'olonel French's regiment was held in c: i i-ve durteg th.- tn-i day*a aagjaae? nent, but bor?- an active antl highly hoti iralile jeari In that of the BBCtBOd any. *..l?,ne| French, In conversation with a Ispntch repres? ntstlve Inst night, said: "Now, what 1 desire Is to have Lee and -ie'kett camps, of this city. t(. pass suit He n solutions looking to the building if a monument on BB)0<BdgTasa Hill, and hen I want th.- Brand ?'imp of Virginia 0 ratify those resolutions, and appoint '.iptain ,M. 97, Hum- s. ol M?>nti?om.?ry. Via., an?! myself commissioners to raise unis end sup. lint? n i th.- sreeUoB of be monument. Mihj.e.t to the B8?proval if tha l'ark Commissioners. Captain ! met \vas ceptalfl ?.t CetasBaay A, ?>f ha Blrty-tbtrd Vindnia. und was ajenad) tl on that hill. Hi is n lawyer of gr.-at ihlllty. and first suggestt i that this nonumenl be arecteBd. ???..ltinel Prench h.,s b.. n jn the city for sane tmi?-. dtaenaatats] with his -'ii ctjtn adaa In arms his paepealtloa rearardlng he monument. He it a typi'-al Vir ;ii:ian, courteous, x.-nial. fiend of OOBVer Btlon, aiiei talks remarkably will. He s now probably H years of age, but fab orni is as ?reel as a boy's, ami h?- la ihoiit as active us when he made tha j ?real tight at iliia-edilgiBaa mil. He Is ' fa f.ith.-r of -Ml". Rob it French, of ?lend county, who is a cuuiMate for the ndgeshlp of the Plftaenth Judlolel Cir? ait. Colonel Wrx in b b? in on his body s soldin '?' Of his devotion to the' south in . i-i-.-, the marks ,,:' BO less than live voiiinls lu battle, tWO of them n the h' ad. RKV. W. W . ItHOWM/S WML. B?tate a a i n .?i m *r..-. immi?<. ay? <n m i>ii?-11 ajek-ea >?>? aeelg*Baaa?B*i?l. Tie- will e,f U-v. W. W. Iln.wuc, late ?resident of the Oread Fountain, True i.formers, was admitted t<? probate In he- Chancery ?-..tilt yesterday. Th? value if the est?t, is estimai?.l at $:.. dary Ann Hrowne. wife of th>- tOBtator, - appolnt-ed axecuti-ix, without -sacurlty. I'll? will b.'Uiitaths to Mary Ann Browne, ter Leirs and ggstkraa, In f? slmnle, all he real .state- and pf-operty ',f the Bald ,v. W. liiowne-. In e vent thai aha tBea t?o Instrument difracta that iny of th.- estai.- not dispos? .1 of by h? r ii.ii go to th.- ??l.l Folks' Home, attached .. tin- Orand Fountain, United Order of rue it-fornu-rs. Tin- will continues: Whereas, I have hereto! .1 into t contract and agree nient with the 'rand Fountain. United ?Order e,f True lie ftii-rm-rs. by virtue of which I have tgreed, la eonsWeratlon of tha sum of 19,99), to convey -to ih.-m all my right, tl -, an-i later? si in t-ertaifl plans aad op> rights in Ih-- atiiive-nameil i?e|i, upon whlcli Btatad consi-l.-raiion tin -um of UM9 h is bien paid, 1 hereby di? rect that my ex? utrix ronv-ey4upon my leath. all my Interest In sah] plans and copyrights, upon the payment of 14". <-->. Tee ths win is attached a oodlcll direct? ing that the < Xi'i -utrix shall puri-hus-.- BJM we.rth of stock of tha Bavlnga .'tank, Halted C-feder of Trm- Beforasus, to he held in trust for th? benefit of I'man-i-l Taylor, provided h.- shall raaaala with the executrix and be of gotxl BahBVlOt until his L'lst year. Ais,,, a like sum to in- similarly eapended antl held i?, truel in the same manner for the benefit of Mary terki y. I.oth will ami ?-odn ?1 were drawn in the city "?' Vgaahlagtan, Detcember t. is:?;, and arc witmss.-.1 tiy OHIea B. Jackson. Ro<bert W. Ilrown, anel Sim'nl W. I'.iith.rfortl. r?LeOOMKBBPBB PAILS, la the bbbbb court < *. W. Campbell, - ilooiike. p? i. al N- UM SCSI .Main Street. Ule el II dStd Of assignment, COIl v.ying to .Iiitms A. Walsh, trustee, all ins stock of liquors, wlnea, loharro. clgara, fixtures, furniture, and glaaaware, ?e.r th.- benefit of fall oredltora, who are divided lato the following class?e?, First -j. Thompaon Bi-oern a Co., rent dot am! t?> become dm- on pre mises r?>i8 Main street; Allen a. CiMllna, f- - for prof, sslonal a rvh?ee. Be? e.n.i i-:. c, Hii'iKins. tn*,. Third C, P Dean, MT0.C9. Foutth-J. H. Dugglna, ? Fifth-J. De Banr Co., H The trustes is instructed tee close out tin- business within four months. Th. liabilities are t-?=tIni.?t?-?I at about 12,100. ?iTIII-:h COI BT NEW?. In th.- Law and 1'u.iiily Coint the fol lOWlng iutlgmelits were rend- I. ei: Thomas B. Stag?* at-ain-d *i'. H. Dause-v. s i ih I*. Bytlneer's Kxe-e-utors against William B. M.Craiy. U?X. .lohn Hehmaii .?i Hrother against W. K. Niche els, $402.10. Th.- following motions for Judgment Acre filed W. Hen Davis against C. K. and J. <*. Johnson. HiM; Bdward w. Biruca & Co. against M. T. Whalen. -BJ8J8; .1 W. Hop? kins against James N. King and John M. King, $422.48; W. Mess.-rschmidt, Execu? tor, ai-alnst M. B. Klevesahl and fllBrhal .1. Eck? rt. B\MA\ l.-.w. i-.hurg, l'incus A Ce,, against Samuel Kauffman. $li#. |' ; Suit was sntered by A. B, Gibboney agnlnat W. M. l'a.-rish for |9G72. A llcens to v..) was Issued by the Ch-rk of the Hustings Court to Edward l'ysoii en..! Alary F'oss.-tt. Will Thank the Ten.-hera. The Junior Ortler Full. I Aint'iii.iii *?!. th..nies ami Baader Order United Ameri? can Mechanics of Kit kmtn.1 will meet In mass-meeting thlsAvenlng at Lee? '"amp Hall to draft si??table ifaslUtlBBl to he presented to the principals and teachers, of this public schools for teach ?ng, free of charge, the necessary tim, t.. complate the regular school t?rm, nnd devise plans for future action. A large and eiuliuslttstlc atten-'.ance Is exp. Young Mosby West, the boy who lost his leg by being run over by a street car - lay morning, wus resting quietly yesterday, am' all indications point to . n . eivery. His limb was um 1 ni..ted by Dr. W, J. Wott, it you go out early In th? morning, you may catch rhcumutlam, ?alvutlon UU ?urea iU FEWEST OF THE NEW. ?dies' Box Calf Lace Shoes, alf lined throughout, extension ?soles,. nade just like the men's. ??????????????m aas s n ft asa ta atfatftwvBftavetiafivvaaa y. F. Cross Shoe Gompany, 313 EAST BROAD. _Ida SB-SB_ f. W. Tignor's Sons, 1312 East Main Street and 1719 Rast Franklin Street, Richmond. Va. d?3i-F,su*w l? u, W. b A w J Ml (Il OUI M OF HDI'.H'Il'A. Die i:ieclrl?-iil (Ir.llimncis ?o lie < oiixltt? rcil 'Id-Mul.t. The Beard of AMenaon ereue nailed ta] ii? et laal algbt te - 01 alder the i ?incil for u eoHUnlttee Of confer? at the electrical ovdlnaaoea peaaed i\ he lower body and anended by the hi?*h r. When President Turpiti celled the aeetJng to ?ers v.. re i res? 1-urptn, I .on, Catchtaa, Baead, vaagnan, Zttaa nann, and Allen, end in lb? i auorun* ii"- body adjonrned la met igjnla at ?i ??>'?<" i? I Ing The Committee >* Roil i?*? ?t 1-tO i'.-!?,-k -. terdsy iftenMMMi. The poUee1, lay-roll for December, UBI, amounting I a 1? tUM, and billa ?mounting l v.-r. approved and ordered te be pail. rii?' following amount.- toi the ii'-ntit. . : th.- deportan? at for lb? year -.-? ?rere approved and o?rd? lor? io the Fu. ince ( Police iay-ii>ll. f.'"i.7TT..>); poli?? contl igeol fund. t\Mt; i oiro, patrol system, UMAAt, ?unirte? i ttarket aaet it | p. M, The ' . M.rt.-ii thai a. com! af the i par cent, sanitary tax for November, mounted to i ',. I . Paj -reell and mounting i" nBaJI srer? appro i,d ordered to ha paid. The cbehm in r*u< atad te appear i?- foi i t b< Fi? nance Committee an?! advocate sa appro Ion nf sirtti.-i. tu funda for the erork ,i tb? d. |, ?tin.-nt t .. ? ti posing ?if other matt era of a rontiaa ture tin eomniltt.e n?l'ourn???l. The ?'omniitt.-e on S? ho?.Is tailed to ,<-t a quorum. Meases. RrinRs. Burton, m i Neale er? re th>- only memb ?ra ;?; .-.-. m. The Meet?, Thia Month. The Deep Run Hunt club has the tol lowintr appotntmentfl for next month; Bsturd iv January :sl, Rio Vista, l?Pj P. M. \Y?dneedey, January Kb, l'air-('.roii?i(|:?. M. Bsturdsy, January 8th, K?-tin. Is, : g i . at. Wedaesdsy, January l'.'th. ?'hanMIly, tM P. M ? Saturday, January ? lit?. Vista. .",:''? P. ftf. aj/adneaday, Jaauary nth, Nate R voir. I'M P. M. Saturday, January ltd, K> .r:,??s, P. M \\ , .in - lay, January _r,th. l'alr-Orounds, I'M P. M. Saturday, January attb, Ri?? \ i-ti, I JO P. M. OA~ T?C>Xs.I__.. Th* fat, ^?j7 ? ^C&9?tf&La\\< (my 2C-W. F. & Su I r) 'IS OS stir? sniper. The Bell Book and Stationery Co,, Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers. TO Till: lU'SlNESS-MKN i HP RI? H .M')Nb: The first of the y?ar Is viry near, and you win ?seed ?i ri:i ;i:r, JOURNAL, DAT-, ClUaCK-, ?'ASH OB BILL?BOOK. W? kn??w of no better place to make your purchases than NOW and from THE HELL ROOK AND STATIONERY COM RAN V. 728 EAST MAIN STREET, who have n full stork of HRANK. I.ET TKR-. INVoH'i'-HdOKS. and OITIC1 BUPpUEfl OF ALL KINHS at prices that will Induce you to give us your or? ders. We will make any kind of ?.M-clal Ruled Rook on short lot: , We gaarantea first? i^ass work and material. Bd i""k it our FLAT-OPEN I NO LElX'.ERS AM) JOIRNA! _S ESTIMAT1.S ITIIMSIIKD for all kinds ?if Bbenb-Beirbs bj I Printing PIAJJUX8 AMD MEMORANDUM , \? ENDER PADS KuR MM The Bell Book and Stationery Company, 728 east Main street. Mr. JAOK ENOI.lSH w,u __, r?leHsed ?o vise your orders his ??ersonul ar*_Uon tde U-tfi ??* * I I Ha*??* onlv the PUREST ?nd BEST milk,('i;i:am, BUTTEB. ;tinl ^J l'i*.?in {lie 1'iR' sf herd Lasnanl ] in the State. All milk il??livei*p<l ?i; glass j.H's i hat sre always sterilized be? fore IlliUlg*. Tliis SVHti'RI is ?k Riauileil, ami has lucii sdopted in ?ill ?if til?' TTii'/ri'i-rsi V?' <-iti?'K of th<? count i \. PRICE: 6 ?'cuts a quart :, cents ?i pint, and J ? ? ut?-, half pint. Both old and new 'phone, No. 796. Chatsworth Dairy Co., 2d North Third Street. id I ?-Su.Wtnn) Billiard. Pool, and PI?*eon- T___?m^'a? Bols Tables, N?w, Remodelled, e\m?r ?nd Second-Hand (?11 makes), ~m9r Lowssi riucr?, eass- tkrm-. Dean's Billiard ??id I'an] 1 able CsahlOa?, THE UVEST, ??flCK KST ?.'.'DTSl EST IN THE WORI.U. All kind? 1111 llanl and i'ool-Tsble supplie?.. Best grades fJloth,|.s.60, HO..'? ?nd U'/.W, for both Be?! and Ra?l?;'79,tAIOl ft.'? and ft per dozen ?nd upward?; best Cue Tips, Poe. per boj or 100. s--,r:?d slzes;fanor stripe Fool Balls,+sM eosl&fOperaet? Tur. Dean Pool Bali.h abb THS BEST, TUB STRIPE?) WILL NEVER WEAK on ?119 per .?ret. Rest Billiard Chalk. 75o. kcoss; Hed Leathers, 40c. per s??t; gre?-n Fool-Table Pockets, with fringe, gl.ftO sn.l |3 per set. Dt'ati's Fan?*y I>?uther Pockets 'trill oatlsst thr.-e sets of any other kind?43.25 per set, wlfhfrlu ;e. TABLE?) OVSSRAC'.ID and put in perfect ordeb. PiK'ton-Role and Ba?*?t?lle Table-?, I BARFs.TTCi'.??.Reer-I>rawlniToi.tnt?. Billiard Table?; made Into Pool or Combination Tables. Fiiwllnt? Balls and Ten Pins. My Milliard and iff. mot turinnurd by any v'hrr makt C. P. DEA***. 10 ? oivernor strpet, Richmond, Va. Write for catalogue and pri?e?. Out of town orders will have my prompt attention. ?.a? .?.-jai, '; u a i' i SHOKS, THINKS, I MDHKI.LAS. p?_ E. H. SPENCE, $ V. .'I'M; Ml?K BBOAH AM) I'll **T*?., SHOES, TRUNKS, AND UMBRELLAS. (at -*T-;it__) PAINTS. LEWIS'S I'lUi; LEAD, LEWIS'S Pl'KK LINSKKR-oII?, and all material for pointing. Only the best gaattty kept in tftock. Write for quotations. PL'UCKLL, LADD & CO?, ap '$t Wholesale Druggists. DEPARTIR? OP STEAMERS. ^ VIRGINIA hAVIGATIQN COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. ?-jteumer l'UCAHu.S'l AJ", ?.uves MOS DAV. WEDNESDAY, ana FRIDAY at 7 \ M. for NoitolK. Portrtinouth, Old point, Newport Sovn, Ciaremont, and James-rlvsr landing's, sod c'?iiiiecting at Old Point and Norfolk for Washington, Baltimore and the North. St.:v-r-.- -tn? reserved for the nlijht st moderate prices. Kl?-? trie-cars direct to the wharf. Fare, onlv fi'M and 11 to Norfolk. Music by , i orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places and all points in Eastern Virginia and Morth Carolina. IRV1X WFMSR'KR, Oenpral Munater. A. H Drewry, President. se II pHILAliELPHl?, ?ICH-'JW^ MOND AND NORFOLK ?-?sHBsi a i __A_BSAUlY C<j*-pa.\ i . Appointed balling days: livery TUia*. DAY. FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at o*y llfiht Freight iecelvcd dally until 5 P. M. Fur? (Including meal? and berth), M ea Friday's and Sunday's steamer. For further information apply to J. W. M-CAKR1C1?. ?Btrneral Southern Ag?*nt; off!?.?? Rocketts? W. V. CLYDE A CO.. |a 4 Otners? Agents. Philadelphia. ?Id papers fur salo ut tue Dispatch office, SL D ? 9t p Rfcinnood, FMi?riCaS ii.? f? a i. ^?potoman Schedule In Effect Xaveraber -*-?. 1S97 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. LEAVE BYRDSTBKKT ?TATIOS. I.?? A. M., L?aily, for Washington anU points North, -atop? only at Aliiford and Fred? ricKBOurtc. Pullman aiecptiJ? to New York. 8:20 A.M., Sunday only, for Washing? ton and points North. St o-.? at Klba, ?lien Allen. asii land, Taylorsville, Doswell. Kuther fjlen, Pen?la. AH' ford. \\ ood.-lam-, Guinea. Summit, Frcdcrl-ckaborg, I'.rook?, and Wide water, Pullman car. 8:45 A. M., Daily, except Sunday, for Washlngtoa and points North. Stops at Elba. Aan land, Tuvlorsvlll-, [aoewsl Huther Olen, P?nela. Mli tor?t. woousiant?. Uulne... Summit, Frederlcksburi?. Brooke, an?l Wldewater. Pullman car. 12:0O at, Daily, szcopt Sunday, for Washington and points North. Stops at Klba, Olen Allen, Ashlnnel, D0SW<rll, M I 1 f o r ii, Fredericks!, n Brooke. and WhiewatT. Parlor car Also, connecta with t'orwresslonal Limited at Washington. 7:3." P. M., Daily, for Washington and points North. Stops Klin. Ashlnn'l. Doswell. Mllford. F'rederieksburi-;. r?roi>ke. ant?. Wldewater, and other sta? tions Siind.-v?. f*'e?>per, Rlcn mnn.l tn New York A RIM VF. nynD-STREKT *IT*iTI0f. h: io a. hi.. Daily, stops at IVIdewatsr, Frooke. Frede-rie-K.-?mirg. Mll? ford, Doswell, Ashland, an.l Elba, and other Btetlooa Kuiidays. -Sleeper, New Yo-"k to Kiehmond. 2:-tr? P. It* Daily, exrupr Buoday. at Wide-water. Hrooke, r'rederleksh'irtir. Summit. Oalnea, Weodslene, Miiford, Pen?la, R?ther Glen, l?-.?e well. Taylorsville. Ashlnnd. Olen Allen, and Klba. Par? lor car from Washington. T:10 P. M., Dally. Btops only at Frede riekshura D-?; well, and Ash? land. and Klba. Pullman car? from N?v. York. 8:30 P. at, Daily. Stops at Wldewatel, Brooke. Fre?I?rieksbur?*, f'imrolt, <riil:i?-fl, Wood-sin*!?-. Mllford. Pen?la Ru?!i--r Olen. Doswell. Taylorsville Ashland Glen Allen, and F.l lia. Sb-eT'inir-enr FREDERICKS!!'? ACCOMMODATION, ?lii?llv except Sunday.) ?io? r. ||., Leaves Byrd?Btreet station. 9jBJ9 A. M.. Arrives Byr'1-Sfr?--?t Statloi.. ASI1I A*D TR.UftS. tDolh except Sunday.) 0:42 A. M.. I., a v. s Bba. ? *?? P. M.a leaves Klba. 0:40 A. ML, Arrives Klba. O-OO P. M.. Arrives Elbe. C. A. TAYLOR. TrnfTIc Mana-arer. K. T. D. MYEB8 Presldenl no 2S CHESAPEAKE ANO OHIO E1IL WIT. Effective October 2*?, 1S07. TRAINS LKAVK HIIUMO.M), liltOA?? 91 BHaTf aTATIO.V o.oo a. afu, iMtty, wtta vortee car, """ NoiioiM, Portsineulb. giu Point, Nswpon News, and pnin-ipiii siatiotib. connects di-l.y With Ol J. Dumiliioii steemshlps for New -joik. .1:1?) P. M., Daiiy, with Pullman, tor local stations, Newport Ne-tws, Old Point, Noitotk, and Portsmouth. 10:90 A. ML, Local tram, except Sunday. ftr W. Clifton rorge Con? necta at uorelo'-is?. ?lie for orange, Culpeper, calvir too. .uanasb-.?vs. Alezendrte, and Washington; at L'nion 8tati.ui, Cfcarlottesville, for Lynehburg; at Basic for 11a aeratown. 2:15 P. M.. Daily, with Pullmans to C'ln Innati, LoulavlUe, and St. ?.o'iia. Stops only at impor t.-.nt stations. <'onnecta at ?'ovIngTou dailr for \ trminU Hot Sprlti-;*. Meals -servit on Dining-cars. No 7. Local Train, except Sunday, '->! Iowb above train from Uor donsvill..? to Staunton. 3:30 P. M , Accomniod ition, except Sun? day, for CharlottesvUle. p M., Daily for Cincinnati, with F. F. V. Pullmans to Hlnton. W Va., and Gordonsvilk- to Cincin? nati and Louisville. MsClS served on Dlninij-cars. con? nect? al Btsunton, except Sunday, for Winchester, Va., and at Covlrifton. Va., dally, f-ir H-?t P'irli'ir TP.AIN3 LKAVIO KIGHT'I - STREKT STATION. It.:J<> A. M? Daily, tor Lynehburg ana i ?ifion Forge. Connecta at Bremo, except Sunday, for Whit.- Hall, except Bunda Balcon) fer I>xington. nmi nt Of, Clifton Forge with No. 1 for Cincinnati. 4.00 P. M. Ki.ccpt Sunday. l/ie.-ij ac roin-nodiitlnn for COhimfa TRAIN?? ARRIVE AT RICHMOND, UHOAUSrHKI*T STATIOX. H:2o a. M., Pally, trees ClaclaaaU 11 15 A.M., Daily, Rom Norfolk and Old l'oint. 3:30 P. M., Daily, from Cincinnati and LoutavUl -. H:*H? P. M., Dally, hum Norfolk and Old 1'oint. 7:4.*? P M., Lxo pt Sunday, rrom W. Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - 8TREFT STATION. 8:50 A. M., Except Sunday, from Coiuri baa. C:l?O P. M., Dally, from Lynehburg and ?'lifton i'orge, and, except Sunday, from Lexington and White Halt .roilN D. PetJTTi Asslata'it C,en"rnl PaBa<ana*-r Auen? DEPARTIR? OP ST KAU EUS. DOMINION MKAMSIIIi'COMI'ANl'. QL.? DAILY LIN'B run NLW ?OKK. Passengers can leave Richmond DAILY \... Chesaapeake and Ohio i lilwaj ,tt *? ."Ml A. M.. or Richmond and Petersburg iaii ruaid (Norfolk and Western route) o A. M.. connectiiiR at Norfolk with Old l'o minl-jri Lin?- tst? amer, ?ailing same eve? ning for New York. all-v? ailk holte. steamship oiu Dominion lee-rea Rich? mond every Monday at .1 V. |g, lor s^ York via, .Unies n\er. Ti-kit-i on ac?a ai Richmond Tranarer Company's, 90.x east Main afu*eet Cheee? peeks ami oblo railway, und Ri.-hnioivt and Petersburg railroad ?l?'i,of.?j, nna at tumpany'a office, I8U . ist Afain street Rlchmorid. Bair-? ***<ire checked through FTtFTmiT for New ?oik and tui *i<Jint.s beyond .an be ahipped b> direct ateemera, aaliiua? from Rtchmo-id every MONDAY ANO FRIDAY at 9 P. M.; also, b> Bteemer |<savla9 Richmond WEDNESDAY .*i i? M. for Norfolk, connecting with .ftcame? for N?-w Y'ork. Manliest cioa??.'. one hour before sailing time. M _ Preli/ht received and forwarded, ano through billa of iadlng Isauivl for all northern, ee-ata-m. snd foreian porta. FROM NEW VoRK. Paeeem-tia ...n leave ?iui.^, except Sen day, to Norfolk o. Old Point Comfort connecting artth Norfolk uni Western ratlro-ad or Chesapeake and Ohio ratiwuy Olrect ate.intr-i ivl.i Juiiie?-r|v-t-r re itei leave even ciATl'i'.DAY ?-ja?scit<er ^jj? freight), and MON PAY ?freight only) it* from comp.tny'3 ?lier, s? x North river, f"ot ot Reach ?treat, at 3 i* M.; Saturday, t P. M. Freight received and forwarded daily except Sunday. -* Por further Information apply to JOHN F MAYER. Agent. i2\2 east ?Mam atreet, Rkhnon.i Va W. T* Oulllaudeu. Vtce-presl,!-?nt -??a ?Trafile Manaaer. Saw York no ?, 1? 00KaND??OBW0?K .NEATLY ?XfCUTJW at ras Ulbl'ATCU PltlM'l.NU Ur*yiC*a SOUTHERN RAILfaT. Sphrilulr MnatftrS November 21, l*?'i7 TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND, VA. l*?:?Mi .?ignt, he. ?i. aesetewn r.s_M?? . daily for Atlanta, Augur,-.?, ai., points Houth. Sleeper Ki< hmond to Danville, Greensboro', .-.allsbury. < hsrlotte, ?'oiumbla, a' a'lei'Lcr ??pen at I:*? I' at all stations betwe-n Ki? and Dunvilit to take on end ,. t -ai passengers Connects at Danville. 8 nnbi.ry. and Charlotte with the Wesnli and Boutherestera UenRsd ? carrying sleepers M? btYOi < AshevllTe, Hot rtprir.g.-.. Chati un. and Nashville, Nee? >ork ?o Memphis; New York _ leans; New York to Tarnt.'? first-class day < 'w?-n Washington and Memphis. ?' tion. are mida for nil poli i Texas and Califorr,. open for occupancy at >.*) P M , lilrOO noon, No. 9. solid train dslly ror Charlotte. N. C connect?, ?t ley with Farnwl.le and Powhal n ra'lroad. At Keysvllle for Clark? ville. Oxford. Henderson. ? I ham. sikI St ar??n?boro' for 1> r htim. Raleigh, and Vins' at Danville with No. ?, i States fast mall, solid ? for New Orleans an?! point - a which carries sleepers N>w } <?rk j New Orleans, and Nee? Ton i_ Jacksonville. Through sieesei a.. bury t? Chstti.?u - ; ? ni'tii tourist sie? p? r ? n * day wsshlngton to Ban without change ?DO F M.. Ko. 3T. loertl. dally, eacepi Surd'iv. for Keysvllle an! , I ?lliic poll TRAINS AR1I1VE AT RICHMOND. I?:IM> A. M ? as p m . fro? Atlantn, Augusta, Ashevlll?-. and 8:40.\ M., from Keysvllj*. LOCAL P-EIOHT ill A' Nos. ?1 snd ?. between Manchester and Mi apelle, V ? IORK-talM UNS m wtur rourt, THE FAVORITE EDITE NOIUU. I.I'V\ I. HI? !l ?II. M). 4 ?10 P. M . No lo, BslUeaore Lli dally, except Sur,. v.- t Point, thete IiiaklriK ClOS? tlon on Mondays. Wedn? Fridav? with steamer f??r : mol?', also, eritb ?-'?age at I Manor for Walkerton and I hnnnock on I'uesdays, Thun and Saturdays. 2 30 P M . No w, I'H-al exi I ,lr4ys, w?' ines'lay?. and Frtdsya, : ' West Po it and luterme.Ua?., tlons. ?Connecta with stage at L? ter Manor for Walkertoi pahannock; with Btesmer for Raltlitiore. Btu?, ? at all stations. B:00 A. M.. No ? '. I-""?! Mixed L dsllv, excel?! Sunday, trom ? ir ginla-Stri'et Sration for West Point and Intermediate stations ire with .lag. r f? - nork TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. ?17 a M . deJly? lU:4(t A. M." ?days and I u OO i" M. duilv. .-cep? Sun-lay, from Point snd Intern Bteaenere lease Weat point ?to p \i. yS, We.ln? - RHlilmore at .-. " Thiirs !\ vi and Saturnal?! -r?"w.'i fitTlce si ? Irglria ? reet ?''- :' ' ' ' ' ' -V and from 9::>?. C M toi \ If City ticket .fr , ?A ? 'si m In streH _ iTLP W. A. TlitK, Tram, V m tger. C,*?n Pa?s \v H OREEN General Superintendent, Washington, ' C. i c >v wV5*tt?T'?*Y. Tra veiling r ! eonsrer Ac-nt. !?30 east Main street, R?- n. ano- ' \r?. oe ! A ([ ? A?LA?\TIC-CO..?>T A, U. lie in|t Sclieilule in I'lTect De.eiiil,??r 21, Is '7 TRAINS LK.tVi; 111? II II?) >D?l M" ?. DEPOT. J.oo a. If., Dally Arrives I i 5).ji A. M , Norfolk M. Btopa only ut Peteisbuig, W sverly, ml?! Suffolk, O.oa A. M., Hairy. A \ M . \N eidon U?'J A. XI., Kayatlcville 11? P. M. < ,narl?ston 10:*) P. M . i?.,'- . SU A. M., J son ville 7 :*i*i A. .M.. r*ore Tampa t?.120 p. M. * at Wilson a- 11 h No IT. ar? riving liolduboro' 1:10 l' M , Wilmington 5:1?. P. M P II matt Si?"-? ? r N? w "tork t? Jackson ville. 3:55 P. M., Du.y 1,,-cal. Artl\ irg .: Il R. M. Mskes Mil ?top.?. 6:30 P. M., Daily. Al ?1.15 P. M Sil I"- al stops, Richmond snd r burg railroad. T;SO P. M., Da'.v. Arrivas Retel h.|)4 p. M., connects .?.'a Nui folk and ' Norfolk and points. Emporta ? 10 n? ' t? with A. ind D ?or between l I... ?die). Weld-iri t.i'i P. M.. Payettevlll A. M , ('hail. - s (\ innah I " A M 111? 1 P. M . Port Tampa U:4i P. M NEW LINK TO M1DDLM QEOROIA 1 Arriv? ing Alk. n 7;:.*. A. M.. AU| . to 8:1') A. M . .\l-i^.,n 11 A. M., Atlanta 1M.? P M, l* il man Si-? : s oik ? Wllmlngion, Jack Port Tampa, Alken, Aug?r ta and M ?con. 10:50 P. M.. Dr.lly. Arrives l'.torsbure iv lt., Lynchburg ?.w \ M . Ros note S 3?? A. M , Hrlstol 11:30 \ M Pullm .n S!?' per Richmond to L>n-'i burg, 8:5? P. M.. l>:'ily Arrive? IM P. M.. Weld,m il U < ">! Makers locil si twten R? * or-L TRAINS ARUIVE RICHMOND. 1.00 a. M., Daily, trosa ja.-ssoi.. \.?i .. ..?1. churl? -ion, Mac?n, Augusta, and all :!h. 8:15 A. M., Dally, i-acept Sunday, Al? lanta ?h, n?-il? ion, Lynchburg, and the 8 .17 A. M. Dally. Petersburg |,, 8:00 A. M.. Sunday onh from Allanta, Athen:, Rui? ?gh, H? l.ynchburg. ?n, 11:05 A. M., 3 ?ally. Norfolk. Suff I-, . rsburx. 7.15 I'. M., Dallj nah, Charleston, Wlimlng? '.on, (loldsboro, and all tilts South. '"Ik. Buffolb, na, 8:8? P.M.. Daily. Petersburg. Lyn? h? I'uis?, and ?i. vlrst J. R. KKN1.Y. I RMKRSON, General Manager. Traiti' \i i- ig-r. II M. EMRR C. .** C'MIM'.l'f.l? no 4 Division Passerg?-r Agent. Wryfi? '' "-',r'"'' ' - 111 Schsduto in ?.ffact lie- . 5, 1V.IT LEAVE RICHMOND, BVUU-? TREEt , STATION. OOO A.M., Daily -Ri.-iim-.i.d ?nd N: folk. V_IT1BI l.i. RiMi I.D. S. cond-4 lass tickets llvl ? ?- . .. ?ccepied .,, this train ?:05 A.M., Dally. "THE CHICA PRESS." for l.t.i. nb'ii?. Roanoke, Columbus, ?? I tgo. Pullman Sie. ; Roinoke to Columbus, ?1? lor Kadford, Rrtatol Ville. '. rattan..oga. and lu t-rnr.-ilate points. T:SO P. M., Duil> Suit ?.a . tO:45 P. M., Daily. ?.? rg ant R?..?.! ?t K-a not with M islitngton ttr.< t ( ti ittsnooga laiiiti.t ! . n?.m i??!, <-iiers lloanoke w nid New ? P'l. I.MAN MOND AND I VM'HRi R?J rsady for oe. .?upaiiey at '. 1 ,,. Pi.u_nun8Ut.-4MH ?tuirg to Rii.tnoke. Trains arrit. R t-i:.?md from Ryneb? burg and th? W, 1 t-M P. M. Prom and H a* A. M , and Vestlbuled IJmit.-r M. Office: tes Main street. ?: v, \ District Pasaenaer 1 wir:- : .._. General P?s#? ng.r ?tgent General Oft . -.. i _?. . 3^ IRY.. Orders for printing sent to tb? Dtspatot Company ?sill be glvtm prompt atttanuoti and the style of work ?111U prie??? ?u be sure to please you?