Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH WHOLE NUMBER, 14.487. "' RICHMOND. VA.. WEDNESDAY. JANUABY 6, 189& TOREE CENTS PERO FUTURE OF BANNA. IT IS IS * \ i in i)i:i.i? \ i i . ., .-in it HaM i:. EXPECTED CAUCUSES ABANDONED. !*???-Tln.i ? .?m m 111.-.-a Trylnnj |aj ?,,,_ ? te ?ii ?ifiniicr? Before Actual nlseitaa larglna i A s< ?n.ini?...? tanaatlaa HaaglaahL CMBUg, : future of Benator " '?tl to - gjhty Jte imbllcaa ran mi the really doubt? ' : ' ? rmit.r hnrned the bridges ut it. . who a ?of tl tated t??~?ia>- that nould vat .. This i in th? 1' ! 17 in : of tho ml'ton, who lined ?t tl ! ho would support .1- pMi.i for Senator, tlato, Is only rh? Hanna mei spent to ilton, nn?l who H h tile ? '!i the - s say il remain with High -l for Boxwell for tful meml i their ??h?.' -rtunity to make all - :., I.. th the ... . . I will olding rntnit tronage In th? hop? ' it holding th? ?r men In line, v. 11 h It i thai Mayor McKirwon ?mil dr. Kurtz for for G lor Bush? ... . olll-T ' with Km '1 U . with a i t he Den t ?publican ' I poured nting .; publican? ' -, this the action I without k. ?r i the publl? ?III i..- no . .. Will ballot r The : ?emo? l? : This would Set' ' in both h int <>ti any m -t by \? mild be tunee the ' i PREDICTION >P l >EADL< ?K. . ..... i loubtful whether k. In ; ini.i'.rii? . Joint I ?Hot m?; may not and rlod. ?? till? lie Re I a an tinted : Into the th? "if i l.y .... ,i - It l- .11 I? lator k. r had ?nven? KM foi with" ... r.. !.. glalature. Th Hann? i ... of ('I. ' o, ami completed th? voted ' I-. aber. -.' ? tin *\ BULLDOZERS OF B1 BHNKLL w. t. i . .. ?pohesmaa ?>f "it Molt, altd am proud .? hieh | of .-?ffaltv . to i- Hopuhih,(nn deavor t.. m cue's can? : .i v?e cannot believ? thai I la- a political a ?political crime. Hence :l to a?k If yen have ?Ion? What is ilnst you." win? this. Congressman , i in- nature vt an appeal th?- .- nut to p? ! mit th> * ?bit??n wrty to K.o down to d-leal by I he V" election of any other Man f? tfti ** ? ?- than Mar. m a h ' Buahnell wan almost o?< rcoaa? b_ emotion i? h|., ,, , U(. r( ferrf^| JO the faet that th. 1?. pi - ami r-nators from rthrk ?-?.iinty ?r.- strong ' of Hanna's, while thr.e fourths Mitit. delegatk i for him. be inn! in en misunderstood ami '?I' 'i In Hie present contro that It whs no he tia.t attended a i con it it num. (Cheers.) it? he did not know that SUCh h ' "I I? .11 held. II.? expr. Hi-- h. lief that Hi.- members of the H a''-?! e .hi .... ttle Hi. ,.i. ?tlon ot hould !.? senator, .uni thai ail . should remain out of the Huh!. "Hut this." he sal.I. "cannot ! a fi. country, an I ax long M the i behave, th"> have a n_;ht t.? i Hut all p. Opls i. prejudices. Until to-day, mv Republi? < has n- -. \td." HHSBfl ANU QROANS. mlnfled aith cheers, .i this statement, and Governor Buahnell raise.! bis liaml to rnjlel Hi<- SS "It i<< bf your HiifTr.iiies that I am In this high Offloe. Now. if you li.ive no ' <;."l's seik.. luv ! - p? .t for the ??nie. lia., you taken any aetion f": dldate, Governor?" Inquired em? of the d? legation. "i ha\ . Lalature," h< aid. Continuing, Governor BoahneU i "l dis? h duties last .sprlne. when t appointed Mr. Hanns United itor. Now. the members of the Legislature must discharge theirs." it Is evident that th? Hanns men will not compromise on Secretary Sherman, tant-Secrettry Day, or any other man. and they win not show either their i-tii or their ?rashness until thi lotlng begins next week. Hat.? tonight, the Hanna managers lost Hi" two doubtful members thai they had gained to-day, so Hiat there Is bow no material change from thai of yesterday, wben the House stood M to ;>' against Hanna, SC LHD LLO?78 SENSATION. In conn, tlon with tin- chant Griffith bach to the Hanna eamp tin-re are mosl scandalously tlonal reports in otrculstlon. Mr. Grifflt been on both sld? i sevei al and lias so pledgi d himself In writing. To-night, Mr. Griffith Issued a card In whirl) lie said in ; "I have, however, since learning the particulars of the Indignities heaped upon my wife Monday morning, reached the conclusion thai t would be untrue t.. my manhood should i cast my vote for s elthei or emploi such me? thods, ami .-hail res.-nt the Indignities Insults heaped upon mysell and friends, and also do a ' my and - wintry by voting for Re? publican Other than Mr. Hanna for United tor." When a copj of the statement purport? ing to ."in" from Representative ?irittith bown to Senator Hanna. this eve he said: i do not believe Mr. Griffith ever made tu? at, because it is not trim, it n s? nted t.. me thai he is an honor? ibis man. and. I shall not !>. - without some further evidence, that r made or eut borlsed such s Notwithstanding S? I regards It as untrue Representative ?iiittiHi himself publishes this statement, jrel it is k'H'U document is in Griffith's whet red 11 him? not. The a of t'.iifhth b lot only a sensation, but the inns' I Feeling, ami the worsl of charges on the of the rival woi.. lit MV-ltOIIIM'ltY IV KW?*,?* CITY ?x press M?-?"*?'iii_?-r O vat paw ered ?nd If In Car Rtfffcd. Kansas CITY, MP-, January 4,?After ibout Hir." months of inactivity. , 'ity's train-robbers created another sen? lation to-night, This time th.- Kan- u iiv. Plttsburg and Gulf road is the suf iri-r. The company's Port Arthur .x whlch left the depot here al 1:40 o-niuht. was mi.lad before it bad i he city limits. Two m-n, whom no oi bul the ezpr? -- i have seen, climbed nto th? - th" train left, "hey overpowered the messenger, ni gagged him, and rifled the ear he ore the train earn?- to a stop. When the rain BlOWOd up at a r..ili. mown as Air-Line Junction, near the outh. astern limits of th" city. they limbed out of til.- car and fothlng was known of the robbery until train porter entered the ?ar and niiiid th' aL'i r. in the amount of bo I not know n. After th.- train had I iv had oui!" forward nd released the i rar. H i tint the robbers had rifled the kin? from it evel y; fa slue. They had made no effort to dis lii t? the throu. which Is protected y a tiim- ! Company controls tim Plttsburg and lulf road. At tl ompany's EL 1 local manager, tated that th< oi much ?if value i lie- loca! rould probabl) cover the company's to a police cln i? i, howe* er, the Im the robbers secured several thou ,ii.l dollars, in money and jewelry. o'clock tO-nlght a Special train : to the scene of the robbery. ?,1, a ; la-emeu and marshals, mi men are now scouring the along ths river banhs In m irch f the -m - Uli: KBRTTCE.1 UMISL til tin. \?>t Casplotod Hagre. ii.-iiiiM-rai Glvea " >iin?ir PRANKFORT, KT., January l. The ?nvenlng and organisation of the two iglelatlve houses b without la? id? nt of note. A faillir.- tu complet?- the rasnlsatlon of ti?.' lower branch pro? i beginning of bastasen, The overnor alao tailed to transmit hli mes? lieh ?at. r ?.ame out in tie oon pa] The i.iKic- si fight among the i ' m . ol He- Houae, the cat? ol liicti was not eon? Im?ed until to-nlgbt, au over sa attempt to limit the candi . of the minor plac? I to ic - m Democrats Borne of th? members ?ugh? this measure to the ftniah, hui the _;ro won and was given the placo. PI IIMl VI IO\ OP PBSSIOS M?iT. in* <.<mmI H'-mill Alrt'iul..?''Ciiii .( Irni'i-" lie* Inn I n_- to O|?.'rale. WASHINCnrON, January 4. Sim- the (Ration ? '?i?' ? riiliii; the publication of IS list Of iMiislotiers has com m omniissloner Kvans has rocdvod MVO m? .nation of their pensions. ? N* oner in Mlohigsn enclosed his oertlfl . staie.i his desire to hove the line recalled, as he was no! entitled to m government bounty. He addi that he onid endeavor t?? return all ihe money i.-.- IN. wh? ?1 th? poneton was antea._ Chnrira II. Hyrue l)?*?il. NEW FORK, January 4. Charlea H vim- who a ' nt of the Brook n Base-Ball club, -U?-U at his ree.-U;.K:e re to-day. III!. IIAHXEY DEAD. lilis WKU-KJiOlVI VIIU.IMW rAsTMM AW AY l\ KSOXVILI.K. BRIEF SKETCH OP HIS CIREER. Ilia I.lfe fi? Tendier. I'renclier, nnil Author?Some of III? Heat Known Work?. I n ? I ml I riir ?lie 1.1 f?- of .ln.-U ???n?runi-Piil at llmnpilcii-Slilnej.. ' - m I?. Ilote y.-Merday r. - n-. d a loMgism from ?Professor Charlea W. Dabney, of Knoxvllle, Tenu., announc? ing th.' dentil of his f.ith?T, the It? v. Dr. Robed !.. I'al.ti-y. UM minent s. hola r and divina No particulars ?rate uiv'-n. In the death of tills dlstlnKiilshed f?en tleniHn Virginia ?nd th? South have lost On? of th-dr ripest scholars, most pro? found thinkers, and sturdiest tiefender?, and tin? I Mvxliyteri in Church OM Of her great??! lh?ologl?n? of **tba aid ?ehool,H v.1!-. staunchly stood by th?- standards i.f th.- fathers, iind defi-ntl-d the old look ?garnet all of Um attacks of "n?-w the* Ology," or '"higher criticism." SKETCH ?>r HIS UFU. Corn In Louisa coun'y. Va.. March f>. Dr, ii.iiu.. v was nearly ts > ?rs old, and y.-t preserved all of the vigor of nental pow-rs. though he had bSSB for soin., yean totallj Mind. A graduate of Hampden-SMney College, and a master of arts of th-- University of Virginia, b? took his theological coures in Union The? si Seminary; a ?r <>f Tlnk Hng sprint* church, Augusta county, for six year-, ami In tlBl !.. .am.- professor in Union Theological ?Seminary, Prlncs Ed? waul county, where be remained ifntll \ pt that during th? ''?tir years of the "war between th.- States" as chaplain of the Eighteenth Virginia Regiment, ami then ?s the gallan! and efficient assistant adjutant-general on th. stair .. stonewall Jackson, in !v : I,, i ci.- I'r.'l'esstir of M Philosophy in th I'tiiveisitf of T? and al. v Riled th.- ,Tiair until the loss of bis eyesight Indue? d him to resign. S? ?Mi: OF HIS WKITINi'.S. 1 >r. Dabney was a voluminous writer f..r magasin??? ami reviews, and publl?h?M] a number ?>f i.ks, among them a "i.if -if Rev M? P. 8 Sampson " "I.if.- of ?. t?tai T. .1. (Stonewall) Jackson," "Sa -red Rhetoric," "A : Virginia ami th.- South," "Sensualtstlc Phlloaophy ?.f th.- Nineteenth Century Conrrtdered." "A Course of Systematic end Polemic Theology." and "Th" Christian Sal.hath." He .p..) in Knoxvills yesterday morning at He- residence of his son, ?President Charles W. Dabney, of th.- University <?f Tennesse, and will i.<- burled :it H?mp i -i Bidney, Prli rd sounty, in th? . n tery where lie several ?.f the "id professors .>i th.- The ilogi? ni Seminary-? i" lohn H. Ri? e, Beat? r B. M. Smith, and o' for the fun.ral will i?.- snnounced later. DR n >QE*S TRIBUTE. Dr. Moaea I >. Hoge say? .?f him: "I ie waa the m?gt v? i aatlle ?nd rate si-holar In Hie South. As a theologi? cal teacher he had United Btal "Llfs <?t' Bton?w?ll Jackson" is known t.? ail th-- r< history. Hi? published works on philoso? phical, secular, and rellglou sub several volumes, and will gfrvs him enduring fun.," Vit*. II? MTFAST!'I\ DEAD. ??ll.? I'usxeil \ ? n >- ???id?leit I > nt Hit Sea*? ReeMeaeg* Mrs. ?Caroline ?Lichtenstein, ?MM "' b?lOVed la-ll.-s of Rich? mond, di'-l suddenly early ye?t?rday morning at the of bei son. Mr. l?an.- i.i. hteiist.-in. No. ;i sasi Clay street. Mis. Ucht<*m?t?tn was in the ti-t ?ad ?m to the time of h? r 'I. ath was > I ' ive. She retire,) to her room at her Usual hour Monday night, and was then ?pparently in excellent health. She was taken sud? denly m during ih? night, and aboul :i o'clock in th.- morning her groaaa st i ih. m. mb?rs "f her famll) ti y t..m,.i thai ah? tremely ill a doctor was at once sum? an, i t. ?pol i.-.i promptly, bul h* arriv? d only in i ne- to see [hi d? - d la. all.e I .i Mis. Licbtenateln was a lady of lovely character, and ? is chariMbie to an un? usual . native of t ; : many, but came t?. thia country when a young woman, and. settling in Richmond more than hall center) ago, he married Mr, L-swia Uchtensteln, ?/no led her to the ?jrav? worn* ten year? SCO. Mi- i.i htensteln is survived by her two so Lieb? ln, who at.- now carrying on the h1?:-?t|css ?il this I'itV WhlCb Was estah liahed many years sgo by their father, ind a daughter, Mrs. if., a Strauss, ?.f l'n.n ;..-ion. v?'. Va Mrs. Strauss was nly member of the family sbeenl " .mi it-., bed ?id? -. :.? n th?- devot? .1 mo? ther pas-id io th.- beyond, hut sh ?s on her way to Richmond '.? at? tend th.- funeral, which will take p|nee from the residence thia afternoon al ?'clock. Rev. i?r. I-:. N. <'.tii.-.-h will cort luct th.- service, and tin- following >, b : 1? m? m will -ni aa pall-bearers: M< - \1. Hessberg, IL nry Block. I>r. William ll. ?Scott, laaac By? le, il. M. Reinhardt, Joseph Hutsli r. Isaac .1 M i '/. l-'i. d. s. My? rs, and Chai i. t w. II, funeral of Mra Emily <;. MtMCanoa took i lace from the residence, in Man? heater, yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. The remain? of Mrs. Martha I'sxle <;il lara, whose d? ith here Monday '.'as *n lounced, wei taken to James ?Citj .-oun y yesterday afternoon for Interment.? All that was mortal of M? c. C. Bauer vas laid to real yesterday afternoon. The nit. ral took place at .::';?> o'clock from -'I. Ainlrt w's Ch I The remains of Mra Hannah Newman, ?rtdow of Mr. .John Newman, who died n ?Baltimore yesterdaj morning at the idvanced age of M years ?rill arrive by th? MB train lids afternoon and tb? "um ral will tat?, place from the Byrd? -'tl. . t Station Major I.> nil's Meta?* Ilcil.l. B. W. Lynn, hit? Sup.-? intend? nt if the I'eiiit?Titi.ii\. received a telegram lay announcing the death of his if.tlfr Mrs B. A f .y tin. at Reinbech, la. She had reached th.- advanced n?;. oi M i.i long in'?- ha-.i been prtncltvalTy ?p< a* n Loudoiln county, where ah? was horn Liid reared. She l--.iv? s six children, three if whom reside in Virginia, and three in bs \v?st. Mil. WUST WILL ni: BEARD. le In StiiiiiiiiiuiTl l<? .ppeiir lici?n? the (.ruin! .lory in 4 heck Millier. Mr. Montgomery West has been sum ata?ed to appear before the grand Jury .. ne-irow. when be will bs examla? i as o in>- iii-.iii.-~ by which in? carne Into poa ;, of the iwo checks paid by Mr. Voinack to Colonel stuhi.s. Tin- sub m. na i on Mr West yesterday nornlng when b? pr?t??ented himself at h, ?-it? Hail tir jury duty, baring i. en ummoned t?? serve on the panel In the lUCtlng? Court Mr. had preVlOUO y approached Judge Win and ??ked that s might I-, all .wad to imiko his ?tato? uent before the grand jury. Mr. Womack was in the t ity yesterday, nd he denied very ? mpbatlcally that he .?.I hrt (he che ks in the ofBce of West, ohnson ft (?0., or thai they hail ever ecu consigned to Mr, ?Ws t's desk, ll?; ?ciar-i? that h> would go In-fore the t . I jury tO-morrow ?nd make specific barges ?s to h?)W ths checks passed out r hi? ? \\ i - n Mr. Wotnack's statement was known to Mr, West. Hint Kentle nan smiled blandly ?nd seemed ? ceptlcal as to Mr. WomaCk'S Intention ry oui this threat. He has DO sinte tellt tO make at pri-Uunt. lie Say?, as h .-- ins it imp.;, p.-i to discuss the matter mil he h;is first answered th-- summons f tlM ?rand Jury. Hon. 1? C. Richardson, ('??mmon realth's Attorm-y, ?aid to a Dispatch r - ortei yesterday that b? was of th. opta? m thai under ?Ahatever drcuB3Stances Ir. Wet ?.une Into possession of the heck?, he could not be arraignud on j uny charge, for, setting aside the fee i... \.iiui. attaches to a cancelle check, the returning of the piece* of pa per to Mr. Womack would ?how that theft wa? Intended, and, then fore. r such charge as Hi one Mr. Womack ha mad. could by an* possibility be sus talned. As an Instance, Mr. Richardson ! that he might iak?i th*. hem OMtt buggy of a man with whom he was fa? miliar (?ml ilrlv?' it all night, but If ht < returned It In the morning he could not lie said to have stolen It. Judge Witt said yesterday that the In t cation was Instituted by the grand Jury, and that nelth?r Mr. Womack nor hi? counsel was responsible for It. It appears that prominent members of Lee ''amp had eptproached memb.-r-? M the. grand Jury and ashed them to un? dertake th? consideration of the charges made by Mr. Woma? k. so as to relieve : Mr. Haughman from the embarrassment or his position and frcm his pledge, which he had kept tnvlolabl . A*i KVPI.OMIO* AT Cll *,T?*?VORTH. Tbc lloll.-r llur.i? nnil "A. II. Cramp I? llti.ll> -..i?l.l.-il. A terrific holler exptOStOO occurred at the Chataworth Hairy Farm jrsstotdap af? ternoon at 2 o'clock. happOy with no fatal results, though W. !' i rump, who was at work in the boiler-room, was ba?lly I'd alMiut the face, arms, and f>-?-t. Thai la escaped aith ids life Is nothing less than a miracle, and the fact Is OM of the most remarkable In th?- history Ol similar disasters The boiler was situated In a frame barn, and the engines WOTS employed -.-rinding eora when the > m t sion t,.ok plat e, Th? ' fil teen itnin. d and declared ?afe about two years ago. Mr. ):. B, Chaffln, the owner of tHe larm. had given rUrld Instructions that it should never ' ailed upon to carry more than rare, but when the si'in occurred rt had been forced by the h His t.. ios pounds. The explosion was sudden and terrific. The boiler platel tore their way through the frame building, and part of them w.-re carried over the house which stands near the barn Into s held beyond. Tin water fled In all directions, and t' - team oerered the debris like s cloud. As soon as tlm Ural sboch of surprise liad passed the helpers ran to ?'rump's tance and they found him stunned and terribly scalded'. He was taken into the house ami made m comfortable as hl? und. r t he clrcumst inces. Mr. Chaffln said l.i-t night thai while his con? dition was very serious, he did not think his Injuries were of nee? istty fatal. \ it ill in \ T?O? THAT PAIUBO. DOOtotaa In \ liiliiliiin nf Prin? ciple of Hnuiish Law. WASHINGTON, January i. -The cause Of arbitration In tie- Settlement Of claims between nations has n i stvi -i i chech In the award by the arbitrator in Hia case of Oberl?nder and Messenger, who claimed EMM sod *- " .voi. rest?>ctlvo ly, for ill-tie ?tin. nt by the Mi clean au? ties. Th?' irbltrator Was the Argentine Min? ister si M.niiid. genor Quesede, and his ion was in ta vor of the Mexican Government, ami against tie- ft morir?n claimants. The discouraging feature of the decision is that in mahlng the decision the arbt? tratet ipparentl) overloohed every jsiint w, according to the English stand? aid--, and decided the ' ise aith refer? t.. his sympathl? It Is - ..I i ' extraordinary ret laen al the Btate I " i u tin- nt. ? ii i Is nd? r was s deputy herid of California, and he was kid napped and taken across the border by Mr Messenger, in whose hot - fa h "i tahen refuj i lll?treated. Wheg II came to rendering ins decision, the arbitrator, it is s.a..: nored the nd res son ed that the United States Government ! id : cognised i le- rikihts of the Chi rnment t" Indemnity for the kiilim; of th.- Chinese at Rock Springs, Wye, whil" Insisting u??n imii tnnlty for i Ined by American missionaries m expect to a i re an Indi rani t. cltisens In such .?ii umstsnci - si tl This pecullsr lack of legal perception Is i tmenl to be almoel aith? out a para?t? i In the history of si I tlona, am! iias undoubtedly don?- much to mission of other claim -t., i t'iti ill.m. unless it can first !.. known that the arbitrator Is familiar with the principles the English standard. Ml ? H SOLD IS LAM Wioit. Deposita ?s Rich r. Those of tho Klnmlil.e. HAU PAX, N. s . .in. .... | i Reni tatlves of a < "a na .Ha n ami American < m? piny, who \isit?.i Labrador for the pur? pose "i erecting saw-mills, report thai thai country contain oi gold of richness, and i< destined t., become it mining country. Th? re i evidence th it gold is to be ob? tained in Quantities equalled only by th. d? posits Of the Klondike. In fact it is o iii it the depoell i In Lai i a the same rang? si the Klondlk?. i'i - llmtnarj ai i for a gold?eeeklng expedition, which i- to start bj vessel in the spring, have ai r.-adv 1? en mad.. Hi: ILL*! BELOSOI TO PR vn? r.. The lata.S Over Which Xini-rlcii n? ami Mexicans \r<- *M| u ii I'l.l I UK. PARIS ' inuary t. Le Uberti i that Cllpperton Island, over which the Mexican t\ ? i- reported t.. hav* been lioist. .1 by a part] ot marines from tbs gunbosl Dem?crata, ait-r the Btara and fltripei had been hauled down, In ut.ite ot Hi?- protest of Hi.- Americans there, r. .-.iiv belongs to Fraace, end*adds: "Naturally, the Americans have ssked for th?- protection of their government, bul it is i-"i.ui. e's duty to re-establish order In thai island, adjudicate !" to the Am- ricana ai I M? si< ans, and demon? oar own rights, v. h ich bave ?ted." MOM Y IN l'??OI-ll\M.. Rich Results to Northern oi it ?-?-t-nt c.tasta. NBW HAVEN, CONN., January -L-It i to-d ty on high authority M _fl i_;er Twitch.-II. ..I" the Yah- Foot-li ill Association, has hi~ th.- Tale Princeton gam? almost completed, and thai it will show that the receipts of the gams were noi far from RMM There almoel IMM people pre. nt After the espeaaea era deducted, it is est!? msted that esch college will receive be? tw< n S " ' and IMM. I rai< reootved about R1MI from the fsIs-Hsrvard game, the i : will _.,, ,,m record as th>- raost prosper?os m ti... foot-ball history of this university. noil DESTROYED Bl t'liti:. The Tdhlity-Ssso. Qwoets ftavaly i:?. i-M|>* Willi Their LIVOS. MOUNT CARMEL. l'A.. January 4. Tim Comawroial Hotel, a toar-etory t.iick Btructure, OS the corner of Third and 0 was completely destroy? ed by lire ?-arly this morning, ami th ?-u?sts in th?- house barely ed with live. Maaj of them were forced to Jump from Hie windows, and the pt'isonal effects of all Were de? stroy?.1. The Hre was discovered about : ;. by miners coming from work. Iloi.'t He epetaOS and Ill.i-iHinmi-il. You mtd not bo itseoursged sad Dos hope Just because local djoetsfi have fulled to cure /ou. It Is only the .laust in such oomplalnts who oas eon you. i)r. ?i No. 36 west Fourteenth N?-* forh dty, the moat noteil and successful physician In curing dln eaa ta ooasaltod oy letter fr.e. xptrience Is enormous, he has cured many case* Ilk? your* through letter -pondence. He can cure you. Writs lo him without delay. Rctm-mbcr, It .'Out* nothing to g.-t his opinion and advice In rcgurd to yi_jir cute, _. ! ! THOSE TWO OFFICES. \ SintMRI.E FOIl M\H??II\I.<(|Iir AVK ATTiihm:isiiii? xow well on CONTESTS OYER POSTMASTERSH.PS, .Viliililt- VI? lorie? for Boirilen a? Attnlnet Dr. Wi?<>?Marring* Ll? censes l?an?-?l t,, Vlraininnra? I'atenla?\or(li Inrnllaa Politics. WASHINGTON, 1>. C, January 4. (Speclal.)?There was a large Influx Of Virginia Republican politicians liure to? day, and after the Cabinet rneetinjr o.ulte a delSgallStl visited the White House and had an Interview with the PrgsMaat. The favor?-?! party consisted of M Mowd-n, Brady, Wadilill. and A| Who w re chaj-roned by InternaJ-K? ?. - nue-CommlsHlon? r N. Ii. Scott. Prior to the White House visit the Virginia i hail had several caucuBes, at which, It Is understood, a partial agreement I. - n arrivd at In regard to the tlship and Ih? ?listrict-attorneyship fur the W?sterii district of Virginia. All this was done In the absence of General ?Walker and Congressman Tost, both of whom have candi.lites for UM two ?tnCim named. It Is Klv-n out with some show of au? thority to-night that the President, at the . ..i., lusinn of the Interview, which lasted over half an hour, ?Agreed to appoint S. Bream ?Allen Marshal, according to the Sgreement made with him hy Mr. Scott at the. St. I.nuis convention, and that his name will he sent to th-- Senate to-mor? row. It is further stated that th?' ->f tlee of I ??strict-Attorney for th? W?St?rg District win he discussed to-aaorrow, w?m? Repreeentative? Walker and Yost will have arrlveil, and that th" plum will fall to either Mr, 1. !.. Oleavea of Wytha or Mr .1. Hampton Hog?, <>f Montgomery. This appointment win probably b? mads .a. Tbursda] or i-'ii.iav neat, as the of? fice is vacant by roaaon of th- ?lualitica tii.n of Mr. A. .1. Montague, as Attoruey r ..i ->f Virginia Mo lar ?his is all v.-ry well, bu? it is Kp?T...I thai when Walker and Yost ar? rive to-morrow them will be consider ?hi? of a row in the Virginia Kepuhlicnn camp, and Mr. McKinley may he forced to change th- slats ?gain. Among ths applicants for th" <?tti-. a : bovs referred to now hers are Colonel Jemes H. Urown of Pocahontae; H.nry Bowers, of Ta/.-w-ll. and Henry UcCoj, of Bristol, for Maiuhal, and .). La ?ll-tves. .1. Hamp? ton Hoge, ami I?. F. ?Bailey, of Washing? ton county, for District-Attorn? y. Mr. w. Courtney Franklin, of A?ppomattoz, is also a candidate for District ?Attorney, and is supported hy Mr. Yost. I'liST-ol-'FIi'IAI,. The conteal over th?- fioatuuuitersnip of Leesburg was disposed ??f io-?dey by the sel- tlott of \. ('. Nii'hols. who resides In Loudoun county, but has a law-o?fl!cc la tin- town. Mesara Boylan, Newton, Johnson, Rlttenhouee, ami McCabt wen also applicants fof the Otl'lee. and tlf-.V w-T.- all pi- -nt to-day. The ?ppolnt? n?.nt of Nichols will t.-- si-nt to the genet? this week. Mr. Bowden, who is the i,,-t-etti.--- referee la Vlrgtrda, tfsposed of ?l lal's'e number Of contested fourth i tnuutersbtpa In ths Second Wa tri.t, ami hati all tin appointment ; made, over the Influ? nee of Dr. Richard A. wise, who had candidates for ??vrai ??f the pl.t.-? :. The most notahle victory for BOWden in the district was the appoint? ment of A. P. I'hristiaii as posUB at TorktOWn, for Which position thc-r. bad Iggl?. Mrs. Ilatri. t WalOOtt was appointed at Colonial peach, at the instance of the Rapubiican oiganlaatlon of WMtmore? land county. Then is a lively contest over the po?t ofBce at Portemoeth, for which ('. W. Murdaugh, P. H. Larkin, and s. I. Pur roogha ?te th.- applicants. and th. Chance? ?FS said to ho largely In favor of Burrongha Marriage licenses wer? leaned te?day to William H. ?'-?i! and Minnie Thompson, ..r Montgomery county, Va, and W|HI?m i-'. Turpin, of Rtehnmnd, and Miss B? m Rudd, of Manchester, Va l'a', til- Werg Issued to-day as follows: fJeorge s. fJuy, Petersfsurg, Va., imsbrells liante and ?ddreSS ta??; Thomas .1. King, Richmond, seed-drill; James A. Pele? thorp?, Liverpool, Eng., ssslgnor to Te . Warehouse and Trading Company, Danville, Insecticide; William J. Thtomp son, Haw River, N. <"., ptcker-?taff clamp; H.nry Wychc, HlllabOro', N. ?'.. f> NORTH ?'Alt? ?I.INA NOTFS. it ?res thought that when th-- President refused to at.point Cook attorney for the Elaetern North Carolina Disinct. ami i.i! without ef|uivocatlon his int? n tion to ?ppolnt c. M. ?Bernard, th- matter aas ??ttlsd. Put nut so. Oovernos uus sell arttl i"- here Thureday to see th? President, by ?ppointment through B< a I'ritchanl. in Cook's behalf. The wird come? her? that If confidently ? x . reuade tin- President t.? r. con? sider his d.-.ision in the matter and ap? point Cook. h laks out. how-v.r. that Coverivor Russell's visit here at this time has other imp..riant political significance. ,\ |;. - plllili.-an-l'op ilist .'.tif. I. lice will he ll-ld here this week, ami th.- Governor's pre?? SnoS i': n?'< '---sai'v. The terms of fusion in ?he coming State election, it la under? stooii, win be dlacns?d and finally ?j upon, i ?or l'ri'.hard's proposition is to make hon.^i elections th.- slngl? cam? paign Issue, so far a.? party platform declarations g?>. Under this arrangement, which seems to meet the general approval of Republicans and Populists aiik--, candi? dates for th.- [??gtelatnr? win mnk? what.-v. r issue the ? rm-rgency may tle rnand at pi" time. FFSloN CERTAIN. Frmi whit H.-puhlican and PopUlllt leedi i mplete fusion on the con? onal and legislative ticket is .set? tled. Butler is apparently In opposition, hut the sentiment of the Populist party seems to I.v< rwhelmingly In fnVOff Of fusion. ?Speaking on the subject to-tiay, Representattv? fftraford Mid theta was not the slightest doubt ahout an ?gr. ment, and that It would COVW -very thing ?u sight. Hut even complot? fusion, of the Republican leaders declare, ii'lly m?-an the luonsj | of the fusi?>n tick. t. Nothing tan <-arr\-the BtaM ti.-k?-t next time ?gglngt the Itemo crata sail Repr>saentative Unney to-day, \it.'ess soiTK-thing is done ahout the clvil ?ervlc? basin?, Marshal Mllllken. of the Western North Carolina I?isttl?-t, was informed today by th.- Attorney-Ceif ml that chief deputy marshals gie not ?abject to t'l- civil servi- i law. The Marshal will Imtile dtately ?ppolnl P. McRary, of i.-xing ton. chief deputy, vie (,ul.?by, tie ciimhei't. A lar?.' Wilmington ?I? legation, beaded by ?'..i. !-. ! Fr.-d pi.---, arrived ?era in the inters?! <>f Albright for postmaster at their city. It Is ?md-rstoo,!, bow. v-r, that Colonel Chailholirile will be appoint? ed, and that Albright will be nia?le us aasfnl postmaster. Titi: < oi.i> WFvriiKii iv ri.omnA. It Illil Some Temporary 1 In incur to \ cue ttlbl?'? OI l.-T < r?i|?a. JACKS? ?NVIl.i.K. FI.A.. .January 4 ? Th.- old weather of January 1st and M ?11?! considerable temp?irary dsnMgS to v.'getabl? s, but nom* of a p.: marient character. Orange-trees will, in some ?nasa lea? their foliage, ami ?where they were in exposed plan-s In th-- northern border of the oratiKe-li. It, will lose a part ?>f their temler growth. Owing to the fact, however, that the sap was down, the trees thcmdtlvui were ablu to realst unscathed ever a lower tempen.ture Report? fr un the pineapple belt of th? east coast Indicate that the damage f. pineapple? was trifling. The fall crop of tooaooe in nil parts ot i te was Injured bodty. Rlo??m- OB strawberries were kill?.I. Kflrly strnw berries In the northern section wer. fr.iz.-n on the vines, and the plants them silv.s set back fully six Weeks. The tenderest garden crops in ttons as far south as Tampa, wher- 1 M k lag protection by forests, streams, or lakes, were hirHy Injured, but the ex? pos. .1 gardens <IM not represent rnort than half the area In truck, growen having iearne?t by experience the wisdom ii? selecting well-protected spots. COM? tVHtTHKK IV SKW YORK. " leref-rr Thtrty-Knnr Decree* He In.? Zero nl ?.uniiin.- Luke. HALOES, n. y, January 4.?The coid ither of the season thus far in the northern part of the State was expe? rienced to-day, the mercury r.-glsterlng 34 degfe?-s below zero at aoranae I.nk.\ 2.*. below at Mountain View, and 20 below In this city. coi TOR-MILL -?va'.i: rfdictiox. Venrlj Twenty Th oil-.iiim) Opcriil 1? <? In Maine Affected. LSW1STON, MK.. January 4.-Tin- re? duction in the wages of the cotton-mi'l workers of LswtStOO, which goes into if'ci January 17th, will amount t?? from !<? to 11 1-;? per Cent, and th.- other mills in Malm, M far as Is known to-day, will adopt eith.r one or the other of tie M '.. is estimated that nearly 20.n?JO npc rativ.s will be affected In this ?t?te. H is thought there will be no strike in Lewlston or Auburn, but it is dlffleoit t<> t'll what th.- Blddeford operatives will do. The Lewlston and Auburn mills employ about 6.IXX1 persons, and the reduc? tion In their pay will amount to about M.OH a month. REDUCTIONS IN MASSACIU'SI.TTS. WHITIXSVII.I.K, MASS.. January 4. Whltln Brothers, of this town, who op? rate cotton-mills at North Uxbrldge, Lin wood, Bsundersvllle, and WhlUnevtlle, bave posti ,1 notices that wages will be reduced 10 P-'f cent after January l"th A i.duction of wa_r?-s has already gone into effect at Millbury and Sturbrldge, ami in the Karnumsvllle mills her?-. It is thought the operativas will accept the r?duction. REDUCTION IN NEW HAMPSHIRE NASHUA, N. H.. January 4.-Notlces of i reduction In wages were posted at Hi.tton-mllls of the Nashua and I nk son corporations here to-day, to take ? f fect January 17th. The mills employ about 1,100 hands. There are no Indica? I a strike. will THERI BE A STRIKE! NEW BEDFORD, MASS., January I. A mass-meeting of spinners will be held in Hi" CltJ Hall tO?**BOri'OW ?vening, when action will be taken on the 1(1 per cent. reduction in wsgea scheduled to take ef? fect January 17th. The otneers of the local union declare the vote will be to strike, iml.-ss th.- cotton manufacturers recede from their vote of Deoembet Rot. SEW rOEE WTi-Titt st Hill.. ll?.i? n Mensure fu Slop t'overnnient l>> injunction. ALBANY, N. V.. January -I.-An "anti? trust" bill, framed to met the <a,j.-c ti' ns that have been raised to prcvlom legislation of this kind, will bo lntro i early in the session t.y Assess? blymaa ?'n-eii, of New York. Air. Oreen boj s: "The proposed law is dSSignsd soply to mut th.- criticism mad.- by the courts. provision being made to authorise the Attoi 0 il to ni,tain an ord? r toi Hie exsmlnstion of witnesses after he lias determined 10 bring the action, M Huit it cannot I." Charged that he Is s. eking th.- examination In order to !. '. i - mine tii" advisability of bringing action. riic testimony i- required t?> be> Bled In court. Ttie Attomej General is esempl from following tie- eods of civil pro., .im.' in raahlng Hi" statements to contstped in tin- petition.** \ . ml iMirm Green, of NOW York, will also lotrodoce a bill Intended, he says, to put a stop to "government by Injunc? tion." It provides thol no person shall i,., punished for contempt of court unless Hie act is committed in the Immediate \i.-w Of thS nt Itself. It further pro? vide that if contempt j* charged the iaed shall be entitle? to a trial t.> iu:\. Another lall to be introduced modifies Hi.- law known as the "anti onspira?V. act. by |>?'rmittlng the pi able BSSesasUng of workmen, and allow? ing thorn to try to lndwf-1 a workman t.. leave his employment by r?xiu?-st or argument. Sah action on th?- |.Mt ot worhingmen u nol to be punlshsbli conspii Be.etal llugond Dead** BARNWELL, S. ?'-. January 4?Ciety i a John ion Hago? 1 died her?- at I o'clock to-lay; aged >>ars. fBTySSS CI.OTHIM. I'AII.tlli:. A I.urice Whaletmle Clothing House Forced to the Wall C| This Out? Save It iiml Walt. if you meney, wait until to-morrow, Thursday, January ?Jth, at : > a. M., for Hu- opening "t thi> Great Bankrupt Assignee Cloth? ing Sal- of Fine Tailor-Mad.' ?'ioth Ing, which tshes i lace m the ?arg.- build? ing N... M seal Main street, southeast cornet- of Ninth, i:e iim.'ini. Va. Thirty? i flve hundred doliere' worth of pioe Tailor-Mads clothing for men, boys, ami children ?mist he sold al retail at Isas 'ban OM Half cost of manu? facture. This is the Mock of ;i larga wholesale clothing house that recently failed in business, and the assignee?, in Order to turn same into cash and make a speedy settlement with creditors, has placed th.? entire Mock with us t. ..f cost or vain?. It's OSSh they want i Sah they must have Kemembcr, thin great sale will be wit 11 you for a short time only. I \!? ANH WONDER. 11 cuts buya Knee Pants, 2? cents buys Wool Knee Ponts, :t7 cents ?.'orduroy Knee Pants. 29 cents buy? | Overalle; 69 cents buys Men's r ?i.irt WOOl? M cents bin- g Suit-, cost M_M to manufacture; |l.?7 buys Men's Good Suits <>r Overcoats, cost M_M to manufacture; ILE buy? k Suits, est 12 tO manufacture; fl.H,' buys Hoys' Long-Pants Suits, cost ?I to manu? facture: 11.95 buys Boys* Overcoats, cost $.:.,"? to manufacture; $1.49 buys Children's Reefer Coots, cost ._..'.> to manufacture; $4>__ buys Y??uths' Fine Iirens Suit or Overcoata, cost 19 to manufacture; 1369 buys Men's Drossy suits or Over. I..M to manufacture; Has buys your choice of Men's Pine suits or Over cost 110 to manufacturo; $1.8? buys .V Heavy Corduroy rants; ?S cents buys Men's Pants worth ft', $4.39 buys M Heavy storm Overcoats, cost li?..? to .fact ni.-: i- Men's Fine Top oats, all shades, cost $9 to manu? facture; $8.95 buys Mens Fin? m i Suits or Overcoats, all style?, cost $18 to manufacture; BJJM buys Men's Custom Mail?' Suits or ??ven f?, and $31. to manufacture. There are lho**oandS ol uih.-r bargains too num-rous to mention, ,;i .m-! sea for roureelf, w? your special attention to the fut that this entire stock 1? all tailor-made, member th!? great sale cosjum to-morrow. Thursday, January ?_th. and will positively last for a short time only. N<> auction. All roods sold at retail !><> not lie mis? led i_ouk for Large Red signs of <; Rankrupt Assigne. Sale. !?I east Mam ?, southeast corner of Ninth. Rich? mond. Va. Stor?- open until 9 i*. M., Hutuntays. 11 1' M Special discount to wholeoale purchasers Railroad fur?- f all out-of-town customers buying ?> and over, paid by showing return ticket. WILL NOT BE A DUE. VEMJnr-CVSSEES kpisodb no KXPKCTF.I? TO KXD "KIIIOI M.?. THE GENERAL ARRESTED YESTERD. A Hni-nuil Also Out for Cnlnn? Cnssons, Hut >ot Xervr^?Frlene of the (.cuf?eme? Advise \_.ala?.< Resort to the ?Tode Duello. I ii ?'.->?'rg.- J Hundley, of who has been brought Into conal I promln?>nce of late by the correnponden. a him and Colon,.I John Cueso. Of ??'en Allen, relative to the Inv-stlg tii.n i.e. iiiiy hi ?d touching the conduct < ?..-.ind-i'ommand. r .1. N. Stuhl*, was a yesterday by I s. >n*i A. M. Tomllrmor on a warrant ?worn ot by the Chief of Police, charging that ? i iboai t?? commit a broooh of th Colonel Cussons was Includ.-.! I the same warrant, but the'jgh he waa 1 Richmond yesterday morning, he coul not I.?- found after the |s.iu?incs of ti warrant, ami up to a late hour last nlgl hail not b.en arr?'nte?l. The warrant waa sworn out by tl Chief of Pottos on information given Ml by a gentleman who call?-d at his oflV rday morning ami told him that r ! that th.- two gentlemen nam? th. rein wort about to engage In ?t du? Who thla gentleman war. could not, ho? ever, bled, OS the. C*hief d< cMned most poelttvely to givo hi? nam and no ssened to It now ?until CrutchSeM a . ailed into r-onradtatlc by Major Howard before th? wsrrai worn out, ami he advised It? Isei anee. Tin: GENERAL hah.KI?. The warrant v I on Oneri Hundley at Murphy's Hotel, wh. r? t was stopping, end he was taken at one to the City Hal!, where, In the, office the Clerk of the Hustings Conn, .Ju-ih cruichrleld hulled htm for his at?." Irani In the Police <*ourt thin morning, rtxln the security at R.O00. ?lenernl Hundi?; having been picked up so uii'-eremonioui ly had not had an opportunity to notll his friends of his preu?cum?'iit. fait Y was not at all embarrassed by that, i Mr. TomllnKon very promptly volunteerr to go his ??.airily, and the bond wt ?pllckly made out ami a? cepted Tlie impression generi Ley tl at ?'encrai Hunil!. v .?r. Colonel Cussons would fight a duet, an tin? friends of both gentium n were muc concerned over the matter. Cblowel CM sons was In Murphy's Hot.l for some I?" tl?- time ?luring the forenoon, hm It h happened that Getters! Hundley ?lid m at that tini" enter ?he ortv, ,,, i ),,.,,, Hie two ?liil not meet. No on?? could h found who kin-w where Colonel i OS?OS want after he left Murphy's, but It I presumed that lie returned to hi?, peso at Glen Allen. mi;n <?f good REO ?im General Hundley gad <'ol.m.-l i'imon are both battle-scarred veterana, hasta fought throughout th?1 four years of dv war. They are chivalrous, courage.m gentleman of th?- ?.id loheoi, ud a* quick lo resent what th?'. fffront Colonel ptibli lied Sunday, severely arrutgne General Hundley, and this arrm_;iim?ri of himself, It is believed, Oeiieral to leave his Amelia home nn come hen- Monday night. His frlends ar Of th.- opinion that lie .?lino here will hostile purposes, but th.- General told i Dispatch nun yest?nbiy after h?. hm M.d with the warrant for his If rest th<t neither lie nor his frt> . iything thai srarranted his Furth. r than this General Hundts* would nol saj but it was learned t-hroxigl m entirely foreign aoune last night tha sversl hours short!? edtet hi: arrival In the Bit] Monda] night In con Bultatlon wills one of his warmeat fil?n<ts Who advised him against a dual Tin genfl? man. It t?. und. i .*.. !, took th? -tiud thai gentlemen 5h?>iii.l rtsvsf tUh character had be?,i asaolloi iti.I ii'.- ; i,. n. gad he pointed o'i t.. the gentleman from Armlla. that no thing that had been writf-n by ? 'oion i.i be constru.-i to attach Ol i ill. i t on his character. TKI BND PROBABLT IN BIGHT. This advice, It is thought. Is w! rented Hie sending of ^ rhsiisings, .n^ it is not now probable thai any will Im sent. Th.- matter will probably I*- drop ped after the proceedings in court thi morning. General Hundley will flgh strenuously agaJnst being placed undei I., si ' bonds, and to this . no ha M ins Counsel Hons. .'. C, I .Ik- i, o Southampton, and W, F. Reddy, of this city. -.? __. JAMEI II. Kill ?><;?. SVEEESDMEJ He Im the IC.- ? t -?! 1 ??under of th? Di-riiiK-l Denn < <> |.iin>, NEW FORK, January 4. -Jam? ? H. Kel long one of Hie meml?ers of th?? d.fiinci l*. 8. Dean Company, surr. '.. '. rsd him s-lf te-day to th. petto. He v? la $1 ,?X>* bail for examination, on th? of "conspiracy to defraud." k?-i. the reputed founder of t Company. Myron I,. Bernard .. It manager of Hie llrm, surrendered themselves yester.i <.lt*.M) SMIKI'T PARADE. Kver) body In.lied t. Join. TO-dSP at ! i'. M. there will be a grand street i .rtintf from southessi corner VI music will be In line. Th? route will In over tli 11 streets of tho city. A Card from Mr. I.eMth. I tleslr?- to announce to the *ub?_cribert Virginia Stock (Theatrical) cm? pany, being organized to give perform? inces in Richmond snd its vicinity, that I am not responsible for .mi mom re for their season tickets, -u.h money as Is paid direct to to tlie print. I - ?millions, upon lb THOM IS <; t.KATH. Mozart Acaiiemy of Musi?*. January 4. ixt?i._ If the H?l?r ! Cattl*.? Teeth I well-tried Mis. Wlnslow's .Soothing Idrea t-ethlng. It soothe? the child, s??fteiis tho gumr., allays all pain, ui,- wind ?oil?-, snd Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cent? a bottle, The Weather. p ?*i WASI&NOTON, January i FAlR I ' "r 1<I ! ' v | Por Virginia- Fair weatl ' - j lowed by Increasing cloudiness um threatening weather; westerly wind. North "* w?4th*?v * by light rain in portlonaj louthweaterly winds._ THE WEATHER IN RICHMOND ,i?.\ v was - : ir ' " ' oi, Bttt and .br?tenlos sklee a? nisht. of tr??*rmom.l?r: c A. M.? ? ? I A. M. I. M. | I* M .M M .4% P. M.**