Newspaper Page Text
_ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. ?IANUARY a. 1898._ i -_ ' ? ?a?a?aa?a?aa?a?a? ???a?a n i ?.???????-J?-????? m i ; -a????????????.??M?? ???----?-i? A ROSfl OF BILLS. At 11111(11 ?. Ml \>?! III v IMIIODI ? in i\ i in: i i ?.i-i \ 11 hi-;. THE OYSTER QUESTION OPENED. I In llouar \.l?.|?la n Iteaolot l?<i, I m.kliiK <?> l?u-r??i,i*i? of lt.-\e.iur li out tin? l?t.liiair> ?linimi im,, *,|,.n. ?ares latsedeeasl. Isaasnbly ., um i i ;ion. MM? I??? I.? 11,. v ! > ' ' rl Morris inti Mil rhicb s ' Of ?'lint ition th?' I to ' -; for th? lunty CA? BNDAR. I '.int - . 'lids. M iiity ' ' to i nor chil? li ' He?? ?>> Delegate?. itlon, that the i to f?U|i lon to h mie . hell" when l| . rlmonlal SI upon all . hi; h< ?USB. th prayer -., offer? d the ; ' ' - ?he I f?.r dnst the uch thai ?Id C .'iful ' : I the lich they the ftb ' ' IMU? for Its on In ;?i und?) t?1 ? ilion by ' Il B In th. I gga it LIMIT TO THE Tl Dr. n. L. Winston in OASTOniA. tiuy W-W, f, * tiu f r) uthorlslng th? plaelm < "> the otmti.ii) of the Prison A ?S.**1, onto pr? vwea th 11 tbi re shall ho ti limit a? to H lerm of sentaaoe, ?ad thai no min. fh-xin... committ?.,i to th? uatodj of W Msodatlon until he ha? been ? barge of m? '"<- the t.rin of Imprlnonment I tor) i?. not to eiceed tw??:\ i upon oonvl? thm for I BMPTKH4 OF ?TAOM, iRN iutrodiHv.i a I.hi i employe? pllOtS, clerk trek? ?pen, m< I lui th? in ..i not be liable to dl garnishment 11. m an act for the protection i n win. gr? bouseholdei r ?ectlo to .?ti'l prol provide In the Ural section ol P? B0TERS. a hill ; il of tl I ilea for damagea by Bra Th that "as ' i omottve ?hall be prima fad on nu?' .m appro? for ?lair CLUB8 MIST PAT l.H'KN :i Introduced a bill to or dlstrlbat? or g\\ ml spirits, mal iny niKiii - I alcohol, o rved In arden! spirits. An club oi Ions ol ible to $1"0 for menl In jail not toes than si ha. II Introdoeed bill t to aa of hot? r th? water fo (-ground, IN I ,' OP PLAINTIl Xottaway. Intro by m" : In the i ? hi n? \ er a per .,1 ;. n In th rt, or bj warranl I hen the claim ex i doe? i. : w. will plac Intlfl in tii.- sain.- posll danl iiai.-r tii ; a warrant for over j: the defendan may remore th.. mum to the Count: intiff t in tiiat ' OTHER BILLS PRESENTID. The following billa were Introdoeed aa An act t.. In Virginia Raiir.i and Mining Com By Mr Th William? mbeth, and il. K. M. A. Cogbill, .1. A v. W. i... k. i. and E T. Hak-r. of Virginia. The road of t . .?i Petersburg road the a I practical i DO tic line of th rallwaj. By Mr. ?ut' ?riding for the menl of i <"ori>o . \ 1st? |fr T. i'. Jennings: Defining th? Itorial Jurisdiction l; To incorporate tin trual Evang?lica] Lutherai if I of Bout hi 'lia. on rolls o: Vlrjrlnia. ; n?an: To provide a H' S the t.wti of ' " mpori.'i. et in rorporatlni 11 - - Norfolk Safe and i . Mi. C. M Wal ! .1. I). l'oie. Il ? Th? ' inniit Mr. William ?i. Williams: To amen? ai tu venin : ?7 .:f t)i. Co.le in relation t. th.? * Which an inli. in.."t t"t PLACED . i.\ Tin: \R. Th.- followini on the H,, i lew i ill No. ?l: T" authorize th lag from th?? ^alc of 11 i ml, as de? ill chuYi 'i. il, I: T.. authorise th? : - my te ? a ici franchise of tin lemj lo th? president and tru?? ?liege. .in n.t ln tewn "f < Iroenesvllle. !'. M; 'I'.i i tabllahlng i board oi river had harboi iel river. Efoui t.?il N imite m the dei tructlon of Ash m bable b] law, HOU8S BILLS PASSED. To mneri'l an II M.m ."I of the Cod* <>f Virginia, touching th? allowed tin- Bl t err?neo . tits ii th?. working and k. ;. .?I lie pUbUl PORTI m: TE1 LBH ('?IKS TO A Jl'ltV, Wi.ry It?-i?l Mil"? \n?..rr fur th?' I.n lit-n > ?if Mr. P_riaa***a Munf?. ? oi I in two < n mi charlea R. P resterda. k, ami th .-i the :. while that tor .11. iinan wns also re? " Orutehfleld that tin- woman had been h* for? i number of tlm ir ebarg? - i,. u[i on s charge of a* s morning. Complaint? ot her in officially and : be muai regard h? ipleioui cl Ha ?ntered the h, and irn; . a I I Tin Prlddy ' iieara St nome lergtb. Common wealth' ?-Attorney Ricn ..l the pi' I tile \ii. and Mi-. Prl Idy w< re both i, and teeth!? d in ?II ? . to their taking the money to the woman, seeing her place it tu h., noch and bundles tils clothing to effect .. cure ol nervous dyspepsia, with which ! ig tl ' andles "old truck I It. In them ,llt,'lr , -it- prior to th? issuance ,,, th? !r ' woman t0 n the money. Wltneaaea Htated that ' ?lona, and s l t . rtl. . th. n. Miss Ad?mi bul d! i not testify, the Court tfl a jut> "li it?! been s.-t for the moronic, hour, hut WSJ POStl.ed until i o'cL k It gives JBJSaedtStt ril|.f-w?< mean S I ration ?hi, the great pain naned**. Wi is. TO CURE KERYOUS DYSPEPSIA. To ?.?In Kl?-?h, to Hit . i> Well, tu l\n o ,v Wltiil Vii|ietlt<* ftnil I.?to.I niaratloii Minn. Make n Teal of M an r t'a V} apt? pal a Tnl.leta. laterrntliiK llxixrlrair of an lu? ll It? n i. poll - (.?-hi I en? i. n. N'o ir?iibb? Is mor<- cmimon or more than i sags le having it think that their ; m- to id.itif. and ai ih-? are not -ind I y ti-iv? m?*?llcln?? und nprlng remed??-"; the real ??-ill ???' fci mischief is lost eight of; the -torn . tlf ornan fter. dyspeptics Often do rot havs ; in th'- Stomach, nor ' I sto?raacb w?rakn?aa, Nervous ?ay?p?vaia ahows it m If not In ths StOBsech so much as In nearly ev-r\ other organ; In tonif ? ml Is Ir i? _it?;tr. Irt ?then IhS fcidl ? ?1, in oth?is th. b?owels ?rs const!] wi'h h?aad?chcs; ?'till otiurp sre ttroublied with loss ,,f Beah ;in,\ ?.ppitit??. with ao cnmulati<m of gaa, sean 11? :r?k *?. ami im, Mi. A. W. Sh ?M" r. ' f WO '1 l'i Ind.. writ. ' "A raotiva "f pata ?jratltuds prompts me t., write Ihe-??' f? A' lili gardlng th.- row and valuable med St.!H i tV D h'"'1' ?i Huffet-r fien nervous dyspepol? for the \,*w ?h.-i oth?ar remed?? without any fsvoi times gave temporar relief anttl th? effects ,i. \>: fl i attributed dentary ! tag ? i.k it? i oot with little physl? al v- : but i m i.i i to state that tho tablet? havs :',)r ' have gained In Bee?, SlSSp r. and sm better In > ry ivttj The ab i written not for not? rtety, but Is baaed an Bctual - ; ? i fully yours, VV SHA I: i "Cl Pros] ?nil." ! . gal ' ?t Btuart' * stomioh ' . loss Of , llpi tation, heartbui i itlon, and head? ', for vabrhl?- llttl? book 0T ' liesslng Stinrt Com pany, | Ml h ah druggists s> li full? Lei i p id .,i gj i enti. l\ Till: I lia < '?I HT?. *ie*T l)?-|in?> tppolnti-il In ? luuvcerr? CialtinK-l lui? Incorporatiil. Tn the ''ban. v.-ierdav th" will Of John l>? nzb r f I idmltl [ary E. D illni i . lined at Bi i . ! . m nu. i i .t.iii... >|M dl - A. Otilio qualifl? -I as administr?t a- i r A. N i d. Th? estai P. ?Scott, d pinniit;. d to the Sheriff for adml The following orders and di : tl: Weiss ?rs. VTelss and als., order Ptatli i iment dot ' John A. II. - ' 111i n itu tee, und? r ?111 A. i. In plai ' ' A. I? y, who o ' let. \. i,, i li mtnlstrator va R, <: conflrmlnj ' ' and suit. Waldrop, trustee, vs. w ad ais., Mr. Lewis Fi'-niii?K was appointed, and tuft In the Lou ind ISqatty Court s i I d to ih> ?Fishing Club, with ths following coi 1 c. Tlgnor, W. A H imraond, I! -han, J. Clem i '}. \v. Till? r. 'I If- Obj Club .ir.- to .mm. Bah. und shoot. Th? capital stock Is aol t# be lest lian 1 0 nor ? ?then divided late sad principe! ofl J. C. Tlgnoi ; VI -Pri aid? nl v.. .\ n I i ' Vaughan; CMre tor?, th re, J. < I? !.. Tiller. in the I >bn R Tl .m n.txaii ?aainal 9\ I, ihe verdi? t w is r. n i int. .vus o suit to i of the eere of th? defendant I ment. Ilapldat? d that h to v..tit foi ind In Ihe i time, ?h-' tire broke out In defend? ant's i ?le- furnltt In I tried for breal li Mealing bi isses. The prisoner pi? ?-I d gUllt] , lOli-ll Hill the brasses 1 be was starvlni He wa? senten? thirty days in jail ti . nt. John Blown, who chiim?d thai le .i frenchman, I ed an s f accent, ara ti ralgn? d at the l r. . kins; Into the i i i Mr B 'ULI' ! ' 'oie II. Tile pi I. found secreted ?ti the r? Id? i i with the ?t intention of conimittint,? In: and : i-?l tO h 'it he Is the raen ?a h? ie b Lpa, w h' n Marrlag? Ikwneea ?wen lesued to Mr. Robert !.. McNauM, or Richmond, and Miss Btta Burcb, --f L-racbburg. Th? cor.niony .. to-ii,,y. Also, to Mr. William A. Acre?, Of Ren ?vent county, and M lerd?n, o? runty, who w? re at irried terday at the home of the brl le. The special term of the City circuit Court will lay. Dr. Hogre*e >e?-/-Yenr Sermon. Bund m which hi - ittok forward to with unusual int. i "N? ". v- i " in addition being highl* Int? resting snd h i subj? ci foi ? whole tloa. n from the 121 chap? i lab and ltah vets --"l will l? nl them In paths thai th.-> have not !? . I ail] make darkens linht before th? m snd iitioked t! (?ht"- and Mat? thew Uth i snd 4ith \ Kingdom "r H aven ia like unto treesurs bid ;n s t.? id" ti dwell largel] on the subject of th?. lattei rerse, ind I illtisr nght out most clearly the tpment of the latent fc?*rces In na? \ v. si s needed. ! ii. Hoge .il..?, mads "lain in tie- same Saanni r the pm< m - : mil the unfold? ing of our rtatur? wll effort, snd wnile it ?? m??d as it . result- hi i '" ' 'i accomplish? d In th? ?past, >.i the ?rood work ?had but begun, and m proportion af our efforts are mad? m th? same ratio will we and the I ready to 'Zed. ?"he Do? ?or preached with unusual vigor of the regular Attendant?, besides a goodl ion of Judge? and othi r prominent i . Mr. ??tone's \rw 1'oaltlon. Mr. K. Hoyl Blone, Jr.. who has hem i two >-aia ?i'h ths i ! Loan Asno? ?attor., I of this city, l-m\'-s about th?' middle of! month for Trenton, N. J , having copied the position a?, ?sslstanl ?MCTetary : Ings, l.-'.in snd . Institution, of ' \s;i. originally <>n th? road for th<- Security, and after his fli this finition vvas [irtiinoled l. Inside place .is mi nager of th-- loai pertinent st tl with him strong letters of endors? i from Hi-- Board of Dl ' the Becu rttj ?(??akin? highly of hla au them In hi? department, and of his fab h tul i splendid chai ict? r .-is g young busineM-rnan. To (iirr n Cold In One liny. ink?- ?Laxative Bromo Quinine i;-bl?i>. All druggl?t? refund Ihe money If it falls to ease, fee. The gatauln? hu? u n. <>. ? li tablet. ? i TV onni*. \\< i>. ?!.'.'.> NCE T'i QRA?t THI "M . KJ? ? i.MI'ANl liALTIMOl L.MI8SK' I \M> RI N U '1 KI? TH??: BTHKKTH AND ALLEY! RICHMOND, AN STRLVI Si'i ED POR THE I'l.'ltlt'Sf VISHINO LIGHT AND PI i;v i.!.' '< Tun-fn. (APPROVE! I'E; It?? li ordained b* the Council c ;. 1 That the Virginia Klectrlc Con; of Hul'inn.i. city, whoa , i'i. ildi nt P, ?'. 'i odd; V\ .1 i . .1. ?*ror.c. a. I>. lial.-on, Roben . Secreta? Tr? a .un r, ? l? i: .. .a; t..?, and ii> rel ie? an i. and coi adults srlrea thi rein, und? i ?I alleya of Hk mond to furnish an'l sii| ply power, upon th? conditions p and limitations herein aet und? r tia. . toi th, aa inane titled "Ai of the city "f Richmond for tl used in connection with transmission ?.f electricity." ap ti mber 10 file <-ii\- sk the ri_t,ht I quirt, al any inn... or from tlm. 1 the expiration of flve y? late of the a| prove? of thai win i from the itreets. "t an) numb i to r? . 1res thereon in conduits. itreets referred to In the Nlnl ..n Ninth end i m Broad I n Ninth t" set : und on Main ai fron oi pourt? 1 ; . ft'.tn tin tine, after tin n ol ala I tr. i the appn val "t tin j require upon the sann t. and provisions, thai th? i. mo .- it? pol, s and v. li es from i i to t al uve -i . iiieil. and run It? sIrea In . may nnuall) luire the numbe on?, time foi th? th? n . ht. m -, it. '.. Whenever the city vlmil order an i in the t the i'Utii to requli i , ny to i |ta own u truct and 11 indulta i ipani. or c bolea a IS th-' comp -. to rms i ment or b) on, Wli ?ver , more than ? imp iny to bull I ts or m the Inltl il a tintr i su? h pi op? i lion as the i ..i i b< i i. in the constr . to be boi lira, ? i cit j I tl id ion mine tei ins under which i . I lion With ! lUlre the mo va I of polea and wins from i tor the induits li, iry, shall al be del? rmii h? w i ?et conduit .y fallur? to pel form a i i romptl] ird a hlch n tratlon abo on "r a v..11 In defai shall ; lesa tbi in.- "(a after ; ... li rou it ! termim I bj oi wir 7. \\ henever .11 deali Ol the Same Urn ?hall u :. ol til of ?al continue for thirty v : - and, with:1 th?. tin. the I '"ilia mllai to the aurroundini 10. Ti regulations, n. T; ,en an tltli il "An ? th?- re : in ? > r tain streets, and : ting an. conduit? In utembei ! as i In eon.lit ions and 11 quli .m' i . 12. Ti 1. Th v ii hin . : '. ;.. : factory to the Clt* . h hyarauli work in and neai Jamea river aa m i i r-powi r to u 2.u00-horse-power of electricity for ?n* furnlahlng >a intinue, t< tlon of compli tlon auch work ui pany ?hall be ready 't.> furnish electric? power for tl i ow? i. or to fui I'"? 'T. :<. That It will. I the i .i~ tage of "thli online I rk so far i-, ady in the opinion of th . .S ?I s this ordinance for th? furnishing of Ic-llght and po* t. That it win, within twenty-two months from Uie pansage of ihle ordr wlth the Citj Treasurer a bond for I ty of the United 8 vable r of mill held by htm os the followln? i ?nditions Pint, 111 within two months from in? filing of eald boi infflclently compi? I as ' ? i,?, i to furnish ?lee: ?wer, and I ' completed and equipi ed ; and furnish electric power to tl of at least I "hut it will, t?_ Q inoiitl nis oriii llllgcntly and to r to lent numb nnd wires to furnish HkL . on or before the eaplratlon of ti;, H.\ months eedlng the expiration of ail two montl ind manu fucturi i? (1 same, to the extent ' of nt least -power. Third, thru ! H will during n ? n .ach and evety provision ,,f ,b?s ,, - If. at the eaplratlofi x months, 'lone and per? form? ' -n and re luirement ted. then in. bond shall ' the city But If. at ' ration of ?aid time, th company hive performed euch aid ?\.o\ cond nn.j requirement, the <*it\ ?'oun.-ii shall be sHiii Treasure! : : the ?n.l to the said compsny. or i r>.| r. ?entstlva IS. Thi. rights nn?l Privileg??. un? ?Ivcti u|.<?n ll??? express tlon that the said company, In i itaMlsh hilf and eonstructltld its hy>lrnulie ?rorfes, above alluded to, anall not In anj or to any extent. Injure, ?llnilnlnh. or In ? ? with the ?it.r right* ami i of th- said citv, without th? the CRy Council llr.'t had and obtall 14. Por an) failure to comply with nny requirement of this ordinance, or which may be Imposed hereafter, th" company shall be liable. unleHS otherwls s thnn $1<> nor more than I i 'lay's .Rilun- to BEN T. At'OUST, |,i4-.-.t COURT on 111:1:-.. ROINIA. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE CITY <IF RICHMOND, DE .K 11 1897: ?i. 1 n .Plaintiff, J. B. Anglo and Catherin Coba, ! li '.-rtilanls, IN DEBT AND UPON AN ATTACH? AT RETURNED BXKC1 TBD. The object of this suit is to recover C tl ?I ' ! ants th?? sum of $101, and Interest thereon from M 1 until paid, and costs, and 10 attach th.? rty n?l effects of said CTatherln Conn, in the ?l'y of Richmond, and to the of plaintiff's deb?. ! aindavrt havirnj la and tu?*" that the sai.1 Catherin Oohn is .1 aoa-t u her.? within m afl r due publication of this order 1 oteel h<T thi? mill. ?' M ROW BLLB, Clerk. Thou !..-\V4t VIRi OURT OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND, O? BEH NOTICE. TO ALL PERSONS WHOM IT MAY lu the Circuit Court of the city of I mond: Th. c? mmonwealth of Virginia...Plaintiff, !.. A. CoghlU'a Administrator and als. 1 j ins. The common im <>f "0, with Intercut thereon from No veml . ! avlng 1 een re? am, administrator of 11 I Po" I dh d Inti In N< ?v. Amhersl count) on or about thi R \ Ci having ?l l? ? t. ?'. 1.. Sei.M qu illfli l aa a Imlnlsti itor, D. B. N. C. T * of ild Coghlll, about the Hth Th ,ii.iv.? sum i.s the Id Hood'fl estate; the groun Commonwealths claim be? ing thai aaid Hood died 1 let and without ns claiming an ?nteres! in said um are h? reby required to appear ' 1 this ' day of thi term which la tin- Teh day of 1: M ROWBI_LE, Clerk. R. Cartel id A Wlili? head, Sold ; IB wim ? OMMISSIOKEB'S ROTM I IN THE LAW \Mi EQUITY COURT . ?F THE CIT? OF RICHMOND: H. TUghman, who sues, etc... .ntiiT, The Orlfflttj-Mi ' ifacturlng Com? pany .1 > tendant. . nt? red Dec? mber IS, "Ti?. .1,mi .loth further adti order, and '! cree tiiat this ci ommlaalonera of thi? t, who la ? ' rinki ti,.- fol? lowing Inquiries and atete the following her with any n 1 i illy stated, deemed pertinent by him. or requin -viz.: I : ?..ns of t:. B. i'? .-h. r, reci IfBth-Mayo ifacturlng 1 ;r"in the ol bla qualiflcai _ aa ' : of all of the eetate. r> al ..nil p tfll h .Mayo Manu irtng ?'"in; Imple and annual value of the ; . and the i 1. if any, and ?h?.1er of priority am? ng them. vVnat woul for 1 \ Icen 1 ' ndei '-.! by s. S. P. Patl recel I. t. A : I Qrifllth-Mayo ifacturlng Company, to whom the are due, and th arder ol . mmlssloner uiia!i give Mlcation, once 1 vm . k m w s Rlchmond, in which notice he shall require all per? Ing claim laid Loro ippe tr at the time and pi ? . d therein, and II be equh on all parti. n Quy, Ooddln 11 1 T.. Any ..n 1 All in the Al I have day of Jai \ M , aa the tin the 1 , of Which 1 ii?' foregoing Is ni. : itnissioner ' ? r ti, Richmond, this mil d JACKS? 'N "'.i 1 Commisse H .".?n. p. 0, ! ? 15-W4t H.. only the PUREST and BEST MILK, CREAM, m ?ti:u and BUTTERMILK from the finest herd in the Stui?-. All milk delivered in glass jars thai an always sterilized be? ug. This system is de? manded, and has been adopted in all of the progressive cities pi tin* conni PRICE: 6 bents s quart, 8 cents n pint, and - cents ball pint Both old and new 'phone, No, 796. Chatsworth Dairy Co., 211 North Third Street, rae If-Su, WeWtaa) 'ennyroyal pills ,^*\ Oi-ltlii?l?iJ Onl? UtaaU?. A ,'._i?-il? t"??** '" ?"??-.W.. ? *r_.l_.A lit* ?f\\ J ?1'j-naj.mmri ?ra . ?a, Hnl *W . -OCH*">". 'ir'.u T?ke\g7 *?**" *? . * '*?** "'f~'>' *^mi<-r.iu4 <u''....'.- v ftf ' At Ur.ggi.l.. ur _*od 0?? t J I* ....rnji. 'or (trtlccttj?, i?.llui.!*l?l, ..I ?0* 0 " ttrUrt far l.ujlr..** .1 i-fur. 1, rtiueu Y n?ll. 111.OOO r-.- m>oi?l. ffmmt Piprr. ?kl. _?i.r rhcjul??l i?_..??ai?._a ?.tu. B..I4?./HI1 I'M 11.1 It A., fZ (rny l-Sa.Su.W&weowly) DKI'trtllHK OF STEAMERS. VIRGINIA hAVIGATIOM COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. HUT ?'uCAIIUMa. Icav... ..lO.\. UA?. SVEDNE11UA?, ana If RID A ? al 7 A m tot ?th, Old Point, N< ? poi ' and James-river l<?..diiig?, and conaeotiiiaj at Old Point and Norfolk for Washincton, jultln.'Ji?.. a . . the North. State-rooms reserved for the nii?ht t*t moderate t?i < direct to the wharf. Wort only $1.5?. und $1 to Norfolk. Muslo by hestrlon. Freight received for above- iam<- ' aiei all Pnlnts in Kantern ^Irirln;?. and Korth Carolina. IRVIN* Wf?lfll? * Oener.'l Manager. A. H. Drewry. President. ie II pniLADELL'UIi?, A-U'H-*gjiW MOND AND NORFOLK 3-* ~ o?^AjU>?xa.?- ??U?.A-A.M. Appointed ailing day?: livery 'tuts?. DAY. PRiDA?, uiid SUMOAT ~t <i?y "t.tilglu .-'elv^d dally until I f il. Fare vlnclnding meals and berth., m en Friday' > ?n<i Sunday's steamer. For further information H_>.'!y to J. \V. M'CAKKICIC, ?Beneral Southern Ag-nt; office Ro.-ketta, W.V CLYDE A CO.. ?0 4 ?en*.rs' Agents. Philadelphia? M u. 11 li ?I ?mi I (??lira;?' l,lternr> 1? rtety. all.aT.QAP I.IAB? D (J ?h p Ric?moQd.Fredsrlcts .-?. li.-.Jul.? in Effect November 08, 1S0T ei n o cl?oci no"n. leave ict nu-mm EUT STATION. a. m., l'jny. lor Washington ?ni pointa .Nurth. ?lov? only al : u,.U Ciecl-Ticss?urg. mcep?.i > tu .N? w 6:20 A.M only, for Washl'i? ind pointa North. Stop? at Elba. Gleit Allen, : ind, Tuyiorsvllie, JJoawt?il, R?ther pu n. P?nol lord. Wood slam?, Uulnca. s iinmit, bur*. ind Wi.? Pullman car. 8:40 A. M., Li.tily, except Sun!.-y, fnr W.i.-hington and polnis North Stops st L'Iha, Ash l'aylursvillc. Doswwll. R?ther (?len. Pen?la MU tord, Woodsisne, (lulne-v, S a m m I t. I'r- ?lerlcksburg. Urooke, and Wldewater. Huiiman ear. i-.;.io M., Daily, exc-ut Hunday, for W tahlngton jti.i points North, stop? at Elba, ?len AII??n, Ashland. I M I I f o r ?. Krederlcksbiirg, Urooke, nnd wldewater. with Congressional J-imited st Washington. 7:3."? P. it., Daily, 'or Washington uni t Elba, ! ind, ?Doswell, .\filford. i;' ksl uru Brooke, and and <->?rier ??ta? enprr. Rlch n-cr .i fork. AIIMIVK nVRD?TBKKT VP4TI0*. h.iOA. M., D ' -''' g. Mll Dosweil, ? F.lba. and other Stations Sut-, ?ays 8ie?per, New York to Richmond S;4.1 P. M., Dally, except Sunday. Btops at wldewater, Brooke, Mcksburg. Summit ?'.nine i, Woo I-bine. Milford, Penoia Ruthar Qleti !> >? W?l|, Taylorsvllle. Ashlnnd. 'ilen All??n. and R|r. t from Washington. T:10 P M., Dally. Stops onlj at Pride rli k?bur?r, Doawell, and Ash ! tnd, and Elba. Pullman car? from New Y? rk. 8:30 C M -'tons it Wld?wat?ri, k . Predetickaburg, it, Otiln??.?? Wo : ???swell Tavlorsvill??. tr&hlsnd. ?Jb'n Allen, snd Ki ' 1 >'; :.;.|tu: FnFDKRir Ksiri; accommodation. il?uiiv <-X' epi Sun ! - ?rDO P. M.. Leave? Byrd-fttreet Station H:30 A. M . Arrives Byre itlon. AfHLAXD TRAIS?. (Dal ?. ) 6:41 A. M . Leav? s ?XIba. ? **?> ] M . [-eaves Klba, <i to A. M . Ait! t?.oo p. M., Arrlvi a I A. TAYUJI;. Trrifne Manager. E. T. H MY El CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY. i:n>,?tlv.- January l. lisos. TRA?AS LEA\I. BUM I1M?V?, UROAI> B*JrataUK BTAMOM. t>:.*?0 A. M., ^.-'O, v?>... mrMM cut', toe Non uni, Porismoul Point, Newport .Sew?, aiiU principal station?, cunntct: daily with ?jld L?ominion ?1-aiiishi-,.? for N?*w i oik 3:40 P. M., Dally, with Pullman, lor local ?tauons. Newport News. Did Point, .nouoi??. arel p ittstnouth. 10;0O A. M., Local train, except Sunday. for Vv. Clifton Forge. Con? nects at Gordonsvllle for ??range, Cult?; ton, Manussas, Alexandria, and Washington: at Union n, Chariot tuiivllle, for l.ynchburg; at Paste for Ha - own. ?MS P. M , Dally, with Pullmans to Cln ". ?Louisville, Louie. st?>?>? only at tmpor Itationa, Connects ?r ??ton ?Uih/ for ?Vlrglola Hot Springs. Meals rilng-caie. No. T, Local Train, except Sunday, *oi low? above train from ?Jot UonaviH-' to Staunton. 8:30 P. lt., Acc ?mm <d ?non. except Sun? day, for Charlotte?vlilo. 10.1U P M., Dully 'or Cincinnati. wit?. F. F. V. Pullmans to Hlnton, W Va. snd <;<>t'ton?vllle to Cincin? nati and Louisville. Meals served on Dining-cars. Con ton. ex-'e-jr Sunday, for Winchester. Vs., nnd at t-ovlngton. Va., dally, for Hoi Bnrln?sa, TRAINS LBIAVB EIGHTH BTR1 noN. 11:30 A. M., Psily, for Lynchburg ana ?Clifton l-'orge. Connect? at Mr except Sunday, for w iite Ha!! inday at . t-eaiagton, and at W. ?'lifton Forge with No. 1 or Cincinnati. ? :00 P. M.. Except Sunday. Mcnl nc "'if for Columl TMAE9M AHItnE AT RICHMOND, nROAD-STREET STATIO.V t? l?o A. M., Dauy, Horn ?..'lnclnnati. 11:15 A. M., Dally, nom Noitolk and ?IU Point 3.30 P. M., Dally, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 0..'.o P. M-. Dally, from Norfolk and Old nt. 7-4.1 P M., Excepl Sunday, from W . i irge, TRAINS ARRIVE EIOHTH - STREET STATION. 8:50 A. M., Excepl Sunday, from Colum? bia 0:a*OP. M. ?Pally, from Lynchburg and Clifton Forge, and. except Sunday, from Lexington and WhlT? I'?UN IV I'OTTS Assists''' rjannr.' ??sseerv?er A??nt. 0 ? ?PARTIR? OF ?TKA.aKHS. ,L!) DOMINION MF-AMSHII'COMPANY. DAILT LINK : un NEW YORK. passengers can leaveRichmoaB DAILY vi.? Cb?a?ap<saks and ?</? ? railway at ?60 A. M.. or Richmond !'urg rail? road (Norfolk and Wfstern route? 1? >. M connecting ai Norfolk with Old minion Line ?leanier, ?ailing same eve? ning for New York. ALL-WAJ.LK i.OUTi;. Steamriiiio oui Do. jnond every Monday ut r. p. m. for New York via James I Richmond Tranafer Company's, VA east Mam ?tret ;,n?l Ohio railway, and Richmond Petersburg railroad depots, an any'? office. 1*01 east Main al Richmond. Pa??? ' through. FREIGHT for New Yoia i.? shiuDcd vy direct gteauiir?, sailing fromRichmond every MONDAY and itlDAY at a P. -*?: leavliia Richmond VVI-.I .-. 1? M for Norfolk, connecting with ?rt?. for New York. a one hour before ?ailing - nt recoiv-'-d and forwerded ana through' bills o' iadlng Issued for ?li n?rih?rn ("? ""''i -"d .'orelm porta northern. ^^ (.K icept Bvn? ___ to N?rfolk u. <Ad Point ? omfert, connecting with .Norfolk and Western railroad or Cb??apeak uire?.t st?aamera ?vl? Jamee-river rout?? , every SAT! HI AY (puascnger u/kj gad MONDAT (freight only), ??ailing trom company'a n I? r \0. as North river, foot of ?Beach street, at 3 p irday ? P. M md forwarded dally. ,\i ?nt Sunday. For ?urth?-: Inform to ror * JOHN F. MAYKft Agent. 1212 east Main ?treor, Itiehmond, Va. W 1* Oulilaudeu. \ !?? -President md Trsme M-inaaer. New Y??rk._ras ? B 001 AND JOB WOKK NfUTLY C:iCUTIa) i: rn nispATcu pRiNTiNU orfios. in.?M?mtMntM r? 'IT''_' tmmm*mowm\ J (? [ ATLANT?C-COAST SetMSml? ?n fr*ff>??i l.eeei..l.?-r _!l, l*?>7 THA?S*. LI'AVK Hit V MO*IU? M?OS DIufOT. 8:00 A. M . i. M., .Norfolk i M. St.?n?. only ut Pet? _?..i_ Suffolk. Va. 0:05 A. M., Dui y. Arrive. Ptierbburs; 'j_? A. M., a A. M j . ?lack . fort U : ?.Un No. ?' S;l?) P. M, nggsn 5i? 1'. M. Pull? man Kfeey.. r Net* York to 8:55 P. M.. Dali) Local. Arrives Pe t' 1-.1.UIK .. I. p. M. Hll SI . 5:30 P. il . i 6_U P. M. Makes sil loeiil 1 and Paters. burg rall?. ,T:SO P. ii.. l??ii:y. Arrives Petersburg P M . ?onr.H ?.i'h k and \\ ? n 1 r oik and i, Empoiia with \ and stations bstween l'mparlsj 'III? ?. NNvldoa ?:i tevlil?. 1.07 A M Cha : A. M., 1:0. A. M Ills 1 P. M , Port Tampa a SE TO Mini ?>j GEORGIA irnv i:ig A ?. M , Augus? ta m il A. ! in ta 12 IS 1 M Pull ma n 'i k to Wilmington, 'Ken. AugUH? j Mac?n. 10:00 P. M . Dall> P. M . I.yn. hburg J.Sd ? M , Roanoki I M . A. M , l'iillman ni ? p??r Richmond t. Lyach? borg. M 8:8? P. M.. Daily. Arrive? Petersburg; M , U'.l.lon 11:? P? M Ifakee lo??l stops be tween Petersburg and Wei TRAIS* MtltlVi; RICHMOFfO. 4 tro A M , Dally, nom .tu?.a>? vannah, charl?'8t<?ii, Atlanta, i pointa South. 8:15 A. M., Dallv, except Sun lay, Al? lanta Athen -, Pal. i. ' demon, I.yn. lib ? f.:STA. il., Dally. P.tsn<biirg In , H.oo A. M , Sunday only, fi Athens. Raleigh. II? I 11:05 A. M.. Dally. Norfolk. Suffolk, and Petersburg. T t.*? p M i ni?, lackeonvtlte, savsn. nah. ("harl.Hton, Wilming? ton. Ooldsboro', ?mi all point? South. e-SB P. M.. Daily. Norfolk, Suffolk, vva. erly, and Petersburg. s r.?; : NI., Dally. i'. I-ynch burg, J. R KKNL.Y. General Manager. Tram?- Msmger. H M r*MKKS"N. O.n.ii! I'lun.nger Agent. < awPBKCu no 4 Division Pa???nger Agent. N Schedule m E?Vct December 5. 1H07. LKAVK HI? IIMOM). Ill HIJ-STRJCEI* STATfOn. U:OOA il, i .iiii.n.l .nid Nor? folk. VKMTII.i I.,-; |_|M, .. ED. Second lit?"] on this train. 0:OS A. M., Dull. THE III? ? PRE? noke, ?.'.?luniiiua, ai?t ?K" Pullman Roanpke to Columbus; als??. i "i Rudford. Unstol, Hnr?\? i.'nattuiioog i, and la? ti i mediate Iannis. T:80 P. M, Dally, for Norfolk, Suffolk, aurmi'iiiate stations. 10:45 P. il.. Dully, for Lynch burg andj Koanoke. Connects with Washington ami < h ittanoog"? Limite?! puU m in Sleepers itoanok? to Memphis and N . l.i'Kli b*?l MOND AND LYNCHBCRG read; foi oc? cupancy .?' 9 1' M .'Imau Sleeptir ; ?burg i Koanoke. Train?? an and from Ly/irh? burg and the fV'eet dallv k 15 A. M , snd s...?; P. M. From Norfolk ami th? )..>t 11:05 A M , and V? mlte<l 1:55 P. M. Ofll K. W CiU'RTNF.Y. District ) vgent: w n hkviCl. ?Tero I gent. General Offices: Ko.moke. V, e\r> | SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Schedule Effeetlve NOTenili?*r *<_1. l*-^ nUnS I.EAVK RILKMOXn, VA. 1J?.OO Niant, I> y tur Atlanta, Augusta, . Poinis South. Sleeper Richmond lu? Danville, Greensboro'. Salisbury. l.'hsrlou ?. and A' I I I' ' ' ' at all si we? " ?>' ' 10 take on and lat oil at Danville. Salt-bury, and Charlotte with th? W*.ah?ngton und Southwestern Limited (No. J7.. tari'ving slssper? New York lo AshevllTe, II >i Soring:*. Chattanoo? ga, and .\ ishvlfi? . New \ork t'? Wtmi.his N w rork V> N?*w Or w York to Tampa. >"><? fir?-: ' i wen Washington and M? mphm ?.' tlon? ire mmle for sll ..oin'.s I't Texas and California, s Leper open fop .? cupancj at MO P M ,, 12:00 noon. No ?, solid train di.llv f?>r Charlotte. N. C, connects at Mos?. l?-y with Fatn.ville und Powhatan t.i'lr.i Ai Keys.i'.lB for < larks vllle. Oxford, Henderson, and pur ham. and at ?J ' tor, V"""' . .taleigh, '- 1 V'instonSalem; at Dai.ville with N<> V>. I nit?-.I '.i?t mall, ooild triiln. dai.y for New Orleans and point.- South. which -nrrles sleeper*. N?-wY??rk to New i n lean?, and Ne*s \ tnt T'" k-i.nvllle. Through ilseper *_"> - also. Pun? man tourist ' y ? " n*"'* day Washington to Han trail isco, without ehange. ?OOP M. No. IT. loe*!, dally, ?x-"?t>t Sundi.v. for K.ysvllle and lnt?i.-m? .- ; otnte. ff__UHI ARUIVt AT K1CHMOK?. B-_SS i' M', from Atlanta, Augusta, Asheville, ami N 8:40 A M . from ty/* *. i,, ,-m. rREioHT nrtAiNa No(l , n Manchester an? * Ml-ltfll LINE Tuwwn.nM, mi. r.GuitiTt; hoi n: mihiu. I.I. V \ ? IIH IIHONII. 4:ao P. nt., "- Limited, dally, except Sunday. .nuking il< . n M ... ' I l"i Mays with more also, with s"?ge at L iii,, tou and Tappa haiiim.k iya, 'lhurndsya, and t-.IO !' >l N< 19. local express, Moo *. t' ?* . ..s. Tonne. t"r Manor f... with steamer for i.altimoie. ?lops B.JO \ M . :< '*>" * g'' an.: in? with stage it I r for ibsnnoch TRAIX9 ARBIVI? AT niCU-dOSD. 1? 17 \ M IS lu A. M ? Wcdn.stlaya and rridayi only s ix> P 3d . daily, ercapt Sunday, from West'l'oint a*Hl lnteruied,?ts sta tiuns. _ . .* ? ?. Steamers leave *vVe?t Point at ? P. il. 'nation, foot of Virginia \ M to 4 1* M . m cuy ticket n??. aM ?-set Main mi w A TURK. iger. Gen Pa?*. Agent, w ii OeneenTtu - *. RY. Trsveiiln? Paa aeiVger Ag?nt, 930 eaut Main street. R?er? motid Vs. ?* orders for printing **ut io ibe D ? a Company wlli bw given prompt attenUea.? aad the ?tyle el w.rk and prtcea w_U be sure to plea?? you.