Newspaper Page Text
riin- PTPTrMONI) msPATCH-TH.JR8DA?. JANUARY 6, 1898. ? - " ' ' I.I.I IK .i.YTI! CONGRES. nt RRAKNEMRLR A*t i 1 M.i*. J*.Tt> DMUATK. i CIVIL-SERVICE REFORM U1 aaMteaa attach Th-r-nn *_s**rea i ptl| t-n-l ?.Ixe? lUse ??? *-a? ** 1 R? ninrU. on Moth Point? de??The (run? Kill. asi i in? :r- 'N I). C, Janu ' ' slHtlve. ?V lolal Hl :b h niln ic ?t ?' set until the ?'inl '.illty that H mi i longer. Hut it is k. m rally admit! itlon bin Sttempt to strike it ont. T ?ate. th?r? fore, is only preMsah ?ramme wh smles "t tl gr?e upon. 'be m?rr.r>ers of fie Ets-SOt IM divld? 0 tfer " tho gd by the law, those who ?niv .M. and those a ? it? n lieront in the debate to-day, the a e of ? m anti? ipated. Mr. MOO 1 .. ! -V Mis*.an : tlnn St the bill. M pburn ?l;. publican), o! Iowa, that it a . Tie 1 : tir? r? ti. ai of tl anea? thi? si I.- desire it t., stand ille a ' y of us d? ne modifie iti"i. of its ; Why Sosa this gentleman ?lr.. the entire repeal of the lawT" e Mr < ' ' h ' ? would be SfTOTI irn. itmiil gnat laughter. Ul si -. trot of tl !ii fail?.-?! al last, ai d the [? ?! Mr. ?.row d.epub: nin. who spoke for twenty ml pport <?f th. general principle? of il ' vice law. dr. Mood* tts. follow.?1 with un ?labor?t? llCh he i ! officials who received - r annum. V t. be said, 1 ?1 in? sympathy witli those wh,. b ly be modified by > xt< nslon. 1 ought tiiose win? were placed i n of the law ; ou Id I d t.. submit to a t? anil he also bell? y, me method should be found t ; ?:V POR REPEAL, Mr. l lened the del t< In opt oaltlon to u w, which, be arguod, was odioti merid ind should be : !?. pointed oui -ir,kin it of the appropriation for the cornial ?n would accomplish nothing, mmission. : i ourt < alms f"r th? lr salai is thing to do, ? ' * Id, s i directly at tho law. Mr. Robb (Dem ni. ai bile .n>. ?d North Car? m. folio? i in 'ii ositlon to tne lai de latter, w ho hat be? n \ s hostility to th.? civil servi nde?i that life-tenure Inevitably msai civil pension list, whether the i ion hi b?' ppid directly out of the Tro ' Indirect]] retiring fun i from en ise. While Id ibsern r the law; he di i lar? l?i s main pur -my. Wi ni. it ha 'lingtot had in?r. r cent., and th? Mr. Clark (Dei r the Rt public ins wh?. we to I to bring bill f.e il, to which Mi ?n emphatically replied in the % He furtl be pr ind i nd Introduced at tl and that t! ksjrman oi the Civil - immlttt ould be asked i" report it. "If he does Ii"!." r.ii'l I will instr-iHt me to report it "Will you gentlemen on - lie Coi n for It when ?t is r? ..rk. "We will m.-ik- effort?," B1 We will no to ti with the Dem?crata "ii i \, MSghter.) Mr. Landia (Re. ubllc in), oi ? a modification of the law, whic would doubtl. if him man. llu aneen i civil servi?.- reforn ra. He bad n< vet known any of tho? lied s the "b. | lent" not narrow, and dangi roua. They had bul ozed a national con. ml hypnotised I lie ih< DENUNCIATl? >N OF CLEVELAND, H. denoui ed ,!' ' t hi? second administr?t i. erttcularly whai tooh place in th? Qo it printing ? >!tlc . to the h ad < Mr. Clevi I; man ! do Ihe Ingle day, he - -Print? lenedii I dll Wl now n at th.- <.... i nan ni Prinl \\ hen ! i remove otnted, Mr. Clev. them. He r. ad what pui to be a I ?id's prlvi .-;, and ke| a - (included the i .1r. Perklne (Republl? in), ?.< loe f it whs propos? i to re? m .bli'h m*de such recital "but we w n d modify the law." Mr lb nderson i Republican), i n of tl ' on., In ondemnatlon <<? t) goveri h work. I; . t uni. rrnxlitled by Its frl tad a i "n Th.- law mu the clut*h of tl Mr L.ttidli ?. Mr ' ' pullst) .,f \. riosed ' th. flay with ?pee? h : ' urged ? un argument t"i a i ".in to thai ?I that when led to the ?'". of th l>fn?ocr uon, wiii:. publica At 4,'S, 1* HrtiMtr froceedliiK?. membei >* 1?? law to tie- \.iii rniii.-nt . a bureau tor th? tw .. harp ?Ml service .) In tin Mi i the Committee n Relations, gave notlc? thai ii?' would next M ind dally 11 onatder In , II i ?vallan annexa? tion treaty, until II Was dl?poasd of Carter, chairman of the ? Oltltl . ,i up the i,hi ?providing nta f??r the 'akin* ,.t the twelfth all?! suhs?(|ii.-at mi offered s committee ?sacad? - i.? section 3. Mr. Cockrell, of M harply !?' taekid tin- amendment II?' said thai the offering of : ?? h m sjnendmenl ti.-ii of th.- section as It had changed by th. o.tnmitt.e. proved that th-> Repub making a i uncendlttonal ?uirander upon -'loti. Bale, ut Maine, thought that the Senator fn-ni Missouri ?Mr. Cockrell). did aot ; widerstand the position of the 'inmite.. Th? committee, through M. did ;iut make an attack upon the position of tho-ljlteput' party. Put apon tb? ?ivll s*r\i.-. questloa it pro? vided for th.? appointment of a director of the census and thirty-one Bob<ordlnate?, 1 - thought that lions ought t?> he R||?d as provided for In th?? bill. Mr. Jones (Dem.ieiati of Ark. d that in th?- takiiur of the ? ? nsuses rhaps anintantloaal, > T. I t ill. i'le to lll antl tlishoti. st men, who hrul i>., n employed m the work. Mr. Hal.? ?Miinteti out that it was mani? festly Imporalbl? to tl enumerators through the provisions "f th? civil service law. As th.y w.i i only a mmith ??r i?-.--, they ? have to 1" th'-y had heretofore been. F"K IX.NFSTY AND ?'??MI'FTFNCV. Mr. Jones said that all he was Contend? Ing for was that the census should be honest and competent m? i h i w< re capable <>f doing th.- work assigned to them, and ao1 they had any political Influ? II- then ?i\,. notice that after the pend Ing ?omniitt.-e amendment had been ?lis of, he would offer ?me providing that -.;,,, tot "f til" c.-li hould n>t I." of the sam?' political Ma- director. lu a lu?. ? ' 'a- woik of the ment, Mr. Allison bluntly ? ill if it t a disposition had 1? > -i pin ?nu the work, slmpl) that might gel salarie?). In reply, Mr. Hale said that th si? V? nth d previous censuses ha?* ! en too st? nslve In scope, so thai tbs bure tu i beneath B mas-- of In? formation UPO? m in- tint could Intelligently headled by the I under the Census ?Director., Thl? work was not only expensive, but really pro ? the necessary details oi the ?i expressed Maneetf a? In favor of th.- taking of real census and ?othli s Mr Tell? r, Of ?"?dorado. In SUpport ol the idea that the i not ?b? fl partisan :, ?nul that Its employees shoi'ld. : Allison, of low.i. saltl he was op? tai would Vote at-'ainst th tabllshmenl ?>f a permanent Censui I reau, to be Independent In it?If. n tb? opinion that thfl biif ci iched to on.? of the rego? la i d< of the Koveinmeiit. Mr. ChlltOB, of Texas, in an extended thai it was a scandal to Issued so many volume- ?S ?Mm?d I r th.- work of the COB? ol i?-?*? a m- expr?s the ??Torts of tin- gentleman from Hale) to reduce to reu '. proportions the topics to be handled ?,y th-- twelfth census would I L .-FKVici: l : RATS, Quito tediy, s lively ?civil servie? Ipltated Just at the of th.- session. Mr. ?"arter. In charge of tin lull. Mid that he would have the i. with the amendments i to it, and for thai ve would c, is? m to have it tt mp , H< th.-ii moved thai the ?3 iBSkh ?ration of executive b Pending the passage of that motion. the ?Vlce-Presidenl laid before the Benate th,- reply --h. i man : tiferina\:i the application of the clvll-aervic? law in bia depar?lment. Secretary Bher inan recommended In bis reply that cer? tain positions In tb? Slate 1 ?'p:u tin? nt b ' i om th? operation uf th? civil-s-i va . law. Mr. Cockrell, "f ktisaouri, was on his itly upon the conclusion of the reading ry? Bherman's eom niunic'itiop. "Coming from ?Secretary Bherman, who - i\.,i long years in Co?ngre?s, this isom? munication mus? be re?ga**d?ad ?a very remarkable document." sai?i be "Tab? i,'tu himself, as ?Secretary .Sherman knOW?, ha? ample authority to modify th? law In accordance ?aith th. mmendatlons of hi.s s- ret iry of For as Of Slate to com? BUCh 1'elh-f as Mr. Sin r maii requi n his own chief, the Presid? ni 11 th? United ?State?, hau pow? la presuraptuoua." Mr. Allison sai,i that In niakinii his r> ply Secretary Bherman bad simply com?, plled with the . xplicit r?-qu?st of the te, and hi had the resolution IOW i!t it o called for I'eeomm.-nda tlons or suggestions for modifications 'hat Cabinet Of! tight have to make. Mi. Cnllom, of Illinois, th.- author of the itlon calling for the Inforrnation, in tu,- course of somi n-niarks bearing upon it. said in a general way that he was in law. He was u sav. however, that atodlfioatlon? in its ?ppllcatlon might i??- made with ?d? /ant Mr. Cullom waa lnt< rrupted i?y Mr. Al? ien, of Nehiaska, with the citarle that tne elvll-eervtos law was openly and dally violated by th?- heads of th? government \ HI-'S AND A BT-WORD. ?, i^ now administered." said In-, i,d a by-word among (he ile." liming, Mr. Cullom Bald he had no Inlot iiiallon as to specific violations Ol the law, but he would like to have the matter Inveatlgi ted, as he was sat? that th" authorltl? i were v< from oui the original intention "I' ?he authors of the law. Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, declared that it evident that th.- authors of the law hati mu Intended that in? .should not P.- ?removed by tb? loads ot II-- hehl that th?- executive heads of departments onuhi to have th?- right t" l ? move iii.-omp.t. lit empioj- es with? the ?action or "i 'he < i vil- Mimis sion. At " 1'? 1'. M.. on motion ,?f Mi. t th. Benat? executive a? asion, and ... mi ait. t ward sdjoui \OMI\\ll<>\> in IHK I'HK.MDIAT. aaUeti rn laser <?> ii>* Havaaval ?i \\ iikIiIiikI??"?Other Seleellous. WABHINOTON. Januar) ' Th- ; denl to-,lav s. nt a large batch of noml? Amoai' them following! Aullck l'almer, t?> I-?- Marshal of the I'nli.'tl States tor the District of Colum? Owen F. U . Smith, ?.f North fa, d,,,.,. i-, i,.- Mini id Consul i ral of tri. to he Cons Of th? Fuit.-.? , i Hope. ridei i' Mitch? 11, ?>f Indiana to be ptrolh-r of y I. W llsoii. ' at Washington, i> ? Kl l.ttilser Confirmed. iti'iry 5.- ': d the nomination ol il,-r? - klah nf North Carolina, to be -ni at Pana au. Wold fol l?l ?\ugh tdyrup. it? .?tus I? wurld WASHINGTON GOSSIP. iRAftitEMiii.iM. or CORMMM a t\mi. i'ium i:i:iiiM_. iLLER NOT NOMINATED AS MARSHAL. t It tun I ?in to He firm WhHl?rr M?* Will n?? or >?it?"WnlUer and Vont talar HOS? Ihr Prenl.lent?The At torneyshlp. W \SHI.\c.To\. I). <*, .liinuiry lr . i?This was ii summer-like day icie. mid the r.assemliling Ol th?- fifty? Ceogrees was ?rMasoaod by a crowd that pretty nearly tmo? tin galleries cf jolh hoUOSO. The proceedings WOTS <|ult" "..rinal. Mr. t'.-.d, ppoinpt'.y at i- I sgead ths Hot r Um lmp-Wn laid prayer, ths etorft rani tho Journal ?f the last ?lay's session, and ? verythl.ig iv< nt alotis' Just as if the bodv had ad? journed only fseterdsgr. Representathrea Laaab, Bpes, Baraanoa, Key, Hay, gad iUx?y w*?r?- in tbstr acata, a, Jon. s, oi th.? pirat i Ustrtet: foung, of the BsconA; Walker, >>f Mm Ninth, and Yost, of the T??nth, being Th?. mooting of the IcnaM was about is tame as was that in the' Hoir.-?-. Bons lor Martin was ; s'- I I was still in Richmond. THORP f.i-f.s CAHB. The contested election case of Thorp avail's! Congr? im?n Bpes, of the Fourth Virginia Histrtct, is destlacd to attract tentlon. it pr? n ata i ima ntnaikal.!. and interesting features. : nd Wln> have lead t!i | Mr. Bpes are unanimously of th.- opinion that Mr. Thorp nas no COM Tin- i.r has i... n prepared by Messrs. Mcllwalne ami i. .uns, i tor Representative has attracted considerable atten? tion l ?aniel and Martin; . tor W'aithali. oi Mississippi; R? ii\. s Berry, Rbea, Wheeler, n iy, and all of whom bars given tin ment careful consideration, pronounc? it "He (if the ebl? I'l. n Poj. ' i i i. who is a member of one of the election commit? tees, sent for a OOp*. of th.- brief, and he i- enthusl atlc in pratae <>f it. Mr. Wax, win? ?s a distinguished lawyer, is making a study of the Bpes brief, With I vi'U to ins ?nildance in th.- contested election thai will come before his commit? tee, Which 's Xo. 1, and it is a pity thai he is not a men mmlttee N which will eonslfler tin- Thorp-Bpea con l.ATTl.c-FIIT.I? PARK Mr. Bpes has in preparation a bill to rivke a grand battle-!!.-Id park of all the battle-Aside, Including the Crater, around burg, and he will introduce ?t m a l'i w ii ?s ais? Interesting himself in tin? claim against ths government r*' the Methodtal Episcopal Publishing il fi r damage to their property during the war. and at the requesl of num? roue Methodist el? rgymen, will push the matter as soon as opportunity oil Congre asman P, .i. Otey again saw the Presiden! to-day with reference to the m of Walker ?;. Hamm r. 'i'n. i i?i. nt si'i.i h>- had not \,t determined what lie would do in the natter, but still had the papera und? Mon, and would notify Mr. 01 r? ached s decision. Mr, ?>t. y Is makitu- ffort.s to secure KM K-nts from the War Deport? in? nt to be used at ths grand combina tion commencement, which Chancellor W. W. Smith, of tin? Raodotpb-1. colleges m Virginia, proposes to have nest june at th" Kreat woman'a college at Lynchburg. President McKinley, who food Methodist, do liver the diplomas on thla estraordti \ and interi I Ion, THOMA1 JBFFBR80N PAPUtfl Representativa Hay has the promla "f the Library Committee that tin bill ap propri itiiiK PO.000 for th'- purchase of the Thomas Jefferson papers, held by his luirs in Virginia, will i.,- reported at its Bret meet!) Mr. C. M. Unrum, of Strasburg, c on Mr, H.iy tO-day ns a committee, and requested him to invite Representative ("Private") Allen, of Mississippi, to ad? dress th.- ?lu/.ns of that town on the l!nh instant?C'.' Mr. Allen luis not y.t arrived In re, but Mr. Hay will s.e him wh. n h. arrives and the invitation. i BRBONAL Mr. Robert B, Qolden, a brilliant young newspaper-man, who has turned lato a theatrical agent, al u largely-advanced salaiv. was in the city yesterday, visit? ing friends and Inctdentall* transacting business, ami left for home this morning. Mr. a. .i. Bibb, of Richmond: Qeorg? \ Prick, of Norfolk. I. B TraylOT Richmond, and. n. L Baylor, of I eounty, \'a.. are at 'he Metropolit i F. B. McCashey, North Carolina; j. J. Moore, Halifax. N. C.? Rev. c. U. Tin mas. BlSCksburg, Vu.. ?'.. H. Mm Portsmouth, Va.? v7. V. Martin. Danville, Vs.; ii. W. /. carter, Richmond tional. F i'. Rice, Wilmington, x. ?'.: it O. Burton, Raleigh, N. I and wif". Mi-- II. W. BtOBO, < ?Teeiislioro'. n ? st. Jamss. Hon. Koka Smith, "t At! inta, Oe, go I tary-of-tht v. R, Coz, of North Carolina are Si th?- RiggS. r. it. Pord, Fairfax, Va Ann i .i a Bradley, Wythevlue, Vs.?Emrlch. a. H. wHtioik. Orange, Va>?Cochran. POSTAL a new Mb'' has hsen established .?t Pampa, Gloucester county. Vs., with .il m. Brushwood m postmasi ; front < 'lcnns. AnWftg 'In- toiirth-i lass po-tnia-ters ? otntii Dec? mi'? i Mth were the following: cicero !.. Harris, Panacea, N. c; Charle) J'?nes, Rlngwood, N. Ci i i ... h? a ( ?arysbrook, V i. ; >'. Bheppai Qeorge W. Armory. Barnsst Va ; I M. Drake, Sands, Va., .lames F. I.. Btonj .Man. Va not money-order ofl A new Office has be? n SStabllshsd <tt Nokomls, Northumhsriand county, with Samuel F. Harnes as p i i from Heethsvllle. Changea in -tur muil schedules hav. i,.. n mad? a- follows: In North Carolina: Hatter: s to Avon- Modify ord.r of .No? vember ??, w: (Bulletin an increase in distance of N mile ly tiie -apply of Avon ?it | lUtho-j rized November i. UM, and to take offset tiber i, i- . of November ;, IM7. Wh . Blackstoni oi i ' . mber 13. ihs?t (Bulletin MM), t.. state an lie rease in distance ?>f .<? '. by tin? supply of Blkville at tin .-it.- .uthoris? i December s UM, aad to mber 1', UM, inst, ?al r 13, 1897. Blkville io Besvei n h Modify order of Dec? ml..-r IS, 1M7 (Bui in distance ?.f .z\ ?,.,,. 1,\ !l lUppI) Of BlkVtll? at tin i.!.. r I, UM, and to i .mi., i ;:, UM, Instead oi l? rmbei U UM. Clyde t" . . MM r hang? ,1,.. M?e nut horisod Dec? mh .?. ?th out change in ?listan - ?,h Mills to Portsmouth, ' South Mil's dally c* - F ,\i Portsmouth ?laily except Bunda. \ m .. arri* t -l_esve K KOSBl v ni 11 A. M., arrive a' H iv i i1 M . leave HsrrelU ' ? _. M., si ri\. rr by 9:4t A. M t.?:is Si. dally except ; I 2 1'. M arrive at Hland bv i I' M ; leave Bland daily l?M P. M., arrlv?. ai Harr? lia St?r.? by t?? P. M. i dally ex Sunday ut i P. M., arrive si Laurel? t?i nch ' >> l-M ' ** ! leve Liurelb lally except Hundny at 7:? A. M., arrive t Sparta by 11 :. * ) A. M.; leave I-stirel : t Bunday at 4M A M rrlve at Flklns hy 12 M.; leave Klklns lally except Sunday uftT arrival ?if mall ruin from the East, but not latef than , arrive at FanrHhrnneh In ?lx tours. vs Sprints to Hulls Crossroads . ,ii. ri? spring?? Tueedays, Thurs layi, ?nd Bcturdays at k a m., arrive M lulls Craaaruada by <f-?o P. m ; toare i?--. \v- dn< nd Friday* at 8 A. If., atriv?! at CO? Iprlags by 1:41 P. MX, AL.FF.N N??T N't ?M I N ATFI> The arrival to-day of Cbngr? iValker and Yost has still farther COBV tho sltaatlaa la ?regard t.. u< wo ..Hites In the Western IMfrtrlcl ol As a result, the appointment f S. Frown Allan as marshal WSJ BOl ? nt lu to-day. ami th?r? is disappoint? Beat among th.? machine faction ol the lit an leaders. *a*alher and Tool at the Whit- HoUM this morning. ii-l while falling tO obtain ?B iiudi--it ? vlth the Pr?sld?-n?. ?UOQSSdsd BOt ?nly n in iking ?ui appointment for to-morrow, ml also in holding up the Allen nomina- | ton for marshal. It Is understood that he two Republican congiissasiii win tn.k?' | vigorous ; ?inet Allen, tad that Walk.r will In."!??! upxui th.- ,,p lointinent of his frl-ii?!. Henry i Mien, h. .?.its ix-ing bached by s majoiity >!' th?- m ., bin? --,,iiHi,.' ?- i ha- the SB] - ort of Internal i ommi?ston?r lOOtt and "?'otisiii" <>sht>rn", and it is onfldently expected l,y these that th? | out tb? pl'dg?*s trade rf th, latter ?I st. f.,mK ?ad tl ?-n's appoiBtmeBt will go in the lati.-r ?art of th? w?-,-k. In this event it is jie ,-night that th.- district ?ttOT? leyship win go either to Judg" Alderson, if WIs-county, or 1?. F. Itailey. Of > aldi? ngton county, tboogb H was sup, that J. F. ?ii- ivas, of vTyth?, was th? ral Walk.r for tin- pi "lltil tile conference of Cttl'Tal Wdk-T nal i m Teal with the P I. nt takes plac? to inorr,.\ morning, BO 0 the ?utoom? of the prolonged flghl over lITs tWO I.ig olli.,s In th. let In the m.-an time, all th< otbef <;n lidates are still haBglng on, in the hop? th.- dhclal lightning may Itlik? or th? oth, i of them I. F. Frowning, of PO BhOOta?; Ii I well, and H.-nry Ml I if Frist-,!, are after the mar?<hal:-hit>. in the ?vent of Allh'ii's rejection, and J, Hampton Rog?, D. F, Bailey, and J. L s want to b? I ?iStrlCl -Attorn-y. Judge Alderaon. who is spoh?n oi ly for th.- latt.r place. Is th. only candidat? not pr?sent. ?.Fi? ponrr postmastfhshh. Mr. J. B. KImh.rl??y, of old Point, a BO llcaat for tit,. po?tma?t?i at that place, 's here, pushing his claims for th-- position, l.ut It is said ti il Influence is at work to th? poeitloa for tb? lady who now cond illce as assistant to Mr. Booker, the Incumbent. Mr. J. K. Krown. who is i-ont??ti of Congressmen Btvanson, Is here, taking i quiet hand In the ot*oclal sertse ai, i Incidentally sectuing th.? sp potatmeai of some fourth tmaa? ters In the Fifth District. QeneraJ v. f. tSroaer, of Norfolk, who ,,-w.ifui laflueace, is also here, ??x P' '-ting t,, sscare a lu trativs consular plum S'linew h.-re in the l'.rltish ?lornm ions, where be is familiar with th? v?t lar. CATTLM Q1 AKANTINF. Mr. Morgan Treat the I Marshal oi rn fi-ti, t. in com? pany aith Chairman kgni *t, of the Ma? chine Conmlttee, aad Natlonal-Commit?' in Bowden, to-day called on ?~ ?*-Aa*ricuHnre Wilson ?ad appealed tor s modification of the ijuarai ,tiens In ?jo far as the county of Cloue, st,-r Is coneeine,]. The law, I. prohibits the citiz.-ns of that county from shipping their cattle to th,- r..ii?imore market Th.- Secretary gave th. delcgatioB a patient hearing, and laaued ?a oirder to Dr. Kile?, th? Bgeat, to investigate ths matter and report, and it hi more than probable that a sp.-eial permit will !.- granted. The Republican trio I? h mu? ti i w ith th.? r. suit of theirgjYlsIt THF M FT I H ?Id ST t ?DERATION. Pushup Qraabery, of Virginia, i distinguished \isitt>r at th>- Capitol to? day. H?- i.s a number .,f the Committee on Federation, appointed hy the M .list Qeaeral Cionfereaee at Naahvlll?, two years ago. A committee of three in and three laymen. |. f rsaentlng the South.-m Conference, was appoint.,1 to confer with a similar ,-ont mittee appoint?.] by the Northern Metho? dist Conf-renc ind 0., ISUst y.-ir. The two committees will m? Itiilay. and will remain In i a. Bishop Qiaobery is a too st at the Fhhltt. THF HF( F\T FI.OIUDV FHFKZF. Nol \??nrl> So neatru.tlve tia Free-.e?, or 'til und M?.'. WASHiNCT? ?N. I?. ?'.. Janui'V .'.. R< i ?d from th- W-'ath- r Bu? rea? Offices IB Plorida indicate that th? January -. and :, i?:?-?, wblls do? ing considerable dam ige, did ?.--t up ity or dsatruetlveueag th? in th-- wiiit-r of UM an.1 As to th-- ?-ffc-ts of the recent freeze tie- We?ther Bureau Section ?Director at Jacksonville. Fla., rep.,its hy t?legrapl this morning, as foil, \\ailal,h; Informathm indi, : ??rgotabl? - north, and killed tected. The i rop not serl d ihr,,ugh the fruit l? I?. . \ ? he t' mler slit',,; \MIITF-IIOI ?-F < I! \\K AltltFMFIl on iieiiiK Iterated .?aeatttaae? ? lie eoiti.-N llolaleroUN. WASHINGTON, i>. ?'. Jaaue? '. the w lut. ii , : - .. : ii<-,lay obiig<-d ; i crank s ;t m.d'lle-ag> ,1 C?-rniiin name, i'|,-nieilts. who said h? lived il ROW York. F,-r tie- past three days h lias haunted the Whit-- II" ing to Obtain acn-- to the I 'resident Yesterday hi letter to th Prerideat and to-day be called and an I that Cod had s? nt him; that h bore the mark on his brow, and that h must see ti. : nt. Uh<n he Wa deid.-d sdmittaac? h.- h '-am" bolsteroui He will ',e -x.iinincd as to his sanity. Mtllti: HOBBY I'OH THF CIIIWS. It Will tio nt One.? to i oii-u l-i. rne rnl Fee. WASHINCTON I?. ?'., January ?. The fund whi?'h is being collected at th tment of State for the relief of th suffering Cubans was Increased t'-div i, f P591, the sum of collection so far made by tin Washington Btai Th?? money will b-? remitted at once t .: -i ! m ral I - Cancer CURED BY Mrs. A. H. Crauaby, of 158 Kerr St Memphis, Tenn., paid noattentio to a small lump in bo* breast, bu it soon develope into a cancer c the most malij liant type. Tb best physician in New York trcat?*<l her, and fit ally declared her caae hopelesi As a last resort. S. S. S. was glvei and an immediate improvement re suited; a few bot? tles curad her completely, and nosign of toedis eas? bas return? ed fortan years. Hooka on Cancer free; ?address Swl apucl?c Co.. AtUuta, (la. " UHIM WV ? in*. ia ? a * sss FAR EAST 81T0ATI? TIIK A?t .'*.l).'\< \ OP MO*i OVIill mi BII?M FIST." GERMANY OBTAINS RIAO-CHJ OasaMasj of Ibe Territory Forma Mud?*?It T?k??s the Korrn of Lease I?'???* * ? Indefinite Tim litiropcmi ? ?inuiKiit. LONDON, January ?"..?There la a ge ral fOOllng In Kngland. and It is MflOC on the Stock Exchang??. that UM situ?t In the far Hast is improving- It 1* Uev?8 the proposed Chinese loan '.iKJO will be guaranteed by I British Covcrv.ment. although th<> fl decision is not Ilk. ly to be reached in th. meeting ?if the Cubinct on Moni Beat. Th.? Fall Mail QftSsttS this nftern. to the '*aaoeaoency of money <? the mulled fist," and says: "(in Brltaln'a vesssls are anchored off Cl mulpo at Port Arthur. This Is gaM imply in? thai Ci? it Uritain will have rotoS In future arrangements. Furth th.? iat? st telegrams clearly indicate ti hs has plenty of frt Th? Pall Mall (Josette continues: "a?! from th" Japanese, nations ilk?? t United Utah i Lntereots i commercial, are w?_l! disposed toward . govsrnment, and ars opposed to tra as." cession of KiAo-cHAF. BERLIN, January I.?TIM Reiches slag aanoum as that, i cording to u telegram from Pekln, understanding has been reached betw? Germany and China, regarding the ceosl of Klao-Chau bay to tin- tonner. The ? tuent, it is added, is suhstantls as fol it is Intended by the cession to r? n? possible for Oermsny th*' fulfilment h>r jus! wish for th "ti, in t sum?, way as Other Powers, of a ba fot trad" and navigation in Chin? u itera The cession of Kiao-chau bay Un- form of a leas.? f an Indefinite time, Germany is at lit?.! to greet on ths ceded Chinese terrtto all til- - v buildings .'in! metits. and take the measures leQUil for their pt itection. TI1K CBDBD TF.KRi.ToRY. Continuing, tiie Retohsanasiger aays t Ceded territory comprises tin? whole the inn.r imsin of Klao-Chau bay as f as the high-water line, the larger boa lands situated SOUth and north of t entrance of tin? bay, to the point WtH tiny are naturally bounded by the nmu tala rangea unis sit atad within and in front of the buy. The ceded territory compris.-.- an ar of several square miles, InmrnTed b) One around the bay, within whi im maaaairaa or arrangements may made t,y China, without th?: Consent Oermaay. In particular, no obstad.- a to i,., raised by China to any msasur Oermsny deems necessary for tii latlon of th- watercour gOVERBION RIGHTS. Finally, "in order to avoM eonSk which might disturb th" good understan inn between th..? two Powers," Chlnn h transferred to Germany, for a period, lease of all rights over tl , ;. rrltory. Tin telegram, which Is brief, does n state th" duration of the lease, for t! amount payable by Cermany. If. for any cause, Klao-Chau bay shou .ble for ths objects Germai has in vl.-w. China, after arriving ..t ; understandinK with Germany, will ce? the latter, at soin.? oth-r point on tl cast, a piece of territory which Germai may regard as mofa suitable for h' purpose. In that .ase China will tal over th.- buildings and sstshllehnien ?'.instructed by Oermaay at Klao-Cha bay and refund their cost. CHUMAN FORCB BXBRCISBD. LONDON, January 6.?The Tin , SdltOliaUy this morning: "It will he sin pie to assuma 'hut the Retchsnnaslgsr dispatch may be biased, f,,r it quite oml to China received. The mi terlal fact is that Germany, by physic; ! force, has obtained S naval station Th Is th?? fait that must guide oth.r ; in determining their own policy. "The talk of a i- ' - la i mi i of ai."ara??os. Thors is no doubt tin both Germany und china, ara] swain th. it is a practica] cession in full aouereignt' it i funh.r srgument In fan of an English guaranteed Chin?se loan. KLAO-CHAC BAT MATTXR PEKIN, .January .",. The Kiao-i'ha i dURculty was settled In a confer. the Tsung-LI-Tamen (Chin? Ofhce), which' ths aecessary concei siollS. HPITIAN'S OENBR08ITT. LONDON, Jaauary ;. Ths Daily Mai commenting upon the "fact that th United S'il, s and Japan ars openly o our side in the Chinese affair.' "For nu?e W-- are getting BOUM I tion for our generoua commercial i [ A dispatch to the Tlmss from Pekli .luted yesterdsy (Wedi - tha German*' has taken a lease of Klao-Chs for lift y \ It aays, alSO, that reports are CtttTStJ there th! : :. Of H I Nan Island is immin. nt. Tin-; CHXNMBE CUSTOMS. LONDON, January ?.--The questloa ht i been raised here as to Herr Dctrtog' riKlit tO succeed Sir Hob.rt Hart tOI ?if tiie Chinese Imperial Maritim Th. I ?ally chronicle says: "The n_,r?t men' upon which ths lust Chinese loa i was Boated In England contained a ilaus dsdarlag that the mana?;, ment of th custom.- should remain as now. whir was Interpreted to mean, should be In th 1 hands oi an Engllahman." The paper believes that. England - not Herr Detrlng as Sir i<ob?-r II : -or. a The Standard says editorially: "Fn? - land n.ed not he rutile,1 e claim exactly ths aama prlvUi .? many. Thla is the logical and un s abb position tie- government has lekei >. up. and it is not astonishing to liiul tha It ba u OUnd impression in Ku topi, a- s\.:i as hud a wtlsfhctory tion In America. Whatever Mr. Bnerraai may say, the mercantile community 1 m well aware that England, In elalmn.j equal rights for all, is lighting the bettl of ths American min bants and traders as will as that Of her own subjects." a POSSIBLE TARIFF WALL e The Daily Hi "The real pota y fur Ford Salisbury to consider Is the poa s sil.ility ot il''.i claiming the rlgh to erect a tariff wall ugulnst otaa powers." " Commenting with I >n apon tin opinions oi New fork pai^-rs, aympatbta 5 bag with Britiah i oliey , the *?iys: "Such expression <?f oianion may t.. tahOU as the bread of our fr??-? trad? poli. upon UN waters, and te turned to us In InflUen ter many ?lays." "A fBLONXOUS ACT." LONDON, January 6.-Th?> Hall. Graphic calls the seizure of Ki ui-l'h.?i _* "a felonious act, ' and says that Empero 1 William, "with lucredlbla levity," has re 2 opened tha Chinese qu? il I put n -? Jeopardy the relations of Germany win ?I Russia. In order to Induce the RelehstSl *- tO sancti'm a l?iK navy. e The Daily T iggests that g land should Join with the United t-Hut? s ti . guaranteeing a Chinese loan. K ITALIAN ?*I.I'1SI'R POR SHANCHXl j ROMS, January 5.?It Is understood ,J that a cruiser win b* dispatci Shanghai, In response to the request ol (the Italia* residents there f?.r protectnu in th- great of trouble, but there Is nt i of sending a squadron. h NO PARTITION1 ? liKRi.iN. Jaaaary I The Boiohaan* zlegir appears too lut?? f.-r ev'niug pape? H eommonts her... bat aeoordhig to a.* inter j vl?.w with a government .?lllcu.l, ibe .?-cl that Klao-Chau has been tasen on ?-? !?y Germany should refute It* view that the occupation commences a partition of China, or that other Power? h ?ve .11 y right to object to ths Icgt'li'y ot '? r' many's pr?>e??edlngs. -Ihs 0fllcl.1l In question Siso emphatically lenied thai ths -auataa Hiring fie*.many ths right i?, choose another por' war * sort of ImcKdoor 10 enable hOl to wlth lraw without losa of prefltlg?.. then ?i Rus ris claim ths territory. He matter, ht declared, had been arranged without im? perilling the good relation-? with R'lMln. ami thai clauas bora no ?tier nn'anii.g than the one on Its I NORTH CAROLINA BMP-POP HMMT? I onferenoe at *.V?shln__t?.n?Uallroa?! ?i ? m m Ihn I ?mi < uses?Other "?otes. WASHINGTON, I?. <., January 5. ?Speclal.J-Th? National Hotel lobbv the apaearaaoe to-night of a North Caro llna Rfpubllcan-Fopul -t BtatS conv .ntlon. There I? much whiS] Sttttg and OOAfld? n tlal concurring hStWOOB RopUbllOSOS and PopuUata If they are not mistaken, the proposed 1 (om? it originated, Il la said, with Senator BatlOT. H<? was the medium of communication between Governor Rua nd Senator Prttchard, and cr the Senatofa threshold for the Btm 1 ms sin??? his ?lection on his return U \Vu<h lagtofl this week. Si nitor Piitohard cheerfully eonsented t<> pre seat tin- Governor to th?' President t''oW. He d< Vpe.'t til" Presida it to reconsider Ids decision to appoint arnard Attorney for the la 1'?strict. There is much speculation as to " will happen When Butler and .Skinner meet in conference. Ths Impression pre? vails that tiny will fall In _hsr*s arm- and pledge eternal friendship. Bean? tor Prttchard la complete master of th? situation. Putl.r and Skinner are both at his feet, and Russell will take bta medicino before he leaves Washington, Ilk" a little man. The writ of error In th<? Railroad Com? mission i, !..?kited In tiie Su? preme court of the United stab s yeeter? day. and Monday next Mr. Barton, at? torney for the Wilson-;, will apply for a nil" on Pearson and Caldw.-ll. to show why tiny should not be commltt?al for contempt of th?- OOUfl In defying a writ of SU] i by the Clerk of the United SI ut court. Lat.-r .January Mth a motion will ba made in th?- Supreme Court to dismiss th? writ of error. Failing in that, an efffirt will then be roads to saVan? on th?- docket, if not advanced. It win be s year <>r longer before the win be reached on the do "date-Justice Walter Clark, of the North Carolina supreme Court, arrived bora to-day. H" is a member of the committee on Federation of ths Southern Methodist Church. Thors is another "hold-up" in Um Shelby post-ofBcs sppointmeat McBrayer will ultimately get the pine.-, Mr. Llnney but when he does not know. Il la tSd that I.\ brook and < irnisby will be appointed postmasters St Winston and Balem to-morrow. No chsrgea hovi mob- against Lybrook, and tnera is no Question, Senator Prttchard and Mr. ney both say. about his appointment. CANALEJAS COI.DI.*? Ill'? I'.IVRD. It is Haid He ?III Advine Spain ?to Let ?HI?? ?'<?. HA PANA, via KEY v auar* was COldly re, at Santiago ds ?'aba. The Spanish C refused to tender him S I tad he was hissed on the streets. It is und r ! thai th?- opposition to hin? the fact that he la ths editor of El H? r aldo de Madrid, which his violently ;.t t loked General Weyter. it is reported that his Impre - rdlng Cuna pessimistic, and that he will Spanish Government to she noon ti land. To-day General Blanco, General Bar? rado, and Genera] Pando called upon General Segura, si ths Hotel Florid... to try to Induce him to remain In th" Is? land. He refUS II? 'loes not wish to be responsible, hi d? ciares, for thS future development of th> ft?! Spanish rule in Cube." eral Segura la sn intelligent snd hon.-st lighter, and is wholly disgusted with General Paulo's method of cam? palgning. He ears Fatulo st?eniis more gun-powder in greeting autonomy than In fightim?- Insurgents, '?nd adds that in his opinion Cuba Is lost tO Spain, ', the government sends General -ivi? ).i or returns Genera] Weyler. BONDS PA1 \111.1: in -SIL\T.11. Stanley Matthews Reeolatlaa intro ?laeril li> ?ii'iintiir T??ller. WASHINGTON, 1>. C, January 5.? s.naror TeiKr to-day Introduced ?1 eon current resolution declsrtng ths bonds of ths Unit d Blab dollars, and asserting that "to I their OOtaagS SUCh silver coins 1 legal tender la the payment of aald bonds, principal, and Interest, is not In violation Of thS publie faith, nor in dero? gation of th?? rights of the public credi? tor." The resolution Is In the language Of th" resolution Introduced by Hor. Stanley Matthews in th.? Porty-Plfth and which passed both " lenator Teller's purpose is !" -.cur" a VOtS upon tin- resolution, win.! I an almost two-thirds majority when previously con? sidered Tha resolution was refern the Finance Committee, bat as a ma? jority of the members of that COmm are friendly to silver Mr. Teller Sntlcl? pat?.?, that It will be favorably r-; MlRDl.HKi. ill \\ INDIAS. Mrs. .InHa I.?uni, a Whit,- Wiimini, < luliheil to Death. WICHITA. KAN. .lam?n Julia Lasrd, a white woman, was niur dered by Bsmlnok Indian yestends. ninx, four miles sagt of Maud. Oklahoma Territory. Th>? Orlmi the prassi 1 ?h.? arosnan's children. Earlier In the sftsraoon Mrs. i_e.ini had frightened the Indian away, threat- nlng him with a rtt 1 out of doors, carrying lier baby, and th? In? dian stole Into th?? houx.', secured the rifle, sad attempted to sho?.t hor. nut the . irtrldge fsiled to explode. The Semin?le then attacked her with the butt of the gun ami clubbed bee to death H-? hurled th" baby into the house through the ,.,, q door. Severs] India 1 rested but tas murdered woman's 1-year-old laugh? ter, ths ' ! !' -' of hsr family, baa able to Identify any of th. inur derer, There is great sxettement in the vicinity. UIH6-DISTASCB TMLBFIJO-IIIKB. A Talk. Irmii ?.hHhIIii. Tr?n., to Nor? folk. Th ItleliSionil. NASHV1I.I.K TKX.V. .l,i/?I e/telephos cord was broken to-dayi _.t Ten.i., when John H. Con/t??r, a r.?p tativ.' Of th.? F' : the operator in Norfol 1 through ville, Terre H burg. Philadelphia Richmond to Norfol hundred miles. tap, talked with Vs. The circuit .'ashvllle. 1 Masaohs, Pitts Washlngton. making fully Sfteoa mi. M.MiiivY.ii 1 \piniiiiiv How the He pel 1? of Its Massacre frose. PARIS, Januar_/5.- Another lett.i- from an officer of thl Marchand expedition (now understoodfto be advancing along the Nile, and ttV the direction of I lauta), Ind?cale/ that the report of the ? ??dlllon aros? from the massacra ?i tw. _ ,ioti_. ribo. mun. and Peu] ?'..nit. belong? ing to the ex, .?dition. by native?, on tha who were subseeuently punished by a French armed steaunr. HUSBAND'S LOVE, asily Won and Often Carelessly Lost, >OI> HFtl.TII THK ?KIHI'.T, Ag ?iiitiKiu ? 11, ?wiaaai km?w. Hint to Women They Ulli Rol D? Blow to MN ?Teeaen win huaaaads by their i ?mich ?tteatloa t?? his auty after marriage. He slways arm.d by h??r good looks. \ ight ?| i ad en fly OB her maintaining v th? w - ti-.n to 1 BCS, her !?? 10 ! ' ' ; ar under tb? rough the a ant?, and th? vous, and bappj with th - WIl V. tl nl nerve - Mrs. May Cflark, Ml Aaatla nffalo, N. I "For t\? ! wiw unable to ir-1 work t>f any kind. I ? de. and no one can Im put in. I f. it so s id ?nd <i"w n i I th. time ou Id be glad if I could die, for it w - mis. rj tO live an 1 f? I ?a I did 1 m?'S thought I ?hould -?.'it-l I id th.- hi adache, aril ould mea I tried many m :? fhey Id m>- no go,?I. At 1 ft I d< cl I? -'. to tr '. nerv imedy, sad after taking ? uiid steep well, and my n oiihl? me any more. I am ? all my homework, which I hB me for two i -.?v I am Sty thankful for g lira biood and ncrv ie, and I gladly r?'?'?imn ill who iff.-r a i raffen d." Invlgorant, ai 'lve In te world and by glviiix women sound salta and perfect I right, park!? <?f ' irength to th,- n?n > the st-p. buoyancy to the spirit .or which ?.h OS tr. - rf-'ct happiaes? for women, I >r. 0 -w York dtj. th?- m allst in f. male corapl lint 111 ? 1 free, personally or to THE FoMxiN. OUT-, DISA9TBH. I Now \?>n?'i.r?< I Ixt t Hol Twenty \\?-r.> Killed. U ?M? ?H, "NT rom th.- ?ollapas of the flo<-r in ,: lall. T ol'.n 11 imiitOB Fortn. r *b? boj All.-n To? - h> re? it . Wilson Cam l Hubert John F .un- s Ml. \F*il.Flt Mil TO Ml'. l?RO*F< I II M Liithori11.? Decide riitit TVjwtc i? v> ?.round lor ?ticli Voll?l?. MADRID, i mi (for in- word I K and for all a h .--.i i he itor having i ition. ni. \ i ii?. JOHN FREDEH A It?'. Y FF. la tl CR1TTENDON 1)1? it midnight BERRY CRITTEN1 u hlldren to BKnara their i' i swell d ,r husband, I Ws thy i Hut who has I Hs ? ?a all our - i rows BY His v. i from the in-Uw. John grands, \'... stet Tu |,.\V (Tl iKll'll.VS I Itb, al .RY DOI ?;i.\ ith. Futi-ral n HANNA Dted, at the ?ust F. H it Brook ., -. -.- . w uary Mb at | P. M . QRAC1 RI?E, th?'ir daughl months und 1.1 ,'. "We loved ' ? Fut Jesua lov? ?1 her And with the I She is for, vt r bV - Funeral will | (Friday) . ry. Baltimore and Maryland pe? i oopy, . Ml " the t U l?r. Few I. I Moore, ai Baal NarBO? of fun?ra! later. PEYTON Mr. PICKi ?t Coloael Chai ni? few t?. of u si V Irglnla ind * in,??.. \\ ?? bright nod promising young i no doubt, would n for hie. tend ii.- :r deepest his -- - tresse?! father and mot were bt remull?- mhi to it., A Va., the Loin.- o| hi