OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, January 19, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1898-01-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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.. %aT? V*0*T_M to ?.not.1*11 Tiii.iu
i t i *? i\ i r.iiT \i> ? ?.Tv
ten ?i Tilia Meneare orrupim
>,iiii? tin- Batlrc Sesalea nl the
,.i? _ble Ipeaeha? an limb
Mill ?- **?'?? M.-ntmro?.
'. ;. 1 ?
In whl.h this
;> or?
la the
v are
ea not
ui \ s. Turn?
through it?
. and the -
the day i
i many of the
In tere?! by ;
bill did not
r tO Thursday,
tlur house
' nor Ot
i uni.-t in_ Dehnte la the "??'iintc.
i pro
" '
ihlng the
in criminal
ted Ii . which the
ntly with
I with th? poor man
f this
? hy a
th Mr. K
unty (Pow
nd hia
. and the
san, )
him upon '
which bad on
i cot
000 mi n and
Ing on
? pro
. itor that
length In
111, and M
ntlng wltn?
illy m the
. tho .lit the
fron Mr.
Mr. Mui I did not
d the
to the
?.ill apply
-TION 1:;
... a of tl
:? hill, with
that it dtu
III!. ?Ahile
. TH1
.-.- I tO
1 a working -
the Virginia
. iing of ?
o.. ad th? a? ' leg illalng
Ity of Rlchi
- the unlawful d?
t.-i. phone linea
ted by th?
m the C
ri in given
to r
from him the State'? domain
tecomac county, or to
Ion to
from the lute El?h Commissioner.
iodo whatever may be n?sc? ?sari lo n
'"". Pfote, t. .,,,,, r,,?,,, ,,?. r(tfh(
;'"" " t.enr, and around
Mr Banda lntt*oduced i bill to incr
'"" the Mutual Eire Insuianc ?
' Ih 1 \ s..,,,,,! - .ir W
Wmtivr Moore, W, H. AUI
1 x. Vaughan as corporstors,
'thorl7.es tl ,.,??,?
. . '
mutual plan.
*' H ib- ,' : ,, authorize
..f Franklin c e
I lan offle? i and '.e.. ?
n| .>r . \-, inlons ou ;
tAtfi t?? amend
' latloa to th. appointment
Mr. Wlckl _ g]
ther fldu.
it bonds
i February
By Mr. st. Clair, by requit (No. :
-'al Oth
' ' (Na US), I
To BUthOlil mty Court .1 lu
' > inttos t.. nppi
: ettl? with <
tain officer, of Bsld 11 un? i
Bj ml Flannj inest (No. 2
a potation courts
i rend? r Judgmenl in civil
any term of the court.
(No, Ml]
mut i i: Mead, of Bedford,
idler, <?n th.- p.a
By Mr. Lowry (No Mt); To placa
i 'i homaa J, Field
of Bedford, On the pension Its
By Mr. Kane (N-.. BO): T.. amend i
' n WH of th? ? '...?e, ratal
(No. my. To amend i
? t in relation to the protection .-f Bah
and Smyth counties.
-1" (No. 82): To .nia
Ing the time f..r hold
: nit courts in th? Fourth Judia
By Mr LoCato (No. HI): To incorpon
i Central Ti lepl
pany ..f ti'i. '
Haass ?if Dalcsratsa.
ly consumed bos
ai in a discussion ot i
Reddy employers' liability bill. .*?
Saun.a tain Perl
, best efforts tl
thus far been made ?m th" floor
Houi tin i. salon. Argument h
not been complet? d when I
o lock.
Th" . . all. d t.. or,', r at no
l y S| n, and Bishop \'tn
off- i. d pray.r. M
I ' a ted to 81
he .at" Dr. Neblett, took
the Clerk BbOl
I was a
Mr. Anderson Introduced a bill I
quiring Junk
all articles bought
to 1
i tolen | o aold at junk sho?
. -al it is particularly aimed at t.
now ), h" and wl
tear out the plum
Of it to junk ii.
Th.- following bills were
r commit I
Mr. Chaplin: To In
mlck < 'ompany.
By Mi. Powell: To define a lawful fen
of York.
?'. ?throw: To allow A. .1. 01
of Allegh r, ton .1?.- a
County < '.an t
county for redi i r..n.
:. ISM, and IS
\ 'a its oil 111.- pail CStatC
ruling in th.* name ?
John Wrigh
By Mr. Jan mend at
nt it led an act to ii
ny. ,
By Mr. Carter: To furni
immonwealth wll
Manual and Oui.le.
T.. provld. f..r worl
; keeping in repair the 1*0
Carroll, an
;s in the county of C
i:.,- | on Juli
Johnson and Mac filter, wldov.
rate soldier, ?-i Lunenbur
By Mr. I-: r th.- relief of i
w. Maxwell, let WU
county, and sureties upon h
By Mr. ? o.?ka: To amend .'in-! I
the chart? r of the Norfolk R?
Si' k. Which I I 'oi pora
i ?rt of the city of .Norfolk on th
Sth ?lay of May, 1888, by chat,
name ..f the said corporation und in othe
respects and to re-enact the said charte
By Mr. <;..or?:e C. Eland: T
John E. Moi :
ol l.
The following bills were Introdu
an Hi-- i alendar:
\ii. Parker, of Southampton
horise th.- Franklin i
mpatiy. of Southampton
.\'n. Book
To authorize the town of Suffolk to bol
row IIa
... by Mr. Early, of ?HaSene: T.
the Conway river a lawful fenc?
.1 Mad'
.-a Qruden's Btore, on said river
.. by Mr. Williams, ..f ?nies: Tc
, ilaakl, ci Dicken?
..a. Buchanan, and Scot! count!?
. ; a- be Walked
a ti-" pub
towm ? ..t Mtld count
riding rules and regulation? therefor.
I, by Mr. Gwj ?"th: To
ISS3 of th?;
od.. of Virginia with i
...- hospitals as t.. their
i .
;ty: To
, ; -am of
the Medical Col
i a. t
i Januars nd to emi
. a .... i , bold any i>ift
it, or Its
: Infirmary, by Kraut. .:
or "ib' '
No. 730, by Mr. Anderson, of this city:
a of the
i to le- p i:i it.-1 Clerk*.
Uni und-i
mtrol of the court
.%.?. MO, by th.- mme: To r?
rhancery Courl of th.- city of Richmond
a In th.- f ?ark's oflice a book SbOW?
ig th.- amount ??r money and notes un
utrol or subject to the ord'-r
. _i. by M ' W. Bettle, of
ihannock: For the pros? t ration "f
uaii in tii?- county of Rappshannock.
No. -i-, by Mr- B. R. MoClanabBB, "f
: ,, ,,|' the the county id Cul
.No. MS, by Mr- Mann, of NOttOWSjrj To
..f Win
in Nottowny
Of -.-aid s.hool
of com
letlng th.- school house at CTtfWS i"
aid district, ??i"' '" authorise tii- Board
, iSll. t Nottoway county to
yy ;, t:ix oil till' prop. My ot s lid dis
,.,,., for ,| of paying Interest
nd ????charging said bond.
.No Mi, by Mr- WlthrOW, of Hath: To
lid "t Supervisors of the
ountle. of Alkghany, Bntb, mai Cralg
-, of the Judgns ??i
,,i v courts <?f said oounl
... ;i .,., o t t.? author.!-.- I he Ealtl
,,,,,. Chesapeake, ;?i"i Richmond st.am
,.,? ' Compsny ?" aroel a wharf or
haiv.'H al?n? its river front on York
iver i Point, in Olouosste?
aunty approv? 1 1'--bruary '-T, UN
To prescribe tus time for bulding the
; - !
? np_-n_-k-ir' ? _-* -n_~__#-_r_. T,,,> ,,,st evidence that i
1 ney re vjo_ngti,?s slM,?ti s ? ? s,i of ?
' Suits ;in?l I ?vi'i'i'i-i.'tts is i
o po ***1~ something out of the or- I
x I *-*#_5Le dinary is the way they're
polling, i
Tisn*t fair to judge our sp?cial sales by anybody
else's because we absolutely wonM ?put anything before
I vim thai ?su"t positivclv all thai we claim it to be. These j
aren't merely $10, 112.50, and $15 values in nan*?BUT -
a Still a good assortraenl of sises and I fa both the
i Suits and Orercoats? and the choi< e ?s yours for?
I ?!r RA |
_________________________ ti
} ?g mg% tot Boys* Suits, worth $2.60
j ?PI?3U and $8.
48c.for v,ny^ -l Knee ,,;mK
? *-tl P*%A lul' n'Ku';,r W.-M Men's
for Ho y s ' Chinchilla
Reefers. e
<hi p_*/\ for regular $2.50 Men's ?
h vJlaJU Pai ?
i A Regular Family Affair.
circuit courts or t? i, Judicial
When ; a R? idjr employera* liability
un? up, Mr. Bound?
" em in favor of tb? MU. At
Mr. U'inliorne ?pokfl in
aitioo to tb? n
M r.
i him the dir? et qui
I ? . -' I ' b< r i?. ' ; i igainit
the hu m i whole, or wh? tb? r he
replied that in- dei :? d ? i amend
certain section--; that h.- waa opposed to
: ill in Its present form. 1:
t. riz. d ti,
and d< tared thai it ?raa moi
than the English law. n waa not ?ip?
il legislation line,
but he did not .
it/.. ,i by the .
tut tit of such stringent la"
capll il a v. otb? r tli- I
If Ile- n ' let- ,
nl, in- thought it Should apply on]
railroad cerrporatlona He ? I : Iking
latter, bot thought it won] i
unwla? to Include all com;
and otherc
Mr. Jordan opposed the, bill, on the \
?ground tint it waa .-<> fer-i .a it*
i It a .id . -,i a apply,
Mt. ,
k> r. and
Paid that 1 -
made I,, v. bl< h
: ply.
Mr. Jupian ask..I ;f he engaged
other i mlng buali
would nol tt.it be a ]
tin- bill would apply? Mr. Bounder? re?
plied that it would not, ai it would let
form a Ion,
Mr. Qwyn. of Bmytb, opposed tbe men
"i am i in, i believe
it t.? be an . ntering wedge to untold lltl
ntleman win? pi
says it doe? DOt ?i?T Ct
wlah to amend it a get tbem In.
Now, we u??i :- .- o auch i bill d
affect the farming Inten ata In my county.
v. ? h i re ! B iltvllle an
aika? works. The amount la
this ?rit? i : ?dl lour niilliui.
Now, thla enterprise i-. Im
rg? farming In
? of pe? ?i
lands, upon which farmi
?tock raising era carried on extenalvelj*.
it is an In? Then, a
distan?a from there la the Btuart I
and Cattle <iompany, thai - the
linest land? In RuaaalL
"This company ?hip? annu tUj
market? from I
and adjoining my county w?
have another company, w b
enterprise th? re, of which the
man? Oaorga L
?'art. t. Thai la one of the i
.11 the
Bouthwest, raising thousands of bu
of wheat and coin Th? r i apoit ??attic
successfully, running half donen rolling
mills. '1 :
the farming Inl
Cripple th. t..
i low at t mall farm?
?nterprlat v' for 11
th? ir cattle. 1 think 11 hi ?1
t.. off. r a bill 1
lop our foi
nol wi-h to hamper
Q Jd thai ?i
be g harveat for th? lawyer?, though, b?
red, if such baa
in a saw-mil!, along would com? i lawy? r
y: "YOU glV? DB? half, and I'll ran
a. suit for you." The euiirts will be
crowded With aulta, and th? supniy of
l.iwv-1 -.\..aM not i.-- able t.. meet th? de?
\\\ \v with THE OHOST.
Mr. Park? r replied, aa to ti
for 11 ?bably
],.. i. than at pi the
liability would be fixed and certain, and
the a OUld know Just wh
could secura dam ig? -. and th? i mpl
would know when b? had to pay them
Mr. R? idv ?aid 1 that h id
b, . ti scan .1 UP in 'i'?' shape of th? "farm?
ing Internet" mlghl be n tired,
i.,. u i onoerned, :>-? ha would ba will?
ing to accept tie- proposed amen inn m of
Mr. u | rovldlng tint Oie pn.vi
! .- should apply only
?., railroad corporatlooa
Mr. Anderson declared that fhe bill slm
plv and sol.lv undertook to put the law
Pack win re n w U ' IgO in this
He clt? d the caa? where a brake
was killed in ?"i accident canead by
the i tactor, and the
court doddod that th?- entire eren being
fellow-eervanta, th? brakeman could not
Buch r.marks as "tin- brnk>
man should look out for himself." "the
conductor should I i " an re
at this point by St'Mral Ilu.IllbifS.
. \m ...- m rj aptly an wi red
IOCH A law KOT Ni:i:iii:i>.
Mr. Watklns thought the t na.'.m. nt Of
tin- lav. was II..T .! in;uni. ,1 by publie
policy. Bom? i I that humanity
;ub d it. Corporations w? r? humane,
th? apeukei ? ; led, DOtwlth?taodlog the
,i ?,... a t.. ni-- contrary, Borne poo
pli uoui ? have th.- pubh i.. Iiev? that
BO delighted H> t!?'! *lfht of hu?
man j?oic, and, us some lawyer had said,
; ?patt? r- d bioi.-i tram one
nd of their 11 i or.b r
to aid t.. their coffi m He .! al? i thai
..rp<,rations did not .
roads should not t leglalated against,
ahile ail oth. r corporation v.
xspted. When k|r. Watkln. brought up
' V: :
-ration?If '
t an attorn, y for a railroad? Mi.
Watkln. n pilad tl
but every one know that they
lldn't amount to anything. He ?
t' railroads, and the i
ri? d in hi. pocket did not lntlu. :
In the !
PLEA FOB the haw.
C?ptala Harks ?poke in favor of toe
-ni. The assertion that the r
a 1.]. i that ha
- out- d. The faci ti. .t two law.
'i; ady
: this Impression. H" \, .
a f.?\ or of tho hi
osed to He wish? i We
lanrly d?fini d. He rldl? a
d. i. thai the pitiful s il.uy of Ho a month
eceived by a brakeman compensated Pint
'or all th" risk ho took, and if h?- was
Dunt of the
rence of a < onductor he w is no! entitle i
i amply
'enumerated by ti. at salary he
...d drawn from the conmany. Tl
'armer h --i tx a hauled int.. the -
'ion. It was not tite tlrst time, he de?
mpted p. rId. .-n tie farmer*.
: that no I
... - the enactmen! ol
I..',. He, for on?. d< - l?
..t. ni'nt. ''Railroad employee. In my
ounty i > come her?
ind look afti r th? Ir i- I I
'.. I int' Ii.I to dO it," de
ptaln Paran. Thl.
i from th.
loor of the House and from the gall -
lundsr. again S| vor ol
i..- un asure, n- w. : ?urprli
. ..pi.- should be so blinded to their own
to i?'t thi Ir
ind tie ir minds tu'.i i
nahy objection. : iln.t a Just
: S blch l.ad BO l? Bring on
m-relv n
Irown reasons ble argument. He ask.-.i
how- him l
. lief <'r
ha farm had b? en plac?Bd there
n acqulesoenc.
if tin- railroad corpor ttlons, ii" point, d
0 the law In r- gard to tl
aga, whi.-h aras foughl to the bitl * i
tf the railtaad?,, but whi.'h at last K'?t
ipoB the si itute i o ! - . He asked if th?
hown any Willingness
m? rs* stock killed on
/Tie h* lit. st effort IB that
llrectlon was to appear with coun
OT? I HOtttM and attempt tO
it compslled them to
,.y Hu fann? r for his loss thus BV
ker chall? - nial ol
rot afi -, '
hat which was right at the present lor
sar tl ire would
.. wrong. Whan a braksman weal
ath tliioitgh or red from
ip.rior, though protesting even at
mto which lu? g but
ut of coi for his wife and
hlldren dared not refuse t" obey the
nd : and than w'h? n tiiis help
airiilv as?, mbly to
i relief, they wer. ratend? d
he sympathy "oh, yea, plenty of sym
athv." said Mr. Baund.ra buttbevwere
Ol I tii it they could: | bj w to
- a it would
ni" i iw sr a ? . .. Aad following
ut this Uns, eontlnusd Mr. Bnnndsrs,
the law requiring raii
f.?r tlu- stock killed by th.-m,
[- rhap? also n?v ?ome
i'.vyn- g .-as.-, as to unjust discrimino
ion l.etwe.-n th.- i 'ion and
h- private oompany, the Coun of Ap
d thai thl r-- w.is a dif
' a :: the t'a: rl and th" indi
dual ' 'hat tin- forn
hould be Ir? it? -i din" ' atly i . u it
ndangered the bod] politic. The i > mo
; latform h ilnat
and this . 1 it
' .
i this bin and sxcopt lbs private enter
when Mr. Bounder, bad gottoa this
ir in 111-= argument he dtsconttnusd, it
elng than I o'clo'-k, and th" HOttB. Bd?
.urn. d.
Tlii'j Fourni a Preacher nt Last.
Mr. Robari BHyaoa and Mrs. Elisabeth
iiike. t le from '
?hO i IBM to this city for the par
ring married, and who had Home difficulty
i flndlnn: a prsacbsr to fdO the knot, flnal
ded In their efforts. Th
ere married by Rsv. C M. ?'himbl.y.
r?..| went la. k to their horn?? in HenrtCO
happy as the day I? loner.
,1- out announcing th. marriaga
[ Mis-- Mayme l. Perklnson to Samuel
. ckel. The ci reroony will take
lace Tuesday. .Initiai \ !'.niiy
- |,aji?,.list h'irch at Xto p. M
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
ike i.ixatuc Bromo Quinine T
II druggist.? r?futai the money If
, eyre genuine has I?. ):. Oj,
i each tablet.
Viirioii. roaapnal?? wimi tu o
Pri?t Year'? .Affaira.
The stockholders of ?he Vtrnlnla Trust
Compnny met In annual ?wHston y<
day and rO-?l?Ct?d tie following :
tors, James N. Boyd, Thomas Potts, John
P. l?tate h, ay. B. Korb-**. T. William
Pemberton, U, i?. Addlson, ?'. w. Braaeh,
Mann. s. Quarlea, E i' Christian, J
Itryan, M. p.. Ro.enb.um, T. <'. Wllll
Jr., I_ /,. Morris, Philip Whltlock. J. J.
Montague, Mo* r, J. 1!. XI
and Ed. T. Valentine.
Th" board th-n m? t and I Mr.
Jam?? S. )!..yd s? president: Mr. Mann
S .; lient; and Mr.
John Mort
The annual meeting of the stockholders
?if the Virginia State Insurance Company
hi id yeati I o'clock. The
annual report of the officer? was in every
tabl? to th? tockbolders; and
-i for the ? .1.
as follows: S. V. Randolph, president;
Jude? George L. Christian, vice-president;
John S. Kli.-tt. J. I?. (Jameal, 8. 11.
tiawes Qeoige r. Currie, J. M. Kourqu
r. an. W. M. Coulltng, Dr. John Mahony.
] '. Bltterdlng, and i-\ w. Scott, dir?
At a m- etini* of the board, Immedl
hold after the adjournment of the stock?
holders, Charles K. Wlllla cted
an! aecretary.
annual meeting of th?* atockho]
of He- Qerman-American itankim* and
Building Company waa held yesterday at
i o'clock. The offlcera for th? ensuing
year ,v i" follows: N. V, Ran
dol? i a. QrKnmell, rtco-presl
dent; and the following Hoard of Direc?
tora: .i. m. P*ourqurean, J. I?. Carneal.
Thomas S. C rter, i.. A. Bohle, and
Thomas Whlttet. At a meeting of
board the offlcera were elected, aa fol?
low-: Charles K. Willis, secretary and
urer; M. L Willis, assistant *
tary and treasurer; Thomas S. Carter,
atton r ling, Rob? rl
Lecky, Jr.. end James B. Elam, trui
Tin- stockholder? of the Metropolitan
.. rti> t. ,.t no.m yest? rday In th-ir an?
nual session, but adjourned until to?
day at the same hour, when the bank di?
rectors will be el
The ?nnual meeting of the. Richmond
Telephone Company was postponed irorn
yesterday until the 29th Instan?.
The annual nm ting of the stockholder?
of the Merchants' ind Mechanics' Build
Ing-Fund Company was held
afternoon at th ( the company.
and I".''- - J. 1 Bo Wi II. Jr.. ?'.'?rl W!;
mann. K ?; Bchmldt, Wyndlrim liollim.,
William Rueger, K. A. Stump!', and J. h\
Wolff, directors. The report of the sec?
retary ahowe. the company to be In a
"is condition. Th.- director?, af
t"r the atockholders adjourn.
the following offlcera for the year: j. I.
II. Jr., president; Wyndham Holl?n?*.
\ Ice-pre tldent ; Spencer Cornlck, ecretary
Land treasurer; Thomason A Minor, at?
torneys, and w. ?;. N?al, A. <". Harmon,
and (.'..ti Ruehrmund, trustees.
Thf Art Club.
At a called meeting of the B_ecutlve
Committee of 11 t> on last Mon
od deal of Important buat
neaa waa ..- member?
were elected; an appropriation of ?^"> area
? for the purr-has. of additional .
: ; i committee to pi
the casts as soon as possible.
Tho schedule of i*l????a for January and
February was arranged as follows: Mon?
day night, drawing from caat, Mr, EL V.
Valentin?; drawing from life, Mis? Lilly
lay morn?
(until the end of this special co
- lele Williams. Thurs
mornlng (until the end of Misa Wll
w.iti-i- col I l-'tiry
Will .
it is probable that in February
morning class may I
color "**Ork, and th
?Irawiny will continue to meet <>n Thurs
to ent. r boi'a
Th? '
Of tb I night than m
Tb? third (n I
by l)r. John W.
Brodnax, will be given on next Friday
night, .
Th" social tn- ' tin?? of the Hub? for Janu
?rtll tak.- r-it".n T?-sday, the 2?>th
int. This la " ! ty party" of
od the m< mi., is . spect to con?
tribu? ' ;' hing?,
i bau
I h? Hctreiit for the Sli-k.
Tb been In our
the t: I only
in tb
entirely Ignorant of the ?.?.?l
work done b) It. Many are utterl
?war? tiiat m. . t' the
ire taken entirely free of all
hi!" a ?art;" number of the lii
sum. to prevent their feeling entlrelj
| it V.
The church funda, endowments, and all
r customary resourcea^mar? Inade
irry on this great work.
The Wa "ommltt?e have,
therefore, been giving a i nti r
tainmenta during th? r, and th?
treasury la thus aided In a most aub
tJal manner, while truly deiiiihtrui
art air- bave been afforded the Richmond
public. One of the.-e will occur this
nlng, when at 926 Park av< n te, thi
dem ! Henry T. M? koney, th? re
will be given a "J ,
' win be on the Re?
ception Committee, and twenty-five at?
tractive ) oung ladles a 111
mente, and be In attendance at the I
containing novelties, which will
be on a \ irions ways
ich e to th? rl iln
Th? houra of the recention will \>
7 and s to it, and th? tards of ."i
mia il? will be ?' -
l most 11 iborately and .
in Japan, se, ;im| all 1 11 will ap
The Bnnaa nan.r- ?.?rt Tn-Muht.
r, ; lid Il?
ia . ttlat, and hi? famous band
. by Maud.- Re? ;
soprano, and Jennie Hoyle, rtolluiste,
- a concert at th? Academy of
?it. The bami is universally ad
mttt. ' '. t : I to il v. and
?rithoul i rival that in in magni
:..: of military and con?. ??
Ian at it :
rare Illustration of a born le id?
gra and personal magnetism,
? Ith the Individual I the b ind'a
membership, can be traced the suri
. me of the organisation. The crlti
: iblie, as well as that I
more catholic body Miiifh love? and ap
muslc of the lighter rein,
both be amply sa? i the pro
v. r. d * tb? concert I
Tin? I.Illputln.il-. ti? l.nterlnln.
Th.- I.Hi; will be riven
Friday evening by children from
1 to S y. au Will kIV" a
charade called "Th , Ital."
There will b" recitations, ringing,
dlalogu? by these little folks. A part
Inment will be
exhibition. F*or I -mall
children there win be bubble-blowing.
join in that amusement.
The ladles of th" commute? under
whose auspices the "Ev< nlng In Lullaby
i.ind" was given feel very thankful to
i j. Mts. Durrett. Mr. and Mrs,
Conway Gordon, Mr. Charles W. Hunter,
Leigh Start- for their
kind and helpful
Coughs and colds need not
be endured; they can be
cured, and that quickly.
Many mixtures are tem?
porary In effect, but Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphitcs is a
permanent remedy.
The oil feeds the blood
and warms the body ; the
hypophosphites tone up the
nerves; the glycerine soothes
the inrlamed throat and lungs.
The combination cures.
This may prevent serious
lung troubles.
I??, ?ml $1.00; all iirue?,i?*v
?COTT & BOW NE. a_M-l.l_ N.w Vo-tV
Closing out every part
everything reduced in prie
;urers' contracts forbid.
Ladies' Upwards o!
sample Shoes. thousand
pairs of Jua
lit s' Siloes, the samples O? B most
nomment f.i?t?>ry,ai IknTS await?
n<x purchasers. While these
>hoos ?ir? 111 ; t ? 1 ? 11,1 to Sell
ind IS.60, the samples are ni.pl?'
ip in siii'li ,i superior manner as
0 raise their value fully ."><?< . ?i
?air. There sre probably twenty
lilieivnt stylos of lasts ami
oes, but they sre in only
w<> sizes of lasts? I? and ('.
f you can wear tin's?' widths the
?resiesi Shoe bargain of the
entury will 1)0 yours ?. mgm
n pair.
Worsted A full round
>res5 Goods. Ut^wM-d y^t?a
ami mor?' 01 Pnre
A'orsiti! Dress (???oils, just the
cry best of our ?Oe. fabrics ami
iot in the Least hurt, l>ut they are
lark colors, ;nnl our new store
rill opon for spring. The sale is
o bo held in main aisle, and the
risst.rs will be olipping 0ma?^r%
ivt'lv ;it tin? pri?e, yard.... 2QC?
Bovs' By ?actual count,
-ine Suits. ?? Bow' Fine
Suits, only one,
WO, and three of a kind, but they
re winter suits, and as we will
?pen with a spring line ti i
tothing left for us to do hut to
lash the prices, so these suits
h.it sold from $5 to ^i" are
tere for your picking from to
lay on at your choio
'.' $2.50
They are of the finest materials.
Svery on?' of them sewed through?
iut with silk and mad?: up as line
s boys' suits ran I??.? mad?'.
?hirting ''ust 277 yards of
Calico. Mgli? Shirting Calico
that is as ?rood as
iferrimac, l?ut which wo wish to
lose "?it, hence the ridic- ?-7,,
ions price, per yard.2sC
bleached liroyouin need of
Cotton. g??d Bleached Cot?
ton . If so we are
irepared to meet your demands
1 it h a cotton as g*O0d as Amlro
1 or Barker, bnt at a oheap
r price. This is the well-known
Sasoade brade, ami the 1
nrice is, per yard. 5'' ,^'
Boys' Every motherboard tell
^ants. ' l>il'r ?** dollar pants by
* th?; quality of material
nd make up. ?See these we have
ednced to ."><?< . and you'll 1
lise the standard dollar pants?
lassimeres, Worsteds, Gordu
oys?m?t over 200 pairs in tin?
t sunn- witli buckles and
?raids--sizes .'! t<? l."> years. A
ot that will sell out within a day.
We Move
February 21st to
Foushee and Broad.
and parcel of this stock
;s except where manufac
Embroideries. Did jroa at
t?'ll?l till) i'tli
broidery carnival lien? vsterdav';
If yon did n??t TOO ?ftfl still pick
from a few choice lots which were
not closed out ycst'TiI.iy.
.*i ?. - i nc-li Fast Edge Button-11?.1?>
Spray Design Etauoiden tli.it in
tin' usual way Mill up to 8c.
nl, f??r. 3^*
M yards of lU-ineh Cambric
Opinwork F.rnbroidery, cut irw-,
out scallop, |>er yard. IOC*.
AT 12.1c A YAK!) you choice
of It-inch Open-Wheel Cambric
Skirt in-* or All-( )ver Cambric Era
broidery, besntifnl spray designs,
[f bought in the usual way these
patterns would cost y??u .'55c .i
Russian '?'he most
Blouse Coats. *tvHsil '" ef?
fective of thlfl
winterst loaks. Truly handsome
gsiments, to Beds. Browns,
(?reeiis, soin? 1'raided, and every
one of them lined throughout with
silk. To west one if ? get Dm
credit of bering not paid less than
125 for your coat. There are less
than two dosen of them here, and
if you will give this sdTsriiss
iiK'iit a quick raspease you <j?
niav hate your choice for.*-P5
This price, barely pays for the
silk lining, but wi- are going t?i
mov,e Febrnsry 21st.
5eal Plush Full sweep, with
Capes. Tnibst fur edging,
capes that were
bought around Xmas to retail for
a live-dollar bill. About sixty of
them sre here yet, and to facili?
t?t?' the closing out of all wraps
before removal a sale of
them starts to-dav at
' $2.99
Smyrna ?Oni ,j,>st< yudity of
RuiT**i Bniyrns Etugi ?ire sel
dom told at -peels]
sale, but WS haw OBS bale of thi
30-inoh wide by ."?? inchee long,
size of the $2.50 quality, that we
are anxious to Bell out before no
There are lizlight an 1 dark
patterns and they sre as Cresh as
if they ha?l just been received
from the mill. The salo
prim is.
Men's liavo you yet to pur
Ties (,*i;ls'' I ' ' "' I1!,vv
is vour opportunity : ITA
Men's All-Silk Four-in-Handi
and imp? rial Ties, silk lined,
light and dark colors; uiult'r ordi?
nary circumstances would co.st
you 60c. ; to close these >^__/
OUt the price will be. ~^L?
MEYER'S, Sixth and Broad.
' i " ' "- * * ?
Cheap Wall Papering During Dull Season, ?.^^jr.
<i have roar houses papered sheep, Ls^rgsnl and newest aeU*etiorj ?mt nil
rradea ?.i WuXl Paper [StfS s*?a?t*ds) ever shown la the ?South, from Ute eh
-r t.? fines! ._-r.ni.??. made. < rrer 100,000 rolls of paper lu stoek.
luv?- a. n .-ill! Uli?i we will satisfy you In quality avnd pi
W. C. HUGHES & CO., 208 North Fifth Street.
New 'Pli ?ne :.f?i. [fais?sa?wag] ?9t8s_aplessent onnppUeatf on.
WILL hi: OBSBTbVI i-: it: ? |,
- , v.
oiiitiiir Brady's si km in ? nut i<.-, > i >
?IN to Mr. Iloo|ii?r'? Siit'i'cninr,
T};.- death i ' jamln 8. 11
OB the 17th In. '
v in tho laterna] Be*renv De?
irtment or. thi? i much cu
osity 1. I as to I
BS will ov? r- ,
da tii
??us ?is th"> rally nndei
Wh? I: ill!
B< Ii al not n
hhik th ' ti. add? ?i, "need give
. s no coticorn, for th. y n;
hat I .hail
-i I h;t\
:' . i iia her?
III, as It has in th??, pa?t. m.-ot with the
??preval of the Commissioner, th?
iry of n >?tti
st it?? itim: i ?in mi: stock.
irst Stark ?Tan*a_ la lbs fsapaaeS
Warehou??? ('??iiiiinny.
,.a- a nt? ting
orgsBtastton of the
a.; any ??< hi In the
. . '. _t ti.j.iti
k, ifs/iiintlni te i-.. .' . I
,iii> t. : . . Mr. V. i ' chris
i:i aSS la . '. ri.tnit'. I
.m additional lutn of HO
a ;
Will 1)?? Uli ?th I
? tienen Inti rested, ami
a- coBBpaay nill h?- organised, UwMagh
Ital Mock ?.??ill lasd to
atlon list is now ut th*> of
M ?if Mr. I*. C ?'hrlstlan, _M east Main
BBfSans Court of Appeal?.
?ir? jn.l Klvermont ??treat Rall
. >th>>rs.
ruii'.l by F. 8. Klrkpatrlck. Esq.. for
?. ami A. H. I.on* and Hantl.?li?h
-, and aul
Clerk, No. Its an.l Bhlpraau
>. Fl.t.-ii. rs Administrator, No
?Aiurt atljouriii ?.I until Thursday
iihiiioinl I.oda? of l.o.i'i Tcwplara.
RlehnMnd i
amp Hull. Much i-nth-jaluam
revelled, and .1 great d? d of barrit*-*??
s disposed ?if.
I 11.. it M. I-> I-. John l' '
H. 1 ugh? . N M. Trimble, arid
: . rd. TI '
in. nib. rahlp. an I thi
:-. of onlci
ruar** 1. :
..I th.- fol low in? nami I 1 > 11 w
Ui'il 1.1 m ;;
-T? mplar, \i -s r.ilv Hu?
ph I! Sh. ; In I
:, KtnHllcUl
.. John 1
nt ?'. Smith: ?
v Smith; ' kiard
Kln-.loiii .if Justice .lutin.
! .1 I? Urjran. two
rged beton
hn ytsU-rday mo min?* with tircikim*
ie door
Rettle Iirnw n (col
Inn tax?
t Willie !
r until thla motrnlnf.
. hment
.- (colored) charged w?'h b.-lng ?tt?
-iing on the it
I. Koth-ehllil.
?.an ciiitlnu.'d until thl? morn
ral aililltlont* to Ms
onor a roll.
Die? frnm the Injury.
0*i Och, ' red ?sea waa
' . : irllck with *rt
tea, In Sen l below 1
mk th*' >..lv fr-.m th- ?'i'v H
1 ir?-i. -l it to hi? home
hl?*h it win b? borieS, \ * " >?? i? th.
It h 1 ?r. Nuckol*. was
to 'h.- hi'?:'ltil Hut
.1 and th<* ahock of ?urh -4
nt was too mufh for him.
I)>er Case Called.
Among th?- engage the
tuition of ' morntng
ni ?. J.
.?ima trapr??
U ?n 1 ?murai****
nlng 1.1 from hiin. The
.- j-o. out wa?
I- ___________________
(my ?-W. r. ? Du I O

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