Newspaper Page Text
_ THE RICHMOND DISPATCII-WKHNKSDATf. JANUARY 19. 1898. 7 FEDERAL ASSEMBLY. JlOI| l. Ml N*. lM'OHMVriO**, iTBOlT m:\mw tfFTI nrxTii. N HEARIKG IN THE HOUSE. , t ?i ll.-HK-?l < llH?-il l?> I'rnpi.. , , i.? R?e*ae*alae Ifee Ifeatasajeata . Id llluer?-ii<i??liejili?ill<nii> Bttr ,, ,) S p >.? Mill?'. U : 111 Th| I ; the raltl tthor ' : ' ?1 I ^nixing the i '. m Pill. a amen t it a I i lum of 1 U<* ' ' until read Mr ? tue Mr. Hut r i the I ' j ' i ' I lili. .1 and ?ii ? '.thin LVIENCY. -. on ' ' Ion. Kurt! m ni they wh< a Mr! ttentlon ol ,rmond He v ?aid say no n n ol : H? < Ml I ' rtali ... ? Id, to havi ' : v Id 1 ' | I ' ' ' ' ' ruled, lion "t th? m? ni I ..r tb? I I the IlOUS? mnaaarn that the House mlgti ft 1", "' of ate? "' toward cai , , . Speaker, who ? ? { II, helpc, o t.III'. ' to his hi,!,. ,,| ti, He 'lu th rules of th. ?|. It, and warm .a. and tin- ii. am toi in authority in th? . "te where ' nd." * the : ' he n? pf, . : a. gave Mr. Plemlni "1 the IP, a . . alai I " '"I'ld 11 OV r Bed for > in th" r ' .. i ihort thou " uphold th? the ( : . a . a ' : a\ vote . 'ub.tu ii ai ap M] i h : ' lo make the Uon was oil al and not or. th? pal nd th. not in Mi il- pburn, wla? wa-- j,, the . a - break in party la "ii. whi. h ed?153 to marched through the rlty. . Hun re Ith th? The ?'hair was mi ; I ' ment. CUB with Ihe f to Gr? at Britain, Mr. w Ippl, ni"-. itentlai i. The . d the U '. V on tie I Mr. I >.- Ar did ii"t. he s?,it!, th.y mu.-t . . to till."... Cuba, . will follow." (Up ' and "n mo Mr. lini. the !l" Holl.-. Ilii-ll?l lili IH I 111 SETTLED. emu? ?arread Upan Betweaa <.?-r iiiuiiy aad < bin". WASHINGT? ?x. I?, c. J? no try i* kin, to tit-- follow ' . ,-rii inv I I'd. Kla? unditir; thirty ' ' a. TWO a r th.- n be i inlshed d ; ! 1" bUildl ... - : the - t " erected, for a fol the killing ..f the a- un? u i" th- abov? VNOT1 IEVANCE. ' thai a I ih. N im I lace call- d .t th. ntion - ' . 'onstll at Canton, | I _ \ I I ?H III \ I M \l?\\ \. 1 rouble M.uiil Gettlafl Helief <?i 4.,ii.nil !.? lor I ulilllis. ?.s. Jan M clo k c a th it all was QUlBt thai , brl Ry allud? i ;,. and warranting any rnment. r ,: i..?n . h ? wrltti parmi' u thai : ' **ave land i tb" i nlted - Th.- State llfflculty thai may have i. troubl? rrom ...n!,- m a ,,. tor Immediate dl a H. t arbor m the regular manner. riipuy ?! ,-"1"' h ' ' " ' ' ' " - lanuary 17, I ' ' -Sun- ; ration, n invenlentl) t, au! no ?lunger ol disturbance. ordered the BLANCO." I ?a i y IV 18M i'? A M i?,.,, i,.? ?tablii hed, aad C|ty b-im In It. normal condition, thou! the .11 " "' ,mv ? ? ?"a? 1 will diapatca you ?? AUttf re CONUUaTO." Cold. ?at*? e ir.--, ?-nid?. In Uio baad, c..ld? on th? l'nie*. olil (. : i :. atnl ?.?intinut-. rolan, and ?Il form? >.f .trip. Nt?ip?. m-fxln?, dim-h?-g*?. Ir..m the jii-ch?.l eye?, pr?venu mtnrr'i. di|>h? i-ri.v. |iii?-iii!innU, _nd ?Il tfiriat mu? luh? troubles. The*? t lin to rwiietR-rc r.l.?olul#lv' fcvM Ihiiuw .t i of live? and pr.'vrnl-'il inurh mc_ DCM. Tlio Munyon I', n ? ni>pn.nv pr?p?n m epurate eure f..r .-?eii dlMftN. At ?il ?frii-.. ? r* \ Inl. Tf yon reert me-llml adrice, write Prof. M unfern. ISO-Arc- Hlr??t, i'lilUdelpliiA. Jt la ?bmihneiy fri?. COLD CURE ri \i\mi'm Knit mur.. Hawaii*? l'r-i ?.Icl.iit to II??* the "Nu IIimi'h liuril, WASHINGTON, J nuking fer the ? ni of Pre Id? m Dolt. of Hawaii, ea a befltl I Bjef Magietrau thai I an . thai ?hall rtalnment while Pi Id? ni McKinl? i, . i. Prest? : .. ead ai In his overland tour b? ?sill I i .: and th i nt. Th ive Of ?In : I M N : i onally flu ..' , | .1 by the H is rnmenl In i i .o in i. l 1 in the m m? i ni. m the nd th? luable n of the negotiations. THK tMI-M tl.riN?; BILL. \ onumtttnto, with Iddltloaal Tom inri?. f.. :. ll.-iM.rl.-il. WASHINGTON, J on the snti-acalptn*- bill In t!;-- form . " . . 1 litK'S A .. tul for general pas other bat utilise.i . n. .i a< W'ithi . civil : and : I i ' mi--. \?i hi it \Miii BO. loase Ippreheatstoa as ?< tac Costly C-alt's R?elas Portaii ' the colt for which he Bhould th. ? the . Should lown, however, hi a Th ? ... : mtl. "i do nol al n v. !;.. ?i I in inl of .... , ' ' '. I ..." ! \r.\v i im: to N 188 \i . desviar Seail-Weekl) s?>r*l..<. from M Im im I, t'loriilit. m? 8*> Ivai ?m her mi Iden trip of the i . i . that . tou h e nil th? United uni is to be contln and. N tssau the tri-weekij rch. I almnt 17". m asi of .Miami. 1 in ten York with?' . ' in r r.. m v ,s for the I II \\ SIEGK <M SP VM Mtnv i i, .,.,.i h Half Hours of Artillar*? ml >i "i?l..-l i ? I ?r?'. HABANA, Janv urgents i la, in the Man* the - i A M. till ol the I ?d, th? .m r l'oit in i : ? *. vi>i>. Illtjr, Bo-*?***V?r, of (liiniiint l'i ..<-. .-iIIiikm In loru? r> Untier. i.? ?NI n IN, I.?A verdlel la ta ror of >ir Tatton and brou to th? defendant ea i apparent!** by Byl : ?t whnh ground that ifged. Th. Judge . tl mpound . '"' '" I ' . a? t.. im ..late the Bli Tatton I i m?: IB \ ?ri BSTIOX. .Kill Illltnl.-l VkiiIii 1)<< line?, tn Ke <i|H'li It. LONDON, Januarj II th it ii. r previous re I that, whll? I K Ddlng h''t ?. >I1 . h tutes and Can ida, ?Ireal Britain ? ould n tin- matter. To tins the United . thai m. i .?i.: renewed the rennest. Hut ?. pon Ign ? 'tli? "'" If regret? that way to o* i ii tin queetloB. OABTOXIIA. (my U-W, T, & Bu f r* I III 1312 E. Main Street, RICHMOND. - ? VA. STERLING BICYCLES, 'Built Like a Watch," $50. $50. $50. .1 i i PVbaAVt Dressy Slippers? New Swell Effects. Patent Leather, V?c? Kids, and 5atins. C. F. Cross Shoe Company, 313 EAST BROAD. (It !? - ' ?.??:.11 ir 9T, rl I'. be?t clfan?er 1 - I ' ! I t<y TIIK BT, 14. IMHHAXK fOMI'AM. 1 I ,rk. lUxi'ju, 1'?jJaU??14>Ij1*. (Bu, W, V & w) H. A. PAT rBRSON, F_4_rDB*CT, L. Z. MORRIS, Vice-president, J A.\n-S m. BALL,C?sium*. The Savings Bank of Richmond corner Eleventh and Main streets, In National Hank Of ^'iririni.** Building. Capital.$100,000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 52,232 44 "' |] < ivcfl and interest allowed. Nt-rotialiJe Paper discounted. I_4.nsn tie. Open daily fro ML to 3 P. M. Saturday, till 12 M? Poiynice Oil, 50c. PER BOTTLE. Scut on Receipt of Price. J'.lll In vario? the pi RHEUMATISM, Lumbago, Neiira'g^i, Dy-pepsia, and Inflammatory Dise<isr-s. DR. ALEXANDRE. Specialist from Paris, 604 Twelfth Street, N. W., WASHINQTON, I). C. _ _ j.i ; Ulcer., c inuli I I ) impure - It i*i?> ' Line ?tan?! ??water) I.It ' ? ? " 1 ,. the in sss RADAM'S MICRGSZ KILLER l'urn, ?ill Itloodand ( L 1 nnie IM ?en-ten. Bead ft r fi t to-n Ill trine? t-tre?Jt, ?Net? rorl - . _ s. DUCRO'S ah.1 ?! 1 v i \i;i ELIXIR blghlf rr.aiaii . I, tew lor t> Agrai - a 1 . ., '..'I r-AkKEM'S KAiR BALSAM ?]fi?n?e$ ?ti be? I r. .. , ?, lai a- at I ftr>,wth. Wrv.-r Fail* to BMt , : Color. Cu . -. ! ?:.? U l>niggi?rj .' Dl?- ill TION8 ?8 COPAN rUBRBHI] >. THE INI KKKI nena it I 1 mond Ml. I 1 t.*i ' STKA1 . I. ' I. I. - Mr. M. -. ' lai STRAPSE. ..f.M . ; r - Vi;8E. f. HOFS, TB.VBKS, 1 M11 It EL I. AS. ff? E. H. SPENCE, \ WUOMQ MilLHl'ati. AM/ lilt. 11 111 >?>., 5H0LS, TRINKS, AND IMBRLLLAS. ( BO .T-.?mi PURE SEPARATOR CREAM, frt >\i each ?lay, will lie delivered in glass jara?-25c. per quart, 13c. P? r ]>itit. 7?-. ??i r IJL 111 half pint. With such low 'A \ i" ,;"' S''l,;l" rator Cream the public ^li<?nl?l 4 11 Chatsworth Dairy Co., 211 North Third Straet. ide l.-Su,\V&F3m) THE S. Galeski ^4. OPTICAL CO. ?foi : .m i i jronr ' ; I\' fitted ell-known bllsh : r \<T MAIN BTRE1 . Tentb ?1 ja li3-Su.WAF fa nV-Hl-r'. E-rUtti Ott-BO-d lit-??. 'ennyroya. pills -as*. ".::.;. : ChttiUt* I I lin Krd .i.' ' ?t<,i?j. ? ?le-1 w(-h n.-ol-rr. ?' ? .?? /a";.-- ..'.-? i.-rf -.n.l Itvli'i...., a I Dr OffUIl .rwi'tl, 1 M?T1(1 (W Ml i "Kell-f for I.?.It.?." ... '"<- i, rrlmrm M-II- I<*.llf<0 . ?iinonUU /?# ' /_<>?-. t. hr??'r? ?t-rnjlr?! < <j.,J-?at?.^i Mqsar% . . ?'?in \i?v., i\_ (my l-Sa.Su.W-c~/eowly) ni HP VltTl UK Ol 8TSAK_Bmf. pH_L*DELPHLI. -*-*- "-IJj?^ MOND AND UOWTOLM h??m?\ ?-i-A.------' -,-?!'._.>. i . Ar-Point??! .sailing ?luy^. Ever** TUK?. DAY, Fit IDA ?, and ?juNDA? ai <Uy 1 dally until 5 P. __. F-io (Including m-ni* ana Lcrth), hi oa Friday*? -~*l Sunday i m.*iner, For further Information ^ i p i y to J. W. M'l'AKKlC'K, 0?*neral Southern Ag-rr; offl? f Kock-tta w W. V ri.l DE ? CO., fe I O-nera' Ag?*nt?. PhlUdnlphla. \ VIKG1KU >AVlGATION COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer PUCAHONTA? teavi i MON? DAY. WEDNlC-i'AV. and FRIDAY at 7 A M- foi Nortoik, Porumoutb, Old ;, N< wport -mus, . ?lid jmni .;din?s, and Connecting ut i .i.i.l Norfolk for Washington, ?ul?iiiort--. and the North. leeervea fur the nli*ht at . ucea. lilrert to thi? wharf. I?are, only n to Norfolk. Music by Grand ? >n heatrton. Freight received for above-nanv .1 and nil points In Eant.-m "*lr_rlni'i and Worth Carolina. IRVIN WEIi?T<*KR. Oneral Mana-er A II. Drowry, President. se IS Old paper, ior sale at Uac '' h C?ESAP?AKK ASO OHIO RAILWAY. Effective January 5, ISSSL 1HAIN3 *__?__ 14IC 11 MUAI), UllOA? snuBSrs ?i'Aiioji. b.O? A. _., .?.? , ? " rmtmVf car, ?U Non oui, Portsmouth, oi ? i ?.?t, .Nfcwjjoii news, and r.ect? .Lay vvitu O?A Dominion st? amshlps for New York. 3:40 I*. II., I? ???y, with I'ullrn.t . . bJ i latlonSi Newpoi i Newa, ?'id l'oint, Nortolk. i Portsmouth, lo.oo A. il., ; except Sunday, fur W. edition Forge. Con a.ubvillo tor ur.iiuri-, (.'ail? par, ton. ^Manaaaas, Alexandria, nglon; at Union Station, Charlottetiville, for iiliurg; at basic fur 11a ^own. i Pullman, to cin i. Louisville, ami ?t. Louis, stop? only tit laipor tanl itations. M ala ?< rv? ?l '?a Dtning-cars. No. 7. Local Train, except Sunday. low? above train from uor donsville to Staunton. {? .'to P. M., Accorami d itlon. except Sun d-iy. for Chariot t.?. lO.'tO p, M, I'ailv f.,r ' wltn F. F. V, Pullmans to Hlnton, W v.?.. nal Oordonsvllle to oneir. n;.' ". M ved on DinlriK-cars. I riert? ir Btaunton, except Sunday, for Winchester, V?., . Covlngton, Va., daily. : . fl>, ?l?..j rP.AI.N3 LEAVE KKillTH-STREET : i, .N. I1_0 A. M., Daily, u?. 1?> un.; Clifton F?. i i?__ at ... toi White lia!.'. fei 1^ _ rig ton, and ai Porge will. No. l far Cincinnati. ?TOO P. M . - -May. Inrn] ne - ?',,? i '.a rBAiRS ahium: at nu h mo mi, iiii?i vu -a ih*:i:t station. ?V^l A. ..I 11:18 A.M., Dally, from Nur!.ilk and Old ut. 8:80 P. M . Dally, from Cincinnati and i ?ouiaville. 0:BO T. M. Daily, from Norfolk and Old 7:4."? 1* M . Except Biiiid.iy, from \\ . [ RAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STREET ST \TItl.V B:SO A M Except Sumlay, from Colum. 6:20 P. _., ! .y. iiom Lynchburg and m Porge, and, Sunday, from Lexington and Wl JOHN P FOTTS. A ? ?(? = -,. t r>^^r |.,...--en- \:;Pnt "T: eyti SOUTHERN jJlV*" RAILWAY. InliaiSnlB EiTcctlve November 21, 1??1?T TRAINS l.E.WF. RICHMOND, VA. lii.OII Nlgbt, -N". daily (or Atlanta, Augusta. aitu ; per Richmond to Danville, Greensboro', Salisbury, Charlotte, Columbia, and Augu?ta. Sl , a l'. M. at - ' hmona and Danville to take on and let on lernt Danville. Salisbury. harlotte with lie VVaahington atui Bouthw? it? m Limited (No, :i. ), cairyin? sleeper. Net? York to Ash? . :' . Hot So: . hvlfie; New York to Slempiii.-t; Ne? ?erli ip -N"'w ',r" l ?ans; New York t.? Tampa: and between I. ? laneo ... for al] i"'iti*-? m per open f.r o? ? a 1:30 P. B? 12:4)0 noon, No. : ?olid train dally for ? , . Boe?B with Parmvtlle and Powhatan At Keysvllle for ciarks ville Henderson, and Dur ham, and at Greensboro* tor L>ur ham. Raleigh, 1 v iuston-Salem; He '.vlth NO. 35, United s fas! mall, ?lid train, dally Orle. and point? South. wld.h < irrlt-t sleeper? New York to N"< ? Nea ,? ?irk to ni-.uiKli sleep.r ?all... mal ".- U.-.tia S.Ti rrancisco, ?'00 V If., N" 17. local, dally, e*e??r?t Sunday, for K.ysvUl. and li-.torme ,i, . | TRAINS ARH1.E AT RICHMOND. i; ?mi a m 6:88 P. M.. from Atlanta, AugUBta, ?ville, and N m '" ' Keyi v?j?. r,, | ;ht rRAlNS. Nog, R] > .a Manchester and * ' lOftl-RIfSg LUI ru -TSS1 ro.NT. Till: IA.OKITK HOI TE Ml,till. US I \ It II il>l?>MJ. 4 ;;o p. : i . No. a. i timor. Limit?'?*, foi \\?.-t point, t. taking clone connec? tion an .\. ?.lays, and Friday? with steamer for Baltl? tags at Le.ter M na: for WBlkerton and Tappa . i) ?, Thursday??. and Saturdays. 2 "JO : M.. No. 1" local express, Mon d > y?. and Prldays, for W? d Intermediate ?ta ij.ji - wHh ?tai i, ; Manor for Walkerton and Tap ) uhannoi k; we?! Point with ?teamer for Haitlmore. bto^a EDO ,v m.. S Leavea Sunday, from Vir .tlon for \V( -t Point nect M.'ii'.ir tor ?,.I T,?|l >-...,? l< TftAIWa M4RIVK AT MIHMONII. M , tv? Ineadnpa ar.d Friday? h (M p \l ' ."day, from VVeet Point and inu rmediuta Bte> tions. Point?t S P. M. ridnya and Fialtlmor. at B ' M Tuesdays, Thur? liys and Saturitai Tiekel ' ' "f Virgin,a itraet. Open from I A. II. to fi P. M., ,,??, ,. ? - v. .. rLP. V TURK. Train.' >' ?"'l?i"r ' ' \xent. W h nnV ' il Superintendent, n .-'(.?I?. 1 ' < '. O W WESTPT'RY. Travelling Has H v? r I Miln Ptreet. Rteh m' v'n- tf I DLI'ARTIHI? OP ST?A.UKRB. LD DOMINION ?TBAIISB1P! r>MPABTT. 0 fifi DAILY LINK N1.W ?0KK. can lenveRichmond daily /.A. I'll. -, ,i, \. M., or Rl< tiiii.'.id a? i r.-; oad (Norfoll ? o a. Nailolk with ?ilil !>.). ninIon Line steamer, sailing sanie ave? ling for New Y"'k. ALL-WAT?TCfi I'.olte. dip old Dominion leave. Rich y ai o i?, m. im- New l'ork via Jui. tt Richmond Tran?rer rompan) * " Main >? lenk.' and Ohio railway, ai : prsburg rallr?,ad depots, and ?it ' '''ked through FREICHT ;c slupi.?-: t?> dlteci u_jr rom Rl? nn FRIDAY at " ' i_?r nd WEDNESDAY ", p Norfolk. connt.TitiB with \ ark. ?ailing ime. Prelght j.a.lY-d and d. and hro'iKh bill? ' 'for ail en rorts. FUO.U Ni-.W VuRlx. a Sen. ay, lo Nuilultt o.' U?ti i'o.'r - . I route; ,-av - ' Kht only) galling I??" iy'0 ?Vier, x0 w 'orih river, I a, 3 ., irdaj 11 Freial'' 1'|><1 forward???! daily For further I I y to JOHN ' .it. UU east M tin street, '{t?-hm??n<! V?. W. L. Oulll ?iden't nn4 ofrlft Manager, New York. -vi :n RI IL* O AD I INK? ?? m jBPNhJtWm mW A. C. L ?gf* Hell eil ni? lu>ot Jim unr? iy( nuni uuri richmohd-i Il F. POT. 0:00 A. M., !??!;.. \tr.v \. M . N. If. st.,p.. only .. , __, . Waverly, rind aufto?k. l?;Oft A. If., Dally. Weldon '11- 4: M.. ? ; -onv:. | M , r . rlvirv i P. M man Sie. per N? w Yoi k-tOUVlll?-. li.55F. M-, Dally. LoeaL Arrive? ?'? P. M. M oi". 5 31? P. If., Daily. Att; 6:10 i'. M. ?topa, Huhm.irKl ?ad Pe burg railroad. tM)P.If., Dally. Arru. Peten H:>* P. M.. Norfolk ;<r. i v Norfolk and In ?rtn. i |M>l:itM, Kiopori- 9:10 . U with A ?.?I IV tone i.? t??? ! Bai| ,m'l i _i '.'. I, \\Y :4j i'. IL. Pay?tt?vlll? A M CharleetOn Savannah sir, a. M . J s.mvlll? 1 1'. M., Port Ta :? >:. p M NEW UNE T?) MII.I GEOROIA POINTS.-Al liiK Alk. ri - *J \ |f., Au A. M . M I M If., I N- w Vor Wilmington, l'ut T iBBOa, Aik'-n, Au ta, and M 8 .Mi P. M I 'viriv s ' ) |f? Weldon n .*? M MeJtM lo?al stups tween Petersburg and } O.m. 10-00 P. M.. Dally except Bunday. ^ ..tul Floride : arrives ?hurleston A M.. 8a va m I il . \ Jaakaonvlll? il?) P. ht, Augustine 2 20 Y M., Tai P M. Pullman V? bule. Bleeping-, DininR-, hr.iry-, .ind Obtervat I?:.*">< P. M?. Dally. Arrive? Petersb 11-30 P. M . Lvnohburg \ If., Roanoke 5:30 A. Bristol UJ0 A. If. P nu si...*]).-r Richmond te i?>i burg trains Aititivn iiirtiMo~in. 4:0?) A. M., Dally, from Jacksonville, vannah, Cbarleaton, M i. on, Augusta, ?nnd pointa South. 8:1S A. If., Dally, except nadar, lain i, Athen?. Raleigh. II der?oa, I-ynchburg, and \\. 8 :iT A. M.. Du! hur-r local. s .-..*. A. M?, Dally, except M??nday. f Tampa, Jaeksonvlh nah. and ChafteetOO. SOO A. M.. Suivi.iy only, irom Atlai Ath.-n??. Raielj-h. Henden Lytichbiirg. and the Wt-s 11*06 A. If., Daily, Norfolk, Suffolk, i Petersburg. 7:15 P. M., Dally, .1 ickaonvtll?, nan, Charleston, WUnal ton, Gkt->daboro'i and points Suutli. n BO p. If., I ?all). Norfolk, BtiftOtk, V v. I'ly, nil. Pet?-rshurg. 8 .-.?? P, If., Dally, Petersburg, I.yiv I.'UK, and the West. r R. KENTL.Y, T. M. EMERSON. -. r. Tran c Manai H. M EMERSON General kMPRRLL, J'l 1". Dl\ N^WN?rfi^Wssiei ' Schedule ?n Efloct Ptriinliti' S, JM)7. L-AVU Hit IIMOMJ, HI ItU-MTRK ST ATI OX. o.ooA. M. bmond ?nd n folk. VE8T1RI I.K LAU LI?. Second-class lukct* i : Uli. 0:05 A. If., ?IK CHIC I PRES8." I 'i I. ' ? hi. . . I nok? t.. i lolumbus; at ford, l insto!, Kn. ville, Chattanooga, and t. tin. li . a . T-BOP.IL, Dally, for Norrolk, Bui te ff'.itlon?*. 10:45 P. M . . Lo nchburg a i Connect! nok? with Washington Chattanooga limited. Pv iiiiHiioke M. int.his and New Orleans PULLMAN SLEEPER between Itl?' MOND AND LYNCHBURG ready for upancy at 9 i' If.; siso, Pullman U\ot% iK '" Ro moke. Trains arrive Rlahmond Lync burg and th?. Wesl dally I'll A. If., u i . P. M. I ioin N<>rr<>Ik and the Ea II .0 A. M . lied Limit. M. < '111? ' 828 Main ?tn ? '. R. v PNBT. Dlstr!. t Passenper Ag?>nt 97 B HKVILL General Passenger Agent General OfnV? "j Roanoke. va. do ! R V ?h P Ric?DioDd, Frederick. iV,i lt a ft burg & Potomac. ?I'lii'dule In UtUOOt Jimn-ry 10, 1-.II AT ' K tVl i IN, LB \\ 1. in RD-STREKT ** trio*. t 10 A. If., Dally, for Washington ai points North, s Milfor.l Lin?1 Fn d? ricksbur Pullmun * to N< 8:00 A II Bunday only, for Wa-hlni ton and punts North, Btoi at Elba, illi.'i A I I A land, Tayloravlll?, Doswcl ituth'T (.Hen, P? ; ' V. S u m tr 1 t, KY.yl.'rlokHbur Brooke, and VI pullman i H.15 a. M., Dal Bunday, ft tilngton and p-olni Nortl at Elba, Aal land, Tayloravilla, I??'swei R?ther Olen, I [..?.I W'oodslane, Oulnei summit. I". Brooke and Wldewatei Pullman 9rO? A. M., Commencing January 3Wh ?laily ex. bington, Baltim ad? I; ' N- w York i h.- Now Tork and Florid ntlrot of Piillm rur-, din ln~-, and ol??ervatlOfi-car> xtra chara? oth?r tha l_ .H? m , Dali] Sunday, fo hlngton a n .1 i?>ii:t Nor?' All? n i. 1 unwell, M I I f o r d. Frcdert? k-hur? Brook? ? n .1 Wld? car Als" connectl with ('oiiKres.slonal L?mite?! at Wafhlniflon. 7 80 P. M . Dally, f??i Wa-hlnj-ton and points North. 81 Doswell Mllford, Pri .lern ksburic. Pr'*oke. and Wltl?*water, and oth?r sta? tion? Sundays. Si? i r Ui?'h N.-w York Aititn u\ R?-s i nil r ftTtTio*. s m a M , 1 p? -?t w kJewat? r, lir.iwk?-, Frederlcksbur?. MH. ford, DOBwell, Ashku I and oi N\w Yorl< to i _ 15 P. M, 1 "t Bunday. Stop? ter, lirookt, tu m i t, I'UilU'i!. U well, Taylorsvllle, A?hi?!'i, Alien, and Ell u from Wa?hiti 7 III I' M rlcksburg. Doswell. -.. land ? i w York, f. 80 P. M . I" '* Stop? at Wldewatcr. Brook? F? i Summit. Guinea. Wo. Mtlforil. ?,|. :i. Docwell, T-olornstJle. i Allen, and ; 'ar. t? 80 P, S'. In? January Ktb. \ th* Y..rk and Kl?>nda Bpe rial. " '' "*'*. I--111:111:1111 K88P?a \? < oMMiiliiri?.1. I ; ?n? p M ?. BO A M > st_tior \**lll.\Ml TRAILS. tl 18 \ ?I -0 p M ?i in ?, M U ?hi i' M . Vii?vM Elba. _. idle Manager. j?, t D S 1 tohUhL j* i*