Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH W.IOl.K NUMBER, l!/o<> *- - - *-= = -_ RICHMOND. VA.. SATURDAY. .JANUARY 22, 1898. THREE CENTS PER COPYs CURRENCY QUESTION ?, I I ? III* B1 *?<?! I III MM Ils ,, WOU I 1,1 It \ ? OMIII IONS. n. josffh bryan, of richhonc t., l'olnl?. Oui llir ll,i|,|,. BltBBEtln m ? ii-uiiii.i Befara iiu> Mur, i.n lOti.l.tiri". It With ?I.? fSSBIB Dearth nl Bftaltlna* r>.< unir*.. South." b I ' of th - ' t s n In thi middle . Ms ?ion in th? ' a. ?ad I r a in .?nan it l . : upon the, them ii E l by - their not AR. : . men! the Y I - unknown TH. paker tl Vii - i be . ol allkS ' In Mr. .. | - knot Ml tlon ! Id Mi Bo in, "tl .?ti- i violated arlth- j , , m . .; , a Of ; principle . : a principle of I bail, in i - r< ... m that 'i e 881 i and ?" i i ' that R would have i Imated the captlvs southei ; .,/'" "'"" Blven tbeli survlvl* ' rtr liberty, than toi lrh" * ? < and .a. "".," Mrtetlon law? BurrVnt ,'"",;'-,<,<"?<"* of universal aegi e m f _ *?' ,n" ' ''"' . ?_ b) " -lb. aa S untold INDIANAPOLIS PLAN BOUND. "' ''" ""l hope lor an ,. ' - intry thi I lion of th.- B -1 before the I ! be th ' the Ellvei error, bul I the up!? i... plan tl ' I OUI ?i. ., a N \ i i??> \i i (?.in m rjOBGRJBSB, Maine's PmnM twtm Plahen.i UanSllag i ??.i, tmw Harket. I i her. ' i i ?win?, boni. le '..i tin Pi ' 1 I I-ill. a' -, ,. | ?mei ting bit i<? handling fl ' 1 (li?t at them. .1. M \> with lli:i'iil!'l OF PRIMAR1 ELECTIONS, \i.-ii? el *? i !? i> lau;.- .-im! Others,'ltlll' ??III?',-!--. , W YORK .Ilia reform ol ctlons * \ if-th< i ? that liind.-t- the ol ? he intelll i liran form The party i hal will i md a prln i." John of Illlnoii Al. M. ?an of the prin In the Leglslati . ; -.. W. Brush, .,r Brooklyn the ball.a in ti rnmenl by but und?r the i of Louisville. K .?ti "Th? Ora* \ ... I i Of ti? tira!' th?- n? a I New ; : - Mayor ol New i ' ' will i OTTOS-MILL STRIKE, Strain on the Operatives Begrlnnlns i<? lie Pelt. a th? tuation in ' an ut - financial aid. and al ' men' ' th? .1 in th? I -m i wo ol : h? in paj .i a and 16 pel lv*?ly. The a to be advai and th.- minor ?strikes which lief thai -, the my um.-, which will not oi mill city li the itlrn? nt in toi i? i iv ?mii El v? in. Crescent Cltj Bnrelj Suved from * iiji.i i in>. NEW OR? E ?N8. '" ' "' - n i onl) h< , th? ring from b bad a\ i I - ; 1. Tune. - (111 to I i '. [ ? I I 1 M? Hie .? . ., 11 v. ... Rob. rt H. i md, Little Bill) (10 to ? third. 11m? 1 i _ 4 oiiri-Miirtliilli'i!. Thoiiuh \l.??-iil. . pondenc? of the Associ?t, u Pi i i MANAGUA, NICARAGUA, 9 Th? ? s-Conaul-Gen? ral <?' i, nor l'?lutr.l S. I - role In thi ?-Ing favored the .,ls ai ??lanada, i, ii the count i >, The I lent of Nicaragua, ait, r ui ? nabln?, for 8? ia.i Beache, hi Id a court? ier t la I and '' ''im. in his ab aii,.m. The it been pub _ on? i on tennnnl of Boot torn Ca?e. B, M. V'ervooi i.. |our, and M. Adja ' duel with - - "I"t ,,f it of tn. Dl M -h wouia.s. rid M Adialb? ?! wss wounded in the Thi ?ecoml? niouimt the n_ u. col mm is out. ?!l>lf.N, tS(?i,iM\M)i;n WIIMKM JM R Ill-Tom COM-UTT?i WRITES AN INTERESTING LETTER. II ?>|'ii<ir|iinl(l'-a for |Ia?fOta*M 11 BtT-W*rSS li> II,,,..? Who lnl??l the I rMM-? oltiiifl WillliiiiiM \ >?.?. "tl Hi.- II.ii.l of Oruiuil-nllon. S. BtUl ' ? the the kdvlaoi i "oanell a? final, .: .. both u '; ' ''"?um indei Oi ' Camp of Is, .m.i . i story Hi" letter announcing hit daelsloa. wsa ind rdtned . and ?in ?n tlo- hands of the Adjutant? to-day. m p? ai folio? to Captain Tboauu Bllett, ?.dJutanU 'Irand Camp, Conf?.!. i it? Vets C .INI. 1 I : ?inn nt of Vir ?i bos t Ived whan I can do Uns with in. .i without ion of tie ful? rthe i ... ooU been destroyed I . tlon >.t 11 h ch have \\.>rk ? d infinite i,an, ' in . only I., prod I i h is When ' ! h upon inv brow ami my lo al ' , i a a 11 v? s i 1 m inhood i n tie altar ol my cotinti I i my love for n th? tn on ii Id of I war \ . i . bj USlng !!' .-I* all I ni ;,. pr< i ? tnd their Any word, thoi i u. I, WH l. MAKE FURTHER s kURIFICES. Now thai t" i ?low? of i ai.!, ',. make m. and ?his I i h." rfully do now hv tin i- r? .1 in the - the caum I? i by the ora mlantlon of a i ot need the reminder ..f duty which m the . m ? In ir flndlni of the I'"inniit ind I had hop? .1 that having found n?'- guiltless of Hi?1 I. it th? -m ill boon and eran- of a voluntary yielding <>f the hon? But I do i them. 'I'll- } had ? difficult : I b? lit ve they uphold Ihi .?urs (the | mmltt? ? ? *.?. ho brought should put it ..n re? it think C Stuhl, should any loi nd . ' omn with .] lo Ugh I in i m h? admon I nee in that regard. I thai "with i ' : ;. ,,ii,I aa . .1. N. STUBBS. nuary 71. U THE TWO FINDINGS COMPAR i rday In tl d? lib? ?ai1." n in detail in tl. ! the dlfl immendatlon of lh< ! ; nis differ - '. COMMITTE S ?UNCIL'8 FINI ?INGS FINDINGS, It tion of tl. not been guilty of im.I that hi duel ha ' that he should no loi in command ??rand ?'ami m. iniii-r of the Hla ommll te? of - amp. .: ilii.n of all t h? th it the conduct, ,f Grand ? 'ommandi i J N. - He a '.. i ..i th tory ' ?/lth th? on? publisl ing h . ill." vid. ti,-., nnd cinllj - a r. n.h r u tory ? 'ommltti i of tlon \\ iih si h mil tee ( ..nip itlble with the i aid Grand i . m Q and N, 8 that h? sition . : : ' i.. T h ? iindei fui ?lo r- i ? hat Of the II direct 1) or On th>" . omlii charact? t ! any ni In r inemli. r ol 11 - - mmll or t.. thai any other member of i - ild , ommlttee I v.r had any Imi i er d< In? tercourse w lth any in) as? ..f any -aillshlng bo w HERE THE DIFFERENCE UBS. It will b? noli,,.I in eonn. .tion with luso twe finding? that trhMe Um ?ne as ?ills the COhAhAhh?ht hSJ hhi ...ii gulity ..f accepting a bribe, the ithei ih? I >' the Invsstigsting com mt i. mai?, i no allasloa whatsosvsr t?> u rlbe, tliou_h it ullt-gfs Improper usso? 1 ?Mations with a publlshlnK-hou i dllT? n ?. lin.lin?.'?. I? that wh.-re tut COBUS?ttl mended thai Colonel Btntths hi r. iiiov,,i from the History Comm tl tb u h?. resiga from afl i ora aan? ersMp, the ?ouiall simply imir?: hi shoaM not longer continue to hoi either position, sad leaves it far him t a NOB llial < ' .|o, . ] StUbl.s bas ?ils resignation the comaisBdershtp < fraud ? *nmp d? ? Dives upon First ?d-Commaader John . WIHtams, of Wii - al i 'otnin n?hr 1? tb- Grand ?amp win. h meets In Augu? nesi in ?pi havi to perform the fun? The duty <?f appoint Ing Colonel Stub! ..ron the Mi> lory < ' intuir? ? Will devolve upon liin aad it is mo:-.- than likely that hi 8*1 the "Hi.-? to Captain John Cni resigned from tli < '.?ininit t- some time - hould I.-- Bee? pt otli. ' t h.-reor ?lier.- would .?till be another va? which Colonel William win probably nil by appointment. THE ?IRANI? COMMANDERSHIP. Tin- Grand Camp alone has tl lander, and i Is highly probable that Colonel William w m i-, elected Ihough ? ti- i..t th. and the should Captain < ' to let hi ist next be (Willi .m . moula a a -t.iiai for n. Major N. V. Randolph. Captain ?'us ' and Gtbbs, and Mr Baugtunan, * in Lynchburg in attendance upon tin council i t t m a? .1 to the fit' id .; neral : and Mi i ' re? w n? .1 In thi I tie m ?.. atienten h.?<l ; their ell? nt, tion. THE 'ii:i.i,i:n n ixii.i i i?>v Finn] Sennte * ???< i i?ur?niti> ? SUvwi Saeeead in Ils? Renae. w \>n i.\. it? ?It J in ib agree ? by tl..- Sen .t.- t..-.i i Final \"t? on the Teller ri solution provldl . of thi Unite? .-? 11 en o all pending am? ndmenti thereto, iboul? be tak.-n li? ment. Mr. \ irga of ?h? hat an agree men! bad been made to take i Vote OH We.llles.l ... .it I I'. M. DUl agre ! t.. i aient ..t' tbl vot? until Thai?.: ly, at tb i of Mr Turple, ..i i I ?ifso.-i. ol Iowa, m ..' th ' Blgntft i' mendmenl to ?lutioii that would . I ate would i late In the discus? .?ion. but gave ao Intimation ol ndment. l mi in? the | rt of the afternoon the Senat? mi:rin 'insr _ ?? ?k COMPANY. Th? re was a ] ty pai llamentary strug* gle In the Hour to-d bill for the roll? I of the Rook Publishina Company, ?>f the Methodl Church, South, which >ra the llotlSe ?list Fti | \.| lll.l Ing Its "pi eeded In stavtnj i to-day. us to th? ..f tills bill the II"-. the bill to ic land law.? ..f the I ... a g< n< ral i illro ? rigl l brough the T< 11 Itorj. Th? urg? nt den, I? r the silver a ?th SOttBB outside aid, i. in eoii' ui i Ing m Hi" 8. striking fr.>m that bill I vision requiring the depositors .ji bullion ' transporj tew . a allgn ; the silver forces In favoi motion to ?.incur in the ?Senate m-nt. ': Joined with the D Barthold, of Missouri; Boacb, of lick, of Kai il . ElllS, Ol ' ai; la y, of North ? ' Low, ol ' W, A. Smith, Tin: < i? \i ? ??\i i:itt:\i i:. lenle < <> . .>>i?t?-e Repert i nnmtlm Iti.'tor? ?On 11< <>U fur \elioii I', CHICAGO having waii- d upon mitt? " since i nnsylvanla, Ohio. Indiana, .nul Illinois and th.- ml! . ".a lory report. I! nt? -i at this ift? in." I these The adoption of I height system and unlformlt] boot. No m? ni Ion of an : ? of ? ?bio, I' . ' Ivani.i, m.I Indians had fought thi adoption of m from the star?, and ki n in commit I ajt't,-,) tu th I that h? y baa a unit in opposition to he plan. The ??i" i llinois and the miners from all the -iit. but the operators if R. nnsj l\ inla, Indl ma, tnd Ol a, ,| to consid? r thi ally, s ote w.? t iken on s motion t.. adopt the nine-run system, and It resulted In what he Chair nil. d was d< feat for ths notion. At the Rob - ni.m . rnbod tlon of a unl screen In the competitive fl l-i-iiieh mesh an. m? ndm? nts a ? re d< feated, and 11 Ion went over, it li quite i \ident that . .n..n p it. r the 1 afternoon re any criterion, the convention will not ui any subj? et. NOMIN ITTOSI com imicn. Ellen ? ?. in i of McKen iitis t eBtneBs ?<?r Bnpreae ii.-n.-ii. W \SII ! \< :'!'' IN'iaiv H ' \ - -'I.: i to bl i justice of the s ipranaa ..?tit ol \\ 'i . 'b idboui n ' ' II? \. ? '., i . Th.- McK? nns nomination occuplt ttention of ihe s : r. tter - Ml All. 11, "I N? l.'a-ka. in a .ai-' speech, opposed confirmation. He Ud he . .1 "f M.. .M K H. did ? ?ll-call when a- ?roto was taken, te was ,ei wh< Imlogly favorable t? conflrn Mr?. Feed Beansai a Balsneei. BALTIN D., lanuary B - of Rl. h iiinl, Bucceeded to day in securing nn >l.-r from Judge Dobjer, which will re ase h? r from Mt Hoi.-. w h? re ] -n confli -m time on the t?roun<i is i.,-.,la Edgar Al!? II. . r tli?' family, d. - come. Fui ila i | -,?, m proba > l-e institut. ! it TOWSOB tC moi an\, Don't Iltlii? ?ti'i-epl nt ?luce. if you "i health. b< n i . h n.?-?- al belag cuti -i w blob ma* ipp. ii av-aln. ! ?r. ?Jr. en? . No, .iirt.-.-tiiii ?!' '. N. ?\ ] "t k <-ii> . tin* oat noted i clan In titl^' d! uu. '-.I that luff? r.'fs froni dts ni . ...n-uit him by rite him iinni'diat. ly abou m am thus gel his opinion an.I ithout ehnrsn Do ?mi _ ?rtunlty your restoration tu hanRh will iiiuubudiy result? CUBAN CAPITAL (JOSE llEAIinrAHTF.ItS OK 1>S| tiMUUT? CAi-'U tit:? iiv ?FA*?riSt_. 0 GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ESCAPE, I n*.-ir.:?'n l b'oreen "??'ii 1leri'rf. Wit? a LOSS of KIM?.-Mm? Men Killed ? < ill I - to i.'orcln ItiuiK.reil In llaliiiua to lln?..- lullen. WASHINGTON, Januar*- n.?Tha Span? ish .Minist--r has received th. .'olio .vini* ram: i nsrsl Cas* tellano ha n of the ? I is, in th.- Sierra da Oui where the Insui rnmenl nad It? . mads by th- h surgent? 11 run "it offi? cials esi aped. "Tu? next ti.'iy. continuing Inn i gi o. rai del ..i. ,i a ."i.i\ of I,0W Insurgents, ? coming to lid "!' th? goi. rossent, a it( i ing tbem in all din ,i killing flfty? nine." OARCIA REPORTED KILLED. Habana, Jsausry l?. Although notiilng known on tin- .* ub tect at Spanish i.. adquai I : -: w > ; in ClrCttlatlOB to-day ;.. the ., , ral Calixto ?l.ri.i. the argent lead? r, i : ?? a ment with th? Spanish Th.- Bp iniah ?t? am? XIII. ?ail? ed for Spain to-.lay, with Bfty-B|?- i fj and 5M wounded ami etch soldier? on hoar.!. it i ; announced thai 7"". ions ,.t - cam ii.i\.' been destroyed by fire al tha Ana, provim.( B Clara. lit? local newspapers ar? t-.pi ?ting th? imeni to pardon all those who hav? ilnst th? ? i? cto rai las a According to information fron Spantah General Castellano, being aware that the Insurgent governm? ni a, i tsbllahed al E?peranaa, In building? ."?i tructed ! > the Inaui g? ni . leagues from Puerto Principe, si lbs ex? treme w? t end of the Cubit?? Rldge, pro* i in thai direction, with ! try, HO ? i i airy, and two tu Id-gana Alter thi.'i'-days' trying march, he : a difficult position on the f? day, and oi er? am? the obstinat? ilng them i han six mil. | and burning the house? si Kspersnsa, In? cJudh ajrgent governm? nt build? Hl-S. CAPTURE OF B8PER \N7.A. un the follosrlng laiio the r.-'iuit, .i Insur tents, _.."' ?' I IT the jn: milt.- :: I' Red them. two botara* combat Th? la believed to be numerou?, but owing to the density of the woods, it is difficult, according to the Bpsnlsh ac counl i tain lb? full < xtent "C the The i .1, a.I OH t live killed, and had thirty-one WOU * the httt? r h? Ing Lleuten mt-i i i Perea If? The insui gudo, - of insu:. ral Juan v icked the town of I darknes? th? y reached I h? lo w .mi. but th.- t , ||ed ?w? _ the fleeing In? itvide the town. The I lefl nine d? A private dlapst? b from Bpanlah so : b? attacking Insurg? ni i hsd ; dad, ami that the was Inaignii NEW8PAPER ISSUES SEIZED. . the Nes ] i and a !. lt*y lfth, and several ISSUei Ol t li * - Madrid Heraldo and Iraparslal, : by the gov? rnmenl offi? lala 1 i-i: \i i: PROMIS-B \*? TO < l H \. snaii?.??? Saya All in? Dispatches An? in >neii i : it *-?-*. LONDON, January ?. the Bpanlah Preml? r, according I I from Madrid thi reported al the CaMnel m? las) evening thai all the disi i from ' lifted ii. la asid to have added that tbi only the Impression In Cubs, bat lu the United B well. JAPAH READ. TO? ?TAIL Che-eli Called lo R?sala in Chlaa J;i|ihii'h **lrenn!h. ,t U i.M?i IN, .i mus? i 21, Th? Bt. J Ossetts, this sfternoon, commenting up".a the dispatch from fokob ima, i ..r nine Japanese warship? will Japan la th? '.* for Chine?? ?rater, .lap.m la prepared for war That, In a nutshell, in the nesra from rokobsms to-,lay, a: ' !lom Japan ?mes 'he beginning of the Chinese . ..-. u was obvious thai the J : nmenl had ?topped t.-ien' communication, which it never dosa es sept aben mobilising th? army or the n . \ \. 'i i. ly a hat It doing, it i thai the destl? aaHon oi l H_et i v. . ?i il-Wel, and then ' h? movement n thai the it? Chins, ru, d. ball BO) any nation ol flanee of O Bo long aa tin- policy of th? ?...- i.. i. r m ,,t tins position is equallt] of opporl in China, they aw In a position to ea? i heir clain Th. t.. a list if th. -hips la in Jap? t its inune,iv light? ?tu* ?tn ngth, aitk ?,i. it Britain . ".:h."?i< m? looker, i? Is probsbh that tb? Japanese could finish off all l man warahlpa - Sue? In shoi I ordei ,;t. it Britain, even Including the Power? ful, luis n forth Pacific capable of ?landing bo bsttls-ilm ... * FRENCH WARSHIPS y>>n FAR BAST LONDON, Jsi I dis? patch from Pari?, published tbi? ?v?i says orders have been received ai Cher? bourg and Toulon, r? to Inune i> pi-par.- the hatii.-ihips Brals and \ ,iiii.itn ... reinforce tb? Preach n in the Far Beat. DK BEAUMONT TO COMMAND PARIS, i inu irj -i The si ?n lb H lbs Francb warahl] - ! Vaub in ordered lo ?afl uutm? dlst? ly for China, is conflrmed. Tl??' ls*o .?lip.*? will sail on Januars Nth AimiriU _> Beaumont has besa ap pointed ? .uiim.iiui.-r-a rench aqaadroa hi tb? Far East n v.. ins flag on th? Vauban. r*ii \im;h iv rtiip?. m raiera nsaphli RaaSlei amtt f?>r Dllllinm ". *i i_ r? I ii ?. 1 '/.uln. PARIS, . B 1 ?king adi " of the tie? thai this Via?, t I.-' d balloting of cone-nipt? In in?' Plfth i ti i "i. ,i rii'ih . '"" . i ni? Ibe usual hut they were severely handled and dlr* 1 by a .stroilK iletaehlll-lit Of poil.''". m the demon? stration ,, -I Th in Handwriting, whom ! with making i martial ii Major. i th./-. win. it is an? nounced, su.- the tiov.list for I" duma RED PLACARDS IN HAVPJt HAVRE, January KL?Red arde were posted let. t..-day deo?*?un<*lng the Dreyfu iII.? .1 with the i i i against tha Hebrew?, ami in favor of the jit my and th." r.'publie. Tl Ml IT \ T Pit Wit U Lsgrlalatara i:*.? -11 .-? o*.?-r Prohibition me I'nrt.t limit*???!. PRAGUE, i:? ?tl i:.\ii.\. Jsnusry B Ing to th- t" I -I - nihii'-. run nt Which pre? vails, ti:. police have prohibited tha a Ing of part*? badge? and chib uaifo under penally of in?? tlorins ?r lays' imprl -oiuiit nt. win n the prohibition was announced in the Diet a tremendoua uproar anaued, member? angrily demandli laaa? li.-n. a tumult of ind<Mcribsble vloleoce followed. The govemmenl was act of behig ? cowardly trtckster. Fina Ay, the Bohemian noble? were obug*ed to ?a**? round the Speaker as a protection when be li ft the ? hatuber. ron Qautsch, the Austrian Premier, has i . led to to r.--. in.I the pro liihitii.n. RX4 IThAIIAT AT BRCS9BLB, I'reslileii t ni' t II."l m lier or I ?e| n fIe? \eeii?eil o I' It a rlinrl nu *>|ii?'M. BRI 88BLS, i exciting s.ene in th.- Chamber of Deputlea byre to-day. M. DemMon (Socialist) viyi'iniy attacked the presiden! ht the if.,us... m ?cxnialng him of having i-eelved poll? during m of hi- premiership. Amid considerable excitement! th.' aus? pension <>f at. Demblon as? voted, by 17 ayea to tl nays Then, as the Deputy .i to withdraw, the siitim p-'Illled. Ill -H.\ \Ti?i\ ?IK HT. .JOIIX. S?*n luinrd Mr-I.ine >1iniiiner <?? lle ? ??iiii? MiimiKer of I nloii I'lK'UI?'. Pi'. LOUIS, MO., Jsnusry U. The n? will say to-ni'i row. Ii i,-1 staled on what I? COOS!?! authority, thai E. Bt. John, who I tender? d bi- resignation as mai i o.ini Air-Line, to ink ruary 1st. will, on that day, I ager of th? Union rallgpad. H>* will racceed Bdwsrd Dickinson, psko **?iii : oottton with Iba i? ?i timore and ? IhtO railroad. OUI?! MU I III It *, l\\ RSI If. \TIOX. How i.iiiia-liioiini?'.? In Ik * \\>ie Be? en red li> A n 11-Hi? linn I les. CINCINNATI, 'i. January H legislativ.mml . ni dec? a? natos si i'oiiiin Mix. tu I? night 'tu?) working? of the long-dlstsn?s telophons .?i.:':..i to show how the oppoei ,.iii had s that . . urr? d between H H I bo ?r? o have a :i..n <>r ! live ?Otis, i i?.lii:it*i< \ s mi?. BWBPT -WAT*. hui n n mi ri-ii Parswas Kasvawly i'? . npe Dentil. Samii'SKv. ii One bun Ired fiahermen'a huts on the les in l-ska Pul ?rere awepl .?st nlgbt'a gale. Two hundred m.n. ?omen, and children narro?; t? ?tii by the I Mng up and carry the l tk?'. Th after a long and terril m II i 11 iiiii n In.n. nue.- I n*.,. settled. T< ?PKKA, K \\ . lanu ry Jfl Tl loua llilimai. ?een foughl thro igfa live trial?, s led to-day, !' Nea fork Life-Insurance Company :... d, Hlllman a i - Insured In mpany for $10,1100, but upon wb H as?a tb? compromise was made M both _ ' s Hlllman r< elve** h.- full amount of l..-r cl llm iit.-r.-st. imounting tn 111."?.?. Lac?***"*T*l a I.n?'iir> *a?eaa w itneis. ? 'llli'A? U i. .1. tiu ?ry , ph L. nd to ay and night pi . iln ?h. UK the dis rife, foi a ho?e murder he is i>? - ig tried \.-ry lachry luently nd In roi volume w hen? ver the .line of bis tO 1h.. ase. i!" will take ?h ion ow. Antt-Gersaaa iu??i. in lloiiemin. BUDWEI8, BOHEMIA, .lanu.. le- . ommunsl :. < i ion lay r> ulted In a victory for the Germans, Thl? j to serious rioting?. Th? erman - ind th? Ited with ?.ton..- and Injured. ?oops aere Anally us? i to quell rd.-r. __________________ \oitK-ltlvt:it MM?. etw.e.l It 1 ell IIIOII.I. I', n I I I m .. r?*, I'll ilnilel pliin. Iiii.l \e,\ lurk, The fork-River Line ?till i T.r to th.* travelling public I ..ut.- tO Thl? route Is >t only a . it lude..i delightful. Leaving Rick. ..nd at i ? r. M. Moaday, Wt h . 'esl Point, yon conned there si o r . with th.- totk-Rlver Une st? vlng al that time. un- r pro? > .i = down the . ork i/er to th.- Chesapeak? bay. .ind direct . the t Itimore, arriving then a next morning al ck. ton ar? re in Bsltlmor? refresh? Kht'-t rest and bt i Ions e offered t<> the i atrona of thk bleb serves unusually excellent I eluding the -, ad other .. ike iiy. Returning, .. and Saturday al P i the follow In? i g IM, and Richmond 1:17 A. Mi Ail alna Isa irrive fn*_a s .uth<Tn BtStlon, foot ?.f ' 1 iniimiil Cheap. ' irgfarda sad N? b < beel Cora] ] and ook Wood In agtba for eookli - us wood i i>r cooking . . M ???ithiiitf ?las. Drop iu ' ': . . i "Id papv.r?i toi' -?iu at tiiu Uispatcn TWO MORE HAW ITS. IMRRAB A??l) Mll.liKlt iiitoP Ott AT \*.1 troLf?. OUTLOOK FOR A LK?DL0CK, II In M??re I'roiMiu in. ?1 1 Im u I , ,r, mu? CerrsspsnSlnglj u??- Ptwnmj? Mlftty of a i). .>.?.< nui? -n.,iti?K Ke> pillil l.-itn I ill,hi III .,,1 ill.I,,-.. \n?. January j Muy!ml ?; took tw< more Joint I I an unavalU lui? < (V..rt to I -, unhiding thi ballot OB the first day - ? ?ting result. <l a| foil.--' Gorman, H3; FIndlay, 2\ Bhryock. :'; MulHkln, |; liarber, 17| I. <: Mi; Kbaw, If] :.. I; Fln.lUy. j. "',.t il, in. The principal feeturs >.f to-day's pro* ' ''-.lit)-. ,,f ?x >. C. Mullikln from (he list of those re. cnivlnf vot.s. One of thoai who havt i tier ?rent tc Major Shaw, giving him a gain of ont VOte OV | . r with the three from Southern Maryland who jyitsterday vot?.] f..r M t!ir In a glla fpT the i all.!).bit | from tbl Sixth . ' (( i contingent is attributed f?> ths Influ> n.*e 1 i thought to Ind abandon? in? ia rl of any purpofie tg re-enti r th) Th? Wooja',1. in changing tus vot. from Bull k a thing - it was no! i Ueved thai any of the members from the Eh* torn Shore would mte for the candidate tr.,m the an Ihn I The Impression Is st? . .intng id that the onl . Ion el the present contes! lies In the wlthdi of the load'T?, and it is this will i ... few days, LINES SBARPLT DRAWM, Th.- Oghl has narrowed down t<> a stiiiir? gle between Baltimore city and the lead? ? is from the Bixtb tint, and the 1: Ing very sharp* ly drawn. The out | deadlock Is more pronoui and in a corresponding degre? thi | abilit.. s ,,r ;, union I " mo? an.! ivoltliitf Bepublt? I'mln? Nhlng, It being tin poll,;, of I cratlc lead. .?ition as far id to aid tit the ? lection of a R? publli an, only in can?! in this connection, the course of ' I, ?A -hliin ton county. In . the Joint . that und. uto what he t. i ni.-.i an "unholy alliance" Ait Of the ? I able interest. _ ought by carried through. Th? i? i ai any time ount? d up? Id "f - blllty to i H ?ii'ir i if I to i ire offered I hat he a .11 ' v? lituallv I-. in next ,tor Iron. AI u I put Im, i ut it Infla ?neo i he bolting Republl. ans, w a aid FIndlay could i will be u i. -I to tho thai ..ui In . urr.-.l the bitt.r enmity of ?hit party on, .md his ?;?-tivity B tor O man In i i-i? ti THE II UMHIN?. ?I \ \*ll\ II.I.R. \tlei.l|.l (<? Itr ?Ilk ?e.lllllu I a i I??*>l I mill?n I nel.ii nu.'.l. NASHVILUB, TENN., 3 inuary ji. Fif t. .ti fruiti i to-night Tin? : illol left thi - same I i. i night - i k> n. BUlln'i in.- w .-i mad? by tl to Tajrlar from Turli not M M?llin losing onl) The thli ' . Th. in, ,a M.-Mllltn : ___________ First ?f ?he s.-n ?????. N. w I . ..laimes. S|>anl*H Ma. k- rel, 81 ai, a! ' ' I ad Vege A FE1TU1 200 east M am st One of tie- fl*i ?t. st i ;-?* *. iiijr of hi l*e In February .?.ill l - ii.iit, which w II loll of l*Vle t I H Hit ,ne firm, a ?"' ' u Ik? - ;.,,?! This announcement is 4g intenilti may a lIlltlK 10 I? 'It .?r. ___________ -<>r Dasonses ad ?in* Liver, ??.nrh, I'll.I Kl.llte?. ??.?r of ras Srssnbrtss Whits ?oiphar iBMOftjfc l'l BCSLL, l.iDD Jk C'a, Wbolesal? Agents. Fin. 1 I", r CsBOBBttBlSd l-'rult .lui ? ? matte ?h lout* h' a? a trifling cost Hola in l't.-b'iiote'. 188 J. Co. Poa Throit ia ose ik.'w\ s ?KoMiii? LU? all r^allr ??i thing., thoy ar.? imitai?.!. TU? goauiae resoUunlT IB t>?x??v The Weather. WASHING ' tXm Fill I ' lowed by In i : ''?udiDesw and ? i in. Saturday at I winds, rditing to 88811 UK 'A \T1IKR IV RICHMOND TBS RRDA1 ???ant, ?tat.. ..: th." I M . ' .\ M . : Al.? P. M . - R AI . ni_u. Mean temperature.