Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. JANUARY 22, 1898. 3 THE SURE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. Trained Hospital Nurse Finds Dr. Greene's Nervura a Wonderful Cure. \nnic !. Du?gan, Skilled Hospital Nurse, Cured by Dr. Greenes Nervura, the Best Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia the World Has Ever Known. ? t ~ . % ?? k?fui trab \tlllie I. 1> ' h rsputsl Itlly vain? ( i f.r over ad n ? y (?ir.. .ms, lut r. et ii. -.1 le? ii M?"f, and as a last riM'if iny friend? ad ?ii v trylt!^- Dr. <".i Mood and m rv? remedy, which I ?lid, und in ?ta a ?ka i 'i wornsa. ai ttlOUgh It I? fi.ur years 0$X\ I li.ivc lia I do return ?if ths troubla "M ? Mad with rli'-u m, .-?nd i to try i?r. N< rvurri. Which all. lief from It. 1 COS 's Nervura ; lo me, and gladly rei-iitunieiid it." We wi.ui.i aay that ifi ,s ad vice as i nurse is endorsed and approved i?r. (ir.. i 'i Nervura blood and nerve n m I won? derful dlacovery and of Incalculabl? Ineatlmabl? value i.i the ?Ich everywl I known cur. f..r rhetJma? headachi, nervous weak? and debility, weak, tir? d feel I of t?he blood and ?. it has been proved over and over again, In thousand- upon thousand? <.f ? that it does i Ule. that It mal.- i well. ROW of if s ?-rent vain? they have seen it perform wonder? In rs* storing heslth, and th.-y. m wall mus. s. re.-niiine nd it freely t.> the sick : scriptlon of th? il phystci in, l?r. . ; w? I reet, New torh city, whi 1 onaulted free In all ?onally or by I? I'liKTSMiHTlI Il KAKI?. .. VI l?l\ \ I ? ? I v \\ -tHIMO t!>\ in \ IBOIN1 \ n i \s inn mi. THE FEDERAL BUILDING MATTER. i., iillemen from tka llnriKs ?if ?he ' h Mnki" Qand laajwa -I..II ? r.-ililoii Mor?' ?*trlii_<iii I m luii. i ;il ?on | :im . man William B ., tired i ' ; ing in that city. Public arlng . ;y-.\t ' itly and ! rtimouth to a public lly good im Hirt. B Mr. Young Introducing inan who runs th? Ho : I . . him, b.c. ; lepartm? nt, m they tl ' ? VJ . wh.-in ' E_bsp_tal al ranea of the Iva tin? tlon. : the g that y*a work fur the utu. The following made | tlon: Stat" -I i I. I.. . t. \v. - ?ouncll; J - !: .1. W. 1. y At ? Mai R? j Im a, YIK'WMA IN CONOR] dm of tbe hstra of the 1st? J. H. A L, for 1-9,08 i .n by th? I mmit? oraiiK-nda t0 the Court, adjudication. The Claim U ? ocevpntloa t.i property during : Vir nted a nui l . titlon from 1 . ;: imlgl Intro .-. i m., m : . : ? . i:n. foi IJudlcatlon. ...... employ? d : from th? fit of irtment, t.. be .tal fund. i. of King '?n'y, PERSONJ-U ii and Mi nd, who forth? i 11ew days. . ifternoon train. ... H. .. I tbe Metropolit Norfolk; .. Bun ougba and mtto, burg; iiiti.ii, N. J-. Malin, Norfolk In, ?charlotte county, .1. Flint, . M. Ooolsbj Ore? ni boro', ti. V. i: Andr >>. W . l>. Rl. hmond p. woodhouse, Nor? and wife, Richmond?the I lit IDIXG-STAMP HI SIXES?. ' '"iiliiiio.iK-r*. < ll> <??un?'ll InnuKU ral.-M h Wurf lire Auulnit It. ? x., Januar] r and AMsnMn <>t orova any .llng-st.inii' rdlna : .- ,i and pai ^ d <.u it? foi the Imposition of t imp UM; siso, sa ??<i i ..u na ? b with trading-stamp ui*nv . ooapasy doing busiiit?? btic, and It I? uiui?-r?),0'jd ;h?u .n of the .i that it i .f.l illegal the m. mix i ..r th ?n. i! will - in t.. til.- Legislature, and end? prohibiting ding-stamps rompa 11?.i: in \ \i:\v hoi i Behind a Pnlr i?r Preusotag liny* He Snrg?Haaa Gnthnna? NEW YORK, January IL?Tit known limply a f minions, in. bed out i-i <port. Those who do not honi.i have i- n him y? 1 up Fifth avenue In hi :. baU-bearini inclng bays, : Long Island. "' a Behind ?t collar t p in bin pock It ? Bra! time Mi and la- v. with f BESS'S ? (il.iiNV *;? III.Mr. I'll relume of .'too,OU?? Ait?'? (_ Tcn neaaee i?. laanvwS. KNOXVILLE, TBNN., January tie V. 1 ?. i ht in ment in Interview he said thi aeres ??f land In Middle T? nty, ?nal <!< Unite action would lliii I.iuiilK-r-Mllli It timed. RALBIQH, N. C. January L'l. (Sp.-alnl.) 'Ph.- lumber-mills of th.- Abei Lumb? r Co . ntlrely d. y Bre. The Ic rlvanla people war . repr? by Adam Mam- slnated in i The plant win not be rebuilt, as .i It. ; was i... Insurance. Eighty ii.? ii are thrown out of T?l< ?rnitlilc Temltlrs, _bl .! :! raon allai Ja? h Knight, of Pen ... w is h 11 f,.r th? ink ?. Washington.? The President nominated David T. Conrad, Lexington) .1. H. Mc r 8h? li.y. rort Towns? nd. Wash.?August Nicker i i illor, u with a i.tok.ti neck. Nlckerson fell from \ aln-yard of ).. : hrough a h to tin- hold, a distance of )-> I Brussels.?While a cat;?' containing flf of th.- Bonm nun.- ..t aailt. the cable broke .'Hal its of tie daSb? d to D ?1! .1. .1. Hi!,11 WhO was found guilty Of assault i id .i. gree i ! young Cl McNally on 'l'l a to two y? ai onment at Blng sin_ McNally, who had been play? ing foot-ball in the street, r m t.. . .n shot him in the Belvldere, 111.?Edward shannon, the wlfe-murd hang? ry nth. lb old. Wh? u ask. d it la- had any he tn mbllnglj roas and | iiow h?' had 1 the states-Attorney Wright when tb. |att, | . This was liis only pll . rcy._ _. In Poll?'?' Circles. ?les Ltoacomb was arrested and i u,, at tb?- First Police Station lerly condnol on l ruction a?*Walki r ?. -??lor?. i? wa1r*?arr? confined In the same itatton-house, . ,i with i "i-i Ing Qeorga Bhelton of H Rheumatic Slavery Abolished! PoltBSt at liift from the racking. torture-wine pains of rheinn^lsm. ,_ ... and n.-uralRia! POLI NICE OH, comes to you t.. free the . The real arid genuine discovery of u French scientist gladly sought for, and n ?w boing dally used in such hospitals ; !, l'ellevu.. Of New York; low r Phlladelnhia, and Maryland. Class this not iimoriK eltm an?! endl with RHEUMA 1 lt?M. __r_SS!&? Polynice Oil. imi-orted ttOUt J'"?- ^T'r^iC? b0t" ii,.. Sent upon rwpiptof price. BOOK SENT FREE. Dr. Alexandre, BJ*_CLtLI?rT V\H>\\ PARIS. No SM Twelfth Btreet, northwest, ^VASHINQTON, D. C. ??t B-ta) Old papers for sals at Ute WBjatBB SAMPSON A WITHESS. Tilt: IWimimn MVBBtB TI.MMM I i:STII"IEJ?. MR. SCOTT WANTS HIS INJURED SOR. ? l.nr_,-, *?-?KllK?.nf??* in Bapplpla?** *\e?'?'?.-.iir>- lie ill en I A pplInlie. ?,? (?nos- I nilorslilrl Worn in ll??<?<?m h? r-l .1,11, , \i,i.,h-s Mm? Wllnrmi?'?. ' ','" ' ' and leatlmony as i ;..,,. ,,- tMP -lied with ' ' '"'' and wh< n th.. body adjourn? d Mi Bai u; ? riiit.-ndent of th? Institution. OS th. stand. |.r. Winston I ing the .'.?an,inatioa probably aa w< my of his lawyer friend? ?said d is bringing out every pol - iry to furnish th,> committee with all the |g? f'"!-i ft Ion .1. irahl? for than to bSV?, 11. order t . thoroughly : th? tdtii atlon. Th" t-, mi,, r, r,f in? oommltt? . trick, PslOM r, ; ton, Churchman, Clarke, Owyn, M<*Clana han, lore, I'. Smith, ulei t. "--?Hi. .1 on \Y. d v nii-lit, was put on the stand I Bh< ?tab -i th t ti,, ... tl_ , i ihe n formatory w I I Whit? a young lady with h? t ..u thla visit. They ?aw 111 - - boj who waa ?hot, and b? t..i.i them that hi? wound still prevented him from walking H" m .- chained t.. i. ,i. bow? \. i The hoy ' ;: or i* \ 1 Mrs. i ttert il u. it her lady v. the . ?i Hi,I MR T' ILKES '?v-tii IBS. Mr. Mil., ti. Polk? i t. tiii. d thai Smith had ?can him and asked 11 he cllld 11.,1 hi !|. lo . tii.. reformatory. i[< end? ivor? > are th? rel? iae of the lad. hut : in ? very attempt be made. Ha saw Mr. i Mr. Christian, and tica Crutchfleld, hut none of tie m would do anything for him. n . . i for ? th- lad. hut .hi . that 1." had given tie boy a fair tiia!. could not .1.. anythli Mr. Folk- ; s nd after hi? ? onver i with the role e Ju satisfied th>- boy -was guilty of ti? with whi.-h he 111 . Witte wt I lid he had the high ' ' for Mr. Caakl? arel Mr. Th? witte Mrs Bmlth. He r? piled that | ?he Mas a woman ..f ?;....d charact? ; , from a ..t' her. SHE saw Tin: BTRI] i idn ' Virginia Tni mi tho ?band, uni upon being asked io knew .u itlon, ipil? d thai m .m i . the brol d her the Ij. sic- del not know Just how . but ther? thi Her brother. I7ih year, and had i m. .u,.i bad in. l, d babil , He w.ud. however, When questioned i o th?- cloth i roth? r v. Pan? .'is jacket, . and a : hlrt. ? covered the lower lltnba. She did not know whether thta was In the mer nui. or Winter. The wi! knew Messrs. Bampson, Kinn*, and Tnr li. r, . ployed at th-- reform When question??, a? to th.- 1....1 ?erv??d at the Institution, ?ha s lid ?h? it was not pr? :,.-> f.n-t that 1,. food was that it M ut.I, and that "it was DOl .?one." Tho meal t>> which rred, a hi h dinner, waa composed of sa!.,.!, ami l.r. a,I. Th? f th.- Instil ate at tie- same table with tbe boys. Mr. Meredith questioned th.- wit In reply to htm, ?"he atsted thai her bro? th? r had I" u releas? 1 on? e, ai I i id at home twelve month.-, but bad I sent back to tiie r. formatory, A MAGISTRATE TALKS. JUSti - T. R. i ? : It, Who llV? Henrlco county, about I from th" reform Id he often \; Ited the tution, ?m.i had I" n in th.. habit .; doing so since th." Institution w i hed. 11>" had commltt? 1 four minors t.. th.- school, three on the charge of tncy, and oie for felony. The about i- "i" i ' year ..f age. of these lads had no home; th.-. others liv d ni ir Richmond. As to th. Ived by th?- hoys at tl natory he 1 In H.- bad never seen any ?mall h - irons. The youngest on? wa? at I? v. us of age. He knew nothing >.f the ' hooting of a hoy by on.- of tin- v . \. pi what lu- h ai heard. When whether he knew Tom Hill, who wat i m? ployed at the reformatory, tie- wil t. pli? d that he ?lid. and the person > I to was a color.,! man. II. under? .i h.- was ?i nbjhl watchman. Tie witn? ss kn< w Mr. Bampson. Hi? acquaint with him began when the sup-nn t, nd? m firat took charge. Tin- m : m? ut of tie- school ha i been all could he desired, hut th" witne to th" loor ?iuallty of th" land. Some had on?-" SWOVTfl out a v, ai' linsl Mr. Sampson, ch irgim I with whipping a boy. Th? miss, tl. WANTED ms BON RELEASED. Mr. .| \ S ott. a merchant llvi! 2711 eaat Main i Th? witn-1 - had a boj ? the r? who area ?-. nl there win n he was i; ..f age. Th- charge on which I" committed t,. the school a Mr. Sett and his wii.- had preferred thai their son should be ?enl to 1 id in prefer? ence t., tho reformatory. Bin had gotten hurt in the ?hlrt-factory I h id visited th.. Institution quite i Th? lad had been Injured at Hi" I and It waa fix months before he prevail apon th" authorities to put a truss upon him. The wltjiess had his family physld m out there once, and th.- doctor had h. en Mr. Bampson finally h id th" i Richmond, whei him. Th.? Witn? ! to th. whi.-ti all the boy? were compelled t.. wear. IL- thought this I to the Stil.-. Th?- hoys worked from 7 O'clock in the mornlni* until 4:16 P. M The witness Btated that hi? ?on h.ui n him any trouble. The neigh? bor? h ..i complained thai the boy meddle ome. Once the lad had been ar i for throwing rocl r? Ight train loaded with gravel. Por this cf? the father paid Justice Crutchfleld j-, or didn't remember which. BUOVLD BE WITH MOTHERS Th.- witness didn't l" li- V. that 111. tl w. re lit to reform boys 10 and I ag? Hi ihouiiht " mothers wer? ti* proti?r ones to guide tln-in at thl This remark cauaed conelderable applaua? The wttn?M thounht Mr. Sampson a perfectly Jusl man, and h>> had I any harsh word? to tie boy? under his car?-. Th." guarda, hoa Were ?rp with tie m Mr. J sail the great trouble with the reforma? tory was that tha?s was no limit ? t. rra. Wftn? ?a. in reply to queation, said that he v. r? of ag? , had si.iv. s on a plantation, and that thej i happy t ompared with ths boy? at th.- reformatory. A I? ItSf from Rev. Mr. ?rni.r, t the Third Christian ? hui h im.: the authorities of th?- institution to Mr. Scott's ?on, if they i oui I The witless was tin II taken In 1 11 Mr. Meredith. Mr. Bcott started t>. htm that he had tWO sons sent to the n ! tory. Ti" flrsl bad bean sccussd of ob? tsinlng money under fa! ii. med in the school three rsars, until he wa a i s ?ai i of NOT si'i*ki(:ii:ntly Mr. Oeorge Napier, ?if Manchester, an 111.- al I in* had \ I.-M' d One Reason \ymr scotts rwi i sioi n ?rs weak throats, weak lungs makes nth Llood, and ?treriirtn eus puny and delicate children is beca :? all its parts art m so scicntitic a manner thai ?l,a ' itigrMion .an deal with it. This expeliente has mi 11 d?mombTNiNOfairsfyanri ter / ' sale ly all drus*,*?.?, .t. , aadfi, -. ai. tae 3UUjri.l unit Irte. ^ SCOTT & DO WML. Clieniist*. New Ywk. Fine Shirt? Made to Order. Kim; Baits, On roosts, for men ?and boys, about SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOL? LAR. That's our story. It means money saved? Ratisf.-iotioii assured?if yoTJ need ;iny Clothing. odd Pants and Federa Hats figure prominently in our great sale, ?too, A regular $1,50 Fedora for 90c. O.H. Berry ??Co., Main and lenth Streets. 1 four tim - ?ther had . sent i.? the institution. ?; the refon nth of i bar, and ?(a. lad 1: - only a thin gauae rt under s Jeans coat. When thi i had to b? his brother told him that he had I without any. Hi- ia iptlon. Th? Which his brother was SBBt ' was that of throwii Thai was tb? with wbleh i-e fa ,,i THE Sri'iailNTKNLLXT TESTIFIES Mr. W. I a ,,,], n? 0i reformatoi ., the l review I '"' larg? ly -\-. n- |n i. aching?up to the present position In tl l_ und? r hi- . harge, the j uno the others from I..- hm. n I th.- charge on which th? ? wer? c mmit t. I. 'i he i tour that long, li.- bad who had I tb? re 1.VI11I mi Cordon i at the In tttution live j ' ' lad was t tured 'I he I In n. o!T tin. Th.? wltl her the boy had i .' they worked ..fT th and hnd ' tl em tli.\ were t. mi i th? dorm I tori. Tal kins four : month w< ' I mily father." ': - nly allowt ?ilk in tl | in wh? n was given. Wien asked what '. for - ral punishment, the Buperlnt? n repll? ,i that it v rulltj - as when they att? mpt? d to run _ SHOT AND PUT IN CHAINS The boy who f th? him, and foun i bin I den. t't...n being commanded to bait, and re fusln f, I rd fired, hitting ?i1 ? lad in . tun run an . be was p_i -,i -. in put ??n lils leg. Mr. R inapi on thoui -1 did right, un d< r tii" ." ' th boy, if thi wound had prov? a I - - Tho ' dark, ntly no Intention to hit tl Th? boy ni- 1 si s criminal, I and bad . -.m.-' eaking. - itinti road? ' '. tb to i. id the eu ird to think If h own life would be In danger. Thi r? taken of this affair by the county authoi Thifj i -till at the reformal m,,] had recov? n ! from his wound. \s it was now n o'clock and Dr. Win? ston had not Bntshed his exam the witness, the committee adj m. et as tin ' tiP. M. \\ REELING THE WORLD. ?...t n BnwBtB spin. lint la Snl m?? cnnriiKi'il. li:xin?;t<?N. va, January a.?< ; (linger, of Vi Austria, an froni Stauntoii. 1I-- Is BUI king B tour of the woi Id mil of a a for n mon? v. bul will While ; of tl. Mr. I I T 111 I : lloW With : . : m. n of all th? _ Far thi : out fr >m Vienna he IIroa l train and tiiat foi ?i dlstai nty ? ill., All: I ! I I , lie, ?md at. nched hi? to tins place. While h? r? tint ankle h be ttendt d to by his new friends ipplled. !( I tblng but prali and Am< rL .m n? v? -i ipi n and - ild that I were t ir aui ei I i v i ? ?[ie? t and >i ' ni. He a ill go South from her? t i N'.itut il Bridge, I R ? - - ill'*. irid thence to Sew he will s ail for An- ' etng paid t.. that point by a : i ? p. r m? n ol New V..rk city i .ver the dlsl inca in two ye irs, and h - t !! Is BOB fourt. ihead of bis acbeduled Is in this s? ' tlon of the country are well nlgb impassible o m, vi!.-, on aocount of the n cen? i md bis wheel showed ?)? it a ? severe strain by the Immense amout mud on It H? ' ""' recent difficulties which he has with, but thinks that ha will make the journey in leis than tw. years ind ar riv at hi- thi 1st of Septi ml r, IShX ^^^^^^ N\ llllaiu.liiiru .loltltiKa. \\ ILI-I 1M8BURO, VA. January B. , Mr. Tyler 1 ,?-a;<-.l w it o ..a- "in. . M lllotl .lonos. - r,t T I r-Ew? li ,',_!- hortly fot it.i ?, ; .it her aunt. Mi T s i, \?, and Mrs ?- ne .r. from Ball . iting the i imlly of Mr. T liloxton. . . , Mr. Denm? 1, who i i visttlo : In St. day night ni?-.i in n i * .a 11... m Bleeps*. DAHVLLLB VA., January 9 (Speetal.) Bennett 11 P"90k, a young man en : fioin his home. In Washington, i ? ' Asheville, N. ?' vrl I i" n or* d In the I'ulluiaii sleeper attache,! to Southern Train No. tl, which arrived h( k this morning. Tin Invalid died A.i? min Lynchburg u, re taken in charge hara by liuieitak. r Tow i after being pared for i i were pla. d on th?* Washington fast mall, laavvlng her. 1 i.. I' M Tb'- mother, who was journey. mi; South With her son. returned with the , . The deceased, u lawyer by pro? fession, was ?> year?? old. NO TRADING STAMPS. Oft!?;iV\!. NI1HPMV HIM, HFI'OnT i-.n WITH IMQBl ?aWSBSUMtrT. A MEW OYSTER MEASURE PRESEH?ED Mr. ?rnla: Offer? n ?4uli?i(ltu(e for His Illll Air. inly llefore ?li?. ?Dm m I ?tee. The I'ropoaed Itnllivn* l oto m i?? I..11. I e? Jslnil? c <;<)..||,. House Committee on Foul justtae yesterday th Mad to repart fa ! ly tho original Murphy bill ab.>llsh ln>r the use of trading stamps and .radiny .In i mlttcc concluded, however, thai the i .r the bin, '-.\o n shall In any manu, r any gtfl sntSfprtSO LMMIMBs in the St Ue," 1 h. ?til. k. n out. Jt Is thoujbt that th?; bill will in this form be acceptable t" many in.-mb"rs Who were tOtUtttff op : to It. and it , ' I til It Lie I. " lin- . ominltt. .- at Which iisld. red was a long '"i", but this suhj. ihkly dirf that tho bill, which drawn by city-Attorn? y Meredith, WCUld meet the dir. {Jon ,4 ins House that 8 bill be reported win. li would I f- ' fectualry break up tho trading itamp and ? 1 Tho following teleferan* re<*eived Issi . r? n ? t i _- explains Itself: "Lynebbu IMS, "Qeorgs McD. Blake, Richmond, v...: "Overwhelming majority of merchants tin , and three, at I? ast, of 1 h ; iH-ok? n up. CARTER QLAI OTHER BILLS ACTED UPON. Mr. Anderson's bill ahoUahlns the three days ..r - d upon uni by I I Mr. farters bill, providing that co| Hurst?; Manual und Quide ! ' furnished by tbe s: ito to Justl. 1 * ol the 1 ace. Mr. Wtthrow*! Mil, providing that per about to make an asaignmeni shall not prefer creditors, was madi P order for next Wednesday morning. .Mr. Jeffrlee*! bill, making violation of the Sunday liquor laws and gambling ' . Indictment and trial in th? county enurts_ was reported favorably, with an amendment that thi ounty Judge the justice b? fore w boni th? cas? is tried Mr. luiko was baud on bi? bill in re a ml to tl <. and til' mea i?.| to -. mlttee of two, con listing - ' Wat kins and Campbell, following bills . 1 : Amending the Code of Virginia in 1 -.ii.- perfection of mechanics' lien, mechanics' lien notice, and not!.f lien. rcult court for ?i..- city of a,l. T.. create 1 circuit court for th.- .1' Lu-1 : by .Mi. \vin Th. hiil ed by Mr. K. <'. Folk. I in ?h.- early part of the session, provl. that th.- salarie-; ,,t city, town, and coun? ty employee! be sub 1 by the com mitt? .. Mr. Polkes, In add i Ing the body on his poke very briefly. 11 ! not 1 th.- justice of iHowlnj tlsens to he ex? mpt from ; Ing tli? ir debts. Why it was t'; t a coun Ity, or town official Was allowed Ulis prlvll had 1..? had sati | snswen !. Allowing ?m oifli-.T who drew the people's money to be ex-'inpt from paying nil Jujt obligations to creditors was an absurdity, ?id. l-'or his constituents he would -h it th?- vast 1 The hu.-iia ri -men wanted it. . th.- worklngmen could why they should be garnlsheed, and tie? pie, ? la. re< Ived better hould tempt 'I'll.- bin was so clearly an t>f lusti?*?, ,? ? iri Mr. Folk. was committee in king further in it? behalf. Mr. Duk- Ittea on behalf of tho bin Introduc? : v. hi. h giv? s tbi ? lovernor the poi Intrng women notaries, and Mr. Mann ^-.ay, offer? 1 a an amend? ment that th., qualification Bhould in court. .' tee d< eld 1. r..rt tho hill favorably with th- an ment Mr. Ilir-ks reported from the sub-onm mlttee the bills regarding il..- sali of de? linquent lands, and th.-ir consideration was made the special order for Monday. Watkins anti-futurei bin was : ; .-lia! order for Monday w.-. k, LAII.WAV COMMISSION LILT.S. At tb.- mi ' tln^r of unit? ies on I R. rnoon the, Railway ' Senator With : "al action not tak? n, .md the bills were made pedal continuing ord? r for the n Ing " oon. Mr. Withers spoh length in explanation of the three biiH--Nos. 115, Us, and U7. an companion measures, and are designed to In?rense tbi number of rail? way comml .loners to three; to make of appraisers .?r th? of railway, telegraph, t< l< phone, other com] t.r, and to make this; board a court of rd. Mr. Withers made a strong state? ment of tl of thi bill and 1 ?ion. Further healing of Mr. Alexan? der H for ti .mi inttc-Coast Lira- Railway Com p my. Th of the bills will i.?; fought Mr. S mu.' 1 of thi bills in thi House. A NEW CRAIQ LILL. \t ' ' - ex? at :: tl e House Committee on the < .md its Ti iken on any ol r bills, though they : at length. Mr f, red ' .' f"r his m> asure, which lered at lev? ? .1 sei al he ad.ii'. used the committee In ? splanation of Ins new 1 1 was d Ided to consl : Moll.lav at 10 A. M. 1 ?r. LeCato app ired befot 1 pm ? advocated his board .u fl bin, which piss.-i the s was not tak. II. ANONTM? .is LETTERA Tho meaban of ti om mlttee on Mpendltnrei al Btat? relying num. tons anonymoui irging ?-ith.-r dishonesty or mls nt In the 1 onducl ..f such li tutlons, A members of the ?*omniittee s?u.i harges of tins char I t 1?' founded In fart, but that the committee would oonalder bo unslgn? . il eoinlllUllli'j'iotlS. Membei asking tli ?t the s. sate pa_ the n bill placing 1 fax on .????-IhI clubs which .1?. The ?ions li printed, and that as tin- law licenses only "pr.> P? T parsons'' to sell whtsk.y. I the rli-'ht tO lal dub would be manifestly lmpr'?p<-r. The signa? tures are, in m . thus,- of . known men In the SI ; i:s AND <: Matt?. I'oinmitt..? on Printing >. it? rday n poi: My the bid requiring all printing for any >?f the departments to !.- dons under tht ?n of the Superintendent of Pabilo Prlntlng. The H". Committee <<n "Propositions .1 t.. re? port favorably the anti-butterlne bill of Mr. K>. s? 11. Senator Kane will to-_ty offer s Joint resolution directing the Commonwealth's attorneys tu various counti?ts In whicb located to sxamlae lUCh Inspectors and ti ; Auditor as reg , Ondl lion, with especial time th? last settlem? ni a The resolution will provide that where Inspee tors have failed to settle ut the times re? quired action shall be begun on their ohV clal I??.nds. Under the ] re required to settle ever) month-., but there u.- many who have ant done so In two hi > thi adoption of hu resolution ill In an Increase in th>- 0 tes of 130,000 In Tin? Schedule ? h-itm, .1 A neu schedule on the Main-street line ..r the Richmond Railway and El? ? 'inpaiiv w.nt Into - ffed :i"d the last cai will leave Fulton ut mldnlKht. half en hour Ister than heretofore. Old lion,Nil?,n (loll. The Committee on lallation of officers ol I Dominion Democratic Club will hold an luipoi-laiu iu<-eltng <U tb? club'd hOBS* quarters, In Thon's Hail, to-n?**n*. newly ?else ted officers of th<? elub win lie Inducted into active ?ervlce on W? i day night next. Cattle ?tiinrnii? Ine I.rts?/ ?ti> pi n t.-?l. A t? It'trram from v. i la?l night Stilt tur.- li . law. an II u ruury 15th. Dortor? I.mich on Creen Caillas. tUrOLK. VA., January 2i The second and ed by many li in" tor? visited St. "\ H - the l: rning and a 1 - -pertinents, Tho morning session, at wl by ?n Item on : i w(i=? "gTeen-gi Lynnhavcn oyuters. 'I I In? igainst the green-gill?*?! o> unfounded; thnt they \?. the ; diet. lock the evening ?esato-J h.'i.i: after which a banquel V. M. I. Il?i?r?l (Irtlcr-, L-XXINOTON, VA., January i of Visitors, of the \ ?r gtnla Military Institute, ?luring their meetlnar, ei the completion of tin? outside "f the Memorial Hall, by i. I, In order that It miirht **i in keeping with th? i thing like MSO will i "n,l< work. Anoth.-r order entered by the board was to allow th<* foot-ball eleven and the base-hall nine to tnk? Tins order will bo balled with delight by the cadets, and have B good l '* ' 'il*"?? tho athl"ti. hoot. Rheumatism. Tho pains incident to r.ieurruitiflm are ri'liovod by one application of Chamber? lain'-) Pain Italtn, ami its **ontin*J-d uso Koou effects a permanent cii'v. ile 2_ ur EEUQI0171 IERT1CES sixntY. N-TBROAD-STBEET METHODIST i in nril (oorn?r of Broad ?n?lTesih streets*.? ?niiiy S.-I1...1 8:30 A. ?. Presc-bint* at il L K.ans h i", m by tu- p??or. Km. w. ??. hr*KK. i). l>. Morning subject: "lie Bela :'-,tw-w*n a 1.... i y on F.arth aed a 8 ti." Atntgtii: 'Is the Manh I ..f Our fouagMen Btraal to tboOaaGreat P**rtlof tti?* m to all. VaT CLAY-STKI.I.T METHODIST Kl'ls. OPAL CUUBCQ (-?orner Adimt and Clay streets)?Kev. K. II. ?4WUK0I .'.bstb Kfaool IfclS A. M. PNaebtag at I I \. M. aa.l * P. ti, by tho na.tur Morning "Ut','?' t ! J ru.? Oreatoeas" Bvaatng ?ub)e-*i: I/tokinu Glass or LOTer?Countenance >.r ?bar. Vuarierlv Conferen?*e MONDAT at H l'. M. ? !a?s meeting Tc?so_rat8 P. M. Mid* week prayer b-tv?cs Wkdnksdat at h P. M., kpworlb I.naguo ILivotlonal meeting Kkiday at?: 10 I* M. _ UaT UNION STATION M. K. CHTJHCH, BOOTH?lev? QSOaoi <& Takbbs. sin?.. I.. I).. Pastor.?Subjects, Il A. M., "Th?. Hlgheat ll,.n..r t.. _-*-*-* *** s P. M , llr.?:* ?Ikti'I,"; !?:!."> A, M . ?"ijrit.iy ?cbooland morning cUs?,: 8:80 P.M., Bpworrh Lea?" - DAY, Wbdnksdav, und Tin it-urn N i ? ; 111 ?. ?'ni.-inl me?*tli Nicht. OTSSOON 1) PBK8B1TBBIAN CHI 1***11. ? I 'a- Rev. DONAU GOTSStS, Of Wil, I'anali. ?Ul preaea at 11 A. M , and Kev. ?ir. BOO? it P. M Y..tit.i* non ar itiaiiy Inrited to ntt<>n>l tb ces both iiieniiii * and afteii i?r OBACE-STREET PBEBBITB I?IAN ?Hl'I'i II 1'i'V. Jas? WlTllM'-l'oos. ;,, 1?, Pastor-ele?**??Herrices at u o'do-Jk A. M. aad8o'clock P M. Preacblog by the pi?. tor. Hund? i vi.-."-i at le.'tu ii'.-i.i"k A. M.: WSDKII0A1 NlunT serTlcea at? tow iti?i;ni) fob diriuo worship Bybsy sabbath Mokviv. at i i o'.li?. _. Beat? i?r.? fro,?, anil all n. &I?Mttnff-Boase ? lay street sbore Kit ?Ok A. il. on WaOHl ?ay- BEVENTH-STBKET i'MIUS TIANCIII It'll S'Veiit?; and ?ira Preaching at 1? A M. and s P, M. i -, ? . A , : . lu. Sunday acbool it 0:30 A.M. Seat? tree BSd the publie . ..r ii.--.lly _ t&- FIRST BAl'TIST CHUBCH : of Twelfth and Broad tttt . k rooi'Eu. i ?. l>.. pastor, win prwet? ?U 11 A. M and x P. M. Bible M. founf Peopl I P. Jl. All iiiadi* cordially wekoma _ VoT SECOND BAPT1BT0HDB0H ST Sixth nnd Main streets)?Ke. U. k. ;.. Bmitu, I?. I?., Pastor. Sunday aob<v>l al A.M. Pmecbtns atUA.M. aad I P. M. by tho pa tree*. A cordial wel<*orao to all. t ( JBACK-HTBRET BAPTIST CHTJBCB?lav. WIIXIAS K. IUtchkk, l> )?., r??t?S Haill??? 'it !, ' latieriiaiM", ??rac-i between Uolvljnro ami I'm?* Htreets. .Sunday sebool at W: l? i .'.!.> - A. M. ; pr*?arblni? ty tb? fait,,rat 11 o'clock A. M. and t? P. M. Prayer meettnff WaosasoAV mogr at 8 ooktck. Toung men'? prayer m**ettng Satdsoat Niuiit ar s o'ei<?.-k. _ u HTOBOYE AVENUE BAITIST CHUKCH (Grovfl avasaa Beat lien.?h street)? 1<.)V. .1. C. HIS?**, o. lb, Pastor.?PreaeUliu* st U A. M. ?ni H P. M, by lb? P?Sa. ?iiiiio eiuss ir, ra 10 to 10:^0 A. M. in main audience room.Sunday ?onoolal tbi.? \. VaT BABTON ELEIQHT8 BAPTIST CBUBCH. Ksv. A. Bkoadulm, Jr., will pi at II A. M. .nid s P. M. Sun lay ?ebOoJ, i?.-:i(J A. m \ onac I'll. - Union 3 P. M. l*rayer?uieet llif- WBDMKaOAY 8 P, ti. MTELDEB-T. ('. WHBELEB, OP Maiaa will proacb at -'0<J Beeorroir i ?.Ken* ? tirittian meettag tteaaa, boa DAT at 11 A. ?l. aud h P. M., and every ?y?aiag iluriii^ th*? mr>en. at ts o'.-lock, Saturday ei . A cordial woli'oni? to atL Becsnss these jm??-?^s ?tro so low you must not thin)? we do not sell Fine Clothing for Boys, us the cut |tii(?-s?-;in.s?'?l by our rc M more than pr< <?ur assertion that ill ; clothing store in town sie thi laer Knits t.? 1?.- I,a?l, no matter if ><>u pay - -,,lij Black sod Brows, ?Scotch ( h, riots, \\"rst?-?l, and Pssesd tiia.l.' np ?is w. 11 as any eiLst | r could make them, sswsd tiiroii-liout vitli silk, and with the highest cost linings that could be MlCtl. Si/?S 1 t?) 10 8r.le pri?e, per ,_ o suit. 4\},4*-> Tb" ball .?' 11.50 and S Sul! double-bres o 10 years, will l ji S Suit. All . ! | y ne S'ittn v, Ll.-nk. and ?inalJ i IS, . ' I anu Ilia <1 with s- : ?Old t'ol tn at ii so, hut ? i -.? i y? ?*? r .nt* pi' ! ; our usual 11 I'. W Ir. -t"?? paire Boys' All-Wool i'as?tmere : W a II moval-sale p? i" Ali . f our r S. and fel.?O I, w it li i n?ls i n d 7.". v-U!ue, d Krown In? '.ills id? wlin wide .?miar coi? id trimmed wltl ! fron* - >i r..? \ f NaVV-H'.a ? I I? All <?f our , Id for tl ?md P? ?nd P'.; ?v.-ry oi (VOol, of til , .1 | r satin ierge? I that'? wny the prie? n 0.48 >' ?'hu ' trim wu Children's Tarn in? d and with f' -;.'.. il. IUI IDS MEYER'S SONS. fiTH AMO BROAD. II 111 \M>! 111.11 *?l \V*> M?)lt?ii:. And mi Ollleer I'LL?.! Ulm I |? Ol tho Itoad. SREVILLE to-night m B. T. Oshnrni <in Iks pnfoite rond . mile east Of the tOWB. Be ?javl his . At 7 " stole the horse in Jetersvtllo fi reck Ob . ; 1 Bowler, the owner of tb? hors?, ly on the 8 o'cl ? k (tain. , -a : which led t.? I ?wl< r li. i| ! . While lie we i making som? pun hases th. ? a The b. ' Wilson is b. lleved t.? be wh-.. it Amelia Courthot broke from ' Imer. U. Btructlons from the Anteil? officiais. inlBni BoleeelBnB, S VI.LM, VA . .lita Mr. J past - - I pOfMtiol.. and v. ?here hrt Will build m plant foi i Extract ' l llntant railway ? ? nt at -. on. 1 m LTBS, I -uarv . ??, IS??. ." .'!:?. I?(>LA MANTLE, wlf. i tie. Funeral from I TO l'A V (Saturday) at 1 I'. M. ? -. . Baptist B v night a! It, after a ful I BARDbTNIA N.'LA.m? in the 83d At, - - 11 funeral ? FAIRY SOAP PURE-WHITE-FLOATING. Nothing enters into the manufacture of Fairy Soap but the purest and best materials known to the soapmaker's art and that money can buy. The Soap of the Century Sold everywhere in one quality and three convenient size?, for the toilet, bath and laundry. Mide onlj by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St. Louis. Ne? Yori T?,?fcTh_5f*t-W a r in; J COTTOLKT?F*. l*iJ>l7.S-*,Tn*Thlr.?l1