Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DILS1JATCH-SATI/RDAY. JANUARY 22. 1898. 5 [HE BILL ENGROSSED ?u RK?iiys i;Mi*nMF.ns' ma hii.itt Ac? wn> i> mu si . HAYE ? SO?Sr 0_ FISHERIES. ?ler*?iire l.ooVlna IS Ffclfl Tnd P?*,-.?., ,1 ?in? length?M.-?.?.-... it.~?itt> m,,i n?iir?. ? ,?nui iiiiiiit.d on Their VlftOI> Jagge Ion ?mil I leelcil. ' Moa v nil .m y i: Id* whs ..taut a baa attention .hr I gai? ind os . i whl . B m ' hill of th? ' ' ; the ' -? Ma h ttgi Ol their day tat the 8? a tie . ! In- I)n> in the Senate. ' 1 been killed b; ' . lie bill. : " would the UAR1 at into an . eiu down should I e 11 tut. . . due v. I . l "th the well. with -. r. ni.Hk" i;y;. : Mi 1." i '.! li ting th? - I of the i l the kin's RB : NITED. Mr. I .,n (,, the < ,,.< ykln, .. . the - hould . bill und? .'. I all Ill, saying ' I [? ne il a -.?..-, li, ' \yy. ed on rt tl an ap? ed it il to th? from Te; iiii'ui. I ; a.m to the u to , .' m. f Mr. 1 w< re ded to I .1 by Mi. Ived all th* vote? ? a-t. BILLS JNTf'i'M' -. (No . ompanl? i rrom motvd T.-ust and S DIP A illi .m.-. .! ?n, N. ,. \. iv i rt Hem : \\ iliiam i \\ . M I divided into . n Of ?.hi I ' shall be , rovld? . a tight . .;..,, I . 17, holding tin Judicial <'?r< nil . of the count ; /.. u . \ -.:-"i: To .'.m. t:nK ?o tb? nolh? r . i m ... P lldelll to Inolud? , ., allUl""/? It IV COU?? ruent of th? of ?aid county. -?i- To allow Peter? . i. of til C K? 1 ail ole Jus th. of d<. 1 th? bio Th P) II tin put aie II t? I M if! I'll. ? ill dlai piel ?' Will I I. mil; Mai ".- ?rromoiis suteesmen ' M, n't,, ''"' 1',tu 'v'l!tai. I ' || at? . wot k. rut - (No. HI): '! a , ' ' ' '"' ishtlni riwfU Int. with ... ' terd, by rt-.p - t (,\ \ .r?lni. inv. (No. ET) To nnieti. to bauiln ' i Northampton. >'y Mr i nd th? . TO V181 l' THE MUSEUM. . nd : t n at th. ?un in honoi ol the m? rob. i - ol tb - : '- i , . It *a . bj Mi- .1. T.?> lor L .' 11 have chnri.t ;i M i ' ith n . ? B'ear ii dress- ?nil, und tl oi any i to -tat o. Th th? members oi th Qg the J? fl * .. - i of the Con i lgb|i li..; BE ll I ED. bl11? wet . : ' bins In Cralg ount* Ing com Ici ., r county. To provide i.-i ly, i o .un. n.i eh .tt.-t ef H.isi. I. id not complet? d tbe con -i.ou ilion "i House bills on the 'oar.i of Fisheries bill tea an th's w : P. li. Honee ol Delmjfnfent Mous? to on]. I Bishop Van d having f..r it lection of a .ila'. , !,.| 1 h county of Brunt wick came up, Mr ll ?bto ha! tie matt? r be : th? .Mi. Lufoid. Mr. Matm. of N buBtnes - > than that Ol th nick. Th. - M r. ? ' si'h-r this action, as hi though! should I,.- .Jon. Mr. Baford, who left un der thi Impi that the election woul not taki ; ntitii his return. Th I, how. v. r, thai th bad been communicated t.. the Sena toi Turnbull . the voti tplained thai when Mr. Bufor. on Thursday had a?k. .1 thai n a upon tin commltti ' Juih 11 until he return? d from I ness which called him away, that h (Mi ?! a l Inform? d th? d? le tat. i roi Brunswick that no action would I . .. . it was- the custom, a hei ibmll ted without r< nolutl n com m iment b limply n;. l. FINANCIAL LEGISLATION URGED. u ks, "f Page, ? " owing resolution, which wa >us ami hea? y bur,h i, .id ?.ti '1 he amount >.f mop, > ..moa pi op, 1 t from rul. .. if n< ; I ?! raction of ; -?I labn ; and, wh. r. us. ii s. emu almot ration of tii,' condition I rul t.? th.- danger thai links in the polli ..f lia? , ?1? : non. our senatoi " Insti i?.- th. ir best effort ople in bavin ban a- - nd tha a.i that tl hoi- Inter? sts mey !.. ende? Virginia .alls upon u it.- with her in aw < th? importan. .-I thi . by Mr. VVinborn. providing tb.t s? vial bill ommltt?. on i: Kilt a: be tnad. Tuesday. Mr. Bl I a bill t.. he cultivation of tobacco upon the Stat ! other l.ltllls Under 'he (Ute,'till author alth. THEPT OP ELECTRIC CURRENT? Mr. Murphy Introduced a bill trie-lighting nal pow. ?mpanies from theft ol electric a WfUl lilt' I a rea Ith. The Intentionally preventing .nt ele? ter from properly registering, . Iv? rtlng any el? ent 1 .-"in th ni| iny, ?a- who .?hall uuluv. illy in h eon I bj t tin?- of la.t || rlnemei i jail for not more than i y? ir, oi bot! TIL ; OF BONDS. Mr. ?' ? bill un? Ctlng t hom notes, bondi la- nn asur. provideg that all -' 11' r . Vide 11. I of i?. ht II. i er of any court or r< h. i! . for tin- purcba ?lull I to 1, ?ver, .?r ommii - Ion? r, and as to t? Tie. an ial) I.. from taxation in t! 1, ia IP lally _| a I , in. . - REFERRED. Uowing bl iced an a n T. Ll in: -a ;t ..f an ait entltl? lia Port ,. approvi .i i a? I.? allow pi : rtha of the said company By Mi SB ' mlnoi rr. m i ' tin nt. |;v \|, NeWbl oa : To BUthOI ,?,,, ?i Norfolk to accept ,? ,?,?, Norfolk, or as m... ,, ,MaV be requisite, as a publ , i ?,?,? the condition that t... pera? "; ?li .,?., ?hall be p. -mit..,i fols n-trucl .., any el?**ctrtcor, long and upon said publl? roa H. Hick:-: T.-.?.polat. I! QMMON-SENSE CORE HiMiD PILE C?EE ?iiti's in i: PSEE \MM? ?*v Ol EIES THE ? At BE. .? Heiiiedy, Wliieli 1 llrinuiiiii ( ??iiilor? to Tliou siiiid? Oi Siiireiir?. |y hBll the people wllO t dis? I o ol the moi nave it foi ,??. a Is not imm?diat. I] It Carelessn '?" ' ' ?ufferlng. Careleseness ahonl ? thing si piles hai often cana? suri treatment, often leath. . impie In the beglnnln i- eun d - without ps 0,1, uubkiy. surely, and eomi thai will do n ramld Pile Corn. tjlay, th? inflammation Imm? ila thi- irrlt the swelling sr Des into i iHhy condition. Thi up* hi tbnroai ! Dl Mil.. ,. a voluntary and UOBOllclt? timonlal a .- Hlnkly, 601 Ha. Ind., iayi: H from m.- pain and annoyi . ?,?,.,. > ?...-; the Pyramid Pi PIUS gave me 1mm lief, and In a short time a con tfts sell l'yrainld Pile Cure. ? , ask L?- m t.?. I . nd is put i y by tb. I'M-u/ild Drug 0888888 i ?hall, Mkh. H la Division ?r?. '") In : ' or to th. Vir -' '? 11? iy fon th. V,,1' II, K H. W? ?S, alal |i I. i mp.niy I nlant und r"?way In th? r ;,n% mmonwenith. ? 1 Mi Reddy: To r? n . i in wbi? h . '. rki < i uits .-h .il t. I ami othi . | then nd to requin i . Wood: For lh< roll i county, ? 1- I il" -o' . 'I., pt.ivhb f?u- th? pro and the i _,:v r< lb i' of i ' tarroll, n wound nier Irla: tloii 121 : oi th? I . of tie Code "i Virginl i i in ni mon to penalty foi I In ' I ?Hon t,, when *allroa?4? may ma:.,i t,,iis; bond tu transpon arte!. paymenl : - i. r of transput I .\'t- Jordan, ?.f Predi 11? k To i"I railroad ticket br..k r? to nay II? U iy on their bui lei l by the bill al $100 a By Mr, Hick?, of Roanoke: ? To emend and r. -enact ?ectlon IOC oi the finie of Virginia relative :,i or town tux on li<?enses. PLACED ox THE CALEND \H The foil? ?nd. under suspension of I on th. .No. **M by Mr. ? ' mipi.. II. of Am' To an, n.i an ' an at*i entitled an a? Ide for tie- ?roi kin k< - i i? .. publie ro ois of Am? h.-rst No, MR by the ?ame: T.. author!-*? uni empowei the Hoard of Supervisors of Am? for ?he par? ; county d No [i Feathei -ten bell: Defin t i hall be a law fui !. ?a In tie ; < impbell. ;i county .. give as ompany in I pro? viding thai th. I ?o th-- County Court o. additional bond I r? quirt .1 ol such 'I Clarke, of Dlnwlddle: i a.-t approved i ?in? n to tie appolntm? ?>t No, 273 by Mr. Wat kin ? and r?-. th.- Virria i A!.i ka Oold Mit : 1897. Floyd: To sul ?nil ti., question oi law to th? [Uallfled va. rs of Littl? -Rlv? ? Dial No, 175 by Mr. Ma?pln, of Henrlco: Ti i m. nd Code of Virginia m r? fi ?- ncc t" ?. rks of el? dlon ?o I !.. the county of 11? 1 HOt'SE BILLB PA88EP. To in . ta tl Atlantic Ti 'ompany. n o Rutl 1 of Buffoll POW mon? j. *.'.'! ii BILLS PASSED. To -m. enact eh | ..:. . ntltli .1 an s I ng an i c< ? ping In r? pair the pnhll.- 1 1 nd to ani? ?a, t cl nd the third. : I mil nln? lions and to rep? nd it ?.f an eel . \i 1. h ::. II '2. ntitl nd k- ping in re? Pulaakl . ounty. \ ,1: 1: I? .-? I? 1 In, s., far as am Iota BMI ! ' M.ll.ITV BILL ?i cam. . nsldi taiion. Mr. Reddy ai i. the argument, according to th? led to th? ?- a m? i - k? i ?1 any othei -, wished R? Mr. iwynn word* king ?us s at h< jument in opi ?sltlon to tbe . 1 of the bill, and di . .. ntly applaudeil. He In following ; e would CAR! BR'S OPPOSITION. .1 to th? [ in treating every one Ith fall on. M?. E to quesi 1 ?n ik< r, wh? n Mr that thev would nol I pon him. H rv. tl 1 UP to iiiak p a tre< would be, and - h... had a righl t.. turn Into a , 1. irk ..ii.: rt mark pro iked 1 onsidi rabie laught? r. Mr. Crabj ?ara? heartily In favor of th? and could nol I would 1 any : th? fanner. Ml:. REDDY'fl CLOSING BPEECH. Sir. Ai i" favoi Mr. Reddy then ? 1111. m in a t? Hing B] ' ' li ''i favor of hi? ll. 1. vi. W? 'I th? j the opponents of the m< id p irtlcularly that of I r. Th? tter had been "chipp 1 when who had tram .1 th : .. hi -l : .." bui ran aa Iy, for ?h in the h ha? aentl? m n had 1 a, on the il'"' n th? del? a Fan lier ?li.i bill, it _a plain, said he, thai b? imping oui a bal h .i 1... n '.ilk . Dr, Winston ask. d If the mil road ni? i? heavj lia I ?w would they Increase their r demai upon them. Iy 1. pili .1 by . I il.- y iKht in s ?r. at measure do so t.\ dis? using with lobbies. This ipiiek re it caught the Houat*. He called Mr. '. task for ?ulogtslng co m.-. The latter only eared 1 >>r enrich 1 themselves, and ?lid not consider the bile. He said thai In this State, al tie ?t election, a corporation sought t.. rob t heir 1 ?uht of suffrage, Bui r coi poratIons, he ?lid nol belles Kinicv tD-day would be PrtM?_eal ol e United St lt.^ ORDERED TO BNOROBgMENT. ['he bill was ordered t.. It? ?agroaa? ni by the vote of M ? > M, ia fo r*or the bill: Meaara. All? n, An I? it ley, Haus? rman, Blak? m? harle? T.), Bland (George C), H..,iz. oker, Carrington, Chaplin, Cooke, n ill, l?ii,'ns. Duke, Early Km . o!k. a, Gallaber. Gar t. Qarn? tt, Goad, H ?le, H inaon Hi. ks l ?. '. Kizer, Lovelaci . itthewa, Maupin, McClanahaa, Mlnter, iy, Palmer, Parki ,-. 1. Reddy, ft ind? 1 ?, Bnead, Smith .1 ;:.-.. r. '1 m n? ?, 'I m;.m. Walk? r Ing). w'aison. w barton, Wtl w 1. w un .m (W. ?:.?. Wilson, nboi n.-. and w ood. ; tht bill: Mi .- Bl 1 i? 1, Broa ntng, Caldwetl, ? 'ample II lomas J.) Carter, Churchman, Clarke, - .sick. Pea the rat one, Owyn, Hatcher, ?es, Jordan Mann (Jan n (Wil m Henry) Newbern?, Owen, Paaamore, ?ner, 8urg? ner, watklns. Wills* naton, h" follOWll need. mpbell (C. J irner, no. With? ' '. W'.i, ?m. Ugon, no: s. Pendleton, y? . H . ... Buford, y.s, Wallace, ye?; 1 . no. -, 0 Important amendai? m de to the bill b.for. u engrossed, lion made to them by mis m the in.asiii.. he Hou idiourned when the rot? ? announced, it helm s after ;l o'clock. lg th.11 soiiiti min - The Jeffer-nii Hotel e and (iri'i-ltoom aie aOW supplying ir city patrons with Broiled Ut Lohntet la Neirberg, ?nui -ine i.uxiiri' . ?te, at popular Id papers for sale at this office Al A A 1 Al A. A" CI 0? Cl 11 I li, III ?.I: I.. I.' hi ,:. P* r.i Btl st Al al 1. I . I l . I . V. Nc Kc It. fit. Hi, Blood Humors Whether ifchinj;, barnlnR, bleeding, scaly, muted, pimply, or blotchy, whether ?Imple, *r minion?,or hereditary, from infancy to aire, Spsadi. cured hv *.inn baths with CiTi'itii S-.'.i-, _ i'leanoln'Int'PWlthCtmcraA?olnt thi treat ?kit. cure, and mil I of CtifBJtiBA SanBLVBBT, greatest of Hood pnrlfier? an.) humor cures. (uticura IiMMOtrnaghonttk. world. J*???llDsctj ??-?Css?. Cosr , An'.. Prop. . Ho.ton. aa** ' Uow lu CUS E /try Pl?>_ llanor," frtt. C?nC UMUflDQ ' l"-' '' ?"?i i*>,,7 nt?? rm-r. niiivii'no . ..-.i.?,??.. .'. ti<-..-i?8o._ MARKET QUOTATIONS, REPORTS FROM ALL GREAT SCSI KESS ? F\ Illl.s OS* THE WORLD. Prices of Mener, Road?, Stocka, Grain, Tobacco, Cotton, Cattle, Cenntry Produce, Ac, Forelga and Domt-atle. MEW YOLK, January Hl.-Subbtantial fractional loSSOS m 1*1 th? mil on the BtOCh ' ? i aa 1 Ml - ' ' . : tlv ly. B ' !i was at? tributable to V '.\ a ? inn lob.ibh', and M? tiapoiitan Street ?Hallway sdvaneed orj talk Of further ?\t. n-i.?n A distui element in speculation was the ; oi Hi, Chines- ? ith d moblllsii . ui France reinf. Another I .1 ' Mom tngton that i rob would be taken n t be Teller resolution. Commission i, med ti..- principal st Her: during the day, . w? i realisations In Union I*.-i ill?. which rece? Talk of th? , oiisoii.iaiiot! of the local gas ?*om in in vain- of i par tit. in <!us. ;?-.- of th.- trading was th? inu of ? rVestei n. The drive sgalnsl - - ntral WS "t . t !a < '.I of -?PI ng to allow a i ii? a o >. Ti nst" i price brok? badly, and left off at s 1 l-s declil ting th. general list. i.i ma.:. wai Quits with a marked demand for the Trans Continental ii 'n*. Th? <;... 1 to with tii.- i > a I i sab s ol Burlington and Quln. v. ii. ? '.; Ma'ih it tan, Q.4G0; M. - _.?. New -i i '. ntral, 7,12 ?; N? w \ oi h Noi th? m I ifai red, BL ;-,: Union Pacific, 12.189; Bay . Con ?oil,?at- Q Bagar, I7.71S. MONET AND EXCHANGE | P, M. Moi,, y on call - !u?t loan lie n St. Sterling ;h actual hills a! I H2 3-4 : il bills, | SiL- ' ' : I-I'; bar sil .1? git in . oilers, Bl weak. Bl road ? strong. LANK .'I CARI?OS. Th.. total bank 11? aiings for in the United States >?.r, ,i.41.;.:m.i_, per ,. .; exclusive of N< w - nt. Increase, )'.?.!. M-.W \OKK S1U. ti ElUOTA ll? > >!-?*.. Clusius ? tor Es. lamia, s. Tapeta a ti *"i**TT *"* . UlW \t;n .on, pcefstn I. '-' '? laltuacrsaad Dais . '(:^ Casada Panse ... . . ?;,:i anada soatbera.'! satralfaethc. mm9 atillSlllSlT tul *"" p.,'-'1.*1 __aao and Alias.~..? >sv JUtcaeo, iiuriini-ioti < a 1 i.? iiaoy. WW .'at.'?L'o ?mi saetera Minois. 3.. v.. ?.'. an i st. Loan. BSE, '..c t. m i st. . it preferred. BO n-'iivfar? and Hat-.?a.! (l*4 leiaware.Laoaavaana I ?em. 1?1 ?en ver and (tin ? .rail lo. I ? M leu.eraaa SioUraa i", ptreMcri i. -t fl<i Im [aew*M _ . ;i'i une (new -, 1st jr??t?rr? ; . rort ?Varas. . *iH treat Nortaern, preferred .188 ! oak I tig Valley. Hi iitr.ii. .H??? . aaeifrie am ?v.?, turn . .18 _.< a..a ,V>?l?'ru, preforreJ.. .... 71J4 rs. .ouianile and .Nantivim?. '?tiiuattan I. 11.'4 Intropotltao i ra rtton.11 ?'. ?Hci.iean ?.'?iitra.. ,104*1 ItBBSStttaaad St. UOMS. "4???j l ana SI?. I.oiiii 1st DroferriU_ S4 I'.-oiiri I'.t'iii". MM loMie end lib's. M lissonn K.Biia i . '. I *Jj .i-so n. k. ?mi i ntefsereu. B* tewAlbea? ? ni.-iiKo. BM t inn] i ni, .-i.-oproier:-" i. -'L'.j Hw jeriAT Caiurai. .... a.'-. lern r ora centrai.-?.._.LlUls ?o? jor?. ? tUOSS ?BBS 81? li ... . I.T.. ChicagoBBd St. 1- ? M i.rei.?rrn?l.... 88 '- uroiarred. 88M lortAWsnera . . i? . oritj AinericEu (.'..tnpaiiy. 4*. lorthen rft.-iu.:.....BOH ,, rtLerr? f/acinj. arai.iried.....BSE intnrmand Western.m IBM Tenon l(. H-i'1 fia?.... 4!'?/4 reeon *?Hori Line. '.'4 ittsDuric.I8BM t-adlt t .??. 21'-m ocElBlaO'l. ??*"?? t. I.oui? and San Kratp ".?.?.. 7 y? ?. I.ouiaand San Krauci?3-M l.tpret. ??a i. i ?.nm Ana sau Francisco M pre*:..??, i.Paol. Pit-, t.faul Dt*?t'?rr*.... .18AM t. rani and ?'mana. ; ? i4 i.l'auitni.l Otiifiha. oraferrad.HS ;. faal 8. and n.1814 HUbamFnoMe.?. 80 iut?iern. ?-i, ?utbern. oreterred . SUM laafaoitlc. J 114 Dion I'actlic. aiiW . p.. i?, aa i ( .?. i?*!, abaab. st- laTBta nil t_S8e.^ 7 aba?>b. tit. boulsauJ r*,_i:. prefer?? u . IS bsellii*-an i ba?.?i Kns. a heeiiDi; and b?E , Krm i.ra.'errad. L'l*?, EXPat-iS COMPlMB?. tAuis siericBB fa presa .liHu mteuStates KxpreM. 41 ell? cargo ?ipresa.11 j Ml-i KI.I.A.NEOfi. mertcau Cotton Oil . tOUt meneau ( ouon ?>u preferred. 74.^ ;i-?rl,-ftuSptrits. ',-y. mertcau spirit.? preferrm?.? ?s nortean Tobaco Co. Sfl iiarioan TobaocoCo. orofflrred.K._11 ? iii-ag?? On?. BaiaJ insolidaicd '?aa.1-.., mi. Cable Coiuuauy.1?.-, i I.-~?_. '.j:u. ??.FuaLti-orefiirrtid..... 7?) nnrai Klectrio. ,i ? teel. . ll'llXIO MdB . ?tllf I tl? adTriu:.;.-x-?!it.? :L>e? " 1 Destarres.iuik,! ?ill. IS . 1/ailinuroveuient <.'o. '?ttn^ ail. :u_ iliman Pala,.'?.I ; ven'ertlOoat???. ludard Hope and Tuina. . *tuear ttoloorT.t:t; uencacSagar Kefinerr, urot.11';?4 C. sud iron. 3?4 s. l.oEther. ?j?! H. Leather preferred. 8;?fl S. KuUber.. IftQ f. Kabber pre;errm:. i?3?4 ?sternUnion.?.... Bum rtli western. . 1 irtbwottern. nre??T<v1.104?y4 boul? au?l Houth?re.Ht.,rii . .-?4. I,^uiaand?H>r.rbw-Htero lat preferred. '? jGrande and W?*stfrn. 5-4 ? ?:.-. 71 1 Mi tn 1 l Mi t lv ISKWTOHK STOCK t-COTATIOn1? ric-iiof Atoen* RloOrand? nntt W???t??rn. preferred. ;'; Chicago ?lr?at W-jm-imi . l'*v? Hawaiian Cotnniarcial Companj*. '" Haadlng l?pr?f?>rr-?i. * '-* boni? liar. lott??l3t?te* 4'Knsir. r??lut?r?*d.r.'7"*? United Statss < ?, na*, rouponi. Dallad t?taies ? r?si4?<*r?*i.-.11 ?4a loited si*'.?* 4?, ?*'* l'nlt?d States "'? coupon.Im) Dallad Matos ?'s registered.11'?"^ ( alud -?tatos tVs coupons... 111V4 DtstrieltOba.1 i'i A.nlinmn (Claw A ,. 1 Alabama ICiaa?, Hi.10? .vabaraa idaaa C).i?t?> A lab? ma Ourreucr, .lo ' Atcb!?on4' . 01(4 Aiblfon sil. 4i....-. M t .inaa?'?outn-rn ,' s.108 ? .* v i" ? - M . ? h'.*pes_e A Ohio??...I if?? ' . if. * I>. 4*-?'*..(o-ered; 104*4 ?earrr/lc It ?i. lsts.10??-4 bonrerA lt.<? 4?. -?Ik Ka?l Tenn-fM?*!* Ht?. Krirt general 4's. , U. ? D. tato. t. r. i'?\ '.-rorHi .".IS-iru" 5'n. 1O0V? O. II.* M. *.. di.10T (i. I! AS. A. Sd?. i" ' ll.-T. Central 5'a, .110 B. * T. Central conwl?'s..105 Iowa C. luis.Jt?0 Kansas P? ride aras .:-. t r. *??"?i?? Kiin.l'ac Ist? (ucn ?iiv.?, t. r.11T Louisiana new consol?. 4's.KM s. Int. 4 ?.. * ') Mi--ioiirl S?. ..100 M. K. l.'Mi. *?4"4 M.K. T. 4 i....-..-.*. 84 Nevr York Central 1st?.H??Vtj Naw Jersey Central ?'d.III NorHi Carolina .1'*?..1'-' "? North 1 ?iroiinaf .10-* Northern t*a<*ineist.-117 *>ort_Hrnt'acitlc ?V?. d8*4 Non ?orn Palillo 4>. ?'tl'/H N. Y. ?. A**.. !.. l's . lOtii-o ?4? r'fiK ?ni ?Ventern (Vs. 1-4'/. N.rthwstern Consola...'offered 14.'. .Ne: ttiwestercdsh. A_.I IT ?.??? ?l'a Navijration 1st ..U'V* Ort-con coi vi ?a ti in *'?,. U">*?fj <? 9. LlnetJ's, t.r.l-'?Vi ?). a i.lne5s, t. r... uu'?j O, Improvement 1st?, t*. r..107 O. Imr>ro?em??nt .Vs, t. r.. ';??', Pacific tf'sot 'Hi .loa'i lioivlm??;'-.. H. O. W. lsti. -?.ti St. b. A I. M. consol ft. 89a?: st. L ?ti, F. ireooral (i's.1 U?W i*t. l'aul Consols,.I'Mih M. l'.r.,tH. 1st?. .llv:V? M. l'atil C. A f. ,V?. 110M South Ciroli.i- uon-tuad. 'i ? outtiern tt?u.?av . ?.. Wl-j ? tamlard Hope and Twine ?l's. 57 Tennessee n?w set'.lement 3's. ?7 1 < xa.. Pacido L. li. lsts.HlO?* I .lias Pac? fie reif tutored ,?'?.-. 31M L"mon Pacific l*s of '?l.121 I . P. I? gOalf lets. '.7U Wnhfisli 1st.')'?.tOK*H Wnlinnh -.'ds. Ml?i Waoi "iiorn 4'a.lOMj Virginia Centn******. 70 Virginia doferred. 3 I'aclP* ?'s or '<?<?.103?. M u tu .'.vi I 11 ."n Cm. 71? I'tii'i lelthii ami Kondtmt g. m. _' ?. ht? Norfolk an?! Western cons<.l 4'n.. ?offer-Jd) 7?4 Norfolk and Western preferred ?to.:k. 4_ SICttf-OND STU II MA'< < Kr. Krctiuosn. January t>l. 18ns. >?i Fs.?Virginia Centurli**v-?.COO at 70*< TlUlBla C?MlSll?? 1,000 at 70!-?j. Utat nrglnla deforred-H.l?j?i.d7at 1%. \ ir-iriia-Carolina Chomlcal preferred?1 -duuras al lOfft l.()T?vy"M ?<-: ItJittrtK- bll. Ask*Kl. CnltedStates 4's. 1907. 11 ,'t -? rcamsa Karcbcamiin.-.?* . i?'4 ... North Carolina 6_.?. 189 Vtr.inni.i ' taev). ^o1 Csuiunas. 70!?6 70j ciTv saooaitfaa Kichmon.l cltt* ?'*.. 131 *ltl "tun lei div-i-i. 1 13 is. Ill .^. I{i."tlli;?ie."l CUT *' K. 1OSO-IM0 10-"?? .... SaiuoAS Bossa AtiHtita aad Cbanotce lac To. . 1(0 ... Atlanta ant Charlotte is't'd In. n s . 103 Char.. Col. *i Au..'.?d 7s. ISO (teor?ia. ."?outtiern A florida ? t I(>1?4 10 : ' > . IIS Petersbur- (Class B? tl's. ll?i Sotlt?iern ?ta iw?.r. 1st ;Vs. 1? WaMeralf.C tat (Pa C i!H4.. li"> Qeetgtag Alateaapnf. A_.... io:?i( 104 Qeoraiaanu Alabama eoaaola... 8-.'?4 M I I n 'ion 1?. I!C:.">. . . I OS 101 Norfolk ami Western 1st tnort. o?B.4p?ro?at. . "!*M? wo oAii.KOin Sinon Par. Atlanta ana OaatlStt?. 100 100 Ch?saneake iitui Daio.100 itlU Norfolk and Waatarni*r?f....lO0 4??4 ir?.ici HI ill /{. .v P. ? it. t. Jt P. -onti't'n. 70 ... li? Richmond. Frederic-sbu?-!*; an.l I'otonricliv. ..nlictat'n. lOO 111 K; him Pet4M*s**ara...tou lid " eu-.-'iern Kallwar. prur. 100 >0 ioutbtirn i:?tiWH?/. c.j:iitii..n... loi ?4 (jeorgiaaud Alibaina, pref. , hi i i-orKia and Alabama, com. 9 10 Basi MO ?SS. nitizeus Kxcuangi}. M H City Bau?. M -?7*< ... l-rstMatioaal. 100 i'.~' MtJtrouolitiin. IdU V.t...nal Bank of Va. 100 100 Planters National Hank.... 100 S50 rStenborg sanu^__Dii in. ran..-? Company. SO 34 ?? nrlty. .100 I04 itate Beak of Vtrginta.100 ISO iiien idiiiK ut lli'ljinoiei.... )i) 116 /iririuia Criist I'oinpaoy.LOO lid 111 lertBg? Baokof iti-uniond ... VS :?; fg l\ ,. k US08U I ? ? .'irijriniaKiM aud Mariuo.... '.',' 34*4 'irjima Btala . SO BBJd ... ?1 - m uraov? iiuerlcan TotJaWO Ooipa ny ptaferred. 100 1 r' 1 men.-an l ,n.. 1 (samtaeel. .. ._ .1?? s?i hi riu-Carol?iiat h-imlual pref.loo 101 ra.-Carolina Chemical coin. 100 07)f ?t? '(^notations are for bonds maturing In ,n ib.s than :?'n > GRAIN AM? COTTON BXCHANOB, Richmond. Vtu, Januarj n, UM, Longo? n v. N lc.? mil . le. : No. 2 n : 1 Vil sinia ernll 1 :-:'.-; No. I wlute. ::t 1-.' ? lt< 3 i-J -.; No. 2 mixed .". : rnli 1 le. Oats ?o. 2 mix? r l-lc.? No. ' mixed, He. ; ?rlntei , -No. _'. Me. RI? fflfi ?ND TOBAOOO M ?UUBT. iti. limon 1. \'a.. Januar** ;i. uw rtivat.' aal were: Wropper? oeshead; filiara, i hogsheads; dar? : hogshead?; Hurle,, u - Toi ' hogsheads. rait.-.] state."- Internal revenue coll? or ib.- city of Richmond, I in? try ffl, USS, were as folio? -, il 728.01; cigars and . |i Total. ?2 . Sale? ..f new .lark looae i< ?1 f al t Ichmond aarahouae? to-dajr w, ton.-wall ?old :i.?*>;*i"> pound?; hli;he-t pr ot Riven. Bhoekoe ?old 27.006 poun< Igheat price. $?.7R Orenahaw's sold i<> .und*?: blgheel price, IU.60. TotaL n iintl*1; highest price obtained, * .s ill Warehouse bad 1 good brlj lie to-day, In addition to the .lark l?. il-. Qood j/rtees OB all bright? offer immon to medium. Nothing Bm w Tefed. Davenport'? W?r?-b... ?ala ixhts to-day. Mr. V. W. L astern Norm Carolina planter, had tobacco at thi^ warehouse, and HO >ld ut high as t'A. Mr. W. J. Boykln, of Wilson. \. r., v visitor to th? city to -mn* NEW YORK PRODUCT MARKET NEW rORK. .iiiiuary 21.?Float ?Ju lit steady, and hci<i hixh.-r; winter 1 nt.*t, |4.80?|6.15. Ry? l-'luur-?Juiet. l-'lour-Imll at tl.ZV'itl.y Buche heat?Quiet. Rye Dull; N<>. 2, .v.c, t. o. b.; car-? ti?i 1-.'.-. l-2c. J Malt Quiet Wheal Sp.t steady; No. :. r.-d. 0.01 iitioits opeqed i?i?h?"r oti Liverpool 1 rgentlni newa, advanced ?barply ivering ami forfign burina, but ilia|.scii unie; reported liberal Arg ne ?hi] d . loaed 1 >.-1 1-tc. fher, Later on January area Inllueni .- ?cant ?pot supplies; No. 2 red, Janui need li.oi 1-8; .May. cloned v. 7-8c pol steady; No. :'. I ,t:.i opened ?teaoy on c.ii.i. meed a little with wheat, closing qu and unchanged; Januu ? lain Spot ?lUiet; No jtlonK v?ry slow, but st.iuly, with ct iMlnii unchuiiged; May, r-'lrm. 111 Meats Bteadyj pi. kb-d belllos, ; do. shoulders, 4 3-4ii5?:.; do. ham??. -1c. ! -rni: w.-ntern steam- d, $ iv. |, nominally; refln?-?l tlrm; C lent, $.'. - ); youth Am. 1. I'ork-Firm. ' iluttcr?Quiet; western creamery. If 1 -.; do. ?Hotor? iitiery. 13019c.; State dairy, . do reamen*, I4tji9c. -ijulet; lar-o white, b'cpUa?. ?-?-Quiet: State and I'ennaylvunla, ME_. '-!'' Pol ?ly; New York, 12.37 1-2? I2.M; ?weeta. ? ': < .-otto; ?eed-Oll?gulet but firm; prims Petroleum- Hull; United eloae.L vo USUt !**>t; refined. New York. $LW? Philadelphia Hlmnre. $.',.38: do. In bulk I Kosi ?train?-.!, common to ?rood. $1 12 I-yntl.471-2. Turpentln? Firm at nil-: xfra, 3 3-ka .?;il-4c. idy, dy at 11. litet. with price* . g.nerhl narrow In lh weah urt-I. rto?i >; ?.-lllne : ,1 bv smaller American ? Brasilien news on count i caution, and . quiet an?! n? * unehanif*?! to a I point spot Itl?> steady; No T. Invoice, KS?9E.32 1-2; No. 7. jobbing. t*.75?|6.a2 1--'; mild dull: Cordova. r?Raw ctcady; fair, r-flnlng, I8-18C.; centrifugal S? degrees test. 4 i-i?,..; reflm NEW TORE HLV-?;<xH'S makkf.t. NEW TORE. January ?J Tt mark, t shows atrengtnenlng all quarters The d-m.-md l* still aome Mhat limited In nil cotton-goods line?. Ike < ondulons ari not as aotlce irblng factors In the market as hau 1 r.'tofore Th" Im provement in the print-cloth market his nearly all bras the cotton-good* Industry. Eon inces will be made is an open question. It is probable thai strong efforts will b- made to sell goods at present prie.? it.-fore advances an announc.l. Stapl. cottons show small gains to date. Th. v are in mild demand both in t.Vir own and In bleached lln.'t?. Print-cloths it-main strong. Manufac? turers are refusing bi.'.s for extras, spots. and eurlv deliveries at 2'i-s. plus 1 per cent There has b. en an advance In 01-2-inch, ?.*. sipiar.K. th.-se being; unob talnabl? at II I The market is v-iy tlrm. The demand is said to be spirited. In prints to-day'l market ?hows no change of moment. BALTIMORE PRODUCE EAREET. ?MoiiK. MD.. January 21.-Klour tjulet und linchan Wheat -Easier; spot, the month, nn.l Februar? Mac. :-i ateamer, No, 2 r? I, -.n -? .!?"><'. ; n?>uthern wheat, by sample, tn'.ii? t-2c ; ?i<?, aa I9c. ?'ont Firm and ?teady; ???.of, the month, and February, 321-445 ?earner mix? d uthern whr dO. V.llo.' Firm; No 2 whll 2 miv . dee. "irm; No 2 ?i ir by, S3 l-2?fj?2?Me.; No. 2 western, !>3 1-2W5.1 .'l-4o. Has- -Steady; choice timothy, tbi. Grain Freights?Very dull and unchaag ng and unchanged. n.A- . reamery. 21c; do. Imitation. Ift&Mc.; do ladle, !-?< .; good la,lie. I34il4c.; atore-packed. !2''<il<-. ilet and uncban ; ,n.i uncnanged. Whiskey -Unen CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CHI? .\'.< > Janu try TL After ad? a c? nl to-,lav. on the remarkable l if English markets, wheat Battened out, u .i [osed un. hanged for May. though luly h. Id .ts gain. Heavy argentine shipments rather took the n-in.i <?ut of the i?.ills' rn and W< I I little more a. tivily. but mbstantlally no changes in price. Pro rlslons eios.d unchanged t.. 7i-:>- . Leading I itui i ranged as toll OpSBBBB IUgbwst. Lowest. < lotting. TTssit -he T runuary.l'l?, 848| M ?ay. ?S'? ? ?*? "I7*? luir-. **H **i Mm*1* ( OKV ?No. '.'. UiiuarT.-J7 37 87 .lay...._.'??'i,' VMM tol*n>'.l luly.:i ".?, 90% M ::? ??ATM-No. ?. d?.v. 88M B3M B**|| 'uiy.Attii ::'2H '-'--?. MK*i.s Poke-Per BbL fanuary...*. ?. . 88.85 .lay .t?.;-.'?., '.--M'. B.7SM y-?"? l_aa?Pet loo ?hi. anuary...i4.L.'Vi *4. i'.'Vti 14.70 ?4.70 lay. 8.8*1 . 4.83 4.80 4.h::% aa, .. 4.U.'_ 4.!?J?_ 4.111? 4.1-U short Kins?J'er loo lbs. aauary.l. 1. 1. 84.7?; lay. 4.82_ 4.s7 _ 4. mi I.b-.^ ?'ash quotations followi! No. 2 How corn, .. uiy. No. No. ;; spring, ??o. -j corn, -. ai 1 -Je. No. 1 ite, l. .?. I... .1 : So. 2 ry. i-'h . No. 2 barley, f. ... b., _ ' lo. i :! . prime Imothy l-ir.l. per 100 pounds, %1.1^'t (loose), |4?57 i-.'u Dry-salted shoulders (I Short-clear aides (boxed), 10. u hlskey, distillers' finished good i, er i lion, 11.11?. Suarars -Cut-loaf, un? handed. Butter Easier; .reamery, y.'/n dairy, ii-ui. . quiet at >n w > ak; fresh, 18c. ?IN.'INNATI. CINCINNATI, January E.--F irm? i. w heat Firm; No : r< ?i. . ; No, '.' mixed Quiet and firm; No. 2 mixed, _P)4c. L>. ,. J. I'-a. : .'. Bulk Mi ly at $1.60. 1 Quiet and lirni at t Whiakey Stead) Buttei Dull. Firm. at 17c. Firm. Tin-: COTTON MAR?ETE LIVERPOt.!.. iry tL Cotton? - firm; An ilddllng, 3 3-l?d. The sabs ?f the day . vpoi t, an.l included 11 icludl tied and closed quiet mind: American mlfldllng, ?W-mlddltng elan?. , .I.inuary, .. !"-'',!,I.. s -Ihr?, I February. i sellers; February and . ,: April si i i June, I la" and J.ilv. ml AtlgUSt, tnd s- p inh. r. 3 I2-64.?.. huyera ..--...her, . tetob. i 1 Nov.-mi?. : S4d , \ nu. . NEW CORK, January B. CMton? Oreat Britain, 3JQ9 bales; to the Conti il. S. ?il I. ll. IS); stock, l :?.>. v. kly . N- t receipts, 5,081 bah ?, celpts, ::?. l?; bah . exporta to ritain. 7.-..71 bales; to Fran.. th? Continent, i" ."i bales; for.vani.ii. XI ba' to-daj : Net receipt?, Britain. 90,241 bol t.. the ('"Mit,, nt, 14,189 lea; atock, les. 'ons''i.-I: Net receipts. _ ports- Britain, 119.198 bah a; to i bales; to tin- Continent, TO,? nib? r 1st: Net r. 04,543 bales; .".ports to Orea. Britain. 83,842 bales; ti? ?-'ranee. 547,701 l. i .- Continent *otton futui a Pteady; OU I .!.?'. January. KM; I'el : ii-.ii. (., :l April, t :,. M .s. ?6.77: June, 79; Julv. 15.82; August, E.86; September, B; October, E87; November, 15.?). 'ottoti : - .1 quiet , l,?i; January. EM; F.-bruarv, 8>.E; irch, E.E; April, ER; May, jr>.7i: June, 77; July. EH; August, EM: September, E.8U. ?pot c! middling upland?, -.v.; middling ?iulf, 81-sc: sal.?., tt I V, January '.'1.? tton futures barely at -. 17.4'?? l.n; .1 inuary, ?v',.l'1 bid; F< br .".?; Ma? . ' '- 42; July. Sept. nib. r, ?b? r, EJEj I NAVALSTOKF. MALL I'lLMINOTON. N. C, January H. ?rlts of a'?Quiet at 311 -. a-k-S. losln Fi-tri at 81.10 and 11.20; re? bai reis. rurpentlne?Firm at $1.40 an?! II ??,; receipt?, 3f8 barrels. ?I AL1.FST. ?N. 8. ?' . January 21. ; a at ,'!l l--> me, ;osin? Firm and uncban tVANNAH <:\ January 21 Spirita rpentin? : re quot? \ i .I F. 81.J-, ?:. lie?; ?' p 8; M, E; N. U.IA; wnulow-Klas.-?. t.r-whlt?', M NORFOLE PEANUT MAREBT, NORFOLK, \ A . January 2'. (SkuMaL) atrlotly pi uimou, lit -. i?^f???v-. 1 y< B? PI ! i-i M N? 2 P. N? 1-1 t -i -1 Li Bl ;:, t I 1 f Jel I t L J? It. Ll Ll it. ' N Sa Fli Pli Bit Tr 1 I? La QU N Ls ?. ?'a N? N 1 T! I rr ; PEANUT MARKET. PETKHSItrRfl, VA. January H. I i-Virginia not? steady; prtaie, 2?.; extra prime, 2 l-?c.; fancy, y/4r , . mon. l\k*tl%c, as to quality; black, ic.j Spanish firm at 51'frc. pe. buKh'd. '.OTTON MARKET. HO, VA.. January fl.? (Special ) -?o? ton -Firm at a^tC tor goo? lot?; off grade*. 4*.?i?'4i". IATT-TASO m r*l.K%?M*?n. Secretar* Luna Deride? to Make Mm tat la WthtOhh iiry 2L-Secretary I.on?- has glv.-n great s?a.lsfactlon to the ?"iriimni ?it th- Portsmouth Va., navy? (' rtdlni* to refrain from . ; any cut at r ?- a M In their waae*. Some time Sg8 the ?sen lodged n , .?is'ainsr :i cut propi . be made by the i 7 \ I roh it un.;. - ? Meratlon. To-day. number of the men . fment. under the lead of Representative Young, of the i',,rt? mouth Dlctrli t ?I il by the Sec refar** thai Inasmuch a? no cut had been made els.whe,-.. un yet. he did not hellevo it would h.? fair to make m exception In the case of th? Portsmouth mea. Fanerai of Mr. Phillip?. The funeral of Mr. \\ \ l'hii?lpa will take place from the lu oad-Btrret Methodist church at 4 o'clock this iifw noon, conducted t.y Rev, i>r. Btarr. The Interment wiU be in River view. " " ' . - m HARI.1E IfTELLlUF.IVC'g. MINIATURE ALMANAC, .1 Sun rlnes . >un s. : \! a .?:*7 VIoon sets .tj.;. ? . ,",.j7 POUT OF RICHMOND, JAN. 21, 1M. ARRIVED. Steamer Richmond. ?jlover, Norfolk, merchandise ?nd paaaeagera; Old Do* minion Steamship company. S?bo.iii. r Annie AinMlie, M "?-Andrea, Philadelphia, ? oel s. n ti wot ?.'? . SA 11 I Steamer Pocahontas, Grave?, Norfolk, u-r.b neline and paaeenff******; Virginia Navigation Company. Steamer Richmond, (?iover, New ?or_; merchandiae and passengers; Old L*o ninion Si.-i.mslrlt) ( omi nlladel , Clyde Une. ORT OF NEWPORT NK?as. JAN. _L (By t'i.xrnph.) ARRIVED. mer Frieda, Hem Orleans. r liandinluo. Rio <! lan-lro. SAILED. Appnmaitox. l>?ndon. St? mi" r Thlrlmlre. I>?th. t c.viiie. Bristol. St? u?? r Fre?da. Bordeaux. Orion Bhlp K ipheaty, Tami ^ t In i ni.iiid. C idt?. Barge Kingston. Provbb \l i\ . .H.H1.III. r Ed. B. Brl? ry, Bo S< ll.miiiT ? Schooner Wobdsrard Abraham, ?bar?es. on. "ORT OW WEST TOtXT, JAN. 21, _>?. (fly telegraph.) AltUIVl. Steamship Baltimore. Murphy, Liait*. . and (j?"???-'1'1 largo. SAILED. sip Baltimore, Muruiiy, ii.iitt. cer? and k> mmmmmmmmm l i .?- ?- . F IVA-MI AL. iVE HAVE FOR SALE Virginia Century Bonds, Richmond *Vs, Virginia Trust Company, Savings Bank of Richmond, and Ithcr Attractive Investment Securi ies. ?ohn L. Williams & Sons, hankers and Brokers, Richmond, Va. [Ja 10.dlw4tTb,SnvTu] 5. ULLflAN'S SON'S. ki:ai> iiklow. OW Pit UK S 1\ rVI'.ltV DEPART? MENT. .-lit from the trual.>f Ueorgo . Anderson, .-?r the REATE8T BARGAIN'S EVER OF? l-'EKED IN GROCERIES. .'. propoee to x>"*' "ur ' uatomer? the meflt of Kam... Ais... in order ne?; our Initie k m both - ? have Inaugurated A CUT-8AL-" ON VERYTHINQ m our ?I ?ugbl goods at pn ?a In lut. nulat? d Bug r, per poui.d 6 igbt-Brown Bugar, per pound. v? arg? Ii , c- . t* .a, b? st on the market, per can . II aur?rala !>' tte? .und? for. ll? en?is for breakfast, on;y . 10 oll.d oats, In 2-pound piiekafie. only . U 1 by . ?* . ?* .. .1 ?'in rant?, i >und . rech Ojrater Crack I Cl ? Mb r l n,-i, | , . County ?Creamery Mutter, a the murk? ?, per pound.... 1? loeting Toilet B cake, i >. r bar. 2 h ami Early Jui r an, only . ? pound can Apple lium-r tor. ? ... pound., ea Currant? . ' ear rin-*, t pounds for-. ?* knowled? leading ! cur* for dyspepal ind, only.... 10 arge 4-Strlng Broom* . 1? ,nn r,,- peacbea . 6 ', "; Z _*" ? ountain-Roll ind..- IS r-nuln? Tlnioth?, II ' !. *" ew Prunes, per pound . illfornia Han * '' .- ' r _. . ** rolinu Ho.- Herring?, keg., la poun.l? Washing Uoda for . ? t,- Urooms . ?_ st Sugar Corn, per can .? ti?-?t Imported Jam?, In tin?, r.?u ,." price 2.M-., ?tnly. ''? ur Pi '- li,"n . -? ty Mills Bhfpstuir, per cwt. 7? m.-, tor Jdly. ^uiirt . 10 w ?'.i.en I', n, ?tuurt. <)ctai*on-Sha|.c BOM f w Buckwheat, 1" pound? lor .. U OUI..1 1 !::,,'R- j ?undp ' ,A ,rs i ??n|y. w -ckberry Wine, quirt . 10 i?1" ''"O -,. i..|iii-i Pic?. P?-r pound . ? ?w.?'how or Mix-d Hchiaa, hot _ )o_e? jeffertin'Washing Powu?i*?' teraoti and Jap C ?n?d ?aguayra grade, finest ?'offee ou he market, ix r pound, only........ 1? rte Lump .Starch p?-r pound.... I .r.... a Palm Nuts t.r... h> . lia Hyrup. P?r giillon. ? ?eking Hrushea . . ? iiin. per po'in.i . i'1,,;,,,,,,..,! Sour Kraut. Lio. gal m or n. r quart. 4 w em.,, 'and Orange iv*_. lb.. W ?et Countr) K?*^n.... ft ao Dried Peches, per pound. li> ,s' feet, fer pound . \,r Kink Mrnneeata 'amily Flour, bartel .ij? y 0our*Cnew "SiVov*(law. 'amlly Flour. m?.K- of best Vir. mla ?Ale.l. ban-I . .IB rgeCai' ' ' -? *.*!'' '" ' '.'.'. * _rt can? ?' ' * ifoml. ? w Viralnta Comb Homy, puhiiki. li? ' , calUornla P-?CiWa, p-cr . una n Table IVache*?. w b^u, m. ?juart.... ... ? Vo have a h?>ui*e full of bargain*. S. I I.I.M\*VSM>N. J20 AN:- ISKl BABT MAIM Mi.r.i.i. i, ?n-ri east Mar-U-ii. un.e Uh\ ''* ? t **.ill pay you to call for our ?-oinpiot. ee-Liit. BO Sl?Sa.TuAl'h t