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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. ?M101.K M-MBi:i!. ll.?ui. |.|,-..M,,M, vi fiT^niV JANUARY 25. 1888. THRBB CENTS MR'COPY. WARSHIP AT HABANA vaine Is Ordered There by in? Prestttt iT DOBn WEAN WAR, THOUGH. BistrttsH Insists It Marks Re .. :; ofFrtUdly Relations. m MADR1DESE SAY? ,: .1 More Important Than i>n as to Sentiment. 4 ' ? -i ?IA1 :??N \i. ui m??hv m w ii-iiiiiuion as <i? Hi?? HrM inl.*. ?. \. n,,?_ i i?, i nans t ??reeeea Rlas - i n I ?. et ? I inlUl in Im-iI. "lit 111 I . 8 : It IS I I - : II : time, but ?a 1 k I .' 11.1. MAD ?5? - 'ruth - ? \\". ?t I i h of H< ? i i n m aid tu??,? -h """ K,v w-' '" "" Tor Wlfth. P Whet. It W.iso,,!,,.,! TOI M \i\i;s 0FF1CBR1 ' th.. M.,.,,.', ?'aptnin , De h'v ; ,ur >' " - h< ._ * ' *>? "S ,H?hlw_r wai m. k> to t, i mj i_. tl in. osidered ink, but he has luck) t.. gel so Im o dock aown ;i pa, k, t , ment, nerve, a?d Puok, that pleased ?l.partmenl so 'bat the captain was ?...,. ,, oom? l letter, lot, inelnd It, Lieut. |( ,)man a ? Blow, ,i i idets .1 ll .n-o,i. "> '. Jr.; I ,. ,; n ?,. C. W Litt P How ii. i P. C. B? . D R i \ oi m no M w, vertt? il. tri. rimuni breech-loadins and and ! OUR El.LET AT KEY WEST. s no In m" 8 formldabl 0? in OUI i? Main .,.-.. , ? n flotilla, . all.I th. i I: W 111 I? by the F? ! al battl? ?hip herself, is _<v the ship, i ti,.- Na . morn I : lile ami the tralning - with? in, and the entire navy m i that : if\ in^ to the officials, iu vl. w ol th limit? ? CON? met . a.tins wers ittsfactlon. . artlcularly .-. 11 mi the other v d to fol? i lt. [hop? the Maine will itor T? II? : . nil"! with A) i . ol to h? ,ir of It. Il - two . m? ml? If p. dally by i m, who bad ? i th? Housi In th. SPAIN AGREES T? I RECTPROCITY. WASHINGTON, Januai nlster ni'iit .m. nt of Sp iln with the United i the With Sat. d iu \i,t, *?<nt rs of in moms. Thai the Malae's Mtnalaa i? Friendly ?ini.v Dlairrcdlted, WASHINGTON, D. ?'.. Januar) M. i announcement thai the t . all a ion that the . to make a t Is dl I, it is the time dent re upon the sdmlnis? the rei rent to? th it i., had wired thai hi ..i the 11... .Mm. nt. ami th it if a wai at to Hab ce, he return t.. this nnr. On . a o i by i m- m Foreign H ' that there Is no - in- Maine : that it b done ire. i dty are thing there M q ||, . and ' tWO ol the I. '' "'" would no loag? bill ties and con ,,i an outbreak In Habana, and dmlnlstratlon bai al laat i demand? . ,,?,,, warablne, for ths pro ,, .,f American! and American Into | , : . !. . . .,- M iBlBg this .. "waiting gaaseM el ,.:,? nisiiati.i. may be ln prolonged, perhaps until tl ,, ?a, stdential i ? IcKlnlej rt to? ll?n wad bring i lli:i.? '"l '"" <"d ot || . : on Tha Jin??? russieii. bb YORK 4 v' l_ ' ,h, State De , ,,,, ,n-i at? hing of the pat i fCOX?MJPB) SS ?HBG 35 .'AOBJ . Itheca?ci Sid-Mi, it moi m KiiitiMiniiM | ti REt WtU, ni: um i MB THE CIRCUIT JUDGESHIP CONT ii Will i'r.iiMtbiv n?. paaidsd iri Muhi-I nur ( itnilldMl?-- In l'lelil- lletre-irh.m (Oninlti Wmaxh Oystns i.n .?,.-. Menasse?. A ancua of Demo? ratle ment? 'Tir, will h,- held to-iii|4!it lor i""i>" bring easnre? to < lehmenl In Um i tp< nsei t.r h Qoverninent i he movemenl ?led by i W. ti. Pendlet?*?, of Loulsn, ant ?'.. t ?v-ith grrat favor. While e< nrtembei m the Legislature is deetren onomy and radncing Btat? the USSt i-ili , tlve BMtbOd ,,f i net been d? Med opon ' "i th? ca to adopt di n apon a hieb i - M.n. nm> n! ms* rhe t ?nicht arlll : .lleetlll MAS DONB Ml ICH WORK. ti n k Maeoa, Um chain of th? joint Commltti ?m nt and R? form, In ?peaking i It ?Mik of hody. .-.lid > "An Impression .- > n.? to prevail ' thla Legislatura is not doing anything ward ret ranchman' i a/Ill my the i mmltte? i, and ins been, hi rk. At th. m -- im ? ting th.- r. in iholo.. . and s '.inmute. - pointed in ol lie uoik. Th? ? IhlttJ ?I . i: bill? und i. solfiti. -..m. ha\i le en repoit 'i ie woi i. I? bard, but the < ommllt?-e i approached it with teal ai "i bii work t annot b?? don? in a bur hange In oui compl? \ systi m oti .i dosen others, and tbe s Bimml hard at work r compllt ating Ideas In the bills whlrh ha i. n Introduced. ? ?ne membei ol l Who I mudy Jo bland use of son .. ?t knows that t party is committed to retrenchment, ?? ind It. Th.- duty of tl body i. too plain * > ... ed comm? nl. T bills air? oiv repoi tt l from the r*p?**c Joint commltti e, i have been Inform? I those who have made th? estimate, w save the ta* ibout seventy i neat, and fn the present i I feel no? thai the people In the ?nd will be pleas ?m.I w? I! ?? I not disappoint??. JUDGESHIP CAl'CI B FRID W NH'.I: The joint caucus t.. nominal f..r tin- judgeshtp of the Ten will probably be h? Prldaj ; n - will i,?* in 'ion. John K. Mi?s. -.f King George; Judge K. W. 81ms, 1 Ige ES. C. Moncure, of Cat line, .. rrge P, Has. ol I .v.i-on's friend - lalm that : ity of the ?enaton him and i i of the ?how? that he will b n ijority the vol. .- of the I ?emoci .its in ; . 8. Parks, the i ?- legate fn i I Rappel mock counties, a address the members of th? two bou? Thmsday night on t "Life of General Robe " The addr? - will be deliver i:i tbe hall of th? Ho VKSTII'.ri.KI? CARS. The I Dg ?ill ?tree C irs ? ilutini*- t !, bit Committee on Road? ..i i k. m to-da i it be ! I." Koikes and i ind will adv. - Thom. of Norfolk; W. P K. ii indolph Will I A. B. I 'iinoiitl. will oii).o; the bill. tor Withers'? bill providing f? on tii nventlon to revk th. Constitution, will be con?ldered b th.. Commit t?.n Court? to-morroi ning, The patron of the measure wl the t ommltt? e In ! the bill will be passed, .i?.,l th.i will hear the debate on the Mil to pn blbil flirting with inmates of femal v. ??i b? the K?i The bill I-* made the - -,he s. n.ii" . lendai foi I '. o'clock. PENALTY "X EXPRB88 COMPANIEC Th? Hous? Corns - sn? ifter noon snd con?ld< red Mr. Bland'? hill ?. .1 the act . providing thai \\ here expi pant? snd upoi notified of ?erne, th. y refond tu. th.n the* Bhal bl? t" thi -Mr Bland said that the act, a would work a hardship upon shli He ventured to i o that a good i of th. m ' ' .1 I"? i.ill without understanding i? r irk?, who : said that no on? who knee blm would ?vei think th but i ' he though! this wai ly ., question ... jnsUee, a hi? h would apply 1" tW? "t> man an.! trial! and msld? red a h? n Hi :' fr?.m the iho ild? ? -, ?me of ,,,i not understand his bill. it ?ar- not hi>- 'aalt. Tie - - .>..,- BO In t he wood pill " a lib b Mr. G .? folk and Western railroad, was pre? nt, and Ion of th? I by uni il t h.- genei ol coun? sel ol the company, who was now In Sa? vannah. r< y. He A \,, . ontt ? auii him In r? gard to the mat t? ?. Hr Bland ?eld thai be wo ild noi ..h l, ,t t? ;, postponement >.i da* or two, j-),,. ;, .i ?for? paaaad, i,iii to am? nd cert tin ?ecttone in? ,..,, p iratlng 11 ? Vli glnla El? ctrlc Railway ,-,,,,,, Mr. Maupln as ,i . ummlttee of one. . lull int**o**poratlng th.- Fredericks? burg and Rappahannock railroad a .,., ted favoi ebtj THE GENERAL OYBTER LAW. The ii.,-',-. Commltte? on the Cheas? peake and It? Trlbutarl? ti rday aDd reported favorably Mr, LeCato'a bill m regard to the appointment of as oyster eoiiimi. -ion- Mr. 1. B < raig, of Rock? brldgi ?ughl up his amended Mil an.I In . oliiie.'li'H? With It l>! U.?'ati,-M bill, which h,- been adopted by the Ben ate was read, and Dr smith stated that the f?oiigreeslonal Commltte* would i thai the Mlarj of the ohtel and that of the They also i> t on? mor? memo? r ba added t., the h .aid ..! haberles, so as t.. : i,, numbei ?da In all, or two from Tidowat? i " - trota Piedmont, Bouthslde, Bhensndeeh, and outhwetL The commlasloner? : tbe chief ,, -, , ,!,,, , ,.' - t'' le- ['aid V- a day for thelr actual mntvIc? after tit ptemter i-t. Mr. Urals offered in? bill aa ?obatl? nae for that "i Dr. i.f-to's i).- point? ,t the ?hi: tween the two in ti?.- Le?Osto MU the Qov? ,1,1,,r ji to appoint tbw president ?nd UM i-?., while nriier the Cralg Mil 11m board ot eothnalaoUvtiort ahsll aetoel a ohatrmaa snd a aecretsn The commltte? finally .U. Id?.".!, aftei a K.. to n i ..?t l?r. I., i ito'M hill us hy th.- .Senat", With some ?Ughl -ineiitlmil-.ts. ??n. of m? odmenta prevldM that no ?mI? luiutxttjr and uo c__ii-ia ot una ol Um ? ? ? ??. ? . a teasels ?r th? ry ?h..n l clally Interested in any of th. I grouBds. TIME FOR TAKlN'ii OYSTERS. ? h.rornltt? ? met again last nl Mil am. ndlag the leeeral ri.vst.-r law? of t No ... - t'.ni was taken upon fa. Dut H in being fully ?*ori 8leg In ??hap". An aim id mem ?as a?i?>pt.<i which d? Mme in which m iv he taken from Thll ndmeiit pro thai n.> t?M shan tak. oyatBts fiom Ho natural rock?, from April let lo Oc? io!.i r ist. eseepl on th" oceanstde, idi.a. they niav he taken from May 15th 10 istnbei irai, Th^ cnmmlttei sdikiurnaa, to t.."! ..?-?.ia Widneetlay morning, ' hi i louas ? on,,,.|- i ropoMttona urn Grievances nut yesterday afternoon id ? in. following bills favora I i ? amen?! . : :?? , ! h m t.-r >r Btauiiton Academy; m incor] H - I ??vision. No. I'd. of Grand International Brother? hood o! I?e??motive Bngln. Mi. Sautiders's bill taxing t?l?phone, kpi and defining what constitutes su. h rorpora wiii come up before th.- Ei; Committee this afternoon ?i! i o* lilt: m:\\ i\i,i.i\ii st hike. VeiBBaal Onwtmllves Betam i<? work. N.-.v I lleilfor.l MrlUtr? ITrm. - -'. The pini.'ipal . vans in the Indnstlial strike situation h. New Bagtand 18-day were: First, the a of th?- strutting workmen of the c_u?is city min-- n Burlington, Vt.; se loiidly, a Strike oil th" |ialt of thi.S" ?III o il. in? spinning department <?f a mill of the Fall Elver iron foundry, and thirdly, a refusal ..f th.- Weavers' Union of Fall Rl? ole Of 117 to II. ' ? .w 'tie King Phjllp mdl? weavi m t.. su ike The contention in this last Ind? ;- ih" most Interesting. Ti." refnaal c lit. ?-round that all the 0| - rutive* hi -d the ? ime cut? don i of 11 a a stria would wsaken tl -.? ills, th" MtUatlOB In th" oth.-r mill < . ncd to-day umhat \- Nen Bedford, the mill .. ratlves, Bad mill community in k" leral, have settled down for a long contest, and bllsb. .1 at ford. Th.- Queen Cltff mills irork in.-n, who led the retrait against the lower two u,-"k? ii.o. re! ta a k to-day, a. . ; icdu. tlon, Th" only apparent r-'suit ..f the strike na? been that the w< iv.-rs. arbo had no organisation when they weal oui, hove formed pern on. It \ in,mi i: iii'.td) Kit? PBBJVBY. ?VrHlle.i?. ghtawlag Mini to He n iilii llllllH?. new YORK, January H Edwai I J, Kat. litfe. the actor, was held In ball to-day, ob the charge of p< i The alleged perjur) eomrists In his ? lug during bis recent trial foi assault? ing his wife, the daagbter of i i leLacey, thai he had Be? i : i led i . c troHne i:-, i enhiU, who allega that Ratclllti married tin in Eng? land in l4"?''. produced tli" original of t?a n . tlflcate, which I alleged t.. piov. ; perjury and bigamy. A warrant agal e has b? en Is sued in Nen Jerse) for bigamy, and pa? in a suit for annulment of marriage, brought b) P I at.-r, i r< d on Ratcilffe t.>>. GLADSTONE** I HMllilii\ I.RW B, \i? I... pro? i'iiK'iit Mure <li<? An? lloilii<-?-liiciit or l,n*i( W .<lll.-M.lll > . LONDON, January M> Th? Pall Mall i i formation In regard to Mr. Ola condition is that it continues to be Thi re has been ao Improvement sine?- our linn..un.-, ment ..i WedBosday. We all stat- n t.. thd contrary, and with ? full sense of oar responsibility In doing so." Mil OLADBTONE DRIVES OUT. CANNES, January M? Mr. Gladstone oui at aoon t"-' 'RESIDENT DOLE \l I III? \f.O. lie Ih Now in Hi?" Hand? of I ml?? Sam. chu'aci .. Jane iry M. Dole and party will leave Chicago al l? \. m . to-morrow for Washington. Tin- ; is under the pi rsonai escort of Mr. T. w. Cridl? r, Tim i \ anatant - ri tary ?>f and MaJjOl H- i-iaial. military at? ni M? Klnley, Th? y were show n about ? Mileage to-daj During the Journey on Tu? party will ?Ugh '1 thick tied portion of Ohio, making brief stops at SUCh point- as | .?tina". Tiffin, Mans? field, Newark, Zan< ?v lile, \v, mot ntna ? ta y will pass thr? ugh 11 battle-field ? ountry ,\ r between <*um a md Washington. a i- .-i l ' nd? l the dtstln u the t'nti ' 'lub ght. after which President l?..i" ?..-< he home of Mr P W. I'? ?v. on Michigan boulevard, where he dined, and the evening In an informal manner, THE COAL-MIME ?'?iM'liii I'M B, II. of Hi?- Miners for an \.l \ id-, i Belated On, . ] hi ;a?_ ?. .lam?..i y M. The Int? i late bituminous co il-mli - i ."?rs . iittl? progress at to-day' moi" their position plain, and signified tluir Intention to do or die. Their demands were reiterated fot i i1 i", and -i uniform basis ol weights. As tin convention seemed to bi ,.,.,,, here action would be ab? solutely ii.''s-aiv. the whole matter, In? cluding th.- resolutions presented by the n In. ?.. I beck to I Committee, with Instructions to report to? ?w. ii) itlon is now whether ' it ... in break a? >v from the con! running t.. May 1st, .<r insist upon hold? ing th-ni g.I. If the Illinois op? i . an be .-u inged for, nothing will prt , quick seulement, ts the oth adi and willing t.? granl the ad? vance demanded. _ _ nil. BBSBTAB1 KiMlAI'inv. bange gnash** of Delegates llraady no Band, INDIANA] 01 is. IND., Jaauary The general iit.nsi in the monetary con? vention, wbk*h meets In tins city t..-mor. row. was shown by the large number of delegal who irrlved lo-day. n was the ta tlon "f ? "halrnian Hanna th .1 only th.- members ol ihf Bxecutlv? Committee and a few oi the delegates would be here riy bul i.\ ; o'clock ?his evening lull) one hundred delegates had registered it headqu irtera In the Ilenlson H and in'iih as many mote earn.- in upon the night trains. Those from the farthest points were among the arrivals, Texas Sea England being t.oth represented. ?.iili-lle tiren Hint Ht 8t, Mulo. ST. .MAU?. FRANCE ?..nuury ji. There was an sntl-Hebrea rloi hen d iv The mol? ?mashed the windows ..| the baMireaa-houiei belonging to H? hi?*ws. end lbs troops were obliged t.. as he polios In dtspemlng th?- rtbt? Another l)re>fu? I?n?-I. PARIS, Jaauary M.- a dad with sword? was fought ?his morning between two ,p, i men MM. verwan and I1erri The former was wounded In the arm. The dUpnte irose out <?f th?: M_ ? iminiiagne MnttetleB. ??wing to its superior qaallty and na? tural dryness without belag heavy, 0, H. Mumms Extia Dry bands the ?tnporta tions in ia?7 with 7^,7;;? cases, or ?.,. iiiuic than any ether br.-u.JL, INSPECT THE RELICS. LAW-MA-UP-fl TF.NUKnr.n a iii. -l?l?TIO.\ IT THK Ml HELM. GUESTS OP THE MEMORIAL SOCIETY. tarne \millier of the I ?ulle-. Prrarnl in fmertt the li?glo_aiaas Threw?*?? tho Vurloii? It on ms?-Alt Are De* lli;Iil??il With tbe l)l?| The rseepthsn tendered tiie members ot ihe Legislature by the ladle? of th? federa?. Mlni rial |,ifr;?t -. th? Confaderst? Musewm, corner Twelfth and Clay streets, yesterdai afternoon i.-i^i'.y attended and miu-h ?njoyed. i'!?.- n m pUon lasted from t until I o'clock, snd during thsi time a majority of the member? of th. House ?nd Senat? ?all? "i and ?i..-i,, et? d thi eolb i tlon ot rell? i of the U a tmmht t ol the lsw-aaak< is wen sccompnnled by their wivs .,r daughter?, who ar? ?pend? ing the v\ i nt ? r in Richmond, and devenu w n . ompanled hy lad?- frlenda. Th? guests wer? received in th- Bolid So-jth room hy ladle? of the ?OClety, ao.l in oroty room a COSBB-Itte? from tie it'-ty .o-?.,i a- stentors Thar? was no especial at:, mpi ., \n honor of th." event, but in several uf th.- room? cut-flow? : -, red and s bit?. wi re taat? fuRy .-u ranged. THOSE WHo RECEIVED. ivlng in the Bolid-SOUfb '""m I ph Brysn, pn nid? nt; -Mi-. K. 1?. llot.hkiss, honorary | president; Mis. ti. ?'. Min..:-. .Mrs. Ra? il lg_ Colaton, ami Mrs. j,,M1. | H. Ol I reaM? nt?; Mrs. ti. i >. Bmlth, - tsry; Mrs. j. Hog? Tyl r. Mrs A H. Montague, Mrs .1. R, v. Daniel, Mrs. K. W i rth. Ml K it? Wimi. Misa Baugbman, Mrs. ti. T. <'n?mi.. Mr? Prank Crump, Mrs, Vsn Dotan, Mis? i b ? Maury, and Mrs. j. Taylor Bllyson, chair? man of th. commltt? . The following r<. - lv? >i la tie room Alabama Mrs, Joseph A. VThlte, alter. or ai ibs ma ; M i? i irak?, geni ; Mn. Rob? n Mnnford Mrs, Randolph !* > ton, M rol Little, Mi -. w Hilan- il. Fltsgerald, and M I). Hot, hk Kentucky ?/tee-Regent, Misa Mattle il ' . .Mi-! S. Sind ii. MIS? ?'try Mrs, i-:. v. Valentine, and Misa i M. Kl South Carolina?Mis, Grey Bklpwtth, Ml A M '..-. ihni.y, .Mi-. Dr. Cran. ami Mr.--. Herbert Clslborne. North Carolina- Mrs R. t. Brodnsx, regent; Mrs. IMmund Btrudwlcke, M'<s uiy (-.. , .. and Mis. w- mord I Art lecatur AxteU, tient : y. ?unmock; an.i Miss Am> Bay, of St. I,oins. Florida?Mra. s. ? . Ntrimeyer ?it-..! Mis? I Lewis Jo: Tennessee .Mrs. ,\. v. Randolph, Mrs. Traylor, Mis. Hart, Mrs. i>. a. Broam, and Misa Poi lerfleld. Arkansse Room?Ml tur Axtell, rice-regent; Miss Leila Dtmmock, and Miss Amy \ Virginia Room?Mrs J, i?. Ughtfoot and Mr-. H. Theodore km Mi siasippl Mr? Edmund Pendleton and Mrs. It. N. No? thin. Texas Mrs. i I. Mr?. .\i iyo, and Louisiana son and Mia? Anna Boj kin. lin. SOME m-' Tin: CALLE1 - Bom? of ' be ladl? s who at tend? I reception wen Misa Draper, .a Pulsskl county; Misses Wall i ford, V*a* ; Miss Gregory, of King William; Mrs Thomas Snath; Mrs. T. A. Lynch, of Ta-/.well: Mrs. Charles Bolton, Mrs I, Allison H.?luis. Mrs. s .; n ncock, Mrs, a. ii Rennolds, Ml?? Nannie Bentley, Mra. George Lyon, Mra. Nannb I?. vVerth, Mrs. Hen I? i-. !-t N? rth ? larolln. ; Ml Hayea ol Baltimore; Mts MeFsrlsnd, 9 M 1000, ?Tang? : Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Jones, "t Isl? of Wight; Captain and Mi-. Featheratoni dra Bolton, Mra Di ^ r. M -. M 4? - villa. Tie : .t * aim.. * | the hoar Of '. and it w . ; ilily It. r I wh.n th- II '- .!. Th.- i . impresa upon th? I? i tois : an appro? priation to ii.-ip keep up the Museum; thai the collect!? ' . a , anil that the] now ..nly ?ranted them to i, ,.| th? int. r -' and. p? 1de In tbeae me? I Ich Should ano. \ lr? gtnlan. Every visitor, on departing, wssj given a copy of the b? lutlful vol un* -urn CREDIT TO THK LAD! Tyler was among the " and non w n 101 -.-: - ; "Ii is a splendid collection," he laid, "wonderful." it reflect? credit upon the women of Vir? ginia ?mi the South, and the men may Well f.-.| proud of what the\- have ihm'-." \:\\ rollar character ***i > universal, and ii la probable that wen an appropriation asked, pven a retrenchment [ature wo ill --rani it. "Il la vei y how much the ladl? - have lion.-." said Senator Sont hall. "Won . ndotton can hardlj be t.?> strong?" i: th.- men w> re only hall so ? aloua, think what a splendid colleotlon we would have." sai.I l ' - id. it revives ma ny memoi lea of m dler da Senatoi T?te, "cl but BUCh as , I never .' ii i* :i .oil..-:.m that mus! Int " said Senator Si. i 'l ilr, . ,,', i lotdier I sho**ld say nobo I much .s one of th.- boys who won th? Is wonderful, h l,,t, i,. i th? i eople oi i!i> s a? large, nul of ?ill th.- states of the South. ...nil know exactly i women have done tu make lu tory a reality ' > Hi.- : -ration." "It of 'th. mo.i Interesting le.urs I have spent m a long while," sat.I Sena? tor Haiti.'-. "1 wish all our p?-o|,|e coold njoy it :<s i bave don.-." It i?. almosl beyond b? lief," said sena? tor ?'laytor. "it se.-m- Impossible that women could have gotten together Mi.*h an i ?t?**islve collection in so snort a pel led." A REMARKABLE COLLECTION. ,,r LeCato: l am aahamed that during my thi.-. term? In - iture i hi\? n,-?er been i am coming again to -. thjji m ible ? ulle? ' ton: 1 can hardly think th.- ,.f th.- Booth have don? ?o much in ?ucb a stior? period. They bave , ccomplirhr*- won? Senator Kan? . II tai aurpa i a any thingof ihf km.i l hay over b? ; ml l doubt if we eotiid ever K'-'? together anything to equal it. Senator Bteele: The --/omen of th.- South .li.l a woik in encouraging t ie men to tuiit for th?-ir country, and have done n, h h ; r? ". relics of thsli brav? i j Delegst? Booker: "I will not ?won for? get the afternoon, l? has i, en to bm revel ?.tlon of what ?remen ? an do In ftt serving their country'? blet pe'. . "it is n wonderful col? lection, of which ?very Virginian anovid he ;,io?lil." Delegate Jennings: "The collection Is ?urprli Inglj noplet? i innol bow m< n have managed to g< I gether no manv Invaluable i Delegate Newberne: "I bad no Id? ? "' seeing anything so Interesting it I el elation." I .. ?gat? t.wyit: "It astonishes me. it i- Un. indeed. 11. I ?ate ?'art. r: "1 am only ?orry i t time enough to > ? \. n tsing, It Is a WOnd?tful t-ollectlotl " Delegat? Oarrtngton: "1 asa ??toniahed by th? magnitude of ?h?- colleotlon." J._.'_ua.t_ _?-vru_- "Th. r_n.>- ntm -' ? ? greatest Interest to every Virgin southerner. The women have don?; a tKihl" work." Delegate Churchman: "The collection Is r.markahle f??r Its complet, m valu.-. Th.- satin South ihouKr thanK I i. Wlthrow: "I I? thought the collection wonderful. 1'? is a nohle one, splendidly p?r d." And thu.? tiie comments went on, so Inllnltum. The trein'ures displayed In th? Whit.- Uouee >?r the Conf? general topi.- among the ? mak ri nhiht. and not on" ', it did not < ire ni iha r, ?ult of hi? visit und surprise that so much t!y. ?il 1L-SBBI n B IM B8TTO VTIOV,. m iini'ii? Chargea Dansas laelra *?\Hit laterferlag. 8VIIB Bll Te.?imon>. WASHINGTON? ''' hnn)j sfii was spruog u to-day's seeston if ??" Civil-Service laves! when E. !.. Bailey, I i i'lvll-S '.-Vice ?'.itl "'. ,!,.] g 1 ?adll g Wit ' : ; H'lil tl . ..tumi -?Ion I, id SOUght to 'IV. ' l he iirsr thing th Can I miirht ! I ol kn< mor? about examinations than 1 actually know," Mr. Hail. V ?aid. "was wh"ll .Ml. ii.?- a little al? ter the fiist testlmi ny 1 h< had no desire ... influence my testi? mony in any way. but that the , D;i i i : of the committee had not lummoned any one friendly to the commission, Bad ask? ed m" to tell him what i i he could be pr? p ired to an n The witness insisted he did not believe Mr. Proctor int. mied to Intimidate him. A little liter Mr. Bailey said h. was si irchlng the r? cords for .! it . - lait Baker, who ha.? figured in thi tlgatlon, when Chief-Examiner Serven ;t?k?-il him by what authority he VUiglng the records of Ul>- coin: and advised hltn to ask the commission for a statement, ii? continued, however, to mak- pencil memoranda, These he had submitted to Mr. to him he had better obtain the official Information offldally. Then be had sub? mitted it to the Investigating committee. Mi. Proctor, mean tun", making no sua? sion. Later, Chief-Examiner Berven told him he (8< rven) had : with the commission; that the latter were not pl< a-..i with what Mr. Bailey had said, in.i that Mr. S. rv? n regarde I Ml criticism of the admtnls suggeetions in of the law. .v r. Set mp d Mr. Bailey's testimony as -'tire in ih? and 111. COinm! lion had ilist lUitt-d i \ an.n.i- Berv? n thai Mr. B Uley. his chief clerh, was not hereaft? i to any recommendation? to the commission, d be? n hi? custom. Th it h id cur? Mr, Proctor took the stand and made - statement. He pr? i ice 1 it with ' vigorous arraignment of Mr. Bailey, whom, though conceding i;i? conscien? tiousness, he stamped ,,s utterly lacking lu administra:!.." capacity, whom he held responsible for whatever trouble bad sx isi.ii in rrftf M hum hi ? rlti.'ls , . hi?- bailiwick as s clerk, and assuming the commission, lit. cha* racterlsed Mr. Bailey's views as wrong, and was proceeding on this line when he tpted by Ihe commi?' Mr. Proctor th? n submttt? i it itementi from ?ii.- heads of department! to Baa tain his position. Dim:? Tint on* thi: MIST. f?. B, Holier?-, of losvn, \ on. Inn t oil? ? aniBslaBlaaerehlg of Pal?ala. WASHINGTON, Janu iry M. The nation Of It. E Preston, as Director or Mint, wa.? tendered to the i rei dent, to take effect upon th.? ap? pointment and qualifionlien of bis s?ae c.-ssor. Mr. Preaton has been connected with ment for more than I During the last four i Hi r of the Mint. His long experience and acquired infor? mation ba?ve been very valuable to the govern in The Preeid? nt s? nt to I fin of George E Roberte, ?>f Fon la . for the vaca i by the resignation of Mr. I'r The appointai? nt ?>f Mr. k." him, und d as .i dir? el ?.?gnli " ntlnietit It ?i.'i.'i ion, the ' id? r of ?h ? l npot iding citi maae emineni by his able support, with in?- p' n an i .?u tri.- rost? urn, s Republican : Mr is said to be i m i hinh t.. rsonal il writer. The President als., nominated "? H Duell, of New fork, to at Comrnls bI.r of Patents, Mr. Duell lives at Byracuae, N. v.. where he la engaged In tin- patent husi? llo is a s,,n of th.? former Com? missioner of Patents by the same n am", so that th? 'lit hrinps ,-ilKtut the coincl tther und s.m havli. ! the same hisih position. Mr. Duel! was chairman >.t Representa? tive B. Idt I an ' onimltt. ? prior to the last election, st which time Mr. i ran as an Independent. H?' was chairman .. In!? v 1 ."" in bll own locality. mm T1II7 ritr.MII LBGI8I.ATOBS. ?'.. in I? lu I ii? of I *> of 'I'roopM oil Snlur ?lii > ?Ge*J e rumen l Sum I a I ne ,1. PARIS Januar) M The Chamb. Deputies was thronged to-day wbea the Ion op? ii"d at -i" P. M. M. de B? I the . a- on the <-oups d'.ta ai.-1. ISI, and November, - . The d? ; further romplulned of the intervention of the troops on Saturd M. Hi i-?on. the President of the Cnam in-?l that those who r the tribune m? t with re? nd i did their duty In ; oi.? the guarda M. Jaur?s, the Socialist : ed p tlnue the illscu .v. H.? criticised the govem in. 1,1's "lnoorap itlon" of Emile /ol?. and fui i Ii! ?f affairs. Th.- House, by s cx . onfld. n. ??. rnment The government will pi raiilt-Kn ii.nd and the Comte de Bernia for their conduct in the Chamber ?it Depu Saturday. STRONG POLICE PR? ?ri'.'T;? IN PARIS, January U The ?Military club was guarded to-d.i\ by police, who were al?,, stationed within the Palais Bourbon n Ihamtx ? si. while ? i llcemen was drawn up in tbe court J lid <?r the Ministry im- Eor tfl ut?. There was another body <?r police in the garden of the Tuileries, and a detachment oi the Republican Guard tatloned In the court-yard <?f the Ministry of Marin.- There wmxt big crowds of people in the n? Igh th.- Chamber oi ? ROSS-E- '.MIN ITI08 OF 1.1 ETl.ERT lie inalsted Tumi Fal Canstalned Only a "Seany lahelaaee?** chic v.;. ?. Januar) -.ran th. cr,,?s exami? nation of Adolph L. Luet?f?rt at : P. M. tO-day. The most mut,T?a! advia gained i?y be wide differ? ence m the descriptl. iis of the ? ; of the vat on Sunday morning, given by Luetgert and Mr. Charles, The latter said the vat contained tallow, unaunlmllate.1 i saine soap. maintain? ! ?? was all ad that the .?niv dtff? tween the lop am! the t.oftom mjs th.n the formet wo? darker I.k>r md slight iv more Said. Fully n ?l??ns were put and repeated, with the design ..f ." witness to tell what th?. soapy substance looked hk?- II?- i?-. the impoitane? of Ihr point, and Ol his answer that It i ii ? on lir?n a Ithraat, alarm of I bortly .nier rnldnight from Box No ?u, sj corner of Fifteenth and Poplar stt' i by th.- humliiK of the triun?. !. No, vi'/.i Brown s-ir?.-?! Tht> lo.s i. ? Plvewnad Cheap, Th.- Virginia and Nona Careiina Wheel companv is offering _1 In-Dried Hickory and ??ak Wood In .-uitftblo leflgtha for cooktiig-stuvei and In Thi wood is unsui ?king gad if you sas it ones) you win BOthlOg < N.'. Drop us a card, or 'phone us. Ol?*? '?-bj?*u\ ill. new 'phono, IMS, DU WOODROW WILSON THIS |>|?TI\4.I IXHTI? TKA?IIKK TU? m.I.IVI II ?tnOMAS I.KITLRES. PU.WS fOR RICHMOND CCLLEG-. l'e 1er ahne* nuptial?. ??urn I hei-? Piirnei? for the liiMlliiif?.???1*>, ?,_ ?lent n?Mi?wrlali? mud l*r?.f, *Hil<?lie|| Mpem? torada*--' in f.?had? <li,. t reason? that the nltnr.?! publie rsond look for. dowment lee tun s at Rlchn *oUeg? I?? that the eommlttee In charge tt th" ..n jW,|n. -.ire In looking forward to them, too. With, Ing ukin to enthusiasm and - oii-iiitiilHtion. the eommlttee make their ii?iii?iini??ment this moni?n* that the l.?o ured for the nest session will ho r. WOOdrOW WilMon, c-" Prlnoeton Unl .-. rslty. Th" th? mo of th?> r.!stin<uishedj DR. WOODROW WILSON. ' will ho ' ?.overnnarint.**? u mi probability, while th? exact date t y.t been fixed, they will occur H.out tin- sann- um in November of UhB uioiabie ones red by Dr. Breasted last year on? , tology." Prol. W; on i one ?;f tho moat gnlshed educators in this country ind fills the ?.'hair of .I?in**>r*iieaca "H ^rincioti. He it a man of SK-holaiiy alnmenta and a magnetic ?peaher. His le the S'itte liar AMflh-tlitlCMl tl ?ts last annual m?. tin? was .. thai orgai .i-n. The subject m whiefa i>r. Wiisoa bape mora oompeteat to ?peak my man in Am? m a theoret i rtnndpirlni ?s an Int* putar one, n which every man from the hum o the hlgheet, in conoerned, h ..riiHiuies of governi sarkS Of ?very man'- rights and Itvea prlvll? - . NOBLE I'KTKKSlti'Ui; BAPTUTI lent Bestarrighl snd I*rofa?eot H. lay with tbe i Baptist church, of Petersburg, of win. h Rev. Dr. H. w. Batti? i tWO distinguished educator? spoke at th? ing eervloa on ?ducstton and ??? ly .n Richmond ?CoUeg*. Th? ad? lb? -*?jiirieai?"n wore thouj-litfut lOll |, and ?VPpf . .hurt ' . i , lc? of tii? churvl*. CATION IN Till". ACADExUf. Pn ild? ' no?-? ?-here In th? <"v. nteg tie lud ' < ..", "E?tut* in the Academy." Thi i ht boys : nourishing ?eh with nearly ? hund? ! pu* range, as the ?chool la uudur the . ement of '. K. ?'. Jaa ami his charming snd cultured wife, he formerly ih? prof? ?or of modern lan. i In the Woman'? College ?>f thi Miss Thornhill, the : : in.- Institution. wrn;ht and i'rofessop warm tii. DdS, and th?* Isttl r> has tak. i thla bsppy m? u* ot b dueing the "( h? Alma-Jdntsg to bis i)ui?iis. ' It ?lire? I.a <.rl|.|i?? lough, toils th" throat and luiu:.s, md is tin ,?i Ii ' lor all coughs, .-olu , . and Lioneln! is. Wt ttttht to Dr. I A Week Lontfrr. ? ?. ii. Berry ?v Co., la order that ait be wonderful i a ?f the pis mi? e en tbe n -. k in. ?how-wlndow, have decid? ictlon weak longer; aUboagh they only - .. . _hlbttt-_n. show-vititlow Mttr*. r h| ' ment as 'his to those who *u.-* | daily?111 child**? ' . ?own folk, from i ....... tica of I a? fleet? rooted rodents as they i aro*a_fl ti>. ir revolving playgTO-aad. i.\?jtrynyg?f That l'a?*? r Plx??-* **f* ft r- rom?. . It tO his ii-'Uhhor OB the "iVst on earth" fot sprains, strains, and rh?uma*? Tliev Keep (lit? i.lrer In hSSltby ;i.'l"'i. r\ " I>*ivlrt'g pill?, "Beat on e,i:n" fur constipa-, tlon, " arvl **t trou Th? nioif eTcaeloni ?ttni'ilants t-o exclu ?So tHJOthS ar.? _J**Mg"r**SA BtTrr.KS, j.repsre- by Dr .1. t?. H. Sieger? ? Sous, Hewareof <*-nter*? fall?. MX tor the genuine article. l'or ni?er*i*e?J of ?he I.lver, Stomaeha and Miiiif?. tbe Water ol t_e*?r White KuJphr*** Sl.tinijs I. tii? m^st va!u-?t>le tn Auaerlca. I -, k kii, l.u.n AC., Wholesale Amenta. ? Mgw**rS tihO* '? 'aresxcellent r.-iief of II ?ad 8ore Throat. Ibey are ?imdlS*~*T ? tf?-?-tlTO.*"--CtmatUa \\. r I, ; The Weather. \\ A 11 IN i. -,;.irv 21.-* rito for Tuesday: -. lowed by lncr?aal"g cloudiness i '. evening. - ouk; east WKATIIKK IN I l? ?IV i . n r. '1 ae at midnight ???re oloudtea of therSBooasI M.** . ...9? ...? .?.-1-4