OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, January 25, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1898-01-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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tirrvnTr i *?T*?rv *?T/\m m
shall be declared h pari of Henrlco ccrn- j Insttgthla te *ucc??edlinr r?-?l<?ftlon. BBlewi _
? W IT ... I .1 .?nil ?....<,...- ? I.., I lli.v l.uu, mi,',? fail 7
The suit-? tii.it we m? offering Ka th.* special salo
rnajrkvd $10, $12.r>0, HUGO, won some h.',,k<>n lots ?if
115 ones. They're worth it--that*s wli.it we made them
O tor ?neat's what they've hoon marked from the
they left our woA-roon?
\n?l now that WO offer you the choice it means \..u
liai pick any of the hundreds that, are in the lot ?
her it's a WO Suit?a $l-..:>o?a ,l.'}.r,o?or a $15
! Children's Clothing
$1.50 for r?gulai Men's Pauta
Literally Slaughtered!
Suits worth $-J.;.<> and $3.
?l _'t f.?r r.ovs' Chinchilla Reef?
Boys' $1 Knee Tants.
We're offering specials in Men'-?. Boys*, and Youths'
reduced pri
A. Saks & Co.,
Main and Eleventh Sts., - - " Saks' Corner.*'
i : ;: ? ??t m us. .m. ??. i. a.
M \\ I ??M I it?? M m h. BABCOCK
Pssysurt?' Bnytlies Da
iiiiiilli.a l?ll in the HiiKtiim?.
..un ? Mit) or tima FiiBil H"?irls
a t? ?I? I n> lor a ?? *.?, ?...in.?. Iloin,?.
?j joint m?
tb Junior < Irder United
let waa
1 Was
?n. The
. when the
It i . hold this
I thslf
I a., for
r ?in that ?xca
H i
?a -will ha*t
. ih.- houae
; ut of nuni
n the
a this city
. .
. Dr, D
. loml : : ' : -
; : ately 111.
: ?r the
; h? WOUld
The I
m ?ra
i aluinliia.
Ing ?d
11 ?nation oi
'i !.. trial w i : upon
..?itiiui" .i ovar bom Friday
dng witnesaea, o? whom there
! . Whi'i- T? in]
; with the
them by
| : WOU
. William
Ifl ii..
R it.
. .'.,:, ? ; lur'-h,
. M ill,.H\. Th? 1st
i.at ,i warrant
Wttb :
p p. r was -withdrawn
is wlllins*
: (or
I for by
Il h throwing a cup ' '
family wli'ln
, Hi,.
?i. i.x.k a ?up
rughl with
.u a lob
Dm ,i I' in h'-r I
'? did? t bava nit* wherewithal, **",<
leer? te the hotten of the hole w.
ditlon of McGlnty.
1,1 ''" rl? r (c
with being drunk and gi?
xhlbltlon in th. | .|,<?ut
?on from the bitl-poeter, th
ent down : a boarder
:eant Fltz?crnld's.
I T. Qarnett sad
Royatl and Qeerge B. Os
eld a t
y morning, and togethei
-aid their qu m to th.- U\
1 John
the Hustings Court, later,
thai they found ? vcrvtl'i
Irst-clasa condition. The oells of t
: in ings pn
of cleanll
lealth of th.? inn. - a i? good.
I Taylor, the colon
JJlegt .1. nai sold to Mr
"o m.nts by Roberi Johnson, his i
aw, th.. latter Bob hiving ol.taln
toar un has rae
ils bovine. Taylor brought suit Sa
than f
, obtained Judgment. John
- id Mr. Ce
he money invested for the
. n Issued f..r j..:
ns him vviiii in.. i.v of th?
'j'h. re werf two email blasas in t>.
iy inorninK. but no alarn
\ rn.-irn *1 caugbt on fire
Mr. J. K. Pretty man, o
Ninth Street, while n.? one was i
It s servant. The colored v
s-avo the alarm, and .?ev? r
who nr? i-i the stn
mi Bra oecurr? d ai Mr.
M "vi- 1 " '
out with little
Through the ?forts ?>f Mrs. J. s.
of Rev. Dr. J. 8. Dill,
Vina? ? -ist church, an.
...' Baiabiidge Btr? i Bi
church, iy sc
In connection
: . hurch. The I
of gi ; nines
? nun
aa foi
I ?uval; Via
.surer. Mrs. \\
L. Thonihi'.l v. .
?t!. n.i in -a.... : ii committee ?
ifi a . iter.
oak, Sttperlnteti
.inlay School, r
unity to stir up intere
end make th?
thi young ! ople Por uu
- I of r?adliif,' the )?
. ?tttng in ?1
pupil will ' It! It v
then follow. Sunday Jh.Ik?- lian
holar in the embarrassing
sitien. Ai the eeenins sanrles Mr. J<>
W. Holt, treasurer of tho church at
A. ll.ineo.k was In the
Mrs, S. B. Wilder is ?pilte ill at
home, on Fourteenth and i'orter stn
Mr. W. Fryer, of New J- mey, Ii In
titv visitint* his grandmether, Mrs.
He Baxter, on mm street, near Fou?
Mi. Oeorge W. Meredith, who tus i
nptu?l ; 'ia>s with relative?
,1,18 | i. cana 1 to his hoii^',
Mnrr N I
Mr. W, !' Or? wry. of New York c
rlsltlng his nn
... il, wty. on 1'orter ?street, lift
rdsy mornlrit-:.
.I,dm Vil. (S, Of Ntw Vi.rk city
visiting her sister. Mr.?. ! *. 1). Wb
Tenth str.
I ||. !' .?' : on ntid Judge ThM
M. Muter, two patients it7 whom M
l has f?-lt a gn Of inter
lin.- well, and It will bo
a tew d.ys aoe/ befara they win be
'Ibi' llnr-ltiioni Hill I? l.ralnlatu
?,,., n,m .?f th? I Sund.
imond, ti.-id Sun?
resolution v
ed: ...
rning that a v?nt has b<-. n int
I. . iture of Viininia
. t th. - ?ity o? ?
Pabbatb <la> : tl , _.?_,?
Hoard of I
I) )n question (one ol
viblons of which is that ?II ser
from ba i -rooms on \
Hi and other d iys) ate? t.? with ?
ad VV. ,
nu Senators
<E?ocl?lioldrrs' *?t. .?lim,
i meeting of tin- sUm
,., -hp | Butldlng- ( on
vas ?idjouri
Ml?. ? alles. I* Improilea.
?I, i iMinil
and tier Itcoveiy it> uo
THK *F.1\TB All? HOI?**: TASS A
M MIIK.lt OK MKtst m:?.
\ ?III Passes the Semite Cnmpelllaa
YV lin?ate-, la Misdemeanor Cases In
?in-.il. ,-*.' ?..uns i,, Serve WHfcnat
ray-Kniplorers' I ml.UK., nill.
Th.ro was no feature of the proceeding?*
of tho General Assembly y?*stsr*t*-y, a
amount of work being dono without
any sharp debate.
Th... Senate -*ee*l*red th.- Mn**4oyers>
liability hill, recently passed hy tho House,
gad aft.r at? usual dehat. , It WSI Ordered
to ba t" ft read to th.. Committee <?t? H
?nd Internal Navigation. Tho point mad?
by these who did not wish it to go t,. the
Commtttsa on Courts of Justice was
that aa Um MU had k i n mad? t.. refer
only to persons killed or Injured t.y rall
tht pin' , i . i.miiiiM. | to | ...
it was thai on Ronda
The Beast? paassd the bill aboUahtan;
th? fees of wttseeaaa for the Coaunoo?
wealth in misdsmeanor rases. The state?
ment wsa nia.ie m th. fiooi ..f the Senate
that th?- . n.n in,, nt of this bill into a law
.ve ti,.. si it. fUM? annually.
The Ilnj In lh<* ??ennte.
Dr. Watsthonaa mad? tin opening
r, with not half the BSMtora ;
ni. but the mils tilled ni' t nii-.i.li i.ihly
in a Caw minutes. ,\| errat dead of time
was oonsussed in resdlng by Uli?
number ot bill? paaaed by the H
Mr. Boykln had paaaed, under ?***pen
sion of th? rub*, a House i.iii authorising
the town of Suffolk to issue bonds
Mr. Lt (eher ?ecured thi in a
r manner ol th.- House Mil ant
latng tin- i.oai.is of eonsrvtson ol Alle?
gheny, Bath, snd Crslg t.. inciea**? the
. of th" ,i ' Cobnty i
< ?n m..t ion of Mr. Wiekhani. th? I
ispenslon of tin rah s, tin
House bill in. tii.- American
Development Company, of the Knit?.i
Statt .
Th. ie wsa oonMdi rahle dlscoaaloa as to
whither the employers' liability Mil. re?
ported from th?: House, ?hould b? com?
mitted to tlie Committee on Courts of
" or the Committee on Road , 'l his
bad progr? une, when Mr.
bach aro, xj In
'i desire to Inqulrs, Mr. President, if
this is tho bill that will causo tin
of a man killed m a saw-mill to i> -
: .r,-vi r that be was not killed ?>:i a
railroad'."' (Laughter.)
The bin was ?eni to th? Committee on
Il by i tota of 11 to It.
T.y Mr. Southrill (No. M). To amend ?n
to provide for a normal ?-ohool ,n tho
Virginia Normal and Coftngtsta Instl?
By Mr, <?;i" (No. Uti)\ To empower tho
trust?e? r.f the PemslS lnbtltute
00 bonils.
By Mr. .ii ok son (N
of Thomas a. Chapman,
itjr, from a certain fli 'v Im?
i by tin* County ?'oitrt of i
By Air. st. Clair (No. MO): To authorise
the dlreetora *.f the Ten?well Coal and
Iron Company to rsdUO? its tapital etOCk.
liy Mr. Stiele (Na Ml): For the r.ii. f
of Colonel A. Cook, of Washington eoun
ty. a disabled Confedsrat? soldier.
By Mr. Hartley (No. MS): To aim:,!
,ii MM ,,f the Coat In relation to In?
Ry Mr. Jackson (No. MS): To amend
tion MM of tbe c?o in relation to the
ial and eniiin. ?aKve powers of coun
cila of .it?" i "-"iii lotrna Th? only i
proposed i- to extend the Jurisdiction of
and town cam. lia in th., matter ot
waier-woika Ihres mllea sbov?
works, in ord?r to pfsrenl pollution of the
r, or injury t.. th? works.
Mr. Sainls mtrodnOSd a bill IN'..
1,1 create Ni.niisi.ie District in Brook
Inn, ! .1 lestri t. in lb nil o, and
. for lighting and sein i
the district, sad f?a* making ami main
other Improvement? of a public
nature ?herein. Tie
nnt Hill. H wl lei l l'ark, snd certain pro
it is pro* need Is ?
i board ..; improvement eonimJ.sioner?
Of live i.ifinle '
for ta>ai . nd to
look after the e-pendiii.
OU improvements.
! . >B kk.i.ikk OF OLD SOLDIERS.
A bin was introduced by Mr, Letch?
to Rive ni'l t..
. limed or ilibaM? .1 m
war between tl ?ad to the
v,i.low s of t--ol.li.-r-. ' . ?
lOSt their lives In said war in the
military aersl? ?, an i to proi I
tax tin refor, to be voted on by the .
Virginia for its ratification or rejec?
tion. The bill in Its preamble ,!
the provision mads lor I
; .1 their widows under th?
i- i ntii-'ly Inadequate .
the dem unis. The act then
.:ie im- submitting to ?i
the first genere] election to ),- held aftei
..i win th? r "i- not th. y will ?ubaall to th.
?, rylng ol Isa as a pension fund,
such tax imt t I on the UM
value of r. al and personal property. Th?
messure provide? in detail for the levy
tog Of sub tax and the distribu?
tbe pension fund.
By Mr. Jackaon, by request <>:..
m.m! and ri -. a lo6 of the
in relation to rtiiini- vacancies in
county, corporation, and district offices.
i-.v mom (N... MO: t.? prohlhll
fioini running al large la Warren county.
Mr. M. cune Introduced a bfli providing
for th? examinatioii ami U?*en?Ing ot* hert
To amend charter of BapM city.
To ?r? at.- S tinuiK-i.il atient for the town
Of Wytheville.
To amend charter of Wytheville.
To InOOrporatS trustees of I.outtsvllU
,r. i?, u. a. If.
To ameii'i act incorporsting retoma,
: Power Company.
T., incorporate thi camph.n c*ount>
Mutual firs Insurance Oompsny.
' To Incorpor?t? tha prince wniian
n. .r- tlon.
To allow tin- Colonie] Water Companj
, wharf.
T.. in. orporate the Cherrystone Norn Si
Agricultural ami Ms? banlosl Institute.
To pr?vido for leusing certain o>>tt-t
I rounds.
T.r amend an act In relation to ii
lent conversion Of property held unde:
To aim tul ?action 4:>9 of >":o<1c In relatloi
t.. li.-ts Of ti"
To a mend net tlon 12 of chapter 4, pi o
riding a new charter for the town o
T-. p., nut William Spillman to erect i
To amend the charter of the town o'
Baste City.
tat n 1 the charter of the city o
?end the charter of tho city o
. - ?IJ.-1.
nund aaett the Code re
toting to dealing?? with student? on?
To Huthorizu the Attorn? x.
?.??It i?K.iin?*t William K.llnger.
. , .mi ni eel proscribing tlsaa for iioid
; In the Fourth Judicial Circuit.
T.. ?mend tat Hen IM ? ; ?.nie la retsttw
to i han?.-, of )... ii..n >' railroad lines.
T,i it the John Hay Norma
end lntlustii.il School ?<f Alexandria.
Ta aasend the net reorganising th? Deal
Dumb ahd Wind im-tiiute.
Ming that a certain iot ot ian.
lo amend mstO/UU ^?77 of the ?ode In re?
lation to limitation of proce.-dings to
To nmi'iiil section 3u? of Cod,- relating
ntm? tit ?f trustees.
?To n its-to joport
list of fines reported by Justices cf the
To un? ml section 8TII9 of ibe Code In re
atfon to appointment of commissioners
in char
OB ."..".-,1 of Code In relation
W f...? !.. witnesses tor the i.'unmn n
T" uuthorlze the Norfolk and Western
ol to construct and operate a
h road to the Potomac river and the
City Of Washington.
To authorial the Board of Supervisors
Of Halifax county to provide for Interest
on bonds.
To ?.-hanse the time for holding courts
In Ma Sixth Judicial Circuit.
To amend the charter of the town of
w a) Deshora*.
i-? aloj.isu wi in nils rus.
.Mr. FMnBfBa spoke strongly against
t?a- passage of the bill aboltxhing fess to
witnesses for the Commonwealth in ?
I!" Mid tho labonng
nian could In- taken from the Celda, Ule
workman from his shop, even the Gov?
ernor of Hi? State from his ofti
tlfy in magistrates' courts, and it was
mi DtJtragt te r.'.julro them to perform
Such noihlmr.
Mr. Barnes said he ii--ir. d to enter his
emphatic protest sgalaat lbs bOl, and
hoped K would not I.? ??ant.-d Into law.
Mr. ..pi? said it was eminently proper
that sii'h a bin should be passed, it would
are an ?mm.ns,. amouni to thi Btat?
Mr. L< t. Inr said th.- I,III was BOgl
by the committee whlcti had been ap?
pointed to itreestlgats tbe rim!
liturea in certain ceuntlei <>f
ii. beilered tbe bill would
save tu tie- siat?- annually i,?.??? n
went int.? sum?' of the detail? regarding
?h? pi b? i leas of ju?-iii. s in these
tally in Warwick, where im?
mer? a frequ? ntly
for tbe e.'iivieti.in of men found camping
in ti and e-'U'ii trampa, in
. mint v condttloni and practlcn
er? le i v. a won t. The m ? the
bill Va \.|y ,dear t.. Ihn e Who liad
studied the Question.
Mr. Bnrnea defend? i y\ itaat
the . in Mr. i.? t. ia i. ii.
m id ;n ions to the
on pap? r la th" district of the gen
and dwell ap in
wbat - done In building s gn at
eity The number Oi
tramps in W.nwl.lc cottnl
son . ptd growth there, much
IBI gl ' . than In olle I
Ivi . mu. '.ii of t
fintti.r thought it unjust and BBC
tutlonal t.? require u man to gira his
labor for Of the community
aitboul lin- ition.
Mr. M? llwaliie said Ii- : rlMd
ttit bill, so highly met:' bould
b ; i.1 by any on>\ It would
I ?real savin.-; to the U\ Would
lly In
amtry .ii.-tri.-ts.. Mr. McUwafh.
quite i I ib.- bill.
Mr. I'.lakey briefly spoke for the bill,
aial it | : by a vote .,f M to 8.
<?n tn*; bill KrautinK the Norfolk and
\\'< Hen i OB tO constni'-t
B line 10 the Li.ti.tn, tiver and In*o
Washington city, Mr. MeCUBO offered an
amendment provldirnr that work BfX
?gun for a period of ?vo years ?i
Bid this corporation annually paid Into
the S .ry ITxJWLM, and he de?
sired thai ?t betr. at. .1 '.-. ?,. I "iisly.
Mr, Fairfax : .-."tid
m? nl WOUld hinder the pa?- |f| of the bill
through the Hon-e, and ask?.I Mr. Mc
Cune to witlnlraw It, whi.-h was done.
The bin to pre rani the unlawful de
tractlen of teiee^raph snd ?. tentssne lines.
which earns up on its Bseond reeding,
aitustd the intense opposition of Mr. .V. -
llwaine, who said its paasage, arhile in
hi? own personal interest, aras diraotly
' p; . ?. d to the Interests of the peopts ot
Virginia, and he would not allow it
w without his ?ol.tnn pro*- ?*.
i m MM a? aaaei d by the oens?
mlttee, providing for paalshlng the un?
lawful destruction of enea property, the
upon aboss land poles ,,: t,i..
,?ne companies bad b? D ? S? n
surreptitiously i i lid not <-ut *che_
down. !! wanted th" i l "malt?
id of unlawlul.
Mr. i.? teher, the patron of the bin.
It bad i" '?> amended i.- the oaaa
mlttee in nit s I as I leaa of
Mr McUwatne, as he thought, and he
wai perfectly willing to hare th?' bsi re?
cotrmitted and mad?? t.. reed ...-. oniim*"
t?, ii itor from
1 hi Mil was recommitted.
'I'll,. S, BBte ai|i.,?irn.d at 3r?JG o'l-lock, On
motioB of Mr. wiekiiam. leaving set/eral
bills Still on tin
a d
i '
tl. I
I 1,1,
In i
! '. :
? !.
u t
. Ii
tiull-e Of 11. I.CI. ?.
D? d to ord.
r Ryan. T
OP? it-.l Without I ravel. V. ta U
ceptl '? on Mr. ? ;
Li u | rovidlng that ;
grounds of King bi
.. th? re wan nothing of h
In tl lings, Th?
finally defeat? d. \Vh"ii the ? mi Ii
liability bill was retscn? d, it ..
without argument.
Mr, Jordan,
a bill . r? ating a bonrd of m
-.nie or la rb
providing for examination
pi i. ii.i medicine by pi of th"
botanic r?r 1" rb school. The bin pr.
Ing ol M? ?si - W. J
W'hltlock, J. L. Whitio.k. and \\ .
M? Starr, wbo iball hold
!.. ginning March l. lyi?v The :
lar ne etin?:- ol tl?<- board sb .11 b
di b
shall be ex,.mini 1 M
i niai i. medicine. Appll
who 1 a il ;
amli it "ii within the next three months.
Applicants shall pay .. fee of P~> ?
i to the examination.
'in.- lands derived In .mil manner shall
be applied to I ?ylng of th.
pent. a caused by these examln
and ?la- certificates'Issued to the sue?
ntH shall be Bled In the i lerk's
inty or corporation
th? applicant r< sides, or In Rich?
mond, In the Clerk's office of the Chan
Any physician ?
la rb m Ii ii." Wbo I
an adjoining state within t' n mil?
i ne mai stand an exami?
nation In this Slat.-. .
cate. All pets.ms who have passed this
examination shall be entitled to pi
botante ? r herb medicine upon the pay?
ment of the tax now- assessed a
physicians and surgeons.
Mr. Newb.rne introduced a bin em?
powering th. Qaarantlne Board of Eliza?
beth River ami it? Branches to qu i
tine gers of any common
. ri e nsl any person, a li?
the publlt to be
m i...- ardy, and to demaa
tlon. At prisent the hoard only lias au?
thority so far |
Mr. J. <'. Campbell lnti
oslng to amend the third
art!"! Ultimi, .so
hiblt uoin rotlng In
unit le- ?as paid tatton t ix
?our months before the election In n
I Ilot.
Mr. A. it. Darnall Introduced two com
i rig that j
of election shall only appoint oui cl
ai ol two, as at present, and the
lUiring tit?' Auditor
one poll-l o-ik, .?r poll-list, Instead of pell?
?n duplli
Ry ? > pr?s? Ition from
Itixens of M? county tl^oud
effect of alcoholic drinks up.??i t!
and the US? Of lianoties. to be laugllt III
Hi public ? bools of me B<
following resolution ?mi? ..(Ter
Mi. \\ llllams, of Giles, sad ?? i
Win hav.?
: I '
me of I'j ?.' and,
a the th?
ln many
f the de
,,f their primdpa!? ; ind, vvh. i
. result..! from
nietr?. ' i b inducl
.,f Unir ot?ci-l duties. Wllh the VI. M to
. . i . tl ?' B
for tbe nsideriiilon of such
. into consideration a h ing. In the
Consittutlon. wherebv tres- ii h?
>'>nt ?nd ,? of all funda <in? by
ni to the Flute and conation.
ii? fallowing bllnl w? r? Introdtirfd and
i" 1 t"i the orop. r ?-otnmitlee?:
vi il iie~Orantlng a pen.ion to
h, tine Btone, widow
y h i me; For the relief of Iaaae RefdV.
Uable.l solo
y J. M. ?iw.vt! (by r. r*ueet)l T?. nm*nil
n tttl of tl
gtnli* In relation t.. the affi.l
urycyor making the ?urvey,
y Mr. Surgi'nor: Por tbe relief of M.
Mills, ,i Confederate ?oldtcr ..f lye
my, v.-i.
y W. , u. Duke: For thi ri U f of
W. Pritchard, i disabled Con?
of Alb? marie i
>' Mr. Caldwell: To amend an
lion l"T'.? of the Code of Vil
?.iritm. nt of phy?ielnn for J?? Il
i, to analy
'I cbemllt, and for ?Inthiiig for pi
In Jail. How a I Iowa ii?-.- made. Thi?
require? jai!, r? to certify to bin* of
y Mr. Hatcher: For th? L'?u
;"?t Ktither K. Aahby, a disabled Con?
?rat? soldier of
y Mr. Cburehman: To amend ei
ol ?he charter of Btauoton Aoad**my.
Ufl-Wlng bills w.re ?ntr-. I
I, under suspension of the r .
, lender;
Ir. ?' .inple II, ol Ami
author!?? and mpowi ird of
**?rvi?ora of Amber?! county to issue
??is for th- purpoec of rapalrin
cadamixlng the publi? i of lb?
' Hy .Mr. Hooker, of Nan sei
provide f..r the working an.I ?.
t- i .ir and I? ?i 111 _-r >.iii the public
Ige., and f.-irira in v>: en
- .im: T,. ?mend Hie
f ?he town ..f Suffolk.
By Mr. Cburehman, >.f A.u*
i?ii ow? r the
mule Institut? ?.. i-s?j.- bond?, '
III el ?in ?atne.
By Mr. With! tb: To
.v.l.- -, new chart? ? for tl
fton F'.r^e. in ihe county >.i '
.' . ?I I By Mr. Math?
i und i" ,ii m
in Brt to Itieorp.ir ll
in ..i t . om ic,
i,, authorise . h?
I oi.un o. k, in the county of Ac
borrow moni v.
Mr. Jordan, of F
?I? (In* th? ?liminai Jurisdiction of th?
: the city ol
\ii Pitapat -v- 1-.I1-.
re Tye ri?
rtunty, from Ita ni"iit!i t
By Mr. M lupin-, ?.f H? ni'
n nd and re-enaci the second section ..f
titled an ad to provide for tbe
?rg-.nisat.on of tbe Institution for Um
af ?nd l ?umb and the Blind, and lo r?
ii eh ipt? i vi of th? ?'.."ii
tl to repeal chapter tit of
ntitled an at ; to r? gu?ate th?
polntmenl of th?
Dumb, ?nd Blind In?tltute, at
lunton, v.l.. approved May n. IIW: ?p
rved May ?. !?:- ;. The i.iil ?eeka to
\" Ham." of the i ist it ,|t . -il t..
In- SehOOl for the | >,af and tin; Blind."
\'.r. Osorge c Bland'? bin. pr. -
r la) Ing off and surveying tbe
tur.il .
>rk river, in tbe county of Kin?' and
u i n. . liderable discussion.
\!r. t r in favor Of the bill.
.1 thought that the .survey as It HOW
,i unmolest? .1.
dr. Waik.r, of Northumberland,
>?ed to disturbing In any manner th?.
.1 Vey. whit h h.1.1 COSl the Stai?"
?.000. lb thought ti;." people of King
n had I" St? 'I a long tlm? OU
.ir rights,
Mr. S' abb? HaU the p.-..pie ..f KJ
id never had the opportunity or
iving a 1.letle survey mad? The natu
! (.i.-ks ..1' the waters .?f that county
?d not been laid ..ft" according t.? law.
Mr. Cralg ask?-d would an amendment
,1, providing that, no provlaion
' th.- Mil should apply to grounds now
Mr. Btubbfl asked th.- l>elef-nt?* from
o(*kbridga if. in eaae steh an amend?
>-nt an i. would ho vot
I." in. i-iirt?.
Mr. craig replied lu- would not.
Mr. Digg? Iban .un-.- an.I stat'.l that
like, above all thing? t., see a fair and
(ti.it.* fight, ami thai Mr. Cralg had been
.r the last ?rusk asking a postponement
' the consid? ration of the bill, In order
might obtain information.
Mr. Cralg sau) that be had f. Ivt .1 111 it
iformatlon, and therefore a 1?
r...1 of th? i.iil. The [>el-*g_1e from King
nd ?Queen th*n d? ? lar?*d that Mi
oi only wanted time In order "
t ammunition to d? f? ai the hill
Mr. \\ (throw - ild the 1 *dmmoa
anted "fair play" a? well as any one.
: ?p? nt mon? v t > define the
attirai roeka of the oj ?ter-gtoun
aaa opened to on?, other
would rush in, and the WHO!?
ork \v..n!<i be undone.
Mr. W itkius stated thai be
mir of the bin if the Amendment ?ug
1 it? "1. 1 i"\Iding t( !i..ui,|
ot be afft ' (. was ?dCfSed.
Mr. Wlnborne thought that it would be
. rounds
nd throw thi m open to the longer. The
hose who bad leased the lande ?hould
1. I in their rights
Mr. Bland, of King and Queen, then
1?de a strong argument in favor of his
111 He showed, from figure?
rom th? Auditor, that elnce the 1
rounds a re rented the re.,,
rom his county from the oyater Ii
peak? 1" read
..?-n. 1 -:.,t. nu nt from thi oj ?Her In
.-itv. in wblcb thai ofll
- tbe grout? 0 A. P.
I . B
ln ly of raturai rock.
rhicb etas on a to tbe bill
id ?a hi? ii 1
. p>. ! by Mr. Bli
iy a vote of -? to 4-, The original hill was
hen defeated by a voto ot H to ti.
liability hill was
he flrsl one to I
lar, and waa pea 1 altbout ai
Tin- following oth.r House Mil
1.. 1 a 1. I ,'
of Virgin un. ??'i' .1 by
i,'t ?pproved February 7. UP
?quire tbe name tituted ini it?
ntered on marginal i??>ok when?
. ?i, or other writing I
., _ . ih. r With Of the old. r ? !
it? ,-t Mack ,' i?a and ;
ii Rappahannot k rlv? r and Its 11
1, s abo-.e tld? water, 111.-In.in
v,rk, the ftapldan. and the Roblnaoo
iver? and their I
l'or the pi .nail iii the
ounty of Rappabannock,
For ti on of purtridges in the
To am? : d and <
nacl an a.-t t'
;tr,l 1. -. - (..ns 7. 17. und :
bruai iiiitle.i
in provide tor
the public d?JtH Of Virginia, let
appropriating UM? for tbe ;
volutru of the Virgin! 1 R 1
To inn nd ai : Ion ?- or
Article I .
of an a- t entll 1? 'I I
ita, m Ib-nrtco
approved Janu
The Midterm K \ n uiinn 11 on?..
IntermedMts t? rm .it um h?k??
>| will close text w.-ek. m?.I th
?urinations will begin <n
the promotion to high?.!
tbe Hlgh-Hehool pu plu.
?m ?he Uth
from I gi imn ?r s. boola
( itiiliiall.e
..is will b- adtn the
High Is. hool.
Death of Mr?. 1). I,. Met lure.
D. !.. McClui : Mr. O.
?re. of SO. '..' ' noi '
tcrday ifternooi - from tli>
Kurt ..H'.h. ran cbureb. Th? In
tern?, m waa m ll<>llyw.
Prlng. sin- a i- In h?
She was Ihrl? niarri.d. an Ib i '
hv live son - and i
i i
H ?Vf YOU gira (r<?--inr waakae
olUlr.' I'??-? y.Mif t
iiidly -li?-r e\
y m lut r lic.iil.li he .
' I
cnrn liai);
Scott'a Emulalon ?f < ?a
liver?>i1 ?iri>*,like_???<l_:ti<?fi. \tm??mt?aaa%?nn??axan
tur nth W.mmI. thamt iirrver. *nA ?.OuuU meuw'..*.
Feb. 2lst.
47G pairs of our very host 11.5(1 Kid Olores, perfoct in
every way that you could expect, and to be Hold out only be
GSHSS WS prefer to eell them rathor than to move them. The
?ale starts to-day at 11.19, They aro Black Uloves?, t-hook,
all six??;, and will be fitted to your hands if flsshld
There wjttl be a glorious elosing out of HANDKERCHIEFS
! hero to-day. On first rentre-ainh. counter t hero v? ill be placed
every 17c, every 150? every l2kc, sadf?*efy lOe. Linen,
Swiss, ainl Cambric Jfindkcrchief, both ]?uro white and
nooning borders, not the lessi rumpled, tossed, or soil- _
e?l. Von esa buy on?' Of a-! many as yon want for, each. 3C
THIN WHITE GOODS buyers may gsther here in force now,
for from to-day 00 somethin_ lik?' 3,000 yards of Satin-Fin?
ished Whit?' rii.'ck Muslins, that were 12f tad l-V., will _
in- closed ??lit at. per y;ird... oC
It is vonr last chsnoe tu profit of the salo of sampl?;
UCE (IR?ains. They are the ehorl lengths and can be bsed
so well for tr.iiisoins. I.ath-rooni windows, vestibules, and
bssemsnts They sis 40 to 72 inches wide, sad t?e <-.
?ni?'?' is. ?3C
We have leathered together *J. tfc* LADIES? CAMBRIC
CORSET C0VIRS th;.t sold lor 17c, tli?t sold for 15c., that
sold for I2ja, ami arc to 1??' Hold to-day for 9c. each,
? i) " f??r.. ."..,. ??5C
01R REtrFR COATS can be worn by a l???y ? iirht months
?nit of tlif yesr, sad it wonld be mSttairfnl stroke of ???*oti
oiiiv for yon t.? pick np one o? these that w<> rare c!osin?:?iut.
There are Naw Blue, Gray, and Browns, with wide Sailor
<'.?liais, hound with wifle Mohair .?raids. They are our
best bargain 12.50 and 13.60 Costs sjod sis to be ^ _
put ill ?Hie lot to elose. *3)I?3U
MEYER'S, Slxthand Broad.
il-. aan.wAi i^mmusmii ami
i in: *?ut t tiritv ho vi?.
I'ports I??-.i ie.I?<| .m I ?tied ?NV Ininni
Paanla will rtlshsnle Ta Analyse
FmUm 1'rodin'??. ? l'ertllI/cr-Tax
I'll-i?.?'-'tirilier*' tii.tiiut.-?.
:ai.km.h. N. c . ,i muai .
a.)?it has i
Of railways. Other than the
uilern bare bem unua.
8 Rallara** i a thii week to
n i vi.i"ii.e regnrdlng the harts of free
?. It |8 88 'trot'. The new commis
msrs have ho far digested th?ir enttra
l8Ck aK'iin-t th.- Southern railway.
it has also been rei>orted that t?.
had lamed an order fort.i.iding
f the
of rallara*' em] Thto li
i rror. also, as tb
t taken up that matter. The railway?!
a d that It ' I 08 and tho
, m tu? d.
If, Barnard irrired t.>-.!,-iy and
ok the oath or oiti." ai Unli d I
?strict-Alt.a I :rn,-ll.
i:..Vviiu..'-?'ollcctor Simmon.? retir*
lary list, and Carl Duncan conies in.
>-.-i.il-Ati.-nt l*.y will sup? ivlsc tho turn
g over pf Un- ..Hi... There ?ire only
ctol aganta m the count?, who
i in i-- la to i. ' itlon by
inston p??i|iie oi tbi coinpletion iobu
ni" l:i Jun?; ??I thl M?">r>-.?V?I and
ocksvilie railway. It Is re.Uly ?i very
n|"i!t:int link.
tapectsd v, h. n ths i" alt?
Jiivflit tin- phosphate mine at I
ij in- that .i tori onriets
put on there, and ths ontpnt of
a mine be Btadl Larger than ever bv
re, but ' y llttio minim.
;.. ?. h done.
What I waa in this eltg
?i news cornes nom Wilmington
s at? -i'h.-mist W. A. \\ ith.rs s
i will thto areSH
egin analysai of uli the food pr?
n North C It
. D niar
BOBBI Ol ill iMnd? M sale. Th?
- w movement is retarded ai important,
i h is baltored thai than li mucti
Ion of vai
<i that the shops of thn Sea
aid Air-Line la t. will bfl rehullt. it
d that one of the reaaona I
a h.ivitiK Been r. laiilt ln.iiiediai.iy/ at.
er the Bri which destroyed them In itio
prias; of ISM wai that
bonji ?I that Bri to ha?
ry origin.
II. ?'.. Bwari f? "i- perfectly . rtain that
a- will K?-t the app<5lntmciit a? United
a gang
nt t.. | longing
0 the State, from which th<> city 1m
aktag graaiti far str.-, t improv
nvtcti will K**t ont ?-toi.
i-e.i la the street* around ths i
At the AgTl(*Ultni .I I .t it Is
aid thai ' ? Of l.Ttll
ire v.ry not eniiti so large
ii t?> which broki
The f.-irmcrs' institute;?, win
.? again held tl Board of
\<ii. lllture, will BOt, r.'tary 01
a in ralla
Carolina railway, v\
: li diyx BgS 'I'll.
? more than
ttl .
lien of ill ?. la Um
ii on
Which COM!
I : Ight tiilsll;.'S>. B
I make u ,
> m Its
: i. a?
' . . : : |. ; ' | J
Air LIBO, NO .' !''
Nortela. s. . vey*
- . n'.i. -n i?
ai Judges who bave
tr.-u passen
1)1 - It IIA II DOTS.
Nun ?In ?.-S I Kiit lire?Indicted fo?
'KiMiAM, n t January :i.--(8-teciai.)
night at i i
earebousc "i? Oreen ntreet, owned by
M, .bdinnon, and ooauptod as a ?tore
i dwelling, and by the American To
. > Company for the ntwrage of t
d*. Ih. lt.su is nearly total.
. building waa Insured for JfiOo. and
a i\u11 h I.'tM?. The tobacco lova will
00O, and th? mercbandhM
nit V**).
?bout i">> persona have been indicted a?
a i. mi of the court for rattling, ?nd
ment on account of lt
Threi* lion?,?. Ilurne.l.
.VIN'STi i.N, S, < '., January HI. -(Speelal.)
re at .Mt. .Mrv last nli*ht destroyed
lee houses, valued Ht H.ODO. One bulld
c belonged to Mayor K. K. Haymoro
h.r two to the heir* of I'rlah
?uiihn. of Pender county. Very little
: any of the pro?
ra... _
in?' **ii?i>i-llrlfl? Inip?'?le Tn,*,e!*?
Telegrnpli *>er?. 1??* ?rippled.
"iii.w AKKKi-'.. January U The swst
vere bUaaard wbdeh has ?tolled this city
OB tinned in Its fury until about
'clOck yist-rday momtag. Snow to the
nth of IS lachea bas, fallen, and. with
e wind blowini* t? of fifty
He? p.r hour, great drifts were f
ail pai Ity, making tra.
-1 impossible,
t railway traffic
?rly In th<* night
most Important thoroughfare?
ere kept open with tb? iverful
until an hour before nibinlitht.
h.n tiny, too, w< .- rapidly
:i,.w drift.
.me In very Irregular
and only i?; trains, taeh
Ith the .id of h. v notlvea, at
to get through, those carrying
eb'ht b? t *-- nbandon? ,1 Kv. i
Ire in the State w '. Mtid news
oin the outside world wa? received Over
i- ion? .lire.
f!..m railway I nt|{ht
I of tbe 1 -now-drlft?, ?md
i us of all kinds /ire running on tin?..
In? ?onfedernl?? Hanquet In New
S Y oik Kress.)
I?-. Hunter Me?luir.-, the chief speaker
f th? it at Commander Thor
urn's rlghl t" New Y trie on
ii'.-h.s m t<n . rasa on whoao
tuff he was medical ?lirotnor durtn?r :
ir. ii propped himself against the tel
. I i. Ii that las an
I ?hat timo suntu-iie <l
idlence to su-di
iff the ?saw
out of their rooatbe, so fearf.il
.nd might disturb
11, . t Inn -a upon his
?tiK Tom i - an . ast
: t. C. ?*. Kit.?, who
imp. The |l. v,
hmond. wau? a
II". is the In in who shield?*! Jack?
on'? body with bis own. Ho looks h* it
i ftRht the tes.? hand-to
?nd a? anv other v.ay.
. 'I ' ' ' ' '.' ' ?
103 East Broad Street,
vlmost Everything
Reduced in Price !
All the (1< ?ahsth.it were ^ _Q
119. anil *t 1 ">, oho?M for.. $4.98
All tlifCloiiksthat wt'io
r'i'., $7,|?,aod$10,o?noioe $J.9o
Ni-w htyl?'-? -.,,
i Any pattern for l"f.
Organdies, Percales,
and Madras Cloths.
103 East Broad St reft,
V\t Corner First.
Min- sell?, in the IHxpAt ft
n prompt ?ttentlao,
. f work and prices wilt
be ?ar? t? yi?M?** >*>tt.

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