Newspaper Page Text
_THK RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, JANUARY 25. 1893.'_ 5 \r NEWPORT NEWS. ,?,, | urn?? Of l IHI II HMO l\ D \*?. * .. Mnl??vlnl lt??iii.*i?**?To lulni--,? ? n|.-rll>? Mini *??i*?i>?<?.. .1 t<? .lilril BslcM? ? Wlll.,1 li> S - . II \ I ' .->:*. -i in il m \\ . orn? I lil\ cr.ll?- llrlii?. - ' - - have - rtimnts m ; ptain in the - H - Jim ' I - - Ill to . !ll tO I w hi i UUB1 it?;. I t?. it ? *? ? I .1 l':i i?.- -? I.und ??alf*? |*C i ?nuil I. April I ?r. ? . iris york I i. la ktgxAh?tih. - ""m ?.win niiiim-i Rheumatism. . o of l itnbsr* I ,i fontioasd tu?? i i ?.ar DANGEROUS DAYS. * ' I???* I*.. n?,l Tl..?, \r,.,l to ? ? V??H,"I,,.,| tf9r\ ,Mr-fM,,>. ia ot Um i . when ....thH rom - nonio *niy; it ?_ta quickly; n tar ! th? ii coma? N ' I thi it. a and ?. difficulty In I lasts ?r. pneu? -ii'i.i. n .. . n ,,.. ve all thing?, prompl ti prompt i -ughl er; 11 not, f >? n |? ?.m irho mulani Instant!) .. liable, thi in be d? Pure M it I ived he llvei of thou . , , th? iimonla In . .rm, : the it _ OLD I HUM \\ |>k ?,?*,. _lM ?...x,.,! ,,? ,,,,. \ i,.Aini,._i,,.. Hi*-.I I.. I... M,"o?,|. ' ipany * <r > from lad Virgil firm Norl -yard. H? comma i inch -pin, the muaxle f wh It ' '. . v. t? ;'. uftei the war, re D? part go ... ni. imer Mei I Item lilOrS ?. - iy. She I ih i t... tli>. Ion of the -- ?Hors I irltlsh il, Mr. Bai who - ?nsld? ? i ordered rey ol rtatnlng It the i-omi ound? I. ii detained till the trouble tii.- ?allor? will be com oard and ptaln Captain l il Dalton, .. and tbe . 11. mra m n hav? l.i i?n aurvey of the Men ; or? ? to her condition. Dlf 1*0 Qtift m \itnir.n. A Trnnn? 'llirown from n Train nml llniHv Hart. <ii.\i:i.<iTTi;svii,i.k. VA., ?fsnusry tt - v,. All. ti left ?m No, i. over the Cbeaspeske sad Ohio i ?y aft?M*noon for Prsnk? lin, k i ' ranow evening at a.? will iu> united i?? mai i with Mlaa May CSmp. Tha ctrcmnny will Franklin Female College. ?""I will i- no? .1 by th? brtds*? snde, .' '.v;. ?<. I young i of thi th? City itt> >-. Mie? lamp, and ?rill be rem? mb? > - reel?-? .1 f.>r a long tim?, and where, bj rm of man? icter, boat ni" > will ba city. Mr. Allen and his bride ?rill probablp arrive In Charlottc-svllle Wednesday af? in', and fois the present will make their horn? on Rmge ?i A tramp, who gave his 'hits : the north and ? ?i.'.i yeat? rday afternoon, wn violent.? I ana d? of hi? facs nd skinned, He, in ny with a "i>al." had made hli from Ashland, Ky., on tin train from a hi thrown. rut Kin (.** MiitiiM), I.III1? ttiiillii-r 1 n?'?- m! in r>- BlSSC in dun n?ll.-ii \ y I.ii.N. LEE8BURO, VA., January IL?(8pe I of Incendiary f.rijuin rm about 1?<?i*e. Almut midnight turday Mr. Mason Throckmorton, t his barn, with its entlr? . no? thitiL- wiii,' t.. the rapidity 1er, grain, ng implem? lagea, and bar include? tweh twent) -fou p irtlal Insuranc? on the third fir. of th.- kind In this neighborhood lately, a.i.l I much comment, following are the f th? all. nt ? ' ii :'.' i mn wider, Polonel y V. Whit? . Flrsl Lleutenant iptain W. W. Athey; Be? mandei ? iptain William B. Lynch; Third Lleutenant i 'omn - ' r'.In?-; Murray, Will : III S. Wl rana? H. Lieu? i -i 'ommandi r, ES. K. wan-, tt; 8? i Commander, J. n. L ; Ueuienant-Commander, \\. c. ?i.ti Dr. W. W. Luck; Adi?*> tant. il. il Tebb?; Quartern) i, l.i \li?_loii Wiiiit* an Kli'i'lri?' Hmiil. LEXINGTON, VA., .lam?,try ti. <S|.. rial.) Mr. John lt. Williams, of Rich? mond, and Mr. Augustine Royall, ol ,. i foi evei lm< they drove around the iburbs, The oui rom? of their vieil wa? the drafting oi rtei applying t" the Legislature for a frai ? lo< ate and op rate an i illway ) Williams is the ownei .if the JH ?t? ' was built by the L? ?Ing pmenl Company at a ? bought by him to satisfy ! prop? ?tv will to a company, and the railway led In connection with It, so thai ,i n, iy be had. -.. the .mm mllit' Ihre? Bark ??eto With iii.-'i.Iit. lied trum this | inl, .-': i!. cturned to porl with .. Wilt r. i b idly, and . i> .lot tin???. - . t!;.- store Hitman, iii this place, i.'. break? .. . tchman J. N. C th? ihlef to i . tiubl? home on l i was , ?I ol Mn m Don n by n Train. a . rbnuar* M .s(..-.iai i .,1,1 col? -u I" ,1 cut .'ff oi '"? _?" thought be will . ( I'rtNlilt'il tor the Kirnt Time. WARRKNTON. VA., .loi?;? u '>' -? (.(S',V , presided n. th? < oun? M Um to-day, bul ..i any Import??*?? 1.1 m. N TH? AfPOMACTOX. I Ml M-S? liool. ?iiv\i:\|-||,\ ?Il imxr.K \*?<mh i \tio\ ni in.i.i. in- PfBaM?aiflBi InajBels la lie Dta nasa?. OeatS tftm iM?..?.t-i'oi?<,n hm-TItrre Kirr? lu ?h,. ? oekii.t, ? l<?-< iillln.? \ffrn>. RQ, v \ . January M fJBpe i Convet ?over Baptist Associi tlon, wHl i "' l',,v- City < hm? h. ear Willlamsl.iirx, on Saturday und Sun uv n.'.vt January urlh aad Mtb. Thi la? lodnetoiv '.itnoi' all! bed by ? h. T. Allison An im ranuBi lias been ' "-ton, things, of Un ring opot rork, th,. duty of ti..- ? hur? has t.- o,. onday thi relations and duty >f Hi" i ttnal liitlu. n, -in.; : - . ,, wna( how to 1 mong th. arrltei R B. Tyl? ;. nd W, I I ' IM ' l. T. H .. M T. V. I'. Tunstall, i 1 M pu. n? r, : ?a entras d In ,\ ; numb Ing n] : ring DEA1 il ' II A BUS8EX CITIZEN. Thomai Peel prominent uno . Il-known farm? i lint? r ras drawn out II ?nit..I. which vi? nal was Know n ind Us. Il h brought l THREE FIRES ON SUNDAY. all day Bun? th? m pi .bout 8 A Hing i bj a i tamil). wa- burned. No li About 1 P. M., ? . Blling, aid Union ave pled by Mr RufDn, and Mr. .1 ? ', Pitts, caught lire ivas partially consumed. Mr. Ruffln avail most of his furniture. Tb< w.i- insured for 11.000, which will more than ??over th? loss. At 10 o' last algh! ; i out to quench a Bre at the house of .Mrs. Rlisabeth Wilson, on w The le ine tton a is only partial, and tie by Insurance. The : owned i.y Martha i.aiiii?, of Chicago. ELECTION OF OFFICER?!.' At the mee*l Ing of the stockhold? i burg !' M" tual B molng to-d j lia folio? . ted: Pr? sid? ni N. T. h un Woody; Cashier, Robert Harrison; Trost .ai it. - Moli. PERSONAL BLLIGRNCB.' and 111 Lilt . i on Bi irice, lent Boatwi brief a Up. r < Hlv? i. . who - n ?;.. ndlng some ?lays .. here, )"!; ; to visit inty. M Ing a iDgfl - Mi. William T. - r qualifled living t..?nd mm of SU IN?; AFFAIR. and S imii. I Hi'.l i into a ; i lay night, during ?rhlcb the latter i d by inn? r, though not ? Mayoi ind sentenced to J months. II" took bond in the num of I M \Y SOT HEIX. \ ?tlr Tim? Canaan" Hi?- Beliaal lloiird t?. Hill?. <-. <?TT?'\'ii.LE. VA-, January -! ?o'i>'' aanl B iturday, when it b? t ont- i listrtct Bcbool i contemplated selling the school building and erecting i ?o grouBd con from th? ' the town The i'f sent building la i rob tlal brick si ructur? two it sides basemen! an l | nr.-t. and Is sum >s< 14,000. The price offered for :t and the grounds attached do. h no! es Th.- building ?lands immedi? ately in th? town, on oi the most promin? n< t*oi ners number of the most prominent patrons and others m? l and- th? Ir op posttl m to the sal.-, it is thought now that the sale will not tak. : Elisabeth Tj 1er, w ife of Mr. John \v. Tyi.r, died laat night, In I Mr. i Miarl. And? : ?Ick a few evenings ago, is now better, aline. Elder Rev J. S Hnnt.r bed two able the M< thodlst chur? h y? terd ly. H held the t quarterly n Ba? il . \ di'iion at pr? b? o?, both finan? cially and spiritual!), It v .? i _ kh. who look th-- i Mr. \\ illlam " ?f 1; icktngham v oui i ' lottesvUle, ti i? nd, .Mr. \\ . r la por.' i think oui i - opl? will \ I S' l i| : . o? i?-- railway t.. - near! Pimple?, I ' tehes, b'.ackhe&ds. red, rouuh, oily, BEQIIiJ.sHB. itrhiiiu'. BOElj M*lp, dl"l , : faiiinf? hair, M I rsvsated i-y ?'iTi.irai ??Ai'.thc mo?'. ?!:".- tive ?kl? ing and tiraulifviog so.ip la Iks WOtid, :n veil as purest aad ?weeu.t iurua.l, bath, and r.uiciy. I.Kvtdthrouifhoiilth.wnrlJ. PoTTf* O. l?r?C. Cnvr., B.?i?l'r..|)?,Uo.ton. mum'UmmmmMnOojHisBm,**8ss BLOOD HUMORS ?'lu'K?ti?i?Wr*. MPLICITY Just simply a pure extract Of prime bccf-tlmf? Lntta COMPANY'S Extract. Highly concentrated. No adulteration. Uo sure you get t!ic Ens with blue signature and *# rid divijipointnient with inferior and imitation sorts. ? i:<xik ?hiittitigmanrdeliclotii w&jrunf i (r-? to hnankwp^n. Ad* <r?3i Lwbi? Co.. P.O. Box ?U Sew York. ?. * UEBiG(0HPANY5 DCTRACT??BEEF. | !S^--1 =*& HARKET QUOTATIONS. itKronrs from aix on eat dcii- ! v m:ss centres of the world. ' ' Prie**? of Honry, ??ruin, Tal.nrro, Cooalry Produce, ml Dom? nir. Ilond., Cotton, Stock?, Cattle, . ?te., Foreign NEW rORK, J - . lion of I that th? hip .v I to proceed , to Habana. Un til I n. th. hands ut to and transa? ti n a na ill lu w< ?v ; i i. ,' I i- |l a .. on municipal fi. Later som? oi Ib. ... id? ri.iit wen taken up and i mu k I rem d U a | all this I.lit fluctuated very narrowly, the I --v. . i well as thi demaaa. in the hit? motional stocks, the decline! .. . . re? port? d from Lond? a. This stat" of affairs after mid-day, w h? n . llOWed by K'-ne i.ii Improvement, th,- prlcsi ol lbs ma? jority of stocks having ri?'n a. BBBaS E turday*! clos.- just i selling movement Inducted by lbs aewa ot the Maine's movemeats bagan. This new.? led with ?e? ??tu ??m at Brat, anil the market held Steady 'or A lim., hilf upon the publication of th?' Associated Press account! the Ikruidatlon promptly set In. I'll" Offering! were not on a tXS ni. ialou-ly heavy Heal?.', but ill?, demand was |l| , fei. fait, Ti..- Specialties arhlct* had b in tnark.'d ! uj? in th?- morning, und ?orne of the rau t. ad ?t-.rks which bare ibown th.? great? | trengtk t- eently, sutf- : avi rusli to tak. profita The Northern Pacific and FJnioa I * ' in were rere In this reap > t. in I a j > i tbi lu*? but net n l and | nolnti? Bt*| vi? nt all through th" list of activa odia? th.- leading Bpech th. Oi .. | ma The sttltu Is "i th. autboritl? i a- Wash? ington In at!... hing little significan, a t" th? proposed movement of the M little effect In allayii i i?ii t. u.i ency Of tbl market, arn! with tti i lion alii. - in Mea fork group the mark I weak -m Washlt ,. hat.',--, on a? count ..f the ? 'nion Pa. la ten wi akly W'.iil'a < mil a- ?.roval ol in which th.- deposit! Ha The ., : n_"!. In the fli ' , . . lard , ency In I k< t. a*, it II h - th.- market, which - ne.ivy, gftb i probability Of Idle fun?!?. | * call-loan n rfcnt, ?how a no quoi ibli chant The bond market ihOWed 1? lathy with itocka, thi declines marked m thosi bonds v.lach b .th The Unit. ? ' cw- Pa f. n M r?, the | bid price to-day. The . ailing ol ti in thi New York I lend- to Increase the supply of go? nu nt bonds by releasing those arblch : as lecui it y for th.?. deposits. Ti-.e total sa'" ., At. his.m pr? i"ia. d, - Chicago. Burlington and Qulncy, I [I fille and Nasbrille, 6,?B0; Manhattan, [etropol Btreet R illway, : - irl Paoyta. MOO: Niw York Cei I 16,748; Nor! fin?- IgO -Vol liai h I 760; Union Pacific ' Am? i U.?B?! Chi? ... na MONEY AND I XCHANQE. laut a intlle -it. dull and hoatry, with I and r sii liara, 44 1-4. dll'.l. I' A'eak. touut 0 '.' ' ? ' H)S'* sice < *! > * * ?' - ai tu ? t?. i referrs i. Baltnni .- in i ' ? -. i . 1 l 4I1M . . t SB ' i . I i Cinc??.'., ?a : a loa . .. - . . '-***_ .!i ... 88*8 . . f( . -1'4 ...)?i4 ... ?inrllnsi l?. ?m Bastara llano?'?. i . m t st uonis.' ' , referred. Delawsr? aodBulsea . i i v\ -"'irii .... . Uenvei un i Uto tiranas.. D? averiad StOlirtEBde, ?>r?>???r-r?i i. t ... . 14 l ?i i.r*?e?r.-'? : . y? n Warns.: Great , :.'t?.-rr>?a .' . _lt?*y. 111:11 is'-'/E j ! i e*e _*ie ti'il.Vii -rn . . no a d A esle? n, preferred*. ' ' i _. i i oaisrille and ?asBrula. I ; v, isbattan l. | Meirt i - - -non. ran Csctrai . ? . . . ? Ik*, nre'.-r N . , ?*. Oil? .' ' N . . nial : . . . iml T. i?r<*ferreu. . - n i ? lii.'nuu. ?' : I. ;l I -*,. .... 1 Ni'v rortc'ootr.i;.?. i an i >t. i. . . ' -"?'4 ? ?.y. ..i-.* preferred... ?a"> i >'or t.W'siain_ ..I | \onti Aiit'-.t-'ia i-'orapauy. Iff NCI -'.lief hi' 1 -Hi ..a .... 8.*?li ! \. rtbert. ?ic.neu ?ffHWtOS.?I'.'?It ' oniarioaaa Waatsra._ II uree? n it. tu.t ;uv.... 48*4 1 ur.-i.-i a .-?nuii Lin??. 1'ittsounc.1<IM , Ke<vlit.? .m-mm. . 31 I K(X-W.?lvnl. K I,.<ms and San Prea - ? . ?I ; ?1- atlJ *"?ll I'lEI.' ?. I......H uu'i ?,in Francisco "a pr,-':. ?. H.Haul. . ":.-_ H.l'ti-.ii i?--? ' ' .?.148 M.i'aul fiod ??mil i . T'.'11 .?i r i.;: in i i> a i'i i. otetsrred.141 n. <?. anil ?i.1 , .?.?uiui-rnl'ft.-m .,. So'lt'a '.:. . S'lutto-rti. orilcrrea. iOn\ issa? Paoiflo.,., ijiij rHWTOM ?TOOK Q?0TATIOIW cionlnc stoci? lni',D I'a-inc. :> | ?ad o. E ? ?.IihmI.. st. i,.nu*i an 1 Paetfl ..... B fanaak. M.Los-iaad Patilla, ptotattoh.. IT fl . mi t 1,'it'. Brie. ,*J Vl eeliD.- an.l Uk* I**?-? nrei??r-st. I1J ur****Bi ***a***_s a* IHI? .* h '.?.;< ?F.I ",(^ .1 "f -Km States gxpreas. 41 sprees..... ... - .' ; " M'~' I u.a.??"?or-. a "i. m t ottoa *??? prefanea. ' ' > ?(.'.rit?. ' i ?.pints preferred . .:* L'obac Co. to < ur?i??rroJ.? I ' lil ?ago ;.. > . its i ' ?as. ntinny. ?'_ ... Pi .1 I . .-?-.. ?*' *Ol Puel 11 !.r-r.,rr?*.l..... ?' no . ;! ?' - Steel. 40 ' .11. ft .?'". lfr'i-i'. ." i i preierreo."' .' .'. '. il in i" i OU.. '_' . . ' ? ' ni..... j"! 'm. nmn PaIac*.I J'1 iilTerO . ''.']' itandard Uooe and Twine. :,? Mn-irU'.'.r ?ami :( ? a-' v .. .' ' ;'' ir Kefloerr, ur?r.11"! i Irau. es ?ether.. ? tih.'r preferred. ' ' ' . .?. Kubber. '.;' . H i. iiii.-r preferir? : .' ' B - ???ii. i ilion. . s<l; ?orthwe wara .' \'': StirthWeHtfTIl, tir."?"'l r.;il.1641 ?|. Lo?is and Hoatta??Miara .? -,r It i .in-, -m i Bootbw 'stera Ifrt p_wfsrr? L J BioOraade and Ifeatara. "'. -toOranda and W?at?rs. i?r.iterr?>?i. as hieago'Iran? Wetten . ,', *. Hawaiis? Oo*am<H*slsl Oompssy. 9HA Heading 1stpr?ferrad. J*: rtu.M) LUT. L'nltpi?statf*?! 4'?. ae-. r'?_lstered.1 .'7' Dallad States ?'s. ue-r. roupon?;.ISSj i n-.titi ?tinei? ?j t?a*u**?rse.-.ngJ t M?, .i ?ninj 41, e?oes.11 ?i? i nltadStatea 3*a?oapoa.100 Halted MHti?. Vt recluir?.!.llg? United Blata? Vt COUPOB?. 1I41 Hl-tri.-t :i S-l.1 I?) Alaterna (?.In.? A. . 1?H aiabSBMlClaaa B|.IM Alabama Klaus CJ.Un? -.'a-sria Currency,. .LOO Ai.-D"on4'??. (?1 D Bdt 4 *?.*. Ml I aiia>la*?.ni'ri>>rii '.' ?.I tti\ ? . ? N. P . I. I iTm . R6] Lihaaapaak? .': oim? u.116 C. II. ft i). -I *-_'-* .(Offers DeriTTA I*, ii. lit?.|l?.?> I;eaTer A B < 4 >. ?i Kh?.i fenn esses US. i BJ r.rir. general 4'?. . . ID r \v .< it. 1st?, t. r. ' ? ' -r i r.le-trl.' A'?.,. !i?ii? '.. 11.,* s. \. .) -,.in ; ?.. ?' \ **. \ " i. . . . |. :.' teatral > t. . . i im ii. a T. ?Ussitraleoosol0*s.100) Mrs? lit?.offered ,100 Kaasa? Partfle****tisoIa. I r. <; km.. l'A." ISIS i'.?n iitv.t. t. r.IM Loaisian HMS.4'?.I??.' I . ,\ M. I nl. ?'s. ??fl 'in.100 h. k r. iM?.. -. j M.K. I. *t ... . . MS New York Central ?*?t->.litt* ge? Jersey Cesura) *>' .? i ; gorta OaroUaa ir?b..,la*n genii *.r*>UDS4*i. 104 Notiticrn i'a<*tticist..117 N'!',. "1 II I'n II1C A'?. I '?' Nortb? i 't . ?t?' v V ' . ,i -'. I. it .... 1" | J t .,|-, rtl'i. IS4? i al-.ilS..ailler.">l .11 , NOrt&Wt ri.-ll l.'.i. > I. I ! S i ira? "ti ' nvii.'n toa i -i.i ; i\ . ;i.,i ?i *?. UoaO's tr.' ..'.i? n. b. Lis? a'-, ?. r . '??? <.. Impi.itn'iit ; ?** *. t. r.?ot? < ?. i itiiriivoiiftit .'.'s. t. r.... . . ;.7 ! HMtil'ltto' .' . . . as? ?'. ?;. w.'-ii*. gg] -t. !.. .t 1. M ,",)i.-t.| &"i. ggi HLL ?A i . ceieral ?? *>,.t mi vi Pa? I ?.?iiio!?.; ?so? M. !'. ' . .1 v, l?H.II i ! . PauiC *P.-*s .i?i? uoutli Carolina noa-mod._>-,. ? beatanrn -UM.wae - '< Htandard Hope and Twine 0*?. ,'>s TeBB*as?? new sec*,le?Tie:i* Vt. i?.7 P i- de i. ... UM . ..lOOj I exas Pa-lflc reetster*?d 2's. :tl 1*1 Ol '?D....I-'"1 .' ?. nl' ist;?. ;.4i '_ .HIS . ii-. . gil \'. Sit Mil . !'j .,,.lli!|. */irrnala ("eotun ?. ioj red. . ' . ,i B'a ol '!? '. .108! -obi'oaod OaM4'i. ;ki ' 'h ?i i.-i| iii.-i and Keadlocs. m. 6* ..... IMH Nortolkand Wettern consol ?'*? . ' ' ,>. k. h'P t. il V . - \ . Il ,". Kl i .Jaiiu.-ir.T '.'4. l? Ig, Iere09pere?ata?1.0C n? m?; VIrgUila Cestarlef?1,000 at70)4; v'. itnrtett?1.000 ?t '?''-: V rglnia tenu I ,ii'..; Virginia CaatSrleS?1,0(1 si 7 n..; s'irt-'inii i .'|?.| i : jgtals ? estsriM 4*000 . 10 i . 1,000 .it 7044] . ? -V.000 at 7 ?i1 v ; V:ri/ SiSC 3,000 al . ,r < . 1.1.1. ??.keU, DnltedStatM l'a. 100. . 11 -i ?TATJ s? . ' i*'i ... 10414 V :. ] ti. ; ! ! ti'S.100 iewi . 80 m?1 m. IITI ' : I - ? ? uf r?. is] . yi . 111 . - : ' i . Clli lin VU BOSPS. Atlanta aar'a.tte - . 10B I N-n* 2d 7 h. i 10 tara ?k I la i i lOUj mi* , ... \ .' ... i i ta? m >? -.... ... Ufl r: j i. I and M? .-g lut . ' ' *> >. lia, ? M " ' . . hi H -aloern n i "' -. : toa \.-o\ a? - tii thy Kl? 'm '.r.'? ir. - 103 104 ?. ?T . '-?'l 00 Por. ?...., M? ? !?ll .. . ,.100 ' r?, .lu.? i?. . ..t.??u ; v.m It.-?m. nd. Fred arg . n I I'.'? ni"i.- utiirti.iD_ 100 121 .... letw-ui m; iit.'i?. lOO HI . . m ' I". Kaiiwar. peer..... io?> ghtt . ti iilwiy. i- .j.m.m., in?) Bl I \l i.\!ll I. I : t'ab?ma. .-o:u. ? 10 . ?.-. I . .- > ' ' i' l'i.' ..... v?: National Hank of Va. mi? 100 IC I N III.>.. tl 1.1? ?c_H?" 2 15 ir? 1? fsaad in r_*i *e ?Jo'iip'tiir. '?? ? Ss urn- .... ....ICO l?'4?4 ?tat. Baaaof Virrtala_ loo i:ls mi_ ?0 11 ? Virvinis * : ?i?-t Compeaj.i?';? 11?> 'il ?Ok : It? 'liiiutn.i ... .'."? 'J? 38 In fi, .-. rtrgiaiaftre ass Marts?.. . ; "> 84*4 VirciniaHtati _ ... '? 04 Mi? rau askod.-i. American 'lotia^'i Compa uy [preterradi . 100 II Annri -Mi i i.i. ?< . m>?ur , i) IllBCtll. if* >? .m?., aeratoal praf.lOC? lOON l"1' >a.-i a-*oUaaCb?*ateal t-om 100 >"?'4 ' ' ? uiintiotii? nr<* fur tx'u4? iiLiturin? in no? lesa tban tea yean riWANClAL. W.A. P0RTEJ3F1ELD&C0., MAIN OFFICE, 1104* EAST MAIN STREET. 'PHONE 318. Hnihch?'t*ai.<l ?*orn-|?'?ndentl UlWlSjhout the Southern St? Bank reieren?Si Any prominent .'?ink in tbe Baoiiu. Especial Attention Given to Out-of-Town Customers. NOT- -Tin? p. ndinu' >ilv.T l.-_??i??"??? in Hi?- I'liiK'-i ?^.?Uionovt-r th?' Cuhun ,,.., stio,,. ?irnl tl.j- vvarlik?. .'I....?l in tho Cl,,n?.*a: Waters have nil had n tendency lodeprt - Proba-My the Brai part el the corning mm k will show some further i.'-k-ii.?.?. The financial outlook, easy money, and g-?od ranwiiy ,-,? ,, that cannot be tyytwlooked. upon any ooneeattion, we advixe pnrchae? '" Wheat and proriaioni are lin... and look higher, -'otton still d? with big receipts, and agitation in the New Knglund ....I!? ih<. ,i..?nppoii,t i.g feature, probabilities are lower prices next ?jrenk. RICHMOND LIVE-STOCK MARX i?!. Vu., Jnnanry -t, ist?. Receipts: Cattle, M bead: sh.-.-p, 2"-> . Sak ? Cattle, 180 h? id; h< id; hogs, MO j Prices: Cattli Best I t<> I8-4C gross; medium to good, I to lt-4c, gross; mou to fair, 2 ? bull?, 2 i-i to8c. gros io 4 l-2f. gross; boga, to USO groa GRAIN AND ' rTTi ?X EXCHANGE uiehmond. Va., January M, win at -Longlx i noriberry, No. 2 i. ,i. :?- . Corn Virginia white, bag lots, M i-.'.-.; No. I white M !-'.' I white, He.; No. I mixed, ?l-tc.: No I mixed 27 I No. I mix..!, l?c.j winter-seed ' HMOND TOBACCO MARKET, Richmond, Va,, January M Private sales to-day were: Wrapp. hogsheads; nilers, l hogshead; smok bogheads; dark leaf H nogaheads; lugs, hogsheads. United siates internal-revenue ooiiee ttons for tin - itv of Richmond, Va., to w re as folio? '..', Total, Indi.-.itions ,-,,,. that th? re will be h ! leak.? at 'he dark !oOSf war. I le at Slot Mr. E. I,. Mortis, ol l-'.n nivill. . \ Mr. F. il. Chamberlain, of GOldsborC, was here Saturday. NEW YORK PRODUCE MARKET NEW YORK, i i. Flour - a . .\ |th i"hl is fair buyers: i'lty Mill pa! -, rye than- steady; buckwheat Hour quiet, Buckwh? at Dull. Cntnmeal Rye st. ady. R irles Dull; barl? y malt steady. Wheat spot Strong; No. .' options opened strong, <>n higher cables, d red i? tlon of Italian duty, fop Ign b ij Ing, and huliish home news under realising, ?>ut rallied igaln oa strong late cables and export demand, and closed T- './-' I-?.- net higher; Jaauary . tosed R.07; May t losed M I "on. -Spot quiet; No. j. BS-Sc.; options opened >t.ady. with Wheat, but .as.d Off under very light speculation and absence ol demand, closing s ?had.- steadier, with and at unchanged pria.'.?; May , losed <ia- t St? ady; No. '. 0 I-'.'.- : options Inactive and bareiy steady all day, closing nged; Ma\ ,-. lower. K.-f Kiim. Cut-Meats Steady. l_rd?firm; western steamed. EM; May nominally, refln? Pork Strong; mi - t$IO; short . leai MOt.112; famii u 7-"?. Butter?Steady; western creamery . do. factory, llfdKc.; Elglns _ ?.; Imitation or? am. ry, I -a 18 ; State .i .It v. i.:-,/i?e. do, creamery', I kh Uk*. Cheese Quiet; large white, September Eggs !-:.i?i.-i - ! Pennsylvania ?i.-rn. i'i. ah. 1*-?'. Pot X ? York, p: JJ t _ .. i: 50 .i-< ill Quit *. prime ' 11 . 19 i- :.-.: do, yellow, 22 i-'-' <. !'. i rol? un I ?nil. ady. Turpentli it .:i l-J" Rice- Firm. ly f m foft'i. -Optloi ,-i li.-l.ol,-' tlve, -ludet llqi i Ing tourer pean ahl? ; - al Rio and Santiis. small??I itiiii?.' deliveries, ana ., market. Close quiet St a -Va !.. un. ; ... pol Rio w.ak: No, 7. invoice. |6 5; No 7 jobbing, faj.75; mild ?iihet. ? ord fall r? fini . i inulated BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET. B \l.Tl.\l? ?RE MD., I Fionr? superior, - do do. lamily I j ?er win at paient. M." spring al Kinn?: ; spot, '.he month, and February, M ?' h, M l-2c. hid; May, ' le; southern whe it. by sample, 95699 l-2c. ; do., on grade, K. l-4i?99 l-'e. Corn I'irm; spot, the mo February, mer mixed, ' i ?n. il S k : aoiil white con lo. yellow, Tu m. No. " \ ' n.,\ st? hi tlmothj Grain Very dull; Llv? rpool, i .'ork. for ordei - : . qu Januar} ; 3?, i l-2e l". bi uat Bui - : ,|m Imitation, Wn\", do ladle. 13 _ 14C. Eggs Fi 1 a, ,il. ?0 1-4 i?h- d goods, in c ir loi - i lob? bing i CINCINNATI. < INf INNATI. <?.. .lam. '' U I :> : fancy, ?l.'.i?'.?il.N?; family, Wheat Firmer: No (*OI n St. adv. \ a.. No. 1 mixed, ': Ry? Quiet: N ;. nd In fair demand at 11.67 1-'-'. ' Bulk M B.n SI".''!. .r Dull. VA In lov, .r at ? 'hi ? St? ad CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CHIC *?G< ?. i"-.- i minutes of 1? ? .^ ?ctun in -. as llv? 1} a itU HI win i. tin thai i Ici n w u n i ... a , shon in fa , ? or? r. There wai n. I lh ; I Up like ! ! pe I _is-w price for Ma) a and a hall .?\, S n . I July clou? ' ol . -..rn ai, ' I showed fe in ,"> t-. l&e, ranged as folk i Opeulng. Highest. Lowuji. ? \t-Sa. : i?.?H II.I. steam, to i ' i 9l\i ' ;h ? i? . 80 '-'74 88 . January. I May. . !? >*??* , Italy.?4*>-4*?? i.n-.No. -r. ? Jam.ary..... 81 Muy.19m . .:n I Oats Nu. S, M I JuiT.?wy<i MK.-.S I* VIE-I'" : ,Jiiiniarr...$:t 7 'V* Mar.'.?.'?() Labs >_b m?) ?o?. JaBBary_g?E.lvi4 84.7.? M?.T. 1881? I July. 4.?.'^ r KitM-l'or 100 it?, Jui'.uary. |. ? May. 4.80 |? no . .-h quotations w< i N>?. 2 yell N.? i ling VV.i'Jle. ; No ."ni. iT-ii-.T l-??- No. white, f. o. t... i{ No : barley. ?7 l--J.ii il< No l Hai il -7'.($ Prime timothy seetl. l'.'.7?> 1 polk pound*. St.:.*. <?$.. 77 1 -.'. Shot, m, . f-5; ('rv-s.i!ted ?hoilld.M K'l?. Whirkey, OtMtilUi?' bin #1.7.-, 44.h ? ?. Q as folio*? - : Flour ?.s. VE HAVE FORSALE Virginia ( erttury Bonds, Richmond b's, Virginia Irust Company, ativinqs Bank of Ri<hr.ond, and ther Attractive Investment Securi? es. olm L. Williams & Sons, Banker?; and l?roker?, Richmond, "va. [Ja '.O-'llw.v 1 MONEY To i,)Ah. W< ?.ti. fui KNT. MONI L'lTl 1 WORTH .-.. i ... i .i,, oods, ?... i. i TH I LIVER] >n S| merl? an m ihr und Incl ICllllll l?*utu? > ' m< dt rats . mu .nl'.-; Ann .in mlddlii I UM* i k.prll, ...l and Au| m. r nd Decembt i NEW YORK " nie*; . n pinni i - xp.iit- Hi'.l.tin. B lldated: x xport* ?it. Total nil. .118.141) I.a!.-, t.. ? tlnent, 1.733*181 i Cotton futur?*-* - \ liny, 15.74; J I Km 11!'" s alt???; Ji nu larch, $5.65; Api I 5.75; i Sp,.? i'losed quiet; middling nplan middling *? NEW OR? h'ii?iii" ri._r*i?5.2_; February, - >: A?.nl &W \llgil: WILMINGTON, N r i : i ?? nl in. Firm ;'tn, !tl at $1.1 in I Tar Qui? t al fl tern, CHARLES :'ur. pentlm Tin p. iitin.' I - I : ' NORFOLK PEANUT M NORFOLK PETER8BI RCJ PEAN1 T MARKS I'K'l clnl.) Iir:n . : PF/1 ??lilil? r-ll".'ls in l'i-"i ii?. ' : > ;i n In. ?I'hit t city, h? id that pi. Th? i|.l would M l RIXE ivri LIGEITOST M 1 N I 41 ' ' AM I ? i BAILED . ; . ?; ? : : a ! . Mfe. ID. _ ?* li...,;,. mouth. i:i>. i -ynn. Llnctu?' ?t, Norfolk. (By St. am-i !> II ! i-..iUI. irgO. PORT OV HER v.v., JAN IS*?. lliy teleii."?ph) BAH , .?^a4 rk, N. J