Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND D1SFATCH-WEDNESDAY. ?JANUARY 26. 1898. -1 \ \SH1MIT0N GOSSIP. i?.i: ffAWMU i>?m\?. w n n n , \> i ?m MbO*fl H i?.? BN, IMPORTANT RMLWM CLMM. ,, i. liitr*-?lii? ? ?1 In Hie Sm??*r li. ,..,,..- n-Ntrl? lllhfr Alvulnti? >|?*u ??,,? ?-..?...u:i nmi r.xiiit Rata? ,,f in.? re??. ?SHIN ved to-.! \ I Wfll 1 Con? ah!? ad In. : ., mu anything that turns an, _y th?? it aas . \ - i ?TERN DI8TRI?CT ' :: ? r of hunp K ..Oll.l. the eol num . b - ' . Mr. l-trkm and his - : Nuevo of hi? friends pr* : R BILL. I ulldings by t). - during i: ? war. Th? of < "..un, claim of tb - . . . ira* for the OS? an I mouth .ffolk, on r rt\.-r. in for tl 't. of together wltl other chat -oad iron and rails. the use B ..... I a numlier of bills. Mme . - Ptcklln and a bill to nd a bill 1 9 Introdu? i the : :.'. duiing ' HAL. r gave |fl - JohS F Kixi . wife Rlxey, of ths Eighth I it 1 rcheejtra In the hall I Ion. Th. in the dtafng-room. fif.rr? ? :. was d< * g ui Assisting tl , \ y booth -uth. .:!!.. N. ' lin. c bill Whle) th I but i a* hi InfM ful I A 1 I I for i Uli ter? i n t Khlp hop? R wh< his the the Tl cit> Ma D for A i I ma N Hs: Ha l>oi A |OU i*. - f\ H .'' on* mil I 'tt. ' Wiilard. l"..irr..x. Va , _ . m y i U N'orth * avilie, va v. R lag it sufferlnx a : I ' H.- w . aot lli il i ci bttcan hh?> went t an ! ., serai aas ? l? Virginia, bei Irma . . of tin sob-corn? i ..r, tin caataats to the for a .".. i or the nit by the . W. W. A*hi i- v.. m i? an ? tul it in undetstood that b; i Leaia in u son of and Mr K'-nt la K*nt, Mr. J. B. Klmberly. of ? ?bl Point, Ih be Is not ti ? nl>i i .- thai n c I?<1 It Will 00 iully. FATKNTA i i- .'?dm T Khlrldge, M?r? e-ci., W?P lark. assignor? to ? ir?r S?f-lubrlcaUng ?baU-r? :t**r, t'harU*s 0. * i \ I Un by i BO ii\ Mi Bo I Bt? P. an ! LAI 1 Cl It Tl Uli I." th Tl be tt< O. ; ? \ li., rtlte, n. ?*.. bu .,nP.l ? ' Cb??P* THS l-^KKI ir. ^ hill. gr. Inaulrh < are dallv I?) members of t.. th? b " number of the?* . ? Is any bill II) bu , .,,- i,,,, . spproprtatten Mils a ' UM Hall-. . hen g,, to - loubl? KMOCRO I l' i liAIKVANSii'P mem? itlni the Imp - Nan York paper iaat Balurdsy, . ' 'die I I!..ill. Si K ' thS '" r''1 1 -ill.- I wish to say i menta wholly untrue. ' ? wl .-..., ,,,, . .,,. i?Kbt Mi,, ne. a a i .,, a. Who th? | ? ' . ? - than \sllo WOUld m, hand in ' r. Mirrphj I dmtth, ' CocK'k. II, I ? a in ait. r. with < tor a and i am under m? would he m ike any tn " T. LAMB \T i CHURCH. ! mber of . Mr. Lam? made a b< 1] ful and In and < ! WttH : ? omm hlldren, and to to th? historic : th< ir future l ir? h durli | would ? by the i the bill for ihoi ly to be - -m [_mb ... and re? - Invitation ICIN80N AND THE HERALD. kinson, ??f Richmond, ? ilng hi the Men abed Sunday in two of s Baptist chui The : he mornini i eight kinson n oi ' iptli a!) . an?l he i l ction raid, of Richm? ' organ of th? B 'olumfa pointed i?. . lid. A simila'r made v. bo i - - s in Baltimore bad ta designated ct ior the Rellglo -. i Hi ; . Mis?, i ? ekinson '.. fl home . TAL mes D. Fei \ Jos. ph L. L M. Sh.-i'iil. Lat? ?a N. C.? Milus ser. Trout A, Fl? Id \\ 111 i*. K. Akera, Broad .... with P. ! from ounty, with Thou ?talS f'om York H.i.'. nong tin- fourtl lanuary t?a w. ;.- i hi fol ng: John 0. Mitchell. Wentwortb, N I i aw, ?. ?' : John D Elliott, Bayviow, - no! a i in changes have been I?, u.s followa: \ .I'.iLMA to Romm y, w. Va.? m Jai m November 1st to h year, without change in II mar n? i m January Bt H 1 Vi H.a. ttlng 1 I IRTB CAROLINA anlto, Rurtherfoi _ Febi ry 1, 1898, < k to '?le.-nhill (4 mil. ?a hanger In star-mall have . dally li rival <?f mail from in. but n<?t lut, r than 10 A U . i in :'_ hour?. i |.t Bunday at l P. ht., arrive 61 to Flat Bunday aft- r ar? il of mall fioni Richmond, but not P. M , arrive - Mills inday at 11*3 ? P. M., arriva IP M. re Martin's re Tui -atur ? at 1:83 P. M. arrive Perth I Thursd iys, P, M arrive Martin's ' *M , , k-I^ftve l>meoak by [rlsburg dally except Bunday Bt ? m arrive Lucia by I P. M ; leave ia dally exc? pt Sunday at 7 A. M.. . j aid by 10 A- M.j eav? rd bv way of Hopper, daily ISA. M?, arrive Loneoak by ? P. M. Tli.' Dnuabtera' Ten. <hs tea to be 8t*ran by lb? ?Richmond Grand I vi.mi.ia. ' ami? Hin ffalr Th nrml lee will b? assisted by Mrs. Hit-/ ' Th.. young ladles of the socio .\i,.. to wan on the ffueets. All nag United ipaughters ol , CoSederacy an brrlted. .. houri I '-. "'"' , '" from 1:80 o'clock to I P M-, last >m 5 i:t i: IHnn (ol s.-,i llu they feath new. from BO >' ?Imp Th add to Bl in Do that with to * Mini In s. -r ton as n Will In port In and In Dur pay In Ai Ib i Jr., T. Cor Jl Eqt J. ?. Ji the la III! T !.?-! Ms an? Nl< ,i. i b A <'ul ma lb? > Y t . to st a for tn. ad. Rl? sin i-.. i W <-i .im tal ca: tbi i-.' 'i afl trj ;a COI Int N. Jl ! : 1 . 01 'J. in a 61 I l t ?healthy und l)l?ni*.reenble Cul? vert. omplalnt amona the -.! L'.inbii'L near the - , , igbfar? ibout the out then a not been cleaned In s great i mite continually a s dlsagrce - but .tnh? -li Tl.,- Mmos .... v..?hm th culver? il that .,, | . 'ou.i m steam? iiti'.'i?4i<)u TendareO the Pusso*. ? . . i ion Mon?luv night to -.,,-. it. \. w. ) . Constable. The i t< Vandcrallee, u ,, ,,.,,i,. the addi-.-si which Wut? feel ..??..,i tn by the puator. The lis fun ''T"** MTh" '_'. - i by .'hi fellow ; ??,ie for their yum; | Ueep-Han Hunt (lab. V...!lvr permitting, th. houmls will ml this evening Si the Falr-dround? /*?. a? from thertre they will xo through Vena Skelton's. Chantilly, nround by LmtngdHl. farm, to tb- ,-i?l.-houHe. To Core o Cold In One Doy. kc Utxaiive Ui'onio gtinine Tablets. I ?li'??aU refund the money If it falla ? cure. 2hc. The genuine bas U B. <J i iaUet? ' HOME BTE1HG MADE EASY. . \ t llll.I) l*\ UTU WITH 1)1 \* MOM) ?IKS. on.l Upwh < ??l?,r Anything Any *t) WntH Old < lonk?. linwni, rtn, n-nl SnltM I..1.1K I.Ike Nri? *. t?i ?rrni? *t*?>V m ? ,mil ?'okI. ?i.uid Dyes tire a wonderful helo to ml? ?I .ir- -shiK. Ti-,. .-.- Uspl? \mii color anything any color, and m ?le? UTS, laces, curtains, etc., look like iv of th? Diamond Dye? are made If?, and in her M | ,,. *,, v mid i- In all , alors, an, II directions >.?? the paehag? it . a?y tor tb? most Inesperl? them with ?necea?. Kven a child iv" a .-t.n, , lor, it Diamond ele M not risk your material with ?ly. to i olor i,,,Hi . ott..11 and wo,,I the ?aase lye, rot H h* impossible Maetorj results with dy? in Diamond Dyes, there ,|.ecial dy.s Tor COttS i"t wool, atal i lu y aie ail guarantl ? d isfactlon, 11 used aceordtug to Ai Lot Ilol III t H-i I.OI lot II on IT Tito, Ki;i>l\?.s I'ESTBBDAT. i Ili'iTee? in < linneer >?*?n il? mu? lag m."nt??Marrlag-a llwm Mr. Pendleton - sardtan at blldrea el Baldarla A. i ?adie? tad T, Lawton ? i inch!;."?d ao I Imlnlstrator .1. b. n. of tin ..f Andrews, guardi?n, I? i. - and directing tl th.- ca.--.. of Bailey ? paying : and i adlng th.- . ng (. ih.- .-ase ,,r w. i. John-..o against olas and otl dn debts. lie.i Row? :i ?pia art. it was Instituted by Qeorg? s \' urvlving partni "aahon < ?nd ot] i CITTf ?'IK? i IT ? O?RT, matltnted m tie" city C ft by the ?'in- ig? Organ It -] unie K. An I? rsoa fOI lOn Of llelililj" . : was n ndered ill til, irt f-.r th.- sum | In th? >.f a. ?1. Baheoek'? Bxecutoraag . luck: ir th? m.-tien I Verdict aside ill th. case of Maty i. the I'm tun? -' Her, to-day in the tings c ." ..i yesterday: and ;dal- in- Klub? i . ' '. Org? Mil '. Jl | Bridget A. II? o? 1.1 i;. Me? no] and Mayni. \,. 1 ' I Kil..-. I,. tolts and l'oi i ti, Btengi I. 1 G l titilan?. WILL BOT ?? pit on', Orilfr f?ir the It ??duct ion H??r? Ih "teciillcd. i was received by Mr \v. h. ; ty, li ,m aerali inspendlng the ordi r of ' for the removal of two ?ers. This : . r will ram i e until Congress has passsd anon the -office ;ip!ir?ipt i >r|,,ti for tl r. and if it is In? I i reduction in the fores win be ?sai y. <* r. Cullingworth 1- asked ..i reducing it h.- Richmond offlce, and h,- win reply his in a day or BO, In his last letter partsaent M \ Culllngyroi tl ted that the reduction of i . e **as sltogeth? r Imi i b? f ally n : ,i th? : (oui Itlonal canisra to give a I? an it.? ana ?im"mi oSc? baa been reduc .- the establishment ot tie- sub Lions, by cutting off ti?.- sppropi ?or , ai i ?f? i ring t" a -p. cl 'i t. legram from .-hinet,m. which wai tly, Btatlng that no order for ? tlon ot the ca? i. h id i.>. n i?:d, Mr. Cullingworth said !.. hid cer? Bleed sa.order to discharge two given to under? bad i- en ordered li ea throughout tie" oountry. i.-iioti of ih" ; ' fore? t \i". Cullingworth, i> something thai 11 parts of the coun and . I end h.- 11. boald be brought - S I he ?PPI ihat the mail tacilit'., not be nrfered with. ,\A\Mt: TIIOIlX To*. SI.NT <)>". trio Thief t?o?*i? t?, n Jury-Other Ua***sa in Jaatlea -laha'? ? ourt. 'ht- elun? i extraordinarj before J m yesterday men iitti-r war ?Nannl? th.- color? d ?rosean ?un-;, d in rmville some days ago and k k lu tin- city b] ' Tomltnson th- eharge of stssilng ?Q from Mr. !. ; Iven a tu!, : and m m ou i, -. Tic . ,s , mplo) d at th? . Hi.?., and Min n she suddenly l.i d Hie loot). Y : o: t.. lai m\ Hie, but ?as tb? on i telegram from CM? f o? Rlcbmon : li,, ; driver, wo - with cruelly driving end III? atlng a. hois, owned by Edwai I Tt 11, and was lined *.". .iiid ... n the lack Rol ig Lewellen H . u wa unid <.", and . Fhe ?'s. of Bmest Kersisy, charged lulling ta I i'- itlng n on the street, was continued until I? 1II0I! .?a \- y rged with , fro tt . Ilngl Ol ).> 'I'll b) Ing ind-ceiit language to bins, but tu. ..a- ca? rted -.. r u:mi to-morroa ?th? i b ss irapoi tant I o? r causa Importan! a It* 1 I ?; Property Transfer?. ichuioi-d: Jackson Brandt'? trustee-; Peter li- Ma\ '. M feet on W( ie, noutheasi corner Beyd, lit/*?. Wirt A i li-s'. nan and wile to John Williams and K R. Wllll 1 noith Bid? Franklin Btreei batween lirt.-.-iith and Fourteenth, II V? EJdward Holmes'i trustees to l-'annle T. imervllle, UTA teei on ?outh id. >t of Brook avenue. 12,350. Marion C. end B W. Hefferron t.. \\ Schaaf. M1-? f?-?*t ?>? ,:*t ?Id? Fourth rth of J ickson, $776. ufie ilmllt '&-*.-_ cf CA9TOTIIA. (my 26-W, F. ft Bu f r) ' U ea ?T#t*f viiip?. RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER Purrs nil Mood und t bronlr Diseases. ?end tor tree hi?! r? of ---m-?Jy ?nt ?ti monUda to Tiis livUm Mi<-n>u? Killer < .,_ i:i l.rincs 8trt?t, K_w York City. iix. ia tv w, !>OOK AN? JOB WORK NEATLY Jg_g?:i;fKUA? IHK UISfATCU PU1AZ ,0 liOl-M. IFE-INSURANCE COMPANY OF VA. oimANr/i:i> i?7i. mual Statement for the Year Ending Dec. 31,139?, j _ ASSKTS. LIABILITIES. '. D and tni.rtsages.....B 660?M1 '-ft "Reserrp. acttiarleii. 4 per <'ent....6 77fi,4fl?. 00 ?"?.n <*.ii?at?rsl ceeiirttv. ."?"i,061 61 I.ossi?e reported hut not du?.. in.:o<A on Is otberwbM secured. . 8*0.886.1 I'reoaid premium* sad lutereei. 1,3?.' SB fe iu beaks ?eb-1 OBBoe . 82,4<(" 7') DapaM ditiaends and bslMice* ted state, and other boude and I outstanding. .'JOO 60 x*k?. **8,|)I8 S4 - I estate . 38,400 88 Total.S 787. ?07 SO n? on potlrlps. 11,(?70 O"? i r. ? das ?n?l aseroad. 88,848 I <1??if??rr?-.1 tir.'iniii:nt .? 117, LI 1 ;JI i.rcinlnni? In course of colleo ?n. i.-,.40'* 17 ' Surplus to poll.?jr holder?. 104..1.T2 U.". re pteperty end tnppiie?. oo - - Total.I 888.688 86 Total..... .S ?.VM.IO 4'? 'Ordinary business prior to iSHH. at 4*4 11 ELEVEN YEARS' GROWTH. . l'ltiiMu-M utoonn. IHS7. .... ?!>!>.n?!H.0?> 18SK, . . H?rJ7,..41?.0O .880.$.51.571.00 I89O.$234,547.00 189I.$395.447-67 I892, . . $475,520.34 ISPS, " .$546,151.15 1894, . . $55U94.51 1895, . . ?$591,380.56 1896, . . $712.931.92 897,.. $75234.87 KOSS INCOME, 18117,.#7?5.8,14.07 ISURANCE IN FORGE.$11,601,815.00 OTAJL NUMBER OF POLICIES IN 1 OUCH, * . . Hit,Ms \ThMK.N 1" OF OI'K.RATIONS ?L'RIN?? IH?'.'. eeaas In nntabar si pebetes la f>.ree. l(i.lo;i reuse in amount of liieuraoco in for?'?.??Sl.MIU, i.'iO.Oii -.Hi limns. Ill?BISBrtO. et-'., piid.. 4<Jl,e?S7.t53 ?tal Paymentsl'o Policy-Holders Since Organisation, . $2,772,449.98 Home Office, Richmond, Va. . \. ?TALKER, President. .1 AMES W, PBORAM, Secret.try. rjs :!-'?ulv\VNt) 6^8jttt_ttft_tttt?ttatMgM8tltMttltttlttlMttttt PURE-WHITE?FLOATING. Nothing enters into the manufacture of Fairy Soap hut the purest and best materials known to the soapmaker's art and that money can buy. i The Soap of the Century j Sold everywhere in one quality and three convenient sizes, for the toilet, bath and laundry. Mads only bj THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St. Louis. New York. ?4! Bo, &.W, l_t-w arm everybody Wear Patent Leathers. :. F. CROSS SHOE CO.'S CLEARANCE SALE OF Ladies' Dress Shoes. -oil. Patent Leatl hoes, were $5, eat to.$1.50 <o1 _. ?doth-Top P Leather Shoes, ?rere $6 and $6, out to.$3*00 ins :i. 1 l'riirli Mu a oes, were $6.60, eat to_,.$2.50 ,nt y Kid ;ind ?Cloth?Top Lace Slio.-s, were $5 B_td$6, cut to..$2.00 POSITIVELY IMO EXCHANGE, C. F. CROSS SHOE CO., 313 EAST BROAD STREET. u.VVAl*) cheap wallpapering during oull season. V, C, HUGHES & CO,, ? and 210 North Fiffli Street, Richmond, Va? Tin: LEADING WAMi-PAi'i:!. ST?BE OFTHI moitii. I. UtOEST ASSORTMENT OF WALL H A\<;i\?us, Oomprising Blanks, Glimmen, Dresden end Chemnita Effects, (?ilts, Tarnished Bronzas snd Qolds, Embossed Qolds, Tapiatriee, Leather Papers, Varnished Tiles, [ngraina. Our Motto. "GoodWorkman ihip and Beasonable Prices." Samples lent on application to any liait ot Virginia and adjoining Stub's. Blanks from Se. p<i roll up. i]n-.'.i-Sii.W*tKi B. A. PATTERSON, PsESinHNT, L. 2. MORRIS, Vtcs-PsKsrowtt. JAMES M. RALL, Cashier. The Savings Bank of Richmond corner Eleventh and Main streets, la National Bank of Virginia lliiililing*. Capital.$100,000 00 Surplus and undivided Profits. 52,232 44 Sums of $1 and upwards receii/ed and interest allowed. Ncgotlal-?** Paper dixounted. Loans made on real estate. Open dailjr from 9 K. M. to 3 P. If. Satordayi till 12 A|? ~ i<\?W\. (8aAW) _ _ * , *? __ ? . wti-ther -?***d.- l -"** Q ---?ir-,! NIPAHTl'KE OP STEAMKHS. tury ..t a? (..... -, ciaii be [?erui*. ii.'iitly eruwll rateil from ?be ?j?it-iii by U.a.a. Scrotuia sss It is the only romedy to tie relie?i iijAm lu MBB PCalr???UV? rasrtl.?? n__wS ?traad. CNNYROYAL PILLS t Original aa4 Otljr i>rnat?r. If?, >>< ./ l?l|.t?r 111 It >,k Dr.,,1.? for C'ckut.r $ Jfciul ' IBM. ! Bt in ? it Hr-a ?i. 1 S at _. ???lull ?rltk ?ia. r,br_. Tak. no ftlh.r. Ar/?*' dm,Me... ru?>?'irt?> Iku.ii-J WIM.?. .1 Or i_nl?. ?r M.4 4?, ttaa*_ tW paf_*l?rs. t??'.'.iuoal?i. ..4 K'llef far I _!.-.," ". !?.n*?, ?, rtt.m \jt Mall. lli.OOO ir.__i_ JTaSM _??r. CkirE r?. < r Caeaileal Ca., M r.ft l?_ S^aar?, Bold ?, all 1*^1 I?,??_u. l'CIM.\UJt., P_ (ray l-Sa.8u,Wftweowly) p^RprrS R BALSAM flhsaan s*d b?autlr.M th* > ?ir. HAIR BA _ ESS? SM tesan_ Pnxiialt. a huojvtbi fmwth livrer _uVs to Baator? ?Ires' lialp to it? YoutliA.1 Color. Cure, sra'.p il.-t.^-. b. Lt'.r isjusg. attcsodaUQ?* I)n?jt?ii (op 20-W 1 y-Aw e o w I y) MI O ES, TB?RK8, IMBRELLA8. f*? E. H. SPENCE, ?I WHO NO BIDE BROAD AND EIUHTH 8TS., SHOES, TRUNKS, AND UMBRELLAS. it??,- -!7-ais) ~T VlRGiXU ?IIWATIOl WS?^ COMPANY, \u__ii?^ jAmES KiVER \ DAY LINE. Steamer FOCAH?.?NTAS laftVfM MON? ,\\ V.KU.N-a-A?. -lid KKiUA- at 7 ( \i lui Norfolk, l'oii.-in.juTh, Ol.l 'ou?t' Newport Newi, Claremont -?,4 iamM-Hvtr Unding?, and connecting at )W Point and Norfolk for Washington, ialtlnior?*, and the North. ? _"'-r-j?in? reserved for the n\xhx at "FAt-cai-H^dlrect to the wharf. Fare, ?fly ii.w ?nd $1 to Norfolk. Music by Irand orchestrion. F r*-!_ht raceUad for above-named place* md all points In Enst? in _lr_lnla and forth Carolina. IRVIX WBIsJoEK. -.or?n <--*v General Manager. A. H. Drewry. President, ?e II __ PHILADELPHIA, Kir H "Bg$_fc MOND AND NORFOLK -??nnnn?? o?-./--?a?-.??V cOa-iA-S t. ADDOlnted ?ailing day?: Kvery TUI__ DA^FR?DAX. ?ad riUNUA? at da** liftelght rerelv-4 dnlly until IP.H. Fare (lnciudin. nu-aia and berth). I? M Friouy'? ?nd Sunday*? ?teamar. Vor further information a^?^ to ^.ral ^uther^ent^ffl^lgctain. H ? Oenara' Agent?. Phlladelph?. Order? for printing ?ent to the L>l?patch Company will ba given prompt attention. _n<t ti??.- rrtyti at work and price? win be aure to plea?? you. ttAILft'MI) LIKE?. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Iieilulc Effective Janimry IT, 1HOM. I'RAISS -J-AVfc* HICUMO.VD. VA. .?**j Night su. 11. " ' >* '"' dally for Atiaiua. Augusta, ana point? South. Sleeper Richmond to Danville, Ureenstoio', Salisbury, Charlotte, Columbia. :?nd Augusta. Bltopot open at > ? _?: j!_?H at all etatlon? between llicnmon J and Danville to take on and let on passenger?. Connect? at Danville. Salisbury, and Charlotte with the V. ?shingtuii and Smithweetern Limited (No. ??), cairying si?-eper? New York to AshevllTe, Hot Springs. Cliattanoo a. and Nashville; N?w York to Memphis; Hew York to New or lesna; N>w York to Tampa, and flrst-class diiy coach between Washington and Memphis. ?onnec tfon* ai? made for nil poin's in Texas and California. Sleeper open for occupancy at ?.? P. M !:00 noon. So. 7 solid train ^atiy for Charlotte. N. C connects at Mom ley with Farm ville and Powhatan railroad. At Keysvllle for Clark > vllla. Oxford. Henderson, and l>ur *- m. and at Greensboro* tor .our*, Ralelirh, and V'inston-aalem; at Danville wl?h No. .1-, Lnlt**d otate-? fast mall, solid train, dally for New Orleans and points South, which carries sleepers New York to New Orleans, and New York V> Jacksonville. Through sleeper sHIts hury to Chattanooga: also, ?"un? man tourist sleeper every Wednes? day Washington to Ssn francisco, without <*han?re. :00 V. M.. No. if. local, dally, eacep?. Sunday, for Keysvllle and In ta? ma? ,?l-.r -?li.?? rit.\l\!? ARUIVL AT RICHMOND. tt OO A. It l?:23 p. |f.. from Atlanta. Augusta. lshevllle, and Nashville. KIOA. If... from Iveysvllje. .___ *T,Of*.\r, FREIGHT TRAINS. Nor. <tl and ?32, between Manchester and eapoll?. Va. _0U4.fal LINfi vu umn point. THE FAVORITE nOlTE Milt'IH. LEAVE RICHMOND. AMtt i?. M.. No. It, Kaltlmora U daily, except Sunday. for Went point, there making close connec? tion on Mondays. Wednesday?, and Fridays with steamer tor Haiti more; also, with ?tag? at Lester Manor for Walkerton ami Tappa? hannoek on Tuesday?, Thursday?, and Saturdays. 3:30 I*. til., N" V?, local express, Mon? day?, Wadnaadava, und Friday?, for West Point and Intermediate sta? tions. Connects with stage at lis? ter Manor for Walkerton and Tap pahannock; also, al west Point with steamer tor Haitlmore. Stops at all stations. 5:00 A M , No. '-?, Local Mixed. L-*a**ea dally, except Bunday. from Vir? ginia-Street S-idtlon for West Point snd intermediate stations connect? ing with stage ?t L**?t?r Manor for Taopahamioek. TRAILS ARRIVE AT RICUMOND. ?17 A. M , ?tally. 0:40 A. M., Wednesdays and Friday? cnly. 8:00 P. M., dally, e-cept Sunday, rrom Wett Point and Intermediate sta? tions. Steamers leavo West Point at 6 P. M. londays. Wednesdays, -.s, ami eiirhnore at tt r?. M. Tuesdays. Thurs ?ys. and Katumay* Tlckat Office .u station, foot of Virginia treat. Open from 9 A. M. to ? P M., t iremtMV. M. to UA. If. ?'ity ticket ifnce 9M *itt Main street. ; M?ULP. ? W. A. TI'l?K, Traffic Manager. Oen. Pass. Agent. I". .-. ?i \.n :m i.V. Third V .ml i?, o.-r-.i Mnnaeer, \i ihimrti i , C W. WF8TRCRV. Travelling Paa lenger Ag?nt. 930 Main street. Rich Bond Va. oe 3 ri cHmmKE ANO OHIO RAiLWiY. Effective? January ,",. IVih. rilAINs LEAVE Kit 11 MO.** U, UKO.H) amuun ?Tanox b.OOA. a.., vvo,), ?.... rtuioC car, to. >.uU'ji?, Portsmouth, Oiu i'oiut, Newport .Neam, ami principal .iiaiiuiib. Connaat? daily with o?a Dominion kieatushlp? for New > oi?.. HAD P. M.. Daily, with Pullman, lor local butions. Newport New?, i ?Id Point, Nortoik, and Portsmouth. 10:00 A. M? Local tram, exc-pt Suiday. rar w. Clifton Forge. Con? necta at Uoidoii-viiie lor orange, Cul?j??*****r, Calvi t'.ii, Manass-is, AUxamln i. and Washington; at Union Station, Cbarlottaavula, for Lynchburg; at iiasic for Iia Uerstown. 2:15 P. M.. Daily, with Pullmans to Cln iiiiiii tl, Louisville, and til. Lout?. Stoys only at ?nrmor lanl Btatioi i. M" ala ot ou Dlnlus-cars. .n... 7, l Train, except Sunday, fol? low? above train from Uor donsvllie to Staunton. r...'to P. M., a. commod ition, exeept Sun? day, for Charlotteavilla, lOno P. M., O.illy for Cincinnati, wltti F. F. V. Pullmi.ns to Hlnton. W Va.. ! Qordonsrille 'to Clnclr n.itl and Louisville. Meals served on IXnlng-curs. Con? nect? at S'aunton, except Sun.lay. for Wlr.'hester, Va., an! at Covlngton, Va., dally, for M.? Rnf TRAINS LLAVE EIGHTH - STREET ST ATI ' i N. 11:30 A.M., Dhliy, ?oi Lynchburg ana Cli?con Forge. Connect? at llii-nio, t-xc< i?t Sm.uay. lor White Hall, except Sunday at Haleon?, foi- I-'xlngton, an.i at W. Clifton Fmge with No 1 for Cincinnati. 4:00 P. M.. Except Sunday. Local ac mmodatlon for Columbia. TRA1>? ARRIVE AT IIUHUIIM), UROAU-?THl.L'l' STATIO.*?. 8:20 a. M., i?"i?y. nom Cincinnati, li:i.*i A. M . Dally, Irom Norfolk and Old l'oint. 3.30 P. M . petoy, from Cincinnati and Louio G:S0 P. M.. Dally, fium Norfolk and Old Point. 7:41 P. II., Except Sunday, from * Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION. f->.*)0 A. II., Except Sunday, from Colum? bia 6:20 P. M.. DallF, from Lynchburg and t'lifton Forge, and. exept lay. from Lexington and White Hill JOHN D. POTTS Ar?:ic.t;?'it C"Pernl Pu s se ty? er Amt DEPARTIR? OF STEA-HB-W. DOMINION tTKAUSUIl* COMPANY. 0_d DAILY LINE row NKW YORK. I'aaaengers can leavi Richmond DAILY via Chesapeake and ohto railway at A. M.. or Richmond und 1'nteruburg rail - (Norfolk and Wngiern route) O A. M. connecting at Noifolk with oi.i minion Line steamer, bailing ?arau tve ning for New York. ALL-WATER ROUTE. imwiVT uia L>01*iu.i??n leaves Rich niona every Monday at S P. M. for New -ork via James rlv.-r. Tickets on er-ie at Richmond Transfer Company'*. 9vi east Main str??et; Cheaa peaka ?nd Ohio an I Richmond and Pet?Tsburg ran -., antj al * omet, 1?12 east Main street, Richmond. 1 . .Ued through. F-UBOBT for Nt* York - yond ??an -o shipped by direct ?icarnet?, eulliug tiuiii Richmond every MONDAY AN o FRIDAY at ? P. M., al?;. by steamer leaving Richmond WEDNESDAY 6 P. II for Norfolk, connecting with ateamar for N?*w York. Manifest closed one hour before sailing time. . . Freight received and forwnrded. and throuuh bills o? lading |ssu<\_ for git ' foreign port?. FROM NEW YORK. l>_b*ei,gfci- >-U leave oai.y, except tsc;.. day. to Norfolk o. Old Point Comrort connecting with Nortoik and Western railroad or Chesapeake and unio railway Direct ?learner? -.via J_m?s-rlvi-r rouiei leave ?Very SATURDAY (pamtenmojt anu frvlght), uni MONDAY (frelaht only? Biullng from company i> titot, No. m North river, foot of Reach street, at g p M : Satuuluy. 4 P. M. Freight ?'.?reived and forwarded daily except Humlay # For further Information spply to JOHN F MAYKR. Agent. 1212 east Main street, Richmond, Va. TU Oiilll.iud??*!. Vic? Prealde?l ?nd "freffle Manager, New York. oo a ., F. 4P. HiCUBOBd, FWdirlCtS tmr0 ? Pot?me. beanie In Effect Jimnnrr Ml, IPUJ% AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. I K.I VI-: RYRD-8TRKRT ?TlTHl*. :IO A. M.. Itatlly. for Washington and l-oiiit? North. Stops only nt MllfoM an?i Fr?-d*rlck?.iY irg. l'ulirnan Sleeper* to New Vuik 80 6 14 Bundey only, for W.i.ihlng . ?1 p??in*H North. Str.i.a* at Klin. Glen Allen, A?h ?OSVl-?-ll, l.uth'r f?l"n. I- , ford, Woodslsne. ('nine*, P ?i rn m t t, Fr'-derlt-kibiirg, Brook*. 11 tul WH .'we ter. I'tillm.iti ear. :l?"? A. M Daily, except Sunda, Washington and ? ??ointe North. Stops Ml Elba. Afh Tay lot ?ville. Doswell, R?ther Giert, Pen?la MU ford WootM .i''. ?.?linea, s -,i ni m I i. I''rt'<J-rlfk?bur?(. Brooke. and Wldewaier. Pullman car. ?:05 A M, ? g January ?tb. dally except M? ' : lof Wash l'alun. Baltimore. PtiU adelphia. an.) New Y'.rk. The New York an.? Flot-tri? 8p?'< IhI. composed ?utlrely ?if Pullman rileepln.;-, din? ing-, and obeervation-CHt??. No extra churs** ?thi'r than i.Rular Pullman ture. Does la.t ?top at Elba. : ?mi M., Diillv. except Sunday, for Wanhlnsrton and points North. Stops at Ell?.*.. Oten. Allen. Anhl-ind. FrOewell, M i I f o r ?!, Frederick?!'. '?. Brook?. i n d Wide?. , - Parlor car. Also, connects with Oongi I Uli .?lilnifion. r.:5." P. 61.. l>-.llv. fur Waohlnrton and points North. Stops at ! Ashlar I. 1 >?.!***..II. Mllfor?l. Frederlcksburg, Brooke, I Wlilewater. ami oth?-r ? ?ions Hund?is Rich? ia?.n.? ? ? New York. ARRIVE m un-*, i m-'i-:r m i no*. 1:40 A. 61 . Dali?/. HiopH ?it Widewater, oke, I'le.Ierieksbuig. _U f.>ri. Doewell. A?hlar.d, ami Elba, and other trtatlona Sunday*. Sleeper New York to Richmond. 2:48 P. 61., Daily, ex.-ept Si -.1?.y. Slops a i Widewater, [?ruok ?-, Fre?l<rick?l?i)rg, Summit. cul?, i, Woodelane, Mllfoni, i'.-nolii, R?ther Olea, Doh well, Taylorsvtll*. A^hlaml. Glen Allen, and Elba. Par lor car from Washington. 7.10 P. IL, I'i.ilv. Stop? only at Frede rli-ksburx. Dos well, and A?h land, un?! Elba. Pullman cars from New York. H 3(1 P. 11, Dally. Stops at Widewater, Brook??, Pri_?'rU*k?burg, fiilt, Guinea. Woodstane, Milfor.l. IVnola. Kui'i. r (Hen, Doswell, Tayiorsvtll?, Ashlsnd, Olea Allen, and Elba. Sleeping-car. i> .",?? p IL, r..iiim?'ii.'lti>r January 17fh, dally except Sunday, th? , New York and Florida fl : ?tot? at R RKIIERH KSB ?. t<(?lMHUI)..TI<)>. ii?ally i-\.'?v?i Sunday ? i iKi p. M., Leaven ? Station. M;.to A. M.. Arrive? r ',on. ASHI AMI TRAIN?, .1 kail) ex?. >.t Sunday.) ?s 12 A. M? Leaves Elba. (1:2(1 p. 61., Leaves Elba. ?i ?i A. IL, Arrive? Elba, (MM? p. M., Arrives Elba. r. A. TAYLOR, Truffle Manager. E. T. I?. Ml i!-I. nt I i| T ATL.\NT?CCOAST * Vi U UNK. 'Urdule 1 . BUROOS .lanu?r> 17. IHIIN. 1HA1.NS LEAVE it n 11 >i?? u*? I Mii\ DEPOT. 8:00 A. 61, Dally. Ann ijiir? 9:31 A. M., N A. 61. Stops only ai l'-t. rshurg, W av-.-rly, an.l Suffolk, V?. 0:05 A. M., Daily. Arrive i'> ' rsburg 0:50 A. M., WoMuu i A. M. Fayctii'Mha |:JJ P. 61., Charleston 10:* P. IL, Savannah 12:fi0 A. 61., Jack? sonville 7:10 A. M., Port Tampa 6:-JJ P. M. Conn ?it Wilson with No. 47. ar rlving Goldsboro' 1:10 P. M., Wilmington i:lS P. M. Pull? man Sleeper N.-w York to n-son ville. 2:55 P. M.. Daily, l.urtl. Arrives 1 - teraburK 3:12 P. M. Makes all it* . 5:30 P. M, Daily. Arrives Petersburg 6:16 P. M. Makes ill I ?tope, Hiihmond and Putt-rs bur^ raiii T-30 P. M., Dally. Arrive? Petersburg P, li., connect, wild Norfolk and Western tor Norfolk and Intermed?ate p?>lnt?. Kmpori.-i '.?:lu (<-on H with A. and i?. tor ion? between Emporta aii-i l_wrsncevtll? ., VV<sidoa V:12 P. M.. Fayettevlll? l.i?7 a M ?Charleston $M A. M-, Sivaiiiiali 8:?8 A. M.. Js''k ?onville 1 P. 61., Por? I j 16 i' M .\KV. LINK TO MI! ?DLR OaOROIA 1'oiNTH. Arrlv lti?? Alken IM A. IL, Augus I M " ai 11 A. M., Allant i U ' . P. M 1'uli Bltrepera New York to Wilmington, .lack?' avilie, Port TaSBBB, Alken, Augus? ta, ami M 8:5? P. M., Dully. Arrtv??s Petcraburg ?Jl P. 61.. Weldon 11:30 P. 61. Mikes looal ?topa be? tween Petersbuin: and Wal ?loii. 10:00 1'. _.. D.niy. except Sunday. The N? w York an.l Florida 8pe cla] iirrlves Charleston 1:45 A. IL, Savannah ?KM A. M., Jacksonville 1O0 P. 61., Hi. Augustine I 10 P. 61 , Tampa 8:35 P. 61. Pullman V. bule, Sle?-i ing-, Dining-, U i ?ti?. r\atlon 10:5OP. 6L. Dyily. Arrive? p?>'er?bura i' M . Lynchburg 'S SO \ 61., Ho.-tr.ok? l? A. M., Brlatol 11:20 A .M Pullman Sleeper l?ahm.?nd to Lyuch TRAI?19 ARRIVE RI(HMO*fn. i ,(m? a. 6i., Doily, trow Jacksoavliie, ., Atlanta, M.i.on. Augusta, ?and all !i South. 8:68 A. 61., Dally, axeept 8andar. At? lanta, Athens, Rnlclgh. H<?? WB, Lyuchburg, and lt?e VSest. 8*ST A. If.. Delta P-t.r-burg local. H.55A. 61.. Dally, except 61ondav. trota T.imi a. Jacksonville, .iavan i. and ?'hnrleston. 8*00 A. 61., Sunday only, from Atlanta. Athens. Raleigh. 11? l.v QChburg. and the \\ 11.05 A. M, Dally, Norf.jlk, Suffolk, and lvtersburg. 7 15 P. M?, Daily, Jacknonville, Savan? na!, l??n. Wtlmlng ton, Uoldaboro', and ail rs South. 8 55 P. M.. Dally, Norfolk. Suffolk. Wa? reriy, and Petersburg. 8:5? P. 61.. Da? -airg. Lynch? the W%st. J. B. KKS?. T. 61 EMERl-ON. Ueueral Manager. Truffle Manager. H. 61 F.MEHSON. General Paeaenger Agent. ja U T-I. '- ?1 Paaai n<er Ait^nt. N^WNoi?clk^Wesiern i___HnB_M $ch8d(tl8 in CnVct Deeeaaber 5. 1M07. LEAVE RICUMO.ID. IIYRD-BTRRET STATION. 8:00 A. M., Dally?Uichmond and Nor? folk. , Efi'lHI l.l. l.lM.i ED. S.-cond-cU?? tickets not accepted on this train. 0:05 A. M? Daily. THE CI?1CAUO EX I'" fur Lynch bm?, noke, - iiumoua, and ?hicago. Pullman su?.p?r Itoaiioke to Columbus: also, i .i K.i?Jft?id. Briatoi, Kn...? ville, Chattaneeon?, ?hd in t riiifdiale poliil?. 7:30 P. 41, Dally. t?r .Norfolk. 8u(I ;'k, .inJ mt?rmodiate ?tanoua. IOI5 P. 61. Dally, for l?ynchburg and ' n??ko with Washington I Chilian..oga Uuilled. Pull . i?t;?'rH Koanoke to Memphis and New OrleanB. PI'LLMAN SLEF.PEK I --iv.-r- . Itii'li? 6lo.Nl) AND LYN'i'HHCUi? ready for Oc? cupancy at S P. M : also. Pullman Sleeper Petersburg to Koanoke. rrali i;, lum.nd from Lynco burg and the W??t dally SI* A. 61 , and ! ..'. P. 61. From Norfolk and the Laat li:?? A. M-, and Vestlbuled Umked :? P. M. Oiltce: aSI Mam atieet. " v K W .a?! Kr.NBY. District Pa*w??iigx?' Agcut; W. B. BRVILL. Oeneral Paaaenit-r Agent. General Office?; Roanoke. V_ da I