Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND Dl?-fATUU-WKDINKSDAX, fUBKUAKl ?o l???. .n Un rosi I__ I I Lamb, who Is a captain, having gained his J ? M Kaufmann & ? Half Price Outer Garment Sal a irruid tivnt to thOB6 B lui\?" w.iitrd until now t(? ? their Wraps. and Cb in th?. house I? >* iti - i-n-on'? m? 'hing bul th<- nio*? r-tyllsh. tn dspendabh? varment? to be sold Half fri?, k , n iring t the . f all mark-down aale: ? \OW FOH KIMM PLl'Ufl CAP Tak? x * ,,f 16 Finest-qu; ly Plush i bi n? .in?l ,ds? l with fur, lined thi v?t h ?ilk for *.V l_*?ti<- i All-Wool Bbiok Ker? Cape?, full sweep, elegant | ck. und Inlaid v? . lar. reduced for thi!* great ja ?a Double Capes, made of fine Mrown clo? Ing, trimmed with Black ?raid, t deOOd for this sale to I' _C_t-elb?nt Qualltv Iiouble ?'loth trlmmcl with braid and fur. w?t ! to-day nt ti. g?> for ** < ' Oray ?'loth Capea, well made. Thlt ic.d to the tinhrard-of price, ? \TV LADIk'V PIBA hKIIMl JACK? nt in ir.ii tu g1.1?.-.. Ladle-*' Black Kerse> Jack tailor made. . bound, go this week lit lees than i>; prie? ?i i?'. Fine BoOClrt Ja, k- best taiioi collar, Jacket, nd pockets lioiind wi lr braid. id half silk lined, for t*> .4M. 1 one? All-Wool Kersey Jackets, H'1' ighout v qualit Satll Worth lip to *1" and ?! for i*? chol M.vt it i u no N s: mow BtBBBBttl A lire?! Hi->Ii>k Opiiurl mil I > for It I.ndlen of Hirliinoiiii. Ihll Pa< adge, full Inch- populs le, for SN ar?l. 60 pieces of newest ???<! most stylish el fects for stocks and tlee In Tw< Tonetl. Doub ittn Rlbb u Roman utrlpi Reader? effects, In both S and I i'iches wtdc. CHIl.DHKVS AM? LADIBT UBGGIS! OAMItl I I \ BI II-. ? Chiidrsn's Leal h? i Leggln? i now at *?' N'TS ?Children's Finest J? all sizes, h.-st ft.8 value, for ** ' CENTS. Ladles' Jersey I> ggms. the tegular UA | .go for I1.I?? and H. Children's Worsted Mittens all 10 ?TO NTS __idl*?s' an! Misses' Pit Mittens go now for lo CK.V Children'? Croch, ?w at It .NTS and in K Al FM VW A < <>.. Fourth ?nil llroml Slr?'els. RACIXi; AT NI W ORLEANS. Flop and Hualifleld the Otil> Win nfi-ft Kn^orlle-*?Jockey Hurl. NKW'< ?i.'Li:ans Pebruery 1 PI Itushfleid were the ?'??ly winning favorite to-day. Percy P. three mil?: In his pri limlnarii , an Swordsman fell, soon after the rae?-. EU Jockey had two riba broken. Wt char and cold. Track | First race- s?t furlongs?Wiggins (4 tc 1) won. Octave (I t I and " I Aunt - to H third. Time. IK r-olds, half a mile? ;.?rr< tt <H? to 1? won The Hiver (11 to 5 and even) I .".tiiw.od ?2 to I] third. Time. ."1. Third race- -one mile?Anger il to l? won, Stella (9 to 11 and 2 to r?i si Evan 1) third. Time, 1:441-2. Fourth raie seven and a half fnrlonga Vlscount (4 to 1) won, What Next <:' t?i 1 and even) second. Robert Bonner ?1 tn 1) third. Time. 1:38. Fifth race?mile and a sixteenth?Flop ?(. to 1) won. Masterpiece <?..', to 1 an? 1) second. Jim Conway ?12 to 1' third. Time. | Sixth race?seven and o half furlongs? Rushrield C to B) won, John Sullh to l, 6 to l, and 5 to f) second, Jack ' ? third. Time. 1:39. FATAL FIRE IN MOW TOHK STATE, Hotel lTeHtro>ed???It I'erlsh In the Flames. OLOVKI'SVILLIO, U. V.. February l. The Alvord House, a Jive-story bruk building, was totally destroyed by ?''' n 7 ii I ' lock this morning. Bix ! lsh< i In the flames. an?i a ?r lesa injured in making th? There were a num? ber of thrilling The .?cad are: E. C. K1M1.ALL. of In.lianapolis, lite wife, ami ter, BENJAMIN l STRICKLAND, HENRY C HAY. ?li .RUM RUPPERT. Mr. Klmhall was agent for a glQffc tory of this city, and Mr. Btrickland ?tnd Mr. Day wen I -; " . men, Rapport wa? a bell-boy in the hotel. The total loos ?in building, furniture, and the propertj of gueets will probably ?mount to 1200,000. The Insurance is par tLil. ir the laundry, hut from Whel ?t known. It s] With such rapidity that nothing COnl I hi l. and most O? : the ?a, r.? obliged to li ave in their eight-cloth? \l t"K \ AM) IT? QOLD-FIBLDi. Hook on the *<ul,|i-il front the l'en of Major Ileinlnu?L WABHINOTON, Pahreery 1.?The Of the niaaa of Information | Alaska and the mimial Wealth of that country which has been accumulated In the archives of the govenUMItl is about th.- light through the medium of titled "Alaska. H- IL ind Wonderful 11 thor of which Is M O. s Heiatand, Assistant Adju ant-<;> fi.-r-ii of the United Btatee army, tarw autloned In Washington. Mr. Helstaiid. While an other ,,f the Ine In th, army, made an exhai ?if exploring tripa throui nd especially along the Yukon, which Iralm* the gold regions, so thai he has upplemuted the ofllclal r, .-ords with mich matte; of personal , \: OHIO MMIIIKIIV l|l I > I r-jVO llinkiiieii Ksiiiiilueil, lint Willi out KfMUll. CfiLCMHlS. ?)., February l.-Two la? km, n wen examine! hy ?!,? ;oma_tte<* Investigating the alleged lOnatorial bribery caaes. The Ohjeot ol thel h. h. who in alleged to hev? attempt it la cam.- t,, s on the afternoon of January dth. Inauguration day, nn?l m? t I '.* lieu ttlasoey felted utterly at it? pur toae. The hacknu-n told about baring Inven Two ni.-n aroun?-' th- city, hut ould not either of lh<_ lid Ha 9 ht oeversatlon that i/OuH give any ?.due to the Id ntlty or he two m?-n. \ Hllsxaril ul Hinlfo-d. BAjBT RADFORD, \ v ,,y l#__ ) -A regular idutsard haa p d heee-aleoe Saturday nlghl her la a l-Bter. To i?, Fi-n VtahhtaUhaommot, lIMOTON, Pahreery ? sel to-day tionut, r We_i Vlrjrlnla. to be Connnlssioin. : Befe aud Fi-h _ ?. BII.LS TO RETKENTH ?ivi;i?*i. iMi uni. mm "Tn(' DI? KI? IN IHK HOI S?; TO-Dt?. EXPENSES AT STATE INSTITUTIONS Th? ?apeclsl Join? tominlU?? Uli i!?-i?or? Tw-Watraw Sait ot tS> l?.-< -oniiii? -nilnlloni ? Memli?r? t ft?rv? Wl?lion? Par? ad Retoca ? mhly will Ul b Mr. Wlnborne. present ii th? Hou?" s.v. Ml bill! t.. take the pla. inmltted ?om ?lays ago after a tight extending olmo? through the Week. These substitute measures will not hav in them ?M which was most objec ti..nable in the fO~BQC blll-tho plactni of misdemeanor charge? on the countle? l.iit. one Of them will rot.iiu th.- provlsloi which allowa only naif fees to ba oat? lech tl by others in CBBI s wie | an ?,,i , from the preseeutloB . .?, _ as th. m t> I" . Th. | ! Of th? bills W ill be t. sot ure UM anda aimed at by tl With ti??' ?sveplion of ?M h..ns?erenie Of criminal Tin of the bill? ar? thought ti? be favorable. BS they BIS framed ??-on th? llii's lai'l ?low n by the I Whll.' the amount which the n?-w bills will save to the State. If enacted, will n.?t B? nearly so large aa would ha\ suited from tie "f the original bill, owing to th. . limination of the feature muklng ?M counties bear their misil, in. an.?r .-haig.-s. yet it is believed that the provision when thes to ba paid by th" State only one-half th? at s|, ;!l I...- roll, (led Will tali:'" oftl . | |M BBOl " dlllg? BOS la cn ihig to cou?., t th? m from the | cutittit, or defence, thus relieving the State of a large portion of Its present bur? dens from this source. WILL REPORT THURSDAY. Th? spinal joint Committee on Ex Mturea al State institutions will re? port to each house to-morrow. Senator Barksdale, chairman of the ceauBlttes, win th? report la the Senate, ami Mr. Wlthrow, th? author o? the reso? lution under which the committee appointed, will perform the same duty in tile House. Th. : ?ilation. as to the character <'f the report, but mem ! th? . .111 mit t? > i.-i'ust- to waii mt statement regarding it. One of them said last night that it would be In nowise sen Batte nal. "It cannot be," he Bald, "for it. will b? upon report? from instilu rly ail of which war? ?ntlrely satisfactory." it is learned that cuts win tie reeom msndsd in the amounts appropriated t" many, p. rhapa all, of the ?jtate Institu? tions, and in sum.' instances tli.s, ail! be large. The reports from one or two were net at ail raUa_tttory, reveallog to the committee that "nuch more money was expended than was needed. In ; _t will be recommended that th? utlalions be materially less' n?9d. R Is learned that the report of the ofl ? f 'he University was among the m Mri ?satisfactory received by the COCBflBltteS, and thai the reduction in its appropria? tion win be very ?light TO serve WITHOUT PAY. t>n?> of the prominent of the HOUSI . r.lay that he had learn ifter making an extensive ?anvass among the delegates, that a bill requiring the members of th" General Assembly to without pay would almost cer? tainly pass. A bill ot this character will traduced as a substitute, for the - bill, reducing th" pay of legislators per day. It may be said, however, that BUCh a bill would BOl pa-s th houltl it get through th" HOD numb? r <<f senators, sufficiently large to I pretty clear id? a of the sentiment in that body, were asked u? to their n of such a bill, and without ex? ception they opposed it. REASONS FOR NOT AROLISHING. P ?ard?an the bill to abolish the Tenth Circuit, which the Senate re? to order to its engrossment y? ?lay. Senator McTlwalne, chairman of the Committee OB Courts of Justice, which reported it unfavorably, said last night: "It had been clearly detnonstTSti I to .11 abolition of the district would In most of the counties work serious in Justit?' a.n.i harm to litigants. We had ?dit lent protests, oI tl and Wilt' from different parts of the country vince us that it would he wrong n? h tlia district. These protests cam? from : men ami tax-payers, it irther demonstrated that the sick ' Judge Barton had in many of th. count!. - broken up the Circuit Court prac? 'hat litigants often refused to Ircult Court, while all ad? tnitted and all of us knew that when Barton was in health no bett? r i( ..ii ttie h.-nch in Virginia. We had also been inform.-d by a young Iswyei ..i standing and integrity that m .mies in ii th? y bad !.. <-n urging Judge Wright to iiam .- ap?ela] term, but he had not ?lane he had not the time, Tl." comraltte? gave the matter a moat tho md no oth? p conclu? sion could have bssn rea? hi i ill Justi". I" all paru. I Th? additional tl'.lV? I la - rlly Imposed upon the lawyers in a counties in th" district In going Mich dlatancea i d would OUI of the people in the end. In short, little would h.\.- been saved to the Stat". because a part of the Salary would hav?- been distributed and mileage Increased. When the Fifth District was abolished my recollection is thai whole | ilaiy was gisen to the Judges .Many of the most prominent ??tw? in Hi" circuit protested against the i-haiii.-' E.MPL'IYEES' [?ABILITY PILL. Tia a Roads yea.? r day I i. nd the empl - liability bill, which reoently paased the House. Mr. Reddy, Ih? patron ,,f the bill, male an extended argument for it. but Mr. Glasgow, who a rep Dg th? Norfolk and Western rail? way, ?lid not reply, owing to th? Lai. Of th? hour, and the committee adjourned i the bill again ThursdS) Hing ?tl X P. M. Mr. Mallwaine submitted a substitut" bill, which wits red to be printed, to gith.r with the House bill. Mr. _c_? s hill discards utterly the doctrino of f. Mow-servant, which the Reddy bill ..t do, end rsoognlass. Instead, the doctrine of vice-principal. snstorlsl primary hill will i i.\ ii-. s- a,.;. Committi Plivllegea and Elections at i o'clock tins noon, Mr. Reddy wiH submit arg?? ?a- at for the bill. Th., Sub-Committee of th? Hems? Cam? min..- on Schools and Colleges and on Asylums and Prisons, and of the Committee on Public Institutions and Education will Isavc here thla evening over ih. Cheeaseaka and Ohio railway for CharlottesvUle, Lexington, and Staun ton, to make the usual tour of insp. Ction. They will visit the University of Virginia. the Virginia Military Institute, and the te H ?Spital and the Institute for the Deaf, Dumb ami Blind at ton. \"?ierday signed ?he bill requlrln? - of ail ?tr.. i railways n Virginia, with th" exception of Petera equlpped ?rith veatlbuled i " 1? | it? - l'oik. ;. the patron ry g? n. tally congratu ated upon, It? finality. ES A NEW COUNTY. a John R. Jobas.,i,. of Chrltttlans )urg, 1? at Murphy's, and will a],;,, .?i.- tin- Senate Committee on Cities and [owns t.. oppose the bill creating the """?>' Mr. Johnson say? the BS proposed, wili do! mll.-s required by p, . 'HutIon. and, besides, a would take f<-?,m lontKoiuety ?ounly niobablf on? third land*. He gaya th? Montgomeri are up In arms over th" proponed chan? NORTH < \HOMti POLITICS. Heal Tronlil.i? Sow A|i|irar for ?1 llepalillcans. WASHINGTON. I' c. February 1 (Si opposition to Jud, Ewart'a confirmation 1? th?- leant of tl 1 It. pul,1!, an trouble?.. It haa develop. , i \? ry e|.?ment of a sham-fight, and win tin Ji;.Hilary Committee mat ts lie ? Monday It I? sale to pTedMt that It W vanish. Hut real troubles confront the "par' in Mr. l'eoraon's vot? yesterday again tin- T. Ill i r? Ohttlon; UM removal i Colonel J. Wiley Shook, Deputy Intern \i, lector, for httubordinatloi the appointment of Johns, a colored Ki Mfh lawyer, a* cl.-ik in I ?I t ?let-At to ncy Llernard's office, and the transfer i ih< Pederel Court from Greensboro' 1 Winston. In view of IVarson's vote to retain th I irtty betweea the two metals, the wh dorn of his election as a member of th K, pul,lean c.iinpaign Committee In th place of Senator l'rltchard i? ?erlousi questioned. Senator Prltchard Is not i touch with this committee on the flnar dal question, but It is not clear ho^ D Representative Llnney, who voted to the Teller resolution, and Kcpresentativ White, who declined tO vote, can affor I',,, , ,, . i a a in? in!? r of the ?'ommltte Mr. Pearson, who will not be in tou< with th?- K?'t?iihlica;i-l'opullst theory o the silver question in the next Stat campaign. It is probable that Senator I'rltchar, will remain nu honorary im-mbcr ?if th committee. "oli.nel Shook'? removal ns Deput; Collector van ordered two days ano. B? la expected here to-morrow, and untl his arrival it is unsafe to predict wha will happen. I'CTLKR BBDfG CROWDED. The PopollatS who favor fusion wltl the Republicans in the State are crowding Senator Putler. They demand Imm?diat? and uncnuivocal ac'ion, and have : the di <!arati?,"i from him that "co-opera? tion Is certain, but it w'on't do to be IOC anxious ahout it just at tills time. Wi must ghre the i > nocrata rae nore chenet to Ignore the frcc-sllver-whlte-man's-gov ernment-antl-co-operatlon Issue. And, mon over, delay means Republican con DS, not only in the next campaign, but two years hence." It is well Understood that Skinner will oppose Butler for the BenetB in If?"?, and Butler seems to have fully realiz? cently Skinner's advantage In th?? con? tact H?" will have the support of both Republican and Populist organizations In the State. an?l th'- sympathy of the na? tional organization. Butler is tin." under? dog In the light now, unless condition-, materially change, and" one term in the Sonets ?.sill probably end his public caretr. THE ll\'/.KLTO\ MMiOIIM.. Trial ol Sheriff Martin und Illa Depo? nes II? _i ii t . V.TLKESP.AKI'i;, l'A.. I', binary 1. .Not since the trials of the. Molly ,\|, - Oulres has a case attracted so much at? tention |n this Hate as that of Sherii7 Martin and his eighty-two deputies, which begun in the Luzerne County Court to-day. Bhl riff Martin and his deputies are charged with shooting twenty-two strik? ing miners and wounding OT-T fifty mor<" at Lat timer, this county, on September K?. IB?. 'i h. deputing marched in in a body, and, seating themselves, began to read the morning papers, apparently unconcerned. jud-?- Voodford presided. The Commonw, alth asked for a nolle pros in ti.- Ledneid Beboock, William Drum. John Dougherty, j. J. Oellegher, William llufhaU, Frei. a. Sleppy. William Costello, William Sie well, I r \ : : i Perde? Johfl W. ?'rooks, Jr., R. C. WaiTlner, Thomas A. Harris, Sam? uel Arnold, Craig Anderson, and Samuel Qundery. District-Attorney Martin explained that while the names of these men were in the inili"tin?nt, the Commonwealth found that th,- m. n were not preeeni al the of th.? shooting, ami therefore could not be held for trial. Atton hen, counsel for th? de objected, ?I? Bending S trial by Jury, but the coud allowed the motion, -mi the nolle pros was entered. When eourt adjourned the following bed been obtained : BU Weaver, laborer; G. R. Shaw, carpenter; Aaron h'allsmitn, rope-maker; Alfred St.. lerk. a. n. Sheiids. carpenter; Hermen Gregory, farmer, and Ad un Laifon, tln 'mith. The ProaecUtlon Committee, which has adQuarti rs al n../.? Iton, claim tave sufficient evidence to convict fifteen >f the dl ' It is -dleged that every on." of the Af? een made threats on tho morning of th?? 'hooting. It is also claimed that Sheriff Martin had an understanding with th leputlee. -.__?. TIRM'V TUB NOMINEE. I'inni???,!'?' Pernee ?tale Befce Till* Cheleo?r. i eei lo n Te-Dej-, nashvilli:. tknn?.. Pebruery L? Pbe D?mocratie eaucua, on the Bret bai ot to-night, nominate! for Senator rhomas B, Turley. of Memphis, to fill be tinexpitcd term of isham ?i. Harria. fr. Tuiiey was appoint,,'. Senator by toveroor Taylor before Senator iiat is's death. The ballot stood as follows: Turley, W; MelfUlla, B; Taylor, i. Efforts had been mad?, during the day o Induce Turley to withdraw in Taylor'? | ?half. It Is Stated that he poaitiv? ly f efeaed. Then negotiations to deliver | ! Taylor?TOte to Turley were begun, ml ri suited in the dropping of Taylor, nd the delivery of a sufficient number f votes to Turhy to nominate. Senator Turley was notified and rought to the Capitol, where he ad ! large audlenot. Congressman McMlllln. Hovcrnor Tay >r, ami others also spoke. The joint convention of the two houses f tlit* legislature will elect Mr. Turley enator to-morrow at noon. Hla term 1)1 expire March 4, 1901. Senator 'I'm-I? y i?< !">,! years of age, one f tlM most pi orniii? nt lawyers In Mem his, an ex-c ni Idler, and a 16 ) 1 free-sliver Democrat. I'Wt i:\sr -liiVTioN BKBIOCS. ____ U?nn llellev-.I to H<- Actively Pre? paring, for War. LONDON, Pebruery l.-A dispatch to ' ie Dally Mail from Nagaakal says: The , r Eaatern situation Is very serious, i id It Is believed that Japan is actively eparlng for war, III Olden "limes ople overlocked tnM importan, e of por- 1 -lient ly beneficial cfr.vt.-, and were Set? led with transient action; but now thut i u.-r.-illy known thai Syrup of Figs U permanently overe?me habitual con- t pation, well-lnform?-d people will not y other laxative?, which act for a time, t finally Injure th?- system. Buy the ( ntiiiic, mad?- by the Callforula Fla- ? !u?> Company. t MEYER SYCLE. REMOVAL SALE. SPECIAL PRICES ALL OVER THE STORE All tlw Lining Presa Cambric, 8?c ya ni. AJ? the 15c. ??'guiar Made Hone lu?', pair. All ihn Ladies' l'topia Blank Hm -'< . pair. All the Wide T?fica Sheeting, 19c, yar.l. All The KM Dover Cnlile-ache?! Sli. .'tin.'. 10,'c. y?r?l. THE POPIUR BOOK OF THE DAY, QUO V?DIS, I9c. a Copy. Clark's O. W, T. 100-yard Spool Cot? ton. 8ft. t?po.)l. All th?? Wool Tain ?." Shunter Cap?. 10ft. Bftftfa. All the $1.50 Silka for Me. vard. All the ?:,. m.-)?'., and $1 Hroraded Silks. 4fk\ yard. All the Coat? and Capts at unusual rndaetJona John Raten Cook?'? Hooks, bound in Cunf.ili'rat?? tiniy. |fa volnitu*. Ainlroscog^in Ya'nl-Wide Hli'aelied Cotton, 4Jc. a yard. HEYER SYCLE, 103 E. Broad St., Ne?t Corner first. <f? UStj IM>l W VI'OI.IS CI'RFKW LAW. I'ollrenien ?o \\nrn < Ml,!., n Off the . ?tree?? nt Sight. (Indianapolis ?< Pc'venty-flve polie? nr n at roll-call sat In the crowded temporary station-room 1 . t Bight In a solid damp hlue hiock, ami this mass of the of the law was BBd with knowledge of the curfew law !.. fore holng sent broadcast to s?t the law working In all part? of the city. Sup? erintendent Quigley read the curfew ordi? nance slowly and distinctly, from "I'-> It ordain?- i" to "witness my hand and M tl." The enforcement of the law was to begin that night, he said, aft.-r finishing the i.adlng. The efforts at first must I?.- In the iiaiur.' ,,f an experiment. The J RBSfl must not ha UM ' first, and must always use a great ?Lai ol ment. All children tesa OUt In the ?foresta aft.-r | o'elock must he wann tl. and ?valu? ed in B ?say that would m ike tin m under? stand that IBS POUCS meant to he seriou.?". Th.-r.- must he no Joking with the boys on the subject. The Superlntt nd.'tit called attention to th?- faot thnt some children under llff.-'ii enaUtsd to go ahoul after I?anch as those working at night or running1 er? rands for th?ir parents or guardians, Some, too, he Bald, ?real to chnreh, anch -se attending choir prat tic?-. Sum" way ? f Identifying such children, ht would probably be adopt, d. Those of St. Paul'-- church Intend? -1 to adopt a ribbon or ticket. Som" girls under Sfteso at? tended the Young Woman's Christian As? ian prayer in. ?tin other ring?, and these were also to b?i dis? tinguished by some sort of budge. Th? Superintend, n? said that, while the polie- were to use good Judgment in the enforcement of the law, they vveie to b? on the lOOhOttt f"r violations of it, and to BOSafe to all children whom they ; out after 8 o'clock. If they were in doubt, they should call up the station and get advice fron the sergeant or captain in charge there. He sai.i that there would b. further instructions on this subject from time to time. r all. a larg?1 part of the enforce? ment of th" law cam?' ?bOttt without any action on the part oi th? police. When gave forth a solemn toot? ing in varluus parts of the city at I O'clock, bays who w? re sMIl in th? mad" B grand rush to coser, and police? men saw boys scurrying home without lectures on their part. It was an im PIBBBIH night for the beginning of the en? forcement of the ordinance full of w.-t darkness, which pave a mournful sound to the whistle-, for the curlew blew rather than rang last night. Th" rain, how.v r. was as effective as the curfew in keeping many children Indoora gpaelnl rsnnool Fee?. <X"w York T?a Partly through th?? reasonableness or his criticisms and in part through the brut.' forCS of ellctimslanivs. the. II has BUCO th.- 1 .si of the gam?- in his shat gl? i ful . i the abuse ..r large f< ?unssl under UM last administration. Nothing tickles the id like the Spectacle Ol an eminent reformer laid fla't on his back. The Mayor Is n??t unaware of that fact. Mayor Strong Mt hi? Commissioners Of At', onnts at w..rk to f?-rr?'t out Tammany sleals. and thsy found nothing. Mayor Van Wyck tiinis that grsat naany thou m i dol?an arara paid, as fees, under M'tyor Strong, to lawyers who are .mi notorious refoiiaora ah of th?s?, were large. BOUM of them w? travagaat, Improper, and dlssracefuL in the game of politics, this la ? ?real point ? for Tammany and ?gainst the reforutera, The aspect of the exposure Is not pol.ti. tl. hoar/ever, The payment of twenty or thirty thOUBBBd dollars in a Ut B lawyer as BpeCtal fees for \ .- In f>onderenat>on i us that did man.i anywhere tear all of his time nor ii degTSe of legal knOWlOdftB i"" ta onda? i.t gnd iiir-h-s pi,o un,.ia i s ?s a b? indaioua sbuaa in th? buslnssa admlnlstrstloB of the city Its correction is a matter of business, not of politics. The ?'.?iporation Conns? 1 an? nounce? his readiness to supply all the law recjulrod in 'the business of the van* i.-partm? tits, and this remedy for the ..f extravagant ?jpeclal counsel tot? th? approval of the Mayor. Tliat ?s sound reform. The only question is as to ti- quality of tti" law supplied. Law may he too Cheap as well a? too ? xp?-nsive. and law that was at once cheap and poor would prove ?n the and the most costly. Iletrnyed by an Odor. (Detroit Kr.e Press.) "Th-re amaine ttma in my house ksepll said the lady, who had had expert?IBM M, "when I thought there was bo use of locking doors, for thieves would break through anything. "We sitting at dinner one night when I Beard ? noise thnt BBUndsd as if some one wall walking around In my p."in. 1 went immediately to see. No one was there, but every drawer in the room was open, and all my Jewelry and valuables, of every description, that I kept in my room was l;..ii.. It took five or six keys to get at them all, as I had been very par? ti- ular about keeping them locked up. I had not BBSS uut of the room more than and how any one not familiar with every Inch of the 1, could have accomplished such a piece of work was a mystery. There was one thing I noticed upon entering the room, that was a peculiar odor. It was like a mixture of cheap perfume. I had never smelled anything like it before. "We BOtlSod the poll.", and they worked m ti. r weeks, but could make nothing OBl Ol It day when I was passing through he laundry, I noticed that same strange ?or. " 'Mary, what's that you are Ironing?' 'aid 1, for It seemed as If the odor came rom tin- ironing-board. " 'It'? ?ome of my brother'? handker hl.'fs,' ?aid she. "We lnveHtigated, and. of eour?e, found hat the brother was the thief." Order? for printing Hent to the Dkrpateh Tmipany will be given prompt attention. ind the ?tyie of work and pric<_ will ta aure tu pleas? you. A SivNATOK EXPLAINS MR. iniiK TKi.i.e why un votei FOR TEI.I.KR RKNOMTIOJl, POLITICS IN FEDERAL HOUSE The Alleged Return of Proxperlt] Farther Dlacui-aed?\e?v .lerne> \t. tacked ?- the of Tran(s-.Pru? teat \_ lio-i A-itl-ImiMlKratlon III 11 WASHINGTON, February l.-No busi? ness of Importance w??s transacted by th?: Senate in open session tc-day. Th?- f? > ture of the ?hort session waa a state? ment mad-- by Mr. Clark (It, put,: . of Wyoming, as a matter of personal privilege, concerning his vote In favor ol the Teller resolution. Mr. Clark has received a diapatch from hla State, published In eastern newspa? pers, to the effect that Henry G. Hay, chairman of tho Laramie County Repub? lican Committee, had r?sigii<d because of th< Renator's vote on the Tell? r resolu? tion. Mr. Clark said that so much had been said of the trotes of the Wyoming Sena? tors, and as to the significance of these rotea, that he ?kerned it wise to make a statem? nt. He express'-d surprise that the motivas and d?signs of those voting for th, resolution ahould have been im? pugned. H. said that the attempt mad? to commit the Republican party to a line of policy n,-y, t laid down and never contemplated by that party, and the fur tiler effort to read out of the party those RepebltCBM who vot?'d for tho resolu? tion, would fail. As for hims?df, he de Cllned most emphatically to be lead out of the Republican party, an?! was satis le ?I that the D1BSB0S of that party would never convict him of political heresy on account of his vote. Mr. Clark thought the! the Democrats ought, in view of their record, to li:iv? supported tii? Nelson amendment, pro? viding that gold and sllvi r coins should !?? maintained at a parity. H? thought that the vote he had cast was no stain on his political party honor, and his vott for the Nelson amend man! aa a protest against stiver monometelllam. Ho felt that his voto was In Un.- with the Republican policy outlined at St. Louis. The reaotutlofl of Mr. PottlgreWi el South Dakota, declaring it to be th?; policy of the United States not to |Ut**e territory t- def? Bd Which a navy ?vould be required went over until to norrow. at the request ol the aUth? Mr. Morgan's r?.solution, preaontod yes erday, calling upon the President tor nid information relating o th?- arbitration of the British seizure ilelma, was adopti d. The Senate then, at l*B 1'. M., on mo : Mi. DeYla, chairman of UM FOT Ign i'.i lettons Committee, went into XeOUtlYO session. At Hi I*. M. tne idjourned, OMB POUTIiCB Th.? House devoted most of the BMBion o-day to the District of Columbia appro? bation bin, but had imt completad it t the time of adjournment. Berne poll? re injected into |h? Just t til." Close. Th?? Military Academy appropriation bill rea reported. The anti-civil ??ervice reformers won a light victory when Mr. Perkins (Itepub .,f Iowa, presented a resolution for rlnting the hearings before the Civil i -, lea ? rommittee, Mr. Oroavenoff antagonised the r?solu i..n. He said th.- hearings had taken an \ p.ii'" turn, and he desired to .submit MBB fads in refutation Of certain State? -, i he hearti **i ?sere printed. [r. Perklna, however, refused to erith r;iw th?" r? tU ti'.- House, by a ,,t.. of i th>; previous oeatlon. He then yielded. a resolution wes adopted, which re aested th.- Secretary of War tu submit > the House th?- report of C. H. D. id. of the corps of engineers, ited December It, UB7, concerning cer iin proposed irnprov?'m,-n?s of St. Joseph id Benton harbors. Mtehlgara. Th.? House, a? IS JO IV M., went Into wnmlttee of th" VThole, and resumed ii.-.deration of the District of Columbia ipropriatloa hill, which was begun on iturday. At 4 o'clock the debate drifted Into RBTURN op PROBPBRITT. Mr. Simpson (Populist), of Kansas, at mpted to show from clippings from eine pepers that there had been no re? nt of prosperity in the lumber IndOS* y in 11 itteeked New rSey, as the horn? of trusts. Mr. Dlngley, in reply, declared that the aine papers ware full of evidences of iprorement in the lumber industry, n? clippings quoted wer., the exoepttoB. ' lie said. aiMth'-r proof thai "ten- ' men on the Other Bd.mid I ech ?n the barn-door, but could ii"t the door. dr. Pltney (Republican), of New Jersey*. fended his state. Be d< dared that ??v j, . been trust-ridden be r years it had been under Demo ttlc domination. The D-?mocraMc Legls ui" had knocked down legislation to tugboat bidden Lewi were t,> be had thoee wh> had the price. The last iwnlng Infamy Of the Democratic glalaturt ittempt to carry ou: mandates of the coal combln. id! the price of coal was to b? need ?1 per ton. Bul at last, said Mr. ney, th?- wise, pain,,Uc people of New sey had risen In their might, and ept the Democrats, from power. They I repudiated utterly th" InCsmous doc? ile preached by Bryan in IM* and had tried as Qoternor last year a gentle who h id n to-dey caiie-1 t., a lergoT sphere ??t nt McKln] . (Repubttcen lr. Randy (Democrat), of Ddawa: evidence of Hie la.k of prosperity. ,1 a letter from a Mi nd m Phlledel? ?, win? said he had counted ?MO ?iti I'.'j.d p.-is..ns who on a single day Ited a charitable soup-house in K i: gtOB. Republlcen member from Pea*_o**i li.l, in reply, declared tlial the report tory inspector of Pennsjh .wed th more persons ployed in the factories now than at s time last year. AS to the soup is<-s in Kensington, they fed 3U.0?X) un ployed under the free-trade tariff. AOAINfT IMMIGRATION HILL. r. Mahany (Republican), of New k, presented in open house the pro s of 10,?y)0 German-American voters inst the Lodge Immigration bill. made an Impassioned speech ugainst intolerance of those who desired t., <e the gates to immigration, and when stone (Republican), of Pennsylvania, irrupted him, he turned upon Uttylrantan and denounced him as one desired t,, precip?tete a race ques i, as one who had attacked the Irish Germans, the Poles, sed s^ary other tonality "i commend you," he about? "to the voters of 1'ennsylvani. whose Americanism cannot stand t! It rgeant-at-Arms present?" was only comment of Mr. Stone wh? a .Mi. ?eny conclu.i? ?. L 4:10 1'. M. th.- BOOM adjourned. Maca) n'a Mlanlon Peaceful. LBTHAOIA, SPAIN, February 1. ?r to the sailing of the cruiser Vit i for the I'rrtted States, the Admiral i. t?. the crew, during which .Id; "You atv charged with a misaion cue " This announcement was greet vlth cheerlnjr. tient Three tSuleSS. (New York Sun.) ngrVssman Lamb, of Richmond, ought Al now what It is to have a man named ,,, is run against blm. Cu_(-r?i_sman 0Q title by servie? in the Third Virgil Cavalry, was the SUver Democratic ce dldate In 189?. The li? publican? nor na'e.l a man gal I against hi .nor men nominated a man num I??wls against him, und th- re was an i nt Lewis In the ilel.l a? weif. T !.?nib to I?wl?, and Is now a congressman. . ? ?UN ??TOT TO HF MK-KV?it?.KD \i-ti ?ii.iiiiu.r for iil'umi linar-lie ?lui? > ? le? mUmUmtm?. CtttOAOO, February l.-preslil? Hart, of the Chicago Base-Ball Chi announced to-night that the director? the cluh had At ? I-led not to r.'tit?w Anno? men' as manager, when his co tract ?hall expire. Mr Mart ?aid that the ?lirectors of tl club were guided, In a grent measur In the disposition of this case, by publ o_ nlon. A new manager has not been selecte nor will one be for a few days. ?Noted *ons??re??es Merry Poor ?fe (LoadOB Truth.) Th. marriage of Sybil Sanderson Millionaire Terry recall? the fact th great singer? do not often make BTSattl matches. Cruvelli is one of th? few can think of. T'.ttf! enriched BOT tvt husbanrl?. So did NllSSOtt. Albanl, ; an advanced age, married her ?ecor husband for love. Albanl has been tl helpmeet of Mr. Oye ?ver since her rep tatlon was established. Mile. Krau: remained In ?Ingle freedom .b-nny Mr married her accompanist, f'rlsi'? prln? consort, Mario, Marquis of Caadla, H*l never rich, though he made, in ?Ingiii with her, heaps of money. He would ha? b.< n la his ?Id age In sore ?traits, ha not Victor Emmanuel given him tl curatorship of n museum. Lablache ?laughter had a voice worthy of h< father, and marri?.1 a falriy wealth French baron. The peerlesa Falcon live a solitary lif" after h?-r vole, broke dOWl This misfortune overtook her early. Sh looked like, her name as ?he advance : s. Xt, trace remain ad of th beauty that in her youth BBtrBBOOd th town. 11" P.-riot. Malibran's Helgian husbant was not at all wealthy He lived to greet age, and belonged to a m?sica union I s ago that held it weekly meetings In a studio on th Boulevard dea BnUgnnlkw, De Berio fll? inherited. 1 should say, the bulk o hlS mother's earnings. He ttVOd in hand ?ome, though not at all ostentation? etyle, on the Boulevard Malenherbe? and was an eminent pianist, but not a all like, 1 should imagine. M.llbran Another ((Jareta) manad [?OUla who discover?.! Spain, and made a repu taPon as a writer on Spanish literature art?, and history. ?? made money an? ttraraory sreU off. but hardi? wealthy. Tourgu? nlsfl lived with thes. Vlsrdota lio?-???.- Pul?.- a? Patient. (Philadelphia Inquirer.) In French th -or of th? theatre hna i seat glvea him for performance. Ba must be there evening. Naturally, after I"' l'as seen tht) same piece a score of thtt? to bo elBBWhere, and prefers to gh to s"i.a of his friends. M. ?rncst Blum says that when lie wa? a young man. a fri.-mi, the dot-tor of the Theatre Port? Saint Aaitin, gave him his .lust ?S Ii?- waa becoming interested in the Brat act the sta??" manager rushed up; the h.rolr.e had a nervous attack, and required medical aid, Blum had no? thing ?IS? to do but to follow. In ?la lady's dressing-room he found the mana? ger, with anguish depicted on ever* tare, anil the lady wringing her hands bricking. "Now, doctor, quick! What's to be Hlum grew as r?'d as a lobster, and. as be COUld not say anything, he Just ejacu? lated: "H'm! Let us see let us - Hi took the lady's hand in B wild at? tempt to feel her pulse, she shrieked mar.- then ever, and wrlthsd like a snak? "Have you poured any water on her bead?" he asked. "And no effect?" "None." "Then, don't pour any more'" Ai't.r this duplsy of medical know lie continued; "Give her a sniff of eau de cologne." "Haven't say," was the answer? "Then go fetch BOffli Off rushed the manager and the m?nager, and Blum was left with his . Suddenly sh" opened her eyes, and united. ' Doctor,' she ?nid, "y?>u are a good allow, ain't y. "Y?s, ma'amaelle." "You must be, doctor. Now. listen. I'la re I? nothing the matter with me. foil WOUld have found that Out soon. I rani -if. Cant you 11 II. Il.'e It?" lighted!" he replied, joyfully. "Now, aa'amssUe. you're a good t? How, too, i mi not a doctor, r cam? in on the doc* or*a ticket, ao you must* not give him By this time the man ."..-r BO I the nnnnger came lack each wlih a bottle )f eau ti?' COlOgne. He tOld them that It now; the lad*r"waa quit? impoaed, and could appear without any angsr. But sh" must have B few days' Bit They madu wry faca, but granted he holiday. The Qlrl I Left Ilehind Mo. ?Salt Ok? Harald.) O oftentimes in days gone by, When limbs w.r. more elastic. With merry lads and las-. - I re tripped the "to? fantastic": Forgetting life's small sours and Ills T.. find bewitching pleasure P. waltz and polka and quadrtli < ?r \ tat? lv measure. But bleaching locks an 1 sober tread Nt". to remind m< Of v.ars long past and com? And those I II ft behind ni". mmer night that I * F'loill ou! the d: ' Chance led m? to a country bail With fragi aing; Whs?? grouj h. aux with happy, amilini In a wlidering mase of rarbelows, Of broadclotha, Jeana, and laces. To th*- gay rout most truly btought tloo; I'tiflagging z us. if not y of motion. The old, old trine? our grandmas heard And many a later Jingle, With thrillias- .-cms ?tlrre? And ma 1. the tail-.-? 11. . IM dance main with hearty will Despitt csthlng fui The "a. ra Reel , blithe "Prlmroae Hill"; The ..ill Ott)'"; "Sw. .t Terpalchore" ; No laggard should von find me In "Money Musk" and "Speed the Plow,'' or "The Qlrl I P. it P. bind II? In one of those half pensive mood? Of tender lulling f.u. That sometime- - lltudes, S .nu times at eouttry dances. I sought?nor recked the hoir was late? Away from crowd and chorus, A ? ..s,.y nook, and t< ' (The dancing shadows o'er us), With one in fluffy tulb- .in A nymph kind rate assigned me. The mu? I, then ?oftiy played, '?The Olli I Left Behind M?-." I ?clow us swiftly ran and splashed A shallow winding river. is flashed Th. brHllani lights S-qUlVST; - flow the hurrying tide Its whl?p?'rin??' accents blended .Ylth violin and ophi? : l'util the dan? d; I'li.-n I ti'hl.'d -.'?-i again ?Of past Joys to remind me), F*or many a lalntlve strain "Th.- (Mil 1 Loft Behind H "ould I from out the year? long sped day of youthful {?.all. .m.1, with blithe ?pints tread The simple sinuous measure ?! rhythmic swing to violin? A charm most jo>? tranai-endlna*. know not how it would begin. But know how 'twould be ending; *lme's hand? <>>r many a vanWh Should backward By and find me Vh"!i I eoul i "The Qtrl l !.. : Behind M N. AUHKUT SIIKKMA.N, To Cure m told la Oae Day. le Laxative Bromo ?quintil? Tablets, druggist* refund the money If It full? cur? ... The genuine has _. _. Q. . hi?_ minci a Riiuaas, " The Always-Busy store." ?to?th?to?ta ? TSTeTefst TW IXT NOW ANDTHHNi On the 10th day (?fl, I,. ruary we take our Semi-Annual Inventory, It is our custom to sa? crifice our profits in or? der to close out as much uinterish stock as -, hlf* before tho Mg dav. Vou can gei bftrgaiui* in the following de] nit'iits: Hen's ainl Wo? men's Winter ! ; w.'.ir, Gkyfsji aittl Mi*. t?'i:s, all kinds of \\ and Woollens, Jackets aiiri Furs, Mill Ends. Watch this s|?;i? , ach day for bar-rains. Miller & Rhoads, On Broad Street. Near fifth. Jiidnli Ia. Ilenjnmln. (Charleston News snd \v.? ar?. indebted to the H Sprunt. ?<f Wilmington other lnt< resting to the ' a? ly hf." of j . He is conilnn? .1 I Benjamin live I in and attend? i ' lie my ' attain??i list Studies, and v. oonvtctioi mon) of tl Esq., <>f Oils S "who was an m . te ol '?Ji'inin " V. , both Mr. S| runt's letter end y teteraenl in the . would -ay that Mr. Sprui his cas.-, the must that o bowever, in view o? ii und upon the - o at Mr. h? i may bevi b? n ?? puj II ? th? : my fer perha| Is all thar Mr. Hehlen ? lalms. Il I. ! g -,i."tally that ?1,,- li- nj u t,> thi i Faltad Stati i srh? n J only ? "r :, yean or thai the time of th-ir imml| area im.">. Mr B i l?-n says that J i . his b-rother, Bolotnon, and ; n_h. "came to with their urn pupils in ' that "Judah aras a clasam his may It: . Mr. EU Idea i ?\ i "Mr. i.? uncle) " lesiriii* to ? nlari .ed with his sister,' ?Mr- \\ "and th?? Benjamins New ? i l^ts." If they pro?, merits prove thai Judah co-id been In Fa) etteville mu? It year; If. in.le? 1, he * ? with tin < 'onfed? Its fllRh't fr?>m Rl< hi th* war In 1"?>.V If h, ville on '. nnarv : thence on ; hav.? h- !! Ill two yi are, H : by Mr r that the Benjamins ''um from the W?-st 1-..II, - ;?,,,| th* th?-ir arrival her,, as ne_U not fro t" Feyettevllli. if al sll Bad mast hav.- been* i", i sei. ami mu-?t i? iva lived In < h for al Mr. H.?Men's classm tranaplre that Mr. ?. eil school with Judah al sch?>?>i h,m- -Qdfeael' Tin-re is no doubt that Mr. Bei lived In Charleston, onl went, to in this city. He tul?! Mr Levin thai was the ' IS? Mr, H C. I llamston, ti, <".. who is -mil living that ho was In Judah's ch. i very bricht pupil, ?'?n?l q Shakespeare while playing mart-:. - w is Robert South? - mat? s, or school? : II Mlddleton. T Hutchlnson, W. J ?Hard. Mitch? Il K ? Wilson, l- C. Hard, Bteph and ??un re?all for man) ? o? this cltv. The Hebrew Orpha B paid for his schooling. The whl? h his father dl CTifl and his aunt. Mrs. Wrl day upon u?>?"i auth irtt did b-j*in?**se In thi- city. ! took her nephew ami niece with h? r if fnrth'-r eviden prove that the Heniamin*? Hv* Charleaton ?t can be t?.vin.i tn lh r? of the United Stat? s <'?>ur? In ton. which show that the i ?mal obtained hi- naturalisation pap After the war. when .Indah ? enter the English Bar It for him tO prove thai 1 I lip.'i^h subject, and the proel father*! application for am? senship was f..und on HI?? In tl ?.rlcston. Mr Benjamin - i that m m) should claim ;he honor of his r< We hope that th.? Hon. P*i of London, will not omit Cl ? from in- story of the "i/t ,min." But for taken of his friend an.! confldai old town, probably the e*orld sroul known him?the world, know, is full of "?ute, Inglort? - tons." Fatal Mnnii lu Hal-.. ' '\i' ?. LOMBARD1 Febt . Heavy storms have visited this vicinity. A splnnlng-mtll at thirteen miles from this pi , killliiK flv? others In tl r (nifv have I in tne ? Dlstrl llniMili and Japan. Dis* ther, an? about to ?,<" in.; meats in the -i - ;" w the Government However this may be certain II - th?* disturbance ,?f the stomach Blmpi? ".on will d.-v? lop Clll'OI th." st ,rr Thi ibli and do* with y of th.- t?. MM i it-. r, No. ?06 lock last evening, K in the nth yeeff <>f h? ? - Funeral will (Thursday) AFTERNOON at ?J from U-iKi? - **" Frit nds und a? I.l-'.i-:.?Died, February 1st. Mr--. M IANE LES, In th. 7?th "f bel The funeral will t frort late rei 510 n?>rth I llirnsi? \ I iry 3<l. at I ' ITRIBl-Ir 1st, Mr. Hi" UNO, 8r. ,1 service* at t *7??4 1' street, THURSDAY MOR> U o'clock and aoQU ul. without furth. r Staunton and PetliaSeri pap*" please win; ed, on Tueeday. al atn ml i' . vii /IRGIN1A w INDER, in Uu? Tl-t ?r >* 1er ?ge Ttmat ?i To MORRO? (Tl "N' tLORNlNQ al U getatm ' m .yteit.ui ?.liur.ti. I'enlh ;ii?,t ? y ter. for printing sent to the I vonipuii> will be ftven prompt all I of work aud pries* ** * ie am?* to please you.