Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1898. The Proverbial Prognosticator. \ We'll have a Real, Live Ground-Hog in our Window To- I Day. Watch the I effect of the wea? ther on him. No matter which way ?M remainder of tho winter goes, our r | Unparalleled Reductions In Winter Clothing [ will jump it out. ?See to it that you secure your ?liare of tin? ? savin-*:-yi>ur shan- of OUB nl?soluto loss. HO attention paid \ to profits now -one idea only in -.???w--selling. Men's Suits. Men's Overcoats. $ 8.00 Suit- M?.$ 4.?"? * 8.00 Overe?te BOW.$ 4.7.. lo.ix? ?w. 6.73 10.00 Overeo?t8now. 1.78 15.00 Suite now. 8.75 15.00 overcoat?, now. a75 10.00 Buitanow.. l.)..r> ~?>.00 Overoontono*??. 18.75 Boys' Suits. Hen's Odd Pants. . Balte now.$1.7.-? V ?? ' * ? * ""w.-*1,23 w. 2 is 8.00 I'at.ts now. 8.00 i Boite now.8,48 "? "? !>u"'s ??w. ;::'? Boita now. 3.98 ' "? 1>lUl,s now. 4-,K) i Buitanow. 198 7.50 Pnnte now. ?100 i Boita now. 8.98 ' '?" ,,,nits n,,w. Made n> *-ihh11 in leg a? doKii'i'iI Overcoat-tui<i Reefers sAiae way. freeol eofl to yon. PURE LINEN COLLARS, 5c. Almut ?'><> doien Linen ('??liars, all sizes, that have been sell? ing at 13c., go on Bale at 5c. 6 for ?5c?to close line. O. H. BERRY & CO., HAIN AND TENTH STREETS. the i;ei.i;s victory. (CONTINT ' FIRST PAGE.) against th.? National irire-Insurance Com the Judgm nd the case re Ui.-iuilt I f,,r a new trial L>:\ Qlov? r eondu tt? d s K I? y InsOtute In tshland. In a house purchas?ed from ; i .? n A Co 111 Tbi :i Insun ?I at a lime when it was occupied by Mrs. Baldwin, who <-houso. It wa? hy Ore during the ??-ecupan***/ of Dr. Glo v?. r, ami the company refused to pay the j.moimt of the i>.?'t <>t? the I that the house was vis, ,1 for the ion <>f *.ati' nts in a Ke? I? y-< ui tablishment, nnd th mlum charged for dwelling-boua? nslde than f'.r such establishments, u-hl.-h ar?? rat? l ?I?. The action was originally hniught in rt for the city of Rich? mond, and removed by tbi defendant company to the United Btates circuit Court, where o verdict was render? tbe defendant "ander th?? Instructions ol m testimony being ruled ind that ull conversations between tli d imo the written contract, and that perol evtd -admissible p? show lhal thi n,l meaning of the parties was dif? ferent from what the words of the con trad authorities of com? manding weight axe cited lo support the proposition that when S policy contains ?Ouch has a settled I construction, neither party can by parol evtd? ia e be p? rmitted t<> prove th )A Instrument does not mean whal it says. it i? claim? ,1 ih.,? the agents of the t the time the policy was written that the premises were being oc cupl?il as a K? - : ibllshment, and the court holds that in determlnlng ?U?tl( ,i tO a,> allegi have boon ha?i with th,? agents at th? tuna th? the circumstances surrounding the ti action, In luding the relationship of th? and th>? conduct ?ji nts Immediately after t?.? Are. u'l HER DECISIONS I'KNDKl.Kl ?. Other opinions i mon. <i al., appellants, va. wllMara i?. I'urkh.mlt, ?t al., appellees. Appeal 11 Court of WeMl Virginia, at Opinion l?y Judge (?off. Ai firmed. ?o - rte Samuel W. \ r, plaintiff in error, vs. I. ,,?. ; espomlent, d.-femliint ??? error. lu , rror t?? the ?Cir? : of South Carolina, at Charleston. In :?- Tibdal el nl. vs, i; El. v, nlon by Judge Alii? in.!. , he Charlotte o,l and F? rtlllxer ; my, plaintiff In error, \ H and 1' ndants iu ? ror. In erroi to the ('nein Court, Western District of North Carolina, at Charlotte. Oplnl? No lantjS, vs. C. Richard Taylor, app? ! from the District Com t, K. i>tstrict of Virginia, at N?rfoll idge Purnell. AHinned. Na ^k?. k. C. Crowthex, Joseph 1'tiernon. M. U Welfley, ,v,., appellants, ?.-. the Kidellty Insurance. Trust and Safe De*jo*it Company, I ? al.. appellees. Appeal from Circuit Court, Wetrtern Dtatrlct of V?r?rlnJa, ai Uarrisonburg. Opinion by Judg? Simon V n. Affirmed. No Ml W. Vance Brown, Potter M. I Brown ?t al., appellants, vs. Cranberry j >mpany, appellee. Appeal * from I at i. Wast? North Carolina, at Ash? ville. Opinion by niawlcy. Aflirmcl. No. 21?. Township of Nln? ?unty of Al of South Carolina, plaintiff In rge W. Volt om, dant in error. In ? rr<>r to the cir? cuit Court of South Can.'i: rued M. Trenholm, of < '? for plaintiff in ? nor, and by John ids, ?,f Morrtstown, T< nn . and U W. !'.?tk? r, ol Greenville, s c . for de fandant In error, and case submitted. BrotiierliiMxt M. <>ttiiK To-llornnv M-IK. of ',ii members Andrew In the city ha>. ! take pla? the lecture-room of S1 i hurch tc iiiorr?>w night ai v IS o'clock. i ? around 11 is called to ?M-CU**? i . f?,r the 1? tit.ti s,-r\i,cs ?1 has been holding ?'.r two or thi Main in w pi brought forward for I this bo held at tjo'clo ng nt tin? g UH heretofore, instead of al 1 o'clock 1*. M. 1? been suggested that -f it !. ?1 to hold them >? i usi ' ! would (. ?t 1? thought, w ! o'clock. giving, li| when a tt< nil At it is ni? ls i owlnif to ltu-iiuiue?. ci _ Ya*nln>?ton Star ,,r veaterda** says MwafO I., .?.i-, .. wtomly-chid hoy. 16 t_i ."'..*.' ,''"' ' ' J'1 '"' '' T>" '"?"* BOthrr was taken ill he returned to Cam ays, and four days ago h?s mo? l?, r died. l'.cing short of fonds, n an? ??n a freight train on his way to his male's home, in Richmond. His uncle, he .a the drug business. The boy turn ? ta,, r ta Officer Wilson, ... the Iiimm?' Society, who Is holding him at he First Pre? Ind station until his ?tate? [?.nt eau I." Investigated. DBATBS OF YF.ITEItl?AY. isvasel Wlohanand ivnpi?- <><? ? > Tlielr ?.rent Ile.vnr?!?. Mr. Ehnarnna Btrlbllns;, si-., of tbl stcrday at Newport News, where i., imd i... n employed for sume time. lis body will be bruiiuht to this city fur iiternn nt, and the funeral will tike place n.m the residence. Na ZltH V '.: ', tills oomlng ?a u o'clock. Mr. C '. Hopkins died yesterday motn 111,' ?it IJ0 ??'?Int k at his residente, X... 'J I treat, i ! ?i> ;i yesra ii.- learsa a nidow. .Mr. Hopllna . man ?if the Dnest character, anil . 'ni.'!. The funeral will I'luco from Centenary church this it. moon at MO o'clock. Mis. .Mary Jane !.. dl< : yostsrday at ?cr home. No. .MO north Seventh str?? t, a the 76th year oi Her fun? - al will take plac from tin' residence? iiis ait? rnoon at i e*etock. K tt.- M. F..X, a bright hitle girl of U cars, di-.i at her home, No. M larsball street, last night at _? Cat" was tak.n si"k Sunday, and death talked into the horn.- to which She i.i brought so much eunshlne laal night. 'he funeral will take placa tO-IDOlTOW rom 1 - : church at lock. THIS IS f.Rlll MI-IKH. DAY. flit' Wenlhcr-I'Miph? t Will UUVtO n ? hnnee ?? lea Hta Ihadnw Ta-Day? .y was by all odd? the lay of the winter. Tiie low ebb of the nereury was not the only thing that poor .iff. ring humanity had to contend with, or from the northeast there cume a vithtiing wind, that defied all efforts to teep ?arm. Many, haw? v< r, found BStlB? ai ill?' thOUfht that skatiiiv, . OUld : !- far "ir, and i.'.- tiiis morning thelt ..[,. I sinmid be realized, for at n hermometer registered twelve .t frost, and was still falling. Mr. _ A. Bvana, director of th.- ; reaUi haa predicted fair w< i her for to-day, with bright prospects i?.r l?verai days t.. ?time. 'i'h, win bring anything bul t t.? the uperatltloua, for t?.-.iay la 'andlemsB*Dny, and ilia old legend runs: '..llemas-Day be bright and .. rhere'U be two winters in one > Another tradition is that the ground invariably makes his appearan? I-', brtiary Id, and the siu'it o! ihadow will semi him to his ho!?- again i ?reeks, during which time the tempeal Ill?; ?.ATHHHIV. OF l'VTIII\Nv. iriuid < hniieellor lui.iit II Meet? Willi Them?A Mg Hit i.<< net. A large meeting of the Knight i'yihi.ts was heb. at !.? ? ?'amp Hal! I light, tiie occasion la inn a j'.int mealing ?f the several Pythian ladies of tills ity t.. n t'ham . Uor II. M. D irnall, of Roauoke, I .Mr. Hal nail gave an Interesting omit <>f th.- work of the order for the rear, ?bowing it to ba in good eon? lition, and OB th .ii of the unwritten work >f the order, which was greatly enjoyed jy ?ill pies- III. "as ttver the m ng adjourned to Hulcher'a, wh< r? ilegant ?upper was enjoyed, aa well aa pa ?d?- by Hon. i ion, Supreme Repressntstlve ; it'.n. hnl. T? Blaad, Grand Inner (',a i<?n. Bev. T. friimi, and othera The ??rand Lodge Of Virginie will D a ! '- rsbui r. ol r? bruary. \lruinlnii? In Rii-hmoiiil. l.yni hburg-\V. R, BOWBO i. .m. \'. i i., sin? all. Erom Norfolk?Joim Las ?rornwelt, T. A. Trigg, at Murphy*?; John dariner, al Ford From Btaunton Kenneth M.-i'oy, at iurphy'a; N. C. Watts, a! I Crora Albemarle c. T. Ballard, W. P tllar.l. .1. M. I : M. Ballard, R. B. \\'??rthingtoii, Drury : l'a. -Dr. R. S. Orlffith, at !iublin-.T. Howe Kent and wife, at from Wnynesboro'?A, C. Fox, at From Portsmouth- I:. W. Maupln, at luij.hy'?. _ E. H. McClllrHc. at -Alexander King, at the ton. ?iim? uniite.i Medal *.?. i. There /? . ' ru?h for the Rl og m city Hail, ii.r had received sev? for N" ! medal and a die was opened at ?j o'clock tht raa s large crowd of people present, ne ?iiixi.'us to obtulu the ooveUd uunction fu* bis dea 1 A MINIMUM RATE. ? o m m 1111m aaoawstiiM A Ml T?ll DftPM \N< i:. SENSATION IN THE LIGHT COMMITTEE. Mr. shelhl < hnrgr? Tlint the lllcta moml IMcitrIc Company Doe? Not H apply the Muht? It (?imrniitres? The t.luliiinu t ontruct. Several Important meeting! w? ro held ; committee- last night, and sub? ,1 Intereet were discussed ami aeted upon. Th?? Commit!? ? 08 to t!, nctim.iit and Referai ?ttMhi to re cmmitiil to tl??' Conn, il that a minimum Iboeld N edopted for water top. piled by meter?, and forwarded a ? coatatnh-i facts and Bgerea, which ?01 tent argnments towerds Um lishment Of th? Better system, which has l?.en fot many months The same body als?, torwaid-d g r- ? ? .in m.iidation to UM Council that c I commute?... i?>w performing .similar functions ShOUl*] be amalgamated. ih.? Committee en Light had a mild sensation In tic form of a charge pre? 1 l,y Mr. I' Hh.lld, attorney foi Um South, in ElecttlC Company, against i:.-hmoiid Hallway and Electric Com? ! any, t?> Um effect that UM ?'!' Btffc lights supplied by i1"' letter oompeny to Um city of Richmond were not of Um powei represented. The matter came up when the oinnittt, > opened the for supply? ing the city with light* The new Com? paay appeared as s compaUtor of the ,,id. acd both Md? were forwarded to tie il without, any recommendation, after B lively d?bet* In which a call for an investigation was passed by, and a motion to accept the bid of the old com? pany?which Wal the lowest?was lost. The committed on Recapitulation and Cemeteries held interest in? -Mating* and the Committal on Streets h? conference with property-owners in re laid to the paving of an alle*1 between Third and fourth streets, north o? Canal. AN INTERESTING REPORT. Tin- Conunlttee on Retrenchment and m m. t at 1*30 o'clock, sub-Chair? men H. W. Rounti ding, and Me-srs. Zimmermann, C If. Noble, John .). King, ami T, <'. Bbal pi? The sui-? ommltt? 8 81 I ' tn'' meeting to gather facts concerning the water-works, presented tho follow in?* r? port, pn i ar? d by Buperlnt? I Valua of water-works, 12,000,000. Annual Interest on 12,000,800 ?it G per cent., -penses and maint? I TABUE A. Largi ' annual revenue litt 1141,? Revenue Mom water iv?T, .1 r, r? -o?. pi r year ?p" condition 1.487 metan and no minimum late.) $1:7 Be?mated revenue ?each service saeter e,l, and minimum rate), $1_J.?/T-. Imated revenue (each service mi tered, and without minimum rete), ?,l. 107.0. TABLE B-?COST OP WATER. Toiai quantity of water pumped 1,7a gallons in 1807, divided into I (8142,000), makes OOSt per 1,8110 gallons, 3 B-i0 ??nts. i quantity of arater pumped, di? vided Irito receipts for Wl makes rate received per 1.000 gallons, I ?',1-1"? c- nts. TABLE C. Estimated quanUty of water required for use by w.u. r-tak< is. every e : metered, 1,243,31*0,934 gallons, <-< to (*ne third tin? whole quantity pumpt \ 10 cents per i 000 gallons,, i. tlmat? l quantity of water used by the city for tir,- protection, departments, ftc, ? quantity, or equal to ft ? % liions, at coat pi l? , ailons, 828,847.71 Bala unaccounted for or nt. of Um whole quantity, equal to l," allons, at coal price, 8 8-10 cent.-. 888,144.87; or, 1.740,649,300 -allons, sold at average Dieter ?a?,-, to >-!" cent?, 1187.880 11 NOTE.?The above table was prepared from tacts given In the year is.%. when I per cent, of the arbole quanUty pump? ed ami measured by meters was equal to 22 per cent, of the whole revenue and the average rate was 10 - l,**w gallons. in cites where all services ar?- metered Ihe av< lunption Is 40 gallons per capi'ta. EfltlmaUng <>ur population at the annual consumption would be 1,314.000.0 nd this at 108-10 ?ants per 1,000 callous, is 8141.811 After a lengthy die uaaion of all Um features of the report, it was nneaimously adopt-d as ti,,- report of the eomn.: t?> be submitted to the Council at the next me* Ung of that body. QUESTION OF MINIMI ill RATE, Mr. Zimmermann moved the! the pom should recommend to the Council Um adoption of an ordinance providing a minimum rat, for water. Mr. King said Old not voto for tho resolution comprehended the minimum rat,- provided for in tin? ordinance now pending kx ?unclL He thought it diserimlnat? ,! in favor of the rl? her Mr. Rdantree said that the whole com? mittee was anxious to conserve the the poor, and Ifr. Zimm? r maiin's motion would meet the view m that it did not stipu? late any Bz< Mr. Boiling said he had given the greet? re to the preparation of the report No one was more anxious than he to keep the rete as low as possible. The or,?i he said, did n?,t Incseea? the prie, ,,f wat.r beyond that Which hie poor man was now paying. The proposed arrange in? nt provided fOf I most liberal supply. ami it was extremely improbable thai any poor person would ever be call? i upon to pay ride than the ordln Mr. Zimmermann*! motion was unani? mously adopted. RBpUCE TJflE co.MMITTKKS. Th? committee then took up the resolu? tion of the Council referring t?> it Um consideration of the I the numb?! of <-<>i:iiniit?re* by OOmblnini with similar functions. Mi. Dmmermann moved thai the Com? mitt?, on Streets shall consist of twelve m, ?nt,ers, as at presset, und shall Im lud, th,- Committee on Bbockoe Creek; the Commute,' on C< dm lalat of and Include si. John's B****ylng-Oround Committee; tbi Commit? tee on Tiro Department and Schools .shall consist of seven members seen, as al at; the Committees on Election. Police, Claims ami Salaries. Accounts and Printing, Ordlni i hall consist of live members each, the latter to Include the Flirt, Second, ami Third markets; the Commit- bell I of s, v n member* nom- <?r whom shall be < Ugible for membership on uny other commltttee; Relief of the I Light, Water, Retrenchment ?and Reform, tfealth, and Grounds and iiuiidings sinii consist ?.?f seven members each; there -hail be no ch inge In the CommRti Kiv, r Impcovomi nt. Mr. Xiniiii. rmami'-i suggestion adopt >n, und the committee adjourned .-in.? die. I.lulit for the City. Tin i.??ht Committee met ut 6:3?) o'clock, with Mr. Wall, ?stein in th.? Chair, und Megera. E m. Neble, Vaughan, i1 wake, and <?. A. Hawkins pr?s, nt. The princii i business before the com? mittee was the ooneideretioB <?f bid the electrical lighting of the city, m dents for which had been Inserted in the pap.i- by Ul4 Superintendent of th. Cas-Wolks, at the request of the ram mlttee. Two bl leoompanle.l by titled (heck for UM%\ w- i The lii in tin-.. Richmond Railway and Electric Company, which at pr, lights the city, proposing to furnish the l?gate at II night. Aooosipeny? in? th? b??l there hen various documents to show that the IlKhts* furnished _a tlio |,.,st have Pern satl?"fa< t?rj . The other lil<l wan from the Southern Electric Company, offering to furnish the nun? ut Vj 4-10 euch per eight- Tha bl?J was accompanied hy a commun!. Hlgned by Mr. I'hll. H. ttlng forth ihat his oomp my h in the areetioa <>f it? plant on account <.f th.. dll?cittty in obtaining n fian, the Cmincll, I at ihat th' y exi i?n It in operatleg by April ?to POWER OF THi: LICHTS. The letter furth i : ?..[ that there aa? reason i?. believe ihat th" Richmond RallWB) ?md i-'.i... trie Company, win ata par light, i furnish tha 1.: ?>-. andle pow? i lulled by its contract, and could n.?t do that price without losa The South ?mpany, hu?.i ttie letter, would pit ip a new plant and furnish lights of : .laiie passer. Mr. Bardwietu morad that tin- eon.? nmi. n.I to the i' !l that th. ontract !.? awarded l? the b.w. 1er?the Richmond Bal?n iy ?.ml Blectrk Jompany r.?r the ensnln/j three ; Mr. Noble thought (hat th.- chai h.- company mt - not foralshii required by . outra, t ahould be ""!. and II: .' Hie a Ivi. ability of lie city's having a plant of Us own honld be I....K. i int.?. Mr. Hanlwlcke said that BO attention hould be paid t.. any BUCh ion. "'t that the contract .should no ,lly as la- Superintend, nt t.f Ih" I'll. -Alarm ind Police n legrsph had t. ?ted the lights tnd fourni them up to the standard. Mr. w silent? in con! nd? ,i that the ? om alttsa had no powsr to rseoanmend, and he < oauBltteo th? n determined to forward !i" two bids to lia- r,mu. il. as r- ?lulr.-d jy its resolution on the s,li|. The Superintendent was instructed t.. live a light placed in th?' allay between 'oiirlh. Fifth, Main, and <\iry st ; Tha COmmitt? . . aft? r attending to a few natters of little int.r?'st and approving be pa] ?roll, sojourned? l'n>- Sulnrle? Twice a Month. Committee on Cemeteries met ?t JO o'clock. Pay-rolls WBT? approved as 'ollows: OakwOOd, ?J.M; River-Vi? w, 1?; Hill, ?:??. The annual ri'port of the Snperlntend nt of liiv.rvlew Cemetery was rec<-lv"d uni Hit.I. The receipts for last year iniountetl to l.'.ij^.T;?, an InerBBM over 896 of i Mr. Noble revived a motion that he iad ?". .1 at a. former ??noting, ooking to the payment of employ. > s ol Ins tl'pariment ?eml-month!y. Instead jf monthly, ?is heretofore. He ieooa> lized, he said, the dittlculty of gettlog a liiorum of the committee . nonth, and be asked if it would not be ..?ssihl?' for the committee to empower lie chairman to approve th?; bills and )ay-roll. Mr. Vaughan said tho com nlttee had no authority to delegate this tOWt r. Mr. Noble, continuing, said he recog? tliat th.- m, n are only laborers, nul that they might 1)?' able to noney by being paid twice ?i month, and n renewed his notion that the commu? ai?; meet tw I? a a month. Mr. Vaughan saltl h.? was .|uit?' willing* 0 attend two meetings, but the men hail itByted that tip y were willing to be paid line- a month, and hh thought it Btr hat tiny ahould want a change at thli Sap. Mr. Blanks moved that ihe committee ihOUld meet at ?'. O'clOOh 00 tho 1st aial 5th of every month. Mr. Noble wlth U*SW bis motion, and Mr. l'lanks's^TPso BtJon prevail?.!, the ?hairman BlOB? oting in the negative. Mr. Vaughan that he had Intenrten i d the '?Iiaiae ?'ommitt'" ?? to thO H'eils ot ha department, ami tho result of his in rvi.w had been very satisfactory. The omuiltti " passed a vote of thanks to he chairman, and tha meeting was ad ourned. W ??il? of Iteeapltiiliillini. Messrs. Marx Qunst, I*. C El"!. Jani'S . Smith, BBd S. 11. I'ottr. 11, who WOT? ppotnted aa a committee to recapitulate be work don? by tha present Council, aid a ineetlng yesterday ?iftcmoon at ... lock. Aft.r a brie' discussion it wag decided hat tho aroft oonld i? st be soeooapllsh? d by the appointm? nt of sul.-commi' I nd ih" f"!'.awing were named. Smith and CoUrsU to rtcapitu tt" the work Of the COUpell as far as it ef< rs to ordlnan . Bbej nr.ij Qunst aa a oui t.. collate the principal terns of expenditure and the amounts aved In different departments. Qunst and Bbel will n m gin their work next Friday morning at I | ..'.ink. Mesara Smith and Cottreii rill hold their first meeting at I Borrow afternoon, -.?re.? < oinmlttee. OB Streets was called o m?*al ?tt 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon t Third and i'ary streets to inspect an Uey 1 "twen Third and Fourth ?tree t a orth of ?'ana*?-with i vi.w ,,f ascertsln Qg Whether it is advisable tO pave it On account of the esrtremely cold wei? ht r. however, only Mesara J. J. King. foster, Curt..n, and Wo?jdy ?rere i 0 no action could be taken. A numb? r >f th.- property-owners, also, war,- on mad, and the city Engineer. An In? oran] discussion was held, and Colonel ?otshaw explained tint there ?rere two nethods by which the all-y ?ould be taved. One was to pave it up to the etabllshed grade, when the wet? un off by QBVlty, or to pave it to a .u.r giade, and put in B trap for drain? is, ii.- advised th.m to tbiiik over the latter before the la \t Di". ting of the At thai time the aatter will be decided, and it is thought he committee will order the work to be a health measure, as It aeema t.. awry. Other Meeglagrs. a First Market was (o a i e m? ' yesterday si No. IM lain street. Mr. Taniur was the onl> n min r win. put in as appearance, so bo .uslnega could be transacted. 'I'he Committee on Jamea River Im roveinent win aaeet in the City Hall al o'clock to-dajp DM YERF IS CObHSG. he Will Ippani Here T.i-llorro? 111 ?..' Concert. . a,, fere, the arortd renown? no, will nvik?: her lirst bow to a ttchmond BUtaV bos at I my on luale to-morrow night. She will appeal t the head of one of the stiong? st musi nlzations that has ?VCT visited lis city in ii grand concert of far more ordinary force and fascinai Mr. Waller 1?. Moses, who guarantee.i i? organisation a v ry substantial sum ? Include Richmond in the Itinerary, lade, a special proviso that only popular luid i t iiargi .1 for the cone? 11 city, thereby placing the evenl ?thin th where prices mging from 16 down have been and everywhere the ?somblna i.. . n grt let! with largo and en? tlC amuela ; impany appears In Washington >-nlght, and ?Mil arrive h? Richmond at ooti to-ni'-irow. Supporting Mine, tie Vera will be Mitt I ti.i Murray, Mr. Arthur Rt-reaford, ??ir Paul Liateman, andahgnnr Romuai? > Saplo. for the oone.-rt will bo oa ic music i-tore Walter 1?. t '.?., on M '. to-day and i-morrow, and i??-morr<>w night the nsforred t. v iy box-?>illce. Application for reserve?! h! tO g cl'ow'ti' a I \ Judicial Party. Judge Nathan Ooff, of Clarksburg, \\. a.. Judge of the 1'nlted States Circuit ourt; Judge John Jay Jackson, . eraburg, w. Va-, Judge of the United District <".?urt for .Went Virginia. loben M. Hugh?, of Norfolk. the United States District Court i of Vlrgha : the Jeffera nwmnying juok-' were Judg?? John H. Holt, of th?> Court of Appears of Wi-st Vir Inla, and Hon. Randolph S'almaker, oi ,'he.!!li; i>r and Republican p.dliiclan. To Cure a Cold In One Day. ke l.txativ?. Bromo quinine Tablet?. 11 druggists refund the money If it fall? aso. The genuino has L. Ii. q. i each tablet? MEETINGS OF LADIES IVI CIIKSTI**,'; tUfMMll OF MF.VK it tl. OMbUmUTlOVI HHIIIUI VALUABLE GIFT TO THE A. P. Y. A. Ihre. Van .\**s*4 l'ri??'?nt* Them With n Frnmr (Oiitiiliilnic Three 1'lctarea of IllHtorv IntcrcMt?HoH|il(nl, 1)1* pe*eeeu*T<* nuil AMO? IVumeii't Home. Tho Association for the Preservation ot Virginia Antiquities hd-l an important Bg at noon yesterday in the Vir? ginia Historical So, i.-ty building. In Mrs. ph Bryen'i abeence, Mrs. v.. \'. Valentine presided. The Indien crown; bought by the association of the M"? he| b? ? n paid for In full. A r giving tin account of the history <-,f the relie and recording its purchase o,|.i!|on for the Pr?s, rvatlon of Virginie Antiquitl? ? depoeltod with the Chane, ry Court. Th, play to be t-i v. n for the benefit of Iho Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiqul for. Several n re gin ady taken plao* and th?? . a-t is now about mad.? up. Mrs. Bare Bowmen Ven Nee* who is nded from Nathaniel Powell, member of the Hrst legislative assembly , v. r held In Virginia, has made a valu.a i?l<- pies, m t,, the association. This is frame holding three wry interesting p!, The ni il Is I he a ene ol the bat? tle of Lexington, Mass., shewing the monument t".?*??i where Oenerel Pit calm ordered the Amertcens to surren der. The second picture la ef the old bel? fry, which sounded the alarm on th? ap proech of th,? British in n?.'.. The pteturc gives a view of the monument erected to the eight men kllLd April 18, ITW, who Robert Monroe, Jonas Perker, Samuel Redley, Johnathen Harrington. Jr.. [aaec Mu/./.v. Caleh Harrington. John Brown, and Aeabel porter. Another in? teresting feature connected with Miss Van N? ss's gift is that the frsirti. made from the timben of Um old belfry above mentioned. Thi belfry, beginning to totter. WH pulled ,iov. n in UU. A letter of thanks, It was voted, shoulg be sent to Mr. Wyndham K. Meredith for his very Interesting lecture given un? der the auspices of the Association for th? Prcacrvatlon of Virginie Antlquitlei >iday ?'V-'iiitm. lb ?SPITAL AND DISPENSARY. The monthly meeting of the Board of the Virginia Hoapital was held y,-?<rday ai noon in the parlors of the hospital, lam? i R. Gordon occupied the ?hair. A lerge amount of routine boalneea eraa traneacted The reports ? gratifying to the ladles on the board. .1 large number Of charity patients having been treated during the month. Th. Board Of Man... Homo, o pathlc Free Dispensary held their r?guler monthly meeting at 11::!?? yesterday morn? ing. The. reports read show, d that l.'?"i charity patients have been attended to in th eral matters of Importance were arranged, and the rou? tine biisin? tel. a 1? rom Miss Ruby Bodeker, ice? ?ting -tlon as ?.resident of tho dispen? sary. HOME Oll AGED WOMEN. Th.? monthly meeting of the Board of of the Beptlel Home for Ag< d Women was held yesterday In the perlor jf the home, Miss s. h. Wilson In the hair. A good dee] Of routine bus;! iva> transacted. There not being the required number of ladlas pnsent, the ?lection of matron was poetpOMd until ho n,xt r?guler meeting. The eeeerel tommttteee for the oomtng year uuned, very tew changes being m rhank i -mande Augue Ine for a nice treat of oysters and : Thanks were aleo voted Dr. Booker ?ind other physicians who fa o cheerfully and kindly rend? red their professional services free of all charge. v telephone will ?it an early date leced In the house, for which great con? venience ami favor tl teere duly hankfuL The. ladies talked freely Of the gOOd wot? \n which they and ?i upon m for th.? future advancement of the home and the benefit u the Inmates. One death) that of ?.li?-s Noland, was announ? ring akin place In January. THE PAY NURSERY. The Auxiliary Board of the Pay NUT ,. . rten h< Id M - n?,nthly meeting at the Nursery, on rranklln street, Monday afternoon. Th,- boerd tbenkfuUy acknowledgee the ,,bowing li libutions from tho Of UM Nuis, ry: Mrs. B. C. Minor. tothtnf? hUaa Moore, ?lothing; Sunshine land, th,- King's Daughters, clothing, tried apples, and $:: Ministering ?'hu? ir? n's League, Church of tin- Covenant, hrougb lira. J. Calvin Stewart, ginger? . toys, clothes, oatmeal, and B a. GBaJborne, three pairs ?ante: lire, (borge Lyon, flannel skirt-, b Mrs. Clement, two boxee ol Hickory Camp, No. 6, Voodmen of the world. -*endwlches, Mr. four Urnas; Hr. Br sm, i lire.? times, buns. ereekera, end urnovera; Uro. Joseph Bryan, Bve shlrt Irs pente; lire n. J. OOd, money; Mrs. Hazard. $.-,; Mrs. Hnford, 10 centa; Mrs. Bdwerd IfcGulre, a ci id-; a Hi? Od, W, Mr. M. T. Maury. 1; Mrs. J. A. (Tetishaw, g; Mrs. Thomas Ukinson, |6; Eve BpOtfs Memorial, the ., ?lighters. VniitN n Lette* from (.overiiur T>ler. Qoverner Tyler he 'ter mm the secretary of the California Sons ,f the Am.-iicaii Revolution, asking him o send th?- s,? iety a letter t?? I?' read. ogetber with similar epletlee from the ;overnon ??f th?* other thirteen originel inguet on the night or i*ebruei roMtnuiMlem for Vlrjfliilii. WASHINGTON, lVbniaiy 1 - Fourth - inters hav.? been appointed in 'Irglnla as follows: BlOOmfleld, Maty M. Vanllorn: Clifton tetlon, Lewis gulgg; Danton, Km? -t \. o.,p,r; Duff. William I). Roberts; Mai liull, w. ?'. Holmes; p.i, i>. David A. larr; Seven-Mil.- Ford, s. 8, itooth; hiekers. n. j. WrlKht; Sttllman, A. N. eikms; Vailey View, A. L. Richardson; FeterfuU, B T. Poley; Wheatland, Iron-Mine W/iR-e I n.i-.-.i-.?-. ASHLAND. WTS., February 1. l'h? <'ar ?llver Mining Company, Operating >ur of the larg, st Iron mines on the range, and employing 1,500 men, ?-day announced an Increase ,,f i?> p?t? ent, tn th,? waxes of all their employ? 'rom ? other mine-own? . is probable an Increase In aragaa will hortly bo made by other compen? DayllKht. Morning tM ad hepphMM to th,? eison In health; to the pereon out of ealth. after a night ot iiornlng brings only wtakte alna, end depression. The ntind Is full dings, ami th-re ?s , ,,[, tant feeling ,,f Impeding disaster, Th< re re thousand? of poopli who thu_ need? iSsly suffer. Look about you; aic.-pt tie ;ift Of health freely^ laid out p> yoU. lave > .,? '_ re lull of valu ble information Write him. describing our lymptoms Dr. <;; .,,,-. ecnth street New fork ,ny, who ?- th.' lost succseeful pbysjeian of our time in urlng \ou can conault him by Itter free, ami can be IVeeted and cured t your hom? by hi? wonderful reuMdi? . ' )o not delay a moment longer, but write , j Tempic, Pcmbcrton. '?' ? ?, Cordes & Company, 7 and 9 West Broad Street. il i Ladies' riuslin Underwear. (Second Floor?Take Elevator.) We haw ?ulloil from OUT sl???k all odd lote and ! Uzee in Ladies'- Underwear, ami have marke?! them AT PRICES TO QUICKLY CLOSE THEM OUT. These garments are THOROUGHLY RIGHT m particular and an* HADE IX THE MOST APPROVED MANNER o? carefnUy-e?lected BfUSLtNS ?nid TRIM? MINGS. Qowns. Skirts. w ? s t ! .4 ? I_ I Temple, Pemberton, Cordes & Co. lusme???"?"?"?"?"?"?"??1'??'1?^ os>*?s>>i???>i'ei?e??ei?e''e'-sj??e-?H#, l lot of Gowns, properly made BBd nicely trimmed, that were |j. V>.'M, and td. now.13.(Ml 1 lot of ?'.owns that were 13. |MI and $1, now.?2 ?M? 1 lot .of Gowns that w I | ?2.50.ll.?O I lot of ?' owns that were $1.:?, %U?\ and ?LU, now.Jtl.ll? 1 lot of ??owns that were $1.:'"?, now .7!??'. 1 lot of Gown? that were $i v?, now.iSe, 1 lot of Gowns that v. now.M 1 lot of Gowns that were ?00., rmw. 1 lot of : made and tiimni'd, th.H and HS, now. :. .,, 1 lot of Skirts that i now. 1 lot of Skirts that | now . 1 lot <.f Skirts that . m?w. 1 lot. of Skirts tl now . :it Corset Covers. ii 40e., now ? - i . 1 lot of ' $1. now. . 1 lot of |1 ami $1.2.'?. now. 1 lot of $!? ? now.lUc. Everybody Wear Patent Leathers. ?># ?> ?> ?> #> C. F. CROSS SHOE CO.'S CLEARANCE SALE OF Ladies' Dress Shoes. Lot 1. Patent Leather Shoes, were $.->. cut fco.51.50 Lot 2. Cloth-Top Patent Leather Shoes, were |6 :in?l ?<'>, cut t<> 53.00 Los 8. French Enamel Shoes, WMM $6.50, cut to.S2.30 Lot 4. Kid and Cloth-Top Luce Shoes, were .* "> an?l$ti. cut tc .$2.00 POSITIVELY NO EXCHANGE. C. F. CROSS SHOE CO., m EAST BROAD STREET. TRADK WITH fsT. ?.ALL. il\.'r Five Million Dollnrs Sent There Last Year. (Washington Star.? in .-. report to ths state Department, ronsiil-Gen? ral Im Bois, St St. I Switzerland, says a brief examin?t;, the 'exports t.. th.- United States : :i:.. ooaaohur district of St. Qail d? i inter?-stin. | dl II the nost important cotton-lace and COttOO* mbroidery . entre in the world. Th lias a population of <>nh Bd ? ?nnjority of them an saanged ta ml , upon the work of pro luelni? cotton laces and cotton embroid. of rarious kinds. During tho | nde.i December O, ISW, the import' IBS Uoited States paid to that ?-omnmnity BB handsome sum of |KJi aleta unount. about ?S i or osnt w-.ts ft and cotton embrolderlea Tins lern instmtea bow important tiiis thriving adaatry is to Bndtasriafad. Consol-Q. rai nu ums says another lateral lag fact t d? ..eloped by an examination of tim torts from the consular district of St. tall to the United Btatsa??ria, thai that llstrict furnishes our country with about ine-thlrd of the total amount of | .? ut from Bwttserlnnd to the Unltt*d states, sad i ?us influx of Amar?? an money then II belplng to transform he quaint old town Into an active, mo lam dty, adorned with many bandl .usiness bioelU Bild some cosily and at? rastrea ?illas The total to tha ratted States from Switzerlaml for nonth of Deesmber leal was U,?*j .vh.ile the exports from the district Of St. '.all alone amounted I me-lmlf the total export-. During tile last six mon' I the ota! txnotts m the United St..!. s irom it. ?'?all amounted to $2.C'M.\?A ; while In h?> six months ending December h" tmounl WM UJAIMA Thus. In spite ?f the fact that the QSW tariff of the "nlted States advanced the tluty on CO?? on lacs and COttOO ? mhroldcri. s fr.?m I per cut. t.. ... per . "nt., making ?m r cent., the Consul-?, a] s;ivt there ha? basa export?.i to th? ant. i Btatea trom st. Qall ?luring the irst six months of the new tariff law <?v. r BOO, OX) worth more of th xpoti-d during tbe last six months )f the pre?'" ?ills" \ AT WORK Ml.HT AMI |)\V. Unking, BhBSlS nt ?lie Wn?lilnKloa ?.iiu-Fneiory. (WashlngtOB Star.) It ' signlfl ant that the Washington gun factory is u iking constantly twenty-four hours a lay lu the manufacture of larga and mall gun? for tho battleships and the uxiliary crutBSIS. It is said, how. bat the. desire of the department t, hrough with tins work as qutc-hly .,-. tossible ?s due almost entirely ai reason 8. It has beSO shown that It is heaper to maintain the their Uli working capacity than to i ait'Iltiy. three nen nr?' employsd In i and there >. Hon in the ?lit, mbling ??' of ordnanc?-. At present the I In work on gun? for auxtl . y ordnii sen-Inch guns i turne' ?ist.r than the battleships, and ?uns hav. . ml ! ucky. neither of which ?an mount them Is month?. There will soon he upward of one hun ire.l ?una of smaller calibre at th?' gun ry, all of which would !>? sent to i ? In event that s.t . suitable i or mounting ?he gun? th ich mm i te h,. - ertaln tried on the vessels of 11 .mils tyi>?' . <>ul.I be put In readiness for bCtloQ within flft' -m Kiiiif' oil Munaflel?! Oat. ?'hi. ,,e.. II?raid.) Ulch . *v th.atr? at Water lUry, ?'onn. The th? litre I? owned lie furniture nan M.iriaritv. and he J akes Ri'jut pttdo in furnishing tho stage C 1 v 11 h elegant i f furniture fm-a .is warehouse next ?loor, i I ". n.- in Carlton I t n*l"? v \ i.-b H I! lu the midst of on* of Mansfl? with n.? one save him upon th, lound was heard, which gradu olv? ,1 Itself Into rendering of "B ind." Maust,, 1,1 instantly sniffed th ooke 1 around for the viiletiii-. spoil bil - ind other perishable trifles t? nd Mr. M n ifleld i ea? bed out s though he wei II, at the heed <>; ? n him to ridi? ui<>. I ?is.ipp, atine b? h ii m. h o be heard bat music!" bul the band i ' age halt ?velyn, who. unt?l this mom .n gracefully sitting upon < ptlon chair, while Brumm? " he r< qulrements ot th?- m ? ?.' to resume her seat Up hair. "Tink!.. tinkle, tlnkl? I sore, and th<? air ?r,.?.?. \ i "< et Up, VoU KOOKf !" ctor, and amid the lughter - ?I noon Moriarll ? al , hair and - , crash into the wings. IN* m mini? nml Hrlef?. : s. Gr?Bth Mr. i J 'ublle f? The weddli ?ir. Edwin Palmer has I lOOll, ' tenel?n p. Teylor, ef W \, la ill de i ity. h >., I.V the illf.ess of I Teylor. iirti.ev Ji ce at Third and "?"ranklln lay aft-rnoon am s| [uite sever? it Camp Auxiliary at thi orner of Fifth and I fiernoon at .i o'cl.xk. Mr. John m an of N'.w York II '. T. K:< hardson, of the V. ost, ar? This evening al delightful ale will be glvt n In H I iriore, 302 eest F Ho??, p. c. Pekioe r of th.? L - ?O-'?M. l-i in the Captain John Paj ?nty. a meetieg of th.' Henrlee i Id at the coui - ver, uninteresting, n* nothing I Ina bus icted. atertolnlng lecture on ' at Ran church last night. Sed to IlluSl tally good. |Ul ,r BOntht) ral \ 'nlon to Ih al.-ii 1,1... , on '1 pone?! on i . > of the weatl ', ?luring the I n I natitut? lea will be ' : t <?n the "Boyl \hoae labors ha in the Preedm ? bureed. ha*? ret iiKton. and ?uy i.illtv that the bill Int - .. At? Congress. t'ichinouilr-r-. ti, Xt-w fawh? NKW V???'K. 1 - oloiiuadc, U. i'uthill, -ictiopolc.